var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __toCommonJS = (from) => { const moduleCache = __toCommonJS.moduleCache ??= new WeakMap; var cached = moduleCache.get(from); if (cached) return cached; var to = __defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }); var desc = { enumerable: false }; if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key2 of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key2)) __defProp(to, key2, { get: () => from[key2], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key2)) || desc.enumerable }); } moduleCache.set(from, to); return to; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => () => (mod || cb((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true, configurable: true, set: (newValue) => all[name] = () => newValue }); }; var __esm = (fn, res) => () => (fn && (res = fn(fn = 0)), res); var require_155f27e129a0a7ce = ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] }) : x)(function(x) { if (typeof require !== "undefined") return require.apply(this, arguments); throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); }); // node:path var exports_path = {}; __export(exports_path, { default: () => { { return q; } } }); var L, b, z, D, T, R, _, E, C, A, y, h, m, q; var init_path = __esm(() => { L = Object.create; b = Object.defineProperty; z = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; D = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; T = Object.getPrototypeOf; R = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; _ = (f, e) => () => (e || f((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports); E = (f, e) => { for (var r in e) b(f, r, { get: e[r], enumerable: true }); }; C = (f, e, r, l) => { if (e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function") for (let i of D(e)) !, i) && i !== r && b(f, i, { get: () => e[i], enumerable: !(l = z(e, i)) || l.enumerable }); return f; }; A = (f, e, r) => (C(f, e, "default"), r && C(r, e, "default")); y = (f, e, r) => (r = f != null ? L(T(f)) : {}, C(e || !f || !f.__esModule ? b(r, "default", { value: f, enumerable: true }) : r, f)); h = _((F, S) => { function c(f) { if (typeof f != "string") throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(f)); } function w(f, e) { for (var r = "", l = 0, i = -1, s = 0, n, t = 0;t <= f.length; ++t) { if (t < f.length) n = f.charCodeAt(t); else { if (n === 47) break; n = 47; } if (n === 47) { if (!(i === t - 1 || s === 1)) if (i !== t - 1 && s === 2) { if (r.length < 2 || l !== 2 || r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1) !== 46 || r.charCodeAt(r.length - 2) !== 46) { if (r.length > 2) { var a = r.lastIndexOf("/"); if (a !== r.length - 1) { a === -1 ? (r = "", l = 0) : (r = r.slice(0, a), l = r.length - 1 - r.lastIndexOf("/")), i = t, s = 0; continue; } } else if (r.length === 2 || r.length === 1) { r = "", l = 0, i = t, s = 0; continue; } } e && (r.length > 0 ? r += "/.." : r = "..", l = 2); } else r.length > 0 ? r += "/" + f.slice(i + 1, t) : r = f.slice(i + 1, t), l = t - i - 1; i = t, s = 0; } else n === 46 && s !== -1 ? ++s : s = -1; } return r; } function J(f, e) { var r = e.dir || e.root, l = e.base || ( || "") + (e.ext || ""); return r ? r === e.root ? r + l : r + f + l : l; } var g = { resolve: function() { for (var e = "", r = false, l, i = arguments.length - 1;i >= -1 && !r; i--) { var s; i >= 0 ? s = arguments[i] : (l === undefined && (l = process.cwd()), s = l), c(s), s.length !== 0 && (e = s + "/" + e, r = s.charCodeAt(0) === 47); } return e = w(e, !r), r ? e.length > 0 ? "/" + e : "/" : e.length > 0 ? e : "."; }, normalize: function(e) { if (c(e), e.length === 0) return "."; var r = e.charCodeAt(0) === 47, l = e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1) === 47; return e = w(e, !r), e.length === 0 && !r && (e = "."), e.length > 0 && l && (e += "/"), r ? "/" + e : e; }, isAbsolute: function(e) { return c(e), e.length > 0 && e.charCodeAt(0) === 47; }, join: function() { if (arguments.length === 0) return "."; for (var e, r = 0;r < arguments.length; ++r) { var l = arguments[r]; c(l), l.length > 0 && (e === undefined ? e = l : e += "/" + l); } return e === undefined ? "." : g.normalize(e); }, relative: function(e, r) { if (c(e), c(r), e === r || (e = g.resolve(e), r = g.resolve(r), e === r)) return ""; for (var l = 1;l < e.length && e.charCodeAt(l) === 47; ++l) ; for (var i = e.length, s = i - l, n = 1;n < r.length && r.charCodeAt(n) === 47; ++n) ; for (var t = r.length, a = t - n, v = s < a ? s : a, u = -1, o = 0;o <= v; ++o) { if (o === v) { if (a > v) { if (r.charCodeAt(n + o) === 47) return r.slice(n + o + 1); if (o === 0) return r.slice(n + o); } else s > v && (e.charCodeAt(l + o) === 47 ? u = o : o === 0 && (u = 0)); break; } var k = e.charCodeAt(l + o), P = r.charCodeAt(n + o); if (k !== P) break; k === 47 && (u = o); } var d = ""; for (o = l + u + 1;o <= i; ++o) (o === i || e.charCodeAt(o) === 47) && (d.length === 0 ? d += ".." : d += "/.."); return d.length > 0 ? d + r.slice(n + u) : (n += u, r.charCodeAt(n) === 47 && ++n, r.slice(n)); }, _makeLong: function(e) { return e; }, dirname: function(e) { if (c(e), e.length === 0) return "."; for (var r = e.charCodeAt(0), l = r === 47, i = -1, s = true, n = e.length - 1;n >= 1; --n) if (r = e.charCodeAt(n), r === 47) { if (!s) { i = n; break; } } else s = false; return i === -1 ? l ? "/" : "." : l && i === 1 ? "//" : e.slice(0, i); }, basename: function(e, r) { if (r !== undefined && typeof r != "string") throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string'); c(e); var l = 0, i = -1, s = true, n; if (r !== undefined && r.length > 0 && r.length <= e.length) { if (r.length === e.length && r === e) return ""; var t = r.length - 1, a = -1; for (n = e.length - 1;n >= 0; --n) { var v = e.charCodeAt(n); if (v === 47) { if (!s) { l = n + 1; break; } } else a === -1 && (s = false, a = n + 1), t >= 0 && (v === r.charCodeAt(t) ? --t === -1 && (i = n) : (t = -1, i = a)); } return l === i ? i = a : i === -1 && (i = e.length), e.slice(l, i); } else { for (n = e.length - 1;n >= 0; --n) if (e.charCodeAt(n) === 47) { if (!s) { l = n + 1; break; } } else i === -1 && (s = false, i = n + 1); return i === -1 ? "" : e.slice(l, i); } }, extname: function(e) { c(e); for (var r = -1, l = 0, i = -1, s = true, n = 0, t = e.length - 1;t >= 0; --t) { var a = e.charCodeAt(t); if (a === 47) { if (!s) { l = t + 1; break; } continue; } i === -1 && (s = false, i = t + 1), a === 46 ? r === -1 ? r = t : n !== 1 && (n = 1) : r !== -1 && (n = -1); } return r === -1 || i === -1 || n === 0 || n === 1 && r === i - 1 && r === l + 1 ? "" : e.slice(r, i); }, format: function(e) { if (e === null || typeof e != "object") throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof e); return J("/", e); }, parse: function(e) { c(e); var r = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" }; if (e.length === 0) return r; var l = e.charCodeAt(0), i = l === 47, s; i ? (r.root = "/", s = 1) : s = 0; for (var n = -1, t = 0, a = -1, v = true, u = e.length - 1, o = 0;u >= s; --u) { if (l = e.charCodeAt(u), l === 47) { if (!v) { t = u + 1; break; } continue; } a === -1 && (v = false, a = u + 1), l === 46 ? n === -1 ? n = u : o !== 1 && (o = 1) : n !== -1 && (o = -1); } return n === -1 || a === -1 || o === 0 || o === 1 && n === a - 1 && n === t + 1 ? a !== -1 && (t === 0 && i ? r.base = = e.slice(1, a) : r.base = = e.slice(t, a)) : (t === 0 && i ? ( = e.slice(1, n), r.base = e.slice(1, a)) : ( = e.slice(t, n), r.base = e.slice(t, a)), r.ext = e.slice(n, a)), t > 0 ? r.dir = e.slice(0, t - 1) : i && (r.dir = "/"), r; }, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null }; g.posix = g; S.exports = g; }); m = {}; E(m, { default: () => q }); A(m, y(h())); q = y(h()); }); // node:crypto var exports_crypto = {}; __export(exports_crypto, { webcrypto: () => { { return cw; } }, timingSafeEqual: () => { { return x0; } }, scryptSync: () => { { return Id; } }, scrypt: () => { { return Td; } }, randomUUID: () => { { return lw; } }, getRandomValues: () => { { return uw; } }, getCurves: () => { { return dw; } }, default: () => { { return Wq; } }, DEFAULT_ENCODING: () => { { return Ga; } } }); var dw, pw, Xa, vw, bw, mw, gw, R0, T2, Ja, Ya, ot, rn, ur, Nd, Dd, Ut, Te, on, Ie, ki, W0, $f, pc, Z0, sn, V0, G0, J0, hn, co, Jf, po, Qf, vo, Pc, Oc, th, ph, Qc, np, ap, bh, Ao, Bo, pn, _p, Ep, gh, qp, yh, Op, ko, Tt, Gr, No, Jt, pa, Rh, pr, Y_, Oi, Fi, Ui, k1, yn, Vo, Go, Z1, Xo, Fh, ba, Jh, Dv, Qr, fu, ou, os, eb, cu, lb, bu, vf, S7, db, yi, bf, wb, mu, wu, Mu, Eb, _u, xu, Eu, Au, Ub, Iu, Tu, ar, vs, ku, Yb, Qb, em, im, nm, yf, om, um, dm, pm, bm, Pu, Ou, Fu, ws, Aa, Em, Wu, ju, Ba, Dm, Fm, Es, Hm, Vm, ji, Yu, Ym, Xm, As, tl, ol, rg, ag, hg, hl, pg, dl, kn, cl, bl, Ln, Ds, Lg, Dg, yl, Il, Yg, t2, i2, Ws, Ks, s2, ri, Nl, or, Oa, b2, y2, _2, Pl, Cr, Tf, Cl, N2, Fl, F2, Wl, Z2, V2, Q2, ty, e0, ny, t0, uy, dy2, vy, yy, xy, Ey, Iy, o0, td, h0, u0, Kf, d0, c0, nd, Hy, od, hd, Jy, dd, r3, n3, o3, cd, d3, p3, v3, m3, Ha, bd, _3, A3, k3, N3, P3, _d, xd, w0, Ed, j3, Y3, X3, ow, qd, Xt, zq, Ga, uw, lw, Hq, x0, Id, Td, cw, Wq; var init_crypto = __esm(() => { dw = function() { return Hq; }; pw = Object.create; Xa = Object.defineProperty; vw = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; bw = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; mw = Object.getPrototypeOf; gw = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; R0 = (t, e) => () => (t && (e = t(t = 0)), e); T2 = (t, e) => () => (e || t((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports); Ja = (t, e) => { for (var r in e) Xa(t, r, { get: e[r], enumerable: true }); }; Ya = (t, e, r, o) => { if (e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function") for (let f of bw(e)) !, f) && f !== r && Xa(t, f, { get: () => e[f], enumerable: !(o = vw(e, f)) || o.enumerable }); return t; }; ot = (t, e, r) => (Ya(t, e, "default"), r && Ya(r, e, "default")); rn = (t, e, r) => (r = t != null ? pw(mw(t)) : {}, Ya(e || !t || !t.__esModule ? Xa(r, "default", { value: t, enumerable: true }) : r, t)); ur = (t) => Ya(Xa({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), t); Nd = T2((Qa) => { Qa.byteLength = ww; Qa.toByteArray = _w; Qa.fromByteArray = Ew; var jr = [], lr = [], yw = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, B0 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; for (nn = 0, kd = B0.length;nn < kd; ++nn) jr[nn] = B0[nn], lr[B0.charCodeAt(nn)] = nn; var nn, kd; lr["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62; lr["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63; function Ld(t) { var e = t.length; if (e % 4 > 0) throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4"); var r = t.indexOf("="); r === -1 && (r = e); var o = r === e ? 0 : 4 - r % 4; return [r, o]; } function ww(t) { var e = Ld(t), r = e[0], o = e[1]; return (r + o) * 3 / 4 - o; } function Mw(t, e, r) { return (e + r) * 3 / 4 - r; } function _w(t) { var e, r = Ld(t), o = r[0], f = r[1], p = new yw(Mw(t, o, f)), m2 = 0, y2 = f > 0 ? o - 4 : o, M; for (M = 0;M < y2; M += 4) e = lr[t.charCodeAt(M)] << 18 | lr[t.charCodeAt(M + 1)] << 12 | lr[t.charCodeAt(M + 2)] << 6 | lr[t.charCodeAt(M + 3)], p[m2++] = e >> 16 & 255, p[m2++] = e >> 8 & 255, p[m2++] = e & 255; return f === 2 && (e = lr[t.charCodeAt(M)] << 2 | lr[t.charCodeAt(M + 1)] >> 4, p[m2++] = e & 255), f === 1 && (e = lr[t.charCodeAt(M)] << 10 | lr[t.charCodeAt(M + 1)] << 4 | lr[t.charCodeAt(M + 2)] >> 2, p[m2++] = e >> 8 & 255, p[m2++] = e & 255), p; } function xw(t) { return jr[t >> 18 & 63] + jr[t >> 12 & 63] + jr[t >> 6 & 63] + jr[t & 63]; } function Sw(t, e, r) { for (var o, f = [], p = e;p < r; p += 3) o = (t[p] << 16 & 16711680) + (t[p + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (t[p + 2] & 255), f.push(xw(o)); return f.join(""); } function Ew(t) { for (var e, r = t.length, o = r % 3, f = [], p = 16383, m2 = 0, y2 = r - o;m2 < y2; m2 += p) f.push(Sw(t, m2, m2 + p > y2 ? y2 : m2 + p)); return o === 1 ? (e = t[r - 1], f.push(jr[e >> 2] + jr[e << 4 & 63] + "==")) : o === 2 && (e = (t[r - 2] << 8) + t[r - 1], f.push(jr[e >> 10] + jr[e >> 4 & 63] + jr[e << 2 & 63] + "=")), f.join(""); } }); Dd = T2((q0) => { = function(t, e, r, o, f) { var p, m2, y2 = f * 8 - o - 1, M = (1 << y2) - 1, x = M >> 1, S = -7, E2 = r ? f - 1 : 0, B = r ? -1 : 1, q2 = t[e + E2]; for (E2 += B, p = q2 & (1 << -S) - 1, q2 >>= -S, S += y2;S > 0; p = p * 256 + t[e + E2], E2 += B, S -= 8) ; for (m2 = p & (1 << -S) - 1, p >>= -S, S += o;S > 0; m2 = m2 * 256 + t[e + E2], E2 += B, S -= 8) ; if (p === 0) p = 1 - x; else { if (p === M) return m2 ? NaN : (q2 ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0); m2 = m2 + Math.pow(2, o), p = p - x; } return (q2 ? -1 : 1) * m2 * Math.pow(2, p - o); }; q0.write = function(t, e, r, o, f, p) { var m2, y2, M, x = p * 8 - f - 1, S = (1 << x) - 1, E2 = S >> 1, B = f === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, q2 = o ? 0 : p - 1, L2 = o ? 1 : -1, ge = e < 0 || e === 0 && 1 / e < 0 ? 1 : 0; for (e = Math.abs(e), isNaN(e) || e === 1 / 0 ? (y2 = isNaN(e) ? 1 : 0, m2 = S) : (m2 = Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.LN2), e * (M = Math.pow(2, -m2)) < 1 && (m2--, M *= 2), m2 + E2 >= 1 ? e += B / M : e += B * Math.pow(2, 1 - E2), e * M >= 2 && (m2++, M /= 2), m2 + E2 >= S ? (y2 = 0, m2 = S) : m2 + E2 >= 1 ? (y2 = (e * M - 1) * Math.pow(2, f), m2 = m2 + E2) : (y2 = e * Math.pow(2, E2 - 1) * Math.pow(2, f), m2 = 0));f >= 8; t[r + q2] = y2 & 255, q2 += L2, y2 /= 256, f -= 8) ; for (m2 = m2 << f | y2, x += f;x > 0; t[r + q2] = m2 & 255, q2 += L2, m2 /= 256, x -= 8) ; t[r + q2 - L2] |= ge * 128; }; }); Ut = T2((Xn) => { var I0 = Nd(), Gn = Dd(), Pd = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null; Xn.Buffer = me; Xn.SlowBuffer = Tw; Xn.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; var eo = 2147483647; Xn.kMaxLength = eo; me.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = Aw(); !me.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console < "u" && typeof console.error == "function" && console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."); function Aw() { try { let t = new Uint8Array(1), e = { foo: function() { return 42; } }; return Object.setPrototypeOf(e, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e), === 42; } catch { return false; } } Object.defineProperty(me.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() { if (!!me.isBuffer(this)) return this.buffer; } }); Object.defineProperty(me.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() { if (!!me.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset; } }); function li(t) { if (t > eo) throw new RangeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for option "size"'); let e = new Uint8Array(t); return Object.setPrototypeOf(e, me.prototype), e; } function me(t, e, r) { if (typeof t == "number") { if (typeof e == "string") throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'); return N0(t); } return Ud(t, e, r); } me.poolSize = 8192; function Ud(t, e, r) { if (typeof t == "string") return Bw(t, e); if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) return qw(t); if (t == null) throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof t); if (Zr(t, ArrayBuffer) || t && Zr(t.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (Zr(t, SharedArrayBuffer) || t && Zr(t.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer))) return k0(t, e, r); if (typeof t == "number") throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'); let o = t.valueOf && t.valueOf(); if (o != null && o !== t) return me.from(o, e, r); let f = Iw(t); if (f) return f; if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof t[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function") return me.from(t[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), e, r); throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof t); } me.from = function(t, e, r) { return Ud(t, e, r); }; Object.setPrototypeOf(me.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(me, Uint8Array); function zd(t) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number'); if (t < 0) throw new RangeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for option "size"'); } function Rw(t, e, r) { return zd(t), t <= 0 ? li(t) : e !== undefined ? typeof r == "string" ? li(t).fill(e, r) : li(t).fill(e) : li(t); } me.alloc = function(t, e, r) { return Rw(t, e, r); }; function N0(t) { return zd(t), li(t < 0 ? 0 : D0(t) | 0); } me.allocUnsafe = function(t) { return N0(t); }; me.allocUnsafeSlow = function(t) { return N0(t); }; function Bw(t, e) { if ((typeof e != "string" || e === "") && (e = "utf8"), !me.isEncoding(e)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e); let r = Hd(t, e) | 0, o = li(r), f = o.write(t, e); return f !== r && (o = o.slice(0, f)), o; } function T0(t) { let e = t.length < 0 ? 0 : D0(t.length) | 0, r = li(e); for (let o = 0;o < e; o += 1) r[o] = t[o] & 255; return r; } function qw(t) { if (Zr(t, Uint8Array)) { let e = new Uint8Array(t); return k0(e.buffer, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength); } return T0(t); } function k0(t, e, r) { if (e < 0 || t.byteLength < e) throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds'); if (t.byteLength < e + (r || 0)) throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds'); let o; return e === undefined && r === undefined ? o = new Uint8Array(t) : r === undefined ? o = new Uint8Array(t, e) : o = new Uint8Array(t, e, r), Object.setPrototypeOf(o, me.prototype), o; } function Iw(t) { if (me.isBuffer(t)) { let e = D0(t.length) | 0, r = li(e); return r.length === 0 || t.copy(r, 0, 0, e), r; } if (t.length !== undefined) return typeof t.length != "number" || C0(t.length) ? li(0) : T0(t); if (t.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray( return T0(; } function D0(t) { if (t >= eo) throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + eo.toString(16) + " bytes"); return t | 0; } function Tw(t) { return +t != t && (t = 0), me.alloc(+t); } me.isBuffer = function(e) { return e != null && e._isBuffer === true && e !== me.prototype; }; = function(e, r) { if (Zr(e, Uint8Array) && (e = me.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), Zr(r, Uint8Array) && (r = me.from(r, r.offset, r.byteLength)), !me.isBuffer(e) || !me.isBuffer(r)) throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'); if (e === r) return 0; let o = e.length, f = r.length; for (let p = 0, m2 = Math.min(o, f);p < m2; ++p) if (e[p] !== r[p]) { o = e[p], f = r[p]; break; } return o < f ? -1 : f < o ? 1 : 0; }; me.isEncoding = function(e) { switch (String(e).toLowerCase()) { case "hex": case "utf8": case "utf-8": case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": case "base64": case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return true; default: return false; } }; me.concat = function(e, r) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); if (e.length === 0) return me.alloc(0); let o; if (r === undefined) for (r = 0, o = 0;o < e.length; ++o) r += e[o].length; let f = me.allocUnsafe(r), p = 0; for (o = 0;o < e.length; ++o) { let m2 = e[o]; if (Zr(m2, Uint8Array)) p + m2.length > f.length ? (me.isBuffer(m2) || (m2 = me.from(m2)), m2.copy(f, p)) :, m2, p); else if (me.isBuffer(m2)) m2.copy(f, p); else throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); p += m2.length; } return f; }; function Hd(t, e) { if (me.isBuffer(t)) return t.length; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t) || Zr(t, ArrayBuffer)) return t.byteLength; if (typeof t != "string") throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof t); let r = t.length, o = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true; if (!o && r === 0) return 0; let f = false; for (;; ) switch (e) { case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": return r; case "utf8": case "utf-8": return L0(t).length; case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return r * 2; case "hex": return r >>> 1; case "base64": return Xd(t).length; default: if (f) return o ? -1 : L0(t).length; e = ("" + e).toLowerCase(), f = true; } } me.byteLength = Hd; function kw(t, e, r) { let o = false; if ((e === undefined || e < 0) && (e = 0), e > this.length || ((r === undefined || r > this.length) && (r = this.length), r <= 0) || (r >>>= 0, e >>>= 0, r <= e)) return ""; for (t || (t = "utf8");; ) switch (t) { case "hex": return Hw(this, e, r); case "utf8": case "utf-8": return Kd(this, e, r); case "ascii": return Uw(this, e, r); case "latin1": case "binary": return zw(this, e, r); case "base64": return Ow(this, e, r); case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return Ww(this, e, r); default: if (o) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + t); t = (t + "").toLowerCase(), o = true; } } me.prototype._isBuffer = true; function fn(t, e, r) { let o = t[e]; t[e] = t[r], t[r] = o; } me.prototype.swap16 = function() { let e = this.length; if (e % 2 !== 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits"); for (let r = 0;r < e; r += 2) fn(this, r, r + 1); return this; }; me.prototype.swap32 = function() { let e = this.length; if (e % 4 !== 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits"); for (let r = 0;r < e; r += 4) fn(this, r, r + 3), fn(this, r + 1, r + 2); return this; }; me.prototype.swap64 = function() { let e = this.length; if (e % 8 !== 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits"); for (let r = 0;r < e; r += 8) fn(this, r, r + 7), fn(this, r + 1, r + 6), fn(this, r + 2, r + 5), fn(this, r + 3, r + 4); return this; }; me.prototype.toString = function() { let e = this.length; return e === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? Kd(this, 0, e) : kw.apply(this, arguments); }; me.prototype.toLocaleString = me.prototype.toString; me.prototype.equals = function(e) { if (!me.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer"); return this === e ? true :, e) === 0; }; me.prototype.inspect = function() { let e = "", r = Xn.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; return e = this.toString("hex", 0, r).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > r && (e += " ... "), ""; }; Pd && (me.prototype[Pd] = me.prototype.inspect); = function(e, r, o, f, p) { if (Zr(e, Uint8Array) && (e = me.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), !me.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof e); if (r === undefined && (r = 0), o === undefined && (o = e ? e.length : 0), f === undefined && (f = 0), p === undefined && (p = this.length), r < 0 || o > e.length || f < 0 || p > this.length) throw new RangeError("out of range index"); if (f >= p && r >= o) return 0; if (f >= p) return -1; if (r >= o) return 1; if (r >>>= 0, o >>>= 0, f >>>= 0, p >>>= 0, this === e) return 0; let m2 = p - f, y2 = o - r, M = Math.min(m2, y2), x = this.slice(f, p), S = e.slice(r, o); for (let E2 = 0;E2 < M; ++E2) if (x[E2] !== S[E2]) { m2 = x[E2], y2 = S[E2]; break; } return m2 < y2 ? -1 : y2 < m2 ? 1 : 0; }; function Wd(t, e, r, o, f) { if (t.length === 0) return -1; if (typeof r == "string" ? (o = r, r = 0) : r > 2147483647 ? r = 2147483647 : r < -2147483648 && (r = -2147483648), r = +r, C0(r) && (r = f ? 0 : t.length - 1), r < 0 && (r = t.length + r), r >= t.length) { if (f) return -1; r = t.length - 1; } else if (r < 0) if (f) r = 0; else return -1; if (typeof e == "string" && (e = me.from(e, o)), me.isBuffer(e)) return e.length === 0 ? -1 : Cd(t, e, r, o, f); if (typeof e == "number") return e = e & 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? f ?, e, r) :, e, r) : Cd(t, [e], r, o, f); throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer"); } function Cd(t, e, r, o, f) { let p = 1, m2 = t.length, y2 = e.length; if (o !== undefined && (o = String(o).toLowerCase(), o === "ucs2" || o === "ucs-2" || o === "utf16le" || o === "utf-16le")) { if (t.length < 2 || e.length < 2) return -1; p = 2, m2 /= 2, y2 /= 2, r /= 2; } function M(S, E2) { return p === 1 ? S[E2] : S.readUInt16BE(E2 * p); } let x; if (f) { let S = -1; for (x = r;x < m2; x++) if (M(t, x) === M(e, S === -1 ? 0 : x - S)) { if (S === -1 && (S = x), x - S + 1 === y2) return S * p; } else S !== -1 && (x -= x - S), S = -1; } else for (r + y2 > m2 && (r = m2 - y2), x = r;x >= 0; x--) { let S = true; for (let E2 = 0;E2 < y2; E2++) if (M(t, x + E2) !== M(e, E2)) { S = false; break; } if (S) return x; } return -1; } me.prototype.includes = function(e, r, o) { return this.indexOf(e, r, o) !== -1; }; me.prototype.indexOf = function(e, r, o) { return Wd(this, e, r, o, true); }; me.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(e, r, o) { return Wd(this, e, r, o, false); }; function Lw(t, e, r, o) { r = Number(r) || 0; let f = t.length - r; o ? (o = Number(o), o > f && (o = f)) : o = f; let p = e.length; o > p / 2 && (o = p / 2); let m2; for (m2 = 0;m2 < o; ++m2) { let y2 = parseInt(e.substr(m2 * 2, 2), 16); if (C0(y2)) return m2; t[r + m2] = y2; } return m2; } function Nw(t, e, r, o) { return to(L0(e, t.length - r), t, r, o); } function Dw(t, e, r, o) { return to(Vw(e), t, r, o); } function Pw(t, e, r, o) { return to(Xd(e), t, r, o); } function Cw(t, e, r, o) { return to($w(e, t.length - r), t, r, o); } me.prototype.write = function(e, r, o, f) { if (r === undefined) f = "utf8", o = this.length, r = 0; else if (o === undefined && typeof r == "string") f = r, o = this.length, r = 0; else if (isFinite(r)) r = r >>> 0, isFinite(o) ? (o = o >>> 0, f === undefined && (f = "utf8")) : (f = o, o = undefined); else throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported"); let p = this.length - r; if ((o === undefined || o > p) && (o = p), e.length > 0 && (o < 0 || r < 0) || r > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds"); f || (f = "utf8"); let m2 = false; for (;; ) switch (f) { case "hex": return Lw(this, e, r, o); case "utf8": case "utf-8": return Nw(this, e, r, o); case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": return Dw(this, e, r, o); case "base64": return Pw(this, e, r, o); case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return Cw(this, e, r, o); default: if (m2) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + f); f = ("" + f).toLowerCase(), m2 = true; } }; me.prototype.toJSON = function() { return { type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0) }; }; function Ow(t, e, r) { return e === 0 && r === t.length ? I0.fromByteArray(t) : I0.fromByteArray(t.slice(e, r)); } function Kd(t, e, r) { r = Math.min(t.length, r); let o = [], f = e; for (;f < r; ) { let p = t[f], m2 = null, y2 = p > 239 ? 4 : p > 223 ? 3 : p > 191 ? 2 : 1; if (f + y2 <= r) { let M, x, S, E2; switch (y2) { case 1: p < 128 && (m2 = p); break; case 2: M = t[f + 1], (M & 192) === 128 && (E2 = (p & 31) << 6 | M & 63, E2 > 127 && (m2 = E2)); break; case 3: M = t[f + 1], x = t[f + 2], (M & 192) === 128 && (x & 192) === 128 && (E2 = (p & 15) << 12 | (M & 63) << 6 | x & 63, E2 > 2047 && (E2 < 55296 || E2 > 57343) && (m2 = E2)); break; case 4: M = t[f + 1], x = t[f + 2], S = t[f + 3], (M & 192) === 128 && (x & 192) === 128 && (S & 192) === 128 && (E2 = (p & 15) << 18 | (M & 63) << 12 | (x & 63) << 6 | S & 63, E2 > 65535 && E2 < 1114112 && (m2 = E2)); } } m2 === null ? (m2 = 65533, y2 = 1) : m2 > 65535 && (m2 -= 65536, o.push(m2 >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), m2 = 56320 | m2 & 1023), o.push(m2), f += y2; } return Fw(o); } var Od = 4096; function Fw(t) { let e = t.length; if (e <= Od) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t); let r = "", o = 0; for (;o < e; ) r += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t.slice(o, o += Od)); return r; } function Uw(t, e, r) { let o = ""; r = Math.min(t.length, r); for (let f = e;f < r; ++f) o += String.fromCharCode(t[f] & 127); return o; } function zw(t, e, r) { let o = ""; r = Math.min(t.length, r); for (let f = e;f < r; ++f) o += String.fromCharCode(t[f]); return o; } function Hw(t, e, r) { let o = t.length; (!e || e < 0) && (e = 0), (!r || r < 0 || r > o) && (r = o); let f = ""; for (let p = e;p < r; ++p) f += Gw[t[p]]; return f; } function Ww(t, e, r) { let o = t.slice(e, r), f = ""; for (let p = 0;p < o.length - 1; p += 2) f += String.fromCharCode(o[p] + o[p + 1] * 256); return f; } me.prototype.slice = function(e, r) { let o = this.length; e = ~~e, r = r === undefined ? o : ~~r, e < 0 ? (e += o, e < 0 && (e = 0)) : e > o && (e = o), r < 0 ? (r += o, r < 0 && (r = 0)) : r > o && (r = o), r < e && (r = e); let f = this.subarray(e, r); return Object.setPrototypeOf(f, me.prototype), f; }; function Dt(t, e, r) { if (t % 1 !== 0 || t < 0) throw new RangeError("offset is not uint"); if (t + e > r) throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length"); } me.prototype.readUintLE = me.prototype.readUIntLE = function(e, r, o) { e = e >>> 0, r = r >>> 0, o || Dt(e, r, this.length); let f = this[e], p = 1, m2 = 0; for (;++m2 < r && (p *= 256); ) f += this[e + m2] * p; return f; }; me.prototype.readUintBE = me.prototype.readUIntBE = function(e, r, o) { e = e >>> 0, r = r >>> 0, o || Dt(e, r, this.length); let f = this[e + --r], p = 1; for (;r > 0 && (p *= 256); ) f += this[e + --r] * p; return f; }; me.prototype.readUint8 = me.prototype.readUInt8 = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 1, this.length), this[e]; }; me.prototype.readUint16LE = me.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 2, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8; }; me.prototype.readUint16BE = me.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 2, this.length), this[e] << 8 | this[e + 1]; }; me.prototype.readUint32LE = me.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 4, this.length), (this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16) + this[e + 3] * 16777216; }; me.prototype.readUint32BE = me.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 4, this.length), this[e] * 16777216 + (this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3]); }; me.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = Ti(function(e) { e = e >>> 0, Yn(e, "offset"); let r = this[e], o = this[e + 7]; (r === undefined || o === undefined) && Vf(e, this.length - 8); let f = r + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + this[++e] * 2 ** 24, p = this[++e] + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + o * 2 ** 24; return BigInt(f) + (BigInt(p) << BigInt(32)); }); me.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = Ti(function(e) { e = e >>> 0, Yn(e, "offset"); let r = this[e], o = this[e + 7]; (r === undefined || o === undefined) && Vf(e, this.length - 8); let f = r * 2 ** 24 + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + this[++e], p = this[++e] * 2 ** 24 + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + o; return (BigInt(f) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(p); }); me.prototype.readIntLE = function(e, r, o) { e = e >>> 0, r = r >>> 0, o || Dt(e, r, this.length); let f = this[e], p = 1, m2 = 0; for (;++m2 < r && (p *= 256); ) f += this[e + m2] * p; return p *= 128, f >= p && (f -= Math.pow(2, 8 * r)), f; }; me.prototype.readIntBE = function(e, r, o) { e = e >>> 0, r = r >>> 0, o || Dt(e, r, this.length); let f = r, p = 1, m2 = this[e + --f]; for (;f > 0 && (p *= 256); ) m2 += this[e + --f] * p; return p *= 128, m2 >= p && (m2 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * r)), m2; }; me.prototype.readInt8 = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 1, this.length), this[e] & 128 ? (255 - this[e] + 1) * -1 : this[e]; }; me.prototype.readInt16LE = function(e, r) { e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 2, this.length); let o = this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8; return o & 32768 ? o | 4294901760 : o; }; me.prototype.readInt16BE = function(e, r) { e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 2, this.length); let o = this[e + 1] | this[e] << 8; return o & 32768 ? o | 4294901760 : o; }; me.prototype.readInt32LE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 4, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16 | this[e + 3] << 24; }; me.prototype.readInt32BE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 4, this.length), this[e] << 24 | this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3]; }; me.prototype.readBigInt64LE = Ti(function(e) { e = e >>> 0, Yn(e, "offset"); let r = this[e], o = this[e + 7]; (r === undefined || o === undefined) && Vf(e, this.length - 8); let f = this[e + 4] + this[e + 5] * 2 ** 8 + this[e + 6] * 2 ** 16 + (o << 24); return (BigInt(f) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(r + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + this[++e] * 2 ** 24); }); me.prototype.readBigInt64BE = Ti(function(e) { e = e >>> 0, Yn(e, "offset"); let r = this[e], o = this[e + 7]; (r === undefined || o === undefined) && Vf(e, this.length - 8); let f = (r << 24) + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + this[++e]; return (BigInt(f) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++e] * 2 ** 24 + this[++e] * 2 ** 16 + this[++e] * 2 ** 8 + o); }); me.prototype.readFloatLE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 4, this.length),, e, true, 23, 4); }; me.prototype.readFloatBE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 4, this.length),, e, false, 23, 4); }; me.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 8, this.length),, e, true, 52, 8); }; me.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(e, r) { return e = e >>> 0, r || Dt(e, 8, this.length),, e, false, 52, 8); }; function er(t, e, r, o, f, p) { if (!me.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); if (e > f || e < p) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); if (r + o > t.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); } me.prototype.writeUintLE = me.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(e, r, o, f) { if (e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o = o >>> 0, !f) { let y2 = Math.pow(2, 8 * o) - 1; er(this, e, r, o, y2, 0); } let p = 1, m2 = 0; for (this[r] = e & 255;++m2 < o && (p *= 256); ) this[r + m2] = e / p & 255; return r + o; }; me.prototype.writeUintBE = me.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(e, r, o, f) { if (e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o = o >>> 0, !f) { let y2 = Math.pow(2, 8 * o) - 1; er(this, e, r, o, y2, 0); } let p = o - 1, m2 = 1; for (this[r + p] = e & 255;--p >= 0 && (m2 *= 256); ) this[r + p] = e / m2 & 255; return r + o; }; me.prototype.writeUint8 = me.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 1, 255, 0), this[r] = e & 255, r + 1; }; me.prototype.writeUint16LE = me.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 2, 65535, 0), this[r] = e & 255, this[r + 1] = e >>> 8, r + 2; }; me.prototype.writeUint16BE = me.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 2, 65535, 0), this[r] = e >>> 8, this[r + 1] = e & 255, r + 2; }; me.prototype.writeUint32LE = me.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[r + 3] = e >>> 24, this[r + 2] = e >>> 16, this[r + 1] = e >>> 8, this[r] = e & 255, r + 4; }; me.prototype.writeUint32BE = me.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[r] = e >>> 24, this[r + 1] = e >>> 16, this[r + 2] = e >>> 8, this[r + 3] = e & 255, r + 4; }; function jd(t, e, r, o, f) { Yd(e, o, f, t, r, 7); let p = Number(e & BigInt(4294967295)); t[r++] = p, p = p >> 8, t[r++] = p, p = p >> 8, t[r++] = p, p = p >> 8, t[r++] = p; let m2 = Number(e >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); return t[r++] = m2, m2 = m2 >> 8, t[r++] = m2, m2 = m2 >> 8, t[r++] = m2, m2 = m2 >> 8, t[r++] = m2, r; } function Zd(t, e, r, o, f) { Yd(e, o, f, t, r, 7); let p = Number(e & BigInt(4294967295)); t[r + 7] = p, p = p >> 8, t[r + 6] = p, p = p >> 8, t[r + 5] = p, p = p >> 8, t[r + 4] = p; let m2 = Number(e >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); return t[r + 3] = m2, m2 = m2 >> 8, t[r + 2] = m2, m2 = m2 >> 8, t[r + 1] = m2, m2 = m2 >> 8, t[r] = m2, r + 8; } me.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = Ti(function(e, r = 0) { return jd(this, e, r, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff")); }); me.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = Ti(function(e, r = 0) { return Zd(this, e, r, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff")); }); me.prototype.writeIntLE = function(e, r, o, f) { if (e = +e, r = r >>> 0, !f) { let M = Math.pow(2, 8 * o - 1); er(this, e, r, o, M - 1, -M); } let p = 0, m2 = 1, y2 = 0; for (this[r] = e & 255;++p < o && (m2 *= 256); ) e < 0 && y2 === 0 && this[r + p - 1] !== 0 && (y2 = 1), this[r + p] = (e / m2 >> 0) - y2 & 255; return r + o; }; me.prototype.writeIntBE = function(e, r, o, f) { if (e = +e, r = r >>> 0, !f) { let M = Math.pow(2, 8 * o - 1); er(this, e, r, o, M - 1, -M); } let p = o - 1, m2 = 1, y2 = 0; for (this[r + p] = e & 255;--p >= 0 && (m2 *= 256); ) e < 0 && y2 === 0 && this[r + p + 1] !== 0 && (y2 = 1), this[r + p] = (e / m2 >> 0) - y2 & 255; return r + o; }; me.prototype.writeInt8 = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 1, 127, -128), e < 0 && (e = 255 + e + 1), this[r] = e & 255, r + 1; }; me.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 2, 32767, -32768), this[r] = e & 255, this[r + 1] = e >>> 8, r + 2; }; me.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 2, 32767, -32768), this[r] = e >>> 8, this[r + 1] = e & 255, r + 2; }; me.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[r] = e & 255, this[r + 1] = e >>> 8, this[r + 2] = e >>> 16, this[r + 3] = e >>> 24, r + 4; }; me.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(e, r, o) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, o || er(this, e, r, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), e < 0 && (e = 4294967295 + e + 1), this[r] = e >>> 24, this[r + 1] = e >>> 16, this[r + 2] = e >>> 8, this[r + 3] = e & 255, r + 4; }; me.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = Ti(function(e, r = 0) { return jd(this, e, r, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff")); }); me.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = Ti(function(e, r = 0) { return Zd(this, e, r, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff")); }); function Vd(t, e, r, o, f, p) { if (r + o > t.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); if (r < 0) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); } function $d(t, e, r, o, f) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, f || Vd(t, e, r, 4, 340282346638528860000000000000000000000, -340282346638528860000000000000000000000), Gn.write(t, e, r, o, 23, 4), r + 4; } me.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(e, r, o) { return $d(this, e, r, true, o); }; me.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(e, r, o) { return $d(this, e, r, false, o); }; function Gd(t, e, r, o, f) { return e = +e, r = r >>> 0, f || Vd(t, e, r, 8, 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, -179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), Gn.write(t, e, r, o, 52, 8), r + 8; } me.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(e, r, o) { return Gd(this, e, r, true, o); }; me.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(e, r, o) { return Gd(this, e, r, false, o); }; me.prototype.copy = function(e, r, o, f) { if (!me.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer"); if (o || (o = 0), !f && f !== 0 && (f = this.length), r >= e.length && (r = e.length), r || (r = 0), f > 0 && f < o && (f = o), f === o || e.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0; if (r < 0) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds"); if (o < 0 || o >= this.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); if (f < 0) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds"); f > this.length && (f = this.length), e.length - r < f - o && (f = e.length - r + o); let p = f - o; return this === e && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(r, o, f) :, this.subarray(o, f), r), p; }; me.prototype.fill = function(e, r, o, f) { if (typeof e == "string") { if (typeof r == "string" ? (f = r, r = 0, o = this.length) : typeof o == "string" && (f = o, o = this.length), f !== undefined && typeof f != "string") throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string"); if (typeof f == "string" && !me.isEncoding(f)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + f); if (e.length === 1) { let m2 = e.charCodeAt(0); (f === "utf8" && m2 < 128 || f === "latin1") && (e = m2); } } else typeof e == "number" ? e = e & 255 : typeof e == "boolean" && (e = Number(e)); if (r < 0 || this.length < r || this.length < o) throw new RangeError("Out of range index"); if (o <= r) return this; r = r >>> 0, o = o === undefined ? this.length : o >>> 0, e || (e = 0); let p; if (typeof e == "number") for (p = r;p < o; ++p) this[p] = e; else { let m2 = me.isBuffer(e) ? e : me.from(e, f), y2 = m2.length; if (y2 === 0) throw new TypeError('The value "' + e + '" is invalid for argument "value"'); for (p = 0;p < o - r; ++p) this[p + r] = m2[p % y2]; } return this; }; var $n = {}; function P0(t, e, r) { $n[t] = class extends r { constructor() { super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: e.apply(this, arguments), writable: true, configurable: true }), = `${} [${t}]`, this.stack, delete; } get code() { return t; } set code(f) { Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: f, writable: true }); } toString() { return `${} [${t}]: ${this.message}`; } }; } P0("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(t) { return t ? `${t} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds"; }, RangeError); P0("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(t, e) { return `The "${t}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof e}`; }, TypeError); P0("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(t, e, r) { let o = `The value of "${t}" is out of range.`, f = r; return Number.isInteger(r) && Math.abs(r) > 2 ** 32 ? f = Fd(String(r)) : typeof r == "bigint" && (f = String(r), (r > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || r < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (f = Fd(f)), f += "n"), o += ` It must be ${e}. Received ${f}`, o; }, RangeError); function Fd(t) { let e = "", r = t.length, o = t[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0; for (;r >= o + 4; r -= 3) e = `_${t.slice(r - 3, r)}${e}`; return `${t.slice(0, r)}${e}`; } function Kw(t, e, r) { Yn(e, "offset"), (t[e] === undefined || t[e + r] === undefined) && Vf(e, t.length - (r + 1)); } function Yd(t, e, r, o, f, p) { if (t > r || t < e) { let m2 = typeof e == "bigint" ? "n" : "", y2; throw p > 3 ? e === 0 || e === BigInt(0) ? y2 = `>= 0${m2} and < 2${m2} ** ${(p + 1) * 8}${m2}` : y2 = `>= -(2${m2} ** ${(p + 1) * 8 - 1}${m2}) and < 2 ** ${(p + 1) * 8 - 1}${m2}` : y2 = `>= ${e}${m2} and <= ${r}${m2}`, new $n.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", y2, t); } Kw(o, f, p); } function Yn(t, e) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new $n.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(e, "number", t); } function Vf(t, e, r) { throw Math.floor(t) !== t ? (Yn(t, r), new $n.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(r || "offset", "an integer", t)) : e < 0 ? new $n.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS : new $n.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(r || "offset", `>= ${r ? 1 : 0} and <= ${e}`, t); } var jw = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; function Zw(t) { if (t = t.split("=")[0], t = t.trim().replace(jw, ""), t.length < 2) return ""; for (;t.length % 4 !== 0; ) t = t + "="; return t; } function L0(t, e) { e = e || 1 / 0; let r, o = t.length, f = null, p = []; for (let m2 = 0;m2 < o; ++m2) { if (r = t.charCodeAt(m2), r > 55295 && r < 57344) { if (!f) { if (r > 56319) { (e -= 3) > -1 && p.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } else if (m2 + 1 === o) { (e -= 3) > -1 && p.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } f = r; continue; } if (r < 56320) { (e -= 3) > -1 && p.push(239, 191, 189), f = r; continue; } r = (f - 55296 << 10 | r - 56320) + 65536; } else f && (e -= 3) > -1 && p.push(239, 191, 189); if (f = null, r < 128) { if ((e -= 1) < 0) break; p.push(r); } else if (r < 2048) { if ((e -= 2) < 0) break; p.push(r >> 6 | 192, r & 63 | 128); } else if (r < 65536) { if ((e -= 3) < 0) break; p.push(r >> 12 | 224, r >> 6 & 63 | 128, r & 63 | 128); } else if (r < 1114112) { if ((e -= 4) < 0) break; p.push(r >> 18 | 240, r >> 12 & 63 | 128, r >> 6 & 63 | 128, r & 63 | 128); } else throw new Error("Invalid code point"); } return p; } function Vw(t) { let e = []; for (let r = 0;r < t.length; ++r) e.push(t.charCodeAt(r) & 255); return e; } function $w(t, e) { let r, o, f, p = []; for (let m2 = 0;m2 < t.length && !((e -= 2) < 0); ++m2) r = t.charCodeAt(m2), o = r >> 8, f = r % 256, p.push(f), p.push(o); return p; } function Xd(t) { return I0.toByteArray(Zw(t)); } function to(t, e, r, o) { let f; for (f = 0;f < o && !(f + r >= e.length || f >= t.length); ++f) e[f + r] = t[f]; return f; } function Zr(t, e) { return t instanceof e || t != null && t.constructor != null && != null && ===; } function C0(t) { return t !== t; } var Gw = function() { let t = "0123456789abcdef", e = new Array(256); for (let r = 0;r < 16; ++r) { let o = r * 16; for (let f = 0;f < 16; ++f) e[o + f] = t[r] + t[f]; } return e; }(); function Ti(t) { return typeof BigInt > "u" ? Yw : t; } function Yw() { throw new Error("BigInt not supported"); } }); Te = T2((O0, Qd) => { var ro = Ut(), Vr = ro.Buffer; function Jd(t, e) { for (var r in t) e[r] = t[r]; } Vr.from && Vr.alloc && Vr.allocUnsafe && Vr.allocUnsafeSlow ? Qd.exports = ro : (Jd(ro, O0), O0.Buffer = an); function an(t, e, r) { return Vr(t, e, r); } an.prototype = Object.create(Vr.prototype); Jd(Vr, an); an.from = function(t, e, r) { if (typeof t == "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number"); return Vr(t, e, r); }; an.alloc = function(t, e, r) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); var o = Vr(t); return e !== undefined ? typeof r == "string" ? o.fill(e, r) : o.fill(e) : o.fill(0), o; }; an.allocUnsafe = function(t) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return Vr(t); }; an.allocUnsafeSlow = function(t) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return ro.SlowBuffer(t); }; }); on = T2((Gq, U0) => { var F0 = 65536, Xw = 4294967295; function Jw() { throw new Error(`Secure random number generation is not supported by this browser. Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } var Qw = Te().Buffer, io = global.crypto || global.msCrypto; io && io.getRandomValues ? U0.exports = e6 : U0.exports = Jw; function e6(t, e) { if (t > Xw) throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes"); var r = Qw.allocUnsafe(t); if (t > 0) if (t > F0) for (var o = 0;o < t; o += F0) io.getRandomValues(r.slice(o, o + F0)); else io.getRandomValues(r); return typeof e == "function" ? process.nextTick(function() { e(null, r); }) : r; } }); Ie = T2((Yq, z0) => { typeof Object.create == "function" ? z0.exports = function(e, r) { r && (e.super_ = r, e.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } })); } : z0.exports = function(e, r) { if (r) { e.super_ = r; var o = function() { }; o.prototype = r.prototype, e.prototype = new o, e.prototype.constructor = e; } }; }); ki = T2((Xq, H0) => { var Jn = typeof Reflect == "object" ? Reflect : null, ec = Jn && typeof Jn.apply == "function" ? Jn.apply : function(e, r, o) { return, r, o); }, no; Jn && typeof Jn.ownKeys == "function" ? no = Jn.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? no = function(e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)); } : no = function(e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e); }; function t6(t) { console && console.warn && console.warn(t); } var rc = Number.isNaN || function(e) { return e !== e; }; function Fe() {; } H0.exports = Fe; H0.exports.once = f6; Fe.EventEmitter = Fe; Fe.prototype._events = undefined; Fe.prototype._eventsCount = 0; Fe.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; var tc = 10; function fo(t) { if (typeof t != "function") throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof t); } Object.defineProperty(Fe, "defaultMaxListeners", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return tc; }, set: function(t) { if (typeof t != "number" || t < 0 || rc(t)) throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + t + "."); tc = t; } }); Fe.init = function() { (this._events === undefined || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) && (this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0), this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; }; Fe.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(e) { if (typeof e != "number" || e < 0 || rc(e)) throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + e + "."); return this._maxListeners = e, this; }; function ic(t) { return t._maxListeners === undefined ? Fe.defaultMaxListeners : t._maxListeners; } Fe.prototype.getMaxListeners = function() { return ic(this); }; Fe.prototype.emit = function(e) { for (var r = [], o = 1;o < arguments.length; o++) r.push(arguments[o]); var f = e === "error", p = this._events; if (p !== undefined) f = f && p.error === undefined; else if (!f) return false; if (f) { var m2; if (r.length > 0 && (m2 = r[0]), m2 instanceof Error) throw m2; var y2 = new Error("Unhandled error." + (m2 ? " (" + m2.message + ")" : "")); throw y2.context = m2, y2; } var M = p[e]; if (M === undefined) return false; if (typeof M == "function") ec(M, this, r); else for (var x = M.length, S = sc(M, x), o = 0;o < x; ++o) ec(S[o], this, r); return true; }; function nc(t, e, r, o) { var f, p, m2; if (fo(r), p = t._events, p === undefined ? (p = t._events = Object.create(null), t._eventsCount = 0) : (p.newListener !== undefined && (t.emit("newListener", e, r.listener ? r.listener : r), p = t._events), m2 = p[e]), m2 === undefined) m2 = p[e] = r, ++t._eventsCount; else if (typeof m2 == "function" ? m2 = p[e] = o ? [r, m2] : [m2, r] : o ? m2.unshift(r) : m2.push(r), f = ic(t), f > 0 && m2.length > f && !m2.warned) { m2.warned = true; var y2 = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + m2.length + " " + String(e) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"); = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", y2.emitter = t, y2.type = e, y2.count = m2.length, t6(y2); } return t; } Fe.prototype.addListener = function(e, r) { return nc(this, e, r, false); }; Fe.prototype.on = Fe.prototype.addListener; Fe.prototype.prependListener = function(e, r) { return nc(this, e, r, true); }; function r6() { if (!this.fired) return, this.wrapFn), this.fired = true, arguments.length === 0 ? : this.listener.apply(, arguments); } function fc(t, e, r) { var o = { fired: false, wrapFn: undefined, target: t, type: e, listener: r }, f = r6.bind(o); return f.listener = r, o.wrapFn = f, f; } Fe.prototype.once = function(e, r) { return fo(r), this.on(e, fc(this, e, r)), this; }; Fe.prototype.prependOnceListener = function(e, r) { return fo(r), this.prependListener(e, fc(this, e, r)), this; }; Fe.prototype.removeListener = function(e, r) { var o, f, p, m2, y2; if (fo(r), f = this._events, f === undefined) return this; if (o = f[e], o === undefined) return this; if (o === r || o.listener === r) --this._eventsCount === 0 ? this._events = Object.create(null) : (delete f[e], f.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", e, o.listener || r)); else if (typeof o != "function") { for (p = -1, m2 = o.length - 1;m2 >= 0; m2--) if (o[m2] === r || o[m2].listener === r) { y2 = o[m2].listener, p = m2; break; } if (p < 0) return this; p === 0 ? o.shift() : i6(o, p), o.length === 1 && (f[e] = o[0]), f.removeListener !== undefined && this.emit("removeListener", e, y2 || r); } return this; }; = Fe.prototype.removeListener; Fe.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(e) { var r, o, f; if (o = this._events, o === undefined) return this; if (o.removeListener === undefined) return arguments.length === 0 ? (this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : o[e] !== undefined && (--this._eventsCount === 0 ? this._events = Object.create(null) : delete o[e]), this; if (arguments.length === 0) { var p = Object.keys(o), m2; for (f = 0;f < p.length; ++f) m2 = p[f], m2 !== "removeListener" && this.removeAllListeners(m2); return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this; } if (r = o[e], typeof r == "function") this.removeListener(e, r); else if (r !== undefined) for (f = r.length - 1;f >= 0; f--) this.removeListener(e, r[f]); return this; }; function ac(t, e, r) { var o = t._events; if (o === undefined) return []; var f = o[e]; return f === undefined ? [] : typeof f == "function" ? r ? [f.listener || f] : [f] : r ? n6(f) : sc(f, f.length); } Fe.prototype.listeners = function(e) { return ac(this, e, true); }; Fe.prototype.rawListeners = function(e) { return ac(this, e, false); }; Fe.listenerCount = function(t, e) { return typeof t.listenerCount == "function" ? t.listenerCount(e) :, e); }; Fe.prototype.listenerCount = oc; function oc(t) { var e = this._events; if (e !== undefined) { var r = e[t]; if (typeof r == "function") return 1; if (r !== undefined) return r.length; } return 0; } Fe.prototype.eventNames = function() { return this._eventsCount > 0 ? no(this._events) : []; }; function sc(t, e) { for (var r = new Array(e), o = 0;o < e; ++o) r[o] = t[o]; return r; } function i6(t, e) { for (;e + 1 < t.length; e++) t[e] = t[e + 1]; t.pop(); } function n6(t) { for (var e = new Array(t.length), r = 0;r < e.length; ++r) e[r] = t[r].listener || t[r]; return e; } function f6(t, e) { return new Promise(function(r, o) { function f(m2) { t.removeListener(e, p), o(m2); } function p() { typeof t.removeListener == "function" && t.removeListener("error", f), r([]; } hc(t, e, p, { once: true }), e !== "error" && a6(t, f, { once: true }); }); } function a6(t, e, r) { typeof t.on == "function" && hc(t, "error", e, r); } function hc(t, e, r, o) { if (typeof t.on == "function") o.once ? t.once(e, r) : t.on(e, r); else if (typeof t.addEventListener == "function") t.addEventListener(e, function f(p) { o.once && t.removeEventListener(e, f), r(p); }); else throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof t); } }); W0 = T2((Jq, uc) => { uc.exports = ki().EventEmitter; }); $f = T2(() => { }); pc = T2((tI, cc) => { function lc(t, e) { var r = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (o = o.filter(function(f) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, f).enumerable; })), r.push.apply(r, o); } return r; } function o6(t) { for (var e = 1;e < arguments.length; e++) { var r = arguments[e] != null ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? lc(Object(r), true).forEach(function(o) { s6(t, o, r[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : lc(Object(r)).forEach(function(o) { Object.defineProperty(t, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, o)); }); } return t; } function s6(t, e, r) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: r, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : t[e] = r, t; } function h6(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function dc(t, e) { for (var r = 0;r < e.length; r++) { var o = e[r]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || false, o.configurable = true, "value" in o && (o.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o); } } function u6(t, e, r) { return e && dc(t.prototype, e), r && dc(t, r), t; } var l6 = Ut(), ao = l6.Buffer, d6 = $f(), K0 = d6.inspect, c6 = K0 && K0.custom || "inspect"; function p6(t, e, r) {, e, r); } cc.exports = function() { function t() { h6(this, t), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } return u6(t, [{ key: "push", value: function(r) { var o = { data: r, next: null }; this.length > 0 ? = o : this.head = o, this.tail = o, ++this.length; } }, { key: "unshift", value: function(r) { var o = { data: r, next: this.head }; this.length === 0 && (this.tail = o), this.head = o, ++this.length; } }, { key: "shift", value: function() { if (this.length !== 0) { var r =; return this.length === 1 ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head =, --this.length, r; } } }, { key: "clear", value: function() { this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } }, { key: "join", value: function(r) { if (this.length === 0) return ""; for (var o = this.head, f = "" +;o =; ) f += r +; return f; } }, { key: "concat", value: function(r) { if (this.length === 0) return ao.alloc(0); for (var o = ao.allocUnsafe(r >>> 0), f = this.head, p = 0;f; ) p6(, o, p), p +=, f =; return o; } }, { key: "consume", value: function(r, o) { var f; return r < ? (f =, r), = : r === ? f = this.shift() : f = o ? this._getString(r) : this._getBuffer(r), f; } }, { key: "first", value: function() { return; } }, { key: "_getString", value: function(r) { var o = this.head, f = 1, p =; for (r -= p.length;o =; ) { var m2 =, y2 = r > m2.length ? m2.length : r; if (y2 === m2.length ? p += m2 : p += m2.slice(0, r), r -= y2, r === 0) { y2 === m2.length ? (++f, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = o, = m2.slice(y2)); break; } ++f; } return this.length -= f, p; } }, { key: "_getBuffer", value: function(r) { var o = ao.allocUnsafe(r), f = this.head, p = 1; for (, r -=;f =; ) { var m2 =, y2 = r > m2.length ? m2.length : r; if (m2.copy(o, o.length - r, 0, y2), r -= y2, r === 0) { y2 === m2.length ? (++p, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = f, = m2.slice(y2)); break; } ++p; } return this.length -= p, o; } }, { key: c6, value: function(r, o) { return K0(this, o6({}, o, { depth: 0, customInspect: false })); } }]), t; }(); }); Z0 = T2((rI, bc) => { function v6(t, e) { var r = this, o = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, f = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; return o || f ? (e ? e(t) : t && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = true, process.nextTick(j0, this, t)) : process.nextTick(j0, this, t)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = true), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = true), this._destroy(t || null, function(p) { !e && p ? r._writableState ? r._writableState.errorEmitted ? process.nextTick(oo, r) : (r._writableState.errorEmitted = true, process.nextTick(vc, r, p)) : process.nextTick(vc, r, p) : e ? (process.nextTick(oo, r), e(p)) : process.nextTick(oo, r); }), this); } function vc(t, e) { j0(t, e), oo(t); } function oo(t) { t._writableState && !t._writableState.emitClose || t._readableState && !t._readableState.emitClose || t.emit("close"); } function b6() { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = false, this._readableState.reading = false, this._readableState.ended = false, this._readableState.endEmitted = false), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = false, this._writableState.ended = false, this._writableState.ending = false, this._writableState.finalCalled = false, this._writableState.prefinished = false, this._writableState.finished = false, this._writableState.errorEmitted = false); } function j0(t, e) { t.emit("error", e); } function m6(t, e) { var { _readableState: r, _writableState: o } = t; r && r.autoDestroy || o && o.autoDestroy ? t.destroy(e) : t.emit("error", e); } bc.exports = { destroy: v6, undestroy: b6, errorOrDestroy: m6 }; }); sn = T2((iI, yc) => { function g6(t, e) { t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, t.__proto__ = e; } var gc = {}; function dr(t, e, r) { r || (r = Error); function o(p, m2, y2) { return typeof e == "string" ? e : e(p, m2, y2); } var f = function(p) { g6(m2, p); function m2(y2, M, x) { return, o(y2, M, x)) || this; } return m2; }(r); =, f.prototype.code = t, gc[t] = f; } function mc(t, e) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { var r = t.length; return t = { return String(o); }), r > 2 ? "one of ".concat(e, " ").concat(t.slice(0, r - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + t[r - 1] : r === 2 ? "one of ".concat(e, " ").concat(t[0], " or ").concat(t[1]) : "of ".concat(e, " ").concat(t[0]); } else return "of ".concat(e, " ").concat(String(t)); } function y6(t, e, r) { return t.substr(!r || r < 0 ? 0 : +r, e.length) === e; } function w6(t, e, r) { return (r === undefined || r > t.length) && (r = t.length), t.substring(r - e.length, r) === e; } function M6(t, e, r) { return typeof r != "number" && (r = 0), r + e.length > t.length ? false : t.indexOf(e, r) !== -1; } dr("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(t, e) { return 'The value "' + e + '" is invalid for option "' + t + '"'; }, TypeError); dr("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(t, e, r) { var o; typeof e == "string" && y6(e, "not ") ? (o = "must not be", e = e.replace(/^not /, "")) : o = "must be"; var f; if (w6(t, " argument")) f = "The ".concat(t, " ").concat(o, " ").concat(mc(e, "type")); else { var p = M6(t, ".") ? "property" : "argument"; f = 'The "'.concat(t, '" ').concat(p, " ").concat(o, " ").concat(mc(e, "type")); } return f += ". Received type ".concat(typeof r), f; }, TypeError); dr("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"); dr("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(t) { return "The " + t + " method is not implemented"; }); dr("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"); dr("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(t) { return "Cannot call " + t + " after a stream was destroyed"; }); dr("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"); dr("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"); dr("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"); dr("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError); dr("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(t) { return "Unknown encoding: " + t; }, TypeError); dr("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"); = gc; }); V0 = T2((nI, wc) => { var _6 = sn().codes.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; function x6(t, e, r) { return t.highWaterMark != null ? t.highWaterMark : e ? t[r] : null; } function S6(t, e, r, o) { var f = x6(e, o, r); if (f != null) { if (!(isFinite(f) && Math.floor(f) === f) || f < 0) { var p = o ? r : "highWaterMark"; throw new _6(p, f); } return Math.floor(f); } return t.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; } wc.exports = { getHighWaterMark: S6 }; }); G0 = T2((fI, Mc) => { Mc.exports = E6; function E6(t, e) { if ($0("noDeprecation")) return t; var r = false; function o() { if (!r) { if ($0("throwDeprecation")) throw new Error(e); $0("traceDeprecation") ? console.trace(e) : console.warn(e), r = true; } return t.apply(this, arguments); } return o; } function $0(t) { try { if (!global.localStorage) return false; } catch { return false; } var e = global.localStorage[t]; return e == null ? false : String(e).toLowerCase() === "true"; } }); J0 = T2((aI, Rc) => { Rc.exports = ht; function xc(t) { var e = this; = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() { J6(e, t); }; } var Qn; ht.WritableState = Yf; var A6 = { deprecate: G0() }, Sc = W0(), ho = Ut().Buffer, R6 = global.Uint8Array || function() { }; function B6(t) { return ho.from(t); } function q6(t) { return ho.isBuffer(t) || t instanceof R6; } var X0 = Z0(), I6 = V0(), T6 = I6.getHighWaterMark, Li = sn().codes, k6 = Li.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, L6 = Li.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, N6 = Li.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, D6 = Li.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, P6 = Li.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, C6 = Li.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, O6 = Li.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, F6 = Li.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, ef = X0.errorOrDestroy; Ie()(ht, Sc); function U6() { } function Yf(t, e, r) { Qn = Qn || hn(), t = t || {}, typeof r != "boolean" && (r = e instanceof Qn), this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = T6(this, t, "writableHighWaterMark", r), this.finalCalled = false, this.needDrain = false, this.ending = false, this.ended = false, this.finished = false, this.destroyed = false; var o = t.decodeStrings === false; this.decodeStrings = !o, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = false, this.corked = 0, this.sync = true, this.bufferProcessing = false, this.onwrite = function(f) { V6(e, f); }, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = false, this.errorEmitted = false, this.emitClose = t.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !!t.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new xc(this); } Yf.prototype.getBuffer = function() { for (var e = this.bufferedRequest, r = [];e; ) r.push(e), e =; return r; }; (function() { try { Object.defineProperty(Yf.prototype, "buffer", { get: A6.deprecate(function() { return this.getBuffer(); }, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003") }); } catch { } })(); var so; typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (so = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(ht, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(e) { return, e) ? true : this !== ht ? false : e && e._writableState instanceof Yf; } })) : so = function(e) { return e instanceof this; }; function ht(t) { Qn = Qn || hn(); var e = this instanceof Qn; if (!e && !, this)) return new ht(t); this._writableState = new Yf(t, this, e), this.writable = true, t && (typeof t.write == "function" && (this._write = t.write), typeof t.writev == "function" && (this._writev = t.writev), typeof t.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = t.destroy), typeof == "function" && (this._final =,; } ht.prototype.pipe = function() { ef(this, new D6); }; function z6(t, e) { var r = new O6; ef(t, r), process.nextTick(e, r); } function H6(t, e, r, o) { var f; return r === null ? f = new C6 : typeof r != "string" && !e.objectMode && (f = new k6("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], r)), f ? (ef(t, f), process.nextTick(o, f), false) : true; } ht.prototype.write = function(t, e, r) { var o = this._writableState, f = false, p = !o.objectMode && q6(t); return p && !ho.isBuffer(t) && (t = B6(t)), typeof e == "function" && (r = e, e = null), p ? e = "buffer" : e || (e = o.defaultEncoding), typeof r != "function" && (r = U6), o.ending ? z6(this, r) : (p || H6(this, o, t, r)) && (o.pendingcb++, f = K6(this, o, p, t, e, r)), f; }; ht.prototype.cork = function() { this._writableState.corked++; }; ht.prototype.uncork = function() { var t = this._writableState; t.corked && (t.corked--, !t.writing && !t.corked && !t.bufferProcessing && t.bufferedRequest && Ec(this, t)); }; ht.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(e) { if (typeof e == "string" && (e = e.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((e + "").toLowerCase()) > -1)) throw new F6(e); return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = e, this; }; Object.defineProperty(ht.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }); function W6(t, e, r) { return !t.objectMode && t.decodeStrings !== false && typeof e == "string" && (e = ho.from(e, r)), e; } Object.defineProperty(ht.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }); function K6(t, e, r, o, f, p) { if (!r) { var m2 = W6(e, o, f); o !== m2 && (r = true, f = "buffer", o = m2); } var y2 = e.objectMode ? 1 : o.length; e.length += y2; var M = e.length < e.highWaterMark; if (M || (e.needDrain = true), e.writing || e.corked) { var x = e.lastBufferedRequest; e.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: o, encoding: f, isBuf: r, callback: p, next: null }, x ? = e.lastBufferedRequest : e.bufferedRequest = e.lastBufferedRequest, e.bufferedRequestCount += 1; } else Y0(t, e, false, y2, o, f, p); return M; } function Y0(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { e.writelen = o, e.writecb = m2, e.writing = true, e.sync = true, e.destroyed ? e.onwrite(new P6("write")) : r ? t._writev(f, e.onwrite) : t._write(f, p, e.onwrite), e.sync = false; } function j6(t, e, r, o, f) { --e.pendingcb, r ? (process.nextTick(f, o), process.nextTick(Gf, t, e), t._writableState.errorEmitted = true, ef(t, o)) : (f(o), t._writableState.errorEmitted = true, ef(t, o), Gf(t, e)); } function Z6(t) { t.writing = false, t.writecb = null, t.length -= t.writelen, t.writelen = 0; } function V6(t, e) { var r = t._writableState, o = r.sync, f = r.writecb; if (typeof f != "function") throw new N6; if (Z6(r), e) j6(t, r, o, e, f); else { var p = Ac(r) || t.destroyed; !p && !r.corked && !r.bufferProcessing && r.bufferedRequest && Ec(t, r), o ? process.nextTick(_c, t, r, p, f) : _c(t, r, p, f); } } function _c(t, e, r, o) { r || $6(t, e), e.pendingcb--, o(), Gf(t, e); } function $6(t, e) { e.length === 0 && e.needDrain && (e.needDrain = false, t.emit("drain")); } function Ec(t, e) { e.bufferProcessing = true; var r = e.bufferedRequest; if (t._writev && r && { var o = e.bufferedRequestCount, f = new Array(o), p = e.corkedRequestsFree; p.entry = r; for (var m2 = 0, y2 = true;r; ) f[m2] = r, r.isBuf || (y2 = false), r =, m2 += 1; f.allBuffers = y2, Y0(t, e, true, e.length, f, "", p.finish), e.pendingcb++, e.lastBufferedRequest = null, ? (e.corkedRequestsFree =, = null) : e.corkedRequestsFree = new xc(e), e.bufferedRequestCount = 0; } else { for (;r; ) { var { chunk: M, encoding: x, callback: S } = r, E2 = e.objectMode ? 1 : M.length; if (Y0(t, e, false, E2, M, x, S), r =, e.bufferedRequestCount--, e.writing) break; } r === null && (e.lastBufferedRequest = null); } e.bufferedRequest = r, e.bufferProcessing = false; } ht.prototype._write = function(t, e, r) { r(new L6("_write()")); }; ht.prototype._writev = null; ht.prototype.end = function(t, e, r) { var o = this._writableState; return typeof t == "function" ? (r = t, t = null, e = null) : typeof e == "function" && (r = e, e = null), t != null && this.write(t, e), o.corked && (o.corked = 1, this.uncork()), o.ending || X6(this, o, r), this; }; Object.defineProperty(ht.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; } }); function Ac(t) { return t.ending && t.length === 0 && t.bufferedRequest === null && !t.finished && !t.writing; } function G6(t, e) { t._final(function(r) { e.pendingcb--, r && ef(t, r), e.prefinished = true, t.emit("prefinish"), Gf(t, e); }); } function Y6(t, e) { !e.prefinished && !e.finalCalled && (typeof t._final == "function" && !e.destroyed ? (e.pendingcb++, e.finalCalled = true, process.nextTick(G6, t, e)) : (e.prefinished = true, t.emit("prefinish"))); } function Gf(t, e) { var r = Ac(e); if (r && (Y6(t, e), e.pendingcb === 0 && (e.finished = true, t.emit("finish"), e.autoDestroy))) { var o = t._readableState; (!o || o.autoDestroy && o.endEmitted) && t.destroy(); } return r; } function X6(t, e, r) { e.ending = true, Gf(t, e), r && (e.finished ? process.nextTick(r) : t.once("finish", r)), e.ended = true, t.writable = false; } function J6(t, e, r) { var o = t.entry; for (t.entry = null;o; ) { var f = o.callback; e.pendingcb--, f(r), o =; } = t; } Object.defineProperty(ht.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState === undefined ? false : this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e) { !this._writableState || (this._writableState.destroyed = e); } }); ht.prototype.destroy = X0.destroy; ht.prototype._undestroy = X0.undestroy; ht.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) { e(t); }; }); hn = T2((oI, qc) => { var Q6 = Object.keys || function(t) { var e = []; for (var r in t) e.push(r); return e; }; qc.exports = $r; var Bc = th(), eh = J0(); Ie()($r, Bc); for (Q0 = Q6(eh.prototype), uo = 0;uo < Q0.length; uo++) lo = Q0[uo], $r.prototype[lo] || ($r.prototype[lo] = eh.prototype[lo]); var Q0, lo, uo; function $r(t) { if (!(this instanceof $r)) return new $r(t);, t),, t), this.allowHalfOpen = true, t && (t.readable === false && (this.readable = false), t.writable === false && (this.writable = false), t.allowHalfOpen === false && (this.allowHalfOpen = false, this.once("end", eM))); } Object.defineProperty($r.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }); Object.defineProperty($r.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }); Object.defineProperty($r.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; } }); function eM() { this._writableState.ended || process.nextTick(tM, this); } function tM(t) { t.end(); } Object.defineProperty($r.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined ? false : this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e) { this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined || (this._readableState.destroyed = e, this._writableState.destroyed = e); } }); }); co = T2((Tc) => { var ih = Te().Buffer, Ic = ih.isEncoding || function(t) { switch (t = "" + t, t && t.toLowerCase()) { case "hex": case "utf8": case "utf-8": case "ascii": case "binary": case "base64": case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": case "raw": return true; default: return false; } }; function rM(t) { if (!t) return "utf8"; for (var e;; ) switch (t) { case "utf8": case "utf-8": return "utf8"; case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return "utf16le"; case "latin1": case "binary": return "latin1"; case "base64": case "ascii": case "hex": return t; default: if (e) return; t = ("" + t).toLowerCase(), e = true; } } function iM(t) { var e = rM(t); if (typeof e != "string" && (ih.isEncoding === Ic || !Ic(t))) throw new Error("Unknown encoding: " + t); return e || t; } Tc.StringDecoder = Xf; function Xf(t) { this.encoding = iM(t); var e; switch (this.encoding) { case "utf16le": this.text = hM, this.end = uM, e = 4; break; case "utf8": this.fillLast = aM, e = 4; break; case "base64": this.text = lM, this.end = dM, e = 3; break; default: this.write = cM, this.end = pM; return; } this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = ih.allocUnsafe(e); } Xf.prototype.write = function(t) { if (t.length === 0) return ""; var e, r; if (this.lastNeed) { if (e = this.fillLast(t), e === undefined) return ""; r = this.lastNeed, this.lastNeed = 0; } else r = 0; return r < t.length ? e ? e + this.text(t, r) : this.text(t, r) : e || ""; }; Xf.prototype.end = sM; Xf.prototype.text = oM; Xf.prototype.fillLast = function(t) { if (this.lastNeed <= t.length) return t.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal); t.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, t.length), this.lastNeed -= t.length; }; function rh(t) { return t <= 127 ? 0 : t >> 5 === 6 ? 2 : t >> 4 === 14 ? 3 : t >> 3 === 30 ? 4 : t >> 6 === 2 ? -1 : -2; } function nM(t, e, r) { var o = e.length - 1; if (o < r) return 0; var f = rh(e[o]); return f >= 0 ? (f > 0 && (t.lastNeed = f - 1), f) : --o < r || f === -2 ? 0 : (f = rh(e[o]), f >= 0 ? (f > 0 && (t.lastNeed = f - 2), f) : --o < r || f === -2 ? 0 : (f = rh(e[o]), f >= 0 ? (f > 0 && (f === 2 ? f = 0 : t.lastNeed = f - 3), f) : 0)); } function fM(t, e, r) { if ((e[0] & 192) !== 128) return t.lastNeed = 0, "\uFFFD"; if (t.lastNeed > 1 && e.length > 1) { if ((e[1] & 192) !== 128) return t.lastNeed = 1, "\uFFFD"; if (t.lastNeed > 2 && e.length > 2 && (e[2] & 192) !== 128) return t.lastNeed = 2, "\uFFFD"; } } function aM(t) { var e = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, r = fM(this, t, e); if (r !== undefined) return r; if (this.lastNeed <= t.length) return t.copy(this.lastChar, e, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal); t.copy(this.lastChar, e, 0, t.length), this.lastNeed -= t.length; } function oM(t, e) { var r = nM(this, t, e); if (!this.lastNeed) return t.toString("utf8", e); this.lastTotal = r; var o = t.length - (r - this.lastNeed); return t.copy(this.lastChar, 0, o), t.toString("utf8", e, o); } function sM(t) { var e = t && t.length ? this.write(t) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? e + "\uFFFD" : e; } function hM(t, e) { if ((t.length - e) % 2 === 0) { var r = t.toString("utf16le", e); if (r) { var o = r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1); if (o >= 55296 && o <= 56319) return this.lastNeed = 2, this.lastTotal = 4, this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = t[t.length - 1], r.slice(0, -1); } return r; } return this.lastNeed = 1, this.lastTotal = 2, this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 1], t.toString("utf16le", e, t.length - 1); } function uM(t) { var e = t && t.length ? this.write(t) : ""; if (this.lastNeed) { var r = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed; return e + this.lastChar.toString("utf16le", 0, r); } return e; } function lM(t, e) { var r = (t.length - e) % 3; return r === 0 ? t.toString("base64", e) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - r, this.lastTotal = 3, r === 1 ? this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = t[t.length - 1]), t.toString("base64", e, t.length - r)); } function dM(t) { var e = t && t.length ? this.write(t) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? e + this.lastChar.toString("base64", 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : e; } function cM(t) { return t.toString(this.encoding); } function pM(t) { return t && t.length ? this.write(t) : ""; } }); Jf = {}; Ja(Jf, { StringDecoder: () => po.StringDecoder, default: () => po.StringDecoder }); Qf = R0(() => { po = rn(co()); }); vo = T2((hI, Nc) => { var kc = sn().codes.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; function vM(t) { var e = false; return function() { if (!e) { e = true; for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), f = 0;f < r; f++) o[f] = arguments[f]; t.apply(this, o); } }; } function bM() { } function mM(t) { return t.setHeader && typeof t.abort == "function"; } function Lc(t, e, r) { if (typeof e == "function") return Lc(t, null, e); e || (e = {}), r = vM(r || bM); var o = e.readable || e.readable !== false && t.readable, f = e.writable || e.writable !== false && t.writable, p = function() { t.writable || y2(); }, m2 = t._writableState && t._writableState.finished, y2 = function() { f = false, m2 = true, o ||; }, M = t._readableState && t._readableState.endEmitted, x = function() { o = false, M = true, f ||; }, S = function(L2) {, L2); }, E2 = function() { var L2; if (o && !M) return (!t._readableState || !t._readableState.ended) && (L2 = new kc),, L2); if (f && !m2) return (!t._writableState || !t._writableState.ended) && (L2 = new kc),, L2); }, B = function() { t.req.on("finish", y2); }; return mM(t) ? (t.on("complete", y2), t.on("abort", E2), t.req ? B() : t.on("request", B)) : f && !t._writableState && (t.on("end", p), t.on("close", p)), t.on("end", x), t.on("finish", y2), e.error !== false && t.on("error", S), t.on("close", E2), function() { t.removeListener("complete", y2), t.removeListener("abort", E2), t.removeListener("request", B), t.req && t.req.removeListener("finish", y2), t.removeListener("end", p), t.removeListener("close", p), t.removeListener("finish", y2), t.removeListener("end", x), t.removeListener("error", S), t.removeListener("close", E2); }; } Nc.exports = Lc; }); Pc = T2((uI, Dc) => { var bo; function Ni(t, e, r) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: r, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : t[e] = r, t; } var gM = vo(), Di = Symbol("lastResolve"), un = Symbol("lastReject"), ea = Symbol("error"), mo = Symbol("ended"), ln = Symbol("lastPromise"), nh = Symbol("handlePromise"), dn = Symbol("stream"); function Pi(t, e) { return { value: t, done: e }; } function yM(t) { var e = t[Di]; if (e !== null) { var r = t[dn].read(); r !== null && (t[ln] = null, t[Di] = null, t[un] = null, e(Pi(r, false))); } } function wM(t) { process.nextTick(yM, t); } function MM(t, e) { return function(r, o) { t.then(function() { if (e[mo]) { r(Pi(undefined, true)); return; } e[nh](r, o); }, o); }; } var _M = Object.getPrototypeOf(function() { }), xM = Object.setPrototypeOf((bo = { get stream() { return this[dn]; }, next: function() { var e = this, r = this[ea]; if (r !== null) return Promise.reject(r); if (this[mo]) return Promise.resolve(Pi(undefined, true)); if (this[dn].destroyed) return new Promise(function(m2, y2) { process.nextTick(function() { e[ea] ? y2(e[ea]) : m2(Pi(undefined, true)); }); }); var o = this[ln], f; if (o) f = new Promise(MM(o, this)); else { var p = this[dn].read(); if (p !== null) return Promise.resolve(Pi(p, false)); f = new Promise(this[nh]); } return this[ln] = f, f; } }, Ni(bo, Symbol.asyncIterator, function() { return this; }), Ni(bo, "return", function() { var e = this; return new Promise(function(r, o) { e[dn].destroy(null, function(f) { if (f) { o(f); return; } r(Pi(undefined, true)); }); }); }), bo), _M), SM = function(e) { var r, o = Object.create(xM, (r = {}, Ni(r, dn, { value: e, writable: true }), Ni(r, Di, { value: null, writable: true }), Ni(r, un, { value: null, writable: true }), Ni(r, ea, { value: null, writable: true }), Ni(r, mo, { value: e._readableState.endEmitted, writable: true }), Ni(r, nh, { value: function(p, m2) { var y2 = o[dn].read(); y2 ? (o[ln] = null, o[Di] = null, o[un] = null, p(Pi(y2, false))) : (o[Di] = p, o[un] = m2); }, writable: true }), r)); return o[ln] = null, gM(e, function(f) { if (f && f.code !== "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE") { var p = o[un]; p !== null && (o[ln] = null, o[Di] = null, o[un] = null, p(f)), o[ea] = f; return; } var m2 = o[Di]; m2 !== null && (o[ln] = null, o[Di] = null, o[un] = null, m2(Pi(undefined, true))), o[mo] = true; }), e.on("readable", wM.bind(null, o)), o; }; Dc.exports = SM; }); Oc = T2((lI, Cc) => { Cc.exports = function() { throw new Error("Readable.from is not available in the browser"); }; }); th = T2((cI, $c) => { $c.exports = Ce; var tf; Ce.ReadableState = Hc; var dI = ki().EventEmitter, zc = function(e, r) { return e.listeners(r).length; }, ra = W0(), go = Ut().Buffer, EM = global.Uint8Array || function() { }; function AM(t) { return go.from(t); } function RM(t) { return go.isBuffer(t) || t instanceof EM; } var fh = $f(), Ne; fh && fh.debuglog ? Ne = fh.debuglog("stream") : Ne = function() { }; var BM = pc(), dh = Z0(), qM = V0(), IM = qM.getHighWaterMark, yo = sn().codes, TM = yo.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, kM = yo.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, LM = yo.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NM = yo.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT, rf, ah, oh; Ie()(Ce, ra); var ta = dh.errorOrDestroy, sh = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"]; function DM(t, e, r) { if (typeof t.prependListener == "function") return t.prependListener(e, r); !t._events || !t._events[e] ? t.on(e, r) : Array.isArray(t._events[e]) ? t._events[e].unshift(r) : t._events[e] = [r, t._events[e]]; } function Hc(t, e, r) { tf = tf || hn(), t = t || {}, typeof r != "boolean" && (r = e instanceof tf), this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = IM(this, t, "readableHighWaterMark", r), this.buffer = new BM, this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = false, this.endEmitted = false, this.reading = false, this.sync = true, this.needReadable = false, this.emittedReadable = false, this.readableListening = false, this.resumeScheduled = false, this.paused = true, this.emitClose = t.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !!t.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = false, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = false, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, t.encoding && (rf || (rf = (Qf(), ur(Jf)).StringDecoder), this.decoder = new rf(t.encoding), this.encoding = t.encoding); } function Ce(t) { if (tf = tf || hn(), !(this instanceof Ce)) return new Ce(t); var e = this instanceof tf; this._readableState = new Hc(t, this, e), this.readable = true, t && (typeof == "function" && (this._read =, typeof t.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = t.destroy)),; } Object.defineProperty(Ce.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState === undefined ? false : this._readableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e) { !this._readableState || (this._readableState.destroyed = e); } }); Ce.prototype.destroy = dh.destroy; Ce.prototype._undestroy = dh.undestroy; Ce.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) { e(t); }; Ce.prototype.push = function(t, e) { var r = this._readableState, o; return r.objectMode ? o = true : typeof t == "string" && (e = e || r.defaultEncoding, e !== r.encoding && (t = go.from(t, e), e = ""), o = true), Wc(this, t, e, false, o); }; Ce.prototype.unshift = function(t) { return Wc(this, t, null, true, false); }; function Wc(t, e, r, o, f) { Ne("readableAddChunk", e); var p = t._readableState; if (e === null) p.reading = false, OM(t, p); else { var m2; if (f || (m2 = PM(p, e)), m2) ta(t, m2); else if (p.objectMode || e && e.length > 0) if (typeof e != "string" && !p.objectMode && Object.getPrototypeOf(e) !== go.prototype && (e = AM(e)), o) p.endEmitted ? ta(t, new NM) : hh(t, p, e, true); else if (p.ended) ta(t, new kM); else { if (p.destroyed) return false; p.reading = false, p.decoder && !r ? (e = p.decoder.write(e), p.objectMode || e.length !== 0 ? hh(t, p, e, false) : lh(t, p)) : hh(t, p, e, false); } else o || (p.reading = false, lh(t, p)); } return !p.ended && (p.length < p.highWaterMark || p.length === 0); } function hh(t, e, r, o) { e.flowing && e.length === 0 && !e.sync ? (e.awaitDrain = 0, t.emit("data", r)) : (e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length, o ? e.buffer.unshift(r) : e.buffer.push(r), e.needReadable && wo(t)), lh(t, e); } function PM(t, e) { var r; return !RM(e) && typeof e != "string" && e !== undefined && !t.objectMode && (r = new TM("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], e)), r; } Ce.prototype.isPaused = function() { return this._readableState.flowing === false; }; Ce.prototype.setEncoding = function(t) { rf || (rf = (Qf(), ur(Jf)).StringDecoder); var e = new rf(t); this._readableState.decoder = e, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; for (var r = this._readableState.buffer.head, o = "";r !== null; ) o += e.write(, r =; return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), o !== "" && this._readableState.buffer.push(o), this._readableState.length = o.length, this; }; var Fc = 1073741824; function CM(t) { return t >= Fc ? t = Fc : (t--, t |= t >>> 1, t |= t >>> 2, t |= t >>> 4, t |= t >>> 8, t |= t >>> 16, t++), t; } function Uc(t, e) { return t <= 0 || e.length === 0 && e.ended ? 0 : e.objectMode ? 1 : t !== t ? e.flowing && e.length ? : e.length : (t > e.highWaterMark && (e.highWaterMark = CM(t)), t <= e.length ? t : e.ended ? e.length : (e.needReadable = true, 0)); } = function(t) { Ne("read", t), t = parseInt(t, 10); var e = this._readableState, r = t; if (t !== 0 && (e.emittedReadable = false), t === 0 && e.needReadable && ((e.highWaterMark !== 0 ? e.length >= e.highWaterMark : e.length > 0) || e.ended)) return Ne("read: emitReadable", e.length, e.ended), e.length === 0 && e.ended ? uh(this) : wo(this), null; if (t = Uc(t, e), t === 0 && e.ended) return e.length === 0 && uh(this), null; var o = e.needReadable; Ne("need readable", o), (e.length === 0 || e.length - t < e.highWaterMark) && (o = true, Ne("length less than watermark", o)), e.ended || e.reading ? (o = false, Ne("reading or ended", o)) : o && (Ne("do read"), e.reading = true, e.sync = true, e.length === 0 && (e.needReadable = true), this._read(e.highWaterMark), e.sync = false, e.reading || (t = Uc(r, e))); var f; return t > 0 ? f = Zc(t, e) : f = null, f === null ? (e.needReadable = e.length <= e.highWaterMark, t = 0) : (e.length -= t, e.awaitDrain = 0), e.length === 0 && (e.ended || (e.needReadable = true), r !== t && e.ended && uh(this)), f !== null && this.emit("data", f), f; }; function OM(t, e) { if (Ne("onEofChunk"), !e.ended) { if (e.decoder) { var r = e.decoder.end(); r && r.length && (e.buffer.push(r), e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length); } e.ended = true, e.sync ? wo(t) : (e.needReadable = false, e.emittedReadable || (e.emittedReadable = true, Kc(t))); } } function wo(t) { var e = t._readableState; Ne("emitReadable", e.needReadable, e.emittedReadable), e.needReadable = false, e.emittedReadable || (Ne("emitReadable", e.flowing), e.emittedReadable = true, process.nextTick(Kc, t)); } function Kc(t) { var e = t._readableState; Ne("emitReadable_", e.destroyed, e.length, e.ended), !e.destroyed && (e.length || e.ended) && (t.emit("readable"), e.emittedReadable = false), e.needReadable = !e.flowing && !e.ended && e.length <= e.highWaterMark, ch(t); } function lh(t, e) { e.readingMore || (e.readingMore = true, process.nextTick(FM, t, e)); } function FM(t, e) { for (;!e.reading && !e.ended && (e.length < e.highWaterMark || e.flowing && e.length === 0); ) { var r = e.length; if (Ne("maybeReadMore read 0"),, r === e.length) break; } e.readingMore = false; } Ce.prototype._read = function(t) { ta(this, new LM("_read()")); }; Ce.prototype.pipe = function(t, e) { var r = this, o = this._readableState; switch (o.pipesCount) { case 0: o.pipes = t; break; case 1: o.pipes = [o.pipes, t]; break; default: o.pipes.push(t); break; } o.pipesCount += 1, Ne("pipe count=%d opts=%j", o.pipesCount, e); var f = (!e || e.end !== false) && t !== process.stdout && t !== process.stderr, p = f ? y2 : ge; o.endEmitted ? process.nextTick(p) : r.once("end", p), t.on("unpipe", m2); function m2(_e, N) { Ne("onunpipe"), _e === r && N && N.hasUnpiped === false && (N.hasUnpiped = true, S()); } function y2() { Ne("onend"), t.end(); } var M = UM(r); t.on("drain", M); var x = false; function S() { Ne("cleanup"), t.removeListener("close", q2), t.removeListener("finish", L2), t.removeListener("drain", M), t.removeListener("error", B), t.removeListener("unpipe", m2), r.removeListener("end", y2), r.removeListener("end", ge), r.removeListener("data", E2), x = true, o.awaitDrain && (!t._writableState || t._writableState.needDrain) && M(); } r.on("data", E2); function E2(_e) { Ne("ondata"); var N = t.write(_e); Ne("dest.write", N), N === false && ((o.pipesCount === 1 && o.pipes === t || o.pipesCount > 1 && Vc(o.pipes, t) !== -1) && !x && (Ne("false write response, pause", o.awaitDrain), o.awaitDrain++), r.pause()); } function B(_e) { Ne("onerror", _e), ge(), t.removeListener("error", B), zc(t, "error") === 0 && ta(t, _e); } DM(t, "error", B); function q2() { t.removeListener("finish", L2), ge(); } t.once("close", q2); function L2() { Ne("onfinish"), t.removeListener("close", q2), ge(); } t.once("finish", L2); function ge() { Ne("unpipe"), r.unpipe(t); } return t.emit("pipe", r), o.flowing || (Ne("pipe resume"), r.resume()), t; }; function UM(t) { return function() { var r = t._readableState; Ne("pipeOnDrain", r.awaitDrain), r.awaitDrain && r.awaitDrain--, r.awaitDrain === 0 && zc(t, "data") && (r.flowing = true, ch(t)); }; } Ce.prototype.unpipe = function(t) { var e = this._readableState, r = { hasUnpiped: false }; if (e.pipesCount === 0) return this; if (e.pipesCount === 1) return t && t !== e.pipes ? this : (t || (t = e.pipes), e.pipes = null, e.pipesCount = 0, e.flowing = false, t && t.emit("unpipe", this, r), this); if (!t) { var { pipes: o, pipesCount: f } = e; e.pipes = null, e.pipesCount = 0, e.flowing = false; for (var p = 0;p < f; p++) o[p].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: false }); return this; } var m2 = Vc(e.pipes, t); return m2 === -1 ? this : (e.pipes.splice(m2, 1), e.pipesCount -= 1, e.pipesCount === 1 && (e.pipes = e.pipes[0]), t.emit("unpipe", this, r), this); }; Ce.prototype.on = function(t, e) { var r =, t, e), o = this._readableState; return t === "data" ? (o.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, o.flowing !== false && this.resume()) : t === "readable" && !o.endEmitted && !o.readableListening && (o.readableListening = o.needReadable = true, o.flowing = false, o.emittedReadable = false, Ne("on readable", o.length, o.reading), o.length ? wo(this) : o.reading || process.nextTick(zM, this)), r; }; Ce.prototype.addListener = Ce.prototype.on; Ce.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e) { var r =, t, e); return t === "readable" && process.nextTick(jc, this), r; }; Ce.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(t) { var e = ra.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); return (t === "readable" || t === undefined) && process.nextTick(jc, this), e; }; function jc(t) { var e = t._readableState; e.readableListening = t.listenerCount("readable") > 0, e.resumeScheduled && !e.paused ? e.flowing = true : t.listenerCount("data") > 0 && t.resume(); } function zM(t) { Ne("readable nexttick read 0"),; } Ce.prototype.resume = function() { var t = this._readableState; return t.flowing || (Ne("resume"), t.flowing = !t.readableListening, HM(this, t)), t.paused = false, this; }; function HM(t, e) { e.resumeScheduled || (e.resumeScheduled = true, process.nextTick(WM, t, e)); } function WM(t, e) { Ne("resume", e.reading), e.reading ||, e.resumeScheduled = false, t.emit("resume"), ch(t), e.flowing && !e.reading &&; } Ce.prototype.pause = function() { return Ne("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== false && (Ne("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = false, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = true, this; }; function ch(t) { var e = t._readableState; for (Ne("flow", e.flowing);e.flowing && !== null; ) ; } Ce.prototype.wrap = function(t) { var e = this, r = this._readableState, o = false; t.on("end", function() { if (Ne("wrapped end"), r.decoder && !r.ended) { var m2 = r.decoder.end(); m2 && m2.length && e.push(m2); } e.push(null); }), t.on("data", function(m2) { if (Ne("wrapped data"), r.decoder && (m2 = r.decoder.write(m2)), !(r.objectMode && m2 == null) && !(!r.objectMode && (!m2 || !m2.length))) { var y2 = e.push(m2); y2 || (o = true, t.pause()); } }); for (var f in t) this[f] === undefined && typeof t[f] == "function" && (this[f] = function(y2) { return function() { return t[y2].apply(t, arguments); }; }(f)); for (var p = 0;p < sh.length; p++) t.on(sh[p], this.emit.bind(this, sh[p])); return this._read = function(m2) { Ne("wrapped _read", m2), o && (o = false, t.resume()); }, this; }; typeof Symbol == "function" && (Ce.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return ah === undefined && (ah = Pc()), ah(this); }); Object.defineProperty(Ce.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; } }); Object.defineProperty(Ce.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; } }); Object.defineProperty(Ce.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.flowing; }, set: function(e) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = e); } }); Ce._fromList = Zc; Object.defineProperty(Ce.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.length; } }); function Zc(t, e) { if (e.length === 0) return null; var r; return e.objectMode ? r = e.buffer.shift() : !t || t >= e.length ? (e.decoder ? r = e.buffer.join("") : e.buffer.length === 1 ? r = e.buffer.first() : r = e.buffer.concat(e.length), e.buffer.clear()) : r = e.buffer.consume(t, e.decoder), r; } function uh(t) { var e = t._readableState; Ne("endReadable", e.endEmitted), e.endEmitted || (e.ended = true, process.nextTick(KM, e, t)); } function KM(t, e) { if (Ne("endReadableNT", t.endEmitted, t.length), !t.endEmitted && t.length === 0 && (t.endEmitted = true, e.readable = false, e.emit("end"), t.autoDestroy)) { var r = e._writableState; (!r || r.autoDestroy && r.finished) && e.destroy(); } } typeof Symbol == "function" && (Ce.from = function(t, e) { return oh === undefined && (oh = Oc()), oh(Ce, t, e); }); function Vc(t, e) { for (var r = 0, o = t.length;r < o; r++) if (t[r] === e) return r; return -1; } }); ph = T2((pI, Yc) => { Yc.exports = di; var Mo = sn().codes, jM = Mo.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ZM = Mo.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, VM = Mo.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, $M = Mo.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, _o = hn(); Ie()(di, _o); function GM(t, e) { var r = this._transformState; r.transforming = false; var o = r.writecb; if (o === null) return this.emit("error", new ZM); r.writechunk = null, r.writecb = null, e != null && this.push(e), o(t); var f = this._readableState; f.reading = false, (f.needReadable || f.length < f.highWaterMark) && this._read(f.highWaterMark); } function di(t) { if (!(this instanceof di)) return new di(t);, t), this._transformState = { afterTransform: GM.bind(this), needTransform: false, transforming: false, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }, this._readableState.needReadable = true, this._readableState.sync = false, t && (typeof t.transform == "function" && (this._transform = t.transform), typeof t.flush == "function" && (this._flush = t.flush)), this.on("prefinish", YM); } function YM() { var t = this; typeof this._flush == "function" && !this._readableState.destroyed ? this._flush(function(e, r) { Gc(t, e, r); }) : Gc(this, null, null); } di.prototype.push = function(t, e) { return this._transformState.needTransform = false,, t, e); }; di.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { r(new jM("_transform()")); }; di.prototype._write = function(t, e, r) { var o = this._transformState; if (o.writecb = r, o.writechunk = t, o.writeencoding = e, !o.transforming) { var f = this._readableState; (o.needTransform || f.needReadable || f.length < f.highWaterMark) && this._read(f.highWaterMark); } }; di.prototype._read = function(t) { var e = this._transformState; e.writechunk !== null && !e.transforming ? (e.transforming = true, this._transform(e.writechunk, e.writeencoding, e.afterTransform)) : e.needTransform = true; }; di.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) {, t, function(r) { e(r); }); }; function Gc(t, e, r) { if (e) return t.emit("error", e); if (r != null && t.push(r), t._writableState.length) throw new $M; if (t._transformState.transforming) throw new VM; return t.push(null); } }); Qc = T2((vI, Jc) => { Jc.exports = ia; var Xc = ph(); Ie()(ia, Xc); function ia(t) { if (!(this instanceof ia)) return new ia(t);, t); } ia.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { r(null, t); }; }); np = T2((bI, ip) => { var vh; function XM(t) { var e = false; return function() { e || (e = true, t.apply(undefined, arguments)); }; } var rp = sn().codes, JM = rp.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, QM = rp.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; function ep(t) { if (t) throw t; } function e4(t) { return t.setHeader && typeof t.abort == "function"; } function t4(t, e, r, o) { o = XM(o); var f = false; t.on("close", function() { f = true; }), vh === undefined && (vh = vo()), vh(t, { readable: e, writable: r }, function(m2) { if (m2) return o(m2); f = true, o(); }); var p = false; return function(m2) { if (!f && !p) { if (p = true, e4(t)) return t.abort(); if (typeof t.destroy == "function") return t.destroy(); o(m2 || new QM("pipe")); } }; } function tp(t) { t(); } function r4(t, e) { return t.pipe(e); } function i4(t) { return !t.length || typeof t[t.length - 1] != "function" ? ep : t.pop(); } function n4() { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0;r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; var o = i4(e); if (Array.isArray(e[0]) && (e = e[0]), e.length < 2) throw new JM("streams"); var f, p =, y2) { var M = y2 < e.length - 1, x = y2 > 0; return t4(m2, M, x, function(S) { f || (f = S), S && p.forEach(tp), !M && (p.forEach(tp), o(f)); }); }); return e.reduce(r4); } ip.exports = n4; }); ap = T2((cr, fp) => { cr = fp.exports = th(); cr.Stream = cr; cr.Readable = cr; cr.Writable = J0(); cr.Duplex = hn(); cr.Transform = ph(); cr.PassThrough = Qc(); cr.finished = vo(); cr.pipeline = np(); }); bh = T2((mI, sp) => { var xo = Te().Buffer, op = ap().Transform, f4 = Ie(); function a4(t, e) { if (!xo.isBuffer(t) && typeof t != "string") throw new TypeError(e + " must be a string or a buffer"); } function Ci(t) {, this._block = xo.allocUnsafe(t), this._blockSize = t, this._blockOffset = 0, this._length = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._finalized = false; } f4(Ci, op); Ci.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { var o = null; try { this.update(t, e); } catch (f) { o = f; } r(o); }; Ci.prototype._flush = function(t) { var e = null; try { this.push(this.digest()); } catch (r) { e = r; } t(e); }; Ci.prototype.update = function(t, e) { if (a4(t, "Data"), this._finalized) throw new Error("Digest already called"); xo.isBuffer(t) || (t = xo.from(t, e)); for (var r = this._block, o = 0;this._blockOffset + t.length - o >= this._blockSize; ) { for (var f = this._blockOffset;f < this._blockSize; ) r[f++] = t[o++]; this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0; } for (;o < t.length; ) r[this._blockOffset++] = t[o++]; for (var p = 0, m2 = t.length * 8;m2 > 0; ++p) this._length[p] += m2, m2 = this._length[p] / 4294967296 | 0, m2 > 0 && (this._length[p] -= 4294967296 * m2); return this; }; Ci.prototype._update = function() { throw new Error("_update is not implemented"); }; Ci.prototype.digest = function(t) { if (this._finalized) throw new Error("Digest already called"); this._finalized = true; var e = this._digest(); t !== undefined && (e = e.toString(t)), this._block.fill(0), this._blockOffset = 0; for (var r = 0;r < 4; ++r) this._length[r] = 0; return e; }; Ci.prototype._digest = function() { throw new Error("_digest is not implemented"); }; sp.exports = Ci; }); Ao = T2((gI, up) => { var o4 = Ie(), hp = bh(), s4 = Te().Buffer, h4 = new Array(16); function So() {, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878; } o4(So, hp); So.prototype._update = function() { for (var t = h4, e = 0;e < 16; ++e) t[e] = this._block.readInt32LE(e * 4); var r = this._a, o = this._b, f = this._c, p = this._d; r = jt(r, o, f, p, t[0], 3614090360, 7), p = jt(p, r, o, f, t[1], 3905402710, 12), f = jt(f, p, r, o, t[2], 606105819, 17), o = jt(o, f, p, r, t[3], 3250441966, 22), r = jt(r, o, f, p, t[4], 4118548399, 7), p = jt(p, r, o, f, t[5], 1200080426, 12), f = jt(f, p, r, o, t[6], 2821735955, 17), o = jt(o, f, p, r, t[7], 4249261313, 22), r = jt(r, o, f, p, t[8], 1770035416, 7), p = jt(p, r, o, f, t[9], 2336552879, 12), f = jt(f, p, r, o, t[10], 4294925233, 17), o = jt(o, f, p, r, t[11], 2304563134, 22), r = jt(r, o, f, p, t[12], 1804603682, 7), p = jt(p, r, o, f, t[13], 4254626195, 12), f = jt(f, p, r, o, t[14], 2792965006, 17), o = jt(o, f, p, r, t[15], 1236535329, 22), r = Zt(r, o, f, p, t[1], 4129170786, 5), p = Zt(p, r, o, f, t[6], 3225465664, 9), f = Zt(f, p, r, o, t[11], 643717713, 14), o = Zt(o, f, p, r, t[0], 3921069994, 20), r = Zt(r, o, f, p, t[5], 3593408605, 5), p = Zt(p, r, o, f, t[10], 38016083, 9), f = Zt(f, p, r, o, t[15], 3634488961, 14), o = Zt(o, f, p, r, t[4], 3889429448, 20), r = Zt(r, o, f, p, t[9], 568446438, 5), p = Zt(p, r, o, f, t[14], 3275163606, 9), f = Zt(f, p, r, o, t[3], 4107603335, 14), o = Zt(o, f, p, r, t[8], 1163531501, 20), r = Zt(r, o, f, p, t[13], 2850285829, 5), p = Zt(p, r, o, f, t[2], 4243563512, 9), f = Zt(f, p, r, o, t[7], 1735328473, 14), o = Zt(o, f, p, r, t[12], 2368359562, 20), r = Vt(r, o, f, p, t[5], 4294588738, 4), p = Vt(p, r, o, f, t[8], 2272392833, 11), f = Vt(f, p, r, o, t[11], 1839030562, 16), o = Vt(o, f, p, r, t[14], 4259657740, 23), r = Vt(r, o, f, p, t[1], 2763975236, 4), p = Vt(p, r, o, f, t[4], 1272893353, 11), f = Vt(f, p, r, o, t[7], 4139469664, 16), o = Vt(o, f, p, r, t[10], 3200236656, 23), r = Vt(r, o, f, p, t[13], 681279174, 4), p = Vt(p, r, o, f, t[0], 3936430074, 11), f = Vt(f, p, r, o, t[3], 3572445317, 16), o = Vt(o, f, p, r, t[6], 76029189, 23), r = Vt(r, o, f, p, t[9], 3654602809, 4), p = Vt(p, r, o, f, t[12], 3873151461, 11), f = Vt(f, p, r, o, t[15], 530742520, 16), o = Vt(o, f, p, r, t[2], 3299628645, 23), r = $t(r, o, f, p, t[0], 4096336452, 6), p = $t(p, r, o, f, t[7], 1126891415, 10), f = $t(f, p, r, o, t[14], 2878612391, 15), o = $t(o, f, p, r, t[5], 4237533241, 21), r = $t(r, o, f, p, t[12], 1700485571, 6), p = $t(p, r, o, f, t[3], 2399980690, 10), f = $t(f, p, r, o, t[10], 4293915773, 15), o = $t(o, f, p, r, t[1], 2240044497, 21), r = $t(r, o, f, p, t[8], 1873313359, 6), p = $t(p, r, o, f, t[15], 4264355552, 10), f = $t(f, p, r, o, t[6], 2734768916, 15), o = $t(o, f, p, r, t[13], 1309151649, 21), r = $t(r, o, f, p, t[4], 4149444226, 6), p = $t(p, r, o, f, t[11], 3174756917, 10), f = $t(f, p, r, o, t[2], 718787259, 15), o = $t(o, f, p, r, t[9], 3951481745, 21), this._a = this._a + r | 0, this._b = this._b + o | 0, this._c = this._c + f | 0, this._d = this._d + p | 0; }; So.prototype._digest = function() { this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128, this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update(); var t = s4.allocUnsafe(16); return t.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), t.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), t.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), t.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), t; }; function Eo(t, e) { return t << e | t >>> 32 - e; } function jt(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { return Eo(t + (e & r | ~e & o) + f + p | 0, m2) + e | 0; } function Zt(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { return Eo(t + (e & o | r & ~o) + f + p | 0, m2) + e | 0; } function Vt(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { return Eo(t + (e ^ r ^ o) + f + p | 0, m2) + e | 0; } function $t(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { return Eo(t + (r ^ (e | ~o)) + f + p | 0, m2) + e | 0; } up.exports = So; }); Bo = T2((yI, mp) => { var mh = Ut().Buffer, u4 = Ie(), bp = bh(), l4 = new Array(16), na = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], fa = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], aa = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], oa = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11], sa = [0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838], ha = [1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]; function Ro() {, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520; } u4(Ro, bp); Ro.prototype._update = function() { for (var t = l4, e = 0;e < 16; ++e) t[e] = this._block.readInt32LE(e * 4); for (var r = this._a | 0, o = this._b | 0, f = this._c | 0, p = this._d | 0, m2 = this._e | 0, y2 = this._a | 0, M = this._b | 0, x = this._c | 0, S = this._d | 0, E2 = this._e | 0, B = 0;B < 80; B += 1) { var q2, L2; B < 16 ? (q2 = lp(r, o, f, p, m2, t[na[B]], sa[0], aa[B]), L2 = vp(y2, M, x, S, E2, t[fa[B]], ha[0], oa[B])) : B < 32 ? (q2 = dp(r, o, f, p, m2, t[na[B]], sa[1], aa[B]), L2 = pp(y2, M, x, S, E2, t[fa[B]], ha[1], oa[B])) : B < 48 ? (q2 = cp(r, o, f, p, m2, t[na[B]], sa[2], aa[B]), L2 = cp(y2, M, x, S, E2, t[fa[B]], ha[2], oa[B])) : B < 64 ? (q2 = pp(r, o, f, p, m2, t[na[B]], sa[3], aa[B]), L2 = dp(y2, M, x, S, E2, t[fa[B]], ha[3], oa[B])) : (q2 = vp(r, o, f, p, m2, t[na[B]], sa[4], aa[B]), L2 = lp(y2, M, x, S, E2, t[fa[B]], ha[4], oa[B])), r = m2, m2 = p, p = cn(f, 10), f = o, o = q2, y2 = E2, E2 = S, S = cn(x, 10), x = M, M = L2; } var ge = this._b + f + S | 0; this._b = this._c + p + E2 | 0, this._c = this._d + m2 + y2 | 0, this._d = this._e + r + M | 0, this._e = this._a + o + x | 0, this._a = ge; }; Ro.prototype._digest = function() { this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128, this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update(); var t = mh.alloc ? mh.alloc(20) : new mh(20); return t.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), t.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), t.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), t.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), t.writeInt32LE(this._e, 16), t; }; function cn(t, e) { return t << e | t >>> 32 - e; } function lp(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y2) { return cn(t + (e ^ r ^ o) + p + m2 | 0, y2) + f | 0; } function dp(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y2) { return cn(t + (e & r | ~e & o) + p + m2 | 0, y2) + f | 0; } function cp(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y2) { return cn(t + ((e | ~r) ^ o) + p + m2 | 0, y2) + f | 0; } function pp(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y2) { return cn(t + (e & o | r & ~o) + p + m2 | 0, y2) + f | 0; } function vp(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y2) { return cn(t + (e ^ (r | ~o)) + p + m2 | 0, y2) + f | 0; } mp.exports = Ro; }); pn = T2((wI, yp) => { var gp = Te().Buffer; function qo(t, e) { this._block = gp.alloc(t), this._finalSize = e, this._blockSize = t, this._len = 0; } qo.prototype.update = function(t, e) { typeof t == "string" && (e = e || "utf8", t = gp.from(t, e)); for (var r = this._block, o = this._blockSize, f = t.length, p = this._len, m2 = 0;m2 < f; ) { for (var y2 = p % o, M = Math.min(f - m2, o - y2), x = 0;x < M; x++) r[y2 + x] = t[m2 + x]; p += M, m2 += M, p % o === 0 && this._update(r); } return this._len += f, this; }; qo.prototype.digest = function(t) { var e = this._len % this._blockSize; this._block[e] = 128, this._block.fill(0, e + 1), e >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0)); var r = this._len * 8; if (r <= 4294967295) this._block.writeUInt32BE(r, this._blockSize - 4); else { var o = (r & 4294967295) >>> 0, f = (r - o) / 4294967296; this._block.writeUInt32BE(f, this._blockSize - 8), this._block.writeUInt32BE(o, this._blockSize - 4); } this._update(this._block); var p = this._hash(); return t ? p.toString(t) : p; }; qo.prototype._update = function() { throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass"); }; yp.exports = qo; }); _p = T2((MI, Mp) => { var d4 = Ie(), wp = pn(), c4 = Te().Buffer, p4 = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], v4 = new Array(80); function ua() { this.init(), this._w = v4,, 64, 56); } d4(ua, wp); ua.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520, this; }; function b4(t) { return t << 5 | t >>> 27; } function m4(t) { return t << 30 | t >>> 2; } function g4(t, e, r, o) { return t === 0 ? e & r | ~e & o : t === 2 ? e & r | e & o | r & o : e ^ r ^ o; } ua.prototype._update = function(t) { for (var e = this._w, r = this._a | 0, o = this._b | 0, f = this._c | 0, p = this._d | 0, m2 = this._e | 0, y2 = 0;y2 < 16; ++y2) e[y2] = t.readInt32BE(y2 * 4); for (;y2 < 80; ++y2) e[y2] = e[y2 - 3] ^ e[y2 - 8] ^ e[y2 - 14] ^ e[y2 - 16]; for (var M = 0;M < 80; ++M) { var x = ~~(M / 20), S = b4(r) + g4(x, o, f, p) + m2 + e[M] + p4[x] | 0; m2 = p, p = f, f = m4(o), o = r, r = S; } this._a = r + this._a | 0, this._b = o + this._b | 0, this._c = f + this._c | 0, this._d = p + this._d | 0, this._e = m2 + this._e | 0; }; ua.prototype._hash = function() { var t = c4.allocUnsafe(20); return t.writeInt32BE(this._a | 0, 0), t.writeInt32BE(this._b | 0, 4), t.writeInt32BE(this._c | 0, 8), t.writeInt32BE(this._d | 0, 12), t.writeInt32BE(this._e | 0, 16), t; }; Mp.exports = ua; }); Ep = T2((_I, Sp) => { var y4 = Ie(), xp = pn(), w4 = Te().Buffer, M4 = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], _4 = new Array(80); function la() { this.init(), this._w = _4,, 64, 56); } y4(la, xp); la.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520, this; }; function x4(t) { return t << 1 | t >>> 31; } function S4(t) { return t << 5 | t >>> 27; } function E4(t) { return t << 30 | t >>> 2; } function A4(t, e, r, o) { return t === 0 ? e & r | ~e & o : t === 2 ? e & r | e & o | r & o : e ^ r ^ o; } la.prototype._update = function(t) { for (var e = this._w, r = this._a | 0, o = this._b | 0, f = this._c | 0, p = this._d | 0, m2 = this._e | 0, y2 = 0;y2 < 16; ++y2) e[y2] = t.readInt32BE(y2 * 4); for (;y2 < 80; ++y2) e[y2] = x4(e[y2 - 3] ^ e[y2 - 8] ^ e[y2 - 14] ^ e[y2 - 16]); for (var M = 0;M < 80; ++M) { var x = ~~(M / 20), S = S4(r) + A4(x, o, f, p) + m2 + e[M] + M4[x] | 0; m2 = p, p = f, f = E4(o), o = r, r = S; } this._a = r + this._a | 0, this._b = o + this._b | 0, this._c = f + this._c | 0, this._d = p + this._d | 0, this._e = m2 + this._e | 0; }; la.prototype._hash = function() { var t = w4.allocUnsafe(20); return t.writeInt32BE(this._a | 0, 0), t.writeInt32BE(this._b | 0, 4), t.writeInt32BE(this._c | 0, 8), t.writeInt32BE(this._d | 0, 12), t.writeInt32BE(this._e | 0, 16), t; }; Sp.exports = la; }); gh = T2((xI, Rp) => { var R4 = Ie(), Ap = pn(), B4 = Te().Buffer, q4 = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], I4 = new Array(64); function da() { this.init(), this._w = I4,, 64, 56); } R4(da, Ap); da.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 1779033703, this._b = 3144134277, this._c = 1013904242, this._d = 2773480762, this._e = 1359893119, this._f = 2600822924, this._g = 528734635, this._h = 1541459225, this; }; function T4(t, e, r) { return r ^ t & (e ^ r); } function k4(t, e, r) { return t & e | r & (t | e); } function L4(t) { return (t >>> 2 | t << 30) ^ (t >>> 13 | t << 19) ^ (t >>> 22 | t << 10); } function N4(t) { return (t >>> 6 | t << 26) ^ (t >>> 11 | t << 21) ^ (t >>> 25 | t << 7); } function D4(t) { return (t >>> 7 | t << 25) ^ (t >>> 18 | t << 14) ^ t >>> 3; } function P4(t) { return (t >>> 17 | t << 15) ^ (t >>> 19 | t << 13) ^ t >>> 10; } da.prototype._update = function(t) { for (var e = this._w, r = this._a | 0, o = this._b | 0, f = this._c | 0, p = this._d | 0, m2 = this._e | 0, y2 = this._f | 0, M = this._g | 0, x = this._h | 0, S = 0;S < 16; ++S) e[S] = t.readInt32BE(S * 4); for (;S < 64; ++S) e[S] = P4(e[S - 2]) + e[S - 7] + D4(e[S - 15]) + e[S - 16] | 0; for (var E2 = 0;E2 < 64; ++E2) { var B = x + N4(m2) + T4(m2, y2, M) + q4[E2] + e[E2] | 0, q2 = L4(r) + k4(r, o, f) | 0; x = M, M = y2, y2 = m2, m2 = p + B | 0, p = f, f = o, o = r, r = B + q2 | 0; } this._a = r + this._a | 0, this._b = o + this._b | 0, this._c = f + this._c | 0, this._d = p + this._d | 0, this._e = m2 + this._e | 0, this._f = y2 + this._f | 0, this._g = M + this._g | 0, this._h = x + this._h | 0; }; da.prototype._hash = function() { var t = B4.allocUnsafe(32); return t.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), t.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), t.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), t.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), t.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), t.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), t.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), t.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28), t; }; Rp.exports = da; }); qp = T2((SI, Bp) => { var C4 = Ie(), O4 = gh(), F4 = pn(), U4 = Te().Buffer, z4 = new Array(64); function Io() { this.init(), this._w = z4,, 64, 56); } C4(Io, O4); Io.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 3238371032, this._b = 914150663, this._c = 812702999, this._d = 4144912697, this._e = 4290775857, this._f = 1750603025, this._g = 1694076839, this._h = 3204075428, this; }; Io.prototype._hash = function() { var t = U4.allocUnsafe(28); return t.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), t.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), t.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), t.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), t.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), t.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), t.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), t; }; Bp.exports = Io; }); yh = T2((EI, Pp) => { var H4 = Ie(), Dp = pn(), W4 = Te().Buffer, Ip = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591], K4 = new Array(160); function ca() { this.init(), this._w = K4,, 128, 112); } H4(ca, Dp); ca.prototype.init = function() { return this._ah = 1779033703, this._bh = 3144134277, this._ch = 1013904242, this._dh = 2773480762, this._eh = 1359893119, this._fh = 2600822924, this._gh = 528734635, this._hh = 1541459225, this._al = 4089235720, this._bl = 2227873595, this._cl = 4271175723, this._dl = 1595750129, this._el = 2917565137, this._fl = 725511199, this._gl = 4215389547, this._hl = 327033209, this; }; function Tp(t, e, r) { return r ^ t & (e ^ r); } function kp(t, e, r) { return t & e | r & (t | e); } function Lp(t, e) { return (t >>> 28 | e << 4) ^ (e >>> 2 | t << 30) ^ (e >>> 7 | t << 25); } function Np(t, e) { return (t >>> 14 | e << 18) ^ (t >>> 18 | e << 14) ^ (e >>> 9 | t << 23); } function j4(t, e) { return (t >>> 1 | e << 31) ^ (t >>> 8 | e << 24) ^ t >>> 7; } function Z4(t, e) { return (t >>> 1 | e << 31) ^ (t >>> 8 | e << 24) ^ (t >>> 7 | e << 25); } function V4(t, e) { return (t >>> 19 | e << 13) ^ (e >>> 29 | t << 3) ^ t >>> 6; } function $4(t, e) { return (t >>> 19 | e << 13) ^ (e >>> 29 | t << 3) ^ (t >>> 6 | e << 26); } function Pt(t, e) { return t >>> 0 < e >>> 0 ? 1 : 0; } ca.prototype._update = function(t) { for (var e = this._w, r = this._ah | 0, o = this._bh | 0, f = this._ch | 0, p = this._dh | 0, m2 = this._eh | 0, y2 = this._fh | 0, M = this._gh | 0, x = this._hh | 0, S = this._al | 0, E2 = this._bl | 0, B = this._cl | 0, q2 = this._dl | 0, L2 = this._el | 0, ge = this._fl | 0, _e = this._gl | 0, N = this._hl | 0, we = 0;we < 32; we += 2) e[we] = t.readInt32BE(we * 4), e[we + 1] = t.readInt32BE(we * 4 + 4); for (;we < 160; we += 2) { var ye = e[we - 30], xe = e[we - 15 * 2 + 1], Re = j4(ye, xe), Ee = Z4(xe, ye); ye = e[we - 2 * 2], xe = e[we - 2 * 2 + 1]; var Ae = V4(ye, xe), P = $4(xe, ye), Se = e[we - 7 * 2], v = e[we - 7 * 2 + 1], i = e[we - 16 * 2], a = e[we - 16 * 2 + 1], h2 = Ee + v | 0, s = Re + Se + Pt(h2, Ee) | 0; h2 = h2 + P | 0, s = s + Ae + Pt(h2, P) | 0, h2 = h2 + a | 0, s = s + i + Pt(h2, a) | 0, e[we] = s, e[we + 1] = h2; } for (var u = 0;u < 160; u += 2) { s = e[u], h2 = e[u + 1]; var c = kp(r, o, f), b2 = kp(S, E2, B), l = Lp(r, S), n = Lp(S, r), d = Np(m2, L2), w = Np(L2, m2), g = Ip[u], _2 = Ip[u + 1], A2 = Tp(m2, y2, M), R2 = Tp(L2, ge, _e), I = N + w | 0, Me = x + d + Pt(I, N) | 0; I = I + R2 | 0, Me = Me + A2 + Pt(I, R2) | 0, I = I + _2 | 0, Me = Me + g + Pt(I, _2) | 0, I = I + h2 | 0, Me = Me + s + Pt(I, h2) | 0; var k = n + b2 | 0, D2 = l + c + Pt(k, n) | 0; x = M, N = _e, M = y2, _e = ge, y2 = m2, ge = L2, L2 = q2 + I | 0, m2 = p + Me + Pt(L2, q2) | 0, p = f, q2 = B, f = o, B = E2, o = r, E2 = S, S = I + k | 0, r = Me + D2 + Pt(S, I) | 0; } this._al = this._al + S | 0, this._bl = this._bl + E2 | 0, this._cl = this._cl + B | 0, this._dl = this._dl + q2 | 0, this._el = this._el + L2 | 0, this._fl = this._fl + ge | 0, this._gl = this._gl + _e | 0, this._hl = this._hl + N | 0, this._ah = this._ah + r + Pt(this._al, S) | 0, this._bh = this._bh + o + Pt(this._bl, E2) | 0, this._ch = this._ch + f + Pt(this._cl, B) | 0, this._dh = this._dh + p + Pt(this._dl, q2) | 0, this._eh = this._eh + m2 + Pt(this._el, L2) | 0, this._fh = this._fh + y2 + Pt(this._fl, ge) | 0, this._gh = this._gh + M + Pt(this._gl, _e) | 0, this._hh = this._hh + x + Pt(this._hl, N) | 0; }; ca.prototype._hash = function() { var t = W4.allocUnsafe(64); function e(r, o, f) { t.writeInt32BE(r, f), t.writeInt32BE(o, f + 4); } return e(this._ah, this._al, 0), e(this._bh, this._bl, 8), e(this._ch, this._cl, 16), e(this._dh, this._dl, 24), e(this._eh, this._el, 32), e(this._fh, this._fl, 40), e(this._gh, this._gl, 48), e(this._hh, this._hl, 56), t; }; Pp.exports = ca; }); Op = T2((AI, Cp) => { var G4 = Ie(), Y4 = yh(), X4 = pn(), J4 = Te().Buffer, Q4 = new Array(160); function To() { this.init(), this._w = Q4,, 128, 112); } G4(To, Y4); To.prototype.init = function() { return this._ah = 3418070365, this._bh = 1654270250, this._ch = 2438529370, this._dh = 355462360, this._eh = 1731405415, this._fh = 2394180231, this._gh = 3675008525, this._hh = 1203062813, this._al = 3238371032, this._bl = 914150663, this._cl = 812702999, this._dl = 4144912697, this._el = 4290775857, this._fl = 1750603025, this._gl = 1694076839, this._hl = 3204075428, this; }; To.prototype._hash = function() { var t = J4.allocUnsafe(48); function e(r, o, f) { t.writeInt32BE(r, f), t.writeInt32BE(o, f + 4); } return e(this._ah, this._al, 0), e(this._bh, this._bl, 8), e(this._ch, this._cl, 16), e(this._dh, this._dl, 24), e(this._eh, this._el, 32), e(this._fh, this._fl, 40), t; }; Cp.exports = To; }); ko = T2((ci, Fp) => { var ci = Fp.exports = function(e) { e = e.toLowerCase(); var r = ci[e]; if (!r) throw new Error(e + " is not supported (we accept pull requests)"); return new r; }; ci.sha = _p(); ci.sha1 = Ep(); ci.sha224 = qp(); ci.sha256 = gh(); ci.sha384 = Op(); ci.sha512 = yh(); }); Tt = T2((RI, Up) => { Up.exports = { ArrayIsArray(t) { return Array.isArray(t); }, ArrayPrototypeIncludes(t, e) { return t.includes(e); }, ArrayPrototypeIndexOf(t, e) { return t.indexOf(e); }, ArrayPrototypeJoin(t, e) { return t.join(e); }, ArrayPrototypeMap(t, e) { return; }, ArrayPrototypePop(t, e) { return t.pop(e); }, ArrayPrototypePush(t, e) { return t.push(e); }, ArrayPrototypeSlice(t, e, r) { return t.slice(e, r); }, Error, FunctionPrototypeCall(t, e, ...r) { return, ...r); }, FunctionPrototypeSymbolHasInstance(t, e) { return Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance].call(t, e); }, MathFloor: Math.floor, Number, NumberIsInteger: Number.isInteger, NumberIsNaN: Number.isNaN, NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, NumberParseInt: Number.parseInt, ObjectDefineProperties(t, e) { return Object.defineProperties(t, e); }, ObjectDefineProperty(t, e, r) { return Object.defineProperty(t, e, r); }, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e); }, ObjectKeys(t) { return Object.keys(t); }, ObjectSetPrototypeOf(t, e) { return Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e); }, Promise, PromisePrototypeCatch(t, e) { return t.catch(e); }, PromisePrototypeThen(t, e, r) { return t.then(e, r); }, PromiseReject(t) { return Promise.reject(t); }, ReflectApply: Reflect.apply, RegExpPrototypeTest(t, e) { return t.test(e); }, SafeSet: Set, String, StringPrototypeSlice(t, e, r) { return t.slice(e, r); }, StringPrototypeToLowerCase(t) { return t.toLowerCase(); }, StringPrototypeToUpperCase(t) { return t.toUpperCase(); }, StringPrototypeTrim(t) { return t.trim(); }, Symbol, SymbolAsyncIterator: Symbol.asyncIterator, SymbolHasInstance: Symbol.hasInstance, SymbolIterator: Symbol.iterator, TypedArrayPrototypeSet(t, e, r) { return t.set(e, r); }, Uint8Array }; }); Gr = T2((BI, Mh) => { var e_ = Ut(), t_ = Object.getPrototypeOf(async function() { }).constructor, zp = globalThis.Blob || e_.Blob, r_ = typeof zp < "u" ? function(e) { return e instanceof zp; } : function(e) { return false; }, wh = class extends Error { constructor(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError(`Expected input to be an Array, got ${typeof e}`); let r = ""; for (let o = 0;o < e.length; o++) r += ` ${e[o].stack} `; super(r), = "AggregateError", this.errors = e; } }; Mh.exports = { AggregateError: wh, kEmptyObject: Object.freeze({}), once(t) { let e = false; return function(...r) { e || (e = true, t.apply(this, r)); }; }, createDeferredPromise: function() { let t, e; return { promise: new Promise((o, f) => { t = o, e = f; }), resolve: t, reject: e }; }, promisify(t) { return new Promise((e, r) => { t((o, ...f) => o ? r(o) : e(...f)); }); }, debuglog() { return function() { }; }, format(t, ...e) { return t.replace(/%([sdifj])/g, function(...[r, o]) { let f = e.shift(); return o === "f" ? f.toFixed(6) : o === "j" ? JSON.stringify(f) : o === "s" && typeof f == "object" ? `${f.constructor !== Object ? : ""} {}`.trim() : f.toString(); }); }, inspect(t) { switch (typeof t) { case "string": if (t.includes("'")) if (t.includes('"')) { if (!t.includes("`") && !t.includes("${")) return `\`${t}\``; } else return `"${t}"`; return `'${t}'`; case "number": return isNaN(t) ? "NaN" :, -0) ? String(t) : t; case "bigint": return `${String(t)}n`; case "boolean": case "undefined": return String(t); case "object": return "{}"; } }, types: { isAsyncFunction(t) { return t instanceof t_; }, isArrayBufferView(t) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(t); } }, isBlob: r_ }; Mh.exports.promisify.custom = Symbol.for("nodejs.util.promisify.custom"); }); No = T2((qI, Lo) => { var { AbortController: Hp, AbortSignal: i_ } = typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : undefined; Lo.exports = Hp; Lo.exports.AbortSignal = i_; Lo.exports.default = Hp; }); Jt = T2((II, jp) => { var { format: n_, inspect: Do, AggregateError: f_ } = Gr(), a_ = globalThis.AggregateError || f_, o_ = Symbol("kIsNodeError"), s_ = ["string", "function", "number", "object", "Function", "Object", "boolean", "bigint", "symbol"], h_ = /^([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)+$/, u_ = "__node_internal_", Po = {}; function vn(t, e) { if (!t) throw new Po.ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION(e); } function Wp(t) { let e = "", r = t.length, o = t[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0; for (;r >= o + 4; r -= 3) e = `_${t.slice(r - 3, r)}${e}`; return `${t.slice(0, r)}${e}`; } function l_(t, e, r) { if (typeof e == "function") return vn(e.length <= r.length, `Code: ${t}; The provided arguments length (${r.length}) does not match the required ones (${e.length}).`), e(...r); let o = (e.match(/%[dfijoOs]/g) || []).length; return vn(o === r.length, `Code: ${t}; The provided arguments length (${r.length}) does not match the required ones (${o}).`), r.length === 0 ? e : n_(e, ...r); } function zt(t, e, r) { r || (r = Error); class o extends r { constructor(...p) { super(l_(t, e, p)); } toString() { return `${} [${t}]: ${this.message}`; } } Object.defineProperties(o.prototype, { name: { value:, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true }, toString: { value() { return `${} [${t}]: ${this.message}`; }, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true } }), o.prototype.code = t, o.prototype[o_] = true, Po[t] = o; } function Kp(t) { let e = u_ +; return Object.defineProperty(t, "name", { value: e }), t; } function d_(t, e) { if (t && e && t !== e) { if (Array.isArray(e.errors)) return e.errors.push(t), e; let r = new a_([e, t], e.message); return r.code = e.code, r; } return t || e; } var _h = class extends Error { constructor(e = "The operation was aborted", r = undefined) { if (r !== undefined && typeof r != "object") throw new Po.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("options", "Object", r); super(e, r), this.code = "ABORT_ERR", = "AbortError"; } }; zt("ERR_ASSERTION", "%s", Error); zt("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", (t, e, r) => { vn(typeof t == "string", "'name' must be a string"), Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]); let o = "The "; t.endsWith(" argument") ? o += `${t} ` : o += `"${t}" ${t.includes(".") ? "property" : "argument"} `, o += "must be "; let f = [], p = [], m2 = []; for (let M of e) vn(typeof M == "string", "All expected entries have to be of type string"), s_.includes(M) ? f.push(M.toLowerCase()) : h_.test(M) ? p.push(M) : (vn(M !== "object", 'The value "object" should be written as "Object"'), m2.push(M)); if (p.length > 0) { let M = f.indexOf("object"); M !== -1 && (f.splice(f, M, 1), p.push("Object")); } if (f.length > 0) { switch (f.length) { case 1: o += `of type ${f[0]}`; break; case 2: o += `one of type ${f[0]} or ${f[1]}`; break; default: { let M = f.pop(); o += `one of type ${f.join(", ")}, or ${M}`; } } (p.length > 0 || m2.length > 0) && (o += " or "); } if (p.length > 0) { switch (p.length) { case 1: o += `an instance of ${p[0]}`; break; case 2: o += `an instance of ${p[0]} or ${p[1]}`; break; default: { let M = p.pop(); o += `an instance of ${p.join(", ")}, or ${M}`; } } m2.length > 0 && (o += " or "); } switch (m2.length) { case 0: break; case 1: m2[0].toLowerCase() !== m2[0] && (o += "an "), o += `${m2[0]}`; break; case 2: o += `one of ${m2[0]} or ${m2[1]}`; break; default: { let M = m2.pop(); o += `one of ${m2.join(", ")}, or ${M}`; } } if (r == null) o += `. Received ${r}`; else if (typeof r == "function" && o += `. Received function ${}`; else if (typeof r == "object") { var y2; (y2 = r.constructor) !== null && y2 !== undefined && ? o += `. Received an instance of ${}` : o += `. Received ${Do(r, { depth: -1 })}`; } else { let M = Do(r, { colors: false }); M.length > 25 && (M = `${M.slice(0, 25)}...`), o += `. Received type ${typeof r} (${M})`; } return o; }, TypeError); zt("ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE", (t, e, r = "is invalid") => { let o = Do(e); return o.length > 128 && (o = o.slice(0, 128) + "..."), `The ${t.includes(".") ? "property" : "argument"} '${t}' ${r}. Received ${o}`; }, TypeError); zt("ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE", (t, e, r) => { var o; let f = r != null && (o = r.constructor) !== null && o !== undefined && ? `instance of ${}` : `type ${typeof r}`; return `Expected ${t} to be returned from the "${e}" function but got ${f}.`; }, TypeError); zt("ERR_MISSING_ARGS", (...t) => { vn(t.length > 0, "At least one arg needs to be specified"); let e, r = t.length; switch (t = (Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t]).map((o) => `"${o}"`).join(" or "), r) { case 1: e += `The ${t[0]} argument`; break; case 2: e += `The ${t[0]} and ${t[1]} arguments`; break; default: { let o = t.pop(); e += `The ${t.join(", ")}, and ${o} arguments`; } break; } return `${e} must be specified`; }, TypeError); zt("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", (t, e, r) => { vn(e, 'Missing "range" argument'); let o; return Number.isInteger(r) && Math.abs(r) > 2 ** 32 ? o = Wp(String(r)) : typeof r == "bigint" ? (o = String(r), (r > 2n ** 32n || r < -(2n ** 32n)) && (o = Wp(o)), o += "n") : o = Do(r), `The value of "${t}" is out of range. It must be ${e}. Received ${o}`; }, RangeError); zt("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times", Error); zt("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", "The %s method is not implemented", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_ALREADY_FINISHED", "Cannot call %s after a stream was finished", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", "Cannot call %s after a stream was destroyed", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError); zt("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event", Error); zt("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end", Error); zt("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", "Unknown encoding: %s", TypeError); jp.exports = { AbortError: _h, aggregateTwoErrors: Kp(d_), hideStackFrames: Kp, codes: Po }; }); pa = T2((TI, Qp) => { var { ArrayIsArray: $p, ArrayPrototypeIncludes: Gp, ArrayPrototypeJoin: Yp, ArrayPrototypeMap: c_, NumberIsInteger: Sh, NumberIsNaN: p_, NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER: v_, NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER: b_, NumberParseInt: m_, ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty: g_, RegExpPrototypeExec: y_, String: w_, StringPrototypeToUpperCase: M_, StringPrototypeTrim: __ } = Tt(), { hideStackFrames: Ir, codes: { ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT: x_, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: tr, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE: Co, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE: bn, ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL: Zp } } = Jt(), { normalizeEncoding: S_ } = Gr(), { isAsyncFunction: E_, isArrayBufferView: A_ } = Gr().types, Vp = {}; function R_(t) { return t === (t | 0); } function B_(t) { return t === t >>> 0; } var q_ = /^[0-7]+$/, I_ = "must be a 32-bit unsigned integer or an octal string"; function T_(t, e, r) { if (typeof t > "u" && (t = r), typeof t == "string") { if (y_(q_, t) === null) throw new Co(e, t, I_); t = m_(t, 8); } return Xp(t, e), t; } var k_ = Ir((t, e, r = b_, o = v_) => { if (typeof t != "number") throw new tr(e, "number", t); if (!Sh(t)) throw new bn(e, "an integer", t); if (t < r || t > o) throw new bn(e, `>= ${r} && <= ${o}`, t); }), L_ = Ir((t, e, r = -2147483648, o = 2147483647) => { if (typeof t != "number") throw new tr(e, "number", t); if (!Sh(t)) throw new bn(e, "an integer", t); if (t < r || t > o) throw new bn(e, `>= ${r} && <= ${o}`, t); }), Xp = Ir((t, e, r = false) => { if (typeof t != "number") throw new tr(e, "number", t); if (!Sh(t)) throw new bn(e, "an integer", t); let o = r ? 1 : 0, f = 4294967295; if (t < o || t > f) throw new bn(e, `>= ${o} && <= ${f}`, t); }); function Jp(t, e) { if (typeof t != "string") throw new tr(e, "string", t); } function N_(t, e, r = undefined, o) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new tr(e, "number", t); if (r != null && t < r || o != null && t > o || (r != null || o != null) && p_(t)) throw new bn(e, `${r != null ? `>= ${r}` : ""}${r != null && o != null ? " && " : ""}${o != null ? `<= ${o}` : ""}`, t); } var D_ = Ir((t, e, r) => { if (!Gp(r, t)) { let o = Yp(c_(r, (p) => typeof p == "string" ? `'${p}'` : w_(p)), ", "), f = "must be one of: " + o; throw new Co(e, t, f); } }); function P_(t, e) { if (typeof t != "boolean") throw new tr(e, "boolean", t); } function xh(t, e, r) { return t == null || !g_(t, e) ? r : t[e]; } var C_ = Ir((t, e, r = null) => { let o = xh(r, "allowArray", false), f = xh(r, "allowFunction", false); if (!xh(r, "nullable", false) && t === null || !o && $p(t) || typeof t != "object" && (!f || typeof t != "function")) throw new tr(e, "Object", t); }), O_ = Ir((t, e, r = 0) => { if (!$p(t)) throw new tr(e, "Array", t); if (t.length < r) { let o = `must be longer than ${r}`; throw new Co(e, t, o); } }); function F_(t, e = "signal") { if (Jp(t, e), Vp[t] === undefined) throw Vp[M_(t)] !== undefined ? new Zp(t + " (signals must use all capital letters)") : new Zp(t); } var U_ = Ir((t, e = "buffer") => { if (!A_(t)) throw new tr(e, ["Buffer", "TypedArray", "DataView"], t); }); function z_(t, e) { let r = S_(e), o = t.length; if (r === "hex" && o % 2 !== 0) throw new Co("encoding", e, `is invalid for data of length ${o}`); } function H_(t, e = "Port", r = true) { if (typeof t != "number" && typeof t != "string" || typeof t == "string" && __(t).length === 0 || +t !== +t >>> 0 || t > 65535 || t === 0 && !r) throw new x_(e, t, r); return t | 0; } var W_ = Ir((t, e) => { if (t !== undefined && (t === null || typeof t != "object" || !("aborted" in t))) throw new tr(e, "AbortSignal", t); }), K_ = Ir((t, e) => { if (typeof t != "function") throw new tr(e, "Function", t); }), j_ = Ir((t, e) => { if (typeof t != "function" || E_(t)) throw new tr(e, "Function", t); }), Z_ = Ir((t, e) => { if (t !== undefined) throw new tr(e, "undefined", t); }); function V_(t, e, r) { if (!Gp(r, t)) throw new tr(e, `('${Yp(r, "|")}')`, t); } Qp.exports = { isInt32: R_, isUint32: B_, parseFileMode: T_, validateArray: O_, validateBoolean: P_, validateBuffer: U_, validateEncoding: z_, validateFunction: K_, validateInt32: L_, validateInteger: k_, validateNumber: N_, validateObject: C_, validateOneOf: D_, validatePlainFunction: j_, validatePort: H_, validateSignalName: F_, validateString: Jp, validateUint32: Xp, validateUndefined: Z_, validateUnion: V_, validateAbortSignal: W_ }; }); Rh = T2((kI, i1) => { var dt = i1.exports = {}, Yr, Xr; function Eh() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined"); } function Ah() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined"); } (function() { try { typeof setTimeout == "function" ? Yr = setTimeout : Yr = Eh; } catch { Yr = Eh; } try { typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? Xr = clearTimeout : Xr = Ah; } catch { Xr = Ah; } })(); function e1(t) { if (Yr === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0); if ((Yr === Eh || !Yr) && setTimeout) return Yr = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0); try { return Yr(t, 0); } catch { try { return, t, 0); } catch { return, t, 0); } } } function $_(t) { if (Xr === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t); if ((Xr === Ah || !Xr) && clearTimeout) return Xr = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t); try { return Xr(t); } catch { try { return, t); } catch { return, t); } } } var pi = [], nf = false, mn, Oo = -1; function G_() { !nf || !mn || (nf = false, mn.length ? pi = mn.concat(pi) : Oo = -1, pi.length && t1()); } function t1() { if (!nf) { var t = e1(G_); nf = true; for (var e = pi.length;e; ) { for (mn = pi, pi = [];++Oo < e; ) mn && mn[Oo].run(); Oo = -1, e = pi.length; } mn = null, nf = false, $_(t); } } dt.nextTick = function(t) { var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for (var r = 1;r < arguments.length; r++) e[r - 1] = arguments[r]; pi.push(new r1(t, e)), pi.length === 1 && !nf && e1(t1); }; function r1(t, e) { = t, this.array = e; } = function() {, this.array); }; dt.title = "browser"; dt.browser = true; dt.env = {}; dt.argv = []; dt.version = ""; dt.versions = {}; function vi() { } dt.on = vi; dt.addListener = vi; dt.once = vi; = vi; dt.removeListener = vi; dt.removeAllListeners = vi; dt.emit = vi; dt.prependListener = vi; dt.prependOnceListener = vi; dt.listeners = function(t) { return []; }; dt.binding = function(t) { throw new Error("process.binding is not supported"); }; dt.cwd = function() { return "/"; }; dt.chdir = function(t) { throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported"); }; dt.umask = function() { return 0; }; }); pr = {}; Ja(pr, { default: () => Y_ }); Oi = R0(() => { ot(pr, rn(Rh())); Y_ = rn(Rh()); }); Fi = T2((NI, v1) => { var { Symbol: Fo, SymbolAsyncIterator: n1, SymbolIterator: f1 } = Tt(), a1 = Fo("kDestroyed"), o1 = Fo("kIsErrored"), Bh = Fo("kIsReadable"), s1 = Fo("kIsDisturbed"); function Uo(t, e = false) { var r; return !!(t && typeof t.pipe == "function" && typeof t.on == "function" && (!e || typeof t.pause == "function" && typeof t.resume == "function") && (!t._writableState || ((r = t._readableState) === null || r === undefined ? undefined : r.readable) !== false) && (!t._writableState || t._readableState)); } function zo(t) { var e; return !!(t && typeof t.write == "function" && typeof t.on == "function" && (!t._readableState || ((e = t._writableState) === null || e === undefined ? undefined : e.writable) !== false)); } function X_(t) { return !!(t && typeof t.pipe == "function" && t._readableState && typeof t.on == "function" && typeof t.write == "function"); } function gn(t) { return t && (t._readableState || t._writableState || typeof t.write == "function" && typeof t.on == "function" || typeof t.pipe == "function" && typeof t.on == "function"); } function J_(t, e) { return t == null ? false : e === true ? typeof t[n1] == "function" : e === false ? typeof t[f1] == "function" : typeof t[n1] == "function" || typeof t[f1] == "function"; } function Ho(t) { if (!gn(t)) return null; let { _writableState: e, _readableState: r } = t, o = e || r; return !!(t.destroyed || t[a1] || o != null && o.destroyed); } function h1(t) { if (!zo(t)) return null; if (t.writableEnded === true) return true; let e = t._writableState; return e != null && e.errored ? false : typeof e?.ended != "boolean" ? null : e.ended; } function Q_(t, e) { if (!zo(t)) return null; if (t.writableFinished === true) return true; let r = t._writableState; return r != null && r.errored ? false : typeof r?.finished != "boolean" ? null : !!(r.finished || e === false && r.ended === true && r.length === 0); } function e8(t) { if (!Uo(t)) return null; if (t.readableEnded === true) return true; let e = t._readableState; return !e || e.errored ? false : typeof e?.ended != "boolean" ? null : e.ended; } function u1(t, e) { if (!Uo(t)) return null; let r = t._readableState; return r != null && r.errored ? false : typeof r?.endEmitted != "boolean" ? null : !!(r.endEmitted || e === false && r.ended === true && r.length === 0); } function l1(t) { return t && t[Bh] != null ? t[Bh] : typeof t?.readable != "boolean" ? null : Ho(t) ? false : Uo(t) && t.readable && !u1(t); } function d1(t) { return typeof t?.writable != "boolean" ? null : Ho(t) ? false : zo(t) && t.writable && !h1(t); } function t8(t, e) { return gn(t) ? Ho(t) ? true : !(e?.readable !== false && l1(t) || e?.writable !== false && d1(t)) : null; } function r8(t) { var e, r; return gn(t) ? t.writableErrored ? t.writableErrored : (e = (r = t._writableState) === null || r === undefined ? undefined : r.errored) !== null && e !== undefined ? e : null : null; } function i8(t) { var e, r; return gn(t) ? t.readableErrored ? t.readableErrored : (e = (r = t._readableState) === null || r === undefined ? undefined : r.errored) !== null && e !== undefined ? e : null : null; } function n8(t) { if (!gn(t)) return null; if (typeof t.closed == "boolean") return t.closed; let { _writableState: e, _readableState: r } = t; return typeof e?.closed == "boolean" || typeof r?.closed == "boolean" ? e?.closed || r?.closed : typeof t._closed == "boolean" && c1(t) ? t._closed : null; } function c1(t) { return typeof t._closed == "boolean" && typeof t._defaultKeepAlive == "boolean" && typeof t._removedConnection == "boolean" && typeof t._removedContLen == "boolean"; } function p1(t) { return typeof t._sent100 == "boolean" && c1(t); } function f8(t) { var e; return typeof t._consuming == "boolean" && typeof t._dumped == "boolean" && ((e = t.req) === null || e === undefined ? undefined : e.upgradeOrConnect) === undefined; } function a8(t) { if (!gn(t)) return null; let { _writableState: e, _readableState: r } = t, o = e || r; return !o && p1(t) || !!(o && o.autoDestroy && o.emitClose && o.closed === false); } function o8(t) { var e; return !!(t && ((e = t[s1]) !== null && e !== undefined ? e : t.readableDidRead || t.readableAborted)); } function s8(t) { var e, r, o, f, p, m2, y2, M, x, S; return !!(t && ((e = (r = (o = (f = (p = (m2 = t[o1]) !== null && m2 !== undefined ? m2 : t.readableErrored) !== null && p !== undefined ? p : t.writableErrored) !== null && f !== undefined ? f : (y2 = t._readableState) === null || y2 === undefined ? undefined : y2.errorEmitted) !== null && o !== undefined ? o : (M = t._writableState) === null || M === undefined ? undefined : M.errorEmitted) !== null && r !== undefined ? r : (x = t._readableState) === null || x === undefined ? undefined : x.errored) !== null && e !== undefined ? e : (S = t._writableState) === null || S === undefined ? undefined : S.errored)); } v1.exports = { kDestroyed: a1, isDisturbed: o8, kIsDisturbed: s1, isErrored: s8, kIsErrored: o1, isReadable: l1, kIsReadable: Bh, isClosed: n8, isDestroyed: Ho, isDuplexNodeStream: X_, isFinished: t8, isIterable: J_, isReadableNodeStream: Uo, isReadableEnded: e8, isReadableFinished: u1, isReadableErrored: i8, isNodeStream: gn, isWritable: d1, isWritableNodeStream: zo, isWritableEnded: h1, isWritableFinished: Q_, isWritableErrored: r8, isServerRequest: f8, isServerResponse: p1, willEmitClose: a8 }; }); Ui = T2((DI, Ih) => { var ff = (Oi(), ur(pr)), { AbortError: h8, codes: u8 } = Jt(), { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: l8, ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE: b1 } = u8, { kEmptyObject: m1, once: g1 } = Gr(), { validateAbortSignal: d8, validateFunction: c8, validateObject: p8 } = pa(), { Promise: v8 } = Tt(), { isClosed: b8, isReadable: y1, isReadableNodeStream: qh, isReadableFinished: w1, isReadableErrored: m8, isWritable: M1, isWritableNodeStream: _1, isWritableFinished: x1, isWritableErrored: g8, isNodeStream: y8, willEmitClose: w8 } = Fi(); function M8(t) { return t.setHeader && typeof t.abort == "function"; } var _8 = () => { }; function S1(t, e, r) { var o, f; arguments.length === 2 ? (r = e, e = m1) : e == null ? e = m1 : p8(e, "options"), c8(r, "callback"), d8(e.signal, "options.signal"), r = g1(r); let p = (o = e.readable) !== null && o !== undefined ? o : qh(t), m2 = (f = e.writable) !== null && f !== undefined ? f : _1(t); if (!y8(t)) throw new l8("stream", "Stream", t); let { _writableState: y2, _readableState: M } = t, x = () => { t.writable || B(); }, S = w8(t) && qh(t) === p && _1(t) === m2, E2 = x1(t, false), B = () => { E2 = true, t.destroyed && (S = false), !(S && (!t.readable || p)) && (!p || q2) &&; }, q2 = w1(t, false), L2 = () => { q2 = true, t.destroyed && (S = false), !(S && (!t.writable || m2)) && (!m2 || E2) &&; }, ge = (xe) => {, xe); }, _e = b8(t), N = () => { _e = true; let xe = g8(t) || m8(t); if (xe && typeof xe != "boolean") return, xe); if (p && !q2 && qh(t, true) && !w1(t, false)) return, new b1); if (m2 && !E2 && !x1(t, false)) return, new b1);; }, we = () => { t.req.on("finish", B); }; M8(t) ? (t.on("complete", B), S || t.on("abort", N), t.req ? we() : t.on("request", we)) : m2 && !y2 && (t.on("end", x), t.on("close", x)), !S && typeof t.aborted == "boolean" && t.on("aborted", N), t.on("end", L2), t.on("finish", B), e.error !== false && t.on("error", ge), t.on("close", N), _e ? ff.nextTick(N) : y2 != null && y2.errorEmitted || M != null && M.errorEmitted ? S || ff.nextTick(N) : (!p && (!S || y1(t)) && (E2 || M1(t) === false) || !m2 && (!S || M1(t)) && (q2 || y1(t) === false) || M && t.req && t.aborted) && ff.nextTick(N); let ye = () => { r = _8, t.removeListener("aborted", N), t.removeListener("complete", B), t.removeListener("abort", N), t.removeListener("request", we), t.req && t.req.removeListener("finish", B), t.removeListener("end", x), t.removeListener("close", x), t.removeListener("finish", B), t.removeListener("end", L2), t.removeListener("error", ge), t.removeListener("close", N); }; if (e.signal && !_e) { let xe = () => { let Re = r; ye(),, new h8(undefined, { cause: e.signal.reason })); }; if (e.signal.aborted) ff.nextTick(xe); else { let Re = r; r = g1((...Ee) => { e.signal.removeEventListener("abort", xe), Re.apply(t, Ee); }), e.signal.addEventListener("abort", xe); } } return ye; } function x8(t, e) { return new v8((r, o) => { S1(t, e, (f) => { f ? o(f) : r(); }); }); } Ih.exports = S1; Ih.exports.finished = x8; }); k1 = T2((PI, Lh) => { var B1 = globalThis.AbortController || No().AbortController, { codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: va, ERR_MISSING_ARGS: S8, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE: E8 }, AbortError: Jr } = Jt(), { validateAbortSignal: af, validateInteger: A8, validateObject: of } = pa(), R8 = Tt().Symbol("kWeak"), { finished: B8 } = Ui(), { ArrayPrototypePush: q8, MathFloor: I8, Number: T8, NumberIsNaN: k8, Promise: E1, PromiseReject: A1, PromisePrototypeThen: L8, Symbol: q1 } = Tt(), Wo = q1("kEmpty"), R1 = q1("kEof"); function Ko(t, e) { if (typeof t != "function") throw new va("fn", ["Function", "AsyncFunction"], t); e != null && of(e, "options"), e?.signal != null && af(e.signal, "options.signal"); let r = 1; return e?.concurrency != null && (r = I8(e.concurrency)), A8(r, "concurrency", 1), async function* () { var f, p; let m2 = new B1, y2 = this, M = [], x = m2.signal, S = { signal: x }, E2 = () => m2.abort(); e != null && (f = e.signal) !== null && f !== undefined && f.aborted && E2(), e == null || (p = e.signal) === null || p === undefined || p.addEventListener("abort", E2); let B, q2, L2 = false; function ge() { L2 = true; } async function _e() { try { for await (let ye of y2) { var N; if (L2) return; if (x.aborted) throw new Jr; try { ye = t(ye, S); } catch (xe) { ye = A1(xe); } ye !== Wo && (typeof ((N = ye) === null || N === undefined ? undefined : N.catch) == "function" && ye.catch(ge), M.push(ye), B && (B(), B = null), !L2 && M.length && M.length >= r && await new E1((xe) => { q2 = xe; })); } M.push(R1); } catch (ye) { let xe = A1(ye); L8(xe, undefined, ge), M.push(xe); } finally { var we; L2 = true, B && (B(), B = null), e == null || (we = e.signal) === null || we === undefined || we.removeEventListener("abort", E2); } } _e(); try { for (;; ) { for (;M.length > 0; ) { let N = await M[0]; if (N === R1) return; if (x.aborted) throw new Jr; N !== Wo && (yield N), M.shift(), q2 && (q2(), q2 = null); } await new E1((N) => { B = N; }); } } finally { m2.abort(), L2 = true, q2 && (q2(), q2 = null); } }.call(this); } function N8(t = undefined) { return t != null && of(t, "options"), t?.signal != null && af(t.signal, "options.signal"), async function* () { let r = 0; for await (let f of this) { var o; if (t != null && (o = t.signal) !== null && o !== undefined && o.aborted) throw new Jr({ cause: t.signal.reason }); yield [r++, f]; } }.call(this); } async function I1(t, e = undefined) { for await (let r of, t, e)) return true; return false; } async function D8(t, e = undefined) { if (typeof t != "function") throw new va("fn", ["Function", "AsyncFunction"], t); return !await, async (...r) => !await t(...r), e); } async function P8(t, e) { for await (let r of, t, e)) return r; } async function C8(t, e) { if (typeof t != "function") throw new va("fn", ["Function", "AsyncFunction"], t); async function r(o, f) { return await t(o, f), Wo; } for await (let o of, r, e)) ; } function kh(t, e) { if (typeof t != "function") throw new va("fn", ["Function", "AsyncFunction"], t); async function r(o, f) { return await t(o, f) ? o : Wo; } return, r, e); } var Th = class extends S8 { constructor() { super("reduce"), this.message = "Reduce of an empty stream requires an initial value"; } }; async function O8(t, e, r) { var o; if (typeof t != "function") throw new va("reducer", ["Function", "AsyncFunction"], t); r != null && of(r, "options"), r?.signal != null && af(r.signal, "options.signal"); let f = arguments.length > 1; if (r != null && (o = r.signal) !== null && o !== undefined && o.aborted) { let x = new Jr(undefined, { cause: r.signal.reason }); throw this.once("error", () => { }), await B8(this.destroy(x)), x; } let p = new B1, m2 = p.signal; if (r != null && r.signal) { let x = { once: true, [R8]: this }; r.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => p.abort(), x); } let y2 = false; try { for await (let x of this) { var M; if (y2 = true, r != null && (M = r.signal) !== null && M !== undefined && M.aborted) throw new Jr; f ? e = await t(e, x, { signal: m2 }) : (e = x, f = true); } if (!y2 && !f) throw new Th; } finally { p.abort(); } return e; } async function F8(t) { t != null && of(t, "options"), t?.signal != null && af(t.signal, "options.signal"); let e = []; for await (let o of this) { var r; if (t != null && (r = t.signal) !== null && r !== undefined && r.aborted) throw new Jr(undefined, { cause: t.signal.reason }); q8(e, o); } return e; } function U8(t, e) { let r =, t, e); return async function* () { for await (let f of r) yield* f; }.call(this); } function T1(t) { if (t = T8(t), k8(t)) return 0; if (t < 0) throw new E8("number", ">= 0", t); return t; } function z8(t, e = undefined) { return e != null && of(e, "options"), e?.signal != null && af(e.signal, "options.signal"), t = T1(t), async function* () { var o; if (e != null && (o = e.signal) !== null && o !== undefined && o.aborted) throw new Jr; for await (let p of this) { var f; if (e != null && (f = e.signal) !== null && f !== undefined && f.aborted) throw new Jr; t-- <= 0 && (yield p); } }.call(this); } function H8(t, e = undefined) { return e != null && of(e, "options"), e?.signal != null && af(e.signal, "options.signal"), t = T1(t), async function* () { var o; if (e != null && (o = e.signal) !== null && o !== undefined && o.aborted) throw new Jr; for await (let p of this) { var f; if (e != null && (f = e.signal) !== null && f !== undefined && f.aborted) throw new Jr; if (t-- > 0) yield p; else return; } }.call(this); } Lh.exports.streamReturningOperators = { asIndexedPairs: N8, drop: z8, filter: kh, flatMap: U8, map: Ko, take: H8 }; Lh.exports.promiseReturningOperators = { every: D8, forEach: C8, reduce: O8, toArray: F8, some: I1, find: P8 }; }); yn = T2((CI, U1) => { var zi = (Oi(), ur(pr)), { aggregateTwoErrors: W8, codes: { ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK: K8 }, AbortError: j8 } = Jt(), { Symbol: D1 } = Tt(), { kDestroyed: Z8, isDestroyed: V8, isFinished: $8, isServerRequest: G8 } = Fi(), P1 = D1("kDestroy"), Nh = D1("kConstruct"); function C1(t, e, r) { t && (t.stack, e && !e.errored && (e.errored = t), r && !r.errored && (r.errored = t)); } function Y8(t, e) { let r = this._readableState, o = this._writableState, f = o || r; return o && o.destroyed || r && r.destroyed ? (typeof e == "function" && e(), this) : (C1(t, o, r), o && (o.destroyed = true), r && (r.destroyed = true), f.constructed ? L1(this, t, e) : this.once(P1, function(p) { L1(this, W8(p, t), e); }), this); } function L1(t, e, r) { let o = false; function f(p) { if (o) return; o = true; let { _readableState: m2, _writableState: y2 } = t; C1(p, y2, m2), y2 && (y2.closed = true), m2 && (m2.closed = true), typeof r == "function" && r(p), p ? zi.nextTick(X8, t, p) : zi.nextTick(O1, t); } try { t._destroy(e || null, f); } catch (p) { f(p); } } function X8(t, e) { Dh(t, e), O1(t); } function O1(t) { let { _readableState: e, _writableState: r } = t; r && (r.closeEmitted = true), e && (e.closeEmitted = true), (r && r.emitClose || e && e.emitClose) && t.emit("close"); } function Dh(t, e) { let { _readableState: r, _writableState: o } = t; o && o.errorEmitted || r && r.errorEmitted || (o && (o.errorEmitted = true), r && (r.errorEmitted = true), t.emit("error", e)); } function J8() { let t = this._readableState, e = this._writableState; t && (t.constructed = true, t.closed = false, t.closeEmitted = false, t.destroyed = false, t.errored = null, t.errorEmitted = false, t.reading = false, t.ended = t.readable === false, t.endEmitted = t.readable === false), e && (e.constructed = true, e.destroyed = false, e.closed = false, e.closeEmitted = false, e.errored = null, e.errorEmitted = false, e.finalCalled = false, e.prefinished = false, e.ended = e.writable === false, e.ending = e.writable === false, e.finished = e.writable === false); } function Ph(t, e, r) { let { _readableState: o, _writableState: f } = t; if (f && f.destroyed || o && o.destroyed) return this; o && o.autoDestroy || f && f.autoDestroy ? t.destroy(e) : e && (e.stack, f && !f.errored && (f.errored = e), o && !o.errored && (o.errored = e), r ? zi.nextTick(Dh, t, e) : Dh(t, e)); } function Q8(t, e) { if (typeof t._construct != "function") return; let { _readableState: r, _writableState: o } = t; r && (r.constructed = false), o && (o.constructed = false), t.once(Nh, e), !(t.listenerCount(Nh) > 1) && zi.nextTick(e5, t); } function e5(t) { let e = false; function r(o) { if (e) { Ph(t, o ?? new K8); return; } e = true; let { _readableState: f, _writableState: p } = t, m2 = p || f; f && (f.constructed = true), p && (p.constructed = true), m2.destroyed ? t.emit(P1, o) : o ? Ph(t, o, true) : zi.nextTick(t5, t); } try { t._construct(r); } catch (o) { r(o); } } function t5(t) { t.emit(Nh); } function N1(t) { return t && t.setHeader && typeof t.abort == "function"; } function F1(t) { t.emit("close"); } function r5(t, e) { t.emit("error", e), zi.nextTick(F1, t); } function i5(t, e) { !t || V8(t) || (!e && !$8(t) && (e = new j8), G8(t) ? (t.socket = null, t.destroy(e)) : N1(t) ? t.abort() : N1(t.req) ? t.req.abort() : typeof t.destroy == "function" ? t.destroy(e) : typeof t.close == "function" ? t.close() : e ? zi.nextTick(r5, t, e) : zi.nextTick(F1, t), t.destroyed || (t[Z8] = true)); } U1.exports = { construct: Q8, destroyer: i5, destroy: Y8, undestroy: J8, errorOrDestroy: Ph }; }); Vo = T2((OI, H1) => { var { ArrayIsArray: n5, ObjectSetPrototypeOf: z1 } = Tt(), { EventEmitter: jo } = ki(); function Zo(t) {, t); } z1(Zo.prototype, jo.prototype); z1(Zo, jo); Zo.prototype.pipe = function(t, e) { let r = this; function o(S) { t.writable && t.write(S) === false && r.pause && r.pause(); } r.on("data", o); function f() { r.readable && r.resume && r.resume(); } t.on("drain", f), !t._isStdio && (!e || e.end !== false) && (r.on("end", m2), r.on("close", y2)); let p = false; function m2() { p || (p = true, t.end()); } function y2() { p || (p = true, typeof t.destroy == "function" && t.destroy()); } function M(S) { x(), jo.listenerCount(this, "error") === 0 && this.emit("error", S); } Ch(r, "error", M), Ch(t, "error", M); function x() { r.removeListener("data", o), t.removeListener("drain", f), r.removeListener("end", m2), r.removeListener("close", y2), r.removeListener("error", M), t.removeListener("error", M), r.removeListener("end", x), r.removeListener("close", x), t.removeListener("close", x); } return r.on("end", x), r.on("close", x), t.on("close", x), t.emit("pipe", r), t; }; function Ch(t, e, r) { if (typeof t.prependListener == "function") return t.prependListener(e, r); !t._events || !t._events[e] ? t.on(e, r) : n5(t._events[e]) ? t._events[e].unshift(r) : t._events[e] = [r, t._events[e]]; } H1.exports = { Stream: Zo, prependListener: Ch }; }); Go = T2((FI, $o) => { var { AbortError: f5, codes: a5 } = Jt(), o5 = Ui(), { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: W1 } = a5, s5 = (t, e) => { if (typeof t != "object" || !("aborted" in t)) throw new W1(e, "AbortSignal", t); }; function h5(t) { return !!(t && typeof t.pipe == "function"); } $o.exports.addAbortSignal = function(e, r) { if (s5(e, "signal"), !h5(r)) throw new W1("stream", "stream.Stream", r); return $o.exports.addAbortSignalNoValidate(e, r); }; $o.exports.addAbortSignalNoValidate = function(t, e) { if (typeof t != "object" || !("aborted" in t)) return e; let r = () => { e.destroy(new f5(undefined, { cause: t.reason })); }; return t.aborted ? r() : (t.addEventListener("abort", r), o5(e, () => t.removeEventListener("abort", r))), e; }; }); Z1 = T2((zI, j1) => { var { StringPrototypeSlice: K1, SymbolIterator: u5, TypedArrayPrototypeSet: Yo, Uint8Array: l5 } = Tt(), { Buffer: Oh } = Ut(), { inspect: d5 } = Gr(); j1.exports = class { constructor() { this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } push(e) { let r = { data: e, next: null }; this.length > 0 ? = r : this.head = r, this.tail = r, ++this.length; } unshift(e) { let r = { data: e, next: this.head }; this.length === 0 && (this.tail = r), this.head = r, ++this.length; } shift() { if (this.length === 0) return; let e =; return this.length === 1 ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head =, --this.length, e; } clear() { this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } join(e) { if (this.length === 0) return ""; let r = this.head, o = "" +; for (;(r = !== null; ) o += e +; return o; } concat(e) { if (this.length === 0) return Oh.alloc(0); let r = Oh.allocUnsafe(e >>> 0), o = this.head, f = 0; for (;o; ) Yo(r,, f), f +=, o =; return r; } consume(e, r) { let o =; if (e < o.length) { let f = o.slice(0, e); return = o.slice(e), f; } return e === o.length ? this.shift() : r ? this._getString(e) : this._getBuffer(e); } first() { return; } *[u5]() { for (let e = this.head;e; e = yield; } _getString(e) { let r = "", o = this.head, f = 0; do { let p =; if (e > p.length) r += p, e -= p.length; else { e === p.length ? (r += p, ++f, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (r += K1(p, 0, e), this.head = o, = K1(p, e)); break; } ++f; } while ((o = !== null); return this.length -= f, r; } _getBuffer(e) { let r = Oh.allocUnsafe(e), o = e, f = this.head, p = 0; do { let m2 =; if (e > m2.length) Yo(r, m2, o - e), e -= m2.length; else { e === m2.length ? (Yo(r, m2, o - e), ++p, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (Yo(r, new l5(m2.buffer, m2.byteOffset, e), o - e), this.head = f, = m2.slice(e)); break; } ++p; } while ((f = !== null); return this.length -= p, r; } [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")](e, r) { return d5(this, { ...r, depth: 0, customInspect: false }); } }; }); Xo = T2((HI, $1) => { var { MathFloor: c5, NumberIsInteger: p5 } = Tt(), { ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE: v5 } = Jt().codes; function b5(t, e, r) { return t.highWaterMark != null ? t.highWaterMark : e ? t[r] : null; } function V1(t) { return t ? 16 : 16 * 1024; } function m5(t, e, r, o) { let f = b5(e, o, r); if (f != null) { if (!p5(f) || f < 0) { let p = o ? `options.${r}` : "options.highWaterMark"; throw new v5(p, f); } return c5(f); } return V1(t.objectMode); } $1.exports = { getHighWaterMark: m5, getDefaultHighWaterMark: V1 }; }); Fh = T2((WI, J1) => { var G1 = (Oi(), ur(pr)), { PromisePrototypeThen: g5, SymbolAsyncIterator: Y1, SymbolIterator: X1 } = Tt(), { Buffer: y5 } = Ut(), { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: w5, ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES: M5 } = Jt().codes; function _5(t, e, r) { let o; if (typeof e == "string" || e instanceof y5) return new t({ objectMode: true, ...r, read() { this.push(e), this.push(null); } }); let f; if (e && e[Y1]) f = true, o = e[Y1](); else if (e && e[X1]) f = false, o = e[X1](); else throw new w5("iterable", ["Iterable"], e); let p = new t({ objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 1, ...r }), m2 = false; p._read = function() { m2 || (m2 = true, M()); }, p._destroy = function(x, S) { g5(y2(x), () => G1.nextTick(S, x), (E2) => G1.nextTick(S, E2 || x)); }; async function y2(x) { let S = x != null, E2 = typeof o.throw == "function"; if (S && E2) { let { value: B, done: q2 } = await o.throw(x); if (await B, q2) return; } if (typeof o.return == "function") { let { value: B } = await o.return(); await B; } } async function M() { for (;; ) { try { let { value: x, done: S } = f ? await :; if (S) p.push(null); else { let E2 = x && typeof x.then == "function" ? await x : x; if (E2 === null) throw m2 = false, new M5; if (p.push(E2)) continue; m2 = false; } } catch (x) { p.destroy(x); } break; } } return p; } J1.exports = _5; }); ba = T2((KI, lv) => { var Tr = (Oi(), ur(pr)), { ArrayPrototypeIndexOf: x5, NumberIsInteger: S5, NumberIsNaN: E5, NumberParseInt: A5, ObjectDefineProperties: tv, ObjectKeys: R5, ObjectSetPrototypeOf: rv, Promise: B5, SafeSet: q5, SymbolAsyncIterator: I5, Symbol: T5 } = Tt(); lv.exports = Le; Le.ReadableState = jh; var { EventEmitter: k5 } = ki(), { Stream: Hi, prependListener: L5 } = Vo(), { Buffer: Uh } = Ut(), { addAbortSignal: N5 } = Go(), D5 = Ui(), Pe = Gr().debuglog("stream", (t) => { Pe = t; }), P5 = Z1(), hf = yn(), { getHighWaterMark: C5, getDefaultHighWaterMark: O5 } = Xo(), { aggregateTwoErrors: Q1, codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: F5, ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: U5, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE: z5, ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF: H5, ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT: W5 } } = Jt(), { validateObject: K5 } = pa(), wn = T5("kPaused"), { StringDecoder: iv } = co(), j5 = Fh(); rv(Le.prototype, Hi.prototype); rv(Le, Hi); var zh = () => { }, { errorOrDestroy: sf } = hf; function jh(t, e, r) { typeof r != "boolean" && (r = e instanceof Qr()), this.objectMode = !!(t && t.objectMode), r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!(t && t.readableObjectMode)), this.highWaterMark = t ? C5(this, t, "readableHighWaterMark", r) : O5(false), this.buffer = new P5, this.length = 0, this.pipes = [], this.flowing = null, this.ended = false, this.endEmitted = false, this.reading = false, this.constructed = true, this.sync = true, this.needReadable = false, this.emittedReadable = false, this.readableListening = false, this.resumeScheduled = false, this[wn] = null, this.errorEmitted = false, this.emitClose = !t || t.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !t || t.autoDestroy !== false, this.destroyed = false, this.errored = null, this.closed = false, this.closeEmitted = false, this.defaultEncoding = t && t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrainWriters = null, this.multiAwaitDrain = false, this.readingMore = false, this.dataEmitted = false, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, t && t.encoding && (this.decoder = new iv(t.encoding), this.encoding = t.encoding); } function Le(t) { if (!(this instanceof Le)) return new Le(t); let e = this instanceof Qr(); this._readableState = new jh(t, this, e), t && (typeof == "function" && (this._read =, typeof t.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = t.destroy), typeof t.construct == "function" && (this._construct = t.construct), t.signal && !e && N5(t.signal, this)),, t), hf.construct(this, () => { this._readableState.needReadable && Jo(this, this._readableState); }); } Le.prototype.destroy = hf.destroy; Le.prototype._undestroy = hf.undestroy; Le.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) { e(t); }; Le.prototype[k5.captureRejectionSymbol] = function(t) { this.destroy(t); }; Le.prototype.push = function(t, e) { return nv(this, t, e, false); }; Le.prototype.unshift = function(t, e) { return nv(this, t, e, true); }; function nv(t, e, r, o) { Pe("readableAddChunk", e); let f = t._readableState, p; if (f.objectMode || (typeof e == "string" ? (r = r || f.defaultEncoding, f.encoding !== r && (o && f.encoding ? e = Uh.from(e, r).toString(f.encoding) : (e = Uh.from(e, r), r = ""))) : e instanceof Uh ? r = "" : Hi._isUint8Array(e) ? (e = Hi._uint8ArrayToBuffer(e), r = "") : e != null && (p = new F5("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], e))), p) sf(t, p); else if (e === null) f.reading = false, $5(t, f); else if (f.objectMode || e && e.length > 0) if (o) if (f.endEmitted) sf(t, new W5); else { if (f.destroyed || f.errored) return false; Hh(t, f, e, true); } else if (f.ended) sf(t, new H5); else { if (f.destroyed || f.errored) return false; f.reading = false, f.decoder && !r ? (e = f.decoder.write(e), f.objectMode || e.length !== 0 ? Hh(t, f, e, false) : Jo(t, f)) : Hh(t, f, e, false); } else o || (f.reading = false, Jo(t, f)); return !f.ended && (f.length < f.highWaterMark || f.length === 0); } function Hh(t, e, r, o) { e.flowing && e.length === 0 && !e.sync && t.listenerCount("data") > 0 ? (e.multiAwaitDrain ? e.awaitDrainWriters.clear() : e.awaitDrainWriters = null, e.dataEmitted = true, t.emit("data", r)) : (e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length, o ? e.buffer.unshift(r) : e.buffer.push(r), e.needReadable && Qo(t)), Jo(t, e); } Le.prototype.isPaused = function() { let t = this._readableState; return t[wn] === true || t.flowing === false; }; Le.prototype.setEncoding = function(t) { let e = new iv(t); this._readableState.decoder = e, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; let r = this._readableState.buffer, o = ""; for (let f of r) o += e.write(f); return r.clear(), o !== "" && r.push(o), this._readableState.length = o.length, this; }; var Z5 = 1073741824; function V5(t) { if (t > Z5) throw new z5("size", "<= 1GiB", t); return t--, t |= t >>> 1, t |= t >>> 2, t |= t >>> 4, t |= t >>> 8, t |= t >>> 16, t++, t; } function ev(t, e) { return t <= 0 || e.length === 0 && e.ended ? 0 : e.objectMode ? 1 : E5(t) ? e.flowing && e.length ? e.buffer.first().length : e.length : t <= e.length ? t : e.ended ? e.length : 0; } = function(t) { Pe("read", t), t === undefined ? t = NaN : S5(t) || (t = A5(t, 10)); let e = this._readableState, r = t; if (t > e.highWaterMark && (e.highWaterMark = V5(t)), t !== 0 && (e.emittedReadable = false), t === 0 && e.needReadable && ((e.highWaterMark !== 0 ? e.length >= e.highWaterMark : e.length > 0) || e.ended)) return Pe("read: emitReadable", e.length, e.ended), e.length === 0 && e.ended ? Wh(this) : Qo(this), null; if (t = ev(t, e), t === 0 && e.ended) return e.length === 0 && Wh(this), null; let o = e.needReadable; if (Pe("need readable", o), (e.length === 0 || e.length - t < e.highWaterMark) && (o = true, Pe("length less than watermark", o)), e.ended || e.reading || e.destroyed || e.errored || !e.constructed) o = false, Pe("reading, ended or constructing", o); else if (o) { Pe("do read"), e.reading = true, e.sync = true, e.length === 0 && (e.needReadable = true); try { this._read(e.highWaterMark); } catch (p) { sf(this, p); } e.sync = false, e.reading || (t = ev(r, e)); } let f; return t > 0 ? f = hv(t, e) : f = null, f === null ? (e.needReadable = e.length <= e.highWaterMark, t = 0) : (e.length -= t, e.multiAwaitDrain ? e.awaitDrainWriters.clear() : e.awaitDrainWriters = null), e.length === 0 && (e.ended || (e.needReadable = true), r !== t && e.ended && Wh(this)), f !== null && !e.errorEmitted && !e.closeEmitted && (e.dataEmitted = true, this.emit("data", f)), f; }; function $5(t, e) { if (Pe("onEofChunk"), !e.ended) { if (e.decoder) { let r = e.decoder.end(); r && r.length && (e.buffer.push(r), e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length); } e.ended = true, e.sync ? Qo(t) : (e.needReadable = false, e.emittedReadable = true, fv(t)); } } function Qo(t) { let e = t._readableState; Pe("emitReadable", e.needReadable, e.emittedReadable), e.needReadable = false, e.emittedReadable || (Pe("emitReadable", e.flowing), e.emittedReadable = true, Tr.nextTick(fv, t)); } function fv(t) { let e = t._readableState; Pe("emitReadable_", e.destroyed, e.length, e.ended), !e.destroyed && !e.errored && (e.length || e.ended) && (t.emit("readable"), e.emittedReadable = false), e.needReadable = !e.flowing && !e.ended && e.length <= e.highWaterMark, ov(t); } function Jo(t, e) { !e.readingMore && e.constructed && (e.readingMore = true, Tr.nextTick(G5, t, e)); } function G5(t, e) { for (;!e.reading && !e.ended && (e.length < e.highWaterMark || e.flowing && e.length === 0); ) { let r = e.length; if (Pe("maybeReadMore read 0"),, r === e.length) break; } e.readingMore = false; } Le.prototype._read = function(t) { throw new U5("_read()"); }; Le.prototype.pipe = function(t, e) { let r = this, o = this._readableState; o.pipes.length === 1 && (o.multiAwaitDrain || (o.multiAwaitDrain = true, o.awaitDrainWriters = new q5(o.awaitDrainWriters ? [o.awaitDrainWriters] : []))), o.pipes.push(t), Pe("pipe count=%d opts=%j", o.pipes.length, e); let p = (!e || e.end !== false) && t !== Tr.stdout && t !== Tr.stderr ? y2 : _e; o.endEmitted ? Tr.nextTick(p) : r.once("end", p), t.on("unpipe", m2); function m2(N, we) { Pe("onunpipe"), N === r && we && we.hasUnpiped === false && (we.hasUnpiped = true, S()); } function y2() { Pe("onend"), t.end(); } let M, x = false; function S() { Pe("cleanup"), t.removeListener("close", L2), t.removeListener("finish", ge), M && t.removeListener("drain", M), t.removeListener("error", q2), t.removeListener("unpipe", m2), r.removeListener("end", y2), r.removeListener("end", _e), r.removeListener("data", B), x = true, M && o.awaitDrainWriters && (!t._writableState || t._writableState.needDrain) && M(); } function E2() { x || (o.pipes.length === 1 && o.pipes[0] === t ? (Pe("false write response, pause", 0), o.awaitDrainWriters = t, o.multiAwaitDrain = false) : o.pipes.length > 1 && o.pipes.includes(t) && (Pe("false write response, pause", o.awaitDrainWriters.size), o.awaitDrainWriters.add(t)), r.pause()), M || (M = Y5(r, t), t.on("drain", M)); } r.on("data", B); function B(N) { Pe("ondata"); let we = t.write(N); Pe("dest.write", we), we === false && E2(); } function q2(N) { if (Pe("onerror", N), _e(), t.removeListener("error", q2), t.listenerCount("error") === 0) { let we = t._writableState || t._readableState; we && !we.errorEmitted ? sf(t, N) : t.emit("error", N); } } L5(t, "error", q2); function L2() { t.removeListener("finish", ge), _e(); } t.once("close", L2); function ge() { Pe("onfinish"), t.removeListener("close", L2), _e(); } t.once("finish", ge); function _e() { Pe("unpipe"), r.unpipe(t); } return t.emit("pipe", r), t.writableNeedDrain === true ? o.flowing && E2() : o.flowing || (Pe("pipe resume"), r.resume()), t; }; function Y5(t, e) { return function() { let o = t._readableState; o.awaitDrainWriters === e ? (Pe("pipeOnDrain", 1), o.awaitDrainWriters = null) : o.multiAwaitDrain && (Pe("pipeOnDrain", o.awaitDrainWriters.size), o.awaitDrainWriters.delete(e)), (!o.awaitDrainWriters || o.awaitDrainWriters.size === 0) && t.listenerCount("data") && t.resume(); }; } Le.prototype.unpipe = function(t) { let e = this._readableState, r = { hasUnpiped: false }; if (e.pipes.length === 0) return this; if (!t) { let f = e.pipes; e.pipes = [], this.pause(); for (let p = 0;p < f.length; p++) f[p].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: false }); return this; } let o = x5(e.pipes, t); return o === -1 ? this : (e.pipes.splice(o, 1), e.pipes.length === 0 && this.pause(), t.emit("unpipe", this, r), this); }; Le.prototype.on = function(t, e) { let r =, t, e), o = this._readableState; return t === "data" ? (o.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, o.flowing !== false && this.resume()) : t === "readable" && !o.endEmitted && !o.readableListening && (o.readableListening = o.needReadable = true, o.flowing = false, o.emittedReadable = false, Pe("on readable", o.length, o.reading), o.length ? Qo(this) : o.reading || Tr.nextTick(X5, this)), r; }; Le.prototype.addListener = Le.prototype.on; Le.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e) { let r =, t, e); return t === "readable" && Tr.nextTick(av, this), r; }; = Le.prototype.removeListener; Le.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(t) { let e = Hi.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); return (t === "readable" || t === undefined) && Tr.nextTick(av, this), e; }; function av(t) { let e = t._readableState; e.readableListening = t.listenerCount("readable") > 0, e.resumeScheduled && e[wn] === false ? e.flowing = true : t.listenerCount("data") > 0 ? t.resume() : e.readableListening || (e.flowing = null); } function X5(t) { Pe("readable nexttick read 0"),; } Le.prototype.resume = function() { let t = this._readableState; return t.flowing || (Pe("resume"), t.flowing = !t.readableListening, J5(this, t)), t[wn] = false, this; }; function J5(t, e) { e.resumeScheduled || (e.resumeScheduled = true, Tr.nextTick(Q5, t, e)); } function Q5(t, e) { Pe("resume", e.reading), e.reading ||, e.resumeScheduled = false, t.emit("resume"), ov(t), e.flowing && !e.reading &&; } Le.prototype.pause = function() { return Pe("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== false && (Pe("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = false, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState[wn] = true, this; }; function ov(t) { let e = t._readableState; for (Pe("flow", e.flowing);e.flowing && !== null; ) ; } Le.prototype.wrap = function(t) { let e = false; t.on("data", (o) => { !this.push(o) && t.pause && (e = true, t.pause()); }), t.on("end", () => { this.push(null); }), t.on("error", (o) => { sf(this, o); }), t.on("close", () => { this.destroy(); }), t.on("destroy", () => { this.destroy(); }), this._read = () => { e && t.resume && (e = false, t.resume()); }; let r = R5(t); for (let o = 1;o < r.length; o++) { let f = r[o]; this[f] === undefined && typeof t[f] == "function" && (this[f] = t[f].bind(t)); } return this; }; Le.prototype[I5] = function() { return sv(this); }; Le.prototype.iterator = function(t) { return t !== undefined && K5(t, "options"), sv(this, t); }; function sv(t, e) { typeof != "function" && (t = Le.wrap(t, { objectMode: true })); let r = ex(t, e); return = t, r; } async function* ex(t, e) { let r = zh; function o(m2) { this === t ? (r(), r = zh) : r = m2; } t.on("readable", o); let f, p = D5(t, { writable: false }, (m2) => { f = m2 ? Q1(f, m2) : null, r(), r = zh; }); try { for (;; ) { let m2 = t.destroyed ? null :; if (m2 !== null) yield m2; else { if (f) throw f; if (f === null) return; await new B5(o); } } } catch (m2) { throw f = Q1(f, m2), f; } finally { (f || e?.destroyOnReturn !== false) && (f === undefined || t._readableState.autoDestroy) ? hf.destroyer(t, null) : ("readable", o), p()); } } tv(Le.prototype, { readable: { __proto__: null, get() { let t = this._readableState; return !!t && t.readable !== false && !t.destroyed && !t.errorEmitted && !t.endEmitted; }, set(t) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.readable = !!t); } }, readableDidRead: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.dataEmitted; } }, readableAborted: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get: function() { return !!(this._readableState.readable !== false && (this._readableState.destroyed || this._readableState.errored) && !this._readableState.endEmitted); } }, readableHighWaterMark: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; } }, readableBuffer: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; } }, readableFlowing: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.flowing; }, set: function(t) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = t); } }, readableLength: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState.length; } }, readableObjectMode: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState ? this._readableState.objectMode : false; } }, readableEncoding: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState ? this._readableState.encoding : null; } }, errored: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState ? this._readableState.errored : null; } }, closed: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._readableState ? this._readableState.closed : false; } }, destroyed: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState ? this._readableState.destroyed : false; }, set(t) { !this._readableState || (this._readableState.destroyed = t); } }, readableEnded: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState ? this._readableState.endEmitted : false; } } }); tv(jh.prototype, { pipesCount: { __proto__: null, get() { return this.pipes.length; } }, paused: { __proto__: null, get() { return this[wn] !== false; }, set(t) { this[wn] = !!t; } } }); Le._fromList = hv; function hv(t, e) { if (e.length === 0) return null; let r; return e.objectMode ? r = e.buffer.shift() : !t || t >= e.length ? (e.decoder ? r = e.buffer.join("") : e.buffer.length === 1 ? r = e.buffer.first() : r = e.buffer.concat(e.length), e.buffer.clear()) : r = e.buffer.consume(t, e.decoder), r; } function Wh(t) { let e = t._readableState; Pe("endReadable", e.endEmitted), e.endEmitted || (e.ended = true, Tr.nextTick(tx, e, t)); } function tx(t, e) { if (Pe("endReadableNT", t.endEmitted, t.length), !t.errored && !t.closeEmitted && !t.endEmitted && t.length === 0) { if (t.endEmitted = true, e.emit("end"), e.writable && e.allowHalfOpen === false) Tr.nextTick(rx, e); else if (t.autoDestroy) { let r = e._writableState; (!r || r.autoDestroy && (r.finished || r.writable === false)) && e.destroy(); } } } function rx(t) { t.writable && !t.writableEnded && !t.destroyed && t.end(); } Le.from = function(t, e) { return j5(Le, t, e); }; var Kh; function uv() { return Kh === undefined && (Kh = {}), Kh; } Le.fromWeb = function(t, e) { return uv().newStreamReadableFromReadableStream(t, e); }; Le.toWeb = function(t, e) { return uv().newReadableStreamFromStreamReadable(t, e); }; Le.wrap = function(t, e) { var r, o; return new Le({ objectMode: (r = (o = t.readableObjectMode) !== null && o !== undefined ? o : t.objectMode) !== null && r !== undefined ? r : true, ...e, destroy(f, p) { hf.destroyer(t, f), p(f); } }).wrap(t); }; }); Jh = T2((jI, xv) => { var Mn = (Oi(), ur(pr)), { ArrayPrototypeSlice: pv, Error: ix, FunctionPrototypeSymbolHasInstance: vv, ObjectDefineProperty: bv, ObjectDefineProperties: nx, ObjectSetPrototypeOf: mv, StringPrototypeToLowerCase: fx, Symbol: ax, SymbolHasInstance: ox } = Tt(); xv.exports = st; st.WritableState = ya; var { EventEmitter: sx } = ki(), ma = Vo().Stream, { Buffer: es } = Ut(), is = yn(), { addAbortSignal: hx } = Go(), { getHighWaterMark: ux, getDefaultHighWaterMark: lx } = Xo(), { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: dx2, ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: cx, ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK: gv, ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE: px, ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED: ga, ERR_STREAM_ALREADY_FINISHED: vx, ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES: bx, ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END: mx, ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING: yv } = Jt().codes, { errorOrDestroy: uf } = is; mv(st.prototype, ma.prototype); mv(st, ma); function $h() { } var lf = ax("kOnFinished"); function ya(t, e, r) { typeof r != "boolean" && (r = e instanceof Qr()), this.objectMode = !!(t && t.objectMode), r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!(t && t.writableObjectMode)), this.highWaterMark = t ? ux(this, t, "writableHighWaterMark", r) : lx(false), this.finalCalled = false, this.needDrain = false, this.ending = false, this.ended = false, this.finished = false, this.destroyed = false; let o = !!(t && t.decodeStrings === false); this.decodeStrings = !o, this.defaultEncoding = t && t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = false, this.corked = 0, this.sync = true, this.bufferProcessing = false, this.onwrite = yx.bind(undefined, e), this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.afterWriteTickInfo = null, rs(this), this.pendingcb = 0, this.constructed = true, this.prefinished = false, this.errorEmitted = false, this.emitClose = !t || t.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !t || t.autoDestroy !== false, this.errored = null, this.closed = false, this.closeEmitted = false, this[lf] = []; } function rs(t) { t.buffered = [], t.bufferedIndex = 0, t.allBuffers = true, t.allNoop = true; } ya.prototype.getBuffer = function() { return pv(this.buffered, this.bufferedIndex); }; bv(ya.prototype, "bufferedRequestCount", { __proto__: null, get() { return this.buffered.length - this.bufferedIndex; } }); function st(t) { let e = this instanceof Qr(); if (!e && !vv(st, this)) return new st(t); this._writableState = new ya(t, this, e), t && (typeof t.write == "function" && (this._write = t.write), typeof t.writev == "function" && (this._writev = t.writev), typeof t.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = t.destroy), typeof == "function" && (this._final =, typeof t.construct == "function" && (this._construct = t.construct), t.signal && hx(t.signal, this)),, t), is.construct(this, () => { let r = this._writableState; r.writing || Yh(this, r), Xh(this, r); }); } bv(st, ox, { __proto__: null, value: function(t) { return vv(this, t) ? true : this !== st ? false : t && t._writableState instanceof ya; } }); st.prototype.pipe = function() { uf(this, new px); }; function wv(t, e, r, o) { let f = t._writableState; if (typeof r == "function") o = r, r = f.defaultEncoding; else { if (!r) r = f.defaultEncoding; else if (r !== "buffer" && !es.isEncoding(r)) throw new yv(r); typeof o != "function" && (o = $h); } if (e === null) throw new bx; if (!f.objectMode) if (typeof e == "string") f.decodeStrings !== false && (e = es.from(e, r), r = "buffer"); else if (e instanceof es) r = "buffer"; else if (ma._isUint8Array(e)) e = ma._uint8ArrayToBuffer(e), r = "buffer"; else throw new dx2("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], e); let p; return f.ending ? p = new mx : f.destroyed && (p = new ga("write")), p ? (Mn.nextTick(o, p), uf(t, p, true), p) : (f.pendingcb++, gx(t, f, e, r, o)); } st.prototype.write = function(t, e, r) { return wv(this, t, e, r) === true; }; st.prototype.cork = function() { this._writableState.corked++; }; st.prototype.uncork = function() { let t = this._writableState; t.corked && (t.corked--, t.writing || Yh(this, t)); }; st.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(e) { if (typeof e == "string" && (e = fx(e)), !es.isEncoding(e)) throw new yv(e); return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = e, this; }; function gx(t, e, r, o, f) { let p = e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length; e.length += p; let m2 = e.length < e.highWaterMark; return m2 || (e.needDrain = true), e.writing || e.corked || e.errored || !e.constructed ? (e.buffered.push({ chunk: r, encoding: o, callback: f }), e.allBuffers && o !== "buffer" && (e.allBuffers = false), e.allNoop && f !== $h && (e.allNoop = false)) : (e.writelen = p, e.writecb = f, e.writing = true, e.sync = true, t._write(r, o, e.onwrite), e.sync = false), m2 && !e.errored && !e.destroyed; } function dv(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { e.writelen = o, e.writecb = m2, e.writing = true, e.sync = true, e.destroyed ? e.onwrite(new ga("write")) : r ? t._writev(f, e.onwrite) : t._write(f, p, e.onwrite), e.sync = false; } function cv(t, e, r, o) { --e.pendingcb, o(r), Gh(e), uf(t, r); } function yx(t, e) { let r = t._writableState, o = r.sync, f = r.writecb; if (typeof f != "function") { uf(t, new gv); return; } r.writing = false, r.writecb = null, r.length -= r.writelen, r.writelen = 0, e ? (e.stack, r.errored || (r.errored = e), t._readableState && !t._readableState.errored && (t._readableState.errored = e), o ? Mn.nextTick(cv, t, r, e, f) : cv(t, r, e, f)) : (r.buffered.length > r.bufferedIndex && Yh(t, r), o ? r.afterWriteTickInfo !== null && r.afterWriteTickInfo.cb === f ? r.afterWriteTickInfo.count++ : (r.afterWriteTickInfo = { count: 1, cb: f, stream: t, state: r }, Mn.nextTick(wx, r.afterWriteTickInfo)) : Mv(t, r, 1, f)); } function wx({ stream: t, state: e, count: r, cb: o }) { return e.afterWriteTickInfo = null, Mv(t, e, r, o); } function Mv(t, e, r, o) { for (!e.ending && !t.destroyed && e.length === 0 && e.needDrain && (e.needDrain = false, t.emit("drain"));r-- > 0; ) e.pendingcb--, o(); e.destroyed && Gh(e), Xh(t, e); } function Gh(t) { if (t.writing) return; for (let f = t.bufferedIndex;f < t.buffered.length; ++f) { var e; let { chunk: p, callback: m2 } = t.buffered[f], y2 = t.objectMode ? 1 : p.length; t.length -= y2, m2((e = t.errored) !== null && e !== undefined ? e : new ga("write")); } let r = t[lf].splice(0); for (let f = 0;f < r.length; f++) { var o; r[f]((o = t.errored) !== null && o !== undefined ? o : new ga("end")); } rs(t); } function Yh(t, e) { if (e.corked || e.bufferProcessing || e.destroyed || !e.constructed) return; let { buffered: r, bufferedIndex: o, objectMode: f } = e, p = r.length - o; if (!p) return; let m2 = o; if (e.bufferProcessing = true, p > 1 && t._writev) { e.pendingcb -= p - 1; let y2 = e.allNoop ? $h : (x) => { for (let S = m2;S < r.length; ++S) r[S].callback(x); }, M = e.allNoop && m2 === 0 ? r : pv(r, m2); M.allBuffers = e.allBuffers, dv(t, e, true, e.length, M, "", y2), rs(e); } else { do { let { chunk: y2, encoding: M, callback: x } = r[m2]; r[m2++] = null; let S = f ? 1 : y2.length; dv(t, e, false, S, y2, M, x); } while (m2 < r.length && !e.writing); m2 === r.length ? rs(e) : m2 > 256 ? (r.splice(0, m2), e.bufferedIndex = 0) : e.bufferedIndex = m2; } e.bufferProcessing = false; } st.prototype._write = function(t, e, r) { if (this._writev) this._writev([{ chunk: t, encoding: e }], r); else throw new cx("_write()"); }; st.prototype._writev = null; st.prototype.end = function(t, e, r) { let o = this._writableState; typeof t == "function" ? (r = t, t = null, e = null) : typeof e == "function" && (r = e, e = null); let f; if (t != null) { let p = wv(this, t, e); p instanceof ix && (f = p); } return o.corked && (o.corked = 1, this.uncork()), f || (!o.errored && !o.ending ? (o.ending = true, Xh(this, o, true), o.ended = true) : o.finished ? f = new vx("end") : o.destroyed && (f = new ga("end"))), typeof r == "function" && (f || o.finished ? Mn.nextTick(r, f) : o[lf].push(r)), this; }; function ts(t) { return t.ending && !t.destroyed && t.constructed && t.length === 0 && !t.errored && t.buffered.length === 0 && !t.finished && !t.writing && !t.errorEmitted && !t.closeEmitted; } function Mx(t, e) { let r = false; function o(f) { if (r) { uf(t, f ?? gv()); return; } if (r = true, e.pendingcb--, f) { let p = e[lf].splice(0); for (let m2 = 0;m2 < p.length; m2++) p[m2](f); uf(t, f, e.sync); } else ts(e) && (e.prefinished = true, t.emit("prefinish"), e.pendingcb++, Mn.nextTick(Vh, t, e)); } e.sync = true, e.pendingcb++; try { t._final(o); } catch (f) { o(f); } e.sync = false; } function _x(t, e) { !e.prefinished && !e.finalCalled && (typeof t._final == "function" && !e.destroyed ? (e.finalCalled = true, Mx(t, e)) : (e.prefinished = true, t.emit("prefinish"))); } function Xh(t, e, r) { ts(e) && (_x(t, e), e.pendingcb === 0 && (r ? (e.pendingcb++, Mn.nextTick((o, f) => { ts(f) ? Vh(o, f) : f.pendingcb--; }, t, e)) : ts(e) && (e.pendingcb++, Vh(t, e)))); } function Vh(t, e) { e.pendingcb--, e.finished = true; let r = e[lf].splice(0); for (let o = 0;o < r.length; o++) r[o](); if (t.emit("finish"), e.autoDestroy) { let o = t._readableState; (!o || o.autoDestroy && (o.endEmitted || o.readable === false)) && t.destroy(); } } nx(st.prototype, { closed: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.closed : false; } }, destroyed: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.destroyed : false; }, set(t) { this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = t); } }, writable: { __proto__: null, get() { let t = this._writableState; return !!t && t.writable !== false && !t.destroyed && !t.errored && !t.ending && !t.ended; }, set(t) { this._writableState && (this._writableState.writable = !!t); } }, writableFinished: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.finished : false; } }, writableObjectMode: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.objectMode : false; } }, writableBuffer: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }, writableEnded: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.ending : false; } }, writableNeedDrain: { __proto__: null, get() { let t = this._writableState; return t ? !t.destroyed && !t.ending && t.needDrain : false; } }, writableHighWaterMark: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }, writableCorked: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.corked : 0; } }, writableLength: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.length; } }, errored: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get() { return this._writableState ? this._writableState.errored : null; } }, writableAborted: { __proto__: null, enumerable: false, get: function() { return !!(this._writableState.writable !== false && (this._writableState.destroyed || this._writableState.errored) && !this._writableState.finished); } } }); var xx = is.destroy; st.prototype.destroy = function(t, e) { let r = this._writableState; return !r.destroyed && (r.bufferedIndex < r.buffered.length || r[lf].length) && Mn.nextTick(Gh, r),, t, e), this; }; st.prototype._undestroy = is.undestroy; st.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) { e(t); }; st.prototype[sx.captureRejectionSymbol] = function(t) { this.destroy(t); }; var Zh; function _v() { return Zh === undefined && (Zh = {}), Zh; } st.fromWeb = function(t, e) { return _v().newStreamWritableFromWritableStream(t, e); }; st.toWeb = function(t) { return _v().newWritableStreamFromStreamWritable(t); }; }); Dv = T2((ZI, Nv) => { var Qh = (Oi(), ur(pr)), Sx = Ut(), { isReadable: Ex, isWritable: Ax, isIterable: Sv, isNodeStream: Rx, isReadableNodeStream: Ev, isWritableNodeStream: Av, isDuplexNodeStream: Bx } = Fi(), Rv = Ui(), { AbortError: Lv, codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: qx, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE: Bv } } = Jt(), { destroyer: df } = yn(), Ix = Qr(), Tx = ba(), { createDeferredPromise: qv } = Gr(), Iv = Fh(), Tv = globalThis.Blob || Sx.Blob, kx = typeof Tv < "u" ? function(e) { return e instanceof Tv; } : function(e) { return false; }, Lx = globalThis.AbortController || No().AbortController, { FunctionPrototypeCall: kv } = Tt(), _n = class extends Ix { constructor(e) { super(e), e?.readable === false && (this._readableState.readable = false, this._readableState.ended = true, this._readableState.endEmitted = true), e?.writable === false && (this._writableState.writable = false, this._writableState.ending = true, this._writableState.ended = true, this._writableState.finished = true); } }; Nv.exports = function t(e, r) { if (Bx(e)) return e; if (Ev(e)) return ns({ readable: e }); if (Av(e)) return ns({ writable: e }); if (Rx(e)) return ns({ writable: false, readable: false }); if (typeof e == "function") { let { value: f, write: p, final: m2, destroy: y2 } = Nx(e); if (Sv(f)) return Iv(_n, f, { objectMode: true, write: p, final: m2, destroy: y2 }); let M = f?.then; if (typeof M == "function") { let x, S = kv(M, f, (E2) => { if (E2 != null) throw new Bv("nully", "body", E2); }, (E2) => { df(x, E2); }); return x = new _n({ objectMode: true, readable: false, write: p, final(E2) { m2(async () => { try { await S, Qh.nextTick(E2, null); } catch (B) { Qh.nextTick(E2, B); } }); }, destroy: y2 }); } throw new Bv("Iterable, AsyncIterable or AsyncFunction", r, f); } if (kx(e)) return t(e.arrayBuffer()); if (Sv(e)) return Iv(_n, e, { objectMode: true, writable: false }); if (typeof e?.writable == "object" || typeof e?.readable == "object") { let f = e != null && e.readable ? Ev(e?.readable) ? e?.readable : t(e.readable) : undefined, p = e != null && e.writable ? Av(e?.writable) ? e?.writable : t(e.writable) : undefined; return ns({ readable: f, writable: p }); } let o = e?.then; if (typeof o == "function") { let f; return kv(o, e, (p) => { p != null && f.push(p), f.push(null); }, (p) => { df(f, p); }), f = new _n({ objectMode: true, writable: false, read() { } }); } throw new qx(r, ["Blob", "ReadableStream", "WritableStream", "Stream", "Iterable", "AsyncIterable", "Function", "{ readable, writable } pair", "Promise"], e); }; function Nx(t) { let { promise: e, resolve: r } = qv(), o = new Lx, f = o.signal; return { value: t(async function* () { for (;; ) { let m2 = e; e = null; let { chunk: y2, done: M, cb: x } = await m2; if (Qh.nextTick(x), M) return; if (f.aborted) throw new Lv(undefined, { cause: f.reason }); ({ promise: e, resolve: r } = qv()), yield y2; } }(), { signal: f }), write(m2, y2, M) { let x = r; r = null, x({ chunk: m2, done: false, cb: M }); }, final(m2) { let y2 = r; r = null, y2({ done: true, cb: m2 }); }, destroy(m2, y2) { o.abort(), y2(m2); } }; } function ns(t) { let e = t.readable && typeof != "function" ? Tx.wrap(t.readable) : t.readable, r = t.writable, o = !!Ex(e), f = !!Ax(r), p, m2, y2, M, x; function S(E2) { let B = M; M = null, B ? B(E2) : E2 ? x.destroy(E2) : !o && !f && x.destroy(); } return x = new _n({ readableObjectMode: !!(e != null && e.readableObjectMode), writableObjectMode: !!(r != null && r.writableObjectMode), readable: o, writable: f }), f && (Rv(r, (E2) => { f = false, E2 && df(e, E2), S(E2); }), x._write = function(E2, B, q2) { r.write(E2, B) ? q2() : p = q2; }, x._final = function(E2) { r.end(), m2 = E2; }, r.on("drain", function() { if (p) { let E2 = p; p = null, E2(); } }), r.on("finish", function() { if (m2) { let E2 = m2; m2 = null, E2(); } })), o && (Rv(e, (E2) => { o = false, E2 && df(e, E2), S(E2); }), e.on("readable", function() { if (y2) { let E2 = y2; y2 = null, E2(); } }), e.on("end", function() { x.push(null); }), x._read = function() { for (;; ) { let E2 =; if (E2 === null) { y2 = x._read; return; } if (!x.push(E2)) return; } }), x._destroy = function(E2, B) { !E2 && M !== null && (E2 = new Lv), y2 = null, p = null, m2 = null, M === null ? B(E2) : (M = B, df(r, E2), df(e, E2)); }, x; } }); Qr = T2((VI, Ov) => { var { ObjectDefineProperties: Dx, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: bi, ObjectKeys: Px, ObjectSetPrototypeOf: Pv } = Tt(); Ov.exports = kr; var ru = ba(), vr = Jh(); Pv(kr.prototype, ru.prototype); Pv(kr, ru); { let t = Px(vr.prototype); for (let e = 0;e < t.length; e++) { let r = t[e]; kr.prototype[r] || (kr.prototype[r] = vr.prototype[r]); } } function kr(t) { if (!(this instanceof kr)) return new kr(t);, t),, t), t ? (this.allowHalfOpen = t.allowHalfOpen !== false, t.readable === false && (this._readableState.readable = false, this._readableState.ended = true, this._readableState.endEmitted = true), t.writable === false && (this._writableState.writable = false, this._writableState.ending = true, this._writableState.ended = true, this._writableState.finished = true)) : this.allowHalfOpen = true; } Dx(kr.prototype, { writable: { __proto__: null,, "writable") }, writableHighWaterMark: { __proto__: null,, "writableHighWaterMark") }, writableObjectMode: { __proto__: null,, "writableObjectMode") }, writableBuffer: { __proto__: null,, "writableBuffer") }, writableLength: { __proto__: null,, "writableLength") }, writableFinished: { __proto__: null,, "writableFinished") }, writableCorked: { __proto__: null,, "writableCorked") }, writableEnded: { __proto__: null,, "writableEnded") }, writableNeedDrain: { __proto__: null,, "writableNeedDrain") }, destroyed: { __proto__: null, get() { return this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined ? false : this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set(t) { this._readableState && this._writableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = t, this._writableState.destroyed = t); } } }); var eu; function Cv() { return eu === undefined && (eu = {}), eu; } kr.fromWeb = function(t, e) { return Cv().newStreamDuplexFromReadableWritablePair(t, e); }; kr.toWeb = function(t) { return Cv().newReadableWritablePairFromDuplex(t); }; var tu; kr.from = function(t) { return tu || (tu = Dv()), tu(t, "body"); }; }); fu = T2(($I, Uv) => { var { ObjectSetPrototypeOf: Fv, Symbol: Cx } = Tt(); Uv.exports = mi; var { ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Ox } = Jt().codes, nu = Qr(), { getHighWaterMark: Fx } = Xo(); Fv(mi.prototype, nu.prototype); Fv(mi, nu); var wa = Cx("kCallback"); function mi(t) { if (!(this instanceof mi)) return new mi(t); let e = t ? Fx(this, t, "readableHighWaterMark", true) : null; e === 0 && (t = { ...t, highWaterMark: null, readableHighWaterMark: e, writableHighWaterMark: t.writableHighWaterMark || 0 }),, t), this._readableState.sync = false, this[wa] = null, t && (typeof t.transform == "function" && (this._transform = t.transform), typeof t.flush == "function" && (this._flush = t.flush)), this.on("prefinish", Ux); } function iu(t) { typeof this._flush == "function" && !this.destroyed ? this._flush((e, r) => { if (e) { t ? t(e) : this.destroy(e); return; } r != null && this.push(r), this.push(null), t && t(); }) : (this.push(null), t && t()); } function Ux() { this._final !== iu &&; } mi.prototype._final = iu; mi.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { throw new Ox("_transform()"); }; mi.prototype._write = function(t, e, r) { let o = this._readableState, f = this._writableState, p = o.length; this._transform(t, e, (m2, y2) => { if (m2) { r(m2); return; } y2 != null && this.push(y2), f.ended || p === o.length || o.length < o.highWaterMark ? r() : this[wa] = r; }); }; mi.prototype._read = function() { if (this[wa]) { let t = this[wa]; this[wa] = null, t(); } }; }); ou = T2((GI, Hv) => { var { ObjectSetPrototypeOf: zv } = Tt(); Hv.exports = cf; var au = fu(); zv(cf.prototype, au.prototype); zv(cf, au); function cf(t) { if (!(this instanceof cf)) return new cf(t);, t); } cf.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { r(null, t); }; }); os = T2((YI, Gv) => { var fs2 = (Oi(), ur(pr)), { ArrayIsArray: zx, Promise: Hx, SymbolAsyncIterator: Wx } = Tt(), as = Ui(), { once: Kx } = Gr(), jx = yn(), Wv = Qr(), { aggregateTwoErrors: Zx, codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE: Vv, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE: su, ERR_MISSING_ARGS: Vx, ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED: $x, ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE: Gx }, AbortError: Yx } = Jt(), { validateFunction: Xx, validateAbortSignal: Jx } = pa(), { isIterable: pf, isReadable: hu, isReadableNodeStream: du, isNodeStream: Kv } = Fi(), Qx = globalThis.AbortController || No().AbortController, uu, lu; function jv(t, e, r) { let o = false; t.on("close", () => { o = true; }); let f = as(t, { readable: e, writable: r }, (p) => { o = !p; }); return { destroy: (p) => { o || (o = true, jx.destroyer(t, p || new $x("pipe"))); }, cleanup: f }; } function e7(t) { return Xx(t[t.length - 1], "streams[stream.length - 1]"), t.pop(); } function t7(t) { if (pf(t)) return t; if (du(t)) return r7(t); throw new Vv("val", ["Readable", "Iterable", "AsyncIterable"], t); } async function* r7(t) { lu || (lu = ba()), yield* lu.prototype[Wx].call(t); } async function Zv(t, e, r, { end: o }) { let f, p = null, m2 = (x) => { if (x && (f = x), p) { let S = p; p = null, S(); } }, y2 = () => new Hx((x, S) => { f ? S(f) : p = () => { f ? S(f) : x(); }; }); e.on("drain", m2); let M = as(e, { readable: false }, m2); try { e.writableNeedDrain && await y2(); for await (let x of t) e.write(x) || await y2(); o && e.end(), await y2(), r(); } catch (x) { r(f !== x ? Zx(f, x) : x); } finally { M(),"drain", m2); } } function i7(...t) { return $v(t, Kx(e7(t))); } function $v(t, e, r) { if (t.length === 1 && zx(t[0]) && (t = t[0]), t.length < 2) throw new Vx("streams"); let o = new Qx, f = o.signal, p = r?.signal, m2 = []; Jx(p, "options.signal"); function y2() { q2(new Yx); } p?.addEventListener("abort", y2); let M, x, S = [], E2 = 0; function B(N) { q2(N, --E2 === 0); } function q2(N, we) { if (N && (!M || M.code === "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE") && (M = N), !(!M && !we)) { for (;S.length; ) S.shift()(M); p?.removeEventListener("abort", y2), o.abort(), we && (M || m2.forEach((ye) => ye()), fs2.nextTick(e, M, x)); } } let L2; for (let N = 0;N < t.length; N++) { let we = t[N], ye = N < t.length - 1, xe = N > 0, Re = ye || r?.end !== false, Ee = N === t.length - 1; if (Kv(we)) { let Ae = function(P) { P && !== "AbortError" && P.code !== "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE" && B(P); }; var _e = Ae; if (Re) { let { destroy: P, cleanup: Se } = jv(we, ye, xe); S.push(P), hu(we) && Ee && m2.push(Se); } we.on("error", Ae), hu(we) && Ee && m2.push(() => { we.removeListener("error", Ae); }); } if (N === 0) if (typeof we == "function") { if (L2 = we({ signal: f }), !pf(L2)) throw new su("Iterable, AsyncIterable or Stream", "source", L2); } else pf(we) || du(we) ? L2 = we : L2 = Wv.from(we); else if (typeof we == "function") if (L2 = t7(L2), L2 = we(L2, { signal: f }), ye) { if (!pf(L2, true)) throw new su("AsyncIterable", `transform[${N - 1}]`, L2); } else { var ge; uu || (uu = ou()); let Ae = new uu({ objectMode: true }), P = (ge = L2) === null || ge === undefined ? undefined : ge.then; if (typeof P == "function") E2++,, (i) => { x = i, i != null && Ae.write(i), Re && Ae.end(), fs2.nextTick(B); }, (i) => { Ae.destroy(i), fs2.nextTick(B, i); }); else if (pf(L2, true)) E2++, Zv(L2, Ae, B, { end: Re }); else throw new su("AsyncIterable or Promise", "destination", L2); L2 = Ae; let { destroy: Se, cleanup: v } = jv(L2, false, true); S.push(Se), Ee && m2.push(v); } else if (Kv(we)) { if (du(L2)) { E2 += 2; let Ae = n7(L2, we, B, { end: Re }); hu(we) && Ee && m2.push(Ae); } else if (pf(L2)) E2++, Zv(L2, we, B, { end: Re }); else throw new Vv("val", ["Readable", "Iterable", "AsyncIterable"], L2); L2 = we; } else L2 = Wv.from(we); } return (f != null && f.aborted || p != null && p.aborted) && fs2.nextTick(y2), L2; } function n7(t, e, r, { end: o }) { let f = false; return e.on("close", () => { f || r(new Gx); }), t.pipe(e, { end: o }), o ? t.once("end", () => { f = true, e.end(); }) : r(), as(t, { readable: true, writable: false }, (p) => { let m2 = t._readableState; p && p.code === "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE" && m2 && m2.ended && !m2.errored && !m2.errorEmitted ? t.once("end", r).once("error", r) : r(p); }), as(e, { readable: false, writable: true }, r); } Gv.exports = { pipelineImpl: $v, pipeline: i7 }; }); eb = T2((XI, Qv) => { var { pipeline: f7 } = os(), ss = Qr(), { destroyer: a7 } = yn(), { isNodeStream: o7, isReadable: Yv, isWritable: Xv } = Fi(), { AbortError: s7, codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE: Jv, ERR_MISSING_ARGS: h7 } } = Jt(); Qv.exports = function(...e) { if (e.length === 0) throw new h7("streams"); if (e.length === 1) return ss.from(e[0]); let r = [...e]; if (typeof e[0] == "function" && (e[0] = ss.from(e[0])), typeof e[e.length - 1] == "function") { let q2 = e.length - 1; e[q2] = ss.from(e[q2]); } for (let q2 = 0;q2 < e.length; ++q2) if (!!o7(e[q2])) { if (q2 < e.length - 1 && !Yv(e[q2])) throw new Jv(`streams[${q2}]`, r[q2], "must be readable"); if (q2 > 0 && !Xv(e[q2])) throw new Jv(`streams[${q2}]`, r[q2], "must be writable"); } let o, f, p, m2, y2; function M(q2) { let L2 = m2; m2 = null, L2 ? L2(q2) : q2 ? y2.destroy(q2) : !B && !E2 && y2.destroy(); } let x = e[0], S = f7(e, M), E2 = !!Xv(x), B = !!Yv(S); return y2 = new ss({ writableObjectMode: !!(x != null && x.writableObjectMode), readableObjectMode: !!(S != null && S.writableObjectMode), writable: E2, readable: B }), E2 && (y2._write = function(q2, L2, ge) { x.write(q2, L2) ? ge() : o = ge; }, y2._final = function(q2) { x.end(), f = q2; }, x.on("drain", function() { if (o) { let q2 = o; o = null, q2(); } }), S.on("finish", function() { if (f) { let q2 = f; f = null, q2(); } })), B && (S.on("readable", function() { if (p) { let q2 = p; p = null, q2(); } }), S.on("end", function() { y2.push(null); }), y2._read = function() { for (;; ) { let q2 =; if (q2 === null) { p = y2._read; return; } if (!y2.push(q2)) return; } }), y2._destroy = function(q2, L2) { !q2 && m2 !== null && (q2 = new s7), p = null, o = null, f = null, m2 === null ? L2(q2) : (m2 = L2, a7(S, q2)); }, y2; }; }); cu = T2((JI, tb) => { var { ArrayPrototypePop: u7, Promise: l7 } = Tt(), { isIterable: d7, isNodeStream: c7 } = Fi(), { pipelineImpl: p7 } = os(), { finished: v7 } = Ui(); function b7(...t) { return new l7((e, r) => { let o, f, p = t[t.length - 1]; if (p && typeof p == "object" && !c7(p) && !d7(p)) { let m2 = u7(t); o = m2.signal, f = m2.end; } p7(t, (m2, y2) => { m2 ? r(m2) : e(y2); }, { signal: o, end: f }); }); } tb.exports = { finished: v7, pipeline: b7 }; }); lb = T2((QI, ub) => { var { Buffer: m7 } = Ut(), { ObjectDefineProperty: gi, ObjectKeys: nb, ReflectApply: fb } = Tt(), { promisify: { custom: ab } } = Gr(), { streamReturningOperators: rb, promiseReturningOperators: ib } = k1(), { codes: { ERR_ILLEGAL_CONSTRUCTOR: ob } } = Jt(), g7 = eb(), { pipeline: sb } = os(), { destroyer: y7 } = yn(), hb = Ui(), pu = cu(), vu = Fi(), ct = ub.exports = Vo().Stream; ct.isDisturbed = vu.isDisturbed; ct.isErrored = vu.isErrored; ct.isReadable = vu.isReadable; ct.Readable = ba(); for (let t of nb(rb)) { let r = function(...o) { if ( throw ob(); return ct.Readable.from(fb(e, this, o)); }; M7 = r; let e = rb[t]; gi(r, "name", { __proto__: null, value: }), gi(r, "length", { __proto__: null, value: e.length }), gi(ct.Readable.prototype, t, { __proto__: null, value: r, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); } var M7; for (let t of nb(ib)) { let r = function(...f) { if ( throw ob(); return fb(e, this, f); }; M7 = r; let e = ib[t]; gi(r, "name", { __proto__: null, value: }), gi(r, "length", { __proto__: null, value: e.length }), gi(ct.Readable.prototype, t, { __proto__: null, value: r, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); } var M7; ct.Writable = Jh(); ct.Duplex = Qr(); ct.Transform = fu(); ct.PassThrough = ou(); ct.pipeline = sb; var { addAbortSignal: w7 } = Go(); ct.addAbortSignal = w7; ct.finished = hb; ct.destroy = y7; ct.compose = g7; gi(ct, "promises", { __proto__: null, configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return pu; } }); gi(sb, ab, { __proto__: null, enumerable: true, get() { return pu.pipeline; } }); gi(hb, ab, { __proto__: null, enumerable: true, get() { return pu.finished; } }); ct.Stream = ct; ct._isUint8Array = function(e) { return e instanceof Uint8Array; }; ct._uint8ArrayToBuffer = function(e) { return m7.from(e.buffer, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength); }; }); bu = T2((eT, pt) => { var Lt = lb(), _7 = cu(), x7 = Lt.Readable.destroy; pt.exports = Lt.Readable; pt.exports._uint8ArrayToBuffer = Lt._uint8ArrayToBuffer; pt.exports._isUint8Array = Lt._isUint8Array; pt.exports.isDisturbed = Lt.isDisturbed; pt.exports.isErrored = Lt.isErrored; pt.exports.isReadable = Lt.isReadable; pt.exports.Readable = Lt.Readable; pt.exports.Writable = Lt.Writable; pt.exports.Duplex = Lt.Duplex; pt.exports.Transform = Lt.Transform; pt.exports.PassThrough = Lt.PassThrough; pt.exports.addAbortSignal = Lt.addAbortSignal; pt.exports.finished = Lt.finished; pt.exports.destroy = Lt.destroy; pt.exports.destroy = x7; pt.exports.pipeline = Lt.pipeline; pt.exports.compose = Lt.compose; Object.defineProperty(Lt, "promises", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return _7; } }); pt.exports.Stream = Lt.Stream; pt.exports.default = pt.exports; }); vf = {}; Ja(vf, { default: () => S7 }); db = R0(() => { ot(vf, rn(bu())); S7 = rn(bu()); }); yi = T2((rT, vb) => { var cb = Te().Buffer, pb = (db(), ur(vf)).Transform, E7 = co().StringDecoder, A7 = Ie(); function Lr(t) {, this.hashMode = typeof t == "string", this.hashMode ? this[t] = this._finalOrDigest : = this._finalOrDigest, this._final && (this.__final = this._final, this._final = null), this._decoder = null, this._encoding = null; } A7(Lr, pb); Lr.prototype.update = function(t, e, r) { typeof t == "string" && (t = cb.from(t, e)); var o = this._update(t); return this.hashMode ? this : (r && (o = this._toString(o, r)), o); }; Lr.prototype.setAutoPadding = function() { }; Lr.prototype.getAuthTag = function() { throw new Error("trying to get auth tag in unsupported state"); }; Lr.prototype.setAuthTag = function() { throw new Error("trying to set auth tag in unsupported state"); }; Lr.prototype.setAAD = function() { throw new Error("trying to set aad in unsupported state"); }; Lr.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { var o; try { this.hashMode ? this._update(t) : this.push(this._update(t)); } catch (f) { o = f; } finally { r(o); } }; Lr.prototype._flush = function(t) { var e; try { this.push(this.__final()); } catch (r) { e = r; } t(e); }; Lr.prototype._finalOrDigest = function(t) { var e = this.__final() || cb.alloc(0); return t && (e = this._toString(e, t, true)), e; }; Lr.prototype._toString = function(t, e, r) { if (this._decoder || (this._decoder = new E7(e), this._encoding = e), this._encoding !== e) throw new Error("can't switch encodings"); var o = this._decoder.write(t); return r && (o += this._decoder.end()), o; }; vb.exports = Lr; }); bf = T2((iT, mb) => { var R7 = Ie(), B7 = Ao(), q7 = Bo(), I7 = ko(), bb = yi(); function hs(t) {, "digest"), this._hash = t; } R7(hs, bb); hs.prototype._update = function(t) { this._hash.update(t); }; hs.prototype._final = function() { return this._hash.digest(); }; mb.exports = function(e) { return e = e.toLowerCase(), e === "md5" ? new B7 : e === "rmd160" || e === "ripemd160" ? new q7 : new hs(I7(e)); }; }); wb = T2((nT, yb) => { var T7 = Ie(), xn = Te().Buffer, gb = yi(), k7 = xn.alloc(128), mf = 64; function us(t, e) {, "digest"), typeof e == "string" && (e = xn.from(e)), this._alg = t, this._key = e, e.length > mf ? e = t(e) : e.length < mf && (e = xn.concat([e, k7], mf)); for (var r = this._ipad = xn.allocUnsafe(mf), o = this._opad = xn.allocUnsafe(mf), f = 0;f < mf; f++) r[f] = e[f] ^ 54, o[f] = e[f] ^ 92; this._hash = [r]; } T7(us, gb); us.prototype._update = function(t) { this._hash.push(t); }; us.prototype._final = function() { var t = this._alg(xn.concat(this._hash)); return this._alg(xn.concat([this._opad, t])); }; yb.exports = us; }); mu = T2((fT, Mb) => { var L7 = Ao(); Mb.exports = function(t) { return new L7().update(t).digest(); }; }); wu = T2((aT, xb) => { var N7 = Ie(), D7 = wb(), _b = yi(), Ma = Te().Buffer, P7 = mu(), gu = Bo(), yu = ko(), C7 = Ma.alloc(128); function _a(t, e) {, "digest"), typeof e == "string" && (e = Ma.from(e)); var r = t === "sha512" || t === "sha384" ? 128 : 64; if (this._alg = t, this._key = e, e.length > r) { var o = t === "rmd160" ? new gu : yu(t); e = o.update(e).digest(); } else e.length < r && (e = Ma.concat([e, C7], r)); for (var f = this._ipad = Ma.allocUnsafe(r), p = this._opad = Ma.allocUnsafe(r), m2 = 0;m2 < r; m2++) f[m2] = e[m2] ^ 54, p[m2] = e[m2] ^ 92; this._hash = t === "rmd160" ? new gu : yu(t), this._hash.update(f); } N7(_a, _b); _a.prototype._update = function(t) { this._hash.update(t); }; _a.prototype._final = function() { var t = this._hash.digest(), e = this._alg === "rmd160" ? new gu : yu(this._alg); return e.update(this._opad).update(t).digest(); }; xb.exports = function(e, r) { return e = e.toLowerCase(), e === "rmd160" || e === "ripemd160" ? new _a("rmd160", r) : e === "md5" ? new D7(P7, r) : new _a(e, r); }; }); Mu = T2((oT, O7) => { O7.exports = { sha224WithRSAEncryption: { sign: "rsa", hash: "sha224", id: "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c" }, "RSA-SHA224": { sign: "ecdsa/rsa", hash: "sha224", id: "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c" }, sha256WithRSAEncryption: { sign: "rsa", hash: "sha256", id: "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420" }, "RSA-SHA256": { sign: "ecdsa/rsa", hash: "sha256", id: "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420" }, sha384WithRSAEncryption: { sign: "rsa", hash: "sha384", id: "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430" }, "RSA-SHA384": { sign: "ecdsa/rsa", hash: "sha384", id: "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430" }, sha512WithRSAEncryption: { sign: "rsa", hash: "sha512", id: "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440" }, "RSA-SHA512": { sign: "ecdsa/rsa", hash: "sha512", id: "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440" }, "RSA-SHA1": { sign: "rsa", hash: "sha1", id: "3021300906052b0e03021a05000414" }, "ecdsa-with-SHA1": { sign: "ecdsa", hash: "sha1", id: "" }, sha256: { sign: "ecdsa", hash: "sha256", id: "" }, sha224: { sign: "ecdsa", hash: "sha224", id: "" }, sha384: { sign: "ecdsa", hash: "sha384", id: "" }, sha512: { sign: "ecdsa", hash: "sha512", id: "" }, "DSA-SHA": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha1", id: "" }, "DSA-SHA1": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha1", id: "" }, DSA: { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha1", id: "" }, "DSA-WITH-SHA224": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha224", id: "" }, "DSA-SHA224": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha224", id: "" }, "DSA-WITH-SHA256": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha256", id: "" }, "DSA-SHA256": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha256", id: "" }, "DSA-WITH-SHA384": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha384", id: "" }, "DSA-SHA384": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha384", id: "" }, "DSA-WITH-SHA512": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha512", id: "" }, "DSA-SHA512": { sign: "dsa", hash: "sha512", id: "" }, "DSA-RIPEMD160": { sign: "dsa", hash: "rmd160", id: "" }, ripemd160WithRSA: { sign: "rsa", hash: "rmd160", id: "3021300906052b2403020105000414" }, "RSA-RIPEMD160": { sign: "rsa", hash: "rmd160", id: "3021300906052b2403020105000414" }, md5WithRSAEncryption: { sign: "rsa", hash: "md5", id: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410" }, "RSA-MD5": { sign: "rsa", hash: "md5", id: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410" } }; }); Eb = T2((sT, Sb) => { Sb.exports = Mu(); }); _u = T2((hT, Ab) => { var F7 = Math.pow(2, 30) - 1; Ab.exports = function(t, e) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new TypeError("Iterations not a number"); if (t < 0) throw new TypeError("Bad iterations"); if (typeof e != "number") throw new TypeError("Key length not a number"); if (e < 0 || e > F7 || e !== e) throw new TypeError("Bad key length"); }; }); xu = T2((uT, Bb) => { var ls; global.process && global.process.browser ? ls = "utf-8" : global.process && global.process.version ? (Rb = parseInt(process.version.split(".")[0].slice(1), 10), ls = Rb >= 6 ? "utf-8" : "binary") : ls = "utf-8"; var Rb; Bb.exports = ls; }); Eu = T2((lT, qb) => { var Su = Te().Buffer; qb.exports = function(t, e, r) { if (Su.isBuffer(t)) return t; if (typeof t == "string") return Su.from(t, e); if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) return Su.from(t.buffer); throw new TypeError(r + " must be a string, a Buffer, a typed array or a DataView"); }; }); Au = T2((dT, Lb) => { var U7 = mu(), z7 = Bo(), H7 = ko(), Sn = Te().Buffer, W7 = _u(), Ib = xu(), Tb = Eu(), K7 = Sn.alloc(128), ds = { md5: 16, sha1: 20, sha224: 28, sha256: 32, sha384: 48, sha512: 64, rmd160: 20, ripemd160: 20 }; function kb(t, e, r) { var o = j7(t), f = t === "sha512" || t === "sha384" ? 128 : 64; e.length > f ? e = o(e) : e.length < f && (e = Sn.concat([e, K7], f)); for (var p = Sn.allocUnsafe(f + ds[t]), m2 = Sn.allocUnsafe(f + ds[t]), y2 = 0;y2 < f; y2++) p[y2] = e[y2] ^ 54, m2[y2] = e[y2] ^ 92; var M = Sn.allocUnsafe(f + r + 4); p.copy(M, 0, 0, f), this.ipad1 = M, this.ipad2 = p, this.opad = m2, this.alg = t, this.blocksize = f, this.hash = o, this.size = ds[t]; } = function(t, e) { t.copy(e, this.blocksize); var r = this.hash(e); return r.copy(this.opad, this.blocksize), this.hash(this.opad); }; function j7(t) { function e(o) { return H7(t).update(o).digest(); } function r(o) { return new z7().update(o).digest(); } return t === "rmd160" || t === "ripemd160" ? r : t === "md5" ? U7 : e; } function Z7(t, e, r, o, f) { W7(r, o), t = Tb(t, Ib, "Password"), e = Tb(e, Ib, "Salt"), f = f || "sha1"; var p = new kb(f, t, e.length), m2 = Sn.allocUnsafe(o), y2 = Sn.allocUnsafe(e.length + 4); e.copy(y2, 0, 0, e.length); for (var M = 0, x = ds[f], S = Math.ceil(o / x), E2 = 1;E2 <= S; E2++) { y2.writeUInt32BE(E2, e.length); for (var B =, p.ipad1), q2 = B, L2 = 1;L2 < r; L2++) { q2 =, p.ipad2); for (var ge = 0;ge < x; ge++) B[ge] ^= q2[ge]; } B.copy(m2, M), M += x; } return m2; } Lb.exports = Z7; }); Ub = T2((cT, Fb) => { var Cb = Te().Buffer, V7 = _u(), Nb = xu(), Db = Au(), Pb = Eu(), cs, xa = global.crypto && global.crypto.subtle, $7 = { sha: "SHA-1", "sha-1": "SHA-1", sha1: "SHA-1", sha256: "SHA-256", "sha-256": "SHA-256", sha384: "SHA-384", "sha-384": "SHA-384", "sha-512": "SHA-512", sha512: "SHA-512" }, Ru = []; function G7(t) { if (global.process && !global.process.browser || !xa || !xa.importKey || !xa.deriveBits) return Promise.resolve(false); if (Ru[t] !== undefined) return Ru[t]; cs = cs || Cb.alloc(8); var e = Ob(cs, cs, 10, 128, t).then(function() { return true; }).catch(function() { return false; }); return Ru[t] = e, e; } var En; function Bu() { return En || (global.process && global.process.nextTick ? En = global.process.nextTick : global.queueMicrotask ? En = global.queueMicrotask : global.setImmediate ? En = global.setImmediate : En = global.setTimeout, En); } function Ob(t, e, r, o, f) { return xa.importKey("raw", t, { name: "PBKDF2" }, false, ["deriveBits"]).then(function(p) { return xa.deriveBits({ name: "PBKDF2", salt: e, iterations: r, hash: { name: f } }, p, o << 3); }).then(function(p) { return Cb.from(p); }); } function Y7(t, e) { t.then(function(r) { Bu()(function() { e(null, r); }); }, function(r) { Bu()(function() { e(r); }); }); } Fb.exports = function(t, e, r, o, f, p) { typeof f == "function" && (p = f, f = undefined), f = f || "sha1"; var m2 = $7[f.toLowerCase()]; if (!m2 || typeof global.Promise != "function") { Bu()(function() { var y2; try { y2 = Db(t, e, r, o, f); } catch (M) { return p(M); } p(null, y2); }); return; } if (V7(r, o), t = Pb(t, Nb, "Password"), e = Pb(e, Nb, "Salt"), typeof p != "function") throw new Error("No callback provided to pbkdf2"); Y7(G7(m2).then(function(y2) { return y2 ? Ob(t, e, r, o, m2) : Db(t, e, r, o, f); }), p); }; }); Iu = T2((qu) => { qu.pbkdf2 = Ub(); qu.pbkdf2Sync = Au(); }); Tu = T2((br) => { br.readUInt32BE = function(e, r) { var o = e[0 + r] << 24 | e[1 + r] << 16 | e[2 + r] << 8 | e[3 + r]; return o >>> 0; }; br.writeUInt32BE = function(e, r, o) { e[0 + o] = r >>> 24, e[1 + o] = r >>> 16 & 255, e[2 + o] = r >>> 8 & 255, e[3 + o] = r & 255; }; br.ip = function(e, r, o, f) { for (var p = 0, m2 = 0, y2 = 6;y2 >= 0; y2 -= 2) { for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) p <<= 1, p |= r >>> M + y2 & 1; for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) p <<= 1, p |= e >>> M + y2 & 1; } for (var y2 = 6;y2 >= 0; y2 -= 2) { for (var M = 1;M <= 25; M += 8) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= r >>> M + y2 & 1; for (var M = 1;M <= 25; M += 8) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= e >>> M + y2 & 1; } o[f + 0] = p >>> 0, o[f + 1] = m2 >>> 0; }; = function(e, r, o, f) { for (var p = 0, m2 = 0, y2 = 0;y2 < 4; y2++) for (var M = 24;M >= 0; M -= 8) p <<= 1, p |= r >>> M + y2 & 1, p <<= 1, p |= e >>> M + y2 & 1; for (var y2 = 4;y2 < 8; y2++) for (var M = 24;M >= 0; M -= 8) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= r >>> M + y2 & 1, m2 <<= 1, m2 |= e >>> M + y2 & 1; o[f + 0] = p >>> 0, o[f + 1] = m2 >>> 0; }; br.pc1 = function(e, r, o, f) { for (var p = 0, m2 = 0, y2 = 7;y2 >= 5; y2--) { for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) p <<= 1, p |= r >> M + y2 & 1; for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) p <<= 1, p |= e >> M + y2 & 1; } for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) p <<= 1, p |= r >> M + y2 & 1; for (var y2 = 1;y2 <= 3; y2++) { for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= r >> M + y2 & 1; for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= e >> M + y2 & 1; } for (var M = 0;M <= 24; M += 8) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= e >> M + y2 & 1; o[f + 0] = p >>> 0, o[f + 1] = m2 >>> 0; }; br.r28shl = function(e, r) { return e << r & 268435455 | e >>> 28 - r; }; var ps = [14, 11, 17, 4, 27, 23, 25, 0, 13, 22, 7, 18, 5, 9, 16, 24, 2, 20, 12, 21, 1, 8, 15, 26, 15, 4, 25, 19, 9, 1, 26, 16, 5, 11, 23, 8, 12, 7, 17, 0, 22, 3, 10, 14, 6, 20, 27, 24]; br.pc2 = function(e, r, o, f) { for (var p = 0, m2 = 0, y2 = ps.length >>> 1, M = 0;M < y2; M++) p <<= 1, p |= e >>> ps[M] & 1; for (var M = y2;M < ps.length; M++) m2 <<= 1, m2 |= r >>> ps[M] & 1; o[f + 0] = p >>> 0, o[f + 1] = m2 >>> 0; }; br.expand = function(e, r, o) { var f = 0, p = 0; f = (e & 1) << 5 | e >>> 27; for (var m2 = 23;m2 >= 15; m2 -= 4) f <<= 6, f |= e >>> m2 & 63; for (var m2 = 11;m2 >= 3; m2 -= 4) p |= e >>> m2 & 63, p <<= 6; p |= (e & 31) << 1 | e >>> 31, r[o + 0] = f >>> 0, r[o + 1] = p >>> 0; }; var zb = [14, 0, 4, 15, 13, 7, 1, 4, 2, 14, 15, 2, 11, 13, 8, 1, 3, 10, 10, 6, 6, 12, 12, 11, 5, 9, 9, 5, 0, 3, 7, 8, 4, 15, 1, 12, 14, 8, 8, 2, 13, 4, 6, 9, 2, 1, 11, 7, 15, 5, 12, 11, 9, 3, 7, 14, 3, 10, 10, 0, 5, 6, 0, 13, 15, 3, 1, 13, 8, 4, 14, 7, 6, 15, 11, 2, 3, 8, 4, 14, 9, 12, 7, 0, 2, 1, 13, 10, 12, 6, 0, 9, 5, 11, 10, 5, 0, 13, 14, 8, 7, 10, 11, 1, 10, 3, 4, 15, 13, 4, 1, 2, 5, 11, 8, 6, 12, 7, 6, 12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 2, 14, 15, 9, 10, 13, 0, 7, 9, 0, 14, 9, 6, 3, 3, 4, 15, 6, 5, 10, 1, 2, 13, 8, 12, 5, 7, 14, 11, 12, 4, 11, 2, 15, 8, 1, 13, 1, 6, 10, 4, 13, 9, 0, 8, 6, 15, 9, 3, 8, 0, 7, 11, 4, 1, 15, 2, 14, 12, 3, 5, 11, 10, 5, 14, 2, 7, 12, 7, 13, 13, 8, 14, 11, 3, 5, 0, 6, 6, 15, 9, 0, 10, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7, 8, 2, 5, 12, 11, 1, 12, 10, 4, 14, 15, 9, 10, 3, 6, 15, 9, 0, 0, 6, 12, 10, 11, 1, 7, 13, 13, 8, 15, 9, 1, 4, 3, 5, 14, 11, 5, 12, 2, 7, 8, 2, 4, 14, 2, 14, 12, 11, 4, 2, 1, 12, 7, 4, 10, 7, 11, 13, 6, 1, 8, 5, 5, 0, 3, 15, 15, 10, 13, 3, 0, 9, 14, 8, 9, 6, 4, 11, 2, 8, 1, 12, 11, 7, 10, 1, 13, 14, 7, 2, 8, 13, 15, 6, 9, 15, 12, 0, 5, 9, 6, 10, 3, 4, 0, 5, 14, 3, 12, 10, 1, 15, 10, 4, 15, 2, 9, 7, 2, 12, 6, 9, 8, 5, 0, 6, 13, 1, 3, 13, 4, 14, 14, 0, 7, 11, 5, 3, 11, 8, 9, 4, 14, 3, 15, 2, 5, 12, 2, 9, 8, 5, 12, 15, 3, 10, 7, 11, 0, 14, 4, 1, 10, 7, 1, 6, 13, 0, 11, 8, 6, 13, 4, 13, 11, 0, 2, 11, 14, 7, 15, 4, 0, 9, 8, 1, 13, 10, 3, 14, 12, 3, 9, 5, 7, 12, 5, 2, 10, 15, 6, 8, 1, 6, 1, 6, 4, 11, 11, 13, 13, 8, 12, 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 7, 10, 9, 15, 5, 6, 0, 8, 15, 0, 14, 5, 2, 9, 3, 2, 12, 13, 1, 2, 15, 8, 13, 4, 8, 6, 10, 15, 3, 11, 7, 1, 4, 10, 12, 9, 5, 3, 6, 14, 11, 5, 0, 0, 14, 12, 9, 7, 2, 7, 2, 11, 1, 4, 14, 1, 7, 9, 4, 12, 10, 14, 8, 2, 13, 0, 15, 6, 12, 10, 9, 13, 0, 15, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 11]; br.substitute = function(e, r) { for (var o = 0, f = 0;f < 4; f++) { var p = e >>> 18 - f * 6 & 63, m2 = zb[f * 64 + p]; o <<= 4, o |= m2; } for (var f = 0;f < 4; f++) { var p = r >>> 18 - f * 6 & 63, m2 = zb[4 * 64 + f * 64 + p]; o <<= 4, o |= m2; } return o >>> 0; }; var Hb = [16, 25, 12, 11, 3, 20, 4, 15, 31, 17, 9, 6, 27, 14, 1, 22, 30, 24, 8, 18, 0, 5, 29, 23, 13, 19, 2, 26, 10, 21, 28, 7]; br.permute = function(e) { for (var r = 0, o = 0;o < Hb.length; o++) r <<= 1, r |= e >>> Hb[o] & 1; return r >>> 0; }; br.padSplit = function(e, r, o) { for (var f = e.toString(2);f.length < r; ) f = "0" + f; for (var p = [], m2 = 0;m2 < r; m2 += o) p.push(f.slice(m2, m2 + o)); return p.join(" "); }; }); ar = T2((bT, Kb) => { Kb.exports = Wb; function Wb(t, e) { if (!t) throw new Error(e || "Assertion failed"); } Wb.equal = function(e, r, o) { if (e != r) throw new Error(o || "Assertion failed: " + e + " != " + r); }; }); vs = T2((mT, jb) => { var X7 = ar(); function mr(t) { this.options = t, this.type = this.options.type, this.blockSize = 8, this._init(), this.buffer = new Array(this.blockSize), this.bufferOff = 0; } jb.exports = mr; mr.prototype._init = function() { }; mr.prototype.update = function(e) { return e.length === 0 ? [] : this.type === "decrypt" ? this._updateDecrypt(e) : this._updateEncrypt(e); }; mr.prototype._buffer = function(e, r) { for (var o = Math.min(this.buffer.length - this.bufferOff, e.length - r), f = 0;f < o; f++) this.buffer[this.bufferOff + f] = e[r + f]; return this.bufferOff += o, o; }; mr.prototype._flushBuffer = function(e, r) { return this._update(this.buffer, 0, e, r), this.bufferOff = 0, this.blockSize; }; mr.prototype._updateEncrypt = function(e) { var r = 0, o = 0, f = (this.bufferOff + e.length) / this.blockSize | 0, p = new Array(f * this.blockSize); this.bufferOff !== 0 && (r += this._buffer(e, r), this.bufferOff === this.buffer.length && (o += this._flushBuffer(p, o))); for (var m2 = e.length - (e.length - r) % this.blockSize;r < m2; r += this.blockSize) this._update(e, r, p, o), o += this.blockSize; for (;r < e.length; r++, this.bufferOff++) this.buffer[this.bufferOff] = e[r]; return p; }; mr.prototype._updateDecrypt = function(e) { for (var r = 0, o = 0, f = Math.ceil((this.bufferOff + e.length) / this.blockSize) - 1, p = new Array(f * this.blockSize);f > 0; f--) r += this._buffer(e, r), o += this._flushBuffer(p, o); return r += this._buffer(e, r), p; }; = function(e) { var r; e && (r = this.update(e)); var o; return this.type === "encrypt" ? o = this._finalEncrypt() : o = this._finalDecrypt(), r ? r.concat(o) : o; }; mr.prototype._pad = function(e, r) { if (r === 0) return false; for (;r < e.length; ) e[r++] = 0; return true; }; mr.prototype._finalEncrypt = function() { if (!this._pad(this.buffer, this.bufferOff)) return []; var e = new Array(this.blockSize); return this._update(this.buffer, 0, e, 0), e; }; mr.prototype._unpad = function(e) { return e; }; mr.prototype._finalDecrypt = function() { X7.equal(this.bufferOff, this.blockSize, "Not enough data to decrypt"); var e = new Array(this.blockSize); return this._flushBuffer(e, 0), this._unpad(e); }; }); ku = T2((gT, $b) => { var Zb = ar(), J7 = Ie(), Nt = Tu(), Vb = vs(); function Q7() { this.tmp = new Array(2), this.keys = null; } function ei(t) {, t); var e = new Q7; this._desState = e, this.deriveKeys(e, t.key); } J7(ei, Vb); $b.exports = ei; ei.create = function(e) { return new ei(e); }; var e9 = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]; ei.prototype.deriveKeys = function(e, r) { e.keys = new Array(16 * 2), Zb.equal(r.length, this.blockSize, "Invalid key length"); var o = Nt.readUInt32BE(r, 0), f = Nt.readUInt32BE(r, 4); Nt.pc1(o, f, e.tmp, 0), o = e.tmp[0], f = e.tmp[1]; for (var p = 0;p < e.keys.length; p += 2) { var m2 = e9[p >>> 1]; o = Nt.r28shl(o, m2), f = Nt.r28shl(f, m2), Nt.pc2(o, f, e.keys, p); } }; ei.prototype._update = function(e, r, o, f) { var p = this._desState, m2 = Nt.readUInt32BE(e, r), y2 = Nt.readUInt32BE(e, r + 4); Nt.ip(m2, y2, p.tmp, 0), m2 = p.tmp[0], y2 = p.tmp[1], this.type === "encrypt" ? this._encrypt(p, m2, y2, p.tmp, 0) : this._decrypt(p, m2, y2, p.tmp, 0), m2 = p.tmp[0], y2 = p.tmp[1], Nt.writeUInt32BE(o, m2, f), Nt.writeUInt32BE(o, y2, f + 4); }; ei.prototype._pad = function(e, r) { for (var o = e.length - r, f = r;f < e.length; f++) e[f] = o; return true; }; ei.prototype._unpad = function(e) { for (var r = e[e.length - 1], o = e.length - r;o < e.length; o++) Zb.equal(e[o], r); return e.slice(0, e.length - r); }; ei.prototype._encrypt = function(e, r, o, f, p) { for (var m2 = r, y2 = o, M = 0;M < e.keys.length; M += 2) { var x = e.keys[M], S = e.keys[M + 1]; Nt.expand(y2, e.tmp, 0), x ^= e.tmp[0], S ^= e.tmp[1]; var E2 = Nt.substitute(x, S), B = Nt.permute(E2), q2 = y2; y2 = (m2 ^ B) >>> 0, m2 = q2; }, m2, f, p); }; ei.prototype._decrypt = function(e, r, o, f, p) { for (var m2 = o, y2 = r, M = e.keys.length - 2;M >= 0; M -= 2) { var x = e.keys[M], S = e.keys[M + 1]; Nt.expand(m2, e.tmp, 0), x ^= e.tmp[0], S ^= e.tmp[1]; var E2 = Nt.substitute(x, S), B = Nt.permute(E2), q2 = m2; m2 = (y2 ^ B) >>> 0, y2 = q2; }, y2, f, p); }; }); Yb = T2((Gb) => { var t9 = ar(), r9 = Ie(), bs = {}; function i9(t) { t9.equal(t.length, 8, "Invalid IV length"), this.iv = new Array(8); for (var e = 0;e < this.iv.length; e++) this.iv[e] = t[e]; } function n9(t) { function e(p) {, p), this._cbcInit(); } r9(e, t); for (var r = Object.keys(bs), o = 0;o < r.length; o++) { var f = r[o]; e.prototype[f] = bs[f]; } return e.create = function(m2) { return new e(m2); }, e; } Gb.instantiate = n9; bs._cbcInit = function() { var e = new i9(this.options.iv); this._cbcState = e; }; bs._update = function(e, r, o, f) { var p = this._cbcState, m2 = this.constructor.super_.prototype, y2 = p.iv; if (this.type === "encrypt") { for (var M = 0;M < this.blockSize; M++) y2[M] ^= e[r + M];, y2, 0, o, f); for (var M = 0;M < this.blockSize; M++) y2[M] = o[f + M]; } else {, e, r, o, f); for (var M = 0;M < this.blockSize; M++) o[f + M] ^= y2[M]; for (var M = 0;M < this.blockSize; M++) y2[M] = e[r + M]; } }; }); Qb = T2((wT, Jb) => { var f9 = ar(), a9 = Ie(), Xb = vs(), Wi = ku(); function o9(t, e) { f9.equal(e.length, 24, "Invalid key length"); var r = e.slice(0, 8), o = e.slice(8, 16), f = e.slice(16, 24); t === "encrypt" ? this.ciphers = [Wi.create({ type: "encrypt", key: r }), Wi.create({ type: "decrypt", key: o }), Wi.create({ type: "encrypt", key: f })] : this.ciphers = [Wi.create({ type: "decrypt", key: f }), Wi.create({ type: "encrypt", key: o }), Wi.create({ type: "decrypt", key: r })]; } function An(t) {, t); var e = new o9(this.type, this.options.key); this._edeState = e; } a9(An, Xb); Jb.exports = An; An.create = function(e) { return new An(e); }; An.prototype._update = function(e, r, o, f) { var p = this._edeState; p.ciphers[0]._update(e, r, o, f), p.ciphers[1]._update(o, f, o, f), p.ciphers[2]._update(o, f, o, f); }; An.prototype._pad = Wi.prototype._pad; An.prototype._unpad = Wi.prototype._unpad; }); em = T2((gf) => { gf.utils = Tu(); gf.Cipher = vs(); gf.DES = ku(); gf.CBC = Yb(); gf.EDE = Qb(); }); im = T2((_T, rm) => { var tm = yi(), wi = em(), s9 = Ie(), Rn = Te().Buffer, Sa = { "des-ede3-cbc": wi.CBC.instantiate(wi.EDE), "des-ede3": wi.EDE, "des-ede-cbc": wi.CBC.instantiate(wi.EDE), "des-ede": wi.EDE, "des-cbc": wi.CBC.instantiate(wi.DES), "des-ecb": wi.DES }; Sa.des = Sa["des-cbc"]; Sa.des3 = Sa["des-ede3-cbc"]; rm.exports = ms; s9(ms, tm); function ms(t) {; var e = t.mode.toLowerCase(), r = Sa[e], o; t.decrypt ? o = "decrypt" : o = "encrypt"; var f = t.key; Rn.isBuffer(f) || (f = Rn.from(f)), (e === "des-ede" || e === "des-ede-cbc") && (f = Rn.concat([f, f.slice(0, 8)])); var p = t.iv; Rn.isBuffer(p) || (p = Rn.from(p)), this._des = r.create({ key: f, iv: p, type: o }); } ms.prototype._update = function(t) { return Rn.from(this._des.update(t)); }; ms.prototype._final = function() { return Rn.from(; }; }); nm = T2((Lu) => { Lu.encrypt = function(t, e) { return t._cipher.encryptBlock(e); }; Lu.decrypt = function(t, e) { return t._cipher.decryptBlock(e); }; }); yf = T2((ST, fm) => { fm.exports = function(e, r) { for (var o = Math.min(e.length, r.length), f = new Buffer(o), p = 0;p < o; ++p) f[p] = e[p] ^ r[p]; return f; }; }); om = T2((Nu) => { var am = yf(); Nu.encrypt = function(t, e) { var r = am(e, t._prev); return t._prev = t._cipher.encryptBlock(r), t._prev; }; Nu.decrypt = function(t, e) { var r = t._prev; t._prev = e; var o = t._cipher.decryptBlock(e); return am(o, r); }; }); um = T2((hm) => { var Ea = Te().Buffer, h9 = yf(); function sm(t, e, r) { var o = e.length, f = h9(e, t._cache); return t._cache = t._cache.slice(o), t._prev = Ea.concat([t._prev, r ? e : f]), f; } hm.encrypt = function(t, e, r) { for (var o = Ea.allocUnsafe(0), f;e.length; ) if (t._cache.length === 0 && (t._cache = t._cipher.encryptBlock(t._prev), t._prev = Ea.allocUnsafe(0)), t._cache.length <= e.length) f = t._cache.length, o = Ea.concat([o, sm(t, e.slice(0, f), r)]), e = e.slice(f); else { o = Ea.concat([o, sm(t, e, r)]); break; } return o; }; }); dm = T2((lm) => { var Du = Te().Buffer; function u9(t, e, r) { var o = t._cipher.encryptBlock(t._prev), f = o[0] ^ e; return t._prev = Du.concat([t._prev.slice(1), Du.from([r ? e : f])]), f; } lm.encrypt = function(t, e, r) { for (var o = e.length, f = Du.allocUnsafe(o), p = -1;++p < o; ) f[p] = u9(t, e[p], r); return f; }; }); pm = T2((cm) => { var gs = Te().Buffer; function l9(t, e, r) { for (var o, f = -1, p = 8, m2 = 0, y2, M;++f < p; ) o = t._cipher.encryptBlock(t._prev), y2 = e & 1 << 7 - f ? 128 : 0, M = o[0] ^ y2, m2 += (M & 128) >> f % 8, t._prev = d9(t._prev, r ? y2 : M); return m2; } function d9(t, e) { var r = t.length, o = -1, f = gs.allocUnsafe(t.length); for (t = gs.concat([t, gs.from([e])]);++o < r; ) f[o] = t[o] << 1 | t[o + 1] >> 7; return f; } cm.encrypt = function(t, e, r) { for (var o = e.length, f = gs.allocUnsafe(o), p = -1;++p < o; ) f[p] = l9(t, e[p], r); return f; }; }); bm = T2((vm) => { var c9 = yf(); function p9(t) { return t._prev = t._cipher.encryptBlock(t._prev), t._prev; } vm.encrypt = function(t, e) { for (;t._cache.length < e.length; ) t._cache = Buffer.concat([t._cache, p9(t)]); var r = t._cache.slice(0, e.length); return t._cache = t._cache.slice(e.length), c9(e, r); }; }); Pu = T2((IT, mm) => { function v9(t) { for (var e = t.length, r;e--; ) if (r = t.readUInt8(e), r === 255) t.writeUInt8(0, e); else { r++, t.writeUInt8(r, e); break; } } mm.exports = v9; }); Ou = T2((ym) => { var b9 = yf(), gm = Te().Buffer, m9 = Pu(); function g9(t) { var e = t._cipher.encryptBlockRaw(t._prev); return m9(t._prev), e; } var Cu = 16; ym.encrypt = function(t, e) { var r = Math.ceil(e.length / Cu), o = t._cache.length; t._cache = gm.concat([t._cache, gm.allocUnsafe(r * Cu)]); for (var f = 0;f < r; f++) { var p = g9(t), m2 = o + f * Cu; t._cache.writeUInt32BE(p[0], m2 + 0), t._cache.writeUInt32BE(p[1], m2 + 4), t._cache.writeUInt32BE(p[2], m2 + 8), t._cache.writeUInt32BE(p[3], m2 + 12); } var y2 = t._cache.slice(0, e.length); return t._cache = t._cache.slice(e.length), b9(e, y2); }; }); Fu = T2((kT, y9) => { y9.exports = { "aes-128-ecb": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 0, mode: "ECB", type: "block" }, "aes-192-ecb": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 0, mode: "ECB", type: "block" }, "aes-256-ecb": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 0, mode: "ECB", type: "block" }, "aes-128-cbc": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "CBC", type: "block" }, "aes-192-cbc": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "CBC", type: "block" }, "aes-256-cbc": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "CBC", type: "block" }, aes128: { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "CBC", type: "block" }, aes192: { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "CBC", type: "block" }, aes256: { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "CBC", type: "block" }, "aes-128-cfb": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "CFB", type: "stream" }, "aes-192-cfb": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "CFB", type: "stream" }, "aes-256-cfb": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "CFB", type: "stream" }, "aes-128-cfb8": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "CFB8", type: "stream" }, "aes-192-cfb8": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "CFB8", type: "stream" }, "aes-256-cfb8": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "CFB8", type: "stream" }, "aes-128-cfb1": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "CFB1", type: "stream" }, "aes-192-cfb1": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "CFB1", type: "stream" }, "aes-256-cfb1": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "CFB1", type: "stream" }, "aes-128-ofb": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "OFB", type: "stream" }, "aes-192-ofb": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "OFB", type: "stream" }, "aes-256-ofb": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "OFB", type: "stream" }, "aes-128-ctr": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 16, mode: "CTR", type: "stream" }, "aes-192-ctr": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 16, mode: "CTR", type: "stream" }, "aes-256-ctr": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 16, mode: "CTR", type: "stream" }, "aes-128-gcm": { cipher: "AES", key: 128, iv: 12, mode: "GCM", type: "auth" }, "aes-192-gcm": { cipher: "AES", key: 192, iv: 12, mode: "GCM", type: "auth" }, "aes-256-gcm": { cipher: "AES", key: 256, iv: 12, mode: "GCM", type: "auth" } }; }); ws = T2((LT, wm) => { var w9 = { ECB: nm(), CBC: om(), CFB: um(), CFB8: dm(), CFB1: pm(), OFB: bm(), CTR: Ou(), GCM: Ou() }, ys = Fu(); for (Uu in ys) ys[Uu].module = w9[ys[Uu].mode]; var Uu; wm.exports = ys; }); Aa = T2((NT, _m) => { var Ms = Te().Buffer; function Hu(t) { Ms.isBuffer(t) || (t = Ms.from(t)); for (var e = t.length / 4 | 0, r = new Array(e), o = 0;o < e; o++) r[o] = t.readUInt32BE(o * 4); return r; } function zu(t) { for (var e = 0;e < t.length; t++) t[e] = 0; } function Mm(t, e, r, o, f) { for (var p = r[0], m2 = r[1], y2 = r[2], M = r[3], x = t[0] ^ e[0], S = t[1] ^ e[1], E2 = t[2] ^ e[2], B = t[3] ^ e[3], q2, L2, ge, _e, N = 4, we = 1;we < f; we++) q2 = p[x >>> 24] ^ m2[S >>> 16 & 255] ^ y2[E2 >>> 8 & 255] ^ M[B & 255] ^ e[N++], L2 = p[S >>> 24] ^ m2[E2 >>> 16 & 255] ^ y2[B >>> 8 & 255] ^ M[x & 255] ^ e[N++], ge = p[E2 >>> 24] ^ m2[B >>> 16 & 255] ^ y2[x >>> 8 & 255] ^ M[S & 255] ^ e[N++], _e = p[B >>> 24] ^ m2[x >>> 16 & 255] ^ y2[S >>> 8 & 255] ^ M[E2 & 255] ^ e[N++], x = q2, S = L2, E2 = ge, B = _e; return q2 = (o[x >>> 24] << 24 | o[S >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[E2 >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[B & 255]) ^ e[N++], L2 = (o[S >>> 24] << 24 | o[E2 >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[B >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[x & 255]) ^ e[N++], ge = (o[E2 >>> 24] << 24 | o[B >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[x >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[S & 255]) ^ e[N++], _e = (o[B >>> 24] << 24 | o[x >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | o[S >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | o[E2 & 255]) ^ e[N++], q2 = q2 >>> 0, L2 = L2 >>> 0, ge = ge >>> 0, _e = _e >>> 0, [q2, L2, ge, _e]; } var M9 = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54], kt = function() { for (var t = new Array(256), e = 0;e < 256; e++) e < 128 ? t[e] = e << 1 : t[e] = e << 1 ^ 283; for (var r = [], o = [], f = [[], [], [], []], p = [[], [], [], []], m2 = 0, y2 = 0, M = 0;M < 256; ++M) { var x = y2 ^ y2 << 1 ^ y2 << 2 ^ y2 << 3 ^ y2 << 4; x = x >>> 8 ^ x & 255 ^ 99, r[m2] = x, o[x] = m2; var S = t[m2], E2 = t[S], B = t[E2], q2 = t[x] * 257 ^ x * 16843008; f[0][m2] = q2 << 24 | q2 >>> 8, f[1][m2] = q2 << 16 | q2 >>> 16, f[2][m2] = q2 << 8 | q2 >>> 24, f[3][m2] = q2, q2 = B * 16843009 ^ E2 * 65537 ^ S * 257 ^ m2 * 16843008, p[0][x] = q2 << 24 | q2 >>> 8, p[1][x] = q2 << 16 | q2 >>> 16, p[2][x] = q2 << 8 | q2 >>> 24, p[3][x] = q2, m2 === 0 ? m2 = y2 = 1 : (m2 = S ^ t[t[t[B ^ S]]], y2 ^= t[t[y2]]); } return { SBOX: r, INV_SBOX: o, SUB_MIX: f, INV_SUB_MIX: p }; }(); function gr(t) { this._key = Hu(t), this._reset(); } gr.blockSize = 4 * 4; gr.keySize = 256 / 8; gr.prototype.blockSize = gr.blockSize; gr.prototype.keySize = gr.keySize; gr.prototype._reset = function() { for (var t = this._key, e = t.length, r = e + 6, o = (r + 1) * 4, f = [], p = 0;p < e; p++) f[p] = t[p]; for (p = e;p < o; p++) { var m2 = f[p - 1]; p % e === 0 ? (m2 = m2 << 8 | m2 >>> 24, m2 = kt.SBOX[m2 >>> 24] << 24 | kt.SBOX[m2 >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | kt.SBOX[m2 >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | kt.SBOX[m2 & 255], m2 ^= M9[p / e | 0] << 24) : e > 6 && p % e === 4 && (m2 = kt.SBOX[m2 >>> 24] << 24 | kt.SBOX[m2 >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | kt.SBOX[m2 >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | kt.SBOX[m2 & 255]), f[p] = f[p - e] ^ m2; } for (var y2 = [], M = 0;M < o; M++) { var x = o - M, S = f[x - (M % 4 ? 0 : 4)]; M < 4 || x <= 4 ? y2[M] = S : y2[M] = kt.INV_SUB_MIX[0][kt.SBOX[S >>> 24]] ^ kt.INV_SUB_MIX[1][kt.SBOX[S >>> 16 & 255]] ^ kt.INV_SUB_MIX[2][kt.SBOX[S >>> 8 & 255]] ^ kt.INV_SUB_MIX[3][kt.SBOX[S & 255]]; } this._nRounds = r, this._keySchedule = f, this._invKeySchedule = y2; }; gr.prototype.encryptBlockRaw = function(t) { return t = Hu(t), Mm(t, this._keySchedule, kt.SUB_MIX, kt.SBOX, this._nRounds); }; gr.prototype.encryptBlock = function(t) { var e = this.encryptBlockRaw(t), r = Ms.allocUnsafe(16); return r.writeUInt32BE(e[0], 0), r.writeUInt32BE(e[1], 4), r.writeUInt32BE(e[2], 8), r.writeUInt32BE(e[3], 12), r; }; gr.prototype.decryptBlock = function(t) { t = Hu(t); var e = t[1]; t[1] = t[3], t[3] = e; var r = Mm(t, this._invKeySchedule, kt.INV_SUB_MIX, kt.INV_SBOX, this._nRounds), o = Ms.allocUnsafe(16); return o.writeUInt32BE(r[0], 0), o.writeUInt32BE(r[3], 4), o.writeUInt32BE(r[2], 8), o.writeUInt32BE(r[1], 12), o; }; gr.prototype.scrub = function() { zu(this._keySchedule), zu(this._invKeySchedule), zu(this._key); }; _m.exports.AES = gr; }); Em = T2((DT, Sm) => { var wf = Te().Buffer, _9 = wf.alloc(16, 0); function x9(t) { return [t.readUInt32BE(0), t.readUInt32BE(4), t.readUInt32BE(8), t.readUInt32BE(12)]; } function xm(t) { var e = wf.allocUnsafe(16); return e.writeUInt32BE(t[0] >>> 0, 0), e.writeUInt32BE(t[1] >>> 0, 4), e.writeUInt32BE(t[2] >>> 0, 8), e.writeUInt32BE(t[3] >>> 0, 12), e; } function Ra(t) { this.h = t, this.state = wf.alloc(16, 0), this.cache = wf.allocUnsafe(0); } Ra.prototype.ghash = function(t) { for (var e = -1;++e < t.length; ) this.state[e] ^= t[e]; this._multiply(); }; Ra.prototype._multiply = function() { for (var t = x9(this.h), e = [0, 0, 0, 0], r, o, f, p = -1;++p < 128; ) { for (o = (this.state[~~(p / 8)] & 1 << 7 - p % 8) !== 0, o && (e[0] ^= t[0], e[1] ^= t[1], e[2] ^= t[2], e[3] ^= t[3]), f = (t[3] & 1) !== 0, r = 3;r > 0; r--) t[r] = t[r] >>> 1 | (t[r - 1] & 1) << 31; t[0] = t[0] >>> 1, f && (t[0] = t[0] ^ 225 << 24); } this.state = xm(e); }; Ra.prototype.update = function(t) { this.cache = wf.concat([this.cache, t]); for (var e;this.cache.length >= 16; ) e = this.cache.slice(0, 16), this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), this.ghash(e); }; = function(t, e) { return this.cache.length && this.ghash(wf.concat([this.cache, _9], 16)), this.ghash(xm([0, t, 0, e])), this.state; }; Sm.exports = Ra; }); Wu = T2((PT, Bm) => { var S9 = Aa(), rr = Te().Buffer, Am = yi(), E9 = Ie(), Rm = Em(), A9 = yf(), R9 = Pu(); function B9(t, e) { var r = 0; t.length !== e.length && r++; for (var o = Math.min(t.length, e.length), f = 0;f < o; ++f) r += t[f] ^ e[f]; return r; } function q9(t, e, r) { if (e.length === 12) return t._finID = rr.concat([e, rr.from([0, 0, 0, 1])]), rr.concat([e, rr.from([0, 0, 0, 2])]); var o = new Rm(r), f = e.length, p = f % 16; o.update(e), p && (p = 16 - p, o.update(rr.alloc(p, 0))), o.update(rr.alloc(8, 0)); var m2 = f * 8, y2 = rr.alloc(8); y2.writeUIntBE(m2, 0, 8), o.update(y2), t._finID = o.state; var M = rr.from(t._finID); return R9(M), M; } function Bn(t, e, r, o) {; var f = rr.alloc(4, 0); this._cipher = new S9.AES(e); var p = this._cipher.encryptBlock(f); this._ghash = new Rm(p), r = q9(this, r, p), this._prev = rr.from(r), this._cache = rr.allocUnsafe(0), this._secCache = rr.allocUnsafe(0), this._decrypt = o, this._alen = 0, this._len = 0, this._mode = t, this._authTag = null, this._called = false; } E9(Bn, Am); Bn.prototype._update = function(t) { if (!this._called && this._alen) { var e = 16 - this._alen % 16; e < 16 && (e = rr.alloc(e, 0), this._ghash.update(e)); } this._called = true; var r = this._mode.encrypt(this, t); return this._decrypt ? this._ghash.update(t) : this._ghash.update(r), this._len += t.length, r; }; Bn.prototype._final = function() { if (this._decrypt && !this._authTag) throw new Error("Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data"); var t = A9( * 8, this._len * 8), this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._finID)); if (this._decrypt && B9(t, this._authTag)) throw new Error("Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data"); this._authTag = t, this._cipher.scrub(); }; Bn.prototype.getAuthTag = function() { if (this._decrypt || !rr.isBuffer(this._authTag)) throw new Error("Attempting to get auth tag in unsupported state"); return this._authTag; }; Bn.prototype.setAuthTag = function(e) { if (!this._decrypt) throw new Error("Attempting to set auth tag in unsupported state"); this._authTag = e; }; Bn.prototype.setAAD = function(e) { if (this._called) throw new Error("Attempting to set AAD in unsupported state"); this._ghash.update(e), this._alen += e.length; }; Bm.exports = Bn; }); ju = T2((CT, Im) => { var I9 = Aa(), Ku = Te().Buffer, qm = yi(), T9 = Ie(); function _s(t, e, r, o) {, this._cipher = new I9.AES(e), this._prev = Ku.from(r), this._cache = Ku.allocUnsafe(0), this._secCache = Ku.allocUnsafe(0), this._decrypt = o, this._mode = t; } T9(_s, qm); _s.prototype._update = function(t) { return this._mode.encrypt(this, t, this._decrypt); }; _s.prototype._final = function() { this._cipher.scrub(); }; Im.exports = _s; }); Ba = T2((OT, Tm) => { var qn = Te().Buffer, k9 = Ao(); function L9(t, e, r, o) { if (qn.isBuffer(t) || (t = qn.from(t, "binary")), e && (qn.isBuffer(e) || (e = qn.from(e, "binary")), e.length !== 8)) throw new RangeError("salt should be Buffer with 8 byte length"); for (var f = r / 8, p = qn.alloc(f), m2 = qn.alloc(o || 0), y2 = qn.alloc(0);f > 0 || o > 0; ) { var M = new k9; M.update(y2), M.update(t), e && M.update(e), y2 = M.digest(); var x = 0; if (f > 0) { var S = p.length - f; x = Math.min(f, y2.length), y2.copy(p, S, 0, x), f -= x; } if (x < y2.length && o > 0) { var E2 = m2.length - o, B = Math.min(o, y2.length - x); y2.copy(m2, E2, x, x + B), o -= B; } } return y2.fill(0), { key: p, iv: m2 }; } Tm.exports = L9; }); Dm = T2((Zu) => { var km = ws(), N9 = Wu(), Mi = Te().Buffer, D9 = ju(), Lm = yi(), P9 = Aa(), C9 = Ba(), O9 = Ie(); function qa(t, e, r) {, this._cache = new xs, this._cipher = new P9.AES(e), this._prev = Mi.from(r), this._mode = t, this._autopadding = true; } O9(qa, Lm); qa.prototype._update = function(t) { this._cache.add(t); for (var e, r, o = [];e = this._cache.get(); ) r = this._mode.encrypt(this, e), o.push(r); return Mi.concat(o); }; var F9 = Mi.alloc(16, 16); qa.prototype._final = function() { var t = this._cache.flush(); if (this._autopadding) return t = this._mode.encrypt(this, t), this._cipher.scrub(), t; if (!t.equals(F9)) throw this._cipher.scrub(), new Error("data not multiple of block length"); }; qa.prototype.setAutoPadding = function(t) { return this._autopadding = !!t, this; }; function xs() { this.cache = Mi.allocUnsafe(0); } xs.prototype.add = function(t) { this.cache = Mi.concat([this.cache, t]); }; xs.prototype.get = function() { if (this.cache.length > 15) { var t = this.cache.slice(0, 16); return this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), t; } return null; }; xs.prototype.flush = function() { for (var t = 16 - this.cache.length, e = Mi.allocUnsafe(t), r = -1;++r < t; ) e.writeUInt8(t, r); return Mi.concat([this.cache, e]); }; function Nm(t, e, r) { var o = km[t.toLowerCase()]; if (!o) throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); if (typeof e == "string" && (e = Mi.from(e)), e.length !== o.key / 8) throw new TypeError("invalid key length " + e.length); if (typeof r == "string" && (r = Mi.from(r)), o.mode !== "GCM" && r.length !== o.iv) throw new TypeError("invalid iv length " + r.length); return o.type === "stream" ? new D9(o.module, e, r) : o.type === "auth" ? new N9(o.module, e, r) : new qa(o.module, e, r); } function U9(t, e) { var r = km[t.toLowerCase()]; if (!r) throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); var o = C9(e, false, r.key, r.iv); return Nm(t, o.key, o.iv); } Zu.createCipheriv = Nm; Zu.createCipher = U9; }); Fm = T2((Vu) => { var z9 = Wu(), Mf = Te().Buffer, Pm = ws(), H9 = ju(), Cm = yi(), W9 = Aa(), K9 = Ba(), j9 = Ie(); function Ia(t, e, r) {, this._cache = new Ss, this._last = undefined, this._cipher = new W9.AES(e), this._prev = Mf.from(r), this._mode = t, this._autopadding = true; } j9(Ia, Cm); Ia.prototype._update = function(t) { this._cache.add(t); for (var e, r, o = [];e = this._cache.get(this._autopadding); ) r = this._mode.decrypt(this, e), o.push(r); return Mf.concat(o); }; Ia.prototype._final = function() { var t = this._cache.flush(); if (this._autopadding) return Z9(this._mode.decrypt(this, t)); if (t) throw new Error("data not multiple of block length"); }; Ia.prototype.setAutoPadding = function(t) { return this._autopadding = !!t, this; }; function Ss() { this.cache = Mf.allocUnsafe(0); } Ss.prototype.add = function(t) { this.cache = Mf.concat([this.cache, t]); }; Ss.prototype.get = function(t) { var e; if (t) { if (this.cache.length > 16) return e = this.cache.slice(0, 16), this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), e; } else if (this.cache.length >= 16) return e = this.cache.slice(0, 16), this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), e; return null; }; Ss.prototype.flush = function() { if (this.cache.length) return this.cache; }; function Z9(t) { var e = t[15]; if (e < 1 || e > 16) throw new Error("unable to decrypt data"); for (var r = -1;++r < e; ) if (t[r + (16 - e)] !== e) throw new Error("unable to decrypt data"); if (e !== 16) return t.slice(0, 16 - e); } function Om(t, e, r) { var o = Pm[t.toLowerCase()]; if (!o) throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); if (typeof r == "string" && (r = Mf.from(r)), o.mode !== "GCM" && r.length !== o.iv) throw new TypeError("invalid iv length " + r.length); if (typeof e == "string" && (e = Mf.from(e)), e.length !== o.key / 8) throw new TypeError("invalid key length " + e.length); return o.type === "stream" ? new H9(o.module, e, r, true) : o.type === "auth" ? new z9(o.module, e, r, true) : new Ia(o.module, e, r); } function V9(t, e) { var r = Pm[t.toLowerCase()]; if (!r) throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); var o = K9(e, false, r.key, r.iv); return Om(t, o.key, o.iv); } Vu.createDecipher = V9; Vu.createDecipheriv = Om; }); Es = T2((Nr) => { var Um = Dm(), zm = Fm(), $9 = Fu(); function G9() { return Object.keys($9); } Nr.createCipher = Nr.Cipher = Um.createCipher; Nr.createCipheriv = Nr.Cipheriv = Um.createCipheriv; Nr.createDecipher = Nr.Decipher = zm.createDecipher; Nr.createDecipheriv = Nr.Decipheriv = zm.createDecipheriv; Nr.listCiphers = Nr.getCiphers = G9; }); Hm = T2((_i) => { _i["des-ecb"] = { key: 8, iv: 0 }; _i["des-cbc"] = _i.des = { key: 8, iv: 8 }; _i["des-ede3-cbc"] = _i.des3 = { key: 24, iv: 8 }; _i["des-ede3"] = { key: 24, iv: 0 }; _i["des-ede-cbc"] = { key: 16, iv: 8 }; _i["des-ede"] = { key: 16, iv: 0 }; }); Vm = T2((Dr) => { var Wm = im(), $u = Es(), Ki = ws(), xi = Hm(), Km = Ba(); function Y9(t, e) { t = t.toLowerCase(); var r, o; if (Ki[t]) r = Ki[t].key, o = Ki[t].iv; else if (xi[t]) r = xi[t].key * 8, o = xi[t].iv; else throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); var f = Km(e, false, r, o); return jm(t, f.key, f.iv); } function X9(t, e) { t = t.toLowerCase(); var r, o; if (Ki[t]) r = Ki[t].key, o = Ki[t].iv; else if (xi[t]) r = xi[t].key * 8, o = xi[t].iv; else throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); var f = Km(e, false, r, o); return Zm(t, f.key, f.iv); } function jm(t, e, r) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), Ki[t]) return $u.createCipheriv(t, e, r); if (xi[t]) return new Wm({ key: e, iv: r, mode: t }); throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); } function Zm(t, e, r) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), Ki[t]) return $u.createDecipheriv(t, e, r); if (xi[t]) return new Wm({ key: e, iv: r, mode: t, decrypt: true }); throw new TypeError("invalid suite type"); } function J9() { return Object.keys(xi).concat($u.getCiphers()); } Dr.createCipher = Dr.Cipher = Y9; Dr.createCipheriv = Dr.Cipheriv = jm; Dr.createDecipher = Dr.Decipher = X9; Dr.createDecipheriv = Dr.Decipheriv = Zm; Dr.listCiphers = Dr.getCiphers = J9; }); ji = T2(() => { }); Yu = T2(($m, Gu) => { (function(t, e) { function r(v, i) { if (!v) throw new Error(i || "Assertion failed"); } function o(v, i) { v.super_ = i; var a = function() { }; a.prototype = i.prototype, v.prototype = new a, v.prototype.constructor = v; } function f(v, i, a) { if (f.isBN(v)) return v; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, v !== null && ((i === "le" || i === "be") && (a = i, i = 10), this._init(v || 0, i || 10, a || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(i) { return i instanceof f ? true : i !== null && typeof i == "object" && i.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(i.words); }, f.max = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) > 0 ? i : a; }, f.min = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) < 0 ? i : a; }, f.prototype._init = function(i, a, h2) { if (typeof i == "number") return this._initNumber(i, a, h2); if (typeof i == "object") return this._initArray(i, a, h2); a === "hex" && (a = 16), r(a === (a | 0) && a >= 2 && a <= 36), i = i.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var s = 0; i[0] === "-" && (s++, this.negative = 1), s < i.length && (a === 16 ? this._parseHex(i, s, h2) : (this._parseBase(i, a, s), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(i, a, h2) { i < 0 && (this.negative = 1, i = -i), i < 67108864 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863], this.length = 1) : i < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(i < 9007199254740992), this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(typeof i.length == "number"), i.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(i.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u, c, b2 = 0; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1, u = 0;s >= 0; s -= 3) c = i[s] | i[s - 1] << 8 | i[s - 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b2 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b2 & 67108863, b2 += 24, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, u++); else if (h2 === "le") for (s = 0, u = 0;s < i.length; s += 3) c = i[s] | i[s + 1] << 8 | i[s + 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b2 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b2 & 67108863, b2 += 24, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, u++); return this.strip(); }; function m2(v, i) { var a = v.charCodeAt(i); return a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 : a - 48 & 15; } function y2(v, i, a) { var h2 = m2(v, a); return a - 1 >= i && (h2 |= m2(v, a - 1) << 4), h2; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(i, a, h2) { this.length = Math.ceil((i.length - a) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u = 0, c = 0, b2; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1;s >= a; s -= 2) b2 = y2(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b2 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b2 >>> 26) : u += 8; else { var l = i.length - a; for (s = l % 2 === 0 ? a + 1 : a;s < i.length; s += 2) b2 = y2(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b2 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b2 >>> 26) : u += 8; } this.strip(); }; function M(v, i, a, h2) { for (var s = 0, u = Math.min(v.length, a), c = i;c < u; c++) { var b2 = v.charCodeAt(c) - 48; s *= h2, b2 >= 49 ? s += b2 - 49 + 10 : b2 >= 17 ? s += b2 - 17 + 10 : s += b2; } return s; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(i, a, h2) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var s = 0, u = 1;u <= 67108863; u *= a) s++; s--, u = u / a | 0; for (var c = i.length - h2, b2 = c % s, l = Math.min(c, c - b2) + h2, n = 0, d = h2;d < l; d += s) n = M(i, d, d + s, a), this.imuln(u), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); if (b2 !== 0) { var w = 1; for (n = M(i, d, i.length, a), d = 0;d < b2; d++) w *= a; this.imuln(w), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); } this.strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(i) { i.words = new Array(this.length); for (var a = 0;a < this.length; a++) i.words[a] = this.words[a]; i.length = this.length, i.negative = this.negative, =; }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var i = new f(null); return this.copy(i), i; }, f.prototype._expand = function(i) { for (;this.length < i; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype.strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, f.prototype.inspect = function() { return ( ? ""; }; var x = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], S = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], E2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(i, a) { i = i || 10, a = a | 0 || 1; var h2; if (i === 16 || i === "hex") { h2 = ""; for (var s = 0, u = 0, c = 0;c < this.length; c++) { var b2 = this.words[c], l = ((b2 << s | u) & 16777215).toString(16); u = b2 >>> 24 - s & 16777215, u !== 0 || c !== this.length - 1 ? h2 = x[6 - l.length] + l + h2 : h2 = l + h2, s += 2, s >= 26 && (s -= 26, c--); } for (u !== 0 && (h2 = u.toString(16) + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } if (i === (i | 0) && i >= 2 && i <= 36) { var n = S[i], d = E2[i]; h2 = ""; var w = this.clone(); for (w.negative = 0;!w.isZero(); ) { var g = w.modn(d).toString(i); w = w.idivn(d), w.isZero() ? h2 = g + h2 : h2 = x[n - g.length] + g + h2; } for (this.isZero() && (h2 = "0" + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var i = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? i += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? i += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -i : i; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(i, a) { return r(typeof p < "u"), this.toArrayLike(p, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArray = function(i, a) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(i, a, h2) { var s = this.byteLength(), u = h2 || Math.max(1, s); r(s <= u, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(u > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); var c = a === "le", b2 = new i(u), l, n, d = this.clone(); if (c) { for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b2[n] = l; for (;n < u; n++) b2[n] = 0; } else { for (n = 0;n < u - s; n++) b2[n] = 0; for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b2[u - n - 1] = l; } return b2; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { return 32 - Math.clz32(i); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { var a = i, h2 = 0; return a >= 4096 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), a >= 64 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), a >= 8 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), a >= 2 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), h2 + a; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(i) { if (i === 0) return 26; var a = i, h2 = 0; return (a & 8191) === 0 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), (a & 127) === 0 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), (a & 15) === 0 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), (a & 3) === 0 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), (a & 1) === 0 && h2++, h2; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var i = this.words[this.length - 1], a = this._countBits(i); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + a; }; function B(v) { for (var i = new Array(v.bitLength()), a = 0;a < i.length; a++) { var h2 = a / 26 | 0, s = a % 26; i[a] = (v.words[h2] & 1 << s) >>> s; } return i; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var i = 0, a = 0;a < this.length; a++) { var h2 = this._zeroBits(this.words[a]); if (i += h2, h2 !== 26) break; } return i; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(i) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(i).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(i) { return this.testn(i - 1) ? this.notn(i).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(i) { for (;this.length < i.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var a = 0;a < i.length; a++) this.words[a] = this.words[a] | i.words[a]; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuor(i); }, f.prototype.or = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ior(i) : i.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuor(i) : i.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(i) { var a; this.length > i.length ? a = i : a = this; for (var h2 = 0;h2 < a.length; h2++) this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & i.words[h2]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuand(i); }, f.prototype.and = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iand(i) : i.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuand(i) : i.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(i) { var a, h2; this.length > i.length ? (a = this, h2 = i) : (a = i, h2 = this); for (var s = 0;s < h2.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s] ^ h2.words[s]; if (this !== a) for (;s < a.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(i); }, f.prototype.xor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ixor(i) : i.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuxor(i) : i.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = Math.ceil(i / 26) | 0, h2 = i % 26; this._expand(a), h2 > 0 && a--; for (var s = 0;s < a; s++) this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863; return h2 > 0 && (this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863 >> 26 - h2), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(i) { return this.clone().inotn(i); }, f.prototype.setn = function(i, a) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var h2 = i / 26 | 0, s = i % 26; return this._expand(h2 + 1), a ? this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] | 1 << s : this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & ~(1 << s), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(i) { var a; if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return i.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); var h2, s; this.length > i.length ? (h2 = this, s = i) : (h2 = i, s = this); for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + (s.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; for (;u !== 0 && c < h2.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; if (this.length = h2.length, u !== 0) this.words[this.length] = u, this.length++; else if (h2 !== this) for (;c < h2.length; c++) this.words[c] = h2.words[c]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(i) { var a; return i.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (i.negative = 0, a = this.sub(i), i.negative ^= 1, a) : i.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, a = i.sub(this), this.negative = 1, a) : this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iadd(i) : i.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(i) { if (i.negative !== 0) { i.negative = 0; var a = this.iadd(i); return i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(i), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var h2 = this.cmp(i); if (h2 === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var s, u; h2 > 0 ? (s = this, u = i) : (s = i, u = this); for (var c = 0, b2 = 0;b2 < u.length; b2++) a = (s.words[b2] | 0) - (u.words[b2] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b2] = a & 67108863; for (;c !== 0 && b2 < s.length; b2++) a = (s.words[b2] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b2] = a & 67108863; if (c === 0 && b2 < s.length && s !== this) for (;b2 < s.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = s.words[b2]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, b2), s !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(i) { return this.clone().isub(i); }; function q2(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative; var h2 = v.length + i.length | 0; a.length = h2, h2 = h2 - 1 | 0; var s = v.words[0] | 0, u = i.words[0] | 0, c = s * u, b2 = c & 67108863, l = c / 67108864 | 0; a.words[0] = b2; for (var n = 1;n < h2; n++) { for (var d = l >>> 26, w = l & 67108863, g = Math.min(n, i.length - 1), _2 = Math.max(0, n - v.length + 1);_2 <= g; _2++) { var A2 = n - _2 | 0; s = v.words[A2] | 0, u = i.words[_2] | 0, c = s * u + w, d += c / 67108864 | 0, w = c & 67108863; } a.words[n] = w | 0, l = d | 0; } return l !== 0 ? a.words[n] = l | 0 : a.length--, a.strip(); } var L2 = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.words, u = a.words, c = h2.words, b2 = 0, l, n, d, w = s[0] | 0, g = w & 8191, _2 = w >>> 13, A2 = s[1] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = s[2] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = s[3] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = s[4] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = s[5] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = s[6] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = s[7] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = s[8] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = s[9] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = u[0] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = u[1] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = u[2] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = u[3] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = u[4] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = u[5] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = u[6] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = u[7] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = u[8] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = u[9] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13; h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = 19, l = Math.imul(g, X), n = Math.imul(g, J), n = n + Math.imul(_2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(_2, J); var ft = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ft >>> 26) | 0, ft &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(R2, X), n = Math.imul(R2, J), n = n + Math.imul(I, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(I, J), l = l + Math.imul(g, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ee) | 0; var Be = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(k, X), n = Math.imul(k, J), n = n + Math.imul(D2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(D2, J), l = l + Math.imul(R2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, re) | 0; var qe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(C2, X), n = Math.imul(C2, J), n = n + Math.imul(O, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(O, J), l = l + Math.imul(k, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ne) | 0; var ze = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(F, X), n = Math.imul(F, J), n = n + Math.imul(U, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(U, J), l = l + Math.imul(C2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ae) | 0; var He = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(z2, X), n = Math.imul(z2, J), n = n + Math.imul(H, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(H, J), l = l + Math.imul(F, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, se) | 0; var We = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(W, X), n = Math.imul(W, J), n = n + Math.imul(K, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(K, J), l = l + Math.imul(z2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ue) | 0; var Ke = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(j, X), n = Math.imul(j, J), n = n + Math.imul(Z, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Z, J), l = l + Math.imul(W, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, de) | 0; var je = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(V, X), n = Math.imul(V, J), n = n + Math.imul($, X) | 0, d = Math.imul($, J), l = l + Math.imul(j, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, pe) | 0; var Ze = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, X), n = Math.imul(G, J), n = n + Math.imul(Y, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, J), l = l + Math.imul(V, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, be) | 0; var Ve = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, Q), n = Math.imul(G, ee), n = n + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ee), l = l + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var $e = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, te), n = Math.imul(G, re), n = n + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, re), l = l + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0; var Ge = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ie), n = Math.imul(G, ne), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ne), l = l + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, be) | 0; var Ye = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, fe), n = Math.imul(G, ae), n = n + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ae), l = l + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, be) | 0; var Xe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, oe), n = Math.imul(G, se), n = n + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, se), l = l + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, be) | 0; var Je = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, he), n = Math.imul(G, ue), n = n + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ue), l = l + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, be) | 0; var Qe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, le), n = Math.imul(G, de), n = n + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, de), l = l + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0; var et = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ce), n = Math.imul(G, pe), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, pe), l = l + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, be) | 0; var tt = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ve), n = Math.imul(G, be), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, be); var rt = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; return b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, c[0] = ft, c[1] = Be, c[2] = qe, c[3] = ze, c[4] = He, c[5] = We, c[6] = Ke, c[7] = je, c[8] = Ze, c[9] = Ve, c[10] = $e, c[11] = Ge, c[12] = Ye, c[13] = Xe, c[14] = Je, c[15] = Qe, c[16] = et, c[17] = tt, c[18] = rt, b2 !== 0 && (c[19] = b2, h2.length++), h2; }; Math.imul || (L2 = q2); function ge(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative, a.length = v.length + i.length; for (var h2 = 0, s = 0, u = 0;u < a.length - 1; u++) { var c = s; s = 0; for (var b2 = h2 & 67108863, l = Math.min(u, i.length - 1), n = Math.max(0, u - v.length + 1);n <= l; n++) { var d = u - n, w = v.words[d] | 0, g = i.words[n] | 0, _2 = w * g, A2 = _2 & 67108863; c = c + (_2 / 67108864 | 0) | 0, A2 = A2 + b2 | 0, b2 = A2 & 67108863, c = c + (A2 >>> 26) | 0, s += c >>> 26, c &= 67108863; } a.words[u] = b2, h2 = c, c = s; } return h2 !== 0 ? a.words[u] = h2 : a.length--, a.strip(); } function _e(v, i, a) { var h2 = new N; return h2.mulp(v, i, a); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(i, a) { var h2, s = this.length + i.length; return this.length === 10 && i.length === 10 ? h2 = L2(this, i, a) : s < 63 ? h2 = q2(this, i, a) : s < 1024 ? h2 = ge(this, i, a) : h2 = _e(this, i, a), h2; }; function N(v, i) { this.x = v, this.y = i; } N.prototype.makeRBT = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = f.prototype._countBits(i) - 1, s = 0;s < i; s++) a[s] = this.revBin(s, h2, i); return a; }, N.prototype.revBin = function(i, a, h2) { if (i === 0 || i === h2 - 1) return i; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < a; u++) s |= (i & 1) << a - u - 1, i >>= 1; return s; }, N.prototype.permute = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { for (var b2 = 0;b2 < c; b2++) s[b2] = a[i[b2]], u[b2] = h2[i[b2]]; }, N.prototype.transform = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { this.permute(c, i, a, h2, s, u); for (var b2 = 1;b2 < u; b2 <<= 1) for (var l = b2 << 1, n = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l), d = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l), w = 0;w < u; w += l) for (var g = n, _2 = d, A2 = 0;A2 < b2; A2++) { var R2 = h2[w + A2], I = s[w + A2], Me = h2[w + A2 + b2], k = s[w + A2 + b2], D2 = g * Me - _2 * k; k = g * k + _2 * Me, Me = D2, h2[w + A2] = R2 + Me, s[w + A2] = I + k, h2[w + A2 + b2] = R2 - Me, s[w + A2 + b2] = I - k, A2 !== l && (D2 = n * g - d * _2, _2 = n * _2 + d * g, g = D2); } }, N.prototype.guessLen13b = function(i, a) { var h2 = Math.max(a, i) | 1, s = h2 & 1, u = 0; for (h2 = h2 / 2 | 0;h2; h2 = h2 >>> 1) u++; return 1 << u + 1 + s; }, N.prototype.conjugate = function(i, a, h2) { if (!(h2 <= 1)) for (var s = 0;s < h2 / 2; s++) { var u = i[s]; i[s] = i[h2 - s - 1], i[h2 - s - 1] = u, u = a[s], a[s] = -a[h2 - s - 1], a[h2 - s - 1] = -u; } }, N.prototype.normalize13b = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 0, s = 0;s < a / 2; s++) { var u = Math.round(i[2 * s + 1] / a) * 8192 + Math.round(i[2 * s] / a) + h2; i[s] = u & 67108863, u < 67108864 ? h2 = 0 : h2 = u / 67108864 | 0; } return i; }, N.prototype.convert13b = function(i, a, h2, s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < a; c++) u = u + (i[c] | 0), h2[2 * c] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13, h2[2 * c + 1] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13; for (c = 2 * a;c < s; ++c) h2[c] = 0; r(u === 0), r((u & -8192) === 0); }, N.prototype.stub = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = 0;h2 < i; h2++) a[h2] = 0; return a; }, N.prototype.mulp = function(i, a, h2) { var s = 2 * this.guessLen13b(i.length, a.length), u = this.makeRBT(s), c = this.stub(s), b2 = new Array(s), l = new Array(s), n = new Array(s), d = new Array(s), w = new Array(s), g = new Array(s), _2 = h2.words; _2.length = s, this.convert13b(i.words, i.length, b2, s), this.convert13b(a.words, a.length, d, s), this.transform(b2, c, l, n, s, u), this.transform(d, c, w, g, s, u); for (var A2 = 0;A2 < s; A2++) { var R2 = l[A2] * w[A2] - n[A2] * g[A2]; n[A2] = l[A2] * g[A2] + n[A2] * w[A2], l[A2] = R2; } return this.conjugate(l, n, s), this.transform(l, n, _2, c, s, u), this.conjugate(_2, c, s), this.normalize13b(_2, s), h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = i.length + a.length, h2.strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), this.mulTo(i, a); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), _e(this, i, a); }, f.prototype.imul = function(i) { return this.clone().mulTo(i, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864); for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < this.length; h2++) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) * i, u = (s & 67108863) + (a & 67108863); a >>= 26, a += s / 67108864 | 0, a += u >>> 26, this.words[h2] = u & 67108863; } return a !== 0 && (this.words[h2] = a, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(i) { return this.clone().imuln(i); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(i) { var a = B(i); if (a.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var h2 = this, s = 0;s < a.length && a[s] === 0; s++, h2 = h2.sqr()) ; if (++s < a.length) for (var u = h2.sqr();s < a.length; s++, u = u.sqr()) a[s] !== 0 && (h2 = h2.mul(u)); return h2; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 67108863 >>> 26 - a << 26 - a, u; if (a !== 0) { var c = 0; for (u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var b2 = this.words[u] & s, l = (this.words[u] | 0) - b2 << a; this.words[u] = l | c, c = b2 >>> 26 - a; } c && (this.words[u] = c, this.length++); } if (h2 !== 0) { for (u = this.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) this.words[u + h2] = this.words[u]; for (u = 0;u < h2; u++) this.words[u] = 0; this.length += h2; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(i) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(i); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(i, a, h2) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var s; a ? s = (a - a % 26) / 26 : s = 0; var u = i % 26, c = Math.min((i - u) / 26, this.length), b2 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u, l = h2; if (s -= c, s = Math.max(0, s), l) { for (var n = 0;n < c; n++) l.words[n] = this.words[n]; l.length = c; } if (c !== 0) if (this.length > c) for (this.length -= c, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = this.words[n + c]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var d = 0; for (n = this.length - 1;n >= 0 && (d !== 0 || n >= s); n--) { var w = this.words[n] | 0; this.words[n] = d << 26 - u | w >>> u, d = w & b2; } return l && d !== 0 && (l.words[l.length++] = d), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(i, a, h2) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(i, a, h2); }, f.prototype.shln = function(i) { return this.clone().ishln(i); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(i) { return this.clone().iushln(i); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(i) { return this.clone().ishrn(i); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(i) { return this.clone().iushrn(i); }, f.prototype.testn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return false; var u = this.words[h2]; return !!(u & s); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= h2) return this; if (a !== 0 && h2++, this.length = Math.min(h2, this.length), a !== 0) { var s = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> a << a; this.words[this.length - 1] &= s; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(i) { return this.clone().imaskn(i); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(i) { return r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0 ? this.isubn(-i) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < i ? (this.words[0] = i - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(i), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(i); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(i) { this.words[0] += i; for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] >= 67108864; a++) this.words[a] -= 67108864, a === this.length - 1 ? this.words[a + 1] = 1 : this.words[a + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, a + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(i) { if (r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0) return this.iaddn(-i); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(i), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= i, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] < 0; a++) this.words[a] += 67108864, this.words[a + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(i) { return this.clone().iaddn(i); }, f.prototype.subn = function(i) { return this.clone().isubn(i); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.length + h2, u; this._expand(s); var c, b2 = 0; for (u = 0;u < i.length; u++) { c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b2; var l = (i.words[u] | 0) * a; c -= l & 67108863, b2 = (c >> 26) - (l / 67108864 | 0), this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; } for (;u < this.length - h2; u++) c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b2, b2 = c >> 26, this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; if (b2 === 0) return this.strip(); for (r(b2 === -1), b2 = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) c = -(this.words[u] | 0) + b2, b2 = c >> 26, this.words[u] = c & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(i, a) { var h2 = this.length - i.length, s = this.clone(), u = i, c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0, b2 = this._countBits(c); h2 = 26 - b2, h2 !== 0 && (u = u.ushln(h2), s.iushln(h2), c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0); var l = s.length - u.length, n; if (a !== "mod") { n = new f(null), n.length = l + 1, n.words = new Array(n.length); for (var d = 0;d < n.length; d++) n.words[d] = 0; } var w = s.clone()._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, l); w.negative === 0 && (s = w, n && (n.words[l] = 1)); for (var g = l - 1;g >= 0; g--) { var _2 = (s.words[u.length + g] | 0) * 67108864 + (s.words[u.length + g - 1] | 0); for (_2 = Math.min(_2 / c | 0, 67108863), s._ishlnsubmul(u, _2, g);s.negative !== 0; ) _2--, s.negative = 0, s._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, g), s.isZero() || (s.negative ^= 1); n && (n.words[g] = _2); } return n && n.strip(), s.strip(), a !== "div" && h2 !== 0 && s.iushrn(h2), { div: n || null, mod: s }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(!i.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var s, u, c; return this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i, a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.iadd(i)), { div: s, mod: u }) : this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0 ? (c = this.divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), { div: s, mod: c.mod }) : (this.negative & i.negative) !== 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.isub(i)), { div: c.div, mod: u }) : i.length > this.length || this.cmp(i) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : i.length === 1 ? a === "div" ? { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: null } : a === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(i, a); }, f.prototype.div = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(i) { var a = this.divmod(i); if (a.mod.isZero()) return a.div; var h2 = a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.mod.isub(i) : a.mod, s = i.ushrn(1), u = i.andln(1), c = h2.cmp(s); return c < 0 || u === 1 && c === 0 ? a.div : a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.div.isubn(1) : a.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = (1 << 26) % i, h2 = 0, s = this.length - 1;s >= 0; s--) h2 = (a * h2 + (this.words[s] | 0)) % i; return h2; }, f.prototype.idivn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) + a * 67108864; this.words[h2] = s / i | 0, a = s % i; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.divn = function(i) { return this.clone().idivn(i); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = new f(0), b2 = new f(1), l = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1), ++l; for (var n = h2.clone(), d = a.clone();!a.isZero(); ) { for (var w = 0, g = 1;(a.words[0] & g) === 0 && w < 26; ++w, g <<= 1) ; if (w > 0) for (a.iushrn(w);w-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(n), u.isub(d)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); for (var _2 = 0, A2 = 1;(h2.words[0] & A2) === 0 && _2 < 26; ++_2, A2 <<= 1) ; if (_2 > 0) for (h2.iushrn(_2);_2-- > 0; ) (c.isOdd() || b2.isOdd()) && (c.iadd(n), b2.isub(d)), c.iushrn(1), b2.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(c), u.isub(b2)) : (h2.isub(a), c.isub(s), b2.isub(u)); } return { a: c, b: b2, gcd: h2.iushln(l) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = h2.clone();a.cmpn(1) > 0 && h2.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var b2 = 0, l = 1;(a.words[0] & l) === 0 && b2 < 26; ++b2, l <<= 1) ; if (b2 > 0) for (a.iushrn(b2);b2-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(c), s.iushrn(1); for (var n = 0, d = 1;(h2.words[0] & d) === 0 && n < 26; ++n, d <<= 1) ; if (n > 0) for (h2.iushrn(n);n-- > 0; ) u.isOdd() && u.iadd(c), u.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(u)) : (h2.isub(a), u.isub(s)); } var w; return a.cmpn(1) === 0 ? w = s : w = u, w.cmpn(0) < 0 && w.iadd(i), w; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(i) { if (this.isZero()) return i.abs(); if (i.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a = this.clone(), h2 = i.clone(); a.negative = 0, h2.negative = 0; for (var s = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); s++) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1); do { for (;a.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1); for (;h2.isEven(); ) h2.iushrn(1); var u = a.cmp(h2); if (u < 0) { var c = a; a = h2, h2 = c; } else if (u === 0 || h2.cmpn(1) === 0) break; a.isub(h2); } while (true); return h2.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.invm = function(i) { return this.egcd(i).a.umod(i); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(i) { return this.words[0] & i; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return this._expand(h2 + 1), this.words[h2] |= s, this; for (var u = s, c = h2;u !== 0 && c < this.length; c++) { var b2 = this.words[c] | 0; b2 += u, u = b2 >>> 26, b2 &= 67108863, this.words[c] = b2; } return u !== 0 && (this.words[c] = u, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(i) { var a = i < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !a) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && a) return 1; this.strip(); var h2; if (this.length > 1) h2 = 1; else { a && (i = -i), r(i <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var s = this.words[0] | 0; h2 = s === i ? 0 : s < i ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -h2 | 0 : h2; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(i) { if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return 1; var a = this.ucmp(i); return this.negative !== 0 ? -a | 0 : a; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(i) { if (this.length > i.length) return 1; if (this.length < i.length) return -1; for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = this.words[h2] | 0, u = i.words[h2] | 0; if (s !== u) { s < u ? a = -1 : s > u && (a = 1); break; } } return a; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === -1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 0; }, = function(i) { return new P(i); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), i.convertTo(this)._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(i) { return = i, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(i) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(i) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(i) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(i) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, i); }; var we = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function ye(v, i) { = v, this.p = new f(i, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } ye.prototype._tmp = function() { var i = new f(null); return i.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), i; }, ye.prototype.ireduce = function(i) { var a = i, h2; do this.split(a, this.tmp), a = this.imulK(a), a = a.iadd(this.tmp), h2 = a.bitLength(); while (h2 > this.n); var s = h2 < this.n ? -1 : a.ucmp(this.p); return s === 0 ? (a.words[0] = 0, a.length = 1) : s > 0 ? a.isub(this.p) : a.strip !== undefined ? a.strip() : a._strip(), a; }, ye.prototype.split = function(i, a) { i.iushrn(this.n, 0, a); }, ye.prototype.imulK = function(i) { return i.imul(this.k); }; function xe() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(xe, ye), xe.prototype.split = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 4194303, s = Math.min(i.length, 9), u = 0;u < s; u++) a.words[u] = i.words[u]; if (a.length = s, i.length <= 9) { i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1; return; } var c = i.words[9]; for (a.words[a.length++] = c & h2, u = 10;u < i.length; u++) { var b2 = i.words[u] | 0; i.words[u - 10] = (b2 & h2) << 4 | c >>> 22, c = b2; } c >>>= 22, i.words[u - 10] = c, c === 0 && i.length > 10 ? i.length -= 10 : i.length -= 9; }, xe.prototype.imulK = function(i) { i.words[i.length] = 0, i.words[i.length + 1] = 0, i.length += 2; for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = i.words[h2] | 0; a += s * 977, i.words[h2] = a & 67108863, a = s * 64 + (a / 67108864 | 0); } return i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && (i.length--, i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && i.length--), i; }; function Re() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(Re, ye); function Ee() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Ee, ye); function Ae() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(Ae, ye), Ae.prototype.imulK = function(i) { for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = (i.words[h2] | 0) * 19 + a, u = s & 67108863; s >>>= 26, i.words[h2] = u, a = s; } return a !== 0 && (i.words[i.length++] = a), i; }, f._prime = function(i) { if (we[i]) return we[i]; var a; if (i === "k256") a = new xe; else if (i === "p224") a = new Re; else if (i === "p192") a = new Ee; else if (i === "p25519") a = new Ae; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + i); return we[i] = a, a; }; function P(v) { if (typeof v == "string") { var i = f._prime(v); this.m = i.p, = i; } else r(v.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = v, = null; } P.prototype._verify1 = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype._verify2 = function(i, a) { r((i.negative | a.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype.imod = function(i) { return ? : i.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.neg = function(i) { return i.isZero() ? i.clone() : this.m.sub(i)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.add = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.add(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.iadd = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.iadd(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.sub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.sub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.isub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.isub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.shl = function(i, a) { return this._verify1(i), this.imod(i.ushln(a)); }, P.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.imul(a)); }, P.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.mul(a)); }, P.prototype.isqr = function(i) { return this.imul(i, i.clone()); }, P.prototype.sqr = function(i) { return this.mul(i, i); }, P.prototype.sqrt = function(i) { if (i.isZero()) return i.clone(); var a = this.m.andln(3); if (r(a % 2 === 1), a === 3) { var h2 = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(i, h2); } for (var s = this.m.subn(1), u = 0;!s.isZero() && s.andln(1) === 0; ) u++, s.iushrn(1); r(!s.isZero()); var c = new f(1).toRed(this), b2 = c.redNeg(), l = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), n = this.m.bitLength(); for (n = new f(2 * n * n).toRed(this);this.pow(n, l).cmp(b2) !== 0; ) n.redIAdd(b2); for (var d = this.pow(n, s), w = this.pow(i, s.addn(1).iushrn(1)), g = this.pow(i, s), _2 = u;g.cmp(c) !== 0; ) { for (var A2 = g, R2 = 0;A2.cmp(c) !== 0; R2++) A2 = A2.redSqr(); r(R2 < _2); var I = this.pow(d, new f(1).iushln(_2 - R2 - 1)); w = w.redMul(I), d = I.redSqr(), g = g.redMul(d), _2 = R2; } return w; }, P.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = i._invmp(this.m); return a.negative !== 0 ? (a.negative = 0, this.imod(a).redNeg()) : this.imod(a); }, P.prototype.pow = function(i, a) { if (a.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) return i.clone(); var h2 = 4, s = new Array(1 << h2); s[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), s[1] = i; for (var u = 2;u < s.length; u++) s[u] = this.mul(s[u - 1], i); var c = s[0], b2 = 0, l = 0, n = a.bitLength() % 26; for (n === 0 && (n = 26), u = a.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) { for (var d = a.words[u], w = n - 1;w >= 0; w--) { var g = d >> w & 1; if (c !== s[0] && (c = this.sqr(c)), g === 0 && b2 === 0) { l = 0; continue; } b2 <<= 1, b2 |= g, l++, !(l !== h2 && (u !== 0 || w !== 0)) && (c = this.mul(c, s[b2]), l = 0, b2 = 0); } n = 26; } return c; }, P.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { var a = i.umod(this.m); return a === i ? a.clone() : a; }, P.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = i.clone(); return = null, a; }, f.mont = function(i) { return new Se(i); }; function Se(v) {, v), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(Se, P), Se.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { return this.imod(i.ushln(this.shift)); }, Se.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, a; }, Se.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1, i; var h2 = i.imul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var h2 = i.mul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return a._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof Gu > "u" || Gu, $m); }); Ym = T2((Gm, Xu) => { (function(t, e) { function r(v, i) { if (!v) throw new Error(i || "Assertion failed"); } function o(v, i) { v.super_ = i; var a = function() { }; a.prototype = i.prototype, v.prototype = new a, v.prototype.constructor = v; } function f(v, i, a) { if (f.isBN(v)) return v; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, v !== null && ((i === "le" || i === "be") && (a = i, i = 10), this._init(v || 0, i || 10, a || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(i) { return i instanceof f ? true : i !== null && typeof i == "object" && i.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(i.words); }, f.max = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) > 0 ? i : a; }, f.min = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) < 0 ? i : a; }, f.prototype._init = function(i, a, h2) { if (typeof i == "number") return this._initNumber(i, a, h2); if (typeof i == "object") return this._initArray(i, a, h2); a === "hex" && (a = 16), r(a === (a | 0) && a >= 2 && a <= 36), i = i.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var s = 0; i[0] === "-" && (s++, this.negative = 1), s < i.length && (a === 16 ? this._parseHex(i, s, h2) : (this._parseBase(i, a, s), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(i, a, h2) { i < 0 && (this.negative = 1, i = -i), i < 67108864 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863], this.length = 1) : i < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(i < 9007199254740992), this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(typeof i.length == "number"), i.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(i.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u, c, b2 = 0; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1, u = 0;s >= 0; s -= 3) c = i[s] | i[s - 1] << 8 | i[s - 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b2 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b2 & 67108863, b2 += 24, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, u++); else if (h2 === "le") for (s = 0, u = 0;s < i.length; s += 3) c = i[s] | i[s + 1] << 8 | i[s + 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b2 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b2 & 67108863, b2 += 24, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, u++); return this.strip(); }; function m2(v, i) { var a = v.charCodeAt(i); return a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 : a - 48 & 15; } function y2(v, i, a) { var h2 = m2(v, a); return a - 1 >= i && (h2 |= m2(v, a - 1) << 4), h2; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(i, a, h2) { this.length = Math.ceil((i.length - a) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u = 0, c = 0, b2; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1;s >= a; s -= 2) b2 = y2(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b2 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b2 >>> 26) : u += 8; else { var l = i.length - a; for (s = l % 2 === 0 ? a + 1 : a;s < i.length; s += 2) b2 = y2(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b2 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b2 >>> 26) : u += 8; } this.strip(); }; function M(v, i, a, h2) { for (var s = 0, u = Math.min(v.length, a), c = i;c < u; c++) { var b2 = v.charCodeAt(c) - 48; s *= h2, b2 >= 49 ? s += b2 - 49 + 10 : b2 >= 17 ? s += b2 - 17 + 10 : s += b2; } return s; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(i, a, h2) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var s = 0, u = 1;u <= 67108863; u *= a) s++; s--, u = u / a | 0; for (var c = i.length - h2, b2 = c % s, l = Math.min(c, c - b2) + h2, n = 0, d = h2;d < l; d += s) n = M(i, d, d + s, a), this.imuln(u), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); if (b2 !== 0) { var w = 1; for (n = M(i, d, i.length, a), d = 0;d < b2; d++) w *= a; this.imuln(w), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); } this.strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(i) { i.words = new Array(this.length); for (var a = 0;a < this.length; a++) i.words[a] = this.words[a]; i.length = this.length, i.negative = this.negative, =; }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var i = new f(null); return this.copy(i), i; }, f.prototype._expand = function(i) { for (;this.length < i; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype.strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, f.prototype.inspect = function() { return ( ? ""; }; var x = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], S = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], E2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(i, a) { i = i || 10, a = a | 0 || 1; var h2; if (i === 16 || i === "hex") { h2 = ""; for (var s = 0, u = 0, c = 0;c < this.length; c++) { var b2 = this.words[c], l = ((b2 << s | u) & 16777215).toString(16); u = b2 >>> 24 - s & 16777215, u !== 0 || c !== this.length - 1 ? h2 = x[6 - l.length] + l + h2 : h2 = l + h2, s += 2, s >= 26 && (s -= 26, c--); } for (u !== 0 && (h2 = u.toString(16) + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } if (i === (i | 0) && i >= 2 && i <= 36) { var n = S[i], d = E2[i]; h2 = ""; var w = this.clone(); for (w.negative = 0;!w.isZero(); ) { var g = w.modn(d).toString(i); w = w.idivn(d), w.isZero() ? h2 = g + h2 : h2 = x[n - g.length] + g + h2; } for (this.isZero() && (h2 = "0" + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var i = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? i += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? i += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -i : i; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(i, a) { return r(typeof p < "u"), this.toArrayLike(p, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArray = function(i, a) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(i, a, h2) { var s = this.byteLength(), u = h2 || Math.max(1, s); r(s <= u, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(u > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); var c = a === "le", b2 = new i(u), l, n, d = this.clone(); if (c) { for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b2[n] = l; for (;n < u; n++) b2[n] = 0; } else { for (n = 0;n < u - s; n++) b2[n] = 0; for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b2[u - n - 1] = l; } return b2; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { return 32 - Math.clz32(i); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { var a = i, h2 = 0; return a >= 4096 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), a >= 64 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), a >= 8 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), a >= 2 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), h2 + a; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(i) { if (i === 0) return 26; var a = i, h2 = 0; return (a & 8191) === 0 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), (a & 127) === 0 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), (a & 15) === 0 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), (a & 3) === 0 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), (a & 1) === 0 && h2++, h2; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var i = this.words[this.length - 1], a = this._countBits(i); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + a; }; function B(v) { for (var i = new Array(v.bitLength()), a = 0;a < i.length; a++) { var h2 = a / 26 | 0, s = a % 26; i[a] = (v.words[h2] & 1 << s) >>> s; } return i; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var i = 0, a = 0;a < this.length; a++) { var h2 = this._zeroBits(this.words[a]); if (i += h2, h2 !== 26) break; } return i; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(i) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(i).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(i) { return this.testn(i - 1) ? this.notn(i).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(i) { for (;this.length < i.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var a = 0;a < i.length; a++) this.words[a] = this.words[a] | i.words[a]; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuor(i); }, f.prototype.or = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ior(i) : i.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuor(i) : i.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(i) { var a; this.length > i.length ? a = i : a = this; for (var h2 = 0;h2 < a.length; h2++) this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & i.words[h2]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuand(i); }, f.prototype.and = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iand(i) : i.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuand(i) : i.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(i) { var a, h2; this.length > i.length ? (a = this, h2 = i) : (a = i, h2 = this); for (var s = 0;s < h2.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s] ^ h2.words[s]; if (this !== a) for (;s < a.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(i); }, f.prototype.xor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ixor(i) : i.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuxor(i) : i.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = Math.ceil(i / 26) | 0, h2 = i % 26; this._expand(a), h2 > 0 && a--; for (var s = 0;s < a; s++) this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863; return h2 > 0 && (this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863 >> 26 - h2), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(i) { return this.clone().inotn(i); }, f.prototype.setn = function(i, a) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var h2 = i / 26 | 0, s = i % 26; return this._expand(h2 + 1), a ? this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] | 1 << s : this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & ~(1 << s), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(i) { var a; if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return i.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); var h2, s; this.length > i.length ? (h2 = this, s = i) : (h2 = i, s = this); for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + (s.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; for (;u !== 0 && c < h2.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; if (this.length = h2.length, u !== 0) this.words[this.length] = u, this.length++; else if (h2 !== this) for (;c < h2.length; c++) this.words[c] = h2.words[c]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(i) { var a; return i.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (i.negative = 0, a = this.sub(i), i.negative ^= 1, a) : i.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, a = i.sub(this), this.negative = 1, a) : this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iadd(i) : i.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(i) { if (i.negative !== 0) { i.negative = 0; var a = this.iadd(i); return i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(i), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var h2 = this.cmp(i); if (h2 === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var s, u; h2 > 0 ? (s = this, u = i) : (s = i, u = this); for (var c = 0, b2 = 0;b2 < u.length; b2++) a = (s.words[b2] | 0) - (u.words[b2] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b2] = a & 67108863; for (;c !== 0 && b2 < s.length; b2++) a = (s.words[b2] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b2] = a & 67108863; if (c === 0 && b2 < s.length && s !== this) for (;b2 < s.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = s.words[b2]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, b2), s !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(i) { return this.clone().isub(i); }; function q2(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative; var h2 = v.length + i.length | 0; a.length = h2, h2 = h2 - 1 | 0; var s = v.words[0] | 0, u = i.words[0] | 0, c = s * u, b2 = c & 67108863, l = c / 67108864 | 0; a.words[0] = b2; for (var n = 1;n < h2; n++) { for (var d = l >>> 26, w = l & 67108863, g = Math.min(n, i.length - 1), _2 = Math.max(0, n - v.length + 1);_2 <= g; _2++) { var A2 = n - _2 | 0; s = v.words[A2] | 0, u = i.words[_2] | 0, c = s * u + w, d += c / 67108864 | 0, w = c & 67108863; } a.words[n] = w | 0, l = d | 0; } return l !== 0 ? a.words[n] = l | 0 : a.length--, a.strip(); } var L2 = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.words, u = a.words, c = h2.words, b2 = 0, l, n, d, w = s[0] | 0, g = w & 8191, _2 = w >>> 13, A2 = s[1] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = s[2] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = s[3] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = s[4] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = s[5] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = s[6] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = s[7] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = s[8] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = s[9] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = u[0] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = u[1] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = u[2] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = u[3] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = u[4] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = u[5] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = u[6] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = u[7] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = u[8] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = u[9] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13; h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = 19, l = Math.imul(g, X), n = Math.imul(g, J), n = n + Math.imul(_2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(_2, J); var ft = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ft >>> 26) | 0, ft &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(R2, X), n = Math.imul(R2, J), n = n + Math.imul(I, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(I, J), l = l + Math.imul(g, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ee) | 0; var Be = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(k, X), n = Math.imul(k, J), n = n + Math.imul(D2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(D2, J), l = l + Math.imul(R2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, re) | 0; var qe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(C2, X), n = Math.imul(C2, J), n = n + Math.imul(O, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(O, J), l = l + Math.imul(k, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ne) | 0; var ze = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(F, X), n = Math.imul(F, J), n = n + Math.imul(U, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(U, J), l = l + Math.imul(C2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ae) | 0; var He = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(z2, X), n = Math.imul(z2, J), n = n + Math.imul(H, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(H, J), l = l + Math.imul(F, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, se) | 0; var We = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(W, X), n = Math.imul(W, J), n = n + Math.imul(K, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(K, J), l = l + Math.imul(z2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ue) | 0; var Ke = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(j, X), n = Math.imul(j, J), n = n + Math.imul(Z, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Z, J), l = l + Math.imul(W, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, de) | 0; var je = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(V, X), n = Math.imul(V, J), n = n + Math.imul($, X) | 0, d = Math.imul($, J), l = l + Math.imul(j, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, pe) | 0; var Ze = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, X), n = Math.imul(G, J), n = n + Math.imul(Y, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, J), l = l + Math.imul(V, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, be) | 0; var Ve = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, Q), n = Math.imul(G, ee), n = n + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ee), l = l + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var $e = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, te), n = Math.imul(G, re), n = n + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, re), l = l + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0; var Ge = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ie), n = Math.imul(G, ne), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ne), l = l + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, be) | 0; var Ye = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, fe), n = Math.imul(G, ae), n = n + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ae), l = l + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, be) | 0; var Xe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, oe), n = Math.imul(G, se), n = n + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, se), l = l + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, be) | 0; var Je = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, he), n = Math.imul(G, ue), n = n + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ue), l = l + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, be) | 0; var Qe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, le), n = Math.imul(G, de), n = n + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, de), l = l + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0; var et = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ce), n = Math.imul(G, pe), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, pe), l = l + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, be) | 0; var tt = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ve), n = Math.imul(G, be), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, be); var rt = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; return b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, c[0] = ft, c[1] = Be, c[2] = qe, c[3] = ze, c[4] = He, c[5] = We, c[6] = Ke, c[7] = je, c[8] = Ze, c[9] = Ve, c[10] = $e, c[11] = Ge, c[12] = Ye, c[13] = Xe, c[14] = Je, c[15] = Qe, c[16] = et, c[17] = tt, c[18] = rt, b2 !== 0 && (c[19] = b2, h2.length++), h2; }; Math.imul || (L2 = q2); function ge(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative, a.length = v.length + i.length; for (var h2 = 0, s = 0, u = 0;u < a.length - 1; u++) { var c = s; s = 0; for (var b2 = h2 & 67108863, l = Math.min(u, i.length - 1), n = Math.max(0, u - v.length + 1);n <= l; n++) { var d = u - n, w = v.words[d] | 0, g = i.words[n] | 0, _2 = w * g, A2 = _2 & 67108863; c = c + (_2 / 67108864 | 0) | 0, A2 = A2 + b2 | 0, b2 = A2 & 67108863, c = c + (A2 >>> 26) | 0, s += c >>> 26, c &= 67108863; } a.words[u] = b2, h2 = c, c = s; } return h2 !== 0 ? a.words[u] = h2 : a.length--, a.strip(); } function _e(v, i, a) { var h2 = new N; return h2.mulp(v, i, a); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(i, a) { var h2, s = this.length + i.length; return this.length === 10 && i.length === 10 ? h2 = L2(this, i, a) : s < 63 ? h2 = q2(this, i, a) : s < 1024 ? h2 = ge(this, i, a) : h2 = _e(this, i, a), h2; }; function N(v, i) { this.x = v, this.y = i; } N.prototype.makeRBT = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = f.prototype._countBits(i) - 1, s = 0;s < i; s++) a[s] = this.revBin(s, h2, i); return a; }, N.prototype.revBin = function(i, a, h2) { if (i === 0 || i === h2 - 1) return i; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < a; u++) s |= (i & 1) << a - u - 1, i >>= 1; return s; }, N.prototype.permute = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { for (var b2 = 0;b2 < c; b2++) s[b2] = a[i[b2]], u[b2] = h2[i[b2]]; }, N.prototype.transform = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { this.permute(c, i, a, h2, s, u); for (var b2 = 1;b2 < u; b2 <<= 1) for (var l = b2 << 1, n = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l), d = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l), w = 0;w < u; w += l) for (var g = n, _2 = d, A2 = 0;A2 < b2; A2++) { var R2 = h2[w + A2], I = s[w + A2], Me = h2[w + A2 + b2], k = s[w + A2 + b2], D2 = g * Me - _2 * k; k = g * k + _2 * Me, Me = D2, h2[w + A2] = R2 + Me, s[w + A2] = I + k, h2[w + A2 + b2] = R2 - Me, s[w + A2 + b2] = I - k, A2 !== l && (D2 = n * g - d * _2, _2 = n * _2 + d * g, g = D2); } }, N.prototype.guessLen13b = function(i, a) { var h2 = Math.max(a, i) | 1, s = h2 & 1, u = 0; for (h2 = h2 / 2 | 0;h2; h2 = h2 >>> 1) u++; return 1 << u + 1 + s; }, N.prototype.conjugate = function(i, a, h2) { if (!(h2 <= 1)) for (var s = 0;s < h2 / 2; s++) { var u = i[s]; i[s] = i[h2 - s - 1], i[h2 - s - 1] = u, u = a[s], a[s] = -a[h2 - s - 1], a[h2 - s - 1] = -u; } }, N.prototype.normalize13b = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 0, s = 0;s < a / 2; s++) { var u = Math.round(i[2 * s + 1] / a) * 8192 + Math.round(i[2 * s] / a) + h2; i[s] = u & 67108863, u < 67108864 ? h2 = 0 : h2 = u / 67108864 | 0; } return i; }, N.prototype.convert13b = function(i, a, h2, s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < a; c++) u = u + (i[c] | 0), h2[2 * c] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13, h2[2 * c + 1] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13; for (c = 2 * a;c < s; ++c) h2[c] = 0; r(u === 0), r((u & -8192) === 0); }, N.prototype.stub = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = 0;h2 < i; h2++) a[h2] = 0; return a; }, N.prototype.mulp = function(i, a, h2) { var s = 2 * this.guessLen13b(i.length, a.length), u = this.makeRBT(s), c = this.stub(s), b2 = new Array(s), l = new Array(s), n = new Array(s), d = new Array(s), w = new Array(s), g = new Array(s), _2 = h2.words; _2.length = s, this.convert13b(i.words, i.length, b2, s), this.convert13b(a.words, a.length, d, s), this.transform(b2, c, l, n, s, u), this.transform(d, c, w, g, s, u); for (var A2 = 0;A2 < s; A2++) { var R2 = l[A2] * w[A2] - n[A2] * g[A2]; n[A2] = l[A2] * g[A2] + n[A2] * w[A2], l[A2] = R2; } return this.conjugate(l, n, s), this.transform(l, n, _2, c, s, u), this.conjugate(_2, c, s), this.normalize13b(_2, s), h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = i.length + a.length, h2.strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), this.mulTo(i, a); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), _e(this, i, a); }, f.prototype.imul = function(i) { return this.clone().mulTo(i, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864); for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < this.length; h2++) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) * i, u = (s & 67108863) + (a & 67108863); a >>= 26, a += s / 67108864 | 0, a += u >>> 26, this.words[h2] = u & 67108863; } return a !== 0 && (this.words[h2] = a, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(i) { return this.clone().imuln(i); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(i) { var a = B(i); if (a.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var h2 = this, s = 0;s < a.length && a[s] === 0; s++, h2 = h2.sqr()) ; if (++s < a.length) for (var u = h2.sqr();s < a.length; s++, u = u.sqr()) a[s] !== 0 && (h2 = h2.mul(u)); return h2; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 67108863 >>> 26 - a << 26 - a, u; if (a !== 0) { var c = 0; for (u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var b2 = this.words[u] & s, l = (this.words[u] | 0) - b2 << a; this.words[u] = l | c, c = b2 >>> 26 - a; } c && (this.words[u] = c, this.length++); } if (h2 !== 0) { for (u = this.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) this.words[u + h2] = this.words[u]; for (u = 0;u < h2; u++) this.words[u] = 0; this.length += h2; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(i) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(i); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(i, a, h2) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var s; a ? s = (a - a % 26) / 26 : s = 0; var u = i % 26, c = Math.min((i - u) / 26, this.length), b2 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u, l = h2; if (s -= c, s = Math.max(0, s), l) { for (var n = 0;n < c; n++) l.words[n] = this.words[n]; l.length = c; } if (c !== 0) if (this.length > c) for (this.length -= c, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = this.words[n + c]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var d = 0; for (n = this.length - 1;n >= 0 && (d !== 0 || n >= s); n--) { var w = this.words[n] | 0; this.words[n] = d << 26 - u | w >>> u, d = w & b2; } return l && d !== 0 && (l.words[l.length++] = d), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(i, a, h2) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(i, a, h2); }, f.prototype.shln = function(i) { return this.clone().ishln(i); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(i) { return this.clone().iushln(i); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(i) { return this.clone().ishrn(i); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(i) { return this.clone().iushrn(i); }, f.prototype.testn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return false; var u = this.words[h2]; return !!(u & s); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= h2) return this; if (a !== 0 && h2++, this.length = Math.min(h2, this.length), a !== 0) { var s = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> a << a; this.words[this.length - 1] &= s; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(i) { return this.clone().imaskn(i); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(i) { return r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0 ? this.isubn(-i) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < i ? (this.words[0] = i - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(i), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(i); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(i) { this.words[0] += i; for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] >= 67108864; a++) this.words[a] -= 67108864, a === this.length - 1 ? this.words[a + 1] = 1 : this.words[a + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, a + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(i) { if (r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0) return this.iaddn(-i); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(i), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= i, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] < 0; a++) this.words[a] += 67108864, this.words[a + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(i) { return this.clone().iaddn(i); }, f.prototype.subn = function(i) { return this.clone().isubn(i); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.length + h2, u; this._expand(s); var c, b2 = 0; for (u = 0;u < i.length; u++) { c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b2; var l = (i.words[u] | 0) * a; c -= l & 67108863, b2 = (c >> 26) - (l / 67108864 | 0), this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; } for (;u < this.length - h2; u++) c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b2, b2 = c >> 26, this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; if (b2 === 0) return this.strip(); for (r(b2 === -1), b2 = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) c = -(this.words[u] | 0) + b2, b2 = c >> 26, this.words[u] = c & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(i, a) { var h2 = this.length - i.length, s = this.clone(), u = i, c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0, b2 = this._countBits(c); h2 = 26 - b2, h2 !== 0 && (u = u.ushln(h2), s.iushln(h2), c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0); var l = s.length - u.length, n; if (a !== "mod") { n = new f(null), n.length = l + 1, n.words = new Array(n.length); for (var d = 0;d < n.length; d++) n.words[d] = 0; } var w = s.clone()._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, l); w.negative === 0 && (s = w, n && (n.words[l] = 1)); for (var g = l - 1;g >= 0; g--) { var _2 = (s.words[u.length + g] | 0) * 67108864 + (s.words[u.length + g - 1] | 0); for (_2 = Math.min(_2 / c | 0, 67108863), s._ishlnsubmul(u, _2, g);s.negative !== 0; ) _2--, s.negative = 0, s._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, g), s.isZero() || (s.negative ^= 1); n && (n.words[g] = _2); } return n && n.strip(), s.strip(), a !== "div" && h2 !== 0 && s.iushrn(h2), { div: n || null, mod: s }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(!i.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var s, u, c; return this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i, a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.iadd(i)), { div: s, mod: u }) : this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0 ? (c = this.divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), { div: s, mod: c.mod }) : (this.negative & i.negative) !== 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.isub(i)), { div: c.div, mod: u }) : i.length > this.length || this.cmp(i) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : i.length === 1 ? a === "div" ? { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: null } : a === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(i, a); }, f.prototype.div = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(i) { var a = this.divmod(i); if (a.mod.isZero()) return a.div; var h2 = a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.mod.isub(i) : a.mod, s = i.ushrn(1), u = i.andln(1), c = h2.cmp(s); return c < 0 || u === 1 && c === 0 ? a.div : a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.div.isubn(1) : a.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = (1 << 26) % i, h2 = 0, s = this.length - 1;s >= 0; s--) h2 = (a * h2 + (this.words[s] | 0)) % i; return h2; }, f.prototype.idivn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) + a * 67108864; this.words[h2] = s / i | 0, a = s % i; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.divn = function(i) { return this.clone().idivn(i); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = new f(0), b2 = new f(1), l = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1), ++l; for (var n = h2.clone(), d = a.clone();!a.isZero(); ) { for (var w = 0, g = 1;(a.words[0] & g) === 0 && w < 26; ++w, g <<= 1) ; if (w > 0) for (a.iushrn(w);w-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(n), u.isub(d)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); for (var _2 = 0, A2 = 1;(h2.words[0] & A2) === 0 && _2 < 26; ++_2, A2 <<= 1) ; if (_2 > 0) for (h2.iushrn(_2);_2-- > 0; ) (c.isOdd() || b2.isOdd()) && (c.iadd(n), b2.isub(d)), c.iushrn(1), b2.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(c), u.isub(b2)) : (h2.isub(a), c.isub(s), b2.isub(u)); } return { a: c, b: b2, gcd: h2.iushln(l) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = h2.clone();a.cmpn(1) > 0 && h2.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var b2 = 0, l = 1;(a.words[0] & l) === 0 && b2 < 26; ++b2, l <<= 1) ; if (b2 > 0) for (a.iushrn(b2);b2-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(c), s.iushrn(1); for (var n = 0, d = 1;(h2.words[0] & d) === 0 && n < 26; ++n, d <<= 1) ; if (n > 0) for (h2.iushrn(n);n-- > 0; ) u.isOdd() && u.iadd(c), u.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(u)) : (h2.isub(a), u.isub(s)); } var w; return a.cmpn(1) === 0 ? w = s : w = u, w.cmpn(0) < 0 && w.iadd(i), w; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(i) { if (this.isZero()) return i.abs(); if (i.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a = this.clone(), h2 = i.clone(); a.negative = 0, h2.negative = 0; for (var s = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); s++) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1); do { for (;a.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1); for (;h2.isEven(); ) h2.iushrn(1); var u = a.cmp(h2); if (u < 0) { var c = a; a = h2, h2 = c; } else if (u === 0 || h2.cmpn(1) === 0) break; a.isub(h2); } while (true); return h2.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.invm = function(i) { return this.egcd(i).a.umod(i); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(i) { return this.words[0] & i; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return this._expand(h2 + 1), this.words[h2] |= s, this; for (var u = s, c = h2;u !== 0 && c < this.length; c++) { var b2 = this.words[c] | 0; b2 += u, u = b2 >>> 26, b2 &= 67108863, this.words[c] = b2; } return u !== 0 && (this.words[c] = u, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(i) { var a = i < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !a) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && a) return 1; this.strip(); var h2; if (this.length > 1) h2 = 1; else { a && (i = -i), r(i <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var s = this.words[0] | 0; h2 = s === i ? 0 : s < i ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -h2 | 0 : h2; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(i) { if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return 1; var a = this.ucmp(i); return this.negative !== 0 ? -a | 0 : a; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(i) { if (this.length > i.length) return 1; if (this.length < i.length) return -1; for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = this.words[h2] | 0, u = i.words[h2] | 0; if (s !== u) { s < u ? a = -1 : s > u && (a = 1); break; } } return a; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === -1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 0; }, = function(i) { return new P(i); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), i.convertTo(this)._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(i) { return = i, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(i) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(i) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(i) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(i) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, i); }; var we = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function ye(v, i) { = v, this.p = new f(i, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } ye.prototype._tmp = function() { var i = new f(null); return i.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), i; }, ye.prototype.ireduce = function(i) { var a = i, h2; do this.split(a, this.tmp), a = this.imulK(a), a = a.iadd(this.tmp), h2 = a.bitLength(); while (h2 > this.n); var s = h2 < this.n ? -1 : a.ucmp(this.p); return s === 0 ? (a.words[0] = 0, a.length = 1) : s > 0 ? a.isub(this.p) : a.strip !== undefined ? a.strip() : a._strip(), a; }, ye.prototype.split = function(i, a) { i.iushrn(this.n, 0, a); }, ye.prototype.imulK = function(i) { return i.imul(this.k); }; function xe() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(xe, ye), xe.prototype.split = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 4194303, s = Math.min(i.length, 9), u = 0;u < s; u++) a.words[u] = i.words[u]; if (a.length = s, i.length <= 9) { i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1; return; } var c = i.words[9]; for (a.words[a.length++] = c & h2, u = 10;u < i.length; u++) { var b2 = i.words[u] | 0; i.words[u - 10] = (b2 & h2) << 4 | c >>> 22, c = b2; } c >>>= 22, i.words[u - 10] = c, c === 0 && i.length > 10 ? i.length -= 10 : i.length -= 9; }, xe.prototype.imulK = function(i) { i.words[i.length] = 0, i.words[i.length + 1] = 0, i.length += 2; for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = i.words[h2] | 0; a += s * 977, i.words[h2] = a & 67108863, a = s * 64 + (a / 67108864 | 0); } return i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && (i.length--, i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && i.length--), i; }; function Re() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(Re, ye); function Ee() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Ee, ye); function Ae() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(Ae, ye), Ae.prototype.imulK = function(i) { for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = (i.words[h2] | 0) * 19 + a, u = s & 67108863; s >>>= 26, i.words[h2] = u, a = s; } return a !== 0 && (i.words[i.length++] = a), i; }, f._prime = function(i) { if (we[i]) return we[i]; var a; if (i === "k256") a = new xe; else if (i === "p224") a = new Re; else if (i === "p192") a = new Ee; else if (i === "p25519") a = new Ae; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + i); return we[i] = a, a; }; function P(v) { if (typeof v == "string") { var i = f._prime(v); this.m = i.p, = i; } else r(v.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = v, = null; } P.prototype._verify1 = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype._verify2 = function(i, a) { r((i.negative | a.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype.imod = function(i) { return ? : i.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.neg = function(i) { return i.isZero() ? i.clone() : this.m.sub(i)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.add = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.add(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.iadd = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.iadd(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.sub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.sub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.isub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.isub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.shl = function(i, a) { return this._verify1(i), this.imod(i.ushln(a)); }, P.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.imul(a)); }, P.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.mul(a)); }, P.prototype.isqr = function(i) { return this.imul(i, i.clone()); }, P.prototype.sqr = function(i) { return this.mul(i, i); }, P.prototype.sqrt = function(i) { if (i.isZero()) return i.clone(); var a = this.m.andln(3); if (r(a % 2 === 1), a === 3) { var h2 = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(i, h2); } for (var s = this.m.subn(1), u = 0;!s.isZero() && s.andln(1) === 0; ) u++, s.iushrn(1); r(!s.isZero()); var c = new f(1).toRed(this), b2 = c.redNeg(), l = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), n = this.m.bitLength(); for (n = new f(2 * n * n).toRed(this);this.pow(n, l).cmp(b2) !== 0; ) n.redIAdd(b2); for (var d = this.pow(n, s), w = this.pow(i, s.addn(1).iushrn(1)), g = this.pow(i, s), _2 = u;g.cmp(c) !== 0; ) { for (var A2 = g, R2 = 0;A2.cmp(c) !== 0; R2++) A2 = A2.redSqr(); r(R2 < _2); var I = this.pow(d, new f(1).iushln(_2 - R2 - 1)); w = w.redMul(I), d = I.redSqr(), g = g.redMul(d), _2 = R2; } return w; }, P.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = i._invmp(this.m); return a.negative !== 0 ? (a.negative = 0, this.imod(a).redNeg()) : this.imod(a); }, P.prototype.pow = function(i, a) { if (a.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) return i.clone(); var h2 = 4, s = new Array(1 << h2); s[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), s[1] = i; for (var u = 2;u < s.length; u++) s[u] = this.mul(s[u - 1], i); var c = s[0], b2 = 0, l = 0, n = a.bitLength() % 26; for (n === 0 && (n = 26), u = a.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) { for (var d = a.words[u], w = n - 1;w >= 0; w--) { var g = d >> w & 1; if (c !== s[0] && (c = this.sqr(c)), g === 0 && b2 === 0) { l = 0; continue; } b2 <<= 1, b2 |= g, l++, !(l !== h2 && (u !== 0 || w !== 0)) && (c = this.mul(c, s[b2]), l = 0, b2 = 0); } n = 26; } return c; }, P.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { var a = i.umod(this.m); return a === i ? a.clone() : a; }, P.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = i.clone(); return = null, a; }, f.mont = function(i) { return new Se(i); }; function Se(v) {, v), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(Se, P), Se.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { return this.imod(i.ushln(this.shift)); }, Se.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, a; }, Se.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1, i; var h2 = i.imul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var h2 = i.mul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return a._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof Xu > "u" || Xu, Gm); }); Xm = T2(() => { }); As = T2(($T, el2) => { var Ju; el2.exports = function(e) { return Ju || (Ju = new Zi(null)), Ju.generate(e); }; function Zi(t) { this.rand = t; } el2.exports.Rand = Zi; Zi.prototype.generate = function(e) { return this._rand(e); }; Zi.prototype._rand = function(e) { if (this.rand.getBytes) return this.rand.getBytes(e); for (var r = new Uint8Array(e), o = 0;o < r.length; o++) r[o] = this.rand.getByte(); return r; }; if (typeof self == "object") self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues ? Zi.prototype._rand = function(e) { var r = new Uint8Array(e); return self.crypto.getRandomValues(r), r; } : self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues ? Zi.prototype._rand = function(e) { var r = new Uint8Array(e); return self.msCrypto.getRandomValues(r), r; } : typeof window == "object" && (Zi.prototype._rand = function() { throw new Error("Not implemented yet"); }); else try { if (Qu = Xm(), typeof Qu.randomBytes != "function") throw new Error("Not supported"); Zi.prototype._rand = function(e) { return Qu.randomBytes(e); }; } catch { } var Qu; }); tl = T2((GT, Jm) => { var In = Ym(), Q9 = As(); function Tn(t) { this.rand = t || new Q9.Rand; } Jm.exports = Tn; Tn.create = function(e) { return new Tn(e); }; Tn.prototype._randbelow = function(e) { var r = e.bitLength(), o = Math.ceil(r / 8); do var f = new In(this.rand.generate(o)); while (f.cmp(e) >= 0); return f; }; Tn.prototype._randrange = function(e, r) { var o = r.sub(e); return e.add(this._randbelow(o)); }; Tn.prototype.test = function(e, r, o) { var f = e.bitLength(), p = In.mont(e), m2 = new In(1).toRed(p); r || (r = Math.max(1, f / 48 | 0)); for (var y2 = e.subn(1), M = 0;!y2.testn(M); M++) ; for (var x = e.shrn(M), S = y2.toRed(p), E2 = true;r > 0; r--) { var B = this._randrange(new In(2), y2); o && o(B); var q2 = B.toRed(p).redPow(x); if (!(q2.cmp(m2) === 0 || q2.cmp(S) === 0)) { for (var L2 = 1;L2 < M; L2++) { if (q2 = q2.redSqr(), q2.cmp(m2) === 0) return false; if (q2.cmp(S) === 0) break; } if (L2 === M) return false; } } return E2; }; Tn.prototype.getDivisor = function(e, r) { var o = e.bitLength(), f = In.mont(e), p = new In(1).toRed(f); r || (r = Math.max(1, o / 48 | 0)); for (var m2 = e.subn(1), y2 = 0;!m2.testn(y2); y2++) ; for (var M = e.shrn(y2), x = m2.toRed(f);r > 0; r--) { var S = this._randrange(new In(2), m2), E2 = e.gcd(S); if (E2.cmpn(1) !== 0) return E2; var B = S.toRed(f).redPow(M); if (!(B.cmp(p) === 0 || B.cmp(x) === 0)) { for (var q2 = 1;q2 < y2; q2++) { if (B = B.redSqr(), B.cmp(p) === 0) return B.fromRed().subn(1).gcd(e); if (B.cmp(x) === 0) break; } if (q2 === y2) return B = B.redSqr(), B.fromRed().subn(1).gcd(e); } } return false; }; }); ol = T2((ek, tg) => { var eS = on(); tg.exports = al; al.simpleSieve = nl; al.fermatTest = fl; var Ht = Yu(), tS = new Ht(24), rS = tl(), Qm = new rS, iS = new Ht(1), il = new Ht(2), nS = new Ht(5), YT = new Ht(16), XT = new Ht(8), fS = new Ht(10), aS = new Ht(3), JT = new Ht(7), oS = new Ht(11), eg = new Ht(4), QT = new Ht(12), rl = null; function sS() { if (rl !== null) return rl; var t = 1048576, e = []; e[0] = 2; for (var r = 1, o = 3;o < t; o += 2) { for (var f = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(o)), p = 0;p < r && e[p] <= f && o % e[p] !== 0; p++) ; r !== p && e[p] <= f || (e[r++] = o); } return rl = e, e; } function nl(t) { for (var e = sS(), r = 0;r < e.length; r++) if (t.modn(e[r]) === 0) return t.cmpn(e[r]) === 0; return true; } function fl(t) { var e = Ht.mont(t); return il.toRed(e).redPow(t.subn(1)).fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0; } function al(t, e) { if (t < 16) return e === 2 || e === 5 ? new Ht([140, 123]) : new Ht([140, 39]); e = new Ht(e); for (var r, o;; ) { for (r = new Ht(eS(Math.ceil(t / 8)));r.bitLength() > t; ) r.ishrn(1); if (r.isEven() && r.iadd(iS), r.testn(1) || r.iadd(il), e.cmp(il)) { if (!e.cmp(nS)) for (;r.mod(fS).cmp(aS); ) r.iadd(eg); } else for (;r.mod(tS).cmp(oS); ) r.iadd(eg); if (o = r.shrn(1), nl(o) && nl(r) && fl(o) && fl(r) && Qm.test(o) && Qm.test(r)) return r; } } }); rg = T2((tk, hS) => { hS.exports = { modp1: { gen: "02", prime: "ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a63a3620ffffffffffffffff" }, modp2: { gen: "02", prime: "ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece65381ffffffffffffffff" }, modp5: { gen: "02", prime: "ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff" }, modp14: { gen: "02", prime: "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" }, modp15: { gen: "02", prime: "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" }, modp16: { gen: "02", prime: "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" }, modp17: { gen: "02", prime: "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" }, modp18: { gen: "02", prime: "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" } }; }); ag = T2((rk, fg) => { var yr = Yu(), uS = tl(), ig = new uS, lS = new yr(24), dS = new yr(11), cS = new yr(10), pS = new yr(3), vS = new yr(7), ng = ol(), bS = on(); fg.exports = Si; function mS(t, e) { return e = e || "utf8", Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)), this._pub = new yr(t), this; } function gS(t, e) { return e = e || "utf8", Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)), this._priv = new yr(t), this; } var Rs = {}; function yS(t, e) { var r = e.toString("hex"), o = [r, t.toString(16)].join("_"); if (o in Rs) return Rs[o]; var f = 0; if (t.isEven() || !ng.simpleSieve || !ng.fermatTest(t) || !ig.test(t)) return f += 1, r === "02" || r === "05" ? f += 8 : f += 4, Rs[o] = f, f; ig.test(t.shrn(1)) || (f += 2); var p; switch (r) { case "02": t.mod(lS).cmp(dS) && (f += 8); break; case "05": p = t.mod(cS), p.cmp(pS) && p.cmp(vS) && (f += 8); break; default: f += 4; } return Rs[o] = f, f; } function Si(t, e, r) { this.setGenerator(e), this.__prime = new yr(t), this._prime = yr.mont(this.__prime), this._primeLen = t.length, this._pub = undefined, this._priv = undefined, this._primeCode = undefined, r ? (this.setPublicKey = mS, this.setPrivateKey = gS) : this._primeCode = 8; } Object.defineProperty(Si.prototype, "verifyError", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return typeof this._primeCode != "number" && (this._primeCode = yS(this.__prime, this.__gen)), this._primeCode; } }); Si.prototype.generateKeys = function() { return this._priv || (this._priv = new yr(bS(this._primeLen))), this._pub = this._gen.toRed(this._prime).redPow(this._priv).fromRed(), this.getPublicKey(); }; Si.prototype.computeSecret = function(t) { t = new yr(t), t = t.toRed(this._prime); var e = t.redPow(this._priv).fromRed(), r = new Buffer(e.toArray()), o = this.getPrime(); if (r.length < o.length) { var f = new Buffer(o.length - r.length); f.fill(0), r = Buffer.concat([f, r]); } return r; }; Si.prototype.getPublicKey = function(e) { return Bs(this._pub, e); }; Si.prototype.getPrivateKey = function(e) { return Bs(this._priv, e); }; Si.prototype.getPrime = function(t) { return Bs(this.__prime, t); }; Si.prototype.getGenerator = function(t) { return Bs(this._gen, t); }; Si.prototype.setGenerator = function(t, e) { return e = e || "utf8", Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)), this.__gen = t, this._gen = new yr(t), this; }; function Bs(t, e) { var r = new Buffer(t.toArray()); return e ? r.toString(e) : r; } }); hg = T2((_f) => { var wS = ol(), og = rg(), sl = ag(); function MS(t) { var e = new Buffer(og[t].prime, "hex"), r = new Buffer(og[t].gen, "hex"); return new sl(e, r); } var _S = { binary: true, hex: true, base64: true }; function sg(t, e, r, o) { return Buffer.isBuffer(e) || _S[e] === undefined ? sg(t, "binary", e, r) : (e = e || "binary", o = o || "binary", r = r || new Buffer([2]), Buffer.isBuffer(r) || (r = new Buffer(r, o)), typeof t == "number" ? new sl(wS(t, r), r, true) : (Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)), new sl(t, r, true))); } _f.DiffieHellmanGroup = _f.createDiffieHellmanGroup = _f.getDiffieHellman = MS; _f.createDiffieHellman = _f.DiffieHellman = sg; }); hl = T2((nk, ug) => { ug.exports = ki().EventEmitter; }); pg = T2((fk, cg) => { function lg(t, e) { var r = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (o = o.filter(function(f) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, f).enumerable; })), r.push.apply(r, o); } return r; } function xS(t) { for (var e = 1;e < arguments.length; e++) { var r = arguments[e] != null ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? lg(Object(r), true).forEach(function(o) { SS(t, o, r[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : lg(Object(r)).forEach(function(o) { Object.defineProperty(t, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, o)); }); } return t; } function SS(t, e, r) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: r, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : t[e] = r, t; } function ES(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function dg(t, e) { for (var r = 0;r < e.length; r++) { var o = e[r]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || false, o.configurable = true, "value" in o && (o.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o); } } function AS(t, e, r) { return e && dg(t.prototype, e), r && dg(t, r), t; } var RS = Ut(), qs = RS.Buffer, BS = $f(), ul = BS.inspect, qS = ul && ul.custom || "inspect"; function IS(t, e, r) {, e, r); } cg.exports = function() { function t() { ES(this, t), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } return AS(t, [{ key: "push", value: function(r) { var o = { data: r, next: null }; this.length > 0 ? = o : this.head = o, this.tail = o, ++this.length; } }, { key: "unshift", value: function(r) { var o = { data: r, next: this.head }; this.length === 0 && (this.tail = o), this.head = o, ++this.length; } }, { key: "shift", value: function() { if (this.length !== 0) { var r =; return this.length === 1 ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head =, --this.length, r; } } }, { key: "clear", value: function() { this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } }, { key: "join", value: function(r) { if (this.length === 0) return ""; for (var o = this.head, f = "" +;o =; ) f += r +; return f; } }, { key: "concat", value: function(r) { if (this.length === 0) return qs.alloc(0); for (var o = qs.allocUnsafe(r >>> 0), f = this.head, p = 0;f; ) IS(, o, p), p +=, f =; return o; } }, { key: "consume", value: function(r, o) { var f; return r < ? (f =, r), = : r === ? f = this.shift() : f = o ? this._getString(r) : this._getBuffer(r), f; } }, { key: "first", value: function() { return; } }, { key: "_getString", value: function(r) { var o = this.head, f = 1, p =; for (r -= p.length;o =; ) { var m2 =, y2 = r > m2.length ? m2.length : r; if (y2 === m2.length ? p += m2 : p += m2.slice(0, r), r -= y2, r === 0) { y2 === m2.length ? (++f, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = o, = m2.slice(y2)); break; } ++f; } return this.length -= f, p; } }, { key: "_getBuffer", value: function(r) { var o = qs.allocUnsafe(r), f = this.head, p = 1; for (, r -=;f =; ) { var m2 =, y2 = r > m2.length ? m2.length : r; if (m2.copy(o, o.length - r, 0, y2), r -= y2, r === 0) { y2 === m2.length ? (++p, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = f, = m2.slice(y2)); break; } ++p; } return this.length -= p, o; } }, { key: qS, value: function(r, o) { return ul(this, xS({}, o, { depth: 0, customInspect: false })); } }]), t; }(); }); dl = T2((ak, bg) => { function TS(t, e) { var r = this, o = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, f = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; return o || f ? (e ? e(t) : t && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = true, process.nextTick(ll, this, t)) : process.nextTick(ll, this, t)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = true), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = true), this._destroy(t || null, function(p) { !e && p ? r._writableState ? r._writableState.errorEmitted ? process.nextTick(Is, r) : (r._writableState.errorEmitted = true, process.nextTick(vg, r, p)) : process.nextTick(vg, r, p) : e ? (process.nextTick(Is, r), e(p)) : process.nextTick(Is, r); }), this); } function vg(t, e) { ll(t, e), Is(t); } function Is(t) { t._writableState && !t._writableState.emitClose || t._readableState && !t._readableState.emitClose || t.emit("close"); } function kS() { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = false, this._readableState.reading = false, this._readableState.ended = false, this._readableState.endEmitted = false), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = false, this._writableState.ended = false, this._writableState.ending = false, this._writableState.finalCalled = false, this._writableState.prefinished = false, this._writableState.finished = false, this._writableState.errorEmitted = false); } function ll(t, e) { t.emit("error", e); } function LS(t, e) { var { _readableState: r, _writableState: o } = t; r && r.autoDestroy || o && o.autoDestroy ? t.destroy(e) : t.emit("error", e); } bg.exports = { destroy: TS, undestroy: kS, errorOrDestroy: LS }; }); kn = T2((ok, yg) => { function NS(t, e) { t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, t.__proto__ = e; } var gg = {}; function wr(t, e, r) { r || (r = Error); function o(p, m2, y2) { return typeof e == "string" ? e : e(p, m2, y2); } var f = function(p) { NS(m2, p); function m2(y2, M, x) { return, o(y2, M, x)) || this; } return m2; }(r); =, f.prototype.code = t, gg[t] = f; } function mg(t, e) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { var r = t.length; return t = { return String(o); }), r > 2 ? "one of ".concat(e, " ").concat(t.slice(0, r - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + t[r - 1] : r === 2 ? "one of ".concat(e, " ").concat(t[0], " or ").concat(t[1]) : "of ".concat(e, " ").concat(t[0]); } else return "of ".concat(e, " ").concat(String(t)); } function DS(t, e, r) { return t.substr(!r || r < 0 ? 0 : +r, e.length) === e; } function PS(t, e, r) { return (r === undefined || r > t.length) && (r = t.length), t.substring(r - e.length, r) === e; } function CS(t, e, r) { return typeof r != "number" && (r = 0), r + e.length > t.length ? false : t.indexOf(e, r) !== -1; } wr("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(t, e) { return 'The value "' + e + '" is invalid for option "' + t + '"'; }, TypeError); wr("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(t, e, r) { var o; typeof e == "string" && DS(e, "not ") ? (o = "must not be", e = e.replace(/^not /, "")) : o = "must be"; var f; if (PS(t, " argument")) f = "The ".concat(t, " ").concat(o, " ").concat(mg(e, "type")); else { var p = CS(t, ".") ? "property" : "argument"; f = 'The "'.concat(t, '" ').concat(p, " ").concat(o, " ").concat(mg(e, "type")); } return f += ". Received type ".concat(typeof r), f; }, TypeError); wr("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"); wr("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(t) { return "The " + t + " method is not implemented"; }); wr("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"); wr("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(t) { return "Cannot call " + t + " after a stream was destroyed"; }); wr("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"); wr("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"); wr("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"); wr("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError); wr("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(t) { return "Unknown encoding: " + t; }, TypeError); wr("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"); = gg; }); cl = T2((sk, wg) => { var OS = kn().codes.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; function FS2(t, e, r) { return t.highWaterMark != null ? t.highWaterMark : e ? t[r] : null; } function US(t, e, r, o) { var f = FS2(e, o, r); if (f != null) { if (!(isFinite(f) && Math.floor(f) === f) || f < 0) { var p = o ? r : "highWaterMark"; throw new OS(p, f); } return Math.floor(f); } return t.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; } wg.exports = { getHighWaterMark: US }; }); bl = T2((hk, Ag) => { Ag.exports = ut; function _g(t) { var e = this; = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() { cE(e, t); }; } var xf; ut.WritableState = ka; var zS = { deprecate: G0() }, xg = hl(), ks = Ut().Buffer, HS = global.Uint8Array || function() { }; function WS(t) { return ks.from(t); } function KS(t) { return ks.isBuffer(t) || t instanceof HS; } var vl = dl(), jS = cl(), ZS = jS.getHighWaterMark, Vi = kn().codes, VS = Vi.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, $S = Vi.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, GS = Vi.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, YS = Vi.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, XS = Vi.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, JS = Vi.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, QS = Vi.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, eE = Vi.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, Sf = vl.errorOrDestroy; Ie()(ut, xg); function tE() { } function ka(t, e, r) { xf = xf || Ln(), t = t || {}, typeof r != "boolean" && (r = e instanceof xf), this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = ZS(this, t, "writableHighWaterMark", r), this.finalCalled = false, this.needDrain = false, this.ending = false, this.ended = false, this.finished = false, this.destroyed = false; var o = t.decodeStrings === false; this.decodeStrings = !o, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = false, this.corked = 0, this.sync = true, this.bufferProcessing = false, this.onwrite = function(f) { sE(e, f); }, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = false, this.errorEmitted = false, this.emitClose = t.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !!t.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new _g(this); } ka.prototype.getBuffer = function() { for (var e = this.bufferedRequest, r = [];e; ) r.push(e), e =; return r; }; (function() { try { Object.defineProperty(ka.prototype, "buffer", { get: zS.deprecate(function() { return this.getBuffer(); }, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003") }); } catch { } })(); var Ts; typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (Ts = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(ut, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(e) { return, e) ? true : this !== ut ? false : e && e._writableState instanceof ka; } })) : Ts = function(e) { return e instanceof this; }; function ut(t) { xf = xf || Ln(); var e = this instanceof xf; if (!e && !, this)) return new ut(t); this._writableState = new ka(t, this, e), this.writable = true, t && (typeof t.write == "function" && (this._write = t.write), typeof t.writev == "function" && (this._writev = t.writev), typeof t.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = t.destroy), typeof == "function" && (this._final =,; } ut.prototype.pipe = function() { Sf(this, new YS); }; function rE(t, e) { var r = new QS; Sf(t, r), process.nextTick(e, r); } function iE(t, e, r, o) { var f; return r === null ? f = new JS : typeof r != "string" && !e.objectMode && (f = new VS("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], r)), f ? (Sf(t, f), process.nextTick(o, f), false) : true; } ut.prototype.write = function(t, e, r) { var o = this._writableState, f = false, p = !o.objectMode && KS(t); return p && !ks.isBuffer(t) && (t = WS(t)), typeof e == "function" && (r = e, e = null), p ? e = "buffer" : e || (e = o.defaultEncoding), typeof r != "function" && (r = tE), o.ending ? rE(this, r) : (p || iE(this, o, t, r)) && (o.pendingcb++, f = fE(this, o, p, t, e, r)), f; }; ut.prototype.cork = function() { this._writableState.corked++; }; ut.prototype.uncork = function() { var t = this._writableState; t.corked && (t.corked--, !t.writing && !t.corked && !t.bufferProcessing && t.bufferedRequest && Sg(this, t)); }; ut.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(e) { if (typeof e == "string" && (e = e.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((e + "").toLowerCase()) > -1)) throw new eE(e); return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = e, this; }; Object.defineProperty(ut.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }); function nE(t, e, r) { return !t.objectMode && t.decodeStrings !== false && typeof e == "string" && (e = ks.from(e, r)), e; } Object.defineProperty(ut.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }); function fE(t, e, r, o, f, p) { if (!r) { var m2 = nE(e, o, f); o !== m2 && (r = true, f = "buffer", o = m2); } var y2 = e.objectMode ? 1 : o.length; e.length += y2; var M = e.length < e.highWaterMark; if (M || (e.needDrain = true), e.writing || e.corked) { var x = e.lastBufferedRequest; e.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: o, encoding: f, isBuf: r, callback: p, next: null }, x ? = e.lastBufferedRequest : e.bufferedRequest = e.lastBufferedRequest, e.bufferedRequestCount += 1; } else pl(t, e, false, y2, o, f, p); return M; } function pl(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2) { e.writelen = o, e.writecb = m2, e.writing = true, e.sync = true, e.destroyed ? e.onwrite(new XS("write")) : r ? t._writev(f, e.onwrite) : t._write(f, p, e.onwrite), e.sync = false; } function aE(t, e, r, o, f) { --e.pendingcb, r ? (process.nextTick(f, o), process.nextTick(Ta, t, e), t._writableState.errorEmitted = true, Sf(t, o)) : (f(o), t._writableState.errorEmitted = true, Sf(t, o), Ta(t, e)); } function oE(t) { t.writing = false, t.writecb = null, t.length -= t.writelen, t.writelen = 0; } function sE(t, e) { var r = t._writableState, o = r.sync, f = r.writecb; if (typeof f != "function") throw new GS; if (oE(r), e) aE(t, r, o, e, f); else { var p = Eg(r) || t.destroyed; !p && !r.corked && !r.bufferProcessing && r.bufferedRequest && Sg(t, r), o ? process.nextTick(Mg, t, r, p, f) : Mg(t, r, p, f); } } function Mg(t, e, r, o) { r || hE(t, e), e.pendingcb--, o(), Ta(t, e); } function hE(t, e) { e.length === 0 && e.needDrain && (e.needDrain = false, t.emit("drain")); } function Sg(t, e) { e.bufferProcessing = true; var r = e.bufferedRequest; if (t._writev && r && { var o = e.bufferedRequestCount, f = new Array(o), p = e.corkedRequestsFree; p.entry = r; for (var m2 = 0, y2 = true;r; ) f[m2] = r, r.isBuf || (y2 = false), r =, m2 += 1; f.allBuffers = y2, pl(t, e, true, e.length, f, "", p.finish), e.pendingcb++, e.lastBufferedRequest = null, ? (e.corkedRequestsFree =, = null) : e.corkedRequestsFree = new _g(e), e.bufferedRequestCount = 0; } else { for (;r; ) { var { chunk: M, encoding: x, callback: S } = r, E2 = e.objectMode ? 1 : M.length; if (pl(t, e, false, E2, M, x, S), r =, e.bufferedRequestCount--, e.writing) break; } r === null && (e.lastBufferedRequest = null); } e.bufferedRequest = r, e.bufferProcessing = false; } ut.prototype._write = function(t, e, r) { r(new $S("_write()")); }; ut.prototype._writev = null; ut.prototype.end = function(t, e, r) { var o = this._writableState; return typeof t == "function" ? (r = t, t = null, e = null) : typeof e == "function" && (r = e, e = null), t != null && this.write(t, e), o.corked && (o.corked = 1, this.uncork()), o.ending || dE(this, o, r), this; }; Object.defineProperty(ut.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; } }); function Eg(t) { return t.ending && t.length === 0 && t.bufferedRequest === null && !t.finished && !t.writing; } function uE(t, e) { t._final(function(r) { e.pendingcb--, r && Sf(t, r), e.prefinished = true, t.emit("prefinish"), Ta(t, e); }); } function lE(t, e) { !e.prefinished && !e.finalCalled && (typeof t._final == "function" && !e.destroyed ? (e.pendingcb++, e.finalCalled = true, process.nextTick(uE, t, e)) : (e.prefinished = true, t.emit("prefinish"))); } function Ta(t, e) { var r = Eg(e); if (r && (lE(t, e), e.pendingcb === 0 && (e.finished = true, t.emit("finish"), e.autoDestroy))) { var o = t._readableState; (!o || o.autoDestroy && o.endEmitted) && t.destroy(); } return r; } function dE(t, e, r) { e.ending = true, Ta(t, e), r && (e.finished ? process.nextTick(r) : t.once("finish", r)), e.ended = true, t.writable = false; } function cE(t, e, r) { var o = t.entry; for (t.entry = null;o; ) { var f = o.callback; e.pendingcb--, f(r), o =; } = t; } Object.defineProperty(ut.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState === undefined ? false : this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e) { !this._writableState || (this._writableState.destroyed = e); } }); ut.prototype.destroy = vl.destroy; ut.prototype._undestroy = vl.undestroy; ut.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) { e(t); }; }); Ln = T2((uk, Bg) => { var pE = Object.keys || function(t) { var e = []; for (var r in t) e.push(r); return e; }; Bg.exports = ti; var Rg = yl(), gl = bl(); Ie()(ti, Rg); for (ml = pE(gl.prototype), Ls = 0;Ls < ml.length; Ls++) Ns = ml[Ls], ti.prototype[Ns] || (ti.prototype[Ns] = gl.prototype[Ns]); var ml, Ns, Ls; function ti(t) { if (!(this instanceof ti)) return new ti(t);, t),, t), this.allowHalfOpen = true, t && (t.readable === false && (this.readable = false), t.writable === false && (this.writable = false), t.allowHalfOpen === false && (this.allowHalfOpen = false, this.once("end", vE))); } Object.defineProperty(ti.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }); Object.defineProperty(ti.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }); Object.defineProperty(ti.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; } }); function vE() { this._writableState.ended || process.nextTick(bE, this); } function bE(t) { t.end(); } Object.defineProperty(ti.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined ? false : this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e) { this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined || (this._readableState.destroyed = e, this._writableState.destroyed = e); } }); }); Ds = T2((lk, Tg) => { var qg = kn().codes.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; function mE(t) { var e = false; return function() { if (!e) { e = true; for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), f = 0;f < r; f++) o[f] = arguments[f]; t.apply(this, o); } }; } function gE() { } function yE(t) { return t.setHeader && typeof t.abort == "function"; } function Ig(t, e, r) { if (typeof e == "function") return Ig(t, null, e); e || (e = {}), r = mE(r || gE); var o = e.readable || e.readable !== false && t.readable, f = e.writable || e.writable !== false && t.writable, p = function() { t.writable || y2(); }, m2 = t._writableState && t._writableState.finished, y2 = function() { f = false, m2 = true, o ||; }, M = t._readableState && t._readableState.endEmitted, x = function() { o = false, M = true, f ||; }, S = function(L2) {, L2); }, E2 = function() { var L2; if (o && !M) return (!t._readableState || !t._readableState.ended) && (L2 = new qg),, L2); if (f && !m2) return (!t._writableState || !t._writableState.ended) && (L2 = new qg),, L2); }, B = function() { t.req.on("finish", y2); }; return yE(t) ? (t.on("complete", y2), t.on("abort", E2), t.req ? B() : t.on("request", B)) : f && !t._writableState && (t.on("end", p), t.on("close", p)), t.on("end", x), t.on("finish", y2), e.error !== false && t.on("error", S), t.on("close", E2), function() { t.removeListener("complete", y2), t.removeListener("abort", E2), t.removeListener("request", B), t.req && t.req.removeListener("finish", y2), t.removeListener("end", p), t.removeListener("close", p), t.removeListener("finish", y2), t.removeListener("end", x), t.removeListener("error", S), t.removeListener("close", E2); }; } Tg.exports = Ig; }); Lg = T2((dk, kg) => { var Ps; function $i(t, e, r) { return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: r, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : t[e] = r, t; } var wE = Ds(), Gi = Symbol("lastResolve"), Nn = Symbol("lastReject"), La = Symbol("error"), Cs = Symbol("ended"), Dn = Symbol("lastPromise"), wl = Symbol("handlePromise"), Pn = Symbol("stream"); function Yi(t, e) { return { value: t, done: e }; } function ME(t) { var e = t[Gi]; if (e !== null) { var r = t[Pn].read(); r !== null && (t[Dn] = null, t[Gi] = null, t[Nn] = null, e(Yi(r, false))); } } function _E(t) { process.nextTick(ME, t); } function xE(t, e) { return function(r, o) { t.then(function() { if (e[Cs]) { r(Yi(undefined, true)); return; } e[wl](r, o); }, o); }; } var SE = Object.getPrototypeOf(function() { }), EE = Object.setPrototypeOf((Ps = { get stream() { return this[Pn]; }, next: function() { var e = this, r = this[La]; if (r !== null) return Promise.reject(r); if (this[Cs]) return Promise.resolve(Yi(undefined, true)); if (this[Pn].destroyed) return new Promise(function(m2, y2) { process.nextTick(function() { e[La] ? y2(e[La]) : m2(Yi(undefined, true)); }); }); var o = this[Dn], f; if (o) f = new Promise(xE(o, this)); else { var p = this[Pn].read(); if (p !== null) return Promise.resolve(Yi(p, false)); f = new Promise(this[wl]); } return this[Dn] = f, f; } }, $i(Ps, Symbol.asyncIterator, function() { return this; }), $i(Ps, "return", function() { var e = this; return new Promise(function(r, o) { e[Pn].destroy(null, function(f) { if (f) { o(f); return; } r(Yi(undefined, true)); }); }); }), Ps), SE), AE = function(e) { var r, o = Object.create(EE, (r = {}, $i(r, Pn, { value: e, writable: true }), $i(r, Gi, { value: null, writable: true }), $i(r, Nn, { value: null, writable: true }), $i(r, La, { value: null, writable: true }), $i(r, Cs, { value: e._readableState.endEmitted, writable: true }), $i(r, wl, { value: function(p, m2) { var y2 = o[Pn].read(); y2 ? (o[Dn] = null, o[Gi] = null, o[Nn] = null, p(Yi(y2, false))) : (o[Gi] = p, o[Nn] = m2); }, writable: true }), r)); return o[Dn] = null, wE(e, function(f) { if (f && f.code !== "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE") { var p = o[Nn]; p !== null && (o[Dn] = null, o[Gi] = null, o[Nn] = null, p(f)), o[La] = f; return; } var m2 = o[Gi]; m2 !== null && (o[Dn] = null, o[Gi] = null, o[Nn] = null, m2(Yi(undefined, true))), o[Cs] = true; }), e.on("readable", _E.bind(null, o)), o; }; kg.exports = AE; }); Dg = T2((ck, Ng) => { Ng.exports = function() { throw new Error("Readable.from is not available in the browser"); }; }); yl = T2((vk, jg) => { jg.exports = Oe; var Ef; Oe.ReadableState = Fg; var pk = ki().EventEmitter, Og = function(e, r) { return e.listeners(r).length; }, Da = hl(), Os = Ut().Buffer, RE = global.Uint8Array || function() { }; function BE(t) { return Os.from(t); } function qE(t) { return Os.isBuffer(t) || t instanceof RE; } var Ml = $f(), De; Ml && Ml.debuglog ? De = Ml.debuglog("stream") : De = function() { }; var IE = pg(), Bl = dl(), TE = cl(), kE = TE.getHighWaterMark, Fs = kn().codes, LE = Fs.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, NE = Fs.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, DE = Fs.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, PE = Fs.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT, Af, _l, xl; Ie()(Oe, Da); var Na = Bl.errorOrDestroy, Sl = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"]; function CE(t, e, r) { if (typeof t.prependListener == "function") return t.prependListener(e, r); !t._events || !t._events[e] ? t.on(e, r) : Array.isArray(t._events[e]) ? t._events[e].unshift(r) : t._events[e] = [r, t._events[e]]; } function Fg(t, e, r) { Ef = Ef || Ln(), t = t || {}, typeof r != "boolean" && (r = e instanceof Ef), this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = kE(this, t, "readableHighWaterMark", r), this.buffer = new IE, this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = false, this.endEmitted = false, this.reading = false, this.sync = true, this.needReadable = false, this.emittedReadable = false, this.readableListening = false, this.resumeScheduled = false, this.paused = true, this.emitClose = t.emitClose !== false, this.autoDestroy = !!t.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = false, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = false, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, t.encoding && (Af || (Af = (Qf(), ur(Jf)).StringDecoder), this.decoder = new Af(t.encoding), this.encoding = t.encoding); } function Oe(t) { if (Ef = Ef || Ln(), !(this instanceof Oe)) return new Oe(t); var e = this instanceof Ef; this._readableState = new Fg(t, this, e), this.readable = true, t && (typeof == "function" && (this._read =, typeof t.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = t.destroy)),; } Object.defineProperty(Oe.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState === undefined ? false : this._readableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e) { !this._readableState || (this._readableState.destroyed = e); } }); Oe.prototype.destroy = Bl.destroy; Oe.prototype._undestroy = Bl.undestroy; Oe.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) { e(t); }; Oe.prototype.push = function(t, e) { var r = this._readableState, o; return r.objectMode ? o = true : typeof t == "string" && (e = e || r.defaultEncoding, e !== r.encoding && (t = Os.from(t, e), e = ""), o = true), Ug(this, t, e, false, o); }; Oe.prototype.unshift = function(t) { return Ug(this, t, null, true, false); }; function Ug(t, e, r, o, f) { De("readableAddChunk", e); var p = t._readableState; if (e === null) p.reading = false, UE(t, p); else { var m2; if (f || (m2 = OE(p, e)), m2) Na(t, m2); else if (p.objectMode || e && e.length > 0) if (typeof e != "string" && !p.objectMode && Object.getPrototypeOf(e) !== Os.prototype && (e = BE(e)), o) p.endEmitted ? Na(t, new PE) : El(t, p, e, true); else if (p.ended) Na(t, new NE); else { if (p.destroyed) return false; p.reading = false, p.decoder && !r ? (e = p.decoder.write(e), p.objectMode || e.length !== 0 ? El(t, p, e, false) : Rl(t, p)) : El(t, p, e, false); } else o || (p.reading = false, Rl(t, p)); } return !p.ended && (p.length < p.highWaterMark || p.length === 0); } function El(t, e, r, o) { e.flowing && e.length === 0 && !e.sync ? (e.awaitDrain = 0, t.emit("data", r)) : (e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length, o ? e.buffer.unshift(r) : e.buffer.push(r), e.needReadable && Us(t)), Rl(t, e); } function OE(t, e) { var r; return !qE(e) && typeof e != "string" && e !== undefined && !t.objectMode && (r = new LE("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], e)), r; } Oe.prototype.isPaused = function() { return this._readableState.flowing === false; }; Oe.prototype.setEncoding = function(t) { Af || (Af = (Qf(), ur(Jf)).StringDecoder); var e = new Af(t); this._readableState.decoder = e, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; for (var r = this._readableState.buffer.head, o = "";r !== null; ) o += e.write(, r =; return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), o !== "" && this._readableState.buffer.push(o), this._readableState.length = o.length, this; }; var Pg = 1073741824; function FE(t) { return t >= Pg ? t = Pg : (t--, t |= t >>> 1, t |= t >>> 2, t |= t >>> 4, t |= t >>> 8, t |= t >>> 16, t++), t; } function Cg(t, e) { return t <= 0 || e.length === 0 && e.ended ? 0 : e.objectMode ? 1 : t !== t ? e.flowing && e.length ? : e.length : (t > e.highWaterMark && (e.highWaterMark = FE(t)), t <= e.length ? t : e.ended ? e.length : (e.needReadable = true, 0)); } = function(t) { De("read", t), t = parseInt(t, 10); var e = this._readableState, r = t; if (t !== 0 && (e.emittedReadable = false), t === 0 && e.needReadable && ((e.highWaterMark !== 0 ? e.length >= e.highWaterMark : e.length > 0) || e.ended)) return De("read: emitReadable", e.length, e.ended), e.length === 0 && e.ended ? Al(this) : Us(this), null; if (t = Cg(t, e), t === 0 && e.ended) return e.length === 0 && Al(this), null; var o = e.needReadable; De("need readable", o), (e.length === 0 || e.length - t < e.highWaterMark) && (o = true, De("length less than watermark", o)), e.ended || e.reading ? (o = false, De("reading or ended", o)) : o && (De("do read"), e.reading = true, e.sync = true, e.length === 0 && (e.needReadable = true), this._read(e.highWaterMark), e.sync = false, e.reading || (t = Cg(r, e))); var f; return t > 0 ? f = Wg(t, e) : f = null, f === null ? (e.needReadable = e.length <= e.highWaterMark, t = 0) : (e.length -= t, e.awaitDrain = 0), e.length === 0 && (e.ended || (e.needReadable = true), r !== t && e.ended && Al(this)), f !== null && this.emit("data", f), f; }; function UE(t, e) { if (De("onEofChunk"), !e.ended) { if (e.decoder) { var r = e.decoder.end(); r && r.length && (e.buffer.push(r), e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length); } e.ended = true, e.sync ? Us(t) : (e.needReadable = false, e.emittedReadable || (e.emittedReadable = true, zg(t))); } } function Us(t) { var e = t._readableState; De("emitReadable", e.needReadable, e.emittedReadable), e.needReadable = false, e.emittedReadable || (De("emitReadable", e.flowing), e.emittedReadable = true, process.nextTick(zg, t)); } function zg(t) { var e = t._readableState; De("emitReadable_", e.destroyed, e.length, e.ended), !e.destroyed && (e.length || e.ended) && (t.emit("readable"), e.emittedReadable = false), e.needReadable = !e.flowing && !e.ended && e.length <= e.highWaterMark, ql(t); } function Rl(t, e) { e.readingMore || (e.readingMore = true, process.nextTick(zE, t, e)); } function zE(t, e) { for (;!e.reading && !e.ended && (e.length < e.highWaterMark || e.flowing && e.length === 0); ) { var r = e.length; if (De("maybeReadMore read 0"),, r === e.length) break; } e.readingMore = false; } Oe.prototype._read = function(t) { Na(this, new DE("_read()")); }; Oe.prototype.pipe = function(t, e) { var r = this, o = this._readableState; switch (o.pipesCount) { case 0: o.pipes = t; break; case 1: o.pipes = [o.pipes, t]; break; default: o.pipes.push(t); break; } o.pipesCount += 1, De("pipe count=%d opts=%j", o.pipesCount, e); var f = (!e || e.end !== false) && t !== process.stdout && t !== process.stderr, p = f ? y2 : ge; o.endEmitted ? process.nextTick(p) : r.once("end", p), t.on("unpipe", m2); function m2(_e, N) { De("onunpipe"), _e === r && N && N.hasUnpiped === false && (N.hasUnpiped = true, S()); } function y2() { De("onend"), t.end(); } var M = HE(r); t.on("drain", M); var x = false; function S() { De("cleanup"), t.removeListener("close", q2), t.removeListener("finish", L2), t.removeListener("drain", M), t.removeListener("error", B), t.removeListener("unpipe", m2), r.removeListener("end", y2), r.removeListener("end", ge), r.removeListener("data", E2), x = true, o.awaitDrain && (!t._writableState || t._writableState.needDrain) && M(); } r.on("data", E2); function E2(_e) { De("ondata"); var N = t.write(_e); De("dest.write", N), N === false && ((o.pipesCount === 1 && o.pipes === t || o.pipesCount > 1 && Kg(o.pipes, t) !== -1) && !x && (De("false write response, pause", o.awaitDrain), o.awaitDrain++), r.pause()); } function B(_e) { De("onerror", _e), ge(), t.removeListener("error", B), Og(t, "error") === 0 && Na(t, _e); } CE(t, "error", B); function q2() { t.removeListener("finish", L2), ge(); } t.once("close", q2); function L2() { De("onfinish"), t.removeListener("close", q2), ge(); } t.once("finish", L2); function ge() { De("unpipe"), r.unpipe(t); } return t.emit("pipe", r), o.flowing || (De("pipe resume"), r.resume()), t; }; function HE(t) { return function() { var r = t._readableState; De("pipeOnDrain", r.awaitDrain), r.awaitDrain && r.awaitDrain--, r.awaitDrain === 0 && Og(t, "data") && (r.flowing = true, ql(t)); }; } Oe.prototype.unpipe = function(t) { var e = this._readableState, r = { hasUnpiped: false }; if (e.pipesCount === 0) return this; if (e.pipesCount === 1) return t && t !== e.pipes ? this : (t || (t = e.pipes), e.pipes = null, e.pipesCount = 0, e.flowing = false, t && t.emit("unpipe", this, r), this); if (!t) { var { pipes: o, pipesCount: f } = e; e.pipes = null, e.pipesCount = 0, e.flowing = false; for (var p = 0;p < f; p++) o[p].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: false }); return this; } var m2 = Kg(e.pipes, t); return m2 === -1 ? this : (e.pipes.splice(m2, 1), e.pipesCount -= 1, e.pipesCount === 1 && (e.pipes = e.pipes[0]), t.emit("unpipe", this, r), this); }; Oe.prototype.on = function(t, e) { var r =, t, e), o = this._readableState; return t === "data" ? (o.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, o.flowing !== false && this.resume()) : t === "readable" && !o.endEmitted && !o.readableListening && (o.readableListening = o.needReadable = true, o.flowing = false, o.emittedReadable = false, De("on readable", o.length, o.reading), o.length ? Us(this) : o.reading || process.nextTick(WE, this)), r; }; Oe.prototype.addListener = Oe.prototype.on; Oe.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e) { var r =, t, e); return t === "readable" && process.nextTick(Hg, this), r; }; Oe.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(t) { var e = Da.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); return (t === "readable" || t === undefined) && process.nextTick(Hg, this), e; }; function Hg(t) { var e = t._readableState; e.readableListening = t.listenerCount("readable") > 0, e.resumeScheduled && !e.paused ? e.flowing = true : t.listenerCount("data") > 0 && t.resume(); } function WE(t) { De("readable nexttick read 0"),; } Oe.prototype.resume = function() { var t = this._readableState; return t.flowing || (De("resume"), t.flowing = !t.readableListening, KE(this, t)), t.paused = false, this; }; function KE(t, e) { e.resumeScheduled || (e.resumeScheduled = true, process.nextTick(jE, t, e)); } function jE(t, e) { De("resume", e.reading), e.reading ||, e.resumeScheduled = false, t.emit("resume"), ql(t), e.flowing && !e.reading &&; } Oe.prototype.pause = function() { return De("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== false && (De("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = false, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = true, this; }; function ql(t) { var e = t._readableState; for (De("flow", e.flowing);e.flowing && !== null; ) ; } Oe.prototype.wrap = function(t) { var e = this, r = this._readableState, o = false; t.on("end", function() { if (De("wrapped end"), r.decoder && !r.ended) { var m2 = r.decoder.end(); m2 && m2.length && e.push(m2); } e.push(null); }), t.on("data", function(m2) { if (De("wrapped data"), r.decoder && (m2 = r.decoder.write(m2)), !(r.objectMode && m2 == null) && !(!r.objectMode && (!m2 || !m2.length))) { var y2 = e.push(m2); y2 || (o = true, t.pause()); } }); for (var f in t) this[f] === undefined && typeof t[f] == "function" && (this[f] = function(y2) { return function() { return t[y2].apply(t, arguments); }; }(f)); for (var p = 0;p < Sl.length; p++) t.on(Sl[p], this.emit.bind(this, Sl[p])); return this._read = function(m2) { De("wrapped _read", m2), o && (o = false, t.resume()); }, this; }; typeof Symbol == "function" && (Oe.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return _l === undefined && (_l = Lg()), _l(this); }); Object.defineProperty(Oe.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; } }); Object.defineProperty(Oe.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; } }); Object.defineProperty(Oe.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.flowing; }, set: function(e) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = e); } }); Oe._fromList = Wg; Object.defineProperty(Oe.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.length; } }); function Wg(t, e) { if (e.length === 0) return null; var r; return e.objectMode ? r = e.buffer.shift() : !t || t >= e.length ? (e.decoder ? r = e.buffer.join("") : e.buffer.length === 1 ? r = e.buffer.first() : r = e.buffer.concat(e.length), e.buffer.clear()) : r = e.buffer.consume(t, e.decoder), r; } function Al(t) { var e = t._readableState; De("endReadable", e.endEmitted), e.endEmitted || (e.ended = true, process.nextTick(ZE, e, t)); } function ZE(t, e) { if (De("endReadableNT", t.endEmitted, t.length), !t.endEmitted && t.length === 0 && (t.endEmitted = true, e.readable = false, e.emit("end"), t.autoDestroy)) { var r = e._writableState; (!r || r.autoDestroy && r.finished) && e.destroy(); } } typeof Symbol == "function" && (Oe.from = function(t, e) { return xl === undefined && (xl = Dg()), xl(Oe, t, e); }); function Kg(t, e) { for (var r = 0, o = t.length;r < o; r++) if (t[r] === e) return r; return -1; } }); Il = T2((bk, Vg) => { Vg.exports = Ei; var zs = kn().codes, VE = zs.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, $E = zs.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, GE = zs.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, YE = zs.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, Hs = Ln(); Ie()(Ei, Hs); function XE(t, e) { var r = this._transformState; r.transforming = false; var o = r.writecb; if (o === null) return this.emit("error", new $E); r.writechunk = null, r.writecb = null, e != null && this.push(e), o(t); var f = this._readableState; f.reading = false, (f.needReadable || f.length < f.highWaterMark) && this._read(f.highWaterMark); } function Ei(t) { if (!(this instanceof Ei)) return new Ei(t);, t), this._transformState = { afterTransform: XE.bind(this), needTransform: false, transforming: false, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }, this._readableState.needReadable = true, this._readableState.sync = false, t && (typeof t.transform == "function" && (this._transform = t.transform), typeof t.flush == "function" && (this._flush = t.flush)), this.on("prefinish", JE); } function JE() { var t = this; typeof this._flush == "function" && !this._readableState.destroyed ? this._flush(function(e, r) { Zg(t, e, r); }) : Zg(this, null, null); } Ei.prototype.push = function(t, e) { return this._transformState.needTransform = false,, t, e); }; Ei.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { r(new VE("_transform()")); }; Ei.prototype._write = function(t, e, r) { var o = this._transformState; if (o.writecb = r, o.writechunk = t, o.writeencoding = e, !o.transforming) { var f = this._readableState; (o.needTransform || f.needReadable || f.length < f.highWaterMark) && this._read(f.highWaterMark); } }; Ei.prototype._read = function(t) { var e = this._transformState; e.writechunk !== null && !e.transforming ? (e.transforming = true, this._transform(e.writechunk, e.writeencoding, e.afterTransform)) : e.needTransform = true; }; Ei.prototype._destroy = function(t, e) {, t, function(r) { e(r); }); }; function Zg(t, e, r) { if (e) return t.emit("error", e); if (r != null && t.push(r), t._writableState.length) throw new YE; if (t._transformState.transforming) throw new GE; return t.push(null); } }); Yg = T2((mk, Gg) => { Gg.exports = Pa; var $g = Il(); Ie()(Pa, $g); function Pa(t) { if (!(this instanceof Pa)) return new Pa(t); $, t); } Pa.prototype._transform = function(t, e, r) { r(null, t); }; }); t2 = T2((gk, e2) => { var Tl; function QE(t) { var e = false; return function() { e || (e = true, t.apply(undefined, arguments)); }; } var Qg = kn().codes, eA = Qg.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, tA = Qg.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; function Xg(t) { if (t) throw t; } function rA(t) { return t.setHeader && typeof t.abort == "function"; } function iA(t, e, r, o) { o = QE(o); var f = false; t.on("close", function() { f = true; }), Tl === undefined && (Tl = Ds()), Tl(t, { readable: e, writable: r }, function(m2) { if (m2) return o(m2); f = true, o(); }); var p = false; return function(m2) { if (!f && !p) { if (p = true, rA(t)) return t.abort(); if (typeof t.destroy == "function") return t.destroy(); o(m2 || new tA("pipe")); } }; } function Jg(t) { t(); } function nA(t, e) { return t.pipe(e); } function fA(t) { return !t.length || typeof t[t.length - 1] != "function" ? Xg : t.pop(); } function aA() { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), r = 0;r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; var o = fA(e); if (Array.isArray(e[0]) && (e = e[0]), e.length < 2) throw new eA("streams"); var f, p =, y2) { var M = y2 < e.length - 1, x = y2 > 0; return iA(m2, M, x, function(S) { f || (f = S), S && p.forEach(Jg), !M && (p.forEach(Jg), o(f)); }); }); return e.reduce(nA); } e2.exports = aA; }); i2 = T2((Mr, r2) => { Mr = r2.exports = yl(); Mr.Stream = Mr; Mr.Readable = Mr; Mr.Writable = bl(); Mr.Duplex = Ln(); Mr.Transform = Il(); Mr.PassThrough = Yg(); Mr.finished = Ds(); Mr.pipeline = t2(); }); Ws = T2((n2, kl) => { (function(t, e) { function r(h2, s) { if (!h2) throw new Error(s || "Assertion failed"); } function o(h2, s) { h2.super_ = s; var u = function() { }; u.prototype = s.prototype, h2.prototype = new u, h2.prototype.constructor = h2; } function f(h2, s, u) { if (f.isBN(h2)) return h2; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, h2 !== null && ((s === "le" || s === "be") && (u = s, s = 10), this._init(h2 || 0, s || 10, u || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(s) { return s instanceof f ? true : s !== null && typeof s == "object" && s.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(s.words); }, f.max = function(s, u) { return s.cmp(u) > 0 ? s : u; }, f.min = function(s, u) { return s.cmp(u) < 0 ? s : u; }, f.prototype._init = function(s, u, c) { if (typeof s == "number") return this._initNumber(s, u, c); if (typeof s == "object") return this._initArray(s, u, c); u === "hex" && (u = 16), r(u === (u | 0) && u >= 2 && u <= 36), s = s.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var b2 = 0; s[0] === "-" && (b2++, this.negative = 1), b2 < s.length && (u === 16 ? this._parseHex(s, b2, c) : (this._parseBase(s, u, b2), c === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), u, c))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(s, u, c) { s < 0 && (this.negative = 1, s = -s), s < 67108864 ? (this.words = [s & 67108863], this.length = 1) : s < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [s & 67108863, s / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(s < 9007199254740992), this.words = [s & 67108863, s / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), c === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), u, c); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(s, u, c) { if (r(typeof s.length == "number"), s.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(s.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var b2 = 0;b2 < this.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = 0; var l, n, d = 0; if (c === "be") for (b2 = s.length - 1, l = 0;b2 >= 0; b2 -= 3) n = s[b2] | s[b2 - 1] << 8 | s[b2 - 2] << 16, this.words[l] |= n << d & 67108863, this.words[l + 1] = n >>> 26 - d & 67108863, d += 24, d >= 26 && (d -= 26, l++); else if (c === "le") for (b2 = 0, l = 0;b2 < s.length; b2 += 3) n = s[b2] | s[b2 + 1] << 8 | s[b2 + 2] << 16, this.words[l] |= n << d & 67108863, this.words[l + 1] = n >>> 26 - d & 67108863, d += 24, d >= 26 && (d -= 26, l++); return this._strip(); }; function m2(h2, s) { var u = h2.charCodeAt(s); if (u >= 48 && u <= 57) return u - 48; if (u >= 65 && u <= 70) return u - 55; if (u >= 97 && u <= 102) return u - 87; r(false, "Invalid character in " + h2); } function y2(h2, s, u) { var c = m2(h2, u); return u - 1 >= s && (c |= m2(h2, u - 1) << 4), c; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(s, u, c) { this.length = Math.ceil((s.length - u) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var b2 = 0;b2 < this.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = 0; var l = 0, n = 0, d; if (c === "be") for (b2 = s.length - 1;b2 >= u; b2 -= 2) d = y2(s, u, b2) << l, this.words[n] |= d & 67108863, l >= 18 ? (l -= 18, n += 1, this.words[n] |= d >>> 26) : l += 8; else { var w = s.length - u; for (b2 = w % 2 === 0 ? u + 1 : u;b2 < s.length; b2 += 2) d = y2(s, u, b2) << l, this.words[n] |= d & 67108863, l >= 18 ? (l -= 18, n += 1, this.words[n] |= d >>> 26) : l += 8; } this._strip(); }; function M(h2, s, u, c) { for (var b2 = 0, l = 0, n = Math.min(h2.length, u), d = s;d < n; d++) { var w = h2.charCodeAt(d) - 48; b2 *= c, w >= 49 ? l = w - 49 + 10 : w >= 17 ? l = w - 17 + 10 : l = w, r(w >= 0 && l < c, "Invalid character"), b2 += l; } return b2; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(s, u, c) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var b2 = 0, l = 1;l <= 67108863; l *= u) b2++; b2--, l = l / u | 0; for (var n = s.length - c, d = n % b2, w = Math.min(n, n - d) + c, g = 0, _2 = c;_2 < w; _2 += b2) g = M(s, _2, _2 + b2, u), this.imuln(l), this.words[0] + g < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += g : this._iaddn(g); if (d !== 0) { var A2 = 1; for (g = M(s, _2, s.length, u), _2 = 0;_2 < d; _2++) A2 *= u; this.imuln(A2), this.words[0] + g < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += g : this._iaddn(g); } this._strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(s) { s.words = new Array(this.length); for (var u = 0;u < this.length; u++) s.words[u] = this.words[u]; s.length = this.length, s.negative = this.negative, =; }; function x(h2, s) { h2.words = s.words, h2.length = s.length, h2.negative = s.negative, =; } if (f.prototype._move = function(s) { x(s, this); }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var s = new f(null); return this.copy(s), s; }, f.prototype._expand = function(s) { for (;this.length < s; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype._strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, typeof Symbol < "u" && typeof Symbol.for == "function") try { f.prototype[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = S; } catch { f.prototype.inspect = S; } else f.prototype.inspect = S; function S() { return ( ? ""; } var E2 = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], B = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], q2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(s, u) { s = s || 10, u = u | 0 || 1; var c; if (s === 16 || s === "hex") { c = ""; for (var b2 = 0, l = 0, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) { var d = this.words[n], w = ((d << b2 | l) & 16777215).toString(16); l = d >>> 24 - b2 & 16777215, b2 += 2, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, n--), l !== 0 || n !== this.length - 1 ? c = E2[6 - w.length] + w + c : c = w + c; } for (l !== 0 && (c = l.toString(16) + c);c.length % u !== 0; ) c = "0" + c; return this.negative !== 0 && (c = "-" + c), c; } if (s === (s | 0) && s >= 2 && s <= 36) { var g = B[s], _2 = q2[s]; c = ""; var A2 = this.clone(); for (A2.negative = 0;!A2.isZero(); ) { var R2 = A2.modrn(_2).toString(s); A2 = A2.idivn(_2), A2.isZero() ? c = R2 + c : c = E2[g - R2.length] + R2 + c; } for (this.isZero() && (c = "0" + c);c.length % u !== 0; ) c = "0" + c; return this.negative !== 0 && (c = "-" + c), c; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var s = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? s += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? s += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -s : s; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16, 2); }, p && (f.prototype.toBuffer = function(s, u) { return this.toArrayLike(p, s, u); }), f.prototype.toArray = function(s, u) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, s, u); }; var L2 = function(s, u) { return s.allocUnsafe ? s.allocUnsafe(u) : new s(u); }; f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(s, u, c) { this._strip(); var b2 = this.byteLength(), l = c || Math.max(1, b2); r(b2 <= l, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(l > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"); var n = L2(s, l), d = u === "le" ? "LE" : "BE"; return this["_toArrayLike" + d](n, b2), n; }, f.prototype._toArrayLikeLE = function(s, u) { for (var c = 0, b2 = 0, l = 0, n = 0;l < this.length; l++) { var d = this.words[l] << n | b2; s[c++] = d & 255, c < s.length && (s[c++] = d >> 8 & 255), c < s.length && (s[c++] = d >> 16 & 255), n === 6 ? (c < s.length && (s[c++] = d >> 24 & 255), b2 = 0, n = 0) : (b2 = d >>> 24, n += 2); } if (c < s.length) for (s[c++] = b2;c < s.length; ) s[c++] = 0; }, f.prototype._toArrayLikeBE = function(s, u) { for (var c = s.length - 1, b2 = 0, l = 0, n = 0;l < this.length; l++) { var d = this.words[l] << n | b2; s[c--] = d & 255, c >= 0 && (s[c--] = d >> 8 & 255), c >= 0 && (s[c--] = d >> 16 & 255), n === 6 ? (c >= 0 && (s[c--] = d >> 24 & 255), b2 = 0, n = 0) : (b2 = d >>> 24, n += 2); } if (c >= 0) for (s[c--] = b2;c >= 0; ) s[c--] = 0; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(s) { return 32 - Math.clz32(s); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(s) { var u = s, c = 0; return u >= 4096 && (c += 13, u >>>= 13), u >= 64 && (c += 7, u >>>= 7), u >= 8 && (c += 4, u >>>= 4), u >= 2 && (c += 2, u >>>= 2), c + u; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(s) { if (s === 0) return 26; var u = s, c = 0; return (u & 8191) === 0 && (c += 13, u >>>= 13), (u & 127) === 0 && (c += 7, u >>>= 7), (u & 15) === 0 && (c += 4, u >>>= 4), (u & 3) === 0 && (c += 2, u >>>= 2), (u & 1) === 0 && c++, c; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var s = this.words[this.length - 1], u = this._countBits(s); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + u; }; function ge(h2) { for (var s = new Array(h2.bitLength()), u = 0;u < s.length; u++) { var c = u / 26 | 0, b2 = u % 26; s[u] = h2.words[c] >>> b2 & 1; } return s; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var c = this._zeroBits(this.words[u]); if (s += c, c !== 26) break; } return s; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(s) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(s).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(s) { return this.testn(s - 1) ? this.notn(s).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(s) { for (;this.length < s.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var u = 0;u < s.length; u++) this.words[u] = this.words[u] | s.words[u]; return this._strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(s) { return r((this.negative | s.negative) === 0), this.iuor(s); }, f.prototype.or = function(s) { return this.length > s.length ? this.clone().ior(s) : s.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(s) { return this.length > s.length ? this.clone().iuor(s) : s.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(s) { var u; this.length > s.length ? u = s : u = this; for (var c = 0;c < u.length; c++) this.words[c] = this.words[c] & s.words[c]; return this.length = u.length, this._strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(s) { return r((this.negative | s.negative) === 0), this.iuand(s); }, f.prototype.and = function(s) { return this.length > s.length ? this.clone().iand(s) : s.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(s) { return this.length > s.length ? this.clone().iuand(s) : s.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(s) { var u, c; this.length > s.length ? (u = this, c = s) : (u = s, c = this); for (var b2 = 0;b2 < c.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = u.words[b2] ^ c.words[b2]; if (this !== u) for (;b2 < u.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = u.words[b2]; return this.length = u.length, this._strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(s) { return r((this.negative | s.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(s); }, f.prototype.xor = function(s) { return this.length > s.length ? this.clone().ixor(s) : s.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(s) { return this.length > s.length ? this.clone().iuxor(s) : s.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(s) { r(typeof s == "number" && s >= 0); var u = Math.ceil(s / 26) | 0, c = s % 26; this._expand(u), c > 0 && u--; for (var b2 = 0;b2 < u; b2++) this.words[b2] = ~this.words[b2] & 67108863; return c > 0 && (this.words[b2] = ~this.words[b2] & 67108863 >> 26 - c), this._strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(s) { return this.clone().inotn(s); }, f.prototype.setn = function(s, u) { r(typeof s == "number" && s >= 0); var c = s / 26 | 0, b2 = s % 26; return this._expand(c + 1), u ? this.words[c] = this.words[c] | 1 << b2 : this.words[c] = this.words[c] & ~(1 << b2), this._strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(s) { var u; if (this.negative !== 0 && s.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, u = this.isub(s), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && s.negative !== 0) return s.negative = 0, u = this.isub(s), s.negative = 1, u._normSign(); var c, b2; this.length > s.length ? (c = this, b2 = s) : (c = s, b2 = this); for (var l = 0, n = 0;n < b2.length; n++) u = (c.words[n] | 0) + (b2.words[n] | 0) + l, this.words[n] = u & 67108863, l = u >>> 26; for (;l !== 0 && n < c.length; n++) u = (c.words[n] | 0) + l, this.words[n] = u & 67108863, l = u >>> 26; if (this.length = c.length, l !== 0) this.words[this.length] = l, this.length++; else if (c !== this) for (;n < c.length; n++) this.words[n] = c.words[n]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(s) { var u; return s.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (s.negative = 0, u = this.sub(s), s.negative ^= 1, u) : s.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, u = s.sub(this), this.negative = 1, u) : this.length > s.length ? this.clone().iadd(s) : s.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(s) { if (s.negative !== 0) { s.negative = 0; var u = this.iadd(s); return s.negative = 1, u._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(s), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var c = this.cmp(s); if (c === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var b2, l; c > 0 ? (b2 = this, l = s) : (b2 = s, l = this); for (var n = 0, d = 0;d < l.length; d++) u = (b2.words[d] | 0) - (l.words[d] | 0) + n, n = u >> 26, this.words[d] = u & 67108863; for (;n !== 0 && d < b2.length; d++) u = (b2.words[d] | 0) + n, n = u >> 26, this.words[d] = u & 67108863; if (n === 0 && d < b2.length && b2 !== this) for (;d < b2.length; d++) this.words[d] = b2.words[d]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, d), b2 !== this && (this.negative = 1), this._strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(s) { return this.clone().isub(s); }; function _e(h2, s, u) { u.negative = s.negative ^ h2.negative; var c = h2.length + s.length | 0; u.length = c, c = c - 1 | 0; var b2 = h2.words[0] | 0, l = s.words[0] | 0, n = b2 * l, d = n & 67108863, w = n / 67108864 | 0; u.words[0] = d; for (var g = 1;g < c; g++) { for (var _2 = w >>> 26, A2 = w & 67108863, R2 = Math.min(g, s.length - 1), I = Math.max(0, g - h2.length + 1);I <= R2; I++) { var Me = g - I | 0; b2 = h2.words[Me] | 0, l = s.words[I] | 0, n = b2 * l + A2, _2 += n / 67108864 | 0, A2 = n & 67108863; } u.words[g] = A2 | 0, w = _2 | 0; } return w !== 0 ? u.words[g] = w | 0 : u.length--, u._strip(); } var N = function(s, u, c) { var b2 = s.words, l = u.words, n = c.words, d = 0, w, g, _2, A2 = b2[0] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = b2[1] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = b2[2] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = b2[3] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = b2[4] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = b2[5] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = b2[6] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = b2[7] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = b2[8] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = b2[9] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = l[0] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = l[1] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = l[2] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = l[3] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = l[4] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = l[5] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = l[6] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = l[7] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = l[8] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13, ft = l[9] | 0, Be = ft & 8191, qe = ft >>> 13; c.negative = s.negative ^ u.negative, c.length = 19, w = Math.imul(R2, Q), g = Math.imul(R2, ee), g = g + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(I, ee); var ze = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(k, Q), g = Math.imul(k, ee), g = g + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(D2, ee), w = w + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, re) | 0; var He = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(C2, Q), g = Math.imul(C2, ee), g = g + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(O, ee), w = w + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0; var We = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(F, Q), g = Math.imul(F, ee), g = g + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(U, ee), w = w + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0; var Ke = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(z2, Q), g = Math.imul(z2, ee), g = g + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(H, ee), w = w + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, se) | 0; var je = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(W, Q), g = Math.imul(W, ee), g = g + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(K, ee), w = w + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0; var Ze = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(j, Q), g = Math.imul(j, ee), g = g + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(Z, ee), w = w + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, de) | 0; var Ve = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(V, Q), g = Math.imul(V, ee), g = g + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul($, ee), w = w + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0; var $e = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(G, Q), g = Math.imul(G, ee), g = g + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(Y, ee), w = w + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var Ge = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, Q), g = Math.imul(X, ee), g = g + Math.imul(J, Q) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, ee), w = w + Math.imul(G, te) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, re) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, re) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(R2, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(R2, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(I, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(I, qe) | 0; var Ye = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, te), g = Math.imul(X, re), g = g + Math.imul(J, te) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, re), w = w + Math.imul(G, ie) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, ne) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, ne) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(k, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(k, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(D2, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(D2, qe) | 0; var Xe = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, ie), g = Math.imul(X, ne), g = g + Math.imul(J, ie) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, ne), w = w + Math.imul(G, fe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, ae) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, ae) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(C2, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(C2, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(O, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(O, qe) | 0; var Je = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, fe), g = Math.imul(X, ae), g = g + Math.imul(J, fe) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, ae), w = w + Math.imul(G, oe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, se) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, se) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(F, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(F, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(U, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(U, qe) | 0; var Qe = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, oe), g = Math.imul(X, se), g = g + Math.imul(J, oe) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, se), w = w + Math.imul(G, he) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, ue) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, ue) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(z2, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(z2, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(H, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(H, qe) | 0; var et = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, he), g = Math.imul(X, ue), g = g + Math.imul(J, he) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, ue), w = w + Math.imul(G, le) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, de) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, de) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(W, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(W, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(K, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(K, qe) | 0; var tt = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, le), g = Math.imul(X, de), g = g + Math.imul(J, le) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, de), w = w + Math.imul(G, ce) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, pe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, pe) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(j, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(j, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Z, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Z, qe) | 0; var rt = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, ce), g = Math.imul(X, pe), g = g + Math.imul(J, ce) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, pe), w = w + Math.imul(G, ve) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, be) | 0, w = w + Math.imul(V, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(V, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul($, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul($, qe) | 0; var S0 = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (S0 >>> 26) | 0, S0 &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, ve), g = Math.imul(X, be), g = g + Math.imul(J, ve) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, be), w = w + Math.imul(G, Be) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(G, qe) | 0, g = g + Math.imul(Y, Be) | 0, _2 = _2 + Math.imul(Y, qe) | 0; var E0 = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (E0 >>> 26) | 0, E0 &= 67108863, w = Math.imul(X, Be), g = Math.imul(X, qe), g = g + Math.imul(J, Be) | 0, _2 = Math.imul(J, qe); var A0 = (d + w | 0) + ((g & 8191) << 13) | 0; return d = (_2 + (g >>> 13) | 0) + (A0 >>> 26) | 0, A0 &= 67108863, n[0] = ze, n[1] = He, n[2] = We, n[3] = Ke, n[4] = je, n[5] = Ze, n[6] = Ve, n[7] = $e, n[8] = Ge, n[9] = Ye, n[10] = Xe, n[11] = Je, n[12] = Qe, n[13] = et, n[14] = tt, n[15] = rt, n[16] = S0, n[17] = E0, n[18] = A0, d !== 0 && (n[19] = d, c.length++), c; }; Math.imul || (N = _e); function we(h2, s, u) { u.negative = s.negative ^ h2.negative, u.length = h2.length + s.length; for (var c = 0, b2 = 0, l = 0;l < u.length - 1; l++) { var n = b2; b2 = 0; for (var d = c & 67108863, w = Math.min(l, s.length - 1), g = Math.max(0, l - h2.length + 1);g <= w; g++) { var _2 = l - g, A2 = h2.words[_2] | 0, R2 = s.words[g] | 0, I = A2 * R2, Me = I & 67108863; n = n + (I / 67108864 | 0) | 0, Me = Me + d | 0, d = Me & 67108863, n = n + (Me >>> 26) | 0, b2 += n >>> 26, n &= 67108863; } u.words[l] = d, c = n, n = b2; } return c !== 0 ? u.words[l] = c : u.length--, u._strip(); } function ye(h2, s, u) { return we(h2, s, u); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(s, u) { var c, b2 = this.length + s.length; return this.length === 10 && s.length === 10 ? c = N(this, s, u) : b2 < 63 ? c = _e(this, s, u) : b2 < 1024 ? c = we(this, s, u) : c = ye(this, s, u), c; }; function xe(h2, s) { this.x = h2, this.y = s; } xe.prototype.makeRBT = function(s) { for (var u = new Array(s), c = f.prototype._countBits(s) - 1, b2 = 0;b2 < s; b2++) u[b2] = this.revBin(b2, c, s); return u; }, xe.prototype.revBin = function(s, u, c) { if (s === 0 || s === c - 1) return s; for (var b2 = 0, l = 0;l < u; l++) b2 |= (s & 1) << u - l - 1, s >>= 1; return b2; }, xe.prototype.permute = function(s, u, c, b2, l, n) { for (var d = 0;d < n; d++) b2[d] = u[s[d]], l[d] = c[s[d]]; }, xe.prototype.transform = function(s, u, c, b2, l, n) { this.permute(n, s, u, c, b2, l); for (var d = 1;d < l; d <<= 1) for (var w = d << 1, g = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / w), _2 = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / w), A2 = 0;A2 < l; A2 += w) for (var R2 = g, I = _2, Me = 0;Me < d; Me++) { var k = c[A2 + Me], D2 = b2[A2 + Me], nt = c[A2 + Me + d], C2 = b2[A2 + Me + d], O = R2 * nt - I * C2; C2 = R2 * C2 + I * nt, nt = O, c[A2 + Me] = k + nt, b2[A2 + Me] = D2 + C2, c[A2 + Me + d] = k - nt, b2[A2 + Me + d] = D2 - C2, Me !== w && (O = g * R2 - _2 * I, I = g * I + _2 * R2, R2 = O); } }, xe.prototype.guessLen13b = function(s, u) { var c = Math.max(u, s) | 1, b2 = c & 1, l = 0; for (c = c / 2 | 0;c; c = c >>> 1) l++; return 1 << l + 1 + b2; }, xe.prototype.conjugate = function(s, u, c) { if (!(c <= 1)) for (var b2 = 0;b2 < c / 2; b2++) { var l = s[b2]; s[b2] = s[c - b2 - 1], s[c - b2 - 1] = l, l = u[b2], u[b2] = -u[c - b2 - 1], u[c - b2 - 1] = -l; } }, xe.prototype.normalize13b = function(s, u) { for (var c = 0, b2 = 0;b2 < u / 2; b2++) { var l = Math.round(s[2 * b2 + 1] / u) * 8192 + Math.round(s[2 * b2] / u) + c; s[b2] = l & 67108863, l < 67108864 ? c = 0 : c = l / 67108864 | 0; } return s; }, xe.prototype.convert13b = function(s, u, c, b2) { for (var l = 0, n = 0;n < u; n++) l = l + (s[n] | 0), c[2 * n] = l & 8191, l = l >>> 13, c[2 * n + 1] = l & 8191, l = l >>> 13; for (n = 2 * u;n < b2; ++n) c[n] = 0; r(l === 0), r((l & -8192) === 0); }, xe.prototype.stub = function(s) { for (var u = new Array(s), c = 0;c < s; c++) u[c] = 0; return u; }, xe.prototype.mulp = function(s, u, c) { var b2 = 2 * this.guessLen13b(s.length, u.length), l = this.makeRBT(b2), n = this.stub(b2), d = new Array(b2), w = new Array(b2), g = new Array(b2), _2 = new Array(b2), A2 = new Array(b2), R2 = new Array(b2), I = c.words; I.length = b2, this.convert13b(s.words, s.length, d, b2), this.convert13b(u.words, u.length, _2, b2), this.transform(d, n, w, g, b2, l), this.transform(_2, n, A2, R2, b2, l); for (var Me = 0;Me < b2; Me++) { var k = w[Me] * A2[Me] - g[Me] * R2[Me]; g[Me] = w[Me] * R2[Me] + g[Me] * A2[Me], w[Me] = k; } return this.conjugate(w, g, b2), this.transform(w, g, I, n, b2, l), this.conjugate(I, n, b2), this.normalize13b(I, b2), c.negative = s.negative ^ u.negative, c.length = s.length + u.length, c._strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(s) { var u = new f(null); return u.words = new Array(this.length + s.length), this.mulTo(s, u); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(s) { var u = new f(null); return u.words = new Array(this.length + s.length), ye(this, s, u); }, f.prototype.imul = function(s) { return this.clone().mulTo(s, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(s) { var u = s < 0; u && (s = -s), r(typeof s == "number"), r(s < 67108864); for (var c = 0, b2 = 0;b2 < this.length; b2++) { var l = (this.words[b2] | 0) * s, n = (l & 67108863) + (c & 67108863); c >>= 26, c += l / 67108864 | 0, c += n >>> 26, this.words[b2] = n & 67108863; } return c !== 0 && (this.words[b2] = c, this.length++), u ? this.ineg() : this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(s) { return this.clone().imuln(s); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(s) { var u = ge(s); if (u.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var c = this, b2 = 0;b2 < u.length && u[b2] === 0; b2++, c = c.sqr()) ; if (++b2 < u.length) for (var l = c.sqr();b2 < u.length; b2++, l = l.sqr()) u[b2] !== 0 && (c = c.mul(l)); return c; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(s) { r(typeof s == "number" && s >= 0); var u = s % 26, c = (s - u) / 26, b2 = 67108863 >>> 26 - u << 26 - u, l; if (u !== 0) { var n = 0; for (l = 0;l < this.length; l++) { var d = this.words[l] & b2, w = (this.words[l] | 0) - d << u; this.words[l] = w | n, n = d >>> 26 - u; } n && (this.words[l] = n, this.length++); } if (c !== 0) { for (l = this.length - 1;l >= 0; l--) this.words[l + c] = this.words[l]; for (l = 0;l < c; l++) this.words[l] = 0; this.length += c; } return this._strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(s) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(s, u, c) { r(typeof s == "number" && s >= 0); var b2; u ? b2 = (u - u % 26) / 26 : b2 = 0; var l = s % 26, n = Math.min((s - l) / 26, this.length), d = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> l << l, w = c; if (b2 -= n, b2 = Math.max(0, b2), w) { for (var g = 0;g < n; g++) w.words[g] = this.words[g]; w.length = n; } if (n !== 0) if (this.length > n) for (this.length -= n, g = 0;g < this.length; g++) this.words[g] = this.words[g + n]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var _2 = 0; for (g = this.length - 1;g >= 0 && (_2 !== 0 || g >= b2); g--) { var A2 = this.words[g] | 0; this.words[g] = _2 << 26 - l | A2 >>> l, _2 = A2 & d; } return w && _2 !== 0 && (w.words[w.length++] = _2), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this._strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(s, u, c) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(s, u, c); }, f.prototype.shln = function(s) { return this.clone().ishln(s); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(s) { return this.clone().iushln(s); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(s) { return this.clone().ishrn(s); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(s) { return this.clone().iushrn(s); }, f.prototype.testn = function(s) { r(typeof s == "number" && s >= 0); var u = s % 26, c = (s - u) / 26, b2 = 1 << u; if (this.length <= c) return false; var l = this.words[c]; return !!(l & b2); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(s) { r(typeof s == "number" && s >= 0); var u = s % 26, c = (s - u) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= c) return this; if (u !== 0 && c++, this.length = Math.min(c, this.length), u !== 0) { var b2 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u; this.words[this.length - 1] &= b2; } return this._strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(s) { return this.clone().imaskn(s); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(s) { return r(typeof s == "number"), r(s < 67108864), s < 0 ? this.isubn(-s) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) <= s ? (this.words[0] = s - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(s), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(s); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(s) { this.words[0] += s; for (var u = 0;u < this.length && this.words[u] >= 67108864; u++) this.words[u] -= 67108864, u === this.length - 1 ? this.words[u + 1] = 1 : this.words[u + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, u + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(s) { if (r(typeof s == "number"), r(s < 67108864), s < 0) return this.iaddn(-s); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(s), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= s, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var u = 0;u < this.length && this.words[u] < 0; u++) this.words[u] += 67108864, this.words[u + 1] -= 1; return this._strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(s) { return this.clone().iaddn(s); }, f.prototype.subn = function(s) { return this.clone().isubn(s); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(s, u, c) { var b2 = s.length + c, l; this._expand(b2); var n, d = 0; for (l = 0;l < s.length; l++) { n = (this.words[l + c] | 0) + d; var w = (s.words[l] | 0) * u; n -= w & 67108863, d = (n >> 26) - (w / 67108864 | 0), this.words[l + c] = n & 67108863; } for (;l < this.length - c; l++) n = (this.words[l + c] | 0) + d, d = n >> 26, this.words[l + c] = n & 67108863; if (d === 0) return this._strip(); for (r(d === -1), d = 0, l = 0;l < this.length; l++) n = -(this.words[l] | 0) + d, d = n >> 26, this.words[l] = n & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this._strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(s, u) { var c = this.length - s.length, b2 = this.clone(), l = s, n = l.words[l.length - 1] | 0, d = this._countBits(n); c = 26 - d, c !== 0 && (l = l.ushln(c), b2.iushln(c), n = l.words[l.length - 1] | 0); var w = b2.length - l.length, g; if (u !== "mod") { g = new f(null), g.length = w + 1, g.words = new Array(g.length); for (var _2 = 0;_2 < g.length; _2++) g.words[_2] = 0; } var A2 = b2.clone()._ishlnsubmul(l, 1, w); A2.negative === 0 && (b2 = A2, g && (g.words[w] = 1)); for (var R2 = w - 1;R2 >= 0; R2--) { var I = (b2.words[l.length + R2] | 0) * 67108864 + (b2.words[l.length + R2 - 1] | 0); for (I = Math.min(I / n | 0, 67108863), b2._ishlnsubmul(l, I, R2);b2.negative !== 0; ) I--, b2.negative = 0, b2._ishlnsubmul(l, 1, R2), b2.isZero() || (b2.negative ^= 1); g && (g.words[R2] = I); } return g && g._strip(), b2._strip(), u !== "div" && c !== 0 && b2.iushrn(c), { div: g || null, mod: b2 }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(s, u, c) { if (r(!s.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var b2, l, n; return this.negative !== 0 && s.negative === 0 ? (n = this.neg().divmod(s, u), u !== "mod" && (b2 = n.div.neg()), u !== "div" && (l = n.mod.neg(), c && l.negative !== 0 && l.iadd(s)), { div: b2, mod: l }) : this.negative === 0 && s.negative !== 0 ? (n = this.divmod(s.neg(), u), u !== "mod" && (b2 = n.div.neg()), { div: b2, mod: n.mod }) : (this.negative & s.negative) !== 0 ? (n = this.neg().divmod(s.neg(), u), u !== "div" && (l = n.mod.neg(), c && l.negative !== 0 && l.isub(s)), { div: n.div, mod: l }) : s.length > this.length || this.cmp(s) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : s.length === 1 ? u === "div" ? { div: this.divn(s.words[0]), mod: null } : u === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modrn(s.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(s.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modrn(s.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(s, u); }, f.prototype.div = function(s) { return this.divmod(s, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(s) { return this.divmod(s, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(s) { return this.divmod(s, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(s) { var u = this.divmod(s); if (u.mod.isZero()) return u.div; var c = u.div.negative !== 0 ? u.mod.isub(s) : u.mod, b2 = s.ushrn(1), l = s.andln(1), n = c.cmp(b2); return n < 0 || l === 1 && n === 0 ? u.div : u.div.negative !== 0 ? u.div.isubn(1) : u.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modrn = function(s) { var u = s < 0; u && (s = -s), r(s <= 67108863); for (var c = (1 << 26) % s, b2 = 0, l = this.length - 1;l >= 0; l--) b2 = (c * b2 + (this.words[l] | 0)) % s; return u ? -b2 : b2; }, f.prototype.modn = function(s) { return this.modrn(s); }, f.prototype.idivn = function(s) { var u = s < 0; u && (s = -s), r(s <= 67108863); for (var c = 0, b2 = this.length - 1;b2 >= 0; b2--) { var l = (this.words[b2] | 0) + c * 67108864; this.words[b2] = l / s | 0, c = l % s; } return this._strip(), u ? this.ineg() : this; }, f.prototype.divn = function(s) { return this.clone().idivn(s); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(s) { r(s.negative === 0), r(!s.isZero()); var u = this, c = s.clone(); u.negative !== 0 ? u = u.umod(s) : u = u.clone(); for (var b2 = new f(1), l = new f(0), n = new f(0), d = new f(1), w = 0;u.isEven() && c.isEven(); ) u.iushrn(1), c.iushrn(1), ++w; for (var g = c.clone(), _2 = u.clone();!u.isZero(); ) { for (var A2 = 0, R2 = 1;(u.words[0] & R2) === 0 && A2 < 26; ++A2, R2 <<= 1) ; if (A2 > 0) for (u.iushrn(A2);A2-- > 0; ) (b2.isOdd() || l.isOdd()) && (b2.iadd(g), l.isub(_2)), b2.iushrn(1), l.iushrn(1); for (var I = 0, Me = 1;(c.words[0] & Me) === 0 && I < 26; ++I, Me <<= 1) ; if (I > 0) for (c.iushrn(I);I-- > 0; ) (n.isOdd() || d.isOdd()) && (n.iadd(g), d.isub(_2)), n.iushrn(1), d.iushrn(1); u.cmp(c) >= 0 ? (u.isub(c), b2.isub(n), l.isub(d)) : (c.isub(u), n.isub(b2), d.isub(l)); } return { a: n, b: d, gcd: c.iushln(w) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(s) { r(s.negative === 0), r(!s.isZero()); var u = this, c = s.clone(); u.negative !== 0 ? u = u.umod(s) : u = u.clone(); for (var b2 = new f(1), l = new f(0), n = c.clone();u.cmpn(1) > 0 && c.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var d = 0, w = 1;(u.words[0] & w) === 0 && d < 26; ++d, w <<= 1) ; if (d > 0) for (u.iushrn(d);d-- > 0; ) b2.isOdd() && b2.iadd(n), b2.iushrn(1); for (var g = 0, _2 = 1;(c.words[0] & _2) === 0 && g < 26; ++g, _2 <<= 1) ; if (g > 0) for (c.iushrn(g);g-- > 0; ) l.isOdd() && l.iadd(n), l.iushrn(1); u.cmp(c) >= 0 ? (u.isub(c), b2.isub(l)) : (c.isub(u), l.isub(b2)); } var A2; return u.cmpn(1) === 0 ? A2 = b2 : A2 = l, A2.cmpn(0) < 0 && A2.iadd(s), A2; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(s) { if (this.isZero()) return s.abs(); if (s.isZero()) return this.abs(); var u = this.clone(), c = s.clone(); u.negative = 0, c.negative = 0; for (var b2 = 0;u.isEven() && c.isEven(); b2++) u.iushrn(1), c.iushrn(1); do { for (;u.isEven(); ) u.iushrn(1); for (;c.isEven(); ) c.iushrn(1); var l = u.cmp(c); if (l < 0) { var n = u; u = c, c = n; } else if (l === 0 || c.cmpn(1) === 0) break; u.isub(c); } while (true); return c.iushln(b2); }, f.prototype.invm = function(s) { return this.egcd(s).a.umod(s); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(s) { return this.words[0] & s; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(s) { r(typeof s == "number"); var u = s % 26, c = (s - u) / 26, b2 = 1 << u; if (this.length <= c) return this._expand(c + 1), this.words[c] |= b2, this; for (var l = b2, n = c;l !== 0 && n < this.length; n++) { var d = this.words[n] | 0; d += l, l = d >>> 26, d &= 67108863, this.words[n] = d; } return l !== 0 && (this.words[n] = l, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(s) { var u = s < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !u) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && u) return 1; this._strip(); var c; if (this.length > 1) c = 1; else { u && (s = -s), r(s <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var b2 = this.words[0] | 0; c = b2 === s ? 0 : b2 < s ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -c | 0 : c; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(s) { if (this.negative !== 0 && s.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && s.negative !== 0) return 1; var u = this.ucmp(s); return this.negative !== 0 ? -u | 0 : u; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(s) { if (this.length > s.length) return 1; if (this.length < s.length) return -1; for (var u = 0, c = this.length - 1;c >= 0; c--) { var b2 = this.words[c] | 0, l = s.words[c] | 0; if (b2 !== l) { b2 < l ? u = -1 : b2 > l && (u = 1); break; } } return u; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(s) { return this.cmpn(s) === 1; }, = function(s) { return this.cmp(s) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(s) { return this.cmpn(s) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(s) { return this.cmp(s) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(s) { return this.cmpn(s) === -1; }, = function(s) { return this.cmp(s) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(s) { return this.cmpn(s) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(s) { return this.cmp(s) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(s) { return this.cmpn(s) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(s) { return this.cmp(s) === 0; }, = function(s) { return new i(s); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(s) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), s.convertTo(this)._forceRed(s); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(s) { return = s, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(s) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(s); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(s) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, s); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(s) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, s); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(s) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, s); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(s) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, s); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(s) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, s); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(s) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, s),, s); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(s) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, s),, s); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(s) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, s); }; var Re = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function Ee(h2, s) { = h2, this.p = new f(s, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } Ee.prototype._tmp = function() { var s = new f(null); return s.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), s; }, Ee.prototype.ireduce = function(s) { var u = s, c; do this.split(u, this.tmp), u = this.imulK(u), u = u.iadd(this.tmp), c = u.bitLength(); while (c > this.n); var b2 = c < this.n ? -1 : u.ucmp(this.p); return b2 === 0 ? (u.words[0] = 0, u.length = 1) : b2 > 0 ? u.isub(this.p) : u.strip !== undefined ? u.strip() : u._strip(), u; }, Ee.prototype.split = function(s, u) { s.iushrn(this.n, 0, u); }, Ee.prototype.imulK = function(s) { return s.imul(this.k); }; function Ae() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(Ae, Ee), Ae.prototype.split = function(s, u) { for (var c = 4194303, b2 = Math.min(s.length, 9), l = 0;l < b2; l++) u.words[l] = s.words[l]; if (u.length = b2, s.length <= 9) { s.words[0] = 0, s.length = 1; return; } var n = s.words[9]; for (u.words[u.length++] = n & c, l = 10;l < s.length; l++) { var d = s.words[l] | 0; s.words[l - 10] = (d & c) << 4 | n >>> 22, n = d; } n >>>= 22, s.words[l - 10] = n, n === 0 && s.length > 10 ? s.length -= 10 : s.length -= 9; }, Ae.prototype.imulK = function(s) { s.words[s.length] = 0, s.words[s.length + 1] = 0, s.length += 2; for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) { var b2 = s.words[c] | 0; u += b2 * 977, s.words[c] = u & 67108863, u = b2 * 64 + (u / 67108864 | 0); } return s.words[s.length - 1] === 0 && (s.length--, s.words[s.length - 1] === 0 && s.length--), s; }; function P() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(P, Ee); function Se() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Se, Ee); function v() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(v, Ee), v.prototype.imulK = function(s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) { var b2 = (s.words[c] | 0) * 19 + u, l = b2 & 67108863; b2 >>>= 26, s.words[c] = l, u = b2; } return u !== 0 && (s.words[s.length++] = u), s; }, f._prime = function(s) { if (Re[s]) return Re[s]; var u; if (s === "k256") u = new Ae; else if (s === "p224") u = new P; else if (s === "p192") u = new Se; else if (s === "p25519") u = new v; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + s); return Re[s] = u, u; }; function i(h2) { if (typeof h2 == "string") { var s = f._prime(h2); this.m = s.p, = s; } else r(h2.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = h2, = null; } i.prototype._verify1 = function(s) { r(s.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, i.prototype._verify2 = function(s, u) { r((s.negative | u.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, i.prototype.imod = function(s) { return ? : (x(s, s.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this)), s); }, i.prototype.neg = function(s) { return s.isZero() ? s.clone() : this.m.sub(s)._forceRed(this); }, i.prototype.add = function(s, u) { this._verify2(s, u); var c = s.add(u); return c.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && c.isub(this.m), c._forceRed(this); }, i.prototype.iadd = function(s, u) { this._verify2(s, u); var c = s.iadd(u); return c.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && c.isub(this.m), c; }, i.prototype.sub = function(s, u) { this._verify2(s, u); var c = s.sub(u); return c.cmpn(0) < 0 && c.iadd(this.m), c._forceRed(this); }, i.prototype.isub = function(s, u) { this._verify2(s, u); var c = s.isub(u); return c.cmpn(0) < 0 && c.iadd(this.m), c; }, i.prototype.shl = function(s, u) { return this._verify1(s), this.imod(s.ushln(u)); }, i.prototype.imul = function(s, u) { return this._verify2(s, u), this.imod(s.imul(u)); }, i.prototype.mul = function(s, u) { return this._verify2(s, u), this.imod(s.mul(u)); }, i.prototype.isqr = function(s) { return this.imul(s, s.clone()); }, i.prototype.sqr = function(s) { return this.mul(s, s); }, i.prototype.sqrt = function(s) { if (s.isZero()) return s.clone(); var u = this.m.andln(3); if (r(u % 2 === 1), u === 3) { var c = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(s, c); } for (var b2 = this.m.subn(1), l = 0;!b2.isZero() && b2.andln(1) === 0; ) l++, b2.iushrn(1); r(!b2.isZero()); var n = new f(1).toRed(this), d = n.redNeg(), w = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), g = this.m.bitLength(); for (g = new f(2 * g * g).toRed(this);this.pow(g, w).cmp(d) !== 0; ) g.redIAdd(d); for (var _2 = this.pow(g, b2), A2 = this.pow(s, b2.addn(1).iushrn(1)), R2 = this.pow(s, b2), I = l;R2.cmp(n) !== 0; ) { for (var Me = R2, k = 0;Me.cmp(n) !== 0; k++) Me = Me.redSqr(); r(k < I); var D2 = this.pow(_2, new f(1).iushln(I - k - 1)); A2 = A2.redMul(D2), _2 = D2.redSqr(), R2 = R2.redMul(_2), I = k; } return A2; }, i.prototype.invm = function(s) { var u = s._invmp(this.m); return u.negative !== 0 ? (u.negative = 0, this.imod(u).redNeg()) : this.imod(u); }, i.prototype.pow = function(s, u) { if (u.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (u.cmpn(1) === 0) return s.clone(); var c = 4, b2 = new Array(1 << c); b2[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), b2[1] = s; for (var l = 2;l < b2.length; l++) b2[l] = this.mul(b2[l - 1], s); var n = b2[0], d = 0, w = 0, g = u.bitLength() % 26; for (g === 0 && (g = 26), l = u.length - 1;l >= 0; l--) { for (var _2 = u.words[l], A2 = g - 1;A2 >= 0; A2--) { var R2 = _2 >> A2 & 1; if (n !== b2[0] && (n = this.sqr(n)), R2 === 0 && d === 0) { w = 0; continue; } d <<= 1, d |= R2, w++, !(w !== c && (l !== 0 || A2 !== 0)) && (n = this.mul(n, b2[d]), w = 0, d = 0); } g = 26; } return n; }, i.prototype.convertTo = function(s) { var u = s.umod(this.m); return u === s ? u.clone() : u; }, i.prototype.convertFrom = function(s) { var u = s.clone(); return = null, u; }, f.mont = function(s) { return new a(s); }; function a(h2) {, h2), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(a, i), a.prototype.convertTo = function(s) { return this.imod(s.ushln(this.shift)); }, a.prototype.convertFrom = function(s) { var u = this.imod(s.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, u; }, a.prototype.imul = function(s, u) { if (s.isZero() || u.isZero()) return s.words[0] = 0, s.length = 1, s; var c = s.imul(u), b2 = c.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), l = c.isub(b2).iushrn(this.shift), n = l; return l.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? n = l.isub(this.m) : l.cmpn(0) < 0 && (n = l.iadd(this.m)), n._forceRed(this); }, a.prototype.mul = function(s, u) { if (s.isZero() || u.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var c = s.mul(u), b2 = c.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), l = c.isub(b2).iushrn(this.shift), n = l; return l.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? n = l.isub(this.m) : l.cmpn(0) < 0 && (n = l.iadd(this.m)), n._forceRed(this); }, a.prototype.invm = function(s) { var u = this.imod(s._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return u._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof kl > "u" || kl, n2); }); Ks = T2((yk, o2) => { var Rf = Ws(), oA = on(); function sA(t) { var e = f2(t), r = e.toRed(Rf.mont(t.modulus)).redPow(new Rf(t.publicExponent)).fromRed(); return { blinder: r, unblinder: e.invm(t.modulus) }; } function f2(t) { var e = t.modulus.byteLength(), r; do r = new Rf(oA(e)); while (r.cmp(t.modulus) >= 0 || !r.umod(t.prime1) || !r.umod(t.prime2)); return r; } function a2(t, e) { var r = sA(e), o = e.modulus.byteLength(), f = new Rf(t).mul(r.blinder).umod(e.modulus), p = f.toRed(Rf.mont(e.prime1)), m2 = f.toRed(Rf.mont(e.prime2)), y2 = e.coefficient, M = e.prime1, x = e.prime2, S = p.redPow(e.exponent1).fromRed(), E2 = m2.redPow(e.exponent2).fromRed(), B = S.isub(E2).imul(y2).umod(M).imul(x); return E2.iadd(B).imul(r.unblinder).umod(e.modulus).toArrayLike(Buffer, "be", o); } a2.getr = f2; o2.exports = a2; }); s2 = T2((wk, hA) => { hA.exports = { name: "elliptic", version: "6.5.4", description: "EC cryptography", main: "lib/elliptic.js", files: ["lib"], scripts: { lint: "eslint lib test", "lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix", unit: "istanbul test _mocha --reporter=spec test/index.js", test: "npm run lint && npm run unit", version: "grunt dist && git add dist/" }, repository: { type: "git", url: "" }, keywords: ["EC", "Elliptic", "curve", "Cryptography"], author: "Fedor Indutny ", license: "MIT", bugs: { url: "" }, homepage: "", devDependencies: { brfs: "^2.0.2", coveralls: "^3.1.0", eslint: "^7.6.0", grunt: "^1.2.1", "grunt-browserify": "^5.3.0", "grunt-cli": "^1.3.2", "grunt-contrib-connect": "^3.0.0", "grunt-contrib-copy": "^1.0.0", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "^5.0.0", "grunt-mocha-istanbul": "^5.0.2", "grunt-saucelabs": "^9.0.1", istanbul: "^0.4.5", mocha: "^8.0.1" }, dependencies: { "bn.js": "^4.11.9", brorand: "^1.1.0", "hash.js": "^1.0.0", "hmac-drbg": "^1.0.1", inherits: "^2.0.4", "minimalistic-assert": "^1.0.1", "minimalistic-crypto-utils": "^1.0.1" } }; }); ri = T2((h2, Ll) => { (function(t, e) { function r(v, i) { if (!v) throw new Error(i || "Assertion failed"); } function o(v, i) { v.super_ = i; var a = function() { }; a.prototype = i.prototype, v.prototype = new a, v.prototype.constructor = v; } function f(v, i, a) { if (f.isBN(v)) return v; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, v !== null && ((i === "le" || i === "be") && (a = i, i = 10), this._init(v || 0, i || 10, a || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(i) { return i instanceof f ? true : i !== null && typeof i == "object" && i.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(i.words); }, f.max = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) > 0 ? i : a; }, f.min = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) < 0 ? i : a; }, f.prototype._init = function(i, a, h3) { if (typeof i == "number") return this._initNumber(i, a, h3); if (typeof i == "object") return this._initArray(i, a, h3); a === "hex" && (a = 16), r(a === (a | 0) && a >= 2 && a <= 36), i = i.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var s = 0; i[0] === "-" && (s++, this.negative = 1), s < i.length && (a === 16 ? this._parseHex(i, s, h3) : (this._parseBase(i, a, s), h3 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h3))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(i, a, h3) { i < 0 && (this.negative = 1, i = -i), i < 67108864 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863], this.length = 1) : i < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(i < 9007199254740992), this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), h3 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h3); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(i, a, h3) { if (r(typeof i.length == "number"), i.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(i.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u, c, b2 = 0; if (h3 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1, u = 0;s >= 0; s -= 3) c = i[s] | i[s - 1] << 8 | i[s - 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b2 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b2 & 67108863, b2 += 24, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, u++); else if (h3 === "le") for (s = 0, u = 0;s < i.length; s += 3) c = i[s] | i[s + 1] << 8 | i[s + 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b2 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b2 & 67108863, b2 += 24, b2 >= 26 && (b2 -= 26, u++); return this.strip(); }; function m2(v, i) { var a = v.charCodeAt(i); return a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 : a - 48 & 15; } function y2(v, i, a) { var h3 = m2(v, a); return a - 1 >= i && (h3 |= m2(v, a - 1) << 4), h3; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(i, a, h3) { this.length = Math.ceil((i.length - a) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u = 0, c = 0, b2; if (h3 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1;s >= a; s -= 2) b2 = y2(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b2 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b2 >>> 26) : u += 8; else { var l = i.length - a; for (s = l % 2 === 0 ? a + 1 : a;s < i.length; s += 2) b2 = y2(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b2 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b2 >>> 26) : u += 8; } this.strip(); }; function M(v, i, a, h3) { for (var s = 0, u = Math.min(v.length, a), c = i;c < u; c++) { var b2 = v.charCodeAt(c) - 48; s *= h3, b2 >= 49 ? s += b2 - 49 + 10 : b2 >= 17 ? s += b2 - 17 + 10 : s += b2; } return s; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(i, a, h3) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var s = 0, u = 1;u <= 67108863; u *= a) s++; s--, u = u / a | 0; for (var c = i.length - h3, b2 = c % s, l = Math.min(c, c - b2) + h3, n = 0, d = h3;d < l; d += s) n = M(i, d, d + s, a), this.imuln(u), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); if (b2 !== 0) { var w = 1; for (n = M(i, d, i.length, a), d = 0;d < b2; d++) w *= a; this.imuln(w), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); } this.strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(i) { i.words = new Array(this.length); for (var a = 0;a < this.length; a++) i.words[a] = this.words[a]; i.length = this.length, i.negative = this.negative, =; }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var i = new f(null); return this.copy(i), i; }, f.prototype._expand = function(i) { for (;this.length < i; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype.strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, f.prototype.inspect = function() { return ( ? ""; }; var x = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], S = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], E2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(i, a) { i = i || 10, a = a | 0 || 1; var h3; if (i === 16 || i === "hex") { h3 = ""; for (var s = 0, u = 0, c = 0;c < this.length; c++) { var b2 = this.words[c], l = ((b2 << s | u) & 16777215).toString(16); u = b2 >>> 24 - s & 16777215, u !== 0 || c !== this.length - 1 ? h3 = x[6 - l.length] + l + h3 : h3 = l + h3, s += 2, s >= 26 && (s -= 26, c--); } for (u !== 0 && (h3 = u.toString(16) + h3);h3.length % a !== 0; ) h3 = "0" + h3; return this.negative !== 0 && (h3 = "-" + h3), h3; } if (i === (i | 0) && i >= 2 && i <= 36) { var n = S[i], d = E2[i]; h3 = ""; var w = this.clone(); for (w.negative = 0;!w.isZero(); ) { var g = w.modn(d).toString(i); w = w.idivn(d), w.isZero() ? h3 = g + h3 : h3 = x[n - g.length] + g + h3; } for (this.isZero() && (h3 = "0" + h3);h3.length % a !== 0; ) h3 = "0" + h3; return this.negative !== 0 && (h3 = "-" + h3), h3; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var i = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? i += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? i += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -i : i; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(i, a) { return r(typeof p < "u"), this.toArrayLike(p, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArray = function(i, a) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(i, a, h3) { var s = this.byteLength(), u = h3 || Math.max(1, s); r(s <= u, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(u > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); var c = a === "le", b2 = new i(u), l, n, d = this.clone(); if (c) { for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b2[n] = l; for (;n < u; n++) b2[n] = 0; } else { for (n = 0;n < u - s; n++) b2[n] = 0; for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b2[u - n - 1] = l; } return b2; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { return 32 - Math.clz32(i); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { var a = i, h3 = 0; return a >= 4096 && (h3 += 13, a >>>= 13), a >= 64 && (h3 += 7, a >>>= 7), a >= 8 && (h3 += 4, a >>>= 4), a >= 2 && (h3 += 2, a >>>= 2), h3 + a; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(i) { if (i === 0) return 26; var a = i, h3 = 0; return (a & 8191) === 0 && (h3 += 13, a >>>= 13), (a & 127) === 0 && (h3 += 7, a >>>= 7), (a & 15) === 0 && (h3 += 4, a >>>= 4), (a & 3) === 0 && (h3 += 2, a >>>= 2), (a & 1) === 0 && h3++, h3; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var i = this.words[this.length - 1], a = this._countBits(i); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + a; }; function B(v) { for (var i = new Array(v.bitLength()), a = 0;a < i.length; a++) { var h3 = a / 26 | 0, s = a % 26; i[a] = (v.words[h3] & 1 << s) >>> s; } return i; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var i = 0, a = 0;a < this.length; a++) { var h3 = this._zeroBits(this.words[a]); if (i += h3, h3 !== 26) break; } return i; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(i) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(i).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(i) { return this.testn(i - 1) ? this.notn(i).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(i) { for (;this.length < i.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var a = 0;a < i.length; a++) this.words[a] = this.words[a] | i.words[a]; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuor(i); }, f.prototype.or = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ior(i) : i.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuor(i) : i.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(i) { var a; this.length > i.length ? a = i : a = this; for (var h3 = 0;h3 < a.length; h3++) this.words[h3] = this.words[h3] & i.words[h3]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuand(i); }, f.prototype.and = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iand(i) : i.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuand(i) : i.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(i) { var a, h3; this.length > i.length ? (a = this, h3 = i) : (a = i, h3 = this); for (var s = 0;s < h3.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s] ^ h3.words[s]; if (this !== a) for (;s < a.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(i); }, f.prototype.xor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ixor(i) : i.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuxor(i) : i.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = Math.ceil(i / 26) | 0, h3 = i % 26; this._expand(a), h3 > 0 && a--; for (var s = 0;s < a; s++) this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863; return h3 > 0 && (this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863 >> 26 - h3), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(i) { return this.clone().inotn(i); }, f.prototype.setn = function(i, a) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var h3 = i / 26 | 0, s = i % 26; return this._expand(h3 + 1), a ? this.words[h3] = this.words[h3] | 1 << s : this.words[h3] = this.words[h3] & ~(1 << s), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(i) { var a; if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return i.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); var h3, s; this.length > i.length ? (h3 = this, s = i) : (h3 = i, s = this); for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) a = (h3.words[c] | 0) + (s.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; for (;u !== 0 && c < h3.length; c++) a = (h3.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; if (this.length = h3.length, u !== 0) this.words[this.length] = u, this.length++; else if (h3 !== this) for (;c < h3.length; c++) this.words[c] = h3.words[c]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(i) { var a; return i.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (i.negative = 0, a = this.sub(i), i.negative ^= 1, a) : i.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, a = i.sub(this), this.negative = 1, a) : this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iadd(i) : i.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(i) { if (i.negative !== 0) { i.negative = 0; var a = this.iadd(i); return i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(i), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var h3 = this.cmp(i); if (h3 === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var s, u; h3 > 0 ? (s = this, u = i) : (s = i, u = this); for (var c = 0, b2 = 0;b2 < u.length; b2++) a = (s.words[b2] | 0) - (u.words[b2] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b2] = a & 67108863; for (;c !== 0 && b2 < s.length; b2++) a = (s.words[b2] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b2] = a & 67108863; if (c === 0 && b2 < s.length && s !== this) for (;b2 < s.length; b2++) this.words[b2] = s.words[b2]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, b2), s !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(i) { return this.clone().isub(i); }; function q2(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative; var h3 = v.length + i.length | 0; a.length = h3, h3 = h3 - 1 | 0; var s = v.words[0] | 0, u = i.words[0] | 0, c = s * u, b2 = c & 67108863, l = c / 67108864 | 0; a.words[0] = b2; for (var n = 1;n < h3; n++) { for (var d = l >>> 26, w = l & 67108863, g = Math.min(n, i.length - 1), _2 = Math.max(0, n - v.length + 1);_2 <= g; _2++) { var A2 = n - _2 | 0; s = v.words[A2] | 0, u = i.words[_2] | 0, c = s * u + w, d += c / 67108864 | 0, w = c & 67108863; } a.words[n] = w | 0, l = d | 0; } return l !== 0 ? a.words[n] = l | 0 : a.length--, a.strip(); } var L2 = function(i, a, h3) { var s = i.words, u = a.words, c = h3.words, b2 = 0, l, n, d, w = s[0] | 0, g = w & 8191, _2 = w >>> 13, A2 = s[1] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = s[2] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = s[3] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = s[4] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = s[5] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = s[6] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = s[7] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = s[8] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = s[9] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = u[0] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = u[1] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = u[2] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = u[3] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = u[4] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = u[5] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = u[6] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = u[7] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = u[8] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = u[9] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13; h3.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h3.length = 19, l = Math.imul(g, X), n = Math.imul(g, J), n = n + Math.imul(_2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(_2, J); var ft = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ft >>> 26) | 0, ft &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(R2, X), n = Math.imul(R2, J), n = n + Math.imul(I, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(I, J), l = l + Math.imul(g, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ee) | 0; var Be = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(k, X), n = Math.imul(k, J), n = n + Math.imul(D2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(D2, J), l = l + Math.imul(R2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, re) | 0; var qe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(C2, X), n = Math.imul(C2, J), n = n + Math.imul(O, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(O, J), l = l + Math.imul(k, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ne) | 0; var ze = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(F, X), n = Math.imul(F, J), n = n + Math.imul(U, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(U, J), l = l + Math.imul(C2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ae) | 0; var He = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(z2, X), n = Math.imul(z2, J), n = n + Math.imul(H, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(H, J), l = l + Math.imul(F, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, se) | 0; var We = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(W, X), n = Math.imul(W, J), n = n + Math.imul(K, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(K, J), l = l + Math.imul(z2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, ue) | 0; var Ke = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(j, X), n = Math.imul(j, J), n = n + Math.imul(Z, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Z, J), l = l + Math.imul(W, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, de) | 0; var je = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(V, X), n = Math.imul(V, J), n = n + Math.imul($, X) | 0, d = Math.imul($, J), l = l + Math.imul(j, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, pe) | 0; var Ze = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, X), n = Math.imul(G, J), n = n + Math.imul(Y, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, J), l = l + Math.imul(V, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_2, be) | 0; var Ve = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, Q), n = Math.imul(G, ee), n = n + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ee), l = l + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var $e = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, te), n = Math.imul(G, re), n = n + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, re), l = l + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0; var Ge = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ie), n = Math.imul(G, ne), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ne), l = l + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, be) | 0; var Ye = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, fe), n = Math.imul(G, ae), n = n + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ae), l = l + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, be) | 0; var Xe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, oe), n = Math.imul(G, se), n = n + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, se), l = l + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, be) | 0; var Je = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, he), n = Math.imul(G, ue), n = n + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ue), l = l + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, be) | 0; var Qe = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, le), n = Math.imul(G, de), n = n + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, de), l = l + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0; var et = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ce), n = Math.imul(G, pe), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, pe), l = l + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, be) | 0; var tt = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ve), n = Math.imul(G, be), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, be); var rt = (b2 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; return b2 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, c[0] = ft, c[1] = Be, c[2] = qe, c[3] = ze, c[4] = He, c[5] = We, c[6] = Ke, c[7] = je, c[8] = Ze, c[9] = Ve, c[10] = $e, c[11] = Ge, c[12] = Ye, c[13] = Xe, c[14] = Je, c[15] = Qe, c[16] = et, c[17] = tt, c[18] = rt, b2 !== 0 && (c[19] = b2, h3.length++), h3; }; Math.imul || (L2 = q2); function ge(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative, a.length = v.length + i.length; for (var h3 = 0, s = 0, u = 0;u < a.length - 1; u++) { var c = s; s = 0; for (var b2 = h3 & 67108863, l = Math.min(u, i.length - 1), n = Math.max(0, u - v.length + 1);n <= l; n++) { var d = u - n, w = v.words[d] | 0, g = i.words[n] | 0, _2 = w * g, A2 = _2 & 67108863; c = c + (_2 / 67108864 | 0) | 0, A2 = A2 + b2 | 0, b2 = A2 & 67108863, c = c + (A2 >>> 26) | 0, s += c >>> 26, c &= 67108863; } a.words[u] = b2, h3 = c, c = s; } return h3 !== 0 ? a.words[u] = h3 : a.length--, a.strip(); } function _e(v, i, a) { var h3 = new N; return h3.mulp(v, i, a); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(i, a) { var h3, s = this.length + i.length; return this.length === 10 && i.length === 10 ? h3 = L2(this, i, a) : s < 63 ? h3 = q2(this, i, a) : s < 1024 ? h3 = ge(this, i, a) : h3 = _e(this, i, a), h3; }; function N(v, i) { this.x = v, this.y = i; } N.prototype.makeRBT = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h3 = f.prototype._countBits(i) - 1, s = 0;s < i; s++) a[s] = this.revBin(s, h3, i); return a; }, N.prototype.revBin = function(i, a, h3) { if (i === 0 || i === h3 - 1) return i; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < a; u++) s |= (i & 1) << a - u - 1, i >>= 1; return s; }, N.prototype.permute = function(i, a, h3, s, u, c) { for (var b2 = 0;b2 < c; b2++) s[b2] = a[i[b2]], u[b2] = h3[i[b2]]; }, N.prototype.transform = function(i, a, h3, s, u, c) { this.permute(c, i, a, h3, s, u); for (var b2 = 1;b2 < u; b2 <<= 1) for (var l = b2 << 1, n = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l), d = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l), w = 0;w < u; w += l) for (var g = n, _2 = d, A2 = 0;A2 < b2; A2++) { var R2 = h3[w + A2], I = s[w + A2], Me = h3[w + A2 + b2], k = s[w + A2 + b2], D2 = g * Me - _2 * k; k = g * k + _2 * Me, Me = D2, h3[w + A2] = R2 + Me, s[w + A2] = I + k, h3[w + A2 + b2] = R2 - Me, s[w + A2 + b2] = I - k, A2 !== l && (D2 = n * g - d * _2, _2 = n * _2 + d * g, g = D2); } }, N.prototype.guessLen13b = function(i, a) { var h3 = Math.max(a, i) | 1, s = h3 & 1, u = 0; for (h3 = h3 / 2 | 0;h3; h3 = h3 >>> 1) u++; return 1 << u + 1 + s; }, N.prototype.conjugate = function(i, a, h3) { if (!(h3 <= 1)) for (var s = 0;s < h3 / 2; s++) { var u = i[s]; i[s] = i[h3 - s - 1], i[h3 - s - 1] = u, u = a[s], a[s] = -a[h3 - s - 1], a[h3 - s - 1] = -u; } }, N.prototype.normalize13b = function(i, a) { for (var h3 = 0, s = 0;s < a / 2; s++) { var u = Math.round(i[2 * s + 1] / a) * 8192 + Math.round(i[2 * s] / a) + h3; i[s] = u & 67108863, u < 67108864 ? h3 = 0 : h3 = u / 67108864 | 0; } return i; }, N.prototype.convert13b = function(i, a, h3, s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < a; c++) u = u + (i[c] | 0), h3[2 * c] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13, h3[2 * c + 1] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13; for (c = 2 * a;c < s; ++c) h3[c] = 0; r(u === 0), r((u & -8192) === 0); }, N.prototype.stub = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h3 = 0;h3 < i; h3++) a[h3] = 0; return a; }, N.prototype.mulp = function(i, a, h3) { var s = 2 * this.guessLen13b(i.length, a.length), u = this.makeRBT(s), c = this.stub(s), b2 = new Array(s), l = new Array(s), n = new Array(s), d = new Array(s), w = new Array(s), g = new Array(s), _2 = h3.words; _2.length = s, this.convert13b(i.words, i.length, b2, s), this.convert13b(a.words, a.length, d, s), this.transform(b2, c, l, n, s, u), this.transform(d, c, w, g, s, u); for (var A2 = 0;A2 < s; A2++) { var R2 = l[A2] * w[A2] - n[A2] * g[A2]; n[A2] = l[A2] * g[A2] + n[A2] * w[A2], l[A2] = R2; } return this.conjugate(l, n, s), this.transform(l, n, _2, c, s, u), this.conjugate(_2, c, s), this.normalize13b(_2, s), h3.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h3.length = i.length + a.length, h3.strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), this.mulTo(i, a); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), _e(this, i, a); }, f.prototype.imul = function(i) { return this.clone().mulTo(i, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864); for (var a = 0, h3 = 0;h3 < this.length; h3++) { var s = (this.words[h3] | 0) * i, u = (s & 67108863) + (a & 67108863); a >>= 26, a += s / 67108864 | 0, a += u >>> 26, this.words[h3] = u & 67108863; } return a !== 0 && (this.words[h3] = a, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(i) { return this.clone().imuln(i); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(i) { var a = B(i); if (a.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var h3 = this, s = 0;s < a.length && a[s] === 0; s++, h3 = h3.sqr()) ; if (++s < a.length) for (var u = h3.sqr();s < a.length; s++, u = u.sqr()) a[s] !== 0 && (h3 = h3.mul(u)); return h3; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h3 = (i - a) / 26, s = 67108863 >>> 26 - a << 26 - a, u; if (a !== 0) { var c = 0; for (u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var b2 = this.words[u] & s, l = (this.words[u] | 0) - b2 << a; this.words[u] = l | c, c = b2 >>> 26 - a; } c && (this.words[u] = c, this.length++); } if (h3 !== 0) { for (u = this.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) this.words[u + h3] = this.words[u]; for (u = 0;u < h3; u++) this.words[u] = 0; this.length += h3; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(i) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(i); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(i, a, h3) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var s; a ? s = (a - a % 26) / 26 : s = 0; var u = i % 26, c = Math.min((i - u) / 26, this.length), b2 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u, l = h3; if (s -= c, s = Math.max(0, s), l) { for (var n = 0;n < c; n++) l.words[n] = this.words[n]; l.length = c; } if (c !== 0) if (this.length > c) for (this.length -= c, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = this.words[n + c]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var d = 0; for (n = this.length - 1;n >= 0 && (d !== 0 || n >= s); n--) { var w = this.words[n] | 0; this.words[n] = d << 26 - u | w >>> u, d = w & b2; } return l && d !== 0 && (l.words[l.length++] = d), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(i, a, h3) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(i, a, h3); }, f.prototype.shln = function(i) { return this.clone().ishln(i); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(i) { return this.clone().iushln(i); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(i) { return this.clone().ishrn(i); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(i) { return this.clone().iushrn(i); }, f.prototype.testn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h3 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h3) return false; var u = this.words[h3]; return !!(u & s); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h3 = (i - a) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= h3) return this; if (a !== 0 && h3++, this.length = Math.min(h3, this.length), a !== 0) { var s = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> a << a; this.words[this.length - 1] &= s; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(i) { return this.clone().imaskn(i); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(i) { return r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0 ? this.isubn(-i) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < i ? (this.words[0] = i - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(i), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(i); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(i) { this.words[0] += i; for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] >= 67108864; a++) this.words[a] -= 67108864, a === this.length - 1 ? this.words[a + 1] = 1 : this.words[a + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, a + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(i) { if (r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0) return this.iaddn(-i); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(i), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= i, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] < 0; a++) this.words[a] += 67108864, this.words[a + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(i) { return this.clone().iaddn(i); }, f.prototype.subn = function(i) { return this.clone().isubn(i); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(i, a, h3) { var s = i.length + h3, u; this._expand(s); var c, b2 = 0; for (u = 0;u < i.length; u++) { c = (this.words[u + h3] | 0) + b2; var l = (i.words[u] | 0) * a; c -= l & 67108863, b2 = (c >> 26) - (l / 67108864 | 0), this.words[u + h3] = c & 67108863; } for (;u < this.length - h3; u++) c = (this.words[u + h3] | 0) + b2, b2 = c >> 26, this.words[u + h3] = c & 67108863; if (b2 === 0) return this.strip(); for (r(b2 === -1), b2 = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) c = -(this.words[u] | 0) + b2, b2 = c >> 26, this.words[u] = c & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(i, a) { var h3 = this.length - i.length, s = this.clone(), u = i, c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0, b2 = this._countBits(c); h3 = 26 - b2, h3 !== 0 && (u = u.ushln(h3), s.iushln(h3), c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0); var l = s.length - u.length, n; if (a !== "mod") { n = new f(null), n.length = l + 1, n.words = new Array(n.length); for (var d = 0;d < n.length; d++) n.words[d] = 0; } var w = s.clone()._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, l); w.negative === 0 && (s = w, n && (n.words[l] = 1)); for (var g = l - 1;g >= 0; g--) { var _2 = (s.words[u.length + g] | 0) * 67108864 + (s.words[u.length + g - 1] | 0); for (_2 = Math.min(_2 / c | 0, 67108863), s._ishlnsubmul(u, _2, g);s.negative !== 0; ) _2--, s.negative = 0, s._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, g), s.isZero() || (s.negative ^= 1); n && (n.words[g] = _2); } return n && n.strip(), s.strip(), a !== "div" && h3 !== 0 && s.iushrn(h3), { div: n || null, mod: s }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(i, a, h3) { if (r(!i.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var s, u, c; return this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i, a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h3 && u.negative !== 0 && u.iadd(i)), { div: s, mod: u }) : this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0 ? (c = this.divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), { div: s, mod: c.mod }) : (this.negative & i.negative) !== 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h3 && u.negative !== 0 && u.isub(i)), { div: c.div, mod: u }) : i.length > this.length || this.cmp(i) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : i.length === 1 ? a === "div" ? { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: null } : a === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(i, a); }, f.prototype.div = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(i) { var a = this.divmod(i); if (a.mod.isZero()) return a.div; var h3 = a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.mod.isub(i) : a.mod, s = i.ushrn(1), u = i.andln(1), c = h3.cmp(s); return c < 0 || u === 1 && c === 0 ? a.div : a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.div.isubn(1) : a.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = (1 << 26) % i, h3 = 0, s = this.length - 1;s >= 0; s--) h3 = (a * h3 + (this.words[s] | 0)) % i; return h3; }, f.prototype.idivn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = 0, h3 = this.length - 1;h3 >= 0; h3--) { var s = (this.words[h3] | 0) + a * 67108864; this.words[h3] = s / i | 0, a = s % i; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.divn = function(i) { return this.clone().idivn(i); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h3 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = new f(0), b2 = new f(1), l = 0;a.isEven() && h3.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1), h3.iushrn(1), ++l; for (var n = h3.clone(), d = a.clone();!a.isZero(); ) { for (var w = 0, g = 1;(a.words[0] & g) === 0 && w < 26; ++w, g <<= 1) ; if (w > 0) for (a.iushrn(w);w-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(n), u.isub(d)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); for (var _2 = 0, A2 = 1;(h3.words[0] & A2) === 0 && _2 < 26; ++_2, A2 <<= 1) ; if (_2 > 0) for (h3.iushrn(_2);_2-- > 0; ) (c.isOdd() || b2.isOdd()) && (c.iadd(n), b2.isub(d)), c.iushrn(1), b2.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h3) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h3), s.isub(c), u.isub(b2)) : (h3.isub(a), c.isub(s), b2.isub(u)); } return { a: c, b: b2, gcd: h3.iushln(l) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h3 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = h3.clone();a.cmpn(1) > 0 && h3.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var b2 = 0, l = 1;(a.words[0] & l) === 0 && b2 < 26; ++b2, l <<= 1) ; if (b2 > 0) for (a.iushrn(b2);b2-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(c), s.iushrn(1); for (var n = 0, d = 1;(h3.words[0] & d) === 0 && n < 26; ++n, d <<= 1) ; if (n > 0) for (h3.iushrn(n);n-- > 0; ) u.isOdd() && u.iadd(c), u.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h3) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h3), s.isub(u)) : (h3.isub(a), u.isub(s)); } var w; return a.cmpn(1) === 0 ? w = s : w = u, w.cmpn(0) < 0 && w.iadd(i), w; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(i) { if (this.isZero()) return i.abs(); if (i.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a = this.clone(), h3 = i.clone(); a.negative = 0, h3.negative = 0; for (var s = 0;a.isEven() && h3.isEven(); s++) a.iushrn(1), h3.iushrn(1); do { for (;a.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1); for (;h3.isEven(); ) h3.iushrn(1); var u = a.cmp(h3); if (u < 0) { var c = a; a = h3, h3 = c; } else if (u === 0 || h3.cmpn(1) === 0) break; a.isub(h3); } while (true); return h3.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.invm = function(i) { return this.egcd(i).a.umod(i); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(i) { return this.words[0] & i; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"); var a = i % 26, h3 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h3) return this._expand(h3 + 1), this.words[h3] |= s, this; for (var u = s, c = h3;u !== 0 && c < this.length; c++) { var b2 = this.words[c] | 0; b2 += u, u = b2 >>> 26, b2 &= 67108863, this.words[c] = b2; } return u !== 0 && (this.words[c] = u, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(i) { var a = i < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !a) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && a) return 1; this.strip(); var h3; if (this.length > 1) h3 = 1; else { a && (i = -i), r(i <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var s = this.words[0] | 0; h3 = s === i ? 0 : s < i ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -h3 | 0 : h3; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(i) { if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return 1; var a = this.ucmp(i); return this.negative !== 0 ? -a | 0 : a; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(i) { if (this.length > i.length) return 1; if (this.length < i.length) return -1; for (var a = 0, h3 = this.length - 1;h3 >= 0; h3--) { var s = this.words[h3] | 0, u = i.words[h3] | 0; if (s !== u) { s < u ? a = -1 : s > u && (a = 1); break; } } return a; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === -1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 0; }, = function(i) { return new P(i); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), i.convertTo(this)._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(i) { return = i, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(i) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(i) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(i) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(i) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, i); }; var we = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function ye(v, i) { = v, this.p = new f(i, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } ye.prototype._tmp = function() { var i = new f(null); return i.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), i; }, ye.prototype.ireduce = function(i) { var a = i, h3; do this.split(a, this.tmp), a = this.imulK(a), a = a.iadd(this.tmp), h3 = a.bitLength(); while (h3 > this.n); var s = h3 < this.n ? -1 : a.ucmp(this.p); return s === 0 ? (a.words[0] = 0, a.length = 1) : s > 0 ? a.isub(this.p) : a.strip !== undefined ? a.strip() : a._strip(), a; }, ye.prototype.split = function(i, a) { i.iushrn(this.n, 0, a); }, ye.prototype.imulK = function(i) { return i.imul(this.k); }; function xe() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(xe, ye), xe.prototype.split = function(i, a) { for (var h3 = 4194303, s = Math.min(i.length, 9), u = 0;u < s; u++) a.words[u] = i.words[u]; if (a.length = s, i.length <= 9) { i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1; return; } var c = i.words[9]; for (a.words[a.length++] = c & h3, u = 10;u < i.length; u++) { var b2 = i.words[u] | 0; i.words[u - 10] = (b2 & h3) << 4 | c >>> 22, c = b2; } c >>>= 22, i.words[u - 10] = c, c === 0 && i.length > 10 ? i.length -= 10 : i.length -= 9; }, xe.prototype.imulK = function(i) { i.words[i.length] = 0, i.words[i.length + 1] = 0, i.length += 2; for (var a = 0, h3 = 0;h3 < i.length; h3++) { var s = i.words[h3] | 0; a += s * 977, i.words[h3] = a & 67108863, a = s * 64 + (a / 67108864 | 0); } return i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && (i.length--, i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && i.length--), i; }; function Re() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(Re, ye); function Ee() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Ee, ye); function Ae() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(Ae, ye), Ae.prototype.imulK = function(i) { for (var a = 0, h3 = 0;h3 < i.length; h3++) { var s = (i.words[h3] | 0) * 19 + a, u = s & 67108863; s >>>= 26, i.words[h3] = u, a = s; } return a !== 0 && (i.words[i.length++] = a), i; }, f._prime = function(i) { if (we[i]) return we[i]; var a; if (i === "k256") a = new xe; else if (i === "p224") a = new Re; else if (i === "p192") a = new Ee; else if (i === "p25519") a = new Ae; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + i); return we[i] = a, a; }; function P(v) { if (typeof v == "string") { var i = f._prime(v); this.m = i.p, = i; } else r(v.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = v, = null; } P.prototype._verify1 = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype._verify2 = function(i, a) { r((i.negative | a.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype.imod = function(i) { return ? : i.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.neg = function(i) { return i.isZero() ? i.clone() : this.m.sub(i)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.add = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h3 = i.add(a); return h3.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h3.isub(this.m), h3._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.iadd = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h3 = i.iadd(a); return h3.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h3.isub(this.m), h3; }, P.prototype.sub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h3 = i.sub(a); return h3.cmpn(0) < 0 && h3.iadd(this.m), h3._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.isub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h3 = i.isub(a); return h3.cmpn(0) < 0 && h3.iadd(this.m), h3; }, P.prototype.shl = function(i, a) { return this._verify1(i), this.imod(i.ushln(a)); }, P.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.imul(a)); }, P.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.mul(a)); }, P.prototype.isqr = function(i) { return this.imul(i, i.clone()); }, P.prototype.sqr = function(i) { return this.mul(i, i); }, P.prototype.sqrt = function(i) { if (i.isZero()) return i.clone(); var a = this.m.andln(3); if (r(a % 2 === 1), a === 3) { var h3 = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(i, h3); } for (var s = this.m.subn(1), u = 0;!s.isZero() && s.andln(1) === 0; ) u++, s.iushrn(1); r(!s.isZero()); var c = new f(1).toRed(this), b2 = c.redNeg(), l = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), n = this.m.bitLength(); for (n = new f(2 * n * n).toRed(this);this.pow(n, l).cmp(b2) !== 0; ) n.redIAdd(b2); for (var d = this.pow(n, s), w = this.pow(i, s.addn(1).iushrn(1)), g = this.pow(i, s), _2 = u;g.cmp(c) !== 0; ) { for (var A2 = g, R2 = 0;A2.cmp(c) !== 0; R2++) A2 = A2.redSqr(); r(R2 < _2); var I = this.pow(d, new f(1).iushln(_2 - R2 - 1)); w = w.redMul(I), d = I.redSqr(), g = g.redMul(d), _2 = R2; } return w; }, P.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = i._invmp(this.m); return a.negative !== 0 ? (a.negative = 0, this.imod(a).redNeg()) : this.imod(a); }, P.prototype.pow = function(i, a) { if (a.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) return i.clone(); var h3 = 4, s = new Array(1 << h3); s[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), s[1] = i; for (var u = 2;u < s.length; u++) s[u] = this.mul(s[u - 1], i); var c = s[0], b2 = 0, l = 0, n = a.bitLength() % 26; for (n === 0 && (n = 26), u = a.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) { for (var d = a.words[u], w = n - 1;w >= 0; w--) { var g = d >> w & 1; if (c !== s[0] && (c = this.sqr(c)), g === 0 && b2 === 0) { l = 0; continue; } b2 <<= 1, b2 |= g, l++, !(l !== h3 && (u !== 0 || w !== 0)) && (c = this.mul(c, s[b2]), l = 0, b2 = 0); } n = 26; } return c; }, P.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { var a = i.umod(this.m); return a === i ? a.clone() : a; }, P.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = i.clone(); return = null, a; }, f.mont = function(i) { return new Se(i); }; function Se(v) {, v), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(Se, P), Se.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { return this.imod(i.ushln(this.shift)); }, Se.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, a; }, Se.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1, i; var h3 = i.imul(a), s = h3.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h3.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var h3 = i.mul(a), s = h3.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h3.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return a._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof Ll > "u" || Ll, h2); }); Nl = T2((d2) => { var js = d2; function uA(t, e) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t.slice(); if (!t) return []; var r = []; if (typeof t != "string") { for (var o = 0;o < t.length; o++) r[o] = t[o] | 0; return r; } if (e === "hex") { t = t.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, ""), t.length % 2 !== 0 && (t = "0" + t); for (var o = 0;o < t.length; o += 2) r.push(parseInt(t[o] + t[o + 1], 16)); } else for (var o = 0;o < t.length; o++) { var f = t.charCodeAt(o), p = f >> 8, m2 = f & 255; p ? r.push(p, m2) : r.push(m2); } return r; } js.toArray = uA; function u2(t) { return t.length === 1 ? "0" + t : t; } js.zero2 = u2; function l2(t) { for (var e = "", r = 0;r < t.length; r++) e += u2(t[r].toString(16)); return e; } js.toHex = l2; js.encode = function(e, r) { return r === "hex" ? l2(e) : e; }; }); or = T2((c2) => { var Pr = c2, lA = ri(), dA = ar(), Zs = Nl(); Pr.assert = dA; Pr.toArray = Zs.toArray; Pr.zero2 = Zs.zero2; Pr.toHex = Zs.toHex; Pr.encode = Zs.encode; function cA(t, e, r) { var o = new Array(Math.max(t.bitLength(), r) + 1); o.fill(0); for (var f = 1 << e + 1, p = t.clone(), m2 = 0;m2 < o.length; m2++) { var y2, M = p.andln(f - 1); p.isOdd() ? (M > (f >> 1) - 1 ? y2 = (f >> 1) - M : y2 = M, p.isubn(y2)) : y2 = 0, o[m2] = y2, p.iushrn(1); } return o; } Pr.getNAF = cA; function pA(t, e) { var r = [[], []]; t = t.clone(), e = e.clone(); for (var o = 0, f = 0, p;t.cmpn(-o) > 0 || e.cmpn(-f) > 0; ) { var m2 = t.andln(3) + o & 3, y2 = e.andln(3) + f & 3; m2 === 3 && (m2 = -1), y2 === 3 && (y2 = -1); var M; (m2 & 1) === 0 ? M = 0 : (p = t.andln(7) + o & 7, (p === 3 || p === 5) && y2 === 2 ? M = -m2 : M = m2), r[0].push(M); var x; (y2 & 1) === 0 ? x = 0 : (p = e.andln(7) + f & 7, (p === 3 || p === 5) && m2 === 2 ? x = -y2 : x = y2), r[1].push(x), 2 * o === M + 1 && (o = 1 - o), 2 * f === x + 1 && (f = 1 - f), t.iushrn(1), e.iushrn(1); } return r; } Pr.getJSF = pA; function vA(t, e, r) { var o = "_" + e; t.prototype[e] = function() { return this[o] !== undefined ? this[o] : this[o] =; }; } Pr.cachedProperty = vA; function bA(t) { return typeof t == "string" ? Pr.toArray(t, "hex") : t; } Pr.parseBytes = bA; function mA(t) { return new lA(t, "hex", "le"); } Pr.intFromLE = mA; }); Oa = T2((xk, p2) => { var Cn = ri(), Ca = or(), Vs = Ca.getNAF, gA = Ca.getJSF, $s = Ca.assert; function Xi(t, e) { this.type = t, this.p = new Cn(e.p, 16), = ? : Cn.mont(this.p), = new Cn(0).toRed(, = new Cn(1).toRed(, this.two = new Cn(2).toRed(, this.n = e.n && new Cn(e.n, 16), this.g = e.g && this.pointFromJSON(e.g, e.gRed), this._wnafT1 = new Array(4), this._wnafT2 = new Array(4), this._wnafT3 = new Array(4), this._wnafT4 = new Array(4), this._bitLength = this.n ? this.n.bitLength() : 0; var r = this.n && this.p.div(this.n); !r || r.cmpn(100) > 0 ? this.redN = null : (this._maxwellTrick = true, this.redN = this.n.toRed(; } p2.exports = Xi; Xi.prototype.point = function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }; Xi.prototype.validate = function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }; Xi.prototype._fixedNafMul = function(e, r) { $s(e.precomputed); var o = e._getDoubles(), f = Vs(r, 1, this._bitLength), p = (1 << o.step + 1) - (o.step % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1); p /= 3; var m2 = [], y2, M; for (y2 = 0;y2 < f.length; y2 += o.step) { M = 0; for (var x = y2 + o.step - 1;x >= y2; x--) M = (M << 1) + f[x]; m2.push(M); } for (var S = this.jpoint(null, null, null), E2 = this.jpoint(null, null, null), B = p;B > 0; B--) { for (y2 = 0;y2 < m2.length; y2++) M = m2[y2], M === B ? E2 = E2.mixedAdd(o.points[y2]) : M === -B && (E2 = E2.mixedAdd(o.points[y2].neg())); S = S.add(E2); } return S.toP(); }; Xi.prototype._wnafMul = function(e, r) { var o = 4, f = e._getNAFPoints(o); o = f.wnd; for (var p = f.points, m2 = Vs(r, o, this._bitLength), y2 = this.jpoint(null, null, null), M = m2.length - 1;M >= 0; M--) { for (var x = 0;M >= 0 && m2[M] === 0; M--) x++; if (M >= 0 && x++, y2 = y2.dblp(x), M < 0) break; var S = m2[M]; $s(S !== 0), e.type === "affine" ? S > 0 ? y2 = y2.mixedAdd(p[S - 1 >> 1]) : y2 = y2.mixedAdd(p[-S - 1 >> 1].neg()) : S > 0 ? y2 = y2.add(p[S - 1 >> 1]) : y2 = y2.add(p[-S - 1 >> 1].neg()); } return e.type === "affine" ? y2.toP() : y2; }; Xi.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function(e, r, o, f, p) { var m2 = this._wnafT1, y2 = this._wnafT2, M = this._wnafT3, x = 0, S, E2, B; for (S = 0;S < f; S++) { B = r[S]; var q2 = B._getNAFPoints(e); m2[S] = q2.wnd, y2[S] = q2.points; } for (S = f - 1;S >= 1; S -= 2) { var L2 = S - 1, ge = S; if (m2[L2] !== 1 || m2[ge] !== 1) { M[L2] = Vs(o[L2], m2[L2], this._bitLength), M[ge] = Vs(o[ge], m2[ge], this._bitLength), x = Math.max(M[L2].length, x), x = Math.max(M[ge].length, x); continue; } var _e = [r[L2], null, null, r[ge]]; r[L2].y.cmp(r[ge].y) === 0 ? (_e[1] = r[L2].add(r[ge]), _e[2] = r[L2].toJ().mixedAdd(r[ge].neg())) : r[L2].y.cmp(r[ge].y.redNeg()) === 0 ? (_e[1] = r[L2].toJ().mixedAdd(r[ge]), _e[2] = r[L2].add(r[ge].neg())) : (_e[1] = r[L2].toJ().mixedAdd(r[ge]), _e[2] = r[L2].toJ().mixedAdd(r[ge].neg())); var N = [-3, -1, -5, -7, 0, 7, 5, 1, 3], we = gA(o[L2], o[ge]); for (x = Math.max(we[0].length, x), M[L2] = new Array(x), M[ge] = new Array(x), E2 = 0;E2 < x; E2++) { var ye = we[0][E2] | 0, xe = we[1][E2] | 0; M[L2][E2] = N[(ye + 1) * 3 + (xe + 1)], M[ge][E2] = 0, y2[L2] = _e; } } var Re = this.jpoint(null, null, null), Ee = this._wnafT4; for (S = x;S >= 0; S--) { for (var Ae = 0;S >= 0; ) { var P = true; for (E2 = 0;E2 < f; E2++) Ee[E2] = M[E2][S] | 0, Ee[E2] !== 0 && (P = false); if (!P) break; Ae++, S--; } if (S >= 0 && Ae++, Re = Re.dblp(Ae), S < 0) break; for (E2 = 0;E2 < f; E2++) { var Se = Ee[E2]; Se !== 0 && (Se > 0 ? B = y2[E2][Se - 1 >> 1] : Se < 0 && (B = y2[E2][-Se - 1 >> 1].neg()), B.type === "affine" ? Re = Re.mixedAdd(B) : Re = Re.add(B)); } } for (S = 0;S < f; S++) y2[S] = null; return p ? Re : Re.toP(); }; function _r(t, e) { this.curve = t, this.type = e, this.precomputed = null; } Xi.BasePoint = _r; _r.prototype.eq = function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }; _r.prototype.validate = function() { return this.curve.validate(this); }; Xi.prototype.decodePoint = function(e, r) { e = Ca.toArray(e, r); var o = this.p.byteLength(); if ((e[0] === 4 || e[0] === 6 || e[0] === 7) && e.length - 1 === 2 * o) { e[0] === 6 ? $s(e[e.length - 1] % 2 === 0) : e[0] === 7 && $s(e[e.length - 1] % 2 === 1); var f = this.point(e.slice(1, 1 + o), e.slice(1 + o, 1 + 2 * o)); return f; } else if ((e[0] === 2 || e[0] === 3) && e.length - 1 === o) return this.pointFromX(e.slice(1, 1 + o), e[0] === 3); throw new Error("Unknown point format"); }; _r.prototype.encodeCompressed = function(e) { return this.encode(e, true); }; _r.prototype._encode = function(e) { var r = this.curve.p.byteLength(), o = this.getX().toArray("be", r); return e ? [this.getY().isEven() ? 2 : 3].concat(o) : [4].concat(o, this.getY().toArray("be", r)); }; _r.prototype.encode = function(e, r) { return Ca.encode(this._encode(r), e); }; _r.prototype.precompute = function(e) { if (this.precomputed) return this; var r = { doubles: null, naf: null, beta: null }; return r.naf = this._getNAFPoints(8), r.doubles = this._getDoubles(4, e), r.beta = this._getBeta(), this.precomputed = r, this; }; _r.prototype._hasDoubles = function(e) { if (!this.precomputed) return false; var r = this.precomputed.doubles; return r ? r.points.length >= Math.ceil((e.bitLength() + 1) / r.step) : false; }; _r.prototype._getDoubles = function(e, r) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.doubles) return this.precomputed.doubles; for (var o = [this], f = this, p = 0;p < r; p += e) { for (var m2 = 0;m2 < e; m2++) f = f.dbl(); o.push(f); } return { step: e, points: o }; }; _r.prototype._getNAFPoints = function(e) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.naf) return this.precomputed.naf; for (var r = [this], o = (1 << e) - 1, f = o === 1 ? null : this.dbl(), p = 1;p < o; p++) r[p] = r[p - 1].add(f); return { wnd: e, points: r }; }; _r.prototype._getBeta = function() { return null; }; _r.prototype.dblp = function(e) { for (var r = this, o = 0;o < e; o++) r = r.dbl(); return r; }; }); b2 = T2((Sk, v2) => { var yA = or(), lt = ri(), Dl = Ie(), Bf = Oa(), wA = yA.assert; function xr(t) {, "short", t), this.a = new lt(t.a, 16).toRed(, this.b = new lt(t.b, 16).toRed(, this.tinv = this.two.redInvm(), this.zeroA = this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0) === 0, this.threeA = this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3) === 0, this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(t), this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4), this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4); } Dl(xr, Bf); v2.exports = xr; xr.prototype._getEndomorphism = function(e) { if (!(!this.zeroA || !this.g || !this.n || this.p.modn(3) !== 1)) { var r, o; if (e.beta) r = new lt(e.beta, 16).toRed(; else { var f = this._getEndoRoots(this.p); r = f[0].cmp(f[1]) < 0 ? f[0] : f[1], r = r.toRed(; } if (e.lambda) o = new lt(e.lambda, 16); else { var p = this._getEndoRoots(this.n); this.g.mul(p[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r)) === 0 ? o = p[0] : (o = p[1], wA(this.g.mul(o).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r)) === 0)); } var m2; return e.basis ? m2 = { return { a: new lt(y2.a, 16), b: new lt(y2.b, 16) }; }) : m2 = this._getEndoBasis(o), { beta: r, lambda: o, basis: m2 }; } }; xr.prototype._getEndoRoots = function(e) { var r = e === this.p ? : lt.mont(e), o = new lt(2).toRed(r).redInvm(), f = o.redNeg(), p = new lt(3).toRed(r).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(o), m2 = f.redAdd(p).fromRed(), y2 = f.redSub(p).fromRed(); return [m2, y2]; }; xr.prototype._getEndoBasis = function(e) { for (var r = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), o = e, f = this.n.clone(), p = new lt(1), m2 = new lt(0), y2 = new lt(0), M = new lt(1), x, S, E2, B, q2, L2, ge, _e = 0, N, we;o.cmpn(0) !== 0; ) { var ye = f.div(o); N = f.sub(ye.mul(o)), we = y2.sub(ye.mul(p)); var xe = M.sub(ye.mul(m2)); if (!E2 && N.cmp(r) < 0) x = ge.neg(), S = p, E2 = N.neg(), B = we; else if (E2 && ++_e === 2) break; ge = N, f = o, o = N, y2 = p, p = we, M = m2, m2 = xe; } q2 = N.neg(), L2 = we; var Re = E2.sqr().add(B.sqr()), Ee = q2.sqr().add(L2.sqr()); return Ee.cmp(Re) >= 0 && (q2 = x, L2 = S), E2.negative && (E2 = E2.neg(), B = B.neg()), q2.negative && (q2 = q2.neg(), L2 = L2.neg()), [{ a: E2, b: B }, { a: q2, b: L2 }]; }; xr.prototype._endoSplit = function(e) { var r = this.endo.basis, o = r[0], f = r[1], p = f.b.mul(e).divRound(this.n), m2 = o.b.neg().mul(e).divRound(this.n), y2 = p.mul(o.a), M = m2.mul(f.a), x = p.mul(o.b), S = m2.mul(f.b), E2 = e.sub(y2).sub(M), B = x.add(S).neg(); return { k1: E2, k2: B }; }; xr.prototype.pointFromX = function(e, r) { e = new lt(e, 16), || (e = e.toRed(; var o = e.redSqr().redMul(e).redIAdd(e.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b), f = o.redSqrt(); if (f.redSqr().redSub(o).cmp( !== 0) throw new Error("invalid point"); var p = f.fromRed().isOdd(); return (r && !p || !r && p) && (f = f.redNeg()), this.point(e, f); }; xr.prototype.validate = function(e) { if (e.inf) return true; var { x: r, y: o } = e, f = this.a.redMul(r), p = r.redSqr().redMul(r).redIAdd(f).redIAdd(this.b); return o.redSqr().redISub(p).cmpn(0) === 0; }; xr.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd = function(e, r, o) { for (var f = this._endoWnafT1, p = this._endoWnafT2, m2 = 0;m2 < e.length; m2++) { var y2 = this._endoSplit(r[m2]), M = e[m2], x = M._getBeta(); y2.k1.negative && (y2.k1.ineg(), M = M.neg(true)), y2.k2.negative && (y2.k2.ineg(), x = x.neg(true)), f[m2 * 2] = M, f[m2 * 2 + 1] = x, p[m2 * 2] = y2.k1, p[m2 * 2 + 1] = y2.k2; } for (var S = this._wnafMulAdd(1, f, p, m2 * 2, o), E2 = 0;E2 < m2 * 2; E2++) f[E2] = null, p[E2] = null; return S; }; function Ct(t, e, r, o) {, t, "affine"), e === null && r === null ? (this.x = null, this.y = null, this.inf = true) : (this.x = new lt(e, 16), this.y = new lt(r, 16), o && (this.x.forceRed(, this.y.forceRed(, || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.y = this.y.toRed(, this.inf = false); } Dl(Ct, Bf.BasePoint); xr.prototype.point = function(e, r, o) { return new Ct(this, e, r, o); }; xr.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(e, r) { return Ct.fromJSON(this, e, r); }; Ct.prototype._getBeta = function() { if (!!this.curve.endo) { var e = this.precomputed; if (e && e.beta) return e.beta; var r = this.curve.point(this.x.redMul(this.curve.endo.beta), this.y); if (e) { var o = this.curve, f = function(p) { return o.point(p.x.redMul(o.endo.beta), p.y); }; e.beta = r, r.precomputed = { beta: null, naf: e.naf && { wnd: e.naf.wnd, points: }, doubles: e.doubles && { step: e.doubles.step, points: } }; } return r; } }; Ct.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.precomputed ? [this.x, this.y, this.precomputed && { doubles: this.precomputed.doubles && { step: this.precomputed.doubles.step, points: this.precomputed.doubles.points.slice(1) }, naf: this.precomputed.naf && { wnd: this.precomputed.naf.wnd, points: this.precomputed.naf.points.slice(1) } }] : [this.x, this.y]; }; Ct.fromJSON = function(e, r, o) { typeof r == "string" && (r = JSON.parse(r)); var f = e.point(r[0], r[1], o); if (!r[2]) return f; function p(y2) { return e.point(y2[0], y2[1], o); } var m2 = r[2]; return f.precomputed = { beta: null, doubles: m2.doubles && { step: m2.doubles.step, points: [f].concat( }, naf: m2.naf && { wnd: m2.naf.wnd, points: [f].concat( } }, f; }; Ct.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? "" : ""; }; Ct.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return this.inf; }; Ct.prototype.add = function(e) { if (this.inf) return e; if (e.inf) return this; if (this.eq(e)) return this.dbl(); if (this.neg().eq(e)) return this.curve.point(null, null); if (this.x.cmp(e.x) === 0) return this.curve.point(null, null); var r = this.y.redSub(e.y); r.cmpn(0) !== 0 && (r = r.redMul(this.x.redSub(e.x).redInvm())); var o = r.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(e.x), f = r.redMul(this.x.redSub(o)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(o, f); }; Ct.prototype.dbl = function() { if (this.inf) return this; var e = this.y.redAdd(this.y); if (e.cmpn(0) === 0) return this.curve.point(null, null); var r = this.curve.a, o = this.x.redSqr(), f = e.redInvm(), p = o.redAdd(o).redIAdd(o).redIAdd(r).redMul(f), m2 = p.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)), y2 = p.redMul(this.x.redSub(m2)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(m2, y2); }; Ct.prototype.getX = function() { return this.x.fromRed(); }; Ct.prototype.getY = function() { return this.y.fromRed(); }; Ct.prototype.mul = function(e) { return e = new lt(e, 16), this.isInfinity() ? this : this._hasDoubles(e) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, e) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [e]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }; Ct.prototype.mulAdd = function(e, r, o) { var f = [this, r], p = [e, o]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(f, p) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, f, p, 2); }; Ct.prototype.jmulAdd = function(e, r, o) { var f = [this, r], p = [e, o]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(f, p, true) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, f, p, 2, true); }; Ct.prototype.eq = function(e) { return this === e || this.inf === e.inf && (this.inf || this.x.cmp(e.x) === 0 && this.y.cmp(e.y) === 0); }; Ct.prototype.neg = function(e) { if (this.inf) return this; var r = this.curve.point(this.x, this.y.redNeg()); if (e && this.precomputed) { var o = this.precomputed, f = function(p) { return p.neg(); }; r.precomputed = { naf: o.naf && { wnd: o.naf.wnd, points: }, doubles: o.doubles && { step: o.doubles.step, points: } }; } return r; }; Ct.prototype.toJ = function() { if (this.inf) return this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null); var e = this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y,; return e; }; function Wt(t, e, r, o) {, t, "jacobian"), e === null && r === null && o === null ? (this.x =, this.y =, this.z = new lt(0)) : (this.x = new lt(e, 16), this.y = new lt(r, 16), this.z = new lt(o, 16)), || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.y = this.y.toRed(, || (this.z = this.z.toRed(, this.zOne = this.z ===; } Dl(Wt, Bf.BasePoint); xr.prototype.jpoint = function(e, r, o) { return new Wt(this, e, r, o); }; Wt.prototype.toP = function() { if (this.isInfinity()) return this.curve.point(null, null); var e = this.z.redInvm(), r = e.redSqr(), o = this.x.redMul(r), f = this.y.redMul(r).redMul(e); return this.curve.point(o, f); }; Wt.prototype.neg = function() { return this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z); }; Wt.prototype.add = function(e) { if (this.isInfinity()) return e; if (e.isInfinity()) return this; var r = e.z.redSqr(), o = this.z.redSqr(), f = this.x.redMul(r), p = e.x.redMul(o), m2 = this.y.redMul(r.redMul(e.z)), y2 = e.y.redMul(o.redMul(this.z)), M = f.redSub(p), x = m2.redSub(y2); if (M.cmpn(0) === 0) return x.cmpn(0) !== 0 ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var S = M.redSqr(), E2 = S.redMul(M), B = f.redMul(S), q2 = x.redSqr().redIAdd(E2).redISub(B).redISub(B), L2 = x.redMul(B.redISub(q2)).redISub(m2.redMul(E2)), ge = this.z.redMul(e.z).redMul(M); return this.curve.jpoint(q2, L2, ge); }; Wt.prototype.mixedAdd = function(e) { if (this.isInfinity()) return e.toJ(); if (e.isInfinity()) return this; var r = this.z.redSqr(), o = this.x, f = e.x.redMul(r), p = this.y, m2 = e.y.redMul(r).redMul(this.z), y2 = o.redSub(f), M = p.redSub(m2); if (y2.cmpn(0) === 0) return M.cmpn(0) !== 0 ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var x = y2.redSqr(), S = x.redMul(y2), E2 = o.redMul(x), B = M.redSqr().redIAdd(S).redISub(E2).redISub(E2), q2 = M.redMul(E2.redISub(B)).redISub(p.redMul(S)), L2 = this.z.redMul(y2); return this.curve.jpoint(B, q2, L2); }; Wt.prototype.dblp = function(e) { if (e === 0) return this; if (this.isInfinity()) return this; if (!e) return this.dbl(); var r; if (this.curve.zeroA || this.curve.threeA) { var o = this; for (r = 0;r < e; r++) o = o.dbl(); return o; } var f = this.curve.a, p = this.curve.tinv, m2 = this.x, y2 = this.y, M = this.z, x = M.redSqr().redSqr(), S = y2.redAdd(y2); for (r = 0;r < e; r++) { var E2 = m2.redSqr(), B = S.redSqr(), q2 = B.redSqr(), L2 = E2.redAdd(E2).redIAdd(E2).redIAdd(f.redMul(x)), ge = m2.redMul(B), _e = L2.redSqr().redISub(ge.redAdd(ge)), N = ge.redISub(_e), we = L2.redMul(N); we = we.redIAdd(we).redISub(q2); var ye = S.redMul(M); r + 1 < e && (x = x.redMul(q2)), m2 = _e, M = ye, S = we; } return this.curve.jpoint(m2, S.redMul(p), M); }; Wt.prototype.dbl = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.zeroA ? this._zeroDbl() : this.curve.threeA ? this._threeDbl() : this._dbl(); }; Wt.prototype._zeroDbl = function() { var e, r, o; if (this.zOne) { var f = this.x.redSqr(), p = this.y.redSqr(), m2 = p.redSqr(), y2 = this.x.redAdd(p).redSqr().redISub(f).redISub(m2); y2 = y2.redIAdd(y2); var M = f.redAdd(f).redIAdd(f), x = M.redSqr().redISub(y2).redISub(y2), S = m2.redIAdd(m2); S = S.redIAdd(S), S = S.redIAdd(S), e = x, r = M.redMul(y2.redISub(x)).redISub(S), o = this.y.redAdd(this.y); } else { var E2 = this.x.redSqr(), B = this.y.redSqr(), q2 = B.redSqr(), L2 = this.x.redAdd(B).redSqr().redISub(E2).redISub(q2); L2 = L2.redIAdd(L2); var ge = E2.redAdd(E2).redIAdd(E2), _e = ge.redSqr(), N = q2.redIAdd(q2); N = N.redIAdd(N), N = N.redIAdd(N), e = _e.redISub(L2).redISub(L2), r = ge.redMul(L2.redISub(e)).redISub(N), o = this.y.redMul(this.z), o = o.redIAdd(o); } return this.curve.jpoint(e, r, o); }; Wt.prototype._threeDbl = function() { var e, r, o; if (this.zOne) { var f = this.x.redSqr(), p = this.y.redSqr(), m2 = p.redSqr(), y2 = this.x.redAdd(p).redSqr().redISub(f).redISub(m2); y2 = y2.redIAdd(y2); var M = f.redAdd(f).redIAdd(f).redIAdd(this.curve.a), x = M.redSqr().redISub(y2).redISub(y2); e = x; var S = m2.redIAdd(m2); S = S.redIAdd(S), S = S.redIAdd(S), r = M.redMul(y2.redISub(x)).redISub(S), o = this.y.redAdd(this.y); } else { var E2 = this.z.redSqr(), B = this.y.redSqr(), q2 = this.x.redMul(B), L2 = this.x.redSub(E2).redMul(this.x.redAdd(E2)); L2 = L2.redAdd(L2).redIAdd(L2); var ge = q2.redIAdd(q2); ge = ge.redIAdd(ge); var _e = ge.redAdd(ge); e = L2.redSqr().redISub(_e), o = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(B).redISub(E2); var N = B.redSqr(); N = N.redIAdd(N), N = N.redIAdd(N), N = N.redIAdd(N), r = L2.redMul(ge.redISub(e)).redISub(N); } return this.curve.jpoint(e, r, o); }; Wt.prototype._dbl = function() { var e = this.curve.a, r = this.x, o = this.y, f = this.z, p = f.redSqr().redSqr(), m2 = r.redSqr(), y2 = o.redSqr(), M = m2.redAdd(m2).redIAdd(m2).redIAdd(e.redMul(p)), x = r.redAdd(r); x = x.redIAdd(x); var S = x.redMul(y2), E2 = M.redSqr().redISub(S.redAdd(S)), B = S.redISub(E2), q2 = y2.redSqr(); q2 = q2.redIAdd(q2), q2 = q2.redIAdd(q2), q2 = q2.redIAdd(q2); var L2 = M.redMul(B).redISub(q2), ge = o.redAdd(o).redMul(f); return this.curve.jpoint(E2, L2, ge); }; Wt.prototype.trpl = function() { if (!this.curve.zeroA) return this.dbl().add(this); var e = this.x.redSqr(), r = this.y.redSqr(), o = this.z.redSqr(), f = r.redSqr(), p = e.redAdd(e).redIAdd(e), m2 = p.redSqr(), y2 = this.x.redAdd(r).redSqr().redISub(e).redISub(f); y2 = y2.redIAdd(y2), y2 = y2.redAdd(y2).redIAdd(y2), y2 = y2.redISub(m2); var M = y2.redSqr(), x = f.redIAdd(f); x = x.redIAdd(x), x = x.redIAdd(x), x = x.redIAdd(x); var S = p.redIAdd(y2).redSqr().redISub(m2).redISub(M).redISub(x), E2 = r.redMul(S); E2 = E2.redIAdd(E2), E2 = E2.redIAdd(E2); var B = this.x.redMul(M).redISub(E2); B = B.redIAdd(B), B = B.redIAdd(B); var q2 = this.y.redMul(S.redMul(x.redISub(S)).redISub(y2.redMul(M))); q2 = q2.redIAdd(q2), q2 = q2.redIAdd(q2), q2 = q2.redIAdd(q2); var L2 = this.z.redAdd(y2).redSqr().redISub(o).redISub(M); return this.curve.jpoint(B, q2, L2); }; Wt.prototype.mul = function(e, r) { return e = new lt(e, r), this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }; Wt.prototype.eq = function(e) { if (e.type === "affine") return this.eq(e.toJ()); if (this === e) return true; var r = this.z.redSqr(), o = e.z.redSqr(); if (this.x.redMul(o).redISub(e.x.redMul(r)).cmpn(0) !== 0) return false; var f = r.redMul(this.z), p = o.redMul(e.z); return this.y.redMul(p).redISub(e.y.redMul(f)).cmpn(0) === 0; }; Wt.prototype.eqXToP = function(e) { var r = this.z.redSqr(), o = e.toRed(; if (this.x.cmp(o) === 0) return true; for (var f = e.clone(), p = this.curve.redN.redMul(r);; ) { if (f.iadd(this.curve.n), f.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0) return false; if (o.redIAdd(p), this.x.cmp(o) === 0) return true; } }; Wt.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? "" : ""; }; Wt.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0; }; }); y2 = T2((Ek, g2) => { var qf = ri(), m2 = Ie(), Gs = Oa(), MA = or(); function If(t) {, "mont", t), this.a = new qf(t.a, 16).toRed(, this.b = new qf(t.b, 16).toRed(, this.i4 = new qf(4).toRed(, this.two = new qf(2).toRed(, this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two)); } m2(If, Gs); g2.exports = If; If.prototype.validate = function(e) { var r = e.normalize().x, o = r.redSqr(), f = o.redMul(r).redAdd(o.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(r), p = f.redSqrt(); return p.redSqr().cmp(f) === 0; }; function Ot(t, e, r) {, t, "projective"), e === null && r === null ? (this.x =, this.z = : (this.x = new qf(e, 16), this.z = new qf(r, 16), || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.z = this.z.toRed(; } m2(Ot, Gs.BasePoint); If.prototype.decodePoint = function(e, r) { return this.point(MA.toArray(e, r), 1); }; If.prototype.point = function(e, r) { return new Ot(this, e, r); }; If.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(e) { return Ot.fromJSON(this, e); }; Ot.prototype.precompute = function() { }; Ot.prototype._encode = function() { return this.getX().toArray("be", this.curve.p.byteLength()); }; Ot.fromJSON = function(e, r) { return new Ot(e, r[0], r[1] ||; }; Ot.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? "" : ""; }; Ot.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0; }; Ot.prototype.dbl = function() { var e = this.x.redAdd(this.z), r = e.redSqr(), o = this.x.redSub(this.z), f = o.redSqr(), p = r.redSub(f), m3 = r.redMul(f), y3 = p.redMul(f.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(p))); return this.curve.point(m3, y3); }; Ot.prototype.add = function() { throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve"); }; Ot.prototype.diffAdd = function(e, r) { var o = this.x.redAdd(this.z), f = this.x.redSub(this.z), p = e.x.redAdd(e.z), m3 = e.x.redSub(e.z), y3 = m3.redMul(o), M = p.redMul(f), x = r.z.redMul(y3.redAdd(M).redSqr()), S = r.x.redMul(y3.redISub(M).redSqr()); return this.curve.point(x, S); }; Ot.prototype.mul = function(e) { for (var r = e.clone(), o = this, f = this.curve.point(null, null), p = this, m3 = [];r.cmpn(0) !== 0; r.iushrn(1)) m3.push(r.andln(1)); for (var y3 = m3.length - 1;y3 >= 0; y3--) m3[y3] === 0 ? (o = o.diffAdd(f, p), f = f.dbl()) : (f = o.diffAdd(f, p), o = o.dbl()); return f; }; Ot.prototype.mulAdd = function() { throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve"); }; Ot.prototype.jumlAdd = function() { throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve"); }; Ot.prototype.eq = function(e) { return this.getX().cmp(e.getX()) === 0; }; Ot.prototype.normalize = function() { return this.x = this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm()), this.z =, this; }; Ot.prototype.getX = function() { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }; }); _2 = T2((Ak, M2) => { var _A = or(), Ai = ri(), w2 = Ie(), Ys = Oa(), xA = _A.assert; function ii(t) { this.twisted = (t.a | 0) !== 1, this.mOneA = this.twisted && (t.a | 0) === -1, this.extended = this.mOneA,, "edwards", t), this.a = new Ai(t.a, 16).umod(, this.a = this.a.toRed(, this.c = new Ai(t.c, 16).toRed(, this.c2 = this.c.redSqr(), this.d = new Ai(t.d, 16).toRed(, this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d), xA(!this.twisted || this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0), this.oneC = (t.c | 0) === 1; } w2(ii, Ys); M2.exports = ii; ii.prototype._mulA = function(e) { return this.mOneA ? e.redNeg() : this.a.redMul(e); }; ii.prototype._mulC = function(e) { return this.oneC ? e : this.c.redMul(e); }; ii.prototype.jpoint = function(e, r, o, f) { return this.point(e, r, o, f); }; ii.prototype.pointFromX = function(e, r) { e = new Ai(e, 16), || (e = e.toRed(; var o = e.redSqr(), f = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(o)), p =, m2 = f.redMul(p.redInvm()), y3 = m2.redSqrt(); if (y3.redSqr().redSub(m2).cmp( !== 0) throw new Error("invalid point"); var M = y3.fromRed().isOdd(); return (r && !M || !r && M) && (y3 = y3.redNeg()), this.point(e, y3); }; ii.prototype.pointFromY = function(e, r) { e = new Ai(e, 16), || (e = e.toRed(; var o = e.redSqr(), f = o.redSub(this.c2), p = o.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a), m2 = f.redMul(p.redInvm()); if (m2.cmp( === 0) { if (r) throw new Error("invalid point"); return this.point(, e); } var y3 = m2.redSqrt(); if (y3.redSqr().redSub(m2).cmp( !== 0) throw new Error("invalid point"); return y3.fromRed().isOdd() !== r && (y3 = y3.redNeg()), this.point(y3, e); }; ii.prototype.validate = function(e) { if (e.isInfinity()) return true; e.normalize(); var r = e.x.redSqr(), o = e.y.redSqr(), f = r.redMul(this.a).redAdd(o), p = this.c2.redMul(; return f.cmp(p) === 0; }; function at(t, e, r, o, f) {, t, "projective"), e === null && r === null && o === null ? (this.x =, this.y =, this.z =, this.t =, this.zOne = true) : (this.x = new Ai(e, 16), this.y = new Ai(r, 16), this.z = o ? new Ai(o, 16) :, this.t = f && new Ai(f, 16), || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.y = this.y.toRed(, || (this.z = this.z.toRed(, this.t && ! && (this.t = this.t.toRed(, this.zOne = this.z ===, this.curve.extended && !this.t && (this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm())))); } w2(at, Ys.BasePoint); ii.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(e) { return at.fromJSON(this, e); }; ii.prototype.point = function(e, r, o, f) { return new at(this, e, r, o, f); }; at.fromJSON = function(e, r) { return new at(e, r[0], r[1], r[2]); }; at.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? "" : ""; }; at.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return this.x.cmpn(0) === 0 && (this.y.cmp(this.z) === 0 || this.zOne && this.y.cmp(this.curve.c) === 0); }; at.prototype._extDbl = function() { var e = this.x.redSqr(), r = this.y.redSqr(), o = this.z.redSqr(); o = o.redIAdd(o); var f = this.curve._mulA(e), p = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(e).redISub(r), m2 = f.redAdd(r), y3 = m2.redSub(o), M = f.redSub(r), x = p.redMul(y3), S = m2.redMul(M), E2 = p.redMul(M), B = y3.redMul(m2); return this.curve.point(x, S, B, E2); }; at.prototype._projDbl = function() { var e = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(), r = this.x.redSqr(), o = this.y.redSqr(), f, p, m2, y3, M, x; if (this.curve.twisted) { y3 = this.curve._mulA(r); var S = y3.redAdd(o); this.zOne ? (f = e.redSub(r).redSub(o).redMul(S.redSub(this.curve.two)), p = S.redMul(y3.redSub(o)), m2 = S.redSqr().redSub(S).redSub(S)) : (M = this.z.redSqr(), x = S.redSub(M).redISub(M), f = e.redSub(r).redISub(o).redMul(x), p = S.redMul(y3.redSub(o)), m2 = S.redMul(x)); } else y3 = r.redAdd(o), M = this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr(), x = y3.redSub(M).redSub(M), f = this.curve._mulC(e.redISub(y3)).redMul(x), p = this.curve._mulC(y3).redMul(r.redISub(o)), m2 = y3.redMul(x); return this.curve.point(f, p, m2); }; at.prototype.dbl = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extDbl() : this._projDbl(); }; at.prototype._extAdd = function(e) { var r = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(e.y.redSub(e.x)), o = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(e.y.redAdd(e.x)), f = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(e.t), p = this.z.redMul(e.z.redAdd(e.z)), m2 = o.redSub(r), y3 = p.redSub(f), M = p.redAdd(f), x = o.redAdd(r), S = m2.redMul(y3), E2 = M.redMul(x), B = m2.redMul(x), q2 = y3.redMul(M); return this.curve.point(S, E2, q2, B); }; at.prototype._projAdd = function(e) { var r = this.z.redMul(e.z), o = r.redSqr(), f = this.x.redMul(e.x), p = this.y.redMul(e.y), m2 = this.curve.d.redMul(f).redMul(p), y3 = o.redSub(m2), M = o.redAdd(m2), x = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(e.x.redAdd(e.y)).redISub(f).redISub(p), S = r.redMul(y3).redMul(x), E2, B; return this.curve.twisted ? (E2 = r.redMul(M).redMul(p.redSub(this.curve._mulA(f))), B = y3.redMul(M)) : (E2 = r.redMul(M).redMul(p.redSub(f)), B = this.curve._mulC(y3).redMul(M)), this.curve.point(S, E2, B); }; at.prototype.add = function(e) { return this.isInfinity() ? e : e.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extAdd(e) : this._projAdd(e); }; at.prototype.mul = function(e) { return this._hasDoubles(e) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, e) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }; at.prototype.mulAdd = function(e, r, o) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, r], [e, o], 2, false); }; at.prototype.jmulAdd = function(e, r, o) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, r], [e, o], 2, true); }; at.prototype.normalize = function() { if (this.zOne) return this; var e = this.z.redInvm(); return this.x = this.x.redMul(e), this.y = this.y.redMul(e), this.t && (this.t = this.t.redMul(e)), this.z =, this.zOne = true, this; }; at.prototype.neg = function() { return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(), this.y, this.z, this.t && this.t.redNeg()); }; at.prototype.getX = function() { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }; at.prototype.getY = function() { return this.normalize(), this.y.fromRed(); }; at.prototype.eq = function(e) { return this === e || this.getX().cmp(e.getX()) === 0 && this.getY().cmp(e.getY()) === 0; }; at.prototype.eqXToP = function(e) { var r = e.toRed(; if (this.x.cmp(r) === 0) return true; for (var o = e.clone(), f = this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z);; ) { if (o.iadd(this.curve.n), o.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0) return false; if (r.redIAdd(f), this.x.cmp(r) === 0) return true; } }; at.prototype.toP = at.prototype.normalize; at.prototype.mixedAdd = at.prototype.add; }); Pl = T2((x2) => { var Xs = x2; Xs.base = Oa(); Xs.short = b2(); Xs.mont = y2(); Xs.edwards = _2(); }); Cr = T2((it) => { var SA = ar(), EA = Ie(); it.inherits = EA; function AA(t, e) { return (t.charCodeAt(e) & 64512) !== 55296 || e < 0 || e + 1 >= t.length ? false : (t.charCodeAt(e + 1) & 64512) === 56320; } function RA(t, e) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t.slice(); if (!t) return []; var r = []; if (typeof t == "string") if (e) { if (e === "hex") for (t = t.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, ""), t.length % 2 !== 0 && (t = "0" + t), f = 0;f < t.length; f += 2) r.push(parseInt(t[f] + t[f + 1], 16)); } else for (var o = 0, f = 0;f < t.length; f++) { var p = t.charCodeAt(f); p < 128 ? r[o++] = p : p < 2048 ? (r[o++] = p >> 6 | 192, r[o++] = p & 63 | 128) : AA(t, f) ? (p = 65536 + ((p & 1023) << 10) + (t.charCodeAt(++f) & 1023), r[o++] = p >> 18 | 240, r[o++] = p >> 12 & 63 | 128, r[o++] = p >> 6 & 63 | 128, r[o++] = p & 63 | 128) : (r[o++] = p >> 12 | 224, r[o++] = p >> 6 & 63 | 128, r[o++] = p & 63 | 128); } else for (f = 0;f < t.length; f++) r[f] = t[f] | 0; return r; } it.toArray = RA; function BA(t) { for (var e = "", r = 0;r < t.length; r++) e += E2(t[r].toString(16)); return e; } it.toHex = BA; function S2(t) { var e = t >>> 24 | t >>> 8 & 65280 | t << 8 & 16711680 | (t & 255) << 24; return e >>> 0; } it.htonl = S2; function qA(t, e) { for (var r = "", o = 0;o < t.length; o++) { var f = t[o]; e === "little" && (f = S2(f)), r += A2(f.toString(16)); } return r; } it.toHex32 = qA; function E2(t) { return t.length === 1 ? "0" + t : t; } it.zero2 = E2; function A2(t) { return t.length === 7 ? "0" + t : t.length === 6 ? "00" + t : t.length === 5 ? "000" + t : t.length === 4 ? "0000" + t : t.length === 3 ? "00000" + t : t.length === 2 ? "000000" + t : t.length === 1 ? "0000000" + t : t; } it.zero8 = A2; function IA(t, e, r, o) { var f = r - e; SA(f % 4 === 0); for (var p = new Array(f / 4), m2 = 0, y3 = e;m2 < p.length; m2++, y3 += 4) { var M; o === "big" ? M = t[y3] << 24 | t[y3 + 1] << 16 | t[y3 + 2] << 8 | t[y3 + 3] : M = t[y3 + 3] << 24 | t[y3 + 2] << 16 | t[y3 + 1] << 8 | t[y3], p[m2] = M >>> 0; } return p; } it.join32 = IA; function TA(t, e) { for (var r = new Array(t.length * 4), o = 0, f = 0;o < t.length; o++, f += 4) { var p = t[o]; e === "big" ? (r[f] = p >>> 24, r[f + 1] = p >>> 16 & 255, r[f + 2] = p >>> 8 & 255, r[f + 3] = p & 255) : (r[f + 3] = p >>> 24, r[f + 2] = p >>> 16 & 255, r[f + 1] = p >>> 8 & 255, r[f] = p & 255); } return r; } it.split32 = TA; function kA(t, e) { return t >>> e | t << 32 - e; } it.rotr32 = kA; function LA(t, e) { return t << e | t >>> 32 - e; } it.rotl32 = LA; function NA(t, e) { return t + e >>> 0; } it.sum32 = NA; function DA(t, e, r) { return t + e + r >>> 0; } it.sum32_3 = DA; function PA(t, e, r, o) { return t + e + r + o >>> 0; } it.sum32_4 = PA; function CA(t, e, r, o, f) { return t + e + r + o + f >>> 0; } it.sum32_5 = CA; function OA(t, e, r, o) { var f = t[e], p = t[e + 1], m2 = o + p >>> 0, y3 = (m2 < o ? 1 : 0) + r + f; t[e] = y3 >>> 0, t[e + 1] = m2; } it.sum64 = OA; function FA(t, e, r, o) { var f = e + o >>> 0, p = (f < e ? 1 : 0) + t + r; return p >>> 0; } it.sum64_hi = FA; function UA(t, e, r, o) { var f = e + o; return f >>> 0; } it.sum64_lo = UA; function zA(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y3) { var M = 0, x = e; x = x + o >>> 0, M += x < e ? 1 : 0, x = x + p >>> 0, M += x < p ? 1 : 0, x = x + y3 >>> 0, M += x < y3 ? 1 : 0; var S = t + r + f + m2 + M; return S >>> 0; } it.sum64_4_hi = zA; function HA(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y3) { var M = e + o + p + y3; return M >>> 0; } it.sum64_4_lo = HA; function WA(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y3, M, x) { var S = 0, E3 = e; E3 = E3 + o >>> 0, S += E3 < e ? 1 : 0, E3 = E3 + p >>> 0, S += E3 < p ? 1 : 0, E3 = E3 + y3 >>> 0, S += E3 < y3 ? 1 : 0, E3 = E3 + x >>> 0, S += E3 < x ? 1 : 0; var B = t + r + f + m2 + M + S; return B >>> 0; } it.sum64_5_hi = WA; function KA(t, e, r, o, f, p, m2, y3, M, x) { var S = e + o + p + y3 + x; return S >>> 0; } it.sum64_5_lo = KA; function jA(t, e, r) { var o = e << 32 - r | t >>> r; return o >>> 0; } it.rotr64_hi = jA; function ZA(t, e, r) { var o = t << 32 - r | e >>> r; return o >>> 0; } it.rotr64_lo = ZA; function VA(t, e, r) { return t >>> r; } it.shr64_hi = VA; function $A(t, e, r) { var o = t << 32 - r | e >>> r; return o >>> 0; } it.shr64_lo = $A; }); Tf = T2((B2) => { var R2 = Cr(), GA = ar(); function Js() { this.pending = null, this.pendingTotal = 0, this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize, this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize, this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength, this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8, this.endian = "big", this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8, this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32; } B2.BlockHash = Js; Js.prototype.update = function(e, r) { if (e = R2.toArray(e, r), this.pending ? this.pending = this.pending.concat(e) : this.pending = e, this.pendingTotal += e.length, this.pending.length >= this._delta8) { e = this.pending; var o = e.length % this._delta8; this.pending = e.slice(e.length - o, e.length), this.pending.length === 0 && (this.pending = null), e = R2.join32(e, 0, e.length - o, this.endian); for (var f = 0;f < e.length; f += this._delta32) this._update(e, f, f + this._delta32); } return this; }; Js.prototype.digest = function(e) { return this.update(this._pad()), GA(this.pending === null), this._digest(e); }; Js.prototype._pad = function() { var e = this.pendingTotal, r = this._delta8, o = r - (e + this.padLength) % r, f = new Array(o + this.padLength); f[0] = 128; for (var p = 1;p < o; p++) f[p] = 0; if (e <<= 3, this.endian === "big") { for (var m2 = 8;m2 < this.padLength; m2++) f[p++] = 0; f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = e >>> 24 & 255, f[p++] = e >>> 16 & 255, f[p++] = e >>> 8 & 255, f[p++] = e & 255; } else for (f[p++] = e & 255, f[p++] = e >>> 8 & 255, f[p++] = e >>> 16 & 255, f[p++] = e >>> 24 & 255, f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = 0, f[p++] = 0, m2 = 8;m2 < this.padLength; m2++) f[p++] = 0; return f; }; }); Cl = T2((Ri) => { var YA = Cr(), ni = YA.rotr32; function XA(t, e, r, o) { if (t === 0) return q2(e, r, o); if (t === 1 || t === 3) return T22(e, r, o); if (t === 2) return I2(e, r, o); } Ri.ft_1 = XA; function q2(t, e, r) { return t & e ^ ~t & r; } Ri.ch32 = q2; function I2(t, e, r) { return t & e ^ t & r ^ e & r; } Ri.maj32 = I2; function T22(t, e, r) { return t ^ e ^ r; } Ri.p32 = T22; function JA(t) { return ni(t, 2) ^ ni(t, 13) ^ ni(t, 22); } Ri.s0_256 = JA; function QA(t) { return ni(t, 6) ^ ni(t, 11) ^ ni(t, 25); } Ri.s1_256 = QA; function eR(t) { return ni(t, 7) ^ ni(t, 18) ^ t >>> 3; } Ri.g0_256 = eR; function tR(t) { return ni(t, 17) ^ ni(t, 19) ^ t >>> 10; } Ri.g1_256 = tR; }); N2 = T2((Tk, L2) => { var kf = Cr(), rR = Tf(), iR = Cl(), Ol = kf.rotl32, Fa = kf.sum32, nR = kf.sum32_5, fR = iR.ft_1, k2 = rR.BlockHash, aR = [1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 3395469782]; function fi() { if (!(this instanceof fi)) return new fi;, this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520], this.W = new Array(80); } kf.inherits(fi, k2); L2.exports = fi; fi.blockSize = 512; fi.outSize = 160; fi.hmacStrength = 80; fi.padLength = 64; fi.prototype._update = function(e, r) { for (var o = this.W, f = 0;f < 16; f++) o[f] = e[r + f]; for (;f < o.length; f++) o[f] = Ol(o[f - 3] ^ o[f - 8] ^ o[f - 14] ^ o[f - 16], 1); var p = this.h[0], m2 = this.h[1], y3 = this.h[2], M = this.h[3], x = this.h[4]; for (f = 0;f < o.length; f++) { var S = ~~(f / 20), E2 = nR(Ol(p, 5), fR(S, m2, y3, M), x, o[f], aR[S]); x = M, M = y3, y3 = Ol(m2, 30), m2 = p, p = E2; } this.h[0] = Fa(this.h[0], p), this.h[1] = Fa(this.h[1], m2), this.h[2] = Fa(this.h[2], y3), this.h[3] = Fa(this.h[3], M), this.h[4] = Fa(this.h[4], x); }; fi.prototype._digest = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? kf.toHex32(this.h, "big") : kf.split32(this.h, "big"); }; }); Fl = T2((kk, P2) => { var Lf = Cr(), oR = Tf(), Nf = Cl(), sR = ar(), Or = Lf.sum32, hR = Lf.sum32_4, uR = Lf.sum32_5, lR = Nf.ch32, dR = Nf.maj32, cR = Nf.s0_256, pR = Nf.s1_256, vR = Nf.g0_256, bR = Nf.g1_256, D2 = oR.BlockHash, mR = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]; function ai() { if (!(this instanceof ai)) return new ai;, this.h = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225], this.k = mR, this.W = new Array(64); } Lf.inherits(ai, D2); P2.exports = ai; ai.blockSize = 512; ai.outSize = 256; ai.hmacStrength = 192; ai.padLength = 64; ai.prototype._update = function(e, r) { for (var o = this.W, f = 0;f < 16; f++) o[f] = e[r + f]; for (;f < o.length; f++) o[f] = hR(bR(o[f - 2]), o[f - 7], vR(o[f - 15]), o[f - 16]); var p = this.h[0], m2 = this.h[1], y3 = this.h[2], M = this.h[3], x = this.h[4], S = this.h[5], E2 = this.h[6], B = this.h[7]; for (sR(this.k.length === o.length), f = 0;f < o.length; f++) { var q2 = uR(B, pR(x), lR(x, S, E2), this.k[f], o[f]), L2 = Or(cR(p), dR(p, m2, y3)); B = E2, E2 = S, S = x, x = Or(M, q2), M = y3, y3 = m2, m2 = p, p = Or(q2, L2); } this.h[0] = Or(this.h[0], p), this.h[1] = Or(this.h[1], m2), this.h[2] = Or(this.h[2], y3), this.h[3] = Or(this.h[3], M), this.h[4] = Or(this.h[4], x), this.h[5] = Or(this.h[5], S), this.h[6] = Or(this.h[6], E2), this.h[7] = Or(this.h[7], B); }; ai.prototype._digest = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? Lf.toHex32(this.h, "big") : Lf.split32(this.h, "big"); }; }); F2 = T2((Lk, O2) => { var Ul = Cr(), C2 = Fl(); function Bi() { if (!(this instanceof Bi)) return new Bi;, this.h = [3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428]; } Ul.inherits(Bi, C2); O2.exports = Bi; Bi.blockSize = 512; Bi.outSize = 224; Bi.hmacStrength = 192; Bi.padLength = 64; Bi.prototype._digest = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? Ul.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big") : Ul.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big"); }; }); Wl = T2((Nk, W2) => { var ir = Cr(), gR = Tf(), yR = ar(), oi = ir.rotr64_hi, si = ir.rotr64_lo, U2 = ir.shr64_hi, z2 = ir.shr64_lo, Ji = ir.sum64, zl = ir.sum64_hi, Hl = ir.sum64_lo, wR = ir.sum64_4_hi, MR = ir.sum64_4_lo, _R = ir.sum64_5_hi, xR = ir.sum64_5_lo, H2 = gR.BlockHash, SR = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591]; function Fr() { if (!(this instanceof Fr)) return new Fr;, this.h = [1779033703, 4089235720, 3144134277, 2227873595, 1013904242, 4271175723, 2773480762, 1595750129, 1359893119, 2917565137, 2600822924, 725511199, 528734635, 4215389547, 1541459225, 327033209], this.k = SR, this.W = new Array(160); } ir.inherits(Fr, H2); W2.exports = Fr; Fr.blockSize = 1024; Fr.outSize = 512; Fr.hmacStrength = 192; Fr.padLength = 128; Fr.prototype._prepareBlock = function(e, r) { for (var o = this.W, f = 0;f < 32; f++) o[f] = e[r + f]; for (;f < o.length; f += 2) { var p = DR(o[f - 4], o[f - 3]), m2 = PR(o[f - 4], o[f - 3]), y3 = o[f - 14], M = o[f - 13], x = LR(o[f - 30], o[f - 29]), S = NR(o[f - 30], o[f - 29]), E2 = o[f - 32], B = o[f - 31]; o[f] = wR(p, m2, y3, M, x, S, E2, B), o[f + 1] = MR(p, m2, y3, M, x, S, E2, B); } }; Fr.prototype._update = function(e, r) { this._prepareBlock(e, r); var o = this.W, f = this.h[0], p = this.h[1], m2 = this.h[2], y3 = this.h[3], M = this.h[4], x = this.h[5], S = this.h[6], E2 = this.h[7], B = this.h[8], q2 = this.h[9], L2 = this.h[10], ge = this.h[11], _e = this.h[12], N = this.h[13], we = this.h[14], ye = this.h[15]; yR(this.k.length === o.length); for (var xe = 0;xe < o.length; xe += 2) { var Re = we, Ee = ye, Ae = TR(B, q2), P = kR(B, q2), Se = ER(B, q2, L2, ge, _e, N), v = AR(B, q2, L2, ge, _e, N), i = this.k[xe], a = this.k[xe + 1], h2 = o[xe], s = o[xe + 1], u = _R(Re, Ee, Ae, P, Se, v, i, a, h2, s), c = xR(Re, Ee, Ae, P, Se, v, i, a, h2, s); Re = qR(f, p), Ee = IR(f, p), Ae = RR(f, p, m2, y3, M, x), P = BR(f, p, m2, y3, M, x); var b3 = zl(Re, Ee, Ae, P), l = Hl(Re, Ee, Ae, P); we = _e, ye = N, _e = L2, N = ge, L2 = B, ge = q2, B = zl(S, E2, u, c), q2 = Hl(E2, E2, u, c), S = M, E2 = x, M = m2, x = y3, m2 = f, y3 = p, f = zl(u, c, b3, l), p = Hl(u, c, b3, l); } Ji(this.h, 0, f, p), Ji(this.h, 2, m2, y3), Ji(this.h, 4, M, x), Ji(this.h, 6, S, E2), Ji(this.h, 8, B, q2), Ji(this.h, 10, L2, ge), Ji(this.h, 12, _e, N), Ji(this.h, 14, we, ye); }; Fr.prototype._digest = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? ir.toHex32(this.h, "big") : ir.split32(this.h, "big"); }; function ER(t, e, r, o, f) { var p = t & r ^ ~t & f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function AR(t, e, r, o, f, p) { var m2 = e & o ^ ~e & p; return m2 < 0 && (m2 += 4294967296), m2; } function RR(t, e, r, o, f) { var p = t & r ^ t & f ^ r & f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function BR(t, e, r, o, f, p) { var m2 = e & o ^ e & p ^ o & p; return m2 < 0 && (m2 += 4294967296), m2; } function qR(t, e) { var r = oi(t, e, 28), o = oi(e, t, 2), f = oi(e, t, 7), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function IR(t, e) { var r = si(t, e, 28), o = si(e, t, 2), f = si(e, t, 7), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function TR(t, e) { var r = oi(t, e, 14), o = oi(t, e, 18), f = oi(e, t, 9), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function kR(t, e) { var r = si(t, e, 14), o = si(t, e, 18), f = si(e, t, 9), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function LR(t, e) { var r = oi(t, e, 1), o = oi(t, e, 8), f = U2(t, e, 7), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function NR(t, e) { var r = si(t, e, 1), o = si(t, e, 8), f = z2(t, e, 7), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function DR(t, e) { var r = oi(t, e, 19), o = oi(e, t, 29), f = U2(t, e, 6), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } function PR(t, e) { var r = si(t, e, 19), o = si(e, t, 29), f = z2(t, e, 6), p = r ^ o ^ f; return p < 0 && (p += 4294967296), p; } }); Z2 = T2((Dk, j2) => { var Kl = Cr(), K2 = Wl(); function qi() { if (!(this instanceof qi)) return new qi;, this.h = [3418070365, 3238371032, 1654270250, 914150663, 2438529370, 812702999, 355462360, 4144912697, 1731405415, 4290775857, 2394180231, 1750603025, 3675008525, 1694076839, 1203062813, 3204075428]; } Kl.inherits(qi, K2); j2.exports = qi; qi.blockSize = 1024; qi.outSize = 384; qi.hmacStrength = 192; qi.padLength = 128; qi.prototype._digest = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? Kl.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big") : Kl.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big"); }; }); V2 = T2((Df) => { Df.sha1 = N2(); Df.sha224 = F2(); Df.sha256 = Fl(); Df.sha384 = Z2(); Df.sha512 = Wl(); }); Q2 = T2((J2) => { var On = Cr(), CR = Tf(), Qs = On.rotl32, $2 = On.sum32, Ua = On.sum32_3, G2 = On.sum32_4, X2 = CR.BlockHash; function hi() { if (!(this instanceof hi)) return new hi;, this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520], this.endian = "little"; } On.inherits(hi, X2); J2.ripemd160 = hi; hi.blockSize = 512; hi.outSize = 160; hi.hmacStrength = 192; hi.padLength = 64; hi.prototype._update = function(e, r) { for (var o = this.h[0], f = this.h[1], p = this.h[2], m2 = this.h[3], y3 = this.h[4], M = o, x = f, S = p, E2 = m2, B = y3, q2 = 0;q2 < 80; q2++) { var L2 = $2(Qs(G2(o, Y2(q2, f, p, m2), e[UR[q2] + r], OR(q2)), HR[q2]), y3); o = y3, y3 = m2, m2 = Qs(p, 10), p = f, f = L2, L2 = $2(Qs(G2(M, Y2(79 - q2, x, S, E2), e[zR[q2] + r], FR(q2)), WR[q2]), B), M = B, B = E2, E2 = Qs(S, 10), S = x, x = L2; } L2 = Ua(this.h[1], p, E2), this.h[1] = Ua(this.h[2], m2, B), this.h[2] = Ua(this.h[3], y3, M), this.h[3] = Ua(this.h[4], o, x), this.h[4] = Ua(this.h[0], f, S), this.h[0] = L2; }; hi.prototype._digest = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? On.toHex32(this.h, "little") : On.split32(this.h, "little"); }; function Y2(t, e, r, o) { return t <= 15 ? e ^ r ^ o : t <= 31 ? e & r | ~e & o : t <= 47 ? (e | ~r) ^ o : t <= 63 ? e & o | r & ~o : e ^ (r | ~o); } function OR(t) { return t <= 15 ? 0 : t <= 31 ? 1518500249 : t <= 47 ? 1859775393 : t <= 63 ? 2400959708 : 2840853838; } function FR(t) { return t <= 15 ? 1352829926 : t <= 31 ? 1548603684 : t <= 47 ? 1836072691 : t <= 63 ? 2053994217 : 0; } var UR = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], zR = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], HR = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], WR = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11]; }); ty = T2((Ok, ey) => { var KR = Cr(), jR = ar(); function Pf(t, e, r) { if (!(this instanceof Pf)) return new Pf(t, e, r); this.Hash = t, this.blockSize = t.blockSize / 8, this.outSize = t.outSize / 8, this.inner = null, this.outer = null, this._init(KR.toArray(e, r)); } ey.exports = Pf; Pf.prototype._init = function(e) { e.length > this.blockSize && (e = new this.Hash().update(e).digest()), jR(e.length <= this.blockSize); for (var r = e.length;r < this.blockSize; r++) e.push(0); for (r = 0;r < e.length; r++) e[r] ^= 54; for (this.inner = new this.Hash().update(e), r = 0;r < e.length; r++) e[r] ^= 106; this.outer = new this.Hash().update(e); }; Pf.prototype.update = function(e, r) { return this.inner.update(e, r), this; }; Pf.prototype.digest = function(e) { return this.outer.update(this.inner.digest()), this.outer.digest(e); }; }); e0 = T2((ry) => { var Kt = ry; Kt.utils = Cr(); Kt.common = Tf(); Kt.sha = V2(); Kt.ripemd = Q2(); Kt.hmac = ty(); Kt.sha1 = Kt.sha.sha1; Kt.sha256 = Kt.sha.sha256; Kt.sha224 = Kt.sha.sha224; Kt.sha384 = Kt.sha.sha384; Kt.sha512 = Kt.sha.sha512; Kt.ripemd160 = Kt.ripemd.ripemd160; }); ny = T2((Uk, iy) => { iy.exports = { doubles: { step: 4, points: [["e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a", "f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821"], ["8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508", "11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf"], ["175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739", "d3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695"], ["363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640", "4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9"], ["8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c", "4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36"], ["723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda", "96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f"], ["eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa", "5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999"], ["100f44da696e71672791d0a09b7bde459f1215a29b3c03bfefd7835b39a48db0", "cdd9e13192a00b772ec8f3300c090666b7ff4a18ff5195ac0fbd5cd62bc65a09"], ["e1031be262c7ed1b1dc9227a4a04c017a77f8d4464f3b3852c8acde6e534fd2d", "9d7061928940405e6bb6a4176597535af292dd419e1ced79a44f18f29456a00d"], ["feea6cae46d55b530ac2839f143bd7ec5cf8b266a41d6af52d5e688d9094696d", "e57c6b6c97dce1bab06e4e12bf3ecd5c981c8957cc41442d3155debf18090088"], ["da67a91d91049cdcb367be4be6ffca3cfeed657d808583de33fa978bc1ec6cb1", "9bacaa35481642bc41f463f7ec9780e5dec7adc508f740a17e9ea8e27a68be1d"], ["53904faa0b334cdda6e000935ef22151ec08d0f7bb11069f57545ccc1a37b7c0", "5bc087d0bc80106d88c9eccac20d3c1c13999981e14434699dcb096b022771c8"], ["8e7bcd0bd35983a7719cca7764ca906779b53a043a9b8bcaeff959f43ad86047", "10b7770b2a3da4b3940310420ca9514579e88e2e47fd68b3ea10047e8460372a"], ["385eed34c1cdff21e6d0818689b81bde71a7f4f18397e6690a841e1599c43862", "283bebc3e8ea23f56701de19e9ebf4576b304eec2086dc8cc0458fe5542e5453"], ["6f9d9b803ecf191637c73a4413dfa180fddf84a5947fbc9c606ed86c3fac3a7", "7c80c68e603059ba69b8e2a30e45c4d47ea4dd2f5c281002d86890603a842160"], ["3322d401243c4e2582a2147c104d6ecbf774d163db0f5e5313b7e0e742d0e6bd", "56e70797e9664ef5bfb019bc4ddaf9b72805f63ea2873af624f3a2e96c28b2a0"], ["85672c7d2de0b7da2bd1770d89665868741b3f9af7643397721d74d28134ab83", 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"648a365774b61f2ff130c0c35aec1f4f19213b0c7e332843967224af96ab7c84"], ["4df9c14919cde61f6d51dfdbe5fee5dceec4143ba8d1ca888e8bd373fd054c96", "35ec51092d8728050974c23a1d85d4b5d506cdc288490192ebac06cad10d5d"], ["9c3919a84a474870faed8a9c1cc66021523489054d7f0308cbfc99c8ac1f98cd", "ddb84f0f4a4ddd57584f044bf260e641905326f76c64c8e6be7e5e03d4fc599d"], ["6057170b1dd12fdf8de05f281d8e06bb91e1493a8b91d4cc5a21382120a959e5", "9a1af0b26a6a4807add9a2daf71df262465152bc3ee24c65e899be932385a2a8"], ["a576df8e23a08411421439a4518da31880cef0fba7d4df12b1a6973eecb94266", "40a6bf20e76640b2c92b97afe58cd82c432e10a7f514d9f3ee8be11ae1b28ec8"], ["7778a78c28dec3e30a05fe9629de8c38bb30d1f5cf9a3a208f763889be58ad71", "34626d9ab5a5b22ff7098e12f2ff580087b38411ff24ac563b513fc1fd9f43ac"], ["928955ee637a84463729fd30e7afd2ed5f96274e5ad7e5cb09eda9c06d903ac", "c25621003d3f42a827b78a13093a95eeac3d26efa8a8d83fc5180e935bcd091f"], ["85d0fef3ec6db109399064f3a0e3b2855645b4a907ad354527aae75163d82751", "1f03648413a38c0be29d496e582cf5663e8751e96877331582c237a24eb1f962"], ["ff2b0dce97eece97c1c9b6041798b85dfdfb6d8882da20308f5404824526087e", "493d13fef524ba188af4c4dc54d07936c7b7ed6fb90e2ceb2c951e01f0c29907"], ["827fbbe4b1e880ea9ed2b2e6301b212b57f1ee148cd6dd28780e5e2cf856e241", "c60f9c923c727b0b71bef2c67d1d12687ff7a63186903166d605b68baec293ec"], ["eaa649f21f51bdbae7be4ae34ce6e5217a58fdce7f47f9aa7f3b58fa2120e2b3", "be3279ed5bbbb03ac69a80f89879aa5a01a6b965f13f7e59d47a5305ba5ad93d"], ["e4a42d43c5cf169d9391df6decf42ee541b6d8f0c9a137401e23632dda34d24f", "4d9f92e716d1c73526fc99ccfb8ad34ce886eedfa8d8e4f13a7f7131deba9414"], ["1ec80fef360cbdd954160fadab352b6b92b53576a88fea4947173b9d4300bf19", "aeefe93756b5340d2f3a4958a7abbf5e0146e77f6295a07b671cdc1cc107cefd"], ["146a778c04670c2f91b00af4680dfa8bce3490717d58ba889ddb5928366642be", "b318e0ec3354028add669827f9d4b2870aaa971d2f7e5ed1d0b297483d83efd0"], ["fa50c0f61d22e5f07e3acebb1aa07b128d0012209a28b9776d76a8793180eef9", "6b84c6922397eba9b72cd2872281a68a5e683293a57a213b38cd8d7d3f4f2811"], ["da1d61d0ca721a11b1a5bf6b7d88e8421a288ab5d5bba5220e53d32b5f067ec2", "8157f55a7c99306c79c0766161c91e2966a73899d279b48a655fba0f1ad836f1"], ["a8e282ff0c9706907215ff98e8fd416615311de0446f1e062a73b0610d064e13", "7f97355b8db81c09abfb7f3c5b2515888b679a3e50dd6bd6cef7c73111f4cc0c"], ["174a53b9c9a285872d39e56e6913cab15d59b1fa512508c022f382de8319497c", "ccc9dc37abfc9c1657b4155f2c47f9e6646b3a1d8cb9854383da13ac079afa73"], ["959396981943785c3d3e57edf5018cdbe039e730e4918b3d884fdff09475b7ba", "2e7e552888c331dd8ba0386a4b9cd6849c653f64c8709385e9b8abf87524f2fd"], ["d2a63a50ae401e56d645a1153b109a8fcca0a43d561fba2dbb51340c9d82b151", "e82d86fb6443fcb7565aee58b2948220a70f750af484ca52d4142174dcf89405"], ["64587e2335471eb890ee7896d7cfdc866bacbdbd3839317b3436f9b45617e073", "d99fcdd5bf6902e2ae96dd6447c299a185b90a39133aeab358299e5e9faf6589"], ["8481bde0e4e4d885b3a546d3e549de042f0aa6cea250e7fd358d6c86dd45e458", 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"998c74a8cd45ac01289d5833a7beb4744ff536b01b257be4c5767bea93ea57a4"], ["3c5d2a1ba39c5a1790000738c9e0c40b8dcdfd5468754b6405540157e017aa7a", "b2284279995a34e2f9d4de7396fc18b80f9b8b9fdd270f6661f79ca4c81bd257"], ["cc8704b8a60a0defa3a99a7299f2e9c3fbc395afb04ac078425ef8a1793cc030", "bdd46039feed17881d1e0862db347f8cf395b74fc4bcdc4e940b74e3ac1f1b13"], ["c533e4f7ea8555aacd9777ac5cad29b97dd4defccc53ee7ea204119b2889b197", "6f0a256bc5efdf429a2fb6242f1a43a2d9b925bb4a4b3a26bb8e0f45eb596096"], ["c14f8f2ccb27d6f109f6d08d03cc96a69ba8c34eec07bbcf566d48e33da6593", "c359d6923bb398f7fd4473e16fe1c28475b740dd098075e6c0e8649113dc3a38"], ["a6cbc3046bc6a450bac24789fa17115a4c9739ed75f8f21ce441f72e0b90e6ef", "21ae7f4680e889bb130619e2c0f95a360ceb573c70603139862afd617fa9b9f"], ["347d6d9a02c48927ebfb86c1359b1caf130a3c0267d11ce6344b39f99d43cc38", "60ea7f61a353524d1c987f6ecec92f086d565ab687870cb12689ff1e31c74448"], ["da6545d2181db8d983f7dcb375ef5866d47c67b1bf31c8cf855ef7437b72656a", "49b96715ab6878a79e78f07ce5680c5d6673051b4935bd897fea824b77dc208a"], ["c40747cc9d012cb1a13b8148309c6de7ec25d6945d657146b9d5994b8feb1111", "5ca560753be2a12fc6de6caf2cb489565db936156b9514e1bb5e83037e0fa2d4"], ["4e42c8ec82c99798ccf3a610be870e78338c7f713348bd34c8203ef4037f3502", "7571d74ee5e0fb92a7a8b33a07783341a5492144cc54bcc40a94473693606437"], ["3775ab7089bc6af823aba2e1af70b236d251cadb0c86743287522a1b3b0dedea", "be52d107bcfa09d8bcb9736a828cfa7fac8db17bf7a76a2c42ad961409018cf7"], ["cee31cbf7e34ec379d94fb814d3d775ad954595d1314ba8846959e3e82f74e26", "8fd64a14c06b589c26b947ae2bcf6bfa0149ef0be14ed4d80f448a01c43b1c6d"], ["b4f9eaea09b6917619f6ea6a4eb5464efddb58fd45b1ebefcdc1a01d08b47986", "39e5c9925b5a54b07433a4f18c61726f8bb131c012ca542eb24a8ac07200682a"], ["d4263dfc3d2df923a0179a48966d30ce84e2515afc3dccc1b77907792ebcc60e", "62dfaf07a0f78feb30e30d6295853ce189e127760ad6cf7fae164e122a208d54"], ["48457524820fa65a4f8d35eb6930857c0032acc0a4a2de422233eeda897612c4", "25a748ab367979d98733c38a1fa1c2e7dc6cc07db2d60a9ae7a76aaa49bd0f77"], ["dfeeef1881101f2cb11644f3a2afdfc2045e19919152923f367a1767c11cceda", "ecfb7056cf1de042f9420bab396793c0c390bde74b4bbdff16a83ae09a9a7517"], ["6d7ef6b17543f8373c573f44e1f389835d89bcbc6062ced36c82df83b8fae859", "cd450ec335438986dfefa10c57fea9bcc521a0959b2d80bbf74b190dca712d10"], ["e75605d59102a5a2684500d3b991f2e3f3c88b93225547035af25af66e04541f", "f5c54754a8f71ee540b9b48728473e314f729ac5308b06938360990e2bfad125"], ["eb98660f4c4dfaa06a2be453d5020bc99a0c2e60abe388457dd43fefb1ed620c", "6cb9a8876d9cb8520609af3add26cd20a0a7cd8a9411131ce85f44100099223e"], ["13e87b027d8514d35939f2e6892b19922154596941888336dc3563e3b8dba942", "fef5a3c68059a6dec5d624114bf1e91aac2b9da568d6abeb2570d55646b8adf1"], ["ee163026e9fd6fe017c38f06a5be6fc125424b371ce2708e7bf4491691e5764a", "1acb250f255dd61c43d94ccc670d0f58f49ae3fa15b96623e5430da0ad6c62b2"], ["b268f5ef9ad51e4d78de3a750c2dc89b1e626d43505867999932e5db33af3d80", "5f310d4b3c99b9ebb19f77d41c1dee018cf0d34fd4191614003e945a1216e423"], ["ff07f3118a9df035e9fad85eb6c7bfe42b02f01ca99ceea3bf7ffdba93c4750d", "438136d603e858a3a5c440c38eccbaddc1d2942114e2eddd4740d098ced1f0d8"], ["8d8b9855c7c052a34146fd20ffb658bea4b9f69e0d825ebec16e8c3ce2b526a1", "cdb559eedc2d79f926baf44fb84ea4d44bcf50fee51d7ceb30e2e7f463036758"], ["52db0b5384dfbf05bfa9d472d7ae26dfe4b851ceca91b1eba54263180da32b63", "c3b997d050ee5d423ebaf66a6db9f57b3180c902875679de924b69d84a7b375"], ["e62f9490d3d51da6395efd24e80919cc7d0f29c3f3fa48c6fff543becbd43352", "6d89ad7ba4876b0b22c2ca280c682862f342c8591f1daf5170e07bfd9ccafa7d"], ["7f30ea2476b399b4957509c88f77d0191afa2ff5cb7b14fd6d8e7d65aaab1193", "ca5ef7d4b231c94c3b15389a5f6311e9daff7bb67b103e9880ef4bff637acaec"], ["5098ff1e1d9f14fb46a210fada6c903fef0fb7b4a1dd1d9ac60a0361800b7a00", "9731141d81fc8f8084d37c6e7542006b3ee1b40d60dfe5362a5b132fd17ddc0"], ["32b78c7de9ee512a72895be6b9cbefa6e2f3c4ccce445c96b9f2c81e2778ad58", "ee1849f513df71e32efc3896ee28260c73bb80547ae2275ba497237794c8753c"], ["e2cb74fddc8e9fbcd076eef2a7c72b0ce37d50f08269dfc074b581550547a4f7", "d3aa2ed71c9dd2247a62df062736eb0baddea9e36122d2be8641abcb005cc4a4"], ["8438447566d4d7bedadc299496ab357426009a35f235cb141be0d99cd10ae3a8", "c4e1020916980a4da5d01ac5e6ad330734ef0d7906631c4f2390426b2edd791f"], ["4162d488b89402039b584c6fc6c308870587d9c46f660b878ab65c82c711d67e", "67163e903236289f776f22c25fb8a3afc1732f2b84b4e95dbda47ae5a0852649"], ["3fad3fa84caf0f34f0f89bfd2dcf54fc175d767aec3e50684f3ba4a4bf5f683d", "cd1bc7cb6cc407bb2f0ca647c718a730cf71872e7d0d2a53fa20efcdfe61826"], ["674f2600a3007a00568c1a7ce05d0816c1fb84bf1370798f1c69532faeb1a86b", "299d21f9413f33b3edf43b257004580b70db57da0b182259e09eecc69e0d38a5"], ["d32f4da54ade74abb81b815ad1fb3b263d82d6c692714bcff87d29bd5ee9f08f", "f9429e738b8e53b968e99016c059707782e14f4535359d582fc416910b3eea87"], ["30e4e670435385556e593657135845d36fbb6931f72b08cb1ed954f1e3ce3ff6", "462f9bce619898638499350113bbc9b10a878d35da70740dc695a559eb88db7b"], ["be2062003c51cc3004682904330e4dee7f3dcd10b01e580bf1971b04d4cad297", "62188bc49d61e5428573d48a74e1c655b1c61090905682a0d5558ed72dccb9bc"], ["93144423ace3451ed29e0fb9ac2af211cb6e84a601df5993c419859fff5df04a", "7c10dfb164c3425f5c71a3f9d7992038f1065224f72bb9d1d902a6d13037b47c"], ["b015f8044f5fcbdcf21ca26d6c34fb8197829205c7b7d2a7cb66418c157b112c", "ab8c1e086d04e813744a655b2df8d5f83b3cdc6faa3088c1d3aea1454e3a1d5f"], ["d5e9e1da649d97d89e4868117a465a3a4f8a18de57a140d36b3f2af341a21b52", "4cb04437f391ed73111a13cc1d4dd0db1693465c2240480d8955e8592f27447a"], ["d3ae41047dd7ca065dbf8ed77b992439983005cd72e16d6f996a5316d36966bb", "bd1aeb21ad22ebb22a10f0303417c6d964f8cdd7df0aca614b10dc14d125ac46"], ["463e2763d885f958fc66cdd22800f0a487197d0a82e377b49f80af87c897b065", "bfefacdb0e5d0fd7df3a311a94de062b26b80c61fbc97508b79992671ef7ca7f"], ["7985fdfd127c0567c6f53ec1bb63ec3158e597c40bfe747c83cddfc910641917", "603c12daf3d9862ef2b25fe1de289aed24ed291e0ec6708703a5bd567f32ed03"], ["74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9", "cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08"], ["30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3", "553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8"], ["9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57", "712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373"], ["176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66", "ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3"], ["75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8", "9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8"], ["809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721", "9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1"], ["1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180", "4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9"]] } }; }); t0 = T2((oy) => { var Zl = oy, Qi = e0(), jl = Pl(), ZR = or(), fy = ZR.assert; function ay(t) { t.type === "short" ? this.curve = new jl.short(t) : t.type === "edwards" ? this.curve = new jl.edwards(t) : this.curve = new jl.mont(t), this.g = this.curve.g, this.n = this.curve.n, this.hash = t.hash, fy(this.g.validate(), "Invalid curve"), fy(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), "Invalid curve, G*N != O"); } Zl.PresetCurve = ay; function en(t, e) { Object.defineProperty(Zl, t, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { var r = new ay(e); return Object.defineProperty(Zl, t, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: r }), r; } }); } en("p192", { type: "short", prime: "p192", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc", b: "64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831", hash: Qi.sha256, gRed: false, g: ["188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012", "07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"] }); en("p224", { type: "short", prime: "p224", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe", b: "b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d", hash: Qi.sha256, gRed: false, g: ["b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21", "bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34"] }); en("p256", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b", n: "ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551", hash: Qi.sha256, gRed: false, g: ["6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296", "4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5"] }); en("p384", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc", b: "b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973", hash: Qi.sha384, gRed: false, g: ["aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7", "3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"] }); en("p521", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00", n: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409", hash: Qi.sha512, gRed: false, g: ["000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66", "00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650"] }); en("curve25519", { type: "mont", prime: "p25519", p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed", a: "76d06", b: "1", n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed", hash: Qi.sha256, gRed: false, g: ["9"] }); en("ed25519", { type: "edwards", prime: "p25519", p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed", a: "-1", c: "1", d: "52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3", n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed", hash: Qi.sha256, gRed: false, g: ["216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a", "6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658"] }); var Vl; try { Vl = ny(); } catch { Vl = undefined; } en("secp256k1", { type: "short", prime: "k256", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f", a: "0", b: "7", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141", h: "1", hash: Qi.sha256, beta: "7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee", lambda: "5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72", basis: [{ a: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15", b: "-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3" }, { a: "114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8", b: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15" }], gRed: false, g: ["79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798", "483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8", Vl] }); }); uy = T2((Hk, hy) => { var VR = e0(), Fn = Nl(), sy = ar(); function tn(t) { if (!(this instanceof tn)) return new tn(t); this.hash = t.hash, this.predResist = !!t.predResist, this.outLen = this.hash.outSize, this.minEntropy = t.minEntropy || this.hash.hmacStrength, this._reseed = null, this.reseedInterval = null, this.K = null, this.V = null; var e = Fn.toArray(t.entropy, t.entropyEnc || "hex"), r = Fn.toArray(t.nonce, t.nonceEnc || "hex"), o = Fn.toArray(t.pers, t.persEnc || "hex"); sy(e.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._init(e, r, o); } hy.exports = tn; tn.prototype._init = function(e, r, o) { var f = e.concat(r).concat(o); this.K = new Array(this.outLen / 8), this.V = new Array(this.outLen / 8); for (var p = 0;p < this.V.length; p++) this.K[p] = 0, this.V[p] = 1; this._update(f), this._reseed = 1, this.reseedInterval = 281474976710656; }; tn.prototype._hmac = function() { return new VR.hmac(this.hash, this.K); }; tn.prototype._update = function(e) { var r = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([0]); e && (r = r.update(e)), this.K = r.digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), e && (this.K = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([1]).update(e).digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest()); }; tn.prototype.reseed = function(e, r, o, f) { typeof r != "string" && (f = o, o = r, r = null), e = Fn.toArray(e, r), o = Fn.toArray(o, f), sy(e.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._update(e.concat(o || [])), this._reseed = 1; }; tn.prototype.generate = function(e, r, o, f) { if (this._reseed > this.reseedInterval) throw new Error("Reseed is required"); typeof r != "string" && (f = o, o = r, r = null), o && (o = Fn.toArray(o, f || "hex"), this._update(o)); for (var p = [];p.length < e; ) this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), p = p.concat(this.V); var m2 = p.slice(0, e); return this._update(o), this._reseed++, Fn.encode(m2, r); }; }); dy2 = T2((Wk, ly) => { var $R = ri(), GR = or(), $l = GR.assert; function Gt(t, e) { = t, this.priv = null, = null, e.priv && this._importPrivate(e.priv, e.privEnc), && this._importPublic(, e.pubEnc); } ly.exports = Gt; Gt.fromPublic = function(e, r, o) { return r instanceof Gt ? r : new Gt(e, { pub: r, pubEnc: o }); }; Gt.fromPrivate = function(e, r, o) { return r instanceof Gt ? r : new Gt(e, { priv: r, privEnc: o }); }; Gt.prototype.validate = function() { var e = this.getPublic(); return e.isInfinity() ? { result: false, reason: "Invalid public key" } : e.validate() ? e.mul( ? { result: true, reason: null } : { result: false, reason: "Public key * N != O" } : { result: false, reason: "Public key is not a point" }; }; Gt.prototype.getPublic = function(e, r) { return typeof e == "string" && (r = e, e = null), || ( =, r ?, e) :; }; Gt.prototype.getPrivate = function(e) { return e === "hex" ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv; }; Gt.prototype._importPrivate = function(e, r) { this.priv = new $R(e, r || 16), this.priv = this.priv.umod(; }; Gt.prototype._importPublic = function(e, r) { if (e.x || e.y) { === "mont" ? $l(e.x, "Need x coordinate") : ( === "short" || === "edwards") && $l(e.x && e.y, "Need both x and y coordinate"), =, e.y); return; } =, r); }; Gt.prototype.derive = function(e) { return e.validate() || $l(e.validate(), "public point not validated"), e.mul(this.priv).getX(); }; Gt.prototype.sign = function(e, r, o) { return, this, r, o); }; Gt.prototype.verify = function(e, r) { return, r, this); }; Gt.prototype.inspect = function() { return ""; }; }); vy = T2((Kk, py) => { var r0 = ri(), Xl = or(), YR = Xl.assert; function i0(t, e) { if (t instanceof i0) return t; this._importDER(t, e) || (YR(t.r && t.s, "Signature without r or s"), this.r = new r0(t.r, 16), this.s = new r0(t.s, 16), t.recoveryParam === undefined ? this.recoveryParam = null : this.recoveryParam = t.recoveryParam); } py.exports = i0; function XR() { = 0; } function Gl(t, e) { var r = t[]; if (!(r & 128)) return r; var o = r & 15; if (o === 0 || o > 4) return false; for (var f = 0, p = 0, m2 =;p < o; p++, m2++) f <<= 8, f |= t[m2], f >>>= 0; return f <= 127 ? false : ( = m2, f); } function cy(t) { for (var e = 0, r = t.length - 1;!t[e] && !(t[e + 1] & 128) && e < r; ) e++; return e === 0 ? t : t.slice(e); } i0.prototype._importDER = function(e, r) { e = Xl.toArray(e, r); var o = new XR; if (e[] !== 48) return false; var f = Gl(e, o); if (f === false || f + !== e.length || e[] !== 2) return false; var p = Gl(e, o); if (p === false) return false; var m2 = e.slice(, p +; if ( += p, e[] !== 2) return false; var y3 = Gl(e, o); if (y3 === false || e.length !== y3 + return false; var M = e.slice(, y3 +; if (m2[0] === 0) if (m2[1] & 128) m2 = m2.slice(1); else return false; if (M[0] === 0) if (M[1] & 128) M = M.slice(1); else return false; return this.r = new r0(m2), this.s = new r0(M), this.recoveryParam = null, true; }; function Yl(t, e) { if (e < 128) { t.push(e); return; } var r = 1 + (Math.log(e) / Math.LN2 >>> 3); for (t.push(r | 128);--r; ) t.push(e >>> (r << 3) & 255); t.push(e); } i0.prototype.toDER = function(e) { var r = this.r.toArray(), o = this.s.toArray(); for (r[0] & 128 && (r = [0].concat(r)), o[0] & 128 && (o = [0].concat(o)), r = cy(r), o = cy(o);!o[0] && !(o[1] & 128); ) o = o.slice(1); var f = [2]; Yl(f, r.length), f = f.concat(r), f.push(2), Yl(f, o.length); var p = f.concat(o), m2 = [48]; return Yl(m2, p.length), m2 = m2.concat(p), Xl.encode(m2, e); }; }); yy = T2((jk, gy) => { var Un = ri(), by = uy(), JR = or(), Jl = t0(), QR = As(), my = JR.assert, Ql = dy2(), n0 = vy(); function Sr(t) { if (!(this instanceof Sr)) return new Sr(t); typeof t == "string" && (my(, t), "Unknown curve " + t), t = Jl[t]), t instanceof Jl.PresetCurve && (t = { curve: t }), this.curve = t.curve.curve, this.n = this.curve.n, this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1), this.g = this.curve.g, this.g = t.curve.g, this.g.precompute(t.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), this.hash = t.hash || t.curve.hash; } gy.exports = Sr; Sr.prototype.keyPair = function(e) { return new Ql(this, e); }; Sr.prototype.keyFromPrivate = function(e, r) { return Ql.fromPrivate(this, e, r); }; Sr.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(e, r) { return Ql.fromPublic(this, e, r); }; Sr.prototype.genKeyPair = function(e) { e || (e = {}); for (var r = new by({ hash: this.hash, pers: e.pers, persEnc: e.persEnc || "utf8", entropy: e.entropy || QR(this.hash.hmacStrength), entropyEnc: e.entropy && e.entropyEnc || "utf8", nonce: this.n.toArray() }), o = this.n.byteLength(), f = this.n.sub(new Un(2));; ) { var p = new Un(r.generate(o)); if (!(p.cmp(f) > 0)) return p.iaddn(1), this.keyFromPrivate(p); } }; Sr.prototype._truncateToN = function(e, r) { var o = e.byteLength() * 8 - this.n.bitLength(); return o > 0 && (e = e.ushrn(o)), !r && e.cmp(this.n) >= 0 ? e.sub(this.n) : e; }; Sr.prototype.sign = function(e, r, o, f) { typeof o == "object" && (f = o, o = null), f || (f = {}), r = this.keyFromPrivate(r, o), e = this._truncateToN(new Un(e, 16)); for (var p = this.n.byteLength(), m2 = r.getPrivate().toArray("be", p), y3 = e.toArray("be", p), M = new by({ hash: this.hash, entropy: m2, nonce: y3, pers: f.pers, persEnc: f.persEnc || "utf8" }), x = this.n.sub(new Un(1)), S = 0;; S++) { var E2 = f.k ? f.k(S) : new Un(M.generate(this.n.byteLength())); if (E2 = this._truncateToN(E2, true), !(E2.cmpn(1) <= 0 || E2.cmp(x) >= 0)) { var B = this.g.mul(E2); if (!B.isInfinity()) { var q2 = B.getX(), L2 = q2.umod(this.n); if (L2.cmpn(0) !== 0) { var ge = E2.invm(this.n).mul(L2.mul(r.getPrivate()).iadd(e)); if (ge = ge.umod(this.n), ge.cmpn(0) !== 0) { var _e = (B.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (q2.cmp(L2) !== 0 ? 2 : 0); return f.canonical && ge.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && (ge = this.n.sub(ge), _e ^= 1), new n0({ r: L2, s: ge, recoveryParam: _e }); } } } } } }; Sr.prototype.verify = function(e, r, o, f) { e = this._truncateToN(new Un(e, 16)), o = this.keyFromPublic(o, f), r = new n0(r, "hex"); var { r: p, s: m2 } = r; if (p.cmpn(1) < 0 || p.cmp(this.n) >= 0 || m2.cmpn(1) < 0 || m2.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return false; var y3 = m2.invm(this.n), M = y3.mul(e).umod(this.n), x = y3.mul(p).umod(this.n), S; return this.curve._maxwellTrick ? (S = this.g.jmulAdd(M, o.getPublic(), x), S.isInfinity() ? false : S.eqXToP(p)) : (S = this.g.mulAdd(M, o.getPublic(), x), S.isInfinity() ? false : S.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(p) === 0); }; Sr.prototype.recoverPubKey = function(t, e, r, o) { my((3 & r) === r, "The recovery param is more than two bits"), e = new n0(e, o); var f = this.n, p = new Un(t), m2 = e.r, y3 = e.s, M = r & 1, x = r >> 1; if (m2.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && x) throw new Error("Unable to find sencond key candinate"); x ? m2 = this.curve.pointFromX(m2.add(this.curve.n), M) : m2 = this.curve.pointFromX(m2, M); var S = e.r.invm(f), E2 = f.sub(p).mul(S).umod(f), B = y3.mul(S).umod(f); return this.g.mulAdd(E2, m2, B); }; Sr.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function(t, e, r, o) { if (e = new n0(e, o), e.recoveryParam !== null) return e.recoveryParam; for (var f = 0;f < 4; f++) { var p; try { p = this.recoverPubKey(t, e, f); } catch { continue; } if (p.eq(r)) return f; } throw new Error("Unable to find valid recovery factor"); }; }); xy = T2((Zk, _y) => { var za = or(), My = za.assert, wy = za.parseBytes, Cf = za.cachedProperty; function Ft(t, e) { this.eddsa = t, this._secret = wy(e.secret), t.isPoint( ? this._pub = : this._pubBytes = wy(; } Ft.fromPublic = function(e, r) { return r instanceof Ft ? r : new Ft(e, { pub: r }); }; Ft.fromSecret = function(e, r) { return r instanceof Ft ? r : new Ft(e, { secret: r }); }; Ft.prototype.secret = function() { return this._secret; }; Cf(Ft, "pubBytes", function() { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(; }); Cf(Ft, "pub", function() { return this._pubBytes ? this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes) : this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv()); }); Cf(Ft, "privBytes", function() { var e = this.eddsa, r = this.hash(), o = e.encodingLength - 1, f = r.slice(0, e.encodingLength); return f[0] &= 248, f[o] &= 127, f[o] |= 64, f; }); Cf(Ft, "priv", function() { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes()); }); Cf(Ft, "hash", function() { return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest(); }); Cf(Ft, "messagePrefix", function() { return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength); }); Ft.prototype.sign = function(e) { return My(this._secret, "KeyPair can only verify"), this.eddsa.sign(e, this); }; Ft.prototype.verify = function(e, r) { return this.eddsa.verify(e, r, this); }; Ft.prototype.getSecret = function(e) { return My(this._secret, "KeyPair is public only"), za.encode(this.secret(), e); }; Ft.prototype.getPublic = function(e) { return za.encode(this.pubBytes(), e); }; _y.exports = Ft; }); Ey = T2((Vk, Sy) => { var eB = ri(), f0 = or(), tB = f0.assert, a0 = f0.cachedProperty, rB = f0.parseBytes; function zn(t, e) { this.eddsa = t, typeof e != "object" && (e = rB(e)), Array.isArray(e) && (e = { R: e.slice(0, t.encodingLength), S: e.slice(t.encodingLength) }), tB(e.R && e.S, "Signature without R or S"), t.isPoint(e.R) && (this._R = e.R), e.S instanceof eB && (this._S = e.S), this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(e.R) ? e.R : e.Rencoded, this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(e.S) ? e.S : e.Sencoded; } a0(zn, "S", function() { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded()); }); a0(zn, "R", function() { return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded()); }); a0(zn, "Rencoded", function() { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R()); }); a0(zn, "Sencoded", function() { return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S()); }); zn.prototype.toBytes = function() { return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded()); }; zn.prototype.toHex = function() { return f0.encode(this.toBytes(), "hex").toUpperCase(); }; Sy.exports = zn; }); Iy = T2(($k, qy) => { var iB = e0(), nB = t0(), Of = or(), fB = Of.assert, Ry = Of.parseBytes, By = xy(), Ay = Ey(); function nr(t) { if (fB(t === "ed25519", "only tested with ed25519 so far"), !(this instanceof nr)) return new nr(t); t = nB[t].curve, this.curve = t, this.g = t.g, this.g.precompute(t.n.bitLength() + 1), this.pointClass = t.point().constructor, this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(t.n.bitLength() / 8), this.hash = iB.sha512; } qy.exports = nr; nr.prototype.sign = function(e, r) { e = Ry(e); var o = this.keyFromSecret(r), f = this.hashInt(o.messagePrefix(), e), p = this.g.mul(f), m2 = this.encodePoint(p), y3 = this.hashInt(m2, o.pubBytes(), e).mul(o.priv()), M = f.add(y3).umod(this.curve.n); return this.makeSignature({ R: p, S: M, Rencoded: m2 }); }; nr.prototype.verify = function(e, r, o) { e = Ry(e), r = this.makeSignature(r); var f = this.keyFromPublic(o), p = this.hashInt(r.Rencoded(), f.pubBytes(), e), m2 = this.g.mul(r.S()), y3 = r.R().add(; return y3.eq(m2); }; nr.prototype.hashInt = function() { for (var e = this.hash(), r = 0;r < arguments.length; r++) e.update(arguments[r]); return Of.intFromLE(e.digest()).umod(this.curve.n); }; nr.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(e) { return By.fromPublic(this, e); }; nr.prototype.keyFromSecret = function(e) { return By.fromSecret(this, e); }; nr.prototype.makeSignature = function(e) { return e instanceof Ay ? e : new Ay(this, e); }; nr.prototype.encodePoint = function(e) { var r = e.getY().toArray("le", this.encodingLength); return r[this.encodingLength - 1] |= e.getX().isOdd() ? 128 : 0, r; }; nr.prototype.decodePoint = function(e) { e = Of.parseBytes(e); var r = e.length - 1, o = e.slice(0, r).concat(e[r] & -129), f = (e[r] & 128) !== 0, p = Of.intFromLE(o); return this.curve.pointFromY(p, f); }; nr.prototype.encodeInt = function(e) { return e.toArray("le", this.encodingLength); }; nr.prototype.decodeInt = function(e) { return Of.intFromLE(e); }; nr.prototype.isPoint = function(e) { return e instanceof this.pointClass; }; }); o0 = T2((Ty) => { var Hn = Ty; Hn.version = s2().version; Hn.utils = or(); Hn.rand = As(); Hn.curve = Pl(); Hn.curves = t0(); = yy(); Hn.eddsa = Iy(); }); td = T2((ky, ed) => { (function(t, e) { function r(v, i) { if (!v) throw new Error(i || "Assertion failed"); } function o(v, i) { v.super_ = i; var a = function() { }; a.prototype = i.prototype, v.prototype = new a, v.prototype.constructor = v; } function f(v, i, a) { if (f.isBN(v)) return v; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, v !== null && ((i === "le" || i === "be") && (a = i, i = 10), this._init(v || 0, i || 10, a || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(i) { return i instanceof f ? true : i !== null && typeof i == "object" && i.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(i.words); }, f.max = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) > 0 ? i : a; }, f.min = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) < 0 ? i : a; }, f.prototype._init = function(i, a, h2) { if (typeof i == "number") return this._initNumber(i, a, h2); if (typeof i == "object") return this._initArray(i, a, h2); a === "hex" && (a = 16), r(a === (a | 0) && a >= 2 && a <= 36), i = i.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var s = 0; i[0] === "-" && (s++, this.negative = 1), s < i.length && (a === 16 ? this._parseHex(i, s, h2) : (this._parseBase(i, a, s), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(i, a, h2) { i < 0 && (this.negative = 1, i = -i), i < 67108864 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863], this.length = 1) : i < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(i < 9007199254740992), this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(typeof i.length == "number"), i.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(i.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u, c, b3 = 0; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1, u = 0;s >= 0; s -= 3) c = i[s] | i[s - 1] << 8 | i[s - 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b3 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b3 & 67108863, b3 += 24, b3 >= 26 && (b3 -= 26, u++); else if (h2 === "le") for (s = 0, u = 0;s < i.length; s += 3) c = i[s] | i[s + 1] << 8 | i[s + 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b3 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b3 & 67108863, b3 += 24, b3 >= 26 && (b3 -= 26, u++); return this.strip(); }; function m2(v, i) { var a = v.charCodeAt(i); return a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 : a - 48 & 15; } function y3(v, i, a) { var h2 = m2(v, a); return a - 1 >= i && (h2 |= m2(v, a - 1) << 4), h2; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(i, a, h2) { this.length = Math.ceil((i.length - a) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u = 0, c = 0, b3; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1;s >= a; s -= 2) b3 = y3(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b3 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b3 >>> 26) : u += 8; else { var l = i.length - a; for (s = l % 2 === 0 ? a + 1 : a;s < i.length; s += 2) b3 = y3(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b3 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b3 >>> 26) : u += 8; } this.strip(); }; function M(v, i, a, h2) { for (var s = 0, u = Math.min(v.length, a), c = i;c < u; c++) { var b3 = v.charCodeAt(c) - 48; s *= h2, b3 >= 49 ? s += b3 - 49 + 10 : b3 >= 17 ? s += b3 - 17 + 10 : s += b3; } return s; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(i, a, h2) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var s = 0, u = 1;u <= 67108863; u *= a) s++; s--, u = u / a | 0; for (var c = i.length - h2, b3 = c % s, l = Math.min(c, c - b3) + h2, n = 0, d = h2;d < l; d += s) n = M(i, d, d + s, a), this.imuln(u), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); if (b3 !== 0) { var w = 1; for (n = M(i, d, i.length, a), d = 0;d < b3; d++) w *= a; this.imuln(w), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); } this.strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(i) { i.words = new Array(this.length); for (var a = 0;a < this.length; a++) i.words[a] = this.words[a]; i.length = this.length, i.negative = this.negative, =; }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var i = new f(null); return this.copy(i), i; }, f.prototype._expand = function(i) { for (;this.length < i; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype.strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, f.prototype.inspect = function() { return ( ? ""; }; var x = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], S = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], E2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(i, a) { i = i || 10, a = a | 0 || 1; var h2; if (i === 16 || i === "hex") { h2 = ""; for (var s = 0, u = 0, c = 0;c < this.length; c++) { var b3 = this.words[c], l = ((b3 << s | u) & 16777215).toString(16); u = b3 >>> 24 - s & 16777215, u !== 0 || c !== this.length - 1 ? h2 = x[6 - l.length] + l + h2 : h2 = l + h2, s += 2, s >= 26 && (s -= 26, c--); } for (u !== 0 && (h2 = u.toString(16) + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } if (i === (i | 0) && i >= 2 && i <= 36) { var n = S[i], d = E2[i]; h2 = ""; var w = this.clone(); for (w.negative = 0;!w.isZero(); ) { var g = w.modn(d).toString(i); w = w.idivn(d), w.isZero() ? h2 = g + h2 : h2 = x[n - g.length] + g + h2; } for (this.isZero() && (h2 = "0" + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var i = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? i += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? i += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -i : i; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(i, a) { return r(typeof p < "u"), this.toArrayLike(p, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArray = function(i, a) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(i, a, h2) { var s = this.byteLength(), u = h2 || Math.max(1, s); r(s <= u, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(u > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); var c = a === "le", b3 = new i(u), l, n, d = this.clone(); if (c) { for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b3[n] = l; for (;n < u; n++) b3[n] = 0; } else { for (n = 0;n < u - s; n++) b3[n] = 0; for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b3[u - n - 1] = l; } return b3; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { return 32 - Math.clz32(i); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { var a = i, h2 = 0; return a >= 4096 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), a >= 64 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), a >= 8 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), a >= 2 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), h2 + a; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(i) { if (i === 0) return 26; var a = i, h2 = 0; return (a & 8191) === 0 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), (a & 127) === 0 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), (a & 15) === 0 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), (a & 3) === 0 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), (a & 1) === 0 && h2++, h2; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var i = this.words[this.length - 1], a = this._countBits(i); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + a; }; function B(v) { for (var i = new Array(v.bitLength()), a = 0;a < i.length; a++) { var h2 = a / 26 | 0, s = a % 26; i[a] = (v.words[h2] & 1 << s) >>> s; } return i; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var i = 0, a = 0;a < this.length; a++) { var h2 = this._zeroBits(this.words[a]); if (i += h2, h2 !== 26) break; } return i; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(i) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(i).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(i) { return this.testn(i - 1) ? this.notn(i).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(i) { for (;this.length < i.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var a = 0;a < i.length; a++) this.words[a] = this.words[a] | i.words[a]; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuor(i); }, f.prototype.or = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ior(i) : i.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuor(i) : i.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(i) { var a; this.length > i.length ? a = i : a = this; for (var h2 = 0;h2 < a.length; h2++) this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & i.words[h2]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuand(i); }, f.prototype.and = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iand(i) : i.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuand(i) : i.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(i) { var a, h2; this.length > i.length ? (a = this, h2 = i) : (a = i, h2 = this); for (var s = 0;s < h2.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s] ^ h2.words[s]; if (this !== a) for (;s < a.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(i); }, f.prototype.xor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ixor(i) : i.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuxor(i) : i.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = Math.ceil(i / 26) | 0, h2 = i % 26; this._expand(a), h2 > 0 && a--; for (var s = 0;s < a; s++) this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863; return h2 > 0 && (this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863 >> 26 - h2), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(i) { return this.clone().inotn(i); }, f.prototype.setn = function(i, a) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var h2 = i / 26 | 0, s = i % 26; return this._expand(h2 + 1), a ? this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] | 1 << s : this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & ~(1 << s), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(i) { var a; if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return i.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); var h2, s; this.length > i.length ? (h2 = this, s = i) : (h2 = i, s = this); for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + (s.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; for (;u !== 0 && c < h2.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; if (this.length = h2.length, u !== 0) this.words[this.length] = u, this.length++; else if (h2 !== this) for (;c < h2.length; c++) this.words[c] = h2.words[c]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(i) { var a; return i.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (i.negative = 0, a = this.sub(i), i.negative ^= 1, a) : i.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, a = i.sub(this), this.negative = 1, a) : this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iadd(i) : i.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(i) { if (i.negative !== 0) { i.negative = 0; var a = this.iadd(i); return i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(i), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var h2 = this.cmp(i); if (h2 === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var s, u; h2 > 0 ? (s = this, u = i) : (s = i, u = this); for (var c = 0, b3 = 0;b3 < u.length; b3++) a = (s.words[b3] | 0) - (u.words[b3] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b3] = a & 67108863; for (;c !== 0 && b3 < s.length; b3++) a = (s.words[b3] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b3] = a & 67108863; if (c === 0 && b3 < s.length && s !== this) for (;b3 < s.length; b3++) this.words[b3] = s.words[b3]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, b3), s !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(i) { return this.clone().isub(i); }; function q2(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative; var h2 = v.length + i.length | 0; a.length = h2, h2 = h2 - 1 | 0; var s = v.words[0] | 0, u = i.words[0] | 0, c = s * u, b3 = c & 67108863, l = c / 67108864 | 0; a.words[0] = b3; for (var n = 1;n < h2; n++) { for (var d = l >>> 26, w = l & 67108863, g = Math.min(n, i.length - 1), _3 = Math.max(0, n - v.length + 1);_3 <= g; _3++) { var A2 = n - _3 | 0; s = v.words[A2] | 0, u = i.words[_3] | 0, c = s * u + w, d += c / 67108864 | 0, w = c & 67108863; } a.words[n] = w | 0, l = d | 0; } return l !== 0 ? a.words[n] = l | 0 : a.length--, a.strip(); } var L2 = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.words, u = a.words, c = h2.words, b3 = 0, l, n, d, w = s[0] | 0, g = w & 8191, _3 = w >>> 13, A2 = s[1] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = s[2] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = s[3] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = s[4] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = s[5] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = s[6] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = s[7] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = s[8] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = s[9] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = u[0] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = u[1] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = u[2] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = u[3] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = u[4] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = u[5] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = u[6] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = u[7] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = u[8] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = u[9] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13; h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = 19, l = Math.imul(g, X), n = Math.imul(g, J), n = n + Math.imul(_3, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(_3, J); var ft = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ft >>> 26) | 0, ft &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(R2, X), n = Math.imul(R2, J), n = n + Math.imul(I, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(I, J), l = l + Math.imul(g, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, ee) | 0; var Be = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(k, X), n = Math.imul(k, J), n = n + Math.imul(D2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(D2, J), l = l + Math.imul(R2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, re) | 0; var qe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(C2, X), n = Math.imul(C2, J), n = n + Math.imul(O, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(O, J), l = l + Math.imul(k, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, ne) | 0; var ze = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(F, X), n = Math.imul(F, J), n = n + Math.imul(U, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(U, J), l = l + Math.imul(C2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, ae) | 0; var He = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(z2, X), n = Math.imul(z2, J), n = n + Math.imul(H, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(H, J), l = l + Math.imul(F, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, se) | 0; var We = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(W, X), n = Math.imul(W, J), n = n + Math.imul(K, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(K, J), l = l + Math.imul(z2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, ue) | 0; var Ke = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(j, X), n = Math.imul(j, J), n = n + Math.imul(Z, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Z, J), l = l + Math.imul(W, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, de) | 0; var je = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(V, X), n = Math.imul(V, J), n = n + Math.imul($, X) | 0, d = Math.imul($, J), l = l + Math.imul(j, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, pe) | 0; var Ze = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, X), n = Math.imul(G, J), n = n + Math.imul(Y, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, J), l = l + Math.imul(V, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_3, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_3, be) | 0; var Ve = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, Q), n = Math.imul(G, ee), n = n + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ee), l = l + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var $e = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, te), n = Math.imul(G, re), n = n + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, re), l = l + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0; var Ge = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ie), n = Math.imul(G, ne), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ne), l = l + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, be) | 0; var Ye = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, fe), n = Math.imul(G, ae), n = n + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ae), l = l + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, be) | 0; var Xe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, oe), n = Math.imul(G, se), n = n + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, se), l = l + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, be) | 0; var Je = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, he), n = Math.imul(G, ue), n = n + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ue), l = l + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, be) | 0; var Qe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, le), n = Math.imul(G, de), n = n + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, de), l = l + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0; var et = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ce), n = Math.imul(G, pe), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, pe), l = l + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, be) | 0; var tt = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ve), n = Math.imul(G, be), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, be); var rt = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; return b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, c[0] = ft, c[1] = Be, c[2] = qe, c[3] = ze, c[4] = He, c[5] = We, c[6] = Ke, c[7] = je, c[8] = Ze, c[9] = Ve, c[10] = $e, c[11] = Ge, c[12] = Ye, c[13] = Xe, c[14] = Je, c[15] = Qe, c[16] = et, c[17] = tt, c[18] = rt, b3 !== 0 && (c[19] = b3, h2.length++), h2; }; Math.imul || (L2 = q2); function ge(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative, a.length = v.length + i.length; for (var h2 = 0, s = 0, u = 0;u < a.length - 1; u++) { var c = s; s = 0; for (var b3 = h2 & 67108863, l = Math.min(u, i.length - 1), n = Math.max(0, u - v.length + 1);n <= l; n++) { var d = u - n, w = v.words[d] | 0, g = i.words[n] | 0, _3 = w * g, A2 = _3 & 67108863; c = c + (_3 / 67108864 | 0) | 0, A2 = A2 + b3 | 0, b3 = A2 & 67108863, c = c + (A2 >>> 26) | 0, s += c >>> 26, c &= 67108863; } a.words[u] = b3, h2 = c, c = s; } return h2 !== 0 ? a.words[u] = h2 : a.length--, a.strip(); } function _e(v, i, a) { var h2 = new N; return h2.mulp(v, i, a); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(i, a) { var h2, s = this.length + i.length; return this.length === 10 && i.length === 10 ? h2 = L2(this, i, a) : s < 63 ? h2 = q2(this, i, a) : s < 1024 ? h2 = ge(this, i, a) : h2 = _e(this, i, a), h2; }; function N(v, i) { this.x = v, this.y = i; } N.prototype.makeRBT = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = f.prototype._countBits(i) - 1, s = 0;s < i; s++) a[s] = this.revBin(s, h2, i); return a; }, N.prototype.revBin = function(i, a, h2) { if (i === 0 || i === h2 - 1) return i; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < a; u++) s |= (i & 1) << a - u - 1, i >>= 1; return s; }, N.prototype.permute = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { for (var b3 = 0;b3 < c; b3++) s[b3] = a[i[b3]], u[b3] = h2[i[b3]]; }, N.prototype.transform = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { this.permute(c, i, a, h2, s, u); for (var b3 = 1;b3 < u; b3 <<= 1) for (var l = b3 << 1, n = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l), d = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l), w = 0;w < u; w += l) for (var g = n, _3 = d, A2 = 0;A2 < b3; A2++) { var R2 = h2[w + A2], I = s[w + A2], Me = h2[w + A2 + b3], k = s[w + A2 + b3], D2 = g * Me - _3 * k; k = g * k + _3 * Me, Me = D2, h2[w + A2] = R2 + Me, s[w + A2] = I + k, h2[w + A2 + b3] = R2 - Me, s[w + A2 + b3] = I - k, A2 !== l && (D2 = n * g - d * _3, _3 = n * _3 + d * g, g = D2); } }, N.prototype.guessLen13b = function(i, a) { var h2 = Math.max(a, i) | 1, s = h2 & 1, u = 0; for (h2 = h2 / 2 | 0;h2; h2 = h2 >>> 1) u++; return 1 << u + 1 + s; }, N.prototype.conjugate = function(i, a, h2) { if (!(h2 <= 1)) for (var s = 0;s < h2 / 2; s++) { var u = i[s]; i[s] = i[h2 - s - 1], i[h2 - s - 1] = u, u = a[s], a[s] = -a[h2 - s - 1], a[h2 - s - 1] = -u; } }, N.prototype.normalize13b = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 0, s = 0;s < a / 2; s++) { var u = Math.round(i[2 * s + 1] / a) * 8192 + Math.round(i[2 * s] / a) + h2; i[s] = u & 67108863, u < 67108864 ? h2 = 0 : h2 = u / 67108864 | 0; } return i; }, N.prototype.convert13b = function(i, a, h2, s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < a; c++) u = u + (i[c] | 0), h2[2 * c] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13, h2[2 * c + 1] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13; for (c = 2 * a;c < s; ++c) h2[c] = 0; r(u === 0), r((u & -8192) === 0); }, N.prototype.stub = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = 0;h2 < i; h2++) a[h2] = 0; return a; }, N.prototype.mulp = function(i, a, h2) { var s = 2 * this.guessLen13b(i.length, a.length), u = this.makeRBT(s), c = this.stub(s), b3 = new Array(s), l = new Array(s), n = new Array(s), d = new Array(s), w = new Array(s), g = new Array(s), _3 = h2.words; _3.length = s, this.convert13b(i.words, i.length, b3, s), this.convert13b(a.words, a.length, d, s), this.transform(b3, c, l, n, s, u), this.transform(d, c, w, g, s, u); for (var A2 = 0;A2 < s; A2++) { var R2 = l[A2] * w[A2] - n[A2] * g[A2]; n[A2] = l[A2] * g[A2] + n[A2] * w[A2], l[A2] = R2; } return this.conjugate(l, n, s), this.transform(l, n, _3, c, s, u), this.conjugate(_3, c, s), this.normalize13b(_3, s), h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = i.length + a.length, h2.strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), this.mulTo(i, a); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), _e(this, i, a); }, f.prototype.imul = function(i) { return this.clone().mulTo(i, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864); for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < this.length; h2++) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) * i, u = (s & 67108863) + (a & 67108863); a >>= 26, a += s / 67108864 | 0, a += u >>> 26, this.words[h2] = u & 67108863; } return a !== 0 && (this.words[h2] = a, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(i) { return this.clone().imuln(i); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(i) { var a = B(i); if (a.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var h2 = this, s = 0;s < a.length && a[s] === 0; s++, h2 = h2.sqr()) ; if (++s < a.length) for (var u = h2.sqr();s < a.length; s++, u = u.sqr()) a[s] !== 0 && (h2 = h2.mul(u)); return h2; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 67108863 >>> 26 - a << 26 - a, u; if (a !== 0) { var c = 0; for (u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var b3 = this.words[u] & s, l = (this.words[u] | 0) - b3 << a; this.words[u] = l | c, c = b3 >>> 26 - a; } c && (this.words[u] = c, this.length++); } if (h2 !== 0) { for (u = this.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) this.words[u + h2] = this.words[u]; for (u = 0;u < h2; u++) this.words[u] = 0; this.length += h2; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(i) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(i); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(i, a, h2) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var s; a ? s = (a - a % 26) / 26 : s = 0; var u = i % 26, c = Math.min((i - u) / 26, this.length), b3 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u, l = h2; if (s -= c, s = Math.max(0, s), l) { for (var n = 0;n < c; n++) l.words[n] = this.words[n]; l.length = c; } if (c !== 0) if (this.length > c) for (this.length -= c, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = this.words[n + c]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var d = 0; for (n = this.length - 1;n >= 0 && (d !== 0 || n >= s); n--) { var w = this.words[n] | 0; this.words[n] = d << 26 - u | w >>> u, d = w & b3; } return l && d !== 0 && (l.words[l.length++] = d), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(i, a, h2) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(i, a, h2); }, f.prototype.shln = function(i) { return this.clone().ishln(i); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(i) { return this.clone().iushln(i); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(i) { return this.clone().ishrn(i); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(i) { return this.clone().iushrn(i); }, f.prototype.testn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return false; var u = this.words[h2]; return !!(u & s); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= h2) return this; if (a !== 0 && h2++, this.length = Math.min(h2, this.length), a !== 0) { var s = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> a << a; this.words[this.length - 1] &= s; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(i) { return this.clone().imaskn(i); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(i) { return r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0 ? this.isubn(-i) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < i ? (this.words[0] = i - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(i), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(i); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(i) { this.words[0] += i; for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] >= 67108864; a++) this.words[a] -= 67108864, a === this.length - 1 ? this.words[a + 1] = 1 : this.words[a + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, a + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(i) { if (r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0) return this.iaddn(-i); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(i), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= i, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] < 0; a++) this.words[a] += 67108864, this.words[a + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(i) { return this.clone().iaddn(i); }, f.prototype.subn = function(i) { return this.clone().isubn(i); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.length + h2, u; this._expand(s); var c, b3 = 0; for (u = 0;u < i.length; u++) { c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b3; var l = (i.words[u] | 0) * a; c -= l & 67108863, b3 = (c >> 26) - (l / 67108864 | 0), this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; } for (;u < this.length - h2; u++) c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b3, b3 = c >> 26, this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; if (b3 === 0) return this.strip(); for (r(b3 === -1), b3 = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) c = -(this.words[u] | 0) + b3, b3 = c >> 26, this.words[u] = c & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(i, a) { var h2 = this.length - i.length, s = this.clone(), u = i, c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0, b3 = this._countBits(c); h2 = 26 - b3, h2 !== 0 && (u = u.ushln(h2), s.iushln(h2), c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0); var l = s.length - u.length, n; if (a !== "mod") { n = new f(null), n.length = l + 1, n.words = new Array(n.length); for (var d = 0;d < n.length; d++) n.words[d] = 0; } var w = s.clone()._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, l); w.negative === 0 && (s = w, n && (n.words[l] = 1)); for (var g = l - 1;g >= 0; g--) { var _3 = (s.words[u.length + g] | 0) * 67108864 + (s.words[u.length + g - 1] | 0); for (_3 = Math.min(_3 / c | 0, 67108863), s._ishlnsubmul(u, _3, g);s.negative !== 0; ) _3--, s.negative = 0, s._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, g), s.isZero() || (s.negative ^= 1); n && (n.words[g] = _3); } return n && n.strip(), s.strip(), a !== "div" && h2 !== 0 && s.iushrn(h2), { div: n || null, mod: s }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(!i.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var s, u, c; return this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i, a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.iadd(i)), { div: s, mod: u }) : this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0 ? (c = this.divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), { div: s, mod: c.mod }) : (this.negative & i.negative) !== 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.isub(i)), { div: c.div, mod: u }) : i.length > this.length || this.cmp(i) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : i.length === 1 ? a === "div" ? { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: null } : a === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(i, a); }, f.prototype.div = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(i) { var a = this.divmod(i); if (a.mod.isZero()) return a.div; var h2 = a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.mod.isub(i) : a.mod, s = i.ushrn(1), u = i.andln(1), c = h2.cmp(s); return c < 0 || u === 1 && c === 0 ? a.div : a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.div.isubn(1) : a.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = (1 << 26) % i, h2 = 0, s = this.length - 1;s >= 0; s--) h2 = (a * h2 + (this.words[s] | 0)) % i; return h2; }, f.prototype.idivn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) + a * 67108864; this.words[h2] = s / i | 0, a = s % i; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.divn = function(i) { return this.clone().idivn(i); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = new f(0), b3 = new f(1), l = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1), ++l; for (var n = h2.clone(), d = a.clone();!a.isZero(); ) { for (var w = 0, g = 1;(a.words[0] & g) === 0 && w < 26; ++w, g <<= 1) ; if (w > 0) for (a.iushrn(w);w-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(n), u.isub(d)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); for (var _3 = 0, A2 = 1;(h2.words[0] & A2) === 0 && _3 < 26; ++_3, A2 <<= 1) ; if (_3 > 0) for (h2.iushrn(_3);_3-- > 0; ) (c.isOdd() || b3.isOdd()) && (c.iadd(n), b3.isub(d)), c.iushrn(1), b3.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(c), u.isub(b3)) : (h2.isub(a), c.isub(s), b3.isub(u)); } return { a: c, b: b3, gcd: h2.iushln(l) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = h2.clone();a.cmpn(1) > 0 && h2.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var b3 = 0, l = 1;(a.words[0] & l) === 0 && b3 < 26; ++b3, l <<= 1) ; if (b3 > 0) for (a.iushrn(b3);b3-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(c), s.iushrn(1); for (var n = 0, d = 1;(h2.words[0] & d) === 0 && n < 26; ++n, d <<= 1) ; if (n > 0) for (h2.iushrn(n);n-- > 0; ) u.isOdd() && u.iadd(c), u.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(u)) : (h2.isub(a), u.isub(s)); } var w; return a.cmpn(1) === 0 ? w = s : w = u, w.cmpn(0) < 0 && w.iadd(i), w; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(i) { if (this.isZero()) return i.abs(); if (i.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a = this.clone(), h2 = i.clone(); a.negative = 0, h2.negative = 0; for (var s = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); s++) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1); do { for (;a.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1); for (;h2.isEven(); ) h2.iushrn(1); var u = a.cmp(h2); if (u < 0) { var c = a; a = h2, h2 = c; } else if (u === 0 || h2.cmpn(1) === 0) break; a.isub(h2); } while (true); return h2.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.invm = function(i) { return this.egcd(i).a.umod(i); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(i) { return this.words[0] & i; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return this._expand(h2 + 1), this.words[h2] |= s, this; for (var u = s, c = h2;u !== 0 && c < this.length; c++) { var b3 = this.words[c] | 0; b3 += u, u = b3 >>> 26, b3 &= 67108863, this.words[c] = b3; } return u !== 0 && (this.words[c] = u, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(i) { var a = i < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !a) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && a) return 1; this.strip(); var h2; if (this.length > 1) h2 = 1; else { a && (i = -i), r(i <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var s = this.words[0] | 0; h2 = s === i ? 0 : s < i ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -h2 | 0 : h2; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(i) { if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return 1; var a = this.ucmp(i); return this.negative !== 0 ? -a | 0 : a; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(i) { if (this.length > i.length) return 1; if (this.length < i.length) return -1; for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = this.words[h2] | 0, u = i.words[h2] | 0; if (s !== u) { s < u ? a = -1 : s > u && (a = 1); break; } } return a; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === -1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 0; }, = function(i) { return new P(i); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), i.convertTo(this)._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(i) { return = i, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(i) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(i) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(i) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(i) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, i); }; var we = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function ye(v, i) { = v, this.p = new f(i, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } ye.prototype._tmp = function() { var i = new f(null); return i.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), i; }, ye.prototype.ireduce = function(i) { var a = i, h2; do this.split(a, this.tmp), a = this.imulK(a), a = a.iadd(this.tmp), h2 = a.bitLength(); while (h2 > this.n); var s = h2 < this.n ? -1 : a.ucmp(this.p); return s === 0 ? (a.words[0] = 0, a.length = 1) : s > 0 ? a.isub(this.p) : a.strip !== undefined ? a.strip() : a._strip(), a; }, ye.prototype.split = function(i, a) { i.iushrn(this.n, 0, a); }, ye.prototype.imulK = function(i) { return i.imul(this.k); }; function xe() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(xe, ye), xe.prototype.split = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 4194303, s = Math.min(i.length, 9), u = 0;u < s; u++) a.words[u] = i.words[u]; if (a.length = s, i.length <= 9) { i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1; return; } var c = i.words[9]; for (a.words[a.length++] = c & h2, u = 10;u < i.length; u++) { var b3 = i.words[u] | 0; i.words[u - 10] = (b3 & h2) << 4 | c >>> 22, c = b3; } c >>>= 22, i.words[u - 10] = c, c === 0 && i.length > 10 ? i.length -= 10 : i.length -= 9; }, xe.prototype.imulK = function(i) { i.words[i.length] = 0, i.words[i.length + 1] = 0, i.length += 2; for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = i.words[h2] | 0; a += s * 977, i.words[h2] = a & 67108863, a = s * 64 + (a / 67108864 | 0); } return i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && (i.length--, i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && i.length--), i; }; function Re() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(Re, ye); function Ee() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Ee, ye); function Ae() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(Ae, ye), Ae.prototype.imulK = function(i) { for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = (i.words[h2] | 0) * 19 + a, u = s & 67108863; s >>>= 26, i.words[h2] = u, a = s; } return a !== 0 && (i.words[i.length++] = a), i; }, f._prime = function(i) { if (we[i]) return we[i]; var a; if (i === "k256") a = new xe; else if (i === "p224") a = new Re; else if (i === "p192") a = new Ee; else if (i === "p25519") a = new Ae; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + i); return we[i] = a, a; }; function P(v) { if (typeof v == "string") { var i = f._prime(v); this.m = i.p, = i; } else r(v.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = v, = null; } P.prototype._verify1 = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype._verify2 = function(i, a) { r((i.negative | a.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype.imod = function(i) { return ? : i.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.neg = function(i) { return i.isZero() ? i.clone() : this.m.sub(i)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.add = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.add(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.iadd = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.iadd(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.sub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.sub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.isub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.isub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.shl = function(i, a) { return this._verify1(i), this.imod(i.ushln(a)); }, P.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.imul(a)); }, P.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.mul(a)); }, P.prototype.isqr = function(i) { return this.imul(i, i.clone()); }, P.prototype.sqr = function(i) { return this.mul(i, i); }, P.prototype.sqrt = function(i) { if (i.isZero()) return i.clone(); var a = this.m.andln(3); if (r(a % 2 === 1), a === 3) { var h2 = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(i, h2); } for (var s = this.m.subn(1), u = 0;!s.isZero() && s.andln(1) === 0; ) u++, s.iushrn(1); r(!s.isZero()); var c = new f(1).toRed(this), b3 = c.redNeg(), l = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), n = this.m.bitLength(); for (n = new f(2 * n * n).toRed(this);this.pow(n, l).cmp(b3) !== 0; ) n.redIAdd(b3); for (var d = this.pow(n, s), w = this.pow(i, s.addn(1).iushrn(1)), g = this.pow(i, s), _3 = u;g.cmp(c) !== 0; ) { for (var A2 = g, R2 = 0;A2.cmp(c) !== 0; R2++) A2 = A2.redSqr(); r(R2 < _3); var I = this.pow(d, new f(1).iushln(_3 - R2 - 1)); w = w.redMul(I), d = I.redSqr(), g = g.redMul(d), _3 = R2; } return w; }, P.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = i._invmp(this.m); return a.negative !== 0 ? (a.negative = 0, this.imod(a).redNeg()) : this.imod(a); }, P.prototype.pow = function(i, a) { if (a.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) return i.clone(); var h2 = 4, s = new Array(1 << h2); s[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), s[1] = i; for (var u = 2;u < s.length; u++) s[u] = this.mul(s[u - 1], i); var c = s[0], b3 = 0, l = 0, n = a.bitLength() % 26; for (n === 0 && (n = 26), u = a.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) { for (var d = a.words[u], w = n - 1;w >= 0; w--) { var g = d >> w & 1; if (c !== s[0] && (c = this.sqr(c)), g === 0 && b3 === 0) { l = 0; continue; } b3 <<= 1, b3 |= g, l++, !(l !== h2 && (u !== 0 || w !== 0)) && (c = this.mul(c, s[b3]), l = 0, b3 = 0); } n = 26; } return c; }, P.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { var a = i.umod(this.m); return a === i ? a.clone() : a; }, P.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = i.clone(); return = null, a; }, f.mont = function(i) { return new Se(i); }; function Se(v) {, v), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(Se, P), Se.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { return this.imod(i.ushln(this.shift)); }, Se.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, a; }, Se.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1, i; var h2 = i.imul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var h2 = i.mul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return a._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof ed > "u" || ed, ky); }); h0 = T2((Yk, Ly) => { var s0 = Ut(), Ff = s0.Buffer, Er = {}, Ar; for (Ar in s0) !s0.hasOwnProperty(Ar) || Ar === "SlowBuffer" || Ar === "Buffer" || (Er[Ar] = s0[Ar]); var Uf = Er.Buffer = {}; for (Ar in Ff) !Ff.hasOwnProperty(Ar) || Ar === "allocUnsafe" || Ar === "allocUnsafeSlow" || (Uf[Ar] = Ff[Ar]); Er.Buffer.prototype = Ff.prototype; (!Uf.from || Uf.from === Uint8Array.from) && (Uf.from = function(t, e, r) { if (typeof t == "number") throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type ' + typeof t); if (t && typeof t.length > "u") throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof t); return Ff(t, e, r); }); Uf.alloc || (Uf.alloc = function(t, e, r) { if (typeof t != "number") throw new TypeError('The "size" argument must be of type number. Received type ' + typeof t); if (t < 0 || t >= 2 * (1 << 30)) throw new RangeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for option "size"'); var o = Ff(t); return !e || e.length === 0 ? o.fill(0) : typeof r == "string" ? o.fill(e, r) : o.fill(e), o; }); if (!Er.kStringMaxLength) try { Er.kStringMaxLength = process.binding("buffer").kStringMaxLength; } catch { } Er.constants || (Er.constants = { MAX_LENGTH: Er.kMaxLength }, Er.kStringMaxLength && (Er.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = Er.kStringMaxLength)); Ly.exports = Er; }); u0 = T2((Ny) => { var aB = Ie(); function Rr(t) { this._reporterState = { obj: null, path: [], options: t || {}, errors: [] }; } Ny.Reporter = Rr; Rr.prototype.isError = function(e) { return e instanceof zf; }; = function() { let e = this._reporterState; return { obj: e.obj, pathLen: e.path.length }; }; Rr.prototype.restore = function(e) { let r = this._reporterState; r.obj = e.obj, r.path = r.path.slice(0, e.pathLen); }; Rr.prototype.enterKey = function(e) { return this._reporterState.path.push(e); }; Rr.prototype.exitKey = function(e) { let r = this._reporterState; r.path = r.path.slice(0, e - 1); }; Rr.prototype.leaveKey = function(e, r, o) { let f = this._reporterState; this.exitKey(e), f.obj !== null && (f.obj[r] = o); }; Rr.prototype.path = function() { return this._reporterState.path.join("/"); }; Rr.prototype.enterObject = function() { let e = this._reporterState, r = e.obj; return e.obj = {}, r; }; Rr.prototype.leaveObject = function(e) { let r = this._reporterState, o = r.obj; return r.obj = e, o; }; Rr.prototype.error = function(e) { let r, o = this._reporterState, f = e instanceof zf; if (f ? r = e : r = new zf( { return "[" + JSON.stringify(p) + "]"; }).join(""), e.message || e, e.stack), !o.options.partial) throw r; return f || o.errors.push(r), r; }; Rr.prototype.wrapResult = function(e) { let r = this._reporterState; return r.options.partial ? { result: this.isError(e) ? null : e, errors: r.errors } : e; }; function zf(t, e) { this.path = t, this.rethrow(e); } aB(zf, Error); zf.prototype.rethrow = function(e) { if (this.message = e + " at: " + (this.path || "(shallow)"), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, zf), !this.stack) try { throw new Error(this.message); } catch (r) { this.stack = r.stack; } return this; }; }); Kf = T2((rd) => { var oB = Ie(), l0 = u0().Reporter, Hf = h0().Buffer; function Br(t, e) { if (, e), !Hf.isBuffer(t)) { this.error("Input not Buffer"); return; } this.base = t, this.offset = 0, this.length = t.length; } oB(Br, l0); rd.DecoderBuffer = Br; Br.isDecoderBuffer = function(e) { return e instanceof Br ? true : typeof e == "object" && Hf.isBuffer(e.base) && === "DecoderBuffer" && typeof e.offset == "number" && typeof e.length == "number" && typeof == "function" && typeof e.restore == "function" && typeof e.isEmpty == "function" && typeof e.readUInt8 == "function" && typeof e.skip == "function" && typeof e.raw == "function"; }; = function() { return { offset: this.offset, reporter: }; }; Br.prototype.restore = function(e) { let r = new Br(this.base); return r.offset = e.offset, r.length = this.offset, this.offset = e.offset,, e.reporter), r; }; Br.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return this.offset === this.length; }; Br.prototype.readUInt8 = function(e) { return this.offset + 1 <= this.length ? this.base.readUInt8(this.offset++, true) : this.error(e || "DecoderBuffer overrun"); }; Br.prototype.skip = function(e, r) { if (!(this.offset + e <= this.length)) return this.error(r || "DecoderBuffer overrun"); let o = new Br(this.base); return o._reporterState = this._reporterState, o.offset = this.offset, o.length = this.offset + e, this.offset += e, o; }; Br.prototype.raw = function(e) { return this.base.slice(e ? e.offset : this.offset, this.length); }; function Wf(t, e) { if (Array.isArray(t)) this.length = 0, this.value = { return Wf.isEncoderBuffer(r) || (r = new Wf(r, e)), this.length += r.length, r; }, this); else if (typeof t == "number") { if (!(0 <= t && t <= 255)) return e.error("non-byte EncoderBuffer value"); this.value = t, this.length = 1; } else if (typeof t == "string") this.value = t, this.length = Hf.byteLength(t); else if (Hf.isBuffer(t)) this.value = t, this.length = t.length; else return e.error("Unsupported type: " + typeof t); } rd.EncoderBuffer = Wf; Wf.isEncoderBuffer = function(e) { return e instanceof Wf ? true : typeof e == "object" && === "EncoderBuffer" && typeof e.length == "number" && typeof e.join == "function"; }; Wf.prototype.join = function(e, r) { return e || (e = Hf.alloc(this.length)), r || (r = 0), this.length === 0 || (Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value.forEach(function(o) { o.join(e, r), r += o.length; }) : (typeof this.value == "number" ? e[r] = this.value : typeof this.value == "string" ? e.write(this.value, r) : Hf.isBuffer(this.value) && this.value.copy(e, r), r += this.length)), e; }; }); d0 = T2((Qk, Py) => { var sB = u0().Reporter, hB = Kf().EncoderBuffer, uB = Kf().DecoderBuffer, Qt = ar(), Dy = ["seq", "seqof", "set", "setof", "objid", "bool", "gentime", "utctime", "null_", "enum", "int", "objDesc", "bitstr", "bmpstr", "charstr", "genstr", "graphstr", "ia5str", "iso646str", "numstr", "octstr", "printstr", "t61str", "unistr", "utf8str", "videostr"], lB = ["key", "obj", "use", "optional", "explicit", "implicit", "def", "choice", "any", "contains"].concat(Dy), dB = ["_peekTag", "_decodeTag", "_use", "_decodeStr", "_decodeObjid", "_decodeTime", "_decodeNull", "_decodeInt", "_decodeBool", "_decodeList", "_encodeComposite", "_encodeStr", "_encodeObjid", "_encodeTime", "_encodeNull", "_encodeInt", "_encodeBool"]; function Ue(t, e, r) { let o = {}; this._baseState = o, = r, o.enc = t, o.parent = e || null, o.children = null, o.tag = null, o.args = null, o.reverseArgs = null, o.choice = null, o.optional = false, o.any = false, o.obj = false, o.use = null, o.useDecoder = null, o.key = null, o.default = null, o.explicit = null, o.implicit = null, o.contains = null, o.parent || (o.children = [], this._wrap()); } Py.exports = Ue; var cB = ["enc", "parent", "children", "tag", "args", "reverseArgs", "choice", "optional", "any", "obj", "use", "alteredUse", "key", "default", "explicit", "implicit", "contains"]; Ue.prototype.clone = function() { let e = this._baseState, r = {}; cB.forEach(function(f) { r[f] = e[f]; }); let o = new this.constructor(r.parent); return o._baseState = r, o; }; Ue.prototype._wrap = function() { let e = this._baseState; lB.forEach(function(r) { this[r] = function() { let f = new this.constructor(this); return e.children.push(f), f[r].apply(f, arguments); }; }, this); }; Ue.prototype._init = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; Qt(r.parent === null),, r.children = r.children.filter(function(o) { return o._baseState.parent === this; }, this), Qt.equal(r.children.length, 1, "Root node can have only one child"); }; Ue.prototype._useArgs = function(e) { let r = this._baseState, o = e.filter(function(f) { return f instanceof this.constructor; }, this); e = e.filter(function(f) { return !(f instanceof this.constructor); }, this), o.length !== 0 && (Qt(r.children === null), r.children = o, o.forEach(function(f) { f._baseState.parent = this; }, this)), e.length !== 0 && (Qt(r.args === null), r.args = e, r.reverseArgs = { if (typeof f != "object" || f.constructor !== Object) return f; let p = {}; return Object.keys(f).forEach(function(m2) { m2 == (m2 | 0) && (m2 |= 0); let y3 = f[m2]; p[y3] = m2; }), p; })); }; dB.forEach(function(t) { Ue.prototype[t] = function() { let r = this._baseState; throw new Error(t + " not implemented for encoding: " + r.enc); }; }); Dy.forEach(function(t) { Ue.prototype[t] = function() { let r = this._baseState, o =; return Qt(r.tag === null), r.tag = t, this._useArgs(o), this; }; }); Ue.prototype.use = function(e) { Qt(e); let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.use === null), r.use = e, this; }; Ue.prototype.optional = function() { let e = this._baseState; return e.optional = true, this; }; Ue.prototype.def = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.default === null), r.default = e, r.optional = true, this; }; Ue.prototype.explicit = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.explicit === null && r.implicit === null), r.explicit = e, this; }; Ue.prototype.implicit = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.explicit === null && r.implicit === null), r.implicit = e, this; }; Ue.prototype.obj = function() { let e = this._baseState, r =; return e.obj = true, r.length !== 0 && this._useArgs(r), this; }; Ue.prototype.key = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.key === null), r.key = e, this; }; Ue.prototype.any = function() { let e = this._baseState; return e.any = true, this; }; Ue.prototype.choice = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.choice === null), r.choice = e, this._useArgs(Object.keys(e).map(function(o) { return e[o]; })), this; }; Ue.prototype.contains = function(e) { let r = this._baseState; return Qt(r.use === null), r.contains = e, this; }; Ue.prototype._decode = function(e, r) { let o = this._baseState; if (o.parent === null) return e.wrapResult(o.children[0]._decode(e, r)); let f = o.default, p = true, m2 = null; if (o.key !== null && (m2 = e.enterKey(o.key)), o.optional) { let M = null; if (o.explicit !== null ? M = o.explicit : o.implicit !== null ? M = o.implicit : o.tag !== null && (M = o.tag), M === null && !o.any) { let x =; try { o.choice === null ? this._decodeGeneric(o.tag, e, r) : this._decodeChoice(e, r), p = true; } catch { p = false; } e.restore(x); } else if (p = this._peekTag(e, M, o.any), e.isError(p)) return p; } let y3; if (o.obj && p && (y3 = e.enterObject()), p) { if (o.explicit !== null) { let x = this._decodeTag(e, o.explicit); if (e.isError(x)) return x; e = x; } let M = e.offset; if (o.use === null && o.choice === null) { let x; o.any && (x =; let S = this._decodeTag(e, o.implicit !== null ? o.implicit : o.tag, o.any); if (e.isError(S)) return S; o.any ? f = e.raw(x) : e = S; } if (r && r.track && o.tag !== null && r.track(e.path(), M, e.length, "tagged"), r && r.track && o.tag !== null && r.track(e.path(), e.offset, e.length, "content"), o.any || (o.choice === null ? f = this._decodeGeneric(o.tag, e, r) : f = this._decodeChoice(e, r)), e.isError(f)) return f; if (!o.any && o.choice === null && o.children !== null && o.children.forEach(function(S) { S._decode(e, r); }), o.contains && (o.tag === "octstr" || o.tag === "bitstr")) { let x = new uB(f); f = this._getUse(o.contains, e._reporterState.obj)._decode(x, r); } } return o.obj && p && (f = e.leaveObject(y3)), o.key !== null && (f !== null || p === true) ? e.leaveKey(m2, o.key, f) : m2 !== null && e.exitKey(m2), f; }; Ue.prototype._decodeGeneric = function(e, r, o) { let f = this._baseState; return e === "seq" || e === "set" ? null : e === "seqof" || e === "setof" ? this._decodeList(r, e, f.args[0], o) : /str$/.test(e) ? this._decodeStr(r, e, o) : e === "objid" && f.args ? this._decodeObjid(r, f.args[0], f.args[1], o) : e === "objid" ? this._decodeObjid(r, null, null, o) : e === "gentime" || e === "utctime" ? this._decodeTime(r, e, o) : e === "null_" ? this._decodeNull(r, o) : e === "bool" ? this._decodeBool(r, o) : e === "objDesc" ? this._decodeStr(r, e, o) : e === "int" || e === "enum" ? this._decodeInt(r, f.args && f.args[0], o) : f.use !== null ? this._getUse(f.use, r._reporterState.obj)._decode(r, o) : r.error("unknown tag: " + e); }; Ue.prototype._getUse = function(e, r) { let o = this._baseState; return o.useDecoder = this._use(e, r), Qt(o.useDecoder._baseState.parent === null), o.useDecoder = o.useDecoder._baseState.children[0], o.implicit !== o.useDecoder._baseState.implicit && (o.useDecoder = o.useDecoder.clone(), o.useDecoder._baseState.implicit = o.implicit), o.useDecoder; }; Ue.prototype._decodeChoice = function(e, r) { let o = this._baseState, f = null, p = false; return Object.keys(o.choice).some(function(m2) { let y3 =, M = o.choice[m2]; try { let x = M._decode(e, r); if (e.isError(x)) return false; f = { type: m2, value: x }, p = true; } catch { return e.restore(y3), false; } return true; }, this), p ? f : e.error("Choice not matched"); }; Ue.prototype._createEncoderBuffer = function(e) { return new hB(e, this.reporter); }; Ue.prototype._encode = function(e, r, o) { let f = this._baseState; if (f.default !== null && f.default === e) return; let p = this._encodeValue(e, r, o); if (p !== undefined && !this._skipDefault(p, r, o)) return p; }; Ue.prototype._encodeValue = function(e, r, o) { let f = this._baseState; if (f.parent === null) return f.children[0]._encode(e, r || new sB); let p = null; if (this.reporter = r, f.optional && e === undefined) if (f.default !== null) e = f.default; else return; let m2 = null, y3 = false; if (f.any) p = this._createEncoderBuffer(e); else if (f.choice) p = this._encodeChoice(e, r); else if (f.contains) m2 = this._getUse(f.contains, o)._encode(e, r), y3 = true; else if (f.children) m2 = { if (M._baseState.tag === "null_") return M._encode(null, r, e); if (M._baseState.key === null) return r.error("Child should have a key"); let x = r.enterKey(M._baseState.key); if (typeof e != "object") return r.error("Child expected, but input is not object"); let S = M._encode(e[M._baseState.key], r, e); return r.leaveKey(x), S; }, this).filter(function(M) { return M; }), m2 = this._createEncoderBuffer(m2); else if (f.tag === "seqof" || f.tag === "setof") { if (!(f.args && f.args.length === 1)) return r.error("Too many args for : " + f.tag); if (!Array.isArray(e)) return r.error("seqof/setof, but data is not Array"); let M = this.clone(); M._baseState.implicit = null, m2 = this._createEncoderBuffer( { let S = this._baseState; return this._getUse(S.args[0], e)._encode(x, r); }, M)); } else f.use !== null ? p = this._getUse(f.use, o)._encode(e, r) : (m2 = this._encodePrimitive(f.tag, e), y3 = true); if (!f.any && f.choice === null) { let M = f.implicit !== null ? f.implicit : f.tag, x = f.implicit === null ? "universal" : "context"; M === null ? f.use === null && r.error("Tag could be omitted only for .use()") : f.use === null && (p = this._encodeComposite(M, y3, x, m2)); } return f.explicit !== null && (p = this._encodeComposite(f.explicit, false, "context", p)), p; }; Ue.prototype._encodeChoice = function(e, r) { let o = this._baseState, f = o.choice[e.type]; return f || Qt(false, e.type + " not found in " + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(o.choice))), f._encode(e.value, r); }; Ue.prototype._encodePrimitive = function(e, r) { let o = this._baseState; if (/str$/.test(e)) return this._encodeStr(r, e); if (e === "objid" && o.args) return this._encodeObjid(r, o.reverseArgs[0], o.args[1]); if (e === "objid") return this._encodeObjid(r, null, null); if (e === "gentime" || e === "utctime") return this._encodeTime(r, e); if (e === "null_") return this._encodeNull(); if (e === "int" || e === "enum") return this._encodeInt(r, o.args && o.reverseArgs[0]); if (e === "bool") return this._encodeBool(r); if (e === "objDesc") return this._encodeStr(r, e); throw new Error("Unsupported tag: " + e); }; Ue.prototype._isNumstr = function(e) { return /^[0-9 ]*$/.test(e); }; Ue.prototype._isPrintstr = function(e) { return /^[A-Za-z0-9 '()+,-./:=?]*$/.test(e); }; }); c0 = T2((Wn) => { function Cy(t) { let e = {}; return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(r) { (r | 0) == r && (r = r | 0); let o = t[r]; e[o] = r; }), e; } Wn.tagClass = { 0: "universal", 1: "application", 2: "context", 3: "private" }; Wn.tagClassByName = Cy(Wn.tagClass); Wn.tag = { 0: "end", 1: "bool", 2: "int", 3: "bitstr", 4: "octstr", 5: "null_", 6: "objid", 7: "objDesc", 8: "external", 9: "real", 10: "enum", 11: "embed", 12: "utf8str", 13: "relativeOid", 16: "seq", 17: "set", 18: "numstr", 19: "printstr", 20: "t61str", 21: "videostr", 22: "ia5str", 23: "utctime", 24: "gentime", 25: "graphstr", 26: "iso646str", 27: "genstr", 28: "unistr", 29: "charstr", 30: "bmpstr" }; Wn.tagByName = Cy(Wn.tag); }); nd = T2((tL, Uy) => { var pB = Ie(), Ii = h0().Buffer, Oy = d0(), id = c0(); function Fy(t) { this.enc = "der", =, this.entity = t, this.tree = new Ur, this.tree._init(t.body); } Uy.exports = Fy; Fy.prototype.encode = function(e, r) { return this.tree._encode(e, r).join(); }; function Ur(t) {, "der", t); } pB(Ur, Oy); Ur.prototype._encodeComposite = function(e, r, o, f) { let p = vB(e, r, o, this.reporter); if (f.length < 128) { let M = Ii.alloc(2); return M[0] = p, M[1] = f.length, this._createEncoderBuffer([M, f]); } let m2 = 1; for (let M = f.length;M >= 256; M >>= 8) m2++; let y3 = Ii.alloc(1 + 1 + m2); y3[0] = p, y3[1] = 128 | m2; for (let M = 1 + m2, x = f.length;x > 0; M--, x >>= 8) y3[M] = x & 255; return this._createEncoderBuffer([y3, f]); }; Ur.prototype._encodeStr = function(e, r) { if (r === "bitstr") return this._createEncoderBuffer([e.unused | 0,]); if (r === "bmpstr") { let o = Ii.alloc(e.length * 2); for (let f = 0;f < e.length; f++) o.writeUInt16BE(e.charCodeAt(f), f * 2); return this._createEncoderBuffer(o); } else return r === "numstr" ? this._isNumstr(e) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: numstr supports only digits and space") : r === "printstr" ? this._isPrintstr(e) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: printstr supports only latin upper and lower case letters, digits, space, apostrophe, left and rigth parenthesis, plus sign, comma, hyphen, dot, slash, colon, equal sign, question mark") : /str$/.test(r) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : r === "objDesc" ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: " + r + " unsupported"); }; Ur.prototype._encodeObjid = function(e, r, o) { if (typeof e == "string") { if (!r) return this.reporter.error("string objid given, but no values map found"); if (!r.hasOwnProperty(e)) return this.reporter.error("objid not found in values map"); e = r[e].split(/[\s.]+/g); for (let y3 = 0;y3 < e.length; y3++) e[y3] |= 0; } else if (Array.isArray(e)) { e = e.slice(); for (let y3 = 0;y3 < e.length; y3++) e[y3] |= 0; } if (!Array.isArray(e)) return this.reporter.error("objid() should be either array or string, got: " + JSON.stringify(e)); if (!o) { if (e[1] >= 40) return this.reporter.error("Second objid identifier OOB"); e.splice(0, 2, e[0] * 40 + e[1]); } let f = 0; for (let y3 = 0;y3 < e.length; y3++) { let M = e[y3]; for (f++;M >= 128; M >>= 7) f++; } let p = Ii.alloc(f), m2 = p.length - 1; for (let y3 = e.length - 1;y3 >= 0; y3--) { let M = e[y3]; for (p[m2--] = M & 127;(M >>= 7) > 0; ) p[m2--] = 128 | M & 127; } return this._createEncoderBuffer(p); }; function qr(t) { return t < 10 ? "0" + t : t; } Ur.prototype._encodeTime = function(e, r) { let o, f = new Date(e); return r === "gentime" ? o = [qr(f.getUTCFullYear()), qr(f.getUTCMonth() + 1), qr(f.getUTCDate()), qr(f.getUTCHours()), qr(f.getUTCMinutes()), qr(f.getUTCSeconds()), "Z"].join("") : r === "utctime" ? o = [qr(f.getUTCFullYear() % 100), qr(f.getUTCMonth() + 1), qr(f.getUTCDate()), qr(f.getUTCHours()), qr(f.getUTCMinutes()), qr(f.getUTCSeconds()), "Z"].join("") : this.reporter.error("Encoding " + r + " time is not supported yet"), this._encodeStr(o, "octstr"); }; Ur.prototype._encodeNull = function() { return this._createEncoderBuffer(""); }; Ur.prototype._encodeInt = function(e, r) { if (typeof e == "string") { if (!r) return this.reporter.error("String int or enum given, but no values map"); if (!r.hasOwnProperty(e)) return this.reporter.error("Values map doesn't contain: " + JSON.stringify(e)); e = r[e]; } if (typeof e != "number" && !Ii.isBuffer(e)) { let p = e.toArray(); !e.sign && p[0] & 128 && p.unshift(0), e = Ii.from(p); } if (Ii.isBuffer(e)) { let p = e.length; e.length === 0 && p++; let m2 = Ii.alloc(p); return e.copy(m2), e.length === 0 && (m2[0] = 0), this._createEncoderBuffer(m2); } if (e < 128) return this._createEncoderBuffer(e); if (e < 256) return this._createEncoderBuffer([0, e]); let o = 1; for (let p = e;p >= 256; p >>= 8) o++; let f = new Array(o); for (let p = f.length - 1;p >= 0; p--) f[p] = e & 255, e >>= 8; return f[0] & 128 && f.unshift(0), this._createEncoderBuffer(Ii.from(f)); }; Ur.prototype._encodeBool = function(e) { return this._createEncoderBuffer(e ? 255 : 0); }; Ur.prototype._use = function(e, r) { return typeof e == "function" && (e = e(r)), e._getEncoder("der").tree; }; Ur.prototype._skipDefault = function(e, r, o) { let f = this._baseState, p; if (f.default === null) return false; let m2 = e.join(); if (f.defaultBuffer === undefined && (f.defaultBuffer = this._encodeValue(f.default, r, o).join()), m2.length !== f.defaultBuffer.length) return false; for (p = 0;p < m2.length; p++) if (m2[p] !== f.defaultBuffer[p]) return false; return true; }; function vB(t, e, r, o) { let f; if (t === "seqof" ? t = "seq" : t === "setof" && (t = "set"), id.tagByName.hasOwnProperty(t)) f = id.tagByName[t]; else if (typeof t == "number" && (t | 0) === t) f = t; else return o.error("Unknown tag: " + t); return f >= 31 ? o.error("Multi-octet tag encoding unsupported") : (e || (f |= 32), f |= id.tagClassByName[r || "universal"] << 6, f); } }); Hy = T2((rL, zy) => { var bB = Ie(), fd = nd(); function ad(t) {, t), this.enc = "pem"; } bB(ad, fd); zy.exports = ad; ad.prototype.encode = function(e, r) { let f =, e).toString("base64"), p = ["-----BEGIN " + r.label + "-----"]; for (let m2 = 0;m2 < f.length; m2 += 64) p.push(f.slice(m2, m2 + 64)); return p.push("-----END " + r.label + "-----"), p.join(` `); }; }); od = T2((Ky) => { var Wy = Ky; Wy.der = nd(); Wy.pem = Hy(); }); hd = T2((nL, Yy) => { var mB = Ie(), gB = td(), jy = Kf().DecoderBuffer, Vy = d0(), Zy = c0(); function $y(t) { this.enc = "der", =, this.entity = t, this.tree = new sr, this.tree._init(t.body); } Yy.exports = $y; $y.prototype.decode = function(e, r) { return jy.isDecoderBuffer(e) || (e = new jy(e, r)), this.tree._decode(e, r); }; function sr(t) {, "der", t); } mB(sr, Vy); sr.prototype._peekTag = function(e, r, o) { if (e.isEmpty()) return false; let f =, p = sd(e, 'Failed to peek tag: "' + r + '"'); return e.isError(p) ? p : (e.restore(f), p.tag === r || p.tagStr === r || p.tagStr + "of" === r || o); }; sr.prototype._decodeTag = function(e, r, o) { let f = sd(e, 'Failed to decode tag of "' + r + '"'); if (e.isError(f)) return f; let p = Gy(e, f.primitive, 'Failed to get length of "' + r + '"'); if (e.isError(p)) return p; if (!o && f.tag !== r && f.tagStr !== r && f.tagStr + "of" !== r) return e.error('Failed to match tag: "' + r + '"'); if (f.primitive || p !== null) return e.skip(p, 'Failed to match body of: "' + r + '"'); let m2 =, y3 = this._skipUntilEnd(e, 'Failed to skip indefinite length body: "' + this.tag + '"'); return e.isError(y3) ? y3 : (p = e.offset - m2.offset, e.restore(m2), e.skip(p, 'Failed to match body of: "' + r + '"')); }; sr.prototype._skipUntilEnd = function(e, r) { for (;; ) { let o = sd(e, r); if (e.isError(o)) return o; let f = Gy(e, o.primitive, r); if (e.isError(f)) return f; let p; if (o.primitive || f !== null ? p = e.skip(f) : p = this._skipUntilEnd(e, r), e.isError(p)) return p; if (o.tagStr === "end") break; } }; sr.prototype._decodeList = function(e, r, o, f) { let p = []; for (;!e.isEmpty(); ) { let m2 = this._peekTag(e, "end"); if (e.isError(m2)) return m2; let y3 = o.decode(e, "der", f); if (e.isError(y3) && m2) break; p.push(y3); } return p; }; sr.prototype._decodeStr = function(e, r) { if (r === "bitstr") { let o = e.readUInt8(); return e.isError(o) ? o : { unused: o, data: e.raw() }; } else if (r === "bmpstr") { let o = e.raw(); if (o.length % 2 === 1) return e.error("Decoding of string type: bmpstr length mismatch"); let f = ""; for (let p = 0;p < o.length / 2; p++) f += String.fromCharCode(o.readUInt16BE(p * 2)); return f; } else if (r === "numstr") { let o = e.raw().toString("ascii"); return this._isNumstr(o) ? o : e.error("Decoding of string type: numstr unsupported characters"); } else { if (r === "octstr") return e.raw(); if (r === "objDesc") return e.raw(); if (r === "printstr") { let o = e.raw().toString("ascii"); return this._isPrintstr(o) ? o : e.error("Decoding of string type: printstr unsupported characters"); } else return /str$/.test(r) ? e.raw().toString() : e.error("Decoding of string type: " + r + " unsupported"); } }; sr.prototype._decodeObjid = function(e, r, o) { let f, p = [], m2 = 0, y3 = 0; for (;!e.isEmpty(); ) y3 = e.readUInt8(), m2 <<= 7, m2 |= y3 & 127, (y3 & 128) === 0 && (p.push(m2), m2 = 0); y3 & 128 && p.push(m2); let M = p[0] / 40 | 0, x = p[0] % 40; if (o ? f = p : f = [M, x].concat(p.slice(1)), r) { let S = r[f.join(" ")]; S === undefined && (S = r[f.join(".")]), S !== undefined && (f = S); } return f; }; sr.prototype._decodeTime = function(e, r) { let o = e.raw().toString(), f, p, m2, y3, M, x; if (r === "gentime") f = o.slice(0, 4) | 0, p = o.slice(4, 6) | 0, m2 = o.slice(6, 8) | 0, y3 = o.slice(8, 10) | 0, M = o.slice(10, 12) | 0, x = o.slice(12, 14) | 0; else if (r === "utctime") f = o.slice(0, 2) | 0, p = o.slice(2, 4) | 0, m2 = o.slice(4, 6) | 0, y3 = o.slice(6, 8) | 0, M = o.slice(8, 10) | 0, x = o.slice(10, 12) | 0, f < 70 ? f = 2000 + f : f = 1900 + f; else return e.error("Decoding " + r + " time is not supported yet"); return Date.UTC(f, p - 1, m2, y3, M, x, 0); }; sr.prototype._decodeNull = function() { return null; }; sr.prototype._decodeBool = function(e) { let r = e.readUInt8(); return e.isError(r) ? r : r !== 0; }; sr.prototype._decodeInt = function(e, r) { let o = e.raw(), f = new gB(o); return r && (f = r[f.toString(10)] || f), f; }; sr.prototype._use = function(e, r) { return typeof e == "function" && (e = e(r)), e._getDecoder("der").tree; }; function sd(t, e) { let r = t.readUInt8(e); if (t.isError(r)) return r; let o = Zy.tagClass[r >> 6], f = (r & 32) === 0; if ((r & 31) === 31) { let m2 = r; for (r = 0;(m2 & 128) === 128; ) { if (m2 = t.readUInt8(e), t.isError(m2)) return m2; r <<= 7, r |= m2 & 127; } } else r &= 31; let p = Zy.tag[r]; return { cls: o, primitive: f, tag: r, tagStr: p }; } function Gy(t, e, r) { let o = t.readUInt8(r); if (t.isError(o)) return o; if (!e && o === 128) return null; if ((o & 128) === 0) return o; let f = o & 127; if (f > 4) return t.error("length octect is too long"); o = 0; for (let p = 0;p < f; p++) { o <<= 8; let m2 = t.readUInt8(r); if (t.isError(m2)) return m2; o |= m2; } return o; } }); Jy = T2((fL, Xy) => { var yB = Ie(), wB = h0().Buffer, ud = hd(); function ld(t) {, t), this.enc = "pem"; } yB(ld, ud); Xy.exports = ld; ld.prototype.decode = function(e, r) { let o = e.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g), f = r.label.toUpperCase(), p = /^-----(BEGIN|END) ([^-]+)-----$/, m2 = -1, y3 = -1; for (let S = 0;S < o.length; S++) { let E2 = o[S].match(p); if (E2 !== null && E2[2] === f) if (m2 === -1) { if (E2[1] !== "BEGIN") break; m2 = S; } else { if (E2[1] !== "END") break; y3 = S; break; } } if (m2 === -1 || y3 === -1) throw new Error("PEM section not found for: " + f); let M = o.slice(m2 + 1, y3).join(""); M.replace(/[^a-z0-9+/=]+/gi, ""); let x = wB.from(M, "base64"); return, x, r); }; }); dd = T2((e3) => { var Qy = e3; Qy.der = hd(); Qy.pem = Jy(); }); r3 = T2((t3) => { var MB = od(), _B = dd(), xB = Ie(), SB = t3; SB.define = function(e, r) { return new jf(e, r); }; function jf(t, e) { = t, this.body = e, this.decoders = {}, this.encoders = {}; } jf.prototype._createNamed = function(e) { let r =; function o(f) { this._initNamed(f, r); } return xB(o, e), o.prototype._initNamed = function(p, m2) {, p, m2); }, new o(this); }; jf.prototype._getDecoder = function(e) { return e = e || "der", this.decoders.hasOwnProperty(e) || (this.decoders[e] = this._createNamed(_B[e])), this.decoders[e]; }; jf.prototype.decode = function(e, r, o) { return this._getDecoder(r).decode(e, o); }; jf.prototype._getEncoder = function(e) { return e = e || "der", this.encoders.hasOwnProperty(e) || (this.encoders[e] = this._createNamed(MB[e])), this.encoders[e]; }; jf.prototype.encode = function(e, r, o) { return this._getEncoder(r).encode(e, o); }; }); n3 = T2((i3) => { var p0 = i3; p0.Reporter = u0().Reporter; p0.DecoderBuffer = Kf().DecoderBuffer; p0.EncoderBuffer = Kf().EncoderBuffer; p0.Node = d0(); }); o3 = T2((a3) => { var f3 = a3; f3._reverse = function(e) { let r = {}; return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(o) { (o | 0) == o && (o = o | 0); let f = e[o]; r[f] = o; }), r; }; f3.der = c0(); }); cd = T2((s3) => { var Zf = s3; Zf.bignum = td(); Zf.define = r3().define; Zf.base = n3(); Zf.constants = o3(); Zf.decoders = dd(); Zf.encoders = od(); }); d3 = T2((lL, l3) => { var zr = cd(), h3 = zr.define("Time", function() { this.choice({ utcTime: this.utctime(), generalTime: this.gentime() }); }), EB = zr.define("AttributeTypeValue", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("type").objid(), this.key("value").any()); }), pd = zr.define("AlgorithmIdentifier", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").objid(), this.key("parameters").optional(), this.key("curve").objid().optional()); }), AB = zr.define("SubjectPublicKeyInfo", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").use(pd), this.key("subjectPublicKey").bitstr()); }), RB = zr.define("RelativeDistinguishedName", function() { this.setof(EB); }), BB = zr.define("RDNSequence", function() { this.seqof(RB); }), u3 = zr.define("Name", function() { this.choice({ rdnSequence: this.use(BB) }); }), qB = zr.define("Validity", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("notBefore").use(h3), this.key("notAfter").use(h3)); }), IB = zr.define("Extension", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("extnID").objid(), this.key("critical").bool().def(false), this.key("extnValue").octstr()); }), TB = zr.define("TBSCertificate", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").explicit(0).int().optional(), this.key("serialNumber").int(), this.key("signature").use(pd), this.key("issuer").use(u3), this.key("validity").use(qB), this.key("subject").use(u3), this.key("subjectPublicKeyInfo").use(AB), this.key("issuerUniqueID").implicit(1).bitstr().optional(), this.key("subjectUniqueID").implicit(2).bitstr().optional(), this.key("extensions").explicit(3).seqof(IB).optional()); }), kB = zr.define("X509Certificate", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("tbsCertificate").use(TB), this.key("signatureAlgorithm").use(pd), this.key("signatureValue").bitstr()); }); l3.exports = kB; }); p3 = T2((Wr) => { var Hr = cd(); Wr.certificate = d3(); var LB = Hr.define("RSAPrivateKey", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("modulus").int(), this.key("publicExponent").int(), this.key("privateExponent").int(), this.key("prime1").int(), this.key("prime2").int(), this.key("exponent1").int(), this.key("exponent2").int(), this.key("coefficient").int()); }); Wr.RSAPrivateKey = LB; var NB = Hr.define("RSAPublicKey", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("modulus").int(), this.key("publicExponent").int()); }); Wr.RSAPublicKey = NB; var DB = Hr.define("SubjectPublicKeyInfo", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").use(c3), this.key("subjectPublicKey").bitstr()); }); Wr.PublicKey = DB; var c3 = Hr.define("AlgorithmIdentifier", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").objid(), this.key("none").null_().optional(), this.key("curve").objid().optional(), this.key("params").seq().obj(this.key("p").int(), this.key("q").int(), this.key("g").int()).optional()); }), PB = Hr.define("PrivateKeyInfo", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("algorithm").use(c3), this.key("subjectPrivateKey").octstr()); }); Wr.PrivateKey = PB; var CB = Hr.define("EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").seq().obj(this.key("id").objid(), this.key("decrypt").seq().obj(this.key("kde").seq().obj(this.key("id").objid(), this.key("kdeparams").seq().obj(this.key("salt").octstr(), this.key("iters").int())), this.key("cipher").seq().obj(this.key("algo").objid(), this.key("iv").octstr()))), this.key("subjectPrivateKey").octstr()); }); Wr.EncryptedPrivateKey = CB; var OB = Hr.define("DSAPrivateKey", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("p").int(), this.key("q").int(), this.key("g").int(), this.key("pub_key").int(), this.key("priv_key").int()); }); Wr.DSAPrivateKey = OB; Wr.DSAparam = Hr.define("DSAparam", function() {; }); var FB = Hr.define("ECPrivateKey", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("privateKey").octstr(), this.key("parameters").optional().explicit(0).use(UB), this.key("publicKey").optional().explicit(1).bitstr()); }); Wr.ECPrivateKey = FB; var UB = Hr.define("ECParameters", function() { this.choice({ namedCurve: this.objid() }); }); Wr.signature = Hr.define("signature", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("r").int(), this.key("s").int()); }); }); v3 = T2((cL, zB) => { zB.exports = { "2.16.840.": "aes-128-ecb", "2.16.840.": "aes-128-cbc", "2.16.840.": "aes-128-ofb", "2.16.840.": "aes-128-cfb", "2.16.840.": "aes-192-ecb", "2.16.840.": "aes-192-cbc", "2.16.840.": "aes-192-ofb", "2.16.840.": "aes-192-cfb", "2.16.840.": "aes-256-ecb", "2.16.840.": "aes-256-cbc", "2.16.840.": "aes-256-ofb", "2.16.840.": "aes-256-cfb" }; }); m3 = T2((pL, b3) => { var HB = /Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED[\n\r]+DEK-Info: AES-((?:128)|(?:192)|(?:256))-CBC,([0-9A-H]+)[\n\r]+([0-9A-z\n\r+/=]+)[\n\r]+/m, WB = /^-----BEGIN ((?:.*? KEY)|CERTIFICATE)-----/m, KB = /^-----BEGIN ((?:.*? KEY)|CERTIFICATE)-----([0-9A-z\n\r+/=]+)-----END \1-----$/m, jB = Ba(), ZB = Es(), v0 = Te().Buffer; b3.exports = function(t, e) { var r = t.toString(), o = r.match(HB), f; if (o) { var m2 = "aes" + o[1], y3 = v0.from(o[2], "hex"), M = v0.from(o[3].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""), "base64"), x = jB(e, y3.slice(0, 8), parseInt(o[1], 10)).key, S = [], E2 = ZB.createDecipheriv(m2, x, y3); S.push(E2.update(M)), S.push(, f = v0.concat(S); } else { var p = r.match(KB); f = v0.from(p[2].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""), "base64"); } var B = r.match(WB)[1]; return { tag: B, data: f }; }; }); Ha = T2((vL, y3) => { var fr = p3(), VB = v3(), $B = m3(), GB = Es(), YB = Iu(), vd = Te().Buffer; y3.exports = g3; function g3(t) { var e; typeof t == "object" && !vd.isBuffer(t) && (e = t.passphrase, t = t.key), typeof t == "string" && (t = vd.from(t)); var r = $B(t, e), o = r.tag, f =, p, m2; switch (o) { case "CERTIFICATE": m2 = fr.certificate.decode(f, "der").tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo; case "PUBLIC KEY": switch (m2 || (m2 = fr.PublicKey.decode(f, "der")), p = m2.algorithm.algorithm.join("."), p) { case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": return fr.RSAPublicKey.decode(, "der"); case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": return m2.subjectPrivateKey = m2.subjectPublicKey, { type: "ec", data: m2 }; case "1.2.840.10040.4.1": return m2.algorithm.params.pub_key = fr.DSAparam.decode(, "der"), { type: "dsa", data: m2.algorithm.params }; default: throw new Error("unknown key id " + p); } case "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY": f = fr.EncryptedPrivateKey.decode(f, "der"), f = XB(f, e); case "PRIVATE KEY": switch (m2 = fr.PrivateKey.decode(f, "der"), p = m2.algorithm.algorithm.join("."), p) { case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": return fr.RSAPrivateKey.decode(m2.subjectPrivateKey, "der"); case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": return { curve: m2.algorithm.curve, privateKey: fr.ECPrivateKey.decode(m2.subjectPrivateKey, "der").privateKey }; case "1.2.840.10040.4.1": return m2.algorithm.params.priv_key = fr.DSAparam.decode(m2.subjectPrivateKey, "der"), { type: "dsa", params: m2.algorithm.params }; default: throw new Error("unknown key id " + p); } case "RSA PUBLIC KEY": return fr.RSAPublicKey.decode(f, "der"); case "RSA PRIVATE KEY": return fr.RSAPrivateKey.decode(f, "der"); case "DSA PRIVATE KEY": return { type: "dsa", params: fr.DSAPrivateKey.decode(f, "der") }; case "EC PRIVATE KEY": return f = fr.ECPrivateKey.decode(f, "der"), { curve: f.parameters.value, privateKey: f.privateKey }; default: throw new Error("unknown key type " + o); } } g3.signature = fr.signature; function XB(t, e) { var r = t.algorithm.decrypt.kde.kdeparams.salt, o = parseInt(t.algorithm.decrypt.kde.kdeparams.iters.toString(), 10), f = VB[t.algorithm.decrypt.cipher.algo.join(".")], p = t.algorithm.decrypt.cipher.iv, m2 = t.subjectPrivateKey, y4 = parseInt(f.split("-")[1], 10) / 8, M = YB.pbkdf2Sync(e, r, o, y4, "sha1"), x = GB.createDecipheriv(f, M, p), S = []; return S.push(x.update(m2)), S.push(, vd.concat(S); } }); bd = T2((bL, JB) => { JB.exports = { "": "secp256k1", "": "p224", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.1": "p192", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7": "p256", "": "p384", "": "p521" }; }); _3 = T2((mL, m0) => { var Yt = Te().Buffer, Kn = wu(), QB = Ks(), eq = o0().ec, b0 = Ws(), tq = Ha(), rq = bd(); function iq(t, e, r, o, f) { var p = tq(e); if (p.curve) { if (o !== "ecdsa" && o !== "ecdsa/rsa") throw new Error("wrong private key type"); return nq(t, p); } else if (p.type === "dsa") { if (o !== "dsa") throw new Error("wrong private key type"); return fq(t, p, r); } else if (o !== "rsa" && o !== "ecdsa/rsa") throw new Error("wrong private key type"); t = Yt.concat([f, t]); for (var m2 = p.modulus.byteLength(), y3 = [0, 1];t.length + y3.length + 1 < m2; ) y3.push(255); y3.push(0); for (var M = -1;++M < t.length; ) y3.push(t[M]); var x = QB(y3, p); return x; } function nq(t, e) { var r = rq[e.curve.join(".")]; if (!r) throw new Error("unknown curve " + e.curve.join(".")); var o = new eq(r), f = o.keyFromPrivate(e.privateKey), p = f.sign(t); return Yt.from(p.toDER()); } function fq(t, e, r) { for (var o = e.params.priv_key, f = e.params.p, p = e.params.q, m2 = e.params.g, y3 = new b0(0), M, x = md(t, p).mod(p), S = false, E2 = w3(o, p, t, r);S === false; ) M = M3(p, E2, r), y3 = sq(m2, M, f, p), S = M.invm(p).imul(x.add(o.mul(y3))).mod(p), S.cmpn(0) === 0 && (S = false, y3 = new b0(0)); return aq(y3, S); } function aq(t, e) { t = t.toArray(), e = e.toArray(), t[0] & 128 && (t = [0].concat(t)), e[0] & 128 && (e = [0].concat(e)); var r = t.length + e.length + 4, o = [48, r, 2, t.length]; return o = o.concat(t, [2, e.length], e), Yt.from(o); } function w3(t, e, r, o) { if (t = Yt.from(t.toArray()), t.length < e.byteLength()) { var f = Yt.alloc(e.byteLength() - t.length); t = Yt.concat([f, t]); } var p = r.length, m2 = oq(r, e), y3 = Yt.alloc(p); y3.fill(1); var M = Yt.alloc(p); return M = Kn(o, M).update(y3).update(Yt.from([0])).update(t).update(m2).digest(), y3 = Kn(o, M).update(y3).digest(), M = Kn(o, M).update(y3).update(Yt.from([1])).update(t).update(m2).digest(), y3 = Kn(o, M).update(y3).digest(), { k: M, v: y3 }; } function md(t, e) { var r = new b0(t), o = (t.length << 3) - e.bitLength(); return o > 0 && r.ishrn(o), r; } function oq(t, e) { t = md(t, e), t = t.mod(e); var r = Yt.from(t.toArray()); if (r.length < e.byteLength()) { var o = Yt.alloc(e.byteLength() - r.length); r = Yt.concat([o, r]); } return r; } function M3(t, e, r) { var o, f; do { for (o = Yt.alloc(0);o.length * 8 < t.bitLength(); ) e.v = Kn(r, e.k).update(e.v).digest(), o = Yt.concat([o, e.v]); f = md(o, t), e.k = Kn(r, e.k).update(e.v).update(Yt.from([0])).digest(), e.v = Kn(r, e.k).update(e.v).digest(); } while (f.cmp(t) !== -1); return f; } function sq(t, e, r, o) { return t.toRed(b0.mont(r)).redPow(e).fromRed().mod(o); } m0.exports = iq; m0.exports.getKey = w3; m0.exports.makeKey = M3; }); A3 = T2((gL, E3) => { var gd = Te().Buffer, Wa = Ws(), hq = o0().ec, S3 = Ha(), uq = bd(); function lq(t, e, r, o, f) { var p = S3(r); if (p.type === "ec") { if (o !== "ecdsa" && o !== "ecdsa/rsa") throw new Error("wrong public key type"); return dq(t, e, p); } else if (p.type === "dsa") { if (o !== "dsa") throw new Error("wrong public key type"); return cq(t, e, p); } else if (o !== "rsa" && o !== "ecdsa/rsa") throw new Error("wrong public key type"); e = gd.concat([f, e]); for (var m2 = p.modulus.byteLength(), y3 = [1], M = 0;e.length + y3.length + 2 < m2; ) y3.push(255), M++; y3.push(0); for (var x = -1;++x < e.length; ) y3.push(e[x]); y3 = gd.from(y3); var S = Wa.mont(p.modulus); t = new Wa(t).toRed(S), t = t.redPow(new Wa(p.publicExponent)), t = gd.from(t.fromRed().toArray()); var E2 = M < 8 ? 1 : 0; for (m2 = Math.min(t.length, y3.length), t.length !== y3.length && (E2 = 1), x = -1;++x < m2; ) E2 |= t[x] ^ y3[x]; return E2 === 0; } function dq(t, e, r) { var o = uq[".")]; if (!o) throw new Error("unknown curve " +".")); var f = new hq(o), p =; return f.verify(e, t, p); } function cq(t, e, r) { var o =, f =, p =, m2 =, y3 = S3.signature.decode(t, "der"), M = y3.s, x = y3.r; x3(M, f), x3(x, f); var S = Wa.mont(o), E2 = M.invm(f), B = p.toRed(S).redPow(new Wa(e).mul(E2).mod(f)).fromRed().mul(m2.toRed(S).redPow(x.mul(E2).mod(f)).fromRed()).mod(o).mod(f); return B.cmp(x) === 0; } function x3(t, e) { if (t.cmpn(0) <= 0) throw new Error("invalid sig"); if (t.cmp(e) >= e) throw new Error("invalid sig"); } E3.exports = lq; }); k3 = T2((yL, T3) => { var g0 = Te().Buffer, q3 = bf(), y0 = i2(), I3 = Ie(), pq = _3(), vq = A3(), jn = Mu(); Object.keys(jn).forEach(function(t) { jn[t].id = g0.from(jn[t].id, "hex"), jn[t.toLowerCase()] = jn[t]; }); function Ka(t) {; var e = jn[t]; if (!e) throw new Error("Unknown message digest"); this._hashType = e.hash, this._hash = q3(e.hash), this._tag =, this._signType = e.sign; } I3(Ka, y0.Writable); Ka.prototype._write = function(e, r, o) { this._hash.update(e), o(); }; Ka.prototype.update = function(e, r) { return typeof e == "string" && (e = g0.from(e, r)), this._hash.update(e), this; }; Ka.prototype.sign = function(e, r) { this.end(); var o = this._hash.digest(), f = pq(o, e, this._hashType, this._signType, this._tag); return r ? f.toString(r) : f; }; function ja(t) {; var e = jn[t]; if (!e) throw new Error("Unknown message digest"); this._hash = q3(e.hash), this._tag =, this._signType = e.sign; } I3(ja, y0.Writable); ja.prototype._write = function(e, r, o) { this._hash.update(e), o(); }; ja.prototype.update = function(e, r) { return typeof e == "string" && (e = g0.from(e, r)), this._hash.update(e), this; }; ja.prototype.verify = function(e, r, o) { typeof r == "string" && (r = g0.from(r, o)), this.end(); var f = this._hash.digest(); return vq(r, f, e, this._signType, this._tag); }; function R3(t) { return new Ka(t); } function B3(t) { return new ja(t); } T3.exports = { Sign: R3, Verify: B3, createSign: R3, createVerify: B3 }; }); N3 = T2((L3, yd) => { (function(t, e) { function r(v, i) { if (!v) throw new Error(i || "Assertion failed"); } function o(v, i) { v.super_ = i; var a = function() { }; a.prototype = i.prototype, v.prototype = new a, v.prototype.constructor = v; } function f(v, i, a) { if (f.isBN(v)) return v; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, v !== null && ((i === "le" || i === "be") && (a = i, i = 10), this._init(v || 0, i || 10, a || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(i) { return i instanceof f ? true : i !== null && typeof i == "object" && i.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(i.words); }, f.max = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) > 0 ? i : a; }, f.min = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) < 0 ? i : a; }, f.prototype._init = function(i, a, h2) { if (typeof i == "number") return this._initNumber(i, a, h2); if (typeof i == "object") return this._initArray(i, a, h2); a === "hex" && (a = 16), r(a === (a | 0) && a >= 2 && a <= 36), i = i.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var s = 0; i[0] === "-" && (s++, this.negative = 1), s < i.length && (a === 16 ? this._parseHex(i, s, h2) : (this._parseBase(i, a, s), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(i, a, h2) { i < 0 && (this.negative = 1, i = -i), i < 67108864 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863], this.length = 1) : i < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(i < 9007199254740992), this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(typeof i.length == "number"), i.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(i.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u, c, b3 = 0; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1, u = 0;s >= 0; s -= 3) c = i[s] | i[s - 1] << 8 | i[s - 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b3 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b3 & 67108863, b3 += 24, b3 >= 26 && (b3 -= 26, u++); else if (h2 === "le") for (s = 0, u = 0;s < i.length; s += 3) c = i[s] | i[s + 1] << 8 | i[s + 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b3 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b3 & 67108863, b3 += 24, b3 >= 26 && (b3 -= 26, u++); return this.strip(); }; function m2(v, i) { var a = v.charCodeAt(i); return a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 : a - 48 & 15; } function y3(v, i, a) { var h2 = m2(v, a); return a - 1 >= i && (h2 |= m2(v, a - 1) << 4), h2; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(i, a, h2) { this.length = Math.ceil((i.length - a) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u = 0, c = 0, b3; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1;s >= a; s -= 2) b3 = y3(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b3 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b3 >>> 26) : u += 8; else { var l = i.length - a; for (s = l % 2 === 0 ? a + 1 : a;s < i.length; s += 2) b3 = y3(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b3 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b3 >>> 26) : u += 8; } this.strip(); }; function M(v, i, a, h2) { for (var s = 0, u = Math.min(v.length, a), c = i;c < u; c++) { var b3 = v.charCodeAt(c) - 48; s *= h2, b3 >= 49 ? s += b3 - 49 + 10 : b3 >= 17 ? s += b3 - 17 + 10 : s += b3; } return s; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(i, a, h2) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var s = 0, u = 1;u <= 67108863; u *= a) s++; s--, u = u / a | 0; for (var c = i.length - h2, b3 = c % s, l = Math.min(c, c - b3) + h2, n = 0, d = h2;d < l; d += s) n = M(i, d, d + s, a), this.imuln(u), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); if (b3 !== 0) { var w = 1; for (n = M(i, d, i.length, a), d = 0;d < b3; d++) w *= a; this.imuln(w), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); } this.strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(i) { i.words = new Array(this.length); for (var a = 0;a < this.length; a++) i.words[a] = this.words[a]; i.length = this.length, i.negative = this.negative, =; }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var i = new f(null); return this.copy(i), i; }, f.prototype._expand = function(i) { for (;this.length < i; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype.strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, f.prototype.inspect = function() { return ( ? ""; }; var x = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], S = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], E2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(i, a) { i = i || 10, a = a | 0 || 1; var h2; if (i === 16 || i === "hex") { h2 = ""; for (var s = 0, u = 0, c = 0;c < this.length; c++) { var b3 = this.words[c], l = ((b3 << s | u) & 16777215).toString(16); u = b3 >>> 24 - s & 16777215, u !== 0 || c !== this.length - 1 ? h2 = x[6 - l.length] + l + h2 : h2 = l + h2, s += 2, s >= 26 && (s -= 26, c--); } for (u !== 0 && (h2 = u.toString(16) + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } if (i === (i | 0) && i >= 2 && i <= 36) { var n = S[i], d = E2[i]; h2 = ""; var w = this.clone(); for (w.negative = 0;!w.isZero(); ) { var g = w.modn(d).toString(i); w = w.idivn(d), w.isZero() ? h2 = g + h2 : h2 = x[n - g.length] + g + h2; } for (this.isZero() && (h2 = "0" + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var i = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? i += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? i += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -i : i; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(i, a) { return r(typeof p < "u"), this.toArrayLike(p, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArray = function(i, a) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(i, a, h2) { var s = this.byteLength(), u = h2 || Math.max(1, s); r(s <= u, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(u > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); var c = a === "le", b3 = new i(u), l, n, d = this.clone(); if (c) { for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b3[n] = l; for (;n < u; n++) b3[n] = 0; } else { for (n = 0;n < u - s; n++) b3[n] = 0; for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b3[u - n - 1] = l; } return b3; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { return 32 - Math.clz32(i); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { var a = i, h2 = 0; return a >= 4096 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), a >= 64 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), a >= 8 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), a >= 2 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), h2 + a; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(i) { if (i === 0) return 26; var a = i, h2 = 0; return (a & 8191) === 0 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), (a & 127) === 0 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), (a & 15) === 0 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), (a & 3) === 0 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), (a & 1) === 0 && h2++, h2; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var i = this.words[this.length - 1], a = this._countBits(i); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + a; }; function B(v) { for (var i = new Array(v.bitLength()), a = 0;a < i.length; a++) { var h2 = a / 26 | 0, s = a % 26; i[a] = (v.words[h2] & 1 << s) >>> s; } return i; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var i = 0, a = 0;a < this.length; a++) { var h2 = this._zeroBits(this.words[a]); if (i += h2, h2 !== 26) break; } return i; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(i) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(i).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(i) { return this.testn(i - 1) ? this.notn(i).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(i) { for (;this.length < i.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var a = 0;a < i.length; a++) this.words[a] = this.words[a] | i.words[a]; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuor(i); }, f.prototype.or = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ior(i) : i.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuor(i) : i.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(i) { var a; this.length > i.length ? a = i : a = this; for (var h2 = 0;h2 < a.length; h2++) this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & i.words[h2]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuand(i); }, f.prototype.and = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iand(i) : i.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuand(i) : i.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(i) { var a, h2; this.length > i.length ? (a = this, h2 = i) : (a = i, h2 = this); for (var s = 0;s < h2.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s] ^ h2.words[s]; if (this !== a) for (;s < a.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(i); }, f.prototype.xor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ixor(i) : i.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuxor(i) : i.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = Math.ceil(i / 26) | 0, h2 = i % 26; this._expand(a), h2 > 0 && a--; for (var s = 0;s < a; s++) this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863; return h2 > 0 && (this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863 >> 26 - h2), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(i) { return this.clone().inotn(i); }, f.prototype.setn = function(i, a) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var h2 = i / 26 | 0, s = i % 26; return this._expand(h2 + 1), a ? this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] | 1 << s : this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & ~(1 << s), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(i) { var a; if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return i.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); var h2, s; this.length > i.length ? (h2 = this, s = i) : (h2 = i, s = this); for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + (s.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; for (;u !== 0 && c < h2.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; if (this.length = h2.length, u !== 0) this.words[this.length] = u, this.length++; else if (h2 !== this) for (;c < h2.length; c++) this.words[c] = h2.words[c]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(i) { var a; return i.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (i.negative = 0, a = this.sub(i), i.negative ^= 1, a) : i.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, a = i.sub(this), this.negative = 1, a) : this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iadd(i) : i.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(i) { if (i.negative !== 0) { i.negative = 0; var a = this.iadd(i); return i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(i), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var h2 = this.cmp(i); if (h2 === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var s, u; h2 > 0 ? (s = this, u = i) : (s = i, u = this); for (var c = 0, b3 = 0;b3 < u.length; b3++) a = (s.words[b3] | 0) - (u.words[b3] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b3] = a & 67108863; for (;c !== 0 && b3 < s.length; b3++) a = (s.words[b3] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b3] = a & 67108863; if (c === 0 && b3 < s.length && s !== this) for (;b3 < s.length; b3++) this.words[b3] = s.words[b3]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, b3), s !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(i) { return this.clone().isub(i); }; function q2(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative; var h2 = v.length + i.length | 0; a.length = h2, h2 = h2 - 1 | 0; var s = v.words[0] | 0, u = i.words[0] | 0, c = s * u, b3 = c & 67108863, l = c / 67108864 | 0; a.words[0] = b3; for (var n = 1;n < h2; n++) { for (var d = l >>> 26, w = l & 67108863, g = Math.min(n, i.length - 1), _4 = Math.max(0, n - v.length + 1);_4 <= g; _4++) { var A2 = n - _4 | 0; s = v.words[A2] | 0, u = i.words[_4] | 0, c = s * u + w, d += c / 67108864 | 0, w = c & 67108863; } a.words[n] = w | 0, l = d | 0; } return l !== 0 ? a.words[n] = l | 0 : a.length--, a.strip(); } var L2 = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.words, u = a.words, c = h2.words, b3 = 0, l, n, d, w = s[0] | 0, g = w & 8191, _4 = w >>> 13, A2 = s[1] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = s[2] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = s[3] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = s[4] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = s[5] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = s[6] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = s[7] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = s[8] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = s[9] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = u[0] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = u[1] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = u[2] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = u[3] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = u[4] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = u[5] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = u[6] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = u[7] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = u[8] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = u[9] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13; h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = 19, l = Math.imul(g, X), n = Math.imul(g, J), n = n + Math.imul(_4, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(_4, J); var ft = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ft >>> 26) | 0, ft &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(R2, X), n = Math.imul(R2, J), n = n + Math.imul(I, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(I, J), l = l + Math.imul(g, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ee) | 0; var Be = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(k, X), n = Math.imul(k, J), n = n + Math.imul(D2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(D2, J), l = l + Math.imul(R2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, re) | 0; var qe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(C2, X), n = Math.imul(C2, J), n = n + Math.imul(O, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(O, J), l = l + Math.imul(k, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ne) | 0; var ze = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(F, X), n = Math.imul(F, J), n = n + Math.imul(U, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(U, J), l = l + Math.imul(C2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ae) | 0; var He = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(z2, X), n = Math.imul(z2, J), n = n + Math.imul(H, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(H, J), l = l + Math.imul(F, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, se) | 0; var We = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(W, X), n = Math.imul(W, J), n = n + Math.imul(K, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(K, J), l = l + Math.imul(z2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ue) | 0; var Ke = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(j, X), n = Math.imul(j, J), n = n + Math.imul(Z, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Z, J), l = l + Math.imul(W, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, de) | 0; var je = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(V, X), n = Math.imul(V, J), n = n + Math.imul($, X) | 0, d = Math.imul($, J), l = l + Math.imul(j, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, pe) | 0; var Ze = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, X), n = Math.imul(G, J), n = n + Math.imul(Y, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, J), l = l + Math.imul(V, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, be) | 0; var Ve = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, Q), n = Math.imul(G, ee), n = n + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ee), l = l + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var $e = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, te), n = Math.imul(G, re), n = n + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, re), l = l + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0; var Ge = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ie), n = Math.imul(G, ne), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ne), l = l + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, be) | 0; var Ye = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, fe), n = Math.imul(G, ae), n = n + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ae), l = l + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, be) | 0; var Xe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, oe), n = Math.imul(G, se), n = n + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, se), l = l + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, be) | 0; var Je = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, he), n = Math.imul(G, ue), n = n + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ue), l = l + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, be) | 0; var Qe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, le), n = Math.imul(G, de), n = n + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, de), l = l + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0; var et = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ce), n = Math.imul(G, pe), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, pe), l = l + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, be) | 0; var tt = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ve), n = Math.imul(G, be), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, be); var rt = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; return b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, c[0] = ft, c[1] = Be, c[2] = qe, c[3] = ze, c[4] = He, c[5] = We, c[6] = Ke, c[7] = je, c[8] = Ze, c[9] = Ve, c[10] = $e, c[11] = Ge, c[12] = Ye, c[13] = Xe, c[14] = Je, c[15] = Qe, c[16] = et, c[17] = tt, c[18] = rt, b3 !== 0 && (c[19] = b3, h2.length++), h2; }; Math.imul || (L2 = q2); function ge(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative, a.length = v.length + i.length; for (var h2 = 0, s = 0, u = 0;u < a.length - 1; u++) { var c = s; s = 0; for (var b3 = h2 & 67108863, l = Math.min(u, i.length - 1), n = Math.max(0, u - v.length + 1);n <= l; n++) { var d = u - n, w = v.words[d] | 0, g = i.words[n] | 0, _4 = w * g, A2 = _4 & 67108863; c = c + (_4 / 67108864 | 0) | 0, A2 = A2 + b3 | 0, b3 = A2 & 67108863, c = c + (A2 >>> 26) | 0, s += c >>> 26, c &= 67108863; } a.words[u] = b3, h2 = c, c = s; } return h2 !== 0 ? a.words[u] = h2 : a.length--, a.strip(); } function _e(v, i, a) { var h2 = new N; return h2.mulp(v, i, a); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(i, a) { var h2, s = this.length + i.length; return this.length === 10 && i.length === 10 ? h2 = L2(this, i, a) : s < 63 ? h2 = q2(this, i, a) : s < 1024 ? h2 = ge(this, i, a) : h2 = _e(this, i, a), h2; }; function N(v, i) { this.x = v, this.y = i; } N.prototype.makeRBT = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = f.prototype._countBits(i) - 1, s = 0;s < i; s++) a[s] = this.revBin(s, h2, i); return a; }, N.prototype.revBin = function(i, a, h2) { if (i === 0 || i === h2 - 1) return i; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < a; u++) s |= (i & 1) << a - u - 1, i >>= 1; return s; }, N.prototype.permute = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { for (var b3 = 0;b3 < c; b3++) s[b3] = a[i[b3]], u[b3] = h2[i[b3]]; }, N.prototype.transform = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { this.permute(c, i, a, h2, s, u); for (var b3 = 1;b3 < u; b3 <<= 1) for (var l = b3 << 1, n = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l), d = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l), w = 0;w < u; w += l) for (var g = n, _4 = d, A2 = 0;A2 < b3; A2++) { var R2 = h2[w + A2], I = s[w + A2], Me = h2[w + A2 + b3], k = s[w + A2 + b3], D2 = g * Me - _4 * k; k = g * k + _4 * Me, Me = D2, h2[w + A2] = R2 + Me, s[w + A2] = I + k, h2[w + A2 + b3] = R2 - Me, s[w + A2 + b3] = I - k, A2 !== l && (D2 = n * g - d * _4, _4 = n * _4 + d * g, g = D2); } }, N.prototype.guessLen13b = function(i, a) { var h2 = Math.max(a, i) | 1, s = h2 & 1, u = 0; for (h2 = h2 / 2 | 0;h2; h2 = h2 >>> 1) u++; return 1 << u + 1 + s; }, N.prototype.conjugate = function(i, a, h2) { if (!(h2 <= 1)) for (var s = 0;s < h2 / 2; s++) { var u = i[s]; i[s] = i[h2 - s - 1], i[h2 - s - 1] = u, u = a[s], a[s] = -a[h2 - s - 1], a[h2 - s - 1] = -u; } }, N.prototype.normalize13b = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 0, s = 0;s < a / 2; s++) { var u = Math.round(i[2 * s + 1] / a) * 8192 + Math.round(i[2 * s] / a) + h2; i[s] = u & 67108863, u < 67108864 ? h2 = 0 : h2 = u / 67108864 | 0; } return i; }, N.prototype.convert13b = function(i, a, h2, s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < a; c++) u = u + (i[c] | 0), h2[2 * c] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13, h2[2 * c + 1] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13; for (c = 2 * a;c < s; ++c) h2[c] = 0; r(u === 0), r((u & -8192) === 0); }, N.prototype.stub = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = 0;h2 < i; h2++) a[h2] = 0; return a; }, N.prototype.mulp = function(i, a, h2) { var s = 2 * this.guessLen13b(i.length, a.length), u = this.makeRBT(s), c = this.stub(s), b3 = new Array(s), l = new Array(s), n = new Array(s), d = new Array(s), w = new Array(s), g = new Array(s), _4 = h2.words; _4.length = s, this.convert13b(i.words, i.length, b3, s), this.convert13b(a.words, a.length, d, s), this.transform(b3, c, l, n, s, u), this.transform(d, c, w, g, s, u); for (var A2 = 0;A2 < s; A2++) { var R2 = l[A2] * w[A2] - n[A2] * g[A2]; n[A2] = l[A2] * g[A2] + n[A2] * w[A2], l[A2] = R2; } return this.conjugate(l, n, s), this.transform(l, n, _4, c, s, u), this.conjugate(_4, c, s), this.normalize13b(_4, s), h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = i.length + a.length, h2.strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), this.mulTo(i, a); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), _e(this, i, a); }, f.prototype.imul = function(i) { return this.clone().mulTo(i, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864); for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < this.length; h2++) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) * i, u = (s & 67108863) + (a & 67108863); a >>= 26, a += s / 67108864 | 0, a += u >>> 26, this.words[h2] = u & 67108863; } return a !== 0 && (this.words[h2] = a, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(i) { return this.clone().imuln(i); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(i) { var a = B(i); if (a.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var h2 = this, s = 0;s < a.length && a[s] === 0; s++, h2 = h2.sqr()) ; if (++s < a.length) for (var u = h2.sqr();s < a.length; s++, u = u.sqr()) a[s] !== 0 && (h2 = h2.mul(u)); return h2; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 67108863 >>> 26 - a << 26 - a, u; if (a !== 0) { var c = 0; for (u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var b3 = this.words[u] & s, l = (this.words[u] | 0) - b3 << a; this.words[u] = l | c, c = b3 >>> 26 - a; } c && (this.words[u] = c, this.length++); } if (h2 !== 0) { for (u = this.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) this.words[u + h2] = this.words[u]; for (u = 0;u < h2; u++) this.words[u] = 0; this.length += h2; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(i) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(i); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(i, a, h2) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var s; a ? s = (a - a % 26) / 26 : s = 0; var u = i % 26, c = Math.min((i - u) / 26, this.length), b3 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u, l = h2; if (s -= c, s = Math.max(0, s), l) { for (var n = 0;n < c; n++) l.words[n] = this.words[n]; l.length = c; } if (c !== 0) if (this.length > c) for (this.length -= c, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = this.words[n + c]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var d = 0; for (n = this.length - 1;n >= 0 && (d !== 0 || n >= s); n--) { var w = this.words[n] | 0; this.words[n] = d << 26 - u | w >>> u, d = w & b3; } return l && d !== 0 && (l.words[l.length++] = d), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(i, a, h2) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(i, a, h2); }, f.prototype.shln = function(i) { return this.clone().ishln(i); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(i) { return this.clone().iushln(i); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(i) { return this.clone().ishrn(i); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(i) { return this.clone().iushrn(i); }, f.prototype.testn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return false; var u = this.words[h2]; return !!(u & s); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= h2) return this; if (a !== 0 && h2++, this.length = Math.min(h2, this.length), a !== 0) { var s = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> a << a; this.words[this.length - 1] &= s; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(i) { return this.clone().imaskn(i); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(i) { return r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0 ? this.isubn(-i) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < i ? (this.words[0] = i - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(i), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(i); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(i) { this.words[0] += i; for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] >= 67108864; a++) this.words[a] -= 67108864, a === this.length - 1 ? this.words[a + 1] = 1 : this.words[a + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, a + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(i) { if (r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0) return this.iaddn(-i); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(i), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= i, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] < 0; a++) this.words[a] += 67108864, this.words[a + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(i) { return this.clone().iaddn(i); }, f.prototype.subn = function(i) { return this.clone().isubn(i); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.length + h2, u; this._expand(s); var c, b3 = 0; for (u = 0;u < i.length; u++) { c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b3; var l = (i.words[u] | 0) * a; c -= l & 67108863, b3 = (c >> 26) - (l / 67108864 | 0), this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; } for (;u < this.length - h2; u++) c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b3, b3 = c >> 26, this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; if (b3 === 0) return this.strip(); for (r(b3 === -1), b3 = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) c = -(this.words[u] | 0) + b3, b3 = c >> 26, this.words[u] = c & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(i, a) { var h2 = this.length - i.length, s = this.clone(), u = i, c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0, b3 = this._countBits(c); h2 = 26 - b3, h2 !== 0 && (u = u.ushln(h2), s.iushln(h2), c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0); var l = s.length - u.length, n; if (a !== "mod") { n = new f(null), n.length = l + 1, n.words = new Array(n.length); for (var d = 0;d < n.length; d++) n.words[d] = 0; } var w = s.clone()._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, l); w.negative === 0 && (s = w, n && (n.words[l] = 1)); for (var g = l - 1;g >= 0; g--) { var _4 = (s.words[u.length + g] | 0) * 67108864 + (s.words[u.length + g - 1] | 0); for (_4 = Math.min(_4 / c | 0, 67108863), s._ishlnsubmul(u, _4, g);s.negative !== 0; ) _4--, s.negative = 0, s._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, g), s.isZero() || (s.negative ^= 1); n && (n.words[g] = _4); } return n && n.strip(), s.strip(), a !== "div" && h2 !== 0 && s.iushrn(h2), { div: n || null, mod: s }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(!i.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var s, u, c; return this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i, a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.iadd(i)), { div: s, mod: u }) : this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0 ? (c = this.divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), { div: s, mod: c.mod }) : (this.negative & i.negative) !== 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.isub(i)), { div: c.div, mod: u }) : i.length > this.length || this.cmp(i) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : i.length === 1 ? a === "div" ? { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: null } : a === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(i, a); }, f.prototype.div = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(i) { var a = this.divmod(i); if (a.mod.isZero()) return a.div; var h2 = a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.mod.isub(i) : a.mod, s = i.ushrn(1), u = i.andln(1), c = h2.cmp(s); return c < 0 || u === 1 && c === 0 ? a.div : a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.div.isubn(1) : a.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = (1 << 26) % i, h2 = 0, s = this.length - 1;s >= 0; s--) h2 = (a * h2 + (this.words[s] | 0)) % i; return h2; }, f.prototype.idivn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) + a * 67108864; this.words[h2] = s / i | 0, a = s % i; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.divn = function(i) { return this.clone().idivn(i); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = new f(0), b3 = new f(1), l = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1), ++l; for (var n = h2.clone(), d = a.clone();!a.isZero(); ) { for (var w = 0, g = 1;(a.words[0] & g) === 0 && w < 26; ++w, g <<= 1) ; if (w > 0) for (a.iushrn(w);w-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(n), u.isub(d)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); for (var _4 = 0, A2 = 1;(h2.words[0] & A2) === 0 && _4 < 26; ++_4, A2 <<= 1) ; if (_4 > 0) for (h2.iushrn(_4);_4-- > 0; ) (c.isOdd() || b3.isOdd()) && (c.iadd(n), b3.isub(d)), c.iushrn(1), b3.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(c), u.isub(b3)) : (h2.isub(a), c.isub(s), b3.isub(u)); } return { a: c, b: b3, gcd: h2.iushln(l) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = h2.clone();a.cmpn(1) > 0 && h2.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var b3 = 0, l = 1;(a.words[0] & l) === 0 && b3 < 26; ++b3, l <<= 1) ; if (b3 > 0) for (a.iushrn(b3);b3-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(c), s.iushrn(1); for (var n = 0, d = 1;(h2.words[0] & d) === 0 && n < 26; ++n, d <<= 1) ; if (n > 0) for (h2.iushrn(n);n-- > 0; ) u.isOdd() && u.iadd(c), u.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(u)) : (h2.isub(a), u.isub(s)); } var w; return a.cmpn(1) === 0 ? w = s : w = u, w.cmpn(0) < 0 && w.iadd(i), w; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(i) { if (this.isZero()) return i.abs(); if (i.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a = this.clone(), h2 = i.clone(); a.negative = 0, h2.negative = 0; for (var s = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); s++) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1); do { for (;a.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1); for (;h2.isEven(); ) h2.iushrn(1); var u = a.cmp(h2); if (u < 0) { var c = a; a = h2, h2 = c; } else if (u === 0 || h2.cmpn(1) === 0) break; a.isub(h2); } while (true); return h2.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.invm = function(i) { return this.egcd(i).a.umod(i); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(i) { return this.words[0] & i; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return this._expand(h2 + 1), this.words[h2] |= s, this; for (var u = s, c = h2;u !== 0 && c < this.length; c++) { var b3 = this.words[c] | 0; b3 += u, u = b3 >>> 26, b3 &= 67108863, this.words[c] = b3; } return u !== 0 && (this.words[c] = u, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(i) { var a = i < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !a) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && a) return 1; this.strip(); var h2; if (this.length > 1) h2 = 1; else { a && (i = -i), r(i <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var s = this.words[0] | 0; h2 = s === i ? 0 : s < i ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -h2 | 0 : h2; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(i) { if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return 1; var a = this.ucmp(i); return this.negative !== 0 ? -a | 0 : a; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(i) { if (this.length > i.length) return 1; if (this.length < i.length) return -1; for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = this.words[h2] | 0, u = i.words[h2] | 0; if (s !== u) { s < u ? a = -1 : s > u && (a = 1); break; } } return a; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === -1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 0; }, = function(i) { return new P(i); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), i.convertTo(this)._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(i) { return = i, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(i) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(i) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(i) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(i) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, i); }; var we = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function ye(v, i) { = v, this.p = new f(i, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } ye.prototype._tmp = function() { var i = new f(null); return i.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), i; }, ye.prototype.ireduce = function(i) { var a = i, h2; do this.split(a, this.tmp), a = this.imulK(a), a = a.iadd(this.tmp), h2 = a.bitLength(); while (h2 > this.n); var s = h2 < this.n ? -1 : a.ucmp(this.p); return s === 0 ? (a.words[0] = 0, a.length = 1) : s > 0 ? a.isub(this.p) : a.strip !== undefined ? a.strip() : a._strip(), a; }, ye.prototype.split = function(i, a) { i.iushrn(this.n, 0, a); }, ye.prototype.imulK = function(i) { return i.imul(this.k); }; function xe() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(xe, ye), xe.prototype.split = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 4194303, s = Math.min(i.length, 9), u = 0;u < s; u++) a.words[u] = i.words[u]; if (a.length = s, i.length <= 9) { i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1; return; } var c = i.words[9]; for (a.words[a.length++] = c & h2, u = 10;u < i.length; u++) { var b3 = i.words[u] | 0; i.words[u - 10] = (b3 & h2) << 4 | c >>> 22, c = b3; } c >>>= 22, i.words[u - 10] = c, c === 0 && i.length > 10 ? i.length -= 10 : i.length -= 9; }, xe.prototype.imulK = function(i) { i.words[i.length] = 0, i.words[i.length + 1] = 0, i.length += 2; for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = i.words[h2] | 0; a += s * 977, i.words[h2] = a & 67108863, a = s * 64 + (a / 67108864 | 0); } return i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && (i.length--, i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && i.length--), i; }; function Re() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(Re, ye); function Ee() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Ee, ye); function Ae() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(Ae, ye), Ae.prototype.imulK = function(i) { for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = (i.words[h2] | 0) * 19 + a, u = s & 67108863; s >>>= 26, i.words[h2] = u, a = s; } return a !== 0 && (i.words[i.length++] = a), i; }, f._prime = function(i) { if (we[i]) return we[i]; var a; if (i === "k256") a = new xe; else if (i === "p224") a = new Re; else if (i === "p192") a = new Ee; else if (i === "p25519") a = new Ae; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + i); return we[i] = a, a; }; function P(v) { if (typeof v == "string") { var i = f._prime(v); this.m = i.p, = i; } else r(v.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = v, = null; } P.prototype._verify1 = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype._verify2 = function(i, a) { r((i.negative | a.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype.imod = function(i) { return ? : i.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.neg = function(i) { return i.isZero() ? i.clone() : this.m.sub(i)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.add = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.add(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.iadd = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.iadd(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.sub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.sub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.isub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.isub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.shl = function(i, a) { return this._verify1(i), this.imod(i.ushln(a)); }, P.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.imul(a)); }, P.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.mul(a)); }, P.prototype.isqr = function(i) { return this.imul(i, i.clone()); }, P.prototype.sqr = function(i) { return this.mul(i, i); }, P.prototype.sqrt = function(i) { if (i.isZero()) return i.clone(); var a = this.m.andln(3); if (r(a % 2 === 1), a === 3) { var h2 = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(i, h2); } for (var s = this.m.subn(1), u = 0;!s.isZero() && s.andln(1) === 0; ) u++, s.iushrn(1); r(!s.isZero()); var c = new f(1).toRed(this), b3 = c.redNeg(), l = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), n = this.m.bitLength(); for (n = new f(2 * n * n).toRed(this);this.pow(n, l).cmp(b3) !== 0; ) n.redIAdd(b3); for (var d = this.pow(n, s), w = this.pow(i, s.addn(1).iushrn(1)), g = this.pow(i, s), _4 = u;g.cmp(c) !== 0; ) { for (var A2 = g, R2 = 0;A2.cmp(c) !== 0; R2++) A2 = A2.redSqr(); r(R2 < _4); var I = this.pow(d, new f(1).iushln(_4 - R2 - 1)); w = w.redMul(I), d = I.redSqr(), g = g.redMul(d), _4 = R2; } return w; }, P.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = i._invmp(this.m); return a.negative !== 0 ? (a.negative = 0, this.imod(a).redNeg()) : this.imod(a); }, P.prototype.pow = function(i, a) { if (a.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) return i.clone(); var h2 = 4, s = new Array(1 << h2); s[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), s[1] = i; for (var u = 2;u < s.length; u++) s[u] = this.mul(s[u - 1], i); var c = s[0], b3 = 0, l = 0, n = a.bitLength() % 26; for (n === 0 && (n = 26), u = a.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) { for (var d = a.words[u], w = n - 1;w >= 0; w--) { var g = d >> w & 1; if (c !== s[0] && (c = this.sqr(c)), g === 0 && b3 === 0) { l = 0; continue; } b3 <<= 1, b3 |= g, l++, !(l !== h2 && (u !== 0 || w !== 0)) && (c = this.mul(c, s[b3]), l = 0, b3 = 0); } n = 26; } return c; }, P.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { var a = i.umod(this.m); return a === i ? a.clone() : a; }, P.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = i.clone(); return = null, a; }, f.mont = function(i) { return new Se(i); }; function Se(v) {, v), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(Se, P), Se.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { return this.imod(i.ushln(this.shift)); }, Se.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, a; }, Se.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1, i; var h2 = i.imul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var h2 = i.mul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return a._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof yd > "u" || yd, L3); }); P3 = T2((wL, D3) => { var bq = o0(), mq = N3(); D3.exports = function(e) { return new Zn(e); }; var hr = { secp256k1: { name: "secp256k1", byteLength: 32 }, secp224r1: { name: "p224", byteLength: 28 }, prime256v1: { name: "p256", byteLength: 32 }, prime192v1: { name: "p192", byteLength: 24 }, ed25519: { name: "ed25519", byteLength: 32 }, secp384r1: { name: "p384", byteLength: 48 }, secp521r1: { name: "p521", byteLength: 66 } }; hr.p224 = hr.secp224r1; hr.p256 = hr.secp256r1 = hr.prime256v1; hr.p192 = hr.secp192r1 = hr.prime192v1; hr.p384 = hr.secp384r1; hr.p521 = hr.secp521r1; function Zn(t) { this.curveType = hr[t], this.curveType || (this.curveType = { name: t }), this.curve = new, this.keys = undefined; } Zn.prototype.generateKeys = function(t, e) { return this.keys = this.curve.genKeyPair(), this.getPublicKey(t, e); }; Zn.prototype.computeSecret = function(t, e, r) { e = e || "utf8", Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)); var o = this.curve.keyFromPublic(t).getPublic(), f = o.mul(this.keys.getPrivate()).getX(); return wd(f, r, this.curveType.byteLength); }; Zn.prototype.getPublicKey = function(t, e) { var r = this.keys.getPublic(e === "compressed", true); return e === "hybrid" && (r[r.length - 1] % 2 ? r[0] = 7 : r[0] = 6), wd(r, t); }; Zn.prototype.getPrivateKey = function(t) { return wd(this.keys.getPrivate(), t); }; Zn.prototype.setPublicKey = function(t, e) { return e = e || "utf8", Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)), this.keys._importPublic(t), this; }; Zn.prototype.setPrivateKey = function(t, e) { e = e || "utf8", Buffer.isBuffer(t) || (t = new Buffer(t, e)); var r = new mq(t); return r = r.toString(16), this.keys = this.curve.genKeyPair(), this.keys._importPrivate(r), this; }; function wd(t, e, r) { Array.isArray(t) || (t = t.toArray()); var o = new Buffer(t); if (r && o.length < r) { var f = new Buffer(r - o.length); f.fill(0), o = Buffer.concat([f, o]); } return e ? o.toString(e) : o; } }); _d = T2((ML, C3) => { var gq = bf(), Md = Te().Buffer; C3.exports = function(t, e) { for (var r = Md.alloc(0), o = 0, f;r.length < e; ) f = yq(o++), r = Md.concat([r, gq("sha1").update(t).update(f).digest()]); return r.slice(0, e); }; function yq(t) { var e = Md.allocUnsafe(4); return e.writeUInt32BE(t, 0), e; } }); xd = T2((_L, O3) => { O3.exports = function(e, r) { for (var o = e.length, f = -1;++f < o; ) e[f] ^= r[f]; return e; }; }); w0 = T2((F3, Sd) => { (function(t, e) { function r(v, i) { if (!v) throw new Error(i || "Assertion failed"); } function o(v, i) { v.super_ = i; var a = function() { }; a.prototype = i.prototype, v.prototype = new a, v.prototype.constructor = v; } function f(v, i, a) { if (f.isBN(v)) return v; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, v !== null && ((i === "le" || i === "be") && (a = i, i = 10), this._init(v || 0, i || 10, a || "be")); } typeof t == "object" ? t.exports = f : e.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26; var p; try { typeof window < "u" && typeof window.Buffer < "u" ? p = window.Buffer : p = ji().Buffer; } catch { } f.isBN = function(i) { return i instanceof f ? true : i !== null && typeof i == "object" && i.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(i.words); }, f.max = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) > 0 ? i : a; }, f.min = function(i, a) { return i.cmp(a) < 0 ? i : a; }, f.prototype._init = function(i, a, h2) { if (typeof i == "number") return this._initNumber(i, a, h2); if (typeof i == "object") return this._initArray(i, a, h2); a === "hex" && (a = 16), r(a === (a | 0) && a >= 2 && a <= 36), i = i.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""); var s = 0; i[0] === "-" && (s++, this.negative = 1), s < i.length && (a === 16 ? this._parseHex(i, s, h2) : (this._parseBase(i, a, s), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2))); }, f.prototype._initNumber = function(i, a, h2) { i < 0 && (this.negative = 1, i = -i), i < 67108864 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863], this.length = 1) : i < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (r(i < 9007199254740992), this.words = [i & 67108863, i / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), h2 === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), a, h2); }, f.prototype._initArray = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(typeof i.length == "number"), i.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(i.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u, c, b3 = 0; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1, u = 0;s >= 0; s -= 3) c = i[s] | i[s - 1] << 8 | i[s - 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b3 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b3 & 67108863, b3 += 24, b3 >= 26 && (b3 -= 26, u++); else if (h2 === "le") for (s = 0, u = 0;s < i.length; s += 3) c = i[s] | i[s + 1] << 8 | i[s + 2] << 16, this.words[u] |= c << b3 & 67108863, this.words[u + 1] = c >>> 26 - b3 & 67108863, b3 += 24, b3 >= 26 && (b3 -= 26, u++); return this.strip(); }; function m2(v, i) { var a = v.charCodeAt(i); return a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 : a - 48 & 15; } function y3(v, i, a) { var h2 = m2(v, a); return a - 1 >= i && (h2 |= m2(v, a - 1) << 4), h2; } f.prototype._parseHex = function(i, a, h2) { this.length = Math.ceil((i.length - a) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var s = 0;s < this.length; s++) this.words[s] = 0; var u = 0, c = 0, b3; if (h2 === "be") for (s = i.length - 1;s >= a; s -= 2) b3 = y3(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b3 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b3 >>> 26) : u += 8; else { var l = i.length - a; for (s = l % 2 === 0 ? a + 1 : a;s < i.length; s += 2) b3 = y3(i, a, s) << u, this.words[c] |= b3 & 67108863, u >= 18 ? (u -= 18, c += 1, this.words[c] |= b3 >>> 26) : u += 8; } this.strip(); }; function M(v, i, a, h2) { for (var s = 0, u = Math.min(v.length, a), c = i;c < u; c++) { var b3 = v.charCodeAt(c) - 48; s *= h2, b3 >= 49 ? s += b3 - 49 + 10 : b3 >= 17 ? s += b3 - 17 + 10 : s += b3; } return s; } f.prototype._parseBase = function(i, a, h2) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; for (var s = 0, u = 1;u <= 67108863; u *= a) s++; s--, u = u / a | 0; for (var c = i.length - h2, b3 = c % s, l = Math.min(c, c - b3) + h2, n = 0, d = h2;d < l; d += s) n = M(i, d, d + s, a), this.imuln(u), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); if (b3 !== 0) { var w = 1; for (n = M(i, d, i.length, a), d = 0;d < b3; d++) w *= a; this.imuln(w), this.words[0] + n < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += n : this._iaddn(n); } this.strip(); }, f.prototype.copy = function(i) { i.words = new Array(this.length); for (var a = 0;a < this.length; a++) i.words[a] = this.words[a]; i.length = this.length, i.negative = this.negative, =; }, f.prototype.clone = function() { var i = new f(null); return this.copy(i), i; }, f.prototype._expand = function(i) { for (;this.length < i; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, f.prototype.strip = function() { for (;this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, f.prototype._normSign = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this; }, f.prototype.inspect = function() { return ( ? ""; }; var x = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], S = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], E2 = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; f.prototype.toString = function(i, a) { i = i || 10, a = a | 0 || 1; var h2; if (i === 16 || i === "hex") { h2 = ""; for (var s = 0, u = 0, c = 0;c < this.length; c++) { var b3 = this.words[c], l = ((b3 << s | u) & 16777215).toString(16); u = b3 >>> 24 - s & 16777215, u !== 0 || c !== this.length - 1 ? h2 = x[6 - l.length] + l + h2 : h2 = l + h2, s += 2, s >= 26 && (s -= 26, c--); } for (u !== 0 && (h2 = u.toString(16) + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } if (i === (i | 0) && i >= 2 && i <= 36) { var n = S[i], d = E2[i]; h2 = ""; var w = this.clone(); for (w.negative = 0;!w.isZero(); ) { var g = w.modn(d).toString(i); w = w.idivn(d), w.isZero() ? h2 = g + h2 : h2 = x[n - g.length] + g + h2; } for (this.isZero() && (h2 = "0" + h2);h2.length % a !== 0; ) h2 = "0" + h2; return this.negative !== 0 && (h2 = "-" + h2), h2; } r(false, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, f.prototype.toNumber = function() { var i = this.words[0]; return this.length === 2 ? i += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? i += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && r(false, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -i : i; }, f.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(i, a) { return r(typeof p < "u"), this.toArrayLike(p, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArray = function(i, a) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, i, a); }, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(i, a, h2) { var s = this.byteLength(), u = h2 || Math.max(1, s); r(s <= u, "byte array longer than desired length"), r(u > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); var c = a === "le", b3 = new i(u), l, n, d = this.clone(); if (c) { for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b3[n] = l; for (;n < u; n++) b3[n] = 0; } else { for (n = 0;n < u - s; n++) b3[n] = 0; for (n = 0;!d.isZero(); n++) l = d.andln(255), d.iushrn(8), b3[u - n - 1] = l; } return b3; }, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { return 32 - Math.clz32(i); } : f.prototype._countBits = function(i) { var a = i, h2 = 0; return a >= 4096 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), a >= 64 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), a >= 8 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), a >= 2 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), h2 + a; }, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(i) { if (i === 0) return 26; var a = i, h2 = 0; return (a & 8191) === 0 && (h2 += 13, a >>>= 13), (a & 127) === 0 && (h2 += 7, a >>>= 7), (a & 15) === 0 && (h2 += 4, a >>>= 4), (a & 3) === 0 && (h2 += 2, a >>>= 2), (a & 1) === 0 && h2++, h2; }, f.prototype.bitLength = function() { var i = this.words[this.length - 1], a = this._countBits(i); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + a; }; function B(v) { for (var i = new Array(v.bitLength()), a = 0;a < i.length; a++) { var h2 = a / 26 | 0, s = a % 26; i[a] = (v.words[h2] & 1 << s) >>> s; } return i; } f.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var i = 0, a = 0;a < this.length; a++) { var h2 = this._zeroBits(this.words[a]); if (i += h2, h2 !== 26) break; } return i; }, f.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, f.prototype.toTwos = function(i) { return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(i).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(i) { return this.testn(i - 1) ? this.notn(i).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, f.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, f.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, f.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, f.prototype.iuor = function(i) { for (;this.length < i.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var a = 0;a < i.length; a++) this.words[a] = this.words[a] | i.words[a]; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ior = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuor(i); }, f.prototype.or = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ior(i) : i.clone().ior(this); }, f.prototype.uor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuor(i) : i.clone().iuor(this); }, f.prototype.iuand = function(i) { var a; this.length > i.length ? a = i : a = this; for (var h2 = 0;h2 < a.length; h2++) this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & i.words[h2]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iand = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuand(i); }, f.prototype.and = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iand(i) : i.clone().iand(this); }, f.prototype.uand = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuand(i) : i.clone().iuand(this); }, f.prototype.iuxor = function(i) { var a, h2; this.length > i.length ? (a = this, h2 = i) : (a = i, h2 = this); for (var s = 0;s < h2.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s] ^ h2.words[s]; if (this !== a) for (;s < a.length; s++) this.words[s] = a.words[s]; return this.length = a.length, this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ixor = function(i) { return r((this.negative | i.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(i); }, f.prototype.xor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().ixor(i) : i.clone().ixor(this); }, f.prototype.uxor = function(i) { return this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iuxor(i) : i.clone().iuxor(this); }, f.prototype.inotn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = Math.ceil(i / 26) | 0, h2 = i % 26; this._expand(a), h2 > 0 && a--; for (var s = 0;s < a; s++) this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863; return h2 > 0 && (this.words[s] = ~this.words[s] & 67108863 >> 26 - h2), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.notn = function(i) { return this.clone().inotn(i); }, f.prototype.setn = function(i, a) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var h2 = i / 26 | 0, s = i % 26; return this._expand(h2 + 1), a ? this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] | 1 << s : this.words[h2] = this.words[h2] & ~(1 << s), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.iadd = function(i) { var a; if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return this.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return i.negative = 0, a = this.isub(i), i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); var h2, s; this.length > i.length ? (h2 = this, s = i) : (h2 = i, s = this); for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < s.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + (s.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; for (;u !== 0 && c < h2.length; c++) a = (h2.words[c] | 0) + u, this.words[c] = a & 67108863, u = a >>> 26; if (this.length = h2.length, u !== 0) this.words[this.length] = u, this.length++; else if (h2 !== this) for (;c < h2.length; c++) this.words[c] = h2.words[c]; return this; }, f.prototype.add = function(i) { var a; return i.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (i.negative = 0, a = this.sub(i), i.negative ^= 1, a) : i.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, a = i.sub(this), this.negative = 1, a) : this.length > i.length ? this.clone().iadd(i) : i.clone().iadd(this); }, f.prototype.isub = function(i) { if (i.negative !== 0) { i.negative = 0; var a = this.iadd(i); return i.negative = 1, a._normSign(); } else if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(i), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var h2 = this.cmp(i); if (h2 === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; var s, u; h2 > 0 ? (s = this, u = i) : (s = i, u = this); for (var c = 0, b3 = 0;b3 < u.length; b3++) a = (s.words[b3] | 0) - (u.words[b3] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b3] = a & 67108863; for (;c !== 0 && b3 < s.length; b3++) a = (s.words[b3] | 0) + c, c = a >> 26, this.words[b3] = a & 67108863; if (c === 0 && b3 < s.length && s !== this) for (;b3 < s.length; b3++) this.words[b3] = s.words[b3]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, b3), s !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.sub = function(i) { return this.clone().isub(i); }; function q2(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative; var h2 = v.length + i.length | 0; a.length = h2, h2 = h2 - 1 | 0; var s = v.words[0] | 0, u = i.words[0] | 0, c = s * u, b3 = c & 67108863, l = c / 67108864 | 0; a.words[0] = b3; for (var n = 1;n < h2; n++) { for (var d = l >>> 26, w = l & 67108863, g = Math.min(n, i.length - 1), _4 = Math.max(0, n - v.length + 1);_4 <= g; _4++) { var A2 = n - _4 | 0; s = v.words[A2] | 0, u = i.words[_4] | 0, c = s * u + w, d += c / 67108864 | 0, w = c & 67108863; } a.words[n] = w | 0, l = d | 0; } return l !== 0 ? a.words[n] = l | 0 : a.length--, a.strip(); } var L2 = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.words, u = a.words, c = h2.words, b3 = 0, l, n, d, w = s[0] | 0, g = w & 8191, _4 = w >>> 13, A2 = s[1] | 0, R2 = A2 & 8191, I = A2 >>> 13, Me = s[2] | 0, k = Me & 8191, D2 = Me >>> 13, nt = s[3] | 0, C2 = nt & 8191, O = nt >>> 13, vt = s[4] | 0, F = vt & 8191, U = vt >>> 13, bt = s[5] | 0, z2 = bt & 8191, H = bt >>> 13, mt = s[6] | 0, W = mt & 8191, K = mt >>> 13, gt = s[7] | 0, j = gt & 8191, Z = gt >>> 13, yt = s[8] | 0, V = yt & 8191, $ = yt >>> 13, wt = s[9] | 0, G = wt & 8191, Y = wt >>> 13, Mt = u[0] | 0, X = Mt & 8191, J = Mt >>> 13, _t = u[1] | 0, Q = _t & 8191, ee = _t >>> 13, xt = u[2] | 0, te = xt & 8191, re = xt >>> 13, St = u[3] | 0, ie = St & 8191, ne = St >>> 13, Et = u[4] | 0, fe = Et & 8191, ae = Et >>> 13, At = u[5] | 0, oe = At & 8191, se = At >>> 13, Rt = u[6] | 0, he = Rt & 8191, ue = Rt >>> 13, Bt = u[7] | 0, le = Bt & 8191, de = Bt >>> 13, qt = u[8] | 0, ce = qt & 8191, pe = qt >>> 13, It = u[9] | 0, ve = It & 8191, be = It >>> 13; h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = 19, l = Math.imul(g, X), n = Math.imul(g, J), n = n + Math.imul(_4, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(_4, J); var ft = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ft >>> 26) | 0, ft &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(R2, X), n = Math.imul(R2, J), n = n + Math.imul(I, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(I, J), l = l + Math.imul(g, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ee) | 0; var Be = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(k, X), n = Math.imul(k, J), n = n + Math.imul(D2, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(D2, J), l = l + Math.imul(R2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, re) | 0; var qe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(C2, X), n = Math.imul(C2, J), n = n + Math.imul(O, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(O, J), l = l + Math.imul(k, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ne) | 0; var ze = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (ze >>> 26) | 0, ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(F, X), n = Math.imul(F, J), n = n + Math.imul(U, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(U, J), l = l + Math.imul(C2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ae) | 0; var He = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(z2, X), n = Math.imul(z2, J), n = n + Math.imul(H, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(H, J), l = l + Math.imul(F, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, se) | 0; var We = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(W, X), n = Math.imul(W, J), n = n + Math.imul(K, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(K, J), l = l + Math.imul(z2, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, ue) | 0; var Ke = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(j, X), n = Math.imul(j, J), n = n + Math.imul(Z, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Z, J), l = l + Math.imul(W, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, de) | 0; var je = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (je >>> 26) | 0, je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(V, X), n = Math.imul(V, J), n = n + Math.imul($, X) | 0, d = Math.imul($, J), l = l + Math.imul(j, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, pe) | 0; var Ze = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, X), n = Math.imul(G, J), n = n + Math.imul(Y, X) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, J), l = l + Math.imul(V, Q) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ee) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, Q) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ee) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(g, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(_4, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(_4, be) | 0; var Ve = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, Q), n = Math.imul(G, ee), n = n + Math.imul(Y, Q) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ee), l = l + Math.imul(V, te) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, re) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, te) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, re) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(R2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(R2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(I, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(I, be) | 0; var $e = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, te), n = Math.imul(G, re), n = n + Math.imul(Y, te) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, re), l = l + Math.imul(V, ie) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ne) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ie) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ne) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(k, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(k, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(D2, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(D2, be) | 0; var Ge = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ie), n = Math.imul(G, ne), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ie) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ne), l = l + Math.imul(V, fe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ae) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, fe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ae) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(C2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(C2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(O, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(O, be) | 0; var Ye = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, fe), n = Math.imul(G, ae), n = n + Math.imul(Y, fe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ae), l = l + Math.imul(V, oe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, se) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, oe) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, se) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(F, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(U, be) | 0; var Xe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, oe), n = Math.imul(G, se), n = n + Math.imul(Y, oe) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, se), l = l + Math.imul(V, he) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, ue) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, he) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, ue) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(z2, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(z2, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(H, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(H, be) | 0; var Je = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Je >>> 26) | 0, Je &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, he), n = Math.imul(G, ue), n = n + Math.imul(Y, he) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, ue), l = l + Math.imul(V, le) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, de) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, le) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, de) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(W, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(K, be) | 0; var Qe = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, le), n = Math.imul(G, de), n = n + Math.imul(Y, le) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, de), l = l + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ce) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, pe) | 0, l = l + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(j, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul(Z, be) | 0; var et = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ce), n = Math.imul(G, pe), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ce) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, pe), l = l + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, n = n + Math.imul(V, be) | 0, n = n + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, d = d + Math.imul($, be) | 0; var tt = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, l = Math.imul(G, ve), n = Math.imul(G, be), n = n + Math.imul(Y, ve) | 0, d = Math.imul(Y, be); var rt = (b3 + l | 0) + ((n & 8191) << 13) | 0; return b3 = (d + (n >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, c[0] = ft, c[1] = Be, c[2] = qe, c[3] = ze, c[4] = He, c[5] = We, c[6] = Ke, c[7] = je, c[8] = Ze, c[9] = Ve, c[10] = $e, c[11] = Ge, c[12] = Ye, c[13] = Xe, c[14] = Je, c[15] = Qe, c[16] = et, c[17] = tt, c[18] = rt, b3 !== 0 && (c[19] = b3, h2.length++), h2; }; Math.imul || (L2 = q2); function ge(v, i, a) { a.negative = i.negative ^ v.negative, a.length = v.length + i.length; for (var h2 = 0, s = 0, u = 0;u < a.length - 1; u++) { var c = s; s = 0; for (var b3 = h2 & 67108863, l = Math.min(u, i.length - 1), n = Math.max(0, u - v.length + 1);n <= l; n++) { var d = u - n, w = v.words[d] | 0, g = i.words[n] | 0, _4 = w * g, A2 = _4 & 67108863; c = c + (_4 / 67108864 | 0) | 0, A2 = A2 + b3 | 0, b3 = A2 & 67108863, c = c + (A2 >>> 26) | 0, s += c >>> 26, c &= 67108863; } a.words[u] = b3, h2 = c, c = s; } return h2 !== 0 ? a.words[u] = h2 : a.length--, a.strip(); } function _e(v, i, a) { var h2 = new N; return h2.mulp(v, i, a); } f.prototype.mulTo = function(i, a) { var h2, s = this.length + i.length; return this.length === 10 && i.length === 10 ? h2 = L2(this, i, a) : s < 63 ? h2 = q2(this, i, a) : s < 1024 ? h2 = ge(this, i, a) : h2 = _e(this, i, a), h2; }; function N(v, i) { this.x = v, this.y = i; } N.prototype.makeRBT = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = f.prototype._countBits(i) - 1, s = 0;s < i; s++) a[s] = this.revBin(s, h2, i); return a; }, N.prototype.revBin = function(i, a, h2) { if (i === 0 || i === h2 - 1) return i; for (var s = 0, u = 0;u < a; u++) s |= (i & 1) << a - u - 1, i >>= 1; return s; }, N.prototype.permute = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { for (var b3 = 0;b3 < c; b3++) s[b3] = a[i[b3]], u[b3] = h2[i[b3]]; }, N.prototype.transform = function(i, a, h2, s, u, c) { this.permute(c, i, a, h2, s, u); for (var b3 = 1;b3 < u; b3 <<= 1) for (var l = b3 << 1, n = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l), d = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l), w = 0;w < u; w += l) for (var g = n, _4 = d, A2 = 0;A2 < b3; A2++) { var R2 = h2[w + A2], I = s[w + A2], Me = h2[w + A2 + b3], k = s[w + A2 + b3], D2 = g * Me - _4 * k; k = g * k + _4 * Me, Me = D2, h2[w + A2] = R2 + Me, s[w + A2] = I + k, h2[w + A2 + b3] = R2 - Me, s[w + A2 + b3] = I - k, A2 !== l && (D2 = n * g - d * _4, _4 = n * _4 + d * g, g = D2); } }, N.prototype.guessLen13b = function(i, a) { var h2 = Math.max(a, i) | 1, s = h2 & 1, u = 0; for (h2 = h2 / 2 | 0;h2; h2 = h2 >>> 1) u++; return 1 << u + 1 + s; }, N.prototype.conjugate = function(i, a, h2) { if (!(h2 <= 1)) for (var s = 0;s < h2 / 2; s++) { var u = i[s]; i[s] = i[h2 - s - 1], i[h2 - s - 1] = u, u = a[s], a[s] = -a[h2 - s - 1], a[h2 - s - 1] = -u; } }, N.prototype.normalize13b = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 0, s = 0;s < a / 2; s++) { var u = Math.round(i[2 * s + 1] / a) * 8192 + Math.round(i[2 * s] / a) + h2; i[s] = u & 67108863, u < 67108864 ? h2 = 0 : h2 = u / 67108864 | 0; } return i; }, N.prototype.convert13b = function(i, a, h2, s) { for (var u = 0, c = 0;c < a; c++) u = u + (i[c] | 0), h2[2 * c] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13, h2[2 * c + 1] = u & 8191, u = u >>> 13; for (c = 2 * a;c < s; ++c) h2[c] = 0; r(u === 0), r((u & -8192) === 0); }, N.prototype.stub = function(i) { for (var a = new Array(i), h2 = 0;h2 < i; h2++) a[h2] = 0; return a; }, N.prototype.mulp = function(i, a, h2) { var s = 2 * this.guessLen13b(i.length, a.length), u = this.makeRBT(s), c = this.stub(s), b3 = new Array(s), l = new Array(s), n = new Array(s), d = new Array(s), w = new Array(s), g = new Array(s), _4 = h2.words; _4.length = s, this.convert13b(i.words, i.length, b3, s), this.convert13b(a.words, a.length, d, s), this.transform(b3, c, l, n, s, u), this.transform(d, c, w, g, s, u); for (var A2 = 0;A2 < s; A2++) { var R2 = l[A2] * w[A2] - n[A2] * g[A2]; n[A2] = l[A2] * g[A2] + n[A2] * w[A2], l[A2] = R2; } return this.conjugate(l, n, s), this.transform(l, n, _4, c, s, u), this.conjugate(_4, c, s), this.normalize13b(_4, s), h2.negative = i.negative ^ a.negative, h2.length = i.length + a.length, h2.strip(); }, f.prototype.mul = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), this.mulTo(i, a); }, f.prototype.mulf = function(i) { var a = new f(null); return a.words = new Array(this.length + i.length), _e(this, i, a); }, f.prototype.imul = function(i) { return this.clone().mulTo(i, this); }, f.prototype.imuln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864); for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < this.length; h2++) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) * i, u = (s & 67108863) + (a & 67108863); a >>= 26, a += s / 67108864 | 0, a += u >>> 26, this.words[h2] = u & 67108863; } return a !== 0 && (this.words[h2] = a, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.muln = function(i) { return this.clone().imuln(i); }, f.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, f.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, f.prototype.pow = function(i) { var a = B(i); if (a.length === 0) return new f(1); for (var h2 = this, s = 0;s < a.length && a[s] === 0; s++, h2 = h2.sqr()) ; if (++s < a.length) for (var u = h2.sqr();s < a.length; s++, u = u.sqr()) a[s] !== 0 && (h2 = h2.mul(u)); return h2; }, f.prototype.iushln = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 67108863 >>> 26 - a << 26 - a, u; if (a !== 0) { var c = 0; for (u = 0;u < this.length; u++) { var b3 = this.words[u] & s, l = (this.words[u] | 0) - b3 << a; this.words[u] = l | c, c = b3 >>> 26 - a; } c && (this.words[u] = c, this.length++); } if (h2 !== 0) { for (u = this.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) this.words[u + h2] = this.words[u]; for (u = 0;u < h2; u++) this.words[u] = 0; this.length += h2; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishln = function(i) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(i); }, f.prototype.iushrn = function(i, a, h2) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var s; a ? s = (a - a % 26) / 26 : s = 0; var u = i % 26, c = Math.min((i - u) / 26, this.length), b3 = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> u << u, l = h2; if (s -= c, s = Math.max(0, s), l) { for (var n = 0;n < c; n++) l.words[n] = this.words[n]; l.length = c; } if (c !== 0) if (this.length > c) for (this.length -= c, n = 0;n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = this.words[n + c]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var d = 0; for (n = this.length - 1;n >= 0 && (d !== 0 || n >= s); n--) { var w = this.words[n] | 0; this.words[n] = d << 26 - u | w >>> u, d = w & b3; } return l && d !== 0 && (l.words[l.length++] = d), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, f.prototype.ishrn = function(i, a, h2) { return r(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(i, a, h2); }, f.prototype.shln = function(i) { return this.clone().ishln(i); }, f.prototype.ushln = function(i) { return this.clone().iushln(i); }, f.prototype.shrn = function(i) { return this.clone().ishrn(i); }, f.prototype.ushrn = function(i) { return this.clone().iushrn(i); }, f.prototype.testn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return false; var u = this.words[h2]; return !!(u & s); }, f.prototype.imaskn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number" && i >= 0); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26; if (r(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= h2) return this; if (a !== 0 && h2++, this.length = Math.min(h2, this.length), a !== 0) { var s = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> a << a; this.words[this.length - 1] &= s; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.maskn = function(i) { return this.clone().imaskn(i); }, f.prototype.iaddn = function(i) { return r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0 ? this.isubn(-i) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < i ? (this.words[0] = i - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(i), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(i); }, f.prototype._iaddn = function(i) { this.words[0] += i; for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] >= 67108864; a++) this.words[a] -= 67108864, a === this.length - 1 ? this.words[a + 1] = 1 : this.words[a + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, a + 1), this; }, f.prototype.isubn = function(i) { if (r(typeof i == "number"), r(i < 67108864), i < 0) return this.iaddn(-i); if (this.negative !== 0) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(i), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= i, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for (var a = 0;a < this.length && this.words[a] < 0; a++) this.words[a] += 67108864, this.words[a + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.addn = function(i) { return this.clone().iaddn(i); }, f.prototype.subn = function(i) { return this.clone().isubn(i); }, f.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, f.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(i, a, h2) { var s = i.length + h2, u; this._expand(s); var c, b3 = 0; for (u = 0;u < i.length; u++) { c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b3; var l = (i.words[u] | 0) * a; c -= l & 67108863, b3 = (c >> 26) - (l / 67108864 | 0), this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; } for (;u < this.length - h2; u++) c = (this.words[u + h2] | 0) + b3, b3 = c >> 26, this.words[u + h2] = c & 67108863; if (b3 === 0) return this.strip(); for (r(b3 === -1), b3 = 0, u = 0;u < this.length; u++) c = -(this.words[u] | 0) + b3, b3 = c >> 26, this.words[u] = c & 67108863; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(i, a) { var h2 = this.length - i.length, s = this.clone(), u = i, c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0, b3 = this._countBits(c); h2 = 26 - b3, h2 !== 0 && (u = u.ushln(h2), s.iushln(h2), c = u.words[u.length - 1] | 0); var l = s.length - u.length, n; if (a !== "mod") { n = new f(null), n.length = l + 1, n.words = new Array(n.length); for (var d = 0;d < n.length; d++) n.words[d] = 0; } var w = s.clone()._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, l); w.negative === 0 && (s = w, n && (n.words[l] = 1)); for (var g = l - 1;g >= 0; g--) { var _4 = (s.words[u.length + g] | 0) * 67108864 + (s.words[u.length + g - 1] | 0); for (_4 = Math.min(_4 / c | 0, 67108863), s._ishlnsubmul(u, _4, g);s.negative !== 0; ) _4--, s.negative = 0, s._ishlnsubmul(u, 1, g), s.isZero() || (s.negative ^= 1); n && (n.words[g] = _4); } return n && n.strip(), s.strip(), a !== "div" && h2 !== 0 && s.iushrn(h2), { div: n || null, mod: s }; }, f.prototype.divmod = function(i, a, h2) { if (r(!i.isZero()), this.isZero()) return { div: new f(0), mod: new f(0) }; var s, u, c; return this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i, a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.iadd(i)), { div: s, mod: u }) : this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0 ? (c = this.divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "mod" && (s = c.div.neg()), { div: s, mod: c.mod }) : (this.negative & i.negative) !== 0 ? (c = this.neg().divmod(i.neg(), a), a !== "div" && (u = c.mod.neg(), h2 && u.negative !== 0 && u.isub(i)), { div: c.div, mod: u }) : i.length > this.length || this.cmp(i) < 0 ? { div: new f(0), mod: this } : i.length === 1 ? a === "div" ? { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: null } : a === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(i.words[0]), mod: new f(this.modn(i.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(i, a); }, f.prototype.div = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "div", false).div; }, f.prototype.mod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", false).mod; }, f.prototype.umod = function(i) { return this.divmod(i, "mod", true).mod; }, f.prototype.divRound = function(i) { var a = this.divmod(i); if (a.mod.isZero()) return a.div; var h2 = a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.mod.isub(i) : a.mod, s = i.ushrn(1), u = i.andln(1), c = h2.cmp(s); return c < 0 || u === 1 && c === 0 ? a.div : a.div.negative !== 0 ? a.div.isubn(1) : a.div.iaddn(1); }, f.prototype.modn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = (1 << 26) % i, h2 = 0, s = this.length - 1;s >= 0; s--) h2 = (a * h2 + (this.words[s] | 0)) % i; return h2; }, f.prototype.idivn = function(i) { r(i <= 67108863); for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = (this.words[h2] | 0) + a * 67108864; this.words[h2] = s / i | 0, a = s % i; } return this.strip(); }, f.prototype.divn = function(i) { return this.clone().idivn(i); }, f.prototype.egcd = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = new f(0), b3 = new f(1), l = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1), ++l; for (var n = h2.clone(), d = a.clone();!a.isZero(); ) { for (var w = 0, g = 1;(a.words[0] & g) === 0 && w < 26; ++w, g <<= 1) ; if (w > 0) for (a.iushrn(w);w-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(n), u.isub(d)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); for (var _4 = 0, A2 = 1;(h2.words[0] & A2) === 0 && _4 < 26; ++_4, A2 <<= 1) ; if (_4 > 0) for (h2.iushrn(_4);_4-- > 0; ) (c.isOdd() || b3.isOdd()) && (c.iadd(n), b3.isub(d)), c.iushrn(1), b3.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(c), u.isub(b3)) : (h2.isub(a), c.isub(s), b3.isub(u)); } return { a: c, b: b3, gcd: h2.iushln(l) }; }, f.prototype._invmp = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0), r(!i.isZero()); var a = this, h2 = i.clone(); a.negative !== 0 ? a = a.umod(i) : a = a.clone(); for (var s = new f(1), u = new f(0), c = h2.clone();a.cmpn(1) > 0 && h2.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var b3 = 0, l = 1;(a.words[0] & l) === 0 && b3 < 26; ++b3, l <<= 1) ; if (b3 > 0) for (a.iushrn(b3);b3-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(c), s.iushrn(1); for (var n = 0, d = 1;(h2.words[0] & d) === 0 && n < 26; ++n, d <<= 1) ; if (n > 0) for (h2.iushrn(n);n-- > 0; ) u.isOdd() && u.iadd(c), u.iushrn(1); a.cmp(h2) >= 0 ? (a.isub(h2), s.isub(u)) : (h2.isub(a), u.isub(s)); } var w; return a.cmpn(1) === 0 ? w = s : w = u, w.cmpn(0) < 0 && w.iadd(i), w; }, f.prototype.gcd = function(i) { if (this.isZero()) return i.abs(); if (i.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a = this.clone(), h2 = i.clone(); a.negative = 0, h2.negative = 0; for (var s = 0;a.isEven() && h2.isEven(); s++) a.iushrn(1), h2.iushrn(1); do { for (;a.isEven(); ) a.iushrn(1); for (;h2.isEven(); ) h2.iushrn(1); var u = a.cmp(h2); if (u < 0) { var c = a; a = h2, h2 = c; } else if (u === 0 || h2.cmpn(1) === 0) break; a.isub(h2); } while (true); return h2.iushln(s); }, f.prototype.invm = function(i) { return this.egcd(i).a.umod(i); }, f.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; }, f.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; }, f.prototype.andln = function(i) { return this.words[0] & i; }, f.prototype.bincn = function(i) { r(typeof i == "number"); var a = i % 26, h2 = (i - a) / 26, s = 1 << a; if (this.length <= h2) return this._expand(h2 + 1), this.words[h2] |= s, this; for (var u = s, c = h2;u !== 0 && c < this.length; c++) { var b3 = this.words[c] | 0; b3 += u, u = b3 >>> 26, b3 &= 67108863, this.words[c] = b3; } return u !== 0 && (this.words[c] = u, this.length++), this; }, f.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; }, f.prototype.cmpn = function(i) { var a = i < 0; if (this.negative !== 0 && !a) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && a) return 1; this.strip(); var h2; if (this.length > 1) h2 = 1; else { a && (i = -i), r(i <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var s = this.words[0] | 0; h2 = s === i ? 0 : s < i ? -1 : 1; } return this.negative !== 0 ? -h2 | 0 : h2; }, f.prototype.cmp = function(i) { if (this.negative !== 0 && i.negative === 0) return -1; if (this.negative === 0 && i.negative !== 0) return 1; var a = this.ucmp(i); return this.negative !== 0 ? -a | 0 : a; }, f.prototype.ucmp = function(i) { if (this.length > i.length) return 1; if (this.length < i.length) return -1; for (var a = 0, h2 = this.length - 1;h2 >= 0; h2--) { var s = this.words[h2] | 0, u = i.words[h2] | 0; if (s !== u) { s < u ? a = -1 : s > u && (a = 1); break; } } return a; }, f.prototype.gtn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 1; }, f.prototype.gten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.gte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) >= 0; }, f.prototype.ltn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === -1; }, = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === -1; }, f.prototype.lten = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.lte = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) <= 0; }, f.prototype.eqn = function(i) { return this.cmpn(i) === 0; }, f.prototype.eq = function(i) { return this.cmp(i) === 0; }, = function(i) { return new P(i); }, f.prototype.toRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), r(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), i.convertTo(this)._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.fromRed = function() { return r(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),; }, f.prototype._forceRed = function(i) { return = i, this; }, f.prototype.forceRed = function(i) { return r(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(i); }, f.prototype.redAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(i) { return r(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redSub = function(i) { return r(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redISub = function(i) { return r(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redShl = function(i) { return r(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, i); }, f.prototype.redMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redIMul = function(i) { return r(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, i),, i); }, f.prototype.redSqr = function() { return r(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redISqr = function() { return r(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return r(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redInvm = function() { return r(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redNeg = function() { return r(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,; }, f.prototype.redPow = function(i) { return r( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, i); }; var we = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function ye(v, i) { = v, this.p = new f(i, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } ye.prototype._tmp = function() { var i = new f(null); return i.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), i; }, ye.prototype.ireduce = function(i) { var a = i, h2; do this.split(a, this.tmp), a = this.imulK(a), a = a.iadd(this.tmp), h2 = a.bitLength(); while (h2 > this.n); var s = h2 < this.n ? -1 : a.ucmp(this.p); return s === 0 ? (a.words[0] = 0, a.length = 1) : s > 0 ? a.isub(this.p) : a.strip !== undefined ? a.strip() : a._strip(), a; }, ye.prototype.split = function(i, a) { i.iushrn(this.n, 0, a); }, ye.prototype.imulK = function(i) { return i.imul(this.k); }; function xe() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } o(xe, ye), xe.prototype.split = function(i, a) { for (var h2 = 4194303, s = Math.min(i.length, 9), u = 0;u < s; u++) a.words[u] = i.words[u]; if (a.length = s, i.length <= 9) { i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1; return; } var c = i.words[9]; for (a.words[a.length++] = c & h2, u = 10;u < i.length; u++) { var b3 = i.words[u] | 0; i.words[u - 10] = (b3 & h2) << 4 | c >>> 22, c = b3; } c >>>= 22, i.words[u - 10] = c, c === 0 && i.length > 10 ? i.length -= 10 : i.length -= 9; }, xe.prototype.imulK = function(i) { i.words[i.length] = 0, i.words[i.length + 1] = 0, i.length += 2; for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = i.words[h2] | 0; a += s * 977, i.words[h2] = a & 67108863, a = s * 64 + (a / 67108864 | 0); } return i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && (i.length--, i.words[i.length - 1] === 0 && i.length--), i; }; function Re() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } o(Re, ye); function Ee() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } o(Ee, ye); function Ae() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } o(Ae, ye), Ae.prototype.imulK = function(i) { for (var a = 0, h2 = 0;h2 < i.length; h2++) { var s = (i.words[h2] | 0) * 19 + a, u = s & 67108863; s >>>= 26, i.words[h2] = u, a = s; } return a !== 0 && (i.words[i.length++] = a), i; }, f._prime = function(i) { if (we[i]) return we[i]; var a; if (i === "k256") a = new xe; else if (i === "p224") a = new Re; else if (i === "p192") a = new Ee; else if (i === "p25519") a = new Ae; else throw new Error("Unknown prime " + i); return we[i] = a, a; }; function P(v) { if (typeof v == "string") { var i = f._prime(v); this.m = i.p, = i; } else r(v.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = v, = null; } P.prototype._verify1 = function(i) { r(i.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), r(, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype._verify2 = function(i, a) { r((i.negative | a.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), r( && ===, "red works only with red numbers"); }, P.prototype.imod = function(i) { return ? : i.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.neg = function(i) { return i.isZero() ? i.clone() : this.m.sub(i)._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.add = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.add(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.iadd = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.iadd(a); return h2.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && h2.isub(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.sub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.sub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2._forceRed(this); }, P.prototype.isub = function(i, a) { this._verify2(i, a); var h2 = i.isub(a); return h2.cmpn(0) < 0 && h2.iadd(this.m), h2; }, P.prototype.shl = function(i, a) { return this._verify1(i), this.imod(i.ushln(a)); }, P.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.imul(a)); }, P.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { return this._verify2(i, a), this.imod(i.mul(a)); }, P.prototype.isqr = function(i) { return this.imul(i, i.clone()); }, P.prototype.sqr = function(i) { return this.mul(i, i); }, P.prototype.sqrt = function(i) { if (i.isZero()) return i.clone(); var a = this.m.andln(3); if (r(a % 2 === 1), a === 3) { var h2 = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(i, h2); } for (var s = this.m.subn(1), u = 0;!s.isZero() && s.andln(1) === 0; ) u++, s.iushrn(1); r(!s.isZero()); var c = new f(1).toRed(this), b3 = c.redNeg(), l = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), n = this.m.bitLength(); for (n = new f(2 * n * n).toRed(this);this.pow(n, l).cmp(b3) !== 0; ) n.redIAdd(b3); for (var d = this.pow(n, s), w = this.pow(i, s.addn(1).iushrn(1)), g = this.pow(i, s), _4 = u;g.cmp(c) !== 0; ) { for (var A2 = g, R2 = 0;A2.cmp(c) !== 0; R2++) A2 = A2.redSqr(); r(R2 < _4); var I = this.pow(d, new f(1).iushln(_4 - R2 - 1)); w = w.redMul(I), d = I.redSqr(), g = g.redMul(d), _4 = R2; } return w; }, P.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = i._invmp(this.m); return a.negative !== 0 ? (a.negative = 0, this.imod(a).redNeg()) : this.imod(a); }, P.prototype.pow = function(i, a) { if (a.isZero()) return new f(1).toRed(this); if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) return i.clone(); var h2 = 4, s = new Array(1 << h2); s[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), s[1] = i; for (var u = 2;u < s.length; u++) s[u] = this.mul(s[u - 1], i); var c = s[0], b3 = 0, l = 0, n = a.bitLength() % 26; for (n === 0 && (n = 26), u = a.length - 1;u >= 0; u--) { for (var d = a.words[u], w = n - 1;w >= 0; w--) { var g = d >> w & 1; if (c !== s[0] && (c = this.sqr(c)), g === 0 && b3 === 0) { l = 0; continue; } b3 <<= 1, b3 |= g, l++, !(l !== h2 && (u !== 0 || w !== 0)) && (c = this.mul(c, s[b3]), l = 0, b3 = 0); } n = 26; } return c; }, P.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { var a = i.umod(this.m); return a === i ? a.clone() : a; }, P.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = i.clone(); return = null, a; }, f.mont = function(i) { return new Se(i); }; function Se(v) {, v), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } o(Se, P), Se.prototype.convertTo = function(i) { return this.imod(i.ushln(this.shift)); }, Se.prototype.convertFrom = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i.mul(this.rinv)); return = null, a; }, Se.prototype.imul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return i.words[0] = 0, i.length = 1, i; var h2 = i.imul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.mul = function(i, a) { if (i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return new f(0)._forceRed(this); var h2 = i.mul(a), s = h2.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u = h2.isub(s).iushrn(this.shift), c = u; return u.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? c = u.isub(this.m) : u.cmpn(0) < 0 && (c = u.iadd(this.m)), c._forceRed(this); }, Se.prototype.invm = function(i) { var a = this.imod(i._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); return a._forceRed(this); }; })(typeof Sd > "u" || Sd, F3); }); Ed = T2((xL, z3) => { var U3 = w0(), wq = Te().Buffer; function Mq(t, e) { return wq.from(t.toRed(U3.mont(e.modulus)).redPow(new U3(e.publicExponent)).fromRed().toArray()); } z3.exports = Mq; }); j3 = T2((SL, K3) => { var _q = Ha(), Ad = on(), xq = bf(), H3 = _d(), W3 = xd(), Rd = w0(), Sq = Ed(), Eq = Ks(), Kr = Te().Buffer; K3.exports = function(e, r, o) { var f; e.padding ? f = e.padding : o ? f = 1 : f = 4; var p = _q(e), m2; if (f === 4) m2 = Aq(p, r); else if (f === 1) m2 = Rq(p, r, o); else if (f === 3) { if (m2 = new Rd(r), m2.cmp(p.modulus) >= 0) throw new Error("data too long for modulus"); } else throw new Error("unknown padding"); return o ? Eq(m2, p) : Sq(m2, p); }; function Aq(t, e) { var r = t.modulus.byteLength(), o = e.length, f = xq("sha1").update(Kr.alloc(0)).digest(), p = f.length, m2 = 2 * p; if (o > r - m2 - 2) throw new Error("message too long"); var y3 = Kr.alloc(r - o - m2 - 2), M = r - p - 1, x = Ad(p), S = W3(Kr.concat([f, y3, Kr.alloc(1, 1), e], M), H3(x, M)), E2 = W3(x, H3(S, p)); return new Rd(Kr.concat([Kr.alloc(1), E2, S], r)); } function Rq(t, e, r) { var o = e.length, f = t.modulus.byteLength(); if (o > f - 11) throw new Error("message too long"); var p; return r ? p = Kr.alloc(f - o - 3, 255) : p = Bq(f - o - 3), new Rd(Kr.concat([Kr.from([0, r ? 1 : 2]), p, Kr.alloc(1), e], f)); } function Bq(t) { for (var e = Kr.allocUnsafe(t), r = 0, o = Ad(t * 2), f = 0, p;r < t; ) f === o.length && (o = Ad(t * 2), f = 0), p = o[f++], p && (e[r++] = p); return e; } }); Y3 = T2((EL, G3) => { var qq = Ha(), Z3 = _d(), V3 = xd(), $3 = w0(), Iq = Ks(), Tq = bf(), kq = Ed(), Za = Te().Buffer; G3.exports = function(e, r, o) { var f; e.padding ? f = e.padding : o ? f = 1 : f = 4; var p = qq(e), m2 = p.modulus.byteLength(); if (r.length > m2 || new $3(r).cmp(p.modulus) >= 0) throw new Error("decryption error"); var y3; o ? y3 = kq(new $3(r), p) : y3 = Iq(r, p); var M = Za.alloc(m2 - y3.length); if (y3 = Za.concat([M, y3], m2), f === 4) return Lq(p, y3); if (f === 1) return Nq(p, y3, o); if (f === 3) return y3; throw new Error("unknown padding"); }; function Lq(t, e) { var r = t.modulus.byteLength(), o = Tq("sha1").update(Za.alloc(0)).digest(), f = o.length; if (e[0] !== 0) throw new Error("decryption error"); var p = e.slice(1, f + 1), m2 = e.slice(f + 1), y3 = V3(p, Z3(m2, f)), M = V3(m2, Z3(y3, r - f - 1)); if (Dq(o, M.slice(0, f))) throw new Error("decryption error"); for (var x = f;M[x] === 0; ) x++; if (M[x++] !== 1) throw new Error("decryption error"); return M.slice(x); } function Nq(t, e, r) { for (var o = e.slice(0, 2), f = 2, p = 0;e[f++] !== 0; ) if (f >= e.length) { p++; break; } var m2 = e.slice(2, f - 1); if ((o.toString("hex") !== "0002" && !r || o.toString("hex") !== "0001" && r) && p++, m2.length < 8 && p++, p) throw new Error("decryption error"); return e.slice(f); } function Dq(t, e) { t = Za.from(t), e = Za.from(e); var r = 0, o = t.length; t.length !== e.length && (r++, o = Math.min(t.length, e.length)); for (var f = -1;++f < o; ) r += t[f] ^ e[f]; return r; } }); X3 = T2((Vn) => { Vn.publicEncrypt = j3(); Vn.privateDecrypt = Y3(); Vn.privateEncrypt = function(e, r) { return Vn.publicEncrypt(e, r, true); }; Vn.publicDecrypt = function(e, r) { return Vn.privateDecrypt(e, r, true); }; }); ow = T2((Va) => { function J3() { throw new Error(`secure random number generation not supported by this browser use chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11`); } var ew = Te(), Q3 = on(), tw = ew.Buffer, rw = ew.kMaxLength, Bd = global.crypto || global.msCrypto, iw = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; function nw(t, e) { if (typeof t != "number" || t !== t) throw new TypeError("offset must be a number"); if (t > iw || t < 0) throw new TypeError("offset must be a uint32"); if (t > rw || t > e) throw new RangeError("offset out of range"); } function fw(t, e, r) { if (typeof t != "number" || t !== t) throw new TypeError("size must be a number"); if (t > iw || t < 0) throw new TypeError("size must be a uint32"); if (t + e > r || t > rw) throw new RangeError("buffer too small"); } Bd && Bd.getRandomValues ? (Va.randomFill = Pq, Va.randomFillSync = Cq) : (Va.randomFill = J3, Va.randomFillSync = J3); function Pq(t, e, r, o) { if (!tw.isBuffer(t) && !(t instanceof global.Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError('"buf" argument must be a Buffer or Uint8Array'); if (typeof e == "function") o = e, e = 0, r = t.length; else if (typeof r == "function") o = r, r = t.length - e; else if (typeof o != "function") throw new TypeError('"cb" argument must be a function'); return nw(e, t.length), fw(r, e, t.length), aw(t, e, r, o); } function aw(t, e, r, o) { if (true) { var f = t.buffer, p = new Uint8Array(f, e, r); if (Bd.getRandomValues(p), o) { process.nextTick(function() { o(null, t); }); return; } return t; } if (o) { Q3(r, function(y3, M) { if (y3) return o(y3); M.copy(t, e), o(null, t); }); return; } var m2 = Q3(r); return m2.copy(t, e), t; } function Cq(t, e, r) { if (typeof e > "u" && (e = 0), !tw.isBuffer(t) && !(t instanceof global.Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError('"buf" argument must be a Buffer or Uint8Array'); return nw(e, t.length), r === undefined && (r = t.length - e), fw(r, e, t.length), aw(t, e, r); } }); qd = T2((ke) => { ke.randomBytes = ke.rng = ke.pseudoRandomBytes = ke.prng = on(); ke.createHash = ke.Hash = bf(); ke.createHmac = ke.Hmac = wu(); var Oq = Eb(), Fq = Object.keys(Oq), Uq = ["sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5", "rmd160"].concat(Fq); ke.getHashes = function() { return Uq; }; var sw = Iu(); ke.pbkdf2 = sw.pbkdf2; ke.pbkdf2Sync = sw.pbkdf2Sync; var ui = Vm(); ke.Cipher = ui.Cipher; ke.createCipher = ui.createCipher; ke.Cipheriv = ui.Cipheriv; ke.createCipheriv = ui.createCipheriv; ke.Decipher = ui.Decipher; ke.createDecipher = ui.createDecipher; ke.Decipheriv = ui.Decipheriv; ke.createDecipheriv = ui.createDecipheriv; ke.getCiphers = ui.getCiphers; ke.listCiphers = ui.listCiphers; var $a = hg(); ke.DiffieHellmanGroup = $a.DiffieHellmanGroup; ke.createDiffieHellmanGroup = $a.createDiffieHellmanGroup; ke.getDiffieHellman = $a.getDiffieHellman; ke.createDiffieHellman = $a.createDiffieHellman; ke.DiffieHellman = $a.DiffieHellman; var M0 = k3(); ke.createSign = M0.createSign; ke.Sign = M0.Sign; ke.createVerify = M0.createVerify; ke.Verify = M0.Verify; ke.createECDH = P3(); var _0 = X3(); ke.publicEncrypt = _0.publicEncrypt; ke.privateEncrypt = _0.privateEncrypt; ke.publicDecrypt = _0.publicDecrypt; ke.privateDecrypt = _0.privateDecrypt; var hw = ow(); ke.randomFill = hw.randomFill; ke.randomFillSync = hw.randomFillSync; ke.createCredentials = function() { throw new Error(["sorry, createCredentials is not implemented yet", "we accept pull requests", ""].join(` `)); }; ke.constants = { DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME: 2, DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME: 1, DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR: 4, DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR: 8, NPN_ENABLED: 1, ALPN_ENABLED: 1, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: 1, RSA_SSLV23_PADDING: 2, RSA_NO_PADDING: 3, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING: 4, RSA_X931_PADDING: 5, RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING: 6, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED: 2, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED: 4, POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID: 6 }; }); Xt = {}; Ja(Xt, { DEFAULT_ENCODING: () => Ga, default: () => Wq, getCurves: () => dw, getRandomValues: () => uw, randomUUID: () => lw, scrypt: () => Td, scryptSync: () => Id, timingSafeEqual: () => x0, webcrypto: () => cw }); ot(Xt, rn(qd())); zq = rn(qd()); Ga = "buffer"; uw = (t) => crypto.getRandomValues(t); lw = () => crypto.randomUUID(); Hq = ["p192", "p224", "p256", "p384", "p521", "curve25519", "ed25519", "secp256k1", "secp224r1", "prime256v1", "prime192v1", "ed25519", "secp384r1", "secp521r1"]; x0 = "timingSafeEqual" in crypto ? (t, e) => { let { byteLength: r } = t, { byteLength: o } = e; if (typeof r != "number" || typeof o != "number") throw new TypeError("Input must be an array buffer view"); if (r !== o) throw new RangeError("Input buffers must have the same length"); return crypto.timingSafeEqual(t, e); } : undefined; Id = "scryptSync" in crypto ? (t, e, r, o) => { let f = crypto.scryptSync(t, e, r, o); return Ga !== "buffer" ? new Buffer(f).toString(Ga) : new Buffer(f); } : undefined; Td = "scryptSync" in crypto ? function(t, e, r, o, f) { if (typeof o == "function" && (f = o, o = undefined), typeof f != "function") { var p = new TypeError("callback must be a function"); throw p.code = "ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK", p; } try { let m2 = crypto.scryptSync(t, e, r, o); process.nextTick(f, null, Ga !== "buffer" ? new Buffer(m2).toString(Ga) : new Buffer(m2)); } catch (m2) { throw m2; } } : undefined; x0 && (Object.defineProperty(x0, "name", { value: "::bunternal::" }), Object.defineProperty(Td, "name", { value: "::bunternal::" }), Object.defineProperty(Id, "name", { value: "::bunternal::" })); cw = crypto; Wq = { ...zq, getRandomValues: uw, randomUUID: lw, timingSafeEqual: x0, scryptSync: Id, scrypt: Td, webcrypto: cw, getCurves: dw }; /*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. * * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh * @license MIT */ /*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ /*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ }); // src/client/pico8-client/veryRawRenderCart.js var require_veryRawRenderCart = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var __dirname = "/home/dylan/repos/picobook/src/client/pico8-client"; window.P8 = function(Module, cartNames, cartDatas) { let p8_touch_detected; let p8_dropped_cart; let p8_dropped_cart_name; let pico8_state; let pico8_buttons; let pico8_gamepads; let pico8_gpio; let pico8_audio_context; let pico8_mouse; var _cartname = cartNames; var _cartdat = cartDatas.flat(); let codo_key_buffer; let tempDouble; let tempI64; let node; let temp; let codo_wheel_dx; let codo_wheel_dy; let el; let button_i; let codo_mounted_filesystem; let codo_command; let jsString; let dx; let dy; let stat; var _cdpos = 0; var iii = 0; var ciii = 0; var Module = typeof Module !== "undefined" ? 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0, 22, 47, 0, 0, 172, 0, 20, 15, 188, 8, 15]); fileData0.push.apply(fileData0, [15, 45, 1, 25, 15, 104, 9, 25, 6, 43, 0, 15, 239, 12, 13, 15, 96, 5, 21, 9, 229, 8, 15, 159, 15, 18, 14, 53, 5, 15, 174, 1, 4, 15, 43, 0, 19, 6, 93, 5, 14, 96, 5, 15, 133, 2, 7, 14, 174, 1, 15, 59, 8, 1, 15, 96, 5, 18, 47, 255, 255, 45, 1, 22, 5, 101, 10, 14, 94, 4, 15, 174, 1, 8, 15, 241, 13, 16, 15, 96, 5, 21, 8, 3, 3, 15, 86, 0, 22, 31, 255, 176, 2, 19, 5, 51, 1, 15, 151, 11, 21, 15, 237, 11, 20, 47, 0, 255, 210, 19, 24, 15, 14, 7, 15, 47, 255, 0, 88, 1, 22, 5, 177, 5, 15, 145, 8, 17, 5, 196, 12, 15, 10, 5, 4, 15, 35, 16, 4, 0, 43, 0, 95, 55, 0, 0, 0, 7, 208, 18, 15, 15, 1, 0, 1, 15, 63, 0, 10, 15, 2, 0, 15, 15, 63, 0, 11, 9, 132, 0, 8, 197, 8, 4, 70, 3, 15, 63, 0, 9, 7, 136, 18, 7, 68, 22, 3, 246, 19, 15, 63, 0, 15, 5, 91, 6, 2, 57, 0, 15, 14, 0, 1, 15, 126, 0, 10, 4, 152, 6, 24, 255, 131, 12, 5, 161, 1, 15, 63, 0, 16, 5, 55, 0, 27, 255, 253, 16, 3, 28, 0, 15, 252, 0, 12, 47, 0, 255, 56, 0, 4, 3, 155, 0, 15, 126, 0, 19, 5, 113, 1, 4, 124, 1, 14, 126, 0, 15, 189, 0, 7, 7, 245, 0, 7, 126, 0, 31, 255, 252, 0, 24, 6, 255, 3, 7, 65, 9, 15, 248, 1, 21, 27, 255, 248, 1, 31, 0, 248, 1, 19, 43, 255, 255, 39, 2, 5, 181, 1, 15, 244, 2, 17, 8, 232, 0, 6, 7, 2, 9, 16, 1, 15, 181, 2, 26, 7, 0, 25, 15, 244, 2, 17, 7, 54, 3, 31, 0, 248, 1, 33, 15, 37, 4, 4, 6, 1, 0, 15, 189, 0, 20, 7, 122, 0, 3, 219, 16, 15, 189, 0, 29, 7, 135, 1, 25, 255, 74, 19, 15, 248, 1, 12, 10, 238, 0, 10, 10, 1, 15, 55, 2, 20, 10, 189, 0, 15, 122, 1, 22, 5, 221, 2, 4, 229, 5, 25, 255, 53, 22, 15, 63, 0, 19, 9, 135, 16, 2, 227, 16, 15, 122, 1, 26, 11, 82, 21, 15, 244, 2, 26, 15, 14, 0, 2, 15, 232, 5, 23, 15, 7, 0, 2, 15, 232, 5, 16, 14, 177, 1, 22, 255, 69, 22, 2, 12, 0, 15, 169, 5, 16, 6, 92, 4, 7, 109, 13, 47, 0, 255, 122, 1, 16, 5, 156, 3, 3, 155, 5, 8, 186, 3, 14, 236, 4, 15, 181, 2, 4, 27, 255, 197, 0, 6, 232, 10, 31, 0, 252, 0, 15, 25, 255, 237, 6, 6, 152, 25, 31, 255, 244, 2, 15, 8, 69, 23, 6, 114, 22, 11, 217, 25, 15, 110, 4, 10, 12, 123, 1, 24, 255, 230, 6, 15, 181, 2, 14, 3, 253, 0, 7, 241, 4, 3, 80, 1, 14, 228, 6, 15, 251, 22, 7, 8, 120, 0, 9, 128, 14, 15, 189, 0, 19, 8, 4, 14, 4, 163, 25, 15, 110, 4, 26, 29, 255, 77, 14, 15, 169, 5, 16, 15, 7, 0, 2, 15, 55, 2, 33, 7, 61, 1, 4, 59, 1, 15, 126, 0, 17, 7, 27, 30, 28, 255, 189, 0, 15, 161, 7, 17, 7, 245, 0, 6, 71, 0, 5, 64, 0, 15, 252, 0, 16, 7, 67, 0, 40, 255, 255, 3, 1, 15, 110, 4, 16, 8, 52, 1, 43, 255, 255, 18, 1, 31, 0, 232, 5, 19, 13, 127, 1, 5, 140, 2, 15, 63, 0, 20, 9, 160, 5, 15, 181, 2, 21, 11, 184, 0, 31, 255, 118, 2, 28, 5, 135, 8, 5, 59, 1, 8, 133, 2, 15, 189, 0, 15, 6, 44, 3, 4, 237, 4, 7, 246, 4, 31, 0, 169, 5, 14, 43, 0, 255, 46, 6, 7, 187, 13, 5, 187, 12, 15, 126, 0, 10, 11, 244, 16, 6, 63, 27, 14, 248, 1, 15, 118, 2, 4, 7, 216, 5, 40, 0, 255, 41, 5, 47, 0, 255, 244, 2, 16, 5, 116, 20, 11, 14, 0, 15, 106, 5, 13, 24, 255, 96, 4, 12, 110, 4, 15, 51, 3, 19, 15, 191, 3, 0, 6, 252, 6, 47, 0, 255, 90, 9, 18, 43, 255, 255, 77, 29, 5, 59, 2, 15, 98, 7, 12, 12, 203, 11, 27, 0, 192, 30, 15, 27, 9, 21, 28, 255, 179, 6, 6, 138, 15, 15, 78, 12, 9, 29, 0, 118, 4, 6, 244, 3, 15, 11, 13, 17, 11, 56, 2, 7, 144, 1, 15, 51, 3, 16, 15, 25, 8, 0, 7, 146, 13, 31, 255, 39, 6, 19, 29, 255, 14, 0, 31, 255, 236, 4, 17, 4, 142, 7, 8, 120, 1, 6, 183, 1, 47, 255, 0, 177, 3, 17, 41, 0, 0, 193, 12, 10, 51, 7, 15, 70, 14, 21, 13, 196, 0, 14, 161, 7, 15, 102, 6, 6, 10, 6, 2, 15, 244, 2, 22, 11, 147, 7, 9, 229, 5, 15, 106, 5, 25, 11, 245, 2, 47, 255, 255, 185, 1, 18, 40, 0, 255, 203, 14, 9, 16, 10, 7, 104, 17, 15, 126, 0, 30, 14, 55, 2, 15, 236, 4, 26, 15, 157, 8, 23, 24, 0, 29, 7, 41, 255, 255, 171, 5, 14, 70, 14, 15, 252, 0, 3, 9, 53, 4, 6, 68, 2, 15, 122, 1, 2, 15, 201, 13, 7, 11, 47, 7, 15, 7, 14, 21, 15, 250, 2, 5, 15, 70, 14, 21, 9, 102, 4, 6, 191, 15, 15, 63, 0, 26, 7, 253, 0, 15, 66, 15, 26, 7, 192, 2, 28, 255, 80, 1, 15, 126, 0, 13, 44, 255, 255, 185, 15, 15, 240, 3, 23, 10, 216, 9, 47, 255, 0, 51, 3, 38, 13, 119, 0, 15, 196, 14, 17, 11, 209, 9, 5, 202, 0, 6, 238, 6, 15, 114, 3, 19, 8, 242, 1, 7, 145, 11, 31, 255, 252, 0, 25, 14, 14, 0, 15, 149, 10, 20, 12, 209, 10, 47, 255, 0, 43, 5, 29, 5, 187, 22, 14, 244, 2, 15, 55, 2, 21, 9, 7, 0, 15, 122, 1, 5, 15, 146, 11, 14, 31, 0, 35, 7, 21, 7, 93, 8, 9, 79, 11, 5, 211, 10, 15, 189, 0, 28, 8, 100, 7, 14, 70, 14, 15, 248, 1, 18, 15, 15, 12, 27, 8, 34, 4, 15, 189, 0, 35, 5, 38, 4, 28, 255, 190, 0, 15, 172, 20, 18, 14, 81, 13, 15, 173, 4, 19, 8, 153, 29, 15, 189, 0, 32, 7, 93, 5, 15, 126, 0, 33, 47, 0, 255, 231, 7, 4, 5, 129, 1, 15, 70, 14, 32, 15, 126, 0, 23, 15, 196, 0, 1, 9, 203, 0, 15, 118, 2, 26, 9, 242, 18, 14, 86, 10, 15, 189, 0, 13, 5, 57, 20, 47, 0, 255, 165, 6, 21, 31, 255, 6, 14, 1, 15, 39, 6, 19, 7, 28, 9, 12, 12, 12, 3, 25, 0, 15, 255, 15, 18, 8, 6, 14, 6, 68, 14, 15, 196, 14, 24, 15, 118, 2, 37, 31, 0, 71, 12, 4, 3, 8, 0, 15, 169, 5, 32, 8, 9, 3, 15, 98, 7, 32, 15, 66, 15, 23, 7, 192, 15, 9, 77, 0, 3, 14, 0, 15, 58, 17, 19, 8, 159, 5, 5, 4, 1, 15, 160, 23, 18, 15, 183, 0, 2, 6, 223, 24, 15, 78, 12, 37, 4, 15, 0, 15, 106, 5, 39, 47, 255, 0, 110, 4, 23, 14, 7, 0, 14, 227, 22, 15, 11, 13, 6, 6, 49, 0, 12, 14, 0, 15, 121, 17, 22, 15, 254, 3, 0, 14, 220, 8, 15, 35, 7, 2, 11, 7, 0, 31, 0, 70, 14, 24, 31, 255, 7, 0, 3, 15, 125, 16, 18, 15, 49, 1, 0, 7, 16, 16, 15, 165, 6, 27, 13, 25, 13, 15, 43, 5, 21, 47, 255, 0, 35, 7, 42, 15, 186, 1, 3, 47, 0, 255, 94, 8, 27, 31, 0, 43, 5, 32, 6, 32, 4, 14, 188, 0, 15, 63, 0, 19, 14, 51, 3, 15, 78, 12, 28, 11, 204, 0, 31, 255, 47, 4, 22, 10, 58, 3, 12, 64, 0, 15, 110, 4, 25, 9, 84, 11, 15, 15, 12, 25, 6, 215, 9, 3, 143, 9, 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0]); Module["FS_createDataFile"]("/", "data.pod", fileData0, true, true, false); } if (Module["calledRun"]) { runWithFS(); } else { if (!Module["preRun"]) Module["preRun"] = []; Module["preRun"].push(runWithFS); } }; loadPackage({ files: [] }); })(); var moduleOverrides = {}; var key; for (key in Module) { if (Module.hasOwnProperty(key)) { moduleOverrides[key] = Module[key]; } } Module["arguments"] = []; Module["thisProgram"] = "./this.program"; Module["quit"] = function(status, toThrow) { throw toThrow; }; Module["preRun"] = []; Module["postRun"] = []; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = false; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = false; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = false; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = false; ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === "object"; ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === "function"; ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = typeof process === "object" && typeof require_155f27e129a0a7ce === "function" && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER; ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER; var scriptDirectory = ""; function locateFile(path) { if (Module["locateFile"]) { return Module["locateFile"](path, scriptDirectory); } else { return scriptDirectory + path; } } if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { scriptDirectory = __dirname + "/"; var nodeFS; var nodePath; Module["read"] = function shell_read(filename, binary) { var ret; ret = tryParseAsDataURI(filename); if (!ret) { if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = (()=>({})); if (!nodePath) nodePath = (init_path(), __toCommonJS(exports_path)); filename = nodePath["normalize"](filename); ret = nodeFS["readFileSync"](filename); } return binary ? ret : ret.toString(); }; Module["readBinary"] = function readBinary(filename) { var ret = Module["read"](filename, true); if (!ret.buffer) { ret = new Uint8Array(ret); } assert(ret.buffer); return ret; }; if (process["argv"].length > 1) { Module["thisProgram"] = process["argv"][1].replace(/\\/g, "/"); } Module["arguments"] = process["argv"].slice(2); if (typeof module !== "undefined") { module["exports"] = Module; } process["on"]("uncaughtException", function(ex) { if (!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)) { throw ex; } }); process["on"]("unhandledRejection", abort); Module["quit"] = function(status) { process["exit"](status); }; Module["inspect"] = function() { return "[Emscripten Module object]"; }; } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL) { if (typeof read != "undefined") { Module["read"] = function shell_read(f) { var data2 = tryParseAsDataURI(f); if (data2) { return intArrayToString(data2); } return read(f); }; } Module["readBinary"] = function readBinary(f) { var data2; data2 = tryParseAsDataURI(f); if (data2) { return data2; } if (typeof readbuffer === "function") { return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f)); } data2 = read(f, "binary"); assert(typeof data2 === "object"); return data2; }; if (typeof scriptArgs != "undefined") { Module["arguments"] = scriptArgs; } else if (typeof arguments != "undefined") { Module["arguments"] = arguments; } if (typeof quit === "function") { Module["quit"] = function(status) { quit(status); }; } } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { scriptDirectory = self.location.href; } else if (document.currentScript) { scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src; } if (scriptDirectory.indexOf("blob:") !== 0) { scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(0, scriptDirectory.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { scriptDirectory = ""; } Module["read"] = function shell_read(url) { try { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false); xhr.send(null); return xhr.responseText; } catch (err2) { var data2 = tryParseAsDataURI(url); if (data2) { return intArrayToString(data2); } throw err2; } }; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { Module["readBinary"] = function readBinary(url) { try { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.send(null); return new Uint8Array(xhr.response); } catch (err2) { var data2 = tryParseAsDataURI(url); if (data2) { return data2; } throw err2; } }; } Module["readAsync"] = function readAsync(url, onload, onerror) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onload = function xhr_onload() { if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response) { onload(xhr.response); return; } var data2 = tryParseAsDataURI(url); if (data2) { onload(data2.buffer); return; } onerror(); }; xhr.onerror = onerror; xhr.send(null); }; Module["setWindowTitle"] = function(title) { document.title = title; }; } else { } var out = Module["print"] || (typeof console !== "undefined" ? console.log.bind(console) : typeof print !== "undefined" ? print : null); var err = Module["printErr"] || (typeof printErr !== "undefined" ? printErr : typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn.bind(console) || out); for (key in moduleOverrides) { if (moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)) { Module[key] = moduleOverrides[key]; } } moduleOverrides = undefined; var STACK_ALIGN = 16; function dynamicAlloc(size) { var ret = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR >> 2]; var end = ret + size + 15 & -16; if (end > _emscripten_get_heap_size()) { abort(); } HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR >> 2] = end; return ret; } function getNativeTypeSize(type) { switch (type) { case "i1": case "i8": return 1; case "i16": return 2; case "i32": return 4; case "i64": return 8; case "float": return 4; case "double": return 8; default: { if (type[type.length - 1] === "*") { return 4; } else if (type[0] === "i") { var bits = parseInt(type.substr(1)); assert(bits % 8 === 0, "getNativeTypeSize invalid bits " + bits + ", type " + type); return bits / 8; } else { return 0; } } } } function warnOnce(text) { if (!warnOnce.shown) warnOnce.shown = {}; if (!warnOnce.shown[text]) { warnOnce.shown[text] = 1; err(text); } } var jsCallStartIndex = 1; var functionPointers = new Array(0); var funcWrappers = {}; function dynCall(sig, ptr2, args) { if (args && args.length) { return Module["dynCall_" + sig].apply(null, [ptr2].concat(args)); } else { return Module["dynCall_" + sig].call(null, ptr2); } } var tempRet0 = 0; var setTempRet0 = function(value) { tempRet0 = value; }; var getTempRet0 = function() { return tempRet0; }; var GLOBAL_BASE = 8; function getValue(ptr2, type, noSafe) { type = type || "i8"; if (type.charAt(type.length - 1) === "*") type = "i32"; switch (type) { case "i1": return HEAP8[ptr2 >> 0]; case "i8": return HEAP8[ptr2 >> 0]; case "i16": return HEAP16[ptr2 >> 1]; case "i32": return HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2]; case "i64": return HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2]; case "float": return HEAPF32[ptr2 >> 2]; case "double": return HEAPF64[ptr2 >> 3]; default: abort("invalid type for getValue: " + type); } return null; } var ABORT = false; var EXITSTATUS = 0; function assert(condition, text) { if (!condition) { abort("Assertion failed: " + text); } } function getCFunc(ident) { var func = Module["_" + ident]; assert(func, "Cannot call unknown function " + ident + ", make sure it is exported"); return func; } function ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, args, opts) { var toC = { string: function(str) { var ret2 = 0; if (str !== null && str !== undefined && str !== 0) { var len = (str.length << 2) + 1; ret2 = stackAlloc(len); stringToUTF8(str, ret2, len); } return ret2; }, array: function(arr) { var ret2 = stackAlloc(arr.length); writeArrayToMemory(arr, ret2); return ret2; } }; function convertReturnValue(ret2) { if (returnType === "string") return UTF8ToString(ret2); if (returnType === "boolean") return Boolean(ret2); return ret2; } var func = getCFunc(ident); var cArgs = []; var stack = 0; if (args) { for (var i = 0;i < args.length; i++) { var converter = toC[argTypes[i]]; if (converter) { if (stack === 0) stack = stackSave(); cArgs[i] = converter(args[i]); } else { cArgs[i] = args[i]; } } } var ret = func.apply(null, cArgs); ret = convertReturnValue(ret); if (stack !== 0) stackRestore(stack); return ret; } function setValue(ptr2, value, type, noSafe) { type = type || "i8"; if (type.charAt(type.length - 1) === "*") type = "i32"; switch (type) { case "i1": HEAP8[ptr2 >> 0] = value; break; case "i8": HEAP8[ptr2 >> 0] = value; break; case "i16": HEAP16[ptr2 >> 1] = value; break; case "i32": HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = value; break; case "i64": tempI64 = [value >>> 0, (tempDouble = value, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; break; case "float": HEAPF32[ptr2 >> 2] = value; break; case "double": HEAPF64[ptr2 >> 3] = value; break; default: abort("invalid type for setValue: " + type); } } var ALLOC_NORMAL = 0; var ALLOC_NONE = 3; function allocate(slab, types, allocator, ptr2) { var zeroinit, size; if (typeof slab === "number") { zeroinit = true; size = slab; } else { zeroinit = false; size = slab.length; } var singleType = typeof types === "string" ? types : null; var ret; if (allocator == ALLOC_NONE) { ret = ptr2; } else { ret = [_malloc, stackAlloc, dynamicAlloc][allocator](Math.max(size, singleType ? 1 : types.length)); } if (zeroinit) { var stop; ptr2 = ret; assert((ret & 3) == 0); stop = ret + (size & ~3); for (;ptr2 < stop; ptr2 += 4) { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = 0; } stop = ret + size; while (ptr2 < stop) { HEAP8[ptr2++ >> 0] = 0; } return ret; } if (singleType === "i8") { if (slab.subarray || slab.slice) { HEAPU8.set(slab, ret); } else { HEAPU8.set(new Uint8Array(slab), ret); } return ret; } var i = 0, type, typeSize, previousType; while (i < size) { var curr = slab[i]; type = singleType || types[i]; if (type === 0) { i++; continue; } if (type == "i64") type = "i32"; setValue(ret + i, curr, type); if (previousType !== type) { typeSize = getNativeTypeSize(type); previousType = type; } i += typeSize; } return ret; } function getMemory(size) { if (!runtimeInitialized) return dynamicAlloc(size); return _malloc(size); } var UTF8Decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : undefined; function UTF8ArrayToString(u8Array, idx, maxBytesToRead) { var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead; var endPtr = idx; while (u8Array[endPtr] && !(endPtr >= endIdx)) ++endPtr; if (endPtr - idx > 16 && u8Array.subarray && UTF8Decoder) { return UTF8Decoder.decode(u8Array.subarray(idx, endPtr)); } else { var str = ""; while (idx < endPtr) { var u02 = u8Array[idx++]; if (!(u02 & 128)) { str += String.fromCharCode(u02); continue; } var u1 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; if ((u02 & 224) == 192) { str += String.fromCharCode((u02 & 31) << 6 | u1); continue; } var u2 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; if ((u02 & 240) == 224) { u02 = (u02 & 15) << 12 | u1 << 6 | u2; } else { u02 = (u02 & 7) << 18 | u1 << 12 | u2 << 6 | u8Array[idx++] & 63; } if (u02 < 65536) { str += String.fromCharCode(u02); } else { var ch = u02 - 65536; str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | ch >> 10, 56320 | ch & 1023); } } } return str; } function UTF8ToString(ptr2, maxBytesToRead) { return ptr2 ? UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8, ptr2, maxBytesToRead) : ""; } function stringToUTF8Array(str, outU8Array, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) { if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0)) return 0; var startIdx = outIdx; var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1; for (var i = 0;i < str.length; ++i) { var u = str.charCodeAt(i); if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) { var u1 = str.charCodeAt(++i); u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | u1 & 1023; } if (u <= 127) { if (outIdx >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = u; } else if (u <= 2047) { if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 192 | u >> 6; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u & 63; } else if (u <= 65535) { if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 224 | u >> 12; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u >> 6 & 63; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u & 63; } else { if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 240 | u >> 18; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u >> 12 & 63; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u >> 6 & 63; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u & 63; } } outU8Array[outIdx] = 0; return outIdx - startIdx; } function stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) { return stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAPU8, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite); } function lengthBytesUTF8(str) { var len = 0; for (var i = 0;i < str.length; ++i) { var u = str.charCodeAt(i); if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | str.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023; if (u <= 127) ++len; else if (u <= 2047) len += 2; else if (u <= 65535) len += 3; else len += 4; } return len; } var UTF16Decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined" ? new TextDecoder("utf-16le") : undefined; function allocateUTF8OnStack(str) { var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1; var ret = stackAlloc(size); stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size); return ret; } function writeArrayToMemory(array, buffer2) { HEAP8.set(array, buffer2); } function writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer2, dontAddNull) { for (var i = 0;i < str.length; ++i) { HEAP8[buffer2++ >> 0] = str.charCodeAt(i); } if (!dontAddNull) HEAP8[buffer2 >> 0] = 0; } function demangle(func) { return func; } function demangleAll(text) { var regex = /__Z[\w\d_]+/g; return text.replace(regex, function(x) { var y3 = demangle(x); return x === y3 ? x : y3 + " [" + x + "]"; }); } function jsStackTrace() { var err2 = new Error; if (!err2.stack) { try { throw new Error(0); } catch (e) { err2 = e; } if (!err2.stack) { return "(no stack trace available)"; } } return err2.stack.toString(); } function stackTrace() { var js = jsStackTrace(); if (Module["extraStackTrace"]) js += "\n" + Module["extraStackTrace"](); return demangleAll(js); } var buffer, HEAP8, HEAPU8, HEAP16, HEAPU16, HEAP32, HEAPU32, HEAPF32, HEAPF64; function updateGlobalBufferViews() { Module["HEAP8"] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buffer); Module["HEAP16"] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(buffer); Module["HEAP32"] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buffer); Module["HEAPU8"] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buffer); Module["HEAPU16"] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buffer); Module["HEAPU32"] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(buffer); Module["HEAPF32"] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buffer); Module["HEAPF64"] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buffer); } var STACK_BASE = 3145136, DYNAMIC_BASE = 8388016, DYNAMICTOP_PTR = 3145104; var TOTAL_STACK = 5242880; var INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY = Module["TOTAL_MEMORY"] || 134217728; if (INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY < TOTAL_STACK) err("TOTAL_MEMORY should be larger than TOTAL_STACK, was " + INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY + "! (TOTAL_STACK=" + TOTAL_STACK + ")"); if (Module["buffer"]) { buffer = Module["buffer"]; } else { { buffer = new ArrayBuffer(INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY); } } updateGlobalBufferViews(); HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR >> 2] = DYNAMIC_BASE; function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) { while (callbacks.length > 0) { var callback = callbacks.shift(); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(); continue; } var func = callback.func; if (typeof func === "number") { if (callback.arg === undefined) { Module["dynCall_v"](func); } else { Module["dynCall_vi"](func, callback.arg); } } else { func(callback.arg === undefined ? null : callback.arg); } } } var __ATPRERUN__ = []; var __ATINIT__ = []; var __ATMAIN__ = []; var __ATPOSTRUN__ = []; var runtimeInitialized = false; var runtimeExited = false; function preRun() { if (Module["preRun"]) { if (typeof Module["preRun"] == "function") Module["preRun"] = [Module["preRun"]]; while (Module["preRun"].length) { addOnPreRun(Module["preRun"].shift()); } } callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPRERUN__); } function ensureInitRuntime() { if (runtimeInitialized) return; runtimeInitialized = true; if (!Module["noFSInit"] && !FS.init.initialized) FS.init(); TTY.init(); callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATINIT__); } function preMain() { FS.ignorePermissions = false; callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATMAIN__); } function exitRuntime() { runtimeExited = true; } function postRun() { if (Module["postRun"]) { if (typeof Module["postRun"] == "function") Module["postRun"] = [Module["postRun"]]; while (Module["postRun"].length) { addOnPostRun(Module["postRun"].shift()); } } callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPOSTRUN__); } function addOnPreRun(cb) { __ATPRERUN__.unshift(cb); } function addOnPostRun(cb) { __ATPOSTRUN__.unshift(cb); } var Math_abs = Math.abs; var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_floor = Math.floor; var Math_min = Math.min; var runDependencies = 0; var runDependencyWatcher = null; var dependenciesFulfilled = null; function getUniqueRunDependency(id) { return id; } function addRunDependency(id) { runDependencies++; if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) { Module["monitorRunDependencies"](runDependencies); } } function removeRunDependency(id) { runDependencies--; if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) { Module["monitorRunDependencies"](runDependencies); } if (runDependencies == 0) { if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) { clearInterval(runDependencyWatcher); runDependencyWatcher = null; } if (dependenciesFulfilled) { var callback = dependenciesFulfilled; dependenciesFulfilled = null; callback(); } } } Module["preloadedImages"] = {}; Module["preloadedAudios"] = {}; var memoryInitializer = null; var dataURIPrefix = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"; function isDataURI(filename) { return String.prototype.startsWith ? filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix) : filename.indexOf(dataURIPrefix) === 0; } var ASM_CONSTS = [function() { if (typeof _cartdat !== "undefined") return 1; return 0; }, function() { return _cartdat.length / 32768; }, function() { _cdpos = _cdpos + 1; return _cartdat[_cdpos - 1]; }, function($0) { ciii = $0; iii = 0; }, function() { iii = iii + 1; return _cartname[ciii].charCodeAt(iii - 1); }, function() { let stateObj = { load_param_data: false }; history.pushState(stateObj, "PICO-8", "?"); }, function() { Module.pico8Reset = function() { codo_command = 1; }; Module.pico8ToggleSound = function() { codo_command = 3; }; Module.pico8TogglePaused = function() { codo_command = 4; }; Module.pico8SetPaused = function(p) { codo_command = 5; codo_command_p = 0; if (p) codo_command_p = 1; }; Module.pico8ToggleControlMenu = function() { codo_command = 7; }; Module.pico8DragOver = function() { codo_command = 10; }; Module.pico8DragStop = function() { codo_command = 11; }; }, function() { function mkdir_0(d) { try { stat = FS.stat(d); } catch (e) { FS.mkdir(d); } } mkdir_0("/user_data"); FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, "/user_data"); FS.syncfs(true, function(err2) { if (!err2) { console.log("codo: mounted filesystem.\n"); codo_mounted_filesystem = 1; mkdir_0("/user_data/cdata"); mkdir_0("/user_data/cstore"); mkdir_0("/user_data/carts"); mkdir_0("/user_data/backup"); mkdir_0("/user_data/plates"); mkdir_0("/user_data/bbs"); mkdir_0("/user_data/bbs/carts"); mkdir_0("/user_data/bbs/labels"); } else { console.log("** could not mount filesystem\n"); console.log(err2); } }); }, function() { var val = 0; if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("widget.php") >= 0) val = 1; return val; }, function() { var val = 0; if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("pico-8.php") >= 0) val = 1; return val; }, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) { if (typeof pico8_state !== "undefined") { pico8_state.is_paused = $0; pico8_state.sound_volume = $1; pico8_state.frame_number = $2; pico8_state.has_focus = $3; pico8_state.show_dpad = $4; pico8_state.request_pointer_lock = $5; pico8_state.require_page_navigate_confirmation = $6; pico8_state.shutdown_requested = $7; } }, function() { var val = 0; if (typeof codo_command !== "undefined") { val = codo_command; codo_command = 0; } return val; }, function() { var val = 0; if (typeof codo_command_p !== "undefined") { val = codo_command_p; codo_command_p = 0; } return val; }, function() { button_i = 0; }, function() { var val = -1; if (typeof pico8_buttons !== "undefined") { val = pico8_buttons[button_i]; button_i++; } return val; }, function() { var val = 0; if (typeof pico8_gamepads !== "undefined") { val = pico8_gamepads.count; } return val; }, function() { if (typeof on_module_load !== "undefined") { if (on_module_load) on_module_load(); } }, function($0, $1, $2, $3) { download_browser_file(UTF8ToString($0, $1), UTF8ToString($2, $3)); }, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { if (typeof p8img !== "undefined") { p8img.src = ""; } p8img = document.createElement("img"); p8img.src = UTF8ToString($0, $1); = "width:128px; height:128px; image-rendering: pixelated; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;"; if (typeof p8imgholder === "undefined" || !p8imgholder) { p8imgholder = document.createElement("div"); = "min-width:160px; display:table; position:fixed; top:20px; left:20px; padding:12px; background-color:#000; box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px rgba(16, 0, 48, 0.4);"; document.body.appendChild(p8imgholder); } if (p8imgholder) { while (p8imgholder.childElementCount > 0) p8imgholder.removeChild(p8imgholder.firstChild); var dismiss = document.createElement("div"); = "display:table; font-size:10pt; color:#fff; padding:4px; cursor:pointer; margin-left:10px; float:right"; dismiss.addEventListener("click", function() { p8img.src = ""; while (p8imgholder.childElementCount > 0) p8imgholder.removeChild(p8imgholder.firstChild); = "none"; }, false); dismiss.innerHTML = "X"; p8imgholder.appendChild(dismiss); p8imgholder.appendChild(p8img); var info = document.createElement("div"); info.innerHTML = '
(right-click to save)
'; p8imgholder.appendChild(info); if ( == "none") = ""; } }, function() { jsString = p8_dropped_cart; if (!jsString) return 0; var lengthBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(jsString) + 1; var stringOnWasmHeap = _malloc(lengthBytes); stringToUTF8(jsString, stringOnWasmHeap, lengthBytes); return stringOnWasmHeap; }, function() { jsString = p8_dropped_cart_name; if (!jsString) return 0; var lengthBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(jsString) + 1; var stringOnWasmHeap2 = _malloc(lengthBytes); stringToUTF8(jsString, stringOnWasmHeap2, lengthBytes); return stringOnWasmHeap2; }, function($0, $1) { if (typeof pico8_state !== "undefined") { if (typeof pico8_state.system_messages === "undefined") pico8_state.system_messages = new Array; pico8_state.system_messages.push(UTF8ToString($0, $1)); } }, function($0) { var str = window.location.hostname; return allocate(intArrayFromString(str), "i8", ALLOC_NORMAL); }, function($0, $1) { if (typeof pico8_gpio !== "undefined") pico8_gpio[$0] = $1; }, function($0) { var val = 0; if (typeof pico8_gpio !== "undefined") val = pico8_gpio[$0]; return val; }, function() { FS.syncfs(false, function(err2) { }); }, function() { var val = 0; if (typeof codo_mounted_filesystem !== "undefined") val = 1; return val; }, function() { return typeof p8_touch_detected === "undefined" || !p8_touch_detected ? 0 : 1; }, function() { return document.hidden ? 1 : 0; }, function() { if (typeof codo_key_buffer === "undefined") codo_key_buffer = []; document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { var val = -1; if (e.key.length == 1) { val = e.key.charCodeAt(0); } else { if (e.key == "Tab") val = 9; if (e.key == "Enter") val = 13; if (e.key == "Backspace") val = 8; if (e.key == "Escape") val = 27; if (val == -1) { } } var el2 = document.getElementById("codo_textarea"); codo_key_buffer.push(val); }); }, function() { addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) { if (typeof pico8_state !== "undefined") { if ( != "canvas") { pico8_state.clicked_outside = true; } } }); }, function() { document.addEventListener("wheel", function(e) { dx = e.deltaX; if (dx < 0) dx = -1; if (dx > 0) dx = 1; if (e.deltaMode == 2) dx *= 4; if (typeof codo_wheel_dx !== "undefined") codo_wheel_dx -= dx; dy = e.deltaY; if (dy < 0) dy = -1; if (dy > 0) dy = 1; if (e.deltaMode == 2) dy *= 4; if (typeof codo_wheel_dy !== "undefined") codo_wheel_dy -= dy; }); }, function($0) { function audio_log(msg) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log("[codo] audio_init_webaudio " + msg); } } audio_log("audio_init"); var codo_audio_context; if (typeof Module === "undefined") audio_log(" *** Module undefined"); else if (typeof Module.ccall === "undefined") audio_log(" **** Module.ccall undefined"); else { var webAudioAPI = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext || window.oAudioContext || window.msAudioContext; if (webAudioAPI) { if (typeof pico8_audio_context !== "undefined") { codo_audio_context = pico8_audio_context; audio_log("found pico8_audio_context"); } else if (typeof voxatron_audio_context !== "undefined") { codo_audio_context = voxatron_audio_context; audio_log("found voxatron_audio_context"); } else { codo_audio_context = new webAudioAPI; audio_log("creating own audio context"); } if (codo_audio_context) { audio_log("Sample Rate: " + codo_audio_context.sampleRate); audio_log("Buffer Size: " + $0); node = codo_audio_context.createScriptProcessor($0, 1, 1); node.onaudioprocess = function(e) { var data2 = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); var r = 22050 / codo_audio_context.sampleRate; var len0 = Math.floor(data2.length * r); var len1 = data2.length; var ptr2 = Module.ccall("mix_0", "number", ["number", "number"], [len0, len1]); for (var j = 0;j < data2.length; j++) data2[j] = Module.getValue(ptr2 + j * 2, "i16") / 32768; }; node.connect(codo_audio_context.destination); } else { audio_log("** failed to create codo_audio_context"); } } else { audio_log("** webAudioAPI not found"); } } }, function() { return document.pointerLockElement ? 1 : 0; }, function() { var ret = 0; if (typeof pico8_mouse !== "undefined" && pico8_mouse.length > 0) ret = 1; return ret; }, function() { return pico8_mouse[0]; }, function() { return pico8_mouse[1]; }, function() { if (typeof codo_key_buffer === "undefined") codo_key_buffer = []; return codo_key_buffer.length > 0 ? 1 : 0; }, function() { if (typeof codo_key_buffer === "undefined") codo_key_buffer = []; let val = codo_key_buffer.shift() | 0; return val; }, function() { temp = typeof codo_wheel_dx !== "undefined" ? codo_wheel_dx : 0; codo_wheel_dx = 0; return temp; }, function() { temp = typeof codo_wheel_dy !== "undefined" ? codo_wheel_dy : 0; codo_wheel_dy = 0; return temp; }, function() { if (document.hidden) return 0; el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el && el == document.activeElement) return 1; el = document.activeElement; return !el || el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "input" && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "textarea"; }, function() { if (typeof pico8_state !== "undefined") { if (pico8_state.clicked_outside) { pico8_state.clicked_outside = false; return 1; } } return 0; }, function() { el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el && != "none") { el.focus();; } }, function() { el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el && != "none") {; } }, function() { return pico8_mouse[2]; }, function() { _dir_name = ""; }, function($0) { _dir_name = _dir_name + String.fromCharCode($0); }, function() { FS.createPath("", _dir_name, true, true); }, function() { Module["canvas"].exitPointerLock(); }, function() { el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el) { } }, function() { _codo_str_out = ""; }, function($0, $1) { _codo_str_out = Module.UTF8ToString($0, $1); }, function() { el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el) { el.value = _codo_str_out; return 0; } else return 1; }, function() { el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el && == "none" && (typeof p8_touch_detected === "undefined" || !p8_touch_detected)) { = ""; el.focus();; } }, function() { el = typeof codo_textarea === "undefined" ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea; if (el && != "none" && el.value != "") { _codo_text_value = el.value; return 1; } return 0; }, function($0, $1) { Module.stringToUTF8(_codo_text_value, $0, $1); }]; function _emscripten_asm_const_i(code) { return ASM_CONSTS[code](); } function _emscripten_asm_const_ii(code, a0) { return ASM_CONSTS[code](a0); } function _emscripten_asm_const_iii(code, a0, a1) { return ASM_CONSTS[code](a0, a1); } function _emscripten_asm_const_iiiii(code, a0, a1, a2, a3) { return ASM_CONSTS[code](a0, a1, a2, a3); } function _emscripten_asm_const_iiiiiii(code, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { return ASM_CONSTS[code](a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } function _emscripten_asm_const_iiiiiiiii(code, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { return ASM_CONSTS[code](a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); } __ATINIT__.push({ func: function() { ___emscripten_environ_constructor(); } }); memoryInitializer = 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"; var tempDoublePtr = 3145120; function ___setErrNo(value) { if (Module["___errno_location"]) HEAP32[Module["___errno_location"]() >> 2] = value; return value; } var PATH = { splitPath: function(filename) { var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/; return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1); }, normalizeArray: function(parts, allowAboveRoot) { var up = 0; for (var i = parts.length - 1;i >= 0; i--) { var last = parts[i]; if (last === ".") { parts.splice(i, 1); } else if (last === "..") { parts.splice(i, 1); up++; } else if (up) { parts.splice(i, 1); up--; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { for (;up; up--) { parts.unshift(".."); } } return parts; }, normalize: function(path) { var isAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === "/", trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === "/"; path = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter(function(p) { return !!p; }), !isAbsolute).join("/"); if (!path && !isAbsolute) { path = "."; } if (path && trailingSlash) { path += "/"; } return (isAbsolute ? "/" : "") + path; }, dirname: function(path) { var result = PATH.splitPath(path), root = result[0], dir = result[1]; if (!root && !dir) { return "."; } if (dir) { dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1); } return root + dir; }, basename: function(path) { if (path === "/") return "/"; var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlash === -1) return path; return path.substr(lastSlash + 1); }, extname: function(path) { return PATH.splitPath(path)[3]; }, join: function() { var paths =, 0); return PATH.normalize(paths.join("/")); }, join2: function(l, r) { return PATH.normalize(l + "/" + r); } }; var PATH_FS = { resolve: function() { var resolvedPath = "", resolvedAbsolute = false; for (var i = arguments.length - 1;i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { var path = i >= 0 ? arguments[i] : FS.cwd(); if (typeof path !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings"); } else if (!path) { return ""; } resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath; resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === "/"; } resolvedPath = PATH.normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split("/").filter(function(p) { return !!p; }), !resolvedAbsolute).join("/"); return (resolvedAbsolute ? "/" : "") + resolvedPath || "."; }, relative: function(from, to) { from = PATH_FS.resolve(from).substr(1); to = PATH_FS.resolve(to).substr(1); function trim(arr) { var start = 0; for (;start < arr.length; start++) { if (arr[start] !== "") break; } var end = arr.length - 1; for (;end >= 0; end--) { if (arr[end] !== "") break; } if (start > end) return []; return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1); } var fromParts = trim(from.split("/")); var toParts = trim(to.split("/")); var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length); var samePartsLength = length; for (var i = 0;i < length; i++) { if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) { samePartsLength = i; break; } } var outputParts = []; for (var i = samePartsLength;i < fromParts.length; i++) { outputParts.push(".."); } outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength)); return outputParts.join("/"); } }; var TTY = { ttys: [], init: function() { }, shutdown: function() { }, register: function(dev, ops) { TTY.ttys[dev] = { input: [], output: [], ops }; FS.registerDevice(dev, TTY.stream_ops); }, stream_ops: { open: function(stream) { var tty = TTY.ttys[stream.node.rdev]; if (!tty) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(19); } stream.tty = tty; stream.seekable = false; }, close: function(stream) { stream.tty.ops.flush(stream.tty); }, flush: function(stream) { stream.tty.ops.flush(stream.tty); }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) { if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.get_char) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } var bytesRead = 0; for (var i = 0;i < length; i++) { var result; try { result = stream.tty.ops.get_char(stream.tty); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); } if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(11); } if (result === null || result === undefined) break; bytesRead++; buffer2[offset + i] = result; } if (bytesRead) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return bytesRead; }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) { if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.put_char) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } try { for (var i = 0;i < length; i++) { stream.tty.ops.put_char(stream.tty, buffer2[offset + i]); } } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); } if (length) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return i; } }, default_tty_ops: { get_char: function(tty) { if (!tty.input.length) { var result = null; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { var BUFSIZE = 256; var buf = new Buffer(BUFSIZE); var bytesRead = 0; var isPosixPlatform = process.platform != "win32"; var fd = process.stdin.fd; if (isPosixPlatform) { var usingDevice = false; try { fd = fs.openSync("/dev/stdin", "r"); usingDevice = true; } catch (e) { } } try { bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, BUFSIZE, null); } catch (e) { if (e.toString().indexOf("EOF") != -1) bytesRead = 0; else throw e; } if (usingDevice) { fs.closeSync(fd); } if (bytesRead > 0) { result = buf.slice(0, bytesRead).toString("utf-8"); } else { result = null; } } else if (typeof window != "undefined" && typeof window.prompt == "function") { result = window.prompt("Input: "); if (result !== null) { result += "\n"; } } else if (typeof readline == "function") { result = readline(); if (result !== null) { result += "\n"; } } if (!result) { return null; } tty.input = intArrayFromString(result, true); } return tty.input.shift(); }, put_char: function(tty, val) { if (val === null || val === 10) { out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } else { if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val); } }, flush: function(tty) { if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) { out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } } }, default_tty1_ops: { put_char: function(tty, val) { if (val === null || val === 10) { err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } else { if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val); } }, flush: function(tty) { if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) { err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } } } }; var MEMFS = { ops_table: null, mount: function(mount) { return MEMFS.createNode(null, "/", 16384 | 511, 0); }, createNode: function(parent, name, mode, dev) { if (FS.isBlkdev(mode) || FS.isFIFO(mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } if (!MEMFS.ops_table) { MEMFS.ops_table = { dir: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr, lookup: MEMFS.node_ops.lookup, mknod: MEMFS.node_ops.mknod, rename: MEMFS.node_ops.rename, unlink: MEMFS.node_ops.unlink, rmdir: MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir, readdir: MEMFS.node_ops.readdir, symlink: MEMFS.node_ops.symlink }, stream: { llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek } }, file: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr }, stream: { llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek, read:, write: MEMFS.stream_ops.write, allocate: MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate, mmap: MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap, msync: MEMFS.stream_ops.msync } }, link: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr, readlink: MEMFS.node_ops.readlink }, stream: {} }, chrdev: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr }, stream: FS.chrdev_stream_ops } }; } var node2 = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev); if (FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { node2.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node; node2.stream_ops =; node2.contents = {}; } else if (FS.isFile(node2.mode)) { node2.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.node; node2.stream_ops =; node2.usedBytes = 0; node2.contents = null; } else if (FS.isLink(node2.mode)) { node2.node_ops =; node2.stream_ops =; } else if (FS.isChrdev(node2.mode)) { node2.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.node; node2.stream_ops =; } node2.timestamp =; if (parent) { parent.contents[name] = node2; } return node2; }, getFileDataAsRegularArray: function(node2) { if (node2.contents && node2.contents.subarray) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0;i < node2.usedBytes; ++i) arr.push(node2.contents[i]); return arr; } return node2.contents; }, getFileDataAsTypedArray: function(node2) { if (!node2.contents) return new Uint8Array; if (node2.contents.subarray) return node2.contents.subarray(0, node2.usedBytes); return new Uint8Array(node2.contents); }, expandFileStorage: function(node2, newCapacity) { var prevCapacity = node2.contents ? node2.contents.length : 0; if (prevCapacity >= newCapacity) return; var CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024; newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, prevCapacity * (prevCapacity < CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX ? 2 : 1.125) | 0); if (prevCapacity != 0) newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, 256); var oldContents = node2.contents; node2.contents = new Uint8Array(newCapacity); if (node2.usedBytes > 0) node2.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, node2.usedBytes), 0); return; }, resizeFileStorage: function(node2, newSize) { if (node2.usedBytes == newSize) return; if (newSize == 0) { node2.contents = null; node2.usedBytes = 0; return; } if (!node2.contents || node2.contents.subarray) { var oldContents = node2.contents; node2.contents = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(newSize)); if (oldContents) { node2.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, Math.min(newSize, node2.usedBytes))); } node2.usedBytes = newSize; return; } if (!node2.contents) node2.contents = []; if (node2.contents.length > newSize) node2.contents.length = newSize; else while (node2.contents.length < newSize) node2.contents.push(0); node2.usedBytes = newSize; }, node_ops: { getattr: function(node2) { var attr = {}; = FS.isChrdev(node2.mode) ? : 1; attr.ino =; attr.mode = node2.mode; attr.nlink = 1; attr.uid = 0; attr.gid = 0; attr.rdev = node2.rdev; if (FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { attr.size = 4096; } else if (FS.isFile(node2.mode)) { attr.size = node2.usedBytes; } else if (FS.isLink(node2.mode)) { attr.size =; } else { attr.size = 0; } attr.atime = new Date(node2.timestamp); attr.mtime = new Date(node2.timestamp); attr.ctime = new Date(node2.timestamp); attr.blksize = 4096; attr.blocks = Math.ceil(attr.size / attr.blksize); return attr; }, setattr: function(node2, attr) { if (attr.mode !== undefined) { node2.mode = attr.mode; } if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) { node2.timestamp = attr.timestamp; } if (attr.size !== undefined) { MEMFS.resizeFileStorage(node2, attr.size); } }, lookup: function(parent, name) { throw FS.genericErrors[2]; }, mknod: function(parent, name, mode, dev) { return MEMFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev); }, rename: function(old_node, new_dir, new_name) { if (FS.isDir(old_node.mode)) { var new_node; try { new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name); } catch (e) { } if (new_node) { for (var i in new_node.contents) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(39); } } } delete old_node.parent.contents[]; = new_name; new_dir.contents[new_name] = old_node; old_node.parent = new_dir; }, unlink: function(parent, name) { delete parent.contents[name]; }, rmdir: function(parent, name) { var node2 = FS.lookupNode(parent, name); for (var i in node2.contents) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(39); } delete parent.contents[name]; }, readdir: function(node2) { var entries = [".", ".."]; for (var key2 in node2.contents) { if (!node2.contents.hasOwnProperty(key2)) { continue; } entries.push(key2); } return entries; }, symlink: function(parent, newname, oldpath) { var node2 = MEMFS.createNode(parent, newname, 511 | 40960, 0); = oldpath; return node2; }, readlink: function(node2) { if (!FS.isLink(node2.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } return; } }, stream_ops: { read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { var contents = stream.node.contents; if (position >= stream.node.usedBytes) return 0; var size = Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes - position, length); if (size > 8 && contents.subarray) { buffer2.set(contents.subarray(position, position + size), offset); } else { for (var i = 0;i < size; i++) buffer2[offset + i] = contents[position + i]; } return size; }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, canOwn) { if (!length) return 0; var node2 = stream.node; node2.timestamp =; if (buffer2.subarray && (!node2.contents || node2.contents.subarray)) { if (canOwn) { node2.contents = buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length); node2.usedBytes = length; return length; } else if (node2.usedBytes === 0 && position === 0) { node2.contents = new Uint8Array(buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length)); node2.usedBytes = length; return length; } else if (position + length <= node2.usedBytes) { node2.contents.set(buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length), position); return length; } } MEMFS.expandFileStorage(node2, position + length); if (node2.contents.subarray && buffer2.subarray) node2.contents.set(buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length), position); else { for (var i = 0;i < length; i++) { node2.contents[position + i] = buffer2[offset + i]; } } node2.usedBytes = Math.max(node2.usedBytes, position + length); return length; }, llseek: function(stream, offset, whence) { var position = offset; if (whence === 1) { position += stream.position; } else if (whence === 2) { if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { position += stream.node.usedBytes; } } if (position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } return position; }, allocate: function(stream, offset, length) { MEMFS.expandFileStorage(stream.node, offset + length); stream.node.usedBytes = Math.max(stream.node.usedBytes, offset + length); }, mmap: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, prot, flags) { if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(19); } var ptr2; var allocated; var contents = stream.node.contents; if (!(flags & 2) && (contents.buffer === buffer2 || contents.buffer === buffer2.buffer)) { allocated = false; ptr2 = contents.byteOffset; } else { if (position > 0 || position + length < stream.node.usedBytes) { if (contents.subarray) { contents = contents.subarray(position, position + length); } else { contents =, position, position + length); } } allocated = true; ptr2 = _malloc(length); if (!ptr2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(12); } buffer2.set(contents, ptr2); } return { ptr: ptr2, allocated }; }, msync: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, mmapFlags) { if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(19); } if (mmapFlags & 2) { return 0; } var bytesWritten = MEMFS.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer2, 0, length, offset, false); return 0; } } }; var IDBFS = { dbs: {}, indexedDB: function() { if (typeof indexedDB !== "undefined") return indexedDB; var ret = null; if (typeof window === "object") ret = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; assert(ret, "IDBFS used, but indexedDB not supported"); return ret; }, DB_VERSION: 21, DB_STORE_NAME: "FILE_DATA", mount: function(mount) { return MEMFS.mount.apply(null, arguments); }, syncfs: function(mount, populate, callback) { IDBFS.getLocalSet(mount, function(err2, local) { if (err2) return callback(err2); IDBFS.getRemoteSet(mount, function(err3, remote) { if (err3) return callback(err3); var src = populate ? remote : local; var dst = populate ? local : remote; IDBFS.reconcile(src, dst, callback); }); }); }, getDB: function(name, callback) { var db2 = IDBFS.dbs[name]; if (db2) { return callback(null, db2); } var req; try { req = IDBFS.indexedDB().open(name, IDBFS.DB_VERSION); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (!req) { return callback("Unable to connect to IndexedDB"); } req.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { var db3 =; var transaction =; var fileStore; if (db3.objectStoreNames.contains(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME)) { fileStore = transaction.objectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); } else { fileStore = db3.createObjectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); } if (!fileStore.indexNames.contains("timestamp")) { fileStore.createIndex("timestamp", "timestamp", { unique: false }); } }; req.onsuccess = function() { db2 = req.result; IDBFS.dbs[name] = db2; callback(null, db2); }; req.onerror = function(e) { callback(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; }, getLocalSet: function(mount, callback) { var entries = {}; function isRealDir(p) { return p !== "." && p !== ".."; } function toAbsolute(root) { return function(p) { return PATH.join2(root, p); }; } var check = FS.readdir(mount.mountpoint).filter(isRealDir).map(toAbsolute(mount.mountpoint)); while (check.length) { var path = check.pop(); var stat2; try { stat2 = FS.stat(path); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (FS.isDir(stat2.mode)) { check.push.apply(check, FS.readdir(path).filter(isRealDir).map(toAbsolute(path))); } entries[path] = { timestamp: stat2.mtime }; } return callback(null, { type: "local", entries }); }, getRemoteSet: function(mount, callback) { var entries = {}; IDBFS.getDB(mount.mountpoint, function(err2, db2) { if (err2) return callback(err2); try { var transaction = db2.transaction([IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME], "readonly"); transaction.onerror = function(e) { callback(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; var store = transaction.objectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); var index = store.index("timestamp"); index.openKeyCursor().onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor =; if (!cursor) { return callback(null, { type: "remote", db: db2, entries }); } entries[cursor.primaryKey] = { timestamp: cursor.key }; cursor.continue(); }; } catch (e) { return callback(e); } }); }, loadLocalEntry: function(path, callback) { var stat2, node2; try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path); node2 = lookup.node; stat2 = FS.stat(path); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (FS.isDir(stat2.mode)) { return callback(null, { timestamp: stat2.mtime, mode: stat2.mode }); } else if (FS.isFile(stat2.mode)) { node2.contents = MEMFS.getFileDataAsTypedArray(node2); return callback(null, { timestamp: stat2.mtime, mode: stat2.mode, contents: node2.contents }); } else { return callback(new Error("node type not supported")); } }, storeLocalEntry: function(path, entry, callback) { try { if (FS.isDir(entry.mode)) { FS.mkdir(path, entry.mode); } else if (FS.isFile(entry.mode)) { FS.writeFile(path, entry.contents, { canOwn: true }); } else { return callback(new Error("node type not supported")); } FS.chmod(path, entry.mode); FS.utime(path, entry.timestamp, entry.timestamp); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } callback(null); }, removeLocalEntry: function(path, callback) { try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path); var stat2 = FS.stat(path); if (FS.isDir(stat2.mode)) { FS.rmdir(path); } else if (FS.isFile(stat2.mode)) { FS.unlink(path); } } catch (e) { return callback(e); } callback(null); }, loadRemoteEntry: function(store, path, callback) { var req = store.get(path); req.onsuccess = function(event) { callback(null,; }; req.onerror = function(e) { callback(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; }, storeRemoteEntry: function(store, path, entry, callback) { var req = store.put(entry, path); req.onsuccess = function() { callback(null); }; req.onerror = function(e) { callback(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; }, removeRemoteEntry: function(store, path, callback) { var req = store.delete(path); req.onsuccess = function() { callback(null); }; req.onerror = function(e) { callback(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; }, reconcile: function(src, dst, callback) { var total = 0; var create = []; Object.keys(src.entries).forEach(function(key2) { var e = src.entries[key2]; var e2 = dst.entries[key2]; if (!e2 || e.timestamp > e2.timestamp) { create.push(key2); total++; } }); var remove = []; Object.keys(dst.entries).forEach(function(key2) { var e = dst.entries[key2]; var e2 = src.entries[key2]; if (!e2) { remove.push(key2); total++; } }); if (!total) { return callback(null); } var errored = false; var completed = 0; var db2 = src.type === "remote" ? src.db : dst.db; var transaction = db2.transaction([IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME], "readwrite"); var store = transaction.objectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); function done(err2) { if (err2) { if (!done.errored) { done.errored = true; return callback(err2); } return; } if (++completed >= total) { return callback(null); } } transaction.onerror = function(e) { done(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; create.sort().forEach(function(path) { if (dst.type === "local") { IDBFS.loadRemoteEntry(store, path, function(err2, entry) { if (err2) return done(err2); IDBFS.storeLocalEntry(path, entry, done); }); } else { IDBFS.loadLocalEntry(path, function(err2, entry) { if (err2) return done(err2); IDBFS.storeRemoteEntry(store, path, entry, done); }); } }); remove.sort().reverse().forEach(function(path) { if (dst.type === "local") { IDBFS.removeLocalEntry(path, done); } else { IDBFS.removeRemoteEntry(store, path, done); } }); } }; var NODEFS = { isWindows: false, staticInit: function() { NODEFS.isWindows = !!process.platform.match(/^win/); var flags = process["binding"]("constants"); if (flags["fs"]) { flags = flags["fs"]; } NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap = { 1024: flags["O_APPEND"], 64: flags["O_CREAT"], 128: flags["O_EXCL"], 0: flags["O_RDONLY"], 2: flags["O_RDWR"], 4096: flags["O_SYNC"], 512: flags["O_TRUNC"], 1: flags["O_WRONLY"] }; }, bufferFrom: function(arrayBuffer) { return Buffer.alloc ? Buffer.from(arrayBuffer) : new Buffer(arrayBuffer); }, mount: function(mount) { assert(ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE); return NODEFS.createNode(null, "/", NODEFS.getMode(mount.opts.root), 0); }, createNode: function(parent, name, mode, dev) { if (!FS.isDir(mode) && !FS.isFile(mode) && !FS.isLink(mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } var node2 = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode); node2.node_ops = NODEFS.node_ops; node2.stream_ops = NODEFS.stream_ops; return node2; }, getMode: function(path) { var stat2; try { stat2 = fs.lstatSync(path); if (NODEFS.isWindows) { stat2.mode = stat2.mode | (stat2.mode & 292) >> 2; } } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } return stat2.mode; }, realPath: function(node2) { var parts = []; while (node2.parent !== node2) { parts.push(; node2 = node2.parent; } parts.push(node2.mount.opts.root); parts.reverse(); return PATH.join.apply(null, parts); }, flagsForNode: function(flags) { flags &= ~2097152; flags &= ~2048; flags &= ~32768; flags &= ~524288; var newFlags = 0; for (var k in NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap) { if (flags & k) { newFlags |= NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap[k]; flags ^= k; } } if (!flags) { return newFlags; } else { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } }, node_ops: { getattr: function(node2) { var path = NODEFS.realPath(node2); var stat2; try { stat2 = fs.lstatSync(path); } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } if (NODEFS.isWindows && !stat2.blksize) { stat2.blksize = 4096; } if (NODEFS.isWindows && !stat2.blocks) { stat2.blocks = (stat2.size + stat2.blksize - 1) / stat2.blksize | 0; } return { dev:, ino: stat2.ino, mode: stat2.mode, nlink: stat2.nlink, uid: stat2.uid, gid: stat2.gid, rdev: stat2.rdev, size: stat2.size, atime: stat2.atime, mtime: stat2.mtime, ctime: stat2.ctime, blksize: stat2.blksize, blocks: stat2.blocks }; }, setattr: function(node2, attr) { var path = NODEFS.realPath(node2); try { if (attr.mode !== undefined) { fs.chmodSync(path, attr.mode); node2.mode = attr.mode; } if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) { var date = new Date(attr.timestamp); fs.utimesSync(path, date, date); } if (attr.size !== undefined) { fs.truncateSync(path, attr.size); } } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, lookup: function(parent, name) { var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name); var mode = NODEFS.getMode(path); return NODEFS.createNode(parent, name, mode); }, mknod: function(parent, name, mode, dev) { var node2 = NODEFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev); var path = NODEFS.realPath(node2); try { if (FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { fs.mkdirSync(path, node2.mode); } else { fs.writeFileSync(path, "", { mode: node2.mode }); } } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } return node2; }, rename: function(oldNode, newDir, newName) { var oldPath = NODEFS.realPath(oldNode); var newPath = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(newDir), newName); try { fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath); } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, unlink: function(parent, name) { var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name); try { fs.unlinkSync(path); } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, rmdir: function(parent, name) { var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name); try { fs.rmdirSync(path); } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, readdir: function(node2) { var path = NODEFS.realPath(node2); try { return fs.readdirSync(path); } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, symlink: function(parent, newName, oldPath) { var newPath = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), newName); try { fs.symlinkSync(oldPath, newPath); } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, readlink: function(node2) { var path = NODEFS.realPath(node2); try { path = fs.readlinkSync(path); path = NODEJS_PATH.relative(NODEJS_PATH.resolve(node2.mount.opts.root), path); return path; } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } } }, stream_ops: { open: function(stream) { var path = NODEFS.realPath(stream.node); try { if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { stream.nfd = fs.openSync(path, NODEFS.flagsForNode(stream.flags)); } } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, close: function(stream) { try { if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && stream.nfd) { fs.closeSync(stream.nfd); } } catch (e) { if (!e.code) throw e; throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { if (length === 0) return 0; try { return fs.readSync(stream.nfd, NODEFS.bufferFrom(buffer2.buffer), offset, length, position); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { try { return fs.writeSync(stream.nfd, NODEFS.bufferFrom(buffer2.buffer), offset, length, position); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } }, llseek: function(stream, offset, whence) { var position = offset; if (whence === 1) { position += stream.position; } else if (whence === 2) { if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { try { var stat2 = fs.fstatSync(stream.nfd); position += stat2.size; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(-e.errno); } } } if (position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } return position; } } }; var WORKERFS = { DIR_MODE: 16895, FILE_MODE: 33279, reader: null, mount: function(mount) { assert(ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER); if (!WORKERFS.reader) WORKERFS.reader = new FileReaderSync; var root = WORKERFS.createNode(null, "/", WORKERFS.DIR_MODE, 0); var createdParents = {}; function ensureParent(path) { var parts = path.split("/"); var parent = root; for (var i = 0;i < parts.length - 1; i++) { var curr = parts.slice(0, i + 1).join("/"); if (!createdParents[curr]) { createdParents[curr] = WORKERFS.createNode(parent, parts[i], WORKERFS.DIR_MODE, 0); } parent = createdParents[curr]; } return parent; } function base(path) { var parts = path.split("/"); return parts[parts.length - 1]; }["files"] || [], function(file) { WORKERFS.createNode(ensureParent(, base(, WORKERFS.FILE_MODE, 0, file, file.lastModifiedDate); }); (mount.opts["blobs"] || []).forEach(function(obj) { WORKERFS.createNode(ensureParent(obj["name"]), base(obj["name"]), WORKERFS.FILE_MODE, 0, obj["data"]); }); (mount.opts["packages"] || []).forEach(function(pack) { pack["metadata"].files.forEach(function(file) { var name = file.filename.substr(1); WORKERFS.createNode(ensureParent(name), base(name), WORKERFS.FILE_MODE, 0, pack["blob"].slice(file.start, file.end)); }); }); return root; }, createNode: function(parent, name, mode, dev, contents, mtime) { var node2 = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode); node2.mode = mode; node2.node_ops = WORKERFS.node_ops; node2.stream_ops = WORKERFS.stream_ops; node2.timestamp = (mtime || new Date).getTime(); assert(WORKERFS.FILE_MODE !== WORKERFS.DIR_MODE); if (mode === WORKERFS.FILE_MODE) { node2.size = contents.size; node2.contents = contents; } else { node2.size = 4096; node2.contents = {}; } if (parent) { parent.contents[name] = node2; } return node2; }, node_ops: { getattr: function(node2) { return { dev: 1, ino: undefined, mode: node2.mode, nlink: 1, uid: 0, gid: 0, rdev: undefined, size: node2.size, atime: new Date(node2.timestamp), mtime: new Date(node2.timestamp), ctime: new Date(node2.timestamp), blksize: 4096, blocks: Math.ceil(node2.size / 4096) }; }, setattr: function(node2, attr) { if (attr.mode !== undefined) { node2.mode = attr.mode; } if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) { node2.timestamp = attr.timestamp; } }, lookup: function(parent, name) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); }, mknod: function(parent, name, mode, dev) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); }, rename: function(oldNode, newDir, newName) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); }, unlink: function(parent, name) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); }, rmdir: function(parent, name) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); }, readdir: function(node2) { var entries = [".", ".."]; for (var key2 in node2.contents) { if (!node2.contents.hasOwnProperty(key2)) { continue; } entries.push(key2); } return entries; }, symlink: function(parent, newName, oldPath) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); }, readlink: function(node2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } }, stream_ops: { read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { if (position >= stream.node.size) return 0; var chunk = stream.node.contents.slice(position, position + length); var ab = WORKERFS.reader.readAsArrayBuffer(chunk); buffer2.set(new Uint8Array(ab), offset); return chunk.size; }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); }, llseek: function(stream, offset, whence) { var position = offset; if (whence === 1) { position += stream.position; } else if (whence === 2) { if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { position += stream.node.size; } } if (position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } return position; } } }; var FS = { root: null, mounts: [], devices: {}, streams: [], nextInode: 1, nameTable: null, currentPath: "/", initialized: false, ignorePermissions: true, trackingDelegate: {}, tracking: { openFlags: { READ: 1, WRITE: 2 } }, ErrnoError: null, genericErrors: {}, filesystems: null, syncFSRequests: 0, handleFSError: function(e) { if (!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e + " : " + stackTrace(); return ___setErrNo(e.errno); }, lookupPath: function(path, opts) { path = PATH_FS.resolve(FS.cwd(), path); opts = opts || {}; if (!path) return { path: "", node: null }; var defaults = { follow_mount: true, recurse_count: 0 }; for (var key2 in defaults) { if (opts[key2] === undefined) { opts[key2] = defaults[key2]; } } if (opts.recurse_count > 8) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(40); } var parts = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter(function(p) { return !!p; }), false); var current = FS.root; var current_path = "/"; for (var i = 0;i < parts.length; i++) { var islast = i === parts.length - 1; if (islast && opts.parent) { break; } current = FS.lookupNode(current, parts[i]); current_path = PATH.join2(current_path, parts[i]); if (FS.isMountpoint(current)) { if (!islast || islast && opts.follow_mount) { current = current.mounted.root; } } if (!islast || opts.follow) { var count = 0; while (FS.isLink(current.mode)) { var link = FS.readlink(current_path); current_path = PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.dirname(current_path), link); var lookup = FS.lookupPath(current_path, { recurse_count: opts.recurse_count }); current = lookup.node; if (count++ > 40) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(40); } } } } return { path: current_path, node: current }; }, getPath: function(node2) { var path; while (true) { if (FS.isRoot(node2)) { var mount = node2.mount.mountpoint; if (!path) return mount; return mount[mount.length - 1] !== "/" ? mount + "/" + path : mount + path; } path = path ? + "/" + path :; node2 = node2.parent; } }, hashName: function(parentid, name) { var hash = 0; for (var i = 0;i < name.length; i++) { hash = (hash << 5) - hash + name.charCodeAt(i) | 0; } return (parentid + hash >>> 0) % FS.nameTable.length; }, hashAddNode: function(node2) { var hash = FS.hashName(,; node2.name_next = FS.nameTable[hash]; FS.nameTable[hash] = node2; }, hashRemoveNode: function(node2) { var hash = FS.hashName(,; if (FS.nameTable[hash] === node2) { FS.nameTable[hash] = node2.name_next; } else { var current = FS.nameTable[hash]; while (current) { if (current.name_next === node2) { current.name_next = node2.name_next; break; } current = current.name_next; } } }, lookupNode: function(parent, name) { var err2 = FS.mayLookup(parent); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2, parent); } var hash = FS.hashName(, name); for (var node2 = FS.nameTable[hash];node2; node2 = node2.name_next) { var nodeName =; if ( === && nodeName === name) { return node2; } } return FS.lookup(parent, name); }, createNode: function(parent, name, mode, rdev) { if (!FS.FSNode) { FS.FSNode = function(parent2, name2, mode2, rdev2) { if (!parent2) { parent2 = this; } this.parent = parent2; this.mount = parent2.mount; this.mounted = null; = FS.nextInode++; = name2; this.mode = mode2; this.node_ops = {}; this.stream_ops = {}; this.rdev = rdev2; }; FS.FSNode.prototype = {}; var readMode = 292 | 73; var writeMode = 146; Object.defineProperties(FS.FSNode.prototype, { read: { get: function() { return (this.mode & readMode) === readMode; }, set: function(val) { val ? this.mode |= readMode : this.mode &= ~readMode; } }, write: { get: function() { return (this.mode & writeMode) === writeMode; }, set: function(val) { val ? this.mode |= writeMode : this.mode &= ~writeMode; } }, isFolder: { get: function() { return FS.isDir(this.mode); } }, isDevice: { get: function() { return FS.isChrdev(this.mode); } } }); } var node2 = new FS.FSNode(parent, name, mode, rdev); FS.hashAddNode(node2); return node2; }, destroyNode: function(node2) { FS.hashRemoveNode(node2); }, isRoot: function(node2) { return node2 === node2.parent; }, isMountpoint: function(node2) { return !!node2.mounted; }, isFile: function(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 32768; }, isDir: function(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 16384; }, isLink: function(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 40960; }, isChrdev: function(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 8192; }, isBlkdev: function(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 24576; }, isFIFO: function(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 4096; }, isSocket: function(mode) { return (mode & 49152) === 49152; }, flagModes: { r: 0, rs: 1052672, "r+": 2, w: 577, wx: 705, xw: 705, "w+": 578, "wx+": 706, "xw+": 706, a: 1089, ax: 1217, xa: 1217, "a+": 1090, "ax+": 1218, "xa+": 1218 }, modeStringToFlags: function(str) { var flags = FS.flagModes[str]; if (typeof flags === "undefined") { throw new Error("Unknown file open mode: " + str); } return flags; }, flagsToPermissionString: function(flag) { var perms = ["r", "w", "rw"][flag & 3]; if (flag & 512) { perms += "w"; } return perms; }, nodePermissions: function(node2, perms) { if (FS.ignorePermissions) { return 0; } if (perms.indexOf("r") !== -1 && !(node2.mode & 292)) { return 13; } else if (perms.indexOf("w") !== -1 && !(node2.mode & 146)) { return 13; } else if (perms.indexOf("x") !== -1 && !(node2.mode & 73)) { return 13; } return 0; }, mayLookup: function(dir) { var err2 = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "x"); if (err2) return err2; if (!dir.node_ops.lookup) return 13; return 0; }, mayCreate: function(dir, name) { try { var node2 = FS.lookupNode(dir, name); return 17; } catch (e) { } return FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx"); }, mayDelete: function(dir, name, isdir) { var node2; try { node2 = FS.lookupNode(dir, name); } catch (e) { return e.errno; } var err2 = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx"); if (err2) { return err2; } if (isdir) { if (!FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { return 20; } if (FS.isRoot(node2) || FS.getPath(node2) === FS.cwd()) { return 16; } } else { if (FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { return 21; } } return 0; }, mayOpen: function(node2, flags) { if (!node2) { return 2; } if (FS.isLink(node2.mode)) { return 40; } else if (FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { if (FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags) !== "r" || flags & 512) { return 21; } } return FS.nodePermissions(node2, FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags)); }, MAX_OPEN_FDS: 4096, nextfd: function(fd_start, fd_end) { fd_start = fd_start || 0; fd_end = fd_end || FS.MAX_OPEN_FDS; for (var fd = fd_start;fd <= fd_end; fd++) { if (!FS.streams[fd]) { return fd; } } throw new FS.ErrnoError(24); }, getStream: function(fd) { return FS.streams[fd]; }, createStream: function(stream, fd_start, fd_end) { if (!FS.FSStream) { FS.FSStream = function() { }; FS.FSStream.prototype = {}; Object.defineProperties(FS.FSStream.prototype, { object: { get: function() { return this.node; }, set: function(val) { this.node = val; } }, isRead: { get: function() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 1; } }, isWrite: { get: function() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 0; } }, isAppend: { get: function() { return this.flags & 1024; } } }); } var newStream = new FS.FSStream; for (var p in stream) { newStream[p] = stream[p]; } stream = newStream; var fd = FS.nextfd(fd_start, fd_end); stream.fd = fd; FS.streams[fd] = stream; return stream; }, closeStream: function(fd) { FS.streams[fd] = null; }, chrdev_stream_ops: { open: function(stream) { var device = FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev); stream.stream_ops = device.stream_ops; if ( {; } }, llseek: function() { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } }, major: function(dev) { return dev >> 8; }, minor: function(dev) { return dev & 255; }, makedev: function(ma, mi) { return ma << 8 | mi; }, registerDevice: function(dev, ops) { FS.devices[dev] = { stream_ops: ops }; }, getDevice: function(dev) { return FS.devices[dev]; }, getMounts: function(mount) { var mounts = []; var check = [mount]; while (check.length) { var m2 = check.pop(); mounts.push(m2); check.push.apply(check, m2.mounts); } return mounts; }, syncfs: function(populate, callback) { if (typeof populate === "function") { callback = populate; populate = false; } FS.syncFSRequests++; if (FS.syncFSRequests > 1) { console.log("warning: " + FS.syncFSRequests + " FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work"); } var mounts = FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount); var completed = 0; function doCallback(err2) { FS.syncFSRequests--; return callback(err2); } function done(err2) { if (err2) { if (!done.errored) { done.errored = true; return doCallback(err2); } return; } if (++completed >= mounts.length) { doCallback(null); } } mounts.forEach(function(mount) { if (!mount.type.syncfs) { return done(null); } mount.type.syncfs(mount, populate, done); }); }, mount: function(type, opts, mountpoint) { var root = mountpoint === "/"; var pseudo = !mountpoint; var node2; if (root && FS.root) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(16); } else if (!root && !pseudo) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false }); mountpoint = lookup.path; node2 = lookup.node; if (FS.isMountpoint(node2)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(16); } if (!FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(20); } } var mount = { type, opts, mountpoint, mounts: [] }; var mountRoot = type.mount(mount); mountRoot.mount = mount; mount.root = mountRoot; if (root) { FS.root = mountRoot; } else if (node2) { node2.mounted = mount; if (node2.mount) { node2.mount.mounts.push(mount); } } return mountRoot; }, unmount: function(mountpoint) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false }); if (!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } var node2 = lookup.node; var mount = node2.mounted; var mounts = FS.getMounts(mount); Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach(function(hash) { var current = FS.nameTable[hash]; while (current) { var next = current.name_next; if (mounts.indexOf(current.mount) !== -1) { FS.destroyNode(current); } current = next; } }); node2.mounted = null; var idx = node2.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount); node2.mount.mounts.splice(idx, 1); }, lookup: function(parent, name) { return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent, name); }, mknod: function(path, mode, dev) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; var name = PATH.basename(path); if (!name || name === "." || name === "..") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } var err2 = FS.mayCreate(parent, name); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } if (!parent.node_ops.mknod) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent, name, mode, dev); }, create: function(path, mode) { mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 438; mode &= 4095; mode |= 32768; return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0); }, mkdir: function(path, mode) { mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 511; mode &= 511 | 512; mode |= 16384; return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0); }, mkdirTree: function(path, mode) { var dirs = path.split("/"); var d = ""; for (var i = 0;i < dirs.length; ++i) { if (!dirs[i]) continue; d += "/" + dirs[i]; try { FS.mkdir(d, mode); } catch (e) { if (e.errno != 17) throw e; } } }, mkdev: function(path, mode, dev) { if (typeof dev === "undefined") { dev = mode; mode = 438; } mode |= 8192; return FS.mknod(path, mode, dev); }, symlink: function(oldpath, newpath) { if (!PATH_FS.resolve(oldpath)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } var lookup = FS.lookupPath(newpath, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; if (!parent) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } var newname = PATH.basename(newpath); var err2 = FS.mayCreate(parent, newname); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } if (!parent.node_ops.symlink) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } return parent.node_ops.symlink(parent, newname, oldpath); }, rename: function(old_path, new_path) { var old_dirname = PATH.dirname(old_path); var new_dirname = PATH.dirname(new_path); var old_name = PATH.basename(old_path); var new_name = PATH.basename(new_path); var lookup, old_dir, new_dir; try { lookup = FS.lookupPath(old_path, { parent: true }); old_dir = lookup.node; lookup = FS.lookupPath(new_path, { parent: true }); new_dir = lookup.node; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(16); } if (!old_dir || !new_dir) throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); if (old_dir.mount !== new_dir.mount) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(18); } var old_node = FS.lookupNode(old_dir, old_name); var relative = PATH_FS.relative(old_path, new_dirname); if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } relative = PATH_FS.relative(new_path, old_dirname); if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(39); } var new_node; try { new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name); } catch (e) { } if (old_node === new_node) { return; } var isdir = FS.isDir(old_node.mode); var err2 = FS.mayDelete(old_dir, old_name, isdir); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } err2 = new_node ? FS.mayDelete(new_dir, new_name, isdir) : FS.mayCreate(new_dir, new_name); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } if (!old_dir.node_ops.rename) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } if (FS.isMountpoint(old_node) || new_node && FS.isMountpoint(new_node)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(16); } if (new_dir !== old_dir) { err2 = FS.nodePermissions(old_dir, "w"); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } } try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["willMovePath"]) { FS.trackingDelegate["willMovePath"](old_path, new_path); } } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willMovePath']('" + old_path + "', '" + new_path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } FS.hashRemoveNode(old_node); try { old_dir.node_ops.rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { FS.hashAddNode(old_node); } try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["onMovePath"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onMovePath"](old_path, new_path); } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onMovePath']('" + old_path + "', '" + new_path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } }, rmdir: function(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; var name = PATH.basename(path); var node2 = FS.lookupNode(parent, name); var err2 = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, true); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } if (!parent.node_ops.rmdir) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } if (FS.isMountpoint(node2)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(16); } try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"]) { FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"](path); } } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } parent.node_ops.rmdir(parent, name); FS.destroyNode(node2); try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"](path); } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } }, readdir: function(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); var node2 = lookup.node; if (!node2.node_ops.readdir) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(20); } return node2.node_ops.readdir(node2); }, unlink: function(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; var name = PATH.basename(path); var node2 = FS.lookupNode(parent, name); var err2 = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, false); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } if (!parent.node_ops.unlink) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } if (FS.isMountpoint(node2)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(16); } try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"]) { FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"](path); } } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } parent.node_ops.unlink(parent, name); FS.destroyNode(node2); try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"](path); } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } }, readlink: function(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path); var link = lookup.node; if (!link) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } if (!link.node_ops.readlink) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent), link.node_ops.readlink(link)); }, stat: function(path, dontFollow) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow }); var node2 = lookup.node; if (!node2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } if (!node2.node_ops.getattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } return node2.node_ops.getattr(node2); }, lstat: function(path) { return FS.stat(path, true); }, chmod: function(path, mode, dontFollow) { var node2; if (typeof path === "string") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow }); node2 = lookup.node; } else { node2 = path; } if (!node2.node_ops.setattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } node2.node_ops.setattr(node2, { mode: mode & 4095 | node2.mode & ~4095, timestamp: }); }, lchmod: function(path, mode) { FS.chmod(path, mode, true); }, fchmod: function(fd, mode) { var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } FS.chmod(stream.node, mode); }, chown: function(path, uid, gid, dontFollow) { var node2; if (typeof path === "string") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow }); node2 = lookup.node; } else { node2 = path; } if (!node2.node_ops.setattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } node2.node_ops.setattr(node2, { timestamp: }); }, lchown: function(path, uid, gid) { FS.chown(path, uid, gid, true); }, fchown: function(fd, uid, gid) { var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } FS.chown(stream.node, uid, gid); }, truncate: function(path, len) { if (len < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } var node2; if (typeof path === "string") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); node2 = lookup.node; } else { node2 = path; } if (!node2.node_ops.setattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(1); } if (FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(21); } if (!FS.isFile(node2.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } var err2 = FS.nodePermissions(node2, "w"); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } node2.node_ops.setattr(node2, { size: len, timestamp: }); }, ftruncate: function(fd, len) { var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } FS.truncate(stream.node, len); }, utime: function(path, atime, mtime) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); var node2 = lookup.node; node2.node_ops.setattr(node2, { timestamp: Math.max(atime, mtime) }); }, open: function(path, flags, mode, fd_start, fd_end) { if (path === "") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } flags = typeof flags === "string" ? FS.modeStringToFlags(flags) : flags; mode = typeof mode === "undefined" ? 438 : mode; if (flags & 64) { mode = mode & 4095 | 32768; } else { mode = 0; } var node2; if (typeof path === "object") { node2 = path; } else { path = PATH.normalize(path); try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !(flags & 131072) }); node2 = lookup.node; } catch (e) { } } var created = false; if (flags & 64) { if (node2) { if (flags & 128) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(17); } } else { node2 = FS.mknod(path, mode, 0); created = true; } } if (!node2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } if (FS.isChrdev(node2.mode)) { flags &= ~512; } if (flags & 65536 && !FS.isDir(node2.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(20); } if (!created) { var err2 = FS.mayOpen(node2, flags); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } } if (flags & 512) { FS.truncate(node2, 0); } flags &= ~(128 | 512); var stream = FS.createStream({ node: node2, path: FS.getPath(node2), flags, seekable: true, position: 0, stream_ops: node2.stream_ops, ungotten: [], error: false }, fd_start, fd_end); if ( {; } if (Module["logReadFiles"] && !(flags & 1)) { if (!FS.readFiles) FS.readFiles = {}; if (!(path in FS.readFiles)) { FS.readFiles[path] = 1; console.log("FS.trackingDelegate error on read file: " + path); } } try { if (FS.trackingDelegate["onOpenFile"]) { var trackingFlags = 0; if ((flags & 2097155) !== 1) { trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.READ; } if ((flags & 2097155) !== 0) { trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.WRITE; } FS.trackingDelegate["onOpenFile"](path, trackingFlags); } } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onOpenFile']('" + path + "', flags) threw an exception: " + e.message); } return stream; }, close: function(stream) { if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if (stream.getdents) stream.getdents = null; try { if (stream.stream_ops.close) { stream.stream_ops.close(stream); } } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { FS.closeStream(stream.fd); } stream.fd = null; }, isClosed: function(stream) { return stream.fd === null; }, llseek: function(stream, offset, whence) { if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if (!stream.seekable || !stream.stream_ops.llseek) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } if (whence != 0 && whence != 1 && whence != 2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } stream.position = stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream, offset, whence); stream.ungotten = []; return stream.position; }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { if (length < 0 || position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(21); } if (! { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } var seeking = typeof position !== "undefined"; if (!seeking) { position = stream.position; } else if (!stream.seekable) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } var bytesRead =, buffer2, offset, length, position); if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesRead; return bytesRead; }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, canOwn) { if (length < 0 || position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(21); } if (!stream.stream_ops.write) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } if (stream.flags & 1024) { FS.llseek(stream, 0, 2); } var seeking = typeof position !== "undefined"; if (!seeking) { position = stream.position; } else if (!stream.seekable) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } var bytesWritten = stream.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, canOwn); if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesWritten; try { if (stream.path && FS.trackingDelegate["onWriteToFile"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onWriteToFile"](stream.path); } catch (e) { console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onWriteToFile']('" + stream.path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message); } return bytesWritten; }, allocate: function(stream, offset, length) { if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(22); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); } if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && !FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(19); } if (!stream.stream_ops.allocate) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(95); } stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream, offset, length); }, mmap: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, prot, flags) { if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(13); } if (!stream.stream_ops.mmap) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(19); } return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, prot, flags); }, msync: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, mmapFlags) { if (!stream || !stream.stream_ops.msync) { return 0; } return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream, buffer2, offset, length, mmapFlags); }, munmap: function(stream) { return 0; }, ioctl: function(stream, cmd, arg) { if (!stream.stream_ops.ioctl) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(25); } return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream, cmd, arg); }, readFile: function(path, opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.flags = opts.flags || "r"; opts.encoding = opts.encoding || "binary"; if (opts.encoding !== "utf8" && opts.encoding !== "binary") { throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + opts.encoding + '"'); } var ret; var stream =, opts.flags); var stat2 = FS.stat(path); var length = stat2.size; var buf = new Uint8Array(length);, buf, 0, length, 0); if (opts.encoding === "utf8") { ret = UTF8ArrayToString(buf, 0); } else if (opts.encoding === "binary") { ret = buf; } FS.close(stream); return ret; }, writeFile: function(path, data2, opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.flags = opts.flags || "w"; var stream =, opts.flags, opts.mode); if (typeof data2 === "string") { var buf = new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data2) + 1); var actualNumBytes = stringToUTF8Array(data2, buf, 0, buf.length); FS.write(stream, buf, 0, actualNumBytes, undefined, opts.canOwn); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data2)) { FS.write(stream, data2, 0, data2.byteLength, undefined, opts.canOwn); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported data type"); } FS.close(stream); }, cwd: function() { return FS.currentPath; }, chdir: function(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); if (lookup.node === null) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } if (!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(20); } var err2 = FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node, "x"); if (err2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(err2); } FS.currentPath = lookup.path; }, createDefaultDirectories: function() { FS.mkdir("/tmp"); FS.mkdir("/home"); FS.mkdir("/home/web_user"); }, createDefaultDevices: function() { FS.mkdir("/dev"); FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1, 3), { read: function() { return 0; }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) { return length; } }); FS.mkdev("/dev/null", FS.makedev(1, 3)); TTY.register(FS.makedev(5, 0), TTY.default_tty_ops); TTY.register(FS.makedev(6, 0), TTY.default_tty1_ops); FS.mkdev("/dev/tty", FS.makedev(5, 0)); FS.mkdev("/dev/tty1", FS.makedev(6, 0)); var random_device; if (typeof crypto === "object" && typeof crypto["getRandomValues"] === "function") { var randomBuffer = new Uint8Array(1); random_device = function() { crypto.getRandomValues(randomBuffer); return randomBuffer[0]; }; } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { try { var crypto_module = (init_crypto(), __toCommonJS(exports_crypto)); random_device = function() { return crypto_module["randomBytes"](1)[0]; }; } catch (e) { } } else { } if (!random_device) { random_device = function() { abort("random_device"); }; } FS.createDevice("/dev", "random", random_device); FS.createDevice("/dev", "urandom", random_device); FS.mkdir("/dev/shm"); FS.mkdir("/dev/shm/tmp"); }, createSpecialDirectories: function() { FS.mkdir("/proc"); FS.mkdir("/proc/self"); FS.mkdir("/proc/self/fd"); FS.mount({ mount: function() { var node2 = FS.createNode("/proc/self", "fd", 16384 | 511, 73); node2.node_ops = { lookup: function(parent, name) { var fd = +name; var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); var ret = { parent: null, mount: { mountpoint: "fake" }, node_ops: { readlink: function() { return stream.path; } } }; ret.parent = ret; return ret; } }; return node2; } }, {}, "/proc/self/fd"); }, createStandardStreams: function() { if (Module["stdin"]) { FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdin", Module["stdin"]); } else { FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdin"); } if (Module["stdout"]) { FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdout", null, Module["stdout"]); } else { FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdout"); } if (Module["stderr"]) { FS.createDevice("/dev", "stderr", null, Module["stderr"]); } else { FS.symlink("/dev/tty1", "/dev/stderr"); } var stdin ="/dev/stdin", "r"); var stdout ="/dev/stdout", "w"); var stderr ="/dev/stderr", "w"); }, ensureErrnoError: function() { if (FS.ErrnoError) return; FS.ErrnoError = function ErrnoError(errno, node2) { this.node = node2; this.setErrno = function(errno2) { this.errno = errno2; }; this.setErrno(errno); this.message = "FS error"; if (this.stack) Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack, writable: true }); }; FS.ErrnoError.prototype = new Error; FS.ErrnoError.prototype.constructor = FS.ErrnoError; [2].forEach(function(code) { FS.genericErrors[code] = new FS.ErrnoError(code); FS.genericErrors[code].stack = ""; }); }, staticInit: function() { FS.ensureErrnoError(); FS.nameTable = new Array(4096); FS.mount(MEMFS, {}, "/"); FS.createDefaultDirectories(); FS.createDefaultDevices(); FS.createSpecialDirectories(); FS.filesystems = { MEMFS, IDBFS, NODEFS, WORKERFS }; }, init: function(input, output, error) { FS.init.initialized = true; FS.ensureErrnoError(); Module["stdin"] = input || Module["stdin"]; Module["stdout"] = output || Module["stdout"]; Module["stderr"] = error || Module["stderr"]; FS.createStandardStreams(); }, quit: function() { FS.init.initialized = false; var fflush = Module["_fflush"]; if (fflush) fflush(0); for (var i = 0;i < FS.streams.length; i++) { var stream = FS.streams[i]; if (!stream) { continue; } FS.close(stream); } }, getMode: function(canRead, canWrite) { var mode = 0; if (canRead) mode |= 292 | 73; if (canWrite) mode |= 146; return mode; }, joinPath: function(parts, forceRelative) { var path = PATH.join.apply(null, parts); if (forceRelative && path[0] == "/") path = path.substr(1); return path; }, absolutePath: function(relative, base) { return PATH_FS.resolve(base, relative); }, standardizePath: function(path) { return PATH.normalize(path); }, findObject: function(path, dontResolveLastLink) { var ret = FS.analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink); if (ret.exists) { return ret.object; } else { ___setErrNo(ret.error); return null; } }, analyzePath: function(path, dontResolveLastLink) { try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink }); path = lookup.path; } catch (e) { } var ret = { isRoot: false, exists: false, error: 0, name: null, path: null, object: null, parentExists: false, parentPath: null, parentObject: null }; try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); ret.parentExists = true; ret.parentPath = lookup.path; ret.parentObject = lookup.node; = PATH.basename(path); lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink }); ret.exists = true; ret.path = lookup.path; ret.object = lookup.node; =; ret.isRoot = lookup.path === "/"; } catch (e) { ret.error = e.errno; } return ret; }, createFolder: function(parent, name, canRead, canWrite) { var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name); var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite); return FS.mkdir(path, mode); }, createPath: function(parent, path, canRead, canWrite) { parent = typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent); var parts = path.split("/").reverse(); while (parts.length) { var part = parts.pop(); if (!part) continue; var current = PATH.join2(parent, part); try { FS.mkdir(current); } catch (e) { } parent = current; } return current; }, createFile: function(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite) { var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name); var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite); return FS.create(path, mode); }, createDataFile: function(parent, name, data2, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) { var path = name ? PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name) : parent; var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite); var node2 = FS.create(path, mode); if (data2) { if (typeof data2 === "string") { var arr = new Array(data2.length); for (var i = 0, len = data2.length;i < len; ++i) arr[i] = data2.charCodeAt(i); data2 = arr; } FS.chmod(node2, mode | 146); var stream =, "w"); FS.write(stream, data2, 0, data2.length, 0, canOwn); FS.close(stream); FS.chmod(node2, mode); } return node2; }, createDevice: function(parent, name, input, output) { var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name); var mode = FS.getMode(!!input, !!output); if (!FS.createDevice.major) FS.createDevice.major = 64; var dev = FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++, 0); FS.registerDevice(dev, { open: function(stream) { stream.seekable = false; }, close: function(stream) { if (output && output.buffer && output.buffer.length) { output(10); } }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) { var bytesRead = 0; for (var i = 0;i < length; i++) { var result; try { result = input(); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); } if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(11); } if (result === null || result === undefined) break; bytesRead++; buffer2[offset + i] = result; } if (bytesRead) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return bytesRead; }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) { for (var i = 0;i < length; i++) { try { output(buffer2[offset + i]); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); } } if (length) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return i; } }); return FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev); }, createLink: function(parent, name, target, canRead, canWrite) { var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name); return FS.symlink(target, path); }, forceLoadFile: function(obj) { if (obj.isDevice || obj.isFolder || || obj.contents) return true; var success = true; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") { throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread."); } else if (Module["read"]) { try { obj.contents = intArrayFromString(Module["read"](obj.url), true); obj.usedBytes = obj.contents.length; } catch (e) { success = false; } } else { throw new Error("Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest."); } if (!success) ___setErrNo(5); return success; }, createLazyFile: function(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite) { function LazyUint8Array() { this.lengthKnown = false; this.chunks = []; } LazyUint8Array.prototype.get = function LazyUint8Array_get(idx) { if (idx > this.length - 1 || idx < 0) { return; } var chunkOffset = idx % this.chunkSize; var chunkNum = idx / this.chunkSize | 0; return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset]; }; LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter = function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter) { this.getter = getter; }; LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength = function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD", url, false); xhr.send(null); if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status); var datalength = Number(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-length")); var header; var hasByteServing = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges")) && header === "bytes"; var usesGzip = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")) && header === "gzip"; var chunkSize = 1024 * 1024; if (!hasByteServing) chunkSize = datalength; var doXHR = function(from, to) { if (from > to) throw new Error("invalid range (" + from + ", " + to + ") or no bytes requested!"); if (to > datalength - 1) throw new Error("only " + datalength + " bytes available! programmer error!"); var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false); if (datalength !== chunkSize) xhr2.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + from + "-" + to); if (typeof Uint8Array != "undefined") xhr2.responseType = "arraybuffer"; if (xhr2.overrideMimeType) { xhr2.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); } xhr2.send(null); if (!(xhr2.status >= 200 && xhr2.status < 300 || xhr2.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr2.status); if (xhr2.response !== undefined) { return new Uint8Array(xhr2.response || []); } else { return intArrayFromString(xhr2.responseText || "", true); } }; var lazyArray2 = this; lazyArray2.setDataGetter(function(chunkNum) { var start = chunkNum * chunkSize; var end = (chunkNum + 1) * chunkSize - 1; end = Math.min(end, datalength - 1); if (typeof lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum] === "undefined") { lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum] = doXHR(start, end); } if (typeof lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum] === "undefined") throw new Error("doXHR failed!"); return lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum]; }); if (usesGzip || !datalength) { chunkSize = datalength = 1; datalength = this.getter(0).length; chunkSize = datalength; console.log("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed"); } this._length = datalength; this._chunkSize = chunkSize; this.lengthKnown = true; }; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") { if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) throw "Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc"; var lazyArray = new LazyUint8Array; Object.defineProperties(lazyArray, { length: { get: function() { if (!this.lengthKnown) { this.cacheLength(); } return this._length; } }, chunkSize: { get: function() { if (!this.lengthKnown) { this.cacheLength(); } return this._chunkSize; } } }); var properties = { isDevice: false, contents: lazyArray }; } else { var properties = { isDevice: false, url }; } var node2 = FS.createFile(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite); if (properties.contents) { node2.contents = properties.contents; } else if (properties.url) { node2.contents = null; node2.url = properties.url; } Object.defineProperties(node2, { usedBytes: { get: function() { return this.contents.length; } } }); var stream_ops = {}; var keys = Object.keys(node2.stream_ops); keys.forEach(function(key2) { var fn = node2.stream_ops[key2]; stream_ops[key2] = function forceLoadLazyFile() { if (!FS.forceLoadFile(node2)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); } return fn.apply(null, arguments); }; }); = function stream_ops_read(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) { if (!FS.forceLoadFile(node2)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(5); } var contents = stream.node.contents; if (position >= contents.length) return 0; var size = Math.min(contents.length - position, length); if (contents.slice) { for (var i = 0;i < size; i++) { buffer2[offset + i] = contents[position + i]; } } else { for (var i = 0;i < size; i++) { buffer2[offset + i] = contents.get(position + i); } } return size; }; node2.stream_ops = stream_ops; return node2; }, createPreloadedFile: function(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite, onload, onerror, dontCreateFile, canOwn, preFinish) { Browser.init(); var fullname = name ? PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent, name)) : parent; var dep = getUniqueRunDependency("cp " + fullname); function processData(byteArray) { function finish(byteArray2) { if (preFinish) preFinish(); if (!dontCreateFile) { FS.createDataFile(parent, name, byteArray2, canRead, canWrite, canOwn); } if (onload) onload(); removeRunDependency(dep); } var handled = false; Module["preloadPlugins"].forEach(function(plugin) { if (handled) return; if (plugin["canHandle"](fullname)) { plugin["handle"](byteArray, fullname, finish, function() { if (onerror) onerror(); removeRunDependency(dep); }); handled = true; } }); if (!handled) finish(byteArray); } addRunDependency(dep); if (typeof url == "string") { Browser.asyncLoad(url, function(byteArray) { processData(byteArray); }, onerror); } else { processData(url); } }, indexedDB: function() { return window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; }, DB_NAME: function() { return "EM_FS_" + window.location.pathname; }, DB_VERSION: 20, DB_STORE_NAME: "FILE_DATA", saveFilesToDB: function(paths, onload, onerror) { onload = onload || function() { }; onerror = onerror || function() { }; var indexedDB2 = FS.indexedDB(); try { var openRequest =, FS.DB_VERSION); } catch (e) { return onerror(e); } openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function openRequest_onupgradeneeded() { console.log("creating db"); var db2 = openRequest.result; db2.createObjectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME); }; openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() { var db2 = openRequest.result; var transaction = db2.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], "readwrite"); var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME); var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length; function finish() { if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror(); } paths.forEach(function(path) { var putRequest = files.put(FS.analyzePath(path).object.contents, path); putRequest.onsuccess = function putRequest_onsuccess() { ok++; if (ok + fail == total) finish(); }; putRequest.onerror = function putRequest_onerror() { fail++; if (ok + fail == total) finish(); }; }); transaction.onerror = onerror; }; openRequest.onerror = onerror; }, loadFilesFromDB: function(paths, onload, onerror) { onload = onload || function() { }; onerror = onerror || function() { }; var indexedDB2 = FS.indexedDB(); try { var openRequest =, FS.DB_VERSION); } catch (e) { return onerror(e); } openRequest.onupgradeneeded = onerror; openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() { var db2 = openRequest.result; try { var transaction = db2.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], "readonly"); } catch (e) { onerror(e); return; } var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME); var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length; function finish() { if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror(); } paths.forEach(function(path) { var getRequest = files.get(path); getRequest.onsuccess = function getRequest_onsuccess() { if (FS.analyzePath(path).exists) { FS.unlink(path); } FS.createDataFile(PATH.dirname(path), PATH.basename(path), getRequest.result, true, true, true); ok++; if (ok + fail == total) finish(); }; getRequest.onerror = function getRequest_onerror() { fail++; if (ok + fail == total) finish(); }; }); transaction.onerror = onerror; }; openRequest.onerror = onerror; } }; function _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(mode, value) { Browser.mainLoop.timingMode = mode; Browser.mainLoop.timingValue = value; if (!Browser.mainLoop.func) { return 1; } if (mode == 0) { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = function Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_setTimeout() { var timeUntilNextTick = Math.max(0, Browser.mainLoop.tickStartTime + value - _emscripten_get_now()) | 0; setTimeout(Browser.mainLoop.runner, timeUntilNextTick); }; Browser.mainLoop.method = "timeout"; } else if (mode == 1) { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = function Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF() { Browser.requestAnimationFrame(Browser.mainLoop.runner); }; Browser.mainLoop.method = "rAF"; } else if (mode == 2) { if (typeof setImmediate === "undefined") { var setImmediates = []; var emscriptenMainLoopMessageId = "setimmediate"; var Browser_setImmediate_messageHandler = function(event) { if ( === emscriptenMainLoopMessageId || === emscriptenMainLoopMessageId) { event.stopPropagation(); setImmediates.shift()(); } }; addEventListener("message", Browser_setImmediate_messageHandler, true); setImmediate = function Browser_emulated_setImmediate(func) { setImmediates.push(func); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { if (Module["setImmediates"] === undefined) Module["setImmediates"] = []; Module["setImmediates"].push(func); postMessage({ target: emscriptenMainLoopMessageId }); } else postMessage(emscriptenMainLoopMessageId, "*"); }; } Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = function Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_setImmediate() { setImmediate(Browser.mainLoop.runner); }; Browser.mainLoop.method = "immediate"; } return 0; } function _emscripten_get_now() { abort(); } function _emscripten_set_main_loop(func, fps, simulateInfiniteLoop, arg, noSetTiming) { Module["noExitRuntime"] = true; assert(!Browser.mainLoop.func, "emscripten_set_main_loop: there can only be one main loop function at once: call emscripten_cancel_main_loop to cancel the previous one before setting a new one with different parameters."); Browser.mainLoop.func = func; Browser.mainLoop.arg = arg; var browserIterationFunc; if (typeof arg !== "undefined") { browserIterationFunc = function() { Module["dynCall_vi"](func, arg); }; } else { browserIterationFunc = function() { Module["dynCall_v"](func); }; } var thisMainLoopId = Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop; Browser.mainLoop.runner = function Browser_mainLoop_runner() { if (ABORT) return; if (Browser.mainLoop.queue.length > 0) { var start =; var blocker = Browser.mainLoop.queue.shift(); blocker.func(blocker.arg); if (Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers) { var remaining = Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers; var next = remaining % 1 == 0 ? remaining - 1 : Math.floor(remaining); if (blocker.counted) { Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers = next; } else { next = next + 0.5; Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers = (8 * remaining + next) / 9; } } console.log('main loop blocker "' + + '" took ' + ( - start) + " ms"); Browser.mainLoop.updateStatus(); if (thisMainLoopId < Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop) return; setTimeout(Browser.mainLoop.runner, 0); return; } if (thisMainLoopId < Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop) return; Browser.mainLoop.currentFrameNumber = Browser.mainLoop.currentFrameNumber + 1 | 0; if (Browser.mainLoop.timingMode == 1 && Browser.mainLoop.timingValue > 1 && Browser.mainLoop.currentFrameNumber % Browser.mainLoop.timingValue != 0) { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); return; } else if (Browser.mainLoop.timingMode == 0) { Browser.mainLoop.tickStartTime = _emscripten_get_now(); } if (Browser.mainLoop.method === "timeout" && Module.ctx) { err("Looks like you are rendering without using requestAnimationFrame for the main loop. You should use 0 for the frame rate in emscripten_set_main_loop in order to use requestAnimationFrame, as that can greatly improve your frame rates!"); Browser.mainLoop.method = ""; } Browser.mainLoop.runIter(browserIterationFunc); if (thisMainLoopId < Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop) return; if (typeof SDL === "object" && &&; Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); }; if (!noSetTiming) { if (fps && fps > 0) _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(0, 1000 / fps); else _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(1, 1); Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); } if (simulateInfiniteLoop) { throw "SimulateInfiniteLoop"; } } var Browser = { mainLoop: { scheduler: null, method: "", currentlyRunningMainloop: 0, func: null, arg: 0, timingMode: 0, timingValue: 0, currentFrameNumber: 0, queue: [], pause: function() { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = null; Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop++; }, resume: function() { Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop++; var timingMode = Browser.mainLoop.timingMode; var timingValue = Browser.mainLoop.timingValue; var func = Browser.mainLoop.func; Browser.mainLoop.func = null; _emscripten_set_main_loop(func, 0, false, Browser.mainLoop.arg, true); _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(timingMode, timingValue); Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); }, updateStatus: function() { if (Module["setStatus"]) { var message = Module["statusMessage"] || "Please wait..."; var remaining = Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers; var expected = Browser.mainLoop.expectedBlockers; if (remaining) { if (remaining < expected) { Module["setStatus"](message + " (" + (expected - remaining) + "/" + expected + ")"); } else { Module["setStatus"](message); } } else { Module["setStatus"](""); } } }, runIter: function(func) { if (ABORT) return; if (Module["preMainLoop"]) { var preRet = Module["preMainLoop"](); if (preRet === false) { return; } } try { func(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ExitStatus) { return; } else { if (e && typeof e === "object" && e.stack) err("exception thrown: " + [e, e.stack]); throw e; } } if (Module["postMainLoop"]) Module["postMainLoop"](); } }, isFullscreen: false, pointerLock: false, moduleContextCreatedCallbacks: [], workers: [], init: function() { if (!Module["preloadPlugins"]) Module["preloadPlugins"] = []; if (Browser.initted) return; Browser.initted = true; try { new Blob; Browser.hasBlobConstructor = true; } catch (e) { Browser.hasBlobConstructor = false; console.log("warning: no blob constructor, cannot create blobs with mimetypes"); } Browser.BlobBuilder = typeof MozBlobBuilder != "undefined" ? MozBlobBuilder : typeof WebKitBlobBuilder != "undefined" ? WebKitBlobBuilder : !Browser.hasBlobConstructor ? console.log("warning: no BlobBuilder") : null; Browser.URLObject = typeof window != "undefined" ? window.URL ? window.URL : window.webkitURL : undefined; if (!Module.noImageDecoding && typeof Browser.URLObject === "undefined") { console.log("warning: Browser does not support creating object URLs. Built-in browser image decoding will not be available."); Module.noImageDecoding = true; } var imagePlugin = {}; imagePlugin["canHandle"] = function imagePlugin_canHandle(name) { return !Module.noImageDecoding && /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|bmp)$/i.test(name); }; imagePlugin["handle"] = function imagePlugin_handle(byteArray, name, onload, onerror) { var b3 = null; if (Browser.hasBlobConstructor) { try { b3 = new Blob([byteArray], { type: Browser.getMimetype(name) }); if (b3.size !== byteArray.length) { b3 = new Blob([new Uint8Array(byteArray).buffer], { type: Browser.getMimetype(name) }); } } catch (e) { warnOnce("Blob constructor present but fails: " + e + "; falling back to blob builder"); } } if (!b3) { var bb = new Browser.BlobBuilder; bb.append(new Uint8Array(byteArray).buffer); b3 = bb.getBlob(); } var url = Browser.URLObject.createObjectURL(b3); var img = new Image; img.onload = function img_onload() { assert(img.complete, "Image " + name + " could not be decoded"); var canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas2.width = img.width; canvas2.height = img.height; var ctx = canvas2.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); Module["preloadedImages"][name] = canvas2; Browser.URLObject.revokeObjectURL(url); if (onload) onload(byteArray); }; img.onerror = function img_onerror(event) { console.log("Image " + url + " could not be decoded"); if (onerror) onerror(); }; img.src = url; }; Module["preloadPlugins"].push(imagePlugin); var audioPlugin = {}; audioPlugin["canHandle"] = function audioPlugin_canHandle(name) { return !Module.noAudioDecoding && name.substr(-4) in { ".ogg": 1, ".wav": 1, ".mp3": 1 }; }; audioPlugin["handle"] = function audioPlugin_handle(byteArray, name, onload, onerror) { var done = false; function finish(audio2) { if (done) return; done = true; Module["preloadedAudios"][name] = audio2; if (onload) onload(byteArray); } function fail() { if (done) return; done = true; Module["preloadedAudios"][name] = new Audio; if (onerror) onerror(); } if (Browser.hasBlobConstructor) { try { var b3 = new Blob([byteArray], { type: Browser.getMimetype(name) }); } catch (e) { return fail(); } var url = Browser.URLObject.createObjectURL(b3); var audio = new Audio; audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function() { finish(audio); }, false); audio.onerror = function audio_onerror(event) { if (done) return; console.log("warning: browser could not fully decode audio " + name + ", trying slower base64 approach"); function encode64(data2) { var BASE = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var PAD = "="; var ret = ""; var leftchar = 0; var leftbits = 0; for (var i = 0;i < data2.length; i++) { leftchar = leftchar << 8 | data2[i]; leftbits += 8; while (leftbits >= 6) { var curr = leftchar >> leftbits - 6 & 63; leftbits -= 6; ret += BASE[curr]; } } if (leftbits == 2) { ret += BASE[(leftchar & 3) << 4]; ret += PAD + PAD; } else if (leftbits == 4) { ret += BASE[(leftchar & 15) << 2]; ret += PAD; } return ret; } audio.src = "data:audio/x-" + name.substr(-3) + ";base64," + encode64(byteArray); finish(audio); }; audio.src = url; Browser.safeSetTimeout(function() { finish(audio); }, 1e4); } else { return fail(); } }; Module["preloadPlugins"].push(audioPlugin); function pointerLockChange() { Browser.pointerLock = document["pointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"] || document["mozPointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"] || document["webkitPointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"] || document["msPointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"]; } var canvas = Module["canvas"]; if (canvas) { canvas.requestPointerLock = canvas["requestPointerLock"] || canvas["mozRequestPointerLock"] || canvas["webkitRequestPointerLock"] || canvas["msRequestPointerLock"] || function() { }; canvas.exitPointerLock = document["exitPointerLock"] || document["mozExitPointerLock"] || document["webkitExitPointerLock"] || document["msExitPointerLock"] || function() { }; canvas.exitPointerLock = canvas.exitPointerLock.bind(document); document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); document.addEventListener("mozpointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); document.addEventListener("webkitpointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); document.addEventListener("mspointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); if (Module["elementPointerLock"]) { canvas.addEventListener("click", function(ev) { if (!Browser.pointerLock && Module["canvas"].requestPointerLock) { Module["canvas"].requestPointerLock(); ev.preventDefault(); } }, false); } } }, createContext: function(canvas, useWebGL, setInModule, webGLContextAttributes) { if (useWebGL && Module.ctx && canvas == Module.canvas) return Module.ctx; var ctx; var contextHandle; if (useWebGL) { var contextAttributes = { antialias: false, alpha: false, majorVersion: 1 }; if (webGLContextAttributes) { for (var attribute in webGLContextAttributes) { contextAttributes[attribute] = webGLContextAttributes[attribute]; } } if (typeof GL !== "undefined") { contextHandle = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes); if (contextHandle) { ctx = GL.getContext(contextHandle).GLctx; } } } else { ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); } if (!ctx) return null; if (setInModule) { if (!useWebGL) assert(typeof GLctx === "undefined", "cannot set in module if GLctx is used, but we are a non-GL context that would replace it"); Module.ctx = ctx; if (useWebGL) GL.makeContextCurrent(contextHandle); Module.useWebGL = useWebGL; Browser.moduleContextCreatedCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(); }); Browser.init(); } return ctx; }, destroyContext: function(canvas, useWebGL, setInModule) { }, fullscreenHandlersInstalled: false, lockPointer: undefined, resizeCanvas: undefined, requestFullscreen: function(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice) { lockPointer = false; console.log("forcing lockPointer to false"); Browser.lockPointer = lockPointer; Browser.resizeCanvas = resizeCanvas; Browser.vrDevice = vrDevice; if (typeof Browser.lockPointer === "undefined") Browser.lockPointer = false; if (typeof Browser.resizeCanvas === "undefined") Browser.resizeCanvas = false; if (typeof Browser.vrDevice === "undefined") Browser.vrDevice = null; var canvas = Module["canvas"]; function fullscreenChange() { Browser.isFullscreen = false; var canvasContainer2 = canvas.parentNode; if ((document["fullscreenElement"] || document["mozFullScreenElement"] || document["msFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitCurrentFullScreenElement"]) === canvasContainer2) { canvas.exitFullscreen = document["exitFullscreen"] || document["cancelFullScreen"] || document["mozCancelFullScreen"] || document["msExitFullscreen"] || document["webkitCancelFullScreen"] || function() { }; canvas.exitFullscreen = canvas.exitFullscreen.bind(document); Browser.isFullscreen = true; if (Browser.resizeCanvas) { Browser.setFullscreenCanvasSize(); } else { Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(canvas); } } else { canvasContainer2.parentNode.insertBefore(canvas, canvasContainer2); canvasContainer2.parentNode.removeChild(canvasContainer2); if (Browser.resizeCanvas) { Browser.setWindowedCanvasSize(); } else { Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(canvas); } } if (Module["onFullScreen"]) Module["onFullScreen"](Browser.isFullscreen); if (Module["onFullscreen"]) Module["onFullscreen"](Browser.isFullscreen); } if (!Browser.fullscreenHandlersInstalled) { Browser.fullscreenHandlersInstalled = true; document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", fullscreenChange, false); document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", fullscreenChange, false); document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", fullscreenChange, false); document.addEventListener("MSFullscreenChange", fullscreenChange, false); } var canvasContainer = document.createElement("div"); canvas.parentNode.insertBefore(canvasContainer, canvas); canvasContainer.appendChild(canvas); canvasContainer.requestFullscreen = canvasContainer["requestFullscreen"] || canvasContainer["mozRequestFullScreen"] || canvasContainer["msRequestFullscreen"] || (canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullscreen"] ? function() { canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullscreen"](Element["ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT"]); } : null) || (canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullScreen"] ? function() { canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullScreen"](Element["ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT"]); } : null); if (vrDevice) { canvasContainer.requestFullscreen({ vrDisplay: vrDevice }); } else { canvasContainer.requestFullscreen(); } }, requestFullScreen: function(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice) { err("Browser.requestFullScreen() is deprecated. Please call Browser.requestFullscreen instead."); Browser.requestFullScreen = function(lockPointer2, resizeCanvas2, vrDevice2) { return Browser.requestFullscreen(lockPointer2, resizeCanvas2, vrDevice2); }; return Browser.requestFullscreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice); }, nextRAF: 0, fakeRequestAnimationFrame: function(func) { var now =; if (Browser.nextRAF === 0) { Browser.nextRAF = now + 1000 / 60; } else { while (now + 2 >= Browser.nextRAF) { Browser.nextRAF += 1000 / 60; } } var delay = Math.max(Browser.nextRAF - now, 0); setTimeout(func, delay); }, requestAnimationFrame: function requestAnimationFrame(func) { if (typeof window === "undefined") { Browser.fakeRequestAnimationFrame(func); } else { if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window["requestAnimationFrame"] || window["mozRequestAnimationFrame"] || window["webkitRequestAnimationFrame"] || window["msRequestAnimationFrame"] || window["oRequestAnimationFrame"] || Browser.fakeRequestAnimationFrame; } window.requestAnimationFrame(func); } }, safeCallback: function(func) { return function() { if (!ABORT) return func.apply(null, arguments); }; }, allowAsyncCallbacks: true, queuedAsyncCallbacks: [], pauseAsyncCallbacks: function() { Browser.allowAsyncCallbacks = false; }, resumeAsyncCallbacks: function() { Browser.allowAsyncCallbacks = true; if (Browser.queuedAsyncCallbacks.length > 0) { var callbacks = Browser.queuedAsyncCallbacks; Browser.queuedAsyncCallbacks = []; callbacks.forEach(function(func) { func(); }); } }, safeRequestAnimationFrame: function(func) { return Browser.requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (ABORT) return; if (Browser.allowAsyncCallbacks) { func(); } else { Browser.queuedAsyncCallbacks.push(func); } }); }, safeSetTimeout: function(func, timeout) { Module["noExitRuntime"] = true; return setTimeout(function() { if (ABORT) return; if (Browser.allowAsyncCallbacks) { func(); } else { Browser.queuedAsyncCallbacks.push(func); } }, timeout); }, safeSetInterval: function(func, timeout) { Module["noExitRuntime"] = true; return setInterval(function() { if (ABORT) return; if (Browser.allowAsyncCallbacks) { func(); } }, timeout); }, getMimetype: function(name) { return { jpg: "image/jpeg", jpeg: "image/jpeg", png: "image/png", bmp: "image/bmp", ogg: "audio/ogg", wav: "audio/wav", mp3: "audio/mpeg" }[name.substr(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)]; }, getUserMedia: function(func) { if (!window.getUserMedia) { window.getUserMedia = navigator["getUserMedia"] || navigator["mozGetUserMedia"]; } window.getUserMedia(func); }, getMovementX: function(event) { return event["movementX"] || event["mozMovementX"] || event["webkitMovementX"] || 0; }, getMovementY: function(event) { return event["movementY"] || event["mozMovementY"] || event["webkitMovementY"] || 0; }, getMouseWheelDelta: function(event) { var delta = 0; switch (event.type) { case "DOMMouseScroll": delta = event.detail; break; case "mousewheel": delta = event.wheelDelta; break; case "wheel": delta = event["deltaY"]; break; default: throw "unrecognized mouse wheel event: " + event.type; } return delta; }, mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, mouseMovementX: 0, mouseMovementY: 0, touches: {}, lastTouches: {}, calculateMouseEvent: function(event) { if (Browser.pointerLock) { if (event.type != "mousemove" && "mozMovementX" in event) { Browser.mouseMovementX = Browser.mouseMovementY = 0; } else { Browser.mouseMovementX = Browser.getMovementX(event); Browser.mouseMovementY = Browser.getMovementY(event); } if (typeof SDL != "undefined") { Browser.mouseX = SDL.mouseX + Browser.mouseMovementX; Browser.mouseY = SDL.mouseY + Browser.mouseMovementY; } else { Browser.mouseX += Browser.mouseMovementX; Browser.mouseY += Browser.mouseMovementY; } } else { var rect = Module["canvas"].getBoundingClientRect(); var cw2 = Module["canvas"].width; var ch = Module["canvas"].height; var scrollX = typeof window.scrollX !== "undefined" ? window.scrollX : window.pageXOffset; var scrollY = typeof window.scrollY !== "undefined" ? window.scrollY : window.pageYOffset; if (event.type === "touchstart" || event.type === "touchend" || event.type === "touchmove") { var touch = event.touch; if (touch === undefined) { return; } var adjustedX = touch.pageX - (scrollX + rect.left); var adjustedY = touch.pageY - (scrollY +; adjustedX = adjustedX * (cw2 / rect.width); adjustedY = adjustedY * (ch / rect.height); var coords = { x: adjustedX, y: adjustedY }; if (event.type === "touchstart") { Browser.lastTouches[touch.identifier] = coords; Browser.touches[touch.identifier] = coords; } else if (event.type === "touchend" || event.type === "touchmove") { var last = Browser.touches[touch.identifier]; if (!last) last = coords; Browser.lastTouches[touch.identifier] = last; Browser.touches[touch.identifier] = coords; } return; } var x = event.pageX - (scrollX + rect.left); var y3 = event.pageY - (scrollY +; x = x * (cw2 / rect.width); y3 = y3 * (ch / rect.height); Browser.mouseMovementX = x - Browser.mouseX; Browser.mouseMovementY = y3 - Browser.mouseY; Browser.mouseX = x; Browser.mouseY = y3; } }, asyncLoad: function(url, onload, onerror, noRunDep) { var dep = !noRunDep ? getUniqueRunDependency("al " + url) : ""; Module["readAsync"](url, function(arrayBuffer) { assert(arrayBuffer, 'Loading data file "' + url + '" failed (no arrayBuffer).'); onload(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)); if (dep) removeRunDependency(dep); }, function(event) { if (onerror) { onerror(); } else { throw 'Loading data file "' + url + '" failed.'; } }); if (dep) addRunDependency(dep); }, resizeListeners: [], updateResizeListeners: function() { var canvas = Module["canvas"]; Browser.resizeListeners.forEach(function(listener) { listener(canvas.width, canvas.height); }); }, setCanvasSize: function(width, height, noUpdates) { var canvas = Module["canvas"]; Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(canvas, width, height); if (!noUpdates) Browser.updateResizeListeners(); }, windowedWidth: 0, windowedHeight: 0, setFullscreenCanvasSize: function() { if (typeof SDL != "undefined") { var flags = HEAPU32[SDL.screen >> 2]; flags = flags | 8388608; HEAP32[SDL.screen >> 2] = flags; } Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(Module["canvas"]); Browser.updateResizeListeners(); }, setWindowedCanvasSize: function() { if (typeof SDL != "undefined") { var flags = HEAPU32[SDL.screen >> 2]; flags = flags & ~8388608; HEAP32[SDL.screen >> 2] = flags; } Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(Module["canvas"]); Browser.updateResizeListeners(); }, updateCanvasDimensions: function(canvas, wNative, hNative) { if (wNative && hNative) { canvas.widthNative = wNative; canvas.heightNative = hNative; } else { wNative = canvas.widthNative; hNative = canvas.heightNative; } var w = wNative; var h2 = hNative; if (Module["forcedAspectRatio"] && Module["forcedAspectRatio"] > 0) { if (w / h2 < Module["forcedAspectRatio"]) { w = Math.round(h2 * Module["forcedAspectRatio"]); } else { h2 = Math.round(w / Module["forcedAspectRatio"]); } } if ((document["fullscreenElement"] || document["mozFullScreenElement"] || document["msFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitCurrentFullScreenElement"]) === canvas.parentNode && typeof screen != "undefined") { var factor = Math.min(screen.width / w, screen.height / h2); w = Math.round(w * factor); h2 = Math.round(h2 * factor); } if (Browser.resizeCanvas) { if (canvas.width != w) canvas.width = w; if (canvas.height != h2) canvas.height = h2; if (typeof != "undefined") {"width");"height"); } } else { if (canvas.width != wNative) canvas.width = wNative; if (canvas.height != hNative) canvas.height = hNative; if (typeof != "undefined") { if (w != wNative || h2 != hNative) {"width", w + "px", "important");"height", h2 + "px", "important"); } else {"width");"height"); } } } }, wgetRequests: {}, nextWgetRequestHandle: 0, getNextWgetRequestHandle: function() { var handle = Browser.nextWgetRequestHandle; Browser.nextWgetRequestHandle++; return handle; } }; function _SDL_GetTicks() { return - SDL.startTime | 0; } function _SDL_LockSurface(surf) { var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; surfData.locked++; if (surfData.locked > 1) return 0; if (!surfData.buffer) { surfData.buffer = _malloc(surfData.width * surfData.height * 4); HEAP32[surf + 20 >> 2] = surfData.buffer; } HEAP32[surf + 20 >> 2] = surfData.buffer; if (surf == SDL.screen && Module.screenIsReadOnly && surfData.image) return 0; if (SDL.defaults.discardOnLock) { if (!surfData.image) { surfData.image = surfData.ctx.createImageData(surfData.width, surfData.height); } if (!SDL.defaults.opaqueFrontBuffer) return; } else { surfData.image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height); } if (surf == SDL.screen && SDL.defaults.opaqueFrontBuffer) { var data2 =; var num = data2.length; for (var i = 0;i < num / 4; i++) { data2[i * 4 + 3] = 255; } } if (SDL.defaults.copyOnLock && !SDL.defaults.discardOnLock) { if (surfData.isFlagSet(2097152)) { throw "CopyOnLock is not supported for SDL_LockSurface with SDL_HWPALETTE flag set" + new Error().stack; } else { HEAPU8.set(, surfData.buffer); } } return 0; } var SDL = { defaults: { width: 320, height: 200, copyOnLock: false, discardOnLock: true, opaqueFrontBuffer: false }, version: null, surfaces: {}, canvasPool: [], events: [], fonts: [null], audios: [null], rwops: [null], music: { audio: null, volume: 1 }, mixerFrequency: 22050, mixerFormat: 32784, mixerNumChannels: 2, mixerChunkSize: 1024, channelMinimumNumber: 0, GL: false, glAttributes: { 0: 3, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 16, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 1, 16: 0, 17: 0, 18: 0 }, keyboardState: null, keyboardMap: {}, canRequestFullscreen: false, isRequestingFullscreen: false, textInput: false, startTime: null, initFlags: 0, buttonState: 0, modState: 0, DOMButtons: [0, 0, 0], DOMEventToSDLEvent: {}, TOUCH_DEFAULT_ID: 0, eventHandler: null, eventHandlerContext: null, eventHandlerTemp: 0, keyCodes: { 16: 1249, 17: 1248, 18: 1250, 20: 1081, 33: 1099, 34: 1102, 35: 1101, 36: 1098, 37: 1104, 38: 1106, 39: 1103, 40: 1105, 44: 316, 45: 1097, 46: 127, 91: 1251, 93: 1125, 96: 1122, 97: 1113, 98: 1114, 99: 1115, 100: 1116, 101: 1117, 102: 1118, 103: 1119, 104: 1120, 105: 1121, 106: 1109, 107: 1111, 109: 1110, 110: 1123, 111: 1108, 112: 1082, 113: 1083, 114: 1084, 115: 1085, 116: 1086, 117: 1087, 118: 1088, 119: 1089, 120: 1090, 121: 1091, 122: 1092, 123: 1093, 124: 1128, 125: 1129, 126: 1130, 127: 1131, 128: 1132, 129: 1133, 130: 1134, 131: 1135, 132: 1136, 133: 1137, 134: 1138, 135: 1139, 144: 1107, 160: 94, 161: 33, 162: 34, 163: 35, 164: 36, 165: 37, 166: 38, 167: 95, 168: 40, 169: 41, 170: 42, 171: 43, 172: 124, 173: 45, 174: 123, 175: 125, 176: 126, 181: 127, 182: 129, 183: 128, 188: 44, 190: 46, 191: 47, 192: 96, 219: 91, 220: 92, 221: 93, 222: 39, 224: 1251 }, scanCodes: { 8: 42, 9: 43, 13: 40, 27: 41, 32: 44, 35: 204, 39: 53, 44: 54, 46: 55, 47: 56, 48: 39, 49: 30, 50: 31, 51: 32, 52: 33, 53: 34, 54: 35, 55: 36, 56: 37, 57: 38, 58: 203, 59: 51, 61: 46, 91: 47, 92: 49, 93: 48, 96: 52, 97: 4, 98: 5, 99: 6, 100: 7, 101: 8, 102: 9, 103: 10, 104: 11, 105: 12, 106: 13, 107: 14, 108: 15, 109: 16, 110: 17, 111: 18, 112: 19, 113: 20, 114: 21, 115: 22, 116: 23, 117: 24, 118: 25, 119: 26, 120: 27, 121: 28, 122: 29, 127: 76, 305: 224, 308: 226, 316: 70 }, loadRect: function(rect) { return { x: HEAP32[rect + 0 >> 2], y: HEAP32[rect + 4 >> 2], w: HEAP32[rect + 8 >> 2], h: HEAP32[rect + 12 >> 2] }; }, updateRect: function(rect, r) { HEAP32[rect >> 2] = r.x; HEAP32[rect + 4 >> 2] = r.y; HEAP32[rect + 8 >> 2] = r.w; HEAP32[rect + 12 >> 2] = r.h; }, intersectionOfRects: function(first, second) { var leftX = Math.max(first.x, second.x); var leftY = Math.max(first.y, second.y); var rightX = Math.min(first.x + first.w, second.x + second.w); var rightY = Math.min(first.y + first.h, second.y + second.h); return { x: leftX, y: leftY, w: Math.max(leftX, rightX) - leftX, h: Math.max(leftY, rightY) - leftY }; }, checkPixelFormat: function(fmt) { }, loadColorToCSSRGB: function(color) { var rgba = HEAP32[color >> 2]; return "rgb(" + (rgba & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 8 & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 16 & 255) + ")"; }, loadColorToCSSRGBA: function(color) { var rgba = HEAP32[color >> 2]; return "rgba(" + (rgba & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 8 & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 16 & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 24 & 255) / 255 + ")"; }, translateColorToCSSRGBA: function(rgba) { return "rgba(" + (rgba & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 8 & 255) + "," + (rgba >> 16 & 255) + "," + (rgba >>> 24) / 255 + ")"; }, translateRGBAToCSSRGBA: function(r, g, b3, a) { return "rgba(" + (r & 255) + "," + (g & 255) + "," + (b3 & 255) + "," + (a & 255) / 255 + ")"; }, translateRGBAToColor: function(r, g, b3, a) { return r | g << 8 | b3 << 16 | a << 24; }, makeSurface: function(width, height, flags, usePageCanvas, source, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) { flags = flags || 0; var is_SDL_HWSURFACE = flags & 1; var is_SDL_HWPALETTE = flags & 2097152; var is_SDL_OPENGL = flags & 67108864; var surf = _malloc(60); var pixelFormat = _malloc(44); var bpp = is_SDL_HWPALETTE ? 1 : 4; var buffer2 = 0; if (!is_SDL_HWSURFACE && !is_SDL_OPENGL) { buffer2 = _malloc(width * height * 4); } HEAP32[surf >> 2] = flags; HEAP32[surf + 4 >> 2] = pixelFormat; HEAP32[surf + 8 >> 2] = width; HEAP32[surf + 12 >> 2] = height; HEAP32[surf + 16 >> 2] = width * bpp; HEAP32[surf + 20 >> 2] = buffer2; HEAP32[surf + 36 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[surf + 40 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[surf + 44 >> 2] = Module["canvas"].width; HEAP32[surf + 48 >> 2] = Module["canvas"].height; HEAP32[surf + 56 >> 2] = 1; HEAP32[pixelFormat >> 2] = -2042224636; HEAP32[pixelFormat + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP8[pixelFormat + 8 >> 0] = bpp * 8; HEAP8[pixelFormat + 9 >> 0] = bpp; HEAP32[pixelFormat + 12 >> 2] = rmask || 255; HEAP32[pixelFormat + 16 >> 2] = gmask || 65280; HEAP32[pixelFormat + 20 >> 2] = bmask || 16711680; HEAP32[pixelFormat + 24 >> 2] = amask || 4278190080; SDL.GL = SDL.GL || is_SDL_OPENGL; var canvas; if (!usePageCanvas) { if (SDL.canvasPool.length > 0) { canvas = SDL.canvasPool.pop(); } else { canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; } else { canvas = Module["canvas"]; } var webGLContextAttributes = { antialias: SDL.glAttributes[13] != 0 && SDL.glAttributes[14] > 1, depth: SDL.glAttributes[6] > 0, stencil: SDL.glAttributes[7] > 0, alpha: SDL.glAttributes[3] > 0 }; var ctx = Browser.createContext(canvas, is_SDL_OPENGL, usePageCanvas, webGLContextAttributes); SDL.surfaces[surf] = { width, height, canvas, ctx, surf, buffer: buffer2, pixelFormat, alpha: 255, flags, locked: 0, usePageCanvas, source, isFlagSet: function(flag) { return flags & flag; } }; return surf; }, copyIndexedColorData: function(surfData, rX, rY, rW, rH) { if (!surfData.colors) { return; } var fullWidth = Module["canvas"].width; var fullHeight = Module["canvas"].height; var startX = rX || 0; var startY = rY || 0; var endX = (rW || fullWidth - startX) + startX; var endY = (rH || fullHeight - startY) + startY; var buffer2 = surfData.buffer; if (!surfData.image.data32) { surfData.image.data32 = new Uint32Array(; } var data32 = surfData.image.data32; var colors32 = surfData.colors32; for (var y3 = startY;y3 < endY; ++y3) { var base = y3 * fullWidth; for (var x = startX;x < endX; ++x) { data32[base + x] = colors32[HEAPU8[buffer2 + base + x >> 0]]; } } }, freeSurface: function(surf) { var refcountPointer = surf + 56; var refcount = HEAP32[refcountPointer >> 2]; if (refcount > 1) { HEAP32[refcountPointer >> 2] = refcount - 1; return; } var info = SDL.surfaces[surf]; if (!info.usePageCanvas && info.canvas) SDL.canvasPool.push(info.canvas); if (info.buffer) _free(info.buffer); _free(info.pixelFormat); _free(surf); SDL.surfaces[surf] = null; if (surf === SDL.screen) { SDL.screen = null; } }, blitSurface: function(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect, scale) { var srcData = SDL.surfaces[src]; var dstData = SDL.surfaces[dst]; var sr, dr; if (srcrect) { sr = SDL.loadRect(srcrect); } else { sr = { x: 0, y: 0, w: srcData.width, h: srcData.height }; } if (dstrect) { dr = SDL.loadRect(dstrect); } else { dr = { x: 0, y: 0, w: srcData.width, h: srcData.height }; } if (dstData.clipRect) { var widthScale = !scale || sr.w === 0 ? 1 : sr.w / dr.w; var heightScale = !scale || sr.h === 0 ? 1 : sr.h / dr.h; dr = SDL.intersectionOfRects(dstData.clipRect, dr); sr.w = dr.w * widthScale; sr.h = dr.h * heightScale; if (dstrect) { SDL.updateRect(dstrect, dr); } } var blitw, blith; if (scale) { blitw = dr.w; blith = dr.h; } else { blitw = sr.w; blith = sr.h; } if (sr.w === 0 || sr.h === 0 || blitw === 0 || blith === 0) { return 0; } var oldAlpha = dstData.ctx.globalAlpha; dstData.ctx.globalAlpha = srcData.alpha / 255; dstData.ctx.drawImage(srcData.canvas, sr.x, sr.y, sr.w, sr.h, dr.x, dr.y, blitw, blith); dstData.ctx.globalAlpha = oldAlpha; if (dst != SDL.screen) { warnOnce("WARNING: copying canvas data to memory for compatibility"); _SDL_LockSurface(dst); dstData.locked--; } return 0; }, downFingers: {}, savedKeydown: null, receiveEvent: function(event) { function unpressAllPressedKeys() { for (var code in SDL.keyboardMap) {{ type: "keyup", keyCode: SDL.keyboardMap[code] }); } } switch (event.type) { case "touchstart": case "touchmove": { event.preventDefault(); var touches = []; if (event.type === "touchstart") { for (var i = 0;i < event.touches.length; i++) { var touch = event.touches[i]; if (SDL.downFingers[touch.identifier] != true) { SDL.downFingers[touch.identifier] = true; touches.push(touch); } } } else { touches = event.touches; } var firstTouch = touches[0]; if (firstTouch) { if (event.type == "touchstart") { SDL.DOMButtons[0] = 1; } var mouseEventType; switch (event.type) { case "touchstart": mouseEventType = "mousedown"; break; case "touchmove": mouseEventType = "mousemove"; break; } var mouseEvent = { type: mouseEventType, button: 0, pageX: firstTouch.clientX, pageY: firstTouch.clientY };; } for (var i = 0;i < touches.length; i++) { var touch = touches[i];{ type: event.type, touch }); } break; } case "touchend": { event.preventDefault(); for (var i = 0;i < event.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = event.changedTouches[i]; if (SDL.downFingers[touch.identifier] === true) { delete SDL.downFingers[touch.identifier]; } } var mouseEvent = { type: "mouseup", button: 0, pageX: event.changedTouches[0].clientX, pageY: event.changedTouches[0].clientY }; SDL.DOMButtons[0] = 0;; for (var i = 0;i < event.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = event.changedTouches[i];{ type: "touchend", touch }); } break; } case "DOMMouseScroll": case "mousewheel": case "wheel": var delta = -Browser.getMouseWheelDelta(event); delta = delta == 0 ? 0 : delta > 0 ? Math.max(delta, 1) : Math.min(delta, -1); var button = delta > 0 ? 3 : 4;{ type: "mousedown", button, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY });{ type: "mouseup", button, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY });{ type: "wheel", deltaX: 0, deltaY: delta }); event.preventDefault(); break; case "mousemove": if (SDL.DOMButtons[0] === 1) {{ type: "touchmove", touch: { identifier: 0, deviceID: -1, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY } }); } if (Browser.pointerLock) { if ("mozMovementX" in event) { event["movementX"] = event["mozMovementX"]; event["movementY"] = event["mozMovementY"]; } if (event["movementX"] == 0 && event["movementY"] == 0) { event.preventDefault(); return; } } case "keydown": case "keyup": case "keypress": case "mousedown": case "mouseup": if (event.type !== "keydown" || !SDL.unicode && !SDL.textInput || (event.keyCode === 8 || event.keyCode === 9)) { } if (event.type == "mousedown") { SDL.DOMButtons[event.button] = 1;{ type: "touchstart", touch: { identifier: 0, deviceID: -1, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY } }); } else if (event.type == "mouseup") { if (!SDL.DOMButtons[event.button]) { return; }{ type: "touchend", touch: { identifier: 0, deviceID: -1, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY } }); SDL.DOMButtons[event.button] = 0; } if (event.type === "keydown" || event.type === "mousedown") { SDL.canRequestFullscreen = true; } else if (event.type === "keyup" || event.type === "mouseup") { if (SDL.isRequestingFullscreen) { Module["requestFullscreen"](false, true); SDL.isRequestingFullscreen = false; } SDL.canRequestFullscreen = false; } if (event.type === "keypress" && SDL.savedKeydown) { SDL.savedKeydown.keypressCharCode = event.charCode; SDL.savedKeydown = null; } else if (event.type === "keydown") { SDL.savedKeydown = event; } if (event.type !== "keypress" || SDL.textInput) {; } break; case "mouseout": for (var i = 0;i < 3; i++) { if (SDL.DOMButtons[i]) {{ type: "mouseup", button: i, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY }); SDL.DOMButtons[i] = 0; } } event.preventDefault(); break; case "focus":; event.preventDefault(); break; case "blur":; unpressAllPressedKeys(); event.preventDefault(); break; case "visibilitychange":{ type: "visibilitychange", visible: !document.hidden }); unpressAllPressedKeys(); event.preventDefault(); break; case "unload": if (Browser.mainLoop.runner) {; Browser.mainLoop.runner(); } return; case "resize":; if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } break; } if ( >= 1e4) { err("SDL event queue full, dropping events"); =, 1e4); } SDL.flushEventsToHandler(); return; }, lookupKeyCodeForEvent: function(event) { var code = event.keyCode; if (code >= 65 && code <= 90) { code += 32; } else { code = SDL.keyCodes[event.keyCode] || event.keyCode; if (event.location === KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT && code >= (224 | 1 << 10) && code <= (227 | 1 << 10)) { code += 4; } } return code; }, handleEvent: function(event) { if (event.handled) return; event.handled = true; switch (event.type) { case "touchstart": case "touchend": case "touchmove": { Browser.calculateMouseEvent(event); break; } case "keydown": case "keyup": { var down = event.type === "keydown"; var code = SDL.lookupKeyCodeForEvent(event); HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + code >> 0] = down; SDL.modState = (HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + 1248 >> 0] ? 64 : 0) | (HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + 1249 >> 0] ? 1 : 0) | (HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + 1250 >> 0] ? 256 : 0) | (HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + 1252 >> 0] ? 128 : 0) | (HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + 1253 >> 0] ? 2 : 0) | (HEAP8[SDL.keyboardState + 1254 >> 0] ? 512 : 0); if (down) { SDL.keyboardMap[code] = event.keyCode; } else { delete SDL.keyboardMap[code]; } break; } case "mousedown": case "mouseup": if (event.type == "mousedown") { SDL.buttonState |= 1 << event.button; } else if (event.type == "mouseup") { SDL.buttonState &= ~(1 << event.button); } case "mousemove": { Browser.calculateMouseEvent(event); break; } } }, flushEventsToHandler: function() { if (!SDL.eventHandler) return; while (SDL.pollEvent(SDL.eventHandlerTemp)) { Module["dynCall_iii"](SDL.eventHandler, SDL.eventHandlerContext, SDL.eventHandlerTemp); } }, pollEvent: function(ptr2) { if (SDL.initFlags & 512 && SDL.joystickEventState) { SDL.queryJoysticks(); } if (ptr2) { while ( > 0) { if (SDL.makeCEvent(, ptr2) !== false) return 1; } return 0; } else { return > 0; } }, makeCEvent: function(event, ptr2) { if (typeof event === "number") { _memcpy(ptr2, event, 28); _free(event); return; } SDL.handleEvent(event); switch (event.type) { case "keydown": case "keyup": { var down = event.type === "keydown"; var key2 = SDL.lookupKeyCodeForEvent(event); var scan; if (key2 >= 1024) { scan = key2 - 1024; } else { scan = SDL.scanCodes[key2] || key2; } HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP8[ptr2 + 8 >> 0] = down ? 1 : 0; HEAP8[ptr2 + 9 >> 0] = 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 12 >> 2] = scan; HEAP32[ptr2 + 16 >> 2] = key2; HEAP16[ptr2 + 20 >> 1] = SDL.modState; HEAP32[ptr2 + 24 >> 2] = event.keypressCharCode || key2; break; } case "keypress": { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; var cStr = intArrayFromString(String.fromCharCode(event.charCode)); for (var i = 0;i < cStr.length; ++i) { HEAP8[ptr2 + (8 + i) >> 0] = cStr[i]; } break; } case "mousedown": case "mouseup": case "mousemove": { if (event.type != "mousemove") { var down = event.type === "mousedown"; HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; HEAP8[ptr2 + 16 >> 0] = event.button + 1; HEAP8[ptr2 + 17 >> 0] = down ? 1 : 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 20 >> 2] = Browser.mouseX; HEAP32[ptr2 + 24 >> 2] = Browser.mouseY; } else { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[ptr2 + 16 >> 2] = SDL.buttonState; HEAP32[ptr2 + 20 >> 2] = Browser.mouseX; HEAP32[ptr2 + 24 >> 2] = Browser.mouseY; HEAP32[ptr2 + 28 >> 2] = Browser.mouseMovementX; HEAP32[ptr2 + 32 >> 2] = Browser.mouseMovementY; } break; } case "wheel": { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 16 >> 2] = event.deltaX; HEAP32[ptr2 + 20 >> 2] = event.deltaY; break; } case "touchstart": case "touchend": case "touchmove": { var touch = event.touch; if (!Browser.touches[touch.identifier]) break; var w = Module["canvas"].width; var h2 = Module["canvas"].height; var x = Browser.touches[touch.identifier].x / w; var y3 = Browser.touches[touch.identifier].y / h2; var lx = Browser.lastTouches[touch.identifier].x / w; var ly = Browser.lastTouches[touch.identifier].y / h2; var dx2 = x - lx; var dy3 = y3 - ly; if (touch["deviceID"] === undefined) touch.deviceID = SDL.TOUCH_DEFAULT_ID; if (dx2 === 0 && dy3 === 0 && event.type === "touchmove") return false; HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = _SDL_GetTicks(); tempI64 = [touch.deviceID >>> 0, (tempDouble = touch.deviceID, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[ptr2 + 8 >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[ptr2 + 12 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; tempI64 = [touch.identifier >>> 0, (tempDouble = touch.identifier, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[ptr2 + 16 >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[ptr2 + 20 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; HEAPF32[ptr2 + 24 >> 2] = x; HEAPF32[ptr2 + 28 >> 2] = y3; HEAPF32[ptr2 + 32 >> 2] = dx2; HEAPF32[ptr2 + 36 >> 2] = dy3; if (touch.force !== undefined) { HEAPF32[ptr2 + 40 >> 2] = touch.force; } else { HEAPF32[ptr2 + 40 >> 2] = event.type == "touchend" ? 0 : 1; } break; } case "unload": { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; break; } case "resize": { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = event.w; HEAP32[ptr2 + 8 >> 2] = event.h; break; } case "joystick_button_up": case "joystick_button_down": { var state = event.type === "joystick_button_up" ? 0 : 1; HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP8[ptr2 + 4 >> 0] = event.index; HEAP8[ptr2 + 5 >> 0] = event.button; HEAP8[ptr2 + 6 >> 0] = state; break; } case "joystick_axis_motion": { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP8[ptr2 + 4 >> 0] = event.index; HEAP8[ptr2 + 5 >> 0] = event.axis; HEAP32[ptr2 + 8 >> 2] = SDL.joystickAxisValueConversion(event.value); break; } case "focus": { var SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED = 12; HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP8[ptr2 + 8 >> 0] = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED; break; } case "blur": { var SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST = 13; HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP8[ptr2 + 8 >> 0] = SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST; break; } case "visibilitychange": { var SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN = 1; var SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN = 2; var visibilityEventID = event.visible ? SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN : SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN; HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent[event.type]; HEAP32[ptr2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP8[ptr2 + 8 >> 0] = visibilityEventID; break; } default: throw "Unhandled SDL event: " + event.type; } }, makeFontString: function(height, fontName) { if (fontName.charAt(0) != "'" && fontName.charAt(0) != '"') { fontName = '"' + fontName + '"'; } return height + "px " + fontName + ", serif"; }, estimateTextWidth: function(fontData, text) { var h2 = fontData.size; var fontString = SDL.makeFontString(h2,; var tempCtx = SDL.ttfContext;; tempCtx.font = fontString; var ret = tempCtx.measureText(text).width | 0; tempCtx.restore(); return ret; }, allocateChannels: function(num) { if (SDL.numChannels && SDL.numChannels >= num && num != 0) return; SDL.numChannels = num; SDL.channels = []; for (var i = 0;i < num; i++) { SDL.channels[i] = { audio: null, volume: 1 }; } }, setGetVolume: function(info, volume) { if (!info) return 0; var ret = info.volume * 128; if (volume != -1) { info.volume = Math.min(Math.max(volume, 0), 128) / 128; if ( { try { = info.volume; if (["gain"]["value"] = info.volume; } catch (e) { err("setGetVolume failed to set audio volume: " + e); } } } return ret; }, setPannerPosition: function(info, x, y3, z2) { if (!info) return; if ( { if ( {["setPosition"](x, y3, z2); } } }, playWebAudio: function(audio) { if (!audio) return; if (audio.webAudioNode) return; if (!SDL.webAudioAvailable()) return; try { var webAudio = audio.resource.webAudio; audio.paused = false; if (!webAudio.decodedBuffer) { if (webAudio.onDecodeComplete === undefined) abort("Cannot play back audio object that was not loaded"); webAudio.onDecodeComplete.push(function() { if (!audio.paused) SDL.playWebAudio(audio); }); return; } audio.webAudioNode = SDL.audioContext["createBufferSource"](); audio.webAudioNode["buffer"] = webAudio.decodedBuffer; audio.webAudioNode["loop"] = audio.loop; audio.webAudioNode["onended"] = function() { audio["onended"](); }; audio.webAudioPannerNode = SDL.audioContext["createPanner"](); audio.webAudioPannerNode["setPosition"](0, 0, -0.5); audio.webAudioPannerNode["panningModel"] = "equalpower"; audio.webAudioGainNode = SDL.audioContext["createGain"](); audio.webAudioGainNode["gain"]["value"] = audio.volume; audio.webAudioNode["connect"](audio.webAudioPannerNode); audio.webAudioPannerNode["connect"](audio.webAudioGainNode); audio.webAudioGainNode["connect"](SDL.audioContext["destination"]); audio.webAudioNode["start"](0, audio.currentPosition); audio.startTime = SDL.audioContext["currentTime"] - audio.currentPosition; } catch (e) { err("playWebAudio failed: " + e); } }, pauseWebAudio: function(audio) { if (!audio) return; if (audio.webAudioNode) { try { audio.currentPosition = (SDL.audioContext["currentTime"] - audio.startTime) % audio.resource.webAudio.decodedBuffer.duration; audio.webAudioNode["onended"] = undefined; audio.webAudioNode.stop(0); audio.webAudioNode = undefined; } catch (e) { err("pauseWebAudio failed: " + e); } } audio.paused = true; }, openAudioContext: function() { if (!SDL.audioContext) { if (typeof AudioContext !== "undefined") SDL.audioContext = new AudioContext; else if (typeof webkitAudioContext !== "undefined") SDL.audioContext = new webkitAudioContext; } }, webAudioAvailable: function() { return !!SDL.audioContext; }, fillWebAudioBufferFromHeap: function(heapPtr, sizeSamplesPerChannel, dstAudioBuffer) { var numChannels =; for (var c = 0;c < numChannels; ++c) { var channelData = dstAudioBuffer["getChannelData"](c); if (channelData.length != sizeSamplesPerChannel) { throw "Web Audio output buffer length mismatch! Destination size: " + channelData.length + " samples vs expected " + sizeSamplesPerChannel + " samples!"; } if ( == 32784) { for (var j = 0;j < sizeSamplesPerChannel; ++j) { channelData[j] = HEAP16[heapPtr + (j * numChannels + c) * 2 >> 1] / 32768; } } else if ( == 8) { for (var j = 0;j < sizeSamplesPerChannel; ++j) { var v = HEAP8[heapPtr + (j * numChannels + c) >> 0]; channelData[j] = (v >= 0 ? v - 128 : v + 128) / 128; } } else if ( == 33056) { for (var j = 0;j < sizeSamplesPerChannel; ++j) { channelData[j] = HEAPF32[heapPtr + (j * numChannels + c) * 4 >> 2]; } } else { throw "Invalid SDL audio format " + + "!"; } } }, debugSurface: function(surfData) { console.log("dumping surface " + [, surfData.source, surfData.width, surfData.height]); var image = surfData.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, surfData.width, surfData.height); var data2 =; var num = Math.min(surfData.width, surfData.height); for (var i = 0;i < num; i++) { console.log(" diagonal " + i + ":" + [data2[i * surfData.width * 4 + i * 4 + 0], data2[i * surfData.width * 4 + i * 4 + 1], data2[i * surfData.width * 4 + i * 4 + 2], data2[i * surfData.width * 4 + i * 4 + 3]]); } }, joystickEventState: 1, lastJoystickState: {}, joystickNamePool: {}, recordJoystickState: function(joystick, state) { var buttons = new Array(state.buttons.length); for (var i = 0;i < state.buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i] = SDL.getJoystickButtonState(state.buttons[i]); } SDL.lastJoystickState[joystick] = { buttons, axes: state.axes.slice(0), timestamp: state.timestamp, index: state.index, id: }; }, getJoystickButtonState: function(button) { if (typeof button === "object") { return button["pressed"]; } else { return button > 0; } }, queryJoysticks: function() { for (var joystick in SDL.lastJoystickState) { var state = SDL.getGamepad(joystick - 1); var prevState = SDL.lastJoystickState[joystick]; if (typeof state === "undefined") return; if (state === null) return; if (typeof state.timestamp !== "number" || state.timestamp !== prevState.timestamp || !state.timestamp) { var i; for (i = 0;i < state.buttons.length; i++) { var buttonState = SDL.getJoystickButtonState(state.buttons[i]); if (buttonState !== prevState.buttons[i]) {{ type: buttonState ? "joystick_button_down" : "joystick_button_up", joystick, index: joystick - 1, button: i }); } } for (i = 0;i < state.axes.length; i++) { if (state.axes[i] !== prevState.axes[i]) {{ type: "joystick_axis_motion", joystick, index: joystick - 1, axis: i, value: state.axes[i] }); } } SDL.recordJoystickState(joystick, state); } } }, joystickAxisValueConversion: function(value) { value = Math.min(1, Math.max(value, -1)); return Math.ceil((value + 1) * 32767.5 - 32768); }, getGamepads: function() { var fcn = navigator.getGamepads || navigator.webkitGamepads || navigator.mozGamepads || navigator.gamepads || navigator.webkitGetGamepads; if (fcn !== undefined) { return fcn.apply(navigator); } else { return []; } }, getGamepad: function(deviceIndex) { var gamepads = SDL.getGamepads(); if (gamepads.length > deviceIndex && deviceIndex >= 0) { return gamepads[deviceIndex]; } return null; } }; function _SDL_ClearError() { } function _SDL_GetError() { if (!SDL.errorMessage) { SDL.errorMessage = allocate(intArrayFromString("unknown SDL-emscripten error"), "i8", ALLOC_NORMAL); } return SDL.errorMessage; } function _SDL_GetModState() { return SDL.modState; } function _SDL_GetMouseState(x, y3) { if (x) HEAP32[x >> 2] = Browser.mouseX; if (y3) HEAP32[y3 >> 2] = Browser.mouseY; return SDL.buttonState; } function _SDL_GetWindowSize(window2, width, height) { var w = Module["canvas"].width; var h2 = Module["canvas"].height; if (width) HEAP32[width >> 2] = w; if (height) HEAP32[height >> 2] = h2; } function _SDL_Init(initFlags) { SDL.startTime =; SDL.initFlags = initFlags; if (!Module["doNotCaptureKeyboard"]) { var keyboardListeningElement = Module["keyboardListeningElement"] || document; keyboardListeningElement.addEventListener("keydown", SDL.receiveEvent); keyboardListeningElement.addEventListener("keyup", SDL.receiveEvent); keyboardListeningElement.addEventListener("keypress", SDL.receiveEvent); window.addEventListener("focus", SDL.receiveEvent); window.addEventListener("blur", SDL.receiveEvent); document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", SDL.receiveEvent); } window.addEventListener("unload", SDL.receiveEvent); SDL.keyboardState = _malloc(65536); _memset(SDL.keyboardState, 0, 65536); SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["keydown"] = 768; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["keyup"] = 769; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["keypress"] = 771; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["mousedown"] = 1025; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["mouseup"] = 1026; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["mousemove"] = 1024; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["wheel"] = 1027; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["touchstart"] = 1792; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["touchend"] = 1793; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["touchmove"] = 1794; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["unload"] = 256; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["resize"] = 28673; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["visibilitychange"] = 512; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["focus"] = 512; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["blur"] = 512; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["joystick_axis_motion"] = 1536; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["joystick_button_down"] = 1539; SDL.DOMEventToSDLEvent["joystick_button_up"] = 1540; return 0; } function _SDL_LockAudio() { } function _SDL_PollEvent(ptr2) { return SDL.pollEvent(ptr2); } var GL = { counter: 1, lastError: 0, buffers: [], mappedBuffers: {}, programs: [], framebuffers: [], renderbuffers: [], textures: [], uniforms: [], shaders: [], vaos: [], contexts: {}, currentContext: null, offscreenCanvases: {}, timerQueriesEXT: [], programInfos: {}, stringCache: {}, unpackAlignment: 4, init: function() { GL.miniTempBuffer = new Float32Array(GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE); for (var i = 0;i < GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { GL.miniTempBufferViews[i] = GL.miniTempBuffer.subarray(0, i + 1); } }, recordError: function recordError(errorCode) { if (!GL.lastError) { GL.lastError = errorCode; } }, getNewId: function(table) { var ret = GL.counter++; for (var i = table.length;i < ret; i++) { table[i] = null; } return ret; }, MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE: 256, miniTempBuffer: null, miniTempBufferViews: [0], getSource: function(shader, count, string, length) { var source = ""; for (var i = 0;i < count; ++i) { var len = length ? HEAP32[length + i * 4 >> 2] : -1; source += UTF8ToString(HEAP32[string + i * 4 >> 2], len < 0 ? undefined : len); } return source; }, createContext: function(canvas, webGLContextAttributes) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("webgl", webGLContextAttributes) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", webGLContextAttributes); return ctx && GL.registerContext(ctx, webGLContextAttributes); }, registerContext: function(ctx, webGLContextAttributes) { var handle = _malloc(8); var context = { handle, attributes: webGLContextAttributes, version: webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion, GLctx: ctx }; if (ctx.canvas) ctx.canvas.GLctxObject = context; GL.contexts[handle] = context; if (typeof webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault === "undefined" || webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault) { GL.initExtensions(context); } return handle; }, makeContextCurrent: function(contextHandle) { GL.currentContext = GL.contexts[contextHandle]; Module.ctx = GLctx = GL.currentContext && GL.currentContext.GLctx; return !(contextHandle && !GLctx); }, getContext: function(contextHandle) { return GL.contexts[contextHandle]; }, deleteContext: function(contextHandle) { if (GL.currentContext === GL.contexts[contextHandle]) GL.currentContext = null; if (typeof JSEvents === "object") JSEvents.removeAllHandlersOnTarget(GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas); if (GL.contexts[contextHandle] && GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas) GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas.GLctxObject = undefined; _free(GL.contexts[contextHandle]); GL.contexts[contextHandle] = null; }, initExtensions: function(context) { if (!context) context = GL.currentContext; if (context.initExtensionsDone) return; context.initExtensionsDone = true; var GLctx2 = context.GLctx; if (context.version < 2) { var instancedArraysExt = GLctx2.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"); if (instancedArraysExt) { GLctx2["vertexAttribDivisor"] = function(index, divisor) { instancedArraysExt["vertexAttribDivisorANGLE"](index, divisor); }; GLctx2["drawArraysInstanced"] = function(mode, first, count, primcount) { instancedArraysExt["drawArraysInstancedANGLE"](mode, first, count, primcount); }; GLctx2["drawElementsInstanced"] = function(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) { instancedArraysExt["drawElementsInstancedANGLE"](mode, count, type, indices, primcount); }; } var vaoExt = GLctx2.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object"); if (vaoExt) { GLctx2["createVertexArray"] = function() { return vaoExt["createVertexArrayOES"](); }; GLctx2["deleteVertexArray"] = function(vao) { vaoExt["deleteVertexArrayOES"](vao); }; GLctx2["bindVertexArray"] = function(vao) { vaoExt["bindVertexArrayOES"](vao); }; GLctx2["isVertexArray"] = function(vao) { return vaoExt["isVertexArrayOES"](vao); }; } var drawBuffersExt = GLctx2.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers"); if (drawBuffersExt) { GLctx2["drawBuffers"] = function(n, bufs) { drawBuffersExt["drawBuffersWEBGL"](n, bufs); }; } } GLctx2.disjointTimerQueryExt = GLctx2.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query"); var automaticallyEnabledExtensions = ["OES_texture_float", "OES_texture_half_float", "OES_standard_derivatives", "OES_vertex_array_object", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc", "WEBGL_depth_texture", "OES_element_index_uint", "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic", "EXT_frag_depth", "WEBGL_draw_buffers", "ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "OES_texture_float_linear", "OES_texture_half_float_linear", "EXT_blend_minmax", "EXT_shader_texture_lod", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc", "EXT_color_buffer_half_float", "WEBGL_color_buffer_float", "EXT_sRGB", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc", "EXT_color_buffer_float", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2"]; var exts = GLctx2.getSupportedExtensions(); if (exts && exts.length > 0) { GLctx2.getSupportedExtensions().forEach(function(ext) { if (automaticallyEnabledExtensions.indexOf(ext) != -1) { GLctx2.getExtension(ext); } }); } }, populateUniformTable: function(program) { var p = GL.programs[program]; var ptable = GL.programInfos[program] = { uniforms: {}, maxUniformLength: 0, maxAttributeLength: -1, maxUniformBlockNameLength: -1 }; var utable = ptable.uniforms; var numUniforms = GLctx.getProgramParameter(p, 35718); for (var i = 0;i < numUniforms; ++i) { var u = GLctx.getActiveUniform(p, i); var name =; ptable.maxUniformLength = Math.max(ptable.maxUniformLength, name.length + 1); if (name.slice(-1) == "]") { name = name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")); } var loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, name); if (loc) { var id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms); utable[name] = [u.size, id]; GL.uniforms[id] = loc; for (var j = 1;j < u.size; ++j) { var n = name + "[" + j + "]"; loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, n); id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms); GL.uniforms[id] = loc; } } } } }; function _SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, depth, flags) { ["touchstart", "touchend", "touchmove", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "DOMMouseScroll", "mousewheel", "wheel", "mouseout"].forEach(function(event) { Module["canvas"].addEventListener(event, SDL.receiveEvent, true); }); var canvas = Module["canvas"]; if (width == 0 && height == 0) { width = canvas.width; height = canvas.height; } if (!SDL.addedResizeListener) { SDL.addedResizeListener = true; Browser.resizeListeners.push(function(w, h2) { if (!SDL.settingVideoMode) { SDL.receiveEvent({ type: "resize", w, h: h2 }); } }); } SDL.settingVideoMode = true; Browser.setCanvasSize(width, height); SDL.settingVideoMode = false; if (SDL.screen) { SDL.freeSurface(SDL.screen); assert(!SDL.screen); } if (SDL.GL) flags = flags | 67108864; SDL.screen = SDL.makeSurface(width, height, flags, true, "screen"); return SDL.screen; } function _SDL_UnlockAudio() { } function _SDL_UnlockSurface(surf) { assert(!SDL.GL); var surfData = SDL.surfaces[surf]; if (!surfData.locked || --surfData.locked > 0) { return; } if (surfData.isFlagSet(2097152)) { SDL.copyIndexedColorData(surfData); } else if (!surfData.colors) { var data2 =; var buffer2 = surfData.buffer; assert(buffer2 % 4 == 0, "Invalid buffer offset: " + buffer2); var src = buffer2 >> 2; var dst = 0; var isScreen = surf == SDL.screen; var num; if (typeof CanvasPixelArray !== "undefined" && data2 instanceof CanvasPixelArray) { num = data2.length; while (dst < num) { var val = HEAP32[src]; data2[dst] = val & 255; data2[dst + 1] = val >> 8 & 255; data2[dst + 2] = val >> 16 & 255; data2[dst + 3] = isScreen ? 255 : val >> 24 & 255; src++; dst += 4; } } else { var data32 = new Uint32Array(data2.buffer); if (isScreen && SDL.defaults.opaqueFrontBuffer) { num = data32.length; data32.set(HEAP32.subarray(src, src + num)); var data8 = new Uint8Array(data2.buffer); var i = 3; var j = i + 4 * num; if (num % 8 == 0) { while (i < j) { data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; } } else { while (i < j) { data8[i] = 255; i = i + 4 | 0; } } } else { data32.set(HEAP32.subarray(src, src + data32.length)); } } } else { var width = Module["canvas"].width; var height = Module["canvas"].height; var s = surfData.buffer; var data2 =; var colors = surfData.colors; for (var y3 = 0;y3 < height; y3++) { var base = y3 * width * 4; for (var x = 0;x < width; x++) { var val = HEAPU8[s++ >> 0] * 4; var start = base + x * 4; data2[start] = colors[val]; data2[start + 1] = colors[val + 1]; data2[start + 2] = colors[val + 2]; } s += width * 3; } } surfData.ctx.putImageData(surfData.image, 0, 0); } var ENV = {}; function ___buildEnvironment(environ) { var MAX_ENV_VALUES = 64; var TOTAL_ENV_SIZE = 1024; var poolPtr; var envPtr; if (!___buildEnvironment.called) { ___buildEnvironment.called = true; ENV["USER"] = ENV["LOGNAME"] = "web_user"; ENV["PATH"] = "/"; ENV["PWD"] = "/"; ENV["HOME"] = "/home/web_user"; ENV["LANG"] = "C.UTF-8"; ENV["_"] = Module["thisProgram"]; poolPtr = getMemory(TOTAL_ENV_SIZE); envPtr = getMemory(MAX_ENV_VALUES * 4); HEAP32[envPtr >> 2] = poolPtr; HEAP32[environ >> 2] = envPtr; } else { envPtr = HEAP32[environ >> 2]; poolPtr = HEAP32[envPtr >> 2]; } var strings = []; var totalSize = 0; for (var key2 in ENV) { if (typeof ENV[key2] === "string") { var line = key2 + "=" + ENV[key2]; strings.push(line); totalSize += line.length; } } if (totalSize > TOTAL_ENV_SIZE) { throw new Error("Environment size exceeded TOTAL_ENV_SIZE!"); } var ptrSize = 4; for (var i = 0;i < strings.length; i++) { var line = strings[i]; writeAsciiToMemory(line, poolPtr); HEAP32[envPtr + i * ptrSize >> 2] = poolPtr; poolPtr += line.length + 1; } HEAP32[envPtr + strings.length * ptrSize >> 2] = 0; } function ___lock() { } var SYSCALLS = { DEFAULT_POLLMASK: 5, mappings: {}, umask: 511, calculateAt: function(dirfd, path) { if (path[0] !== "/") { var dir; if (dirfd === -100) { dir = FS.cwd(); } else { var dirstream = FS.getStream(dirfd); if (!dirstream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); dir = dirstream.path; } path = PATH.join2(dir, path); } return path; }, doStat: function(func, path, buf) { try { var stat2 = func(path); } catch (e) { if (e && e.node && PATH.normalize(path) !== PATH.normalize(FS.getPath(e.node))) { return -20; } throw e; } HEAP32[buf >> 2] =; HEAP32[buf + 4 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[buf + 8 >> 2] = stat2.ino; HEAP32[buf + 12 >> 2] = stat2.mode; HEAP32[buf + 16 >> 2] = stat2.nlink; HEAP32[buf + 20 >> 2] = stat2.uid; HEAP32[buf + 24 >> 2] = stat2.gid; HEAP32[buf + 28 >> 2] = stat2.rdev; HEAP32[buf + 32 >> 2] = 0; tempI64 = [stat2.size >>> 0, (tempDouble = stat2.size, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[buf + 40 >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[buf + 44 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; HEAP32[buf + 48 >> 2] = 4096; HEAP32[buf + 52 >> 2] = stat2.blocks; HEAP32[buf + 56 >> 2] = stat2.atime.getTime() / 1000 | 0; HEAP32[buf + 60 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[buf + 64 >> 2] = stat2.mtime.getTime() / 1000 | 0; HEAP32[buf + 68 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[buf + 72 >> 2] = stat2.ctime.getTime() / 1000 | 0; HEAP32[buf + 76 >> 2] = 0; tempI64 = [stat2.ino >>> 0, (tempDouble = stat2.ino, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[buf + 80 >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[buf + 84 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; return 0; }, doMsync: function(addr, stream, len, flags) { var buffer2 = new Uint8Array(HEAPU8.subarray(addr, addr + len)); FS.msync(stream, buffer2, 0, len, flags); }, doMkdir: function(path, mode) { path = PATH.normalize(path); if (path[path.length - 1] === "/") path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); FS.mkdir(path, mode, 0); return 0; }, doMknod: function(path, mode, dev) { switch (mode & 61440) { case 32768: case 8192: case 24576: case 4096: case 49152: break; default: return -22; } FS.mknod(path, mode, dev); return 0; }, doReadlink: function(path, buf, bufsize) { if (bufsize <= 0) return -22; var ret = FS.readlink(path); var len = Math.min(bufsize, lengthBytesUTF8(ret)); var endChar = HEAP8[buf + len]; stringToUTF8(ret, buf, bufsize + 1); HEAP8[buf + len] = endChar; return len; }, doAccess: function(path, amode) { if (amode & ~7) { return -22; } var node2; var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); node2 = lookup.node; var perms = ""; if (amode & 4) perms += "r"; if (amode & 2) perms += "w"; if (amode & 1) perms += "x"; if (perms && FS.nodePermissions(node2, perms)) { return -13; } return 0; }, doDup: function(path, flags, suggestFD) { var suggest = FS.getStream(suggestFD); if (suggest) FS.close(suggest); return, flags, 0, suggestFD, suggestFD).fd; }, doReadv: function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) { var ret = 0; for (var i = 0;i < iovcnt; i++) { var ptr2 = HEAP32[iov + i * 8 >> 2]; var len = HEAP32[iov + (i * 8 + 4) >> 2]; var curr =, HEAP8, ptr2, len, offset); if (curr < 0) return -1; ret += curr; if (curr < len) break; } return ret; }, doWritev: function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) { var ret = 0; for (var i = 0;i < iovcnt; i++) { var ptr2 = HEAP32[iov + i * 8 >> 2]; var len = HEAP32[iov + (i * 8 + 4) >> 2]; var curr = FS.write(stream, HEAP8, ptr2, len, offset); if (curr < 0) return -1; ret += curr; } return ret; }, varargs: 0, get: function(varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs += 4; var ret = HEAP32[SYSCALLS.varargs - 4 >> 2]; return ret; }, getStr: function() { var ret = UTF8ToString(SYSCALLS.get()); return ret; }, getStreamFromFD: function() { var stream = FS.getStream(SYSCALLS.get()); if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(9); return stream; }, get64: function() { var low = SYSCALLS.get(), high = SYSCALLS.get(); return low; }, getZero: function() { SYSCALLS.get(); } }; function ___syscall140(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), offset_high = SYSCALLS.get(), offset_low = SYSCALLS.get(), result = SYSCALLS.get(), whence = SYSCALLS.get(); if (!(offset_high == -1 && offset_low < 0) && !(offset_high == 0 && offset_low >= 0)) { return -75; } var offset = offset_low; FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence); tempI64 = [stream.position >>> 0, (tempDouble = stream.position, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[result >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[result + 4 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0) stream.getdents = null; return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall145(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), iov = SYSCALLS.get(), iovcnt = SYSCALLS.get(); return SYSCALLS.doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall146(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), iov = SYSCALLS.get(), iovcnt = SYSCALLS.get(); return SYSCALLS.doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall195(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(); return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, path, buf); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall220(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), dirp = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get(); if (!stream.getdents) { stream.getdents = FS.readdir(stream.path); } var struct_size = 280; var pos = 0; var off = FS.llseek(stream, 0, 1); var idx = Math.floor(off / struct_size); while (idx < stream.getdents.length && pos + struct_size <= count) { var id; var type; var name = stream.getdents[idx]; if (name[0] === ".") { id = 1; type = 4; } else { var child = FS.lookupNode(stream.node, name); id =; type = FS.isChrdev(child.mode) ? 2 : FS.isDir(child.mode) ? 4 : FS.isLink(child.mode) ? 10 : 8; } tempI64 = [id >>> 0, (tempDouble = id, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[dirp + pos >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[dirp + pos + 4 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; tempI64 = [(idx + 1) * struct_size >>> 0, (tempDouble = (idx + 1) * struct_size, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[dirp + pos + 8 >> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[dirp + pos + 12 >> 2] = tempI64[1]; HEAP16[dirp + pos + 16 >> 1] = 280; HEAP8[dirp + pos + 18 >> 0] = type; stringToUTF8(name, dirp + pos + 19, 256); pos += struct_size; idx += 1; } FS.llseek(stream, idx * struct_size, 0); return pos; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall221(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), cmd = SYSCALLS.get(); switch (cmd) { case 0: { var arg = SYSCALLS.get(); if (arg < 0) { return -22; } var newStream; newStream =, stream.flags, 0, arg); return newStream.fd; } case 1: case 2: return 0; case 3: return stream.flags; case 4: { var arg = SYSCALLS.get(); stream.flags |= arg; return 0; } case 12: { var arg = SYSCALLS.get(); var offset = 0; HEAP16[arg + offset >> 1] = 2; return 0; } case 13: case 14: return 0; case 16: case 8: return -22; case 9: ___setErrNo(22); return -1; default: { return -22; } } } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall5(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var pathname = SYSCALLS.getStr(), flags = SYSCALLS.get(), mode = SYSCALLS.get(); var stream =, flags, mode); return stream.fd; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall54(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), op = SYSCALLS.get(); switch (op) { case 21509: case 21505: { if (!stream.tty) return -25; return 0; } case 21510: case 21511: case 21512: case 21506: case 21507: case 21508: { if (!stream.tty) return -25; return 0; } case 21519: { if (!stream.tty) return -25; var argp = SYSCALLS.get(); HEAP32[argp >> 2] = 0; return 0; } case 21520: { if (!stream.tty) return -25; return -22; } case 21531: { var argp = SYSCALLS.get(); return FS.ioctl(stream, op, argp); } case 21523: { if (!stream.tty) return -25; return 0; } case 21524: { if (!stream.tty) return -25; return 0; } default: abort("bad ioctl syscall " + op); } } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall6(which, varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(); FS.close(stream); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___unlock() { } function _abort() { Module["abort"](); } function _emscripten_async_wget_data(url, arg, onload, onerror) { Browser.asyncLoad(UTF8ToString(url), function(byteArray) { var buffer2 = _malloc(byteArray.length); HEAPU8.set(byteArray, buffer2); dynCall_viii(onload, arg, buffer2, byteArray.length); _free(buffer2); }, function() { if (onerror) dynCall_vi(onerror, arg); }, true); } function _emscripten_get_heap_size() { return HEAP8.length; } function _emscripten_run_script(ptr) { eval(UTF8ToString(ptr)); } function _exit(status) { exit(status); } var ___tm_current = 3144960; var ___tm_timezone = (stringToUTF8("GMT", 3145008, 4), 3145008); function _gmtime_r(time, tmPtr) { var date = new Date(HEAP32[time >> 2] * 1000); HEAP32[tmPtr >> 2] = date.getUTCSeconds(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 4 >> 2] = date.getUTCMinutes(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 8 >> 2] = date.getUTCHours(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 12 >> 2] = date.getUTCDate(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 16 >> 2] = date.getUTCMonth(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 20 >> 2] = date.getUTCFullYear() - 1900; HEAP32[tmPtr + 24 >> 2] = date.getUTCDay(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 36 >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[tmPtr + 32 >> 2] = 0; var start = Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); var yday = (date.getTime() - start) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) | 0; HEAP32[tmPtr + 28 >> 2] = yday; HEAP32[tmPtr + 40 >> 2] = ___tm_timezone; return tmPtr; } function _gmtime(time) { return _gmtime_r(time, ___tm_current); } function _tzset() { if (_tzset.called) return; _tzset.called = true; HEAP32[__get_timezone() >> 2] = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60; var winter = new Date(2000, 0, 1); var summer = new Date(2000, 6, 1); HEAP32[__get_daylight() >> 2] = Number(winter.getTimezoneOffset() != summer.getTimezoneOffset()); function extractZone(date) { var match = date.toTimeString().match(/\(([A-Za-z ]+)\)$/); return match ? match[1] : "GMT"; } var winterName = extractZone(winter); var summerName = extractZone(summer); var winterNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(winterName), "i8", ALLOC_NORMAL); var summerNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(summerName), "i8", ALLOC_NORMAL); if (summer.getTimezoneOffset() < winter.getTimezoneOffset()) { HEAP32[__get_tzname() >> 2] = winterNamePtr; HEAP32[__get_tzname() + 4 >> 2] = summerNamePtr; } else { HEAP32[__get_tzname() >> 2] = summerNamePtr; HEAP32[__get_tzname() + 4 >> 2] = winterNamePtr; } } function _localtime_r(time, tmPtr) { _tzset(); var date = new Date(HEAP32[time >> 2] * 1000); HEAP32[tmPtr >> 2] = date.getSeconds(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 4 >> 2] = date.getMinutes(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 8 >> 2] = date.getHours(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 12 >> 2] = date.getDate(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 16 >> 2] = date.getMonth(); HEAP32[tmPtr + 20 >> 2] = date.getFullYear() - 1900; HEAP32[tmPtr + 24 >> 2] = date.getDay(); var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var yday = (date.getTime() - start.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) | 0; HEAP32[tmPtr + 28 >> 2] = yday; HEAP32[tmPtr + 36 >> 2] = -(date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60); var summerOffset = new Date(2000, 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset(); var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset(); var dst = (summerOffset != winterOffset && date.getTimezoneOffset() == Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset)) | 0; HEAP32[tmPtr + 32 >> 2] = dst; var zonePtr = HEAP32[__get_tzname() + (dst ? 4 : 0) >> 2]; HEAP32[tmPtr + 40 >> 2] = zonePtr; return tmPtr; } function _localtime(time) { return _localtime_r(time, ___tm_current); } function _longjmp(env, value) { _setThrew(env, value || 1); throw "longjmp"; } function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) { HEAPU8.set(HEAPU8.subarray(src, src + num), dest); } function abortOnCannotGrowMemory(requestedSize) { abort("OOM"); } function _emscripten_resize_heap(requestedSize) { abortOnCannotGrowMemory(requestedSize); } function __isLeapYear(year) { return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0); } function __arraySum(array, index) { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0;i <= index; sum += array[i++]) ; return sum; } var __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; var __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; function __addDays(date, days) { var newDate = new Date(date.getTime()); while (days > 0) { var leap = __isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear()); var currentMonth = newDate.getMonth(); var daysInCurrentMonth = (leap ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth]; if (days > daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate()) { days -= daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate() + 1; newDate.setDate(1); if (currentMonth < 11) { newDate.setMonth(currentMonth + 1); } else { newDate.setMonth(0); newDate.setFullYear(newDate.getFullYear() + 1); } } else { newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + days); return newDate; } } return newDate; } function _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm) { var tm_zone = HEAP32[tm + 40 >> 2]; var date = { tm_sec: HEAP32[tm >> 2], tm_min: HEAP32[tm + 4 >> 2], tm_hour: HEAP32[tm + 8 >> 2], tm_mday: HEAP32[tm + 12 >> 2], tm_mon: HEAP32[tm + 16 >> 2], tm_year: HEAP32[tm + 20 >> 2], tm_wday: HEAP32[tm + 24 >> 2], tm_yday: HEAP32[tm + 28 >> 2], tm_isdst: HEAP32[tm + 32 >> 2], tm_gmtoff: HEAP32[tm + 36 >> 2], tm_zone: tm_zone ? UTF8ToString(tm_zone) : "" }; var pattern = UTF8ToString(format); var EXPANSION_RULES_1 = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S" }; for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1) { pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule]); } var WEEKDAYS = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; var MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; function leadingSomething(value, digits, character) { var str = typeof value === "number" ? value.toString() : value || ""; while (str.length < digits) { str = character[0] + str; } return str; } function leadingNulls(value, digits) { return leadingSomething(value, digits, "0"); } function compareByDay(date1, date2) { function sgn(value) { return value < 0 ? -1 : value > 0 ? 1 : 0; } var compare; if ((compare = sgn(date1.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear())) === 0) { if ((compare = sgn(date1.getMonth() - date2.getMonth())) === 0) { compare = sgn(date1.getDate() - date2.getDate()); } } return compare; } function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth) { switch (janFourth.getDay()) { case 0: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29); case 1: return janFourth; case 2: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 3); case 3: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 2); case 4: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 1); case 5: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31); case 6: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30); } } function getWeekBasedYear(date2) { var thisDate = __addDays(new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date2.tm_yday); var janFourthThisYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), 0, 4); var janFourthNextYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4); var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear); var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear); if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear, thisDate) <= 0) { if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, thisDate) <= 0) { return thisDate.getFullYear() + 1; } else { return thisDate.getFullYear(); } } else { return thisDate.getFullYear() - 1; } } var EXPANSION_RULES_2 = { "%a": function(date2) { return WEEKDAYS[date2.tm_wday].substring(0, 3); }, "%A": function(date2) { return WEEKDAYS[date2.tm_wday]; }, "%b": function(date2) { return MONTHS[date2.tm_mon].substring(0, 3); }, "%B": function(date2) { return MONTHS[date2.tm_mon]; }, "%C": function(date2) { var year = date2.tm_year + 1900; return leadingNulls(year / 100 | 0, 2); }, "%d": function(date2) { return leadingNulls(date2.tm_mday, 2); }, "%e": function(date2) { return leadingSomething(date2.tm_mday, 2, " "); }, "%g": function(date2) { return getWeekBasedYear(date2).toString().substring(2); }, "%G": function(date2) { return getWeekBasedYear(date2); }, "%H": function(date2) { return leadingNulls(date2.tm_hour, 2); }, "%I": function(date2) { var twelveHour = date2.tm_hour; if (twelveHour == 0) twelveHour = 12; else if (twelveHour > 12) twelveHour -= 12; return leadingNulls(twelveHour, 2); }, "%j": function(date2) { return leadingNulls(date2.tm_mday + __arraySum(__isLeapYear(date2.tm_year + 1900) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, date2.tm_mon - 1), 3); }, "%m": function(date2) { return leadingNulls(date2.tm_mon + 1, 2); }, "%M": function(date2) { return leadingNulls(date2.tm_min, 2); }, "%n": function() { return "\n"; }, "%p": function(date2) { if (date2.tm_hour >= 0 && date2.tm_hour < 12) { return "AM"; } else { return "PM"; } }, "%S": function(date2) { return leadingNulls(date2.tm_sec, 2); }, "%t": function() { return "\t"; }, "%u": function(date2) { var day = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, date2.tm_mon + 1, date2.tm_mday, 0, 0, 0, 0); return day.getDay() || 7; }, "%U": function(date2) { var janFirst = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1); var firstSunday = janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, 7 - janFirst.getDay()); var endDate = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, date2.tm_mon, date2.tm_mday); if (compareByDay(firstSunday, endDate) < 0) { var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth() - 1) - 31; var firstSundayUntilEndJanuary = 31 - firstSunday.getDate(); var days = firstSundayUntilEndJanuary + februaryFirstUntilEndMonth + endDate.getDate(); return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days / 7), 2); } return compareByDay(firstSunday, janFirst) === 0 ? "01" : "00"; }, "%V": function(date2) { var janFourthThisYear = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 4); var janFourthNextYear = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1901, 0, 4); var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear); var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear); var endDate = __addDays(new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date2.tm_yday); if (compareByDay(endDate, firstWeekStartThisYear) < 0) { return "53"; } if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, endDate) <= 0) { return "01"; } var daysDifference; if (firstWeekStartThisYear.getFullYear() < date2.tm_year + 1900) { daysDifference = date2.tm_yday + 32 - firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate(); } else { daysDifference = date2.tm_yday + 1 - firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate(); } return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(daysDifference / 7), 2); }, "%w": function(date2) { var day = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, date2.tm_mon + 1, date2.tm_mday, 0, 0, 0, 0); return day.getDay(); }, "%W": function(date2) { var janFirst = new Date(date2.tm_year, 0, 1); var firstMonday = janFirst.getDay() === 1 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? 1 : 7 - janFirst.getDay() + 1); var endDate = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, date2.tm_mon, date2.tm_mday); if (compareByDay(firstMonday, endDate) < 0) { var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth() - 1) - 31; var firstMondayUntilEndJanuary = 31 - firstMonday.getDate(); var days = firstMondayUntilEndJanuary + februaryFirstUntilEndMonth + endDate.getDate(); return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days / 7), 2); } return compareByDay(firstMonday, janFirst) === 0 ? "01" : "00"; }, "%y": function(date2) { return (date2.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2); }, "%Y": function(date2) { return date2.tm_year + 1900; }, "%z": function(date2) { var off = date2.tm_gmtoff; var ahead = off >= 0; off = Math.abs(off) / 60; off = off / 60 * 100 + off % 60; return (ahead ? "+" : "-") + String("0000" + off).slice(-4); }, "%Z": function(date2) { return date2.tm_zone; }, "%%": function() { return "%"; } }; for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2) { if (pattern.indexOf(rule) >= 0) { pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date)); } } var bytes = intArrayFromString(pattern, false); if (bytes.length > maxsize) { return 0; } writeArrayToMemory(bytes, s); return bytes.length - 1; } function _time(ptr2) { var ret = / 1000 | 0; if (ptr2) { HEAP32[ptr2 >> 2] = ret; } return ret; } FS.staticInit(); Module["FS_createFolder"] = FS.createFolder; Module["FS_createPath"] = FS.createPath; Module["FS_createDataFile"] = FS.createDataFile; Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = FS.createPreloadedFile; Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = FS.createLazyFile; Module["FS_createLink"] = FS.createLink; Module["FS_createDevice"] = FS.createDevice; Module["FS_unlink"] = FS.unlink; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { var fs = (()=>({})); var NODEJS_PATH = (init_path(), __toCommonJS(exports_path)); NODEFS.staticInit(); } Module["requestFullScreen"] = function Module_requestFullScreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice) { err("Module.requestFullScreen is deprecated. Please call Module.requestFullscreen instead."); Module["requestFullScreen"] = Module["requestFullscreen"]; Browser.requestFullScreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice); }; Module["requestFullscreen"] = function Module_requestFullscreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice) { Browser.requestFullscreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas, vrDevice); }; Module["requestAnimationFrame"] = function Module_requestAnimationFrame(func) { Browser.requestAnimationFrame(func); }; Module["setCanvasSize"] = function Module_setCanvasSize(width, height, noUpdates) { Browser.setCanvasSize(width, height, noUpdates); }; Module["pauseMainLoop"] = function Module_pauseMainLoop() { Browser.mainLoop.pause(); }; Module["resumeMainLoop"] = function Module_resumeMainLoop() { Browser.mainLoop.resume(); }; Module["getUserMedia"] = function Module_getUserMedia() { Browser.getUserMedia(); }; Module["createContext"] = function Module_createContext(canvas, useWebGL, setInModule, webGLContextAttributes) { return Browser.createContext(canvas, useWebGL, setInModule, webGLContextAttributes); }; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { _emscripten_get_now = function _emscripten_get_now_actual() { var t = process["hrtime"](); return t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1e6; }; } else if (typeof dateNow !== "undefined") { _emscripten_get_now = dateNow; } else if (typeof performance === "object" && performance && typeof performance["now"] === "function") { _emscripten_get_now = function() { return performance["now"](); }; } else { _emscripten_get_now =; } var GLctx; GL.init(); var ASSERTIONS = false; function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) { var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy) + 1; var u8array = new Array(len); var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length); if (dontAddNull) u8array.length = numBytesWritten; return u8array; } function intArrayToString(array) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0;i < array.length; i++) { var chr = array[i]; if (chr > 255) { if (ASSERTIONS) { assert(false, "Character code " + chr + " (" + String.fromCharCode(chr) + ") at offset " + i + " not in 0x00-0xFF."); } chr &= 255; } ret.push(String.fromCharCode(chr)); } return ret.join(""); } var decodeBase64 = typeof atob === "function" ? atob : function(input) { var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); do { enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = enc1 << 2 | enc2 >> 4; chr2 = (enc2 & 15) << 4 | enc3 >> 2; chr3 = (enc3 & 3) << 6 | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } while (i < input.length); return output; }; function intArrayFromBase64(s) { if (typeof ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE === "boolean" && ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { var buf; try { buf = Buffer.from(s, "base64"); } catch (_4) { buf = new Buffer(s, "base64"); } return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength); } try { var decoded = decodeBase64(s); var bytes = new Uint8Array(decoded.length); for (var i = 0;i < decoded.length; ++i) { bytes[i] = decoded.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes; } catch (_4) { throw new Error("Converting base64 string to bytes failed."); } } function tryParseAsDataURI(filename) { if (!isDataURI(filename)) { return; } return intArrayFromBase64(filename.slice(dataURIPrefix.length)); } function invoke_vii(index, a1, a2) { var sp = stackSave(); try { dynCall_vii(index, a1, a2); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } var asmGlobalArg = { Math, Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Uint8Array, Uint16Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, NaN: NaN, Infinity: Infinity }; var asmLibraryArg = { a: abort, b: setTempRet0, c: getTempRet0, d: invoke_vii, e: _SDL_ClearError, f: _SDL_GetError, g: _SDL_GetModState, h: _SDL_GetMouseState, i: _SDL_GetTicks, j: _SDL_GetWindowSize, k: _SDL_Init, l: _SDL_LockAudio, m: _SDL_LockSurface, n: _SDL_PollEvent, o: _SDL_SetVideoMode, p: _SDL_UnlockAudio, q: _SDL_UnlockSurface, r: ___buildEnvironment, s: ___lock, t: ___setErrNo, u: ___syscall140, v: ___syscall145, w: ___syscall146, x: ___syscall195, y: ___syscall220, z: ___syscall221, A: ___syscall5, B: ___syscall54, C: ___syscall6, D: ___unlock, E: __addDays, F: __arraySum, G: __isLeapYear, H: _abort, I: _emscripten_asm_const_i, J: _emscripten_asm_const_ii, K: _emscripten_asm_const_iii, L: _emscripten_asm_const_iiiii, M: _emscripten_asm_const_iiiiiii, N: _emscripten_asm_const_iiiiiiiii, O: _emscripten_async_wget_data, P: _emscripten_get_heap_size, Q: _emscripten_get_now, R: _emscripten_memcpy_big, S: _emscripten_resize_heap, T: _emscripten_run_script, U: _emscripten_set_main_loop, V: _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing, W: _exit, X: _gmtime, Y: _gmtime_r, Z: _localtime, _: _localtime_r, $: _longjmp, aa: _strftime, ab: _time, ac: _tzset, ad: abortOnCannotGrowMemory, ae: tempDoublePtr, af: DYNAMICTOP_PTR }; var asm = function(global2, env, buffer2) { var a = new global2.Int8Array(buffer2), b3 = new global2.Int16Array(buffer2), c = new global2.Int32Array(buffer2), d = new global2.Uint8Array(buffer2), e = new global2.Uint16Array(buffer2), f = new global2.Float32Array(buffer2), g = new global2.Float64Array(buffer2), h2 = | 0, i = | 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, m2 = 0, n = 0, o = 0, p = 0, q2 = 0, r = global2.NaN, s = global2.Infinity, t = global2.Math.floor, u = global2.Math.abs, v = global2.Math.sqrt, w = global2.Math.cos, x = global2.Math.sin, y3 = global2.Math.atan, z2 = global2.Math.atan2, A2 = global2.Math.ceil, B = global2.Math.imul, C2 = global2.Math.min, D2 = global2.Math.clz32, E2 = env.a, F = env.b, G = env.c, H = env.d, I = env.e, J = env.f, K = env.g, L2 = env.h, M = env.i, N = env.j, O = env.k, P = env.l, Q = env.m, R2 = env.n, S = env.o, T3 = env.p, U = env.q, V = env.r, W = env.s, X = env.t, Y = env.u, Z = env.v, _4 = env.w, $ = env.x, aa = env.y, ba2 = env.z, ca = env.A, da = env.B, ea = env.C, fa = env.D, ga = env.E, ha = env.F, ia = env.G, ja = env.H, ka = env.I, la = env.J, ma = env.K, na = env.L, oa = env.M, pa2 = env.N, qa = env.O, ra = env.P, sa = env.Q, ta = env.R, ua = env.S, va = env.T, wa = env.U, xa = env.V, ya = env.W, za = env.X, Aa2 = env.Y, Ba2 = env.Z, Ca = env._, Da = env.$, Ea = env.aa, Fa = env.ab, Ga2 =, Ha2 =, Ia = 3145136, Ja2 = 8388016, Ka = 0; function Lf(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 60 | 0; h3 = f2 + 92 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) j2 = h3; else { k2 = i3; while (true) { l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!l2) break; else k2 = l2; } j2 = k2; } k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { m4 = i3; n2 = f2; o2 = h3; } else { h3 = k2; k2 = j2; while (true) { j2 = h3 + 5 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = a[j2 >> 0] | 8; c[g2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[h3 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = h3; j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) break; else { i3 = h3; h3 = j2; k2 = i3; } } k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = k2 + 92 | 0; m4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = k2; o2 = h3; } if (!m4) { p2 = n2; q3 = 0; } else { n2 = m4; do { m4 = n2 + 5 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] & -65; m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = m4 + 92 | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; h3 = m4 + 56 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[h3 >> 2] = k2; h3 = k2 + 5 | 0; k2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = k2 & -17; if ((d[m4 + 49 >> 0] | 0) >= 2) a[h3 >> 0] = a[m4 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | k2 & -88; n2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 0); p2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } a[f2 + 48 >> 0] = 3; a[f2 + 50 >> 0] = 0; n2 = d[p2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; o2 = n2 ^ 3; k2 = a[p2 + 50 >> 0] | 0; p2 = k2 << 24 >> 24 == 2; m4 = n2 & 3; n2 = p2 ? 255 : 184; h3 = p2 ? 64 : m4; i3 = p2 ? 64 : 0; if (!q3) { r2 = k2; s3 = m4; t3 = o2; } else { m4 = q3; q3 = -3; k2 = g2; while (true) { if (!q3) break; q3 = q3 + -1 | 0; g2 = m4 + 5 | 0; p2 = d[g2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((p2 ^ 3) & o2)) { c[k2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; kd(b4, m4); u2 = k2; } else { if (i3 & p2 | 0) break; if ((a[m4 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, m4); a[g2 >> 0] = n2 & p2 | h3; u2 = m4; } m4 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) break; else k2 = u2; } u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = d[u2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; r2 = a[u2 + 50 >> 0] | 0; s3 = k2 & 3; t3 = k2 ^ 3; } k2 = f2 + 56 | 0; u2 = r2 << 24 >> 24 == 2; r2 = u2 ? 255 : 184; m4 = u2 ? 64 : s3; s3 = u2 ? 64 : 0; u2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (u2 | 0) { h3 = u2; n2 = -3; i3 = k2; while (true) { if (!n2) break a; n2 = n2 + -1 | 0; o2 = h3 + 5 | 0; q3 = d[o2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((q3 ^ 3) & t3)) { c[i3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; kd(b4, h3); v2 = i3; } else { if (s3 & q3 | 0) break a; if ((a[h3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, h3); a[o2 >> 0] = r2 & q3 | m4; v2 = h3; } h3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) break; else i3 = v2; } } while (0); v2 = f2 + 32 | 0; m4 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) <= 0) return; r2 = f2 + 24 | 0; f2 = m4; m4 = 0; while (true) { s3 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) | 0; t3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = d[t3 + 48 >> 0] | 0; u2 = k2 ^ 3; i3 = (a[t3 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; t3 = i3 ? 255 : 184; h3 = i3 ? 64 : k2 & 3; k2 = i3 ? 64 : 0; i3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) w2 = f2; else { n2 = i3; i3 = -3; q3 = s3; while (true) { if (!i3) break; i3 = i3 + -1 | 0; s3 = n2 + 5 | 0; o2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; if (!((o2 ^ 3) & u2)) { c[q3 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; kd(b4, n2); x2 = q3; } else { if (k2 & o2 | 0) break; if ((a[n2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, n2); a[s3 >> 0] = t3 & o2 | h3; x2 = n2; } n2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) break; else q3 = x2; } w2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; } m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= (w2 | 0)) break; else f2 = w2; } return; } function Mf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = (c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0 | (d2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(a2, 1, 48426) | 0; g2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; } else { g2 = f2; h3 = d2; } d2 = h3 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 ? h3 : 2172216; h3 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (h3 & 15) { case 5: { i3 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { i3 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: i3 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((h3 & 15) << 2) | 0; } h3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2 + 8; return 1; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Ff(a2, 1, 48685) | 0; return 1; } return 0; } function Nf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = a2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 16 | 0; i3 = a2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (h3 | 0) == 2172216) k2 = -1; else k2 = c[g2 + 20 >> 2] & 15; h3 = g2 + 8 | 0; if (!(h3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (h3 | 0) == 2172216)) { h3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((h3 | 0) != 5) { l2 = h3 + 1 | 0; m4 = 6; } } else { l2 = 0; m4 = 6; } if ((m4 | 0) == 6) { m4 = c[16 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 61826; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = m4; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, e2) | 0) | 0; } switch (k2 | 0) { case 0: case 5: break; default: xf(a2, 2, 48697) | 0; } if (Ff(a2, 1, 48685) | 0) yf2(a2, 48719, d2) | 0; d2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = d2 + 24 | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 >= k2 >>> 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = k2; Yd(a2, 1) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } e2 = (d2 + 20 + (3 - f2) | 0) >>> 3; d2 = f2; do { c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; d2 = d2 + 8 | 0; } while (d2 >>> 0 < k2 >>> 0); c[i3 >> 2] = f2 + (e2 + 1 << 3); c[i3 >> 2] = k2; Yd(a2, 1) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } function Of(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 >= g2 >>> 0 | (e2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(a2, 1, 48426) | 0; h3 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; } else { h3 = d2; i3 = g2; } g2 = h3 + 16 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 >= i3 >>> 0 | (g2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(a2, 2, 48426) | 0; a2 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; j2 = a2; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = a2 + 16 | 0; } else { j2 = h3; k2 = i3; l2 = g2; } g2 = j2 + 8 | 0; j2 = g2 >>> 0 < k2 >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; g2 = l2 >>> 0 < k2 >>> 0 ? l2 : 2172216; if ((j2 | 0) != 2172216 & (g2 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) : 0) { l2 = (Rc(0, j2, g2) | 0) != 0 & 1; m4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = l2; } else { m4 = k2; n2 = 0; } c[m4 >> 2] = n2; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = 1; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return 1; } function Pf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(e2 >>> 0 >= g2 >>> 0 | (e2 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] & 14 | 1 | 0) == 5 : 0) { h3 = g2; i3 = e2; } else { xf(a2, 1, 48755) | 0; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; } b4 = i3 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0 ? i3 : 2172216; switch (c[b4 + 4 >> 2] & 15) { case 4: { j2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 7: { j2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 5: { j2 = pd(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } default: j2 = 0; } c[h3 >> 2] = j2 << 16; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return 1; } function Qf2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = a2 + 16 | 0; f2 = c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(g2 >>> 0 >= i3 >>> 0 | (g2 | 0) == 2172216)) { g2 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((g2 | 0) == 5) { j2 = f2; k2 = i3; } else { l2 = g2 + 1 | 0; m4 = 4; } } else { l2 = 0; m4 = 4; } if ((m4 | 0) == 4) { m4 = c[16 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 61826; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = m4; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, d2) | 0) | 0; j2 = c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } d2 = j2 + 16 | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 >= k2 >>> 0 | (d2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(a2, 2, 48426) | 0; n2 = c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { n2 = j2; o2 = k2; } k2 = n2 + 8 | 0; j2 = n2 + 24 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0) { e2 = (n2 + 20 + (3 - o2) | 0) >>> 3; a2 = o2; do { c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; a2 = a2 + 8 | 0; } while (a2 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0); c[h3 >> 2] = o2 + (e2 + 1 << 3); } c[h3 >> 2] = j2; j2 = Kc(c[k2 >> 2] | 0, n2 + 16 | 0) | 0; n2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 + -8 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[n2 + -4 >> 2] = c[j2 + 4 >> 2]; Ia = b4; return 1; } function Rf(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 8 | 0; i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(h3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (h3 | 0) == 2172216)) { h3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((h3 | 0) == 5) { k2 = g2; l2 = j2; } else { m4 = h3 + 1 | 0; n2 = 4; } } else { m4 = 0; n2 = 4; } if ((n2 | 0) == 4) { n2 = c[16 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 61826; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = n2; xf(b4, 1, Qd(b4, 48406, e2) | 0) | 0; k2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = k2 + 16 | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0 | (e2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(b4, 2, 48426) | 0; o2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } else { o2 = k2; p2 = l2; } l2 = o2 + 24 | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 >= p2 >>> 0 | (l2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(b4, 3, 48426) | 0; q3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; } else { q3 = p2; r2 = o2; } o2 = r2 + 8 | 0; p2 = r2 + 32 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) { f2 = (r2 + 28 + (3 - q3) | 0) >>> 3; l2 = q3; do { c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; l2 = l2 + 8 | 0; } while (l2 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0); c[i3 >> 2] = q3 + (f2 + 1 << 3); } c[i3 >> 2] = p2; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = r2 + 16 | 0; q3 = Kc(p2, f2) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == 2172216) s3 = Lc(b4, p2, f2) | 0; else s3 = q3; c[s3 >> 2] = c[r2 + 24 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = c[r2 + 28 >> 2]; a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 6 >> 0] = 0; r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[r2 + -4 >> 2] & 64)) { t3 = r2; u2 = t3 + -16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = u2; Ia = d2; return 1; } if (!(a[(c[r2 + -8 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { t3 = r2; u2 = t3 + -16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = u2; Ia = d2; return 1; } s3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = s3 + 5 | 0; q3 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(q3 & 4)) { t3 = r2; u2 = t3 + -16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = u2; Ia = d2; return 1; } r2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = q3 & -5; q3 = r2 + 76 | 0; c[s3 + 24 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[q3 >> 2] = s3; t3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + -16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = u2; Ia = d2; return 1; } function Sf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 >= g2 >>> 0 | (e2 | 0) == 2172216) { xf(a2, 1, 48426) | 0; h3 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = h3; k2 = h3 + 8 | 0; } else { i3 = g2; j2 = d2; k2 = e2; } if (k2 >>> 0 >= i3 >>> 0 | (k2 | 0) == 2172216) { l2 = 0; m4 = 16 + (l2 << 2) | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Nd2(a2, n2) | 0; return 1; } l2 = (c[j2 + 12 >> 2] & 15) + 1 | 0; m4 = 16 + (l2 << 2) | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Nd2(a2, n2) | 0; return 1; } function Tf2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = a2 + 16 | 0; f2 = c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(g2 >>> 0 >= i3 >>> 0 | (g2 | 0) == 2172216)) { g2 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((g2 | 0) == 5) { j2 = f2; k2 = i3; } else { l2 = g2 + 1 | 0; m4 = 4; } } else { l2 = 0; m4 = 4; } if ((m4 | 0) == 4) { m4 = c[16 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 61826; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = m4; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, d2) | 0) | 0; j2 = c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = j2 + 24 | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0) { d2 = (j2 + 20 + (3 - k2) | 0) >>> 3; j2 = k2; do { c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; j2 = j2 + 8 | 0; } while (j2 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0); c[h3 >> 2] = k2 + (d2 + 1 << 3); } c[h3 >> 2] = e2; if (qf(a2, 1) | 0) { n2 = 2; Ia = b4; return n2 | 0; } a2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = a2 + 8; n2 = 1; Ia = b4; return n2 | 0; } function Uf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Vf(a2, 48780, 0, 4); return 3; } function Vf(a2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2 + 8 | 0; i3 = g2; j2 = (Ff(a2, 1, d2) | 0) == 0; d2 = a2 + 16 | 0; k2 = c[c[d2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 8 | 0; m4 = a2 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = l2 >>> 0 < n2 >>> 0; if (j2) { if (!((l2 | 0) == 2172216 | o2 ^ 1)) { j2 = c[k2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((j2 | 0) == 5) p2 = n2; else { q3 = j2 + 1 | 0; r2 = 5; } } else { q3 = 0; r2 = 5; } if ((r2 | 0) == 5) { r2 = c[16 + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 61826; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, i3) | 0) | 0; p2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; } c[p2 >> 2] = f2; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = 22; p2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; f2 = p2 + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = f2; i3 = c[c[d2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; d2 = i3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0 ? i3 + 8 | 0 : 2172216; c[f2 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; c[p2 + 12 >> 2] = c[d2 + 4 >> 2]; d2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; p2 = d2 + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = p2; if (!e2) { c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = d2 + 16; Ia = g2; return; } else { c[p2 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = 3; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Ia = g2; return; } } else { d2 = o2 ? l2 : 2172216; c[n2 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = c[d2 + 4 >> 2]; d2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = d2 + 8; m4 = d2 + -8 | 0; d2 = a2 + 38 | 0; n2 = (b3[d2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[d2 >> 1] = n2; if ((n2 & 65535) > 199) { if (n2 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(a2, 46208, h3); if ((n2 & 65535) > 224) wc(a2, 6); } n2 = a2 + 36 | 0; b3[n2 >> 1] = (b3[n2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; if (!(Cc(a2, m4, 3) | 0)) Dc(a2); b3[n2 >> 1] = (b3[n2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[d2 >> 1] = (b3[d2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; Ia = g2; return; } } function Wf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = a2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 16 | 0; i3 = a2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(h3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (h3 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[g2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) k2 = (c[h3 >> 2] >> 16) + 1 | 0; else k2 = 1; h3 = g2 + 8 | 0; if (!(h3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (h3 | 0) == 2172216)) { h3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((h3 | 0) == 5) l2 = j2; else { m4 = h3 + 1 | 0; n2 = 7; } } else { m4 = 0; n2 = 7; } if ((n2 | 0) == 7) { n2 = c[16 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 61826; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = n2; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, e2) | 0) | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = k2 << 16; c[l2 >> 2] = e2; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; a2 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = a2; n2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[(n2 >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0 ? n2 + 8 | 0 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; n2 = k2 + -1 | 0; a: do if (n2 >>> 0 < (c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) o2 = (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 << 3) | 0; else { k2 = 0 - e2 | 0; m4 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((e2 | 0) < 0 ? (e2 | 0) == (k2 | 0) ? 0 : k2 : e2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[m4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (e2 | 0) : 0) break; k2 = c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { o2 = 2172216; break a; } else m4 = k2; } o2 = m4; } while (0); c[a2 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[l2 + 12 >> 2] = c[o2 + 4 >> 2]; o2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = o2 + 8; if ((o2 | 0) == 2172216) { Ia = b4; return 2; } else { Ia = b4; return ((c[o2 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : 2) | 0; } return 0; } function Xf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Vf(a2, 48788, 1, 5); return 3; } function Yf(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 8 | 0; i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0 ? h3 : 2172216; l2 = j2; switch (c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { m4 = l2 - h3 >> 3; break; } case 1: { n2 = l2 - h3 >> 3; if (!(c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) m4 = n2; else { o2 = n2; Ia = d2; return o2 | 0; } break; } default: { o2 = l2 - h3 >> 3; Ia = d2; return o2 | 0; } } if ((m4 | 0) <= 1) { gh2(3144900); p2 = Bf(b4, 2, 48797, 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = p2; yf2(b4, 46859, e2) | 0; } m4 = g2 + 16 | 0; g2 = m4 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0 ? m4 : 2172216; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 4) if (!(Hd(b4, g2) | 0)) q3 = 0; else { m4 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = m4 + 12 | 0; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((o2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[m4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { d2 = m4 + 8 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = o2 + 1600 + (c[d2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = (c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; r2 = j2 >>> 0 < (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? j2 : 2172216; s3 = 13; } else { r2 = g2; s3 = 13; } if ((s3 | 0) == 13) q3 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; gh2(q3); p2 = Bf(b4, 2, 48797, 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = p2; yf2(b4, 46859, e2) | 0; return 0; } function Zf(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[c[b4 + 16 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = e2 - g2 | 0; i3 = h3 >> 3; j2 = e2; if ((!(g2 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (g2 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4 : 0) ? (a[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 0] | 0) == 35 : 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = (h3 << 13) + -65536; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; k2 = 1; return k2 | 0; } d2 = Cf(b4, 1) | 0; j2 = (d2 | 0) < 0 ? d2 + i3 | 0 : (d2 | 0) > (i3 | 0) ? i3 : d2; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) xf(b4, 1, 48815) | 0; k2 = i3 - j2 | 0; return k2 | 0; } function _f(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (c[c[a2 + 16 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; if (!((b4 | 0) == 2172216 ? 1 : b4 >>> 0 >= (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0)) { Hf(a2, 1, 0) | 0; return 1; } xf(a2, 1, 48426) | 0; Hf(a2, 1, 0) | 0; return 1; } function $f2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; e2 = (c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = e2 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 ? e2 : 2172216; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 72 ? (i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0, (i3 | 0) != 0) : 0) { j2 = g2; k2 = e2; l2 = i3; } else { xf(a2, 1, 48834) | 0; j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; l2 = 0; } i3 = ag2(a2, l2, (j2 - k2 >> 3) + -1 | 0) | 0; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) < 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2 + 8 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = l2; e2 = l2; do { l2 = e2; e2 = e2 + -8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 + -4 >> 2]; } while (l2 >>> 0 > j2 >>> 0); e2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 + -8 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; m4 = e2; n2 = 2; o2 = j2 + -4 | 0; p2 = m4 + 4 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = q3; return n2 | 0; } c[k2 >> 2] = 1; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = k2; j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) > 1000998) { if ((i3 | 0) == 1000999) { r2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) r2 = 2172216; else { l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (i3 + -1000999 | 0) > (d[l2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : l2 + 16 + (i3 + -1001000 << 3) | 0; } } else r2 = k2 + (~i3 << 3) | 0; while (0); if (k2 >>> 0 > r2 >>> 0) { i3 = k2; do { e2 = i3; i3 = i3 + -8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = c[e2 + -4 >> 2]; } while (i3 >>> 0 > r2 >>> 0); s3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; } else s3 = k2; c[r2 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; m4 = s3; n2 = j2; o2 = r2 + 4 | 0; p2 = m4 + 4 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = q3; return n2 | 0; } function ag2(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; c[g2 >> 2] = e2; h3 = d2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = d2 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; do if (((c[d2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - k2 >> 3 | 0) > (e2 | 0)) { l2 = k2; m4 = k2; n2 = e2; } else { if (((k2 - (c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0) <= (1e6 - e2 | 0) ? (vc(d2, 2, g2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = o2; m4 = o2; n2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; break; } o2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = o2 + 12 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((q3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[o2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { r2 = o2 + 8 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = q3 + 1600 + (c[r2 >> 2] | 0); c[p2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); p2 = $c(b4, 48853, 37) | 0; q3 = b4 + 8 | 0; o2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = p2; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[p2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 8; s3 = -1; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } while (0); k2 = i3 + 4 | 0; i3 = m4 + (n2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0) c[k2 >> 2] = i3; if ((a[d2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (l2 | 0) == ((c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0) : 0) { l2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = l2 + 12 | 0; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((k2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[l2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { n2 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = k2 + 1600 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); i3 = $c(b4, 48891, 37) | 0; k2 = b4 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = i3; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[i3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; s3 = -1; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } k2 = (b4 | 0) == (d2 | 0); if ((!k2 ? (i3 = b4 + 8 | 0, l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0, n2 = 0 - e2 | 0, m4 = l2 + (n2 << 3) | 0, c[i3 >> 2] = m4, (e2 | 0) > 0) : 0) ? (q3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0, c[j2 >> 2] = q3 + 8, c[q3 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2], c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 + (n2 << 3) + 4 >> 2], (e2 | 0) != 1) : 0) { n2 = 1; do { l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = q3 + 8; c[q3 >> 2] = c[l2 + (n2 << 3) >> 2]; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 + (n2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); } if ((bg(d2, b4, e2) | 0) >>> 0 >= 2) { if (k2) { s3 = -1; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } e2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = e2 + -8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = d2; n2 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = i3 + 8; c[i3 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = c[e2 + -4 >> 2]; s3 = -1; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } e2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) - ((c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) | 0; i3 = e2 >> 3; d2 = i3 + 1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; n2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 8 | 0; q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; do if (((c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - q3 >> 3 | 0) > (d2 | 0)) { t3 = q3; u2 = d2; } else { if (((q3 - (c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0) <= (999999 - i3 | 0) ? (vc(b4, 2, g2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { t3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; break; } m4 = ~i3; if ((e2 | 0) < 0) { p2 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = p2 + 8 + (m4 << 3) | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0) { v2 = (p2 + (m4 << 3) + 4 + (3 - o2) | 0) >>> 3; m4 = o2; do { c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; m4 = m4 + 8 | 0; } while (m4 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0); c[j2 >> 2] = o2 + (v2 + 1 << 3); w2 = r2; } else w2 = r2; } else w2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = w2; m4 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = m4 + 12 | 0; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((x2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[m4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { y4 = m4 + 8 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = x2 + 1600 + (c[y4 >> 2] | 0); c[p2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); p2 = $c(b4, 48929, 35) | 0; x2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = p2; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[p2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; s3 = -1; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } while (0); b4 = n2 + 4 | 0; n2 = t3 + (u2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < n2 >>> 0) c[b4 >> 2] = n2; if (k2) { s3 = i3; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 0 - i3 | 0; b4 = k2 + (n2 << 3) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = b4; if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { s3 = i3; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } u2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = u2 + 8; c[u2 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = c[k2 + (n2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; if ((e2 | 0) == 8) { s3 = 1; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } e2 = 1; do { n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = k2 + 8; c[k2 >> 2] = c[n2 + (e2 << 3) >> 2]; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = c[n2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); s3 = i3; Ia = f2; return s3 | 0; } function bg(d2, f2, g2) { d2 = d2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0; h3 = d2 + 36 | 0; i3 = b3[h3 >> 1] | 0; if (!f2) j2 = 1; else j2 = (e[f2 + 38 >> 1] | 0) + 1 & 65535; f2 = d2 + 38 | 0; b3[f2 >> 1] = j2; b3[h3 >> 1] = 0; j2 = d2 + 8 | 0; k2 = vc(d2, 6, (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - g2 << 3) | 0) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == -1) { l2 = 2; b3[h3 >> 1] = i3; m4 = b3[f2 >> 1] | 0; n2 = m4 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[f2 >> 1] = n2; return l2 | 0; } if (k2 >>> 0 <= 1) { l2 = k2; b3[h3 >> 1] = i3; m4 = b3[f2 >> 1] | 0; n2 = m4 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[f2 >> 1] = n2; return l2 | 0; } g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; o2 = d2 + 28 | 0; p2 = d2 + 41 | 0; q3 = d2 + 12 | 0; r2 = d2 + 68 | 0; s3 = d2 + 32 | 0; t3 = k2; a: while (true) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) break; u2 = k2; while (true) { if (a[u2 + 18 >> 0] & 16) break; k2 = c[u2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) break a; else u2 = k2; } k2 = u2 + 18 | 0; v2 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[u2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Qc2(d2, v2); switch (t3 | 0) { case 4: { w2 = c[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 152 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = w2; x2 = (a[w2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } case 6: { w2 = $c(d2, 46910, 23) | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = w2; x2 = (a[w2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } default: { w2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[w2 + -8 >> 2]; x2 = c[w2 + -4 >> 2] | 0; } } c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = x2; w2 = v2 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = w2; c[g2 >> 2] = u2; a[p2 >> 0] = a[u2 + 36 >> 0] | 0; b3[h3 >> 1] = 0; v2 = u2; y4 = w2; do { w2 = c[v2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; y4 = y4 >>> 0 < w2 >>> 0 ? w2 : y4; v2 = c[v2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; } while ((v2 | 0) != 0); v2 = y4 - (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; w2 = v2 >> 3; z3 = w2 + 11 + ((w2 + 1 | 0) / 8 | 0) | 0; w2 = (z3 | 0) < 1e6 ? z3 : 1e6; if ((v2 | 0) <= 7999992 ? (w2 | 0) < (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) : 0) xc(d2, w2); c[r2 >> 2] = c[u2 + 32 >> 2]; a[k2 >> 0] = a[k2 >> 0] | 32; a[u2 + 37 >> 0] = t3; w2 = vc(d2, 7, 0) | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 > 1) t3 = w2; else { l2 = w2; A4 = 25; break; } } if ((A4 | 0) == 25) { b3[h3 >> 1] = i3; m4 = b3[f2 >> 1] | 0; n2 = m4 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[f2 >> 1] = n2; return l2 | 0; } a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = t3; A4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; switch (t3 | 0) { case 4: { r2 = c[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 152 >> 2] | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = r2; B2 = (a[r2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } case 6: { r2 = $c(d2, 46910, 23) | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = r2; B2 = (a[r2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } default: { c[A4 >> 2] = c[A4 + -8 >> 2]; B2 = c[A4 + -4 >> 2] | 0; } } c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = B2; B2 = A4 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = B2; c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = B2; l2 = t3; b3[h3 >> 1] = i3; m4 = b3[f2 >> 1] | 0; n2 = m4 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[f2 >> 1] = n2; return l2 | 0; } function cg(d2, f2) { d2 = d2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e[d2 + 38 >> 1] | 0) > 199) fg(d2, 46208, f2); i3 = d2 + 6 | 0; switch (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { if ((h3 | 0) != (d2 + 72 | 0)) fg(d2, 48965, f2); if (Cc(d2, f2 + -8 | 0, -1) | 0) return; Dc(d2); return; } case 1: { a[i3 >> 0] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 20 >> 2] | 0); i3 = h3 + 18 | 0; j2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(j2 & 1)) { k2 = c[h3 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { l2 = h3; m4 = f2; n2 = d2 + 8 | 0; } else { a[h3 + 37 >> 0] = 1; a[i3 >> 0] = j2 | 8; j2 = La[k2 & 255](d2) | 0; k2 = d2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - j2 << 3) | 0; n2 = k2; } k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = b3[l2 + 16 >> 1] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[l2 + 8 >> 2]; a: do if (j2 << 16 >> 16) { l2 = m4; g2 = j2 << 16 >> 16; i3 = k2; while (true) { if (l2 >>> 0 >= (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) break; h3 = i3 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 + 4 >> 2]; o2 = g2 + -1 | 0; if (!o2) { p2 = h3; break a; } else { l2 = l2 + 8 | 0; g2 = o2; i3 = h3; } } if ((g2 | 0) > 0) { l2 = g2; h3 = i3; while (true) { o2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; if ((l2 | 0) > 1) { l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; h3 = o2; } else { p2 = o2; break; } } } else p2 = i3; } else p2 = k2; while (0); c[n2 >> 2] = p2; } else Dc(d2); dg(d2, 0); return; } default: fg(d2, 49003, f2); } } function dg(d2, e2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; e2 = d2 + 16 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = d2 + 72 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) return; h3 = d2 + 68 | 0; i3 = d2 + 8 | 0; j2 = f2; do { f2 = j2 + 18 | 0; k2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 & 1)) { l2 = k2 & 255; if (!(l2 & 16)) m4 = k2; else { k2 = l2 & 239; a[f2 >> 0] = k2; c[h3 >> 2] = c[j2 + 32 >> 2]; m4 = k2; } if ((b3[j2 + 16 >> 1] | 0) == -1 ? (k2 = j2 + 4 | 0, l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0, (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0) : 0) c[k2 >> 2] = l2; if (!(m4 & 32)) a[j2 + 37 >> 0] = 1; a[f2 >> 0] = m4 & -57 | 8; f2 = La[c[j2 + 28 >> 2] & 255](d2) | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = b3[k2 + 16 >> 1] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[k2 + 8 >> 2]; a: do if (o2 << 16 >> 16) { k2 = o2 << 16 >> 16; p2 = 0 - f2 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < 0) { q3 = l2 + (p2 << 3) | 0; p2 = k2; r2 = n2; while (true) { s3 = r2 + 8 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = c[q3 + 4 >> 2]; t3 = p2 + -1 | 0; if (!t3) { u2 = s3; break a; } q3 = q3 + 8 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 >= (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { v2 = t3; w2 = s3; break; } else { p2 = t3; r2 = s3; } } } else { v2 = k2; w2 = n2; } if ((v2 | 0) > 0) { r2 = v2; p2 = w2; while (true) { q3 = p2 + 8 | 0; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 1) { r2 = r2 + -1 | 0; p2 = q3; } else { u2 = q3; break; } } } else u2 = w2; } else u2 = n2; while (0); c[i3 >> 2] = u2; } else { eg(d2); Dc(d2); } j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); return; } function eg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; e2 = b4 + 24 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = b4 + 28 | 0; h3 = c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 & 63; switch (h3 & 63) { case 12: case 7: case 6: case 31: case 30: case 29: case 28: case 27: case 24: case 23: case 22: case 21: case 20: case 19: case 34: case 32: case 18: case 17: case 16: case 15: case 14: case 13: { j2 = a2 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + -8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = l2; j2 = h3 >>> 6 & 255; c[f2 + (j2 << 3) >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[f2 + (j2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[k2 + -4 >> 2]; return; } case 37: case 38: case 39: { k2 = a2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[j2 + -4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { m4 = 1; break; } case 1: { m4 = (c[j2 + -8 >> 2] | 0) == 0; break; } default: m4 = 0; } l2 = (m4 ^ 1) & 1; c[k2 >> 2] = j2 + -8; if ((i3 | 0) == 39) { i3 = h3 >>> 23; j2 = f2 + (i3 << 3) | 0; k2 = c[f2 + (i3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (k2 & 15) { case 5: { n2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { n2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: n2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((k2 & 15) << 2) | 0; } k2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!k2) o2 = 2172216; else { n2 = c[(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 264 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (c[k2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[k2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[n2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (n2 | 0) : 0) break; i3 = c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { o2 = 2172216; break a; } else j2 = i3; } o2 = j2; } while (0); p2 = (c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? m4 & 1 : l2; } else p2 = l2; if ((p2 | 0) == (h3 >>> 6 & 255 | 0)) return; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 4; return; } case 35: { g2 = a2 + 8 | 0; p2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = p2 + -16 | 0; m4 = l2 - (f2 + (h3 >>> 23 << 3)) | 0; c[p2 + -24 >> 2] = c[p2 + -8 >> 2]; c[p2 + -20 >> 2] = c[p2 + -4 >> 2]; if ((m4 | 0) > 8) { c[g2 >> 2] = l2; Pc2(a2, m4 >>> 3); } m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = h3 >>> 6 & 255; c[l2 + (e2 << 3) >> 2] = c[m4 + -8 >> 2]; c[l2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[m4 + -4 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; return; } case 47: { c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; return; } case 42: { if (!(h3 & 8372224)) return; c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; return; } default: return; } } function fg(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = e2; g2 = Od(b4, d2) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; wc(b4, -1); } function gg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = a2 + 16 | 0; f2 = c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; if (!((g2 | 0) == 2172216 ? 1 : g2 >>> 0 >= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0)) { g2 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((g2 | 0) != 6) { i3 = g2 + 1 | 0; j2 = 4; } } else { i3 = 0; j2 = 4; } if ((j2 | 0) == 4) { j2 = c[16 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 62626; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, d2) | 0) | 0; } d2 = hg2(a2) | 0; j2 = (c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; e2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = j2 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0 ? j2 : 2172216; c[e2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = c[i3 + 4 >> 2]; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = i3 + 8; if ((d2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { Ia = b4; return 1; } c[h3 >> 2] = i3; h3 = d2 + 8 | 0; d2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = d2 + 8; c[d2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = c[i3 + 4 >> 2]; Ia = b4; return 1; } function hg2(d2) { d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = d2 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[g2 >> 2] = -1600; j2 = f2; break; } else { Mc(d2); j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else j2 = f2; while (0); f2 = j2 + 4 | 0; g2 = Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[f2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 8, 120) | 0; if (!g2) { if (!(a[j2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(d2, 4); Ic(d2, 1); h3 = Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[f2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 8, 120) | 0; if (!h3) wc(d2, 4); else k2 = h3; } else k2 = g2; g2 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 120; g2 = j2 + 56 | 0; a[k2 + 5 >> 0] = a[j2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[k2 + 4 >> 0] = 8; c[k2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = k2; g2 = d2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 72; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; g2 = k2 + 28 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = k2 + 16 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; h3 = k2 + 32 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 64 >> 2] = 0; b3[k2 + 38 >> 1] = 0; f2 = k2 + 52 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; i3 = k2 + 40 | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 0; l2 = k2 + 44 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; a[k2 + 41 >> 0] = 1; c[k2 + 56 >> 2] = 0; b3[k2 + 36 >> 1] = 1; a[k2 + 6 >> 0] = 0; c[k2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; a[i3 >> 0] = a[d2 + 40 >> 0] | 0; i3 = c[d2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = i3; c[f2 >> 2] = c[d2 + 52 >> 2]; c[k2 + 48 >> 2] = i3; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = i3 + 4 | 0; f2 = Pa[c[i3 >> 2] & 3](c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 320) | 0; if (!f2) { if (!(a[i3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(d2, 4); Ic(d2, 1); l2 = Pa[c[i3 >> 2] & 3](c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 320) | 0; if (!l2) wc(d2, 4); else m4 = l2; } else m4 = f2; f2 = i3 + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 320; c[g2 >> 2] = m4; c[h3 >> 2] = 40; h3 = m4 + 4 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 44 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 52 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 60 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 76 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 84 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 92 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 100 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 108 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 116 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 124 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 132 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 140 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 148 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 156 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 164 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 172 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 180 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 188 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 196 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 204 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 212 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 220 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 228 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 236 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 244 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 252 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 260 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 268 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 276 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 284 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 292 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 300 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 308 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 316 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = m4 + 280; g2 = k2 + 72 | 0; c[k2 + 80 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 84 >> 2] = 0; a[k2 + 90 >> 0] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = m4; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = m4 + 8; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 76 >> 2] = m4 + 168; c[j2 >> 2] = g2; return k2 | 0; } function ig(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = (c[c[b4 + 16 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2 >>> 0 < (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? d2 : 2172216; if ((c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 72 ? (d2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0, (d2 | 0) != 0) : 0) g2 = d2; else { xf(b4, 1, 48834) | 0; g2 = 0; } a: do if ((g2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { d2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = d2 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[d2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = d2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[f2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 49032, 7) | 0; } else switch (a[g2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) { case 1: { f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = f2 + 12 | 0; d2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = d2 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 49040, 9) | 0; break a; break; } case 0: { h3 = c[g2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != (g2 + 72 | 0)) { d2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = d2 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[d2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { k2 = d2 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = i3 + 1600 + (c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[f2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 49050, 6) | 0; break a; } f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = f2 + 12 | 0; d2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (d2 | 0) > 0; if ((c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0)) { do if (k2) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { l2 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = d2 + 1600 + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 49057, 4) | 0; break a; } else { do if (k2) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = d2 + 1600 + (c[h3 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 49040, 9) | 0; break a; } break; } default: { i3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; d2 = i3 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((f2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[i3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { k2 = i3 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = f2 + 1600 + (c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[d2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 49057, 4) | 0; break a; } } while (0); b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = j2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[j2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return 1; } function jg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; if (!((e2 | 0) == 2172216 ? 1 : e2 >>> 0 >= (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) ? (g2 = c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, (g2 & 15 | 0) == 8) : 0) if ((g2 | 0) == 72) { h3 = 1; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else { h3 = 1; i3 = 0; } else { h3 = 0; i3 = a2; } e2 = h3 + 1 | 0; g2 = Gd(a2, e2, 0) | 0; d2 = c[c[b4 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { b4 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(b4 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 | (b4 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 0 : 0) { c[j2 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return 1; } else k2 = j2; } else k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = h3 | 2; h3 = (i3 | 0) == (a2 | 0) & 1; j2 = d2 + (f2 << 3) | 0; if (!(j2 >>> 0 >= k2 >>> 0 | (j2 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[d2 + (f2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 0 : 0) l2 = Cf(a2, f2) | 0; else l2 = h3; tf(a2, i3, g2, l2); return 1; } function kg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Kf2(c[(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 144 >> 2] | 0); return; } function lg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = b4 + 4 | 0; h3 = a2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3 + 8 | 0; k2 = a2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0 | (j2 | 0) == 2172216) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } if ((c[i3 + 12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 5) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } Oc2(a2, l2, j2); j2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; i3 = c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) != 3) { if ((i3 & 15 | 0) != 4) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(n2 + 16 | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0)) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; else { o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else { o2 = l2; p2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); j2 = p2 >> 16; p2 = o2 + -8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = p2; o2 = j2 + 1 | 0; l2 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; switch (p2 - (l2 + 8) >> 3 | 0) { case 2: { q3 = p2; r2 = o2; break; } case 1: case 0: { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } default: s3 = 10; } if ((s3 | 0) == 10) { e2 = l2 + 24 | 0; l2 = e2 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0 ? e2 : 2172216; e2 = c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) == 3) { t3 = l2; s3 = 14; } else { if ((e2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (p2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0, Uc(p2 + 16 | 0, c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0) : 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; t3 = g2; s3 = 14; break; } u2 = 0; } while (0); if ((s3 | 0) == 14) u2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = u2 >> 16; s3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; f2 = 2 - (s3 - (g2 + 8) >> 3) | 0; l2 = f2 + -1 | 0; e2 = s3; if ((f2 | 0) > 0) { p2 = g2 + (f2 << 3) | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 > e2 >>> 0) { i3 = (g2 + (l2 << 3) + 4 + (3 - s3) | 0) >>> 3; s3 = e2; do { c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; s3 = s3 + 8 | 0; } while (s3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0); c[k2 >> 2] = e2 + (i3 + 1 << 3); v2 = p2; } else v2 = p2; } else v2 = e2 + (f2 << 3) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = v2; if ((u2 | 0) < 65536 | (o2 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) xf(a2, 2, 49425) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (t3 | 0)) { j2 = o2; do { u2 = j2; j2 = j2 + -1 | 0; v2 = (c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; f2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[(v2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0 ? v2 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; v2 = u2 + -2 | 0; a: do if (v2 >>> 0 < (c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) w2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (v2 << 3) | 0; else { p2 = j2 << 16; i3 = 0 - p2 | 0; s3 = (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((p2 | 0) < 0 ? (p2 | 0) == (i3 | 0) ? 0 : i3 : p2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[e2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[s3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[s3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) break; i3 = c[s3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { w2 = 2172216; break a; } else s3 = i3; } w2 = s3; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = c[w2 + 4 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Xd(a2, 1, u2); } while ((j2 | 0) > (t3 | 0)); } fh(o2 - t3 | 0); q3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = t3; } c[q3 >> 2] = c[q3 + -8 >> 2]; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = c[q3 + -4 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Xd(a2, 1, r2); m4 = 1; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } function mg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = b4 + 4 | 0; h3 = a2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3 + 8 | 0; k2 = a2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0 | (j2 | 0) == 2172216) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } if ((c[i3 + 12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 5) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } Oc2(a2, l2, j2); j2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; i3 = c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) != 3) { if ((i3 & 15 | 0) != 4) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(n2 + 16 | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0)) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; else { o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else { o2 = l2; p2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); j2 = p2 >> 16; p2 = o2 + -8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = p2; o2 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; l2 = p2 - (o2 + 8) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 8) { e2 = o2 + 16 | 0; if (!(e2 >>> 0 >= p2 >>> 0 | (e2 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[o2 + 20 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 0 : 0) { e2 = Cf(a2, 2) | 0; i3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; q3 = n2; r2 = i3; s3 = e2; t3 = i3 - (n2 + 8) | 0; u2 = 13; } else v2 = j2; } else { q3 = o2; r2 = p2; s3 = -1; t3 = l2; u2 = 13; } if ((u2 | 0) == 13) if ((t3 | 0) > 8) { t3 = q3 + 16 | 0; q3 = t3 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0 ? t3 : 2172216; t3 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((t3 | 0) == 3) { w2 = q3; u2 = 18; } else { if ((t3 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0, Uc(r2 + 16 | 0, c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0) : 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; w2 = g2; u2 = 18; break; } x2 = 0; } while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 18) x2 = c[w2 >> 2] >> 16; v2 = x2; } else v2 = s3; if ((v2 | 0) < 1 | (j2 | 0) < (v2 | 0)) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } s3 = (c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; x2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[(s3 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0 ? s3 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; s3 = v2 + -1 | 0; a: do if (s3 >>> 0 < (c[w2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) y4 = (c[w2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 3) | 0; else { u2 = v2 << 16; g2 = 0 - u2 | 0; f2 = (c[w2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((u2 | 0) < 0 ? (u2 | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? 0 : g2 : u2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[w2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (u2 | 0) : 0) break; g2 = c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { y4 = 2172216; break a; } else f2 = g2; } y4 = f2; } while (0); c[x2 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = c[y4 + 4 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; fh(j2 - v2 | 0); if ((j2 | 0) > (v2 | 0)) { y4 = v2; while (true) { x2 = y4; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; w2 = (c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; s3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[(w2 >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0 ? w2 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; b: do if (x2 >>> 0 < (c[u2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) z3 = (c[u2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (x2 << 3) | 0; else { w2 = y4 << 16; g2 = 0 - w2 | 0; q3 = (c[u2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((w2 | 0) < 0 ? (w2 | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? 0 : g2 : w2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[u2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (w2 | 0) : 0) break; g2 = c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { z3 = 2172216; break b; } else q3 = g2; } z3 = q3; } while (0); c[s3 >> 2] = c[z3 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 + 4 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Xd(a2, 1, x2); if ((y4 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { A4 = j2; break; } } } else A4 = v2; v2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = v2 + 8; Xd(a2, 1, A4); m4 = 1; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } function ng(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; g2 = a2 + 8 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a2 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; k2 = j2 + 8 | 0; l2 = h3; if (h3 - k2 >> 3 >>> 0 < 2) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } if ((k2 | 0) == 2172216 | k2 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } if ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 5) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } Oc2(a2, l2, k2); k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = l2; j2 = c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) != 3) { if ((j2 & 15 | 0) != 4) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; h3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(h3 + 16 | 0, c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0)) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; else { n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else { n2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = l2; } while (0); l2 = n2 >> 16; k2 = o2 + -8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = k2; if ((n2 | 0) < 65536) { fh(l2); m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } n2 = k2; k2 = 1; while (true) { o2 = (c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; f2 = c[(o2 >>> 0 < n2 >>> 0 ? o2 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; o2 = k2 + -1 | 0; a: do if (o2 >>> 0 < (c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) p2 = (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 3) | 0; else { e2 = k2 << 16; j2 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((e2 | 0) % ((1 << (d[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (e2 | 0) : 0) break; h3 = c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { p2 = 2172216; break a; } else j2 = h3; } p2 = j2; } while (0); c[n2 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = c[p2 + 4 >> 2]; f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = o2; e2 = (c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; h3 = e2 >>> 0 < o2 >>> 0 ? e2 : 2172216; if ((f2 | 0) != 2172216 & (h3 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) : 0) { e2 = (Rc(a2, f2, h3) | 0) == 0; h3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = h3; if (e2) q3 = h3; else { r2 = k2; break; } } else { c[g2 >> 2] = f2; q3 = f2; } if ((k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) { n2 = q3; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } else { r2 = 0; break; } } fh(l2); if (!r2) { m4 = 0; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } k2 = (c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; q3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[(k2 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; k2 = r2 + -1 | 0; b: do if (k2 >>> 0 < (c[n2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) s3 = (c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 << 3) | 0; else { p2 = r2 << 16; f2 = 0 - p2 | 0; h3 = (c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((p2 | 0) < 0 ? (p2 | 0) == (f2 | 0) ? 0 : f2 : p2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[n2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) break; f2 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) { s3 = 2172216; break b; } else h3 = f2; } s3 = h3; } while (0); c[q3 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = c[s3 + 4 >> 2]; s3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = s3; if ((r2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) { q3 = s3; n2 = r2; while (true) { k2 = n2; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; p2 = (c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; f2 = c[(p2 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0 ? p2 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; c: do if (k2 >>> 0 < (c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) t3 = (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 << 3) | 0; else { p2 = n2 << 16; e2 = 0 - p2 | 0; o2 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((p2 | 0) < 0 ? (p2 | 0) == (e2 | 0) ? 0 : e2 : p2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) break; e2 = c[o2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { t3 = 2172216; break c; } else o2 = e2; } t3 = o2; } while (0); c[q3 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = c[t3 + 4 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Xd(a2, 1, k2); f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == (l2 | 0)) { u2 = f2; v2 = l2; break; } else q3 = f2; } } else { u2 = s3; v2 = r2; } c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = u2 + 8; Xd(a2, 1, v2); m4 = 1; Ia = b4; return m4 | 0; } function og(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; g2 = a2 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[c[g2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + 8 | 0; j2 = a2 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 >= k2 >>> 0 | (i3 | 0) == 2172216) { l2 = 0; Ia = b4; return l2 | 0; } if ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 5) { l2 = 0; Ia = b4; return l2 | 0; } Oc2(a2, k2, i3); i3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = i3 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2; h3 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) != 3) { if ((h3 & 15 | 0) != 4) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(m4 + 16 | 0, c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0)) yf2(a2, 48441, e2) | 0; else { n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else { n2 = k2; o2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); i3 = o2 >> 16; k2 = n2 + -8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2; n2 = c[c[g2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((k2 - (n2 + 8) | 0) > 8) if ((o2 | 0) < 65536) { p2 = 0; q3 = 0; } else { f2 = n2; e2 = k2; h3 = 0; m4 = 1; r2 = 0; while (true) { s3 = f2 + 8 | 0; t3 = c[(s3 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0 ? s3 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; s3 = m4 + -1 | 0; b: do if (s3 >>> 0 < (c[t3 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) u2 = (c[t3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 3) | 0; else { v2 = m4 << 16; w2 = (c[t3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((v2 | 0) % ((1 << (d[t3 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[w2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[w2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (v2 | 0) : 0) break; x2 = c[w2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!x2) { u2 = 2172216; break b; } else w2 = x2; } u2 = w2; } while (0); c[e2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = c[u2 + 4 >> 2]; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = t3 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = s3; v2 = (c[c[g2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; x2 = v2 >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0 ? v2 : 2172216; if (((t3 | 0) != 2172216 & (x2 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[t3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[x2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? (Rc(a2, t3, x2) | 0) != 0 : 0) y4 = r2 + 1 | 0; else y4 = r2; x2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = x2; t3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= (i3 | 0)) { p2 = t3; q3 = y4; break a; } f2 = c[c[g2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; e2 = x2; h3 = t3; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; r2 = y4; } } else { p2 = 0; q3 = i3; } while (0); fh(p2); p2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = q3 << 16; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; l2 = 1; Ia = b4; return l2 | 0; } function pg2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; f2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - ((c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) | 0; g2 = f2 >> 3; Vd(b4, g2, 1); h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = f2 << 13; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = h3 + 16; i3 = vd(b4, 48333, 1) | 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = i3; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = (a[i3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; Gc(b4, h3 + -8 | 0, i3 + -8 | 0, i3 + -16 | 0); i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = i3 + -16 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = h3; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) { j2 = f2 >> 2; fh(j2); return 1; } k2 = (c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; l2 = k2 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216; c[h3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[i3 + -12 >> 2] = c[l2 + 4 >> 2]; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Xd(b4, -2, 1); l2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; e2 = i3 >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0 ? i3 : 2172216; c[e2 >> 2] = c[l2 + -8 >> 2]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 + -4 >> 2]; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + -8; if ((f2 | 0) <= 8) { j2 = f2 >> 2; fh(j2); return 1; } d2 = g2; while (true) { Xd(b4, 1, d2); if ((d2 | 0) > 2) d2 = d2 + -1 | 0; else break; } j2 = f2 >> 2; fh(j2); return 1; } function qg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = b4; h3 = b4 + 20 | 0; i3 = a2 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; k2 = j2 + 8 | 0; l2 = a2 + 8 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(k2 >>> 0 >= m4 >>> 0 | (k2 | 0) == 2172216)) { k2 = c[j2 + 12 >> 2] & 15; if ((k2 | 0) == 5) { n2 = j2; o2 = m4; } else { p2 = k2 + 1 | 0; q3 = 4; } } else { p2 = 0; q3 = 4; } if ((q3 | 0) == 4) { q3 = c[16 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 61826; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = q3; xf(a2, 1, Qd(a2, 48406, g2) | 0) | 0; n2 = c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } g2 = n2 + 16 | 0; if (!(g2 >>> 0 >= o2 >>> 0 | (g2 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[n2 + 20 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 0 : 0) { g2 = Cf(a2, 2) | 0; r2 = c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = g2; } else { r2 = n2; s3 = o2; t3 = 1; } o2 = r2 + 24 | 0; if (!(o2 >>> 0 >= s3 >>> 0 | (o2 | 0) == 2172216) ? (c[r2 + 28 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 0 : 0) u2 = Cf(a2, 3) | 0; else { o2 = r2 + 8 | 0; Oc2(a2, s3, o2 >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0 ? o2 : 2172216); o2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = o2 + 8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = s3; r2 = c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((r2 | 0) != 3) { if ((r2 & 15 | 0) != 4) yf2(a2, 48441, f2) | 0; n2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(n2 + 16 | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0)) yf2(a2, 48441, f2) | 0; else { v2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else { v2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = s3; } while (0); c[l2 >> 2] = w2 + -8; u2 = v2 >> 16; } if ((u2 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { x2 = 0; Ia = b4; return x2 | 0; } v2 = u2 - t3 | 0; w2 = v2 + 1 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) < 0) yf2(a2, 49062, e2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = w2; s3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; do if (((c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - o2 >> 3 | 0) > (w2 | 0)) { y4 = o2; z3 = w2; } else { if (((o2 - (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0) <= (999999 - v2 | 0) ? (vc(a2, 2, h3) | 0) == 0 : 0) { y4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } yf2(a2, 49062, e2) | 0; } while (0); e2 = s3 + 4 | 0; s3 = y4 + (z3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0) c[e2 >> 2] = s3; s3 = (c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; e2 = c[(s3 >>> 0 < y4 >>> 0 ? s3 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; s3 = t3 + -1 | 0; a: do if (s3 >>> 0 < (c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) A4 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 3) | 0; else { z3 = t3 << 16; a2 = 0 - z3 | 0; h3 = (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((z3 | 0) < 0 ? (z3 | 0) == (a2 | 0) ? 0 : a2 : z3) | 0) % ((1 << (d[e2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (z3 | 0) : 0) break; a2 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!a2) { A4 = 2172216; break a; } else h3 = a2; } A4 = h3; } while (0); c[y4 >> 2] = c[A4 >> 2]; c[y4 + 4 >> 2] = c[A4 + 4 >> 2]; A4 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = A4; if ((u2 | 0) > (t3 | 0)) { y4 = A4; A4 = t3; do { t3 = A4; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; e2 = (c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; s3 = c[(e2 >>> 0 < y4 >>> 0 ? e2 : 2172216) >> 2] | 0; b: do if (t3 >>> 0 < (c[s3 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) B2 = (c[s3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 << 3) | 0; else { e2 = A4 << 16; z3 = 0 - e2 | 0; a2 = (c[s3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((e2 | 0) < 0 ? (e2 | 0) == (z3 | 0) ? 0 : z3 : e2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[s3 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (e2 | 0) : 0) break; z3 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) { B2 = 2172216; break b; } else a2 = z3; } B2 = a2; } while (0); c[y4 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2]; c[y4 + 4 >> 2] = c[B2 + 4 >> 2]; y4 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = y4; } while ((A4 | 0) != (u2 | 0)); } fh(w2 << 1); x2 = w2; Ia = b4; return x2 | 0; } function rg2() { c[543059] = 0; return; } function sg() { c[543057] = (c[543057] | 0) + (c[543058] | 0); c[543058] = 0; return; } function tg() { return (c[543058] | 0) + (c[543057] | 0) | 0; } function ug(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + a2; return; } function vg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[8698] = a2; return; } function wg() { c[543057] = 0; c[543058] = 0; return; } function xg() { c[543059] = 1073741824; return; } function yg(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; e2 = c[543069] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 510) return; Es2(194096 + (e2 * 1320 | 0) | 0, a2) | 0; Es2(194096 + ((c[543069] | 0) * 1320 | 0) + 256 | 0, b4) | 0; b4 = c[543069] | 0; c[194096 + (b4 * 1320 | 0) + 1316 >> 2] = d2; Es2(194096 + (b4 * 1320 | 0) + 288 | 0, 3074076) | 0; c[543069] = (c[543069] | 0) + 1; return; } function zg() { c[785515] = 0; c[543069] = 0; return; } function Ag() { var a2 = 0; a2 = c[543069] | 0; return ((a2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : 194096 + ((a2 + -1 | 0) * 1320 | 0) + 256 | 0) | 0; } function Bg() { var a2 = 0; a2 = c[543069] | 0; return ((a2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : 194096 + ((a2 + -1 | 0) * 1320 | 0) | 0) | 0; } function Cg() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; a2 = c[543069] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 1) return; b4 = a2 + -1 | 0; if (!(c[194096 + (b4 * 1320 | 0) + 1316 >> 2] | 0)) return; c[543069] = b4; return; } function Dg2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; a2 = c[543069] | 0; if (!a2) return; b4 = 194096 + ((a2 + -1 | 0) * 1320 | 0) + 1316 | 0; if (!(c[b4 >> 2] | 0)) return; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Eg() { var a2 = 0; a2 = c[543069] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 1) return; ac(194096 + ((a2 + -1 | 0) * 1320 | 0) | 0) | 0; c[768033] = 1; a2 = c[543069] | 0; Es2(3075101, (a2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : 194096 + ((a2 + -1 | 0) * 1320 | 0) + 288 | 0) | 0; c[768036] = 20; a2 = c[543069] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) >= 1) c[543069] = a2 + -1; c[482623] = 0; return; } function Fg(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; e2 = (c[730464] | 0) != 0; f2 = c[768028] | 0; if (e2 & (f2 | 0) == 0) { cv(b4) | 0; return; } if (!((a[2130720] | 0) == 0 | e2 ^ 1)) { cv(b4) | 0; return; } if ((f2 | 0) != 2) ma(21, b4 | 0, Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; f2 = Pt(b4) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 32) { e2 = ~f2; g2 = ((f2 + ((e2 | 0) > -65 ? e2 : -65) + 32 | 0) >>> 5) * 6 | 0; e2 = f2; while (true) { $a(); if ((e2 | 0) > 64) e2 = e2 + -32 | 0; else break; } h3 = g2 + 6 | 0; } else h3 = 0; g2 = (c[768157] | 0) - h3 | 0; c[768157] = g2; e2 = c[730449] | 0; Cn(e2, 0, g2, 127, g2 + 5 + ((((Pt(b4) | 0) + -1 | 0) >>> 5) * 6 | 0) | 0, 0); oo(c[730449] | 0, b4, c[730468] | 0, c[768156] | 0, c[768157] | 0, 17, d2) | 0; c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + h3; $a(); return; } function Gg(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; Fg(b4, d2); d2 = c[533461] | 0; if (!d2) { e2 = nq(16) | 0; c[533461] = e2; f2 = e2; } else f2 = d2; d2 = Pt(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; oq(f2, d2 + 16 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0) | 0; Zt(c[(c[533461] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, b4) | 0; b4 = c[(c[533461] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = 10; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; return; } function Hg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Fg(a2, 6); return; } function Ig(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; it(1708384, a2, f2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = e2; return; } function Jg(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; c[g2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; it(1708384, a2, g2) | 0; Fg(1708384, e2); Ia = f2; return; } function Kg(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; f2 = e2 + 24 | 0; g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; h3 = e2; i3 = e2 + 32 | 0; j2 = e2 + 28 | 0; if (Pu2(b4, 49298) | 0) { k2 = 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } l2 = Pu2(b4, 49314) | 0; if (!l2) { if (!b4) { k2 = 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } m4 = kq((Pt(b4) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; Es2(m4, b4) | 0; n2 = m4 + (Pt(m4) | 0) | 0; o2 = n2 + -1 | 0; a: do if (o2 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { p2 = n2; q3 = o2; while (true) { if ((a[q3 >> 0] | 0) == 58) { r2 = p2; s3 = q3; break a; } t3 = q3 + -1 | 0; if (t3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { u2 = q3; q3 = t3; p2 = u2; } else { r2 = q3; s3 = t3; break; } } } else { r2 = n2; s3 = o2; } while (0); Yu2(869936, (a[s3 >> 0] | 0) == 58 ? r2 + 1 | 0 : s3, 1023) | 0; a[870959] = 0; mq(m4); k2 = 869936; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; m4 = Pu2(b4, 49325) | 0; if (m4 | 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = j2; Eu2(m4 + 8 | 0, 49334, h3) | 0; } h3 = kq((Pt(b4) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; Es2(h3, l2 + 10 | 0) | 0; l2 = h3; b: while (true) { v2 = l2 + 1 | 0; switch (a[v2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 39: { break b; break; } default: l2 = v2; } } a[v2 >> 0] = 0; if (!d2) { c[f2 >> 2] = h3; it(1708384, 49379, f2) | 0; } else { f2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = d2; it(1708384, 49346, g2) | 0; } Gg(1708384, 6); g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > 0 ? (i3 = c[765622] | 0, d2 = g2 + -1 | 0, (vs2(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, c[i3 + 336 >> 2] | 0) | 0) != (d2 | 0)) : 0) { i3 = ws2(c[c[765622] >> 2] | 0, d2) | 0; d2 = c[765622] | 0; c[d2 + 336 >> 2] = i3; ts(d2, 52); c[482726] = g2; } mq(h3); k2 = 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } function Lg2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0; c2 = iq(8192) | 0; Es2(c2, b4) | 0; if (!(Pu2(b4, 49391) | 0)) { if (!(Ot(b4, 49448) | 0)) { mq(c2); return; } Gg(c2, 6); mq(c2); return; } if (Pu2(b4, 49408) | 0 ? (Gg(49408, 6), a[3143712] | 0) : 0) Gg(3143712, 7); d2 = Pu2(b4, 49425) | 0; if (!d2) { mq(c2); return; } Es2(1708384, d2) | 0; a[1708384 + ((Pt(1708384) | 0) + -1) >> 0] = 0; Gg(1708384, 6); mq(c2); return; } function Mg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) { b4 = tg() | 0; return b4 | 0; } else { b4 = c[730445] | 0; return b4 | 0; } return 0; } function Ng() { var a2 = 0; a2 = c[543066] | 0; if (a2 | 0) kg(a2); a2 = If(2, 0) | 0; c[543066] = a2; c[543065] = a2; c[543067] = hg2(a2) | 0; ui(c[543065] | 0); of(c[543065] | 0, 6, 100) | 0; of(c[543065] | 0, 7, 200) | 0; return; } function Og(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; if (!e2) { f2 = 0; g2 = b4; } else { e2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(b4, e2) | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = e2; } mq(c[543070] | 0); if (!g2) { e2 = kq(16) | 0; c[543070] = e2; a[e2 >> 0] = 0; mq(f2); h3 = c[543070] | 0; return h3 | 0; } e2 = (Pt(g2) | 0) + 1 | 0; b4 = kq(e2 >>> 0 > 32 ? e2 : 32) | 0; c[543070] = b4; Es2(b4, g2) | 0; g2 = c[543070] | 0; b4 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (b4 << 24 >> 24) { e2 = b4; i3 = g2; j2 = 1; while (true) { if ((j2 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) break; k2 = e2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; l2 = i3 + 1 | 0; if (k2 ^ e2 << 24 >> 24 != 10) { m4 = l2; while (true) { n2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; o2 = n2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; p2 = m4 + 1 | 0; if (o2 ^ n2 << 24 >> 24 != 10) m4 = p2; else { q3 = m4; r2 = p2; s3 = o2; break; } } } else { q3 = i3; r2 = l2; s3 = k2; } m4 = s3 ? q3 : r2; o2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(o2 << 24 >> 24)) break a; else { e2 = o2; i3 = m4; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } } j2 = e2; m4 = i3; b: while (true) { switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 10: { break b; break; } default: { } } o2 = m4 + 1 | 0; j2 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = o2; } a[m4 >> 0] = 0; mq(f2); h3 = i3; return h3 | 0; } while (0); Es2(g2, 49466) | 0; mq(f2); h3 = c[543070] | 0; return h3 | 0; } function Pg() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[768156] | 0; d2 = c[768157] | 0; e2 = nl(0) | 0; f2 = nl(1) | 0; g2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24375) | 0; Vk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24320, 0, 128); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24404, 0); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24405, 96); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24406, 32); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24407, 128); c[768156] = b4; c[768157] = d2; ol2(0, e2); ol2(1, f2); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24375, g2); c[768156] = 0; c[768158] = 0; c[768155] = 6; c[768161] = 4; c[768162] = 6; c[768169] = 15; c[768168] = 15; c[768167] = 255; c[768172] = 0; c[768173] = 0; c[768175] = 0; c[768164] = 0; c[768163] = 0; c[768119] = 0; c[768135] = 0; c[768104] = 1; c[768120] = 1; c[768136] = 1; c[768105] = 2; c[768121] = 2; c[768137] = 18; c[768106] = 3; c[768122] = 3; c[768138] = 19; c[768107] = 4; c[768123] = 4; c[768139] = 36; c[768108] = 5; c[768124] = 5; c[768140] = 21; c[768109] = 6; c[768125] = 6; c[768141] = 214; c[768110] = 7; c[768126] = 7; c[768142] = 103; c[768111] = 8; c[768127] = 8; c[768143] = 72; c[768112] = 9; c[768128] = 9; c[768144] = 73; c[768113] = 10; c[768129] = 10; c[768145] = 154; c[768114] = 11; c[768130] = 11; c[768146] = 59; c[768115] = 12; c[768131] = 12; c[768147] = 220; c[768116] = 13; c[768132] = 13; c[768148] = 93; c[768117] = 14; c[768133] = 14; c[768149] = 142; c[768118] = 15; c[768134] = 15; c[768150] = 239; c[768103] = 16; c[768166] = 0; c[768152] = 0; c[768151] = 0; c[768154] = 128; c[768153] = 128; Dk(); c[768171] = 0; a[3143712] = 0; c[768518] = 0; c[532671] = 0; c[785517] = 0; c[785518] = 0; c[785519] = 0; c[730442] = 0; c[786056] = 0; cn(); if (c[785925] | 0) { c[730444] = 0; c[768511] = 0; jn(); c[785592] = 0; a[3144232] = 0; Lk(); Mk(); c[768177] = 13; return; } c[481785] = 0; c[481788] = 0; c[730444] = 0; c[768511] = 0; jn(); c[785592] = 0; a[3144232] = 0; Lk(); Mk(); c[768177] = 13; return; } function Qg(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 176 | 0; e2 = d2 + 152 | 0; f2 = d2 + 144 | 0; g2 = d2 + 136 | 0; h3 = d2 + 128 | 0; i3 = d2 + 120 | 0; j2 = d2 + 112 | 0; k2 = d2 + 104 | 0; l2 = d2 + 96 | 0; m4 = d2 + 88 | 0; n2 = d2 + 80 | 0; o2 = d2 + 72 | 0; p2 = d2 + 64 | 0; q3 = d2 + 56 | 0; r2 = d2 + 48 | 0; s3 = d2 + 40 | 0; t3 = d2 + 32 | 0; u2 = d2 + 24 | 0; v2 = d2 + 16 | 0; w2 = d2 + 8 | 0; x2 = d2; y4 = d2 + 160 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = 0; c[768155] = 6; if (gt(b4, 49472, 6) | 0) if (!(gt(b4, 49479, 5) | 0)) z3 = b4 + 5 | 0; else { A4 = b4 + 10 | 0; if (gt(b4, 49599, 10) | 0) { B2 = b4 + 9 | 0; if (gt(b4, 49610, 9) | 0) if (gt(b4, 49620, 10) | 0) if (!(gt(b4, 49631, 9) | 0)) C3 = B2; else { if (gt(b4, 49809, 14) | 0) if (gt(b4, 49824, 13) | 0) { if (!(gt(b4, 49994, 7) | 0)) { c[x2 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(b4 + 7 | 0, 93171, x2) | 0; x2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = (x2 | 0) < 256 ? x2 : 256; x2 = (D3 | 0) > 8 ? D3 : 8; c[y4 >> 2] = x2; c[532678] = x2; if (c[543939] | 0) c[543939] = x2; c[w2 >> 2] = x2; it(1708384, 50002, w2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 91687, 6) | 0)) { Fg(50017, 14); Fg(50037, 12); c[v2 >> 2] = c[532678]; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1708384, 50062, v2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50081, 8) | 0)) { c[u2 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(b4 + 8 | 0, 93171, u2) | 0; u2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = (u2 | 0) < 30 ? u2 : 30; u2 = (v2 | 0) > 1 ? v2 : 1; c[y4 >> 2] = u2; c[481771] = u2; c[t3 >> 2] = u2; it(1708384, 50090, t3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ih(); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50106, 7) | 0)) { Fg(50114, 14); c[s3 >> 2] = c[481771]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1708384, 50139, s3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50159, 15) | 0)) { c[r2 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(b4 + 15 | 0, 93171, r2) | 0; r2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (r2 | 0) < 1 ? r2 : 1; r2 = (s3 | 0) > 0 ? s3 : 0; c[y4 >> 2] = r2; c[481772] = r2; c[q3 >> 2] = r2; it(1708384, 50175, q3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50198, 14) | 0)) { Fg(50213, 14); Fg(50242, 12); Fg(50274, 12); Fg(3144900, 6); c[p2 >> 2] = c[481772]; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1708384, 50305, p2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50332, 12) | 0)) { c[o2 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(b4 + 12 | 0, 93171, o2) | 0; o2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (o2 | 0) < 1 ? o2 : 1; o2 = (p2 | 0) > 0 ? p2 : 0; c[y4 >> 2] = o2; c[481783] = o2; c[n2 >> 2] = o2; it(1708384, 50345, n2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50365, 10) | 0)) { c[m4 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(A4, 93171, m4) | 0; m4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (m4 | 0) < 8 ? m4 : 8; m4 = (n2 | 0) > 1 ? n2 : 1; c[y4 >> 2] = m4; c[481768] = m4; c[l2 >> 2] = m4; it(1708384, 50376, l2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50394, 9) | 0)) { Fg(50404, 14); c[k2 >> 2] = c[481768]; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1708384, 50428, k2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50450, 17) | 0)) { c[j2 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(b4 + 17 | 0, 93171, j2) | 0; j2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (j2 | 0) < 8 ? j2 : 8; j2 = (k2 | 0) > 1 ? k2 : 1; c[y4 >> 2] = j2; c[481767] = j2; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; it(1708384, 50468, i3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50493, 16) | 0)) { Fg(50510, 14); c[h3 >> 2] = c[481767]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1708384, 50541, h3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50570, 10) | 0)) { c[g2 >> 2] = y4; Eu2(A4, 93171, g2) | 0; g2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (g2 | 0) < 8 ? g2 : 8; g2 = (h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1; c[y4 >> 2] = g2; c[481764] = g2; y4 = ((g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4) << 2; c[(c[765606] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765607] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765608] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765609] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765610] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765611] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765612] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765613] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765614] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765615] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765616] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765617] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765618] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765619] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765620] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[(c[765621] | 0) + 316 >> 2] = y4; c[f2 >> 2] = g2; it(1708384, 50581, f2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(b4, 50599, 9) | 0)) { Fg(50609, 14); c[e2 >> 2] = c[481764]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1708384, 50634, e2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); Ia = d2; return; } else { Fg(50656, 14); Fg(3144900, 6); Fg(50673, 12); c[768155] = 14; Fg(91687, 6); Fg(49479, 6); Fg(50106, 6); Fg(50198, 6); Fg(50394, 6); Fg(50493, 6); Fg(49824, 6); Fg(50599, 6); Fg(49610, 6); Fg(3144900, 6); Ia = d2; return; } } else E3 = b4 + 13 | 0; else E3 = b4 + 14 | 0; if (!(gt(E3, 49641, 2) | 0)) { c[481780] = 1; Fg(49838, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(E3, 49662, 3) | 0)) { c[481780] = 0; Fg(49848, 14); Ia = d2; return; } switch (a[E3 >> 0] | 0) { case 49: { c[481780] = 1; Fg(49838, 14); Ia = d2; return; } case 48: { c[481780] = 0; Fg(49848, 14); Ia = d2; return; } default: { Fg(49859, 14); Fg(3144900, 6); Fg(49884, 6); Fg(49914, 6); Fg(3144900, 6); if (!((c[481780] | 0) != 0 ? (Fg(49945, 12), (c[481780] | 0) != 0) : 0)) Fg(49969, 12); Fg(3144900, 6); Ia = d2; return; } } } else C3 = A4; else C3 = B2; } else C3 = A4; if (!(gt(C3, 49641, 2) | 0)) { c[481765] = 1; Fg(49644, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(C3, 49662, 3) | 0)) { c[481765] = 0; Fg(49666, 14); Ia = d2; return; } switch (a[C3 >> 0] | 0) { case 49: { c[481765] = 1; Fg(49644, 14); Ia = d2; return; } case 48: { c[481765] = 0; Fg(49666, 14); Ia = d2; return; } default: { Fg(49685, 14); Fg(3144900, 6); Fg(49713, 6); Fg(49742, 6); Fg(3144900, 6); if (!((c[481765] | 0) != 0 ? (Fg(49768, 12), (c[481765] | 0) != 0) : 0)) Fg(49788, 12); Fg(3144900, 6); Ia = d2; return; } } } else z3 = b4 + 6 | 0; if (!(gt(z3, 49485, 4) | 0)) { c[481774] = 1; Fg(49490, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(z3, 49508, 4) | 0)) { c[481774] = 0; Fg(49513, 14); Ia = d2; return; } if (!(gt(z3, 49531, 7) | 0)) { c[481774] = 3; Fg(49539, 14); Ia = d2; return; } else { Fg(49560, 14); Fg(3144900, 6); Fg(49581, 12); Fg(49508, 6); Fg(49485, 6); Fg(49531, 6); Fg(3144900, 6); Ia = d2; return; } } function Rg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; b4 = (Kr() | 0) / 120 | 0; if ((c[533458] | 0) == 0 | (c[730442] | 0) < 240) return; d2 = tg() | 0; e2 = Dv2(d2 | 0, ((d2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; d2 = G() | 0; f2 = c[785581] | 0; g2 = 8388608 / (((f2 | 0) == 0 ? 30 : f2) | 0) | 0; f2 = xv(e2 | 0, d2 | 0, g2 | 0, ((g2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; G() | 0; if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1 | (f2 | 0) < 7864320 | (c[768034] | 0) == 0) return; f2 = 4; do { g2 = B(f2 + 1001 | 0, b4) | 0; d2 = B(f2, b4) | 0; e2 = f2 + -1 | 0; h3 = f2 | 1; if (((((g2 * 41 | 0) + 103 | 0) % 4701 | 0 | 0) % 97 | 0) & 4 | 0) { Cn(a2, 3, e2, 5, h3, 0); Hn(a2, 4, f2, ((gp(2) | 0) << 1) + 12 | 0); } if (((((d2 << 2) + 103 | 0) % 4701 | 0 | 0) % 101 | 0) & 8 | 0) { Cn(a2, 3, e2, 5, h3, 0); Hn(a2, 4, f2, 7); } if (((((g2 * 43 | 0) + 103 | 0) % 4701 | 0 | 0) % 97 | 0) & 4 | 0) { Cn(a2, 5, e2, 7, h3, 0); Hn(a2, 6, f2, ((gp(2) | 0) << 1) + 12 | 0); } if (((((d2 * 6 | 0) + 103 | 0) % 4701 | 0 | 0) % 101 | 0) & 8 | 0) { Cn(a2, 5, e2, 7, h3, 0); Hn(a2, 6, f2, 7); } if (((((g2 * 45 | 0) + 103 | 0) % 4701 | 0 | 0) % 97 | 0) & 4 | 0) { Cn(a2, 7, e2, 9, h3, 0); Hn(a2, 8, f2, ((gp(2) | 0) << 1) + 12 | 0); } if (((((d2 << 3) + 103 | 0) % 4701 | 0 | 0) % 101 | 0) & 8 | 0) { Cn(a2, 7, e2, 9, h3, 0); Hn(a2, 8, f2, 7); } f2 = f2 + 2 | 0; } while (f2 >>> 0 < 10); return; } function Sg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = Dv2(a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; a2 = G() | 0; d2 = c[785581] | 0; e2 = 8388608 / (((d2 | 0) == 0 ? 30 : d2) | 0) | 0; d2 = xv(b4 | 0, a2 | 0, e2 | 0, ((e2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; G() | 0; return d2 | 0; } function Tg(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; d2 = b4 + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; if (!((c[768028] | 0) == 1 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } zk(a2, 60, 4, 123, 26, 0); Dn(a2, 60, 4, 124, 27); f2 = 0; do { h3 = ((c[533455] | 0) + f2 | 0) % 64 | 0; if (!f2) i3 = 60; else { j2 = f2 + 60 | 0; k2 = c[2131772 + (h3 << 5) + 20 >> 2] | 0; Hn(a2, j2, ((k2 | 0) / 32768 | 0) + 2 | 0, (k2 | 0) > 131071 ? 8 : 2); i3 = j2; } Hn(a2, i3, 19 - (c[2131772 + (h3 << 5) + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, 2); l2 = 2131772 + (h3 << 5) + 4 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (j2 | 0) < 98303 ? j2 : 98303; j2 = c[2131772 + (h3 << 5) + 12 >> 2] | 0; Hn(a2, i3, 19 - ((((k2 | 0) > 0 ? k2 : 0) >>> 0) / 6144 | 0) | 0, (j2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : j2); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); if (!(co2(225) | 0)) { f2 = c[785581] | 0; m4 = +(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) * 0.0000152587890625; n2 = +((c[533448] | 0) + ((c[533440] | 0) + ((c[533432] | 0) + ((c[533424] | 0) + ((c[533416] | 0) + ((c[533408] | 0) + ((c[533400] | 0) + ((c[533392] | 0) + ((c[533384] | 0) + ((c[533376] | 0) + ((c[533368] | 0) + ((c[533360] | 0) + ((c[533352] | 0) + ((c[533344] | 0) + ((c[533336] | 0) + ((c[533328] | 0) + ((c[533320] | 0) + ((c[533312] | 0) + ((c[533304] | 0) + ((c[533296] | 0) + ((c[533288] | 0) + ((c[533280] | 0) + ((c[533272] | 0) + ((c[533264] | 0) + ((c[533256] | 0) + ((c[533248] | 0) + ((c[533240] | 0) + ((c[533232] | 0) + ((c[533224] | 0) + ((c[533216] | 0) + ((c[533208] | 0) + ((c[533200] | 0) + ((c[533192] | 0) + ((c[533184] | 0) + ((c[533176] | 0) + ((c[533168] | 0) + ((c[533160] | 0) + ((c[533152] | 0) + ((c[533144] | 0) + ((c[533136] | 0) + ((c[533128] | 0) + ((c[533120] | 0) + ((c[533112] | 0) + ((c[533104] | 0) + ((c[533096] | 0) + ((c[533088] | 0) + ((c[533080] | 0) + ((c[533072] | 0) + ((c[533064] | 0) + ((c[533056] | 0) + ((c[533048] | 0) + ((c[533040] | 0) + ((c[533032] | 0) + ((c[533024] | 0) + ((c[533016] | 0) + ((c[533008] | 0) + ((c[533000] | 0) + ((c[532992] | 0) + ((c[532984] | 0) + ((c[532976] | 0) + ((c[532968] | 0) + ((c[532960] | 0) + ((c[532952] | 0) + (c[532944] | 0))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) | 0) * 0.0000002384185791015625; c[d2 >> 2] = c[785580]; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; g[d2 + 8 >> 3] = m4; g[d2 + 16 >> 3] = n2; it(1708384, 50709, d2) | 0; oo(a2, 1708384, c[730468] | 0, 63, 20, 1, (c[785580] | 0) < (c[785581] | 0) ? 8 : 13) | 0; } else { d2 = c[785581] | 0; n2 = +(c[2131772 + (h3 << 5) + 24 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = c[785580]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; g[e2 + 8 >> 3] = n2; it(1708384, 50693, e2) | 0; oo(a2, 1708384, c[730468] | 0, 63, 20, 1, (c[785580] | 0) < (c[785581] | 0) ? 8 : 13) | 0; } Kn(a2); Jn(a2, 59, 3, 124, 27, 0); Ia = b4; return; } function Ug() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; a2 = c[533455] | 0; b4 = (c[785516] | 0) + (c[768178] | 0) | 0; d2 = (b4 | 0) > 2097152 ? 134217728 : b4 << 6; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) >> 2] = (d2 | 0) > 0 ? d2 : 0; d2 = tg() | 0; b4 = Dv2(d2 | 0, ((d2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; d2 = G() | 0; e2 = c[785581] | 0; f2 = 8388608 / (((e2 | 0) == 0 ? 30 : e2) | 0) | 0; g2 = ((f2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; h3 = xv(b4 | 0, d2 | 0, f2 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; G() | 0; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 4 >> 2] = h3; h3 = c[730445] | 0; d2 = Dv2(h3 | 0, ((h3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; h3 = xv(d2 | 0, G() | 0, f2 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; G() | 0; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 8 >> 2] = h3; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 12 >> 2] = (c[532675] | 0) == 0 ? (c[785580] | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? 14 : 6 : 7; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 20 >> 2] = c[532674]; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 24 >> 2] = pr2() | 0; a2 = ((c[533455] | 0) + 1 | 0) % 64 | 0; c[533455] = a2; e2 = 2131772 + (a2 << 5) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Vg() { var b4 = 0; if (!(c[543068] | 0)) c[543068] = Kr() | 0; b4 = Kr() | 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= ((c[543068] | 0) + 60000 | 0)) return; a[1997988] = 0; a[2063524] = 0; c[532265] = 0; c[532266] = 0; c[543068] = Kr() | 0; return; } function Wg(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 128 | 0; f2 = e2 + 104 | 0; g2 = e2 + 88 | 0; h3 = e2 + 80 | 0; i3 = e2 + 72 | 0; j2 = e2 + 64 | 0; k2 = e2 + 112 | 0; l2 = e2; c[533458] = 0; pq(c[533461] | 0); c[533461] = 0; if ((Ot(b4, 85305) | 0 ? Ot(b4, 50727) | 0 : 0) ? Ot(b4, 102896) | 0 : 0) { if (Ot(b4, 103254) | 0 ? !((a[b4 >> 0] | 0) == 0 & (c[482725] | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[482725] = 0; _h(c[543065] | 0); c[730462] = 0; c[730446] = 1; c[730446] = (Pu2(b4, 57976) | 0) == 0 & 1; if (!((Pu2(b4, 50754) | 0) == 0 ? !(Pu2(b4, 58792) | 0) : 0)) ds(); c[533458] = (Pu2(b4, 50762) | 0) != 0 & 1; c[730445] = 0; c[730447] = 0; wg(); vg(279620); c[k2 >> 2] = 0; m4 = (d2 | 0) != 0; d2 = (m4 ^ 1) & 1; n2 = kq(262144) | 0; a: do if (!(Wm(b4, n2) | 0)) { do if (!m4) { if ((Pt(n2) | 0) >>> 0 > 65536) { Fg(50769, 6); c[j2 >> 2] = Pt(n2) | 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 65536; it(1708384, 50796, j2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); mq(n2); break a; } o2 = qh(n2) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) > 8192) { Fg(50811, 6); c[i3 >> 2] = o2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 8192; it(1708384, 50829, i3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 6); mq(n2); break a; } else { p2 = c[543066] | 0; c[543065] = p2; q3 = p2; r2 = o2 * 12 | 0; break; } } else { o2 = c[543067] | 0; c[543065] = o2; q3 = o2; r2 = 0; } while (0); nf(q3); Iv(935472, 0, 262144) | 0; Es2(935472, 50845) | 0; Hv(935472 + (Pt(935472) | 0) | 0, 54872, 358) | 0; if (!(c[481730] | 0)) Hv(935472 + (Pt(935472) | 0) | 0, 55230, 639) | 0; o2 = 935472 + (Pt(935472) | 0) | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = a[55869] | 0; a[o2 + 1 >> 0] = a[55870] | 0; a[o2 + 2 >> 0] = a[55871] | 0; if (!((Ot(3069040, 92276) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(3069040, 55872) | 0) != 0 : 0)) { o2 = 935472 + (Pt(935472) | 0) | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = a[55878] | 0; a[o2 + 1 >> 0] = a[55879] | 0; a[o2 + 2 >> 0] = a[55880] | 0; a[o2 + 3 >> 0] = a[55881] | 0; a[o2 + 4 >> 0] = a[55882] | 0; a[o2 + 5 >> 0] = a[55883] | 0; a[o2 + 6 >> 0] = a[55884] | 0; } o2 = kq(262144) | 0; gl(n2, o2); Zt(935472, o2) | 0; mq(n2); mq(o2); if (66299) { o2 = 66299; p2 = 1088; do { Es2(l2, o2) | 0; s3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Ot(b4, s3) | 0)) { if (Ot(66304, l2) | 0) if (!(Ot(89812, l2) | 0)) { t3 = 3; u2 = 33; } else v2 = l2; else { t3 = 1; u2 = 33; } if ((u2 | 0) == 33) { u2 = 0; v2 = c[1200 + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } c[h3 >> 2] = 50845; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = v2; it(935472, 55885, h3) | 0; w2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; } else w2 = s3; s3 = Pt(b4) | 0; x2 = Pt(w2) | 0; b: do if (s3 >>> 0 >= (x2 + 2 | 0) >>> 0 ? (gt(b4, w2, x2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { y4 = b4 + x2 | 0; switch (a[y4 >> 0] | 0) { case 32: case 0: break; default: break b; } if ((a[b4 + (x2 + 1) >> 0] | 0) == 34) break; if (Ot(66304, l2) | 0) if (!(Ot(89812, l2) | 0)) { z3 = 3; u2 = 41; } else A4 = l2; else { z3 = 1; u2 = 41; } if ((u2 | 0) == 41) { u2 = 0; A4 = c[1200 + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 50845; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = A4; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = y4 + 1; it(935472, 55893, g2) | 0; } while (0); p2 = p2 + 4 | 0; o2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != 0); } if (!(Ot(b4, 91052) | 0)) { o2 = 935472; p2 = 55905; x2 = o2 + 9 | 0; do { a[o2 >> 0] = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) < (x2 | 0)); } if ((gt(b4, 60821, 6) | 0) == 0 ? (a[b4 + 6 >> 0] | 0) < 33 : 0) { Qg(b4 + 7 | 0); Es2(935472, 3144900) | 0; } Zt(935472, m4 ? 55914 : 55938) | 0; c[785514] = 1; p2 = Ef(c[543065] | 0, 935472) | 0; c[785514] = 0; c[785516] = r2; if (!p2) { cl2(); c[785588] = 0; if ((c[768033] | 0) == 1) Pg(); c[768028] = 1; c[768034] = d2; break; } c[768155] = 6; c: do if (m4) { Gg(57168, 14); B2 = 0; C3 = d2; } else { p2 = Xg(c[8697] | 0, k2) | 0; do if ((p2 | 0) > 0) { o2 = c[765622] | 0; x2 = p2 + -1 | 0; if ((vs2(c[o2 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 336 >> 2] | 0) | 0) == (x2 | 0)) break; o2 = ws2(c[c[765622] >> 2] | 0, x2) | 0; x2 = c[765622] | 0; c[x2 + 336 >> 2] = o2; ts(x2, 52); c[482726] = p2; } else { if (p2 | 0) break; Gg(57168, 14); B2 = 0; C3 = d2; break c; } while (0); x2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = p2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = x2; it(1708384, 57181, f2) | 0; Gg(1708384, 14); x2 = Og(b4, (c[8697] | 0) + -2 | 0, 1) | 0; if (!x2) { B2 = 0; C3 = 0; break; } Gg(x2, 7); B2 = x2; C3 = 0; } while (0); x2 = Kg(Gd(c[543065] | 0, -1, 0) | 0, C3) | 0; do if (x2 | 0) { if (Ot(x2, 57211) | 0) { Gg(x2, 6); break; } if (!(Pu2(B2, 62821) | 0)) { Gg(57240, 6); break; } else { Gg(x2, 6); break; } } while (0); c[482622] = 1; } else mq(n2); while (0); Ia = e2; return; } n2 = c[543066] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) != 0 & (c[533459] | 0) != 0) { c[543065] = n2; c[543656] = 0; c[768034] = 1; c[768028] = 1; cl2(); c[482725] = 1; c[785580] = c[785581]; Ia = e2; return; } else { Fg(50736, 6); Ia = e2; return; } } n2 = c[543066] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) != 0 & (c[533459] | 0) != 0) { c[543065] = n2; c[543656] = 0; c[768034] = 1; c[768028] = 1; cl2(); c[482725] = 0; Ia = e2; return; } else { Fg(50736, 6); Ia = e2; return; } } function Xg(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = a2 + -2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765606] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; g2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = g2 + 2 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { g2 = f2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765607] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; h3 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = h3 + 2 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { h3 = g2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765608] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; i3 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = i3 + 2 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { i3 = h3 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765609] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; j2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = j2 + 2 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { j2 = i3 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765610] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; k2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = k2 + 2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { k2 = j2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765611] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; l2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = l2 + 2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { l2 = k2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765612] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; m4 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = m4 + 2 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { m4 = l2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765613] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; n2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = n2 + 2 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { n2 = m4 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765614] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; o2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = o2 + 2 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { o2 = n2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765615] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; p2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = p2 + 2 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { p2 = o2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765616] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; q3 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = q3 + 2 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { q3 = p2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765617] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; r2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = r2 + 2 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { r2 = q3 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765618] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; s3 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = s3 + 2 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { s3 = r2 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765619] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; t3 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = t3 + 2 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { t3 = s3 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765620] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; u2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); a2 = u2 + 2 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { u2 = t3 - a2 | 0; a2 = iq(262144) | 0; Wm(c[c[765621] >> 2] | 0, a2) | 0; v2 = vs2(a2, 1048576) | 0; mq(a2); if ((u2 | 0) > (v2 + 2 | 0)) { if (!b4) { w2 = 0; Ia = d2; return w2 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = 0; w2 = 0; Ia = d2; return w2 | 0; } else { x2 = u2; y4 = 15; } } else { x2 = t3; y4 = 14; } } else { x2 = s3; y4 = 13; } } else { x2 = r2; y4 = 12; } } else { x2 = q3; y4 = 11; } } else { x2 = p2; y4 = 10; } } else { x2 = o2; y4 = 9; } } else { x2 = n2; y4 = 8; } } else { x2 = m4; y4 = 7; } } else { x2 = l2; y4 = 6; } } else { x2 = k2; y4 = 5; } } else { x2 = j2; y4 = 4; } } else { x2 = i3; y4 = 3; } } else { x2 = h3; y4 = 2; } } else { x2 = g2; y4 = 1; } } else { x2 = f2; y4 = 0; } if (b4 | 0) c[b4 >> 2] = y4; if ((Xm2() | 0) <= 0) { w2 = x2; Ia = d2; return w2 | 0; } y4 = 0; b4 = x2; while (true) { if ((x2 | 0) > (Ym2(y4) | 0) ? (x2 | 0) <= (Zm(y4) | 0) : 0) break; if ((x2 | 0) > (Zm(y4) | 0)) { f2 = Zm(y4) | 0; z3 = b4 + 1 - f2 + (Ym2(y4) | 0) | 0; } else z3 = b4; f2 = y4 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) < (Xm2() | 0)) { y4 = f2; b4 = z3; } else { w2 = z3; A4 = 14; break; } } if ((A4 | 0) == 14) { Ia = d2; return w2 | 0; } A4 = _m(y4) | 0; z3 = x2 - (Ym2(y4) | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = A4; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = z3; it(1708384, 57263, e2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 9); w2 = 1 - x2 + b4 + (Ym2(y4) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return w2 | 0; } function Yg2() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if ((c[730463] | 0) > 0) return; b4 = (c[768034] | 0) != 0; if (b4) { c[543066] = c[543065]; c[543656] = 1; c[730462] = 0; Rl() | 0; if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 1)) { c[768119] = 0; c[768120] = 1; c[768121] = 2; c[768122] = 3; c[768123] = 4; c[768124] = 5; c[768125] = 6; c[768126] = 7; c[768127] = 8; c[768128] = 9; c[768129] = 10; c[768130] = 11; c[768131] = 12; c[768132] = 13; c[768133] = 14; c[768134] = 15; } if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 2)) Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24415, 0); if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 4)) { c[768514] = 0; c[768515] = 0; c[768516] = 0; c[768517] = 0; } if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 8)) { c[768169] = 15; c[768168] = 15; c[768167] = 255; } if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 16)) { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24408, 0); if (!(a[3100894] & 16)) Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24409, 0); if (!(a[3100894] & 16)) Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24410, 0); if (!(a[3100894] & 16)) Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24411, 0); } if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 32)) c[768171] = 0; if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 64)) c[768155] = 6; if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0) & 128)) { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24404, 0); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24405, 96); } Jm(); if (!(c[482622] | 0)) c[482622] = 1; } c[768028] = 0; c[730460] = 0; c[768164] = 0; c[768163] = 0; c[768152] = 0; c[768151] = 0; c[768154] = 128; c[768153] = 128; Dk(); Ek(0); c[768156] = 0; c[768158] = 0; d2 = c[768157] | 0; e2 = (d2 | 0) < 122 ? d2 : 122; c[768157] = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 0; if (b4 ? $n() | 0 : 0) do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); if (c[730464] | 0) c[543503] = 1; c[481785] = 0; Kn(c[730449] | 0); return; } function Zg() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; b4 = c[765624] | 0; d2 = (a[c[c[765606] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) == 0; e2 = (b4 | 0) == 1 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765607] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; f2 = (b4 | 0) == 2 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765608] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; g2 = (b4 | 0) == 3 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765609] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; h3 = (b4 | 0) == 4 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765610] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; i3 = (b4 | 0) == 5 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765611] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; j2 = (b4 | 0) == 6 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765612] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; k2 = (b4 | 0) == 7 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765613] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; l2 = (b4 | 0) == 8 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765614] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; m4 = (b4 | 0) == 9 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765615] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; n2 = (b4 | 0) == 10 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765616] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; o2 = (b4 | 0) == 11 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765617] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; p2 = (b4 | 0) == 12 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765618] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; q3 = (b4 | 0) == 13 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765619] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; r2 = (b4 | 0) == 14 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765620] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; s3 = (b4 | 0) == 15 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765621] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0; a[c[c[26136] >> 2] >> 0] = 0; t3 = s3 ? 15 : r2 ? 14 : q3 ? 13 : p2 ? 12 : o2 ? 11 : n2 ? 10 : m4 ? 9 : l2 ? 8 : k2 ? 7 : j2 ? 6 : i3 ? 5 : h3 ? 4 : g2 ? 3 : f2 ? 2 : e2 ? 1 : ((b4 | 0) != 0 & d2) << 31 >> 31; Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765606] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765607] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 1) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765608] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 2) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765609] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 3) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765610] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 4) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765611] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 5) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765612] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 6) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765613] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 7) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765614] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 8) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765615] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 9) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765616] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 10) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765617] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 11) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765618] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 12) { d2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[b4 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765619] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 13) { b4 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; } Zt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, c[c[765620] >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) <= 14) { u2 = c[26136] | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[765621] | 0; x2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; Zt(v2, x2) | 0; return; } t3 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; d2 = t3 + (Pt(t3) | 0) | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[57275] | 0; a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = a[57276] | 0; a[d2 + 2 >> 0] = a[57277] | 0; a[d2 + 3 >> 0] = a[57278] | 0; a[d2 + 4 >> 0] = a[57279] | 0; a[d2 + 5 >> 0] = a[57280] | 0; a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = a[57281] | 0; u2 = c[26136] | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[765621] | 0; x2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; Zt(v2, x2) | 0; return; } function _g() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; a2 = c[(c[765606] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765607] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765608] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765609] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765610] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765611] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765612] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765613] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765614] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765615] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765616] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765617] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765618] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765619] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765620] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[(c[765621] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; Iv(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 0, c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0; b4 = 0; while (true) { if ((b4 | 0) != 15) { d2 = Pu2(a2, 57275) | 0; e2 = c[c[3062424 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) { f2 = e2; g2 = 6; } else { Hv(e2 | 0, a2 | 0, d2 - a2 | 0) | 0; h3 = d2 + 6 | 0; i3 = b4 + 1 | 0; } } else { f2 = c[c[765621] >> 2] | 0; g2 = 6; } if ((g2 | 0) == 6) { g2 = 0; Es2(f2, a2) | 0; h3 = a2; i3 = 16; } if ((i3 | 0) < 16) { a2 = h3; b4 = i3; } else break; } return; } function $g(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; c2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; d2 = c2; Iv(1197616, 0, 1024) | 0; Es2(d2, b4) | 0; a[1197616] = 0; b4 = Fs(d2, 91894) | 0; if (!((b4 | 0) != 0 & b4 >>> 0 > d2 >>> 0)) { Ia = c2; return 1197616; } a[b4 >> 0] = 0; e2 = b4; a: while (true) { f2 = e2 + -1 | 0; b4 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((b4 + -97 & 255) < 26 | (b4 + -48 & 255) < 10)) switch (b4 << 24 >> 24) { case 45: case 95: break; default: break a; } if (f2 >>> 0 > d2 >>> 0) e2 = f2; else break; } Es2(1197616, f2 >>> 0 > d2 >>> 0 ? e2 : f2) | 0; Ia = c2; return 1197616; } function ah(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 1; } function bh2() { var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2064 | 0; e2 = d2 + 2048 | 0; f2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; g2 = d2; Zg(); Es2(3074076, 3075101) | 0; a[3075101] = 0; a[3069040] = 0; a[3070064] = 0; Es2(g2, 3065580) | 0; c[482622] = 0; do if (!(Pu2(g2, 3062500) | 0)) { h3 = (Pu2(g2, 57282) | 0) != 0; if (!(h3 & (c[481715] | 0) != 0) ? (Sr(57290, f2), (Pu2(g2, f2) | 0) == 0) : 0) { Es2(3070064, g2) | 0; break; } Iv(1197616, 0, 1024) | 0; Es2(f2, g2) | 0; a[1197616] = 0; h3 = Fs(f2, 91894) | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != 0 & h3 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0) { a[h3 >> 0] = 0; i3 = h3; a: while (true) { j2 = i3 + -1 | 0; h3 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((h3 + -97 & 255) < 26 | (h3 + -48 & 255) < 10)) switch (h3 << 24 >> 24) { case 45: case 95: break; default: break a; } if (j2 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0) i3 = j2; else break; } Es2(1197616, j2 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0 ? i3 : j2) | 0; } Es2(3069040, 1197616) | 0; c[532940] = 0; } else Es2(3070064, g2 + (Pt(3062500) | 0) | 0) | 0; while (0); c[e2 >> 2] = 3065580; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 3070064; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 3069040; it(1703776, 57295, e2) | 0; pn2(1703776); a[3071088] = 0; Ng(); Wk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 0, 0, 17152); a[3066732] = 0; a[3076126] = 0; a[3076190] = 0; a[3076254] = 0; a[3076318] = 0; a[3076382] = 0; a[3076446] = 0; b3[1538255] = 0; b3[1538256] = 0; b3[1538257] = 0; e2 = Fa(0) | 0; pl((Kr() | 0) + e2 | 0); Wg(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, 0); br(); _q(0, 0); c[768514] = 0; c[768515] = 0; c[768516] = 0; c[768517] = 0; c[785580] = 30; c[785581] = 30; cl2(); Jb(c[26136] | 0, 3066645); c[768037] = 0; c[482725] = 0; c[533459] = 1; Ek(0); Ia = d2; return; } function ch(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 560 | 0; e2 = d2 + 536 | 0; f2 = d2 + 520 | 0; g2 = d2 + 512 | 0; h3 = d2; i3 = d2 + 548 | 0; j2 = d2 + 544 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; Td2(b4, 60192); _d2(c[543065] | 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) | 0; k2 = Gd(b4, -1, 0) | 0; if (!k2) { Ia = d2; return; } xd2(b4, -2); b4 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24)) { Ia = d2; return; } l2 = b4; b4 = k2; k2 = 0; while (true) { if (k2 >>> 0 >= 10) { m4 = 23; break; } k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; n2 = l2; o2 = b4; a: while (true) { switch (n2 << 24 >> 24) { case 10: case 0: { break a; break; } default: { } } p2 = o2 + 1 | 0; n2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = p2; } Iv(h3 | 0, 0, 512) | 0; Yu2(h3, b4, o2 - b4 | 0) | 0; b4 = (a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 10 ? o2 + 1 | 0 : o2; b: do if ((Pu2(h3, 57368) | 0) == 0 ? (Pu2(h3, 57384) | 0) == 0 : 0) { n2 = h3; c: while (true) { switch (a[n2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { break b; break; } case 58: { break c; break; } default: { } } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = i3; Eu2(n2 + 1 | 0, 93171, g2) | 0; p2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) > 0) { q3 = Pu2(h3, 57395) | 0; if (!q3) { if (!(Pu2(h3, 57432) | 0)) break; r2 = Xg(p2, j2) | 0; if ((r2 | 0) <= -1) break; p2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = r2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = p2; it(1708384, 57446, e2) | 0; Gg(1708384, 13); break; } p2 = q3 + 13 | 0; q3 = p2; d: while (true) { switch (a[q3 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { break b; break; } case 39: { break d; break; } default: { } } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } a[q3 >> 0] = 0; n2 = Xg(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0; r2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = p2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = n2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = r2; it(1708384, 57409, f2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 13); } } while (0); l2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(l2 << 24 >> 24)) { m4 = 23; break; } } if ((m4 | 0) == 23) { Ia = d2; return; } } function dh() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; d2 = b4 + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = (c[481715] | 0) == 0; of(c[543065] | 0, 1, 0) | 0; if (of(c[543065] | 0, 9, 0) | 0) { h3 = c[543065] | 0; if ((c[785592] | 0) > 64) of(h3, 2, 0) | 0; else of(h3, 5, 200) | 0; } h3 = g2 ? 2359296 : 2113536; if (((c[785516] | 0) + (c[768178] | 0) | 0) > (h3 | 0) ? of(c[543065] | 0, 9, 0) | 0 : 0) { g2 = c[730442] | 0; if ((c[543071] | 0) != (g2 | 0)) { c[785592] = (c[785592] | 0) + 1; c[543071] = g2; } of(c[543065] | 0, 2, 0) | 0; g2 = c[768178] | 0; i3 = (c[785516] | 0) + g2 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > (h3 | 0)) { if (!(of(c[543065] | 0, 9, 0) | 0)) pn2(57466); else Ic(c[543065] | 0, 1); j2 = c[785516] | 0; k2 = (c[768178] | 0) + j2 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = j2 + g2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = k2; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = j2; it(1703776, 57522, e2) | 0; pn2(1703776); l2 = (c[785516] | 0) + (c[768178] | 0) | 0; } else l2 = i3; if ((l2 | 0) > (h3 | 0)) { Ng(); Yg2(); Fg(57563, 6); Ia = b4; return; } } of(c[543065] | 0, 0, 0) | 0; if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1 | (c[768029] | 0) != 0) { Ia = b4; return; } rg2(); a: do switch (bg(c[543065] | 0, 0, 0) | 0) { case 0: { Yg2(); if ((c[543065] | 0) == (c[543066] | 0)) c[533459] = 0; break; } case 1: { c[768028] = 1; break; } default: if ((c[730463] | 0) <= 0) { Yg2(); do if (c[768034] | 0) { h3 = c[543056] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) > 2) { l2 = Og(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, h3 + -2 | 0, 1) | 0; i3 = Xg(h3, f2) | 0; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) >= (Ah() | 0)) { Gg(57606, 14); break; } h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = i3; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = h3; it(1708384, 57577, d2) | 0; Gg(1708384, 14); if (l2 | 0) Gg(l2, 7); if ((i3 | 0) > 0 ? (l2 = c[765622] | 0, h3 = i3 + -1 | 0, (vs2(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[l2 + 336 >> 2] | 0) | 0) != (h3 | 0)) : 0) { l2 = ws2(c[c[765622] >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; h3 = c[765622] | 0; c[h3 + 336 >> 2] = l2; ts(h3, 52); c[482726] = i3; } } } else Gg(57606, 14); while (0); Lg2(Gd(c[543065] | 0, -1, 0) | 0); if (a[3143712] | 0) Gg(3143712, 6); if (c[785593] | 0) { c[785593] = 0; break a; } if (c[768034] | 0) ch(c[543065] | 0); } } while (0); if (!(c[785589] | 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } d2 = Kr() | 0; if ((d2 | 0) <= ((c[785590] | 0) + 1000 | 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } Rl() | 0; c[785590] = Kr() | 0; Ia = b4; return; } function eh() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; Kr() | 0; vg(8388608 / (c[785580] | 0) | 0); sg(); c[482626] = 0; if (Nk() | 0) return; a2 = 1; while (true) { c[768518] = (c[768518] | 0) + 1; c[785591] = 0; dh(); if (!(c[785591] | 0)) { b4 = 5; break; } if (a2 >>> 0 < 8192) a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; else { b4 = 5; break; } } if ((b4 | 0) == 5) return; } function fh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (a2 | 0) == 0 ? 2 : a2 << 1; if ((a2 | 0) < 0) return; c[730445] = (c[730445] | 0) + b4; ug(b4); return; } function gh2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; a[3143712] = 0; if (!b4) return; Yu2(3143712, b4, 254) | 0; a[3143967] = 0; return; } function hh() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0; a2 = c[533455] | 0; c[785550] = c[785551]; c[785551] = c[785552]; c[785552] = c[785553]; c[785553] = c[785554]; c[785554] = c[785555]; c[785555] = c[785556]; c[785556] = c[785557]; c[785557] = c[785558]; c[785558] = c[785559]; c[785559] = c[785560]; c[785560] = c[785561]; c[785561] = c[785562]; c[785562] = c[785563]; c[785563] = c[785564]; c[785564] = c[785565]; c[785565] = c[785566]; c[785566] = c[785567]; c[785567] = c[785568]; c[785568] = c[785569]; c[785569] = c[785570]; c[785570] = c[785571]; c[785571] = c[785572]; c[785572] = c[785573]; c[785573] = c[785574]; c[785574] = c[785575]; c[785575] = c[785576]; c[785576] = c[785577]; c[785577] = c[785578]; c[785578] = c[785579]; c[785579] = pr2() | 0; b4 = c[785550] | 0; d2 = c[785551] | 0; e2 = c[785552] | 0; f2 = c[785553] | 0; g2 = c[785554] | 0; h3 = c[785555] | 0; i3 = c[785556] | 0; j2 = c[785557] | 0; k2 = c[785558] | 0; l2 = c[785559] | 0; m4 = c[785560] | 0; n2 = c[785561] | 0; o2 = c[785562] | 0; p2 = c[785563] | 0; q3 = c[785564] | 0; r2 = c[785565] | 0; s3 = c[785566] | 0; t3 = c[785567] | 0; u2 = c[785568] | 0; v2 = c[785569] | 0; w2 = c[785570] | 0; x2 = c[785571] | 0; y4 = c[785572] | 0; z3 = c[785573] | 0; A4 = c[785574] | 0; B2 = c[785575] | 0; C3 = c[785576] | 0; D3 = c[785577] | 0; E3 = c[785578] | 0; F3 = c[785579] | 0; H2 = ((b4 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((d2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((e2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((f2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((g2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((h3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((i3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((j2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((k2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((l2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((m4 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((n2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((o2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((p2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((q3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((r2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((s3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((t3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((u2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((v2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((w2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((x2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((y4 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((z3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((A4 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((B2 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((C3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((D3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((E3 | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((F3 | 0) != 0 & 1) | 0; I2 = c[785584] | 0; J2 = c[785582] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) > (J2 | 0)) { K2 = I2 - J2 | 0; J2 = Dv2(K2 | 0, ((K2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; K2 = G() | 0; I2 = c[785581] | 0; L3 = 8388608 / (((I2 | 0) == 0 ? 30 : I2) | 0) | 0; I2 = xv(J2 | 0, K2 | 0, L3 | 0, ((L3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; G() | 0; L3 = c[785521] | 0; c[785520] = L3; c[785521] = I2; K2 = (L3 | 0) == 0 | (L3 | 0) < (I2 | 0) ? I2 : L3; M2 = (I2 | 0) == 0 | (K2 | 0) > (I2 | 0) ? K2 : I2; } else M2 = 1048576; I2 = c[785587] | 0; K2 = c[785585] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) < (K2 | 0)) return; L3 = c[532673] | 0; J2 = I2 - K2 + (c[785518] | 0) + ((L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0) | 0; L3 = (c[532539] | 0) == 0; K2 = L3 ? 1e4 : (F3 + (E3 + (D3 + (C3 + (B2 + (A4 + (z3 + (y4 + (x2 + (w2 + (v2 + (u2 + (t3 + (s3 + (r2 + (q3 + (p2 + (o2 + (n2 + (m4 + (l2 + (k2 + (j2 + (i3 + (h3 + (g2 + (f2 + (e2 + (d2 + b4)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) | 0) / (((H2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : H2) | 0) | 0; H2 = c[785580] | 0; b4 = c[785581] | 0; if ((c[532675] | 0) != 0 & (H2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 28 >> 2] = 9; c[785580] = (H2 | 0) / 2 | 0; c[532675] = 0; return; } c[532675] = 0; if ((H2 | 0) == 60 ? (K2 | 0) < 60 & (b4 | 0) == 60 : 0) { d2 = 2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 28 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 8; c[785580] = 30; if (as() | 0 ? (e2 = Kr() | 0, (e2 - (c[785519] | 0) | 0) < 2000) : 0) { c[d2 >> 2] = 10; d2 = (c[785518] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[785518] = (d2 | 0) < 5 ? d2 : 5; } c[785519] = Kr() | 0; return; } if ((H2 | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) return; if ((K2 | 0) >= (b4 | 0) ? (M2 | 0) < 64512 & (L3 | (J2 | 0) < 17 | (b4 | 0) == 30) : 0) { c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 28 >> 2] = 11; c[785580] = b4; return; } if ((M2 | 0) >= 63488) return; c[2131772 + (a2 << 5) + 28 >> 2] = 2; return; } function ih() { c[299660] = 0; c[543072] = 0; return; } function jh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Es2(1198640 + (c[543072] << 6) | 0, a2) | 0; c[543072] = (c[543072] | 0) + 1; return; } function kh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = c[543074] | 0; if ((f2 | 4 | 0) != -995) c[543075] = f2; a[1215024] = 0; c[543074] = 0; g2 = b4; a: while (true) { h3 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; switch (h3 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { i3 = 6; break a; break; } case 45: { i3 = 7; break a; break; } case 126: { i3 = 18; break a; break; } case 13: case 9: case 8: case 32: break; default: { j2 = h3; k2 = 0; break a; } } g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } if ((i3 | 0) == 6) { c[543074] = -1000; l2 = g2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else if ((i3 | 0) == 7) { b4 = a[g2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 45) { c[543074] = -995; m4 = g2 + 2 | 0; if ((a[m4 >> 0] | 0) == 91) { n2 = 0; while (true) { o2 = n2 + 1 | 0; p2 = a[m4 + o2 >> 0] | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 < 60 & p2 << 24 >> 24 == 61) n2 = o2; else break; } if (p2 << 24 >> 24 == 91 ? (p2 = n2 + 2 | 0, Hv(e2 | 0, m4 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0, a[e2 >> 0] = 93, a[e2 + o2 >> 0] = 93, a[e2 + p2 >> 0] = 0, p2 = Pu2(g2 + 4 + n2 | 0, e2) | 0, p2 | 0) : 0) { l2 = p2 + 2 + n2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } } n2 = g2; b: while (true) { switch (a[n2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 10: { l2 = n2; break b; break; } default: { } } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else { q3 = b4; r2 = 45; i3 = 19; } } else if ((i3 | 0) == 18) { q3 = a[g2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; r2 = 126; i3 = 19; } do if ((i3 | 0) == 19) { if ((q3 + -48 & 255) > 9) { if (q3 << 24 >> 24 != 46) { j2 = r2; k2 = 0; break; } if (((a[g2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) + -48 & 255) > 9) { j2 = r2; k2 = 0; break; } } b4 = c[543075] | 0; j2 = r2; k2 = ((b4 | 0) == -982 | ((b4 | 0) == -980 | ((b4 + 987 | 0) >>> 0 < 2 | ((b4 | 0) == -990 | ((b4 | 0) == -972 | ((b4 | 1 | 0) == -973 | ((b4 | 0) == -965 | ((b4 | 0) == 61 | ((b4 | 0) == -966 | ((b4 | 1 | 0) == -967 | ((b4 | 1 | 0) == -969 | ((b4 | 2 | 0) == 62 | ((b4 | 0) == -954 | ((b4 | 1 | 0) == -955 | ((b4 | 1 | 0) == -957 | ((b4 | 0) == -953 | ((b4 | 0) == 124 | ((b4 | 0) == 38 | ((b4 | 0) == 92 | ((b4 | 0) == 37 | ((b4 | 0) == 94 | ((b4 | 0) == 45 | ((b4 | 4 | 0) == 47 | ((b4 | 0) == 42 | ((b4 | 0) == 126 | ((b4 | 0) == 63 | ((b4 | 4 | 0) == 44 | (b4 | 32 | 0) == 123))))))))))))))))))))))))))) & 1; } while (0); if (a[1232 + (j2 & 255) >> 0] | 0) { c[543074] = 0; r2 = c[8702] | 0; q3 = h3 << 24 >> 24; if (!(a[1488 + (q3 & 255) >> 0] | 0)) { s3 = r2; t3 = 0; u2 = g2; } else { b4 = h3; n2 = q3; q3 = r2; r2 = 0; p2 = g2; while (true) { o2 = (B(n2, q3) | 0) & 8191 ^ 7266; m4 = r2 + 1 | 0; a[1215024 + r2 >> 0] = b4; v2 = p2 + 1 | 0; b4 = a[v2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = b4 << 24 >> 24; if (!(a[1488 + (n2 & 255) >> 0] | 0)) { s3 = o2; t3 = m4; u2 = v2; break; } else { q3 = o2; r2 = m4; p2 = v2; } } } a[1215024 + t3 >> 0] = 0; switch (f2 | 0) { case 46: case 58: break; default: { f2 = c[1280560 + (s3 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (f2 | 0 ? (Ot(1280560 + (s3 * 20 | 0) | 0, 1215024) | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[543074] = f2; l2 = u2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } } } c[543074] = -998; l2 = u2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } if ((j2 + -48 & 255) > 9) if (j2 << 24 >> 24 == 46) w2 = ((a[g2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) + -48 & 255) < 10 & 1; else w2 = 0; else w2 = 1; if (w2 | k2 | 0) { switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 126: case 45: { a[1215024] = j2; k2 = g2 + 1 | 0; x2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; y4 = k2; break; } default: { x2 = h3; y4 = g2; } } c[543074] = 0; c: do if (x2 << 24 >> 24 != 48) if (x2 << 24 >> 24 == 46 | (x2 + -48 & 255) < 10) i3 = 48; else { z3 = 0; A4 = y4; } else { k2 = a[y4 + 1 >> 0] | 0; switch ((k2 | 32) << 24 >> 24) { case 120: break; case 98: { a[1215024] = 48; a[1215025] = k2; w2 = 0; u2 = y4 + 2 | 0; while (true) { f2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; switch (f2 << 24 >> 24) { case 46: case 48: case 49: break; default: { z3 = w2; A4 = u2; break c; } } a[1215024 + w2 >> 0] = f2; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } break; } default: { i3 = 48; break c; } } a[1215024] = 48; a[1215025] = k2; u2 = 0; w2 = y4 + 2 | 0; while (true) { f2 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((f2 + -48 & 255) < 10 | (f2 + -97 & 255) < 6)) switch (f2 << 24 >> 24) { case 46: case 65: case 66: case 67: case 68: case 69: case 70: break; default: { z3 = u2; A4 = w2; break c; } } a[1215024 + u2 >> 0] = f2; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); if ((i3 | 0) == 48) { w2 = x2; x2 = 0; u2 = y4; while (true) { y4 = x2 + 1 | 0; a[1215024 + x2 >> 0] = w2; k2 = u2 + 1 | 0; w2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(w2 << 24 >> 24 == 46 | (w2 + -48 & 255) < 10)) { z3 = y4; A4 = k2; break; } else { x2 = y4; u2 = k2; } } } a[1215024 + z3 >> 0] = 0; c[543074] = -997; l2 = A4; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } d: do switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 91: { A4 = g2 + 1 | 0; z3 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; switch (z3 << 24 >> 24) { case 61: case 91: break; default: { C3 = z3; D3 = A4; E3 = 0; i3 = 95; break d; } } c[543074] = -996; a[1215024] = 0; if ((a[g2 >> 0] | 0) == 91) { A4 = 0; while (true) { F3 = A4 + 1 | 0; G2 = a[g2 + F3 >> 0] | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 < 60 & G2 << 24 >> 24 == 61) A4 = F3; else break; } if (G2 << 24 >> 24 == 91 ? (z3 = A4 + 2 | 0, Hv(e2 | 0, g2 | 0, z3 | 0) | 0, a[e2 >> 0] = 93, a[e2 + F3 >> 0] = 93, a[e2 + z3 >> 0] = 0, z3 = Pu2(g2 + 2 + A4 | 0, e2) | 0, z3 | 0) : 0) { l2 = z3 + 2 + A4 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } } l2 = g2 + (Pt(g2) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 34: { a[1215024] = 34; z3 = 1; u2 = g2; e: while (true) { x2 = u2 + 1 | 0; w2 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; switch (w2 << 24 >> 24) { case 34: { i3 = 65; break e; break; } case 10: case 0: { H2 = z3; I2 = x2; break e; break; } case 92: { k2 = u2 + 2 | 0; a[1215024 + z3 >> 0] = 92; J2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; K2 = z3 + 1 | 0; L3 = k2; break; } default: { J2 = w2; K2 = z3; L3 = x2; } } a[1215024 + K2 >> 0] = J2; z3 = K2 + 1 | 0; u2 = L3; } if ((i3 | 0) == 65) { a[1215024 + z3 >> 0] = 34; H2 = z3 + 1 | 0; I2 = u2 + 2 | 0; } a[1215024 + H2 >> 0] = 0; c[543074] = -996; l2 = I2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 39: { a[1215024] = 39; A4 = 1; x2 = g2; f: while (true) { w2 = x2 + 1 | 0; k2 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; switch (k2 << 24 >> 24) { case 39: { i3 = 71; break f; break; } case 10: case 0: { M2 = A4; N4 = w2; break f; break; } case 92: { y4 = x2 + 2 | 0; a[1215024 + A4 >> 0] = 92; O2 = a[y4 >> 0] | 0; P2 = A4 + 1 | 0; Q3 = y4; break; } default: { O2 = k2; P2 = A4; Q3 = w2; } } a[1215024 + P2 >> 0] = O2; A4 = P2 + 1 | 0; x2 = Q3; } if ((i3 | 0) == 71) { a[1215024 + A4 >> 0] = 39; M2 = A4 + 1 | 0; N4 = x2 + 2 | 0; } a[1215024 + M2 >> 0] = 0; c[543074] = -996; l2 = N4; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 10: { c[543076] = (c[543076] | 0) + 1; c[543074] = -999; l2 = g2 + 1 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 58: { u2 = g2 + 1 | 0; z3 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; if (z3 << 24 >> 24 == 58) { c[543074] = -960; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else { R3 = z3; S2 = u2; T4 = 0; i3 = 79; } break; } case 46: { u2 = g2 + 1 | 0; z3 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; if (z3 << 24 >> 24 == 46) if ((a[g2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 46) { c[543074] = -961; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else { C3 = 46; D3 = u2; E3 = 1; i3 = 95; } else { R3 = z3; S2 = u2; T4 = 1; i3 = 79; } break; } default: { u2 = g2 + 1 | 0; R3 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; S2 = u2; T4 = 0; i3 = 79; } } while (0); g: do if ((i3 | 0) == 79) if (R3 << 24 >> 24 == 61) do switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 60: { c[543074] = -970; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 62: { c[543074] = -969; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 126: { c[543074] = -967; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 33: { c[543074] = -967; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 61: { c[543074] = -966; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 43: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 45: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 42: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 47: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 92: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 37: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 38: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 124: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 94: { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } default: { U2 = S2; break g; } } while (0); else { C3 = R3; D3 = S2; E3 = T4; i3 = 95; } while (0); h: do if ((i3 | 0) == 95) { T4 = C3 << 24 >> 24 == 0; i: do if (!(j2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 | T4) ? (a[g2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 61 : 0) { if (E3 & C3 << 24 >> 24 == 46) { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 60: { if (C3 << 24 >> 24 != 60) { U2 = D3; break h; } c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 62: { if (C3 << 24 >> 24 != 62) { U2 = D3; break h; } c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } case 94: { if (C3 << 24 >> 24 != 94) { U2 = D3; break h; } c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } default: break i; } } else i3 = 106; while (0); if ((i3 | 0) == 106) { j: do switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 60: case 62: { if ((!T4 ? (S2 = a[g2 + 2 >> 0] | 0, S2 << 24 >> 24) : 0) ? (a[g2 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 61 : 0) { R3 = j2 << 24 >> 24 == 62 & C3 << 24 >> 24 == 62; if (R3 & S2 << 24 >> 24 == 60) { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } x2 = S2 << 24 >> 24 == 62; if (j2 << 24 >> 24 == 60 & C3 << 24 >> 24 == 60 & x2) { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } if (!(R3 & x2)) { U2 = D3; break h; } c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 62: break; case 60: { if (C3 << 24 >> 24 != 60) break j; x2 = g2 + 2 | 0; if ((a[x2 >> 0] | 0) == 62) { c[543074] = -955; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else { c[543074] = -958; l2 = x2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } break; } default: break j; } if (C3 << 24 >> 24 == 62) { x2 = g2 + 2 | 0; switch (a[x2 >> 0] | 0) { case 62: { if ((a[g2 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 61) { c[543074] = -965; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else { c[543074] = -956; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } break; } case 60: { c[543074] = -954; l2 = g2 + 3 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } default: { c[543074] = -957; l2 = x2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } } } break; } case 94: { if (C3 << 24 >> 24 == 94) { c[543074] = -953; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } break; } default: { } } while (0); if (E3 & C3 << 24 >> 24 == 46) { c[543074] = -964; l2 = g2 + 2 | 0; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } } if (j2 << 24 >> 24 == 47 & C3 << 24 >> 24 == 47) { c[543074] = -995; T4 = h3; x2 = g2; k: while (true) { switch (T4 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 10: { l2 = x2; break k; break; } default: { } } R3 = x2 + 1 | 0; T4 = a[R3 >> 0] | 0; x2 = R3; } Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } else U2 = D3; } while (0); if (gt(g2, 92584, 9) | 0) { c[543074] = j2 << 24 >> 24; l2 = U2; Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } c[543074] = -962; U2 = h3; h3 = g2; l: while (true) { switch (U2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 10: { l2 = h3; break l; break; } default: { } } g2 = h3 + 1 | 0; U2 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; h3 = g2; } Ia = d2; return l2 | 0; } function lh(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; if ((Pt(b4) | 0) >>> 0 > 15) { Ia = e2; return; } h3 = c[8702] | 0; i3 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(i3 << 24 >> 24)) j2 = h3; else { k2 = i3; i3 = h3; h3 = b4; while (true) { l2 = (B(i3, k2 << 24 >> 24) | 0) & 8191 ^ 7266; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; k2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) { j2 = l2; break; } else i3 = l2; } } i3 = 1280560 + (j2 * 20 | 0) + 16 | 0; k2 = 1280560 + (j2 * 20 | 0) | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (a[k2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = d2; Es2(k2, b4) | 0; Ia = e2; return; } c[g2 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; hv(57620, g2) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = k2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(1703776, 57620, f2) | 0; pn2(1703776); ya(0); } function mh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (c[543073] | 0) return; c[543073] = 1; c[8702] = a2; Iv(1280560, 0, 163840) | 0; lh(62626, -993); lh(62821, -992); lh(63707, -991); lh(63404, -990); lh(63407, -989); lh(63419, -988); lh(63412, -987); lh(62867, -986); lh(64685, -974); lh(64678, -973); lh(64682, -972); lh(62999, -985); lh(64408, -983); lh(62635, -982); lh(63188, -981); lh(63195, -980); lh(57651, -979); lh(57656, -978); lh(63936, -963); lh(63941, -963); lh(63947, -963); lh(63711, -984); lh(84488, -977); lh(84351, -977); lh(86511, -977); lh(84633, -977); lh(57662, -977); if ((c[543072] | 0) <= 0) return; a2 = 0; do { lh(1198640 + (a2 << 6) | 0, -977); a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) < (c[543072] | 0)); return; } function nh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; c2 = kh(b4) | 0; if (!c2) return 0; else return ((c2 | 0) == (b4 | 0) & (a[c2 >> 0] | 0) != 0 ? c2 + 1 | 0 : c2) | 0; return 0; } function oh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; mh(c[8702] | 0); c[543074] = 0; c[543075] = 0; c[543077] = b4; d2 = kh(b4) | 0; if (!d2) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } e2 = (d2 | 0) == (b4 | 0) & (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) != 0 ? d2 + 1 | 0 : d2; return e2 | 0; } function ph2() { return c[543074] | 0; } function qh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; d2 = 0; e2 = -1; while (true) { if ((e2 | 0) == -1) { mh(c[8702] | 0); c[543074] = 0; c[543075] = 0; c[543077] = b4; f2 = kh(b4) | 0; if (!f2) { g2 = 0; h3 = 0; } else { g2 = (f2 | 0) == (b4 | 0) & (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) != 0 ? f2 + 1 | 0 : f2; h3 = 0; } } else { if (!(a[d2 >> 0] | 0)) break; f2 = kh(d2) | 0; if (!f2) { g2 = 0; h3 = e2; } else { g2 = (f2 | 0) == (d2 | 0) & (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) != 0 ? f2 + 1 | 0 : f2; h3 = e2; } } switch (c[543074] | 0) { case -960: case -962: case 58: case 44: case 46: case -992: case 93: case 125: case 41: case 59: case -1000: case -983: case -995: case -999: { i3 = h3; break; } default: i3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } d2 = g2; e2 = i3; } return e2 | 0; } function rh() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; a2 = Vm2(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, 0) | 0; b4 = c[26136] | 0; d2 = c[b4 + 44588 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0)) e2 = -4; else { f2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = (B(c[f2 >> 2] << 1, c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0) + 260 | 0; } Cs(a2, d2, e2) | 0; tp(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[(c[753851] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); c[481714] = 1; return; } function sh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return; } function th2() { return; } function uh() { return; } function vh() { return; } function wh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return; } function xh() { return; } function yh2() { return; } function zh() { return; } function Ah() { var b4 = 0; b4 = c[765624] | 0; return (((b4 | 0) == 15 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765621] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 16 : ((b4 | 0) == 14 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765620] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 15 : ((b4 | 0) == 13 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765619] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 14 : ((b4 | 0) == 12 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765618] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 13 : ((b4 | 0) == 11 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765617] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 12 : ((b4 | 0) == 10 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765616] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 11 : ((b4 | 0) == 9 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765615] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 10 : ((b4 | 0) == 8 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765614] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 9 : ((b4 | 0) == 7 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765613] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 8 : ((b4 | 0) == 6 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765612] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 7 : ((b4 | 0) == 5 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765611] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 6 : ((b4 | 0) == 4 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765610] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 5 : ((b4 | 0) == 3 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765609] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 4 : ((b4 | 0) == 2 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765608] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 3 : ((b4 | 0) == 1 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765607] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) ? 2 : ((b4 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : (a[c[c[765606] >> 2] >> 0] | 0) != 0) & 1) | 0; } function Bh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 4 | 0; f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; b4 = 32; do { g2 = b4 << 1; h3 = 0; do { i3 = c[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((h3 >>> 6) + g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = h3 << 1 & 126; a[(c[(c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] = ((d[i3 + (j2 | 1) >> 0] | 0) << 4) + (d[i3 + j2 >> 0] | 0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 128); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 64); return; } function Ch(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 12 | 0; f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; b4 = 32; do { g2 = b4 << 1; h3 = 0; do { i3 = (h3 >>> 6) + g2 | 0; j2 = h3 << 1 & 126; a[(c[(c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] = a[(c[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] & 15; a[(c[(c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (j2 | 1) >> 0] = (d[(c[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] | 0) >>> 4; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 128); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 64); return; } function Dh() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; b4 = a[3100926] | 0; d2 = (b4 & 255) << 8; e2 = a[3100927] | 0; f2 = e2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 256 : e2 & 255; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 > -1) { e2 = (b4 & -16) << 24 >> 24 == 16 ? d2 + 8192 | 0 : d2; b4 = (e2 + -8192 | 0) >>> 0 > 7936 ? 8192 : e2; g2 = b4; h3 = (16384 - b4 | 0) / (f2 | 0) | 0; c[543078] = f2; c[543079] = h3; c[543080] = g2; return; } else { g2 = d2; h3 = ((65536 - d2 | 0) >>> 0) / (f2 >>> 0) | 0; c[543078] = f2; c[543079] = h3; c[543080] = g2; return; } } function Eh(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= 0 ? (f2 = c[543078] | 0, (e2 | 0) > -1 & (f2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) & (c[543079] | 0) > (e2 | 0)) : 0) { g2 = c[543080] | 0; if (!(g2 & 32768)) h3 = (c[(c[(c[769129] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 + -8192) | 0; else h3 = 3076520 + g2 | 0; i3 = d[h3 + ((B(f2, e2) | 0) + b4) >> 0] | 0; return i3 | 0; } if (!(a[3100894] & 16)) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } i3 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24410) | 0; return i3 | 0; } function Fh2(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 0) return; f2 = c[543078] | 0; if (!((d2 | 0) > -1 & (f2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) & (c[543079] | 0) > (d2 | 0))) return; g2 = c[543080] | 0; if (g2 & 32768 | 0) { a[3076520 + g2 + ((B(f2, d2) | 0) + b4) >> 0] = e2; return; } h3 = (B(f2, d2) | 0) + b4 | 0; a[(c[(c[(c[769129] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 + -8192) + h3 >> 0] = e2; if ((h3 | 0) <= 4095) return; Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, h3, e2); return; } function Gh(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2928 | 0; g2 = f2 + 2920 | 0; h3 = f2 + 2912 | 0; i3 = f2 + 2904 | 0; j2 = f2 + 2896 | 0; k2 = f2 + 2888 | 0; l2 = f2 + 2880 | 0; m4 = f2 + 1856 | 0; n2 = f2 + 832 | 0; o2 = f2 + 64 | 0; p2 = f2 + 2924 | 0; q3 = f2; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; if (!(c[543082] | 0)) { c[543082] = 1; Iv(1444400, 0, 3600) | 0; } if (!(c[543081] | 0)) { r2 = 9; Ia = f2; return r2 | 0; } c[l2 >> 2] = Om() | 0; it(q3, 57669, l2) | 0; if (a[3144232] | 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = 3144232; it(q3, 57680, k2) | 0; } k2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; do if (!($t(q3, 37) | 0)) if (k2) { Ur(q3, n2); break; } else { gc(q3, n2); break; } else if (k2) { e2 = 0; while (true) { c[j2 >> 2] = e2; it(m4, q3, j2) | 0; Ur(m4, n2); if (!(tr(n2) | 0)) break; else e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } } else { e2 = 0; while (true) { c[i3 >> 2] = e2; it(m4, q3, i3) | 0; gc(m4, n2); if (!(tr(n2) | 0)) break; else e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); m4 = Hl(n2, 0, p2) | 0; if (!m4) { c[h3 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = n2; it(1703776, 57687, h3) | 0; pn2(1703776); s3 = 1; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = n2; it(1703776, 57721, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); g2 = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : c[481768] | 0; b4 = (g2 | 0) < 8 ? g2 : 8; g2 = (b4 | 0) > 1 ? b4 : 1; b4 = ((g2 | 0) < 3 ? g2 : 3) << 7; g2 = Fn(b4, b4, 8) | 0; if ((c[543081] | 0) > 0) { b4 = 18; h3 = 0; while (true) { p2 = 1444400 + (h3 << 2) | 0; i3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { q3 = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = q3; t3 = q3; } else t3 = i3; i3 = c[t3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; u2 = b4; q3 = 0; do { u2 = (d[i3 + q3 >> 0] | 0) > 15 ? 256 : u2; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != 16384); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) >= (c[543081] | 0)) break; else b4 = u2; } if ((u2 | 0) > 0) { v2 = u2; w2 = 25; } else x2 = u2; } else { v2 = 18; w2 = 25; } if ((w2 | 0) == 25) { w2 = c[730428] | 0; u2 = 0; do { a[o2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] = a[w2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; a[o2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] = a[w2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; a[o2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] = a[w2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != (v2 | 0)); x2 = v2; } v2 = Gl(1 << (Pl2(x2) | 0), o2) | 0; o2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = o2; u2 = g2 + 4 | 0; w2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = w2; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = x2; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = v2; a: do if ((c[543081] | 0) > 0) { b4 = g2 + 16 | 0; h3 = o2; t3 = w2; q3 = 0; while (true) { i3 = 1444400 + (q3 << 2) | 0; Nn(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, g2, 0, 0, h3, t3, 0); p2 = Ql(m4, 0) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 + 8 >> 2] = j2; k2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 + 12 >> 2] = k2; a[p2 + 16 >> 0] = 0; e2 = (q3 | 0) != 0; c[p2 + 20 >> 2] = e2 ? 0 : v2; l2 = El(B(k2, j2) | 0) | 0; j2 = p2 + 24 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = l2; Iv(l2 | 0, 0, B(c[u2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) | 0; l2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) > 0) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = l2; z3 = 0; while (true) { if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { A4 = k2; C3 = 0; do { a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + ((B(A4, z3) | 0) + C3) >> 0] = (d[(c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + C3 >> 0] | 0) % (x2 | 0) | 0; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; A4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((C3 | 0) < (A4 | 0)); D3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = A4; } else { D3 = y4; E3 = k2; } z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; if ((z3 | 0) >= (D3 | 0)) { F3 = D3; break; } else { k2 = E3; y4 = D3; } } } else F3 = l2; if (e2 & (F3 | 0) > 0) { y4 = 1444400 + (q3 + -1 << 2) | 0; k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 0; while (true) { if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { C3 = k2; G2 = 0; while (true) { H2 = c[481768] | 0; I2 = (z3 | 0) / (H2 | 0) | 0; J2 = (G2 | 0) / (H2 | 0) | 0; if ((a[(c[(c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (I2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + J2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[(c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (I2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + J2 >> 0] | 0)) { J2 = (B(C3, z3) | 0) + G2 | 0; a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 >> 0] = 17; K2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else K2 = C3; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; if ((G2 | 0) >= (K2 | 0)) { L3 = K2; break; } else C3 = K2; } } else L3 = k2; z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; if ((z3 | 0) >= (c[u2 >> 2] | 0)) break; else k2 = L3; } } k2 = (q3 | 0) == 0; z3 = k2 ? 3 : 1; j2 = p2 + 28 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = z3; i3 = El(z3 * 12 | 0) | 0; z3 = p2 + 32 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = i3; Iv(i3 | 0, 0, (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) * 12 | 0) | 0; if (k2) { k2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = 255; c[k2 >> 2] = 11; j2 = El(12) | 0; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; Es2(j2, 57740) | 0; j2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = 3; k2 = El(3) | 0; i3 = j2 + 16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = k2; a[k2 >> 0] = 1; a[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 1 >> 0] = 0; a[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = 0; M2 = 2; } else M2 = 0; i3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 + (M2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = 249; c[i3 + (M2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = 4; z3 = El(4) | 0; k2 = i3 + (M2 * 12 | 0) + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = z3; a[z3 >> 0] = 1; a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 >> 0] = 3; a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = 0; a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 3 >> 0] = 17; k2 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) >= (c[543081] | 0)) break a; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = k2; } } while (0); u2 = Ol(m4) | 0; Gn(g2) | 0; Mb(n2, 57752, 128, 128); Fl2(); n2 = (u2 | 0) == 0; if (n2) pn2(57756); s3 = n2 & 1; } r2 = s3; Ia = f2; return r2 | 0; } function Hh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; if (!(c[543082] | 0)) { c[543082] = 1; Iv(1444400, 0, 3600) | 0; } if (!(c[481782] | c[481771])) { Ia = b4; return; } Rr(b4 + 8 | 0, b4 + 4 | 0, d2); Kr() | 0; d2 = c[481782] | 0; e2 = c[481771] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0 | (d2 | 0) != 0) { f2 = e2; e2 = d2; d2 = 0; while (true) { g2 = 1444400 + (d2 << 2) | 0; if (!(c[g2 >> 2] | 0)) { c[g2 >> 2] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; h3 = c[481782] | 0; i3 = c[481771] | 0; } else { h3 = e2; i3 = f2; } d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; g2 = (h3 | 0) == 0 ? i3 * 30 | 0 : 900; j2 = (g2 | 0) < 900 ? g2 : 900; if (d2 >>> 0 >= ((j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0) >>> 0) break; else { f2 = i3; e2 = h3; } } } tp(a2, c[1444400 + (c[543081] << 2) >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); a2 = Kr() | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < (c[532940] | 0)) qb(c[1444400 + (c[543081] << 2) >> 2] | 0); a2 = c[543081] | 0; h3 = (c[481782] | 0) == 0 ? (c[481771] | 0) * 30 | 0 : 900; e2 = (h3 | 0) < 900; if ((a2 | 0) < (((h3 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : e2 ? h3 + -1 | 0 : 899) | 0)) { c[543081] = a2 + 1; Ia = b4; return; } a2 = c[361100] | 0; i3 = e2 ? h3 : 900; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : i3 + -1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) > 0) { e2 = 0; do { f2 = e2; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; c[1444400 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = c[1444400 + (((e2 | 0) % (i3 | 0) | 0) << 2) >> 2]; } while ((e2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)); k2 = h3; } else k2 = 0; c[1444400 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] = a2; Ia = b4; return; } function Ih() { c[543081] = 0; c[481773] = 0; return; } function Jh2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = ru(a2, 94452) | 0; if (!g2) { h3 = 1; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } a2 = kq(1048576) | 0; i3 = fv(a2, 1, 1048576, g2) | 0; xu2(g2) | 0; g2 = ru(b4, 95158) | 0; if (!g2) { h3 = 2; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } Vu(57781, 6, 1, g2) | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { b4 = 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = d[a2 + b4 >> 0]; Mu2(g2, 102994, f2) | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } Vu(57788, 7, 1, g2) | 0; xu2(g2) | 0; h3 = 0; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } function Kh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Gn(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 44576 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[(c[26136] | 0) + 44576 >> 2] = a2; tp(c[730458] | 0, a2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); return 0; } function Lh() { return; } function Mh() { return ((c[543081] | 0) + 15 | 0) / 30 | 0 | 0; } function Nh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = 0; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Oh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 > 63) { d2 = 61; return d2 | 0; } d2 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + (b4 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; return d2 | 0; } function Ph(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; g2 = b4 + d2 | 0; d2 = f2 + 4 | 0; h3 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { i3 = e2; j2 = b4; k2 = h3; l2 = 2; break; } case 1: { m4 = e2; n2 = b4; o2 = h3; l2 = 6; break; } case 2: { p2 = e2; q3 = b4; r2 = h3; l2 = 10; break; } default: { s3 = 0; return s3 | 0; } } while (true) if ((l2 | 0) == 2) { l2 = 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { t3 = 0; u2 = i3; v2 = k2; break; } h3 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; b4 = h3 >>> 2 & 63; if ((b4 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) w2 = 61; else w2 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + b4 >> 0] | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = w2; m4 = i3 + 1 | 0; n2 = j2 + 1 | 0; o2 = h3 << 4 & 48; l2 = 6; continue; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 6) { l2 = 0; if ((n2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { t3 = 1; u2 = m4; v2 = o2; break; } h3 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; b4 = h3 >>> 4 & 15 | o2 & 255; if ((b4 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) x2 = 61; else x2 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + (b4 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = x2; p2 = m4 + 1 | 0; q3 = n2 + 1 | 0; r2 = h3 << 2 & 60; l2 = 10; continue; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 10) { l2 = 0; if ((q3 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { t3 = 2; u2 = p2; v2 = r2; break; } h3 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; b4 = h3 >>> 6 & 3 | r2 & 255; if ((b4 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) y4 = 61; else y4 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + (b4 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = y4; b4 = h3 & 63; h3 = b4 & 255; if (h3 << 24 >> 24 > 63) z3 = 61; else z3 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + b4 >> 0] | 0; a[p2 + 1 >> 0] = z3; b4 = f2 + 8 | 0; A4 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (A4 | 0) == 18 ? 0 : A4; i3 = p2 + 2 | 0; j2 = q3 + 1 | 0; k2 = h3; l2 = 2; continue; } a[d2 >> 0] = v2; c[f2 >> 2] = t3; s3 = u2 - e2 | 0; return s3 | 0; } function Qh(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 1: { e2 = a[d2 + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (e2 << 24 >> 24 > 63) f2 = 61; else f2 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + (e2 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = f2; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = 61; g2 = 3; h3 = b4 + 2 | 0; break; } case 2: { f2 = a[d2 + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (f2 << 24 >> 24 > 63) i3 = 61; else i3 = a[((c[534492] | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861) + (f2 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = i3; g2 = 2; h3 = b4 + 1 | 0; break; } default: { j2 = b4; k2 = j2; l2 = b4; m4 = k2 - l2 | 0; return m4 | 0; } } a[h3 >> 0] = 61; j2 = b4 + g2 | 0; k2 = j2; l2 = b4; m4 = k2 - l2 | 0; return m4 | 0; } function Rh2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = c[534492] | 0; if ((c[8703] | 0) != (d2 | 0)) { Iv(1448000, -1, 1024) | 0; e2 = (d2 | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861; f2 = 0; do { if ((f2 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) g2 = 61; else g2 = a[e2 + (f2 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; c[1448000 + (g2 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] = f2; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); c[8703] = d2; } if (b4 << 24 >> 24 < 0) { h3 = -1; return h3 | 0; } h3 = c[1448000 + (b4 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] | 0; return h3 | 0; } function Sh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = 0; return; } function Th(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; h3 = g2 + 4 | 0; a[f2 >> 0] = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; switch (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { i3 = b4 + e2 | 0; j2 = b4; k2 = f2; l2 = 6; break; } case 1: { m4 = b4 + e2 | 0; n2 = b4; o2 = f2; l2 = 18; break; } case 2: { p2 = b4 + e2 | 0; q3 = b4; r2 = f2; l2 = 30; break; } case 3: { s3 = b4 + e2 | 0; t3 = b4; u2 = f2; l2 = 42; break; } default: { v2 = 0; return v2 | 0; } } a: while (true) if ((l2 | 0) == 6) { l2 = 0; b4 = j2; do { if ((b4 | 0) == (i3 | 0)) { w2 = 0; x2 = k2; break a; } e2 = b4; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; y4 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; e2 = c[534492] | 0; if ((c[8703] | 0) != (e2 | 0)) { Iv(1448000, -1, 1024) | 0; z3 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861; A4 = 0; do { if ((A4 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) B2 = 61; else B2 = a[z3 + (A4 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; c[1448000 + (B2 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] = A4; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; } while ((A4 | 0) != 64); c[8703] = e2; } if (y4 << 24 >> 24 < 0) C3 = -1; else C3 = c[1448000 + (y4 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } while ((C3 & 128 | 0) != 0); a[k2 >> 0] = C3 << 2; m4 = i3; n2 = b4; o2 = k2; l2 = 18; continue; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 18) { l2 = 0; A4 = n2; do { if ((A4 | 0) == (m4 | 0)) { w2 = 1; x2 = o2; break a; } z3 = A4; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; D3 = a[z3 >> 0] | 0; z3 = c[534492] | 0; if ((c[8703] | 0) != (z3 | 0)) { Iv(1448000, -1, 1024) | 0; E3 = (z3 | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861; F3 = 0; do { if ((F3 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) G2 = 61; else G2 = a[E3 + (F3 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; c[1448000 + (G2 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] = F3; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; } while ((F3 | 0) != 64); c[8703] = z3; } if (D3 << 24 >> 24 < 0) H2 = -1; else H2 = c[1448000 + (D3 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } while ((H2 & 128 | 0) != 0); b4 = o2 + 1 | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = H2 >>> 4 & 3 | (d[o2 >> 0] | 0); a[b4 >> 0] = H2 << 4; p2 = m4; q3 = A4; r2 = b4; l2 = 30; continue; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 30) { l2 = 0; b4 = q3; do { if ((b4 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) { w2 = 2; x2 = r2; break a; } F3 = b4; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; E3 = a[F3 >> 0] | 0; F3 = c[534492] | 0; if ((c[8703] | 0) != (F3 | 0)) { Iv(1448000, -1, 1024) | 0; y4 = (F3 | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861; e2 = 0; do { if ((e2 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) I2 = 61; else I2 = a[y4 + (e2 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; c[1448000 + (I2 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] = e2; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 64); c[8703] = F3; } if (E3 << 24 >> 24 < 0) J2 = -1; else J2 = c[1448000 + (E3 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } while ((J2 & 128 | 0) != 0); A4 = r2 + 1 | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = J2 >>> 2 & 15 | (d[r2 >> 0] | 0); a[A4 >> 0] = J2 << 6; s3 = p2; t3 = b4; u2 = A4; l2 = 42; continue; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 42) { l2 = 0; A4 = t3; do { if ((A4 | 0) == (s3 | 0)) { w2 = 3; x2 = u2; break a; } e2 = A4; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; y4 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; e2 = c[534492] | 0; if ((c[8703] | 0) != (e2 | 0)) { Iv(1448000, -1, 1024) | 0; D3 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 57796 : 57861; z3 = 0; do { if ((z3 & 255) << 24 >> 24 > 63) K2 = 61; else K2 = a[D3 + (z3 << 24 >> 24) >> 0] | 0; c[1448000 + (K2 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] = z3; z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; } while ((z3 | 0) != 64); c[8703] = e2; } if (y4 << 24 >> 24 < 0) L3 = -1; else L3 = c[1448000 + (y4 << 24 >> 24 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } while ((L3 & 128 | 0) != 0); a[u2 >> 0] = L3 & 63 | (d[u2 >> 0] | 0); i3 = s3; j2 = A4; k2 = u2 + 1 | 0; l2 = 6; continue; } c[g2 >> 2] = w2; a[h3 >> 0] = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; v2 = x2 - f2 | 0; return v2 | 0; } function Uh() { return; } function Vh() { return; } function Wh() { return 0; } function Xh(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = d2 + 4 | 0; g2 = c[768155] & 15; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; h3 = wd(b4) | 0; if (!h3) { i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } j2 = Ad(b4, 1) | 0; do if ((j2 + -3 | 0) >>> 0 >= 2) if ((j2 | 0) == 1) { k2 = (Fd(b4, 1) | 0) == 0; l2 = k2 ? 63941 : 63936; c[f2 >> 2] = Pt(l2) | 0; m4 = l2; break; } else { c[e2 >> 2] = Bd(b4, j2) | 0; it(1708384, 57971, e2) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = Pt(1708384) | 0; m4 = 1708384; break; } else m4 = Gd(b4, 1, f2) | 0; while (0); if ((h3 | 0) == 2) { e2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(b4) | 0) >= 2) { j2 = Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; l2 = j2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = l2; if (!((j2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (k2 = j2 >>> 8 & 65536 | j2 & 65535, c[768171] = k2, (j2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = k2 | 131072; n2 = 0; o2 = l2; } else { n2 = 0; o2 = l2; } } else { n2 = 0; o2 = e2; } } else if ((h3 | 0) > 2) { e2 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; l2 = (Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; c[768156] = e2; c[768158] = e2; c[768157] = l2; if ((h3 | 0) != 3) { l2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(b4) | 0) >= 4) { e2 = Cd(b4, 4, 0) | 0; k2 = e2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = k2; if (!((e2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (j2 = e2 >>> 8 & 65536 | e2 & 65535, c[768171] = j2, (e2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = j2 | 131072; n2 = 1; o2 = k2; } else { n2 = 1; o2 = k2; } } else { n2 = 1; o2 = l2; } } else { n2 = 1; o2 = g2; } } else { n2 = 0; o2 = g2; } g2 = (h3 | 0) < 3 ? 32 : 0; h3 = g2 | 16; l2 = (a[3100894] | 0) < 0 ? h3 : n2 | (c[768034] | 0) != 0 ? g2 : h3; c[543083] = c[768156]; c[543084] = c[768157]; if (!(Ok(c[730449] | 0, m4, c[f2 >> 2] | 0, l2, o2) | 0)) { Ld(b4, c[543083] << 16); Ld(b4, c[543084] << 16); i3 = 2; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } Ug(); b4 = c[785580] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 30) { Ug(); p2 = c[785580] | 0; } else p2 = b4; if ((p2 | 0) == 15) { Ug(); Ug(); } vb(); dl2(); c[730460] = 0; dn(); wg(); c[730445] = 0; if (c[482725] | 0) { c[768033] = 2; c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; c[768158] = 0; } if (c[481773] | 0) { nb(0); Hh(c[730458] | 0); } xg(); i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } function Yh(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2048 | 0; h3 = g2 + 1024 | 0; i3 = g2; if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (d2 | 0) == 0) { j2 = 1; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } k2 = Pt(b4) | 0; l2 = Pt(3062500) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 1023 | (k2 + 4 + l2 + (Pt(3063524) | 0) | 0) >>> 0 >= e2 >>> 0) { j2 = 1; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } Es2(h3, b4) | 0; if (Pu2(h3, 95214) | 0) { j2 = 1; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } b4 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (b4 << 24 >> 24) { e2 = b4; l2 = h3; b: while (true) { if (!((e2 + -97 & 255) < 26 | (e2 + -48 & 255) < 10)) switch (e2 << 24 >> 24) { case 32: case 46: case 47: case 95: break; default: { j2 = 1; break b; } } l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; e2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(e2 << 24 >> 24)) break a; } Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } while (0); Mo(h3, 0, 0, i3); if (57926) { b4 = 57926; e2 = 1744; l2 = 0; do { k2 = (Ot(i3, b4) | 0) == 0; l2 = k2 ? 1 : l2; e2 = e2 + 4 | 0; b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 0); if (!l2) m4 = 13; } else ; if ((m4 | 0) == 13) { m4 = h3 + (Pt(h3) | 0) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = a[57926] | 0; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = a[57927] | 0; a[m4 + 2 >> 0] = a[57928] | 0; a[m4 + 3 >> 0] = a[57929] | 0; a[m4 + 4 >> 0] = a[57930] | 0; } if (!f2) { gc(h3, d2); j2 = 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } else { Ur(h3, d2); j2 = 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } return 0; } function Zh(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; b4 = (a2 + -46 | 0) >>> 0 < 11; d2 = b4 ? a2 + -30 | 0 : a2; if (b4) { if ((d2 & -8 | 0) == 16 ? (b4 = d2 & 3, a2 = c[1930516 + (b4 * 24 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, (a2 | 0) != 0) : 0) { e2 = d2 & -4; if ((e2 | 0) == 16) { f2 = c[769129] | 0; g2 = 0; h3 = -65536; while (true) { i3 = (a2 | 0) == (f2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) | 0) ? g2 << 16 : h3; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 64) { j2 = i3; break; } else h3 = i3; } } else j2 = -65536; if ((e2 | 0) == 20) k2 = c[1930516 + (b4 * 24 | 0) + 12 >> 2] << 16; else k2 = j2; } else k2 = -65536; if ((d2 + -24 | 0) >>> 0 >= 3) { l2 = k2; return l2 | 0; } if (!(c[482655] | 0)) { l2 = -65536; return l2 | 0; } if ((d2 | 0) != 26) { l2 = (d2 | 0) == 25 ? c[482658] << 16 : (d2 | 0) == 24 ? c[482657] << 16 : -65536; return l2 | 0; } l2 = c[482654] << 16; return l2 | 0; } k2 = d2 & -4; if ((k2 | 0) == 16) { j2 = Rq(d2 + -16 | 0) | 0; b4 = c[769129] | 0; e2 = 0; h3 = -65536; do { h3 = (j2 | 0) == (b4 + 16 + (e2 * 660 | 0) | 0) ? e2 << 16 : h3; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 64); if ((h3 | 0) == -65536) { e2 = Rq(d2 + -12 | 0) | 0; b4 = c[769129] | 0; j2 = 0; g2 = -65536; while (true) { f2 = (e2 | 0) == (b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) | 0) ? j2 << 16 : g2; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 64) { m4 = f2; break; } else g2 = f2; } } else m4 = h3; } else m4 = -65536; do if ((k2 | 0) == 20) { h3 = Rq(d2 + -20 | 0) | 0; if (!h3) { g2 = Rq(d2 + -16 | 0) | 0; if (!g2) { n2 = m4; break; } else o2 = g2; } else o2 = h3; n2 = (Qq(o2) | 0) << 16; } else n2 = m4; while (0); if (!(ar2() | 0)) { l2 = n2; return l2 | 0; } if ((d2 | 0) != 26) { l2 = (d2 | 0) == 25 ? c[543662] << 16 : (d2 | 0) == 24 ? c[543663] << 16 : n2; return l2 | 0; } l2 = (er() | 0) << 16; return l2 | 0; } function _h(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Rd(a2, 6, 0); Wd(a2, 57976); Rd(a2, 7, 0); Wd(a2, 57991); Rd(a2, 8, 0); Wd(a2, 58001); Rd(a2, 9, 0); Wd(a2, 58012); Rd(a2, 10, 0); Wd(a2, 58019); Rd(a2, 11, 0); Wd(a2, 58027); Rd(a2, 12, 0); Wd(a2, 58036); Rd(a2, 13, 0); Wd(a2, 58044); Rd(a2, 14, 0); Wd(a2, 58051); Rd(a2, 15, 0); Wd(a2, 58060); Rd(a2, 15, 0); Wd(a2, 58073); Rd(a2, 16, 0); Wd(a2, 58082); Rd(a2, 17, 0); Wd(a2, 58089); Rd(a2, 18, 0); Wd(a2, 58098); Rd(a2, 19, 0); Wd(a2, 58109); Rd(a2, 20, 0); Wd(a2, 58135); Rd(a2, 21, 0); Wd(a2, 58138); Rd(a2, 22, 0); Wd(a2, 84940); Rd(a2, 23, 0); Wd(a2, 89809); Rd(a2, 24, 0); Wd(a2, 90220); Rd(a2, 13, 0); Wd(a2, 87976); Rd(a2, 25, 0); Wd(a2, 88348); Rd(a2, 26, 0); Wd(a2, 66299); Rd(a2, 27, 0); Wd(a2, 89897); Rd(a2, 28, 0); Wd(a2, 85507); Rd(a2, 29, 0); Wd(a2, 89664); Rd(a2, 29, 0); Wd(a2, 58144); Rd(a2, 30, 0); Wd(a2, 89289); Rd(a2, 31, 0); Wd(a2, 88937); Rd(a2, 32, 0); Wd(a2, 88703); return; } function $h(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!(c[730446] | 0)) return 0; b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < -1114112) return 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + (b4 >> 16 << 1); return 0; } function ai(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730463] | 0) > 0) return 0; c[768033] = 2; c[768164] = 0; c[768163] = 0; Xh(a2) | 0; xg(); return 0; } function bi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2096 | 0; e2 = d2 + 2080 | 0; f2 = d2 + 2072 | 0; g2 = d2 + 2064 | 0; h3 = d2 + 1040 | 0; i3 = d2; j2 = d2 + 2084 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; if (!(wd(b4) | 0)) { Ia = d2; return 0; } k2 = Ad(b4, 1) | 0; do if ((k2 + -3 | 0) >>> 0 >= 2) if ((k2 | 0) == 1) { l2 = (Fd(b4, 1) | 0) == 0; m4 = l2 ? 63941 : 63936; c[j2 >> 2] = Pt(m4) | 0; n2 = m4; break; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = Bd(b4, k2) | 0; it(1708384, 57971, g2) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = Pt(1708384) | 0; n2 = 1708384; break; } else n2 = Gd(b4, 1, j2) | 0; while (0); if ((wd(b4) | 0) <= 1) { g2 = us(n2, 0, 1) | 0; cv(g2) | 0; zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; mq(g2); Ia = d2; return 0; } g2 = Gd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; if (!g2) { Ia = d2; return 0; } if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 2) o2 = Fd(b4, 3) | 0; else o2 = 0; if (!(Ot(g2, 58792) | 0)) { k2 = us(n2, 0, 1) | 0; bs(k2) | 0; if ((cs(k2) | 0) == 0 ? (co2(-5) | 0) == 0 : 0) eb2(59847, 1500); m4 = c[482628] | 0; if (m4 | 0) mq(m4); c[482628] = k2; Ia = d2; return 0; } if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 3) p2 = Fd(b4, 4) | 0; else p2 = 0; if (Yh(g2, h3, 1023, p2) | 0) { Bb(59877) | 0; Ia = d2; return 0; } p2 = c[532265] | 0; g2 = (Pt(n2) | 0) + p2 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 > 10485759) { Bb(59903) | 0; Ia = d2; return 0; } c[532265] = g2; c[f2 >> 2] = h3; it(i3, 59940, f2) | 0; do if (!(Pu2(2063524, i3) | 0)) { f2 = 0; g2 = 0; a: while (true) { switch (a[2063524 + g2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { break a; break; } case 124: { q3 = f2 + 1 | 0; break; } default: q3 = f2; } f2 = q3; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } if ((f2 | 0) <= 63) { Zt(2063524, i3) | 0; break; } Bb(59944) | 0; Ia = d2; return 0; } while (0); i3 = ru(h3, (o2 | 0) == 0 ? 59966 : 95158) | 0; if (!i3) { eb2(59972, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } o2 = us(n2, 0, 1) | 0; h3 = Pt(n2) | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) Uu(o2, i3) | 0; else { c[e2 >> 2] = o2; Mu2(i3, 59968, e2) | 0; } xu2(i3) | 0; mq(o2); Ia = d2; return 0; } function ci(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; d2 = b4 + 24 | 0; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = b4; h3 = Ad(a2, 1) | 0; fh(2); if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) { Nd2(a2, 3144900) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } switch (h3 | 0) { case 4: { xd2(a2, 1); Ia = b4; return 1; } case 3: { do if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) { if ((Ad(a2, 2) | 0) == 1) i3 = (Fd(a2, 2) | 0) != 0 & 1; else i3 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; if (!(i3 & 1)) { if (!(i3 & 2)) break; c[e2 >> 2] = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; it(1708384, 93171, e2) | 0; Nd2(a2, 1708384) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } j2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; if (!(i3 & 2)) { c[f2 >> 2] = j2 >>> 16; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = j2 & 65535; it(1708384, 59835, f2) | 0; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = j2; it(1708384, 59828, g2) | 0; } Nd2(a2, 1708384) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } while (0); Nd2(a2, Gd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } case 1: { g2 = (Fd(a2, 1) | 0) == 0; Nd2(a2, g2 ? 63941 : 63936) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } default: { c[d2 >> 2] = Bd(a2, h3) | 0; it(1708384, 57971, d2) | 0; Nd2(a2, 1708384) | 0; Ia = b4; return 1; } } return 0; } function di(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 6176 | 0; e2 = d2 + 6160 | 0; f2 = d2 + 6144 | 0; g2 = d2 + 5120 | 0; h3 = d2 + 4096 | 0; i3 = d2 + 3072 | 0; j2 = d2 + 2048 | 0; k2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; l2 = d2; m4 = d2 + 6172 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 255; if ((c[730463] | 0) > 0) { n2 = 0; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } Rl() | 0; if ((Ad(b4, 1) | 0) != 4) { n2 = 0; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } if ((wd(b4) | 0) <= 1) if (!(c[768034] | 0)) { zg(); o2 = 0; } else o2 = 0; else o2 = Gd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 2 ? (Gd(b4, 3, 0) | 0) != 0 : 0) Yu2(3075101, Gd(b4, 3, 0) | 0, 1024) | 0; else a[3075101] = 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) <= 0) { n2 = 0; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } p2 = Gd(b4, 1, m4) | 0; if (!p2) { n2 = 0; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } c[481788] = 0; Es2(k2, 3065580) | 0; Es2(g2, p2) | 0; a: do switch (a[p2 >> 0] | 0) { case 95: { if ((a[p2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 95) q3 = 41; else q3 = 26; break; } case 35: { c[481785] = 0; c[481788] = 0; if (!(c[768034] | 0)) Ig(59568, 0, 0); m4 = p2 + 1 | 0; r2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; b: do if (r2 << 24 >> 24) { s3 = r2; t3 = m4; c: while (true) { if (!((s3 + -48 & 255) < 10 | ((s3 & -33) + -65 & 255) < 26)) switch (s3 << 24 >> 24) { case 45: case 95: break; default: break c; } t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; s3 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(s3 << 24 >> 24)) break b; } Bb(59583) | 0; break a; } while (0); r2 = Em2() | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 91870; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = m4; it(l2, 59600, f2) | 0; Cm(l2, nm2(m4) | 0, 0); c[768036] = 30; if (o2 | 0 ? (Pt(o2) | 0) >>> 0 > 1 : 0) yg(k2, o2, 1); xg(); Sd(b4, 0); n2 = 1; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } default: q3 = 26; } while (0); d: do if ((q3 | 0) == 26) { do if (!(Ot(p2, 59649) | 0)) { l2 = c[533462] | 0; if (!l2) { q3 = 41; break d; } Yb2(l2, 59658); c[533462] = 0; Es2(3065580, 3144900) | 0; Ig(59669, Pt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0) | 0, 0); } else { if (((Ot(p2, 58792) | 0 ? Ot(p2, 58798) | 0 : 0) ? Ot(p2, 58807) | 0 : 0) ? Ot(p2, 58817) | 0 : 0) { if (ac(g2) | 0) { q3 = 41; break d; } Mo(3065580, h3, i3, j2); l2 = Pt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = i3; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = l2; it(1708384, 59727, e2) | 0; if (c[768034] | 0) break; Hg(1708384); break; } Hg(59697); break d; } while (0); if (o2 | 0 ? (Pt(o2) | 0) >>> 0 > 1 : 0) yg(k2, o2, 0); Pg(); m4 = c[765622] | 0; l2 = m4 + 336 | 0; c[m4 + 324 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 320 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; Wk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 0, 0, 17152); fh(8388608); if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0 ? (c[768033] = 1, Ot(3065580, k2) | 0) : 0) c[768036] = 30; Sd(b4, 1); n2 = 1; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } while (0); if ((q3 | 0) == 41 ? (c[768034] | 0) == 0 : 0) { switch (c[766682] | 0) { case 1: { Hg(59750); break; } case 2: { Hg(59781); break; } default: Hg(59813); } c[766682] = 0; } Sd(b4, 0); n2 = 1; Ia = d2; return n2 | 0; } function ei(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = Gd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; h3 = Gd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; i3 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; j2 = (Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; if (!g2) { Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59225) | 0)) { nb(0); Kh(c[730458] | 0) | 0; eb2(59231, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59243) | 0)) { nb(0); if (fc(c[730458] | 0, i3, j2) | 0) { eb2(59250, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!j2) { eb2(59291, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } else { eb2(59279, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } } if (!(Ot(g2, 59312) | 0)) { Ih(); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59316) | 0)) { Ih(); c[481773] = 1; Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59327) | 0)) { c[481773] = 0; nb(0); b4 = Gh(i3, j2) | 0; k2 = c[543081] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = k2; hv(59333, f2) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 9) { eb2(59378, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { eb2(59407, 1500); Ia = d2; return 0; } b4 = Mh() | 0; if (!j2) { zb(59449, 1500, b4, 0); Ia = d2; return 0; } else { zb(59429, 1500, b4, 0); Ia = d2; return 0; } } if (!(Ot(g2, 59473) | 0)) { cr(); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59483) | 0)) { Yl(i3); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59493) | 0)) { c[482623] = 1; ub(); if (i3 | 0) { Ia = d2; return 0; } c[482625] = 0; Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 59499) | 0)) { c[482623] = 3; ub(); c[482625] = 0; Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 85507) | 0)) { if (c[730463] | 0) { Ia = d2; return 0; } i3 = Kr() | 0; if ((i3 | 0) <= ((c[532676] | 0) + 500 | 0)) { Ia = d2; return 0; } c[730463] = 1; c[532676] = Kr() | 0; Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!((Ot(g2, 59508) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(g2, 59519) | 0) != 0 : 0)) l2 = 37; if ((l2 | 0) == 37 ? Bg() | 0 : 0) { Eg(); xg(); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!(Ot(g2, 89664) | 0)) { c[768033] = 2; xg(); Ia = d2; return 0; } l2 = (h3 | 0) != 0; if (l2 & (Ot(g2, 59527) | 0) == 0) { mn(h3); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (Ot(g2, 59537) | 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = g2; it(1708384, 59550, e2) | 0; eb2(1708384, 2000); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (l2) Yu2(3144232, h3, 63) | 0; else a[3144232] = 0; h3 = 3144232; a: while (true) { switch (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { break a; break; } case 46: { a[h3 >> 0] = 0; break; } default: { } } h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } Ia = d2; return 0; } function fi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return $f2(a2) | 0; } function gi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) == 1 ? (Ad(a2, 1) | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[a2 + 116 >> 2] = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } Sd(a2, c[a2 + 116 >> 2] | 0); b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } function hi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 3936 | 0; e2 = d2 + 3104 | 0; f2 = d2 + 3088 | 0; g2 = d2 + 3080 | 0; h3 = d2 + 3072 | 0; i3 = d2 + 2048 | 0; j2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; k2 = d2; l2 = d2 + 3112 | 0; No2(3062500, k2); if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { Ia = d2; return 0; } if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 0 ? (m4 = Gd(b4, 1, 0) | 0, m4 | 0) : 0) { if ((Pt(m4) | 0) >>> 0 > 511) { Ia = d2; return 0; } if ((a[m4 >> 0] | 0) == 47) { c[g2 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = m4 + 1; it(i3, 59176, g2) | 0; } else { c[f2 >> 2] = k2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 3063524; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = m4; it(i3, 59182, f2) | 0; } No2(i3, j2); if ((a[k2 >> 0] | 0) != 46 ? (Pu2(j2, k2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { Fg(59190, 7); Ia = d2; return 0; } i3 = qr(j2, 95690, l2, -1) | 0; sr(l2) | 0; if (i3 | 0) { Fg(59201, 7); Ia = d2; return 0; } if ((a[k2 >> 0] | 0) == 46) Es2(3063524, j2) | 0; else Es2(3063524, j2 + (Pt(k2) | 0) | 0) | 0; if (!(Ot(3063524, 95840) | 0)) a[3063524] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 3063524; it(1708384, 59221, e2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 12); Ia = d2; return 0; } c[h3 >> 2] = 3063524; it(1708384, 59161, h3) | 0; Fg(1708384, 12); Ia = d2; return 0; } function ii(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; d2 = b4; do if (!((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0)) { if ((wd(a2) | 0) < 1) { Hg(59116); e2 = 0; break; } f2 = Gd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; if (f2) { if ((Pt(f2) | 0) >>> 0 > 511) { Ld(a2, 0); e2 = 1; break; } if (!(Ro(f2) | 0)) { Hg(59129); e2 = 0; break; } else { Yt(d2, qc(f2) | 0) | 0; Wr(d2) | 0; e2 = 0; break; } } else e2 = 0; } else e2 = 0; while (0); Ia = b4; return e2 | 0; } function ji2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; if ((c[730463] | 0) > 0) return 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) <= 0) { if (!(c[768034] | 0)) { a[3075101] = 0; a[3074076] = 0; } } else Yu2(3075101, Gd(b4, 1, 0) | 0, 1024) | 0; c[730463] = 3; xg(); return 0; } function ki2(d2) { d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; c[785924] = 17; a[2129072] = 0; if (c[768034] | 0) return 0; if ((wd(d2) | 0) > 0 ? (Ad(d2, 1) | 0) == 4 : 0) { e2 = Gd(d2, 1, 0) | 0; if ((a[e2 + ((Pt(e2) | 0) + -1) >> 0] | 0) == 42) b3[1064536] = 42; tb(e2); return 0; } tb(3144900); return 0; } function li(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Hg(59098); Kd(a2); return 1; } function mi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 4112 | 0; e2 = d2 + 4096 | 0; f2 = d2 + 4104 | 0; g2 = d2 + 3072 | 0; h3 = d2 + 2048 | 0; i3 = d2 + 1024 | 0; j2 = d2; c[f2 >> 2] = 255; k2 = (c[730464] | 0) == 0; if (k2 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { Hg(58742); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (!k2) { k2 = 0; do { l2 = c[26136] | 0; Rk(0, l2, k2, Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, k2) | 0); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 17152); } if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 0 ? (Ad(b4, 1) | 0) == 4 : 0) { k2 = Gd(b4, 1, f2) | 0; if ((Pt(k2) | 0) >>> 0 > 511) { Hg(58769); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (k2 | 0 ? (f2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0, f2 << 24 >> 24) : 0) { if (!(Ot(k2, 58787) | 0)) { Zg(); rc(c[26136] | 0); Ia = d2; return 0; } if (((Ot(k2, 58792) | 0 ? Ot(k2, 58798) | 0 : 0) ? Ot(k2, 58807) | 0 : 0) ? Ot(k2, 58817) | 0 : 0) { b4 = f2; l2 = k2; m4 = f2 << 24 >> 24 != 45 & 1; do { m4 = b4 << 24 >> 24 > 122 | (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 96 | ((b4 + -91 & 255) < 4 | ((b4 + -58 & 255) < 6 | b4 << 24 >> 24 < 45 & b4 << 24 >> 24 != 32))) ? 0 : m4; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; b4 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; } while (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0); if (m4 | 0 ? Ro(k2) | 0 : 0) { Ub2(qc(k2) | 0, g2); do if (tr(g2) | 0) { if (c[785926] | 0) { c[785926] = 0; break; } Hg(59035); Fg(59055, 14); c[785926] = 1; Ia = d2; return 0; } while (0); if (!(Xb(g2) | 0)) { Es2(3065580, g2) | 0; Mo(g2, h3, i3, j2); c[e2 >> 2] = i3; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; it(1708384, 59072, e2) | 0; Hg(1708384); Lb(g2); Ia = d2; return 0; } else { Hg(59083); Ia = d2; return 0; } } Fg(59001, 9); Fg(59017, 14); Hg(k2); Ia = d2; return 0; } Zg(); if (!(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 44576 >> 2] | 0)) { Fg(58830, 9); Fg(58854, 10); } Sr(58885, h3); if (((Pb(c[26136] | 0, h3) | 0) == 0 ? (Sr(58898, g2), (Jh2(h3, g2) | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (fs2(g2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { ds(); h3 = Io(g2) | 0; if (h3 | 0) { wo(0, h3); cs(c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; pq(h3); } Hg(58915); Hg(58944); Ia = d2; return 0; } Hg(58973); Ia = d2; return 0; } } dc(1); Lb(3065580); Ia = d2; return 0; } function ni(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) <= 0) { Hg(3144900); Fg(58371, 12); Hg(3144900); Hg(58380); Hg(58413); Hg(58437); Hg(58461); Hg(58481); Hg(58514); Hg(58546); Fg(58575, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(58608); Fg(66477, 12); Hg(3144900); Hg(58621); Hg(58653); Hg(58684); Hg(58713); Hg(3144900); return 0; } b4 = Gd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; if (b4 | 0 ? (Ad(a2, 1) | 0) == 4 : 0) { _k(b4); return 0; } Fg(58339, 13); Fg(60986, 6); return 0; } function oi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; if (mc(58311) | 0) return 0; if (kc() | 0) Wb(3065580, 0) | 0; c[768033] = 3; c[481712] = 0; xg(); return 0; } function pi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; a2 = c[768156] | 0; b4 = c[768158] | 0; e2 = c[768157] | 0; f2 = 0; do { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2 + 24320 | 0, d[1792 + f2 >> 0] | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 128); f2 = Fa(0) | 0; pl((Kr() | 0) + f2 | 0); c[768156] = a2; c[768158] = b4; c[768157] = e2; fh(16); return 0; } function qi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; if (mc(58257) | 0) return 0; if (kc() | 0) Wb(3065580, 0) | 0; c[543503] = 1; cv(58287) | 0; c[481714] = 0; xg(); return 0; } function ri2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 3088 | 0; d2 = b4 + 3072 | 0; e2 = b4 + 1024 | 0; f2 = b4; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { Ia = b4; return 0; } Mo(3065580, b4 + 2048 | 0, e2, f2); if (a[3065580] | 0) { if (!(a[f2 >> 0] | 0)) Es2(f2, 91894) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = e2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; it(1708384, 58149, d2) | 0; Fg(1708384, 14); } Zg(); d2 = kq(131072) | 0; if (Wm(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, d2) | 0) { mq(d2); Ia = b4; return 0; } f2 = kq(131072) | 0; e2 = Cl2(d2, f2, Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; mq(f2); f2 = qh(d2) | 0; Jg(58160, f2, 8192, (f2 | 0) < 8193 ? 6 : 9); f2 = Pt(d2) | 0; Jg(58182, f2, 65535, f2 >>> 0 < 65536 ? 6 : 9); Jg(58203, e2, 15616, (e2 | 0) < 15617 ? 6 : 9); if (kc() | 0) Ig(58224, 0, 0); if (lc() | 0) Ig(58240, 0, 0); mq(d2); Ia = b4; return 0; } function si(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function ti(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function ui(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; ih(); Rd(a2, 33, 0); Wd(a2, 84158); jh(84158); Rd(a2, 34, 0); Wd(a2, 83689); jh(83689); Rd(a2, 35, 0); Wd(a2, 83949); jh(83949); Rd(a2, 36, 0); Wd(a2, 60001); jh(60001); Rd(a2, 37, 0); Wd(a2, 74402); jh(74402); Rd(a2, 37, 0); Wd(a2, 60007); Rd(a2, 38, 0); Wd(a2, 60014); Rd(a2, 28, 0); Wd(a2, 85507); jh(85507); Rd(a2, 39, 0); Wd(a2, 74633); jh(74633); Rd(a2, 40, 0); Wd(a2, 74731); jh(74731); Rd(a2, 41, 0); Wd(a2, 74882); jh(74882); Rd(a2, 42, 0); Wd(a2, 89405); Rd(a2, 23, 0); Wd(a2, 89809); jh(89809); Rd(a2, 23, 0); Wd(a2, 89812); Rd(a2, 20, 0); Wd(a2, 58135); Rd(a2, 21, 0); Wd(a2, 58138); Rd(a2, 43, 0); Wd(a2, 60027); Rd(a2, 44, 0); Wd(a2, 60034); Rd(a2, 45, 0); Wd(a2, 60048); Rd(a2, 46, 0); Wd(a2, 60062); Rd(a2, 47, 0); Wd(a2, 89997); Rd(a2, 48, -3333); Wd(a2, 78676); jh(78676); Rd(a2, 49, -3333); Wd(a2, 78671); jh(78671); Rd(a2, 50, 0); Wd(a2, 74973); jh(74973); Rd(a2, 10, 0); Wd(a2, 78703); jh(78703); Rd(a2, 11, 0); Wd(a2, 79063); jh(79063); Rd(a2, 12, 0); Wd(a2, 83106); jh(83106); Rd(a2, 12, 0); Wd(a2, 58036); Rd(a2, 10, 0); Wd(a2, 58019); Rd(a2, 11, 0); Wd(a2, 58027); Rd(a2, 51, 0); Wd(a2, 79394); jh(79394); Rd(a2, 52, 0); Wd(a2, 83343); jh(83343); Rd(a2, 53, 0); Wd(a2, 78058); jh(78058); Rd(a2, 54, 0); Wd(a2, 78333); jh(78333); Rd(a2, 55, -3333); Wd(a2, 76333); jh(76333); Rd(a2, 56, -3333); Wd(a2, 76338); jh(76338); Rd(a2, 57, 0); Wd(a2, 76629); jh(76629); Rd(a2, 58, 0); Wd(a2, 76634); jh(76634); Rd(a2, 59, 0); Wd(a2, 76504); jh(76504); Rd(a2, 60, 0); Wd(a2, 76509); jh(76509); Rd(a2, 61, 0); Wd(a2, 76192); jh(76192); Rd(a2, 62, 0); Wd(a2, 77606); jh(77606); Rd(a2, 63, 0); Wd(a2, 75322); jh(75322); Rd(a2, 64, 0); Wd(a2, 75471); jh(75471); Rd(a2, 65, 0); Wd(a2, 75842); jh(75842); Rd(a2, 66, 0); Wd(a2, 60072); jh(60072); Rd(a2, 66, 0); Wd(a2, 76792); jh(76792); Rd(a2, 67, 0); Wd(a2, 77106); jh(77106); Rd(a2, 68, 0); Wd(a2, 77111); jh(77111); Rd(a2, 69, 0); Wd(a2, 77240); jh(77240); Rd(a2, 70, 0); Wd(a2, 77245); jh(77245); Rd(a2, 71, 0); Wd(a2, 78573); jh(78573); Rd(a2, 72, 0); Wd(a2, 78578); jh(78578); Rd(a2, 73, 0); Wd(a2, 92971); jh(92971); Rd(a2, 74, 0); Wd(a2, 61208); jh(61208); Rd(a2, 75, 0); Wd(a2, 87330); jh(87330); Rd(a2, 76, 0); Wd(a2, 80215); jh(80215); Rd(a2, 77, 0); Wd(a2, 80055); jh(80055); Rd(a2, 78, 0); Wd(a2, 80435); jh(80435); Rd(a2, 79, 0); Wd(a2, 80747); jh(80747); Rd(a2, 80, 0); Wd(a2, 67173); jh(67173); Rd(a2, 81, -3333); Wd(a2, 67347); jh(67347); Rd(a2, 82, -3333); Wd(a2, 67705); jh(67705); Rd(a2, 83, -3333); Wd(a2, 67956); jh(67956); Rd(a2, 84, -3333); Wd(a2, 68038); jh(68038); Rd(a2, 85, -3333); Wd(a2, 91915); jh(91915); Rd(a2, 86, -3333); Wd(a2, 66699); jh(66699); Rd(a2, 87, -3333); Wd(a2, 66703); jh(66703); Rd(a2, 88, -3333); Wd(a2, 67130); jh(67130); Rd(a2, 89, -3333); Wd(a2, 66941); jh(66941); Rd(a2, 90, -3333); Wd(a2, 68243); jh(68243); Rd(a2, 91, -3333); Wd(a2, 67701); jh(67701); Rd(a2, 92, -3333); Wd(a2, 68499); jh(68499); Rd(a2, 93, -3333); Wd(a2, 68766); jh(68766); Rd(a2, 94, -3333); Wd(a2, 68967); jh(68967); Rd(a2, 95, -3333); Wd(a2, 69282); jh(69282); Rd(a2, 96, -3333); Wd(a2, 69406); jh(69406); Rd(a2, 97, -3333); Wd(a2, 69610); jh(69610); Rd(a2, 98, -3333); Wd(a2, 69761); jh(69761); Rd(a2, 99, -3333); Wd(a2, 69869); jh(69869); Rd(a2, 100, -3333); Wd(a2, 67506); jh(67506); Rd(a2, 101, -3333); Wd(a2, 67502); jh(67502); Rd(a2, 102, 0); Wd(a2, 79501); jh(79501); Rd(a2, 103, 0); Wd(a2, 79506); jh(79506); Rd(a2, 104, 0); Wd(a2, 79512); jh(79512); Rd(a2, 105, -3333); Wd(a2, 79837); jh(79837); Rd(a2, 106, -3333); Wd(a2, 79842); jh(79842); Rd(a2, 107, -3333); Wd(a2, 79848); jh(79848); Rd(a2, 13, 0); Wd(a2, 58044); Rd(a2, 13, 0); Wd(a2, 87976); jh(87976); Rd(a2, 25, 0); Wd(a2, 88348); Rd(a2, 22, 0); Wd(a2, 84940); jh(84940); Rd(a2, 9, 0); Wd(a2, 85112); jh(85112); Rd(a2, 27, 0); Wd(a2, 89897); Rd(a2, 29, 0); Wd(a2, 89664); Rd(a2, 29, 0); Wd(a2, 58144); Rd(a2, 30, 0); Wd(a2, 89289); Rd(a2, 31, 0); Wd(a2, 88937); Rd(a2, 32, 0); Wd(a2, 88703); Rd(a2, 26, 0); Wd(a2, 66299); Rd(a2, 108, 0); Wd(a2, 86374); jh(86374); Rd(a2, 108, 0); Wd(a2, 86379); Rd(a2, 24, 0); Wd(a2, 90220); jh(90220); Rd(a2, 109, 0); Wd(a2, 90226); jh(90226); Rd(a2, 110, 0); Wd(a2, 60080); jh(60080); Rd(a2, 111, 0); Wd(a2, 80896); jh(80896); Rd(a2, 14, 0); Wd(a2, 87562); jh(87562); Rd(a2, 14, 0); Wd(a2, 58051); Rd(a2, 112, 0); Wd(a2, 60087); Rd(a2, 113, 0); Wd(a2, 60093); jh(60093); Rd(a2, 114, 0); Wd(a2, 65569); jh(65569); Rd(a2, 115, 0); Wd(a2, 66005); jh(66005); Rd(a2, 116, 0); Wd(a2, 60108); Rd(a2, 117, 0); Wd(a2, 81290); jh(81290); Rd(a2, 118, 0); Wd(a2, 81675); jh(81675); Rd(a2, 119, 0); Wd(a2, 81680); jh(81680); Rd(a2, 120, 0); Wd(a2, 86931); jh(86931); Rd(a2, 121, 0); Wd(a2, 81970); jh(81970); Rd(a2, 122, 0); Wd(a2, 82341); jh(82341); Rd(a2, 123, 0); Wd(a2, 82474); jh(82474); Rd(a2, 124, 0); Wd(a2, 82770); jh(82770); Rd(a2, 7, 0); Wd(a2, 57991); Rd(a2, 8, 0); Wd(a2, 58001); Rd(a2, 125, 0); Wd(a2, 92650); jh(92650); Rd(a2, 4, 0); Wd(a2, 60118); jh(60118); Rd(a2, 5, 0); Wd(a2, 60123); jh(60123); Rd(a2, 126, 0); Wd(a2, 60129); jh(60129); Rd(a2, 127, 0); Wd(a2, 60142); jh(60142); Rd(a2, 128, 0); Wd(a2, 60155); jh(60155); Rd(a2, 129, 0); Wd(a2, 60164); jh(60164); Rd(a2, 130, 0); Wd(a2, 60171); jh(60171); Rd(a2, 131, 0); Wd(a2, 60178); jh(60178); Rd(a2, 132, 0); Wd(a2, 60185); jh(60185); Rd(a2, 133, 0); Wd(a2, 85920); jh(85920); Rd(a2, 18, 0); Wd(a2, 85911); jh(85911); Rd(a2, 134, 0); Wd(a2, 85800); jh(85800); Rd(a2, 135, 0); Wd(a2, 86273); jh(86273); Rd(a2, 136, 0); Wd(a2, 73012); jh(73012); Rd(a2, 137, 0); Wd(a2, 73019); jh(73019); Rd(a2, 17, 0); Wd(a2, 73005); jh(73005); Rd(a2, 138, 0); Wd(a2, 60192); Rd(a2, 138, 0); Wd(a2, 60200); Rd(a2, 139, 0); Wd(a2, 60206); Rd(a2, 139, 0); Wd(a2, 60216); Rd(a2, 140, 0); Wd(a2, 60228); Rd(a2, 141, 0); Wd(a2, 60252); Rd(a2, 142, 0); Wd(a2, 60268); Rd(a2, 143, 0); Wd(a2, 60286); Rd(a2, 144, 0); Wd(a2, 60307); Rd(a2, 145, 0); Wd(a2, 60316); Rd(a2, 146, 0); Wd(a2, 60326); Rd(a2, 6, 0); Wd(a2, 57976); return; } function vi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; Ug(); a2 = c[785580] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) == 30) { Ug(); b4 = c[785580] | 0; } else b4 = a2; if ((b4 | 0) == 15) { Ug(); Ug(); } vb(); dl2(); c[730460] = 0; dn(); wg(); c[730445] = 0; if (c[482725] | 0) { c[768033] = 2; c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; c[768158] = 0; } if (!(c[481773] | 0)) { xg(); return 0; } nb(0); Hh(c[730458] | 0); xg(); return 0; } function wi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; xg(); return 0; } function xi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24360) | 0; d2 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24361) | 0) << 8) + b4 | 0; b4 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24362) | 0; e2 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24363) | 0) << 8) + b4 | 0; b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; f2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24360, b4 >>> 16 & 255); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24361, b4 >> 24); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24362, f2 >>> 16 & 255); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24363, f2 >> 24); Ld(a2, d2 << 16); Ld(a2, e2 << 16); return 2; } function yi2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; b4 = c[768151] | 0; d2 = c[768152] | 0; e2 = c[768153] | 0; f2 = e2 - b4 | 0; g2 = c[768154] | 0; h3 = g2 - d2 | 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 3) { i3 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; j2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; k2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; l2 = (Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0) >> 16; m4 = k2; n2 = i3; o2 = j2; } else { l2 = 128; m4 = 128; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; } if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 4) { j2 = (Fd(a2, 5) | 0) == 0; c[768151] = n2; c[768152] = o2; i3 = n2 + m4 | 0; c[768153] = i3; k2 = o2 + l2 | 0; c[768154] = k2; if (j2) { p2 = k2; q3 = n2; r2 = o2; s3 = i3; } else { j2 = (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? n2 : e2; t3 = (b4 | 0) > (j2 | 0) ? b4 : j2; c[768151] = t3; j2 = (o2 | 0) < (g2 | 0) ? o2 : g2; u2 = (d2 | 0) > (j2 | 0) ? d2 : j2; c[768152] = u2; j2 = (i3 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? i3 : e2; e2 = (b4 | 0) > (j2 | 0) ? b4 : j2; c[768153] = e2; j2 = (k2 | 0) < (g2 | 0) ? k2 : g2; v2 = e2; w2 = u2; x2 = t3; y4 = (d2 | 0) > (j2 | 0) ? d2 : j2; z3 = 7; } } else { c[768151] = n2; c[768152] = o2; j2 = n2 + m4 | 0; c[768153] = j2; v2 = j2; w2 = o2; x2 = n2; y4 = o2 + l2 | 0; z3 = 7; } if ((z3 | 0) == 7) { c[768154] = y4; p2 = y4; q3 = x2; r2 = w2; s3 = v2; } v2 = (q3 | 0) < 128 ? q3 : 128; c[768151] = (v2 | 0) > 0 ? v2 : 0; v2 = (r2 | 0) < 128 ? r2 : 128; c[768152] = (v2 | 0) > 0 ? v2 : 0; v2 = (s3 | 0) < 128 ? s3 : 128; c[768153] = (v2 | 0) > 0 ? v2 : 0; v2 = (p2 | 0) < 128 ? p2 : 128; c[768154] = (v2 | 0) > 0 ? v2 : 0; Dk(); Ld(a2, b4 << 16); Ld(a2, d2 << 16); Ld(a2, f2 << 16); Ld(a2, h3 << 16); return 4; } function zi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 0) b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; else b4 = 0; c[768157] = 0; c[768158] = 0; c[768156] = 0; c[768152] = 0; c[768151] = 0; c[768154] = 128; c[768153] = 128; Dk(); Cn(c[730449] | 0, 0, 0, 127, 127, b4); fh(1024); return 0; } function Ai(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; e2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = Gd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { Ia = d2; return 0; } if (g2) { a[f2 >> 0] = 0; if (!(Ot(g2, 60813) | 0)) Sr(60027, f2); if (!(Ot(g2, 60821) | 0)) Sr(3144900, f2); if (!(Ot(g2, 91377) | 0)) Sr(91377, f2); if (!(Ot(g2, 93013) | 0)) Ur(3144900, f2); if (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) { g2 = f2 + ((Pt(f2) | 0) + -1) | 0; if ((a[g2 >> 0] | 0) == 47) { a[g2 >> 0] = 0; h3 = 15; } else h3 = 15; } } else { c[e2 >> 2] = 3062500; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 3063524; it(f2, 102731, e2) | 0; h3 = 15; } if ((h3 | 0) == 15 ? a[f2 >> 0] | 0 : 0) { Ia = d2; return 0; } Fg(60828, 14); Fg(60854, 6); Fg(60865, 6); Ia = d2; return 0; } function Bi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2064 | 0; b4 = a2 + 2048 | 0; d2 = a2 + 1024 | 0; e2 = a2; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { Ia = a2; return 0; } Wb(3065580, 0) | 0; Mo(3065580, 0, d2, e2); c[b4 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = e2; it(1708384, 60798, b4) | 0; Hg(1708384); Ia = a2; return 0; } function Ci(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; Tm(); return 0; } function Di(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; Fg(60770, 14); fm(); Um(); gm(); return 0; } function Ei(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; Zl(); c[785925] = 1; cl2(); return 0; } function Fi2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) return 0; Hg(60729); Hg(60753); return 0; } function Gi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) < 2) return 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 0 - d2 | 0; g2 = a2 + (f2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (f2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 3) { f2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; a2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) > 1) { h3 = a2; i3 = f2; j2 = 6; } else { k2 = c[768155] & 255; l2 = 0; m4 = f2; } } else { h3 = d2; i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = 6; } if ((j2 | 0) == 6) { j2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - h3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { n2 = h3; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else { h3 = Dd2(j2) | 0; n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = h3; } if ((n2 | 0) >= 3) { h3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - n2 << 3) + 24 + -8 | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; else p2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; h3 = p2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = h3; if (!((p2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (n2 = p2 >>> 8 & 65536 | p2 & 65535, c[768171] = n2, (p2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = n2 | 131072; k2 = h3; l2 = o2; m4 = i3; } else { k2 = h3; l2 = o2; m4 = i3; } } else { k2 = c[768155] & 255; l2 = o2; m4 = i3; } } i3 = c[3072412 + ((k2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; o2 = c[768171] | 0; if (!(o2 & 262144)) q3 = c[3072412 + (k2 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | i3; else q3 = c[3072540 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; rk(c[730449] | 0, m4 - (c[768163] << 16) >> 16, l2 - (c[768164] << 16) >> 16, q3, o2); return 0; } function Rk(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; g2 = e2 & 65535; h3 = g2 >>> 0 < 24320; if ((g2 + -17152 | 0) >>> 0 < 7168 & (c[730463] | 0) > 0) return; i3 = f2 & 255; j2 = i3 >>> 0 > 127 ? f2 | -256 : i3; k2 = (b4 | 0) == 0; if (!k2) a[b4 + 154756 + g2 >> 0] = f2; if (e2 & 32768 | 0) return; if (g2 >>> 0 < 4096) { b4 = d2 + 8 | 0; l2 = g2 >>> 6; m4 = e2 << 1 & 126; a[(c[(c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + m4 >> 0] = f2 & 15; a[(c[(c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (m4 | 1) >> 0] = f2 >>> 4 & 15; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 8192) { m4 = d2 + 8 | 0; l2 = g2 >>> 6; b4 = e2 << 1 & 126; a[(c[(c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + b4 >> 0] = f2 & 15; a[(c[(c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (b4 | 1) >> 0] = f2 >>> 4 & 15; a[(c[(c[(c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 >>> 7 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (e2 & 127) >> 0] = f2; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 12288) { b4 = g2 + -8192 | 0; a[(c[(c[(c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 >> 7 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (b4 & 127) >> 0] = f2; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 12544) { c[d2 + 43552 + (g2 + -12288 << 2) >> 2] = i3; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 12800) { b4 = g2 + -12544 | 0; l2 = (b4 | 0) / 4 | 0; m4 = b4 & 3; c[d2 + 42256 + (l2 << 4) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] = f2 & 127; b4 = 1 << m4; m4 = d2 + 43280 + (l2 << 2) | 0; l2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = l2 & ~b4; if (!(f2 & 128)) return; c[m4 >> 2] = l2 | b4; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 17152) { b4 = g2 + -12800 | 0; l2 = (b4 | 0) / 68 | 0; m4 = b4 - (l2 * 68 | 0) | 0; if ((m4 | 0) < 64) { b4 = (m4 | 0) / 2 | 0; if (!(m4 & 1)) { c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) >> 2] = f2 & 63; n2 = d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 4 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2] & 4 | f2 >>> 6 & 3; return; } else { n2 = d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 4 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2] & 3 | f2 << 2 & 4; c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = f2 >>> 1 & 7; c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] = f2 >>> 4 & 7; c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = f2 & 128; return; } } switch (m4 | 0) { case 64: { c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = f2 & 1; c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) >> 2] = f2 & 254; return; } case 65: { c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = i3; return; } case 66: { c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] = i3; return; } case 67: { c[d2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = i3; return; } default: return; } } if (k2 | g2 >>> 0 < 24064) return; if (h3) { h3 = g2 + -24064 | 0; k2 = 3067756 + (((h3 | 0) / 4 | 0) << 2) | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = h3 << 3 & 24; h3 = l2 & ~(255 << d2) | i3 << d2; c[k2 >> 2] = h3; if ((l2 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) return; c[785589] = 1; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 >= 24448) if (g2 >>> 0 < 24576) { Rm(g2 + -24448 | 0, i3); return; } else { h3 = g2 + -24576 | 0; l2 = h3 >> 6; k2 = h3 << 1 & 126; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + k2 >> 0] = f2 & 15; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (k2 | 1) >> 0] = f2 >>> 4 & 15; return; } k2 = g2 + -24320 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 < 24336) { c[3072412 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] = i3; return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 24352) { c[3072476 + (g2 + -24336 << 2) >> 2] = i3; if (!(f2 & 128)) return; mb(); return; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 24356) { c[3072604 + (g2 + -24352 << 2) >> 2] = i3; Dk(); return; } do switch ((e2 & 65535) << 16 >> 16) { case 24356: { c[768158] = i3; return; } case 24357: { c[768155] = i3; return; } case 24358: { c[768156] = i3; return; } case 24359: { c[768157] = i3; return; } case 24360: { c[768163] = c[768163] & -256 | i3; return; } case 24361: { c[768163] = c[768163] & 255 | j2 << 8; return; } case 24362: { c[768164] = c[768164] & -256 | i3; return; } case 24363: { c[768164] = c[768164] & 255 | j2 << 8; return; } case 24364: { c[768166] = i3; return; } case 24369: { c[768171] = c[768171] & -256 | i3; return; } case 24370: { c[768171] = c[768171] & -65281 | i3 << 8; return; } case 24371: { c[768171] = c[768171] & -16711681 | i3 << 16; return; } case 24372: { c[768176] = i3; return; } case 24373: { c[768174] = i3; return; } case 24380: { c[768172] = c[768172] & -256 | i3; return; } case 24381: { c[768172] = c[768172] & 255 | j2 << 8; return; } case 24382: { c[768173] = c[768173] & -256 | i3; return; } case 24383: { c[768173] = c[768173] & 255 | j2 << 8; return; } case 24384: { c[768514] = i3; return; } case 24385: { c[768515] = i3; return; } case 24386: { c[768516] = i3; return; } case 24387: { c[768517] = i3; return; } default: switch ((e2 & 65532) << 16 >> 16) { case 24388: { l2 = (g2 << 3) + -195104 | 0; ol2(0, (nl(0) | 0) & ~(255 << l2) | i3 << l2); return; } case 24392: { l2 = (g2 << 3) + -195136 | 0; ol2(1, (nl(1) | 0) & ~(255 << l2) | i3 << l2); return; } default: { l2 = g2 + -24396 | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 < 8) { c[3072716 + (l2 << 5) >> 2] = f2 & 1; c[3072716 + (l2 << 5) + 4 >> 2] = f2 >>> 1 & 1; c[3072716 + (l2 << 5) + 8 >> 2] = f2 >>> 2 & 1; c[3072716 + (l2 << 5) + 12 >> 2] = f2 >>> 3 & 1; c[3072716 + (l2 << 5) + 16 >> 2] = f2 >>> 4 & 1; c[3072716 + (l2 << 5) + 20 >> 2] = f2 >>> 5 & 1; return; } switch (k2 | 1 | 0) { case 85: { Ek(c[786057] | 0); return; } case 87: { Dh(); return; } default: { if ((k2 | 0) == 94) { c[768167] = i3; c[768168] = f2 & 15; c[768169] = f2 >>> 4 & 15; return; } if ((e2 & 65520 | 0) != 24416) return; c[3072540 + (g2 + -24416 << 2) >> 2] = i3; return; } } } } } while (0); } function Sk(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; g2 = f2 & 65535; h3 = (b4 | 0) == 0; if (h3) i3 = 0; else i3 = d[b4 + 154756 + g2 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (g2 >>> 0 >= 8192) { if (g2 >>> 0 < 12288) { b4 = g2 + -8192 | 0; j2 = d[(c[(c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 >> 7 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (b4 & 127) >> 0] | 0; break; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 12544) { j2 = c[e2 + 43552 + (g2 + -12288 << 2) >> 2] | 0; break; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 12800) { b4 = g2 + -12544 | 0; k2 = (b4 | 0) / 4 | 0; l2 = b4 & 3; b4 = c[e2 + 42256 + (k2 << 4) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] & 127; j2 = (c[e2 + 43280 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] & 1 << l2 | 0) == 0 ? b4 : b4 | 128; break; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 17152) { b4 = g2 + -12800 | 0; l2 = (b4 | 0) / 68 | 0; k2 = b4 - (l2 * 68 | 0) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < 64) { b4 = (k2 | 0) / 2 | 0; if (!(k2 & 1)) { j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] << 6 & 192 | c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) >> 2]; break; } else { j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] << 1 & 14 | (c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 2 & 1 | c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] << 4 & 112 | c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (b4 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] & 128; break; } } switch (k2 | 0) { case 64: { j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) >> 2] & 254 | c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 4 >> 2] & 1; break a; break; } case 65: { j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; break a; break; } case 66: { j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; break a; break; } case 67: { j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (l2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; break a; break; } default: { j2 = i3; break a; } } } if (h3) { m4 = 0; return m4 | 0; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 24064) j2 = i3; else { if (g2 >>> 0 < 24320) { l2 = g2 + -24064 | 0; j2 = (c[3067756 + (((l2 | 0) / 4 | 0) << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> (l2 << 3 & 24) & 255; break; } if (g2 >>> 0 >= 24448) { if (g2 >>> 0 < 24576) { j2 = Sm(g2 + -24448 | 0) | 0; break; } if (g2 >>> 0 >= 32768) { j2 = i3; break; } l2 = g2 + -24576 | 0; k2 = c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 >> 6 << 2) >> 2] | 0; b4 = l2 << 1 & 126; j2 = (a[k2 + (b4 | 1) >> 0] << 4 & 255 | a[k2 + b4 >> 0] & 15) & 255; break; } b4 = g2 + -24320 | 0; b: do if (g2 >>> 0 < 24336) n2 = c[3072412 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; else { if (g2 >>> 0 < 24352) { n2 = c[3072476 + (g2 + -24336 << 2) >> 2] | 0; break; } if (g2 >>> 0 < 24356) { n2 = c[3072604 + (g2 + -24352 << 2) >> 2] | 0; break; } do switch ((f2 & 65535) << 16 >> 16) { case 24356: { n2 = c[768158] | 0; break b; break; } case 24357: { n2 = c[768155] | 0; break b; break; } case 24358: { n2 = c[768156] | 0; break b; break; } case 24359: { n2 = c[768157] | 0; break b; break; } case 24360: { n2 = c[768163] & 255; break b; break; } case 24361: { n2 = c[768163] >> 8; break b; break; } case 24362: { n2 = c[768164] & 255; break b; break; } case 24363: { n2 = c[768164] >> 8; break b; break; } case 24364: { n2 = c[768166] | 0; break b; break; } case 24369: { n2 = c[768171] & 255; break b; break; } case 24370: { n2 = (c[768171] | 0) >>> 8 & 255; break b; break; } case 24371: { n2 = (c[768171] | 0) >>> 16 & 255; break b; break; } case 24373: { n2 = c[768174] & 255; break b; break; } case 24380: { n2 = c[768172] & 255; break b; break; } case 24381: { n2 = c[768172] >> 8; break b; break; } case 24382: { n2 = c[768173] & 255; break b; break; } case 24383: { n2 = c[768173] >> 8; break b; break; } case 24384: { n2 = c[768514] | 0; break b; break; } case 24385: { n2 = c[768515] | 0; break b; break; } case 24386: { n2 = c[768516] | 0; break b; break; } case 24387: { n2 = c[768517] | 0; break b; break; } default: switch ((f2 & 65532) << 16 >> 16) { case 24388: { n2 = (nl(0) | 0) >>> ((g2 << 3) + -195104 | 0) & 255; break b; break; } case 24392: { n2 = (nl(1) | 0) >>> ((g2 << 3) + -195136 | 0) & 255; break b; break; } default: { k2 = g2 + -24396 | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 < 8) { n2 = ((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 28 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 128) | (((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 24 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 64) | (((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 20 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 32) | (((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 16) | (((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 8) | (((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 4) | (((c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 2) | (c[3072716 + (k2 << 5) >> 2] | 0) != 0)))))) | a[3076520 + g2 >> 0] & -64 & 255; break b; } if ((b4 | 0) == 94) { n2 = c[768167] & 255; break b; } if ((f2 & 65520 | 0) != 24416) { n2 = i3; break b; } n2 = c[3072540 + (g2 + -24416 << 2) >> 2] | 0; break b; } } } while (0); } while (0); j2 = n2 & 255; } } else { b4 = c[(c[(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 >>> 6 << 2) >> 2] | 0; k2 = f2 << 1 & 126; j2 = ((d[b4 + (k2 | 1) >> 0] | 0) << 4) + (d[b4 + k2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; } while (0); m4 = j2 & 255; return m4 | 0; } function Tk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0; if ((h3 | 0) > 32767) return; i3 = g2 & 65535; j2 = f2 & 65535; k2 = a[3136 + (g2 >>> 8 & 255) >> 0] | 0; g2 = k2 << 24 >> 24; l2 = i3 + h3 | 0; m4 = a[3136 + (f2 >>> 8 & 255) >> 0] | 0; f2 = m4 << 24 >> 24; n2 = j2 + h3 | 0; o2 = (j2 | 0) >= (l2 | 0); p2 = (n2 | 0) <= (i3 | 0); q3 = p2 | o2; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24 == (a[3136 + ((n2 + 65535 | 0) >>> 8 & 255) >> 0] | 0) & (k2 << 24 >> 24 == (a[3136 + ((l2 + 65535 | 0) >>> 8 & 255) >> 0] | 0) & (k2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & m4 << 24 >> 24 != 0)))) { l2 = (h3 | 0) > 0; if (j2 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0) { if (!l2) return; r2 = 0; do { Rk(b4, e2, r2 + j2 | 0, Sk(b4, e2, r2 + i3 | 0) | 0); r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((r2 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); return; } else { if (!l2) return; l2 = h3; do { r2 = l2; l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; Rk(b4, e2, l2 + j2 | 0, Sk(b4, e2, l2 + i3 | 0) | 0); } while ((r2 | 0) > 1); return; } } switch (g2 | 0) { case 1: { s3 = (c[(c[(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 >>> 6 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 1 & 126) | 0; break; } case 2: { l2 = i3 + -24576 | 0; s3 = (c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 >> 6 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 1 & 126) | 0; break; } case 8: { l2 = i3 + -8192 | 0; s3 = (c[(c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 >> 7 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (l2 & 127) | 0; break; } default: s3 = b4 + 154756 + i3 | 0; } switch (f2 | 0) { case 1: { t3 = (c[(c[(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (j2 >>> 6 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (j2 << 1 & 126) | 0; break; } case 2: { l2 = j2 + -24576 | 0; t3 = (c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 >> 6 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 1 & 126) | 0; break; } case 8: { l2 = j2 + -8192 | 0; t3 = (c[(c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 >> 7 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (l2 & 127) | 0; break; } default: t3 = b4 + 154756 + j2 | 0; } b4 = g2 & 8; if (i3 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0 & ((p2 | o2) ^ 1)) { o2 = h3 << (b4 >>> 3 ^ 1); if (o2 | 0) { p2 = o2; do { p2 = p2 + -1 | 0; a[t3 + p2 >> 0] = a[s3 + p2 >> 0] | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != 0); } } else { p2 = (f2 & 8 | 0) != 0; do if ((k2 & 8 & m4) << 24 >> 24) { if (q3) { Hv(t3 | 0, s3 | 0, h3 | 0) | 0; u2 = t3; v2 = s3; break; } if ((h3 | 0) > 0) { f2 = t3 + h3 | 0; o2 = t3; i3 = 0; g2 = s3; while (true) { a[o2 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break; else { o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } } u2 = f2; v2 = s3 + h3 | 0; } else { u2 = t3; v2 = s3; } } else { u2 = t3; v2 = s3; } while (0); do if (!((m4 | k2) & 8)) { s3 = h3 << 1; if (q3) { Hv(u2 | 0, v2 | 0, s3 | 0) | 0; w2 = u2; x2 = v2; y4 = 31; break; } if ((h3 | 0) <= 0) { z3 = 0; A4 = u2; B2 = v2; C3 = (b4 | 0) == 0; break; } t3 = u2; g2 = 0; o2 = v2; while (true) { a[t3 >> 0] = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = t3 + 1 | 0; l2 = o2 + 1 | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (s3 | 0)) { w2 = i3; x2 = l2; y4 = 31; break; } else { t3 = i3; o2 = l2; } } } else { w2 = u2; x2 = v2; y4 = 31; } while (0); if ((y4 | 0) == 31) { y4 = (b4 | 0) == 0; b4 = (h3 | 0) > 0; if (b4 & ((y4 | p2) ^ 1)) { v2 = w2 + (h3 << 1) | 0; u2 = w2; q3 = 0; k2 = x2; while (true) { a[u2 >> 0] = a[k2 >> 0] & 15; a[u2 + 1 >> 0] = (d[k2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 4; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break; else { u2 = u2 + 2 | 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } } z3 = b4; A4 = v2; B2 = x2 + h3 | 0; C3 = y4; } else { z3 = b4; A4 = w2; B2 = x2; C3 = y4; } } if (C3 & p2 & z3) { z3 = A4; A4 = 0; p2 = B2; while (true) { a[z3 >> 0] = (a[p2 + 1 >> 0] << 4 & 255) + (d[p2 >> 0] | 0); A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break; else { z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; p2 = p2 + 2 | 0; } } } } p2 = j2 + -4096 | 0; j2 = (p2 | 0) < 4096 ? p2 : 4096; p2 = (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0; j2 = (n2 | 0) < 4096 ? 0 : (n2 | 0) < 8192 ? n2 + -4096 | 0 : 4096; if (!((j2 | 0) > 0 & (p2 | 0) < 4096 & (p2 | 0) < (j2 | 0))) return; n2 = (c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (p2 + 4096) | 0; z3 = p2; h3 = (c[(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((p2 << 1) + 8192) | 0; while (true) { a[n2 >> 0] = a[h3 + 1 >> 0] << 4 & 255 | a[h3 >> 0] & 15; z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; if ((z3 | 0) >= (j2 | 0)) break; else { n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; h3 = h3 + 2 | 0; } } return; } function Uk(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; f2 = c2 & 65535; c2 = d2 & 65535; d2 = (e2 | 0) > 0; if (f2 >>> 0 < c2 >>> 0) { if (!d2) return; g2 = f2; h3 = e2; i3 = c2; while (true) { j2 = 256 - (i3 & 255) | 0; k2 = 256 - (g2 & 255) | 0; l2 = j2 >>> 0 < k2 >>> 0 ? j2 : k2; k2 = (l2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? l2 : h3; Tk(a2, b4, g2, i3, k2); h3 = h3 - k2 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) <= 0) break; else { g2 = k2 + g2 | 0; i3 = k2 + i3 | 0; } } return; } else { if (!d2) return; d2 = f2 + e2 | 0; f2 = e2; i3 = c2 + e2 | 0; do { e2 = (i3 + 255 & 255) + 1 | 0; c2 = (d2 + 255 & 255) + 1 | 0; g2 = e2 >>> 0 < c2 >>> 0 ? e2 : c2; c2 = (g2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? g2 : f2; i3 = i3 - c2 | 0; d2 = d2 - c2 | 0; Tk(a2, b4, d2, i3, c2); f2 = f2 - c2 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) > 0); return; } } function Vk(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; if ((g2 | 0) <= 0) return; h3 = f2 & 255; i3 = d2 + 8 | 0; j2 = d2 + 12 | 0; k2 = f2 & 15; l2 = f2 >>> 4 & 15; m4 = e2 & 65535; e2 = g2; while (true) { g2 = 256 - (m4 & 255) | 0; n2 = (g2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? g2 : e2; a: do if ((n2 | 0) <= 32767) { g2 = m4 & 65535; o2 = a[3136 + (m4 >>> 8 & 255) >> 0] | 0; p2 = o2 << 24 >> 24; q3 = n2 + g2 | 0; if (!(o2 << 24 >> 24)) { if ((n2 | 0) <= 0) break; o2 = 0; while (true) { Rk(b4, d2, o2 + g2 | 0, f2); o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) break a; } } switch (p2 | 0) { case 1: { r2 = (c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 >>> 6 << 2) | 0; s3 = g2; t3 = 11; break; } case 2: { o2 = g2 + -24576 | 0; r2 = (c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 >> 6 << 2) | 0; s3 = o2; t3 = 11; break; } case 8: { o2 = g2 + -8192 | 0; u2 = (c[(c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 >> 7 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (o2 & 127) | 0; t3 = 10; break; } default: { o2 = b4 + 154756 + g2 | 0; if (!(p2 & 8)) { v2 = o2; t3 = 12; } else { u2 = o2; t3 = 10; } } } if ((t3 | 0) == 10) { t3 = 0; Iv(u2 | 0, h3 | 0, n2 | 0) | 0; } else if ((t3 | 0) == 11) { t3 = 0; v2 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 1 & 126) | 0; t3 = 12; } if ((t3 | 0) == 12 ? (t3 = 0, (n2 | 0) > 0) : 0) { o2 = v2; w2 = 0; while (true) { a[o2 >> 0] = k2; a[o2 + 1 >> 0] = l2; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) break; else o2 = o2 + 2 | 0; } } o2 = g2 + -4096 | 0; w2 = (o2 | 0) < 4096 ? o2 : 4096; o2 = (w2 | 0) > 0 ? w2 : 0; w2 = (q3 | 0) < 4096 ? 0 : (q3 | 0) < 8192 ? q3 + -4096 | 0 : 4096; if ((o2 | 0) < 4096 & (w2 | 0) > 0) Iv((c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 + 4096) | 0, h3 | 0, w2 - o2 | 0) | 0; } while (0); e2 = e2 - n2 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) break; else m4 = n2 + m4 | 0; } return; } function Wk(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0; if ((g2 | 0) > 32767) return; if ((g2 | 0) > 0) { h3 = 0; do { Rk(b4, d2, h3 + e2 | 0, Sk(0, c[26136] | 0, h3 + f2 | 0) | 0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); } if (!(a[3071088] | 0)) return; a[3071088] = 0; g2 = 30 - (c[768037] | 0) | 0; h3 = (g2 | 0) < 30 ? g2 : 30; c[768036] = (h3 | 0) > 2 ? h3 : 2; c[768037] = 150; return; } function Xk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = a2 >> 16; a2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4) | 0; d2 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4 + 1 | 0) | 0) << 8) + a2 | 0; a2 = d2 + ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4 + 2 | 0) | 0) << 16) | 0; return a2 + ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4 + 3 | 0) | 0) << 24) | 0; } function Yk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = a2 >> 16; a2 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4) | 0) << 16; return ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4 + 1 | 0) | 0) << 24) + a2 | 0; } function Zk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, a2 >> 16) | 0) << 16 | 0; } function _k(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0, Jb2 = 0, Kb2 = 0, Lb2 = 0, Mb2 = 0, Nb2 = 0, Ob2 = 0, Pb2 = 0, Qb3 = 0, Rb2 = 0, Sb2 = 0, Tb2 = 0, Ub3 = 0, Vb2 = 0, Wb2 = 0, Xb2 = 0, Yb3 = 0, Zb2 = 0, _b2 = 0, $b2 = 0, ac2 = 0, bc2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 304 | 0; e2 = d2 + 280 | 0; f2 = d2 + 272 | 0; g2 = d2 + 264 | 0; h3 = d2 + 256 | 0; i3 = d2; j2 = d2 + 284 | 0; k2 = c[730449] | 0; a: do if (!b4) { l2 = c[3062424 + (c[765624] << 2) >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = Pt(m4) | 0; o2 = c[l2 + 336 >> 2] | 0; p2 = rs(a[m4 + o2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; b: do if ((o2 | 0) > 0) { m4 = o2; while (true) { q3 = m4 + -1 | 0; if ((rs(a[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + q3 >> 0] | 0) | 0) != (p2 | 0)) { r2 = m4; break b; } if ((m4 | 0) > 1) m4 = q3; else { r2 = q3; break; } } } else r2 = o2; while (0); m4 = o2 + 1 | 0; c: do if ((m4 | 0) < (n2 | 0)) { q3 = m4; while (true) { if ((rs(a[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + q3 >> 0] | 0) | 0) != (p2 | 0)) { s3 = q3; break c; } t3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) < (n2 | 0)) q3 = t3; else { s3 = t3; break; } } } else s3 = m4; while (0); Iv(i3 | 0, 0, 256) | 0; m4 = s3 - r2 | 0; Hv(i3 | 0, (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + r2 | 0, ((m4 | 0) < 255 ? m4 : 255) | 0) | 0; switch (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) { case 10: case 0: break; default: { u2 = 1; v2 = i3; break a; } } eb2(60926, 1500); Ia = d2; return; } else { u2 = 0; v2 = b4; } while (0); $a(); if ((a[v2 >> 0] | 0) == 60 ? (a[v2 + ((Pt(v2) | 0) + -1) >> 0] | 0) == 62 : 0) { Fg(60953, 13); Hg(60986); Ia = d2; return; } if ((Ot(v2, 60995) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 61001) | 0) != 0 : 0) w2 = 0; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(61008, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(61024); Hg(61055); Hg(61088); Hg(3144900); Hg(61113); Hg(61145); Hg(61178); Hg(3144900); w2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 61202) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 61208) | 0) != 0 : 0) x2 = w2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(61212, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(61234, 12); x2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 61244) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Hg(61250); Hg(61276); Hg(3144900); Fg(61304, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(61326, 12); y4 = 1; } else y4 = x2; if ((Ot(v2, 61335) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 61342) | 0) != 0 : 0) z3 = y4; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(61350, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(61360); Hg(61390); Hg(61421); Hg(3144900); Hg(61449); Hg(61464); Hg(61487); Hg(61507); Hg(61536); Hg(61556); Hg(61573); Hg(3144900); Fg(61599, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(61618, 12); z3 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 95830) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(61648, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(61669); Hg(61701); Hg(61730); Hg(3144900); Fg(61754, 7); Hg(61780); Hg(3144900); Fg(61783, 7); Fg(61795, 7); Hg(95766); Hg(3144900); Fg(61801, 12); A4 = 1; } else A4 = z3; if ((Ot(v2, 61826) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 61832) | 0) != 0 : 0) B2 = A4; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(61839, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(61848); Hg(61879); Hg(61912); Hg(61943); Hg(61975); Hg(62004); Hg(3144900); Fg(62033, 7); Fg(62065, 7); Fg(62088, 7); Fg(62118, 7); Fg(62146, 7); Fg(62175, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(62208, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(62226, 12); B2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 62257) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(62261, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(62278); Hg(62302); Hg(62335); Hg(3144900); Hg(62344); Hg(62376); Hg(62401); Hg(3144900); Hg(62432); Hg(62465); Hg(62498); Hg(62524); Hg(62551); Hg(3144900); Fg(62582, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(62597, 12); C3 = 1; } else C3 = B2; if ((Ot(v2, 62626) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 62635) | 0) != 0 : 0) D3 = C3; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(62642, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(62670); Hg(62701); Hg(62730); Hg(3144900); Fg(62749, 7); Fg(62768, 7); Fg(62790, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Fg(3144900, 7); Fg(62825, 7); Fg(62842, 7); Hg(62853); Fg(62856, 7); Hg(95766); D3 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 62867) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(62873, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(62890); Hg(62921); Hg(3144900); Fg(62940, 7); Fg(62946, 7); Fg(62961, 7); Fg(62972, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Hg(62984); Hg(95766); Hg(95768); E3 = 1; } else E3 = D3; if (!(Ot(v2, 62999) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(63002, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(63016); Hg(63044); Hg(63071); Hg(3144900); F3 = 1; } else F3 = E3; if (!(Ot(v2, 62821) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(63082, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(63097); Hg(63126); Hg(63155); Hg(3144900); G2 = 1; } else G2 = F3; if ((Ot(v2, 63188) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 63195) | 0) != 0 : 0) H2 = G2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(63201, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(63227); Hg(63256); Hg(63286); Hg(3144900); Hg(63304); Hg(63333); Hg(63364); Hg(3144900); Fg(62940, 7); Fg(63188, 7); Fg(62961, 7); Fg(62972, 7); Fg(63391, 7); Hg(62984); Hg(95766); Hg(95768); H2 = 1; } if ((((Ot(v2, 63404) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 63407) | 0) != 0 : 0) ? (Ot(v2, 63412) | 0) != 0 : 0) ? (Ot(v2, 63419) | 0) != 0 : 0) I2 = H2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(63424, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(63449); Hg(63480); Hg(63513); Hg(3144900); Fg(63523, 7); Fg(63537, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(63569, 7); Fg(63583, 7); Fg(63611, 7); Fg(63629, 7); Fg(63419, 7); Fg(63652, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(63678, 7); I2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 63707) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 63711) | 0) != 0 : 0) J2 = I2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(63714, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(63726); Hg(3144900); Fg(63758, 7); Fg(62961, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Hg(63771); Hg(3144900); Hg(63792); Hg(3144900); Fg(63818, 7); Hg(63846); Hg(3144900); Hg(63865); Hg(63895); Hg(3144900); Fg(63916, 12); J2 = 1; } if ((((Ot(v2, 63936) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 63941) | 0) != 0 : 0) ? (Ot(v2, 63947) | 0) != 0 : 0) ? (Ot(v2, 63951) | 0) != 0 : 0) K2 = J2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(63959, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(63976); Hg(64007); Hg(64037); Hg(64068); Hg(64096); Hg(3144900); Fg(64125, 7); Hg(63947); Fg(64156, 7); Hg(63941); Hg(3144900); Hg(64172); Hg(64204); Hg(3144900); Fg(61783, 7); Fg(64237, 7); K2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 92650) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 64267) | 0) != 0 : 0) L3 = K2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(64273, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(64283); Hg(64313); Hg(3144900); Hg(64326); Hg(64331); Hg(64340); Hg(64348); Hg(64356); Hg(64366); Hg(3144900); Fg(64373, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(64385, 12); L3 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 64408) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(64414, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(64431); Hg(64460); Hg(64488); Hg(64515); Hg(3144900); Fg(64542, 7); Fg(64558, 7); Fg(64588, 7); Fg(64600, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(64611, 7); Fg(64626, 7); M2 = 1; } else M2 = L3; do if (Ot(v2, 64659) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 64661) | 0)) { N4 = 102; break; } if (!(Ot(v2, 64663) | 0)) { N4 = 102; break; } if (Ot(v2, 64666) | 0) { O2 = M2; P2 = 0; } else N4 = 102; } else N4 = 102; while (0); do if ((N4 | 0) == 102) { if (!u2) { O2 = 1; P2 = 1; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); O2 = 1; P2 = 1; } while (0); do if (Ot(v2, 64669) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 64672) | 0)) { N4 = 107; break; } if (Ot(v2, 64675) | 0) { Q3 = O2; R3 = P2; } else N4 = 107; } else N4 = 107; while (0); do if ((N4 | 0) == 107) { if (!u2) { Q3 = 1; R3 = 1; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); Q3 = 1; R3 = 1; } while (0); do if (Ot(v2, 64678) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 64682) | 0)) { N4 = 112; break; } if (Ot(v2, 64685) | 0) { S2 = Q3; T4 = R3; } else N4 = 112; } else N4 = 112; while (0); do if ((N4 | 0) == 112) { if (!u2) { S2 = 1; T4 = 1; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); S2 = 1; T4 = 1; } while (0); do if (Ot(v2, 64689) | 0) { if (!T4) { U2 = S2; break; } if (!u2) N4 = 120; else N4 = 119; } else { if (!u2) { N4 = 120; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); N4 = 119; } while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 119) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); N4 = 120; } if ((N4 | 0) == 120) { Fg(64695, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(64724); Hg(3144900); Hg(64751); Hg(3144900); Fg(64768, 7); Fg(64793, 7); Fg(64819, 7); Fg(64844, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(64869); Hg(3144900); Hg(64894); Hg(3144900); Hg(64916); U2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 95818) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(64940, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(64956); Hg(64981); Hg(3144900); Fg(65003, 7); Fg(65013, 7); Hg(95776); V3 = 1; } else V3 = U2; if ((Ot(v2, 65018) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 65023) | 0) != 0 : 0) W2 = V3; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(65027, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(65057, 12); Fg(65081, 12); Fg(65104, 12); Hg(3144900); Fg(61350, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(61618, 12); Hg(3144900); Fg(61839, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(62226, 12); W2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 61208) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(65123, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(65154); Hg(3144900); Hg(65173); Hg(65206); Hg(65237); Hg(3144900); Hg(65263); Hg(65295); Hg(65326); X2 = 1; } else X2 = W2; if (!(Ot(v2, 92971) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(65359, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(65387); Hg(65420); Hg(3144900); Hg(65451); Hg(65484); Hg(65516); Hg(65547); Y2 = 1; } else Y2 = X2; if (!(Ot(v2, 65569) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(65573, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(65590); Hg(65623); Hg(3144900); Hg(65656); Hg(3144900); Hg(65677); Hg(3144900); Hg(65702); Hg(65731); Z3 = 1; } else Z3 = Y2; do if (!(Ot(v2, 65746) | 0)) { if (!u2) { _5 = 1; $2 = 1; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); _5 = 1; $2 = 1; } else { _5 = Z3; $2 = 0; } while (0); if (!(a[v2 + 1 >> 0] | 0)) { Z3 = a[v2 >> 0] | 0; if (($2 | 0) == 0 & ((Z3 & 255) > 153 | Z3 << 24 >> 24 > -1)) aa2 = _5; else N4 = 148; } else if (!$2) aa2 = _5; else N4 = 148; if ((N4 | 0) == 148) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(65753, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(65768); Hg(65796); Hg(65824); Hg(65852); Hg(65885); Hg(3144900); Fg(65901, 6); Hg(3144900); Hg(65911); Hg(3144900); Fg(65935, 6); Hg(3144900); Hg(65963); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); _5 = c[768157] | 0; $2 = _5 + -15 | 0; Z3 = _5 + -5 | 0; _5 = c[768171] | 0; Y2 = 0; do { X2 = Y2 << 3; c[768171] = (c[3392 + (Y2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (49072 >>> Y2 << 31 >> 31); yk(c[730449] | 0, X2, $2, X2 | 6, Z3, (0 - (Y2 & 1) & 3) + 6 | 0) | 0; c[768171] = _5; Y2 = Y2 + 1 | 0; } while ((Y2 | 0) != 16); Fg(65980, 12); aa2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 66005) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(66010, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(66028); Hg(66059); Hg(66088); Hg(3144900); Hg(65656); Hg(3144900); Hg(65677); Hg(3144900); Hg(66121); Hg(3144900); Hg(66150); Hg(66181); Hg(3144900); Hg(66212); Hg(66243); Hg(66274); ba3 = 1; } else ba3 = aa2; do if (Ot(v2, 66299) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 66304) | 0)) { N4 = 161; break; } if (!(Ot(v2, 66308) | 0)) { N4 = 161; break; } if (Ot(v2, 66314) | 0) ca2 = ba3; else N4 = 161; } else N4 = 161; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 161) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(66321, 6); Hg(3144900); Hg(66336); Hg(3144900); Hg(66363); Hg(3144900); Hg(66389); Hg(66421); Hg(66451); Hg(3144900); Fg(66463, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(66477, 12); ca2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 66508) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 66513) | 0) != 0 : 0) da2 = ca2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(66519, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(66550, 12); Fg(66579, 12); Fg(66608, 12); Fg(66627, 12); Fg(3144900, 12); Fg(66650, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(66670, 12); da2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 66699) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 66703) | 0) != 0 : 0) ea2 = da2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(66707, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(66724); Hg(66756); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); da2 = c[768157] | 0; ca2 = da2 + -34 | 0; qk(k2, 34, ca2, 20, 7); ba3 = da2 + -48 | 0; Qn(k2, 34, ca2, 48, ba3, 14); qk(k2, 48, ba3, 1, 7); qk(k2, 34, ca2, 1, 7); oo(k2, 66787, c[730468] | 0, 28, da2 + -30 | 0, 1, 13) | 0; oo(k2, 66791, c[730468] | 0, 54, da2 + -53 | 0, 1, 13) | 0; ba3 = da2 + -36 | 0; oo(k2, 66810, c[730468] | 0, 57, ba3, 1, 6) | 0; Qn(k2, 54, ca2, 52, ca2, 7); oo(k2, 66814, c[730468] | 0, 27, da2 + -61 | 0, 1, 6) | 0; aa2 = da2 + -54 | 0; Y2 = da2 + -52 | 0; Qn(k2, 34, aa2, 34, Y2, 7); oo(k2, 66819, c[730468] | 0, 1, ba3, 1, 6) | 0; Qn(k2, 14, ca2, 16, ca2, 7); oo(k2, 66823, c[730468] | 0, 27, da2 + -11 | 0, 1, 6) | 0; Qn(k2, 34, aa2, 34, Y2, 7); Hg(66828); Hg(66855); Hg(66885); Hg(66917); ea2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 66941) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(66947, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(66962); Hg(66992); Hg(67024); Hg(67057); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Y2 = c[768157] | 0; aa2 = Y2 + -34 | 0; qk(k2, 34, aa2, 20, 7); da2 = Y2 + -48 | 0; Qn(k2, 34, aa2, 48, da2, 14); qk(k2, 48, da2, 1, 7); qk(k2, 34, aa2, 1, 7); oo(k2, 66787, c[730468] | 0, 28, Y2 + -30 | 0, 1, 13) | 0; oo(k2, 67087, c[730468] | 0, 54, Y2 + -53 | 0, 1, 13) | 0; da2 = Y2 + -36 | 0; oo(k2, 66810, c[730468] | 0, 57, da2, 1, 6) | 0; Qn(k2, 54, aa2, 52, aa2, 7); oo(k2, 66814, c[730468] | 0, 27, Y2 + -61 | 0, 1, 6) | 0; ca2 = Y2 + -54 | 0; ba3 = Y2 + -52 | 0; Qn(k2, 34, ca2, 34, ba3, 7); oo(k2, 66819, c[730468] | 0, 1, da2, 1, 6) | 0; Qn(k2, 14, aa2, 16, aa2, 7); oo(k2, 66823, c[730468] | 0, 27, Y2 + -11 | 0, 1, 6) | 0; Qn(k2, 34, ca2, 34, ba3, 7); Hg(67098); fa2 = 1; } else fa2 = ea2; if (!(Ot(v2, 67130) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(67135, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(67145); ga2 = 1; } else ga2 = fa2; if (!(Ot(v2, 67173) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(67177, 14); Fg(67188, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(67202); Hg(67232); Hg(67263); Hg(3144900); Hg(67286); Hg(67318); ha2 = 1; } else ha2 = ga2; if (!(Ot(v2, 67347) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(67353, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(67364); Hg(67396); Hg(67428); Hg(67456); Hg(67487); Hg(3144900); ia2 = 1; } else ia2 = ha2; do if (Ot(v2, 67502) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 67506) | 0)) { N4 = 193; break; } if (Ot(v2, 91915) | 0) ja2 = ia2; else N4 = 193; } else N4 = 193; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 193) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(67510, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(67541); Hg(67570); Hg(67597); Hg(67625); Hg(3144900); Hg(67643); Hg(67663); Hg(67682); ja2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 67701) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 67705) | 0) != 0 : 0) ka2 = ja2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(67710, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(67727); Hg(67759); Hg(67789); Hg(67820); Hg(3144900); Hg(67850); Hg(67871); Hg(67892); Hg(67913); Hg(67935); ka2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 67956) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(67960, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(67969); Hg(67992); Hg(3144900); Hg(68008); la2 = 1; } else la2 = ka2; if (!(Ot(v2, 68038) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(68042, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(68051); Hg(68082); Hg(3144900); Hg(68094); Hg(68112); Hg(3144900); Hg(68130); Hg(68155); Hg(68183); Hg(68215); ma2 = 1; } else ma2 = la2; if ((Ot(v2, 68243) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 95217) | 0) != 0 : 0) na2 = ma2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(68248, 14); Fg(68258, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(68264); Hg(68292); Hg(68321); Hg(68351); Hg(3144900); Hg(68356); Hg(68388); Hg(3144900); Fg(68399, 7); Hg(68425); Hg(3144900); Fg(68437, 13); Fg(68470, 13); na2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 68499) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 68504) | 0)) { N4 = 217; break; } if (Ot(v2, 68506) | 0) oa2 = na2; else N4 = 217; } else N4 = 217; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 217) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(68509, 14); Fg(68522, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(68531); Hg(68292); Hg(68559); Hg(68587); Hg(3144900); Hg(68603); Hg(68634); Hg(68665); Hg(68634); Hg(68696); Hg(3144900); Fg(68727, 7); Hg(68754); oa2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 68766) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 68770) | 0)) { N4 = 223; break; } if (Ot(v2, 68772) | 0) pa3 = oa2; else N4 = 223; } else N4 = 223; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 223) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(68775, 14); Fg(68787, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(68796); Hg(68292); Hg(68823); Hg(68851); Hg(3144900); Hg(68603); Hg(68634); Hg(68866); Hg(68634); Hg(68897); Hg(3144900); Fg(68928, 7); Hg(68955); pa3 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 68967) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 68972) | 0)) { N4 = 229; break; } if (Ot(v2, 64672) | 0) qa2 = pa3; else N4 = 229; } else N4 = 229; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 229) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(68975, 14); Fg(68988, 14); Fg(68997, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69021); Hg(69051); Hg(69083); Hg(69116); Hg(69149); Hg(69182); Hg(3144900); Hg(68603); Hg(68634); Hg(68866); Hg(68634); Hg(69212); Hg(3144900); Fg(69243, 7); Hg(69270); qa2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 69282) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 69286) | 0)) { N4 = 235; break; } if (Ot(v2, 69289) | 0) ra2 = qa2; else N4 = 235; } else N4 = 235; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 235) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(69293, 14); Fg(69305, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69315); Hg(69343); Hg(3144900); Fg(69368, 7); Hg(69394); ra2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 69406) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 69410) | 0)) { N4 = 241; break; } if (Ot(v2, 69413) | 0) sa2 = ra2; else N4 = 241; } else N4 = 241; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 241) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(69417, 14); Fg(69429, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69439); Hg(69472); Hg(69502); Hg(69532); Hg(69560); Hg(3144900); Fg(69570, 7); Hg(69598); sa2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 69610) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 69615) | 0)) { N4 = 247; break; } if (Ot(v2, 69619) | 0) ta2 = sa2; else N4 = 247; } else N4 = 247; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 247) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(69417, 14); Fg(69624, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69635); Hg(69665); Hg(69697); Hg(3144900); Fg(69720, 7); Hg(69749); ta2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 69761) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 69766) | 0)) { N4 = 253; break; } if (Ot(v2, 69770) | 0) ua2 = ta2; else N4 = 253; } else N4 = 253; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 253) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(69775, 14); Fg(69788, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69799); Hg(3144900); Fg(69826, 7); Hg(69857); ua2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 69869) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 69874) | 0)) { N4 = 259; break; } if (Ot(v2, 69878) | 0) va2 = ua2; else N4 = 259; } else N4 = 259; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 259) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(69883, 14); Fg(69896, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69907); Hg(3144900); Fg(69935, 7); Hg(69966); va2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 69978) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(69986, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(69996); Hg(70024); Hg(70053); Hg(70078); Hg(70107); Hg(70137); Hg(3144900); Hg(70157); Hg(3144900); Hg(70181); Hg(70212); Hg(70241); Hg(70273); Hg(3144900); Hg(70305); Hg(70322); wa2 = 1; } else wa2 = va2; if ((Ot(v2, 70334) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 70338) | 0) != 0 : 0) xa2 = wa2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(70350, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(70364); Hg(70394); Hg(3144900); Fg(70423, 7); Hg(70437); Hg(3144900); Hg(70440); Hg(70472); Hg(70501); Hg(70531); Hg(70563); Hg(70596); Hg(3144900); Hg(70623); Hg(3144900); Hg(70655); Hg(70677); xa2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 70710) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(70717, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(70726); Hg(70759); Hg(3144900); Fg(70792, 7); Hg(70811); Hg(3144900); Hg(70816); Hg(70849); Hg(70882); Hg(3144900); Hg(70915); Hg(70947); Hg(70979); Hg(71010); Hg(71042); Hg(71073); Hg(71106); ya2 = 1; } else ya2 = xa2; if ((Ot(v2, 71136) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 71145) | 0) != 0 : 0) za2 = ya2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(71155, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(71167); Hg(71200); Hg(71229); Hg(71261); Hg(71293); Hg(71325); Hg(3144900); Hg(71358); Hg(71391); Hg(71424); Hg(71457); Hg(3144900); Fg(71478, 7); Fg(71511, 7); Hg(95776); Hg(3144900); Fg(71544, 12); za2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 71570) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 71572) | 0)) { N4 = 284; break; } if (!(Ot(v2, 95816) | 0)) { N4 = 284; break; } if (Ot(v2, 71575) | 0) Aa3 = za2; else N4 = 284; } else N4 = 284; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 284) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(71578, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(71600); Hg(3144900); Fg(71615, 7); Hg(95774); Fg(71622, 7); Fg(71628, 7); Fg(65013, 7); Hg(95770); Hg(3144900); Hg(71635); Hg(71667); Hg(3144900); Fg(71698, 7); Hg(71712); Aa3 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 95690) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 71719) | 0)) { N4 = 291; break; } if (!(Ot(v2, 95840) | 0)) { N4 = 291; break; } if (Ot(v2, 71722) | 0) Ba3 = Aa3; else N4 = 291; } else N4 = 291; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 291) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(71725, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(71748); Hg(71780); Hg(3144900); Fg(71798, 7); Hg(71805); Fg(71808, 7); Fg(71814, 7); Fg(65013, 7); Hg(95764); Hg(3144900); Hg(71821); Hg(71854); Hg(71884); Hg(3144900); Fg(71916, 7); Hg(71937); Ba3 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 71949) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 71951) | 0) != 0 : 0) Ca2 = Ba3; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(71954, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(71983); Hg(72010); Hg(3144900); Fg(72039, 7); Hg(95768); Fg(72066, 7); Fg(72075, 7); Fg(65013, 7); Hg(95770); Ca2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 72084) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 72086) | 0) != 0 : 0) Da2 = Ca2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(72089, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(72113); Hg(72140); Hg(72170); Hg(3144900); Fg(72182, 7); Hg(95762); Hg(3144900); Hg(72193); Hg(72223); Hg(72253); Hg(3144900); Hg(72284); Hg(72314); Hg(72343); Hg(72376); Hg(3144900); Fg(72405, 12); Da2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 72438) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 72440) | 0) != 0 : 0) Ea2 = Da2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(72443, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(72469); Hg(72502); Hg(3144900); Fg(72523, 7); Hg(72551); Fg(72555, 7); Hg(95768); Hg(3144900); Fg(72567, 13); Fg(72598, 13); Fg(72630, 13); Ea2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 95214) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 72659) | 0) != 0 : 0) Fa2 = Ea2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(72663, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(72694); Hg(72726); Hg(72759); Hg(3144900); Fg(72791, 7); Hg(72812); Fg(72824, 7); Fg(72832, 7); Hg(72847); Fa2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 72854) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(72858, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(72875); Hg(3144900); Fg(72907, 7); Fg(72931, 7); Fg(72940, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Fg(72959, 7); Hg(62984); Hg(95762); Hg(95764); Hg(95766); Hg(3144900); Fg(72976, 12); Ga3 = 1; } else Ga3 = Fa2; do if (Ot(v2, 73005) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 73012) | 0)) { N4 = 321; break; } if (Ot(v2, 73019) | 0) Ha3 = Ga3; else N4 = 321; } else N4 = 321; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 321) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(73024, 14); Fg(73041, 14); Fg(73054, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(73069); Hg(73098); Hg(3144900); Hg(73128); Hg(3144900); Hg(73161); Hg(73189); Hg(73217); Hg(3144900); Fg(73249, 7); Fg(73270, 7); Fg(73296, 7); Fg(73326, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Fg(73345, 7); Ha3 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 73377) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(73384, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(73407, 12); Fg(73433, 12); Fg(73461, 12); Fg(3144900, 12); Fg(73488, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(73506, 12); Fg(73535, 12); Fg(73565, 12); Fg(3144900, 12); Fg(73592, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(73604, 12); Hg(3144900); Fg(73634, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(61326, 12); Ja3 = 1; } else Ja3 = Ha3; if (!(Ot(v2, 73642) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Hg(73648); Fg(73680, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(73690); Hg(73719); Hg(73751); Ka2 = 1; } else Ka2 = Ja3; if (!(Ot(v2, 73778) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(73784, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(73794); Hg(73821); Hg(73848); Hg(73877); Hg(73904); Hg(73930); Hg(73961); Hg(73992); La2 = 1; } else La2 = Ka2; if ((Ot(v2, 74016) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 74024) | 0) != 0 : 0) Ma2 = La2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74034, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(74058); Hg(74086); Hg(74117); Hg(74148); Hg(74175); Hg(74202); Ma2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 74210) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74214, 6); Hg(3144900); Fg(74234, 12); Fg(74265, 12); Fg(74295, 12); Fg(74323, 12); Fg(74353, 12); Fg(74383, 12); Na2 = 1; } else Na2 = Ma2; if (!(Ot(v2, 74402) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74407, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(74416); Hg(74449); Hg(3144900); Hg(74475); Hg(74506); Hg(74538); Hg(3144900); Hg(74551); Hg(3144900); Fg(74578, 7); Fg(74593, 7); Fg(74625, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Oa3 = 1; } else Oa3 = Na2; if (!(Ot(v2, 74633) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74640, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(74655); Hg(74685); Hg(3144900); Hg(74713); Pa2 = 1; } else Pa2 = Oa3; if (!(Ot(v2, 74731) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74736, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(74767); Hg(74798); Hg(74829); Hg(74861); Qa2 = 1; } else Qa2 = Pa2; if (!(Ot(v2, 74882) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74886, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(74899); Hg(74930); Hg(74963); Ra2 = 1; } else Ra2 = Qa2; if (!(Ot(v2, 74973) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(74979, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(74994); Hg(75025); Hg(75054); Hg(3144900); Hg(75084); Hg(75115); Hg(75146); Hg(75177); Hg(3144900); Hg(75197); Hg(3144900); Hg(75226); Hg(75259); Hg(75292); Sa2 = 1; } else Sa2 = Ra2; if ((Ot(v2, 75322) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 75326) | 0) != 0 : 0) Ta2 = Sa2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(75334, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(75353); Hg(3144900); Hg(75384); Hg(75409); Hg(75427); Hg(3144900); Hg(75447); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Sa2 = 0; do { Ra2 = (Sa2 * 10 | 0) + -40 | 0; Qa2 = Sa2 << 2; Pa2 = Ra2 + (c[768157] | 0) | 0; Cn(c[730449] | 0, 2, Pa2, 13, Pa2 + 9 | 0, Qa2); c[h3 >> 2] = Qa2; it(j2, 75467, h3) | 0; oo(c[730449] | 0, j2, c[730468] | 0, 4, Pa2 + 2 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; Pa2 = Ra2 + (c[768157] | 0) | 0; Oa3 = Qa2 | 1; Cn(c[730449] | 0, 14, Pa2, 25, Pa2 + 9 | 0, Oa3); c[g2 >> 2] = Oa3; it(j2, 75467, g2) | 0; oo(c[730449] | 0, j2, c[730468] | 0, 16, Pa2 + 2 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; Pa2 = Ra2 + (c[768157] | 0) | 0; Oa3 = Qa2 | 2; Cn(c[730449] | 0, 26, Pa2, 37, Pa2 + 9 | 0, Oa3); c[f2 >> 2] = Oa3; it(j2, 75467, f2) | 0; oo(c[730449] | 0, j2, c[730468] | 0, 28, Pa2 + 2 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; Pa2 = Ra2 + (c[768157] | 0) | 0; Ra2 = Qa2 | 3; Cn(c[730449] | 0, 38, Pa2, 49, Pa2 + 9 | 0, Ra2); c[e2 >> 2] = Ra2; it(j2, 75467, e2) | 0; oo(c[730449] | 0, j2, c[730468] | 0, 40, Pa2 + 2 | 0, 1, (Ra2 | 0) == 7 ? 5 : 7) | 0; Sa2 = Sa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((Sa2 | 0) != 4); Ta2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 75471) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(75476, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(75489); Hg(75521); Hg(75552); Hg(75582); Hg(3144900); Hg(75601); Hg(3144900); Hg(75630); Hg(75660); Hg(75690); Hg(75722); Hg(3144900); Hg(75754); Hg(75785); Hg(75798); Hg(75828); Ua2 = 1; } else Ua2 = Ta2; if (!(Ot(v2, 75842) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(75848, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(75859); Hg(75890); Hg(75921); Hg(75953); Hg(75985); Hg(3144900); Hg(76018); Hg(76047); Hg(76076); Hg(76105); Hg(3144900); Hg(76134); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(76164); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Ta2 = c[768157] | 0; Sa2 = Ta2 + -29 | 0; j2 = c[768171] | 0; c[768171] = 33825; e2 = Ta2 + -21 | 0; yk(c[730449] | 0, 4, Sa2, 60, e2, 120) | 0; c[768171] = 20640; yk(c[730449] | 0, 64, Sa2, 120, e2, 120) | 0; e2 = Ta2 + -11 | 0; c[768171] = 47133; yk(c[730449] | 0, 4, e2, 40, Ta2, 46) | 0; c[768171] = 20927; yk(c[730449] | 0, 44, e2, 80, Ta2, 46) | 0; c[768171] = 31455; yk(c[730449] | 0, 84, e2, 120, Ta2, 46) | 0; c[768171] = j2; Va2 = 1; } else Va2 = Ua2; if (!(Ot(v2, 76192) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(76197, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(76229); Hg(76257); Hg(76286); Hg(76319); Wa2 = 1; } else Wa2 = Va2; if ((Ot(v2, 76333) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 76338) | 0) != 0 : 0) Xa3 = Wa2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(76347, 14); Fg(76377, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(76408); Hg(76435); Hg(76460); Hg(76486); Xa3 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 76504) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 76509) | 0) != 0 : 0) Ya3 = Xa3; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(76518, 14); Fg(76548, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(76579); Hg(76608); Ya3 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 76629) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 76634) | 0) != 0 : 0) Za2 = Ya3; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(76643, 14); Fg(76670, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(76698); Hg(76728); Hg(76757); Hg(76785); Za2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 76792) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(76796, 14); Fg(76822, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(76844); Hg(76874); Hg(76901); Hg(76934); Hg(3144900); Hg(76952); Hg(76984); Hg(77015); Hg(3144900); Hg(77045); Hg(77078); _a2 = 1; } else _a2 = Za2; if ((Ot(v2, 77106) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 77111) | 0) != 0 : 0) ab2 = _a2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(77116, 14); Fg(77128, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(77145); Hg(77177); Hg(77210); ab2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 77240) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 77245) | 0) != 0 : 0) bb2 = ab2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(77250, 14); Fg(77265, 14); Fg(77286, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(77305); Hg(77338); Hg(77369); Hg(77402); Hg(3144900); Hg(77435); Hg(77460); Hg(77491); Hg(77524); Hg(3144900); Hg(77546); Hg(77577); bb2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 77606) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(77612, 14); Fg(77642, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(77667); Hg(77699); Hg(77728); Hg(77756); Hg(77789); Hg(3144900); Hg(77820); Hg(77850); Hg(77880); Hg(3144900); Hg(77911); Hg(77923); Hg(77951); Hg(77980); Hg(78006); Hg(78032); cb2 = 1; } else cb2 = bb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 78058) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(78062, 14); Fg(78085, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(78107); Hg(3144900); Hg(78129); Hg(78160); Hg(78193); Hg(3144900); Hg(78214); Hg(78246); Hg(3144900); Hg(78279); Hg(78308); db3 = 1; } else db3 = cb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 78333) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(78338, 14); Fg(78369, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(78401); Hg(78433); Hg(3144900); Hg(78458); Hg(78489); Hg(78521); Hg(3144900); Hg(78279); Hg(78547); fb2 = 1; } else fb2 = db3; if ((Ot(v2, 78573) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 78578) | 0) != 0 : 0) gb2 = fb2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(78583, 14); Fg(78595, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(78612); Hg(78644); gb2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 78671) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 78676) | 0) != 0 : 0) hb2 = gb2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(78583, 14); Fg(78595, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(78612); Hg(78681); hb2 = 1; } if ((Ot(v2, 78703) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 78709) | 0) != 0 : 0) ib2 = hb2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(78711, 14); Fg(78737, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(78758); Hg(78787); Hg(3144900); Hg(78818); Hg(78847); Hg(3144900); Hg(78870); Hg(3144900); Fg(78879, 13); Hg(78898); Hg(78928); Hg(78958); Hg(78976); Hg(79007); Hg(79038); Hg(79055); ib2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 79063) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(79070, 14); Fg(79096, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(79125); Hg(79156); Hg(79185); Hg(79218); Hg(79244); Hg(3144900); Hg(79263); Hg(79296); Hg(79321); Hg(79352); Hg(79385); jb2 = 1; } else jb2 = ib2; if (!(Ot(v2, 79394) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(79401, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(79422); Hg(3144900); Hg(79446); Hg(79480); kb2 = 1; } else kb2 = jb2; do if (Ot(v2, 79501) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 79506) | 0)) { N4 = 450; break; } if (Ot(v2, 79512) | 0) { lb3 = kb2; mb2 = 0; } else N4 = 450; } else N4 = 450; while (0); do if ((N4 | 0) == 450) { if (!u2) { lb3 = 1; mb2 = 1; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); lb3 = 1; mb2 = 1; } while (0); do if (Ot(v2, 79518) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 79520) | 0)) { N4 = 454; break; } if (!mb2) { nb2 = lb3; break; } if (!u2) N4 = 459; else N4 = 458; } else N4 = 454; while (0); do if ((N4 | 0) == 454) { if (!u2) { N4 = 459; break; } c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); N4 = 458; } while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 458) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); N4 = 459; } if ((N4 | 0) == 459) { Fg(79522, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(79540); Hg(79573); Hg(79606); Hg(79638); Hg(79671); Hg(3144900); Hg(79695); Hg(3144900); Fg(79725, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(79747); Hg(3144900); Fg(79772, 7); Fg(79793, 7); Fg(79815, 7); nb2 = 1; } do if (Ot(v2, 79837) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 79842) | 0)) { N4 = 463; break; } if (Ot(v2, 79848) | 0) ob2 = nb2; else N4 = 463; } else N4 = 463; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 463) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(79854, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(79886); Hg(79917); Hg(79946); Hg(79978); Hg(3144900); Hg(79995); Hg(3144900); Fg(80025, 7); ob2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 80055) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(80062, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(80087); Hg(80118); Hg(80146); Hg(3144900); Hg(80157); Hg(3144900); Hg(80186); pb2 = 1; } else pb2 = ob2; if (!(Ot(v2, 80215) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(80222, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(80247); Hg(80279); Hg(80304); Hg(80335); Hg(3144900); Hg(80347); Hg(80380); Hg(3144900); Fg(80405, 7); qb2 = 1; } else qb2 = pb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 80435) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(80442, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(80473); Hg(80501); Hg(80530); Hg(3144900); Hg(80560); Hg(3144900); Hg(80589); Hg(80618); Hg(80646); Hg(3144900); Hg(80675); Hg(80702); Hg(80731); rb2 = 1; } else rb2 = qb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 80747) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(80754, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(80473); Hg(80785); Hg(80816); Hg(3144900); Hg(80839); Hg(80869); sb2 = 1; } else sb2 = rb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 80896) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(80905, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(80937); Hg(3144900); Hg(80968); Hg(81000); Hg(81029); Hg(3144900); Hg(81050); Hg(81079); Hg(81109); Hg(81142); Hg(3144900); Hg(81164); Hg(81194); Hg(81225); Hg(3144900); Hg(81234); Hg(81262); tb2 = 1; } else tb2 = sb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 81290) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(81299, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(81314); Hg(81345); Hg(81377); Hg(81409); Hg(3144900); Hg(81440); Hg(81472); Hg(81504); Hg(81536); Hg(3144900); Hg(81555); Hg(81585); Hg(81615); Hg(81645); ub2 = 1; } else ub2 = tb2; if ((Ot(v2, 81675) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 81680) | 0) != 0 : 0) vb2 = ub2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(81685, 14); Fg(81695, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(81711); Hg(81743); Hg(3144900); Hg(81776); Hg(81806); Hg(81836); Hg(81866); Hg(3144900); Hg(81899); Hg(81927); Hg(81958); vb2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 81970) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(81974, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(81999); Hg(82032); Hg(82062); Hg(82095); Hg(82125); Hg(82155); Hg(82187); Hg(3144900); Fg(82215, 7); Fg(82240, 7); Fg(82266, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(82290); Hg(3144900); Fg(82322, 7); Fg(82332, 7); Hg(82339); wb3 = 1; } else wb3 = vb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 82341) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(82345, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(82375); Hg(82405); Hg(3144900); Hg(82424); Fg(82429, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(82439); Fg(82448, 7); xb2 = 1; } else xb2 = wb3; if (!(Ot(v2, 82474) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(82478, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(82503); Hg(82535); Hg(3144900); Hg(82568); Hg(82600); Hg(3144900); Fg(82630, 7); Fg(82651, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(82672); Fg(82684, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(82707); Fg(82737, 7); yb2 = 1; } else yb2 = xb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 82770) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(82776, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); Hg(82806); Hg(82837); Hg(82863); Hg(3144900); Hg(82895); Hg(82927); Hg(82956); Hg(82986); Hg(3144900); Fg(82998, 7); Fg(83024, 7); Fg(83054, 7); Hg(83083); zb2 = 1; } else zb2 = yb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 83106) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(83112, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(83135); Hg(3144900); Hg(83160); Hg(3144900); Hg(83182); Hg(83214); Hg(3144900); Hg(83237); Hg(83258); Hg(83288); Hg(83317); Ab2 = 1; } else Ab2 = zb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 83343) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(83349, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(83372); Hg(83400); Hg(83430); Hg(3144900); Hg(83160); Hg(3144900); Hg(83443); Hg(83474); Hg(83501); Hg(83532); Hg(83561); Hg(3144900); Fg(83592, 7); Fg(83621, 7); Fg(83649, 7); Fg(83672, 7); Bb2 = 1; } else Bb2 = Ab2; if (!(Ot(v2, 83689) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(83693, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(83718); Hg(83748); Hg(3144900); Fg(83768, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(83788); Hg(83815); Hg(83841); Hg(3144900); Fg(83851, 7); Fg(83866, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(83896, 13); Fg(83925, 13); Cb2 = 1; } else Cb2 = Bb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 83949) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(83953, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(83969); Hg(83998); Hg(84028); Hg(3144900); Hg(84060); Hg(84092); Hg(3144900); Fg(84124, 7); Fg(84137, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(83896, 13); Fg(83925, 13); Db2 = 1; } else Db2 = Cb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 84158) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(84163, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(84182); Hg(84212); Hg(84028); Hg(3144900); Hg(84060); Hg(84092); Hg(3144900); Hg(84243); Hg(84275); Hg(3144900); Fg(84301, 7); Fg(84313, 7); Fg(84333, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(83896, 13); Fg(83925, 13); Eb3 = 1; } else Eb3 = Db2; if (!(Ot(v2, 84351) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(84355, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(84366); Hg(84395); Hg(3144900); Fg(84422, 7); Fg(84432, 7); Fg(84445, 7); Fg(84464, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Fg(84477, 7); Hg(3144900); Fg(83896, 13); Fg(83925, 13); Fb2 = 1; } else Fb2 = Eb3; if (!(Ot(v2, 84488) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(84496, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(84517); Hg(84550); Hg(84583); Hg(3144900); Fg(84599, 7); Hg(95762); Hg(95764); Hg(84629); Hg(3144900); Fg(83896, 13); Fg(83925, 13); Gb2 = 1; } else Gb2 = Fb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 84633) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(84639, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(84652); Hg(84683); Hg(84715); Hg(84747); Hg(84776); Hg(84809); Hg(3144900); Fg(84834, 7); Fg(84864, 7); Fg(84887, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(84915); Hg(84926); Hb2 = 1; } else Hb2 = Gb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 84940) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(84944, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(84963); Hg(84992); Hg(85018); Hg(3144900); Hg(85040); Hg(85071); Hg(85103); Ib2 = 1; } else Ib2 = Hb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 85112) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(85117, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(85135); Hg(85162); Hg(85191); Hg(3144900); Hg(85202); Hg(85232); Hg(85260); Hg(85292); Jb2 = 1; } else Jb2 = Ib2; if (!(Ot(v2, 85305) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(85312, 14); Fg(85323, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(85330); Hg(85356); Hg(85386); Hg(3144900); Hg(85406); Hg(85435); Hg(85466); Hg(85499); Kb2 = 1; } else Kb2 = Jb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 85507) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(85513, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(85523); Hg(85554); Hg(85586); Hg(3144900); Hg(85594); Hg(85621); Hg(85652); Hg(3144900); Hg(85666); Hg(85699); Hg(85731); Hg(85762); Hg(85791); Lb2 = 1; } else Lb2 = Kb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 85800) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(85806, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(85816); Hg(85842); Hg(85868); Hg(3144900); Hg(85890); Fg(85911, 12); Mb2 = 1; } else Mb2 = Lb2; do if (Ot(v2, 85920) | 0) { if (!(Ot(v2, 85911) | 0)) { N4 = 567; break; } if (!(Ot(v2, 85929) | 0)) { N4 = 567; break; } if (Ot(v2, 85939) | 0) Nb2 = Mb2; else N4 = 567; } else N4 = 567; while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 567) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(85950, 14); Fg(85964, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(85994); Hg(86020); Hg(86048); Hg(3144900); Fg(86072, 7); Fg(86087, 7); Fg(86112, 7); Fg(86122, 7); Fg(86112, 7); Fg(86146, 7); Fg(62821, 7); Fg(3144900, 7); Fg(86164, 7); Fg(86182, 7); Fg(86214, 7); Fg(86245, 7); Nb2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 86273) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(86282, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(86296); Hg(86320); Hg(3144900); Hg(86345); Hg(86355); Hg(86367); Ob2 = 1; } else Ob2 = Nb2; if ((Ot(v2, 86374) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 86379) | 0) != 0 : 0) Pb2 = Ob2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(86381, 14); Fg(86390, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(86397); Hg(86427); Hg(86453); Hg(86484); Pb2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 86511) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(86520, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(86552); Hg(86583); Hg(86611); Hg(3144900); Hg(86635); Hg(86666); Hg(86697); Hg(86726); Hg(86757); Hg(86787); Hg(3144900); Fg(86813, 7); Fg(86844, 7); Fg(86865, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(86870); Hg(86899); Qb3 = 1; } else Qb3 = Pb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 86931) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(86936, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(86946); Hg(86964); Hg(86990); Hg(87016); Hg(87038); Hg(87058); Hg(87079); Hg(87107); Hg(87138); Hg(87168); Hg(87194); Hg(87222); Hg(87250); Hg(87281); Hg(87300); Rb2 = 1; } else Rb2 = Qb3; if (!(Ot(v2, 87330) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(87337, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(87366); Hg(87394); Hg(3144900); Hg(87417); Hg(3144900); Hg(87426); Hg(87458); Hg(87482); Hg(87515); Hg(87535); Hg(87548); Sb2 = 1; } else Sb2 = Rb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 87562) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(87569, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(87587); Hg(87618); Hg(3144900); Hg(87649); Hg(87667); Hg(87685); Hg(87718); Hg(87740); Hg(87766); Hg(87793); Hg(87822); Hg(87852); Hg(87885); Hg(87917); Hg(87948); Tb2 = 1; } else Tb2 = Sb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 87976) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(87981, 14); Fg(87999, 14); Fg(88031, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(88047); Hg(88077); Hg(88105); Hg(88137); Hg(88168); Hg(88198); Hg(88227); Hg(88258); Hg(3144900); Hg(88287); Hg(88317); Ub3 = 1; } else Ub3 = Tb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 88348) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(88353, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(88371); Hg(88403); Hg(88432); Hg(88465); Hg(3144900); Fg(88486, 7); Hg(88497); Hg(3144900); Hg(88510); Hg(88543); Hg(88575); Hg(3144900); Hg(88608); Fg(88635, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(88647); Hg(88678); Vb2 = 1; } else Vb2 = Ub3; if (!(Ot(v2, 88703) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(88710, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(88730); Hg(88761); Hg(88791); Hg(3144900); Hg(88824); Hg(88853); Hg(88883); Hg(3144900); Fg(88913, 7); Wb2 = 1; } else Wb2 = Vb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 88937) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(88944, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(88965); Hg(3144900); Hg(88994); Hg(89013); Hg(89043); Hg(89071); Hg(89098); Hg(89121); Hg(3144900); Hg(89150); Fg(89164, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(89186); Fg(89216, 7); Hg(3144900); Hg(89239); Fg(89257, 7); Xb2 = 1; } else Xb2 = Wb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 89289) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(89294, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(89303); Hg(89334); Hg(3144900); Hg(89362); Hg(89372); Hg(89388); Yb3 = 1; } else Yb3 = Xb2; if (!(Ot(v2, 89405) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(89412, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(89431); Hg(89462); Hg(3144900); Hg(89485); Hg(89516); Hg(3144900); Hg(89536); Hg(89545); Hg(89553); Hg(89558); Hg(3144900); Hg(89567); Hg(89599); Hg(89632); Zb2 = 1; } else Zb2 = Yb3; if (!(Ot(v2, 89664) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(89673, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(89686); Hg(89717); Hg(3144900); Hg(89740); Hg(3144900); Hg(89769); Hg(89787); _b2 = 1; } else _b2 = Zb2; if ((Ot(v2, 89809) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 89812) | 0) != 0 : 0) $b2 = _b2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(89816, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(89830); Hg(89855); Hg(3144900); Hg(89871); $b2 = 1; } if (!(Ot(v2, 89897) | 0)) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(89904, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(89686); Hg(89915); Hg(3144900); Hg(89939); Hg(89970); ac2 = 1; } else ac2 = $b2; if ((Ot(v2, 89997) | 0) != 0 ? (Ot(v2, 91052) | 0) != 0 : 0) bc2 = ac2; else { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(90004, 14); Fg(90015, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(90022); Hg(90048); Hg(3144900); Hg(90067); Hg(90096); Hg(90125); Hg(3144900); Hg(90155); Hg(90183); Hg(90211); bc2 = 1; } do if (!(Ot(v2, 90220) | 0)) N4 = 639; else { if (!(Ot(v2, 90226) | 0)) { N4 = 639; break; } if (bc2 | 0) break; Fg(90430, 13); Hg(v2); Ia = d2; return; } while (0); if ((N4 | 0) == 639) { if (u2 | 0) { c[768157] = 0; c[768156] = 0; An(c[730449] | 0); } Fg(90233, 14); Fg(90243, 14); Hg(3144900); Hg(90255); Hg(90281); Hg(90313); Hg(90344); Hg(90375); Hg(3144900); Hg(90407); } Hg(3144900); Ia = d2; return; } function $k(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2 + 4 | 0; g2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; a: do if (b4 >>> 0 > 7) h3 = 0; else { Or(b4 - (c[481717] | 0) | 0, e2, f2, g2); if ((a2 | 0) >= 4) switch (a2 | 0) { case 4: { h3 = (c[g2 >> 2] & 9 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 255; break a; break; } case 5: { h3 = (c[g2 >> 2] & 6 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 255; break a; break; } case 6: { h3 = (c[g2 >> 2] & 64 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 255; break a; break; } default: { h3 = 0; break a; } } i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = B((i3 | 0) / 2 | 0, i3) | 0; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (((B((k2 | 0) / 2 | 0, k2) | 0) + j2 | 0) > 134217728) switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { l2 = i3 << 8; m4 = 0 - l2 | 0; if ((32767 - l2 | 0) >>> 0 > 8388606) { h3 = (m4 | 0) < -32767 ? 0 : 255; break a; } h3 = (m4 | 0) / 32768 | 0; break a; break; } case 1: { if ((i3 + 127 | 0) >>> 0 > 32766) { h3 = (i3 | 0) < -127 ? 0 : 255; break a; } h3 = (i3 | 0) / 128 | 0; break a; break; } case 2: { m4 = k2 << 8; l2 = 0 - m4 | 0; if ((32767 - m4 | 0) >>> 0 > 8388606) { h3 = (l2 | 0) < -32767 ? 0 : 255; break a; } h3 = (l2 | 0) / 32768 | 0; break a; break; } case 3: { if ((k2 + 127 | 0) >>> 0 > 32766) { h3 = (k2 | 0) < -127 ? 0 : 255; break a; } h3 = (k2 | 0) / 128 | 0; break a; break; } default: break b; } else switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { if (!(c[g2 >> 2] & 8192)) break b; else { h3 = 255; break a; } break; } case 1: { if (!(c[g2 >> 2] & 16384)) break b; else { h3 = 255; break a; } break; } case 2: { if (!(c[g2 >> 2] & 2048)) break b; else { h3 = 255; break a; } break; } case 3: { if (!(c[g2 >> 2] & 4096)) break b; else { h3 = 255; break a; } break; } default: break b; } while (0); h3 = 0; } while (0); Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } function al(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return ((c[481731] | 0) == (a2 | 0) | (c[481732] | 0) == (a2 | 0) | (c[481733] | 0) == (a2 | 0) | (c[481734] | 0) == (a2 | 0) | (c[481735] | 0) == (a2 | 0) | (c[481736] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) & 1 | 0; } function bl2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2 + 4 | 0; g2 = d2; h3 = (b4 | 0) == 0; a: do if (h3) { switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { i3 = c[481731] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 80 : i3; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 9; break; } case 1: { i3 = c[481732] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 79 : i3; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 9; break; } case 2: { i3 = c[481733] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 82 : i3; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 9; break; } case 3: { i3 = c[481734] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 81 : i3; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 9; break; } case 4: { i3 = c[481735] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 29 : i3; k2 = 1; l2 = 0; m4 = 9; break; } case 5: { i3 = c[481736] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 27 : i3; k2 = 0; l2 = 1; m4 = 9; break; } default: { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; p2 = 0; } } if ((m4 | 0) == 9) { n2 = k2; o2 = l2; p2 = co2(j2) | 0; } if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) { if (n2) { i3 = c[481735] | 0; q3 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 6 : i3) | 0 | p2; } else q3 = p2; if (o2) { i3 = c[481736] | 0; r2 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 25 : i3) | 0 | q3; } else r2 = q3; } else r2 = p2; if (n2) { i3 = c[481735] | 0; s3 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 17 : i3) | 0 | r2; } else s3 = r2; if (o2 & (co2(-5) | 0) == 0) { i3 = c[481736] | 0; t3 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 16 : i3) | 0 | s3; } else t3 = s3; i3 = (a2 | 0) == 6; if (i3) { u2 = c[481743] | 0; v2 = co2((u2 | 0) == 0 ? 19 : u2) | 0 | t3; u2 = c[481743] | 0; w2 = v2 | (co2((u2 | 0) == 0 ? 40 : u2) | 0); } else w2 = t3; if (i3 & ((c[785925] | 0) == 2 & (((c[768028] | 0) != 1 | (c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (c[482623] | 0) != 0) ^ 1))) { i3 = c[481743] | 0; x2 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 41 : i3) | 0 | w2; } else x2 = w2; } else if ((b4 | 0) == 1) switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { i3 = c[481737] | 0; if (!i3) { x2 = co2(22) | 0; break a; } else { x2 = co2(i3) | 0; break a; } break; } case 1: { i3 = c[481738] | 0; if (!i3) { x2 = co2(9) | 0; break a; } else { x2 = co2(i3) | 0; break a; } break; } case 2: { i3 = c[481739] | 0; if (!i3) { x2 = co2(8) | 0; break a; } else { x2 = co2(i3) | 0; break a; } break; } case 3: { i3 = c[481740] | 0; if (!i3) { x2 = co2(7) | 0; break a; } else { x2 = co2(i3) | 0; break a; } break; } case 4: { i3 = c[481741] | 0; u2 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 225 : i3) | 0; i3 = c[481741] | 0; v2 = co2((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 43 : i3) | 0 | u2; u2 = c[481741] | 0; x2 = v2 | (co2((u2 | 0) == 0 ? 26 : u2) | 0); break a; break; } case 5: { u2 = c[481742] | 0; v2 = co2((u2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : u2) | 0; u2 = c[481742] | 0; x2 = co2((u2 | 0) == 0 ? 20 : u2) | 0 | v2; break a; break; } default: { x2 = 0; break a; } } else x2 = 0; while (0); w2 = c[3073756 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; b4 = x2 | (w2 | 0) != -1 & (w2 & 1 << a2 | 0) != 0 & 1; if (!((a2 + -4 | 0) >>> 0 < 3 & h3)) { y4 = b4; Ia = d2; return y4 | 0; } if (((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24365) | 0) & 3 | 0) != 3) { y4 = b4; Ia = d2; return y4 | 0; } Rr(e2, f2, g2); switch (a2 | 0) { case 4: { z3 = c[g2 >> 2] & 2; break; } case 5: { z3 = c[g2 >> 2] & 1; break; } default: z3 = c[g2 >> 2] & 4; } y4 = (z3 | 0) == 0 ? b4 : x2 | 1; Ia = d2; return y4 | 0; } function cl2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; a2 = (c[482626] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 2; b4 = c[482623] | 0; d2 = a2; while (true) { c[3073228 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072716 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!b4) { e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; f2 = c[482623] | 0; g2 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : e2; } else { f2 = b4; g2 = 15; } h3 = c[543654] | 0; if (!(f2 | h3)) { e2 = c[785581] | 0; i3 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 30; } else i3 = 30; c[3073788 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(i3, g2) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) == 8) break; else b4 = f2; } b4 = h3; h3 = f2; f2 = a2; while (true) { c[3073260 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072748 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!h3) { d2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; j2 = c[482623] | 0; k2 = c[543654] | 0; l2 = (d2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : d2; } else { j2 = h3; k2 = b4; l2 = 15; } if (!(j2 | k2)) { d2 = c[785581] | 0; m4 = (d2 | 0) > 0 ? d2 : 30; } else m4 = 30; c[3073820 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(m4, l2) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 8) break; else { b4 = k2; h3 = j2; } } h3 = j2; j2 = k2; k2 = a2; while (true) { c[3073292 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072780 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!h3) { b4 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; n2 = c[482623] | 0; o2 = c[543654] | 0; p2 = (b4 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : b4; } else { n2 = h3; o2 = j2; p2 = 15; } if (!(n2 | o2)) { b4 = c[785581] | 0; q3 = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : 30; } else q3 = 30; c[3073852 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(q3, p2) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == 8) break; else { h3 = n2; j2 = o2; } } j2 = n2; n2 = o2; o2 = a2; while (true) { c[3073324 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072812 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!j2) { h3 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; r2 = c[482623] | 0; s3 = c[543654] | 0; t3 = (h3 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : h3; } else { r2 = j2; s3 = n2; t3 = 15; } if (!(r2 | s3)) { h3 = c[785581] | 0; u2 = (h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 30; } else u2 = 30; c[3073884 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(u2, t3) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == 8) break; else { j2 = r2; n2 = s3; } } n2 = r2; r2 = s3; s3 = a2; while (true) { c[3073356 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072844 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!n2) { j2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; v2 = c[482623] | 0; w2 = c[543654] | 0; x2 = (j2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : j2; } else { v2 = n2; w2 = r2; x2 = 15; } if (!(v2 | w2)) { j2 = c[785581] | 0; y4 = (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 30; } else y4 = 30; c[3073916 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(y4, x2) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 8) break; else { n2 = v2; r2 = w2; } } r2 = v2; v2 = w2; w2 = a2; while (true) { c[3073388 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072876 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!r2) { n2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; z3 = c[482623] | 0; A4 = c[543654] | 0; C3 = (n2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : n2; } else { z3 = r2; A4 = v2; C3 = 15; } if (!(z3 | A4)) { n2 = c[785581] | 0; D3 = (n2 | 0) > 0 ? n2 : 30; } else D3 = 30; c[3073948 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(D3, C3) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) == 8) break; else { r2 = z3; v2 = A4; } } v2 = z3; z3 = A4; A4 = a2; while (true) { c[3073420 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072908 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!v2) { r2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; E3 = c[482623] | 0; F3 = c[543654] | 0; G2 = (r2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : r2; } else { E3 = v2; F3 = z3; G2 = 15; } if (!(E3 | F3)) { r2 = c[785581] | 0; H2 = (r2 | 0) > 0 ? r2 : 30; } else H2 = 30; c[3073980 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(H2, G2) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) == 8) break; else { v2 = E3; z3 = F3; } } z3 = E3; E3 = F3; F3 = a2; while (true) { c[3073452 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = 1; c[3072940 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!z3) { a2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; I2 = c[482623] | 0; J2 = c[543654] | 0; K2 = (a2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : a2; } else { I2 = z3; J2 = E3; K2 = 15; } if (!(I2 | J2)) { a2 = c[785581] | 0; L3 = (a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 30; } else L3 = 30; c[3074012 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(L3, K2) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) == 8) break; else { z3 = I2; E3 = J2; } } return; } function dl2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; Iv(3072716, 0, 256) | 0; if ((c[532531] | 0) > 0) { c[768179] = gp(2) | 0; c[768180] = gp(2) | 0; c[768181] = gp(2) | 0; c[768182] = gp(2) | 0; c[768183] = gp(2) | 0; c[768184] = gp(2) | 0; c[768187] = gp(2) | 0; c[768188] = gp(2) | 0; c[768189] = gp(2) | 0; c[768190] = gp(2) | 0; c[768191] = gp(2) | 0; c[768192] = gp(2) | 0; c[768195] = gp(2) | 0; c[768196] = gp(2) | 0; c[768197] = gp(2) | 0; c[768198] = gp(2) | 0; c[768199] = gp(2) | 0; c[768200] = gp(2) | 0; c[768203] = gp(2) | 0; c[768204] = gp(2) | 0; c[768205] = gp(2) | 0; c[768206] = gp(2) | 0; c[768207] = gp(2) | 0; c[768208] = gp(2) | 0; c[768211] = gp(2) | 0; c[768212] = gp(2) | 0; c[768213] = gp(2) | 0; c[768214] = gp(2) | 0; c[768215] = gp(2) | 0; c[768216] = gp(2) | 0; c[768219] = gp(2) | 0; c[768220] = gp(2) | 0; c[768221] = gp(2) | 0; c[768222] = gp(2) | 0; c[768223] = gp(2) | 0; c[768224] = gp(2) | 0; c[768227] = gp(2) | 0; c[768228] = gp(2) | 0; c[768229] = gp(2) | 0; c[768230] = gp(2) | 0; c[768231] = gp(2) | 0; c[768232] = gp(2) | 0; c[768235] = gp(2) | 0; c[768236] = gp(2) | 0; c[768237] = gp(2) | 0; c[768238] = gp(2) | 0; c[768239] = gp(2) | 0; c[768240] = gp(2) | 0; return; } a2 = 0; do { b4 = 0; do { if ((bl2(b4, a2) | 0) == 0 ? ($k(b4, a2) | 0) <= 128 : 0) c[3073228 + (a2 << 5) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] = 0; else d2 = 7; if (((d2 | 0) == 7 ? (d2 = 0, (c[3073228 + (a2 << 5) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (c[3072716 + (a2 << 5) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] = 1, (c[3072972 + (a2 << 5) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 0) : 0) { e2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0; g2 = c[482623] | 0; h3 = (f2 | 0) == 0 ? 15 : f2; } else { g2 = e2; h3 = 15; } if (!(g2 | c[543654])) { e2 = c[785581] | 0; i3 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 30; } else i3 = 30; c[3073788 + (a2 << 5) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] = ((B(i3, h3) | 0) / 30 | 0) + 1; } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 8); a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != 8); c[768435] = c[543643]; c[768436] = c[543644]; c[543643] = 0; c[543644] = 0; c[768437] = c[543649]; c[768438] = c[543650]; c[543649] = 0; c[543650] = 0; if (!(c[482659] | 0)) return; c[768185] = 1; c[482659] = 0; return; } function el2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1 | (c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (c[482623] | 0) != 0) a2 = 0; else { dl2(); a2 = 1; } b4 = 0; do { d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) >> 2] | 0; f2 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) | 0; do if (e2 | 0) { if (c[f2 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = e2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 4 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 4 | 0; do if (g2 | 0) { if (c[h3 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 4 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = g2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 8 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 8 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 8 | 0; do if (e2 | 0) { if (c[f2 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 8 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 8 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = e2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 12 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 12 | 0; do if (g2 | 0) { if (c[h3 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 12 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 12 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = g2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 16 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 16 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 16 | 0; do if (e2 | 0) { if (c[f2 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 16 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 16 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = e2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 20 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 20 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 20 | 0; do if (g2 | 0) { if (c[h3 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 20 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 20 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = g2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 24 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 24 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 24 | 0; do if (e2 | 0) { if (c[f2 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 24 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 24 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = e2; d2 = 3073484 + (b4 << 5) + 28 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + 28 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 3072972 + (b4 << 5) + 28 | 0; do if (g2 | 0) { if (c[h3 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 28 >> 2] | 0) != 1 : 0) break; if (!(c[3073228 + (b4 << 5) + 28 >> 2] | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = 1; } while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = g2; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 8); if ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24412) | 0) != 255) { b4 = 0; do { d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0 ? (f2 = e2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = f2, (f2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { f2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!f2) { e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; i3 = c[482623] | 0; j2 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : e2; } else { i3 = f2; j2 = 4; } if (!(i3 | c[543654])) { f2 = c[785581] | 0; k2 = (f2 | 0) > 0 ? f2 : 30; } else k2 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(k2, j2) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 4 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 0 ? (e2 = f2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = e2, (e2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { e2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; l2 = c[482623] | 0; m4 = (f2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : f2; } else { l2 = e2; m4 = 4; } if (!(l2 | c[543654])) { e2 = c[785581] | 0; n2 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 30; } else n2 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(n2, m4) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 8 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0 ? (f2 = e2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = f2, (f2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { f2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!f2) { e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; o2 = c[482623] | 0; p2 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : e2; } else { o2 = f2; p2 = 4; } if (!(o2 | c[543654])) { f2 = c[785581] | 0; q3 = (f2 | 0) > 0 ? f2 : 30; } else q3 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(q3, p2) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 12 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 0 ? (e2 = f2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = e2, (e2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { e2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; r2 = c[482623] | 0; s3 = (f2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : f2; } else { r2 = e2; s3 = 4; } if (!(r2 | c[543654])) { e2 = c[785581] | 0; t3 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 30; } else t3 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(t3, s3) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 16 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0 ? (f2 = e2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = f2, (f2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { f2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!f2) { e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; u2 = c[482623] | 0; v2 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : e2; } else { u2 = f2; v2 = 4; } if (!(u2 | c[543654])) { f2 = c[785581] | 0; w2 = (f2 | 0) > 0 ? f2 : 30; } else w2 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(w2, v2) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 20 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 0 ? (e2 = f2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = e2, (e2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { e2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; x2 = c[482623] | 0; y4 = (f2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : f2; } else { x2 = e2; y4 = 4; } if (!(x2 | c[543654])) { e2 = c[785581] | 0; z3 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 30; } else z3 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(z3, y4) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 24 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0 ? (f2 = e2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = f2, (f2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { f2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!f2) { e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; A4 = c[482623] | 0; C3 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : e2; } else { A4 = f2; C3 = 4; } if (!(A4 | c[543654])) { f2 = c[785581] | 0; D3 = (f2 | 0) > 0 ? f2 : 30; } else D3 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(D3, C3) | 0) / 30 | 0; } d2 = 3073788 + (b4 << 5) + 28 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 0 ? (e2 = f2 + -1 | 0, c[d2 >> 2] = e2, (e2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { e2 = c[482623] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24413) | 0; E3 = c[482623] | 0; F3 = (f2 | 0) == 0 ? 4 : f2; } else { E3 = e2; F3 = 4; } if (!(E3 | c[543654])) { e2 = c[785581] | 0; G2 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 30; } else G2 = 30; c[d2 >> 2] = (B(G2, F3) | 0) / 30 | 0; } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 8); } if (a2 | 0) return; dl2(); return; } function fl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if ((b4 | a2) >>> 0 >= 8) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } e2 = c[3072716 + (b4 << 5) + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[3072972 + (b4 << 5) + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) { d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } else return ((c[3073788 + (b4 << 5) + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 1 ? e2 : 0) | 0; return 0; } function gl(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; d2 = kq(131072) | 0; a[c2 >> 0] = 0; if (!(a[b4 >> 0] | 0)) { mq(d2); return; } e2 = 1; f2 = b4; b4 = 1; while (true) { a[d2 >> 0] = 0; g2 = 0; h3 = e2; i3 = 0; j2 = f2; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; while (true) { if (l2 >>> 0 >= 16384) { m4 = g2; n2 = h3; o2 = i3; p2 = j2; break; } l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if (!h3) q3 = nh(j2) | 0; else q3 = oh(j2) | 0; r2 = ph2() | 0; do if ((r2 | 0) < -998 | (r2 | 0) == -995) if (j2 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { s3 = g2; t3 = j2; while (true) { u2 = s3 + ((a[t3 >> 0] | 0) == 10 & 1) | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == (q3 | 0)) { v2 = u2; w2 = i3; x2 = k2; break; } else s3 = u2; } } else { v2 = g2; w2 = i3; x2 = k2; } else { s3 = d2 + k2 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == 63) { t3 = s3; u2 = t3; a[u2 >> 0] = 32; a[u2 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[u2 + 2 >> 0] = 114; a[u2 + 3 >> 0] = 105; u2 = t3 + 4 | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = 110; a[u2 + 1 >> 0] = 116; a[u2 + 2 >> 0] = 40; a[u2 + 3 >> 0] = 0; u2 = k2 + 7 | 0; a[d2 + u2 >> 0] = 0; v2 = g2; w2 = 1; x2 = u2; break; } u2 = q3 - j2 | 0; Hv(s3 | 0, j2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; s3 = u2 + k2 | 0; a[d2 + s3 >> 0] = 0; if ((r2 | 0) == -997) { u2 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = 32; a[u2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; v2 = g2; w2 = i3; x2 = s3 + 1 | 0; } else { v2 = g2; w2 = i3; x2 = s3; } } while (0); if (!((r2 | 1 | 0) != -999 & (q3 | 0) != 0)) { m4 = v2; n2 = 0; o2 = w2; p2 = q3; break; } else { g2 = v2; h3 = 0; i3 = w2; j2 = q3; k2 = x2; } } Zt(c2, d2) | 0; if (o2 | 0) { k2 = c2 + (Pt(c2) | 0) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = 41; a[k2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; } if (m4 | 0) { k2 = m4; do { k2 = k2 + -1 | 0; j2 = c2 + (Pt(c2) | 0) | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = 10; a[j2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 0); } k2 = (a[p2 >> 0] | 0) != 0; if (b4 >>> 0 < 65536 & k2) { e2 = n2; f2 = p2; b4 = b4 + (k2 & 1) | 0; } else break; } mq(d2); return; } function hl2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; c2 = zv(b4 | 0, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; a2 = Cv(c2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; return a2 | 0; } function il(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 65535 & (b4 & 65535 | 0) == 0) { c2 = (a2 | 0) / (b4 >>> 16 | 0) | 0; return c2 | 0; } if (!b4) { c2 = (a2 >> 31 & 2) + 2147483647 | 0; return c2 | 0; } else { d2 = Dv2(a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; a2 = xv(d2 | 0, G() | 0, b4 | 0, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; d2 = (b4 | 0) < 0 | (b4 | 0) == 0 & a2 >>> 0 < 2147483647; e2 = d2 ? a2 : 2147483647; a2 = d2 ? b4 : 0; b4 = (a2 | 0) > -1 | (a2 | 0) == -1 & e2 >>> 0 > 2147483649; a2 = b4 ? e2 : -2147483647; c2 = a2; return c2 | 0; } return 0; } function jl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (!b4) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } d2 = (b4 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - b4 | 0 : b4; b4 = ((a2 | 0) == -2147483648 ? d2 : 0) + a2 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 0) e2 = d2 - ((0 - b4 | 0) % (d2 | 0) | 0) | 0; else e2 = b4; c2 = (e2 | 0) % (d2 | 0) | 0; return c2 | 0; } function kl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; if (!b4) { c2 = 65536; return c2 | 0; } if ((b4 | 0) < 0) { if (!((a2 | 0) > 65535 & (a2 & 65535 | 0) == 0)) if (!a2) d2 = 2147483647; else { e2 = xv(0, 1, a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 0 | (f2 | 0) == 0 & e2 >>> 0 < 2147483647; h3 = g2 ? e2 : 2147483647; e2 = g2 ? f2 : 0; f2 = (e2 | 0) > -1 | (e2 | 0) == -1 & h3 >>> 0 > 2147483649; e2 = f2 ? h3 : -2147483647; d2 = e2; } else d2 = 65536 / (a2 >>> 16 >>> 0) | 0; i3 = d2; j2 = 0 - b4 | 0; } else { i3 = a2; j2 = b4; } b4 = j2 & -65536; a2 = j2 - b4 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 65535) { j2 = b4; b4 = 65536; d2 = i3; while (true) { e2 = ((d2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; h3 = zv(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, b4 | 0, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; f2 = Cv(h3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; h3 = (j2 & 65536 | 0) == 0 ? b4 : f2; f2 = zv(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; d2 = Cv(f2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 <= 131071) { k2 = h3; break; } else { j2 = j2 >>> 1; b4 = h3; } } } else k2 = 65536; if ((a2 | 0) > 0) { b4 = k2; j2 = i3; i3 = a2; while (true) { if ((i3 | 0) < 65536) { a2 = j2; d2 = i3; while (true) { h3 = Dv2(a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 0) l2 = 0; else { e2 = 1073741824; g2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = Cv(g2 | 0, e2 | 0, 2) | 0; n2 = G() | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0 | (e2 | 0) == (f2 | 0) & g2 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) { e2 = n2; g2 = m4; } else break; } if ((g2 | 0) == 0 & (e2 | 0) == 0) o2 = 0; else { m4 = 0; n2 = 0; p2 = g2; q3 = e2; r2 = f2; s3 = h3; while (true) { t3 = tv(m4 | 0, n2 | 0, p2 | 0, q3 | 0) | 0; u2 = G() | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < u2 >>> 0 | (r2 | 0) == (u2 | 0) & s3 >>> 0 < t3 >>> 0) { v2 = Cv(m4 | 0, n2 | 0, 1) | 0; w2 = s3; x2 = r2; y4 = v2; z3 = G() | 0; } else { v2 = uv(s3 | 0, r2 | 0, t3 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; u2 = G() | 0; t3 = Cv(m4 | 0, n2 | 0, 1) | 0; A4 = tv(t3 | 0, G() | 0, p2 | 0, q3 | 0) | 0; w2 = v2; x2 = u2; y4 = A4; z3 = G() | 0; } p2 = Cv(p2 | 0, q3 | 0, 2) | 0; q3 = G() | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == 0 & (q3 | 0) == 0) break; else { m4 = y4; n2 = z3; r2 = x2; s3 = w2; } } o2 = y4; } fh(8); l2 = o2; } s3 = d2 << 1; if ((d2 | 0) < 32768) { a2 = l2; d2 = s3; } else { B2 = l2; C3 = s3; break; } } } else { B2 = j2; C3 = i3; } d2 = zv(B2 | 0, ((B2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, b4 | 0, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; a2 = Cv(d2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; if ((C3 | 0) > 65536) { b4 = a2; j2 = B2; i3 = C3 + -65536 | 0; } else { D3 = a2; break; } } } else D3 = k2; fh(8); c2 = D3; return c2 | 0; } function ll(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; b4 = Dv2(a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; c2 = G() | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 0) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } a2 = 1073741824; e2 = 0; while (true) { f2 = Cv(e2 | 0, a2 | 0, 2) | 0; g2 = G() | 0; if (a2 >>> 0 > c2 >>> 0 | (a2 | 0) == (c2 | 0) & e2 >>> 0 > b4 >>> 0) { a2 = g2; e2 = f2; } else break; } if ((e2 | 0) == 0 & (a2 | 0) == 0) h3 = 0; else { f2 = e2; e2 = a2; a2 = 0; g2 = 0; i3 = c2; c2 = b4; while (true) { b4 = tv(f2 | 0, e2 | 0, a2 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; j2 = G() | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0 | (i3 | 0) == (j2 | 0) & c2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) { k2 = Cv(a2 | 0, g2 | 0, 1) | 0; l2 = c2; m4 = i3; n2 = k2; o2 = G() | 0; } else { k2 = uv(c2 | 0, i3 | 0, b4 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; j2 = G() | 0; b4 = Cv(a2 | 0, g2 | 0, 1) | 0; p2 = tv(b4 | 0, G() | 0, f2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; l2 = k2; m4 = j2; n2 = p2; o2 = G() | 0; } f2 = Cv(f2 | 0, e2 | 0, 2) | 0; e2 = G() | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 0 & (e2 | 0) == 0) break; else { a2 = n2; g2 = o2; i3 = m4; c2 = l2; } } h3 = n2; } fh(8); d2 = h3; return d2 | 0; } function ml(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return jp(a2, b4) | 0; } function nl(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { b4 = 34816; d2 = 3; break; } case 1: { b4 = 34820; d2 = 3; break; } default: e2 = 0; } if ((d2 | 0) == 3) e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; return e2 | 0; } function ol2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { d2 = 34816; break; } case 1: { d2 = 34820; break; } default: return; } c[d2 >> 2] = b4; return; } function pl(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (a2 | 0) == 0 ? -559038737 : a2; c[8705] = b4; c[8704] = b4 ^ -1095947846; b4 = 0; do { c[8704] = (c[8704] | 0) >>> 16 | c[8704] << 16; c[8704] = (c[8704] | 0) + (c[8705] | 0); c[8705] = (c[8705] | 0) + (c[8704] | 0); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 32); fh(8); return; } function ql(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } c[8704] = (c[8704] | 0) >>> 16 | c[8704] << 16; c[8704] = (c[8704] | 0) + (c[8705] | 0); c[8705] = (c[8705] | 0) + (c[8704] | 0); b4 = ((c[8704] | 0) >>> 0) % (a2 >>> 0) | 0; return b4 | 0; } function rl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; c2 = b4 >>> 16; b4 = c2 & 31; return (1 << b4) + -1 & a2 >>> (0 - c2 & 31) | a2 << b4 | 0; } function sl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; c2 = b4 >>> 16; b4 = 0 - c2 & 31; return (1 << b4) + -1 & a2 >>> (c2 & 31) | a2 << b4 | 0; } function tl2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; a: do if ((b4 | 0) < 0) { c2 = b4; while (true) { if ((c2 | 0) < -2031616) { d2 = 0; e2 = 9; break; } f2 = c2 & -65536; g2 = 0 - f2 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= 0) { e2 = 7; break; } if ((g2 | 0) < -2031616) { d2 = 0; e2 = 9; break; } if ((f2 | 0) < 0) c2 = f2; else { h3 = f2; break a; } } if ((e2 | 0) == 7) { d2 = (g2 | 0) > 2097151 ? 0 : a2 << (g2 >>> 16); return d2 | 0; } else if ((e2 | 0) == 9) return d2 | 0; } else h3 = b4; while (0); return ((h3 | 0) > 2097151 ? 0 : a2 >>> (h3 >>> 16)) | 0; } function ul(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= 0) return ((b4 | 0) > 2097151 ? 0 : a2 << (b4 >>> 16)) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < -2031616) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } c2 = tl2(a2, 0 - (b4 & -65536) | 0) | 0; return c2 | 0; } function vl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; c2 = b4 >> 16; do if ((b4 | 0) < 0) if ((b4 | 0) >= -2031616) { d2 = b4 & -65536; e2 = 0 - d2 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= 0) { f2 = (e2 | 0) > 2097151 ? 0 : a2 << (e2 >>> 16); break; } if ((e2 | 0) >= -2031616) { if ((d2 | 0) >= 0) { f2 = (d2 | 0) > 2097151 ? 0 : a2 >>> (d2 >>> 16); break; } if ((d2 | 0) >= -2031616) while (true) { } else f2 = 0; } else f2 = 0; } else f2 = 0; else if ((b4 | 0) > 2097151) { f2 = a2 >> 31; break; } else { f2 = a2 >> c2; break; } while (0); return f2 | 0; } function wl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = kq(2092) | 0; jq(d2, 0, 2092); c[d2 >> 2] = Fn(a2, b4, 8) | 0; c[d2 + 24 >> 2] = Fn(a2, b4, 8) | 0; c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = Fn(a2, b4, 8) | 0; c[d2 + 20 >> 2] = Fn(a2, b4, 8) | 0; return d2 | 0; } function xl(a2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; Iv(1451072, 0, 16384) | 0; g2 = c[543129] | 0; if (!g2) { h3 = Ks2(524288) | 0; c[543129] = h3; i3 = h3; j2 = h3; } else { i3 = g2; j2 = g2; } Iv(i3 | 0, 0, 524288) | 0; i3 = f2 + -2 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 2) return; f2 = 0; g2 = 0; while (true) { h3 = g2; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; k2 = 1451072 + ((((d[a2 + g2 >> 0] | 0) * 1503 | 0) + ((d[a2 + h3 >> 0] | 0) * 7 | 0) + ((d[a2 + (h3 + 2) >> 0] | 0) * 51717 | 0) & 4095) << 2) | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (l2) { m4 = l2 + 2 | 0; n2 = b3[m4 >> 1] | 0; if ((b3[l2 >> 1] | 0) == n2 << 16 >> 16) { o2 = j2 + (f2 << 1) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = o2; p2 = n2 << 16 >> 16 < 0 ? -1 : (n2 & 65535) << 1 & 65535; b3[o2 >> 1] = p2; q3 = b3[m4 >> 1] | 0; r2 = o2 + 2 | 0; b3[r2 >> 1] = q3; Hv(o2 + 4 | 0, l2 + 4 | 0, e[m4 >> 1] << 1 | 0) | 0; s3 = q3; t3 = r2; u2 = f2 + 2 + (p2 & 65535) | 0; v2 = o2; } else { s3 = n2; t3 = m4; u2 = f2; v2 = l2; } } else { l2 = j2 + (f2 << 1) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; b3[l2 >> 1] = 4; k2 = l2 + 2 | 0; b3[k2 >> 1] = 0; s3 = 0; t3 = k2; u2 = f2 + 6 | 0; v2 = l2; } b3[v2 + ((s3 & 65535) + 2 << 1) >> 1] = h3; b3[t3 >> 1] = s3 + 1 << 16 >> 16; if ((g2 | 0) == (i3 | 0)) break; else f2 = u2; } return; } function yl2(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0, Jb2 = 0, Kb2 = 0, Lb2 = 0, Mb2 = 0, Nb2 = 0, Ob2 = 0, Pb2 = 0, Qb3 = 0, Rb2 = 0, Sb2 = 0, Tb2 = 0, Ub3 = 0, Vb2 = 0, Wb2 = 0, Xb2 = 0, Yb3 = 0, Zb2 = 0, _b2 = 0, $b2 = 0, ac2 = 0, bc2 = 0, cc2 = 0, dc2 = 0, ec2 = 0, fc2 = 0, gc2 = 0, hc2 = 0, ic2 = 0, jc2 = 0, kc2 = 0, lc2 = 0, mc2 = 0, nc2 = 0, oc2 = 0, pc3 = 0, qc2 = 0, rc2 = 0, sc2 = 0, tc2 = 0, uc2 = 0, vc2 = 0, wc2 = 0, xc2 = 0, yc2 = 0, zc2 = 0, Ac2 = 0, Bc2 = 0, Cc2 = 0, Dc2 = 0, Ec2 = 0, Fc2 = 0, Gc2 = 0, Hc2 = 0, Ic2 = 0, Jc2 = 0, Kc2 = 0, Lc2 = 0, Mc2 = 0, Nc2 = 0, Oc3 = 0, Pc3 = 0, Qc3 = 0, Rc2 = 0, Sc2 = 0, Tc2 = 0, Uc2 = 0, Vc2 = 0, Wc2 = 0, Xc2 = 0, Yc2 = 0, Zc2 = 0, _c2 = 0, $c2 = 0, ad2 = 0, bd3 = 0, cd3 = 0, dd3 = 0, ed2 = 0, fd2 = 0, gd2 = 0, hd3 = 0, id2 = 0, jd2 = 0, kd2 = 0, ld2 = 0, md2 = 0, nd3 = 0, od3 = 0, pd2 = 0, qd3 = 0, rd2 = 0, sd2 = 0, td3 = 0, ud2 = 0, vd2 = 0, wd2 = 0, xd3 = 0, yd2 = 0, zd2 = 0, Ad2 = 0, Bd2 = 0, Cd2 = 0, Dd3 = 0, Ed3 = 0, Fd2 = 0, Gd2 = 0, Hd2 = 0, Id3 = 0, Jd2 = 0, Kd2 = 0, Ld2 = 0, Md2 = 0, Nd3 = 0, Od2 = 0, Pd2 = 0, Qd2 = 0, Rd2 = 0, Sd2 = 0, Td3 = 0, Ud2 = 0, Vd2 = 0, Wd2 = 0, Xd2 = 0, Yd2 = 0, Zd2 = 0, _d3 = 0, $d2 = 0, ae2 = 0, be2 = 0, ce2 = 0, de2 = 0, ee2 = 0, fe2 = 0, ge2 = 0, he2 = 0, ie2 = 0, je2 = 0, ke2 = 0, le2 = 0, me2 = 0, ne2 = 0, oe2 = 0, pe2 = 0, qe2 = 0, re2 = 0, se2 = 0, te2 = 0, ue2 = 0, ve2 = 0, we2 = 0, xe2 = 0, ye2 = 0, ze2 = 0, Ae2 = 0, Be2 = 0, Ce2 = 0, De2 = 0, Ee2 = 0, Fe2 = 0, Ge2 = 0, He2 = 0, Ie3 = 0, Je2 = 0, Ke2 = 0, Le2 = 0, Me2 = 0, Ne2 = 0, Oe2 = 0, Pe2 = 0, Qe2 = 0, Re2 = 0, Se2 = 0, Te3 = 0, Ue2 = 0, Ve2 = 0, We2 = 0, Xe2 = 0, Ye2 = 0, Ze2 = 0, _e2 = 0, $e2 = 0, af2 = 0, bf3 = 0, cf2 = 0, df2 = 0, ef2 = 0, ff2 = 0, gf2 = 0, hf2 = 0, jf2 = 0, kf2 = 0, lf2 = 0, mf2 = 0, nf2 = 0, of2 = 0, pf2 = 0, qf2 = 0, rf2 = 0, sf2 = 0, tf2 = 0, uf2 = 0, vf3 = 0, wf2 = 0, xf2 = 0, yf3 = 0, zf2 = 0, Af2 = 0, Bf2 = 0, Cf2 = 0, Df2 = 0, Ef2 = 0, Ff2 = 0, Gf2 = 0, Hf2 = 0, If2 = 0, Jf3 = 0, Kf3 = 0, Lf2 = 0, Mf2 = 0, Nf2 = 0, Of2 = 0, Pf2 = 0, Qf3 = 0, Rf2 = 0, Sf2 = 0, Tf3 = 0, Uf2 = 0, Vf2 = 0, Wf2 = 0, Xf2 = 0, Yf2 = 0, Zf2 = 0, _f2 = 0, $f3 = 0, ag3 = 0, bg2 = 0, cg2 = 0, dg2 = 0, eg2 = 0, fg2 = 0, gg2 = 0, hg3 = 0, ig2 = 0, jg2 = 0, kg2 = 0, lg2 = 0, mg2 = 0, ng2 = 0, og2 = 0, pg3 = 0, qg2 = 0, rg3 = 0, sg2 = 0, tg2 = 0, ug2 = 0, vg2 = 0, wg2 = 0, xg2 = 0, yg2 = 0, zg2 = 0, Ag2 = 0, Bg2 = 0, Cg2 = 0, Dg3 = 0, Eg2 = 0, Fg2 = 0, Gg2 = 0, Hg2 = 0, Ig2 = 0, Jg2 = 0, Kg2 = 0, Lg3 = 0, Mg2 = 0, Ng2 = 0, Og2 = 0, Pg2 = 0, Qg2 = 0, Rg2 = 0, Sg2 = 0, Tg2 = 0, Ug2 = 0, Vg2 = 0, Wg2 = 0, Xg2 = 0, Yg3 = 0, Zg2 = 0, _g2 = 0, $g2 = 0, ah2 = 0, bh3 = 0, ch2 = 0, dh2 = 0, eh2 = 0, fh2 = 0, gh3 = 0, hh2 = 0, ih2 = 0, jh2 = 0, kh2 = 0, lh2 = 0, mh2 = 0, nh2 = 0, oh2 = 0, ph3 = 0, qh2 = 0, rh2 = 0, sh2 = 0, th3 = 0, uh2 = 0, vh2 = 0, wh2 = 0, xh2 = 0, yh3 = 0, zh2 = 0, Ah2 = 0, Bh2 = 0, Ch2 = 0, Dh2 = 0, Eh2 = 0, Fh3 = 0, Gh2 = 0, Hh2 = 0, Ih2 = 0, Jh3 = 0, Kh2 = 0, Lh2 = 0, Mh2 = 0, Nh2 = 0, Oh2 = 0, Ph2 = 0, Qh2 = 0, Rh3 = 0, Sh2 = 0, Th2 = 0, Uh2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 4112 | 0; h3 = g2 + 4108 | 0; i3 = g2 + 4104 | 0; j2 = g2 + 3072 | 0; k2 = g2 + 2048 | 0; l2 = g2 + 1024 | 0; m4 = g2; n2 = g2 + 4100 | 0; o2 = g2 + 4096 | 0; p2 = 0; do { c[j2 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] = p2; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != 256); p2 = 0; do { c[k2 + (c[j2 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] = p2; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != 256); xl(b4, f2); c[8706] = 1; c[543128] = 0; c[543126] = e2; c[543127] = 0; if (!f2) { q3 = 0; Ia = g2; return q3 | 0; } p2 = kq(f2) | 0; Hv(p2 | 0, b4 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; r2 = c[543126] | 0; s3 = c[8706] | 0; t3 = c[543127] | 0; u2 = r2 + t3 | 0; v2 = (s3 ^ 255) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0); a[u2 >> 0] = v2; w2 = s3 << 1; x2 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) != 256) { y4 = (w2 ^ 255) & v2; a[u2 >> 0] = y4; v2 = s3 << 2; if ((v2 | 0) == 256) { s3 = r2 + x2 | 0; c[543127] = x2; w2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = w2; z3 = w2 & 254; a[s3 >> 0] = z3; A4 = 2; B2 = s3; C3 = z3; D3 = x2; E3 = 314; } else { F3 = t3; G2 = y4; H2 = u2; I2 = x2; J2 = v2; E3 = 312; } } else { v2 = r2 + x2 | 0; c[543127] = x2; u2 = d[v2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = u2; y4 = u2 & 254; a[v2 >> 0] = y4; F3 = x2; G2 = y4; H2 = v2; I2 = t3 + 2 | 0; J2 = 2; E3 = 312; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 312) { t3 = (J2 ^ 255) & (G2 & 255); a[H2 >> 0] = t3; v2 = J2 << 1; if ((v2 | 0) == 256) { y4 = r2 + I2 | 0; c[543127] = I2; x2 = d[y4 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = x2; A4 = 1; B2 = y4; C3 = x2; D3 = I2; E3 = 314; break; } x2 = (v2 ^ 255) & t3; a[H2 >> 0] = x2; t3 = J2 << 2; if ((t3 | 0) == 256) { v2 = r2 + I2 | 0; c[543127] = I2; y4 = d[v2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = y4; u2 = y4 & 254; a[v2 >> 0] = u2; K2 = 2; L3 = v2; M2 = u2; N4 = I2; E3 = 319; } else { O2 = F3; P2 = x2; Q3 = H2; R3 = I2; S2 = t3; E3 = 317; } } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 314) { I2 = (A4 ^ 255) & C3; a[B2 >> 0] = I2; O2 = D3; P2 = I2; Q3 = B2; R3 = D3 + 1 | 0; S2 = A4 << 1; E3 = 317; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 317) { A4 = (S2 ^ 255) & (P2 & 255); a[Q3 >> 0] = A4; D3 = S2 << 1; if ((D3 | 0) == 256) { B2 = r2 + R3 | 0; c[543127] = R3; I2 = d[B2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = I2; K2 = 1; L3 = B2; M2 = I2; N4 = R3; E3 = 319; break; } I2 = (D3 ^ 255) & A4; a[Q3 >> 0] = I2; A4 = S2 << 2; if ((A4 | 0) == 256) { D3 = r2 + R3 | 0; c[543127] = R3; B2 = d[D3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = B2; C3 = B2 & 254; a[D3 >> 0] = C3; T4 = 2; U2 = D3; V3 = C3; W2 = R3; E3 = 324; } else { X2 = O2; Y2 = I2; Z3 = Q3; _5 = R3; $2 = A4; E3 = 322; } } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 319) { R3 = (K2 ^ 255) & M2; a[L3 >> 0] = R3; X2 = N4; Y2 = R3; Z3 = L3; _5 = N4 + 1 | 0; $2 = K2 << 1; E3 = 322; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 322) { K2 = ($2 ^ 255) & (Y2 & 255); a[Z3 >> 0] = K2; N4 = $2 << 1; if ((N4 | 0) == 256) { L3 = r2 + _5 | 0; c[543127] = _5; R3 = d[L3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = R3; T4 = 1; U2 = L3; V3 = R3; W2 = _5; E3 = 324; break; } R3 = (N4 ^ 255) & K2; a[Z3 >> 0] = R3; K2 = $2 << 2; if ((K2 | 0) == 256) { N4 = r2 + _5 | 0; c[543127] = _5; L3 = d[N4 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = L3; aa2 = _5; ba3 = 1; ca2 = N4; da2 = L3; ea2 = _5 + 1 | 0; } else { fa2 = X2; ga2 = R3; ha2 = Z3; ia2 = _5; ja2 = K2; E3 = 326; } } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 324) { _5 = (T4 ^ 255) & V3; a[U2 >> 0] = _5; fa2 = W2; ga2 = _5; ha2 = U2; ia2 = W2 + 1 | 0; ja2 = T4 << 1; E3 = 326; } if ((E3 | 0) == 326) { aa2 = fa2; ba3 = ja2; ca2 = ha2; da2 = ga2 & 255; ea2 = ia2; } c[8706] = ba3; ia2 = c[543132] | 0; c[543132] = ia2 + 8; ga2 = (ba3 ^ 255) & da2; a[ca2 >> 0] = ga2; da2 = ba3 << 1; if ((da2 | 0) != 256) { ha2 = (da2 ^ 255) & ga2; a[ca2 >> 0] = ha2; ga2 = ba3 << 2; if ((ga2 | 0) == 256) { ba3 = r2 + ea2 | 0; c[543127] = ea2; da2 = d[ba3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = da2; ja2 = da2 & 254; a[ba3 >> 0] = ja2; ka2 = 2; la2 = ba3; ma2 = ja2; na2 = ea2; E3 = 296; } else { oa2 = aa2; pa3 = ha2; qa2 = ca2; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = ga2; E3 = 294; } } else { ga2 = r2 + ea2 | 0; c[543127] = ea2; ca2 = d[ga2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ca2; ha2 = ca2 & 254; a[ga2 >> 0] = ha2; oa2 = ea2; pa3 = ha2; qa2 = ga2; ra2 = ea2 + 1 | 0; sa2 = 2; E3 = 294; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 294) { ea2 = (sa2 ^ 255) & (pa3 & 255); a[qa2 >> 0] = ea2; ga2 = sa2 << 1; if ((ga2 | 0) == 256) { ha2 = r2 + ra2 | 0; c[543127] = ra2; ca2 = d[ha2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ca2; ka2 = 1; la2 = ha2; ma2 = ca2; na2 = ra2; E3 = 296; break; } ca2 = (ga2 ^ 255) & ea2; a[qa2 >> 0] = ca2; ea2 = sa2 << 2; if ((ea2 | 0) == 256) { ga2 = r2 + ra2 | 0; c[543127] = ra2; ha2 = d[ga2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ha2; ta2 = 1; ua2 = ra2; va2 = ga2; wa2 = ha2; xa2 = ra2 + 1 | 0; } else { ya2 = oa2; za2 = ca2; Aa3 = qa2; Ba3 = ra2; Ca2 = ea2; E3 = 298; } } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 296) { ra2 = (ka2 ^ 255) & ma2; a[la2 >> 0] = ra2; ya2 = na2; za2 = ra2; Aa3 = la2; Ba3 = na2 + 1 | 0; Ca2 = ka2 << 1; E3 = 298; } if ((E3 | 0) == 298) { ta2 = Ca2; ua2 = ya2; va2 = Aa3; wa2 = za2 & 255; xa2 = Ba3; } Ba3 = ta2 | (ta2 ^ 255) & wa2; a[va2 >> 0] = Ba3; wa2 = ta2 << 1; if ((wa2 | 0) == 256) { ta2 = r2 + xa2 | 0; c[543127] = xa2; za2 = d[ta2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = za2; Da2 = 1; Ea2 = xa2; Fa2 = ta2; Ga3 = za2; Ha3 = xa2 + 1 | 0; } else { Da2 = wa2; Ea2 = ua2; Fa2 = va2; Ga3 = Ba3 & 255; Ha3 = xa2; } xa2 = Da2 | (Da2 ^ 255) & Ga3; a[Fa2 >> 0] = xa2; Ga3 = Da2 << 1; if ((Ga3 | 0) == 256) { Da2 = r2 + Ha3 | 0; c[543127] = Ha3; Ba3 = d[Da2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ba3; Ja3 = 1; Ka2 = Ha3; La2 = Da2; Ma2 = Ba3; Na2 = Ha3 + 1 | 0; } else { Ja3 = Ga3; Ka2 = Ea2; La2 = Fa2; Ma2 = xa2 & 255; Na2 = Ha3; } Ha3 = Ja3 | (Ja3 ^ 255) & Ma2; a[La2 >> 0] = Ha3; Ma2 = Ja3 << 1; if ((Ma2 | 0) != 256) { xa2 = (Ma2 ^ 255) & (Ha3 & 255); a[La2 >> 0] = xa2; Ha3 = Ja3 << 2; if ((Ha3 | 0) == 256) { Ja3 = r2 + Na2 | 0; c[543127] = Na2; Ma2 = d[Ja3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ma2; Oa3 = Na2; Pa2 = 1; Qa2 = Ja3; Ra2 = Ma2; Sa2 = Na2 + 1 | 0; } else { Oa3 = Ka2; Pa2 = Ha3; Qa2 = La2; Ra2 = xa2; Sa2 = Na2; } } else { xa2 = r2 + Na2 | 0; c[543127] = Na2; La2 = d[xa2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = La2; Ha3 = La2 & 254; a[xa2 >> 0] = Ha3; Oa3 = Na2; Pa2 = 2; Qa2 = xa2; Ra2 = Ha3; Sa2 = Na2 + 1 | 0; } c[8706] = Pa2; c[543132] = ia2 + 16; Na2 = (Pa2 ^ 255) & Ra2; a[Qa2 >> 0] = Na2; Ra2 = Pa2 << 1; do if ((Ra2 | 0) != 256) { Ha3 = (Ra2 ^ 255) & (Na2 & 255); a[Qa2 >> 0] = Ha3; xa2 = Pa2 << 2; if ((xa2 | 0) == 256) { La2 = r2 + Sa2 | 0; c[543127] = Sa2; Ka2 = d[La2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ka2; Ta2 = 1; Ua2 = La2; Va2 = Ka2; E3 = 275; break; } Ka2 = (xa2 ^ 255) & Ha3; a[Qa2 >> 0] = Ka2; Ha3 = Pa2 << 3; if ((Ha3 | 0) == 256) { xa2 = r2 + Sa2 | 0; c[543127] = Sa2; La2 = d[xa2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = La2; Wa2 = 1; Xa3 = Sa2; Ya3 = xa2; Za2 = La2; _a2 = Sa2 + 1 | 0; } else { $a2 = Oa3; ab2 = Ka2; bb2 = Qa2; cb2 = Sa2; db3 = Ha3; E3 = 277; } } else { Ha3 = r2 + Sa2 | 0; c[543127] = Sa2; Ka2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ka2; La2 = Ka2 & 254; a[Ha3 >> 0] = La2; Ta2 = 2; Ua2 = Ha3; Va2 = La2; E3 = 275; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 275) { Qa2 = (Ta2 ^ 255) & Va2; a[Ua2 >> 0] = Qa2; $a2 = Sa2; ab2 = Qa2; bb2 = Ua2; cb2 = Sa2 + 1 | 0; db3 = Ta2 << 1; E3 = 277; } if ((E3 | 0) == 277) { Wa2 = db3; Xa3 = $a2; Ya3 = bb2; Za2 = ab2 & 255; _a2 = cb2; } cb2 = Wa2 | (Wa2 ^ 255) & Za2; a[Ya3 >> 0] = cb2; Za2 = Wa2 << 1; if ((Za2 | 0) == 256) { Wa2 = r2 + _a2 | 0; c[543127] = _a2; ab2 = d[Wa2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ab2; eb3 = 1; fb2 = _a2; gb2 = Wa2; hb2 = ab2; ib2 = _a2 + 1 | 0; } else { eb3 = Za2; fb2 = Xa3; gb2 = Ya3; hb2 = cb2 & 255; ib2 = _a2; } _a2 = eb3 | (eb3 ^ 255) & hb2; a[gb2 >> 0] = _a2; hb2 = eb3 << 1; if ((hb2 | 0) == 256) { eb3 = r2 + ib2 | 0; c[543127] = ib2; cb2 = d[eb3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = cb2; jb2 = 1; kb2 = ib2; lb3 = eb3; mb2 = cb2; nb2 = ib2 + 1 | 0; } else { jb2 = hb2; kb2 = fb2; lb3 = gb2; mb2 = _a2 & 255; nb2 = ib2; } ib2 = jb2 | (jb2 ^ 255) & mb2; a[lb3 >> 0] = ib2; mb2 = jb2 << 1; if ((mb2 | 0) == 256) { jb2 = r2 + nb2 | 0; c[543127] = nb2; _a2 = d[jb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = _a2; ob2 = 1; pb2 = nb2; qb2 = jb2; rb2 = _a2; sb2 = nb2 + 1 | 0; } else { ob2 = mb2; pb2 = kb2; qb2 = lb3; rb2 = ib2 & 255; sb2 = nb2; } nb2 = ob2 | (ob2 ^ 255) & rb2; a[qb2 >> 0] = nb2; rb2 = ob2 << 1; if ((rb2 | 0) != 256) { ib2 = (rb2 ^ 255) & (nb2 & 255); a[qb2 >> 0] = ib2; nb2 = ob2 << 2; if ((nb2 | 0) == 256) { ob2 = r2 + sb2 | 0; c[543127] = sb2; rb2 = d[ob2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = rb2; tb2 = sb2; ub2 = 1; vb2 = ob2; wb3 = rb2; xb2 = sb2 + 1 | 0; } else { tb2 = pb2; ub2 = nb2; vb2 = qb2; wb3 = ib2; xb2 = sb2; } } else { ib2 = r2 + sb2 | 0; c[543127] = sb2; qb2 = d[ib2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = qb2; nb2 = qb2 & 254; a[ib2 >> 0] = nb2; tb2 = sb2; ub2 = 2; vb2 = ib2; wb3 = nb2; xb2 = sb2 + 1 | 0; } c[8706] = ub2; c[543132] = ia2 + 24; sb2 = ub2 | (ub2 ^ 255) & wb3; a[vb2 >> 0] = sb2; wb3 = ub2 << 1; do if ((wb3 | 0) != 256) { nb2 = (wb3 ^ 255) & (sb2 & 255); a[vb2 >> 0] = nb2; ib2 = ub2 << 2; if ((ib2 | 0) == 256) { qb2 = r2 + xb2 | 0; c[543127] = xb2; pb2 = d[qb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = pb2; yb2 = 1; zb2 = qb2; Ab2 = pb2; E3 = 256; break; } pb2 = (ib2 ^ 255) & nb2; a[vb2 >> 0] = pb2; nb2 = ub2 << 3; if ((nb2 | 0) == 256) { ib2 = r2 + xb2 | 0; c[543127] = xb2; qb2 = d[ib2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = qb2; rb2 = qb2 & 254; a[ib2 >> 0] = rb2; Bb2 = 2; Cb2 = ib2; Db2 = rb2; Eb3 = xb2; E3 = 261; } else { Fb2 = tb2; Gb2 = pb2; Hb2 = vb2; Ib2 = xb2; Jb2 = nb2; E3 = 259; } } else { nb2 = r2 + xb2 | 0; c[543127] = xb2; pb2 = d[nb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = pb2; rb2 = pb2 & 254; a[nb2 >> 0] = rb2; yb2 = 2; zb2 = nb2; Ab2 = rb2; E3 = 256; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 256) { vb2 = (yb2 ^ 255) & Ab2; a[zb2 >> 0] = vb2; Fb2 = xb2; Gb2 = vb2; Hb2 = zb2; Ib2 = xb2 + 1 | 0; Jb2 = yb2 << 1; E3 = 259; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 259) { yb2 = (Jb2 ^ 255) & (Gb2 & 255); a[Hb2 >> 0] = yb2; xb2 = Jb2 << 1; if ((xb2 | 0) == 256) { zb2 = r2 + Ib2 | 0; c[543127] = Ib2; vb2 = d[zb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = vb2; Bb2 = 1; Cb2 = zb2; Db2 = vb2; Eb3 = Ib2; E3 = 261; break; } vb2 = (xb2 ^ 255) & yb2; a[Hb2 >> 0] = vb2; yb2 = Jb2 << 2; if ((yb2 | 0) == 256) { xb2 = r2 + Ib2 | 0; c[543127] = Ib2; zb2 = d[xb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = zb2; Kb2 = 1; Lb2 = Ib2; Mb2 = xb2; Nb2 = zb2; Ob2 = Ib2 + 1 | 0; } else { Pb2 = Fb2; Qb3 = vb2; Rb2 = Hb2; Sb2 = Ib2; Tb2 = yb2; E3 = 263; } } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 261) { Ib2 = (Bb2 ^ 255) & Db2; a[Cb2 >> 0] = Ib2; Pb2 = Eb3; Qb3 = Ib2; Rb2 = Cb2; Sb2 = Eb3 + 1 | 0; Tb2 = Bb2 << 1; E3 = 263; } if ((E3 | 0) == 263) { Kb2 = Tb2; Lb2 = Pb2; Mb2 = Rb2; Nb2 = Qb3 & 255; Ob2 = Sb2; } Sb2 = Kb2 | (Kb2 ^ 255) & Nb2; a[Mb2 >> 0] = Sb2; Nb2 = Kb2 << 1; if ((Nb2 | 0) == 256) { Kb2 = r2 + Ob2 | 0; c[543127] = Ob2; Qb3 = d[Kb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Qb3; Ub3 = 1; Vb2 = Ob2; Wb2 = Kb2; Xb2 = Qb3; Yb3 = Ob2 + 1 | 0; } else { Ub3 = Nb2; Vb2 = Lb2; Wb2 = Mb2; Xb2 = Sb2 & 255; Yb3 = Ob2; } Ob2 = Ub3 | (Ub3 ^ 255) & Xb2; a[Wb2 >> 0] = Ob2; Xb2 = Ub3 << 1; if ((Xb2 | 0) != 256) { Sb2 = (Xb2 ^ 255) & (Ob2 & 255); a[Wb2 >> 0] = Sb2; Ob2 = Ub3 << 2; if ((Ob2 | 0) == 256) { Ub3 = r2 + Yb3 | 0; c[543127] = Yb3; Xb2 = d[Ub3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Xb2; Zb2 = Yb3; _b2 = 1; $b2 = Ub3; ac2 = Xb2; bc2 = Yb3 + 1 | 0; } else { Zb2 = Vb2; _b2 = Ob2; $b2 = Wb2; ac2 = Sb2; bc2 = Yb3; } } else { Sb2 = r2 + Yb3 | 0; c[543127] = Yb3; Wb2 = d[Sb2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Wb2; Ob2 = Wb2 & 254; a[Sb2 >> 0] = Ob2; Zb2 = Yb3; _b2 = 2; $b2 = Sb2; ac2 = Ob2; bc2 = Yb3 + 1 | 0; } c[8706] = _b2; c[543132] = ia2 + 32; Yb3 = (f2 | 0) / 256 | 0; Ob2 = ((Yb3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : _b2) | (_b2 ^ 255) & ac2; a[$b2 >> 0] = Ob2; ac2 = _b2 << 1; if ((ac2 | 0) == 256) { _b2 = r2 + bc2 | 0; c[543127] = bc2; Sb2 = d[_b2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Sb2; cc2 = 1; dc2 = bc2; ec2 = _b2; fc2 = Sb2; gc2 = bc2 + 1 | 0; } else { cc2 = ac2; dc2 = Zb2; ec2 = $b2; fc2 = Ob2 & 255; gc2 = bc2; } bc2 = ((Yb3 & 2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : cc2) | (cc2 ^ 255) & fc2; a[ec2 >> 0] = bc2; fc2 = cc2 << 1; if ((fc2 | 0) == 256) { cc2 = r2 + gc2 | 0; c[543127] = gc2; Ob2 = d[cc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ob2; hc2 = 1; ic2 = gc2; jc2 = cc2; kc2 = Ob2; lc2 = gc2 + 1 | 0; } else { hc2 = fc2; ic2 = dc2; jc2 = ec2; kc2 = bc2 & 255; lc2 = gc2; } gc2 = ((Yb3 & 4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : hc2) | (hc2 ^ 255) & kc2; a[jc2 >> 0] = gc2; kc2 = hc2 << 1; if ((kc2 | 0) == 256) { hc2 = r2 + lc2 | 0; c[543127] = lc2; bc2 = d[hc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = bc2; mc2 = 1; nc2 = lc2; oc2 = hc2; pc3 = bc2; qc2 = lc2 + 1 | 0; } else { mc2 = kc2; nc2 = ic2; oc2 = jc2; pc3 = gc2 & 255; qc2 = lc2; } lc2 = ((Yb3 & 8 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : mc2) | (mc2 ^ 255) & pc3; a[oc2 >> 0] = lc2; pc3 = mc2 << 1; if ((pc3 | 0) == 256) { mc2 = r2 + qc2 | 0; c[543127] = qc2; gc2 = d[mc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = gc2; rc2 = 1; sc2 = qc2; tc2 = mc2; uc2 = gc2; vc2 = qc2 + 1 | 0; } else { rc2 = pc3; sc2 = nc2; tc2 = oc2; uc2 = lc2 & 255; vc2 = qc2; } qc2 = ((Yb3 & 16 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : rc2) | (rc2 ^ 255) & uc2; a[tc2 >> 0] = qc2; uc2 = rc2 << 1; if ((uc2 | 0) == 256) { rc2 = r2 + vc2 | 0; c[543127] = vc2; lc2 = d[rc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = lc2; wc2 = 1; xc2 = vc2; yc2 = rc2; zc2 = lc2; Ac2 = vc2 + 1 | 0; } else { wc2 = uc2; xc2 = sc2; yc2 = tc2; zc2 = qc2 & 255; Ac2 = vc2; } vc2 = ((Yb3 & 32 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : wc2) | (wc2 ^ 255) & zc2; a[yc2 >> 0] = vc2; zc2 = wc2 << 1; if ((zc2 | 0) == 256) { wc2 = r2 + Ac2 | 0; c[543127] = Ac2; qc2 = d[wc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = qc2; Bc2 = 1; Cc2 = Ac2; Dc2 = wc2; Ec2 = qc2; Fc2 = Ac2 + 1 | 0; } else { Bc2 = zc2; Cc2 = xc2; Dc2 = yc2; Ec2 = vc2 & 255; Fc2 = Ac2; } Ac2 = ((Yb3 & 64 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Bc2) | (Bc2 ^ 255) & Ec2; a[Dc2 >> 0] = Ac2; Ec2 = Bc2 << 1; if ((Ec2 | 0) == 256) { Bc2 = r2 + Fc2 | 0; c[543127] = Fc2; vc2 = d[Bc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = vc2; Gc2 = 1; Hc2 = Fc2; Ic2 = Bc2; Jc2 = vc2; Kc2 = Fc2 + 1 | 0; } else { Gc2 = Ec2; Hc2 = Cc2; Ic2 = Dc2; Jc2 = Ac2 & 255; Kc2 = Fc2; } Fc2 = ((Yb3 & 128 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Gc2) | (Gc2 ^ 255) & Jc2; a[Ic2 >> 0] = Fc2; Jc2 = Gc2 << 1; if ((Jc2 | 0) == 256) { Gc2 = r2 + Kc2 | 0; c[543127] = Kc2; Ac2 = d[Gc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ac2; Lc2 = Kc2; Mc2 = 1; Nc2 = Gc2; Oc3 = Ac2; Pc3 = Kc2 + 1 | 0; } else { Lc2 = Hc2; Mc2 = Jc2; Nc2 = Ic2; Oc3 = Fc2 & 255; Pc3 = Kc2; } c[8706] = Mc2; c[543132] = ia2 + 40; Kc2 = f2 - (Yb3 << 8) | 0; Yb3 = ((Kc2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Mc2) | (Mc2 ^ 255) & Oc3; a[Nc2 >> 0] = Yb3; Oc3 = Mc2 << 1; if ((Oc3 | 0) == 256) { Mc2 = r2 + Pc3 | 0; c[543127] = Pc3; Fc2 = d[Mc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Fc2; Qc3 = 1; Rc2 = Pc3; Sc2 = Mc2; Tc2 = Fc2; Uc2 = Pc3 + 1 | 0; } else { Qc3 = Oc3; Rc2 = Lc2; Sc2 = Nc2; Tc2 = Yb3 & 255; Uc2 = Pc3; } Pc3 = ((Kc2 & 2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Qc3) | (Qc3 ^ 255) & Tc2; a[Sc2 >> 0] = Pc3; Tc2 = Qc3 << 1; if ((Tc2 | 0) == 256) { Qc3 = r2 + Uc2 | 0; c[543127] = Uc2; Yb3 = d[Qc3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Yb3; Vc2 = 1; Wc2 = Uc2; Xc2 = Qc3; Yc2 = Yb3; Zc2 = Uc2 + 1 | 0; } else { Vc2 = Tc2; Wc2 = Rc2; Xc2 = Sc2; Yc2 = Pc3 & 255; Zc2 = Uc2; } Uc2 = ((Kc2 & 4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Vc2) | (Vc2 ^ 255) & Yc2; a[Xc2 >> 0] = Uc2; Yc2 = Vc2 << 1; if ((Yc2 | 0) == 256) { Vc2 = r2 + Zc2 | 0; c[543127] = Zc2; Pc3 = d[Vc2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Pc3; _c2 = 1; $c2 = Zc2; ad2 = Vc2; bd3 = Pc3; cd3 = Zc2 + 1 | 0; } else { _c2 = Yc2; $c2 = Wc2; ad2 = Xc2; bd3 = Uc2 & 255; cd3 = Zc2; } Zc2 = ((Kc2 & 8 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : _c2) | (_c2 ^ 255) & bd3; a[ad2 >> 0] = Zc2; bd3 = _c2 << 1; if ((bd3 | 0) == 256) { _c2 = r2 + cd3 | 0; c[543127] = cd3; Uc2 = d[_c2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Uc2; dd3 = 1; ed2 = cd3; fd2 = _c2; gd2 = Uc2; hd3 = cd3 + 1 | 0; } else { dd3 = bd3; ed2 = $c2; fd2 = ad2; gd2 = Zc2 & 255; hd3 = cd3; } cd3 = ((Kc2 & 16 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : dd3) | (dd3 ^ 255) & gd2; a[fd2 >> 0] = cd3; gd2 = dd3 << 1; if ((gd2 | 0) == 256) { dd3 = r2 + hd3 | 0; c[543127] = hd3; Zc2 = d[dd3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Zc2; id2 = 1; jd2 = hd3; kd2 = dd3; ld2 = Zc2; md2 = hd3 + 1 | 0; } else { id2 = gd2; jd2 = ed2; kd2 = fd2; ld2 = cd3 & 255; md2 = hd3; } hd3 = ((Kc2 & 32 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : id2) | (id2 ^ 255) & ld2; a[kd2 >> 0] = hd3; ld2 = id2 << 1; if ((ld2 | 0) == 256) { id2 = r2 + md2 | 0; c[543127] = md2; cd3 = d[id2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = cd3; nd3 = 1; od3 = md2; pd2 = id2; qd3 = cd3; rd2 = md2 + 1 | 0; } else { nd3 = ld2; od3 = jd2; pd2 = kd2; qd3 = hd3 & 255; rd2 = md2; } md2 = ((Kc2 & 64 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : nd3) | (nd3 ^ 255) & qd3; a[pd2 >> 0] = md2; qd3 = nd3 << 1; if ((qd3 | 0) == 256) { nd3 = r2 + rd2 | 0; c[543127] = rd2; hd3 = d[nd3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = hd3; sd2 = 1; td3 = rd2; ud2 = nd3; vd2 = hd3; wd2 = rd2 + 1 | 0; } else { sd2 = qd3; td3 = od3; ud2 = pd2; vd2 = md2 & 255; wd2 = rd2; } rd2 = ((Kc2 & 128 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : sd2) | (sd2 ^ 255) & vd2; a[ud2 >> 0] = rd2; vd2 = sd2 << 1; if ((vd2 | 0) == 256) { sd2 = r2 + wd2 | 0; c[543127] = wd2; Kc2 = d[sd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Kc2; xd3 = wd2; yd2 = 1; zd2 = sd2; Ad2 = Kc2; Bd2 = wd2 + 1 | 0; } else { xd3 = td3; yd2 = vd2; zd2 = ud2; Ad2 = rd2 & 255; Bd2 = wd2; } c[8706] = yd2; c[543132] = ia2 + 48; wd2 = (yd2 ^ 255) & Ad2; a[zd2 >> 0] = wd2; Ad2 = yd2 << 1; do if ((Ad2 | 0) == 256) { rd2 = r2 + Bd2 | 0; c[543127] = Bd2; ud2 = d[rd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ud2; vd2 = ud2 & 254; a[rd2 >> 0] = vd2; Cd2 = Bd2; Dd3 = vd2; Ed3 = rd2; Fd2 = Bd2 + 1 | 0; Gd2 = 2; E3 = 197; } else { rd2 = (Ad2 ^ 255) & wd2; a[zd2 >> 0] = rd2; vd2 = yd2 << 2; if ((vd2 | 0) != 256) { Cd2 = xd3; Dd3 = rd2; Ed3 = zd2; Fd2 = Bd2; Gd2 = vd2; E3 = 197; break; } vd2 = r2 + Bd2 | 0; c[543127] = Bd2; rd2 = d[vd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = rd2; ud2 = rd2 & 254; a[vd2 >> 0] = ud2; Hd2 = 2; Id3 = vd2; Jd2 = ud2; Kd2 = Bd2; E3 = 199; } while (0); do if ((E3 | 0) == 197) { Bd2 = (Gd2 ^ 255) & (Dd3 & 255); a[Ed3 >> 0] = Bd2; zd2 = Gd2 << 1; if ((zd2 | 0) == 256) { xd3 = r2 + Fd2 | 0; c[543127] = Fd2; yd2 = d[xd3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = yd2; Hd2 = 1; Id3 = xd3; Jd2 = yd2; Kd2 = Fd2; E3 = 199; break; } yd2 = (zd2 ^ 255) & Bd2; a[Ed3 >> 0] = yd2; Bd2 = Gd2 << 2; if ((Bd2 | 0) != 256) { Ld2 = Cd2; Md2 = yd2; Nd3 = Ed3; Od2 = Fd2; Pd2 = Bd2; E3 = 202; break; } Bd2 = r2 + Fd2 | 0; c[543127] = Fd2; yd2 = d[Bd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = yd2; zd2 = yd2 & 254; a[Bd2 >> 0] = zd2; Qd2 = 2; Rd2 = Bd2; Sd2 = zd2; Td3 = Fd2; E3 = 204; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 199) { Fd2 = (Hd2 ^ 255) & Jd2; a[Id3 >> 0] = Fd2; Ld2 = Kd2; Md2 = Fd2; Nd3 = Id3; Od2 = Kd2 + 1 | 0; Pd2 = Hd2 << 1; E3 = 202; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 202) { Hd2 = (Pd2 ^ 255) & (Md2 & 255); a[Nd3 >> 0] = Hd2; Kd2 = Pd2 << 1; if ((Kd2 | 0) == 256) { Id3 = r2 + Od2 | 0; c[543127] = Od2; Fd2 = d[Id3 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Fd2; Qd2 = 1; Rd2 = Id3; Sd2 = Fd2; Td3 = Od2; E3 = 204; break; } Fd2 = (Kd2 ^ 255) & Hd2; a[Nd3 >> 0] = Fd2; Hd2 = Pd2 << 2; if ((Hd2 | 0) != 256) { Ud2 = Ld2; Vd2 = Fd2; Wd2 = Nd3; Xd2 = Od2; Yd2 = Hd2; E3 = 207; break; } Hd2 = r2 + Od2 | 0; c[543127] = Od2; Fd2 = d[Hd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Fd2; Kd2 = Fd2 & 254; a[Hd2 >> 0] = Kd2; Zd2 = 2; _d3 = Hd2; $d2 = Kd2; ae2 = Od2; E3 = 209; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 204) { Od2 = (Qd2 ^ 255) & Sd2; a[Rd2 >> 0] = Od2; Ud2 = Td3; Vd2 = Od2; Wd2 = Rd2; Xd2 = Td3 + 1 | 0; Yd2 = Qd2 << 1; E3 = 207; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 207) { Qd2 = (Yd2 ^ 255) & (Vd2 & 255); a[Wd2 >> 0] = Qd2; Td3 = Yd2 << 1; if ((Td3 | 0) == 256) { Rd2 = r2 + Xd2 | 0; c[543127] = Xd2; Od2 = d[Rd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Od2; Zd2 = 1; _d3 = Rd2; $d2 = Od2; ae2 = Xd2; E3 = 209; break; } Od2 = (Td3 ^ 255) & Qd2; a[Wd2 >> 0] = Od2; Qd2 = Yd2 << 2; if ((Qd2 | 0) != 256) { be2 = Ud2; ce2 = Od2; de2 = Wd2; ee2 = Xd2; fe2 = Qd2; E3 = 211; break; } Qd2 = r2 + Xd2 | 0; c[543127] = Xd2; Od2 = d[Qd2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Od2; ge2 = Xd2; he2 = 1; ie2 = Qd2; je2 = Od2; ke2 = Xd2 + 1 | 0; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 209) { Xd2 = (Zd2 ^ 255) & $d2; a[_d3 >> 0] = Xd2; be2 = ae2; ce2 = Xd2; de2 = _d3; ee2 = ae2 + 1 | 0; fe2 = Zd2 << 1; E3 = 211; } if ((E3 | 0) == 211) { ge2 = be2; he2 = fe2; ie2 = de2; je2 = ce2 & 255; ke2 = ee2; } c[8706] = he2; c[543132] = ia2 + 56; ee2 = (he2 ^ 255) & je2; a[ie2 >> 0] = ee2; je2 = he2 << 1; do if ((je2 | 0) == 256) { ce2 = r2 + ke2 | 0; c[543127] = ke2; de2 = d[ce2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = de2; fe2 = de2 & 254; a[ce2 >> 0] = fe2; le2 = ke2; me2 = fe2; ne2 = ce2; oe2 = ke2 + 1 | 0; pe2 = 2; E3 = 179; } else { ce2 = (je2 ^ 255) & ee2; a[ie2 >> 0] = ce2; fe2 = he2 << 2; if ((fe2 | 0) != 256) { le2 = ge2; me2 = ce2; ne2 = ie2; oe2 = ke2; pe2 = fe2; E3 = 179; break; } fe2 = r2 + ke2 | 0; c[543127] = ke2; ce2 = d[fe2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ce2; de2 = ce2 & 254; a[fe2 >> 0] = de2; qe2 = 2; re2 = fe2; se2 = de2; te2 = ke2; E3 = 181; } while (0); do if ((E3 | 0) == 179) { ke2 = (pe2 ^ 255) & (me2 & 255); a[ne2 >> 0] = ke2; ie2 = pe2 << 1; if ((ie2 | 0) == 256) { ge2 = r2 + oe2 | 0; c[543127] = oe2; he2 = d[ge2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = he2; qe2 = 1; re2 = ge2; se2 = he2; te2 = oe2; E3 = 181; break; } he2 = (ie2 ^ 255) & ke2; a[ne2 >> 0] = he2; ke2 = pe2 << 2; if ((ke2 | 0) != 256) { ue2 = le2; ve2 = he2; we2 = ne2; xe2 = oe2; ye2 = ke2; E3 = 184; break; } ke2 = r2 + oe2 | 0; c[543127] = oe2; he2 = d[ke2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = he2; ie2 = he2 & 254; a[ke2 >> 0] = ie2; ze2 = 2; Ae2 = ke2; Be2 = ie2; Ce2 = oe2; E3 = 186; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 181) { oe2 = (qe2 ^ 255) & se2; a[re2 >> 0] = oe2; ue2 = te2; ve2 = oe2; we2 = re2; xe2 = te2 + 1 | 0; ye2 = qe2 << 1; E3 = 184; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 184) { qe2 = (ye2 ^ 255) & (ve2 & 255); a[we2 >> 0] = qe2; te2 = ye2 << 1; if ((te2 | 0) == 256) { re2 = r2 + xe2 | 0; c[543127] = xe2; oe2 = d[re2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = oe2; ze2 = 1; Ae2 = re2; Be2 = oe2; Ce2 = xe2; E3 = 186; break; } oe2 = (te2 ^ 255) & qe2; a[we2 >> 0] = oe2; qe2 = ye2 << 2; if ((qe2 | 0) != 256) { De2 = ue2; Ee2 = oe2; Fe2 = we2; Ge2 = xe2; He2 = qe2; E3 = 189; break; } qe2 = r2 + xe2 | 0; c[543127] = xe2; oe2 = d[qe2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = oe2; te2 = oe2 & 254; a[qe2 >> 0] = te2; Ie3 = xe2; Je2 = 2; Ke2 = qe2; Le2 = te2; E3 = 191; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 186) { xe2 = (ze2 ^ 255) & Be2; a[Ae2 >> 0] = xe2; De2 = Ce2; Ee2 = xe2; Fe2 = Ae2; Ge2 = Ce2 + 1 | 0; He2 = ze2 << 1; E3 = 189; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 189) { ze2 = (He2 ^ 255) & (Ee2 & 255); a[Fe2 >> 0] = ze2; Ce2 = He2 << 1; if ((Ce2 | 0) == 256) { Ae2 = r2 + Ge2 | 0; c[543127] = Ge2; xe2 = d[Ae2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = xe2; Ie3 = Ge2; Je2 = 1; Ke2 = Ae2; Le2 = xe2; E3 = 191; break; } a[Fe2 >> 0] = (Ce2 ^ 255) & ze2; ze2 = He2 << 2; if ((ze2 | 0) != 256) { Me2 = De2; Ne2 = ze2; E3 = 193; break; } c[543127] = Ge2; ze2 = d[r2 + Ge2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ze2; Oe2 = 1; Pe2 = Ge2; Qe2 = ze2; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 191) { a[Ke2 >> 0] = (Je2 ^ 255) & Le2; Me2 = Ie3; Ne2 = Je2 << 1; E3 = 193; } if ((E3 | 0) == 193) { Oe2 = Ne2; Pe2 = Me2; Qe2 = c[543128] | 0; } c[8706] = Oe2; c[543132] = ia2 + 64; c[543123] = 0; c[543124] = 0; c[543125] = 0; ia2 = Pe2 << 16 | Oe2 | Qe2 << 8; Hv(l2 | 0, j2 | 0, 1024) | 0; Hv(m4 | 0, k2 | 0, 1024) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 0) { Qe2 = 0; Oe2 = ia2; Me2 = ia2 >> 16; Ne2 = ia2 >> 8; ia2 = Pe2; Pe2 = 0; Je2 = 0; Ie3 = 0; while (true) { Le2 = zl(p2, Qe2, f2, h3, i3) | 0; Ke2 = d[p2 + Qe2 >> 0] | 0; Ge2 = k2 + (Ke2 << 2) | 0; r2 = c[Ge2 >> 2] | 0; De2 = (r2 | 0) < 16; if (De2) Re2 = 4; else { He2 = 4; Fe2 = 16; while (true) { Ee2 = He2 + 1 | 0; Fe2 = Fe2 + (2 << He2) | 0; if ((r2 | 0) < (Fe2 | 0)) { Re2 = Ee2; break; } else He2 = Ee2; } } He2 = 256 / ((Re2 << 1) + -2 | 0) | 0; do if ((Le2 | 0) > 2) { Fe2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((Fe2 | 0) > (He2 | 0) & (Fe2 | 0) < 128) { Ee2 = (Fe2 * 6 | 0) / 5 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; zl(p2, Qe2 + 1 | 0, f2, n2, o2) | 0; do if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) <= (Ee2 | 0)) { c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; zl(p2, Qe2 + 2 | 0, f2, n2, o2) | 0; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) > (Ee2 | 0)) break; Se2 = Fe2; break a; } while (0); c[i3 >> 2] = 0; Se2 = 0; } else Se2 = Fe2; while (0); if ((Se2 | 0) <= (He2 | 0)) { E3 = 58; break; } Fe2 = c[8706] | 0; Ee2 = c[543126] | 0; ze2 = c[543127] | 0; Ce2 = Ee2 + ze2 | 0; a[Ce2 >> 0] = (Fe2 ^ 255) & (d[Ce2 >> 0] | 0); Ce2 = Fe2 << 1; c[8706] = Ce2; if ((Ce2 | 0) == 256) { c[8706] = 1; Fe2 = ze2 + 1 | 0; c[543127] = Fe2; c[543128] = d[Ee2 + Fe2 >> 0]; Te3 = Fe2; Ue2 = 1; } else { Te3 = ze2; Ue2 = Ce2; } Ce2 = (c[543130] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[543130] = Ce2; ze2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; Fe2 = 5; while (true) if ((1 << Fe2 | 0) < (ze2 | 0)) Fe2 = Fe2 + 5 | 0; else break; xe2 = ze2 + -1 | 0; Ae2 = (Fe2 >>> 0) / 5 | 0; Be2 = Te3; we2 = Ue2; ue2 = 0; ye2 = 3 - Ae2 | 0; while (true) { ve2 = (ye2 | 0) < 1; te2 = ve2 ? ye2 : 1; qe2 = Ee2 + Be2 | 0; a[qe2 >> 0] = ((te2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : we2) | (we2 ^ 255) & (d[qe2 >> 0] | 0); qe2 = we2 << 1; oe2 = Be2 + 1 | 0; if ((qe2 | 0) == 256) { c[543127] = oe2; c[543128] = d[Ee2 + oe2 >> 0]; Ve2 = oe2; We2 = 1; } else { Ve2 = Be2; We2 = qe2; } ue2 = ue2 + 1 | 0; if (ue2 >>> 0 >= 2) break; if (ve2) break; else { Be2 = Ve2; we2 = We2; ye2 = ye2 - te2 | 0; } } c[8706] = We2; ye2 = We2; we2 = Ve2; Be2 = 0; while (true) { ue2 = Ee2 + we2 | 0; a[ue2 >> 0] = ((1 << Be2 & xe2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : ye2) | (ye2 ^ 255) & (d[ue2 >> 0] | 0); ue2 = ye2 << 1; ze2 = we2 + 1 | 0; if ((ue2 | 0) == 256) { c[543127] = ze2; c[543128] = d[Ee2 + ze2 >> 0]; Xe2 = ze2; Ye2 = 1; } else { Xe2 = we2; Ye2 = ue2; } Be2 = Be2 + 1 | 0; if ((Be2 | 0) == (Fe2 | 0)) break; else { ye2 = Ye2; we2 = Xe2; } } c[8706] = Ye2; we2 = Fe2 + Ce2 + Ae2 | 0; c[543130] = we2; ye2 = Xe2; Be2 = Ye2; xe2 = 0; ue2 = Le2 + -3 | 0; while (true) { ze2 = (ue2 | 0) < 7; te2 = ze2 ? ue2 : 7; ve2 = Ee2 + ye2 | 0; qe2 = ((te2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Be2) | (Be2 ^ 255) & (d[ve2 >> 0] | 0); a[ve2 >> 0] = qe2; oe2 = Be2 << 1; re2 = ye2 + 1 | 0; if ((oe2 | 0) == 256) { se2 = Ee2 + re2 | 0; c[543127] = re2; ne2 = d[se2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ne2; Ze2 = re2; _e2 = 1; $e2 = se2; af2 = ne2; bf3 = ye2 + 2 | 0; } else { Ze2 = ye2; _e2 = oe2; $e2 = ve2; af2 = qe2 & 255; bf3 = re2; } re2 = ((te2 & 2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : _e2) | (_e2 ^ 255) & af2; a[$e2 >> 0] = re2; qe2 = _e2 << 1; if ((qe2 | 0) == 256) { ve2 = Ee2 + bf3 | 0; c[543127] = bf3; oe2 = d[ve2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = oe2; cf2 = bf3; df2 = 1; ef2 = ve2; ff2 = oe2; gf2 = bf3 + 1 | 0; } else { cf2 = Ze2; df2 = qe2; ef2 = $e2; ff2 = re2 & 255; gf2 = bf3; } a[ef2 >> 0] = ((te2 & 4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : df2) | (df2 ^ 255) & ff2; re2 = df2 << 1; if ((re2 | 0) == 256) { c[543127] = gf2; c[543128] = d[Ee2 + gf2 >> 0]; hf2 = gf2; jf2 = 1; } else { hf2 = cf2; jf2 = re2; } xe2 = xe2 + 3 | 0; if (xe2 >>> 0 >= 1e5) break; if (ze2) break; else { ye2 = hf2; Be2 = jf2; ue2 = ue2 - te2 | 0; } } c[8706] = jf2; c[543130] = xe2 + we2; if ((Le2 | 0) > 9) c[543125] = (c[543125] | 0) + 1; c[543123] = (c[543123] | 0) + 1; kf2 = Le2; lf2 = jf2; mf2 = hf2; nf2 = Ee2; of2 = 2172524; } else E3 = 58; while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 58) { E3 = 0; Le2 = c[8706] | 0; He2 = c[543126] | 0; ue2 = c[543127] | 0; Be2 = He2 + ue2 | 0; a[Be2 >> 0] = (Le2 ^ 255) & (d[Be2 >> 0] | 0) | Le2; Be2 = Le2 << 1; c[8706] = Be2; if ((Be2 | 0) == 256) { c[8706] = 1; Le2 = ue2 + 1 | 0; c[543127] = Le2; c[543128] = d[He2 + Le2 >> 0]; pf2 = Le2; qf2 = 1; } else { pf2 = ue2; qf2 = Be2; } if (De2) { rf2 = 4; sf2 = r2; } else { Be2 = 4; ue2 = 16; Le2 = r2; while (true) { ye2 = Le2 - (1 << Be2) | 0; Ae2 = Be2 + 1 | 0; ue2 = ue2 + (2 << Be2) | 0; if ((r2 | 0) < (ue2 | 0)) { rf2 = Ae2; sf2 = ye2; break; } else { Be2 = Ae2; Le2 = ye2; } } } Le2 = pf2; Be2 = qf2; ue2 = 0; De2 = rf2 + -4 | 0; while (true) { ye2 = (De2 | 0) < 1; Ae2 = ye2 ? De2 : 1; Ce2 = He2 + Le2 | 0; a[Ce2 >> 0] = ((Ae2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Be2) | (Be2 ^ 255) & (d[Ce2 >> 0] | 0); Ce2 = Be2 << 1; Fe2 = Le2 + 1 | 0; if ((Ce2 | 0) == 256) { c[543127] = Fe2; c[543128] = d[He2 + Fe2 >> 0]; tf2 = Fe2; uf2 = 1; } else { tf2 = Le2; uf2 = Ce2; } ue2 = ue2 + 1 | 0; if (ue2 >>> 0 >= 16) break; if (ye2) break; else { Le2 = tf2; Be2 = uf2; De2 = De2 - Ae2 | 0; } } c[8706] = uf2; De2 = uf2; Be2 = tf2; Le2 = 0; while (true) { ue2 = He2 + Be2 | 0; a[ue2 >> 0] = ((1 << Le2 & sf2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : De2) | (De2 ^ 255) & (d[ue2 >> 0] | 0); ue2 = De2 << 1; Ae2 = Be2 + 1 | 0; if ((ue2 | 0) == 256) { c[543127] = Ae2; c[543128] = d[He2 + Ae2 >> 0]; vf3 = Ae2; wf2 = 1; } else { vf3 = Be2; wf2 = ue2; } Le2 = Le2 + 1 | 0; if ((Le2 | 0) == (rf2 | 0)) break; else { De2 = wf2; Be2 = vf3; } } c[8706] = wf2; if ((r2 | 0) > 0) { Be2 = r2; do { De2 = Be2; Be2 = Be2 + -1 | 0; Le2 = c[j2 + (Be2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[j2 + (De2 << 2) >> 2] = Le2; ue2 = k2 + (Le2 << 2) | 0; c[ue2 >> 2] = (c[ue2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; } while ((De2 | 0) > 1); } c[j2 >> 2] = Ke2; c[Ge2 >> 2] = 0; kf2 = 1; lf2 = wf2; mf2 = vf3; nf2 = He2; of2 = 2172496; } c[of2 >> 2] = (c[of2 >> 2] | 0) + kf2; Be2 = (Qe2 | 0) < 2 ? 0 : Qe2 + -2 | 0; Qe2 = kf2 + Qe2 | 0; r2 = Qe2 + -2 | 0; if ((Be2 | 0) < (r2 | 0)) { De2 = Be2; do De2 = De2 + 1 | 0; while ((De2 | 0) < (r2 | 0)); } r2 = mf2 - ia2 | 0; if ((Qe2 | 0) == (f2 | 0) | (r2 | 0) > 31) { De2 = Qe2 - Pe2 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > (De2 + ((Je2 | 0) == (Pe2 | 0) ? 3 : 0) | 0)) { r2 = Oe2 & 255; c[8706] = r2; c[543128] = Ne2 & 255; c[543127] = Me2; if (!Ie3) { He2 = nf2 + Me2 | 0; Ge2 = (Oe2 ^ 255) & (d[He2 >> 0] | 0); a[He2 >> 0] = Ge2; Ke2 = r2 << 1; c[8706] = Ke2; if ((r2 | 0) == 128) { c[8706] = 1; Be2 = Me2 + 1 | 0; c[543127] = Be2; ue2 = nf2 + Be2 | 0; Le2 = d[ue2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Le2; xf2 = 1; yf3 = Be2; zf2 = ue2; Af2 = Le2; } else { xf2 = Ke2; yf3 = Me2; zf2 = He2; Af2 = Ge2; } Ge2 = (xf2 ^ 255) & Af2 | xf2; a[zf2 >> 0] = Ge2; He2 = xf2 << 1; c[8706] = He2; if ((xf2 | 0) == 128) { c[8706] = 1; Ke2 = yf3 + 1 | 0; c[543127] = Ke2; Le2 = nf2 + Ke2 | 0; ue2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ue2; Bf2 = 1; Cf2 = Ke2; Df2 = Le2; Ef2 = ue2; } else { Bf2 = He2; Cf2 = yf3; Df2 = zf2; Ef2 = Ge2 & 255; } Ge2 = (Bf2 ^ 255) & Ef2; a[Df2 >> 0] = Ge2; He2 = Bf2 << 1; c[8706] = He2; if ((Bf2 | 0) == 128) { c[8706] = 1; ue2 = Cf2 + 1 | 0; c[543127] = ue2; Le2 = nf2 + ue2 | 0; Ke2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ke2; Ff2 = ue2; Gf2 = Le2; Hf2 = 1; If2 = Ke2; } else { Ff2 = Cf2; Gf2 = Df2; Hf2 = He2; If2 = Ge2; } Ge2 = (Hf2 ^ 255) & If2; a[Gf2 >> 0] = Ge2; He2 = Hf2 << 1; Ke2 = Ff2 + 1 | 0; do if ((He2 | 0) == 256) { Le2 = nf2 + Ke2 | 0; c[543127] = Ke2; ue2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ue2; Be2 = ue2 & 254; a[Le2 >> 0] = Be2; Jf3 = 2; Kf3 = Le2; Lf2 = Be2; E3 = 121; } else { Be2 = (He2 ^ 255) & (Ge2 & 255); a[Gf2 >> 0] = Be2; Le2 = Hf2 << 2; if ((Le2 | 0) == 256) { ue2 = nf2 + Ke2 | 0; c[543127] = Ke2; Ae2 = d[ue2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ae2; Jf3 = 1; Kf3 = ue2; Lf2 = Ae2; E3 = 121; break; } Ae2 = (Le2 ^ 255) & Be2; a[Gf2 >> 0] = Ae2; Be2 = Hf2 << 3; if ((Be2 | 0) != 256) { Mf2 = Ff2; Nf2 = Ae2; Of2 = Gf2; Pf2 = Ke2; Qf3 = Be2; E3 = 124; break; } Be2 = nf2 + Ke2 | 0; c[543127] = Ke2; Ae2 = d[Be2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ae2; Le2 = Ae2 & 254; a[Be2 >> 0] = Le2; Rf2 = 2; Sf2 = Be2; Tf3 = Le2; Uf2 = Ke2; E3 = 126; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 121) { E3 = 0; Ge2 = (Jf3 ^ 255) & Lf2; a[Kf3 >> 0] = Ge2; Mf2 = Ke2; Nf2 = Ge2; Of2 = Kf3; Pf2 = Ff2 + 2 | 0; Qf3 = Jf3 << 1; E3 = 124; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 124) { E3 = 0; Ge2 = (Qf3 ^ 255) & (Nf2 & 255); a[Of2 >> 0] = Ge2; He2 = Qf3 << 1; if ((He2 | 0) == 256) { Le2 = nf2 + Pf2 | 0; c[543127] = Pf2; Be2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Be2; Rf2 = 1; Sf2 = Le2; Tf3 = Be2; Uf2 = Pf2; E3 = 126; break; } Be2 = (He2 ^ 255) & Ge2; a[Of2 >> 0] = Be2; Ge2 = Qf3 << 2; if ((Ge2 | 0) != 256) { Vf2 = Mf2; Wf2 = Be2; Xf2 = Of2; Yf2 = Pf2; Zf2 = Ge2; E3 = 129; break; } Ge2 = nf2 + Pf2 | 0; c[543127] = Pf2; Be2 = d[Ge2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Be2; He2 = Be2 & 254; a[Ge2 >> 0] = He2; _f2 = 2; $f3 = Ge2; ag3 = He2; bg2 = Pf2; E3 = 131; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 126) { E3 = 0; Ke2 = (Rf2 ^ 255) & Tf3; a[Sf2 >> 0] = Ke2; Vf2 = Uf2; Wf2 = Ke2; Xf2 = Sf2; Yf2 = Uf2 + 1 | 0; Zf2 = Rf2 << 1; E3 = 129; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 129) { E3 = 0; Ke2 = (Zf2 ^ 255) & (Wf2 & 255); a[Xf2 >> 0] = Ke2; He2 = Zf2 << 1; if ((He2 | 0) == 256) { Ge2 = nf2 + Yf2 | 0; c[543127] = Yf2; Be2 = d[Ge2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Be2; _f2 = 1; $f3 = Ge2; ag3 = Be2; bg2 = Yf2; E3 = 131; break; } Be2 = (He2 ^ 255) & Ke2; a[Xf2 >> 0] = Be2; Ke2 = Zf2 << 2; if ((Ke2 | 0) != 256) { cg2 = Vf2; dg2 = Be2; eg2 = Xf2; fg2 = Yf2; gg2 = Ke2; E3 = 134; break; } Ke2 = nf2 + Yf2 | 0; c[543127] = Yf2; Be2 = d[Ke2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Be2; He2 = Be2 & 254; a[Ke2 >> 0] = He2; hg3 = 2; ig2 = Ke2; jg2 = He2; kg2 = Yf2; E3 = 136; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 131) { E3 = 0; He2 = (_f2 ^ 255) & ag3; a[$f3 >> 0] = He2; cg2 = bg2; dg2 = He2; eg2 = $f3; fg2 = bg2 + 1 | 0; gg2 = _f2 << 1; E3 = 134; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 134) { E3 = 0; He2 = (gg2 ^ 255) & (dg2 & 255); a[eg2 >> 0] = He2; Ke2 = gg2 << 1; if ((Ke2 | 0) == 256) { Be2 = nf2 + fg2 | 0; c[543127] = fg2; Ge2 = d[Be2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ge2; hg3 = 1; ig2 = Be2; jg2 = Ge2; kg2 = fg2; E3 = 136; break; } Ge2 = (Ke2 ^ 255) & He2; a[eg2 >> 0] = Ge2; He2 = gg2 << 2; if ((He2 | 0) != 256) { lg2 = cg2; mg2 = Ge2; ng2 = eg2; og2 = fg2; pg3 = He2; E3 = 139; break; } He2 = nf2 + fg2 | 0; c[543127] = fg2; Ge2 = d[He2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ge2; a[He2 >> 0] = Ge2 & 254; qg2 = fg2; rg3 = 2; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 136) { E3 = 0; Ge2 = (hg3 ^ 255) & jg2; a[ig2 >> 0] = Ge2; lg2 = kg2; mg2 = Ge2; ng2 = ig2; og2 = kg2 + 1 | 0; pg3 = hg3 << 1; E3 = 139; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 139) { E3 = 0; a[ng2 >> 0] = (pg3 ^ 255) & mg2; Ge2 = pg3 << 1; if ((Ge2 | 0) != 256) { qg2 = lg2; rg3 = Ge2; break; } c[543127] = og2; c[543128] = d[nf2 + og2 >> 0]; qg2 = og2; rg3 = 1; } while (0); c[8706] = rg3; sg2 = qg2; tg2 = rg3; } else { Ge2 = Me2 + -1 | 0; c[543127] = Ge2; sg2 = Ge2; tg2 = r2; } if ((De2 | 0) > 0) { Ge2 = tg2; He2 = sg2; Ke2 = 0; while (true) { Be2 = d[p2 + (Ke2 + Pe2) >> 0] | 0; Le2 = nf2 + He2 | 0; Ae2 = ((Be2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Ge2) | (Ge2 ^ 255) & (d[Le2 >> 0] | 0); a[Le2 >> 0] = Ae2; ue2 = Ge2 << 1; ye2 = He2 + 1 | 0; if ((ue2 | 0) == 256) { Ce2 = nf2 + ye2 | 0; c[543127] = ye2; Fe2 = d[Ce2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Fe2; ug2 = ye2; vg2 = 1; wg2 = Ce2; xg2 = Fe2; yg2 = He2 + 2 | 0; } else { ug2 = He2; vg2 = ue2; wg2 = Le2; xg2 = Ae2 & 255; yg2 = ye2; } ye2 = ((Be2 & 2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : vg2) | (vg2 ^ 255) & xg2; a[wg2 >> 0] = ye2; Ae2 = vg2 << 1; if ((Ae2 | 0) == 256) { Le2 = nf2 + yg2 | 0; c[543127] = yg2; ue2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ue2; zg2 = 1; Ag2 = yg2; Bg2 = Le2; Cg2 = ue2; Dg3 = yg2 + 1 | 0; } else { zg2 = Ae2; Ag2 = ug2; Bg2 = wg2; Cg2 = ye2 & 255; Dg3 = yg2; } ye2 = ((Be2 & 4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : zg2) | (zg2 ^ 255) & Cg2; a[Bg2 >> 0] = ye2; Ae2 = zg2 << 1; if ((Ae2 | 0) == 256) { ue2 = nf2 + Dg3 | 0; c[543127] = Dg3; Le2 = d[ue2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Le2; Eg2 = 1; Fg2 = Dg3; Gg2 = ue2; Hg2 = Le2; Ig2 = Dg3 + 1 | 0; } else { Eg2 = Ae2; Fg2 = Ag2; Gg2 = Bg2; Hg2 = ye2 & 255; Ig2 = Dg3; } ye2 = ((Be2 & 8 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Eg2) | (Eg2 ^ 255) & Hg2; a[Gg2 >> 0] = ye2; Ae2 = Eg2 << 1; if ((Ae2 | 0) == 256) { Le2 = nf2 + Ig2 | 0; c[543127] = Ig2; ue2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ue2; Jg2 = 1; Kg2 = Ig2; Lg3 = Le2; Mg2 = ue2; Ng2 = Ig2 + 1 | 0; } else { Jg2 = Ae2; Kg2 = Fg2; Lg3 = Gg2; Mg2 = ye2 & 255; Ng2 = Ig2; } ye2 = ((Be2 & 16 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Jg2) | (Jg2 ^ 255) & Mg2; a[Lg3 >> 0] = ye2; Ae2 = Jg2 << 1; if ((Ae2 | 0) == 256) { ue2 = nf2 + Ng2 | 0; c[543127] = Ng2; Le2 = d[ue2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Le2; Og2 = 1; Pg2 = Ng2; Qg2 = ue2; Rg2 = Le2; Sg2 = Ng2 + 1 | 0; } else { Og2 = Ae2; Pg2 = Kg2; Qg2 = Lg3; Rg2 = ye2 & 255; Sg2 = Ng2; } ye2 = ((Be2 & 32 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Og2) | (Og2 ^ 255) & Rg2; a[Qg2 >> 0] = ye2; Ae2 = Og2 << 1; if ((Ae2 | 0) == 256) { Le2 = nf2 + Sg2 | 0; c[543127] = Sg2; ue2 = d[Le2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = ue2; Tg2 = 1; Ug2 = Sg2; Vg2 = Le2; Wg2 = ue2; Xg2 = Sg2 + 1 | 0; } else { Tg2 = Ae2; Ug2 = Pg2; Vg2 = Qg2; Wg2 = ye2 & 255; Xg2 = Sg2; } ye2 = ((Be2 & 64 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Tg2) | (Tg2 ^ 255) & Wg2; a[Vg2 >> 0] = ye2; Ae2 = Tg2 << 1; if ((Ae2 | 0) == 256) { ue2 = nf2 + Xg2 | 0; c[543127] = Xg2; Le2 = d[ue2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Le2; Yg3 = 1; Zg2 = Xg2; _g2 = ue2; $g2 = Le2; ah2 = Xg2 + 1 | 0; } else { Yg3 = Ae2; Zg2 = Ug2; _g2 = Vg2; $g2 = ye2 & 255; ah2 = Xg2; } a[_g2 >> 0] = ((Be2 & 128 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : Yg3) | (Yg3 ^ 255) & $g2; Be2 = Yg3 << 1; if ((Be2 | 0) == 256) { c[543127] = ah2; c[543128] = d[nf2 + ah2 >> 0]; bh3 = ah2; ch2 = 1; } else { bh3 = Zg2; ch2 = Be2; } Ke2 = Ke2 + 1 | 0; if ((Ke2 | 0) == (De2 | 0)) break; else { Ge2 = ch2; He2 = bh3; } } c[8706] = ch2; dh2 = bh3; eh2 = ch2; } else { dh2 = sg2; eh2 = tg2; } He2 = nf2 + dh2 | 0; Ge2 = (eh2 ^ 255) & (d[He2 >> 0] | 0); a[He2 >> 0] = Ge2; De2 = eh2 << 1; Ke2 = dh2 + 1 | 0; do if ((De2 | 0) == 256) { r2 = nf2 + Ke2 | 0; c[543127] = Ke2; Be2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Be2; ye2 = Be2 & 254; a[r2 >> 0] = ye2; fh2 = Ke2; gh3 = ye2; hh2 = r2; ih2 = dh2 + 2 | 0; jh2 = 2; E3 = 162; } else { r2 = (De2 ^ 255) & Ge2; a[He2 >> 0] = r2; ye2 = eh2 << 2; if ((ye2 | 0) != 256) { fh2 = dh2; gh3 = r2; hh2 = He2; ih2 = Ke2; jh2 = ye2; E3 = 162; break; } ye2 = nf2 + Ke2 | 0; c[543127] = Ke2; r2 = d[ye2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = r2; Be2 = r2 & 254; a[ye2 >> 0] = Be2; kh2 = 2; lh2 = ye2; mh2 = Be2; nh2 = Ke2; E3 = 164; } while (0); do if ((E3 | 0) == 162) { E3 = 0; Ke2 = (jh2 ^ 255) & (gh3 & 255); a[hh2 >> 0] = Ke2; He2 = jh2 << 1; if ((He2 | 0) == 256) { Ge2 = nf2 + ih2 | 0; c[543127] = ih2; De2 = d[Ge2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = De2; kh2 = 1; lh2 = Ge2; mh2 = De2; nh2 = ih2; E3 = 164; break; } De2 = (He2 ^ 255) & Ke2; a[hh2 >> 0] = De2; Ke2 = jh2 << 2; if ((Ke2 | 0) != 256) { oh2 = fh2; ph3 = De2; qh2 = hh2; rh2 = ih2; sh2 = Ke2; E3 = 167; break; } Ke2 = nf2 + ih2 | 0; c[543127] = ih2; De2 = d[Ke2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = De2; He2 = De2 & 254; a[Ke2 >> 0] = He2; th3 = 2; uh2 = Ke2; vh2 = He2; wh2 = ih2; E3 = 169; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 164) { E3 = 0; He2 = (kh2 ^ 255) & mh2; a[lh2 >> 0] = He2; oh2 = nh2; ph3 = He2; qh2 = lh2; rh2 = nh2 + 1 | 0; sh2 = kh2 << 1; E3 = 167; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 167) { E3 = 0; He2 = (sh2 ^ 255) & (ph3 & 255); a[qh2 >> 0] = He2; Ke2 = sh2 << 1; if ((Ke2 | 0) == 256) { De2 = nf2 + rh2 | 0; c[543127] = rh2; Ge2 = d[De2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ge2; th3 = 1; uh2 = De2; vh2 = Ge2; wh2 = rh2; E3 = 169; break; } Ge2 = (Ke2 ^ 255) & He2; a[qh2 >> 0] = Ge2; He2 = sh2 << 2; if ((He2 | 0) != 256) { xh2 = oh2; yh3 = Ge2; zh2 = qh2; Ah2 = rh2; Bh2 = He2; E3 = 172; break; } He2 = nf2 + rh2 | 0; c[543127] = rh2; Ge2 = d[He2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = Ge2; Ke2 = Ge2 & 254; a[He2 >> 0] = Ke2; Ch2 = rh2; Dh2 = 2; Eh2 = He2; Fh3 = Ke2; E3 = 174; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 169) { E3 = 0; Ke2 = (th3 ^ 255) & vh2; a[uh2 >> 0] = Ke2; xh2 = wh2; yh3 = Ke2; zh2 = uh2; Ah2 = wh2 + 1 | 0; Bh2 = th3 << 1; E3 = 172; } do if ((E3 | 0) == 172) { E3 = 0; Ke2 = (Bh2 ^ 255) & (yh3 & 255); a[zh2 >> 0] = Ke2; He2 = Bh2 << 1; if ((He2 | 0) == 256) { Ge2 = nf2 + Ah2 | 0; c[543127] = Ah2; De2 = d[Ge2 >> 0] | 0; c[543128] = De2; Ch2 = Ah2; Dh2 = 1; Eh2 = Ge2; Fh3 = De2; E3 = 174; break; } a[zh2 >> 0] = (He2 ^ 255) & Ke2; Ke2 = Bh2 << 2; if ((Ke2 | 0) != 256) { Gh2 = Ke2; Hh2 = xh2; break; } c[543127] = Ah2; c[543128] = d[nf2 + Ah2 >> 0]; Gh2 = 1; Hh2 = Ah2; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 174) { E3 = 0; a[Eh2 >> 0] = (Dh2 ^ 255) & Fh3; Gh2 = Dh2 << 1; Hh2 = Ch2; } c[8706] = Gh2; Hv(j2 | 0, l2 | 0, 1024) | 0; Hv(k2 | 0, m4 | 0, 1024) | 0; Ih2 = Hh2; Jh3 = Gh2; Kh2 = Je2; Lh2 = 1; } else { Hv(l2 | 0, j2 | 0, 1024) | 0; Hv(m4 | 0, k2 | 0, 1024) | 0; Ih2 = mf2; Jh3 = lf2; Kh2 = Qe2; Lh2 = 0; } Ke2 = c[543128] << 8 | Ih2 << 16 | Jh3; Mh2 = Ke2; Nh2 = Ke2 >> 16; Oh2 = Ke2 >> 8; Ph2 = Ih2; Qh2 = Qe2; Rh3 = Kh2; Sh2 = Lh2; } else { Mh2 = Oe2; Nh2 = Me2; Oh2 = Ne2; Ph2 = ia2; Qh2 = Pe2; Rh3 = Je2; Sh2 = Ie3; } if ((Qe2 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) break; else { Oe2 = Mh2; Me2 = Nh2; Ne2 = Oh2; ia2 = Ph2; Pe2 = Qh2; Je2 = Rh3; Ie3 = Sh2; } } } mq(p2); p2 = c[8706] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == 1) { Th2 = c[543127] | 0; Uh2 = c[543126] | 0; } else { Sh2 = c[543126] | 0; Ie3 = c[543127] | 0; Rh3 = Sh2 + Ie3 | 0; Je2 = p2; p2 = a[Rh3 >> 0] | 0; do { p2 = (Je2 ^ 255) & (p2 & 255) & 255; Je2 = Je2 << 1; } while ((Je2 | 0) != 256); a[Rh3 >> 0] = p2; p2 = Ie3 + 1 | 0; c[543127] = p2; c[543128] = d[Sh2 + p2 >> 0]; c[8706] = 1; Th2 = p2; Uh2 = Sh2; } a[Uh2 + 6 >> 0] = (Th2 | 0) / 256 | 0; a[Uh2 + 7 >> 0] = Th2; if ((Th2 | 0) <= (f2 | 0)) { q3 = Th2; Ia = g2; return q3 | 0; } Hv(e2 | 0, b4 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; q3 = f2; Ia = g2; return q3 | 0; } function zl(f2, g2, h3, i3, j2) { f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; var k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0; k2 = h3 - g2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < 3) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } h3 = c[1451072 + ((((d[f2 + (g2 + 1) >> 0] | 0) * 1503 | 0) + ((d[f2 + g2 >> 0] | 0) * 7 | 0) + ((d[f2 + (g2 + 2) >> 0] | 0) * 51717 | 0) & 4095) << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } m4 = b3[h3 + 2 >> 1] | 0; if (!(m4 << 16 >> 16)) { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; p2 = -1; } else { q3 = g2 + -32767 | 0; r2 = m4 & 65535; m4 = 0; s3 = -1e5; t3 = -1; u2 = 0; while (true) { v2 = e[h3 + (u2 + 2 << 1) >> 1] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) { w2 = m4; x2 = s3; y4 = t3; break; } if ((q3 | 0) > (v2 | 0)) { z3 = m4; A4 = s3; B2 = t3; } else { C3 = 0; while (true) { D3 = C3 + v2 | 0; if ((D3 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) { E3 = D3; F3 = C3; break; } if ((a[f2 + D3 >> 0] | 0) != (a[f2 + (C3 + g2) >> 0] | 0)) { E3 = D3; F3 = C3; break; } C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((C3 | 0) >= (k2 | 0)) { G2 = 21; break; } } if ((G2 | 0) == 21) { G2 = 0; E3 = C3 + v2 | 0; F3 = C3; } D3 = g2 - v2 | 0; a: do if ((F3 | 0) >= (k2 | 0) | (E3 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) H2 = F3; else { I2 = F3; while (true) { if ((a[f2 + (((I2 | 0) % (D3 | 0) | 0) + v2) >> 0] | 0) != (a[f2 + (I2 + g2) >> 0] | 0)) { H2 = I2; break a; } J2 = I2 + 1 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) >= (k2 | 0) | (J2 + v2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) { H2 = J2; break; } else I2 = J2; } } while (0); if ((D3 | 0) > 0) { C3 = 0; I2 = D3; do { C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; I2 = I2 >>> 5; } while ((I2 | 0) != 0); if (C3 >>> 0 < 2) { K2 = C3; G2 = 17; } else { L3 = 2; M2 = C3; } } else { K2 = 0; G2 = 17; } if ((G2 | 0) == 17) { G2 = 0; L3 = K2; M2 = K2; } I2 = (H2 << 8 >>> 0) / (((M2 * 5 | 0) + 4 + L3 | 0) >>> 0) | 0; D3 = (I2 | 0) > (t3 | 0); z3 = D3 ? H2 : m4; A4 = D3 ? v2 : s3; B2 = D3 ? I2 : t3; } u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 >= r2 >>> 0) { w2 = z3; x2 = A4; y4 = B2; break; } else { m4 = z3; s3 = A4; t3 = B2; } } n2 = (x2 | 0) > -1 ? g2 - x2 | 0 : 0; o2 = w2; p2 = y4; } c[i3 >> 2] = n2; c[j2 >> 2] = p2; l2 = o2; return l2 | 0; } function Al(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2080 | 0; h3 = g2 + 1056 | 0; i3 = g2 + 32 | 0; j2 = g2; c[8706] = 1; c[543128] = 0; c[543133] = b4; k2 = 0; do { c[h3 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] = k2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 256); k2 = 0; do { c[i3 + (c[h3 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] = k2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 256); c[j2 >> 2] = d[b4 >> 0]; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = d[b4 + 1 >> 0]; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = d[b4 + 2 >> 0]; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = d[b4 + 3 >> 0]; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = d[b4 + 4 >> 0]; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = d[b4 + 5 >> 0]; c[j2 + 24 >> 2] = d[b4 + 6 >> 0]; c[j2 + 28 >> 2] = d[b4 + 7 >> 0]; c[8706] = 1; k2 = (c[j2 + 16 >> 2] << 8) + (c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0; l2 = (c[j2 + 24 >> 2] << 8) + (c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!((f2 | 0) > 0 & ((k2 | 0) > 0 & (l2 | 0) > 8))) { Ia = g2; return 0; } j2 = f2 + -1 | 0; m4 = 1; n2 = 8; o2 = 0; a: while (true) { p2 = m4 << 1; q3 = (p2 | 0) == 256; r2 = n2 + (q3 & 1) | 0; s3 = q3 ? 1 : p2; b: do if (!(m4 & (d[b4 + n2 >> 0] | 0))) { p2 = (s3 & (d[b4 + r2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) != 0; q3 = s3 << 1; t3 = (q3 | 0) == 256; u2 = r2 + (t3 & 1) | 0; v2 = t3 ? 1 : q3; if (p2) { q3 = v2 << 1; t3 = (q3 | 0) == 256; w2 = t3 ? 1 : q3; x2 = u2 + (t3 & 1) | 0; y4 = (p2 & 1) + ((v2 & (d[b4 + u2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) != 0 & 1) | 0; } else { w2 = v2; x2 = u2; y4 = 0; } u2 = 3 - y4 | 0; v2 = u2 * 5 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = x2; p2 = x2; t3 = w2; q3 = 0; z3 = 0; while (true) { A4 = t3 << 1; B2 = (A4 | 0) == 256; C3 = p2 + 1 | 0; D3 = B2 ? C3 : u2; E3 = B2 ? 1 : A4; A4 = ((t3 & (d[b4 + p2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 1 << q3) | z3; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == (v2 | 0)) { F3 = E3; G2 = D3; H2 = A4; break; } else { u2 = D3; p2 = B2 ? C3 : p2; t3 = E3; z3 = A4; } } } else { F3 = w2; G2 = x2; H2 = 0; } z3 = H2 + 1 | 0; if (!((v2 | 0) == 10 & (H2 | 0) == 0 | (z3 | 0) == 0)) { t3 = G2; p2 = F3; u2 = 0; q3 = 0; while (true) { A4 = d[b4 + t3 >> 0] | 0; E3 = (p2 & A4 | 0) != 0; C3 = p2 << 1; B2 = t3 + 1 | 0; do if ((C3 | 0) != 256) { D3 = E3 & 1; I2 = (C3 & A4 | 0) == 0; J2 = p2 << 2; if ((J2 | 0) == 256) { K2 = 1; L3 = d[b4 + B2 >> 0] | 0; M2 = D3; N4 = I2; O2 = 42; break; } else { P2 = p2 << 3; Q3 = (P2 | 0) == 256; R3 = Q3 ? B2 : t3; S2 = Q3 ? 1 : P2; T4 = J2 & A4; U2 = (I2 ? 0 : 2) | D3; break; } } else { D3 = d[b4 + B2 >> 0] | 0; K2 = 2; L3 = D3; M2 = E3 & 1; N4 = (D3 & 1 | 0) == 0; O2 = 42; } while (0); if ((O2 | 0) == 42) { O2 = 0; R3 = B2; S2 = K2 << 1; T4 = K2 & L3; U2 = (N4 ? 0 : 2) | M2; } E3 = ((T4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 4) | U2; u2 = u2 + 3 | 0; q3 = E3 + q3 | 0; if (!(u2 >>> 0 < 1e5 & (E3 | 0) == 7)) break; else { t3 = R3; p2 = S2; } } p2 = q3 + 3 | 0; t3 = o2; while (true) { a[e2 + t3 >> 0] = a[e2 + (t3 - z3) >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) <= 1) break; else p2 = p2 + -1 | 0; } if ((t3 | 0) >= (j2 | 0)) { V3 = S2; W2 = R3; X2 = t3; break; } a[e2 + t3 >> 0] = 0; V3 = S2; W2 = R3; X2 = t3; break; } if ((o2 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) { p2 = F3; z3 = G2; q3 = o2; while (true) { u2 = d[b4 + z3 >> 0] | 0; v2 = (p2 & u2 | 0) != 0; E3 = p2 << 1; A4 = z3 + 1 | 0; do if ((E3 | 0) != 256) { C3 = v2 & 1; D3 = (E3 & u2 | 0) == 0; I2 = p2 << 2; if ((I2 | 0) == 256) { Y2 = 1; Z3 = d[b4 + A4 >> 0] | 0; _5 = C3; $2 = D3; O2 = 46; break; } J2 = (D3 ? 0 : 2) | C3; C3 = (I2 & u2 | 0) == 0; I2 = p2 << 3; if ((I2 | 0) == 256) { D3 = d[b4 + A4 >> 0] | 0; aa2 = 2; ba3 = D3; ca2 = A4; da2 = (D3 & 1 | 0) == 0; ea2 = (C3 ? 0 : 4) | J2; O2 = 51; } else { fa2 = I2; ga2 = z3; ha2 = u2; ia2 = A4; ja2 = C3; ka2 = J2; O2 = 49; } } else { J2 = d[b4 + A4 >> 0] | 0; Y2 = 2; Z3 = J2; _5 = v2 & 1; $2 = (J2 & 1 | 0) == 0; O2 = 46; } while (0); if ((O2 | 0) == 46) { O2 = 0; fa2 = Y2 << 1; ga2 = A4; ha2 = Z3; ia2 = z3 + 2 | 0; ja2 = (Y2 & Z3 | 0) == 0; ka2 = ($2 ? 0 : 2) | _5; O2 = 49; } do if ((O2 | 0) == 49) { O2 = 0; v2 = (ja2 ? 0 : 4) | ka2; u2 = (fa2 & ha2 | 0) == 0; E3 = fa2 << 1; if ((E3 | 0) == 256) { aa2 = 1; ba3 = d[b4 + ia2 >> 0] | 0; ca2 = ia2; da2 = u2; ea2 = v2; O2 = 51; break; } B2 = (u2 ? 0 : 8) | v2; v2 = (E3 & ha2 | 0) == 0; E3 = fa2 << 2; if ((E3 | 0) == 256) { u2 = d[b4 + ia2 >> 0] | 0; la2 = 2; ma2 = u2; na2 = ia2; oa2 = (u2 & 1 | 0) == 0; pa3 = (v2 ? 0 : 16) | B2; O2 = 56; } else { qa2 = E3; ra2 = ga2; sa2 = ha2; ta2 = ia2; ua2 = v2; va2 = B2; O2 = 54; } } while (0); if ((O2 | 0) == 51) { O2 = 0; qa2 = aa2 << 1; ra2 = ca2; sa2 = ba3; ta2 = ca2 + 1 | 0; ua2 = (aa2 & ba3 | 0) == 0; va2 = (da2 ? 0 : 8) | ea2; O2 = 54; } do if ((O2 | 0) == 54) { O2 = 0; A4 = (ua2 ? 0 : 16) | va2; B2 = (qa2 & sa2 | 0) == 0; v2 = qa2 << 1; if ((v2 | 0) == 256) { la2 = 1; ma2 = d[b4 + ta2 >> 0] | 0; na2 = ta2; oa2 = B2; pa3 = A4; O2 = 56; break; } E3 = (B2 ? 0 : 32) | A4; A4 = (v2 & sa2 | 0) == 0; v2 = qa2 << 2; if ((v2 | 0) == 256) { wa2 = ta2; xa2 = 2; ya2 = (a[b4 + ta2 >> 0] & 1) == 0; za2 = (A4 ? 0 : 64) | E3; } else { Aa3 = v2; Ba3 = ra2; Ca2 = sa2; Da2 = ta2; Ea2 = A4; Fa2 = E3; O2 = 59; } } while (0); if ((O2 | 0) == 56) { O2 = 0; Aa3 = la2 << 1; Ba3 = na2; Ca2 = ma2; Da2 = na2 + 1 | 0; Ea2 = (la2 & ma2 | 0) == 0; Fa2 = (oa2 ? 0 : 32) | pa3; O2 = 59; } if ((O2 | 0) == 59) { O2 = 0; E3 = Aa3 << 1; A4 = (E3 | 0) == 256; wa2 = A4 ? Da2 : Ba3; xa2 = A4 ? 1 : E3; ya2 = (Aa3 & Ca2 | 0) == 0; za2 = (Ea2 ? 0 : 64) | Fa2; } E3 = (ya2 ? 0 : 128) | za2; a[e2 + q3 >> 0] = E3; if (!(E3 & 255)) { V3 = xa2; W2 = wa2; X2 = q3; break b; } E3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((E3 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) { p2 = xa2; z3 = wa2; q3 = E3; } else { V3 = xa2; W2 = wa2; X2 = E3; break; } } } else { V3 = F3; W2 = G2; X2 = o2; } } else { q3 = r2; z3 = s3; p2 = 0; t3 = 0; E3 = 0; while (true) { A4 = z3 << 1; v2 = (A4 | 0) == 256; Ga3 = q3 + (v2 & 1) | 0; Ha3 = v2 ? 1 : A4; if (!(E3 >>> 0 < 16 ? (z3 & (d[b4 + q3 >> 0] | 0) | 0) != 0 : 0)) break; A4 = (16 << p2) + t3 | 0; q3 = Ga3; z3 = Ha3; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; t3 = A4; E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; } E3 = p2 + 3 | 0; z3 = Ga3; q3 = Ha3; A4 = 0; v2 = 0; while (true) { B2 = q3 << 1; u2 = (B2 | 0) == 256; J2 = z3; z3 = z3 + (u2 & 1) | 0; C3 = q3; q3 = u2 ? 1 : B2; v2 = ((C3 & (d[b4 + J2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 1 << A4) | v2; if ((A4 | 0) == (E3 | 0)) break; else A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; } A4 = v2 + t3 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) > 255) { Ja3 = q3; break a; } E3 = c[h3 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[e2 + o2 >> 0] = E3; p2 = o2 + 1 | 0; a[e2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; if ((A4 | 0) > 0) { J2 = A4; do { A4 = J2; J2 = J2 + -1 | 0; C3 = c[h3 + (J2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[h3 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] = C3; B2 = i3 + (C3 << 2) | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; } while ((A4 | 0) > 1); } c[h3 >> 2] = E3; c[i3 + (E3 << 2) >> 2] = 0; V3 = q3; W2 = z3; X2 = p2; } while (0); if ((X2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) & ((X2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) & (W2 | 0) < (l2 | 0))) { m4 = V3; n2 = W2; o2 = X2; } else { Ja3 = V3; break; } } c[8706] = Ja3; Ia = g2; return 0; } function Bl(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; switch (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) { case 58: { if (((a[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 99 ? (a[b4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 58 : 0) ? (a[b4 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { c2 = 1; return c2 | 0; } break; } case 0: { if (((a[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 112 ? (a[b4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 120 : 0) ? (a[b4 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 97 : 0) { c2 = 2; return c2 | 0; } break; } default: { } } c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } function Cl2(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return yl2(a2, b4, c2) | 0; } function Dl(b4, c2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; switch (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) { case 58: { if (((a[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 99 ? (a[b4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 58 : 0) ? (a[b4 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { f2 = d[b4 + 4 >> 0] << 8 | d[b4 + 5 >> 0]; jq(c2, 0, e2); if ((f2 | 0) > (e2 | 0)) { g2 = 1; return g2 | 0; } h3 = c2 + f2 | 0; if (!f2) i3 = c2; else { f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; j2 = c2; while (true) { k2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; l2 = k2 & 255; m4 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 & 255) < 60) { n2 = k2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; a[j2 >> 0] = a[(n2 ? m4 : 90447 + l2 | 0) >> 0] | 0; o2 = 1; p2 = n2 ? f2 + 2 | 0 : m4; } else { n2 = d[m4 >> 0] | 0; m4 = (n2 >>> 4) + 2 | 0; Hv(j2 | 0, j2 + (0 - (n2 & 15 | (l2 << 4) + -960)) | 0, m4 | 0) | 0; o2 = m4; p2 = f2 + 2 | 0; } m4 = j2 + o2 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0) { f2 = p2; j2 = m4; } else { i3 = m4; break; } } } j2 = Pu2(c2, 90508) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) != 0 ? (p2 = Pt(c2) | 0, (c2 - j2 + p2 | 0) == 56) : 0) { j2 = c2 + p2 + -56 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = 0; q3 = j2; } else q3 = i3; i3 = Pu2(c2, 90565) | 0; if (i3) { j2 = Pt(c2) | 0; p2 = c2; if ((p2 - i3 + j2 | 0) == 73) { i3 = c2 + j2 + -73 | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 0; r2 = i3; s3 = p2; } else { r2 = q3; s3 = p2; } } else { r2 = q3; s3 = c2; } g2 = r2 - s3 | 0; return g2 | 0; } break; } case 0: { if (((a[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 112 ? (a[b4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 120 : 0) ? (a[b4 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 97 : 0) { Al(b4, c2, e2) | 0; g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } break; } default: { } } Yu2(c2, b4, e2) | 0; g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } function El(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; c[543135] = (c[543135] | 0) + a2; b4 = Ms(a2, 1) | 0; a2 = c[543134] | 0; c[1467456 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] = b4; c[543134] = a2 + ((a2 | 0) < 16384 & 1); return b4 | 0; } function Fl2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; a2 = c[543134] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) <= 0) return; b4 = a2; do { a2 = b4 + -1 | 0; c[543134] = a2; Ls(c[1467456 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); b4 = c[543134] | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) > 0); return; } function Gl(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = 1; while (true) { e2 = 1 << d2; if (d2 >>> 0 < 9 & (e2 | 0) < (a2 | 0)) d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; else break; } if ((e2 | 0) != (a2 | 0)) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } e2 = (c[543135] | 0) + 16 | 0; c[543135] = e2; d2 = Ms(16, 1) | 0; g2 = c[543134] | 0; c[1467456 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] = d2; h3 = g2 + ((g2 | 0) < 16384 & 1) | 0; c[543134] = h3; if (!d2) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } g2 = a2 * 3 | 0; c[543135] = e2 + g2; e2 = Ms(a2, 3) | 0; c[1467456 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] = e2; c[543134] = h3 + ((h3 | 0) < 16384 & 1); c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = e2; if (!e2) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } c[d2 >> 2] = a2; h3 = 1; while (true) if (h3 >>> 0 < 9 & (1 << h3 | 0) < (a2 | 0)) h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; else break; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = h3; if (!b4) { f2 = d2; return f2 | 0; } Hv(e2 | 0, b4 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; f2 = d2; return f2 | 0; } function Hl(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = 384; g2 = fu2(a2, b4 ? 193 : 577, f2) | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == -1) if (!d2) h3 = 0; else { c[d2 >> 2] = 1; h3 = 0; } else { f2 = Il2(g2, d2) | 0; if (!f2) { eu(g2) | 0; h3 = 0; } else h3 = f2; } Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } function Il2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; d2 = c[543135] | 0; c[543135] = d2 + 76; e2 = Ms(76, 1) | 0; f2 = c[543134] | 0; c[1467456 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = e2; g2 = f2 + ((f2 | 0) < 16384 & 1) | 0; c[543134] = g2; if (!e2) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } f2 = e2; i3 = f2 + 76 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); c[543135] = d2 + 24984; f2 = Ms(24908, 1) | 0; c[1467456 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] = f2; i3 = g2 + ((g2 | 0) < 16384 & 1) | 0; c[543134] = i3; if (!f2) { if (!b4) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = 7; h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } c[543135] = d2 + 57752; d2 = Ms(32768, 1) | 0; c[1467456 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] = d2; c[543134] = i3 + ((i3 | 0) < 16384 & 1); if (d2 | 0) { Iv(d2 | 0, -1, 32768) | 0; c[f2 + 24900 >> 2] = d2; d2 = tu(a2, 103074) | 0; c[e2 + 72 >> 2] = f2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = a2; c[f2 + 56 >> 2] = d2; c[f2 >> 2] = 1; c[f2 + 64 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 64 >> 2] = 0; h3 = e2; return h3 | 0; } if (!b4) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = 7; h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } function Jl(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; d2 = c[b4 + 72 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = c[b4 + 52 >> 2] | 0; g2 = d2 + 24904 | 0; h3 = 0; do { i3 = c[f2 + (h3 * 36 | 0) + 28 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { j2 = c[f2 + (h3 * 36 | 0) + 32 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 1: case 249: case 254: case 255: { a[g2 >> 0] = 1; break; } default: { } } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { k2 = 1; while (true) { switch (c[j2 + (k2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 1: case 249: case 254: case 255: { a[g2 >> 0] = 1; break; } default: { } } k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) >= (i3 | 0)) break a; } } } while (0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (e2 | 0)); } e2 = c[b4 + 56 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { l2 = d2 + 24904 | 0; m4 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 << 24 >> 24 == 0; o2 = n2 ? 90639 : 90646; return o2 | 0; } h3 = c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0; b4 = d2 + 24904 | 0; d2 = 0; while (true) { switch (c[h3 + (d2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 1: case 249: case 254: case 255: { a[b4 >> 0] = 1; break; } default: { } } d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) >= (e2 | 0)) { l2 = b4; break; } } m4 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 << 24 >> 24 == 0; o2 = n2 ? 90639 : 90646; return o2 | 0; } function Kl(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; j2 = i3 + 4 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = b4 + 72 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 & 2 | 0) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 3; o2 = 0; Ia = i3; return o2 | 0; } if (!(n2 & 1)) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; o2 = 0; Ia = i3; return o2 | 0; } n2 = Jl(b4) | 0; p2 = Pt(n2) | 0; q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[q3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!r2) s3 = Vu(n2, 1, p2, c[q3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else s3 = Oa2[r2 & 7](b4, n2, p2) | 0; if ((s3 | 0) != (Pt(n2) | 0)) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 2; o2 = 0; Ia = i3; return o2 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = e2; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = f2; c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = g2; n2 = (h3 | 0) != 0; if (n2) { s3 = Gl(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = s3; if (!s3) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 7; o2 = 0; Ia = i3; return o2 | 0; } } else c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = 0; a[j2 >> 0] = d2; s3 = j2 + 1 | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = d2 >>> 8; d2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[d2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) Vu(j2, 1, 2, c[d2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[p2 & 7](b4, j2, 2) | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = e2; a[s3 >> 0] = e2 >>> 8; e2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[e2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) Vu(j2, 1, 2, c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[s3 & 7](b4, j2, 2) | 0; j2 = (n2 ? 128 : 0) | (f2 << 4) + 240; if (n2) { f2 = (c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | j2; a[k2 >> 0] = f2; if (a[h3 + 8 >> 0] | 0) { t3 = f2 | 8; u2 = 24; } } else { t3 = j2 | 7; u2 = 24; } if ((u2 | 0) == 24) a[k2 >> 0] = t3; t3 = k2 + 1 | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = g2; g2 = k2 + 2 | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = a[b4 + 16 >> 0] | 0; u2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[u2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) Vu(k2, 1, 3, c[u2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[j2 & 7](b4, k2, 3) | 0; a: do if (n2 ? (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) > 0 : 0) { j2 = h3 + 12 | 0; u2 = 0; while (true) { f2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = a[f2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = a[f2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = a[f2 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; f2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[f2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) v2 = Vu(k2, 1, 3, c[f2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else v2 = Oa2[s3 & 7](b4, k2, 3) | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) != 3) break; if ((u2 | 0) >= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) break a; } c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 2; o2 = 0; Ia = i3; return o2 | 0; } while (0); c[m4 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2] | 2; o2 = 1; Ia = i3; return o2 | 0; } function Ll(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; k2 = j2 + 4 | 0; l2 = j2; m4 = h3 & 1; n2 = b4 + 72 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (p2 & 4 | 0 ? (c[o2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 4294901760 : 0) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 4; q3 = 0; Ia = j2; return q3 | 0; } if (!(p2 & 1)) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; q3 = 0; Ia = j2; return q3 | 0; } c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 32 >> 2] = e2; c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = f2; c[b4 + 40 >> 2] = g2; a[b4 + 44 >> 0] = m4; m4 = (i3 | 0) != 0; p2 = b4 + 48 | 0; do if (m4) { if (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) c[p2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = Gl(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = r2; if (r2 | 0) { s3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; break; } c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 7; q3 = 0; Ia = j2; return q3 | 0; } else { c[p2 >> 2] = 0; s3 = o2; } while (0); a[l2 >> 0] = 44; r2 = c[s3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!r2) $u(44, c[s3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[r2 & 7](b4, l2, 1) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = d2; r2 = k2 + 1 | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = d2 >>> 8; d2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[d2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) Vu(k2, 1, 2, c[d2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[s3 & 7](b4, k2, 2) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = e2; a[r2 >> 0] = e2 >>> 8; e2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[e2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) Vu(k2, 1, 2, c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[s3 & 7](b4, k2, 2) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = f2; a[r2 >> 0] = f2 >>> 8; s3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[s3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) Vu(k2, 1, 2, c[s3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[e2 & 7](b4, k2, 2) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = g2; a[r2 >> 0] = g2 >>> 8; r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[r2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) Vu(k2, 1, 2, c[r2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[e2 & 7](b4, k2, 2) | 0; e2 = (m4 ? 128 : 0) | (h3 ? 64 : 0); a: do if (m4) { h3 = (c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + 255 | e2; a[l2 >> 0] = h3; r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) $u(h3 << 24 >> 24, c[r2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[s3 & 7](b4, l2, 1) | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { s3 = i3 + 12 | 0; r2 = l2 + 1 | 0; h3 = l2 + 2 | 0; d2 = 0; while (true) { t3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = a[t3 + (d2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = a[t3 + (d2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = a[t3 + (d2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[t3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!u2) v2 = Vu(l2, 1, 3, c[t3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else v2 = Oa2[u2 & 7](b4, l2, 3) | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) != 3) break; if ((d2 | 0) >= (c[i3 >> 2] | 0)) break a; } c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 2; q3 = 0; Ia = j2; return q3 | 0; } } else { a[l2 >> 0] = e2; d2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[d2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { $u(e2 << 24 >> 24, c[d2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } else { Oa2[h3 & 7](b4, l2, 1) | 0; break; } } while (0); l2 = c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 0 & (e2 | 0) == 0) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 5; q3 = 0; Ia = j2; return q3 | 0; } c[o2 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2] | 4; c[o2 + 52 >> 2] = B(g2, f2) | 0; f2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[((e2 | 0) == 0 ? l2 : e2) + 4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = (n2 | 0) > 2 ? n2 : 2; a[k2 >> 0] = e2; n2 = c[f2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) $u(e2 << 24 >> 24, c[f2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[n2 & 7](b4, k2, 1) | 0; a[f2 + 68 >> 0] = 0; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = e2; k2 = 1 << e2; n2 = f2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = k2; c[f2 + 16 >> 2] = k2 + 1; c[f2 + 20 >> 2] = k2 + 2; c[f2 + 24 >> 2] = e2 + 1; c[f2 + 28 >> 2] = 2 << e2; c[f2 + 36 >> 2] = 4097; c[f2 + 44 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 + 48 >> 2] = 0; Iv(c[f2 + 24900 >> 2] | 0, -1, 32768) | 0; if (!(Ml(b4, c[n2 >> 2] | 0) | 0)) c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 8; q3 = 1; Ia = j2; return q3 | 0; } function Ml(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0; f2 = b4 + 72 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 44 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) == 4096) { j2 = g2 + 68 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { k2 = g2 + 48 | 0; l2 = b4 + 64 | 0; m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 1; while (true) { o2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; do if (o2 << 24 >> 24 == -1) { p2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[p2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) r2 = Vu(j2, 1, 256, c[p2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else r2 = Oa2[q3 & 7](b4, j2, 256) | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == ((d[j2 >> 0] | 0) + 1 | 0)) { a[j2 >> 0] = 0; s3 = 0; t3 = 10; break; } else { c[l2 >> 2] = 2; u2 = 0; break; } } else { s3 = o2; t3 = 10; } while (0); if ((t3 | 0) == 10) { t3 = 0; o2 = s3 + 1 << 24 >> 24; a[j2 >> 0] = o2; a[(o2 & 255) + (g2 + 68) >> 0] = m4; u2 = n2; } m4 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 8; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = o2 + -8; if ((o2 | 0) <= 8) { v2 = u2; break; } else n2 = u2; } } else v2 = 1; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; n2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (n2 << 24 >> 24) { m4 = (n2 & 255) + 1 | 0; n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[n2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) w2 = Vu(j2, 1, m4, c[n2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else w2 = Oa2[k2 & 7](b4, j2, m4) | 0; if ((w2 | 0) != ((d[j2 >> 0] | 0) + 1 | 0)) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 2; x2 = 0; break; } } a[j2 >> 0] = 0; m4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[m4 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) y4 = Vu(j2, 1, 1, c[m4 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else y4 = Oa2[k2 & 7](b4, j2, 1) | 0; if ((y4 | 0) == 1) x2 = v2; else { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 2; x2 = 0; } } else { k2 = g2 + 48 | 0; m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | e2 << i3; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; n2 = (c[g2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + i3 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = n2; if ((n2 | 0) > 7) { n2 = g2 + 68 | 0; l2 = b4 + 64 | 0; o2 = m4; m4 = 1; while (true) { q3 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; do if (q3 << 24 >> 24 == -1) { p2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[p2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) A4 = Vu(n2, 1, 256, c[p2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else A4 = Oa2[z3 & 7](b4, n2, 256) | 0; if ((A4 | 0) == ((d[n2 >> 0] | 0) + 1 | 0)) { a[n2 >> 0] = 0; B2 = 0; t3 = 32; break; } else { c[l2 >> 2] = 2; C3 = 0; break; } } else { B2 = q3; t3 = 32; } while (0); if ((t3 | 0) == 32) { t3 = 0; q3 = B2 + 1 << 24 >> 24; a[n2 >> 0] = q3; a[(q3 & 255) + (g2 + 68) >> 0] = o2; C3 = m4; } o2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 8; c[k2 >> 2] = o2; q3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = q3 + -8; if ((q3 | 0) <= 15) { x2 = C3; break; } else m4 = C3; } } else x2 = 1; } while (0); C3 = g2 + 28 | 0; if (!((e2 | 0) < 4096 ? (c[g2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) return x2 | 0; e2 = g2 + 24 | 0; g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; c[C3 >> 2] = 1 << g2; return x2 | 0; } function Nl2(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; f2 = c[a2 + 72 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[f2 + 24900 >> 2] | 0; h3 = f2 + 36 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 4097) { j2 = d[b4 >> 0] | 0; k2 = 1; } else { j2 = i3; k2 = 0; } a: do if ((k2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 20 | 0; l2 = f2 + 12 | 0; m4 = f2 + 16 | 0; n2 = f2 + 8 | 0; o2 = f2 + 24 | 0; p2 = f2 + 28 | 0; q3 = j2; r2 = k2; b: while (true) { s3 = d[b4 + r2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; t3 = q3 << 8 | s3; u2 = t3 ^ q3 >>> 4 & 1048575; v2 = u2 & 8191; w2 = c[g2 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; x2 = w2 >>> 12; c: do if ((x2 | 0) == 1048575) y4 = 10; else { z3 = w2; A4 = v2; B2 = x2; while (true) { if ((B2 | 0) == (t3 | 0)) break; A4 = A4 + 1 & 8191; C3 = c[g2 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; B2 = C3 >>> 12; if ((B2 | 0) == 1048575) { y4 = 10; break c; } else z3 = C3; } D3 = z3 & 4095; } while (0); do if ((y4 | 0) == 10) { y4 = 0; if (!(Ml(a2, q3) | 0)) { y4 = 11; break b; } x2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) > 4094) { if (!(Ml(a2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0)) { y4 = 14; break b; } c[i3 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; v2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = v2; c[p2 >> 2] = 1 << v2; Iv(g2 | 0, -1, 32768) | 0; D3 = s3; break; } c[i3 >> 2] = x2 + 1; v2 = u2; while (true) { w2 = v2 & 8191; E3 = g2 + (w2 << 2) | 0; if ((c[E3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < 4294963200) v2 = w2 + 1 | 0; else break; } c[E3 >> 2] = x2 & 4095 | t3 << 12; D3 = s3; } while (0); if ((r2 | 0) >= (e2 | 0)) { F3 = D3; break a; } else q3 = D3; } if ((y4 | 0) == 11) { c[a2 + 64 >> 2] = 8; G2 = 0; return G2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 14) { c[a2 + 64 >> 2] = 8; G2 = 0; return G2 | 0; } } else F3 = j2; while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = F3; if (c[f2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) { G2 = 1; return G2 | 0; } if (!(Ml(a2, F3) | 0)) { c[a2 + 64 >> 2] = 8; G2 = 0; return G2 | 0; } if (!(Ml(a2, c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0)) { c[a2 + 64 >> 2] = 8; G2 = 0; return G2 | 0; } if (Ml(a2, 4096) | 0) { G2 = 1; return G2 | 0; } c[a2 + 64 >> 2] = 8; G2 = 0; return G2 | 0; } function Ol(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = b4 + 20 | 0; if (!(Kl(b4, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0)) { g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } h3 = b4 + 24 | 0; a: do if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { i3 = b4 + 52 | 0; j2 = b4 + 72 | 0; k2 = e2 + 1 | 0; l2 = b4 + 36 | 0; m4 = 0; b: while (true) { n2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; q3 = n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 24 | 0; c: do if (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) { r2 = c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 32 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 28 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) != 0 & (s3 | 0) > 0) { t3 = s3 + -1 | 0; u2 = 0; do { v2 = r2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) | 0; w2 = c[r2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (w2 | 0) { x2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[x2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 13; break b; } a[e2 >> 0] = 33; a[k2 >> 0] = w2; w2 = c[x2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!w2) Vu(e2, 1, 2, c[x2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[w2 & 7](b4, e2, 2) | 0; } w2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[r2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[z3 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 21; break b; } a[e2 >> 0] = w2; A4 = c[z3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!A4) $u(w2 << 24 >> 24, c[z3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[A4 & 7](b4, e2, 1) | 0; A4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[A4 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) Vu(x2, 1, w2, c[A4 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[z3 & 7](b4, x2, w2) | 0; if (!((u2 | 0) != (t3 | 0) ? !(c[v2 + 12 + 8 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) { v2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[v2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 29; break b; } a[e2 >> 0] = 0; w2 = c[v2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!w2) $u(0, c[v2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[w2 & 7](b4, e2, 1) | 0; } u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (s3 | 0)); } s3 = n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 16 | 0; if (!(Ll(b4, c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) >> 2] | 0, c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, p2, o2, (a[s3 >> 0] | 0) != 0, c[n2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } if (!(a[s3 >> 0] | 0)) { if ((o2 | 0) <= 0) break; if (!p2) { s3 = 0; while (true) { u2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[t3 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 70; break b; } r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = t3 + 52 | 0; v2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (v2 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0) { y4 = 72; break b; } c[w2 >> 2] = v2 - r2; v2 = a[90653 + (c[t3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 0) { t3 = 0; do { w2 = u2 + t3 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = a[w2 >> 0] & v2; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (r2 | 0)); } s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if (!(Nl2(b4, u2, r2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } if ((s3 | 0) >= (o2 | 0)) break c; } } else { s3 = (p2 | 0) > 0; t3 = 0; while (true) { v2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (B(t3, p2) | 0) | 0; w2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[w2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 70; break b; } x2 = w2 + 52 | 0; z3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) { y4 = 72; break b; } c[x2 >> 2] = z3 - p2; z3 = a[90653 + (c[w2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (s3) { w2 = 0; do { x2 = v2 + w2 | 0; a[x2 >> 0] = a[x2 >> 0] & z3; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; } while ((w2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)); } t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if (!(Nl2(b4, v2, p2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } if ((t3 | 0) >= (o2 | 0)) break c; } } } t3 = (o2 | 0) > 0; if (!p2) { if (!t3) break; s3 = 0; do { w2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[z3 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = z3 + 52 | 0; x2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[u2 >> 2] = x2 - r2; x2 = a[90653 + (c[z3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 0) { z3 = 0; do { u2 = w2 + z3 | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = a[u2 >> 0] & x2; z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; } while ((z3 | 0) != (r2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, w2, r2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } s3 = s3 + 8 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); if ((o2 | 0) > 4) { s3 = 4; do { z3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[x2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } v2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = x2 + 52 | 0; A4 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[u2 >> 2] = A4 - v2; A4 = a[90653 + (c[x2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) > 0) { x2 = 0; do { u2 = z3 + x2 | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = a[u2 >> 0] & A4; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) != (v2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, z3, v2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } s3 = s3 + 8 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); } if ((o2 | 0) > 2) { s3 = 2; do { x2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[A4 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = A4 + 52 | 0; u2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[w2 >> 2] = u2 - r2; u2 = a[90653 + (c[A4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 0) { A4 = 0; do { w2 = x2 + A4 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = a[w2 >> 0] & u2; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; } while ((A4 | 0) != (r2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, x2, r2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } s3 = s3 + 4 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); } if ((o2 | 0) <= 1) break; s3 = 1; do { A4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[u2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } v2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = u2 + 52 | 0; w2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[z3 >> 2] = w2 - v2; w2 = a[90653 + (c[u2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = 0; do { z3 = A4 + u2 | 0; a[z3 >> 0] = a[z3 >> 0] & w2; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != (v2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, A4, v2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } s3 = s3 + 2 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); } else { if (!t3) break; s3 = (p2 | 0) > 0; u2 = 0; do { w2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (B(u2, p2) | 0) | 0; r2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } x2 = r2 + 52 | 0; z3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[x2 >> 2] = z3 - p2; z3 = a[90653 + (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (s3) { r2 = 0; do { x2 = w2 + r2 | 0; a[x2 >> 0] = a[x2 >> 0] & z3; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((r2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, w2, p2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } u2 = u2 + 8 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); if ((o2 | 0) > 4) { u2 = (p2 | 0) > 0; s3 = 4; do { t3 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (B(s3, p2) | 0) | 0; r2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } z3 = r2 + 52 | 0; v2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; if (v2 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[z3 >> 2] = v2 - p2; v2 = a[90653 + (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (u2) { r2 = 0; do { z3 = t3 + r2 | 0; a[z3 >> 0] = a[z3 >> 0] & v2; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((r2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, t3, p2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } s3 = s3 + 8 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); } if ((o2 | 0) > 2) { s3 = (p2 | 0) > 0; u2 = 2; do { r2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (B(u2, p2) | 0) | 0; v2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[v2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } w2 = v2 + 52 | 0; z3 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[w2 >> 2] = z3 - p2; z3 = a[90653 + (c[v2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (s3) { v2 = 0; do { w2 = r2 + v2 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = a[w2 >> 0] & z3; v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; } while ((v2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, r2, p2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } u2 = u2 + 4 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); } if ((o2 | 0) <= 1) break; u2 = (p2 | 0) > 0; s3 = 1; do { v2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (B(s3, p2) | 0) | 0; z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[z3 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 48; break b; } t3 = z3 + 52 | 0; w2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) { y4 = 50; break b; } c[t3 >> 2] = w2 - p2; w2 = a[90653 + (c[z3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (u2) { z3 = 0; do { t3 = v2 + z3 | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] & w2; z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; } while ((z3 | 0) != (p2 | 0)); } if (!(Nl2(b4, v2, p2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; y4 = 118; break b; } s3 = s3 + 2 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); } } while (0); m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) break a; } if ((y4 | 0) == 13) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 21) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 29) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 48) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 50) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 6; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 70) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 72) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 6; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 118) { Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } } while (0); h3 = c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[b4 + 56 >> 2] | 0; d: do if ((h3 | 0) != 0 & (m4 | 0) > 0) { j2 = m4 + -1 | 0; l2 = b4 + 72 | 0; k2 = e2 + 1 | 0; i3 = 0; while (true) { o2 = h3 + (i3 * 12 | 0) | 0; p2 = c[h3 + (i3 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (p2 | 0) { q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[q3 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 87; break; } a[e2 >> 0] = 33; a[k2 >> 0] = p2; p2 = c[q3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) Vu(e2, 1, 2, c[q3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[p2 & 7](b4, e2, 2) | 0; } p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[h3 + (i3 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[n2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 95; break; } a[e2 >> 0] = p2; s3 = c[n2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) $u(p2 << 24 >> 24, c[n2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[s3 & 7](b4, e2, 1) | 0; s3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[s3 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) Vu(q3, 1, p2, c[s3 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[n2 & 7](b4, q3, p2) | 0; if (!((i3 | 0) != (j2 | 0) ? !(c[o2 + 12 + 8 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) { o2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[o2 >> 2] & 1)) { y4 = 103; break; } a[e2 >> 0] = 0; p2 = c[o2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) $u(0, c[o2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; else Oa2[p2 & 7](b4, e2, 1) | 0; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) >= (m4 | 0)) { C3 = l2; break d; } } if ((y4 | 0) == 87) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 95) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } else if ((y4 | 0) == 103) { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 10; g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } } else C3 = b4 + 72 | 0; while (0); y4 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; do if (y4 | 0 ? c[y4 >> 2] & 1 | 0 : 0) { C3 = c[y4 + 56 >> 2] | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = 59; m4 = c[y4 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) $u(59, C3) | 0; else Oa2[m4 & 7](b4, e2, 1) | 0; m4 = b4 + 48 | 0; if (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) c[m4 >> 2] = 0; if (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) c[f2 >> 2] = 0; if (C3 | 0 ? xu2(C3) | 0 : 0) break; g2 = 1; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } while (0); g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } function Pl2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = 1; while (true) if (b4 >>> 0 < 9 & (1 << b4 | 0) < (a2 | 0)) b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; else break; return b4 | 0; } function Ql(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 52 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!f2) { c[543135] = (c[543135] | 0) + 36; g2 = Ms(36, 1) | 0; h3 = c[543134] | 0; c[1467456 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] = g2; c[543134] = h3 + ((h3 | 0) < 16384 & 1); i3 = g2; } else { g2 = ((c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) * 36 | 0) + 36 | 0; h3 = c[543134] | 0; b: do if ((h3 | 0) > 0) { j2 = 0; while (true) { k2 = 1467456 + (j2 << 2) | 0; if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0)) break; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (h3 | 0)) break b; } j2 = Ns(f2, g2) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2; i3 = j2; break a; } while (0); i3 = Ns(f2, g2) | 0; } while (0); c[e2 >> 2] = i3; if (!i3) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } f2 = b4 + 24 | 0; b4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = b4 + 1; k2 = i3 + (b4 * 36 | 0) | 0; h3 = k2; j2 = h3 + 36 | 0; do { a[h3 >> 0] = 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); if (!d2) { l2 = k2; return l2 | 0; } h3 = k2; m4 = d2; j2 = h3 + 36 | 0; do { a[h3 >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); m4 = i3 + (b4 * 36 | 0) + 20 | 0; if (c[m4 >> 2] | 0 ? (h3 = c[d2 + 20 >> 2] | 0, j2 = Gl(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[m4 >> 2] = j2, (j2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } m4 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = m4; h3 = j2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 20 | 0; if (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) c[h3 >> 2] = 0; h3 = j2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 32 | 0; if (!(c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + (m4 * 36 | 0) + 28 >> 2] = 0; l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } m4 = d2 + 12 | 0; j2 = d2 + 8 | 0; h3 = B(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, c[m4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; n2 = (c[543135] | 0) + h3 | 0; c[543135] = n2; o2 = Ms(h3, 1) | 0; h3 = c[543134] | 0; c[1467456 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] = o2; p2 = h3 + ((h3 | 0) < 16384 & 1) | 0; c[543134] = p2; c[i3 + (b4 * 36 | 0) + 24 >> 2] = o2; if (!o2) { h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } q3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = q3; r2 = h3 + (q3 * 36 | 0) + 20 | 0; if (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) c[r2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = h3 + (q3 * 36 | 0) + 32 | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (q3 * 36 | 0) + 28 >> 2] = 0; l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } Hv(o2 | 0, c[d2 + 24 >> 2] | 0, B(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, c[m4 >> 2] | 0) | 0) | 0; m4 = i3 + (b4 * 36 | 0) + 32 | 0; if (!(c[m4 >> 2] | 0)) { l2 = k2; return l2 | 0; } b4 = d2 + 28 | 0; i3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) * 12 | 0; c[543135] = i3 + n2; n2 = Ms(i3, 1) | 0; c[1467456 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] = n2; c[543134] = p2 + ((p2 | 0) < 16384 & 1); c[m4 >> 2] = n2; if (n2 | 0) { Hv(n2 | 0, c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) * 12 | 0) | 0; l2 = k2; return l2 | 0; } k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } e2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = e2; f2 = k2 + (e2 * 36 | 0) + 20 | 0; if (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = k2 + (e2 * 36 | 0) + 32 | 0; if (!(c[f2 >> 2] | 0)) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + (e2 * 36 | 0) + 28 >> 2] = 0; l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } function Rl() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1632 | 0; d2 = b4 + 1616 | 0; e2 = b4 + 1608 | 0; f2 = b4 + 1600 | 0; g2 = b4 + 1592 | 0; h3 = b4 + 1584 | 0; i3 = b4 + 1576 | 0; j2 = b4 + 1568 | 0; k2 = b4 + 1560 | 0; l2 = b4 + 1552 | 0; m4 = b4 + 528 | 0; n2 = b4; c[785589] = 0; Iv(n2 | 0, 0, 521) | 0; if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1 | (c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (a[3066732] | 0) == 0) { o2 = 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } if ((Pt(3066732) | 0) >>> 0 > 64) { o2 = 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } c[l2 >> 2] = 3064548; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 3066732; it(m4, 90662, l2) | 0; l2 = Co(m4, 103074) | 0; if (!l2) { o2 = 1; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } m4 = 0; do { p2 = m4 * 65 | 0; q3 = m4 << 3; r2 = n2 + (p2 + 64) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[3067756 + (q3 << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + p2 | 0, 90675, k2) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[j2 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 1) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 8) | 0, 90675, j2) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[i3 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 2) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 16) | 0, 90675, i3) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[h3 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 3) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 24) | 0, 90675, h3) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[g2 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 4) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 32) | 0, 90675, g2) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[f2 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 5) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 40) | 0, 90675, f2) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[e2 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 6) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 48) | 0, 90675, e2) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; c[d2 >> 2] = c[3067756 + ((q3 | 7) << 2) >> 2]; it(n2 + (p2 + 56) | 0, 90675, d2) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 10; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 8); uo(n2, 1, 520, l2) | 0; Eo(l2); o2 = 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } function Sl(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2592 | 0; e2 = d2 + 2584 | 0; f2 = d2 + 2576 | 0; g2 = d2 + 1552 | 0; h3 = d2 + 528 | 0; i3 = d2; if (!b4) { j2 = 3; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } if (!((c[768028] | 0) == 1 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0)) { j2 = 1; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } if (a[3066732] | 0) { Bb(90680) | 0; j2 = 2; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } k2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (k2 << 24 >> 24 ? (l2 = Pt(b4) | 0, l2 >>> 0 <= 64) : 0) { a: do if (l2 | 0) { m4 = k2; n2 = 0; b: while (true) { o2 = m4 << 24 >> 24; if (!((o2 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 26 | (o2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10)) switch (o2 | 0) { case 45: case 95: break; default: break b; } o2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0) break a; m4 = a[b4 + o2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = o2; } Bb(90737) | 0; j2 = 2; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } while (0); Es2(3066732, b4) | 0; Iv(3067756, 0, 256) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 3064548; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 3066732; it(g2, 90662, f2) | 0; f2 = Co(g2, 94452) | 0; if (!f2) { j2 = 1; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } jq(h3, 0, 1024); so(h3, 1, 1024, f2) | 0; Eo(f2); jq(i3, 0, 513); f2 = 0; g2 = 0; while (true) { b4 = a[h3 + f2 >> 0] | 0; if ((b4 + -48 & 255) < 10) p2 = 19; else switch (b4 << 24 >> 24) { case 65: case 66: case 67: case 68: case 69: case 70: case 97: case 98: case 99: case 100: case 101: case 102: { p2 = 19; break; } default: q3 = g2; } if ((p2 | 0) == 19) { p2 = 0; a[i3 + g2 >> 0] = b4; q3 = g2 + 1 | 0; } f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if (!(f2 >>> 0 < 1024 & (q3 | 0) < 512)) break; else g2 = q3; } q3 = 0; do { c[e2 >> 2] = 3067756 + (q3 << 2); Eu2(i3 + (q3 << 3) | 0, 90675, e2) | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != 64); j2 = 0; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } Bb(90715) | 0; j2 = 2; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } function Tl(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; d2 = b4; gc(a2, d2); if ((Fs(a2, 90760) | 0) == 0 ? (Fs(a2, 90765) | 0) == 0 : 0) { Hg(90770); Ia = b4; return; } if ((c[768030] | 0) == 5) { Ul(d2, c[785714] | 0); Ia = b4; return; } else { Ul(d2, -1); Ia = b4; return; } } function Ul(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; e2 = d2 + 1032 | 0; f2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; g2 = d2; h3 = c[785630] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == -1) { i3 = (Pu2(a2, 93171) | 0) == 0; j2 = i3 ? h3 : 0; k2 = i3 ? h3 : 63; if ((j2 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { Lb(g2); l2 = 32; m4 = 0; } else { n2 = k2; o2 = j2; p2 = 4; } } else { n2 = h3; o2 = h3; p2 = 4; } do if ((p2 | 0) == 4) { h3 = o2; j2 = 0; while (true) { q3 = j2 + 1 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = h3; it(g2, a2, f2) | 0; if (!(Fs(g2, 90765) | 0)) r2 = 0; else { k2 = Co(g2, 103074) | 0; if (!k2) break; Vl(k2, h3, b4); r2 = k2; } if (Fs(g2, 90760) | 0) Wl2(g2, h3, b4); if (r2 | 0) Eo(r2); if ((h3 | 0) < (n2 | 0)) { h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; j2 = q3; } else { p2 = 14; break; } } if ((p2 | 0) == 14) { Lb(g2); l2 = (j2 | 0) == 0 ? 32 : 115; m4 = q3; break; } Hg(90792); Ia = d2; return; } while (0); c[e2 >> 2] = m4; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = l2; it(1708384, 90812, e2) | 0; Hg(1708384); Ia = d2; return; } function Vl(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; e2 = c[26136] | 0; f2 = e2 + 16 + (b4 * 660 | 0) | 0; g2 = c[e2 + 16 + (b4 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = (g2 | 0) < 1 ? 32 : g2 << 5; g2 = kq(366) | 0; Iv(g2 | 0, 0, 366) | 0; h3 = (d2 | 0) == -1; if (h3) Ig(90853, b4, e2); else Ig(90872, d2, 0); br(); _q(0, 0); Eq(); b4 = c[26136] | 0; if (!h3) { Uq(b4, d2, 0); c[543656] = 1; d2 = 0; do { wq(0, g2, 366); uo(g2, 1, 366, a2) | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ar2() | 0) != 0 & d2 >>> 0 < 32768); c[543656] = 0; br(); mq(g2); Fq(); return; } Nq(f2, b4); c[543656] = 1; if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { c[543656] = 0; br(); mq(g2); Fq(); return; } b4 = 0; do { wq(0, g2, 366); uo(g2, 1, 366, a2) | 0; ar2() | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); c[543656] = 0; br(); mq(g2); Fq(); return; } function Wl2(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; f2 = (d2 | 0) == -2; if (f2) { g2 = dr() | 0; if (!g2) { Hg(90828); return; } else h3 = g2; } else { g2 = nq(1048576) | 0; Vl(g2, d2, e2); h3 = g2; } g2 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; e2 = Co(b4, 103074) | 0; if (!e2) { Hg(90792); return; } d2 = g2 + 36 | 0; a[3460] = d2; a[3461] = d2 >>> 8; a[3462] = d2 >>> 16; a[3463] = d2 >>> 24; a[3496] = g2; a[3497] = g2 >>> 8; a[3498] = g2 >>> 16; a[3499] = g2 >>> 24; uo(3456, 1, 44, e2) | 0; uo(c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, g2, e2) | 0; Eo(e2); Lb(b4); if (f2) return; pq(h3); return; } function Xl(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2144 | 0; f2 = e2 + 2136 | 0; g2 = e2 + 2128 | 0; h3 = e2 + 2120 | 0; i3 = e2 + 2112 | 0; j2 = e2 + 1088 | 0; k2 = e2 + 64 | 0; l2 = e2; Iv(1532992, 0, 1024) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = Om() | 0; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(l2, 90883, i3) | 0; if (a[3144232] | 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = 3144232; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(l2, 90893, h3) | 0; } h3 = (d2 | 0) == 0; if (!($t(l2, 37) | 0)) if (h3) { Ur(l2, k2); Yt(1532992, k2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1532992; } else { gc(l2, k2); Yt(1532992, k2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1532992; } if (h3) { h3 = 0; while (true) { c[g2 >> 2] = h3; it(j2, l2, g2) | 0; Ur(j2, k2); if (!(tr(k2) | 0)) break; else h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } Yt(1532992, k2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1532992; } else { h3 = 0; while (true) { c[f2 >> 2] = h3; it(j2, l2, f2) | 0; gc(j2, k2); if (!(tr(k2) | 0)) break; else h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } Yt(1532992, k2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1532992; } return 0; } function Yl(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Xl(90899, a2) | 0; Wl2(1532992, -2, -2); return; } function Zl() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; c[543136] = 0; c[543137] = 0; a2 = 1926988; b4 = 1926924; d2 = a2 + 64 | 0; do { c[a2 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; a2 = a2 + 4 | 0; b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) < (d2 | 0)); return; } function _l() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; if ((c[543136] | 0) >= 13) return; a2 = 1926924; b4 = 1926988; d2 = a2 + 64 | 0; do { c[a2 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; a2 = a2 + 4 | 0; b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) < (d2 | 0)); return; } function $l(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = (a2 | 0) == 27; if (b4 & (c[543136] | 0) < 13) { a2 = 1926924; d2 = 1926988; e2 = a2 + 64 | 0; do { c[a2 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; a2 = a2 + 4 | 0; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)); am(c[730449] | 0); } if (b4) c[785925] = 0; if ((c[543136] | 0) <= 12) return; c[785925] = 0; c[768157] = 120; return; } function am(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2; Cn(b4, 0, 0, 127, 127, 1); Cn(b4, 4, 41, 123, 124, 6); Cn(b4, 0, 0, 127, 6, 7); oo(b4, 90903, c[730468] | 0, 6, 1, 1, 12) | 0; g2 = c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[543136] | 0; i3 = c[((h3 | 0) == 13 ? g2 + 672 | 0 : (h3 | 0) == 12 ? g2 + 700 | 0 : g2 + (((h3 | 0) % 6 | 0) + 169 << 2) | 0) >> 2] | 0; En(i3, b4, 0, 0, 6, 8, c[i3 >> 2] | 0, c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[730468] | 0; if ((c[543136] | 0) > 12) { oo(b4, 90921, i3, 60, 12, 1, 11) | 0; oo(b4, 90935, c[730468] | 0, 60, 22, 1, 12) | 0; oo(b4, 90948, c[730468] | 0, 60, 29, 1, 12) | 0; } else { oo(b4, 90960, i3, 60, 12, 1, 6) | 0; oo(b4, c[3504 + (c[543136] << 2) >> 2] | 0, c[730468] | 0, 60, 19, 1, 7) | 0; oo(b4, 90975, c[730468] | 0, 60, 26, 1, 13) | 0; oo(b4, 90991, c[730468] | 0, 60, 33, 1, 13) | 0; } i3 = 0; h3 = 44; while (true) { g2 = c[1926924 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[3504 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { k2 = c[3568 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = j2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = k2; it(1708384, 91005, f2) | 0; } else { k2 = (g2 | 0) < 255 ? g2 : 255; g2 = Br((k2 | 0) > 0 ? k2 : 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = j2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = g2; it(1708384, 91005, e2) | 0; } g2 = a[1708384] | 0; if (g2 << 24 >> 24) { j2 = g2; g2 = 1708384; do { if ((j2 + -65 & 255) < 26) a[g2 >> 0] = (j2 & 255) + 32; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; j2 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; } while (j2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); } if ((i3 | 0) == (c[543136] | 0)) { Cn(b4, 7, h3 + -1 | 0, 120, h3 + 5 | 0, 14); l2 = 1; } else l2 = 5; oo(b4, 1708384, c[730468] | 0, 10, h3, 1, l2) | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 13) break; else h3 = h3 + 6 | 0; } Ia = d2; return; } function bm2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; if (!(c[543137] | 0)) { c[543137] = 1; a2 = 0; do { if (co2(a2) | 0) c[543137] = 0; a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != 512); if ((c[543136] | 0) <= 12) return; c[543137] = 0; return; } a2 = 0; do { if (co2(a2) | 0) { switch (a2 & 2147483647 | 0) { case 42: case 76: { b4 = 0; break; } default: b4 = a2; } d2 = c[543136] | 0; c[1926924 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = b4; c[543137] = 0; c[543136] = d2 + 1; if ((d2 | 0) > 11 ? $n() | 0 : 0) do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); } a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != 512); return; } function cm(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; j2 = i3; if (e2 >>> 0 > 6) { Ia = i3; return; } if (!(bl2(e2, f2) | 0)) k2 = ($k(e2, f2) | 0) > 128 & 1; else k2 = 1; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (k2 + 247 << 2) >> 2] | 0, b4, 0, 0, g2, h3, 7, 7); a[j2 >> 0] = (d[91228 + e2 >> 0] | 0) + 31; a[j2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; oo(b4, j2, c[730468] | 0, g2, k2 + h3 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; Ia = i3; return; } function dm2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1056 | 0; e2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; f2 = d2 + 1040 | 0; g2 = d2 + 1036 | 0; h3 = d2 + 1032 | 0; i3 = d2; Rr(g2, h3, d2 + 1028 | 0); j2 = c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 984 >> 2] | 0; k2 = j2 + 4 | 0; l2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) / 2 | 0; m4 = 64 - l2 | 0; n2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) / 2 | 0; o2 = 64 - n2 | 0; zk(b4, 63 - l2 | 0, 63 - n2 | 0, l2 + 64 | 0, n2 + 64 | 0, 1); Jn(b4, m4, o2, l2 + 63 | 0, n2 + 63 | 0, 7); En(j2, b4, 0, 0, m4, o2, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, c[k2 >> 2] | 0); Iv(i3 | 0, 0, 1024) | 0; Es2(i3, 91235) | 0; k2 = i3 + 256 | 0; Es2(k2, 91243) | 0; j2 = i3 + 512 | 0; Es2(j2, 91251) | 0; n2 = i3 + 768 | 0; Es2(n2, 91259) | 0; if (!((c[481731] | c[481732] | c[481733] | c[481734] | 0) == 0 | (c[481731] | 0) == 80 & (c[481732] | 0) == 79 & (c[481733] | 0) == 82 & (c[481734] | 0) == 81)) { Es2(i3, 91267) | 0; l2 = c[481731] | 0; if (l2 | 0) { p2 = (l2 | 0) < 255 ? l2 : 255; l2 = Br((p2 | 0) > 0 ? p2 : 0) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(l2) | 0) == 1 : 0) { p2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; l2 = p2 << 24 >> 24; q3 = (p2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? l2 + 32 | 0 : l2; } else q3 = 16; a[i3 >> 0] = q3; } q3 = c[481732] | 0; if (q3 | 0) { l2 = (q3 | 0) < 255 ? q3 : 255; q3 = Br((l2 | 0) > 0 ? l2 : 0) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(q3) | 0) == 1 : 0) { l2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; q3 = l2 << 24 >> 24; r2 = (l2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? q3 + 32 | 0 : q3; } else r2 = 16; a[i3 + 2 >> 0] = r2; } r2 = c[481733] | 0; if (r2 | 0) { q3 = (r2 | 0) < 255 ? r2 : 255; r2 = Br((q3 | 0) > 0 ? q3 : 0) | 0; if ((r2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(r2) | 0) == 1 : 0) { q3 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = q3 << 24 >> 24; s3 = (q3 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? r2 + 32 | 0 : r2; } else s3 = 16; a[i3 + 4 >> 0] = s3; } s3 = c[481734] | 0; if (s3 | 0) { r2 = (s3 | 0) < 255 ? s3 : 255; s3 = Br((r2 | 0) > 0 ? r2 : 0) | 0; if ((s3 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(s3) | 0) == 1 : 0) { r2 = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; s3 = r2 << 24 >> 24; t3 = (r2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? s3 + 32 | 0 : s3; } else t3 = 16; a[i3 + 6 >> 0] = t3; } } if (c[481735] | c[481736] | 0) { Es2(k2, 91267) | 0; t3 = c[481735] | 0; if (t3 | 0) { s3 = (t3 | 0) < 255 ? t3 : 255; t3 = Br((s3 | 0) > 0 ? s3 : 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(t3) | 0) == 1 : 0) { s3 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = s3 << 24 >> 24; u2 = (s3 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? t3 + 32 | 0 : t3; } else u2 = 16; a[i3 + 256 >> 0] = u2; } u2 = c[481736] | 0; if (u2 | 0) { t3 = (u2 | 0) < 255 ? u2 : 255; u2 = Br((t3 | 0) > 0 ? t3 : 0) | 0; if ((u2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(u2) | 0) == 1 : 0) { t3 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; u2 = t3 << 24 >> 24; v2 = (t3 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? u2 + 32 | 0 : u2; } else v2 = 16; a[i3 + 258 >> 0] = v2; } } if (c[481737] | c[481738] | c[481739] | c[481740] | 0) { Es2(j2, 91267) | 0; v2 = c[481737] | 0; if (v2 | 0) { u2 = (v2 | 0) < 255 ? v2 : 255; v2 = Br((u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0) | 0; if ((v2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(v2) | 0) == 1 : 0) { u2 = a[v2 >> 0] | 0; v2 = u2 << 24 >> 24; w2 = (u2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? v2 + 32 | 0 : v2; } else w2 = 16; a[i3 + 512 >> 0] = w2; } w2 = c[481738] | 0; if (w2 | 0) { v2 = (w2 | 0) < 255 ? w2 : 255; w2 = Br((v2 | 0) > 0 ? v2 : 0) | 0; if ((w2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(w2) | 0) == 1 : 0) { v2 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = v2 << 24 >> 24; x2 = (v2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? w2 + 32 | 0 : w2; } else x2 = 16; a[i3 + 514 >> 0] = x2; } x2 = c[481739] | 0; if (x2 | 0) { w2 = (x2 | 0) < 255 ? x2 : 255; x2 = Br((w2 | 0) > 0 ? w2 : 0) | 0; if ((x2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(x2) | 0) == 1 : 0) { w2 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; x2 = w2 << 24 >> 24; y4 = ((w2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? x2 + 32 | 0 : x2) & 255; } else y4 = 16; a[i3 + 516 >> 0] = y4; } y4 = c[481740] | 0; if (y4 | 0) { x2 = (y4 | 0) < 255 ? y4 : 255; y4 = Br((x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0) | 0; if ((y4 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(y4) | 0) == 1 : 0) { x2 = a[y4 >> 0] | 0; y4 = x2 << 24 >> 24; z3 = ((x2 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? y4 + 32 | 0 : y4) & 255; } else z3 = 16; a[i3 + 518 >> 0] = z3; } } if (c[481741] | c[481742] | 0) { Es2(n2, 91267) | 0; z3 = c[481741] | 0; if (z3 | 0) { y4 = (z3 | 0) < 255 ? z3 : 255; z3 = Br((y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0) | 0; if ((z3 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(z3) | 0) == 1 : 0) { y4 = a[z3 >> 0] | 0; z3 = y4 << 24 >> 24; A4 = ((y4 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? z3 + 32 | 0 : z3) & 255; } else A4 = 16; a[i3 + 768 >> 0] = A4; } A4 = c[481742] | 0; if (A4 | 0) { z3 = (A4 | 0) < 255 ? A4 : 255; A4 = Br((z3 | 0) > 0 ? z3 : 0) | 0; if ((A4 | 0) != 0 ? (Pt(A4) | 0) == 1 : 0) { z3 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; A4 = z3 << 24 >> 24; B2 = ((z3 + -65 & 255) < 26 ? A4 + 32 | 0 : A4) & 255; } else B2 = 16; a[i3 + 770 >> 0] = B2; } } B2 = c[730468] | 0; oo(b4, i3, B2, 90 - ((Pt(i3) | 0) << 1) | 0, 34, 1, 13) | 0; i3 = c[730468] | 0; oo(b4, k2, i3, 90 - ((Pt(k2) | 0) << 1) | 0, 44, 1, 13) | 0; k2 = c[730468] | 0; oo(b4, j2, k2, 90 - ((Pt(j2) | 0) << 1) | 0, 61, 1, 13) | 0; j2 = c[730468] | 0; oo(b4, n2, j2, 90 - ((Pt(n2) | 0) << 1) | 0, 72, 1, 13) | 0; n2 = m4 + 18 | 0; j2 = o2 + 14 | 0; cm(b4, 0, 0, n2, j2); k2 = m4 + 26 | 0; cm(b4, 1, 0, k2, j2); i3 = m4 + 34 | 0; cm(b4, 2, 0, i3, j2); B2 = m4 + 42 | 0; cm(b4, 3, 0, B2, j2); j2 = o2 + 25 | 0; if (!(bl2(4, 0) | 0)) C3 = ($k(4, 0) | 0) > 128 & 1; else C3 = 1; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (C3 + 247 << 2) >> 2] | 0, b4, 0, 0, n2, j2, 7, 7); a[f2 >> 0] = -114; A4 = f2 + 1 | 0; a[A4 >> 0] = 0; oo(b4, f2, c[730468] | 0, n2, C3 + j2 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; C3 = m4 + 26 | 0; if (!(bl2(5, 0) | 0)) D3 = ($k(5, 0) | 0) > 128 & 1; else D3 = 1; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (D3 + 247 << 2) >> 2] | 0, b4, 0, 0, C3, j2, 7, 7); a[f2 >> 0] = -105; a[A4 >> 0] = 0; oo(b4, f2, c[730468] | 0, C3, D3 + j2 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; j2 = o2 + 41 | 0; cm(b4, 0, 1, n2, j2); cm(b4, 1, 1, k2, j2); cm(b4, 2, 1, i3, j2); cm(b4, 3, 1, B2, j2); j2 = o2 + 52 | 0; if (!(bl2(4, 1) | 0)) E3 = ($k(4, 1) | 0) > 128 & 1; else E3 = 1; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (E3 + 247 << 2) >> 2] | 0, b4, 0, 0, n2, j2, 7, 7); a[f2 >> 0] = -114; a[A4 >> 0] = 0; oo(b4, f2, c[730468] | 0, n2, E3 + j2 | 0, 1, 7) | 0; if (bl2(5, 1) | 0) { F3 = 1; G2 = c[730467] | 0; H2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = F3 + 247 | 0; J2 = H2 + (I2 << 2) | 0; K2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; En(K2, b4, 0, 0, C3, j2, 7, 7); a[f2 >> 0] = -105; a[A4 >> 0] = 0; L3 = c[730468] | 0; M2 = F3 + j2 | 0; oo(b4, f2, L3, C3, M2, 1, 7) | 0; N4 = c[532679] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = N4; it(1708384, 91275, e2) | 0; O2 = c[730468] | 0; P2 = m4 + 5 | 0; Q3 = o2 + 80 | 0; oo(b4, 1708384, O2, P2, Q3, 1, 13) | 0; R3 = c[730467] | 0; S2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; T4 = S2 + 356 | 0; U2 = c[T4 >> 2] | 0; V3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; W2 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; X2 = (W2 | 0) / 2 | 0; Y2 = V3 - X2 | 0; Z3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; _5 = U2 + 4 | 0; $2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = ($2 | 0) / 2 | 0; ba3 = Z3 - aa2 | 0; En(U2, b4, 0, 0, Y2, ba3, W2, $2); Ia = d2; return; } F3 = ($k(5, 1) | 0) > 128 & 1; G2 = c[730467] | 0; H2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = F3 + 247 | 0; J2 = H2 + (I2 << 2) | 0; K2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; En(K2, b4, 0, 0, C3, j2, 7, 7); a[f2 >> 0] = -105; a[A4 >> 0] = 0; L3 = c[730468] | 0; M2 = F3 + j2 | 0; oo(b4, f2, L3, C3, M2, 1, 7) | 0; N4 = c[532679] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = N4; it(1708384, 91275, e2) | 0; O2 = c[730468] | 0; P2 = m4 + 5 | 0; Q3 = o2 + 80 | 0; oo(b4, 1708384, O2, P2, Q3, 1, 13) | 0; R3 = c[730467] | 0; S2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; T4 = S2 + 356 | 0; U2 = c[T4 >> 2] | 0; V3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; W2 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; X2 = (W2 | 0) / 2 | 0; Y2 = V3 - X2 | 0; Z3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; _5 = U2 + 4 | 0; $2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = ($2 | 0) / 2 | 0; ba3 = Z3 - aa2 | 0; En(U2, b4, 0, 0, Y2, ba3, W2, $2); Ia = d2; return; } function em2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; c2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(c2 << 24 >> 24)) return; d2 = c2; while (true) { c2 = b4 + ((Pt(b4) | 0) + -1) | 0; if ((a[c2 >> 0] | 0) != 32) break; a[c2 >> 0] = 0; c2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(c2 << 24 >> 24)) { e2 = 15; break; } else d2 = c2; } if ((e2 | 0) == 15) return; c2 = d2; d2 = b4; do { if ((c2 + -65 & 255) < 26) a[d2 >> 0] = (c2 & 255) + 32; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; c2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; } while (c2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); c2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(c2 << 24 >> 24)) return; d2 = c2; c2 = b4; do { if (sb(d2 << 24 >> 24) | 0) { if ((a[c2 >> 0] | 0) == 124) { f2 = 95; e2 = 13; } } else { f2 = 32; e2 = 13; } if ((e2 | 0) == 13) { e2 = 0; a[c2 >> 0] = f2; } c2 = c2 + 1 | 0; d2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; } while (d2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); return; } function fm() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1056 | 0; b4 = a2 + 1024 | 0; d2 = a2; Sr(92562, d2); e2 = ru(d2, 95158) | 0; if (!e2) { Ia = a2; return; } d2 = c[384064] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = d2; d2 = 0; while (true) { g2 = c[383797] | 0; if ((c[g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 684 >> 2] | 0) == 1) { h3 = c[g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 644 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 388; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 516; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 132; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 260; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = g2 + (d2 * 692 | 0) + 4; Mu2(e2, 91302, b4) | 0; i3 = c[384064] | 0; } else i3 = f2; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) >= (i3 | 0)) break; else f2 = i3; } } xu2(e2) | 0; Ia = a2; return; } function gm() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; b4 = a2; Sr(92562, b4); hm(1535184, b4); Ia = a2; return; } function hm(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 528 | 0; f2 = e2 + 520 | 0; g2 = e2 + 512 | 0; h3 = e2; i3 = Co(d2, 102896) | 0; if (!i3) { c[g2 >> 2] = d2; it(1703776, 91341, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Ia = e2; return; } a: do if (!(Ao2(i3) | 0)) { g2 = b4 + 1072 | 0; d2 = b4 + 4 | 0; j2 = h3 + 1 | 0; k2 = 0; do { if (k2 >>> 0 >= 2048) break a; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = 0; Fo(h3, 511, i3) | 0; do if ((a[h3 >> 0] | 0) == 124) { oq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) * 692 | 0) + 692 | 0) | 0; l2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = l2; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = m4 + 1; n2 = l2 + (m4 * 692 | 0) | 0; Iv(n2 | 0, 0, 692) | 0; m4 = n2 + 684 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 1; l2 = j2; b: while (true) { switch (a[l2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 124: { break b; break; } default: { } } l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } a[l2 >> 0] = 0; o2 = n2 + 388 | 0; Es2(o2, j2) | 0; p2 = l2 + 1 | 0; q3 = p2; c: while (true) { switch (a[q3 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 124: { break c; break; } default: { } } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } a[q3 >> 0] = 0; l2 = n2 + 516 | 0; Es2(l2, p2) | 0; r2 = q3 + 1 | 0; s3 = r2; d: while (true) { switch (a[s3 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 124: { break d; break; } default: { } } s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } a[s3 >> 0] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = n2 + 644; Eu2(r2, 93171, f2) | 0; q3 = s3 + 1 | 0; p2 = q3; e: while (true) { switch (a[p2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 124: { break e; break; } default: { } } p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } a[p2 >> 0] = 0; Es2(n2 + 132 | 0, q3) | 0; s3 = p2 + 1 | 0; r2 = s3; f: while (true) { switch (a[r2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 124: { break f; break; } default: { } } r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } a[r2 >> 0] = 0; p2 = n2 + 260 | 0; Es2(p2, s3) | 0; q3 = r2 + 1 | 0; t3 = q3; g: while (true) { switch (a[t3 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 124: { break g; break; } default: { } } t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } a[t3 >> 0] = 0; Es2(n2 + 4 | 0, q3) | 0; im2(n2); r2 = jm(b4, o2, p2) | 0; s3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) != (s3 | 0)) { c[g2 >> 2] = s3; break; } if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 1) if ((a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (a[l2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { s3 = (Fs(p2, 91297) | 0) == 0; u2 = s3 ? 177 : 180; } else u2 = 176; else u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2; } while (0); } while (!(Ao2(i3) | 0)); } while (0); Eo(i3); Ia = e2; return; } function im2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; c2 = b4 + 388 | 0; a: do if (a[c2 >> 0] | 0) do { d2 = (Pt(c2) | 0) + -1 + (b4 + 388) | 0; if ((a[d2 >> 0] | 0) != 32) break a; a[d2 >> 0] = 0; } while ((a[c2 >> 0] | 0) != 0); while (0); d2 = b4 + 516 | 0; b: do if (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) do { e2 = (Pt(d2) | 0) + -1 + (b4 + 516) | 0; if ((a[e2 >> 0] | 0) != 32) break b; a[e2 >> 0] = 0; } while ((a[d2 >> 0] | 0) != 0); while (0); e2 = b4 + 260 | 0; c: do if (a[e2 >> 0] | 0) do { f2 = (Pt(e2) | 0) + -1 + (b4 + 260) | 0; if ((a[f2 >> 0] | 0) != 32) break c; a[f2 >> 0] = 0; } while ((a[e2 >> 0] | 0) != 0); while (0); e2 = b4 + 132 | 0; f2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; d: do if (f2 << 24 >> 24) { g2 = f2; while (true) { h3 = (Pt(e2) | 0) + -1 + (b4 + 132) | 0; if ((a[h3 >> 0] | 0) != 32) break; a[h3 >> 0] = 0; h3 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(h3 << 24 >> 24)) break d; else g2 = h3; } h3 = g2; i3 = e2; do { if ((h3 + -65 & 255) < 26) a[i3 >> 0] = (h3 & 255) + 32; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; h3 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; } while (h3 << 24 >> 24 != 0); h3 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (h3 << 24 >> 24) { i3 = h3; h3 = e2; do { if (!((i3 + -97 & 255) < 26 | (i3 + -48 & 255) < 10)) a[h3 >> 0] = 95; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; } while (i3 << 24 >> 24 != 0); } } while (0); if ((Pt(e2) | 0) >>> 0 > 16) a[b4 + 148 >> 0] = 0; e2 = b4 + 4 | 0; f2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; e: do if (f2 << 24 >> 24) { i3 = f2; while (true) { h3 = (Pt(e2) | 0) + -1 + (b4 + 4) | 0; if ((a[h3 >> 0] | 0) != 32) break; a[h3 >> 0] = 0; h3 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(h3 << 24 >> 24)) break e; else i3 = h3; } h3 = i3; g2 = e2; do { if ((h3 + -65 & 255) < 26) a[g2 >> 0] = (h3 & 255) + 32; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; h3 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; } while (h3 << 24 >> 24 != 0); h3 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (h3 << 24 >> 24) { g2 = h3; h3 = e2; do { if (sb(g2 << 24 >> 24) | 0) { if ((a[h3 >> 0] | 0) == 124) { j2 = 95; k2 = 40; } } else { j2 = 32; k2 = 40; } if ((k2 | 0) == 40) { k2 = 0; a[h3 >> 0] = j2; } h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; g2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; } while (g2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); } } while (0); if (!(Ot(c2, 95780) | 0)) a[c2 >> 0] = 0; if (Ot(d2, 95780) | 0) return; a[d2 >> 0] = 0; return; } function jm(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; f2 = c[b4 + 1072 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) { g2 = -1; return g2 | 0; } h3 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = (e2 | 0) == 0; if (!(a[d2 >> 0] | 0)) { if (b4) { g2 = -1; return g2 | 0; } i3 = (a[e2 >> 0] | 0) == 0; j2 = 0; while (true) { if (((!i3 ? (a[h3 + (j2 * 692 | 0) + 388 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) ? (a[h3 + (j2 * 692 | 0) + 516 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) ? (Ot(e2, h3 + (j2 * 692 | 0) + 260 | 0) | 0) == 0 : 0) { g2 = j2; k2 = 18; break; } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) { g2 = -1; k2 = 18; break; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 18) return g2 | 0; } j2 = 0; while (true) { i3 = h3 + (j2 * 692 | 0) + 388 | 0; if (!(Ot(i3, d2) | 0)) { g2 = j2; k2 = 18; break; } if ((((!b4 ? a[e2 >> 0] | 0 : 0) ? (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) ? (a[h3 + (j2 * 692 | 0) + 516 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) ? (Ot(e2, h3 + (j2 * 692 | 0) + 260 | 0) | 0) == 0 : 0) { g2 = j2; k2 = 18; break; } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) { g2 = -1; k2 = 18; break; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 18) return g2 | 0; return 0; } function km(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2080 | 0; e2 = d2 + 2064 | 0; f2 = d2 + 2056 | 0; g2 = d2 + 2048 | 0; h3 = d2 + 1024 | 0; i3 = d2; Sr(91377, i3); Wr(i3) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (a2 | 0) / 1e4 | 0; it(h3, 91381, g2) | 0; Sr(h3, i3); Wr(i3) | 0; if (!b4) { c[e2 >> 2] = i3; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = a2; it(1553248, 91403, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1553248; } else { c[f2 >> 2] = i3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = a2; it(1553248, 91389, f2) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1553248; } return 0; } function lm(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1056 | 0; f2 = e2 + 1040 | 0; g2 = e2 + 1032 | 0; h3 = e2 + 1024 | 0; i3 = e2; j2 = e2 + 1048 | 0; k2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) { a[1553248] = 0; Ia = e2; return 1553248; } c[j2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = Pt(b4) | 0; m4 = (k2 + -48 & 255) < 10 & 1; if (l2 >>> 0 > 1) { k2 = 1; n2 = m4; while (true) { o2 = ((a[b4 + k2 >> 0] | 0) + -48 & 255) > 9 ? 0 : n2; p2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0) { k2 = p2; n2 = o2; } else { q3 = p2; r2 = o2; break; } } } else { q3 = 1; r2 = m4; } c[j2 >> 2] = q3; if (r2 | 0) { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; Eu2(b4, 93171, h3) | 0; km(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, d2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1553248; } Sr(91377, i3); Wr(i3) | 0; Sr(91415, i3); Wr(i3) | 0; if (!d2) { c[f2 >> 2] = i3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(1553248, 91440, f2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1553248; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = i3; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(1553248, 91425, g2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1553248; } return 0; } function mm(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; lm(a2, 0) | 0; return 1553248; } function nm2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; lm(a2, 1) | 0; return 1553248; } function om2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; if ((Pt(d2) | 0) >>> 0 < 2) { a[1554272] = 0; Ia = e2; return 1554272; } else { g2 = c[481781] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = g2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = d2; it(1554272, 91453, f2) | 0; Ia = e2; return 1554272; } return 0; } function pm2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return (jm(1535184, a2, b4) | 0) != -1 | 0; } function qm(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if (!b4) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if (!(a[b4 >> 0] | 0)) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if (!(Fs(b4, 91297) | 0)) { e2 = ls(b4) | 0; if (!e2) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } f2 = e2 + 44576 | 0; if (!(c[f2 >> 2] | 0)) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } e2 = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; tp(c[f2 >> 2] | 0, e2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } e2 = Po(b4) | 0; if (!e2) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) != 160) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if ((c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 205) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } b4 = Fn(128, 128, 32) | 0; f2 = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; tp(e2, b4, 16, 24, 0, 0, 128, 128); Hk(b4, f2, c[730428] | 0); Gn(e2) | 0; Gn(b4) | 0; d2 = f2; return d2 | 0; } function rm(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[543138] = b4; c[543139] = 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 1) { Es2(1552708, 91519) | 0; f2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (f2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 1; g2 = f2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = g2; Es2(1552704 + (g2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91528) | 0; g2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (g2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 5; f2 = g2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = f2; g2 = 1552704 + (f2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0; if (true) Es2(g2, 91536) | 0; else ; g2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (g2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 3; f2 = g2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = f2; g2 = 1535184; h3 = c[384065] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) >= 0 ? (c[384064] | 0) > (h3 | 0) : 0) if ((c[(c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) + 684 >> 2] | 0) == 1) { if ((c[384064] | 0) <= (h3 | 0)) { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; i3 = f2; break; } if (a[(c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) + 388 >> 0] | 0) { if ((c[384064] | 0) > (h3 | 0)) j2 = (c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) | 0; else { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; j2 = 2173252; } c[e2 >> 2] = j2 + 132; it(1708384, 91569, e2) | 0; Es2(1552704 + ((c[543139] | 0) * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 1708384) | 0; k2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (k2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 19; l2 = k2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = l2; Es2(1552704 + (l2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91582) | 0; l2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (l2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 20; k2 = l2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = k2; Es2(1552704 + (k2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91596) | 0; k2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (k2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 21; l2 = k2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = l2; Es2(1552704 + (l2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91614) | 0; l2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (l2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 18; k2 = l2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = k2; i3 = k2; } else i3 = f2; } else i3 = f2; else m4 = 7; while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 7) { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; i3 = f2; } Es2(1552704 + (i3 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91637) | 0; i3 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (i3 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 6; f2 = i3 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = f2; n2 = c[543138] | 0; o2 = f2; } else { n2 = b4; o2 = 0; } if ((n2 | 0) == 4) { Es2(1552704 + (o2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91644) | 0; b4 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (b4 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 16; f2 = b4 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = f2; Es2(1552704 + (f2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91654) | 0; f2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (f2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 17; b4 = f2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = b4; Es2(1552704 + (b4 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91666) | 0; b4 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (b4 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 18; f2 = b4 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = f2; Es2(1552704 + (f2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91682) | 0; f2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (f2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 6; b4 = f2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = b4; p2 = c[543138] | 0; q3 = b4; } else { p2 = n2; q3 = o2; } if ((p2 | 0) != 5) { Ia = d2; return; } Es2(1552704 + (q3 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91687) | 0; q3 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (q3 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 32; p2 = q3 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = p2; Es2(1552704 + (p2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91694) | 0; p2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (p2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 33; q3 = p2 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = q3; Es2(1552704 + (q3 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91705) | 0; q3 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (q3 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 34; p2 = q3 + 1 | 0; c[543139] = p2; Es2(1552704 + (p2 * 68 | 0) + 4 | 0, 91682) | 0; p2 = c[543139] | 0; c[1552704 + (p2 * 68 | 0) >> 2] = 6; c[543139] = p2 + 1; Ia = d2; return; } function sm() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2064 | 0; d2 = b4 + 2048 | 0; e2 = b4 + 1024 | 0; f2 = b4; g2 = 1535184; h3 = c[384065] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) < 0) Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; else { if ((c[384064] | 0) <= (h3 | 0)) { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; break; } if (!((c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) | 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } if ((c[(c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) + 684 >> 2] | 0) != 1) { Ia = b4; return; } if ((c[384064] | 0) > (h3 | 0)) { i3 = (c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) + 388 | 0; j2 = (c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 * 692 | 0) | 0; } else { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; i3 = 2173640; j2 = 2173252; } k2 = wm(i3, j2 + 260 | 0) | 0; if (k2 | 0) { l2 = c[384065] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) >= 0 ? (c[384064] | 0) > (l2 | 0) : 0) m4 = (c[(c[383796] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 * 692 | 0) | 0; else { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; m4 = 2173252; } Hv(k2 | 0, m4 | 0, 692) | 0; l2 = k2 + 648 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; n2 = 1535184; o2 = c[384065] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) >= 0 ? (c[384064] | 0) > (o2 | 0) : 0) { if (c[(c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 * 692 | 0) + 648 >> 2] | 0) { if ((c[384064] | 0) > (o2 | 0)) p2 = c[(c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 * 692 | 0) + 648 >> 2] | 0; else { Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; p2 = 0; } tp(p2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); } } else Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; o2 = k2 + 388 | 0; if (a[o2 >> 0] | 0 ? (Sr(91498, e2), c[d2 >> 2] = e2, c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = o2, it(f2, 91510, d2) | 0, (tr(f2) | 0) == 0) : 0) Qo(f2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; xm(k2); } k2 = 1536260; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = 1536256; n2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (n2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : n2 + -1 | 0; r2 = (l2 | 0) < (q3 | 0) ? l2 : q3; c[k2 >> 2] = (r2 | 0) > 0 ? r2 : 0; if (false & (n2 | 0) > 0) { n2 = 1535188; r2 = 0; do { k2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = k2 + (r2 * 692 | 0) + 688 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = (jm(1535184, k2 + (r2 * 692 | 0) + 388 | 0, k2 + (r2 * 692 | 0) + 260 | 0) | 0) != -1 & 1; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((r2 | 0) < (c[o2 >> 2] | 0)); } fm(); Ia = b4; return; } while (0); Iv(2173252, 0, 692) | 0; Ia = b4; return; } function tm(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 3120 | 0; g2 = f2 + 3096 | 0; h3 = f2 + 3088 | 0; i3 = f2 + 3080 | 0; j2 = f2 + 3072 | 0; k2 = f2 + 2048 | 0; l2 = f2 + 1024 | 0; m4 = f2; if (!e2) { c[i3 >> 2] = b4; it(l2, 91766, i3) | 0; Sr(l2, k2); c[h3 >> 2] = b4; it(l2, 91786, h3) | 0; Sr(l2, 1929464); } else { c[j2 >> 2] = b4; it(l2, 91744, j2) | 0; Sr(l2, k2); a[1929464] = 0; } l2 = c[481780] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = e2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = 91870; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = 101; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = l2; it(m4, 91801, g2) | 0; if (c[481785] | 0) { Ia = f2; return; } Es2(1927416, m4) | 0; Es2(1928440, k2) | 0; c[481785] = 1; c[481786] = Kr() | 0; c[481787] = 0; $r(1927416, 1928440, 2, 3) | 0; Ia = f2; return; } function um2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!(c[481785] | 0)) return; if (tr(1928440) | 0) if (Fs(1928440, 91297) | 0) { a2 = Po(1928440) | 0; if (!a2) b4 = 3; else { Gn(a2) | 0; b4 = 2; } } else b4 = 2; else b4 = 3; c[481785] = b4; return; } function vm(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!(c[481785] | 0)) return; c[481785] = 3; return; } function wm(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; e2 = jm(1535184, b4, d2) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) != -1) { Gn(c[(c[383797] | 0) + (e2 * 692 | 0) + 648 >> 2] | 0) | 0; f2 = (c[384064] | 0) + -1 | 0; g2 = c[383797] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) { h3 = g2; i3 = e2; while (true) { e2 = i3; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; Hv(h3 + (e2 * 692 | 0) | 0, h3 + (i3 * 692 | 0) | 0, 692) | 0; e2 = (c[384064] | 0) + -1 | 0; j2 = c[383797] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) >= (e2 | 0)) { k2 = j2; l2 = e2; break; } else h3 = j2; } } else { k2 = g2; l2 = f2; } Iv(k2 + (l2 * 692 | 0) | 0, 0, 692) | 0; c[384064] = (c[384064] | 0) + -1; m4 = 0; return m4 | 0; } oq(c[383796] | 0, ((c[384064] | 0) * 692 | 0) + 692 | 0) | 0; l2 = c[(c[383796] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; c[383797] = l2; k2 = c[384064] | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = l2; a: do if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { l2 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[f2 + (l2 * 692 | 0) + 684 >> 2] | 0) == 1) { n2 = l2; break a; } h3 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) l2 = h3; else { n2 = h3; break; } } } else n2 = 0; while (0); if ((k2 | 0) > (n2 | 0)) { l2 = k2 + -1 | 0; Hv(f2 + (k2 * 692 | 0) | 0, f2 + (l2 * 692 | 0) | 0, 692) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) > (n2 | 0)) { f2 = l2; do { l2 = c[383797] | 0; h3 = f2; f2 = f2 + -1 | 0; Hv(l2 + (h3 * 692 | 0) | 0, l2 + (f2 * 692 | 0) | 0, 692) | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) > (n2 | 0)); } o2 = c[(c[383796] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[384064] | 0; } else { o2 = g2; p2 = k2; } c[384064] = p2 + 1; p2 = o2 + (n2 * 692 | 0) | 0; Iv(p2 | 0, 0, 692) | 0; c[p2 + 684 >> 2] = 1; Es2(p2 + 388 | 0, b4) | 0; if (!d2) { m4 = p2; return m4 | 0; } Es2(p2 + 260 | 0, d2) | 0; if (!(a[d2 >> 0] | 0)) { m4 = p2; return m4 | 0; } b4 = p2 + 4 | 0; if (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) { m4 = p2; return m4 | 0; } Mo(d2, 0, b4, 0); d2 = Pt(b4) | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 <= 3) { m4 = p2; return m4 | 0; } b4 = d2 + -3 + (p2 + 4) | 0; if ((a[b4 >> 0] | 0) != 46) { m4 = p2; return m4 | 0; } a[b4 >> 0] = 0; m4 = p2; return m4 | 0; } function xm(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; f2 = e2; Iv(f2 | 0, 0, 1024) | 0; g2 = c[b4 + 648 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { Ia = e2; return; } h3 = b4 + 652 | 0; if (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) { Ia = e2; return; } i3 = b4 + 653 | 0; if (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) { Ia = e2; return; } j2 = 16384; k2 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { g2 = f2 + (d[k2 >> 0] << 2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; j2 = j2 + -1 | 0; if (!j2) break; else k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } a[h3 >> 0] = 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 1; a[b4 + 654 >> 0] = 2; a[b4 + 655 >> 0] = 3; a[b4 + 656 >> 0] = 4; a[b4 + 657 >> 0] = 5; a[b4 + 658 >> 0] = 6; a[b4 + 659 >> 0] = 7; a[b4 + 660 >> 0] = 8; a[b4 + 661 >> 0] = 9; a[b4 + 662 >> 0] = 10; a[b4 + 663 >> 0] = 11; a[b4 + 664 >> 0] = 12; a[b4 + 665 >> 0] = 13; a[b4 + 666 >> 0] = 14; a[b4 + 667 >> 0] = 15; c[f2 >> 2] = 16384; i3 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 16384; h3 = f2 + 24 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 16384; k2 = f2 + 28 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 16384; j2 = f2 + 8 | 0; g2 = f2 + 12 | 0; l2 = f2 + 16 | 0; m4 = f2 + 20 | 0; n2 = f2 + 32 | 0; o2 = f2 + 36 | 0; p2 = f2 + 40 | 0; q3 = f2 + 44 | 0; r2 = f2 + 48 | 0; s3 = f2 + 52 | 0; t3 = f2 + 56 | 0; u2 = f2 + 60 | 0; v2 = 0; do { w2 = v2 + 128 | 0; if (c[f2 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) { x2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) & 1; y4 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 2 : x2; x2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 3 : y4; y4 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 4 : x2; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 5 : y4; y4 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 6 : x2; x2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 7 : y4; y4 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 8 : x2; x2 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 9 : y4; y4 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 10 : x2; x2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 11 : y4; y4 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 12 : x2; x2 = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 13 : y4; y4 = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 14 : x2; x2 = (c[f2 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? v2 : (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[f2 + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) ? 15 : y4; c[f2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] = 16384; a[b4 + 668 + v2 >> 0] = x2; a[b4 + 652 + x2 >> 0] = w2; } v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; } while ((v2 | 0) != 16); Ia = e2; return; } function ym(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1856 | 0; f2 = e2 + 1032 | 0; g2 = e2 + 1024 | 0; h3 = e2 + 1040 | 0; i3 = e2; c[b4 + 1080 >> 2] = 0; if (Pt(3063524) | 0) { j2 = b4 + 1072 | 0; oq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) * 692 | 0) + 692 | 0) | 0; k2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = k2; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = l2 + 1; j2 = k2 + (l2 * 692 | 0) | 0; Iv(j2 + 4 | 0, 0, 688) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 185; a[j2 + 388 >> 0] = 0; Es2(j2 + 4 | 0, 95214) | 0; c[j2 + 648 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 684 >> 2] = 2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 3062500; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; it(i3, 102731, g2) | 0; if (!(qr(i3, 95690, h3, -1) | 0)) { g2 = h3 + 256 | 0; d2 = h3 + 512 | 0; j2 = b4 + 1072 | 0; l2 = b4 + 4 | 0; do do if ((a[g2 >> 0] | 0) != 46) { if ((Fs(g2, 91894) | 0) == 0 ? (c[d2 >> 2] & 16384 | 0) == 0 : 0) break; oq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) * 692 | 0) + 692 | 0) | 0; k2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = k2; m4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = m4 + 1; n2 = k2 + (m4 * 692 | 0) | 0; Iv(n2 | 0, 0, 692) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 3063524; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = g2; it(i3, 102731, f2) | 0; m4 = n2 + 260 | 0; Yu2(m4, i3, 128) | 0; c[n2 + 648 >> 2] = 0; k2 = n2 + 684 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 1; a[n2 + 388 >> 0] = 0; if (!(c[d2 >> 2] & 16384)) o2 = n2 + 4 | 0; else { c[n2 >> 2] = 181; p2 = n2 + 4 | 0; Es2(p2, g2) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 2; o2 = p2; } if (((a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (Mo(m4, 0, o2, 0), m4 = Pt(o2) | 0, m4 >>> 0 > 3) : 0) ? (p2 = m4 + -3 + (n2 + 4) | 0, (a[p2 >> 0] | 0) == 46) : 0) a[p2 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); while (!(rr(h3) | 0)); q3 = l2; r2 = j2; } else { q3 = b4 + 4 | 0; r2 = b4 + 1072 | 0; } Qt(c[q3 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 >> 2] | 0, 692, 2); if ((b4 | 0) == 1535184) { Ia = e2; return; } if ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { Ia = e2; return; } b4 = 0; do { j2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2 + (b4 * 692 | 0) + 688 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (jm(1535184, j2 + (b4 * 692 | 0) + 388 | 0, j2 + (b4 * 692 | 0) + 260 | 0) | 0) != -1 & 1; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0)); Ia = e2; return; } function zm(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; if (b4 | 0 ? (Pt(b4) | 0) >>> 0 >= 2 : 0) { if ((Pt(b4) | 0) >>> 0 < 2) a[1554272] = 0; else { f2 = c[481781] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 3144900; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = b4; it(1554272, 91453, e2) | 0; } lm(b4, 0) | 0; if (c[481785] | 0) { Ia = d2; return; } Es2(1927416, 1554272) | 0; Es2(1928440, 1553248) | 0; c[481785] = 1; c[481786] = Kr() | 0; c[481787] = 0; $r(1927416, 1928440, 2, 3) | 0; Ia = d2; return; } c[481785] = 0; eb2(91878, 1500); c[768036] = 0; Ia = d2; return; } function Am(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = Ot(a2 + 4 | 0, b4 + 4 | 0) | 0; e2 = (c[a2 + 684 >> 2] | 0) == 2; f2 = c[b4 + 684 >> 2] | 0; if (e2) { if ((f2 | 0) != 2) { g2 = -1; return g2 | 0; } } else if (!(e2 | (f2 | 0) != 2)) { g2 = 1; return g2 | 0; } return ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? a2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0 ? 1 : -1 : d2) | 0; } function Bm() { return; } function Cm(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; if (c[481785] | 0) return; Es2(1927416, a2) | 0; Es2(1928440, b4) | 0; c[481785] = 1; c[481786] = Kr() | 0; c[481787] = d2; $r(1927416, 1928440, 2, 3) | 0; return; } function Dm2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[481785] = 0; if (a2 | 0) eb2(a2, 1500); c[768036] = 0; return; } function Em2() { return 101; } function Fm2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = zp(b4) | 0; if (!d2) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } lm(yp(d2, 91898, 0) | 0, 0) | 0; b4 = (Pt(yp(d2, 91898, 0) | 0) | 0) >>> 0 < 2; xp(d2); if (b4 | (c[785925] | 0) == 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } if (Ag() | 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } if (!(Ot(1553248, 3065580) | 0)) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } b4 = Pt(1553248) | 0; d2 = 1553248 + b4 | 0; a: do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { f2 = d2; while (true) { if ((a[f2 >> 0] | 0) == 45) { g2 = f2; break a; } h3 = f2 + -1 | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 > 1553248 >>> 0) f2 = h3; else { g2 = h3; break; } } } else g2 = d2; while (0); if (ft(1553248, 3065580, g2 - 1553248 | 0) | 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } c[482627] = 1; e2 = 1; return e2 | 0; } function Gm(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; if (!((a2 | 0) != 0 & (b4 | 0) != 0)) { Ia = d2; return; } Iv(a2 | 0, 0, 692) | 0; Es2(a2 + 4 | 0, yp(b4, 91902, 0) | 0) | 0; Es2(a2 + 132 | 0, yp(b4, 91908, 0) | 0) | 0; Es2(a2 + 388 | 0, yp(b4, 91898, 0) | 0) | 0; Es2(a2 + 516 | 0, yp(b4, 91915, 0) | 0) | 0; f2 = a2 + 644 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = yp(b4, 91919, 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = f2; Eu2(g2, 93171, e2) | 0; c[a2 + 684 >> 2] = 1; im2(a2); Ia = d2; return; } function Hm2() { return c[384070] | 0; } function Im(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = 1536284 + (c[384087] | 0) | 0; e2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(e2 << 24 >> 24)) { a[d2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; f2 = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? 57 : 97; a[d2 >> 0] = f2; return; } else { f2 = a[91926 + ((37 - b4 + (e2 << 24 >> 24 == 57 ? 36 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 56 ? 35 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 55 ? 34 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 54 ? 33 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 53 ? 32 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 52 ? 31 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 51 ? 30 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 50 ? 29 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 49 ? 28 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 48 ? 27 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 122 ? 26 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 121 ? 25 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 120 ? 24 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 119 ? 23 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 118 ? 22 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 117 ? 21 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 116 ? 20 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 115 ? 19 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 114 ? 18 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 113 ? 17 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 112 ? 16 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 111 ? 15 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 110 ? 14 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 109 ? 13 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 108 ? 12 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 107 ? 11 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 106 ? 10 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 105 ? 9 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 104 ? 8 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 103 ? 7 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 102 ? 6 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 101 ? 5 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 100 ? 4 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 99 ? 3 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 98 ? 2 : e2 << 24 >> 24 == 97 ? 1 : (e2 << 24 >> 24 != 32) << 31 >> 31) | 0) % 37 | 0) >> 0] | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = f2; return; } } function Jm() { Kr() | 0; return; } function Km(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = c[384070] | 0; if (!g2) { a: do if ((b4 | 0) == 27) { if ((c[481785] | 0) > 0) { c[481785] = 0; eb2(91974, 1500); c[768036] = 0; h3 = 62; break; } if (c[481712] | 0) { i3 = (c[543486] | 0) == 0 & 1; c[543486] = i3; j2 = i3; break; } i3 = c[543138] | 0; switch (i3 | 0) { case 0: { c[785925] = 0; Pg(); h3 = 62; break a; break; } case 1: { c[543138] = 0; h3 = 62; break a; break; } default: { if ((i3 | 1 | 0) == 5) { c[543138] = 1; k2 = 1; } else k2 = i3; rm(k2); h3 = 62; break a; } } } else h3 = 62; while (0); if ((h3 | 0) == 62) j2 = c[543486] | 0; if (j2 | 0) { Ia = d2; return; } j2 = true; b: do if ((b4 | 0) != 102 | j2) { switch (b4 | 0) { case 8: case 127: break; default: { h3 = 68; break b; } } if (j2) h3 = 71; } else if (!(al(9) | 0)) { sm(); Kr() | 0; h3 = 68; } else h3 = 68; while (0); if (((h3 | 0) == 68 ? (co2(76) | 0) == 3 : 0) ? (al(76) | 0) == 0 & true : 0) h3 = 71; if ((h3 | 0) == 71) { sm(); Kr() | 0; } if (co2(75) | 0 ? (al(75) | 0) == 0 : 0) { j2 = 1536260; k2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -6 | 0; i3 = c[384064] | 0; l2 = (i3 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : i3 + -1 | 0; i3 = (k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0) ? k2 : l2; c[j2 >> 2] = (i3 | 0) > 0 ? i3 : 0; } if (co2(78) | 0 ? (al(78) | 0) == 0 : 0) { i3 = 1536260; j2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 6 | 0; l2 = c[384064] | 0; k2 = (l2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : l2 + -1 | 0; l2 = (j2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? j2 : k2; c[i3 >> 2] = (l2 | 0) > 0 ? l2 : 0; } if (co2(74) | 0 ? (al(74) | 0) == 0 : 0) c[384065] = 0; if (!(co2(77) | 0)) { Ia = d2; return; } if (al(77) | 0) { Ia = d2; return; } l2 = c[384064] | 0; i3 = l2 + -1 | 0; k2 = (l2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : i3; l2 = (i3 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? i3 : k2; c[384065] = (l2 | 0) > 0 ? l2 : 0; Ia = d2; return; } l2 = Pt(1536284) | 0; do if ((g2 | 0) == 1) { if ((co2(82) | 0) != 3 ? (co2(81) | 0) != 3 : 0) { if ((c[384070] | 0) != 1) break; if (!((b4 | 0) == 13 | (sb(b4) | 0) != 0)) break; c[384070] = 2; break; } c[384070] = 3; } while (0); g2 = (b4 | 0) == -1; if (g2) { if ((co2(80) | 0) == 3) { k2 = Pt(1536284) | 0; i3 = 1536348; j2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; m4 = (j2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? j2 : k2; c[i3 >> 2] = (m4 | 0) > 0 ? m4 : 0; } if ((co2(79) | 0) == 3) { m4 = Pt(1536284) | 0; i3 = 1536348; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (m4 | 0) & (k2 | 0) < 21) { a[1536284 + m4 >> 0] = 32; j2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; a[1536284 + j2 >> 0] = 0; n2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; o2 = m4 + 1 | 0; } else { n2 = k2; o2 = m4; } m4 = n2 + 1 | 0; n2 = (m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0) ? m4 : o2; c[i3 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) > 0 ? n2 : 0; } } else if ((b4 | 0) == 27) c[384070] = 0; c: do if ((c[384070] | 0) == 2) { if ((l2 | 0) < 22 & (sb(b4) | 0) != 0) { n2 = 1536348; i3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) < 22) { o2 = 22; do { m4 = o2; o2 = o2 + -1 | 0; a[1536284 + m4 >> 0] = a[1536284 + o2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) > (m4 | 0)); p2 = m4; } else p2 = i3; a[1536306] = 0; a[1536284 + p2 >> 0] = b4; c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; c[384070] = 2; break; } switch (b4 | 0) { case 8: case 127: { h3 = 26; break; } default: if ((co2(76) | 0) == 3) h3 = 26; } if ((h3 | 0) == 26 ? (c[384087] | 0) > 0 : 0) { o2 = (co2(76) | 0) == 3; m4 = 1536348; k2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (o2) q3 = k2; else { o2 = k2 + -1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = o2; q3 = o2; } if ((q3 | 0) >= 22) break; o2 = q3; while (true) { m4 = o2; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; a[1536284 + m4 >> 0] = a[1536284 + o2 >> 0] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= 21) break c; } } if ((b4 | 0) == 13) { c[f2 >> 2] = 1536284; it(1535196, 91721, f2) | 0; tm(c[383798] | 0, 1535196, 0); Es2(1536224, 1536284) | 0; c[384070] = 0; cl2(); break; } if (g2) { if ((co2(80) | 0) == 3) { o2 = Pt(1536284) | 0; n2 = 1536348; i3 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; m4 = (i3 | 0) < (o2 | 0) ? i3 : o2; c[n2 >> 2] = (m4 | 0) > 0 ? m4 : 0; } if ((co2(79) | 0) == 3) { m4 = Pt(1536284) | 0; n2 = 1536348; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (m4 | 0) & (o2 | 0) < 21) { a[1536284 + m4 >> 0] = 32; i3 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = i3; a[1536284 + i3 >> 0] = 0; r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = m4 + 1 | 0; } else { r2 = o2; s3 = m4; } m4 = r2 + 1 | 0; o2 = (m4 | 0) < (s3 | 0) ? m4 : s3; c[n2 >> 2] = (o2 | 0) > 0 ? o2 : 0; } } } while (0); if ((c[384070] | 0) != 3) { Ia = d2; return; } if (bl2(2, 0) | 0) Im(-1); if (bl2(3, 0) | 0) Im(1); if (!((bl2(4, 0) | 0) == 0 ? !(bl2(5, 0) | 0) : 0)) { c[e2 >> 2] = 1536284; it(1535196, 91721, e2) | 0; tm(c[383798] | 0, 1535196, 0); Es2(1536224, 1536284) | 0; c[384070] = 0; cl2(); } if (!(bl2(6, 0) | 0)) { Ia = d2; return; } c[384070] = 0; c[768313] = 1; eb2(91964, 1000); Ia = d2; return; } function Lm() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; c[482622] = 0; a2 = c[383772] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) > 0) { b4 = a2; a2 = 0; while (true) { d2 = c[(c[383505] | 0) + (a2 * 692 | 0) + 648 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) e2 = b4; else { Gn(d2) | 0; e2 = c[383772] | 0; } a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; if ((a2 | 0) >= (e2 | 0)) break; else b4 = e2; } } c[383772] = 0; ym(1534016, 3063524); e2 = 1536260; b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a2 = 1536256; d2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (d2 | 0) < 1 ? 0 : d2 + -1 | 0; g2 = (b4 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? b4 : f2; c[e2 >> 2] = (g2 | 0) > 0 ? g2 : 0; if (!(false & (d2 | 0) > 0)) { Kr() | 0; c[543486] = 0; return; } d2 = 1535188; g2 = 0; do { e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = e2 + (g2 * 692 | 0) + 688 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (jm(1535184, e2 + (g2 * 692 | 0) + 388 | 0, e2 + (g2 * 692 | 0) + 260 | 0) | 0) != -1 & 1; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < (c[a2 >> 2] | 0)); Kr() | 0; c[543486] = 0; return; } function Mm() { return; } function Nm(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Gm(2172560, a2); return; } function Om() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; d2 = b4; a[1555296] = 0; Mo(3065580, 0, d2, 0); Es2(1555296, d2) | 0; if ((a[3069040] | 0) != 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0 | (c[481715] | 0) != 0) Es2(1555296, 2172564) | 0; Es2(1555296, Za() | 0) | 0; d2 = a[1555296] | 0; if (!(d2 << 24 >> 24)) { Es2(1555296, 91993) | 0; e2 = a[1555296] | 0; if (!(e2 << 24 >> 24)) { Ia = b4; return 1555296; } else f2 = e2; } else f2 = d2; d2 = f2; f2 = 1555296; do { a: do if (!((d2 + -48 & 255) < 10 | ((d2 & -33) + -65 & 255) < 26)) { switch (d2 << 24 >> 24) { case 32: case 45: case 95: { break a; break; } default: { } } a[f2 >> 0] = 32; } while (0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; d2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; } while (d2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); Ia = b4; return 1555296; } function Pm() { return; } function Qm() { return; } function Rm(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; ma(23, a2 | 0, b4 | 0) | 0; return; } function Sm(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = la(24, a2 | 0) | 0; a2 = (b4 | 0) < 255 ? b4 : 255; return ((a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 0) | 0; } function Tm() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 528 | 0; b4 = a2 + 512 | 0; d2 = a2; e2 = c[(c[c[730465] >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; f2 = yo(3144900, e2) | 0; Fg(92498, 14); a: do if (92145) { e2 = 3632; g2 = 0; while (true) { h3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 3062500; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 92531; it(d2, 102731, b4) | 0; Wr(d2) | 0; Zt(d2, c[e2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = Co(d2, 95158) | 0; if (!i3) break; uo(c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, i3) | 0; Eo(i3); Hg(c[e2 >> 2] | 0); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; e2 = 3632 + (g2 << 2) | 0; if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) break a; } Fg(92538, 8); Ia = a2; return; } while (0); Xn(f2); Ia = a2; return; } function Um() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; b4 = a2 + 1024 | 0; d2 = a2; Sr(92562, d2); e2 = c[(c[c[730465] >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; f2 = yo(3144900, e2) | 0; a: do if (92258) { e2 = 92258; g2 = 1; while (true) { h3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Es2(d2, mm(e2) | 0) | 0; i3 = Co(d2, 103074) | 0; if (!i3) break; j2 = h3 + 12 | 0; k2 = h3 + 16 | 0; uo(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 1, c[k2 >> 2] | 0, i3) | 0; Eo(i3); Hg(c[3776 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 3062500; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 92577; it(d2, 102731, b4) | 0; Wr(d2) | 0; Zt(d2, c[3744 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = Co(d2, 103074) | 0; uo(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 1, c[k2 >> 2] | 0, i3) | 0; Eo(i3); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; e2 = c[3696 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) break a; } Fg(92538, 8); Ia = a2; return; } while (0); Xn(f2); Ia = a2; return; } function Vm2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = nq((B(c[a2 >> 2] << 1, c[d2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) + 1024 | 0) | 0; uo(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, B(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2) | 0; d2 = c[26136] | 0; if ((c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { to(1, e2); f2 = c[c[753850] >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) to(0, e2); else { to(c[f2 >> 2] | 0, e2); g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; to(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, e2); uo(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2) | 0; } f2 = c[(c[753850] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) to(0, e2); else { to(c[f2 >> 2] | 0, e2); g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; to(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, e2); uo(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2) | 0; } to(c[(c[753850] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, e2); to(c[(c[753850] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, e2); to(c[785625] | 0, e2); to(c[785626] | 0, e2); to(c[785615] | 0, e2); to(c[785616] | 0, e2); to(c[785613] | 0, e2); to(c[785622] | 0, e2); h3 = c[26136] | 0; } else h3 = d2; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) { i3 = c[785625] | 0; to(i3, e2); j2 = c[785626] | 0; to(j2, e2); to(b4, e2); return e2 | 0; } to(0, e2); uo((c[26136] | 0) + 43552 | 0, 1, 256, e2) | 0; a2 = c[c[753851] >> 2] | 0; uo(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, B(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2) | 0; to(c[785598] | 0, e2); to(c[785617] | 0, e2); to(c[785618] | 0, e2); to(c[785599] | 0, e2); to(c[785600] | 0, e2); to(c[785612] | 0, e2); to(c[785597] | 0, e2); to(c[785623] | 0, e2); i3 = c[785625] | 0; to(i3, e2); j2 = c[785626] | 0; to(j2, e2); to(b4, e2); return e2 | 0; } function Wm(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; a[c2 >> 0] = 0; d2 = iq(262144) | 0; a: do if (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) { e2 = 1; f2 = b4; g2 = 1; while (true) { a[d2 >> 0] = 0; if (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) { if (!e2) h3 = nh(f2) | 0; else h3 = oh(f2) | 0; i3 = ph2() | 0; j2 = h3 - f2 | 0; Hv(d2 | 0, f2 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; a[d2 + j2 >> 0] = 0; if ((i3 | 1 | 0) != -999 & (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) != 0) { i3 = h3; k2 = j2; while (true) { j2 = nh(i3) | 0; l2 = ph2() | 0; m4 = j2 - i3 | 0; Hv(d2 + k2 | 0, i3 | 0, m4 | 0) | 0; k2 = m4 + k2 | 0; a[d2 + k2 >> 0] = 0; if (!((l2 | 1 | 0) != -999 & (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) != 0)) { n2 = 0; o2 = j2; break; } else i3 = j2; } } else { n2 = 0; o2 = h3; } } else { n2 = e2; o2 = f2; } i3 = d2; b: while (true) { switch (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) { case 32: case 9: break; default: break b; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } if (!(gt(i3, 92584, 9) | 0)) break; Zt(c2, d2) | 0; k2 = (a[o2 >> 0] | 0) != 0; if (g2 >>> 0 < 65536 & k2) { e2 = n2; f2 = o2; g2 = g2 + (k2 & 1) | 0; } else break a; } Fg(92594, 6); mq(d2); p2 = 1; return p2 | 0; } while (0); mq(d2); p2 = 0; return p2 | 0; } function Xm2() { return 0; } function Ym2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function Zm(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function _m(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function $m(e2, f2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; g2 = c[543939] | 0; h3 = (g2 | 0) < 256 ? g2 : 256; g2 = (h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0; h3 = c[543493] | 0; i3 = c[543494] | 0; if (!((h3 | 0) != 0 & (i3 | 0) != 0 & (c[543656] | 0) == 0)) return; j2 = (f2 | 0) / 4 | 0; f2 = (j2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? j2 : h3; j2 = f2 << 2; k2 = (f2 | 0) > 0; if (!(a[3100894] & 32)) { if (k2) { l2 = 0; m4 = c[543495] | 0; do { n2 = m4; m4 = B((d[i3 + (l2 >>> 2) >> 0] | 0) + -128 | 0, g2) | 0; b3[1556320 + (l2 << 1) >> 1] = (m4 + n2 | 0) / 2 | 0; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); c[543495] = m4; o2 = 10; } } else if (k2) { m4 = 0; do { b3[1556320 + (m4 << 1) >> 1] = B((d[i3 + (m4 >>> 2) >> 0] | 0) + -128 | 0, g2) | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); o2 = 10; } if ((o2 | 0) == 10 ? k2 : 0) { k2 = 0; do { o2 = e2 + (k2 << 1) | 0; m4 = (b3[1556320 + (k2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) + (b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) | 0; if ((m4 | 0) <= 24575) if ((m4 | 0) < -24575) p2 = ((m4 + 24576 | 0) / 5 | 0) + -24576 | 0; else p2 = m4; else p2 = ((m4 + -24576 | 0) / 5 | 0) + 24576 | 0; b3[o2 >> 1] = p2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); } j2 = h3 - f2 | 0; c[543493] = j2; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) return; a[i3 >> 0] = a[i3 + f2 >> 0] | 0; if ((c[543493] | 0) <= 1) return; i3 = 1; do { j2 = c[543494] | 0; a[j2 + i3 >> 0] = a[j2 + (i3 + f2) >> 0] | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (c[543493] | 0)); return; } function an(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; if ((f2 | 0) < 1) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } if (!(c[543496] | 0)) { c[543496] = 1; c[543497] = iq(262144) | 0; jq(1687392, 0, 16384); } h3 = 1687392 + (b4 << 2) | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { j2 = iq(48) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; c[j2 >> 2] = b4; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = (b4 | 0) / 256 | 0; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = b4 & 255; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = 10; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = 800000; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 1050624; c[j2 + 24 >> 2] = 55; c[j2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; k2 = j2; } else k2 = i3; do if (!(b4 & 65280)) { i3 = c[543498] | 0; j2 = c[543499] | 0; if ((((f2 + 7 + j2 | 0) / 8 | 0) + i3 | 0) > 262138) { eb2(92611, 1000); c[543499] = 0; g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } h3 = (b4 | 0) == 255; if (h3 | (c[8707] | 0) != (b4 | 0)) { if ((j2 | 0) > 0) { l2 = ((j2 + 7 | 0) / 8 | 0) + i3 | 0; c[543498] = l2; m4 = c[543497] | 0; n2 = c[543500] | 0; a[m4 + n2 >> 0] = j2; a[m4 + (n2 + 1) >> 0] = j2 >>> 8; o2 = m4; p2 = l2; } else { o2 = c[543497] | 0; p2 = i3; } c[8707] = b4; c[543499] = 0; a[o2 + p2 >> 0] = b4; a[o2 + (p2 + 1) >> 0] = b4 >>> 8; c[543500] = p2 + 2; l2 = p2 + 4 | 0; c[543498] = l2; q3 = l2; r2 = 0; } else { q3 = i3; r2 = j2; } if (h3) { h3 = c[543497] | 0; a[h3 + q3 >> 0] = f2 >>> 3; a[h3 + (q3 + 1) >> 0] = f2 >>> 11; c[543499] = r2 + 16; s3 = f2; break; } h3 = r2; j2 = q3; i3 = 0; l2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = i3 & 7; if (!m4) { n2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, (i3 >>> 3) + e2 | 0) | 0; t3 = c[543499] | 0; u2 = c[543498] | 0; v2 = n2; } else { t3 = h3; u2 = j2; v2 = l2; } n2 = (c[543497] | 0) + (((t3 | 0) / 8 | 0) + u2) | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = (v2 >>> m4 & 1) << (t3 & 7) | (d[n2 >> 0] | 0); h3 = t3 + 1 | 0; c[543499] = h3; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { w2 = f2; x2 = 20; break; } else { j2 = u2; l2 = v2; } } } else { w2 = 0; x2 = 20; } while (0); a: do if ((x2 | 0) == 20) { if ((b4 | 1 | 0) == 257) { if (!(c[543501] | 0)) c[543501] = iq(32768) | 0; v2 = (f2 + 7 | 0) / 8 | 0; u2 = (f2 | 0) > 0; if (u2) { t3 = 0; do { q3 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, t3 + e2 | 0) | 0) & 255; y4 = c[543501] | 0; a[y4 + t3 >> 0] = q3; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) < (v2 | 0)); if (u2 ? (Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, e2, d[y4 >> 0] | 0), (f2 | 0) > 8) : 0) { t3 = 1; do { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, t3 + e2 | 0, d[(c[543501] | 0) + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) < (v2 | 0)); z3 = f2; } else z3 = f2; } else z3 = f2; } else z3 = w2; switch (b4 | 0) { case 2048: { v2 = (f2 | 0) / 8 | 0; b: do if ((f2 | 0) > 7) { t3 = c[543488] | 0; u2 = 0; while (true) { if ((t3 | 0) >= (c[543489] | 0)) break; Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, u2 + e2 | 0, d[(c[543487] | 0) + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = (c[543488] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[543488] = t3; q3 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) >= (v2 | 0)) break b; else u2 = q3; } fh(u2 << 5); g2 = u2 << 3; return g2 | 0; } while (0); fh(f2 << 2); g2 = f2; return g2 | 0; } case 2050: { v2 = (f2 | 0) / 8 | 0; c: do if ((f2 | 0) > 7) { t3 = c[543491] | 0; q3 = 0; while (true) { if ((t3 | 0) >= (c[543492] | 0)) break; Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, q3 + e2 | 0, d[(c[543490] | 0) + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = (c[543491] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[543491] = t3; r2 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) >= (v2 | 0)) break c; else q3 = r2; } fh(q3 << 5); g2 = q3 << 3; return g2 | 0; } while (0); fh(f2 << 2); g2 = f2; return g2 | 0; } case 2056: { if (!(c[543494] | 0)) c[543494] = iq(2048) | 0; v2 = (f2 | 0) / 8 | 0; if (!((f2 | 0) > 7 & (c[543493] | 0) < 2048)) { s3 = f2; break a; } t3 = 0; do { u2 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, t3 + e2 | 0) | 0) & 255; a[(c[543494] | 0) + (c[543493] | 0) >> 0] = u2; u2 = c[543493] | 0; c[543493] = u2 + 1; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) < (v2 | 0) & (u2 | 0) < 2047); s3 = f2; break; } default: { s3 = z3; break a; } } } while (0); c[k2 + 44 >> 2] = 1; g2 = s3; return g2 | 0; } function bn(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1056 | 0; f2 = e2 + 1040 | 0; g2 = e2 + 1032 | 0; h3 = e2 + 1024 | 0; i3 = e2; j2 = e2 + 1044 | 0; if (!(c[543496] | 0)) { c[543496] = 1; c[543497] = iq(262144) | 0; jq(1687392, 0, 16384); } k2 = 1687392 + (b4 << 2) | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!l2) { m4 = iq(48) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 >> 2] = b4; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = (b4 | 0) / 256 | 0; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = b4 & 255; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = 10; c[m4 + 16 >> 2] = 800000; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = 1050624; c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = 55; c[m4 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 36 >> 2] = 0; n2 = m4; } else n2 = l2; if (c[n2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) { Ia = e2; return; } l2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (l2 << 24 >> 24 > 47 ? (a[d2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) < 58 : 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = j2; Eu2(d2, 93171, h3) | 0; c[n2 + 16 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; Ia = e2; return; } if (l2 << 24 >> 24 == 32) { h3 = d2; while (true) { m4 = h3 + 1 | 0; b4 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 32) h3 = m4; else { o2 = b4; p2 = m4; break; } } } else { o2 = l2; p2 = d2; } d2 = n2 + 16 | 0; l2 = n2 + 12 | 0; h3 = n2 + 20 | 0; m4 = n2 + 24 | 0; b4 = n2 + 32 | 0; k2 = n2 + 36 | 0; if (!(o2 << 24 >> 24)) { Ia = e2; return; } o2 = p2; while (true) { a[i3 >> 0] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = i3; p2 = Eu2(o2, 92634, g2) | 0; if (!($t(i3, 58) | 0)) { a[i3 >> 0] = 0; q3 = 0; } else { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = ($t(i3, 58) | 0) + 1 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = j2; Eu2(n2, 93171, f2) | 0; a[($t(i3, 58) | 0) >> 0] = 0; q3 = p2; } p2 = (a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? o2 : o2 + 1 | 0; while (true) { r2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (r2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 | (r2 + -97 & 255) > 25) break; else p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } if (r2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (r2 + -97 & 255) > 25) { n2 = p2; while (true) { s3 = n2 + 1 | 0; t3 = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; if (t3 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (t3 + -97 & 255) > 25) n2 = s3; else { u2 = s3; break; } } } else u2 = p2; if (!(Ot(i3, 92641) | 0)) c[d2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if (!(Ot(i3, 92646) | 0)) c[l2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if (!(Ot(i3, 92650) | 0)) c[h3 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if (!(Ot(i3, 92655) | 0)) c[m4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if (!(Ot(i3, 92666) | 0)) c[b4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if (!(Ot(i3, 92673) | 0)) c[k2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if (!q3) { v2 = 36; break; } if (!(a[u2 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = 36; break; } else o2 = u2; } if ((v2 | 0) == 36) { Ia = e2; return; } } function cn() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; c[543493] = 0; if (!(c[543496] | 0)) return; a2 = 0; do { b4 = c[1687392 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (b4 | 0) { d2 = b4; b4 = d2 + 48 | 0; do { c[d2 >> 2] = 0; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) < (b4 | 0)); } a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != 4096); c[543499] = 0; jq(c[543497] | 0, 0, 262144); if (!(c[543496] | 0)) return; c[543499] = 0; jq(c[543497] | 0, 0, 262144); c[8707] = -1; c[543500] = 0; c[543498] = 0; a2 = c[543501] | 0; if (!a2) return; jq(a2, 0, 32768); return; } function dn() { var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; if (!(c[543496] | 0)) return; b4 = c[543499] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { e2 = (c[543498] | 0) + ((b4 + 7 | 0) / 8 | 0) | 0; c[543498] = e2; f2 = c[543497] | 0; g2 = c[543500] | 0; a[f2 + g2 >> 0] = b4; a[f2 + (g2 + 1) >> 0] = b4 >>> 8; h3 = e2; } else h3 = c[543498] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) > 0) { e2 = h3; h3 = 0; while (true) { b4 = c[543497] | 0; g2 = a[b4 + (h3 + 1) >> 0] | 0; f2 = (g2 & 255) << 8 | (d[b4 + h3 >> 0] | 0); i3 = (d[b4 + (h3 + 3) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[b4 + (h3 + 2) >> 0] | 0); j2 = h3 + 4 | 0; do if (!(g2 << 24 >> 24)) { if ((f2 | 0) == 255) { k2 = e2; l2 = h3 + 6 | 0; break; } m4 = (i3 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; if (m4) { Rm(f2, d[b4 + j2 >> 0] | 0); if ((m4 | 0) != 1) { n2 = 1; o2 = j2; do { o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; Rm(f2, d[(c[543497] | 0) + o2 >> 0] | 0); n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (m4 | 0)); } k2 = c[543498] | 0; l2 = j2 + m4 | 0; } else { k2 = e2; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = e2; l2 = j2; } while (0); if ((l2 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) { e2 = k2; h3 = l2; } else break; } if (!(c[543496] | 0)) return; } c[543499] = 0; jq(c[543497] | 0, 0, 262144); c[8707] = -1; c[543500] = 0; c[543498] = 0; l2 = c[543501] | 0; if (!l2) return; jq(l2, 0, 32768); return; } function en(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; mq(c[543487] | 0); b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543489] = d2; e2 = iq(d2) | 0; c[543487] = e2; Hv(e2 | 0, c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[543488] = 0; return; } function fn(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; mq(c[543490] | 0); d2 = b4 + 4 | 0; e2 = (B(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0) + 4 | 0; c[543492] = e2; f2 = iq(e2) | 0; c[543490] = f2; a[f2 >> 0] = c[b4 >> 2]; a[(c[543490] | 0) + 1 >> 0] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) / 256 | 0; a[(c[543490] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = c[d2 >> 2]; a[(c[543490] | 0) + 3 >> 0] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) / 256 | 0; Hv((c[543490] | 0) + 4 | 0, c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, B(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0) | 0; c[543491] = 0; return; } function gn() { return (c[543489] | 0) - (c[543488] | 0) | 0; } function hn2() { return (c[543492] | 0) - (c[543491] | 0) | 0; } function jn() { c[543488] = 0; c[543489] = 0; c[543491] = 0; c[543492] = 0; return; } function kn2() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; b4 = c[730441] | 0; d2 = b4 + 4 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) == 1) { e2 = 0; do { f2 = e2 >>> 5; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 10 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 18 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 26 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 34 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 42 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 50 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 58 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 66 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 74 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 82 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 90 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 98 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 106 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 114 >> 0] = g2; g2 = (gp(4) | 0) + f2 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 122 >> 0] = g2; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 128); } switch (b4 | 0) { case 0: { e2 = b4; do { g2 = 0; do { a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] = ((g2 + e2 | 0) >>> 3 & 7) + 6; g2 = g2 + 4 | 0; } while (g2 >>> 0 < 128); e2 = e2 + 2 | 0; } while (e2 >>> 0 < 128); h3 = 29; break; } case 3: { e2 = 0; do { g2 = 2; do { f2 = (gp(4) | 0) + 10 & 255; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] = f2; g2 = g2 + 4 | 0; } while (g2 >>> 0 < 128); e2 = e2 + 3 | 0; } while (e2 >>> 0 < 128); switch (b4 | 0) { case 5: { h3 = 14; break; } case 8: { h3 = 19; break; } case 11: { h3 = 25; break; } case 26: { h3 = 26; break; } case 31: { h3 = 27; break; } case 32: { h3 = 28; break; } default: h3 = 29; } break; } case 5: { h3 = 14; break; } case 8: { h3 = 19; break; } case 11: { h3 = 25; break; } case 26: { h3 = 26; break; } case 31: { h3 = 27; break; } case 32: { h3 = 28; break; } default: h3 = 29; } if ((h3 | 0) == 14) { e2 = 0; do { g2 = 1; do { f2 = c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[f2 + g2 >> 0] = a[f2 + (g2 + 1) >> 0] | 0; g2 = g2 + 2 | 0; } while (g2 >>> 0 < 127); e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 128); switch (b4 | 0) { case 8: { h3 = 19; break; } case 11: { h3 = 25; break; } case 26: { h3 = 26; break; } case 31: { h3 = 27; break; } case 32: { h3 = 28; break; } default: h3 = 29; } } if ((h3 | 0) == 19) { e2 = 0; do { if (e2 & 3 | 0) { g2 = 0; do { a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] = 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 128); } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 128); switch (b4 | 0) { case 11: { h3 = 25; break; } case 26: { h3 = 26; break; } case 31: { h3 = 27; break; } case 32: { h3 = 28; break; } default: h3 = 29; } } do if ((h3 | 0) == 25) An(c[730449] | 0); else if ((h3 | 0) == 26) { Ho(); An(c[730449] | 0); b4 = c[730466] | 0; Nq(b4 + 16 | 0, b4); Hg(3144900); Hg(3144900); tp(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[730449] | 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 40, 10); c[768155] = 6; } else if ((h3 | 0) == 27) { Hg(92678); tp(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[730449] | 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 40, 10); } else if ((h3 | 0) == 28) Hg(92692); else if ((h3 | 0) == 29) { if (!((d2 | 0) == 37 & (c[543939] | 0) == 0)) { if ((d2 | 0) == 40) { Hg(3144900); c[768155] = 6; Hg(92725); Hg(3144900); break; } if (!((d2 | 0) == 70 & (c[481712] | 0) != 0)) break; c[768028] = 0; c[768155] = 6; Lm(); c[785925] = 2; break; } b4 = c[786074] | 0; if (!b4) { Hg(3144900); i3 = c[786074] | 0; } else i3 = b4; if ((i3 + 3 | 0) >>> 0 > 14) { b4 = c[768157] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) < 20) { j2 = b4; k2 = (i3 | 0) < -3 ? 0 : 3; } else { c[768157] = b4 + 8; break; } } else { j2 = c[768157] | 0; k2 = (i3 | 0) / 4 | 0; } b4 = (k2 | 0) == 1 ? j2 + 2 | 0 : j2; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 1068 >> 2] | 0, c[730449] | 0, 0, 0, k2 << 3 | 2, (k2 | 0) == 3 ? b4 + -2 | 0 : b4, 7, 5); c[786074] = (c[786074] | 0) + 1; c[730441] = (c[730441] | 0) + -1; } while (0); k2 = (c[481647] | 0) != 0; j2 = c[481646] | 0; if (k2 & ((d2 | 0) == 90 & (j2 | 0) != 0)) { c[768033] = 1; return; } i3 = (d2 | 0) == 80; if (!(i3 & (c[534491] | 0) != 0)) { if (!(k2 | ((d2 | 0) != 60 | (j2 | 0) == 0))) { c[768028] = 0; return; } if (!i3) { if ((d2 | 0) != 900) return; Hg(93045); return; } } else c[768033] = 1; gb(); return; } function ln(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Es2(2174024, a2) | 0; Es2(3808, a2) | 0; return; } function mn(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) b4 = 0; else { Es2(2174280, a2) | 0; b4 = 2174280; } c[543634] = b4; return; } function nn() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; b4 = a2 + 88 | 0; d2 = a2 + 80 | 0; e2 = a2 + 72 | 0; f2 = a2 + 64 | 0; g2 = a2 + 56 | 0; h3 = a2 + 48 | 0; i3 = a2 + 40 | 0; j2 = a2 + 32 | 0; k2 = a2 + 24 | 0; l2 = a2 + 16 | 0; m4 = a2 + 8 | 0; n2 = a2; if (c[545787] | 0) { Ia = a2; return 0; } c[543502] = 0; jq(2174024, 0, 1704); Es2(2174024, 3808) | 0; Es2(2174280, 3808) | 0; c[543634] = 2174280; Go2(); o2 = c[8708] | 0; p2 = c[545788] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) > 0 & (p2 | 0) != 0) on2(o2, p2); c[n2 >> 2] = 92755; hv(92745, n2) | 0; n2 = c[8720] | 0; zu(n2) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 92781; it(1703776, 92767, m4) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 1703776; hv(92745, l2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; l2 = c[8708] | 0; m4 = c[545788] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) > 0 & (m4 | 0) != 0) on2(l2, m4); if (true) { c[k2 >> 2] = 92792; hv(92745, k2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; xr() | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 92810; hv(92745, j2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; Kr() | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 92828; hv(92745, i3) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; go(); c[h3 >> 2] = 92843; hv(92745, h3) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; eo(); c[g2 >> 2] = 92859; hv(92745, g2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; mo(); c[f2 >> 2] = 92875; hv(92745, f2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; ir() | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 92892; hv(92745, e2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; _n(); c[d2 >> 2] = 92909; hv(92745, d2) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; } fp(0); c[543974] = (c[543974] | 0) + 1; c[b4 >> 2] = 92929; hv(92745, b4) | 0; zu(n2) | 0; c[545787] = 1; Ia = a2; return 0; } function on2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = e2 + 24 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= 1) { Ia = e2; return; } i3 = 1; j2 = 0; a: while (true) { k2 = d2 + (i3 << 2) | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; b: do switch (a[l2 >> 0] | 0) { case 62: case 124: case 38: { m4 = 41; break a; break; } case 45: { n2 = l2 + 1 | 0; o2 = (gt(n2, 92934, 5) | 0) == 0; p2 = (gt(n2, 92940, 6) | 0) == 0; q3 = (gt(n2, 94967, 8) | 0) == 0; r2 = (gt(n2, 94853, 8) | 0) == 0; s3 = (gt(n2, 92947, 8) | 0) == 0; t3 = (gt(n2, 92956, 8) | 0) == 0; u2 = (gt(n2, 94989, 9) | 0) == 0; v2 = (gt(n2, 95074, 17) | 0) == 0; w2 = (gt(n2, 94866, 19) | 0) == 0; x2 = (gt(n2, 94906, 12) | 0) == 0; y4 = (gt(n2, 94919, 12) | 0) == 0; z3 = (gt(n2, 92965, 5) | 0) == 0; A4 = (gt(n2, 92971, 5) | 0) == 0; B2 = (gt(n2, 94932, 15) | 0) == 0; C3 = (gt(n2, 92977, 13) | 0) == 0 | (gt(n2, 92991, 16) | 0) == 0; D3 = (gt(n2, 93008, 4) | 0) == 0; E3 = (gt(n2, 93013, 7) | 0) == 0; F3 = (gt(n2, 93021, 13) | 0) == 0; G2 = (gt(n2, 93035, 9) | 0) == 0; H2 = (gt(n2, 93045, 7) | 0) == 0; if (!(gt(n2, 93053, 8) | 0)) { c[543976] = 1; I2 = 0; } else I2 = H2 ? 20 : G2 ? 19 : F3 ? 18 : E3 ? 17 : D3 ? 16 : v2 ? 15 : C3 ? 14 : B2 ? 12 : A4 ? 11 : z3 ? 10 : y4 ? 11 : x2 ? 10 : w2 ? 9 : v2 ? 8 : u2 ? 7 : t3 ? 6 : s3 ? 5 : r2 ? 4 : q3 ? 3 : p2 ? 2 : o2 ? 1 : j2; o2 = (gt(n2, 93062, 11) | 0) == 0; if (!(gt(n2, 93074, 11) | 0)) { c[543977] = 1; J2 = 0; } else J2 = o2 ? 29 : I2; if ((a[n2 >> 0] | 0) == 120) { c[543976] = 1; K2 = 0; } else K2 = J2; o2 = (gt(n2, 94886, 19) | 0) == 0; p2 = (gt(n2, 93086, 17) | 0) == 0; q3 = (gt(n2, 93104, 16) | 0) == 0; r2 = (gt(n2, 93121, 11) | 0) == 0; s3 = (gt(n2, 93133, 13) | 0) == 0; t3 = (gt(n2, 93147, 7) | 0) == 0; u2 = (gt(n2, 93155, 15) | 0) == 0; L3 = u2 ? 28 : t3 ? 27 : s3 ? 26 : r2 ? 25 : q3 ? 24 : p2 ? 23 : o2 ? 22 : K2; break; } default: { c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = h3; Eu2(l2, 93171, g2) | 0; do switch (j2 | 0) { case 1: { c[543936] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 2: { c[543937] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 3: { c[543955] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 4: { c[543938] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 5: { c[543947] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 6: { c[543948] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 7: { c[543946] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 8: { c[543962] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 9: { c[543941] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 10: { c[543939] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 11: { c[543940] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 12: { c[543952] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 14: { c[543964] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 15: { c[543962] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 16: { Es2(2175916, c[k2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 17: { Es2(2176940, c[k2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 18: { c[543967] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 19: { c[543970] = 0; c[543971] = 0; c[543972] = 4096; c[543973] = 4096; o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 2175880; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 2175884; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = 2175888; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = 2175892; Eu2(o2, 93174, f2) | 0; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 20: { o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (o2 | 0) < 240 ? o2 : 240; c[543975] = (p2 | 0) > 1 ? p2 : 1; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 21: { c[543976] = 1; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 22: { c[543942] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 23: { c[543944] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 24: { c[544491] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 25: { c[544492] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 26: { p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (p2 | 0) < 8 ? p2 : 8; c[543965] = (o2 | 0) > 0 ? o2 : 0; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 27: { c[543949] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 28: { c[544494] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } case 29: { c[543978] = c[h3 >> 2]; L3 = 0; break b; break; } default: { L3 = 0; break b; } } while (0); } } while (0); i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) { m4 = 41; break; } else j2 = L3; } if ((m4 | 0) == 41) { Ia = e2; return; } } function pn2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; c[d2 >> 2] = a2; hv(92745, d2) | 0; zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; Ia = b4; return; } function qn() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; b4 = a2 + 80 | 0; d2 = a2 + 72 | 0; e2 = a2 + 64 | 0; f2 = a2 + 56 | 0; g2 = a2 + 48 | 0; h3 = a2 + 40 | 0; i3 = a2 + 32 | 0; j2 = a2 + 24 | 0; k2 = a2 + 16 | 0; l2 = a2 + 8 | 0; m4 = a2; if (!((c[545787] | 0) != 0 & (c[543931] | 0) == 0)) { Ia = a2; return 0; } c[545787] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 93186; hv(92745, m4) | 0; m4 = c[8720] | 0; zu(m4) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 93198; hv(92745, l2) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; _q(0, 0); c[k2 >> 2] = 93211; hv(92745, k2) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; Hb(); c[j2 >> 2] = 93227; hv(92745, j2) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; Ko(); c[i3 >> 2] = 93245; hv(92745, i3) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; Hq2() | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 93262; hv(92745, h3) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; jr() | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 93279; hv(92745, g2) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 93299; hv(92745, f2) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; if (true) { no(); ho(); } c[e2 >> 2] = c[543502]; it(1703776, 93317, e2) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 1703776; hv(92745, d2) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 92929; hv(92745, b4) | 0; zu(m4) | 0; m4 = c[543635] | 0; if (m4 | 0) xu2(m4) | 0; m4 = c[543636] | 0; if (m4 | 0) xu2(m4) | 0; c[543635] = 0; c[543636] = 0; c[545787] = 0; Ia = a2; return 0; } function rn2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return; } function sn2() { var a2 = 0; a2 = Pr() | 0; if (!(c[545789] | 0)) { c[545789] = 1; io(); c[545789] = 0; } Rr(2174016, 2174020, 0); Vq(); return a2 | 0; } function tn() { var a2 = 0; mr(); Pr() | 0; if (!(c[545789] | 0)) { c[545789] = 1; io(); c[545789] = 0; } Rr(2174016, 2174020, 0); Vq(); c[545790] = 0; Gb(); if (!(c[545790] | 0)) { rb(); or2(); nr(); } c[543655] = 0; a2 = c[543671] | 0; if (!a2) return; if ((a2 | 0) <= (Kr() | 0)) return; c[543671] = 0; ka(25) | 0; return; } function un() { c[545790] = 1; return; } function vn() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; d2 = b4 + 16 | 0; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; f2 = b4; g2 = b4 + 24 | 0; nn() | 0; gr(800, 480, 32, 4) | 0; c[543931] = 1; Iv(2179052, 0, 4096) | 0; b4 = 0; h3 = 0; while (true) { if ((Br(b4) | 0) != 0 ? (a[(Br(b4) | 0) >> 0] | 0) != 0 : 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = Br(b4) | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; hv(93381, f2) | 0; i3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if (!(i3 & 3)) { _u2(10) | 0; j2 = i3; } else j2 = i3; } else j2 = h3; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 256) break; else h3 = j2; } cv(102894) | 0; cv(93394) | 0; cv(93475) | 0; cv(93556) | 0; cv(93637) | 0; cv(93718) | 0; cv(93799) | 0; cv(93475) | 0; cv(93880) | 0; cv(93475) | 0; cv(93961) | 0; cv(93475) | 0; cv(94042) | 0; _u2(10) | 0; if (c[543503] | 0) ya(0); do { Cn(c[730432] | 0, 0, 0, 799, 479, 1118498); po2(c[730432] | 0, 94123, c[545804] | 0, 20, 20); j2 = 0; do { h3 = j2 * 24 | 0; b4 = h3 + 48 | 0; f2 = j2 << 5; i3 = h3 + 68 | 0; k2 = h3 + 56 | 0; h3 = 0; do { l2 = h3 * 24 | 0; m4 = h3 + f2 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = m4; it(g2, 94172, e2) | 0; n2 = 1712608 + m4 | 0; Cn(c[730432] | 0, l2 + 20 | 0, b4, l2 + 40 | 0, i3, (a[n2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 5591122 : 16777215); oo(c[730432] | 0, g2, c[545804] | 0, l2 + 22 | 0, k2, 1, (a[n2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 11184810 : 0) | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 32); j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 16); j2 = 0; do { if (a[1712608 + j2 >> 0] | 0 ? (a[1713632 + j2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { h3 = Br(j2) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = j2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = h3; hv(94177, d2) | 0; } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 512); Pr() | 0; if (!(c[545789] | 0)) { c[545789] = 1; io(); c[545789] = 0; } Rr(2174016, 2174020, 0); Vq(); or2(); } while (!(c[543503] | 0)); ya(0); } function wn(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Es2(1707872, c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[8708] = a2; c[545788] = b4; if ((a2 | 0) > 1 ? (Ot(c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, 94212) | 0) == 0 : 0) vn(); kb(a2, b4); wa(1, 0, 0); return 0; } function xn() { var a2 = 0; a2 = kq(768) | 0; Iv(a2 | 0, 0, 768) | 0; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; return a2 | 0; } function yn2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return; } function zn(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; e2 = kq((d2 << 2) + 48 | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = a2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = d2; c[e2 + 40 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 28 >> 2] = a2; c[e2 + 36 >> 2] = b4; c[e2 + 44 >> 2] = d2; f2 = B(b4, a2) | 0; g2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = kq(B(f2, d2) | 0) | 0; h3 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = e2 + 48; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { i3 = c[543502] | 0; j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; c[543502] = j2; return e2 | 0; } k2 = (b4 << 2) + 52 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { l2 = 0; do { m4 = kq(k2) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = a2; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = b4; c[m4 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 32 >> 2] = a2; c[m4 + 40 >> 2] = b4; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = 8; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (B(l2, f2) | 0); c[m4 + 16 >> 2] = m4 + 52; c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] = m4; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); i3 = c[543502] | 0; j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; c[543502] = j2; return e2 | 0; } l2 = (b4 | 0) == 1; m4 = 0; do { n2 = kq(k2) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = a2; o2 = n2 + 4 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = b4; c[n2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 32 >> 2] = a2; c[n2 + 40 >> 2] = b4; p2 = n2 + 8 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 8; c[n2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; q3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (B(m4, f2) | 0) | 0; r2 = n2 + 12 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = q3; s3 = n2 + 52 | 0; t3 = n2 + 16 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = s3; c[s3 >> 2] = q3; if (!l2) { q3 = 1; do { c[(c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (B(q3, a2) | 0); q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); } if ((n2 | 0) != 2921660 ? (jq(c[c[t3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0, 0, a2), (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) > 1) : 0) { q3 = 1; do { jq(c[(c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0, 0, B(c[p2 >> 2] >> 3, c[n2 >> 2] | 0) | 0); q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) < (c[o2 >> 2] | 0)); } c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] = n2; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); i3 = c[543502] | 0; j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; c[543502] = j2; return e2 | 0; } function An(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if ((a2 | 0) == 2921660) return; b4 = a2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) return; d2 = a2 + 16 | 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = 0; do { jq(c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, 0, B(c[e2 >> 2] >> 3, c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (c[b4 >> 2] | 0)); return; } function Bn(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (!a2) return 0; b4 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (b4 | 0) mq(b4); b4 = a2 + 8 | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { d2 = a2 + 16 | 0; e2 = 0; do { mq(c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (c[b4 >> 2] | 0)); } mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return 0; } function Cn(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; i3 = (d2 | 0) > (f2 | 0); j2 = i3 ? d2 : f2; k2 = i3 ? f2 : d2; d2 = (e2 | 0) > (g2 | 0); f2 = d2 ? e2 : g2; i3 = d2 ? g2 : e2; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 32) { d2 = b4 + 36 | 0; l2 = b4 + 40 | 0; m4 = b4 + 28 | 0; n2 = b4 + 32 | 0; o2 = h3 & 255; p2 = b4 + 16 | 0; q3 = i3; while (true) { a: do if (((b4 | 0) != 2921660 ? (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) <= (q3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) > (q3 | 0) : 0) { r2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (k2 | 0) < (r2 | 0) ? r2 : k2; r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (j2 | 0) < (r2 | 0) ? j2 : r2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((s3 | 0) > (t3 | 0)) break a; r2 = s3; while (true) { a[(c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + r2 >> 0] = o2; if ((r2 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; else break; } break; } case 32: { r2 = 1 - s3 + t3 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) <= 0) break a; u2 = (c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 2) | 0; v2 = r2; while (true) { c[u2 >> 2] = h3; if ((v2 | 0) > 1) { u2 = u2 + 4 | 0; v2 = v2 + -1 | 0; } else break; } break; } default: break a; } } while (0); if ((q3 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; else break; } w2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else w2 = g2; if ((w2 | 0) != 8) return; w2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (k2 | 0) < (w2 | 0) ? w2 : k2; k2 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (f2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? f2 + 1 | 0 : e2; e2 = ((j2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? j2 + 1 | 0 : k2) - g2 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) return; k2 = (i3 | 0) < (w2 | 0) ? w2 : i3; if ((k2 | 0) >= (q3 | 0)) return; i3 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = k2; do { jq((c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 | 0, h3, e2); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (q3 | 0)); return; } function Dn(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; c[a2 + 28 >> 2] = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : 0; b4 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 32 >> 2] = (b4 | 0) > (e2 | 0) ? e2 : b4; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = (d2 | 0) > 0 ? d2 : 0; d2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 40 >> 2] = (d2 | 0) > (f2 | 0) ? f2 : d2; return; } function En(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; if (!((a2 | 0) != 0 & (b4 | 0) != 0)) return; j2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) != (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0)) return; k2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= (d2 | 0)) return; l2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) return; m4 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) <= (f2 | 0)) return; n2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) <= (g2 | 0)) return; o2 = (d2 | 0) < 0; p2 = o2 ? d2 : 0; q3 = p2 + h3 | 0; h3 = f2 - p2 | 0; p2 = o2 ? 0 : d2; d2 = (e2 | 0) < 0; o2 = d2 ? e2 : 0; f2 = o2 + i3 | 0; i3 = g2 - o2 | 0; o2 = d2 ? 0 : e2; e2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; d2 = (h3 | 0) < (e2 | 0); g2 = d2 ? h3 - e2 | 0 : 0; r2 = g2 + ((q3 + p2 | 0) > (k2 | 0) ? k2 - p2 | 0 : q3) | 0; q3 = d2 ? e2 : h3; h3 = p2 - g2 | 0; g2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (i3 | 0) < (g2 | 0); e2 = p2 ? i3 - g2 | 0 : 0; d2 = e2 + ((f2 + o2 | 0) > (l2 | 0) ? l2 - o2 | 0 : f2) | 0; f2 = p2 ? g2 : i3; i3 = o2 - e2 | 0; e2 = (r2 + q3 | 0) > (m4 | 0) ? m4 - q3 | 0 : r2; r2 = (d2 + f2 | 0) > (n2 | 0) ? n2 - f2 | 0 : d2; if ((e2 | 0) < 1 | (r2 | 0) < 1) return; if ((b4 | 0) == 2921660) { Jr(a2, b4, h3, i3, q3, f2, e2, r2, 1); return; } switch (j2 | 0) { case 8: { up(a2, b4, h3, i3, q3, f2, e2, r2); return; } case 32: { vp(a2, b4, h3, i3, q3, f2, e2, r2); return; } default: return; } } function Fn(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 1 | (b4 | 0) < 1) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } f2 = kq((b4 << 2) + 52 | 0) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = a2; g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = b4; c[f2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 + 32 >> 2] = a2; c[f2 + 40 >> 2] = b4; h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = d2; c[f2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; i3 = B(d2 >> 3, a2) | 0; a2 = kq(B(i3, b4) | 0) | 0; d2 = f2 + 12 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = a2; j2 = f2 + 52 | 0; k2 = f2 + 16 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2; c[j2 >> 2] = a2; if ((b4 | 0) != 1) { a2 = 1; do { c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (a2 << 2) >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (B(i3, a2) | 0); a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); } if ((f2 | 0) != 2921660 ? (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) > 0 : 0) { b4 = 0; do { jq(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0, 0, B(c[h3 >> 2] >> 3, c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0)); } c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; e2 = f2; return e2 | 0; } function Gn(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) return 0; b4 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (b4 | 0) mq(b4); mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return 0; } function Hn(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; if ((c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) > (d2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0) > (e2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) <= (d2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) return; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { a[(c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + d2 >> 0] = f2; return; } case 32: { c[(c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = f2; return; } default: return; } } function In(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((((j2 | 0) < (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) ? (k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0, l2 = a2 + 4 | 0, (k2 | 0) < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) ? (m4 = b4 + 32 | 0, (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[m4 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) ? (n2 = b4 + 40 | 0, (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[n2 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) { if ((j2 | 0) < 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + j2; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[d2 >> 2] | 0); c[d2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = 0; } else { o2 = k2; p2 = j2; } if ((o2 | 0) < 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + o2; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[e2 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = 0; } else { q3 = p2; r2 = o2; } k2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + q3 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = k2 - q3; s3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else s3 = r2; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) c[i3 >> 2] = k2 - s3; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 28 | 0; t3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { u2 = k2 - t3 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = u2; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + u2; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[f2 >> 2] | 0); u2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = u2; v2 = u2; } else v2 = k2; k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = b4 + 36 | 0; l2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) { t3 = k2 - l2 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = t3; c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + t3; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); t3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = t3; w2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = t3; } else { w2 = v2; x2 = k2; } k2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = k2 - w2; y4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else y4 = x2; k2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { z3 = k2 - y4 | 0; break; } else return; } else z3 = 0; while (0); c[i3 >> 2] = z3; return; } function Jn(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; i3 = (b4 | 0) == 0; a: do if ((!(i3 | (b4 | 0) == 2921660) ? (j2 = (g2 | 0) < (e2 | 0), k2 = j2 ? e2 : g2, l2 = j2 ? g2 : e2, (c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) <= (d2 | 0)) : 0) ? (c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) > (d2 | 0) : 0) { j2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (l2 | 0) < (j2 | 0) ? j2 : l2; l2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0) ? k2 : l2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((m4 | 0) > (j2 | 0)) break a; l2 = h3 & 255; k2 = b4 + 16 | 0; n2 = m4; while (true) { a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + d2 >> 0] = l2; if ((n2 | 0) < (j2 | 0)) n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; else break; } break; } case 32: { if ((m4 | 0) > (j2 | 0)) break a; n2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; l2 = m4; while (true) { c[(c[n2 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = h3; if ((l2 | 0) < (j2 | 0)) l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; else break; } break; } default: break a; } } while (0); b: do if ((!(i3 | (b4 | 0) == 2921660) ? (l2 = (g2 | 0) < (e2 | 0), j2 = l2 ? e2 : g2, n2 = l2 ? g2 : e2, (c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) <= (f2 | 0)) : 0) ? (c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) > (f2 | 0) : 0) { l2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (n2 | 0) < (l2 | 0) ? l2 : n2; n2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (j2 | 0) < (n2 | 0) ? j2 : n2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((m4 | 0) > (l2 | 0)) break b; n2 = h3 & 255; j2 = b4 + 16 | 0; k2 = m4; while (true) { a[(c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 >> 0] = n2; if ((k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; else break; } break; } case 32: { if ((m4 | 0) > (l2 | 0)) break b; k2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4; while (true) { c[(c[k2 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = h3; if ((n2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; else break; } break; } default: break b; } } while (0); c: do if ((!(i3 | (b4 | 0) == 2921660) ? (n2 = (f2 | 0) < (d2 | 0), l2 = n2 ? d2 : f2, k2 = n2 ? f2 : d2, (c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) : 0) ? (c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) > (e2 | 0) : 0) { n2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (k2 | 0) < (n2 | 0) ? n2 : k2; k2 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (l2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? l2 : k2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((m4 | 0) > (n2 | 0)) break c; k2 = h3 & 255; l2 = b4 + 16 | 0; j2 = m4; while (true) { a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] = k2; if ((j2 | 0) < (n2 | 0)) j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; else break; } break; } case 32: { j2 = 1 - m4 + n2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) break c; k2 = (c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) | 0; l2 = j2; while (true) { c[k2 >> 2] = h3; if ((l2 | 0) > 1) { k2 = k2 + 4 | 0; l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; } else break; } break; } default: break c; } } while (0); if (i3 | (b4 | 0) == 2921660) return; i3 = (f2 | 0) < (d2 | 0); e2 = i3 ? d2 : f2; l2 = i3 ? f2 : d2; if ((c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0) > (g2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) <= (g2 | 0)) return; d2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (l2 | 0) < (d2 | 0) ? d2 : l2; l2 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; d2 = (e2 | 0) < (l2 | 0) ? e2 : l2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((f2 | 0) > (d2 | 0)) return; l2 = h3 & 255; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; i3 = f2; while (true) { a[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + i3 >> 0] = l2; if ((i3 | 0) < (d2 | 0)) i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; else break; } return; } case 32: { i3 = 1 - f2 + d2 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) return; d2 = (c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) | 0; f2 = i3; while (true) { c[d2 >> 2] = h3; if ((f2 | 0) > 1) { d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; f2 = f2 + -1 | 0; } else break; } return; } default: return; } } function Kn(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 32 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[a2 + 40 >> 2] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; return; } function Ln2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[481376] = c[a2 + 28 >> 2]; c[481380] = c[a2 + 32 >> 2]; c[481388] = c[a2 + 36 >> 2]; c[481384] = c[a2 + 40 >> 2]; return; } function Mn(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[a2 + 28 >> 2] = c[481376]; c[a2 + 32 >> 2] = c[481380]; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = c[481388]; c[a2 + 40 >> 2] = c[481384]; return; } function Nn(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (d2 | 0) == 0 | (g2 | 0) == 0 | (h3 | 0) == 0) return; j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? (c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (h3 | 0) : 0) if (!(i3 & 1)) { tp(b4, d2, 0, 0, e2, f2, g2, h3); return; } else { En(b4, d2, 0, 0, e2, f2, g2, h3); return; } k2 = c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) != (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0)) return; l2 = (j2 << 16 | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; m4 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (m4 << 16 | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; o2 = c[d2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (o2 | 0) > (f2 | 0); q3 = o2 - f2 | 0; r2 = B(q3, n2) | 0; s3 = h3 - (p2 ? q3 : 0) | 0; q3 = p2 ? o2 : f2; f2 = (l2 | 0) / 2 | 0; o2 = (l2 | 0) < 0 ? f2 + j2 | 0 : ((n2 | 0) < 0 ? m4 : 0) + ((n2 | 0) / 2 | 0) + (p2 ? r2 : 0) | 0; r2 = c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (r2 | 0) > (e2 | 0); m4 = r2 - e2 | 0; j2 = B(m4, l2) | 0; h3 = (p2 ? j2 : 0) + f2 | 0; f2 = g2 - (p2 ? m4 : 0) | 0; m4 = p2 ? r2 : e2; e2 = (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) - m4 | 0; r2 = (f2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? f2 : e2; e2 = (c[d2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) - q3 | 0; f2 = (s3 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? s3 : e2; switch (k2 | 0) { case 32: { k2 = f2 + q3 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) return; e2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (r2 | 0) > 0; if (!(i3 & 1)) { g2 = o2; j2 = q3; while (true) { t3 = c[e2 + (g2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (p2) { u2 = (c[s3 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) | 0; v2 = h3; w2 = 0; while (true) { c[u2 >> 2] = c[t3 + (v2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2]; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) break; else { u2 = u2 + 4 | 0; v2 = v2 + l2 | 0; } } } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (k2 | 0)) break; else g2 = g2 + n2 | 0; } return; } g2 = o2; j2 = q3; while (true) { v2 = c[e2 + (g2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a: do if (p2) { u2 = (c[s3 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) | 0; w2 = h3; t3 = 0; while (true) { x2 = c[v2 + (w2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0; y4 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = x2 >>> 24; switch ((z3 & 255) << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { A4 = y4 & 16777215; break; } case -1: { A4 = x2 & 16777215; break; } default: { C3 = z3 ^ 255; A4 = ((((B(y4 >>> 16 & 255, C3) | 0) + (B(x2 >>> 16 & 255, z3) | 0) | 0) >>> 0) / 255 | 0) << 16 | ((((B(y4 & 255, C3) | 0) + (B(x2 & 255, z3) | 0) | 0) >>> 0) / 255 | 0) | ((((B(y4 >>> 8 & 255, C3) | 0) + (B(x2 >>> 8 & 255, z3) | 0) | 0) >>> 0) / 255 | 0) << 8; } } c[u2 >> 2] = A4 | y4 & -16777216; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) break a; else { u2 = u2 + 4 | 0; w2 = w2 + l2 | 0; } } } while (0); j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (k2 | 0)) break; else g2 = g2 + n2 | 0; } return; } case 8: { g2 = f2 + q3 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) return; f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = d2 + 16 | 0; d2 = (r2 | 0) > 0; if (!(i3 & 1)) { i3 = o2; k2 = q3; while (true) { j2 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (d2) { A4 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + m4 | 0; s3 = h3; p2 = 0; while (true) { a[A4 >> 0] = a[j2 + (s3 >> 16) >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) break; else { A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; s3 = s3 + l2 | 0; } } } k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) break; else i3 = i3 + n2 | 0; } return; } if (!d2) return; d2 = o2; o2 = q3; while (true) { q3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (d2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0; i3 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + m4 | 0; k2 = h3; s3 = 0; while (true) { A4 = a[q3 + (k2 >> 16) >> 0] | 0; if (A4 << 24 >> 24) a[i3 >> 0] = A4; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) break; else { i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; k2 = k2 + l2 | 0; } } o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) break; else d2 = d2 + n2 | 0; } return; } default: return; } } function On(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; switch (c2 | 0) { case 0: { d2 = a2 & 16777215; return d2 | 0; } case 255: { d2 = b4 & 16777215; return d2 | 0; } default: { e2 = 255 - c2 | 0; d2 = ((B(b4 & 255, c2) | 0) + (B(a2 & 255, e2) | 0) | 0) / 255 | 0 | ((((B(b4 >>> 8 & 255, c2) | 0) + (B(a2 >>> 8 & 255, e2) | 0) | 0) / 255 | 0) << 8 | (((B(b4 >>> 16 & 255, c2) | 0) + (B(a2 >>> 16 & 255, e2) | 0) | 0) / 255 | 0) << 16); return d2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Pn(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0; a: do if (((((a2 | 0) != 0 ? (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) <= (b4 | 0) : 0) ? (c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) <= (e2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[a2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) > (b4 | 0) : 0) ? (c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) > (e2 | 0) : 0) switch (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { f2 = d[(c[(c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + b4 >> 0] | 0; break a; break; } case 32: { f2 = c[(c[(c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; break a; break; } default: { f2 = 0; break a; } } else f2 = 0; while (0); return f2 | 0; } function Qn(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0; a: do if ((f2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)) { i3 = b4 + 28 | 0; j2 = b4 + 36 | 0; k2 = b4 + 32 | 0; l2 = b4 + 40 | 0; m4 = d2; n2 = f2; o2 = e2; p2 = g2; while (true) { if ((p2 | 0) == (o2 | 0)) { q3 = 14; break; } r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (r2 | 0) > (m4 | 0) & 1; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (t3 | 0) > (o2 | 0) ? s3 | 2 : s3; s3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = (s3 | 0) > (m4 | 0) ? u2 : u2 | 4; u2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (u2 | 0) > (o2 | 0) ? v2 : v2 | 8; v2 = (r2 | 0) > (n2 | 0) & 1; x2 = (t3 | 0) > (p2 | 0) ? v2 | 2 : v2; v2 = (s3 | 0) > (n2 | 0) ? x2 : x2 | 4; x2 = (u2 | 0) > (p2 | 0) ? v2 : v2 | 8; if (!(w2 | x2)) { q3 = 25; break; } v2 = (w2 & 1 | 0) != 0; if (!((x2 & 1 | 0) == 0 | v2 ^ 1)) { q3 = 51; break; } y4 = (w2 & 2 | 0) != 0; if (!((x2 & 2 | 0) == 0 | y4 ^ 1)) { q3 = 51; break; } z3 = (w2 & 4 | 0) != 0; if (!((x2 & 4 | 0) == 0 | z3 ^ 1)) { q3 = 51; break; } A4 = (w2 & 8 | 0) != 0; if (!((x2 & 8 | 0) == 0 | A4 ^ 1)) { q3 = 51; break; } if (!v2) if (z3) { z3 = s3 + -1 | 0; v2 = (m4 - z3 << 16 | 0) / (m4 - n2 | 0) | 0; x2 = 65536 - v2 | 0; w2 = (B(x2, m4) | 0) + (B(v2, n2) | 0) >> 16; C3 = (B(x2, o2) | 0) + (B(v2, p2) | 0) >> 16; D3 = (w2 | 0) < (s3 | 0) ? w2 : z3; E3 = C3; } else { D3 = m4; E3 = o2; } else { C3 = (r2 - m4 << 16 | 0) / (n2 - m4 | 0) | 0; z3 = 65536 - C3 | 0; w2 = (B(z3, m4) | 0) + (B(C3, n2) | 0) >> 16; s3 = (B(z3, o2) | 0) + (B(C3, p2) | 0) >> 16; D3 = (w2 | 0) < (r2 | 0) ? r2 : w2; E3 = s3; } if (!y4) if (A4) { if ((E3 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) { q3 = 51; break; } A4 = u2 + -1 | 0; y4 = (E3 - A4 << 16 | 0) / (E3 - p2 | 0) | 0; s3 = 65536 - y4 | 0; w2 = (B(s3, D3) | 0) + (B(y4, n2) | 0) >> 16; C3 = (B(s3, E3) | 0) + (B(y4, p2) | 0) >> 16; F3 = w2; G2 = (C3 | 0) < (u2 | 0) ? C3 : A4; } else { F3 = D3; G2 = E3; } else { if ((E3 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) { q3 = 51; break; } A4 = (t3 - E3 << 16 | 0) / (p2 - E3 | 0) | 0; C3 = 65536 - A4 | 0; u2 = (B(C3, D3) | 0) + (B(A4, n2) | 0) >> 16; w2 = (B(C3, E3) | 0) + (B(A4, p2) | 0) >> 16; F3 = u2; G2 = (w2 | 0) < (t3 | 0) ? t3 : w2; } if ((F3 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) { H2 = n2; I2 = p2; J2 = G2; break a; } else { w2 = p2; t3 = n2; n2 = F3; p2 = G2; o2 = w2; m4 = t3; } } if ((q3 | 0) == 14) { if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (b4 | 0) == 2921660) return; t3 = (n2 | 0) < (m4 | 0); w2 = t3 ? m4 : n2; u2 = t3 ? n2 : m4; if ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > (p2 | 0)) return; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (p2 | 0)) return; t3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = (u2 | 0) < (t3 | 0) ? t3 : u2; u2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (w2 | 0) < (u2 | 0) ? w2 : u2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((A4 | 0) > (t3 | 0)) return; u2 = h3 & 255; w2 = b4 + 16 | 0; C3 = A4; while (true) { a[(c[(c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + C3 >> 0] = u2; if ((C3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; else break; } return; } case 32: { C3 = 1 - A4 + t3 | 0; if ((C3 | 0) <= 0) return; u2 = (c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (A4 << 2) | 0; w2 = C3; while (true) { c[u2 >> 2] = h3; if ((w2 | 0) > 1) { u2 = u2 + 4 | 0; w2 = w2 + -1 | 0; } else break; } return; } default: return; } } else if ((q3 | 0) == 25) { w2 = n2 - m4 | 0; u2 = p2 - o2 | 0; A4 = (w2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - w2 | 0 : w2; t3 = (u2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - u2 | 0 : u2; C3 = (A4 | 0) > (t3 | 0) ? A4 : t3; t3 = (C3 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : C3; C3 = (w2 << 16 | 0) / (t3 | 0) | 0; w2 = (u2 << 16 | 0) / (t3 | 0) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) <= -1) return; u2 = b4 + 8 | 0; A4 = h3 & 255; y4 = b4 + 16 | 0; s3 = r2; z3 = t3; t3 = m4 << 16 | 32768; v2 = o2 << 16 | 32768; while (true) { x2 = t3 >> 16; K2 = v2 >> 16; b: do if ((((s3 | 0) <= (x2 | 0) ? (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) <= (K2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (x2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) > (K2 | 0) : 0) switch (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { a[(c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + (K2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + x2 >> 0] = A4; break b; break; } case 32: { c[(c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + (K2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (x2 << 2) >> 2] = h3; break b; break; } default: break b; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) <= 0) break; s3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = z3 + -1 | 0; t3 = t3 + C3 | 0; v2 = v2 + w2 | 0; } return; } else if ((q3 | 0) == 51) return; } else { H2 = f2; I2 = e2; J2 = g2; } while (0); if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (b4 | 0) == 2921660) return; g2 = (J2 | 0) < (I2 | 0); e2 = g2 ? I2 : J2; f2 = g2 ? J2 : I2; if ((c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) > (H2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) <= (H2 | 0)) return; I2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (f2 | 0) < (I2 | 0) ? I2 : f2; f2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; I2 = (e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? e2 : f2 + -1 | 0; switch (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { if ((J2 | 0) > (I2 | 0)) return; f2 = h3 & 255; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = J2; while (true) { a[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + H2 >> 0] = f2; if ((g2 | 0) < (I2 | 0)) g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; else break; } return; } case 32: { if ((J2 | 0) > (I2 | 0)) return; g2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; b4 = J2; while (true) { c[(c[g2 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (H2 << 2) >> 2] = h3; if ((b4 | 0) < (I2 | 0)) b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; else break; } return; } default: return; } } function Rn(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2, l2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; l2 = l2 | 0; var m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (d2 | 0) == 0 | (d2 | 0) == 2921660) return; m4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((((m4 | 0) > (e2 | 0) ? (n2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (n2 | 0) > (f2 | 0)) : 0) ? (o2 = c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0, (o2 | 0) > (g2 | 0)) : 0) ? (p2 = c[d2 + 40 >> 2] | 0, (p2 | 0) > (h3 | 0)) : 0) { q3 = (e2 | 0) < 0; r2 = q3 ? 0 : e2; s3 = q3 ? e2 : 0; q3 = g2 - s3 | 0; t3 = s3 + i3 | 0; s3 = (f2 | 0) < 0; u2 = s3 ? 0 : f2; v2 = s3 ? f2 : 0; s3 = h3 - v2 | 0; w2 = v2 + j2 | 0; j2 = c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; v2 = (q3 | 0) < (j2 | 0); x2 = v2 ? q3 - j2 | 0 : 0; y4 = v2 ? j2 : q3; q3 = x2 + ((t3 + r2 | 0) > (m4 | 0) ? m4 - r2 | 0 : t3) | 0; t3 = c[d2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (s3 | 0) < (t3 | 0); v2 = j2 ? s3 - t3 | 0 : 0; z3 = j2 ? t3 : s3; s3 = v2 + ((w2 + u2 | 0) > (n2 | 0) ? n2 - u2 | 0 : w2) | 0; A4 = y4; B2 = z3; C3 = (s3 + z3 | 0) > (p2 | 0) ? p2 - z3 | 0 : s3; D3 = r2 - x2 | 0; E3 = u2 - v2 | 0; F3 = (q3 + y4 | 0) > (o2 | 0) ? o2 - y4 | 0 : q3; } else { A4 = g2; B2 = h3; C3 = 0; D3 = e2; E3 = f2; F3 = i3; } i3 = (l2 & 1 | 0) != 0; if (i3) { l2 = m4 - D3 | 0; f2 = l2 - F3 | 0; if ((((f2 | 0) < (m4 | 0) ? (e2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (E3 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) : 0) ? (h3 = c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0, (A4 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) : 0) ? (g2 = c[d2 + 40 >> 2] | 0, (B2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) : 0) { q3 = (f2 | 0) < 0; y4 = q3 ? 0 : f2; o2 = A4 - (q3 ? f2 : 0) | 0; v2 = (E3 | 0) < 0; u2 = v2 ? 0 : E3; x2 = v2 ? E3 : 0; v2 = B2 - x2 | 0; r2 = C3 + x2 | 0; x2 = c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (o2 | 0) < (x2 | 0); z3 = s3 ? o2 - x2 | 0 : 0; p2 = s3 ? x2 : o2; o2 = z3 + ((D3 | 0) < 0 ? m4 - y4 | 0 : q3 ? l2 : F3) | 0; l2 = c[d2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (v2 | 0) < (l2 | 0); m4 = q3 ? v2 - l2 | 0 : 0; x2 = q3 ? l2 : v2; v2 = m4 + ((r2 + u2 | 0) > (e2 | 0) ? e2 - u2 | 0 : r2) | 0; G2 = p2; H2 = x2; I2 = (v2 + x2 | 0) > (g2 | 0) ? g2 - x2 | 0 : v2; J2 = y4 - z3 | 0; K2 = u2 - m4 | 0; L3 = (o2 + p2 | 0) > (h3 | 0) ? h3 - p2 | 0 : o2; } else { G2 = A4; H2 = B2; I2 = 0; J2 = f2; K2 = E3; L3 = F3; } } else { G2 = A4; H2 = B2; I2 = C3; J2 = D3; K2 = E3; L3 = F3; } if ((L3 | 0) < 0) return; F3 = (I2 | 0) > 0; if ((c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 8) { if (!F3) return; E3 = b4 + 16 | 0; D3 = d2 + 16 | 0; C3 = L3 + -1 | 0; B2 = (L3 | 0) == 0; A4 = k2 & 255; if (i3) { f2 = 0; do { if (!B2) { o2 = (c[(c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 + H2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + G2 + C3 | 0; p2 = (c[(c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 + K2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0; h3 = L3; while (true) { if (a[p2 >> 0] | 0) a[o2 >> 0] = A4; h3 = h3 + -1 | 0; if (!h3) break; else { o2 = o2 + -1 | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } } } f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (I2 | 0)); return; } if (B2) return; B2 = 0; do { f2 = (c[(c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + (B2 + H2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + G2 | 0; C3 = (c[(c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + (B2 + K2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0; p2 = L3; while (true) { if (a[C3 >> 0] | 0) a[f2 >> 0] = A4; p2 = p2 + -1 | 0; if (!p2) break; else { f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } } B2 = B2 + 1 | 0; } while ((B2 | 0) != (I2 | 0)); return; } else { if (!F3) return; F3 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = d2 + 16 | 0; d2 = (L3 << 2) + -4 | 0; B2 = (L3 | 0) == 0; if (i3) { i3 = 0; do { if (!B2) { A4 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 + H2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (G2 << 2) + (d2 << 2) | 0; E3 = (c[(c[F3 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 + K2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0; D3 = L3; while (true) { if (a[E3 >> 0] | 0) c[A4 >> 2] = k2; D3 = D3 + -1 | 0; if (!D3) break; else { A4 = A4 + -4 | 0; E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; } } } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) != (I2 | 0)); return; } if (B2) return; B2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; F3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = 0; do { i3 = (c[F3 + (b4 + H2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (G2 << 2) | 0; d2 = (c[B2 + (b4 + K2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0; E3 = L3; while (true) { if (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) c[i3 >> 2] = k2; E3 = E3 + -1 | 0; if (!E3) break; else { i3 = i3 + 4 | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != (I2 | 0)); return; } } function Sn(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) != (c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) return; h3 = b4 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != (c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) return; j2 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = e2 + 8 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (m4 | 0)) { tp(b4, e2, 0, 0, 0, 0, g2, i3); return; } if ((k2 | 0) == 8 & (m4 | 0) == 32) { if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) return; m4 = b4 + 16 | 0; n2 = e2 + 16 | 0; o2 = i3; p2 = g2; q3 = 0; while (true) { if ((p2 | 0) > 0) { r2 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; t3 = 0; do { u2 = a[r2 + t3 >> 0] | 0; v2 = u2 & 255; c[s3 + (t3 << 2) >> 2] = (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (u2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 0 : -16777216) | (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; w2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) < (w2 | 0)); x2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = w2; } else { x2 = o2; y4 = p2; } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) >= (x2 | 0)) break; else { o2 = x2; p2 = y4; } } z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = x2; C3 = y4; } else { z3 = k2; A4 = i3; C3 = g2; } if ((z3 | 0) != 32) return; if (!((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 & (A4 | 0) > 0)) return; A4 = b4 + 28 | 0; z3 = b4 + 36 | 0; g2 = b4 + 32 | 0; i3 = e2 + 28 | 0; k2 = b4 + 40 | 0; y4 = e2 + 36 | 0; x2 = e2 + 32 | 0; p2 = b4 + 16 | 0; o2 = e2 + 40 | 0; q3 = e2 + 16 | 0; e2 = C3; C3 = 0; while (true) { if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { w2 = 0; while (true) { a: do if ((((c[A4 >> 2] | 0) <= (w2 | 0) ? (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) <= (C3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) > (w2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (C3 | 0) : 0) switch (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { D3 = d[(c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (C3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + w2 >> 0] | 0; break a; break; } case 32: { D3 = c[(c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (C3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; break a; break; } default: { D3 = 0; break a; } } else D3 = 0; while (0); n2 = D3 >>> 16 & 255; m4 = D3 >>> 8 & 255; t3 = D3 & 255; s3 = 65536; r2 = -1; v2 = 0; while (true) { u2 = n2 - (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) | 0; E3 = B(u2, u2) | 0; u2 = m4 - (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0; F3 = (B(u2, u2) | 0) + E3 | 0; E3 = t3 - (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; u2 = F3 + (B(E3, E3) | 0) | 0; E3 = u2 >>> 0 < 27; F3 = (r2 | 0) == -1 | (u2 | 0) < (s3 | 0); r2 = E3 | F3 ? v2 : r2; v2 = E3 ? 257 : v2 + 1 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) >= 256) break; else s3 = E3 ? s3 : F3 ? u2 : s3; } b: do if ((((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) <= (w2 | 0) ? (c[y4 >> 2] | 0) <= (C3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) > (w2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) > (C3 | 0) : 0) switch (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) { case 8: { a[(c[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (C3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + w2 >> 0] = r2; break b; break; } case 32: { c[(c[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + (C3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] = r2; break b; break; } default: break b; } while (0); w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; r2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((w2 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) { G2 = r2; break; } } } else G2 = e2; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((C3 | 0) >= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) break; else e2 = G2; } return; } function Tn(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; d2 = a2 + 20 | 0; if ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) return; e2 = b4 << 2; c[a2 >> 2] = lq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; f2 = a2 + 4 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = lq(c[f2 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; g2 = a2 + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = lq(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; h3 = a2 + 12 | 0; i3 = lq(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) < (b4 | 0) ? (c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = 0, c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = e2, c[i3 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = e2, c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = 0, i3 = e2 + 1 | 0, (i3 | 0) != (b4 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = i3; do { i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = e2; c[i3 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = e2; c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); } c[d2 >> 2] = b4; return; } function Un(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = iq(64) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; Tn(d2, b4); a[d2 + 32 >> 0] = 0; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; return d2 | 0; } function Vn(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = iq(64) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; Tn(e2, b4); a[e2 + 32 >> 0] = 0; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; f2 = kq(B(d2, b4) | 0) | 0; c[c[e2 >> 2] >> 2] = f2; if ((b4 | 0) <= 1) { g2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 1; h3 = e2 + 28 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = d2; return e2 | 0; } f2 = 1; do { i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (B(f2, d2) | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); g2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 1; h3 = e2 + 28 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = d2; return e2 | 0; } function Wn(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; a: do if ((c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (e2 = c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0, (e2 | 0) <= 99) : 0) do switch (e2 | 0) { case 2: { mq(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 3: { Xn(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 4: { Gn(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; break a; break; } case 5: { yn2(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 6: { Yo(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 7: { $o(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 8: { lp(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 9: { Kq(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 10: { Bn(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; break a; break; } case 12: { Eo(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 11: { Bp(c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break a; break; } case 0: return; default: break a; } while (0); while (0); e2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) | 0; if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) return; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = d2; f2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + (d2 << 2) | 0; d2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = b4; g2 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; a2 = g2 + (b4 << 2) | 0; c[f2 + (c[a2 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[a2 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; return; } function Xn(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if (!a2) return; b4 = a2 + 24 | 0; if (!(c[b4 >> 2] | 0)) { d2 = a2 + 16 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = 0; do { Wn(a2, c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (e2 | 0) & (g2 | 0) != 0); } g2 = a2 + 20 | 0; if ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { e2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 0; do { c[e2 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] = i3; c[f2 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] = i3; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0)); } if (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) jq(c[c[a2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0, 0, B(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0); if (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) pn2(94223); } else mq(c[c[a2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0); mq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return; } function Yn(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; if (!b4) { c[g2 >> 2] = 94259; it(1703776, 95255, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); } if (!d2) { c[f2 >> 2] = 94282; it(1703776, 95255, f2) | 0; pn2(1703776); } f2 = (c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) == 0; g2 = a2 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + 1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = i3; j2 = c[a2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (j2 | 0) <= (h3 | 0); if (f2) if (k2) { Tn(a2, j2 + 8 + ((j2 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0); l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else l2 = i3; else if (k2) { c[g2 >> 2] = h3; m4 = a2 + 4 | 0; n2 = -1; o2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = o2 + (n2 << 2) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = d2; q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = q3 + (n2 << 2) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = b4; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } else l2 = i3; i3 = c[(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; l2 = a2 + 4 | 0; c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 2) >> 2] = 1; m4 = l2; n2 = i3; o2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = o2 + (n2 << 2) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = d2; q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = q3 + (n2 << 2) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = b4; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } function Zn() { var a2 = 0; if (false) ; a2 = c[545791] | 0; if (a2 | 0) Gn(a2) | 0; a2 = Fn(33, 33, 32) | 0; c[545791] = a2; An(a2); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 15, 8, 17, 24, -1); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 8, 15, 24, 17, -1); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 16, 9, 16, 23, -6250336); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 9, 16, 23, 16, -6250336); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 11, 11, 21, 21, 0); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 16, 11, 16, 21, -1); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 11, 16, 21, 16, -1); Cn(c[545791] | 0, 14, 14, 18, 18, 0); return; } function _n() { Zn(); c[545792] = c[545791]; return; } function $n() { return (c[545793] | 0) != 0 | 0; } function ao() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; a2 = c[545793] | 0; if (!a2) { do { sn2() | 0; b4 = c[545793] | 0; } while (!(b4 | 0)); d2 = b4; } else d2 = a2; a2 = c[428120] | 0; b4 = d2 + -1 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) <= 1) { c[545793] = b4; return a2 | 0; } d2 = 0; do { e2 = d2; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; c[1712480 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = c[1712480 + (d2 << 2) >> 2]; } while ((d2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); c[545793] = b4; return a2 | 0; } function bo() { var b4 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = 0; while (true) { if ((b4 | 0) != 57 & (a[1712608 + b4 >> 0] | 0) != 0) { c2 = b4; d2 = 4; break; } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; if (b4 >>> 0 >= 512) { c2 = 0; d2 = 4; break; } } if ((d2 | 0) == 4) return c2 | 0; return 0; } function co2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= 0) { if (b4 >>> 0 > 511) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } d2 = a[1712608 + b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(d2 << 24 >> 24)) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } if (!(a[1713120 + b4 >> 0] | 0)) return (d2 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713632 + b4 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1) | 0; else { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } } switch (b4 | 0) { case -6: { b4 = a[1712833] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713345] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713857] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1712837] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713349] | 0) == 0)) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713861] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } case -2: { b4 = a[1713110] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713622] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1714134] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1713111] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713623] | 0) == 0)) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1714135] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } case -3: { b4 = a[1713108] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713620] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1714132] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1713109] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713621] | 0) == 0)) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1714133] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } case -4: { b4 = a[1712834] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713346] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713858] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1712838] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713350] | 0) == 0)) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713862] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } case -5: { b4 = a[1712832] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713344] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713856] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1712836] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713348] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1713860] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1713108] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713620] | 0) == 0) { c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1714132] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } b4 = a[1713109] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (a[1713621] | 0) == 0)) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } c2 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 3 | (a[1714133] | 0) == 0 ? 3 : 1; return c2 | 0; } default: { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } } return 0; } function eo() { Iv(1712608, 0, 512) | 0; Iv(1713632, 0, 512) | 0; Iv(1713120, 0, 512) | 0; return; } function fo() { return; } function go() { c[545794] = Vn(1024, 72) | 0; return; } function ho() { Xn(c[545794] | 0); return; } function io() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; b4 = a2 + 8 | 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = a2; f2 = c[545794] | 0; if (!f2) { Ia = a2; return; } if (!(c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { Ia = a2; return; } Rr(b4, d2, e2); f2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) - (c[545795] | 0) | 0; g2 = B(f2, f2) | 0; f2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[545796] | 0) | 0; h3 = (B(f2, f2) | 0) + g2 | 0; Eq(); g2 = c[545794] | 0; f2 = c[g2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (f2 | 0) > 0; a: do if (i3) { j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[l2 + (c[m4 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (((j2 | 0) >= (o2 | 0) ? (j2 | 0) < ((c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + o2 | 0) : 0) ? (o2 = c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, (k2 | 0) >= (o2 | 0)) : 0) p2 = (k2 | 0) < ((c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + o2 | 0) ? n2 : 0; else p2 = 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 1) { n2 = p2; o2 = 1; while (true) { q3 = c[l2 + (c[m4 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((((j2 | 0) >= (r2 | 0) ? (j2 | 0) < ((c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + r2 | 0) : 0) ? (s3 = c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0, (k2 | 0) >= (s3 | 0)) : 0) ? (k2 | 0) < ((c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0) : 0) { if (n2 | 0 ? c[n2 + 20 >> 2] & 32 | 0 : 0) { t3 = n2; break; } t3 = q3; } else t3 = n2; while (0); o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) break; else n2 = t3; } if (i3) u2 = t3; else break; } else u2 = p2; n2 = u2 + 20 | 0; o2 = u2 + 28 | 0; k2 = u2 + 28 | 0; j2 = u2 + 28 | 0; m4 = u2 + 28 | 0; l2 = u2 + 24 | 0; q3 = u2 + 24 | 0; r2 = g2; s3 = h3; v2 = f2; while (true) { w2 = v2 + -1 | 0; x2 = c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[(c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == (u2 | 0)) { y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3 & 2; if (!y4) { if (!A4) Ua[c[o2 >> 2] & 0](u2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 3); } else if (!(c[545797] | A4)) { c[n2 >> 2] = z3 | 2; Ua[c[j2 >> 2] & 0](u2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, y4, 4); y4 = Kr() | 0; if ((y4 - (c[545798] | 0) | 0) < 400 ? (y4 = (c[c[l2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) / 64 | 0, (s3 | 0) < (B(y4, y4) | 0)) : 0) Ua[c[j2 >> 2] & 0](u2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 18); y4 = Kr() | 0; if ((y4 - (c[545799] | 0) | 0) < 400 ? (y4 = (c[c[q3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) / 64 | 0, (s3 | 0) < (B(y4, y4) | 0)) : 0) { Ua[c[j2 >> 2] & 0](u2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 11); c[545798] = Kr() | 0; } c[545799] = Kr() | 0; c[545795] = c[b4 >> 2]; c[545796] = c[d2 >> 2]; } y4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(y4 & 1)) { c[n2 >> 2] = y4 | 1; Ua[c[k2 >> 2] & 0](u2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 1); } y4 = c[543643] | 0; z3 = c[543644] | 0; if (z3 | y4 | 0) { Ua[c[m4 >> 2] & 0](u2, y4, z3, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 16); c[543643] = 0; c[543644] = 0; } } else { z3 = x2 + 20 | 0; y4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(y4 & 1)) C3 = y4; else { c[z3 >> 2] = y4 & -2; Ua[c[x2 + 28 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 2); C3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; } c[z3 >> 2] = C3 & -33; } z3 = x2 + 20 | 0; y4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; if ((y4 & 2 | 0) == 0 | (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) != 0) if ((y4 & 1 | 0) != 0 & (c[543651] | 0) != 0 ? (A4 = Kr() | 0, (A4 | 0) < ((c[543652] | 0) + 500 | 0)) : 0) { A4 = c[543651] | 0; c[545797] = A4; D3 = x2 + 28 | 0; Ua[c[D3 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, A4, 12); A4 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) - (c[545800] | 0) | 0; E3 = B(A4, A4) | 0; A4 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[545801] | 0) | 0; F3 = (B(A4, A4) | 0) + E3 | 0; E3 = Kr() | 0; if ((E3 - (c[545802] | 0) | 0) < 400 & F3 >>> 0 < 400) Ua[c[D3 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[545797] | 0, 15); c[545802] = Kr() | 0; c[545800] = c[b4 >> 2]; c[545801] = c[d2 >> 2]; G2 = F3; } else G2 = s3; else { c[z3 >> 2] = y4 & -3; y4 = x2 + 28 | 0; Ua[c[y4 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6); F3 = Kr() | 0; if ((s3 | 0) < 400 & (F3 - (c[545799] | 0) | 0) < 400) Ua[c[y4 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[545797] | 0, 12); F3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) - (c[545800] | 0) | 0; D3 = B(F3, F3) | 0; F3 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[545801] | 0) | 0; E3 = (B(F3, F3) | 0) + D3 | 0; D3 = Kr() | 0; if ((D3 - (c[545802] | 0) | 0) < 400 & E3 >>> 0 < 400) Ua[c[y4 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[545797] | 0, 15); c[545802] = Kr() | 0; c[545800] = c[b4 >> 2]; c[545801] = c[d2 >> 2]; G2 = E3; } E3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((E3 & 2 | 0) != 0 & (y4 | 0) != 0) { Ua[c[x2 + 28 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, y4, 5); H2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; } else H2 = E3; if (H2 & 1 | 0 ? !((c[545803] | 0) == 0 | (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) != 0) : 0) Ua[c[x2 + 28 >> 2] & 0](x2, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 17); if ((v2 | 0) <= 1) break a; r2 = c[545794] | 0; s3 = G2; v2 = w2; } } while (0); c[543651] = 0; G2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[545797] = G2; c[545803] = G2; Fq(); Ia = a2; return; } function jo(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2 + 4 | 0; g2 = d2; if (!(c[545794] | 0)) { Ia = d2; return; } Rr(e2, f2, g2); h3 = c[545794] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { Ia = d2; return; } if (!b4) { i3 = h3; j2 = 0; do { k2 = c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (c[(c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (j2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; Ua[c[k2 + 28 >> 2] & 0](k2, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, a2); j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; i3 = c[545794] | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) < (c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0)); Ia = d2; return; } i3 = h3; h3 = 0; while (true) { j2 = c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (c[(c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { Ua[c[j2 + 28 >> 2] & 0](j2, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, a2); l2 = c[545794] | 0; } else l2 = i3; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) >= (c[l2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) break; else i3 = l2; } Ia = d2; return; } function ko2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = c[545794] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 0 | (b4 | 0) == 0) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if ((c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0) <= (a2 | 0)) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } d2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; return d2 | 0; } function lo() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; a2 = c[545794] | 0; b4 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { d2 = -1; return d2 | 0; } e2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; a2 = b4; while (true) { b4 = a2; a2 = a2 + -1 | 0; if (c[(c[e2 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 20 >> 2] & 1 | 0) { d2 = a2; f2 = 5; break; } if ((b4 | 0) <= 1) { d2 = -1; f2 = 5; break; } } if ((f2 | 0) == 5) return d2 | 0; return 0; } function mo() { var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; c[545804] = Un(512) | 0; c[545805] = Un(512) | 0; b4 = 0; do { e2 = (b4 | 0) == 0; f2 = e2 ? 8 : 32; g2 = 0; do { h3 = Fn(5, 5, f2) | 0; i3 = Fn(6, 5, f2) | 0; Yn(c[545804] | 0, 4, h3) | 0; Yn(c[545805] | 0, 4, i3) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 32); g2 = 0; do { i3 = Fn(5, 5, f2) | 0; h3 = Fn(6, 5, f2) | 0; An(i3); j2 = g2 * 5 | 0; k2 = i3 + 16 | 0; l2 = h3 + 16 | 0; if (e2) { m4 = 0; do { n2 = d[4064 + (m4 + j2) >> 0] | 0; if (n2 & 16 | 0) { a[c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] >> 0] = -1; a[c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 1 >> 0] = -1; } if (n2 & 8 | 0) { a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 1 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 1 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = -1; } if (n2 & 4 | 0) { a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 3 >> 0] = -1; } if (n2 & 2 | 0) { a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 3 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 3 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 0] = -1; } if (n2 & 1 | 0) { a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 0] = -1; a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] = -1; } m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 5); } else { m4 = 0; do { n2 = d[4064 + (m4 + j2) >> 0] | 0; if (n2 & 16 | 0) { c[c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] >> 2] = -4144960; o2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = -1; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = -1; } if (n2 & 8 | 0) { c[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = -4144960; o2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = -1; c[o2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; } if (n2 & 4 | 0) { c[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] = -4144960; o2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[o2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; } if (n2 & 2 | 0) { c[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] = -4144960; o2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[o2 + 16 >> 2] = -1; } if (n2 & 1 | 0) { c[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] = -4144960; n2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[n2 + 16 >> 2] = -1; c[n2 + 20 >> 2] = -1; } m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 5); } Yn(c[545804] | 0, 4, i3) | 0; Yn(c[545805] | 0, 4, h3) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 96); g2 = 0; do { e2 = Fn(5, 5, f2) | 0; m4 = Fn(6, 5, f2) | 0; Yn(c[545804] | 0, 4, e2) | 0; Yn(c[545805] | 0, 4, m4) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 128); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 2); return; } function no() { Xn(c[545804] | 0); Xn(c[545805] | 0); return; } function oo(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0; if ((d2 | 0) == 0 | (e2 | 0) == 0) { j2 = g2; return j2 | 0; } k2 = c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (k2 & 255 | 0) == 0; m4 = l2 ? 0 : 32; n2 = l2 ? 256 : 96; if (h3 & 8) { o2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(o2 << 24 >> 24)) { p2 = 1; q3 = 0; } else { r2 = o2; o2 = 0; s3 = d2; while (true) { t3 = r2 << 24 >> 24; if ((m4 | 0) > (t3 | 0)) u2 = o2; else u2 = o2 + 1 + (c[c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 - m4 << 2) >> 2] >> 2] | 0) | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; r2 = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) { p2 = 1; q3 = u2; break; } else o2 = u2; } } u2 = q3 - p2 | 0; p2 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; q3 = b4 + 28 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) > (p2 - f2 | 0)) { c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 15; v2 = 1; w2 = p2 - u2 | 0; } else { v2 = 0; w2 = f2; } } else { v2 = 0; w2 = f2; } if (!(h3 & 2)) x2 = w2; else { u2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(u2 << 24 >> 24)) { y4 = 1; z3 = 0; } else { p2 = u2; u2 = 0; q3 = d2; while (true) { o2 = p2 << 24 >> 24; if ((m4 | 0) > (o2 | 0)) A4 = u2; else A4 = u2 + 1 + (c[c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 - m4 << 2) >> 2] >> 2] | 0) | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; p2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(p2 << 24 >> 24)) { y4 = 1; z3 = A4; break; } else u2 = A4; } } x2 = w2 - ((z3 - y4 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0; } if (!(h3 & 4)) B2 = x2; else { y4 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(y4 << 24 >> 24)) { C3 = 1; D3 = 0; } else { z3 = y4; y4 = 0; w2 = d2; while (true) { A4 = z3 << 24 >> 24; if ((m4 | 0) > (A4 | 0)) E3 = y4; else E3 = y4 + 1 + (c[c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (A4 - m4 << 2) >> 2] >> 2] | 0) | 0; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; z3 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(z3 << 24 >> 24)) { C3 = 1; D3 = E3; break; } else y4 = E3; } } B2 = C3 + x2 - D3 | 0; } a: do if (!(h3 & 1)) { D3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; C3 = h3; E3 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[(c[D3 + (E3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (x2 | 0)) { F3 = C3; G2 = E3; H2 = 0; break a; } y4 = E3 + n2 | 0; z3 = (y4 | 0) < (k2 | 0); w2 = C3 | (z3 ^ 1) & 1; A4 = z3 ? y4 : E3; if (!(w2 & 1)) { C3 = w2; E3 = A4; } else { F3 = w2; G2 = A4; H2 = 1; break; } } } else { F3 = h3; G2 = 0; H2 = 1; } while (0); h3 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (h3 << 24 >> 24) { k2 = l2 ? 256 : 128; l2 = G2 - m4 | 0; G2 = (F3 & 16 | 0) == 0; F3 = b4 + 32 | 0; if (H2) { H2 = h3; n2 = 0; E3 = d2; C3 = B2; x2 = g2; while (true) { D3 = H2 & 255; if (m4 >>> 0 <= D3 >>> 0 & k2 >>> 0 > D3 >>> 0) { A4 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 + D3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; D3 = A4 + 4 | 0; Rn(A4, b4, 0, 0, C3, x2, c[A4 >> 2] | 0, c[D3 >> 2] | 0, i3, 0); w2 = 1 + (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; A4 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; I2 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; J2 = w2; K2 = (n2 | 0) > (A4 | 0) ? n2 : A4; L3 = w2 + C3 | 0; } else { I2 = H2; J2 = 0; K2 = n2; L3 = C3; } if (I2 << 24 >> 24 != 10) if (!G2 ? (L3 | 0) > ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0) : 0) M2 = 37; else { N4 = K2; O2 = L3; P2 = x2; } else M2 = 37; if ((M2 | 0) == 37) { M2 = 0; N4 = 0; O2 = f2; P2 = K2 + x2 + 1 | 0; } E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; H2 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(H2 << 24 >> 24)) { Q3 = P2; break; } else { n2 = N4; C3 = O2; x2 = P2; } } } else { P2 = h3; h3 = 0; x2 = d2; d2 = B2; B2 = g2; while (true) { O2 = P2 & 255; if (m4 >>> 0 <= O2 >>> 0 & k2 >>> 0 > O2 >>> 0) { C3 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 + O2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; O2 = C3 + 4 | 0; En(C3, b4, 0, 0, d2, B2, c[C3 >> 2] | 0, c[O2 >> 2] | 0); N4 = 1 + (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; C3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; S2 = N4; T4 = (h3 | 0) > (C3 | 0) ? h3 : C3; U2 = N4 + d2 | 0; } else { R3 = P2; S2 = 0; T4 = h3; U2 = d2; } if (R3 << 24 >> 24 != 10) if (!G2 ? (U2 | 0) > ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) - S2 | 0) : 0) M2 = 44; else { V3 = T4; W2 = U2; X2 = B2; } else M2 = 44; if ((M2 | 0) == 44) { M2 = 0; V3 = 0; W2 = f2; X2 = T4 + B2 + 1 | 0; } x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; P2 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(P2 << 24 >> 24)) { Q3 = X2; break; } else { h3 = V3; d2 = W2; B2 = X2; } } } } else Q3 = g2; if (!v2) { j2 = Q3; return j2 | 0; } else { j2 = b4 + 28 | 0; v2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -15 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = v2; oo(b4, 95214, c[545804] | 0, v2, Q3, 0, 0) | 0; return Q3 | 0; } return 0; } function po2(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; oo(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, 0, 0) | 0; return; } function qo(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[545806] = a2; return; } function ro(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[545807] = a2; return; } function so(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { f2 = fv(a2, b4, d2, c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; return f2 | 0; } case 1: { g2 = B(d2, b4) | 0; b4 = e2 + 20 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) - d2 | 0; i3 = (g2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? g2 : h3; h3 = (i3 | 0) > 0 ? i3 : 0; Hv(a2 | 0, (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + d2 | 0, h3 | 0) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = h3 + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0); f2 = h3; return f2 | 0; } default: { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } } return 0; } function to(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { g2 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; Vu(f2, 4, 1, c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return; } case 1: { f2 = d2 + 20 | 0; if (c[d2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) oq(d2, (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 | 0) | 0; g2 = (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = b4; a[g2 + 1 >> 0] = b4 >> 8; a[g2 + 2 >> 0] = b4 >> 16; a[g2 + 3 >> 0] = b4 >> 24; b4 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; f2 = d2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (d2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? d2 : b4; Ia = e2; return; } default: { Ia = e2; return; } } } function uo(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { f2 = e2 + 20 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + d2; f2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + d2; g2 = Vu(a2, b4, d2, c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; return g2 | 0; } case 1: { f2 = B(d2, b4) | 0; do if (c[e2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) { b4 = e2 + 20 | 0; oq(e2, (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0) | 0; d2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!a2) { jq(d2, 0, f2); h3 = b4; break; } else { Hv(d2 | 0, a2 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; h3 = b4; break; } } else { b4 = e2 + 20 | 0; Hv((c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, a2 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; h3 = b4; } while (0); a2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = a2; h3 = e2 + 16 | 0; e2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (e2 | 0) > (a2 | 0) ? e2 : a2; g2 = f2; return g2 | 0; } default: { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } } return 0; } function vo2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { g2 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; Vu(f2, 4, 1, c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return; } case 1: { f2 = d2 + 20 | 0; if (c[d2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) oq(d2, (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 | 0) | 0; g2 = (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = b4; a[g2 + 1 >> 0] = b4 >> 8; a[g2 + 2 >> 0] = b4 >> 16; a[g2 + 3 >> 0] = b4 >> 24; b4 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; f2 = d2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (d2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? d2 : b4; Ia = e2; return; } default: { Ia = e2; return; } } } function wo(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { e2 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; e2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; $u(b4 << 24 >> 24, c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; return; } case 1: { e2 = d2 + 20 | 0; if (c[d2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) oq(d2, (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; a[(c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >> 0] = b4; b4 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; e2 = d2 + 16 | 0; d2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (d2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? d2 : b4; return; } default: return; } } function xo(d2, e2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; b3[g2 >> 1] = d2; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { h3 = e2 + 20 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 1; h3 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 1; Vu(g2, 2, 1, c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = f2; return; } case 1: { g2 = e2 + 20 | 0; if (c[e2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) oq(e2, (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 2 | 0) | 0; h3 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = d2; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = d2 >> 8; d2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 2 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; e2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (e2 | 0) > (d2 | 0) ? e2 : d2; Ia = f2; return; } default: { Ia = f2; return; } } } function Hi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 112 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) < 2) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } g2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 0 - e2 | 0; i3 = b4 + (h3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[b4 + (h3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 3) { h3 = Dd2(i3) | 0; b4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 1) { j2 = b4; k2 = h3; l2 = 5; } else { m4 = 0; n2 = h3; } } else { j2 = e2; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = 5; } do if ((l2 | 0) == 5) { i3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - j2 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = k2; break; } else { m4 = Dd2(i3) | 0; n2 = k2; break; } } while (0); k2 = n2 - (c[768163] << 16) | 0; n2 = k2 >> 16; j2 = m4 - (c[768164] << 16) | 0; m4 = j2 >> 16; if (a[3100894] & 16 ? (j2 | 0) > 8388607 | ((k2 | 0) > 8388607 | (j2 | k2 | 0) < 0) : 0) { f2 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24411) | 0) << 16; return f2 | 0; } f2 = (Pn(c[730449] | 0, n2, m4) | 0) << 16 & 983040; return f2 | 0; } function Ii(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = c[768155] | 0; if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) c[768155] = 6; if (((wd(a2) | 0) >= 1 ? (d2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0, c[768155] = d2 >>> 16 & 255, !((d2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1)) : 0) ? (e2 = d2 >>> 8 & 65536 | d2 & 65535, c[768171] = e2, d2 & 33554432 | 0) : 0) c[768171] = e2 | 131072; Ld(a2, b4 << 16); return 1; } function Ji(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[768156] | 0; d2 = c[768157] | 0; e2 = c[768155] | 0; f2 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; g2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; c[768156] = f2; c[768158] = f2; c[768157] = g2; if (((wd(a2) | 0) >= 3 ? (g2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0, c[768155] = g2 >>> 16 & 255, !((g2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1)) : 0) ? (f2 = g2 >>> 8 & 65536 | g2 & 65535, c[768171] = f2, g2 & 33554432 | 0) : 0) c[768171] = f2 | 131072; Ld(a2, b4 << 16); Ld(a2, d2 << 16); Ld(a2, e2 << 16); return 3; } function Ki(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = d2 + 8 | 0; g2 = d2 + 4 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; h3 = Ad(b4, 1) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 1) i3 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; else i3 = 0; switch (h3 | 0) { case 3: { h3 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = h3; Ld(b4, h3); j2 = 1; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } case 1: { h3 = (Fd(b4, 1) | 0) == 0; Ld(b4, h3 ? 0 : (i3 & 2 | 0) == 0 ? 65536 : 1); j2 = 1; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } case 4: { fh(2); c[g2 >> 2] = 1; a: do if (!(i3 & 3)) k2 = 18; else { h3 = Gd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; l2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(l2 << 24 >> 24)) m4 = 0; else { n2 = l2; l2 = h3; h3 = 0; while (true) { o2 = h3 << 4; p2 = n2 << 24 >> 24; do if ((n2 + -48 & 255) >= 10) if ((n2 + -97 & 255) < 6) { q3 = p2 + -87 | 0; break; } else { q3 = (n2 + -65 & 255) < 6 ? p2 + -55 | 0 : 0; break; } else q3 = p2 + -48 | 0; while (0); p2 = q3 | o2; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; n2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(n2 << 24 >> 24)) { m4 = p2; break; } else h3 = p2; } } switch (i3 & 3) { case 3: { c[f2 >> 2] = m4; k2 = 23; break a; break; } case 1: { c[f2 >> 2] = m4 << 16; k2 = 23; break a; break; } default: { k2 = 18; break a; } } } while (0); do if ((k2 | 0) == 18) { if (!(i3 & 2)) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = Cd(b4, 1, g2) | 0; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 & 4 | 0) == 0 | (m4 | 0) != 0) r2 = m4; else { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 1; s3 = 0; break; } } else { m4 = Gd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = f2; Eu2(m4, 93171, e2) | 0; r2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } if (!r2) { j2 = 0; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } else k2 = 23; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 23) s3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Ld(b4, s3); j2 = 1; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } default: { j2 = 0; Ia = d2; return j2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Li(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; d2 = b4 + 72 | 0; e2 = b4 + 68 | 0; f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = b4 + 4 | 0; j2 = b4; k2 = wd(a2) | 0; l2 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; m4 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; n2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 > 255) { Ia = b4; return 0; } if ((k2 | 0) > 3) { o2 = Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0; p2 = Cd(a2, 5, 0) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > 5) { k2 = Fd(a2, 6) | 0; q3 = k2; r2 = Fd(a2, 7) | 0; s3 = p2; t3 = o2; } else { q3 = 0; r2 = 0; s3 = p2; t3 = o2; } } else { q3 = 0; r2 = 0; s3 = 65536; t3 = 65536; } o2 = t3 >> 13; p2 = s3 >> 13; if ((t3 | 0) < 8192 | (s3 | 0) < 8192) { Ia = b4; return 0; } s3 = (o2 | 0) < 128 ? o2 : 128; o2 = (p2 | 0) < 128 ? p2 : 128; p2 = m4 - (c[768163] << 16) >> 16; m4 = n2 - (c[768164] << 16) >> 16; n2 = c[543088] | 0; do if (!n2) u2 = 10; else { if ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) == (s3 | 0) ? (c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (o2 | 0) : 0) { v2 = o2; w2 = s3; x2 = n2; break; } Gn(n2) | 0; u2 = 10; } while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 10) { u2 = Fn(s3, o2, 8) | 0; c[543088] = u2; v2 = c[u2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = u2; } jq(c[x2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 16, B(v2, w2) | 0); mk(c[(c[769129] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[543088] | 0, l2 << 3 & 120, l2 >>> 4 << 3, 0, 0, s3, o2, q3, r2, 3072412); ok(c[543088] | 0, c[730449] | 0, 0, 0, p2, m4, s3, o2); c[d2 >> 2] = s3; c[e2 >> 2] = o2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = p2; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; m4 = 0 - s3 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) < 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = s3; c[d2 >> 2] = m4; y4 = m4; } else y4 = s3; s3 = 0 - o2 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) < 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = o2; c[e2 >> 2] = s3; z3 = s3; } else z3 = o2; c[f2 >> 2] = y4; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = z3; In(f2, c[730449] | 0, g2, h3, i3, j2, d2, e2); j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = B(d2, j2) | 0; fh((d2 | j2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 : e2); Ia = b4; return 0; } function Mi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; d2 = b4 + 72 | 0; e2 = b4 + 68 | 0; f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = b4 + 4 | 0; j2 = b4; k2 = wd(a2) | 0; l2 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; m4 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; n2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; o2 = n2 >> 16; p2 = Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0; q3 = p2 >> 16; r2 = Cd(a2, 5, 0) | 0; s3 = Cd(a2, 6, 0) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > 6) { t3 = (Cd(a2, 7, 0) | 0) >> 16; u2 = (Cd(a2, 8, 0) | 0) >> 16; if ((k2 | 0) > 8) { v2 = Fd(a2, 9) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == 9) { w2 = v2; x2 = 0; y4 = u2; z3 = t3; } else { w2 = v2; x2 = Fd(a2, 10) | 0; y4 = u2; z3 = t3; } } else { w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = u2; z3 = t3; } } else { w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = q3; z3 = o2; } if ((p2 + -65536 | n2 + -65536) >>> 0 > 8388607) { Ia = b4; return 0; } if ((z3 | 0) == 0 | (y4 | 0) == 0) { Ia = b4; return 0; } n2 = (z3 | 0) < 0; p2 = (r2 - (c[768163] << 16) >> 16) + (n2 ? z3 : 0) | 0; r2 = n2 ? 0 - z3 | 0 : z3; z3 = n2 ? (w2 | 0) == 0 & 1 : w2; w2 = (y4 | 0) < 0; n2 = (s3 - (c[768164] << 16) >> 16) + (w2 ? y4 : 0) | 0; s3 = w2 ? 0 - y4 | 0 : y4; y4 = w2 ? (x2 | 0) == 0 & 1 : x2; x2 = c[543087] | 0; do if (!x2) A4 = 11; else { if ((c[x2 >> 2] | 0) == (o2 | 0) ? (c[x2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (q3 | 0) : 0) { C3 = q3; D3 = o2; E3 = x2; break; } Gn(x2) | 0; A4 = 11; } while (0); if ((A4 | 0) == 11) { A4 = Fn(o2, q3, 8) | 0; c[543087] = A4; C3 = c[A4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; E3 = A4; } jq(c[E3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 16, B(C3, D3) | 0); mk(c[(c[769129] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[543087] | 0, l2, m4, 0, 0, o2, q3, z3, y4, 3072412); nk(c[543087] | 0, c[730449] | 0, p2, n2, r2, s3); c[d2 >> 2] = r2; c[e2 >> 2] = s3; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = p2; c[j2 >> 2] = n2; n2 = 0 - r2 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) < 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = r2; c[d2 >> 2] = n2; F3 = n2; } else F3 = r2; r2 = 0 - s3 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) < 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = s3; c[e2 >> 2] = r2; G2 = r2; } else G2 = s3; c[f2 >> 2] = F3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = G2; In(f2, c[730449] | 0, g2, h3, i3, j2, d2, e2); j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = B(d2, j2) | 0; fh((d2 | j2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 : e2); Ia = b4; return 0; } function Ni(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 0 - d2 | 0; g2 = a2 + (f2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (f2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { h3 = d2; i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; h3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = d2; } if ((h3 | 0) > 1) { d2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - h3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { j2 = h3; k2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } else { h3 = Dd2(d2) | 0; j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3; } if ((j2 | 0) > 2) { h3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - j2 << 3) + 16 | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { l2 = j2; m4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { j2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = j2; } if ((l2 | 0) > 3) { j2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - l2 << 3) + 24 | 0; if ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { n2 = l2; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else { l2 = Dd2(j2) | 0; n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = l2; } if ((n2 | 0) >= 5) { l2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - n2 << 3) + 40 + -8 | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) p2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; else p2 = Dd2(l2) | 0; l2 = p2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = l2; if (!((p2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (n2 = p2 >>> 8 & 65536 | p2 & 65535, c[768171] = n2, (p2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = n2 | 131072; q3 = l2; r2 = i3; s3 = k2; t3 = m4; u2 = o2; } else { q3 = l2; r2 = i3; s3 = k2; t3 = m4; u2 = o2; } } else { q3 = c[768155] & 255; r2 = i3; s3 = k2; t3 = m4; u2 = o2; } } else { v2 = i3; w2 = k2; x2 = m4; y4 = 17; } } else { v2 = i3; w2 = k2; x2 = 0; y4 = 17; } } else { v2 = i3; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = 17; } } else { v2 = 0; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = 17; } if ((y4 | 0) == 17) { q3 = c[768155] & 255; r2 = v2; s3 = w2; t3 = x2; u2 = 0; } x2 = c[3072412 + ((q3 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) z3 = c[3072412 + (q3 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | x2; else z3 = c[3072540 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[768163] << 16; q3 = r2 - x2 >> 16; r2 = c[768164] << 16; w2 = s3 - r2 >> 16; s3 = t3 - x2 >> 16; x2 = u2 - r2 >> 16; r2 = sk(c[730449] | 0, q3, s3, w2, z3) | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == (w2 | 0)) A4 = r2; else A4 = (sk(c[730449] | 0, q3, s3, x2, z3) | 0) + r2 | 0; r2 = (x2 | 0) < (w2 | 0); u2 = r2 ? x2 : w2; t3 = r2 ? w2 : x2; if ((t3 | 0) <= (u2 | 0)) { B2 = A4; C3 = (B2 | 0) / 16 | 0; fh(C3); return 0; } x2 = u2 + 1 | 0; u2 = t3 + -1 | 0; t3 = (Ck(c[730449] | 0, q3, x2, u2, z3) | 0) + A4 | 0; B2 = t3 + (Ck(c[730449] | 0, s3, x2, u2, z3) | 0) | 0; C3 = (B2 | 0) / 16 | 0; fh(C3); return 0; } function Oi2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 0 - d2 | 0; g2 = a2 + (f2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (f2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { h3 = d2; i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; h3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = d2; } if ((h3 | 0) > 1) { d2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - h3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { j2 = h3; k2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } else { h3 = Dd2(d2) | 0; j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3; } if ((j2 | 0) > 2) { h3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - j2 << 3) + 16 | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { l2 = j2; m4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { j2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = j2; } if ((l2 | 0) > 3) { j2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - l2 << 3) + 24 | 0; if ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { n2 = l2; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else { l2 = Dd2(j2) | 0; n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = l2; } if ((n2 | 0) >= 5) { l2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - n2 << 3) + 40 + -8 | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) p2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; else p2 = Dd2(l2) | 0; l2 = p2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = l2; if (!((p2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (n2 = p2 >>> 8 & 65536 | p2 & 65535, c[768171] = n2, (p2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = n2 | 131072; q3 = l2; r2 = o2; s3 = i3; t3 = k2; u2 = m4; } else { q3 = l2; r2 = o2; s3 = i3; t3 = k2; u2 = m4; } } else { q3 = c[768155] & 255; r2 = o2; s3 = i3; t3 = k2; u2 = m4; } } else { v2 = i3; w2 = k2; x2 = m4; y4 = 17; } } else { v2 = i3; w2 = k2; x2 = 0; y4 = 17; } } else { v2 = i3; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = 17; } } else { v2 = 0; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = 17; } if ((y4 | 0) == 17) { q3 = c[768155] & 255; r2 = 0; s3 = v2; t3 = w2; u2 = x2; } x2 = c[3072412 + ((q3 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) z3 = c[3072412 + (q3 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | x2; else z3 = c[3072540 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[768163] << 16; q3 = s3 - x2 >> 16; s3 = c[768164] << 16; w2 = t3 - s3 >> 16; t3 = u2 - x2 >> 16; x2 = r2 - s3 >> 16; s3 = (t3 | 0) < (q3 | 0); r2 = s3 ? t3 : q3; u2 = s3 ? q3 : t3; t3 = (x2 | 0) < (w2 | 0); q3 = t3 ? x2 : w2; s3 = t3 ? w2 : x2; x2 = c[730449] | 0; w2 = c[x2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (r2 | 0) > (w2 | 0) ? r2 : w2; w2 = (c[x2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; r2 = (u2 | 0) < (w2 | 0) ? u2 : w2; w2 = c[x2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (q3 | 0) > (w2 | 0) ? q3 : w2; w2 = (c[x2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; q3 = (s3 | 0) < (w2 | 0) ? s3 : w2; if ((r2 | 0) < (t3 | 0) | (q3 | 0) < (u2 | 0)) return 0; if ((r2 - t3 | 0) < 8 & (q3 - u2 | 0) > 4) { w2 = Ck(x2, t3, u2, q3, z3) | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > (t3 | 0)) { s3 = w2; v2 = t3; while (true) { v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; y4 = (Ck(c[730449] | 0, v2, u2, q3, z3) | 0) + s3 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) { A4 = y4; break; } else s3 = y4; } } else A4 = w2; } else { w2 = sk(x2, t3, r2, u2, z3) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) > (u2 | 0)) { x2 = w2; s3 = u2; while (true) { s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; u2 = (sk(c[730449] | 0, t3, r2, s3, z3) | 0) + x2 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) >= (q3 | 0)) { A4 = u2; break; } else x2 = u2; } } else A4 = w2; } fh((A4 | 0) / 16 | 0); return 0; } function Pi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = wd(b4) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) < 2) return 0; e2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; f2 = Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) != 2) { d2 = Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) < 0) return 0; else { g2 = (a[3100894] & 2) == 0 ? 0 : d2 >>> 15 & 1; h3 = d2 >> 16; } } else { g2 = 0; h3 = 4; } d2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(b4) | 0) >= 4) { i3 = Cd(b4, 4, 0) | 0; b4 = i3 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = b4; if (!((i3 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (j2 = i3 >>> 8 & 65536 | i3 & 65535, c[768171] = j2, (i3 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = j2 | 131072; k2 = b4; } else k2 = b4; } else k2 = d2; d2 = c[3072412 + ((k2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) l2 = c[3072412 + (k2 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | d2; else l2 = c[3072540 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; d2 = e2 - (c[768163] << 16) >> 16; e2 = f2 - (c[768164] << 16) >> 16; f2 = h3 + g2 | 0; fh((uk(c[730449] | 0, d2 - h3 | 0, e2 - h3 | 0, f2 + d2 | 0, f2 + e2 | 0, l2) | 0) / 2 | 0); return 0; } function Qi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = wd(b4) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) < 2) return 0; e2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; f2 = Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; do if ((d2 | 0) != 2) { g2 = Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0; if ((g2 | 0) < 0) return 0; else { h3 = (a[3100894] & 2) == 0 ? 0 : g2 >>> 15 & 1; i3 = g2 >>> 16; break; } } else { h3 = 0; i3 = 4; } while (0); d2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(b4) | 0) >= 4) { g2 = Cd(b4, 4, 0) | 0; b4 = g2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = b4; if (!((g2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (j2 = g2 >>> 8 & 65536 | g2 & 65535, c[768171] = j2, (g2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = j2 | 131072; k2 = b4; } else k2 = b4; } else k2 = d2; d2 = c[3072412 + ((k2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) l2 = c[3072412 + (k2 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | d2; else l2 = c[3072540 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; d2 = e2 - (c[768163] << 16) >> 16; e2 = f2 - (c[768164] << 16) >> 16; f2 = h3 + i3 | 0; fh((xk(c[730449] | 0, d2 - i3 | 0, e2 - i3 | 0, f2 + d2 | 0, f2 + e2 | 0, l2) | 0) / 16 | 0); return 0; } function Ri(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; wd(a2) | 0; b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; d2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; e2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; f2 = Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0; g2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(a2) | 0) >= 5) { h3 = Cd(a2, 5, 0) | 0; a2 = h3 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = a2; if (!((h3 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (i3 = h3 >>> 8 & 65536 | h3 & 65535, c[768171] = i3, (h3 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = i3 | 131072; j2 = a2; } else j2 = a2; } else j2 = g2; g2 = c[3072412 + ((j2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) k2 = c[3072412 + (j2 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | g2; else k2 = c[3072540 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[768163] << 16; j2 = b4 - g2 >> 16; b4 = c[768164] << 16; a2 = d2 - b4 >> 16; d2 = e2 - g2 >> 16; g2 = f2 - b4 >> 16; b4 = (d2 | 0) < (j2 | 0); f2 = (g2 | 0) < (a2 | 0); fh((uk(c[730449] | 0, b4 ? d2 : j2, f2 ? g2 : a2, b4 ? j2 : d2, f2 ? a2 : g2, k2) | 0) / 2 | 0); return 0; } function Si(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; wd(a2) | 0; b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; d2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; e2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; f2 = Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0; g2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(a2) | 0) >= 5) { h3 = Cd(a2, 5, 0) | 0; a2 = h3 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = a2; if (!((h3 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (i3 = h3 >>> 8 & 65536 | h3 & 65535, c[768171] = i3, (h3 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = i3 | 131072; j2 = a2; } else j2 = a2; } else j2 = g2; g2 = c[3072412 + ((j2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) k2 = c[3072412 + (j2 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | g2; else k2 = c[3072540 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[768163] << 16; j2 = b4 - g2 >> 16; b4 = c[768164] << 16; a2 = d2 - b4 >> 16; d2 = e2 - g2 >> 16; g2 = f2 - b4 >> 16; b4 = (d2 | 0) < (j2 | 0); f2 = (g2 | 0) < (a2 | 0); fh((xk(c[730449] | 0, b4 ? d2 : j2, f2 ? g2 : a2, b4 ? j2 : d2, f2 ? a2 : g2, k2) | 0) / 16 | 0); return 0; } function Ti(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; d2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) { c[768174] = 1; return 0; } if ((wd(a2) | 0) == 1) { c[768174] = 1; if ((wd(a2) | 0) < 1) return 0; e2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; c[768155] = e2 >>> 16 & 255; if ((e2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) return 0; f2 = e2 >>> 8 & 65536 | e2 & 65535; c[768171] = f2; if (!(e2 & 33554432)) return 0; c[768171] = f2 | 131072; return 0; } do if ((wd(a2) | 0) < 4) { if ((((wd(a2) | 0) == 3 ? (wd(a2) | 0) >= 3 : 0) ? (f2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0, c[768155] = f2 >>> 16 & 255, !((f2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1)) : 0) ? (e2 = f2 >>> 8 & 65536 | f2 & 65535, c[768171] = e2, f2 & 33554432 | 0) : 0) c[768171] = e2 | 131072; if (!(c[768174] & 1)) { e2 = c[768172] | 0; f2 = c[768173] | 0; c[768172] = b4; c[768173] = d2; g2 = e2; h3 = f2; break; } c[768172] = b4; c[768173] = d2; c[768174] = 0; return 0; } else { f2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; e2 = (Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0) >> 16; c[768172] = f2; c[768173] = e2; c[768174] = 0; g2 = f2; h3 = e2; } while (0); e2 = c[768155] & 255; if ((wd(a2) | 0) >= 5) { f2 = Cd(a2, 5, 0) | 0; a2 = f2 >>> 16 & 255; c[768155] = a2; if (!((f2 & 268435456 | 0) == 0 | (c[768176] | 0) != 1) ? (i3 = f2 >>> 8 & 65536 | f2 & 65535, c[768171] = i3, (f2 & 33554432 | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[768171] = i3 | 131072; j2 = a2; } else j2 = a2; } else j2 = e2; e2 = c[3072412 + ((j2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 15; if (!(c[768171] & 262144)) k2 = c[3072412 + (j2 >>> 4 << 2) >> 2] << 4 & 240 | e2; else k2 = c[3072540 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[768163] | 0; j2 = b4 - e2 << 16 >> 16; b4 = c[768164] | 0; a2 = d2 - b4 << 16 >> 16; d2 = g2 - e2 << 16 >> 16; e2 = h3 - b4 << 16 >> 16; if ((j2 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { fh((Ck(c[730449] | 0, j2, a2, e2, k2) | 0) / 16 | 0); return 0; } b4 = c[730449] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { fh((sk(b4, j2, d2, a2, k2) | 0) / 16 | 0); return 0; } else { fh((Ak(b4, j2, a2, d2, e2, k2) | 0) / 2 | 0); return 0; } return 0; } function Ui2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = c[768177] | 0; d2 = (b4 | 0) == 0 ? 13 : b4; if ((wd(a2) | 0) == 1) c[768177] = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if ((wd(a2) | 0) < 2) { Ld(a2, d2 << 16); e2 = 1; return e2 | 0; } b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; f2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; g2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; h3 = Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 4) i3 = Cd(a2, 5, 0) | 0; else i3 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 5) j2 = Cd(a2, 6, 0) | 0; else j2 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 6) k2 = Cd(a2, 7, 0) | 0; else k2 = 8192; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 7) l2 = Cd(a2, 8, 0) | 0; else l2 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 8) m4 = (Cd(a2, 9, 0) | 0) >> 16; else m4 = 0; a2 = c[768163] << 16; n2 = c[768164] << 16; fh((Bk(c[730449] | 0, b4 - a2 | 0, f2 - n2 | 0, g2 - a2 | 0, h3 - n2 | 0, i3, j2, k2, l2, m4, d2) | 0) << 1); e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } function Vi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; b4 = wd(a2) | 0; if ((Ad(a2, 1) | 0) == 5) { if ((b4 | 0) > 1) d2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; else d2 = 0; Kd(a2); if (!(qf(a2, 1) | 0)) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } switch (d2 | 0) { case 0: { do { if ((Ad(a2, -2) | 0) == 3) { f2 = Ed2(a2, -2, 0) | 0; g2 = Ed2(a2, -1, 0) | 0; h3 = 3072412 + ((f2 & 15) << 2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2] & 16 | g2 & 15; } xd2(a2, -2); fh(2); } while ((qf(a2, 1) | 0) != 0); e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } case 1: { do { if ((Ad(a2, -2) | 0) == 3 ? (g2 = Ed2(a2, -2, 0) | 0, h3 = Ed2(a2, -1, 0) | 0, c[3072476 + ((g2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] = h3 & 255, h3 & 128 | 0) : 0) mb(); xd2(a2, -2); fh(2); } while ((qf(a2, 1) | 0) != 0); e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } default: { h3 = (d2 | 0) == 2; do { if ((Ad(a2, -2) | 0) == 3 ? (d2 = Ed2(a2, -2, 0) | 0, g2 = Ed2(a2, -1, 0) | 0, h3) : 0) c[3072540 + ((d2 & 15) << 2) >> 2] = g2 & 255; xd2(a2, -2); fh(2); } while ((qf(a2, 1) | 0) != 0); e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } } } if ((b4 | 0) >= 2) { h3 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >>> 16; g2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; d2 = g2 >> 16; f2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; i3 = h3 & 15; h3 = d2 & 255; switch (f2 | 0) { case 0: { j2 = 3072412 + (i3 << 2) | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2 & 16 | d2 & 15; l2 = k2; break; } case 1: { k2 = 3072476 + (i3 << 2) | 0; d2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = h3; if (!(g2 & 8388608)) l2 = d2; else { mb(); l2 = d2; } break; } case 2: { d2 = 3072540 + (i3 << 2) | 0; i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = h3; l2 = i3; break; } default: l2 = 0; } i3 = l2 << 16; Ld(a2, (f2 | 0) == 0 ? i3 & -1114112 : i3); e2 = 1; return e2 | 0; } do if ((b4 | 0) == 1 ? (Ad(a2, 1) | 0) == 3 : 0) { i3 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if ((i3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 < 2) { c[768103] = 0; if ((i3 | 0) == -1) { m4 = 37; break; } c[768104] = 1; c[768105] = 2; c[768106] = 3; c[768107] = 4; c[768108] = 5; c[768109] = 6; c[768110] = 7; c[768111] = 8; c[768112] = 9; c[768113] = 10; c[768114] = 11; c[768115] = 12; c[768116] = 13; c[768117] = 14; c[768118] = 15; break; } switch (i3 | 0) { case -1: { c[768119] = 0; c[768135] = 0; c[768120] = 1; c[768136] = 1; c[768121] = 2; c[768137] = 18; c[768122] = 3; c[768138] = 19; c[768123] = 4; c[768139] = 36; c[768124] = 5; c[768140] = 21; c[768125] = 6; c[768141] = 214; c[768126] = 7; c[768142] = 103; c[768127] = 8; c[768143] = 72; c[768128] = 9; c[768144] = 73; c[768129] = 10; c[768145] = 154; c[768130] = 11; c[768146] = 59; c[768131] = 12; c[768147] = 220; c[768132] = 13; c[768148] = 93; c[768133] = 14; c[768149] = 142; c[768134] = 15; c[768150] = 239; e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } case 1: { c[768119] = 0; c[768120] = 1; c[768121] = 2; c[768122] = 3; c[768123] = 4; c[768124] = 5; c[768125] = 6; c[768126] = 7; c[768127] = 8; c[768128] = 9; c[768129] = 10; c[768130] = 11; c[768131] = 12; c[768132] = 13; c[768133] = 14; c[768134] = 15; e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } case 2: { c[768135] = 0; c[768136] = 1; c[768137] = 18; c[768138] = 19; c[768139] = 36; c[768140] = 21; c[768141] = 214; c[768142] = 103; c[768143] = 72; c[768144] = 73; c[768145] = 154; c[768146] = 59; c[768147] = 220; c[768148] = 93; c[768149] = 142; c[768150] = 239; e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } default: { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } } } else m4 = 23; while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 23) { c[768103] = 0; m4 = 37; } if ((m4 | 0) == 37) { c[768119] = 0; c[768135] = 0; c[768104] = 1; c[768120] = 1; c[768136] = 1; c[768105] = 2; c[768121] = 2; c[768137] = 18; c[768106] = 3; c[768122] = 3; c[768138] = 19; c[768107] = 4; c[768123] = 4; c[768139] = 36; c[768108] = 5; c[768124] = 5; c[768140] = 21; c[768109] = 6; c[768125] = 6; c[768141] = 214; c[768110] = 7; c[768126] = 7; c[768142] = 103; c[768111] = 8; c[768127] = 8; c[768143] = 72; c[768112] = 9; c[768128] = 9; c[768144] = 73; c[768113] = 10; c[768129] = 10; c[768145] = 154; c[768114] = 11; c[768130] = 11; c[768146] = 59; c[768115] = 12; c[768131] = 12; c[768147] = 220; c[768116] = 13; c[768132] = 13; c[768148] = 93; c[768117] = 14; c[768133] = 14; c[768149] = 142; c[768118] = 15; c[768134] = 15; c[768150] = 239; } c[768103] = 16; e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } function Wi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; b4 = wd(a2) | 0; d2 = c[768103] | 0; e2 = c[768104] | 0; f2 = c[768105] | 0; g2 = c[768106] | 0; h3 = c[768107] | 0; i3 = c[768108] | 0; j2 = c[768109] | 0; k2 = c[768110] | 0; l2 = c[768111] | 0; m4 = c[768112] | 0; n2 = c[768113] | 0; o2 = c[768114] | 0; p2 = c[768115] | 0; q3 = c[768116] | 0; r2 = c[768117] | 0; s3 = c[768118] | 0; t3 = s3 >>> 4 & 1 | (r2 >>> 3 & 2 | (q3 >>> 2 & 4 | (p2 >>> 1 & 8 | (o2 & 16 | (n2 << 1 & 32 | (m4 << 2 & 64 | (l2 << 3 & 128 | (k2 << 4 & 256 | (j2 << 5 & 512 | (i3 << 6 & 1024 | (h3 << 7 & 2048 | (g2 << 8 & 4096 | (f2 << 9 & 8192 | (e2 << 10 & 16384 | d2 << 11 & 32768)))))))))))))); if (!b4) { c[768104] = e2 & 15; c[768105] = f2 & 15; c[768106] = g2 & 15; c[768107] = h3 & 15; c[768108] = i3 & 15; c[768109] = j2 & 15; c[768110] = k2 & 15; c[768111] = l2 & 15; c[768112] = m4 & 15; c[768113] = n2 & 15; c[768114] = o2 & 15; c[768115] = p2 & 15; c[768116] = q3 & 15; c[768117] = r2 & 15; c[768118] = s3 & 15; c[768103] = d2 & 15 | 16; Ld(a2, t3 << 16); return 1; } d2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 1) { b4 = c[768103] & 15; c[768103] = (d2 | 0) > -1 ? b4 : b4 | 16; c[768104] = d2 >>> 26 & 16 | c[768104] & 15; c[768105] = d2 >>> 25 & 16 | c[768105] & 15; c[768106] = d2 >>> 24 & 16 | c[768106] & 15; c[768107] = d2 >>> 23 & 16 | c[768107] & 15; c[768108] = d2 >>> 22 & 16 | c[768108] & 15; c[768109] = d2 >>> 21 & 16 | c[768109] & 15; c[768110] = d2 >>> 20 & 16 | c[768110] & 15; c[768111] = d2 >>> 19 & 16 | c[768111] & 15; c[768112] = d2 >>> 18 & 16 | c[768112] & 15; c[768113] = d2 >>> 17 & 16 | c[768113] & 15; c[768114] = d2 >>> 16 & 16 | c[768114] & 15; c[768115] = d2 >>> 15 & 16 | c[768115] & 15; c[768116] = d2 >>> 14 & 16 | c[768116] & 15; c[768117] = d2 >>> 13 & 16 | c[768117] & 15; c[768118] = d2 >>> 12 & 16 | c[768118] & 15; fh(2); Ld(a2, t3 << 16); return 1; } else { t3 = Fd(a2, 2) | 0; b4 = 3072412 + ((d2 >>> 16 & 15) << 2) | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = d2 & 15; c[b4 >> 2] = (t3 | 0) == 0 ? s3 : s3 | 16; Sd(a2, d2 >>> 4 & 1); return 1; } return 0; } function Xi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = c[768171] | 0; d2 = b4 >>> 1 & 32768 | b4 << 16 | b4 >>> 3 & 16384; if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) { e2 = 0; c[768171] = e2; Ld(a2, d2); return 1; } b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; e2 = b4 << 1 & 65536 | b4 >>> 16 | b4 << 3 & 131072 | b4 << 5 & 262144; c[768171] = e2; Ld(a2, d2); return 1; } function Yi(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; e2 = d2 + 72 | 0; f2 = d2 + 68 | 0; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; h3 = d2 + 12 | 0; i3 = d2 + 8 | 0; j2 = d2 + 4 | 0; k2 = d2; l2 = (a[3100894] << 4 & 255) << 24 >> 24 >> 7 << 24 >> 24; m4 = (Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; n2 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; o2 = Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0; p2 = Cd(b4, 4, 0) | 0; q3 = a[3100926] | 0; r2 = q3 << 24 >> 24 > -1 ? 8192 : (q3 & 255) << 8; q3 = a[3100927] | 0; s3 = q3 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 256 : q3 & 255; q3 = ((r2 >>> 0 > 32767 ? 65536 - r2 | 0 : 8192) >>> 0) / (s3 >>> 0) | 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 4 ? (Ad(b4, 5) | 0) != 0 : 0) t3 = (Cd(b4, 5, 0) | 0) >> 16; else t3 = s3; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 5 ? (Ad(b4, 6) | 0) != 0 : 0) u2 = (Cd(b4, 6, 0) | 0) >> 16; else u2 = q3; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 6) v2 = (Cd(b4, 7, 0) | 0) >> 16; else v2 = 0; if ((t3 | 0) < 1 | (u2 | 0) < 1) { Ia = d2; return 0; } b4 = o2 - (c[768163] << 16) >> 16; o2 = p2 - (c[768164] << 16) >> 16; p2 = c[(c[769129] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[768151] | 0; s3 = c[768152] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < (q3 + -7 | 0)) { r2 = (q3 - b4 | 0) / 8 | 0; w2 = r2 + m4 | 0; x2 = (r2 << 3) + b4 | 0; y4 = t3 - r2 | 0; } else { w2 = m4; x2 = b4; y4 = t3; } if ((o2 | 0) < (s3 + -7 | 0)) { t3 = (s3 - o2 | 0) / 8 | 0; z3 = u2 - t3 | 0; A4 = t3 + n2 | 0; C3 = (t3 << 3) + o2 | 0; } else { z3 = u2; A4 = n2; C3 = o2; } o2 = ((7 - q3 + (c[768153] | 0) | 0) / 8 | 0) + 1 | 0; q3 = (o2 | 0) < (y4 | 0) ? o2 : y4; y4 = ((7 - s3 + (c[768154] | 0) | 0) / 8 | 0) + 1 | 0; s3 = (y4 | 0) < (z3 | 0) ? y4 : z3; if ((s3 | 0) > 0) { z3 = (q3 | 0) > 0; y4 = (v2 | 0) == 0; o2 = g2 + 4 | 0; n2 = 0; u2 = 0; while (true) { a: do if (z3) { t3 = u2 + A4 | 0; b4 = (u2 << 3) + C3 | 0; if (y4) { m4 = n2; r2 = 0; while (true) { D3 = Eh(r2 + w2 | 0, t3) | 0; if ((D3 | 0) == (l2 | 0)) E3 = m4; else { F3 = (r2 << 3) + x2 | 0; pk(p2, c[730449] | 0, D3 << 3 & 120, ((D3 | 0) / 16 | 0) << 3, F3, b4, 8, 8, 3072412); c[e2 >> 2] = 8; c[f2 >> 2] = 8; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = F3; c[k2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 >> 2] = 8; c[o2 >> 2] = 8; In(g2, c[730449] | 0, h3, i3, j2, k2, e2, f2); F3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; G2 = B(D3, F3) | 0; E3 = ((D3 | F3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 : G2) + m4 | 0; } r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) >= (q3 | 0)) { H2 = E3; break a; } else m4 = E3; } } m4 = n2; r2 = 0; while (true) { G2 = Eh(r2 + w2 | 0, t3) | 0; if ((G2 | 0) != (l2 | 0) ? (c[(c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (G2 << 2) >> 2] & v2 | 0) != 0 : 0) { F3 = (r2 << 3) + x2 | 0; pk(p2, c[730449] | 0, G2 << 3 & 120, ((G2 | 0) / 16 | 0) << 3, F3, b4, 8, 8, 3072412); c[e2 >> 2] = 8; c[f2 >> 2] = 8; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = F3; c[k2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 >> 2] = 8; c[o2 >> 2] = 8; In(g2, c[730449] | 0, h3, i3, j2, k2, e2, f2); F3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; G2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = B(G2, F3) | 0; I2 = ((G2 | F3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 : D3) + m4 | 0; } else I2 = m4; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) >= (q3 | 0)) { H2 = I2; break; } else m4 = I2; } } else H2 = n2; while (0); u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) >= (s3 | 0)) { J2 = H2; break; } else n2 = H2; } } else J2 = 0; fh(J2); Ia = d2; return 0; } function Zi(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; Ld(a2, (Eh(b4, (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16) | 0) << 16); return 1; } function _i(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; c2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; Fh2(b4, c2, (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >>> 16 & 255); return 0; } function $i(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } d2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; e2 = d2 >> 16; if ((wd(a2) | 0) == 1) { if (d2 >>> 0 > 16777215) f2 = 0; else f2 = c[(c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] << 16 & 16711680; Ld(a2, f2); b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } f2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 > 16777215) { Sd(a2, 0); b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } if (f2 >>> 0 > 524287) { Sd(a2, 0); b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } else { Sd(a2, (c[(c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] & 1 << (f2 >> 16) | 0) != 0 & 1); b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } return 0; } function aj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = wd(a2) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 2) return 0; d2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; e2 = d2 >> 16; f2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; g2 = f2 >> 16; if (d2 >>> 0 > 16777215) return 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 2) { c[(c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = g2 & 255; return 0; } b4 = Fd(a2, 3) | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 > 524287) return 0; f2 = 1 << g2; g2 = (c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (e2 << 2) | 0; e2 = (f2 & 255 ^ 255) & c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = e2; if (!b4) return 0; c[g2 >> 2] = e2 | f2; return 0; } function bj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; e2 = d2 >> 16; f2 = Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; g2 = f2 >> 16; if (a[3100894] & 16 ? (f2 | 0) > 8388607 | ((d2 | 0) > 8388607 | (f2 | d2 | 0) < 0) : 0) { h3 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24409) | 0) << 16; Ld(b4, h3); return 1; } h3 = (Pn(c[(c[769129] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, e2, g2) | 0) << 16 & 983040; Ld(b4, h3); return 1; } function cj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[768155] | 0; d2 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; e2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 2) f2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; else f2 = b4; b4 = f2 & 15; if ((e2 | 0) > 8388607 | ((d2 | 0) > 8388607 | (e2 | d2 | 0) < 0)) return 0; f2 = (e2 >> 16 << 6) + ((d2 >> 16 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0; e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2) | 0; if (!(d2 & 65536)) g2 = e2 & 240 | b4; else g2 = e2 & 15 | b4 << 4; Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2, g2); return 0; } function dj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if ((c[768034] | 0) == 0 & (c[543656] | 0) != 0) { _q(0, 0); br(); c[543656] = 0; } b4 = c[769129] | 0; d2 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) e2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; else e2 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 2) f2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; else f2 = 0; if ((d2 | 0) == -1) { _q(0, e2); fh(16); return 0; } else { a2 = (d2 | 0) < 63 ? d2 : 63; Uq(b4, (a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 0, e2); c[768513] = f2; fh(16); return 0; } return 0; } function ej(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((c[768034] | 0) == 0 & (c[543656] | 0) != 0) { _q(0, 0); br(); c[543656] = 0; } if ((wd(a2) | 0) < 1) return 0; b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; d2 = b4 >> 16; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) { e2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if ((e2 + 131072 | 0) >>> 0 > 393215) return 0; else f2 = e2 >> 16; } else f2 = -1; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 2) g2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; else g2 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 3) h3 = (Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0) >> 16; else h3 = 0; if ((d2 | 0) == -1) { Mq(0, 0, 0, c[769129] | 0, (f2 | 0) == -2 ? -1 : f2) | 0; return 0; } a2 = (f2 | 0) == -2; if ((d2 | 0) == -2) { Sq(a2 ? -1 : f2); return 0; } if (!a2) { a2 = (d2 | 0) < 63 ? d2 : 63; e2 = (a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 0; a2 = (g2 | 0) < 31 ? g2 : 31; Oq((c[769129] | 0) + 16 + (e2 * 660 | 0) | 0); g2 = c[769129] | 0; Mq(g2 + 16 + (e2 * 660 | 0) | 0, (a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 0, h3, g2, f2) | 0; fh(16); return 0; } if (b4 >>> 0 >= 4194304) return 0; Oq((c[769129] | 0) + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) | 0); return 0; } function fj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if ((wd(a2) | 0) == 2 ? (Ad(a2, 2) | 0) == 4 : 0) { c2 = Gd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if (!c2) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } bn(b4, c2); d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } c2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; e2 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 13; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 3) { f2 = Cd(a2, 4, 0) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 65535) { g2 = f2 >> 16; h3 = 7; } else i3 = 0; } else { g2 = 1; h3 = 7; } if ((h3 | 0) == 7) { h3 = 0; f2 = 0; while (true) { j2 = (an(b4, c2, e2) | 0) + h3 | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { i3 = j2; break; } else h3 = j2; } } fh((i3 | 0) / 64 | 0); Ld(a2, i3 << 13); d2 = 1; return d2 | 0; } function gj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; d2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; e2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; a2 = e2 >> 16; if ((e2 | 0) < 65536 | (b4 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) return 0; Uk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4, d2, a2); fh((a2 + 1 | 0) / 4 | 0); return 0; } function hj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; d2 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; e2 = Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0; a2 = e2 >> 16; if ((e2 | 0) < 65536) return 0; Vk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, b4 >> 16, d2 >> 16, a2); fh((a2 + 1 | 0) / 4 | 0); return 0; } function ij(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; e2 = d2 + 1032 | 0; f2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; g2 = d2 + 1036 | 0; h3 = d2; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 2) { i3 = (Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; j2 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; k2 = (Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; l2 = ((k2 | 0) < 4096 ? k2 : 4096) << 3; m4 = i3; n2 = j2; o2 = k2; } else { l2 = 32768; m4 = 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 17152; } fh(l2); if ((wd(b4) | 0) == 4 ? (Ad(b4, 4) | 0) == 4 : 0) { l2 = Gd(b4, 4, g2) | 0; if ((a[l2 >> 0] | 0) == 95 ? (a[l2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 95 : 0) { Ld(b4, 0); p2 = 1; Ia = d2; return p2 | 0; } a[h3 >> 0] = 0; do if (!(jc(l2, 1) | 0)) { Sr(60653, h3); g2 = (a[l2 >> 0] | 0) == 47 ? l2 + 1 | 0 : l2; if ((a[g2 >> 0] | 0) == 47) { p2 = 0; Ia = d2; return p2 | 0; } if (!(Pu2(g2, 95214) | 0)) { Zt(h3, g2) | 0; break; } else { p2 = 0; Ia = d2; return p2 | 0; } } else { Es2(h3, _b(jc(l2, 1) | 0) | 0) | 0; g2 = Co(h3, 102896) | 0; if (!g2) { c[f2 >> 2] = h3; it(1703776, 60661, f2) | 0; pn2(1703776); c[e2 >> 2] = l2; it(1703776, 60698, e2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Es2(h3, l2) | 0; } Eo(g2); } while (0); if (!(bc(h3, m4, n2, o2) | 0)) { Ld(b4, o2 << 16); p2 = 1; Ia = d2; return p2 | 0; } else { Ld(b4, 0); p2 = 1; Ia = d2; return p2 | 0; } } Wk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4, n2, o2); Ld(b4, o2 << 16); p2 = 1; Ia = d2; return p2 | 0; } function jj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; c2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; d2 = c2; e2 = c2 + 1024 | 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 2) { f2 = (Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; g2 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; h3 = (Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; i3 = ((h3 | 0) < 4096 ? h3 : 4096) << 6; j2 = f2; k2 = g2; l2 = h3; } else { i3 = 262144; j2 = 0; k2 = 0; l2 = 17152; } fh(i3); do if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 3 ? (Ad(b4, 4) | 0) == 4 : 0) { i3 = Gd(b4, 4, e2) | 0; if ((Pt(i3) | 0) >>> 0 > 511) { Ld(b4, 0); m4 = 1; Ia = c2; return m4 | 0; } if ((a[i3 >> 0] | 0) == 95 ? (a[i3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 95 : 0) { Ld(b4, 0); m4 = 1; Ia = c2; return m4 | 0; } if (jc(i3, 1) | 0) { Es2(d2, _b(jc(i3, 1) | 0) | 0) | 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 1; break; } Sr(60653, d2); h3 = (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) == 47 ? i3 + 1 | 0 : i3; if ((a[h3 >> 0] | 0) == 47) { m4 = 0; Ia = c2; return m4 | 0; } if (!(Pu2(h3, 95214) | 0)) { Zt(d2, h3) | 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; break; } else { m4 = 0; Ia = c2; return m4 | 0; } } else p2 = 15; while (0); if ((p2 | 0) == 15) { Es2(d2, _b(3066604) | 0) | 0; n2 = 1; o2 = 1; } if (!(cc(d2, j2, k2, l2, n2, o2) | 0)) { Ld(b4, l2 << 16); m4 = 1; Ia = c2; return m4 | 0; } else { Ld(b4, 0); m4 = 1; Ia = c2; return m4 | 0; } return 0; } function kj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0; if ((Ad(a2, 1) | 0) == 5) { Ld(a2, ((ql((Id2(a2, 1) | 0) << 8) | 0) >>> 8 << 16) + 65536 | 0); Ud(a2, -2); fh(4); return 1; } if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 0) b4 = Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0; else b4 = 65536; c2 = ql(b4) | 0; fh(4); Ld(a2, c2); return 1; } function lj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0 - b4 | 0; f2 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else g2 = 0; while (0); pl(g2 & 2147483647); return 0; } function mj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - b4; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0 - b4 | 0; f2 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else g2 = 0; while (0); return g2 + 65535 & -65536 | 0; } function nj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0 - b4 | 0; f2 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else g2 = 0; while (0); return g2 >> 31 & -131072 | 65536 | 0; } function oj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; a2 = 0 - b4 | 0; b4 = d2 + (a2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (a2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; else e2 = Dd2(b4) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == -2147483648) { f2 = 2147483647; return f2 | 0; } else g2 = (e2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - e2 | 0 : e2; } else g2 = 0; f2 = g2; return f2 | 0; } function pj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = a2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = d2; } do if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { d2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = i3; l2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } else { h3 = Dd2(d2) | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = h3; } if ((k2 | 0) > 2) { h3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - k2 << 3) + 16 | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { m4 = l2; n2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { m4 = l2; n2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; break; } } else { m4 = l2; n2 = 0; } } else { m4 = 0; n2 = 0; } while (0); l2 = (j2 | 0) < (m4 | 0); k2 = (j2 | 0) < (n2 | 0); if (l2 & k2) { e2 = (m4 | 0) < (n2 | 0) ? m4 : n2; return e2 | 0; } if (!((m4 | 0) < (j2 | 0) & (m4 | 0) < (n2 | 0))) return (l2 ? j2 : m4) | 0; e2 = k2 ? j2 : n2; return e2 | 0; } function qj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0 - b4 | 0; f2 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else g2 = 0; while (0); return hp(g2) | 0; } function rj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0 - b4 | 0; f2 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else g2 = 0; while (0); return ip(g2) | 0; } function sj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; fh(6); b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0 - b4 | 0; f2 = d2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[d2 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else g2 = 0; while (0); return ll(g2) | 0; } function tj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; break; } else { k2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; l2 = j2; break; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } while (0); return ml(l2, k2) | 0; } function uj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - b4; if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { d2 = 0; e2 = ~d2; return e2 | 0; } f2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; a2 = 0 - b4 | 0; b4 = f2 + (a2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (a2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = ~d2; return e2 | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(b4) | 0; e2 = ~d2; return e2 | 0; } return 0; } function vj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 112 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - b4; if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { d2 = 0; e2 = d2 & -65536; return e2 | 0; } f2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; a2 = 0 - b4 | 0; b4 = f2 + (a2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (a2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 & -65536; return e2 | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(b4) | 0; e2 = d2 & -65536; return e2 | 0; } return 0; } function wj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; f2 = 0; g2 = e2 & f2; return g2 | 0; } h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 0 - d2 | 0; j2 = a2 + (i3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (i3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = d2; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(j2) | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = d2; } if ((k2 | 0) <= 1) { e2 = 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 & f2; return g2 | 0; } d2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - k2 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 & f2; return g2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(d2) | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 & f2; return g2 | 0; } return 0; } function xj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; f2 = 0; g2 = e2 | f2; return g2 | 0; } h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 0 - d2 | 0; j2 = a2 + (i3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (i3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = d2; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(j2) | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = d2; } if ((k2 | 0) <= 1) { e2 = 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 | f2; return g2 | 0; } d2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - k2 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 | f2; return g2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(d2) | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 | f2; return g2 | 0; } return 0; } function yj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; f2 = 0; g2 = e2 ^ f2; return g2 | 0; } h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 0 - d2 | 0; j2 = a2 + (i3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (i3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = d2; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(j2) | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = d2; } if ((k2 | 0) <= 1) { e2 = 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 ^ f2; return g2 | 0; } d2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - k2 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 ^ f2; return g2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(d2) | 0; f2 = l2; g2 = e2 ^ f2; return g2 | 0; } return 0; } function zj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; break; } else { k2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; l2 = j2; break; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } while (0); return ul(l2, k2) | 0; } function Aj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; break; } else { k2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; l2 = j2; break; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } while (0); return vl(l2, k2) | 0; } function Bj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; break; } else { k2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; l2 = j2; break; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } while (0); return tl2(l2, k2) | 0; } function Cj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; break; } else { k2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; l2 = j2; break; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } while (0); return rl(l2, k2) | 0; } function Dj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) - d2; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; } if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; break; } else { k2 = Dd2(g2) | 0; l2 = j2; break; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = j2; } } else { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } while (0); return sl(l2, k2) | 0; } function Ej(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = a2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = d2; } do if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { d2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = i3; l2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { h3 = Dd2(d2) | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = h3; break; } } else { k2 = i3; l2 = 0; } while (0); if ((j2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) { if ((k2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = 0 - k2 | 0; i3 = l2 + (j2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[l2 + (j2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; return e2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(i3) | 0; return e2 | 0; } } else { if ((k2 | 0) <= 1) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } i3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - k2 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; return e2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(i3) | 0; return e2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Fj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 112 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - d2 | 0; h3 = a2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[a2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = d2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { d2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = d2; } do if ((i3 | 0) > 1) { d2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - i3 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { k2 = i3; l2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { h3 = Dd2(d2) | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = h3; break; } } else { k2 = i3; l2 = 0; } while (0); if ((j2 | 0) > (l2 | 0)) { if ((k2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = 0 - k2 | 0; i3 = l2 + (j2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[l2 + (j2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; return e2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(i3) | 0; return e2 | 0; } } else { if ((k2 | 0) <= 1) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } i3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - k2 << 3) + 8 | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { e2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; return e2 | 0; } else { e2 = Dd2(i3) | 0; return e2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Gj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 0) c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + -2; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) { b4 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 2147418112) if ((b4 | 0) < 65536) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } else e2 = b4 >> 16; else e2 = 32767; } else e2 = 1; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if (!(tc(a2, e2) | 0)) { Bb(60631) | 0; d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = 0; do { Ld(a2, (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2 + b4 | 0) | 0) << 16); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); } fh(e2 + -1 | 0); d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Hj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 0) c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + -2; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) { b4 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 2147418112) if ((b4 | 0) < 65536) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } else e2 = b4 >> 16; else e2 = 32767; } else e2 = 1; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if (!(tc(a2, e2) | 0)) { Bb(60631) | 0; d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = 0; do { g2 = (f2 << 1) + b4 | 0; h3 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, g2) | 0) << 16; Ld(a2, ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, g2 + 1 | 0) | 0) << 24) + h3 | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); } fh(e2 + -1 | 0); d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Ij(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 0) c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + -2; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) { b4 = Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 2147418112) if ((b4 | 0) < 65536) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } else e2 = b4 >> 16; else e2 = 32767; } else e2 = 1; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; if (!(tc(a2, e2) | 0)) { Bb(60631) | 0; d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = 0; do { g2 = (f2 << 2) + b4 | 0; h3 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, g2) | 0; i3 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, g2 + 1 | 0) | 0) << 8) + h3 | 0; h3 = i3 + ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, g2 + 2 | 0) | 0) << 16) | 0; Ld(a2, h3 + ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, g2 + 3 | 0) | 0) << 24) | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); } fh(e2 + -1 | 0); d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Jj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 112 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - e2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = e2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; break; } } else { i3 = e2; j2 = 0; } while (0); e2 = j2 >> 16; j2 = (i3 | 0) < 2 ? 1 : (i3 | 0) < 32768 ? i3 + -1 | 0 : 32767; if ((i3 | 0) > 1) c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + -2; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) { k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; fh(k2); return 0; } g2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = i3; i3 = 0; while (true) { h3 = i3 + 1 | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > (h3 | 0)) { f2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - b4 << 3) + (h3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { l2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else l2 = 0; while (0); f2 = l2 >> 16; m4 = i3 + e2 | 0; if ((m4 & -8192 | 0) == 24576) { n2 = m4 + -24576 | 0; o2 = n2 >> 6; p2 = n2 << 1 & 126; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] = f2 & 15; a[(c[(c[(c[730449] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (p2 | 1) >> 0] = l2 >>> 20 & 15; } else Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4, f2); if ((h3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) break; b4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3; } k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; fh(k2); return 0; } function Kj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 112 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - e2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = e2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; break; } } else { i3 = e2; j2 = 0; } while (0); e2 = j2 >> 16; j2 = (i3 | 0) < 2 ? 1 : (i3 | 0) < 32768 ? i3 + -1 | 0 : 32767; if ((i3 | 0) > 1) c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + -2; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) { k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; fh(k2); return 0; } g2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = i3; i3 = 0; while (true) { h3 = i3 + 1 | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > (h3 | 0)) { f2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - b4 << 3) + (h3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { l2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else l2 = 0; while (0); f2 = l2 >> 16; m4 = (i3 << 1) + e2 | 0; if ((m4 + -24576 | 0) >>> 0 < 8191) { n2 = (c[(c[730449] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((m4 << 1) + -49152) | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = f2 & 15; o2 = n2 + 1 | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = f2 >>> 4 & 15; n2 = o2 + 1 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = f2 >>> 8 & 15; a[n2 + 1 >> 0] = f2 >>> 12 & 15; } else { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4, f2 & 255); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4 + 1 | 0, f2 >>> 8 & 255); } if ((h3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) break; b4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3; } k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; fh(k2); return 0; } function Lj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 112 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - e2 | 0; h3 = f2 + (g2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + (g2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { i3 = e2; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Dd2(h3) | 0; i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2; break; } } else { i3 = e2; j2 = 0; } while (0); e2 = j2 >> 16; j2 = (i3 | 0) < 2 ? 1 : (i3 | 0) < 32768 ? i3 + -1 | 0 : 32767; if ((i3 | 0) > 1) c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + -2; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) { k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; fh(k2); return 0; } g2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = i3; i3 = 0; while (true) { h3 = i3 + 1 | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > (h3 | 0)) { f2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - b4 << 3) + (h3 << 3) | 0; if ((c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { l2 = Dd2(f2) | 0; break; } } else l2 = 0; while (0); f2 = (i3 << 2) + e2 | 0; if ((f2 + -24576 | 0) >>> 0 < 8189) { m4 = (c[(c[730449] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((f2 << 1) + -49152) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = l2 & 15; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = l2 >>> 4 & 15; m4 = n2 + 1 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = l2 >>> 8 & 15; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = l2 >>> 12 & 15; m4 = n2 + 1 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = l2 >>> 16 & 15; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = l2 >>> 20 & 15; m4 = n2 + 1 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = l2 >>> 24 & 15; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = l2 >>> 28; } else { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2, l2 & 255); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2 + 1 | 0, l2 >>> 8 & 255); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2 + 2 | 0, l2 >>> 16 & 255); Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, f2 + 3 | 0, l2 >>> 24); } if ((h3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) break; b4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3; } k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; fh(k2); return 0; } function Mj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = c[730442] | 0; d2 = Dv2(b4 | 0, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; b4 = xv(d2 | 0, G() | 0, 60, 0) | 0; G() | 0; Ld(a2, b4); return 1; } function Nj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Kd(a2); return 1; } function Oj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!(c[543086] | 0)) eb2(60600, 2000); c[543086] = 1; Kd(a2); return 1; } function Pj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!(c[543085] | 0)) eb2(60567, 2000); c[543085] = 1; Kd(a2); Ld(a2, 0); return 2; } function Qj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Kd(a2); Ld(a2, 0); return 2; } function Rj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function Sj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[785588] = 1; lk(a2, 0); return 1; } function Tj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[785588] = 1; lk(a2, 1); return 1; } function Uj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; c2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; d2 = c2 >> 16; e2 = Gd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; if (!e2) { a[3076126 + (d2 << 6) >> 0] = 0; return 0; } if ((c2 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 > 327679) return 0; Yu2(3076126 + (d2 << 6) | 0, e2, 16) | 0; return 0; } function Vj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; c[d2 >> 2] = 255; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 0 ? (e2 = Gd(a2, 1, d2) | 0, (e2 | 0) != 0) : 0) { Sd(a2, (Sl(e2) | 0) == 0 & 1); f2 = 1; } else f2 = 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } function Wj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; if (!(a[3066732] | 0)) { Bb(60537) | 0; e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } if (d2 >>> 0 > 4194303) { Ld(b4, 0); e2 = 1; return e2 | 0; } else { Ld(b4, c[3067756 + (d2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0); e2 = 1; return e2 | 0; } return 0; } function Xj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; e2 = Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0; if (!(a[3066732] | 0)) { Bb(60507) | 0; return 0; } if (d2 >>> 0 > 4194303) return 0; b4 = 3067756 + (d2 >> 16 << 2) | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) != (e2 | 0)) c[785589] = 1; c[b4 >> 2] = e2; return 0; } function Yj(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 112 | 0; e2 = d2 + 64 | 0; f2 = d2 + 108 | 0; g2 = d2 + 104 | 0; h3 = d2 + 100 | 0; i3 = d2 + 72 | 0; j2 = d2; fh(16); a: do if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 0) { k2 = (Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; switch (k2 | 0) { case 1: { l2 = 4; break a; break; } case 0: { of(c[543065] | 0, 2, 0) | 0; m4 = (c[785516] | 0) + (c[768178] | 0) | 0; n2 = ((m4 | 0) < 2097152 ? m4 : 2097152) << 6; o2 = (n2 | 0) > 0 ? n2 : 0; p2 = 0; l2 = 15; break a; break; } case 2: { q3 = Sg(Mg(1) | 0) | 0; r2 = 2; l2 = 85; break a; break; } default: { n2 = (k2 | 0) == 3 ? c[786057] << 16 : 0; switch (k2 | 0) { case 5: { q3 = 2686976; r2 = k2; l2 = 85; break a; break; } case 4: { ds(); m4 = c[482628] | 0; if (!m4) { Md(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } else { s3 = kq((Pt(m4) | 0) + 16 | 0) | 0; ys(c[482628] | 0, s3) | 0; Md(b4, s3, Pt(s3) | 0) | 0; mq(s3); Ia = d2; return 1; } break; } case 6: { s3 = Pt(3074076) | 0; Md(b4, 3074076, s3 >>> 0 < 1024 ? s3 : 1024) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } case 7: { q3 = c[785580] << 16; r2 = 7; l2 = 85; break a; break; } case 9: { q3 = (pr2() | 0) << 16; r2 = 9; l2 = 85; break a; break; } case 11: { q3 = (Fk() | 0) << 16; r2 = 11; l2 = 85; break a; break; } case 13: { ub(); q3 = 4128768 - ((((c[482624] << 3) + 8 | 0) / 2 | 0) << 16) | 0; r2 = 13; l2 = 85; break a; break; } default: { o2 = n2; p2 = k2; l2 = 15; break a; } } } } } else l2 = 4; while (0); if ((l2 | 0) == 4) { o2 = Sg(Mg(0) | 0) | 0; p2 = 1; l2 = 15; } b: do if ((l2 | 0) == 15) switch (p2 | 0) { case 12: { q3 = 1507328; r2 = p2; l2 = 85; break b; break; } case 14: { q3 = 6815744; r2 = p2; l2 = 85; break b; break; } case 15: { ub(); t3 = ((((c[482624] << 3) + 8 | 0) / 2 | 0) << 16) + 4194304 | 0; break b; break; } default: { k2 = (p2 | 0) == 10 ? c[785518] << 16 : (p2 | 0) == 8 ? c[785581] << 16 : o2; if ((p2 + -16 | 0) >>> 0 < 11) u2 = Zh(p2) | 0; else u2 = k2; if ((p2 + -46 | 0) >>> 0 < 11) { k2 = Zh(p2) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == -65536) v2 = Zh(p2 + -30 | 0) | 0; else v2 = k2; } else if ((p2 | 0) == 29) { t3 = Nr() | 0; break b; } else v2 = u2; k2 = (p2 | 0) == 30; n2 = (p2 | 0) == 31; s3 = (p2 | 0) == 28; switch (p2 | 0) { case 28: case 30: case 31: { if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24365) | 0) & 1)) { if (k2) Sd(b4, 0); if (n2) Md(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; if (!s3) { Ia = d2; return 1; } Sd(b4, 0); Ia = d2; return 1; } ds(); if ((a[3069040] | 0) != 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0 | (c[481715] | 0) != 0) { if (!(c[785515] | 0)) eb2(60360, 2000); c[785515] = 1; } if (s3) if ((Ad(b4, 2) | 0) == 3) { Sd(b4, (co2((Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16) | 0) != 0 & 1); Ia = d2; return 1; } else { Ld(b4, 0); Ia = d2; return 1; } if (k2) { Sd(b4, (c[786056] | 0) > 0 & 1); Ia = d2; return 1; } if (n2) { if (!(c[786056] | 0)) { Md(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } Md(b4, 3143968, 1) | 0; n2 = 0; do { k2 = n2; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; a[3143968 + k2 >> 0] = a[3143968 + n2 >> 0] | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 255); c[786056] = (c[786056] | 0) + -1; Ia = d2; return 1; } else w2 = v2; break; } default: if ((p2 + -32 | 0) >>> 0 < 9 ? ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24365) | 0) & 1 | 0) != 0 : 0) { if ((a[3069040] | 0) != 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0 | (c[481715] | 0) != 0) { if (!(c[785515] | 0)) eb2(60384, 2000); c[785515] = 1; } Rr(f2, g2, h3); n2 = (p2 | 0) == 36 ? c[768436] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 35 ? c[768435] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 34 ? c[h3 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 33 ? c[g2 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 32 ? c[f2 >> 2] | 0 : v2; if (!((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24365) | 0) & 4)) x2 = n2; else x2 = (p2 | 0) == 39 ? c[768438] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 38 ? c[768437] | 0 : n2; w2 = x2 << 16; } else w2 = v2; } switch (p2 | 0) { case 37: { n2 = c[768175] << 16; c[768175] = 0; t3 = n2; break b; break; } case 57: { Sd(b4, (ar2() | 0) != 0 & 1); Ia = d2; return 1; } default: { if ((p2 & -8 | 0) == 64) { Kd(b4); Ia = d2; return 1; } do if ((p2 + -80 | 0) >>> 0 >= 6) { if ((p2 + -90 | 0) >>> 0 < 6) { vr(i3, 1); y4 = ((p2 | 0) == 95 ? c[i3 + 24 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 94 ? c[i3 + 20 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 93 ? c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 92 ? c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 91 ? c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 90 ? c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0 : w2) << 16; break; } if ((p2 | 0) == 99) { n2 = (c[785516] | 0) + (c[768178] | 0) | 0; k2 = ((n2 | 0) < 2097152 ? n2 : 2097152) << 6; t3 = (k2 | 0) > 0 ? k2 : 0; break b; } else y4 = w2; } else { vr(i3, 0); y4 = ((p2 | 0) == 85 ? c[i3 + 24 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 84 ? c[i3 + 20 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 83 ? c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 82 ? c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 81 ? c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0 : (p2 | 0) == 80 ? c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0 : w2) << 16; } while (0); switch (p2 | 0) { case 100: { if (!(Ag() | 0)) { Kd(b4); Ia = d2; return 1; } else { k2 = Ag() | 0; Md(b4, k2, Pt(Ag() | 0) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } break; } case 101: { if ((a[3069040] | 0) != 0 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { Md(b4, 3069040, Pt(3069040) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } else { Kd(b4); Ia = d2; return 1; } break; } case 102: { k2 = la(22, 0) | 0; n2 = k2; if (!k2) { Kd(b4); Ia = d2; return 1; } else { Md(b4, n2, Pt(n2) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } break; } case 103: { Md(b4, 3066645, Pt(3066645) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } case 104: { Sd(b4, 0); Ia = d2; return 1; } case 106: { c[e2 >> 2] = 3074076; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 3066645; it(1708384, 102731, e2) | 0; tq(1708384, Pt(1708384) | 0, j2) | 0; Md(b4, j2, Pt(j2) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } case 107: { t3 = c[481788] << 16; break b; break; } default: { if ((p2 | 0) != 109) { q3 = (p2 | 0) == 108 ? c[543493] << 16 : y4; r2 = p2; l2 = 85; break b; } t3 = ((c[543952] | 0) / 4 | 0) << 16; break b; } } } } } } while (0); c: do if ((l2 | 0) == 85) switch (r2 | 0) { case 110: { Sd(b4, c[482725] | 0); Ia = d2; return 1; } case 120: { Sd(b4, (gn() | 0) > 0 & 1); Ia = d2; return 1; } case 121: { Sd(b4, (hn2() | 0) > 0 & 1); Ia = d2; return 1; } case 122: { Sd(b4, c[533463] | 0); Ia = d2; return 1; } case 124: { Nd2(b4, 3144900) | 0; Ia = d2; return 1; } default: { t3 = q3; break c; } } while (0); Ld(b4, t3); Ia = d2; return 1; } function Zj(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; wd(a2) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = Gd(a2, 1, d2) | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { g2 = 0; Ia = b4; return g2 | 0; } if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) h3 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; else h3 = 1; if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 2 ? (Ad(a2, 3) | 0) == 3 : 0) i3 = (Cd(a2, 3, 0) | 0) >> 16; else i3 = f2; d2 = f2 + 1 | 0; j2 = ((h3 | 0) < 0 ? d2 : 0) + h3 | 0; h3 = ((i3 | 0) < 0 ? d2 : 0) + i3 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > (f2 | 0) | ((h3 | 0) < (j2 | 0) | (h3 | 0) < 1)) { Md(a2, e2, 0) | 0; g2 = 1; Ia = b4; return g2 | 0; } else { i3 = (j2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? j2 : f2; j2 = (i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1; i3 = (h3 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? h3 : f2; f2 = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) - j2 + 1 | 0; Md(a2, e2 + j2 + -1 | 0, f2) | 0; fh((f2 | 0) / 2 | 0); g2 = 1; Ia = b4; return g2 | 0; } return 0; } function _j(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; c2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = c2; e2 = wd(b4) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) <= 16) if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = 0; g2 = d2; } else { Md(b4, d2, e2) | 0; fh(e2); Ia = c2; return 1; } else { d2 = kq(e2) | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = d2; } d2 = 0; do { h3 = d2; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; a[g2 + h3 >> 0] = (Cd(b4, d2, 0) | 0) >>> 16; } while ((d2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); Md(b4, g2, e2) | 0; if (!f2) { fh(e2); Ia = c2; return 1; } mq(f2); fh(e2); Ia = c2; return 1; } function $j(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = 32768; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 0) f2 = Gd(b4, 1, e2) | 0; else f2 = 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 1) g2 = ((Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16) + -1 | 0; else g2 = 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 2) { h3 = Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0; if ((h3 | 0) < 65536) { i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } else j2 = h3 >> 16; } else j2 = 1; if (!(tc(b4, j2) | 0)) { Bb(60339) | 0; i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } fh(j2); h3 = j2 + g2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) { i3 = j2; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } if (!f2) { k2 = g2; do { Kd(b4); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)); i3 = j2; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } k2 = g2; do { if ((k2 | 0) > -1 ? k2 >>> 0 < (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 : 0) Ld(b4, (((a[f2 + k2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0) << 16); else Kd(b4); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)); i3 = j2; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } function ak(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2 + 12 | 0; g2 = d2 + 4 | 0; h3 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) <= 0) { i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } j2 = Gd(b4, 1, e2) | 0; if (!j2) { i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; Vd(b4, 0, 1); fh(k2); if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 2) l2 = Fd(b4, 3) | 0; else l2 = 1; e2 = (Cd(b4, 3, 0) | 0) == 2; m4 = e2 ? 1 : l2; if ((Ad(b4, 2) | 0) == 3) { l2 = (Cd(b4, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; e2 = (l2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? l2 : k2; l2 = (e2 | 0) > 1 ? e2 : 1; e2 = iq(l2 + 1 | 0) | 0; a: do if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { if (!m4) { n2 = 1; o2 = 0; while (true) { jq(e2, 0, l2); p2 = k2 - o2 | 0; q3 = (l2 | 0) < (p2 | 0) ? l2 : p2; Hv(e2 | 0, j2 + o2 | 0, q3 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Md(b4, e2, q3) | 0; Xd(b4, -2, n2); o2 = o2 + l2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= (o2 | 0)) break a; else n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } } n2 = 1; o2 = 0; while (true) { jq(e2, 0, l2); q3 = k2 - o2 | 0; p2 = (l2 | 0) < (q3 | 0) ? l2 : q3; Hv(e2 | 0, j2 + o2 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; if (!(Uc(e2, Pt(e2) | 0, g2) | 0)) Md(b4, e2, p2) | 0; else Ld(b4, c[g2 >> 2] | 0); Xd(b4, -2, n2); o2 = o2 + l2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= (o2 | 0)) break; else n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); mq(e2); i3 = 1; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; if ((wd(b4) | 0) > 1 ? (e2 = Gd(b4, 2, g2) | 0, (e2 | 0) != 0) : 0) { r2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 0; s3 = e2; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = 1; r2 = 0; s3 = 95838; } b: do if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | r2) { if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { g2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if (!m4) { e2 = 1; l2 = 0; while (true) { a[f2 >> 0] = a[j2 + l2 >> 0] | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = 0; Md(b4, f2, 1) | 0; Xd(b4, -2, e2); l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == (k2 | 0)) break b; else e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } } e2 = 1; l2 = 0; while (true) { n2 = a[j2 + l2 >> 0] | 0; a[f2 >> 0] = n2; a[g2 >> 0] = 0; if ((n2 + -48 & 255) < 10) Ld(b4, (n2 << 24 >> 24 << 16) + -3145728 | 0); else Md(b4, f2, 1) | 0; Xd(b4, -2, e2); l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == (k2 | 0)) break; else e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } } } else { e2 = iq(k2 + 1 | 0) | 0; Hv(e2 | 0, j2 | 0, k2 | 0) | 0; c: do if (!m4) { l2 = 1; g2 = 0; while (true) { n2 = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; o2 = g2; while (true) { t3 = (o2 | 0) >= (k2 | 0); if (t3 | (a[e2 + o2 >> 0] | 0) == n2 << 24 >> 24) break; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } a[e2 + o2 >> 0] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; Md(b4, e2 + g2 | 0, o2 - g2 | 0) | 0; Xd(b4, -2, l2); if (t3) break c; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; g2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } } else { g2 = 1; l2 = 0; while (true) { n2 = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; p2 = l2; while (true) { u2 = (p2 | 0) >= (k2 | 0); if (u2 | (a[e2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) == n2 << 24 >> 24) break; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } n2 = e2 + l2 | 0; a[e2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; o2 = p2 - l2 | 0; if (!(Uc(n2, o2, h3) | 0)) Md(b4, n2, o2) | 0; else Ld(b4, c[h3 >> 2] | 0); Xd(b4, -2, g2); if (u2) break c; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; l2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); mq(e2); } while (0); i3 = 1; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } function bk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) b4 = 0; else b4 = Sf(a2) | 0; return b4 | 0; } function ck(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0; b4 = wd(a2) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= 1) { c2 = 1; while (true) { zd(a2, c2); if ((c2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) break; else c2 = c2 + 1 | 0; } } return Ec(a2, b4, 0, 0) | 0; } function dk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[730460] = 1; if (c[785517] | 0) return 0; c[785517] = 1; return 0; } function ek(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; c2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; if ((c2 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 > 327679) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } e2 = 3076510 + (c2 >>> 16) | 0; c2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(c2 << 24 >> 24)) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } Ld(b4, c2 << 24 >> 24 << 16); a[e2 >> 0] = 0; d2 = 1; return d2 | 0; } function fk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; c[730442] = (c[730442] | 0) + b4; el2(); return 0; } function gk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; hh(); return 0; } function hk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[768511] = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; return 0; } function ik(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; c[785580] = b4; c[785581] = b4; return 0; } function jk(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; a2 = (b4 | 0) < 2 ? b4 : 2; b4 = (a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 0; c[3142328 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] = Mg(0) | 0; c[3142340 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] = Kr() | 0; return 0; } function kk(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; c2 = Cd(b4, 1, 0) | 0; d2 = c2 >> 16; e2 = (c2 | 0) > 65535; c2 = e2 ? (d2 | 0) < 7 ? d2 : 7 : 0; if (e2 ? (a[3100894] & 1) == 0 : 0) { Sd(b4, 0); return 1; } Ek(c2); Sd(b4, 1); return 1; } function lk(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = (Cd(a2, 1, 0) | 0) >> 16; e2 = (d2 | 0) < 7 ? d2 : 7; d2 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 0; if (!(wd(a2) | 0)) { e2 = (b4 | 0) == 0; Ld(a2, ((((e2 ? c[768194] | 0 : c[768386] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 32768) | ((((e2 ? c[768193] | 0 : c[768385] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 16384) | ((((e2 ? c[768192] | 0 : c[768384] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 8192) | ((((e2 ? c[768191] | 0 : c[768383] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 4096) | ((((e2 ? c[768190] | 0 : c[768382] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 2048) | ((((e2 ? c[768189] | 0 : c[768381] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 1024) | ((((e2 ? c[768188] | 0 : c[768380] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 512) | ((((e2 ? c[768187] | 0 : c[768379] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 256) | ((((e2 ? c[768186] | 0 : c[768378] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 128) | ((((e2 ? c[768185] | 0 : c[768377] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 64) | ((((e2 ? c[768184] | 0 : c[768376] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 32) | ((((e2 ? c[768183] | 0 : c[768375] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 16) | ((((e2 ? c[768182] | 0 : c[768374] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 8) | ((((e2 ? c[768181] | 0 : c[768373] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 4) | ((((e2 ? c[768180] | 0 : c[768372] | 0) | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 2) | ((e2 ? c[768179] | 0 : c[768371] | 0) | 0) != 0))))))))))))))) << 16); return; } if ((wd(a2) | 0) > 1) f2 = (Cd(a2, 2, 0) | 0) >> 16; else f2 = 0; if ((f2 | d2) >>> 0 < 8) if (!b4) g2 = c[3072716 + (f2 << 5) + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; else g2 = c[3073484 + (f2 << 5) + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; else g2 = 0; Sd(a2, g2); fh(4); return; } function mk(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2, l2, m4) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; l2 = l2 | 0; m4 = m4 | 0; var n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; n2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; o2 = n2 + 20 | 0; p2 = n2 + 16 | 0; q3 = n2 + 12 | 0; r2 = n2 + 8 | 0; s3 = n2 + 4 | 0; t3 = n2; c[o2 >> 2] = e2; c[p2 >> 2] = f2; c[q3 >> 2] = g2; c[r2 >> 2] = h3; c[s3 >> 2] = i3; c[t3 >> 2] = j2; Ln2(b4); Kn(b4); In(b4, d2, o2, p2, q3, r2, s3, t3); Mn(b4); j2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < 1 | (i3 | 0) < 1) { Ia = n2; return; } h3 = (k2 | 0) != 0; k2 = (l2 | 0) != 0; if (h3 & k2) { l2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; f2 = j2; e2 = i3; u2 = 0; while (true) { if ((f2 | 0) > 0) { v2 = ~u2; w2 = e2; x2 = f2; y4 = 0; while (true) { a[(c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + y4) >> 0] = c[m4 + ((a[(c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + v2 + w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (x2 + ~y4 + (c[o2 >> 2] | 0)) >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2]; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; z3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if ((y4 | 0) >= (z3 | 0)) { B2 = A4; C3 = z3; break; } else { w2 = A4; x2 = z3; } } } else { B2 = e2; C3 = f2; } u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) >= (B2 | 0)) break; else { f2 = C3; e2 = B2; } } Ia = n2; return; } if (k2) { k2 = b4 + 16 | 0; B2 = d2 + 16 | 0; e2 = j2; C3 = i3; f2 = 0; while (true) { if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = ~f2; l2 = C3; g2 = 0; while (true) { a[(c[(c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + g2) >> 0] = c[m4 + ((a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 + l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + g2) >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2]; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; x2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (x2 | 0)) { D3 = w2; E3 = x2; break; } else l2 = w2; } } else { D3 = C3; E3 = e2; } f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) >= (D3 | 0)) break; else { e2 = E3; C3 = D3; } } Ia = n2; return; } if (h3) { h3 = b4 + 16 | 0; D3 = d2 + 16 | 0; C3 = j2; E3 = i3; e2 = 0; while (true) { if ((C3 | 0) > 0) { f2 = C3; k2 = 0; do { a[(c[(c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + k2) >> 0] = c[m4 + ((a[(c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (f2 + ~k2 + (c[o2 >> 2] | 0)) >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2]; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; f2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)); F3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; G2 = f2; } else { F3 = E3; G2 = C3; } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= (F3 | 0)) break; else { C3 = G2; E3 = F3; } } Ia = n2; return; } F3 = d2 + 16 | 0; d2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = j2; j2 = i3; i3 = 0; while (true) { if (!b4) H2 = j2; else { E3 = (c[(c[F3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = (c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; C3 = b4; while (true) { a[E3 >> 0] = c[m4 + ((a[G2 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2]; C3 = C3 + -1 | 0; if (!C3) break; else { E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; } } H2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; } G2 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((G2 | 0) >= (H2 | 0)) break; b4 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = H2; i3 = G2; } Ia = n2; return; } function nk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (e2 | 0) == 0 | (h3 | 0) == 0 | (i3 | 0) == 0) return; j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (h3 | 0) & (k2 | 0) == (i3 | 0)) { ok(b4, e2, 0, 0, f2, g2, h3, i3); return; } l2 = (j2 << 16 | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; j2 = (k2 << 16 | 0) / (i3 | 0) | 0; m4 = c[e2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (m4 | 0) > (g2 | 0); o2 = m4 - g2 | 0; p2 = i3 - (n2 ? o2 : 0) | 0; i3 = n2 ? m4 : g2; g2 = c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (g2 | 0) > (f2 | 0); q3 = g2 - f2 | 0; r2 = B(q3, l2) | 0; s3 = (m4 ? r2 : 0) + ((l2 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0; r2 = h3 - (m4 ? q3 : 0) | 0; q3 = m4 ? g2 : f2; f2 = (c[e2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) - q3 | 0; g2 = (r2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? r2 : f2; f2 = (c[e2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) - i3 | 0; r2 = (p2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? p2 : f2; f2 = r2 + i3 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) <= 0) return; r2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = e2 + 16 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) <= 0) { e2 = i3; do e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; while ((e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)); return; } e2 = B(o2, j2) | 0; o2 = ((j2 | 0) < 0 ? k2 : 0) + ((j2 | 0) / 2 | 0) + (n2 ? e2 : 0) | 0; e2 = i3; while (true) { i3 = c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 >> 16 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[768171] & 131072)) { n2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + q3 | 0; k2 = s3; p2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = d[i3 + (k2 >> 16) >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 & 240)) { h3 = c[768168] | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = ((h3 ^ 15) & (d[n2 >> 0] | 0) | h3 & m4 & c[768169]) & 15; } p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) break; else { n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; k2 = k2 + l2 | 0; } } } else { k2 = e2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12; n2 = s3; p2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = d[i3 + (n2 >> 16) >> 0] | 0; if ((m4 & 240 | 0) == 0 ? (h3 = p2 + q3 | 0, t3 = c[768171] | 0, u2 = t3 >> k2 >>> (h3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, (t3 & 65536 | 0) == 0 | (u2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { t3 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 | 0; h3 = c[768168] | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = ((h3 ^ 15) & (d[t3 >> 0] | 0) | h3 & c[3072540 + ((m4 & 15) << 2) >> 2] >> (u2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) break; else n2 = n2 + l2 | 0; } } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) break; else o2 = o2 + j2 | 0; } return; } function ok(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; var l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; l2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; m4 = l2 + 20 | 0; n2 = l2 + 16 | 0; o2 = l2 + 12 | 0; p2 = l2 + 8 | 0; q3 = l2 + 4 | 0; r2 = l2; c[m4 >> 2] = f2; c[n2 >> 2] = g2; c[o2 >> 2] = h3; c[p2 >> 2] = i3; c[q3 >> 2] = j2; c[r2 >> 2] = k2; if (!((b4 | 0) != 0 & (e2 | 0) != 0)) { Ia = l2; return; } In(b4, e2, m4, n2, o2, p2, q3, r2); if (!((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) > 0 & (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) > 0)) { Ia = l2; return; } k2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = e2 + 16 | 0; e2 = 0; do { j2 = (c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[768171] & 131072)) { if (i3 | 0) { h3 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; g2 = j2; f2 = i3; while (true) { s3 = d[g2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(s3 & 240)) { t3 = c[768168] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = ((t3 ^ 15) & (d[h3 >> 0] | 0) | t3 & s3 & c[768169]) & 15; } f2 = f2 + -1 | 0; if (!f2) break; else { h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } } } } else if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { g2 = i3; h3 = j2; f2 = 0; while (true) { s3 = d[h3 >> 0] | 0; if ((s3 & 240 | 0) == 0 ? (t3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0, u2 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + e2 | 0, v2 = c[768171] | 0, w2 = v2 >> (u2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (t3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, (v2 & 65536 | 0) == 0 | (w2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { v2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (u2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + t3 | 0; t3 = c[768168] | 0; a[v2 >> 0] = ((t3 ^ 15) & (d[v2 >> 0] | 0) | t3 & c[3072540 + ((s3 & 15) << 2) >> 2] >> (w2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; x2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; } else x2 = g2; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) >= (x2 | 0)) break; else { g2 = x2; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } } } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0)); Ia = l2; return; } function pk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2, l2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; l2 = l2 | 0; var m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; m4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; n2 = m4 + 20 | 0; o2 = m4 + 16 | 0; p2 = m4 + 12 | 0; q3 = m4 + 8 | 0; r2 = m4 + 4 | 0; s3 = m4; c[n2 >> 2] = f2; c[o2 >> 2] = g2; c[p2 >> 2] = h3; c[q3 >> 2] = i3; c[r2 >> 2] = j2; c[s3 >> 2] = k2; if (!((b4 | 0) != 0 & (e2 | 0) != 0)) { Ia = m4; return; } In(b4, e2, n2, o2, p2, q3, r2, s3); if (!((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) > 0 & (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) > 0)) { Ia = m4; return; } k2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = e2 + 16 | 0; e2 = 0; do { j2 = (c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[768171] & 131072)) { if (i3 | 0) { h3 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; g2 = j2; f2 = i3; while (true) { t3 = c[l2 + ((a[g2 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!(t3 & 240)) { u2 = c[768168] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = ((u2 ^ 15) & (d[h3 >> 0] | 0) | u2 & t3 & c[768169]) & 15; } f2 = f2 + -1 | 0; if (!f2) break; else { h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } } } } else if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { g2 = i3; h3 = j2; f2 = 0; while (true) { t3 = c[l2 + ((a[h3 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 & 240 | 0) == 0 ? (u2 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0, v2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + e2 | 0, w2 = c[768171] | 0, x2 = w2 >> (v2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (u2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, (w2 & 65536 | 0) == 0 | (x2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { w2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0; u2 = c[768168] | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = ((u2 ^ 15) & (d[w2 >> 0] | 0) | u2 & c[3072540 + ((t3 & 15) << 2) >> 2] >> (x2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; y4 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; } else y4 = g2; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) >= (y4 | 0)) break; else { g2 = y4; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } } } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (c[s3 >> 2] | 0)); Ia = m4; return; } function qk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; i3 = c[768171] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) < 0) return; j2 = b4 + 28 | 0; k2 = b4 + 32 | 0; l2 = b4 + 36 | 0; m4 = b4 + 40 | 0; n2 = (i3 & 65536 | 0) == 0; o2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = 1 - g2 | 0; p2 = g2; g2 = 0; while (true) { q3 = p2 + e2 | 0; r2 = g2 + f2 | 0; s3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (((((s3 | 0) <= (q3 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (q3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (t3 = i3 >> (r2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (q3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (t3 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + q3 | 0; v2 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((v2 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | v2 & h3 >> (t3 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; w2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else w2 = s3; s3 = g2 + e2 | 0; t3 = p2 + f2 | 0; if (((((w2 | 0) <= (s3 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (s3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = i3 >> (t3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (s3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (v2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0; x2 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((x2 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | x2 & h3 >> (v2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; y4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else y4 = w2; v2 = e2 - p2 | 0; if (((((y4 | 0) <= (v2 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (v2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (x2 = i3 >> (r2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (v2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (x2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + v2 | 0; r2 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((r2 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | r2 & h3 >> (x2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else z3 = y4; x2 = e2 - g2 | 0; if (((((z3 | 0) <= (x2 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (x2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (r2 = i3 >> (t3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (x2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (r2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + x2 | 0; t3 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((t3 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | t3 & h3 >> (r2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; A4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else A4 = z3; r2 = f2 - g2 | 0; if (((((A4 | 0) <= (v2 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (v2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (t3 = i3 >> (r2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (v2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (t3 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + v2 | 0; v2 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((v2 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | v2 & h3 >> (t3 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; B2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else B2 = A4; t3 = f2 - p2 | 0; if (((((B2 | 0) <= (x2 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (x2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = i3 >> (t3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (x2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (v2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + x2 | 0; x2 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((x2 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | x2 & h3 >> (v2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; C3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else C3 = B2; if (((((C3 | 0) <= (q3 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (q3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (r2 | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = i3 >> (r2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (q3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (v2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { x2 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + q3 | 0; q3 = c[768168] | 0; a[x2 >> 0] = ((q3 ^ 15) & (d[x2 >> 0] | 0) | q3 & h3 >> (v2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; D3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } else D3 = C3; if (((((D3 | 0) <= (s3 | 0) ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > (s3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) <= (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) > (t3 | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = i3 >> (t3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (s3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, n2 | (v2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { q3 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0; s3 = c[768168] | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = ((s3 ^ 15) & (d[q3 >> 0] | 0) | s3 & h3 >> (v2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } v2 = g2 + 1 | 0; s3 = (b4 | 0) < 0; q3 = p2 + -1 | 0; p2 = s3 ? p2 : q3; if ((p2 | 0) <= (g2 | 0)) break; else { b4 = (v2 - (s3 ? 0 : q3) << 1 | 1) + b4 | 0; g2 = v2; } } return; } function rk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0; if ((c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) > (e2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0) > (f2 | 0)) return; if ((c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) <= (f2 | 0)) return; i3 = h3 >> (f2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (e2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1; if (!((h3 & 65536 | 0) == 0 | (i3 | 0) == 0)) return; h3 = (c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + e2 | 0; e2 = c[768168] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = ((e2 ^ 15) & (d[h3 >> 0] | 0) | e2 & g2 >> (i3 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; return; } function sk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; i3 = c[768171] | 0; if ((c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0) > (g2 | 0)) return 0; if ((c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) <= (g2 | 0)) return 0; j2 = h3 & 15; k2 = (i3 & 65536 | 0) != 0; l2 = k2 ? 16 : h3 >>> 4 & 15; h3 = i3 >> (12 - (g2 << 2) & 12); i3 = ((h3 & 4 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) << 8 | ((h3 & 8 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) | ((h3 & 2 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) << 16 | ((h3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) << 24; l2 = (f2 | 0) < (e2 | 0); j2 = l2 ? e2 : f2; h3 = l2 ? f2 : e2; e2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (h3 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? e2 : h3; h3 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; e2 = (j2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? j2 : h3 + -1 | 0; h3 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = b4 + f2 | 0; l2 = b4 + (f2 + 3 & -4) | 0; if (k2) { if ((f2 | 0) > (e2 | 0)) { m4 = (e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0); n2 = 1 - f2 | 0; o2 = n2 + e2 | 0; p2 = m4 ? 0 : o2; return p2 | 0; } k2 = j2; b4 = f2; while (true) { q3 = i3 >>> (b4 << 3 & 24); if (!(q3 & 16)) { r2 = c[768168] | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = ((r2 ^ 15) & (d[k2 >> 0] | 0) | r2 & q3 & c[768169]) & 15; } if ((b4 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } else break; } m4 = (e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0); n2 = 1 - f2 | 0; o2 = n2 + e2 | 0; p2 = m4 ? 0 : o2; return p2 | 0; } b4 = c[768169] | 0; k2 = b4 << 8 | b4 | b4 << 16 | b4 << 24; b4 = c[768168] | 0; q3 = b4 << 8 | b4 | b4 << 16 | b4 << 24; a: do if ((f2 | 0) > (e2 | 0)) s3 = f2; else { b4 = j2; r2 = f2; while (true) { t3 = r2 & 3; if (!t3) { s3 = r2; break a; } u2 = c[768168] | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = ((u2 ^ 15) & (d[b4 >> 0] | 0) | u2 & i3 >>> (t3 << 3) & c[768169]) & 15; t3 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; r2 = t3; } else { s3 = t3; break; } } } while (0); j2 = e2 + 1 & -4; if ((s3 | 0) < (j2 | 0)) { r2 = q3 ^ 252645135; b4 = k2 & i3 & q3; q3 = s3 + (j2 + -1 - s3 & -4) | 0; k2 = l2; l2 = s3; while (true) { c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] & r2 | b4) & 252645135; l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) >= (j2 | 0)) break; else k2 = k2 + 4 | 0; } v2 = q3 + 4 | 0; } else v2 = s3; if ((v2 | 0) > (e2 | 0)) { m4 = (e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0); n2 = 1 - f2 | 0; o2 = n2 + e2 | 0; p2 = m4 ? 0 : o2; return p2 | 0; } s3 = v2; while (true) { v2 = (c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0; q3 = c[768168] | 0; a[v2 >> 0] = ((q3 ^ 15) & (d[v2 >> 0] | 0) | q3 & i3 >>> (s3 << 3 & 24) & c[768169]) & 15; if ((s3 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; else break; } m4 = (e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0); n2 = 1 - f2 | 0; o2 = n2 + e2 | 0; p2 = m4 ? 0 : o2; return p2 | 0; } function tk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; var l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0; l2 = c[768171] | 0; m4 = ((h3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; n2 = ((g2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; o2 = zv(g2 | 0, n2 | 0, g2 | 0, n2 | 0) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; q3 = zv(h3 | 0, m4 | 0, h3 | 0, m4 | 0) | 0; r2 = G() | 0; s3 = Cv(o2 | 0, p2 | 0, 2) | 0; t3 = (g2 | 0) % 2 | 0; u2 = tv(s3 | 0, G() | 0, t3 | 0, ((t3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; t3 = tv(q3 | 0, r2 | 0, u2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; u2 = uv(0, 0, t3 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; t3 = G() | 0; s3 = Cv(q3 | 0, r2 | 0, 2) | 0; v2 = (h3 | 0) % 2 | 0; w2 = tv(s3 | 0, G() | 0, v2 | 0, ((v2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; v2 = G() | 0; s3 = tv(o2 | 0, p2 | 0, w2 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; x2 = uv(0, 0, s3 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; s3 = G() | 0; y4 = uv(0, 0, w2 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; v2 = G() | 0; w2 = Dv2(q3 | 0, r2 | 0, 1) | 0; z3 = G() | 0; A4 = Dv2(o2 | 0, p2 | 0, 1) | 0; B2 = G() | 0; if ((h3 | g2 | 0) <= -1) { C3 = 0; return C3 | 0; } D3 = zv(o2 | 0, p2 | 0, -2, -1) | 0; E3 = zv(D3 | 0, G() | 0, h3 | 0, m4 | 0) | 0; D3 = G() | 0; F3 = uv(0, 0, o2 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0; H2 = zv(F3 | 0, G() | 0, h3 | 0, m4 | 0) | 0; F3 = i3 + e2 | 0; I2 = j2 + f2 | 0; J2 = b4 + 28 | 0; K2 = (j2 | 0) != 0; j2 = b4 + 32 | 0; L3 = (i3 | 0) != 0; i3 = b4 + 36 | 0; M2 = b4 + 40 | 0; N4 = (l2 & 65536 | 0) == 0; O2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = 0; P2 = 0; Q3 = E3; E3 = D3; D3 = 0; R3 = h3; h3 = m4; m4 = 0; S2 = H2; H2 = G() | 0; T4 = 0; while (true) { U2 = F3 + D3 | 0; V3 = I2 + R3 | 0; if (((((c[J2 >> 2] | 0) <= (U2 | 0) ? (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > (U2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) <= (V3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) > (V3 | 0) : 0) ? (W2 = l2 >> (V3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (U2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, N4 | (W2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { X2 = (c[(c[O2 >> 2] | 0) + (V3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + U2 | 0; Y2 = c[768168] | 0; a[X2 >> 0] = ((Y2 ^ 15) & (d[X2 >> 0] | 0) | Y2 & k2 >> (W2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } W2 = T4 + 2 | 0; if (K2 | ((R3 | 0) != 0 | (h3 | 0) != 0)) { if (L3 | ((D3 | 0) != 0 | (m4 | 0) != 0)) { Y2 = e2 - D3 | 0; X2 = f2 - R3 | 0; if (((((c[J2 >> 2] | 0) <= (Y2 | 0) ? (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > (Y2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) <= (X2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) > (X2 | 0) : 0) ? (Z3 = l2 >> (X2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (Y2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, N4 | (Z3 | 0) == 0) : 0) { _5 = (c[(c[O2 >> 2] | 0) + (X2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + Y2 | 0; Y2 = c[768168] | 0; a[_5 >> 0] = ((Y2 ^ 15) & (d[_5 >> 0] | 0) | Y2 & k2 >> (Z3 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } $2 = X2; aa2 = T4 + 3 | 0; } else { $2 = f2 - R3 | 0; aa2 = W2; } if (((((c[J2 >> 2] | 0) <= (U2 | 0) ? (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > (U2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) <= ($2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) > ($2 | 0) : 0) ? (X2 = l2 >> ($2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (U2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, N4 | (X2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { Z3 = (c[(c[O2 >> 2] | 0) + ($2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + U2 | 0; U2 = c[768168] | 0; a[Z3 >> 0] = ((U2 ^ 15) & (d[Z3 >> 0] | 0) | U2 & k2 >> (X2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } ba3 = aa2 + 1 | 0; } else ba3 = W2; if (L3 | ((D3 | 0) != 0 | (m4 | 0) != 0)) { W2 = e2 - D3 | 0; if (((((c[J2 >> 2] | 0) <= (W2 | 0) ? (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > (W2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) <= (V3 | 0) : 0) ? (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) > (V3 | 0) : 0) ? (X2 = l2 >> (V3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (W2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, N4 | (X2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { U2 = (c[(c[O2 >> 2] | 0) + (V3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + W2 | 0; W2 = c[768168] | 0; a[U2 >> 0] = ((W2 ^ 15) & (d[U2 >> 0] | 0) | W2 & k2 >> (X2 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } ca2 = ba3 + 1 | 0; } else ca2 = ba3; X2 = zv(D3 | 0, m4 | 0, q3 | 0, r2 | 0) | 0; W2 = tv(X2 | 0, G() | 0, S2 | 0, H2 | 0) | 0; X2 = G() | 0; do if ((X2 | 0) > (t3 | 0) | (X2 | 0) == (t3 | 0) & W2 >>> 0 > u2 >>> 0 ? (U2 = zv(R3 | 0, h3 | 0, o2 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0, V3 = G() | 0, Z3 = tv(U2 | 0, V3 | 0, S2 | 0, H2 | 0) | 0, Y2 = G() | 0, (Y2 | 0) > (v2 | 0) | (Y2 | 0) == (v2 | 0) & Z3 >>> 0 > y4 >>> 0) : 0) { Z3 = uv(S2 | 0, H2 | 0, U2 | 0, V3 | 0) | 0; V3 = G() | 0; if ((V3 | 0) > (s3 | 0) | (V3 | 0) == (s3 | 0) & Z3 >>> 0 > x2 >>> 0) { Z3 = tv(R3 | 0, h3 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; V3 = G() | 0; U2 = tv(Q3 | 0, E3 | 0, A4 | 0, B2 | 0) | 0; Y2 = G() | 0; _5 = tv(U2 | 0, Y2 | 0, S2 | 0, H2 | 0) | 0; da2 = V3; ea2 = Z3; fa2 = m4; ga2 = D3; ha2 = _5; ia2 = G() | 0; ja2 = b4; ka2 = P2; la2 = U2; ma2 = Y2; break; } else { Y2 = tv(D3 | 0, m4 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; U2 = G() | 0; _5 = tv(b4 | 0, P2 | 0, w2 | 0, z3 | 0) | 0; Z3 = G() | 0; V3 = tv(_5 | 0, Z3 | 0, S2 | 0, H2 | 0) | 0; na2 = G() | 0; oa2 = tv(R3 | 0, h3 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; pa3 = G() | 0; qa2 = tv(Q3 | 0, E3 | 0, A4 | 0, B2 | 0) | 0; ra2 = G() | 0; sa2 = tv(V3 | 0, na2 | 0, qa2 | 0, ra2 | 0) | 0; da2 = pa3; ea2 = oa2; fa2 = U2; ga2 = Y2; ha2 = sa2; ia2 = G() | 0; ja2 = _5; ka2 = Z3; la2 = qa2; ma2 = ra2; break; } } else ta2 = 36; while (0); if ((ta2 | 0) == 36) { ta2 = 0; W2 = tv(D3 | 0, m4 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; X2 = G() | 0; ra2 = tv(b4 | 0, P2 | 0, w2 | 0, z3 | 0) | 0; qa2 = G() | 0; Z3 = tv(ra2 | 0, qa2 | 0, S2 | 0, H2 | 0) | 0; da2 = h3; ea2 = R3; fa2 = X2; ga2 = W2; ha2 = Z3; ia2 = G() | 0; ja2 = ra2; ka2 = qa2; la2 = Q3; ma2 = E3; } if (((da2 | 0) > -1 | (da2 | 0) == -1 & ea2 >>> 0 > 4294967295) & ((fa2 | 0) < (n2 | 0) | (fa2 | 0) == (n2 | 0) & ga2 >>> 0 <= g2 >>> 0)) { b4 = ja2; P2 = ka2; Q3 = la2; E3 = ma2; D3 = ga2; R3 = ea2; h3 = da2; m4 = fa2; S2 = ha2; H2 = ia2; T4 = ca2; } else { C3 = ca2; break; } } return C3 | 0; } function uk(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; h3 = (e2 | 0) < (b4 | 0); i3 = h3 ? b4 : e2; j2 = h3 ? e2 : b4; b4 = (f2 | 0) < (d2 | 0); e2 = b4 ? d2 : f2; h3 = b4 ? f2 : d2; d2 = e2 - h3 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) >= 2 ? (f2 = i3 - j2 | 0, (f2 | 0) >= 2) : 0) { b4 = i3 + j2 >> 1; k2 = e2 + h3 >> 1; l2 = f2 >>> 1; m4 = d2 >>> 1; n2 = c[a2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if (((f2 | 0) > (n2 - o2 | 0) ? (p2 = ((l2 * 7 | 0) >>> 0) / 10 | 0, !((p2 + b4 | 0) < (n2 | 0) | (b4 - p2 | 0) >= (o2 | 0))) : 0) ? (p2 = ((m4 * 7 | 0) >>> 0) / 10 | 0, (k2 - p2 | 0) < (c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) { q3 = c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) < (o2 | 0) | ((j2 | 0) >= (n2 | 0) | (p2 + k2 | 0) >= (q3 | 0))) { r2 = 0; return r2 | 0; } else s3 = q3; } else t3 = 9; do if ((t3 | 0) == 9) if ((j2 | 0) >= (n2 | 0) | (i3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)) { r2 = 0; return r2 | 0; } else { s3 = c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; break; } while (0); if ((h3 | 0) >= (s3 | 0)) { r2 = 0; return r2 | 0; } if ((e2 | 0) < (c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0)) { r2 = 0; return r2 | 0; } r2 = tk(a2, b4, k2, l2, m4, f2 & 1, d2 & 1, g2) | 0; return r2 | 0; } d2 = 0; f2 = h3; while (true) { h3 = (sk(a2, j2, i3, f2, g2) | 0) + d2 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { d2 = h3; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } else { r2 = h3; break; } } return r2 | 0; } function vk(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0; i3 = ((e2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; j2 = ((d2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; k2 = zv(d2 | 0, j2 | 0, d2 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; l2 = G() | 0; m4 = zv(e2 | 0, i3 | 0, e2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; n2 = G() | 0; o2 = Cv(k2 | 0, l2 | 0, 2) | 0; p2 = (d2 | 0) % 2 | 0; q3 = tv(o2 | 0, G() | 0, p2 | 0, ((p2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; p2 = tv(m4 | 0, n2 | 0, q3 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; q3 = uv(0, 0, p2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; o2 = Cv(m4 | 0, n2 | 0, 2) | 0; r2 = (e2 | 0) % 2 | 0; s3 = tv(o2 | 0, G() | 0, r2 | 0, ((r2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; r2 = G() | 0; o2 = tv(k2 | 0, l2 | 0, s3 | 0, r2 | 0) | 0; t3 = uv(0, 0, o2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; o2 = G() | 0; u2 = uv(0, 0, s3 | 0, r2 | 0) | 0; r2 = G() | 0; s3 = Dv2(m4 | 0, n2 | 0, 1) | 0; v2 = G() | 0; w2 = Dv2(k2 | 0, l2 | 0, 1) | 0; x2 = G() | 0; if ((e2 | d2 | 0) < 0) y4 = 0; else { z3 = zv(k2 | 0, l2 | 0, -2, -1) | 0; A4 = zv(z3 | 0, G() | 0, e2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; z3 = G() | 0; B2 = uv(0, 0, k2 | 0, l2 | 0) | 0; C3 = zv(B2 | 0, G() | 0, e2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; B2 = f2 + b4 | 0; D3 = g2 + c2 | 0; E3 = 0; F3 = 0; H2 = C3; C3 = G() | 0; I2 = e2; J2 = i3; i3 = 0; K2 = 0; L3 = A4; A4 = z3; z3 = 0; while (true) { M2 = z3 + 8 | 0; N4 = zv(E3 | 0, F3 | 0, m4 | 0, n2 | 0) | 0; O2 = tv(N4 | 0, G() | 0, H2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; N4 = G() | 0; do if ((N4 | 0) > (p2 | 0) | (N4 | 0) == (p2 | 0) & O2 >>> 0 > q3 >>> 0 ? (P2 = zv(I2 | 0, J2 | 0, k2 | 0, l2 | 0) | 0, Q3 = G() | 0, R3 = tv(P2 | 0, Q3 | 0, H2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0, S2 = G() | 0, (S2 | 0) > (r2 | 0) | (S2 | 0) == (r2 | 0) & R3 >>> 0 > u2 >>> 0) : 0) { R3 = uv(H2 | 0, C3 | 0, P2 | 0, Q3 | 0) | 0; Q3 = G() | 0; P2 = b4 - E3 | 0; S2 = B2 + E3 | 0; T4 = (sk(a2, P2, S2, c2 - I2 | 0, h3) | 0) + M2 | 0; if (!((Q3 | 0) > (o2 | 0) | (Q3 | 0) == (o2 | 0) & R3 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0)) { R3 = (sk(a2, P2, S2, D3 + I2 | 0, h3) | 0) + T4 | 0; Q3 = tv(E3 | 0, F3 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; U2 = G() | 0; V3 = tv(i3 | 0, K2 | 0, s3 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; W2 = G() | 0; X2 = tv(V3 | 0, W2 | 0, H2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; Y2 = G() | 0; Z3 = tv(I2 | 0, J2 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; _5 = G() | 0; $2 = tv(L3 | 0, A4 | 0, w2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; aa2 = G() | 0; ba3 = tv(X2 | 0, Y2 | 0, $2 | 0, aa2 | 0) | 0; ca2 = _5; da2 = U2; ea2 = Q3; fa2 = ba3; ga2 = G() | 0; ha2 = V3; ia2 = W2; ja2 = $2; ka2 = aa2; la2 = Z3; ma2 = R3; break; } if ((I2 | 0) == 0 & (J2 | 0) == 0) na2 = T4; else na2 = (sk(a2, P2, S2, D3 + I2 | 0, h3) | 0) + T4 | 0; T4 = tv(I2 | 0, J2 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; S2 = G() | 0; P2 = tv(L3 | 0, A4 | 0, w2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; R3 = G() | 0; Z3 = tv(P2 | 0, R3 | 0, H2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; ca2 = S2; da2 = F3; ea2 = E3; fa2 = Z3; ga2 = G() | 0; ha2 = i3; ia2 = K2; ja2 = P2; ka2 = R3; la2 = T4; ma2 = na2; } else oa2 = 5; while (0); if ((oa2 | 0) == 5) { oa2 = 0; O2 = tv(E3 | 0, F3 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; N4 = G() | 0; T4 = tv(i3 | 0, K2 | 0, s3 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; R3 = G() | 0; P2 = tv(T4 | 0, R3 | 0, H2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; ca2 = J2; da2 = N4; ea2 = O2; fa2 = P2; ga2 = G() | 0; ha2 = T4; ia2 = R3; ja2 = L3; ka2 = A4; la2 = I2; ma2 = M2; } if ((ca2 | 0) < 0 | ((da2 | 0) > (j2 | 0) | (da2 | 0) == (j2 | 0) & ea2 >>> 0 > d2 >>> 0)) { y4 = ma2; break; } else { E3 = ea2; F3 = da2; H2 = fa2; C3 = ga2; I2 = la2; J2 = ca2; i3 = ha2; K2 = ia2; L3 = ja2; A4 = ka2; z3 = ma2; } } } if (!g2) pa3 = y4; else pa3 = (sk(a2, b4 - d2 | 0, d2 + b4 + f2 | 0, c2 + 1 | 0, h3) | 0) + y4 | 0; if (e2 | 0) { qa2 = pa3; return qa2 | 0; } qa2 = (sk(a2, b4 - d2 | 0, d2 + b4 | 0, c2, h3) | 0) + pa3 | 0; return qa2 | 0; } function wk(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0; i3 = B(d2, d2) | 0; j2 = B(e2, e2) | 0; k2 = 0 - (j2 + (((d2 | 0) % 2 | 0) + (i3 >>> 2))) | 0; l2 = (j2 >>> 2) + ((e2 | 0) % 2 | 0) | 0; m4 = 0 - (i3 + l2) | 0; n2 = 0 - l2 | 0; l2 = j2 << 1; o2 = i3 << 1; if ((e2 | d2 | 0) < 0) p2 = 0; else { q3 = f2 + b4 | 0; r2 = g2 + c2 | 0; s3 = 0; t3 = 0; u2 = B(B(i3, -2) | 0, e2) | 0; v2 = B(0 - i3 | 0, e2) | 0; w2 = 0; x2 = e2; while (true) { y4 = s3 + 8 | 0; do if (((B(w2, j2) | 0) + v2 | 0) > (k2 | 0) ? (z3 = B(x2, i3) | 0, (z3 + v2 | 0) > (n2 | 0)) : 0) { A4 = b4 - w2 | 0; C3 = q3 + w2 | 0; D3 = (sk(a2, A4, C3, c2 - x2 | 0, h3) | 0) + y4 | 0; if ((v2 - z3 | 0) <= (m4 | 0)) { z3 = t3 + l2 | 0; E3 = u2 + o2 | 0; F3 = (sk(a2, A4, C3, r2 + x2 | 0, h3) | 0) + D3 | 0; G2 = z3; H2 = E3; I2 = z3 + v2 + E3 | 0; J2 = w2 + 1 | 0; K2 = x2 + -1 | 0; break; } if (!x2) L3 = D3; else L3 = (sk(a2, A4, C3, r2 + x2 | 0, h3) | 0) + D3 | 0; D3 = u2 + o2 | 0; F3 = L3; G2 = t3; H2 = D3; I2 = D3 + v2 | 0; J2 = w2; K2 = x2 + -1 | 0; } else M2 = 5; while (0); if ((M2 | 0) == 5) { M2 = 0; D3 = t3 + l2 | 0; F3 = y4; G2 = D3; H2 = u2; I2 = D3 + v2 | 0; J2 = w2 + 1 | 0; K2 = x2; } if ((K2 | 0) < 0 | (J2 | 0) > (d2 | 0)) { p2 = F3; break; } else { s3 = F3; t3 = G2; u2 = H2; v2 = I2; w2 = J2; x2 = K2; } } } if (!g2) N4 = p2; else N4 = (sk(a2, b4 - d2 | 0, d2 + b4 + f2 | 0, c2 + 1 | 0, h3) | 0) + p2 | 0; if (e2 | 0) { O2 = N4; return O2 | 0; } O2 = (sk(a2, b4 - d2 | 0, d2 + b4 | 0, c2, h3) | 0) + N4 | 0; return O2 | 0; } function xk(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; h3 = (e2 | 0) < (b4 | 0); i3 = h3 ? b4 : e2; j2 = h3 ? e2 : b4; b4 = (f2 | 0) < (d2 | 0); e2 = b4 ? d2 : f2; h3 = b4 ? f2 : d2; d2 = e2 - h3 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) >= 2 ? (f2 = i3 - j2 | 0, (f2 | 0) >= 2) : 0) { b4 = i3 + j2 >> 1; k2 = e2 + h3 >> 1; l2 = f2 >>> 1; m4 = d2 >>> 1; n2 = c[a2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if ((((f2 | 0) > (n2 - o2 | 0) ? (p2 = ((l2 * 7 | 0) >>> 0) / 10 | 0, !((p2 + b4 | 0) < (n2 | 0) | (b4 - p2 | 0) >= (o2 | 0))) : 0) ? (p2 = ((m4 * 7 | 0) >>> 0) / 10 | 0, q3 = c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0, (k2 - p2 | 0) < (q3 | 0)) : 0) ? (r2 = c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0, (p2 + k2 | 0) >= (r2 | 0)) : 0) { p2 = c[730449] | 0; s3 = (n2 | 0) < (o2 | 0); t3 = s3 ? o2 : n2; u2 = s3 ? n2 : o2; s3 = (r2 | 0) < (q3 | 0); v2 = s3 ? q3 : r2; w2 = 0; x2 = s3 ? r2 : q3; while (true) { q3 = (sk(p2, u2, t3, x2, g2) | 0) + w2 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) < (v2 | 0)) { w2 = q3; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } else { y4 = q3; break; } } return y4 | 0; } if ((j2 | 0) >= (n2 | 0) | (i3 | 0) < (o2 | 0)) { y4 = 0; return y4 | 0; } if ((h3 | 0) >= (c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0)) { y4 = 0; return y4 | 0; } if ((e2 | 0) < (c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0)) { y4 = 0; return y4 | 0; } o2 = f2 & 1; n2 = d2 & 1; if ((f2 | 0) < 128 & (d2 | 0) < 128) { y4 = wk(a2, b4, k2, l2, m4, o2, n2, g2) | 0; return y4 | 0; } else { y4 = vk(a2, b4, k2, l2, m4, o2, n2, g2) | 0; return y4 | 0; } } n2 = 0; o2 = h3; while (true) { h3 = (sk(a2, j2, i3, o2, g2) | 0) + n2 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { n2 = h3; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } else { y4 = h3; break; } } return y4 | 0; } function yk(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; g2 = (d2 | 0) < (b4 | 0); h3 = g2 ? b4 : d2; i3 = g2 ? d2 : b4; b4 = (e2 | 0) < (c2 | 0); d2 = b4 ? c2 : e2; g2 = 0; j2 = b4 ? e2 : c2; while (true) { g2 = (sk(a2, i3, h3, j2, f2) | 0) + g2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (d2 | 0)) break; else j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } return g2 | 0; } function zk(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 128 | 0; j2 = i3 + 64 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = k2; m4 = 1920; n2 = l2 + 64 | 0; do { c[l2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; m4 = m4 + 4 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (n2 | 0)); if ((h3 | 0) == 1) { l2 = k2; m4 = 1984; n2 = l2 + 64 | 0; do { c[l2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; m4 = m4 + 4 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (n2 | 0)); l2 = j2; n2 = l2 + 64 | 0; do { c[l2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (n2 | 0)); if (!((e2 | 0) > (g2 | 0) | (d2 | 0) > (f2 | 0))) { l2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; n2 = e2; while (true) { m4 = c[l2 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; h3 = d2; while (true) { o2 = j2 + (c[2048 + ((a[m4 + h3 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; if ((h3 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; else break; } if ((n2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; else break; } } n2 = (B(1 - d2 + f2 << 1, 1 - e2 + g2 | 0) | 0) / 3 | 0; l2 = (c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) - n2 | 0; h3 = (l2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - l2 | 0 : l2; l2 = (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) - n2 | 0; m4 = (l2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - l2 | 0 : l2; l2 = (m4 | 0) < (h3 | 0); o2 = l2 ? m4 : h3; h3 = (c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (h3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - h3 | 0 : h3; h3 = (m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0); p2 = h3 ? m4 : o2; o2 = (c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (o2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - o2 | 0 : o2; o2 = (m4 | 0) < (p2 | 0); q3 = o2 ? m4 : p2; p2 = (c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (p2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - p2 | 0 : p2; p2 = (m4 | 0) < (q3 | 0); r2 = p2 ? m4 : q3; q3 = (c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (q3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - q3 | 0 : q3; q3 = (m4 | 0) < (r2 | 0); s3 = q3 ? m4 : r2; r2 = (c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (r2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - r2 | 0 : r2; r2 = (m4 | 0) < (s3 | 0); t3 = r2 ? m4 : s3; s3 = (c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (s3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - s3 | 0 : s3; s3 = (m4 | 0) < (t3 | 0); u2 = s3 ? m4 : t3; t3 = (c[j2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0))))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (t3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - t3 | 0 : t3; t3 = (m4 | 0) < (u2 | 0); v2 = t3 ? m4 : u2; u2 = (c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)))))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (u2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - u2 | 0 : u2; u2 = (m4 | 0) < (v2 | 0); w2 = u2 ? m4 : v2; v2 = (c[j2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0))))))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (v2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - v2 | 0 : v2; v2 = (m4 | 0) < (w2 | 0); x2 = v2 ? 12 : u2 ? 11 : t3 ? 10 : s3 ? 9 : r2 ? 8 : q3 ? 7 : p2 ? 6 : o2 ? 5 : h3 ? 4 : l2 ? 3 : 2; l2 = v2 ? m4 : w2; w2 = (c[j2 + 48 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)))))))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (w2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - w2 | 0 : w2; w2 = (x2 | 0) == -1 | (m4 | 0) < (l2 | 0); v2 = w2 ? 13 : x2; x2 = w2 ? m4 : l2; l2 = (c[j2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 48 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0))))))))))))) - n2 | 0; m4 = (l2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - l2 | 0 : l2; l2 = (v2 | 0) == -1 | (m4 | 0) < (x2 | 0); w2 = l2 ? 14 : v2; v2 = (c[j2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 48 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 36 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)))))))))))))) - n2 | 0; n2 = ((w2 | 0) == -1 ? 1 : (((v2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - v2 | 0 : v2) | 0) < ((l2 ? m4 : x2) | 0)) ? 15 : w2; if (!(co2(225) | 0)) { c[k2 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 1 & 1; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 2 & 1; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 4 & 1; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 6 & 1; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 5 & 1; c[k2 + 20 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 3 & 1; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 12 & 1; c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 16 & 1; c[k2 + 32 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 8 & 1; c[k2 + 36 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 13 & 1; c[k2 + 40 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 14 & 1; c[k2 + 44 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 10 & 1; c[k2 + 48 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 9 & 1; c[k2 + 52 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 7 & 1; c[k2 + 56 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 11 & 1; c[k2 + 60 >> 2] = (n2 | 0) < 15 & 1; } } if ((e2 | 0) > (g2 | 0)) { Ia = i3; return; } n2 = b4 + 16 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > (f2 | 0)) { Ia = i3; return; } b4 = e2; while (true) { e2 = d2; while (true) { w2 = (c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + e2 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = c[k2 + ((a[w2 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2]; if ((e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; else break; } if ((b4 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; else break; } Ia = i3; return; } function Ak(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0; j2 = c[768171] | 0; k2 = (h3 | 0) < (f2 | 0); l2 = k2 ? f2 : h3; m4 = k2 ? e2 : g2; n2 = k2 ? h3 : f2; f2 = k2 ? g2 : e2; e2 = m4 - f2 | 0; g2 = ((e2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; k2 = l2 - n2 | 0; h3 = ((k2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; o2 = (g2 | 0) < 0; p2 = uv(0, 0, e2 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; q3 = G() | 0; r2 = o2 ? p2 : e2; p2 = o2 ? q3 : g2; q3 = (h3 | 0) < 0; o2 = uv(0, 0, k2 | 0, h3 | 0) | 0; s3 = G() | 0; t3 = q3 ? o2 : k2; o2 = q3 ? s3 : h3; s3 = (p2 | 0) > (o2 | 0) | (p2 | 0) == (o2 | 0) & r2 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0; o2 = s3 ? r2 : t3; t3 = ((o2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((o2 | 0) > 0) { r2 = Dv2(k2 | 0, h3 | 0, 16) | 0; s3 = G() | 0; p2 = Dv2(e2 | 0, g2 | 0, 16) | 0; q3 = xv(p2 | 0, G() | 0, o2 | 0, t3 | 0) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; u2 = xv(r2 | 0, s3 | 0, o2 | 0, t3 | 0) | 0; v2 = u2; w2 = G() | 0; x2 = q3; y4 = p2; } else { v2 = k2; w2 = h3; x2 = e2; y4 = g2; } g2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) { z3 = 0; return z3 | 0; } e2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) >= (e2 | 0)) { z3 = 0; return z3 | 0; } h3 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (f2 | 0) < (h3 | 0); p2 = (m4 | 0) < (h3 | 0); if (k2 & p2) { z3 = 0; return z3 | 0; } q3 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (f2 | 0) < (q3 | 0); s3 = (m4 | 0) < (q3 | 0); if (!(u2 | s3)) { z3 = 0; return z3 | 0; } m4 = f2 << 16 | 32768; f2 = ((m4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; r2 = n2 << 16 | 32768; A4 = ((r2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((n2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) { n2 = g2 << 16; g2 = uv(n2 | 0, ((n2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, r2 | 0, A4 | 0) | 0; n2 = Dv2(g2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; g2 = xv(n2 | 0, G() | 0, v2 | 0, w2 | 0) | 0; n2 = Bv(g2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; g2 = tv(n2 | 0, G() | 0, 1, 0) | 0; n2 = G() | 0; C3 = (n2 | 0) > 0 | (n2 | 0) == 0 & g2 >>> 0 > 0; n2 = C3 ? g2 : 0; D3 = n2; } else D3 = 0; if ((l2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) E3 = o2; else { l2 = e2 << 16; e2 = uv(l2 | 0, ((l2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, r2 | 0, A4 | 0) | 0; A4 = Dv2(e2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; e2 = tv(A4 | 0, G() | 0, -65536, -1) | 0; A4 = xv(e2 | 0, G() | 0, v2 | 0, w2 | 0) | 0; w2 = Bv(A4 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; A4 = G() | 0; e2 = (A4 | 0) > (t3 | 0) | (A4 | 0) == (t3 | 0) & w2 >>> 0 > o2 >>> 0; t3 = e2 ? o2 : w2; E3 = t3; } if (k2) { k2 = h3 << 16; t3 = uv(k2 | 0, ((k2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, m4 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; k2 = Dv2(t3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; t3 = xv(k2 | 0, G() | 0, x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; k2 = Bv(t3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; t3 = tv(k2 | 0, G() | 0, 1, 0) | 0; k2 = G() | 0; w2 = ((D3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; o2 = (k2 | 0) < (w2 | 0) | (k2 | 0) == (w2 | 0) & t3 >>> 0 < D3 >>> 0; w2 = o2 ? D3 : t3; F3 = w2; } else F3 = D3; if (u2) H2 = F3; else { u2 = q3 << 16; D3 = uv(m4 | 0, f2 | 0, u2 | 0, ((u2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; u2 = Dv2(D3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; D3 = G() | 0; w2 = uv(0, 0, x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; t3 = xv(u2 | 0, D3 | 0, w2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; w2 = Bv(t3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; t3 = tv(w2 | 0, G() | 0, 1, 0) | 0; w2 = G() | 0; D3 = ((F3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; u2 = (w2 | 0) < (D3 | 0) | (w2 | 0) == (D3 | 0) & t3 >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0; D3 = u2 ? F3 : t3; H2 = D3; } if (p2) { p2 = h3 << 16; h3 = uv(m4 | 0, f2 | 0, p2 | 0, ((p2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; p2 = Dv2(h3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; h3 = tv(p2 | 0, G() | 0, -65536, -1) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; D3 = uv(0, 0, x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; t3 = xv(h3 | 0, p2 | 0, D3 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; D3 = Bv(t3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; t3 = G() | 0; p2 = ((E3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; h3 = (t3 | 0) > (p2 | 0) | (t3 | 0) == (p2 | 0) & D3 >>> 0 > E3 >>> 0; p2 = h3 ? E3 : D3; I2 = p2; } else I2 = E3; if (s3) J2 = I2; else { s3 = q3 << 16; q3 = uv(s3 | 0, ((s3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, m4 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; f2 = Dv2(q3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; q3 = tv(f2 | 0, G() | 0, -65536, -1) | 0; f2 = xv(q3 | 0, G() | 0, x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; y4 = Bv(f2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; q3 = ((I2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; s3 = (f2 | 0) > (q3 | 0) | (f2 | 0) == (q3 | 0) & y4 >>> 0 > I2 >>> 0; q3 = s3 ? I2 : y4; J2 = q3; } q3 = J2 - H2 | 0; J2 = q3 + 1 | 0; y4 = (B(H2, x2) | 0) + m4 | 0; m4 = (B(H2, v2) | 0) + r2 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) <= -1) { z3 = J2; return z3 | 0; } r2 = b4 + 16 | 0; if (!(j2 & 65536)) { b4 = q3; H2 = y4; I2 = m4; while (true) { s3 = H2 >> 16; f2 = I2 >> 16; E3 = (c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0; p2 = c[768168] | 0; a[E3 >> 0] = ((p2 ^ 15) & (d[E3 >> 0] | 0) | p2 & i3 >> (j2 >> (f2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (s3 & 3 ^ 3) << 2 & 4) & c[768169]) & 15; if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { b4 = b4 + -1 | 0; H2 = H2 + x2 | 0; I2 = I2 + v2 | 0; } else { z3 = J2; break; } } return z3 | 0; } I2 = q3; q3 = y4; y4 = m4; while (true) { m4 = q3 >> 16; H2 = y4 >> 16; if (!(j2 >> (H2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) & 1 << (m4 & 3 ^ 3))) { b4 = (c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (H2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + m4 | 0; m4 = c[768168] | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = ((m4 ^ 15) & (d[b4 >> 0] | 0) | m4 & i3 & c[768169]) & 15; } if ((I2 | 0) > 0) { I2 = I2 + -1 | 0; q3 = q3 + x2 | 0; y4 = y4 + v2 | 0; } else { z3 = J2; break; } } return z3 | 0; } function Bk(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2, l2, m4, n2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; l2 = l2 | 0; m4 = m4 | 0; n2 = n2 | 0; var o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0; o2 = c[769129] | 0; p2 = c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (Sk(2921764, o2, 24376) | 0) + 255 & 255; o2 = (Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24377) | 0) + 255 & 255; r2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24378) | 0; s3 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24379) | 0; t3 = (a[3100894] << 4 & 255) << 24 >> 24 >> 7 << 24 >> 24; u2 = e2 >> 16; e2 = f2 >> 16; f2 = g2 >> 16; g2 = h3 >> 16; h3 = f2 - u2 | 0; v2 = ((h3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; w2 = g2 - e2 | 0; x2 = ((w2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; y4 = (v2 | 0) < 0; z3 = uv(0, 0, h3 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; A4 = G() | 0; C3 = y4 ? z3 : h3; D3 = y4 ? A4 : v2; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 0; E3 = uv(0, 0, w2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; F3 = G() | 0; H2 = y4 ? E3 : w2; I2 = y4 ? F3 : x2; y4 = (D3 | 0) > (I2 | 0) | (D3 | 0) == (I2 | 0) & C3 >>> 0 > H2 >>> 0; I2 = y4 ? C3 : H2; H2 = (g2 | 0) < (e2 | 0); C3 = B(I2, k2) | 0; y4 = B(I2, l2) | 0; D3 = H2 ? E3 : w2; w2 = H2 ? F3 : x2; x2 = H2 ? z3 : h3; h3 = H2 ? A4 : v2; v2 = H2 ? 0 - l2 | 0 : l2; l2 = H2 ? 0 - k2 | 0 : k2; k2 = H2 ? e2 : g2; A4 = H2 ? u2 : f2; z3 = H2 ? g2 : e2; e2 = H2 ? f2 : u2; u2 = ((I2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((I2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = Dv2(D3 | 0, w2 | 0, 16) | 0; g2 = G() | 0; F3 = Dv2(x2 | 0, h3 | 0, 16) | 0; E3 = xv(F3 | 0, G() | 0, I2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; F3 = G() | 0; J2 = xv(f2 | 0, g2 | 0, I2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; K2 = J2; L3 = G() | 0; M2 = E3; N4 = F3; } else { K2 = D3; L3 = w2; M2 = x2; N4 = h3; } h3 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) { O2 = 0; return O2 | 0; } x2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) >= (x2 | 0)) { O2 = 0; return O2 | 0; } w2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; D3 = (e2 | 0) < (w2 | 0); F3 = (A4 | 0) < (w2 | 0); if (D3 & F3) { O2 = 0; return O2 | 0; } E3 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (e2 | 0) < (E3 | 0); g2 = (A4 | 0) < (E3 | 0); if (!(J2 | g2)) { O2 = 0; return O2 | 0; } A4 = e2 << 16 | 32768; e2 = ((A4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; f2 = z3 << 16 | 32768; P2 = ((f2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((z3 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) { z3 = h3 << 16; h3 = uv(z3 | 0, ((z3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, f2 | 0, P2 | 0) | 0; z3 = Dv2(h3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; h3 = xv(z3 | 0, G() | 0, K2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; z3 = Bv(h3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; h3 = tv(z3 | 0, G() | 0, 1, 0) | 0; z3 = G() | 0; Q3 = (z3 | 0) > 0 | (z3 | 0) == 0 & h3 >>> 0 > 0; z3 = Q3 ? h3 : 0; R3 = z3; } else R3 = 0; if ((k2 | 0) < (x2 | 0)) S2 = I2; else { k2 = x2 << 16; x2 = uv(k2 | 0, ((k2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, f2 | 0, P2 | 0) | 0; k2 = Dv2(x2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; x2 = tv(k2 | 0, G() | 0, -65536, -1) | 0; k2 = xv(x2 | 0, G() | 0, K2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; x2 = Bv(k2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; k2 = G() | 0; z3 = (k2 | 0) > (u2 | 0) | (k2 | 0) == (u2 | 0) & x2 >>> 0 > I2 >>> 0; u2 = z3 ? I2 : x2; S2 = u2; } if (D3) { D3 = w2 << 16; u2 = uv(D3 | 0, ((D3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, A4 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; D3 = Dv2(u2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; u2 = xv(D3 | 0, G() | 0, M2 | 0, N4 | 0) | 0; D3 = Bv(u2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; u2 = tv(D3 | 0, G() | 0, 1, 0) | 0; D3 = G() | 0; x2 = ((R3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; I2 = (D3 | 0) < (x2 | 0) | (D3 | 0) == (x2 | 0) & u2 >>> 0 < R3 >>> 0; x2 = I2 ? R3 : u2; T4 = x2; } else T4 = R3; if (J2) U2 = T4; else { J2 = E3 << 16; R3 = uv(A4 | 0, e2 | 0, J2 | 0, ((J2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; J2 = Dv2(R3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; R3 = G() | 0; x2 = uv(0, 0, M2 | 0, N4 | 0) | 0; u2 = xv(J2 | 0, R3 | 0, x2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; x2 = Bv(u2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; u2 = tv(x2 | 0, G() | 0, 1, 0) | 0; x2 = G() | 0; R3 = ((T4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; J2 = (x2 | 0) < (R3 | 0) | (x2 | 0) == (R3 | 0) & u2 >>> 0 < T4 >>> 0; R3 = J2 ? T4 : u2; U2 = R3; } if (F3) { F3 = w2 << 16; w2 = uv(A4 | 0, e2 | 0, F3 | 0, ((F3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; F3 = Dv2(w2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; w2 = tv(F3 | 0, G() | 0, -65536, -1) | 0; F3 = G() | 0; R3 = uv(0, 0, M2 | 0, N4 | 0) | 0; u2 = xv(w2 | 0, F3 | 0, R3 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; R3 = Bv(u2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; u2 = G() | 0; F3 = ((S2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; w2 = (u2 | 0) > (F3 | 0) | (u2 | 0) == (F3 | 0) & R3 >>> 0 > S2 >>> 0; F3 = w2 ? S2 : R3; V3 = F3; } else V3 = S2; if (g2) W2 = V3; else { g2 = E3 << 16; E3 = uv(g2 | 0, ((g2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, A4 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; g2 = Dv2(E3 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; E3 = tv(g2 | 0, G() | 0, -65536, -1) | 0; g2 = xv(E3 | 0, G() | 0, M2 | 0, N4 | 0) | 0; E3 = Bv(g2 | 0, G() | 0, 16) | 0; g2 = G() | 0; S2 = ((V3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; F3 = (g2 | 0) > (S2 | 0) | (g2 | 0) == (S2 | 0) & E3 >>> 0 > V3 >>> 0; S2 = F3 ? V3 : E3; W2 = S2; } S2 = ((U2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; E3 = zv(M2 | 0, N4 | 0, U2 | 0, S2 | 0) | 0; V3 = tv(E3 | 0, G() | 0, A4 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; e2 = G() | 0; A4 = zv(K2 | 0, L3 | 0, U2 | 0, S2 | 0) | 0; S2 = tv(A4 | 0, G() | 0, f2 | 0, P2 | 0) | 0; P2 = G() | 0; f2 = (H2 ? C3 : 0) + i3 + (B(U2, l2) | 0) | 0; i3 = (H2 ? y4 : 0) + j2 + (B(U2, v2) | 0) | 0; j2 = W2 - U2 | 0; U2 = j2 + 1 | 0; W2 = (n2 | 0) < 0 ? 13 : n2; n2 = W2 + 3 | 0; if (!(c[768171] & 131072)) { if ((j2 | 0) <= -1) { O2 = U2; return O2 | 0; } y4 = b4 + 16 | 0; if (!m4) { H2 = S2; C3 = P2; A4 = V3; E3 = e2; F3 = f2; g2 = i3; R3 = j2; while (true) { w2 = Eh((F3 >> n2 & q3) + r2 | 0, (g2 >> n2 & o2) + s3 | 0) | 0; if ((w2 | 0) != (t3 | 0) ? (u2 = (w2 | 0) / 16 | 0, T4 = c[3072412 + (((Pn(p2, w2 - (u2 << 4) << 3 | F3 >> W2 & 7, u2 << 3 | g2 >> W2 & 7) | 0) & 15) << 2) >> 2] | 0, (T4 & 16 | 0) == 0) : 0) { u2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; w2 = Cv(H2 | 0, C3 | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; J2 = c[u2 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; w2 = Cv(A4 | 0, E3 | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; u2 = J2 + w2 | 0; w2 = c[768168] | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = ((w2 ^ 15) & (d[u2 >> 0] | 0) | w2 & T4 & c[768169]) & 15; } A4 = tv(A4 | 0, E3 | 0, M2 | 0, N4 | 0) | 0; E3 = G() | 0; H2 = tv(H2 | 0, C3 | 0, K2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; C3 = G() | 0; if ((R3 | 0) <= 0) { O2 = U2; break; } else { F3 = F3 + l2 | 0; g2 = g2 + v2 | 0; R3 = R3 + -1 | 0; } } return O2 | 0; } R3 = S2; g2 = P2; P2 = V3; F3 = e2; e2 = f2; C3 = i3; H2 = j2; while (true) { E3 = Eh((e2 >> n2 & q3) + r2 | 0, (C3 >> n2 & o2) + s3 | 0) | 0; if (((E3 | 0) != (t3 | 0) ? c[(c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (E3 << 2) >> 2] & m4 | 0 : 0) ? (A4 = (E3 | 0) / 16 | 0, T4 = c[3072412 + (((Pn(p2, E3 - (A4 << 4) << 3 | e2 >> W2 & 7, A4 << 3 | C3 >> W2 & 7) | 0) & 15) << 2) >> 2] | 0, (T4 & 16 | 0) == 0) : 0) { A4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; E3 = Cv(R3 | 0, g2 | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; w2 = c[A4 + (E3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; E3 = Cv(P2 | 0, F3 | 0, 16) | 0; G() | 0; A4 = w2 + E3 | 0; E3 = c[768168] | 0; a[A4 >> 0] = ((E3 ^ 15) & (d[A4 >> 0] | 0) | E3 & T4 & c[768169]) & 15; } P2 = tv(P2 | 0, F3 | 0, M2 | 0, N4 | 0) | 0; F3 = G() | 0; R3 = tv(R3 | 0, g2 | 0, K2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; g2 = G() | 0; if ((H2 | 0) <= 0) { O2 = U2; break; } else { e2 = e2 + l2 | 0; C3 = C3 + v2 | 0; H2 = H2 + -1 | 0; } } return O2 | 0; } if ((j2 | 0) <= -1) { O2 = U2; return O2 | 0; } H2 = b4 + 16 | 0; if (!m4) { b4 = f2; C3 = i3; e2 = j2; g2 = V3; L3 = S2; while (true) { R3 = Eh((b4 >> n2 & q3) + r2 | 0, (C3 >> n2 & o2) + s3 | 0) | 0; if (((R3 | 0) != (t3 | 0) ? (F3 = (R3 | 0) / 16 | 0, N4 = (Pn(p2, R3 - (F3 << 4) << 3 | b4 >> W2 & 7, F3 << 3 | C3 >> W2 & 7) | 0) & 15, (c[3072412 + (N4 << 2) >> 2] & 16 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (F3 = g2 >> 16, R3 = L3 >> 16, P2 = c[768171] | 0, y4 = P2 >> (R3 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (F3 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, (P2 & 65536 | 0) == 0 | (y4 | 0) == 0) : 0) { P2 = (c[(c[H2 >> 2] | 0) + (R3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + F3 | 0; F3 = c[768168] | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = ((F3 ^ 15) & (d[P2 >> 0] | 0) | F3 & c[3072540 + (N4 << 2) >> 2] >> (y4 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { b4 = b4 + l2 | 0; C3 = C3 + v2 | 0; e2 = e2 + -1 | 0; g2 = g2 + M2 | 0; L3 = L3 + K2 | 0; } else { O2 = U2; break; } } return O2 | 0; } L3 = f2; f2 = i3; i3 = j2; j2 = V3; V3 = S2; while (true) { S2 = Eh((L3 >> n2 & q3) + r2 | 0, (f2 >> n2 & o2) + s3 | 0) | 0; if ((((S2 | 0) != (t3 | 0) ? c[(c[769129] | 0) + 43552 + (S2 << 2) >> 2] & m4 | 0 : 0) ? (g2 = (S2 | 0) / 16 | 0, e2 = (Pn(p2, S2 - (g2 << 4) << 3 | L3 >> W2 & 7, g2 << 3 | f2 >> W2 & 7) | 0) & 15, (c[3072412 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] & 16 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (g2 = j2 >> 16, S2 = V3 >> 16, C3 = c[768171] | 0, b4 = C3 >> (S2 << 2 & 12 ^ 12) >>> (g2 & 3 ^ 3) & 1, (C3 & 65536 | 0) == 0 | (b4 | 0) == 0) : 0) { C3 = (c[(c[H2 >> 2] | 0) + (S2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 | 0; g2 = c[768168] | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = ((g2 ^ 15) & (d[C3 >> 0] | 0) | g2 & c[3072540 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] >> (b4 << 2) & c[768169]) & 15; } if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { L3 = L3 + l2 | 0; f2 = f2 + v2 | 0; i3 = i3 + -1 | 0; j2 = j2 + M2 | 0; V3 = V3 + K2 | 0; } else { O2 = U2; break; } } return O2 | 0; } function Ck(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; i3 = c[768171] | 0; if ((c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) > (e2 | 0)) return 0; if ((c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) return 0; j2 = h3 & 15; k2 = (i3 & 65536 | 0) != 0; l2 = k2 ? 16 : h3 >>> 4 & 15; h3 = i3 >> (3 - e2 & 3); i3 = ((h3 & 256 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) << 8 | ((h3 & 4096 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) | ((h3 & 16 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) << 16 | ((h3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? j2 : l2) << 24; l2 = (g2 | 0) < (f2 | 0); j2 = l2 ? f2 : g2; h3 = l2 ? g2 : f2; f2 = c[b4 + 36 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (h3 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? f2 : h3; h3 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (j2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? j2 : h3 + -1 | 0; h3 = (c[(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + e2 | 0; e2 = (g2 | 0) > (f2 | 0); if (!k2) { if (e2) { m4 = 1 - g2 | 0; n2 = m4 + f2 | 0; o2 = e2 ? 0 : n2; return o2 | 0; } k2 = h3; b4 = g2; while (true) { j2 = c[768168] | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = ((j2 ^ 15) & (d[k2 >> 0] | 0) | j2 & i3 >>> (b4 << 3 & 24) & c[768169]) & 15; if ((b4 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) { k2 = k2 + 128 | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } else break; } m4 = 1 - g2 | 0; n2 = m4 + f2 | 0; o2 = e2 ? 0 : n2; return o2 | 0; } if (e2) { m4 = 1 - g2 | 0; n2 = m4 + f2 | 0; o2 = e2 ? 0 : n2; return o2 | 0; } b4 = h3; h3 = g2; while (true) { k2 = i3 >>> (h3 << 3 & 24); if (!(k2 & 16)) { j2 = c[768168] | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = ((j2 ^ 15) & (d[b4 >> 0] | 0) | j2 & k2 & c[768169]) & 15; } if ((h3 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) { b4 = b4 + 128 | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } else break; } m4 = 1 - g2 | 0; n2 = m4 + f2 | 0; o2 = e2 ? 0 : n2; return o2 | 0; } function Dk() { Kn(c[(c[769129] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0); Kn(c[730449] | 0); Dn(c[730449] | 0, c[768151] | 0, c[768152] | 0, c[768153] | 0, c[768154] | 0); return; } function Ek(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = (b4 | 0) < 3 ? b4 : 3; b4 = (d2 | 0) > 0 ? d2 : 0; c[786057] = b4; d2 = c[769129] | 0; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = c[((a[3100924] | 0) == 96 ? 2921800 + (b4 << 2) | 0 : d2 + 4 | 0) >> 2]; d2 = (c[769129] | 0) + 4 | 0; c[730449] = c[((a[3100925] | 0) == 0 ? d2 : 2921800 + (c[786057] << 2) | 0) >> 2]; Kn(c[d2 >> 2] | 0); Kn(c[730449] | 0); Dn(c[730449] | 0, c[768151] | 0, c[768152] | 0, c[768153] | 0, c[768154] | 0); return; } function Fk() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; if (c[532939] | 0) return 1; a2 = c[730432] | 0; b4 = B((c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) / 128 | 0, (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) / 128 | 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 1) return 1; else return ((b4 | 0) < 4 ? b4 : 4) | 0; return 0; } function Gk(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != (c[b4 >> 2] | 0)) return; g2 = a2 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != (c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) return; i3 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { tp(a2, b4, 0, 0, 0, 0, f2, h3); return; } if (!((i3 | 0) == 32 & (j2 | 0) == 8 & (h3 | 0) > 0)) return; j2 = h3; h3 = f2; f2 = 0; while (true) { if ((h3 | 0) > 0) { i3 = 0; do { k2 = Pn(a2, i3, f2) | 0; l2 = k2 >>> 16 & 255; m4 = k2 >>> 8 & 255; n2 = k2 & 255; k2 = 1e7; o2 = -1; p2 = 0; while (true) { q3 = c[3072476 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; r2 = l2 - (d[e2 + (q3 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) | 0; s3 = B(r2, r2) | 0; r2 = m4 - (d[e2 + (q3 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0; t3 = (B(r2, r2) | 0) + s3 | 0; s3 = n2 - (d[e2 + (q3 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; q3 = t3 + (B(s3, s3) | 0) | 0; s3 = (o2 | 0) == -1 | (q3 | 0) < (k2 | 0); o2 = s3 ? p2 : o2; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == 16) break; else k2 = s3 ? q3 : k2; } Hn(b4, i3, f2, o2); i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; u2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (u2 | 0)); v2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = u2; } else { v2 = j2; w2 = h3; } f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) >= (v2 | 0)) break; else { j2 = v2; h3 = w2; } } return; } function Hk(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) != (c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) return; h3 = b4 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != (c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) return; j2 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = e2 + 8 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (m4 | 0)) { tp(b4, e2, 0, 0, 0, 0, g2, i3); return; } if ((k2 | 0) == 8 & (m4 | 0) == 32) { if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) return; m4 = b4 + 16 | 0; n2 = e2 + 16 | 0; o2 = i3; p2 = g2; q3 = 0; while (true) { if ((p2 | 0) > 0) { r2 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; t3 = 0; do { u2 = a[r2 + t3 >> 0] | 0; v2 = u2 & 255; c[s3 + (t3 << 2) >> 2] = (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (u2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 0 : -16777216) | (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[f2 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; w2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) < (w2 | 0)); x2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = w2; } else { x2 = o2; y4 = p2; } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) >= (x2 | 0)) break; else { o2 = x2; p2 = y4; } } z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = x2; C3 = y4; } else { z3 = k2; A4 = i3; C3 = g2; } if ((z3 | 0) != 32) return; if (!((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 & (A4 | 0) > 0)) return; l2 = C3; C3 = A4; A4 = 0; while (true) { if ((l2 | 0) > 0) { z3 = 0; do { g2 = Pn(b4, z3, A4) | 0; i3 = g2 >>> 16 & 255; k2 = g2 >>> 8 & 255; y4 = g2 & 255; g2 = 1e7; x2 = -1; j2 = 0; while (true) { p2 = j2 >>> 0 < 16 ? j2 : j2 + 112 | 0; o2 = i3 - (d[f2 + (p2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) | 0; q3 = B(o2, o2) | 0; o2 = k2 - (d[f2 + (p2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0; w2 = (B(o2, o2) | 0) + q3 | 0; q3 = y4 - (d[f2 + (p2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; o2 = w2 + (B(q3, q3) | 0) | 0; q3 = (x2 | 0) == -1 | (o2 | 0) < (g2 | 0); x2 = q3 ? p2 : x2; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 32) break; else g2 = q3 ? o2 : g2; } Hn(e2, z3, A4, x2); z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; D3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; } while ((z3 | 0) < (D3 | 0)); E3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; F3 = D3; } else { E3 = C3; F3 = l2; } A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) >= (E3 | 0)) break; else { l2 = F3; C3 = E3; } } return; } function Ik(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; i3 = h3 & 1; j2 = b4 + 112 | 0; if (!(c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) { k2 = c[768156] | 0; c[b4 + 96 >> 2] = k2; l2 = c[768157] | 0; c[b4 + 100 >> 2] = l2; m4 = b4 + 68 | 0; if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) n2 = g2; else n2 = g2 << 1; if ((c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0) != 0 ? (k2 | 0) > ((c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - f2 | 0) : 0) { c[768156] = c[b4 + 28 >> 2]; k2 = b4 + 48 | 0; o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!o2) p2 = c[b4 + 92 >> 2] | 0; else p2 = o2; o2 = p2 + l2 | 0; c[768157] = o2; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = o2; } else q3 = l2; l2 = 128 - n2 - (c[b4 + 124 >> 2] | 0) + (c[768164] | 0) | 0; if ((c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & (q3 | 0) > (l2 | 0)) { _a(q3 - l2 | 0); r2 = m4; } else r2 = m4; } else r2 = b4 + 68 | 0; m4 = c[b4 + 80 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[3072412 + ((c[b4 + 36 >> 2] & 15) << 2) >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[3072412 + ((c[b4 + 40 >> 2] & 15) << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) { r2 = (c[b4 + 56 >> 2] | 0) == 0; n2 = r2 ? 1 : 2; if (r2) s3 = 1; else s3 = (c[b4 + 64 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 1 : 2; if (!(c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0)) { t3 = n2; u2 = 1; v2 = s3; w2 = 1; } else { t3 = n2; u2 = 2; v2 = s3; w2 = (c[b4 + 64 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 1 : 2; } } else { t3 = 2; u2 = 2; v2 = 2; w2 = 2; } s3 = c[b4 + 72 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 0 - i3 | 0; i3 = (B(s3, t3) | 0) & n2; r2 = (i3 | 0) > 0 ? i3 : 0; i3 = 0 - r2 | 0; o2 = (B(s3, u2) | 0) & n2; n2 = (o2 | 0) > 0 ? o2 : 0; o2 = 0 - n2 | 0; s3 = (c[b4 + 120 >> 2] | 0) - (c[768163] | 0) << 16 >> 16; k2 = ((c[b4 + 124 >> 2] | 0) - (c[768164] | 0) << 16 >> 16) + (h3 << 28 >> 31) | 0; if (!(c[b4 + 76 >> 2] | 0)) x2 = B(u2, g2) | 0; else { h3 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; p2 = s3 - r2 + (c[768156] | 0) | 0; y4 = k2 - n2 + (c[768157] | 0) | 0; z3 = (B(t3, f2) | 0) + -1 + r2 + p2 | 0; r2 = B(u2, g2) | 0; A4 = r2 + -1 + n2 + y4 | 0; n2 = (z3 | 0) < (p2 | 0); C3 = n2 ? p2 : z3; D3 = n2 ? z3 : p2; p2 = (A4 | 0) < (y4 | 0); z3 = p2 ? y4 : A4; n2 = p2 ? A4 : y4; while (true) { sk(h3, D3, C3, n2, q3) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) < (z3 | 0)) n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; else { x2 = r2; break; } } } if ((x2 | 0) > (o2 | 0)) { r2 = (g2 | 0) < 8 ? g2 : 8; g2 = ((m4 | 0) != 0) << 31 >> 31; m4 = B(t3, f2) | 0; n2 = t3 << 3; z3 = b4 + 44 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) > (i3 | 0)) { q3 = o2; do { o2 = (q3 + u2 | 0) / (u2 | 0) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) < 1 | (o2 | 0) > (r2 | 0)) E3 = 0; else E3 = d[e2 + (o2 + -1) >> 0] << 8; o2 = E3 ^ g2; C3 = q3 + k2 | 0; D3 = i3; do { if ((((1 << ((D3 + n2 | 0) / (t3 | 0) | 0) & o2 | 0 ? (h3 = D3 + s3 + (c[768156] | 0) | 0, y4 = C3 + (c[768157] | 0) | 0, A4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0, (h3 | 0) >= (c[A4 + 28 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) ? (h3 | 0) < (c[A4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? (y4 | 0) >= (c[A4 + 36 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? (y4 | 0) < (c[A4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) : 0) { p2 = (c[(c[A4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (y4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 | 0; h3 = c[768168] | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = ((h3 ^ 15) & d[p2 >> 0] | h3 & l2 & c[768169]) & 15; } D3 = D3 + v2 | 0; } while ((D3 | 0) < (m4 | 0)); q3 = q3 + w2 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) < (x2 | 0)); F3 = m4; } else F3 = m4; } else F3 = B(t3, f2) | 0; fh(((B(F3, x2) | 0) + 1 | 0) / 2 | 0); c[b4 + 104 >> 2] = F3; c[768156] = (c[768156] | 0) + F3; F3 = b4 + 48 | 0; f2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = (f2 | 0) > (x2 | 0) ? f2 : x2; if (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) { c[768156] = c[b4 + 96 >> 2]; c[768157] = c[b4 + 100 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; } j2 = c[b4 + 128 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) { G2 = 0; return G2 | 0; } c[b4 + 52 >> 2] = j2 + -1; j2 = b4 + 4 | 0; b4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[b4 >> 0] | 0)) { G2 = 1; return G2 | 0; } c[j2 >> 2] = b4 + 1; G2 = 1; return G2 | 0; } function Jk(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = b4 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; a: do switch (i3 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { j2 = 0; k2 = h3 + -1 | 0; l2 = h3; break; } case 1: { m4 = a[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) n2 = 135; else { o2 = m4 & 255; p2 = o2 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 116 >> 2] = p2 >>> 0 < 10 ? p2 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0; o2 = h3 + 2 | 0; j2 = 0; k2 = o2; l2 = o2; } break; } case 2: { o2 = h3 + 1 | 0; m4 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) n2 = 135; else { p2 = m4 & 255; q3 = p2 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 40 >> 2] = (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? p2 + 9 | 0 : 0) & 15; c[b4 + 76 >> 2] = 1; j2 = 0; k2 = o2; l2 = h3; } break; } case 3: { o2 = h3 + 1 | 0; p2 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(p2 << 24 >> 24)) n2 = 135; else { m4 = p2 & 255; q3 = m4 + -48 | 0; c[768156] = (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (p2 & 255) > 96 ? m4 + -87 | 0 : 0) + -16 + (c[768156] | 0); j2 = 0; k2 = o2; l2 = h3; } break; } case 4: { o2 = h3 + 1 | 0; m4 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) n2 = 135; else { p2 = m4 & 255; q3 = p2 + -48 | 0; c[768157] = (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? p2 + -87 | 0 : 0) + -16 + (c[768157] | 0); j2 = 0; k2 = o2; l2 = h3; } break; } case 5: { o2 = a[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0; p2 = o2 & 255; if (o2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 ? (m4 = h3 + 2 | 0, (a[m4 >> 0] | 0) != 0) : 0) { q3 = p2 + -48 | 0; c[768156] = (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? p2 + -87 | 0 : 0) + -16 + (c[768156] | 0); p2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; o2 = p2 & 255; q3 = o2 + -48 | 0; c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + -16 + (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (p2 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0); j2 = 0; k2 = m4; l2 = h3; } else n2 = 135; break; } case 6: { m4 = h3 + 1 | 0; o2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; p2 = o2 & 255; switch (o2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { n2 = 135; break a; break; } case 45: { o2 = h3 + 2 | 0; q3 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = q3 << 24 >> 24 == 0; s3 = r2 & 1; t3 = r2 ? p2 : q3 & 255; u2 = r2 ? m4 : o2; break; } default: { s3 = 1; t3 = p2; u2 = m4; } } m4 = t3 + -49 | 0; b: do if (m4 >>> 0 < 9) { c[b4 + 52 >> 2] = (1 << m4) + -1; v2 = 1; } else switch (t3 | 0) { case 99: { p2 = u2 + 1 | 0; o2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(o2 << 24 >> 24)) { j2 = 0; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; } r2 = o2 & 255; q3 = r2 + -48 | 0; Cn(c[730449] | 0, 0, 0, 127, 127, q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? r2 + -87 | 0 : 0); c[768156] = 0; c[768157] = 0; j2 = 0; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 100: { p2 = u2 + 1 | 0; r2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) { j2 = 0; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; } o2 = r2 & 255; q3 = o2 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 128 >> 2] = q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (r2 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0; j2 = 0; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } default: { v2 = 0; break b; } } while (0); do switch (t3 | 0) { case 103: { c[768156] = c[b4 + 28 >> 2]; c[768157] = c[b4 + 32 >> 2]; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 104: { c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = c[768156]; c[b4 + 32 >> 2] = c[768157]; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 106: { m4 = a[u2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) { j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; } p2 = m4 & 255; o2 = p2 + -48 | 0; c[768156] = (o2 >>> 0 < 10 ? o2 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? p2 + -87 | 0 : 0) << 2; p2 = u2 + 2 | 0; m4 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = m4 & 255; r2 = o2 + -48 | 0; c[768157] = (r2 >>> 0 < 10 ? r2 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0) << 2; j2 = v2; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 114: { p2 = u2 + 1 | 0; o2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = o2 & 255; r2 = m4 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = (r2 >>> 0 < 10 ? r2 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? m4 + -87 | 0 : 0) << 2; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = 1; j2 = v2; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 120: { p2 = u2 + 1 | 0; m4 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) { j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; } o2 = m4 & 255; r2 = o2 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = r2 >>> 0 < 10 ? r2 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0; o2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = m4 & 255; q3 = r2 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 88 >> 2] = (d[o2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) - (d[o2 >> 0] | 0) + (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? r2 + -87 | 0 : 0); j2 = v2; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 121: { p2 = u2 + 1 | 0; r2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) { j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; } m4 = r2 & 255; q3 = m4 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 92 >> 2] = q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (r2 & 255) > 96 ? m4 + -87 | 0 : 0; j2 = v2; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 115: { p2 = u2 + 1 | 0; m4 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = m4 & 255; q3 = r2 + -48 | 0; c[b4 + 108 >> 2] = (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? r2 + -87 | 0 : 0) << 2; j2 = v2; k2 = p2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 119: { c[b4 + 56 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 116: { c[b4 + 60 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 61: { c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 112: { c[b4 + 68 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 35: { c[b4 + 76 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 105: { c[b4 + 80 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 98: { c[b4 + 72 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 36: { c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = s3; j2 = v2; k2 = u2; l2 = h3; break a; break; } case 64: { p2 = b4 + 8 | 0; r2 = u2 + 1 | 0; m4 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { q3 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = q3 & 255; w2 = o2 + -48 | 0; x2 = w2 >>> 0 < 10 ? w2 : (q3 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0; o2 = u2 + 2 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { q3 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = q3 & 255; y4 = w2 + -48 | 0; z3 = (y4 >>> 0 < 10 ? y4 : (q3 & 255) > 96 ? w2 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (x2 << 4) | 0; w2 = u2 + 3 | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { q3 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; y4 = q3 & 255; A4 = y4 + -48 | 0; B2 = (A4 >>> 0 < 10 ? A4 : (q3 & 255) > 96 ? y4 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (z3 << 4) | 0; y4 = u2 + 4 | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { q3 = a[y4 >> 0] | 0; A4 = q3 & 255; C3 = A4 + -48 | 0; D3 = (C3 >>> 0 < 10 ? C3 : (q3 & 255) > 96 ? A4 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (B2 << 4) | 0; E3 = u2 + 5 | 0; } else { D3 = B2; E3 = y4; } } else { D3 = z3; E3 = w2; } } else { D3 = x2; E3 = o2; } } else { D3 = 0; E3 = r2; } c: do if (E3 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { r2 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; o2 = r2 & 255; x2 = o2 + -48 | 0; w2 = x2 >>> 0 < 10 ? x2 : (r2 & 255) > 96 ? o2 + -87 | 0 : 0; o2 = E3 + 1 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { r2 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; x2 = r2 & 255; z3 = x2 + -48 | 0; y4 = (z3 >>> 0 < 10 ? z3 : (r2 & 255) > 96 ? x2 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (w2 << 4) | 0; x2 = E3 + 2 | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { r2 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; z3 = r2 & 255; B2 = z3 + -48 | 0; A4 = (B2 >>> 0 < 10 ? B2 : (r2 & 255) > 96 ? z3 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (y4 << 4) | 0; z3 = E3 + 3 | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { r2 = a[z3 >> 0] | 0; B2 = r2 & 255; q3 = B2 + -48 | 0; F3 = (q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (r2 & 255) > 96 ? B2 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (A4 << 4) | 0; G2 = E3 + 4 | 0; } else { F3 = A4; G2 = z3; } } else { F3 = y4; G2 = x2; } } else { F3 = w2; G2 = o2; } if ((F3 | 0) > 0 & G2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0) { o2 = D3; w2 = 0; x2 = G2; while (true) { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, o2, d[x2 >> 0] | 0); y4 = x2 + 1 | 0; fh(1); w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) >= (F3 | 0)) { H2 = y4; break c; } if (y4 >>> 0 >= (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { H2 = y4; break; } else { o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; x2 = y4; } } } else H2 = G2; } else H2 = E3; while (0); I2 = H2 + -1 | 0; break; } default: I2 = u2; } while (0); if ((t3 | 0) != 33) { p2 = (t3 | 0) == 58; switch (t3 | 0) { case 46: case 58: break; default: { j2 = v2; k2 = I2; l2 = h3; break a; } } m4 = I2 + 1 | 0; do if ((m4 + ((t3 | 0) == 46 ? 8 : 16) | 0) >>> 0 <= (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) if (p2) { a[f2 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 2 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[m4 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 1 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 4 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 3 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 2 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 6 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 5 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 3 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 8 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 7 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 4 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 10 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 9 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 5 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 12 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 11 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 6 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 14 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 13 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); a[f2 + 7 >> 0] = (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 16 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (c[2112 + (d[I2 + 15 >> 0] << 2) >> 2] << 4); J2 = Ik(b4, f2, 8, 8, 0) | 0; K2 = I2 + 17 | 0; break; } else { J2 = Ik(b4, m4, 8, 8, 0) | 0; K2 = I2 + 9 | 0; break; } else { J2 = 0; K2 = m4; } while (0); j2 = (J2 | 0) > (v2 | 0) ? J2 : v2; k2 = K2 + -1 | 0; l2 = h3; break a; } m4 = b4 + 8 | 0; p2 = I2 + 1 | 0; x2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { o2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = o2 & 255; y4 = w2 + -48 | 0; z3 = y4 >>> 0 < 10 ? y4 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? w2 + -87 | 0 : 0; w2 = I2 + 2 | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { o2 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; y4 = o2 & 255; A4 = y4 + -48 | 0; B2 = (A4 >>> 0 < 10 ? A4 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? y4 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (z3 << 4) | 0; y4 = I2 + 3 | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { o2 = a[y4 >> 0] | 0; A4 = o2 & 255; r2 = A4 + -48 | 0; q3 = (r2 >>> 0 < 10 ? r2 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? A4 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (B2 << 4) | 0; A4 = I2 + 4 | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { o2 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; r2 = o2 & 255; C3 = r2 + -48 | 0; L3 = (C3 >>> 0 < 10 ? C3 : (o2 & 255) > 96 ? r2 + -87 | 0 : 0) + (q3 << 4) | 0; M2 = I2 + 5 | 0; } else { L3 = q3; M2 = A4; } } else { L3 = B2; M2 = y4; } } else { L3 = z3; M2 = w2; } } else { L3 = 0; M2 = p2; } if (M2 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { x2 = L3; p2 = M2; while (true) { Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, x2, d[p2 >> 0] | 0); w2 = p2 + 1 | 0; fh(1); if (w2 >>> 0 < (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; p2 = w2; } else { N4 = w2; break; } } } else N4 = M2; p2 = N4 + -1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = p2; a[p2 >> 0] = 0; O2 = 0; Ia = e2; return O2 | 0; } case 7: { p2 = h3 + 1 | 0; x2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; d: do if ((x2 + -48 & 255) >= 10) { m4 = Rq(0) | 0; w2 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 41596 | 0); m4 = Rq(1) | 0; z3 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 41596 | 0) | w2; w2 = Rq(2) | 0; m4 = (w2 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 41596 | 0) | z3; z3 = Rq(3) | 0; w2 = c[769129] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == (w2 + 41596 | 0) | m4) { m4 = Rq(0) | 0; z3 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 40936 | 0); m4 = Rq(1) | 0; y4 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 40936 | 0) | z3; z3 = Rq(2) | 0; m4 = (z3 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 40936 | 0) | y4; y4 = Rq(3) | 0; z3 = c[769129] | 0; if ((y4 | 0) == (z3 + 40936 | 0) | m4) { m4 = Rq(0) | 0; y4 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 40276 | 0); m4 = Rq(1) | 0; B2 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 40276 | 0) | y4; y4 = Rq(2) | 0; m4 = (y4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 40276 | 0) | B2; B2 = Rq(3) | 0; y4 = c[769129] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) == (y4 + 40276 | 0) | m4) { m4 = Rq(0) | 0; B2 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 39616 | 0); m4 = Rq(1) | 0; A4 = (m4 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 39616 | 0) | B2; B2 = Rq(2) | 0; m4 = (B2 | 0) == ((c[769129] | 0) + 39616 | 0) | A4; A4 = Rq(3) | 0; B2 = c[769129] | 0; P2 = B2; Q3 = (A4 | 0) == (B2 + 39616 | 0) | m4 ? 63 : 60; R3 = p2; n2 = 72; } else { P2 = y4; Q3 = 61; R3 = p2; n2 = 72; } } else { P2 = z3; Q3 = 62; R3 = p2; n2 = 72; } } else { P2 = w2; Q3 = 63; R3 = p2; n2 = 72; } } else { w2 = (x2 & 255) + -48 | 0; z3 = h3 + 2 | 0; y4 = a[z3 >> 0] | 0; if ((y4 + -48 & 255) < 10) { m4 = (w2 * 10 | 0) + -48 + (y4 & 255) | 0; B2 = (m4 | 0) < 63 ? m4 : 63; m4 = h3 + 3 | 0; S2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; T4 = (B2 | 0) > 0 ? B2 : 0; U2 = m4; } else { S2 = y4; T4 = w2; U2 = z3; } switch (S2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 10: case 32: { V3 = (c[769129] | 0) + 16 + (T4 * 660 | 0) | 0; W2 = U2; break d; break; } default: { P2 = c[769129] | 0; Q3 = T4; R3 = U2; n2 = 72; break d; } } } while (0); e: do if ((n2 | 0) == 72) { x2 = P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) | 0; jq(x2, 0, 660); p2 = P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 8 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 4; z3 = P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 12 | 0; w2 = P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 16 | 0; y4 = R3; f: while (true) { switch (a[y4 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: case 10: case 32: { n2 = 82; break f; break; } case 115: { m4 = a[y4 + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) { X2 = 0; break f; } B2 = m4 & 255; A4 = B2 + -48 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = A4 >>> 0 < 10 ? A4 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? B2 + -87 | 0 : 0; Y2 = 2; break; } case 108: { B2 = a[y4 + 1 >> 0] | 0; m4 = B2 & 255; if (!(B2 << 24 >> 24)) { X2 = 0; break f; } A4 = y4 + 2 | 0; if (!(a[A4 >> 0] | 0)) { X2 = 0; break f; } q3 = m4 + -48 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? q3 : (B2 & 255) > 96 ? m4 + -87 | 0 : 0; m4 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; A4 = m4 & 255; B2 = A4 + -48 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = B2 >>> 0 < 10 ? B2 : (m4 & 255) > 96 ? A4 + -87 | 0 : 0; Y2 = 3; break; } case 122: { A4 = a[y4 + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(A4 << 24 >> 24)) { X2 = 0; break f; } m4 = A4 & 255; B2 = m4 + -48 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = (B2 >>> 0 < 10 ? B2 : (A4 & 255) > 96 ? m4 + 2147483561 | 0 : 0) << 1; Y2 = 2; break; } default: { X2 = 0; break f; } } y4 = y4 + Y2 | 0; } if ((n2 | 0) == 82) { c[p2 >> 2] = 16; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 20 >> 2] = 46; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 28 >> 2] = 5; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 32 >> 2] = 0; X2 = 1; } w2 = 0; z3 = 5; m4 = 3; A4 = X2; B2 = y4; q3 = 5; while (true) { r2 = A4 >>> 0 < 32; o2 = w2; C3 = z3; Z3 = m4; _5 = B2; $2 = q3; g: while (true) { aa2 = o2; ba3 = Z3; ca2 = _5; da2 = $2; h: while (true) { ea2 = aa2; fa2 = ba3; ga2 = ca2; i: while (true) { ha2 = fa2; ia2 = ga2; j: while (true) { ja2 = a[ia2 >> 0] | 0; switch (ja2 << 24 >> 24) { case 32: case 0: { V3 = x2; W2 = ia2; break e; break; } default: { } } if (!(r2 & ja2 << 24 >> 24 != 10)) { V3 = x2; W2 = ia2; break e; } switch (ja2 << 24 >> 24) { case 46: { n2 = 95; break g; break; } case 0: { n2 = 104; break g; break; } case 98: { n2 = 103; break g; break; } case 100: { ka2 = 2; n2 = 106; break g; break; } case 101: { n2 = 99; break g; break; } case 102: { n2 = 100; break g; break; } case 103: { n2 = 101; break g; break; } case 97: { n2 = 102; break g; break; } case 105: { break h; break; } case 118: { n2 = 92; break i; break; } case 62: case 60: { n2 = 97; break i; break; } case 120: { break j; break; } case 93: case 91: break; default: { n2 = 105; break g; } } la2 = (ja2 << 24 >> 24 == 91 ? -1 : 1) + ha2 | 0; ma2 = (la2 | 0) < 5 ? la2 : 5; ha2 = (ma2 | 0) > 0 ? ma2 : 0; ia2 = ia2 + 1 | 0; } ma2 = a[ia2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; la2 = ma2 & 255; na2 = la2 + -48 | 0; ea2 = (na2 >>> 0 < 10 ? na2 : (ma2 & 255) > 96 ? la2 + 1 | 0 : 0) & 7; fa2 = ha2; ga2 = ia2 + 2 | 0; } if ((n2 | 0) == 92) { n2 = 0; ga2 = a[ia2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; fa2 = ga2 & 255; la2 = fa2 + -48 | 0; oa2 = ia2 + 2 | 0; pa3 = (la2 >>> 0 < 10 ? la2 : (ga2 & 255) > 96 ? fa2 + 1 | 0 : 0) & 7; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 97) { n2 = 0; fa2 = (ja2 << 24 >> 24 == 60 ? -1 : 1) + da2 | 0; ga2 = (fa2 | 0) < 7 ? fa2 : 7; oa2 = ia2 + 1 | 0; pa3 = (ga2 | 0) > 0 ? ga2 : 0; } aa2 = ea2; ba3 = ha2; ca2 = oa2; da2 = pa3; } ca2 = a[ia2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; ba3 = ca2 & 255; aa2 = ba3 + -48 | 0; o2 = ea2; C3 = (aa2 >>> 0 < 10 ? aa2 : (ca2 & 255) > 96 ? ba3 + 9 | 0 : 0) & 15; Z3 = ha2; _5 = ia2 + 2 | 0; $2 = da2; } if ((n2 | 0) == 95) { n2 = 0; qa2 = ha2; ra2 = ia2 + 1 | 0; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 99) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 4; n2 = 106; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 100) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 5; n2 = 106; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 101) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 7; n2 = 106; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 102) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 9; n2 = 106; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 103) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 11; n2 = 106; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 104) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 12; n2 = 106; } else if ((n2 | 0) == 105) { n2 = 0; ka2 = 0; n2 = 106; } if ((n2 | 0) == 106) { n2 = 0; $2 = P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (A4 * 20 | 0) | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = ka2; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (A4 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = C3 & 7; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (A4 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = da2 & 7; c[P2 + 16 + (Q3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (A4 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] = ea2; _5 = ia2 + 1 | 0; Z3 = a[_5 >> 0] | 0; o2 = ia2 + 2 | 0; if (Z3 << 24 >> 24 == 35) { r2 = ka2 + 1 | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = r2; sa2 = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; ta2 = r2; ua2 = o2; } else { sa2 = Z3; ta2 = ka2; ua2 = _5; } if (sa2 << 24 >> 24 == 45) { _5 = ta2 + -1 | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = _5; Z3 = ua2 + 1 | 0; va2 = a[Z3 >> 0] | 0; wa2 = _5; xa2 = Z3; } else { va2 = sa2; wa2 = ta2; xa2 = ua2; } Z3 = (va2 + -48 & 255) < 6; _5 = Z3 ? (va2 & 255) + -48 | 0 : ha2; o2 = (_5 * 12 | 0) + wa2 | 0; r2 = (o2 | 0) < 63 ? o2 : 63; c[$2 >> 2] = (r2 | 0) > 0 ? r2 : 0; qa2 = _5; ra2 = Z3 ? xa2 + 1 | 0 : xa2; } w2 = ea2; z3 = C3; m4 = qa2; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; B2 = ra2; q3 = da2; } } while (0); if ((c[768034] | 0) == 0 & (c[543656] | 0) != 0) { _q(0, 0); br(); c[543656] = 0; } Mq(V3, 0, 0, c[769129] | 0, -1) | 0; j2 = 0; k2 = (a[W2 >> 0] | 0) == 10 ? W2 + -1 | 0 : W2; l2 = h3; break; } case 8: { c[768156] = (c[768156] | 0) - (c[b4 + 104 >> 2] | 0); j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; break; } case 9: { q3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; B2 = q3 + 5 | 0; if (a[B2 >> 0] & 2) c[768156] = (c[768156] | 0) - (c[768158] | 0); A4 = c[b4 + 108 >> 2] | 0; if (!A4) { m4 = q3 + 6 | 0; q3 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; z3 = (q3 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 16 : q3 & 255) + (c[768156] | 0) | 0; c[768156] = z3; ya2 = z3; za2 = d[m4 >> 0] | 0; } else { m4 = (c[768156] | 0) + A4 | 0; c[768156] = m4; ya2 = m4; za2 = A4; } A4 = ya2 - ((ya2 | 0) % (((za2 | 0) == 0 ? 16 : za2) | 0) | 0) | 0; c[768156] = A4; if (!(a[B2 >> 0] & 2)) { j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; } else { c[768156] = (c[768158] | 0) + A4; j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; } break; } case 10: { c[768156] = c[b4 + 28 >> 2]; A4 = b4 + 48 | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (B2 | 0) != 0; if (!(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { if (m4) Aa3 = B2; else Aa3 = c[b4 + 92 >> 2] | 0; c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + Aa3; } else { if (m4) Ba3 = B2; else Ba3 = c[b4 + 92 >> 2] | 0; c[768162] = Ba3; $a(); c[768162] = 6; } c[A4 >> 2] = 0; j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; break; } case 11: { A4 = c[768156] | 0; B2 = b4 + 96 | 0; m4 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[768156] = m4; c[B2 >> 2] = A4; A4 = c[768157] | 0; B2 = b4 + 100 | 0; z3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[768157] = z3; c[B2 >> 2] = A4; c[b4 + 112 >> 2] = 1; A4 = h3 + 1 | 0; B2 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; q3 = B2 & 255; w2 = q3 + -48 | 0; x2 = w2 >>> 0 < 10 ? w2 : (B2 & 255) > 96 ? q3 + -87 | 0 : 0; q3 = (x2 | 0) / 4 | 0; c[768156] = m4 + -2 + (x2 - (q3 << 2)); c[768157] = z3 + -8 + q3; j2 = 0; k2 = A4; l2 = h3; break; } case 12: { A4 = h3 + 1 | 0; q3 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; z3 = q3 & 255; x2 = z3 + -48 | 0; m4 = x2 >>> 0 < 10 ? x2 : (q3 & 255) > 96 ? z3 + -87 | 0 : 0; c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = m4; c[768155] = m4; j2 = 0; k2 = A4; l2 = h3; break; } case 13: { c[768156] = c[b4 + 28 >> 2]; j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; break; } case 14: { c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = 3098536; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = d[3098536]; c[b4 + 88 >> 2] = d[3098537]; c[b4 + 92 >> 2] = d[3098538]; c[b4 + 120 >> 2] = d[3098539]; c[b4 + 124 >> 2] = d[3098540]; j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; break; } case 15: { c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = 1449024; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = d[1449024]; c[b4 + 88 >> 2] = d[1449025]; c[b4 + 92 >> 2] = d[1449026]; c[b4 + 120 >> 2] = d[1449027]; c[b4 + 124 >> 2] = d[1449028]; j2 = 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; break; } default: n2 = 135; } while (0); if ((n2 | 0) == 135) { n2 = c[(i3 << 24 >> 24 < 0 ? b4 + 88 | 0 : b4 + 84 | 0) >> 2] | 0; Ba3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Aa3 = i3 & 255; if (!(a[Ba3 + 5 >> 0] & 1)) { Ca2 = n2; Da2 = 1; } else { i3 = (d[Ba3 + (Aa3 >>> 1) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Aa3 << 2 & 4); Ca2 = n2 + -4 + (i3 + 4 & 7) | 0; Da2 = i3 & 8 | 1; } i3 = Ik(b4, Ba3 + (Aa3 << 3) | 0, Ca2, c[b4 + 92 >> 2] | 0, Da2) | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) > 0 ? i3 : 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; } h3 = c[543083] | 0; i3 = c[768156] | 0; c[543083] = (h3 | 0) > (i3 | 0) ? h3 : i3; i3 = c[543084] | 0; h3 = c[768157] | 0; c[543084] = (i3 | 0) > (h3 | 0) ? i3 : h3; h3 = b4 + 116 | 0; b4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = b4 + -1; Ea2 = l2; } else Ea2 = k2 + 1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = Ea2; O2 = j2; Ia = e2; return O2 | 0; } function Kk() { Iv(2172360, 0, 132) | 0; return; } function Lk() { mq(c[543090] | 0); c[543090] = 0; return; } function Mk() { var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24408) | 0; e2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24409) | 0; f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24410) | 0; g2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24411) | 0; h3 = (a[3100894] & 16) == 0; i3 = h3 ? e2 : 0; e2 = h3 ? f2 : 0; f2 = h3 ? g2 : 0; g2 = (b4 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 2 : b4; b4 = (g2 & 128 | 0) == 0 ? 1449024 : 3098536; c[543093] = b4; c[543108] = g2 >>> 1 & 1; c[543104] = g2 >>> 2 & 1; c[543105] = g2 >>> 3 & 1; c[543109] = g2 >>> 4 & 1; c[543110] = g2 >>> 5 & 1; c[543106] = g2 >>> 6 & 1; c[543107] = 0; c[543117] = 0; g2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; c[543111] = g2 & 255; h3 = a[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0; c[543112] = h3 & 255; j2 = a[b4 + 2 >> 0] | 0; c[543113] = j2 & 255; c[543120] = d[b4 + 3 >> 0]; c[543121] = d[b4 + 4 >> 0]; if (!((h3 | g2 | j2) << 24 >> 24)) { c[543111] = 8; c[543113] = 8; c[543112] = 8; } j2 = i3 & 15; if (j2 | 0) c[543111] = j2; if (i3 & 240 | 0) c[543113] = i3 >>> 4 & 15; i3 = e2 & 15; if (i3 | 0) c[543112] = i3; if (e2 & 240 | 0) c[543117] = (e2 >>> 2 & 60) + 4; e2 = f2 & 15; if (e2 | 0) c[543120] = e2; if (!(f2 & 240)) return; c[543121] = f2 >>> 4 & 15; return; } function Nk() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = c[543090] | 0; if (!b4) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } e2 = c[543103] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { c[543103] = e2 + -1; d2 = 1; return d2 | 0; } e2 = c[543091] | 0; do if (a[e2 >> 0] | 0) { f2 = e2; while (true) { g2 = Jk(2172360) | 0; h3 = (c[543091] | 0) - f2 | 0; fh((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1); if (g2 | 0) { d2 = g2; i3 = 10; break; } f2 = c[543091] | 0; if (!(a[f2 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = 8; break; } } if ((i3 | 0) == 8) { j2 = c[543090] | 0; break; } else if ((i3 | 0) == 10) return d2 | 0; } else j2 = b4; while (0); mq(j2); c[543090] = 0; d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } function Ok(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; if (!d2) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } if (!(c[543089] | 0)) { c[543089] = 1; jq(1449024, 0, 2048); i3 = c[730468] | 0; j2 = 0; do { k2 = c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { m4 = j2 << 3; n2 = k2 + 16 | 0; o2 = 0; do { p2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) > 0) { q3 = c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; r2 = 0; s3 = 0; while (true) { t3 = ((a[q3 + s3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 1 << s3) | r2; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) { u2 = t3; break; } else r2 = t3; } } else u2 = 0; a[1449024 + (o2 + m4) >> 0] = u2; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0)); } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 256); a[1449024] = 4; a[1449025] = 8; a[1449026] = 6; a[1449027] = 0; a[1449028] = 0; } mq(c[543090] | 0); jq(2172360, 0, 132); j2 = iq(e2 + 4 | 0) | 0; c[543090] = j2; Hv(j2 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; Mk(); d2 = c[543090] | 0; c[543091] = d2; j2 = d2 + e2 | 0; c[543092] = j2; c[543095] = f2 & 16; c[543096] = c[b4 + 32 >> 2]; c[543094] = f2 & 32; c[543097] = c[768158]; c[543098] = c[768157]; c[543099] = g2 & 15; c[543100] = g2 >>> 4 & 15; c[543101] = b4; c[543103] = 0; c[543119] = 0; c[543102] = 0; c[543116] = c[543111]; if (!(a[3100894] & 4)) { a[j2 >> 0] = 10; a[(c[543090] | 0) + (e2 + 1) >> 0] = 0; v2 = c[543090] | 0; } else v2 = d2; if (!v2) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } d2 = c[543103] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { c[543103] = d2 + -1; h3 = 1; return h3 | 0; } d2 = c[543091] | 0; do if (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) { e2 = d2; while (true) { j2 = Jk(2172360) | 0; b4 = (c[543091] | 0) - e2 | 0; fh((b4 | 0) > 1 ? b4 : 1); if (j2 | 0) { h3 = j2; w2 = 23; break; } e2 = c[543091] | 0; if (!(a[e2 >> 0] | 0)) { w2 = 21; break; } } if ((w2 | 0) == 21) { x2 = c[543090] | 0; break; } else if ((w2 | 0) == 23) return h3 | 0; } else x2 = v2; while (0); mq(x2); c[543090] = 0; h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } function Pk(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; a2 = (b4 | 0) != 0; if (!e2) { if (!a2) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } g2 = b4 + -4 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; mq(g2); c[768178] = (c[768178] | 0) - h3; f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } h3 = c[768178] | 0; g2 = (c[785516] | 0) + h3 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > (((c[481715] | 0) == 0 ? 2359296 : 2113536) | 0)) { c[785591] = 1; xg(); i3 = c[768178] | 0; j2 = i3; k2 = (c[785516] | 0) + i3 | 0; } else { j2 = h3; k2 = g2; } if ((k2 | 0) > 67108864) { Hg(60892); Ig(60914, (c[768178] | 0) / 1048576 | 0, e2 >>> 10); c[785593] = 1; f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } if (a2) { k2 = b4 + -4 | 0; g2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[768178] = j2 - g2; j2 = lq(k2, e2 + 4 | 0) | 0; l2 = (g2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : e2; m4 = j2; } else { l2 = 0; m4 = lq(0, e2 + 4 | 0) | 0; } j2 = (b4 | 0) == 0; b4 = j2 & (d2 | 0) == 0 & (c[785514] | 0) != 0 ? 0 : j2 & (d2 + -7 | 0) >>> 0 < 13 ? 32 : a2 ? l2 : (d2 | 0) != 2 & (j2 & d2 >>> 0 < 7) ? e2 : 0; c[768178] = b4 + (c[768178] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = b4; f2 = m4 + 4 | 0; return f2 | 0; } function Qk() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; a2 = c[532526] | 0; b4 = c[765606] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765607] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765608] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765609] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765610] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765611] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765612] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765613] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765614] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765615] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765616] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765617] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765618] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765619] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765620] | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; b4 = c[765621] | 0; if (!b4) return; c[b4 + 332 >> 2] = a2; return; } function Va(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + a2 | 0; Ia = Ia + 15 & -16; return b4 | 0; } function Wa() { return Ia | 0; } function Xa2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Ia = a2; } function Ya2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Ia = a2; Ja2 = b4; } function Za() { return c[(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; } function _a(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; if ((c[768034] | 0) != 0 & (c[768028] | 0) == 1 ? a[3100894] & 64 : 0) return; c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) - b4; d2 = 128 - b4 | 0; e2 = c[730449] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = e2; g2 = 0; while (true) { tp(f2, f2, 0, g2 + b4 | 0, 0, g2, 128, 1); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; h3 = c[730449] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { i3 = h3; j2 = d2; break; } else f2 = h3; } } else { i3 = e2; j2 = 0; } Cn(i3, 0, j2, 127, 127, 0); fh(65536); return; } function $a() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = (c[768157] | 0) + (c[768162] | 0) | 0; c[768157] = b4; if ((b4 | 0) <= ((c[768164] | 0) + 122 | 0)) return; if ((c[768034] | 0) != 0 & (c[768028] | 0) == 1 ? a[3100894] & 64 : 0) return; c[768157] = b4 + -6; b4 = c[730449] | 0; d2 = 0; do { tp(b4, b4, 0, d2 + 6 | 0, 0, d2, 128, 1); d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; b4 = c[730449] | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 122); Cn(b4, 0, 122, 127, 127, 0); fh(65536); return; } function ab(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 256 | 0; d2 = b4 + 248 | 0; e2 = b4 + 240 | 0; f2 = b4 + 232 | 0; g2 = b4 + 224 | 0; h3 = b4 + 216 | 0; i3 = b4 + 208 | 0; j2 = b4 + 200 | 0; k2 = b4 + 192 | 0; l2 = b4 + 184 | 0; m4 = b4 + 176 | 0; n2 = b4 + 168 | 0; o2 = b4 + 160 | 0; p2 = b4 + 152 | 0; q3 = b4 + 144 | 0; r2 = b4 + 136 | 0; s3 = b4 + 128 | 0; t3 = b4 + 120 | 0; u2 = b4 + 112 | 0; v2 = b4 + 104 | 0; w2 = b4 + 96 | 0; x2 = b4 + 88 | 0; y4 = b4 + 80 | 0; z3 = b4 + 72 | 0; A4 = b4 + 64 | 0; B2 = b4 + 8 | 0; C3 = b4; D3 = b4 + 252 | 0; if (!(gt(a2, 35196, 9) | 0)) Jo(a2 + 10 | 0, 3062500) | 0; if (!(gt(a2, 35206, 10) | 0)) Jo(a2 + 11 | 0, 3064548) | 0; if (!(gt(a2, 35217, 14) | 0)) { c[C3 >> 2] = 1926868; Eu2(a2 + 14 | 0, 94862, C3) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35232, 11) | 0)) { c[B2 >> 2] = 1926924; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = 1926928; c[B2 + 8 >> 2] = 1926932; c[B2 + 12 >> 2] = 1926936; c[B2 + 16 >> 2] = 1926940; c[B2 + 20 >> 2] = 1926944; c[B2 + 24 >> 2] = 1926948; c[B2 + 28 >> 2] = 1926952; c[B2 + 32 >> 2] = 1926956; c[B2 + 36 >> 2] = 1926960; c[B2 + 40 >> 2] = 1926964; c[B2 + 44 >> 2] = 1926968; c[B2 + 48 >> 2] = 1926972; Eu2(a2 + 11 | 0, 35244, B2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35284, 10) | 0)) { c[A4 >> 2] = 1927052; Eu2(a2 + 10 | 0, 94862, A4) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35295, 11) | 0)) { c[z3 >> 2] = 1927080; Eu2(a2 + 11 | 0, 94862, z3) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 50106, 7) | 0)) { c[y4 >> 2] = 1927084; Eu2(a2 + 7 | 0, 94862, y4) | 0; } if ((gt(a2, 91687, 6) | 0) == 0 ? (c[x2 >> 2] = 2130712, Eu2(a2 + 6 | 0, 94862, x2) | 0, c[543939] | 0) : 0) c[543939] = c[532678]; if (!(gt(a2, 35307, 9) | 0)) { c[w2 >> 2] = 1927096; Eu2(a2 + 9 | 0, 94862, w2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 50493, 16) | 0)) { c[v2 >> 2] = 1927068; Eu2(a2 + 16 | 0, 94862, v2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 50394, 9) | 0)) { c[u2 >> 2] = 1927072; Eu2(a2 + 9 | 0, 94862, u2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35317, 12) | 0)) { c[t3 >> 2] = 1927112; Eu2(a2 + 12 | 0, 94862, t3) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35330, 20) | 0)) { c[s3 >> 2] = 2130152; Eu2(a2 + 20 | 0, 94862, s3) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35351, 22) | 0)) { c[r2 >> 2] = 2130156; Eu2(a2 + 22 | 0, 94862, r2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35374, 14) | 0)) { c[q3 >> 2] = D3; Eu2(a2 + 14 | 0, 94862, q3) | 0; c[481780] = (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) == 2 & 1; } if (!(gt(a2, 49824, 13) | 0)) { c[p2 >> 2] = 1927120; Eu2(a2 + 13 | 0, 94862, p2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 50599, 9) | 0)) { c[o2 >> 2] = 1927056; Eu2(a2 + 9 | 0, 94862, o2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 49610, 9) | 0)) { c[n2 >> 2] = 1927060; Eu2(a2 + 9 | 0, 94862, n2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35389, 19) | 0)) { c[m4 >> 2] = 1926912; Eu2(a2 + 19 | 0, 94862, m4) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35409, 19) | 0)) { c[l2 >> 2] = 1926908; Eu2(a2 + 19 | 0, 94862, l2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35429, 22) | 0)) { c[k2 >> 2] = 1926916; Eu2(a2 + 22 | 0, 94862, k2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35452, 11) | 0)) { c[j2 >> 2] = 1927104; Eu2(a2 + 11 | 0, 94862, j2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35464, 14) | 0)) { c[i3 >> 2] = 1927064; Eu2(a2 + 14 | 0, 94862, i3) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35479, 22) | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = 1926904; Eu2(a2 + 22 | 0, 94862, h3) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35502, 18) | 0)) { c[g2 >> 2] = 1926896; Eu2(a2 + 18 | 0, 94862, g2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35521, 16) | 0)) { c[f2 >> 2] = 1926900; Eu2(a2 + 16 | 0, 94862, f2) | 0; } if (!(gt(a2, 35538, 16) | 0)) { c[e2 >> 2] = 1926892; Eu2(a2 + 16 | 0, 94862, e2) | 0; } if (gt(a2, 35555, 14) | 0) { Ia = b4; return 0; } c[d2 >> 2] = 1926888; Eu2(a2 + 14 | 0, 94862, d2) | 0; Ia = b4; return 0; } function bb(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 304 | 0; d2 = b4 + 288 | 0; e2 = b4 + 280 | 0; f2 = b4 + 272 | 0; g2 = b4 + 264 | 0; h3 = b4 + 256 | 0; i3 = b4 + 248 | 0; j2 = b4 + 240 | 0; k2 = b4 + 232 | 0; l2 = b4 + 224 | 0; m4 = b4 + 216 | 0; n2 = b4 + 208 | 0; o2 = b4 + 200 | 0; p2 = b4 + 192 | 0; q3 = b4 + 184 | 0; r2 = b4 + 176 | 0; s3 = b4 + 168 | 0; t3 = b4 + 160 | 0; u2 = b4 + 152 | 0; v2 = b4 + 144 | 0; w2 = b4 + 136 | 0; x2 = b4 + 128 | 0; y4 = b4 + 120 | 0; z3 = b4 + 112 | 0; A4 = b4 + 104 | 0; B2 = b4 + 96 | 0; C3 = b4 + 88 | 0; D3 = b4 + 80 | 0; E3 = b4 + 72 | 0; F3 = b4 + 64 | 0; G2 = b4 + 56 | 0; H2 = b4 + 48 | 0; I2 = b4 + 40 | 0; J2 = b4 + 32 | 0; K2 = b4 + 24 | 0; L3 = b4 + 16 | 0; M2 = b4 + 8 | 0; N4 = b4; O2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[N4 >> 2] = 35583; Mu2(a2, 35570, N4) | 0; Vu(35590, 25, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; N4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[M2 >> 2] = c[532678]; Mu2(N4, 35616, M2) | 0; Vu(35628, 37, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; M2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = 3062500; Mu2(M2, 35666, L3) | 0; Vu(35681, 36, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; L3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = 3064548; Mu2(L3, 35718, K2) | 0; Vu(35734, 65, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; K2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[J2 >> 2] = c[481717]; Mu2(K2, 35800, J2) | 0; Vu(35820, 70, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Vu(35891, 12, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; J2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = c[481731]; Mu2(J2, 35904, I2) | 0; I2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = c[481732]; Mu2(I2, 35904, H2) | 0; H2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[G2 >> 2] = c[481733]; Mu2(H2, 35904, G2) | 0; G2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = c[481734]; Mu2(G2, 35904, F3) | 0; F3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = c[481735]; Mu2(F3, 35904, E3) | 0; E3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = c[481736]; Mu2(E3, 35904, D3) | 0; D3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[481737]; Mu2(D3, 35904, C3) | 0; C3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = c[481738]; Mu2(C3, 35904, B2) | 0; B2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = c[481739]; Mu2(B2, 35904, A4) | 0; A4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = c[481740]; Mu2(A4, 35904, z3) | 0; z3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = c[481741]; Mu2(z3, 35904, y4) | 0; y4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = c[481742]; Mu2(y4, 35904, x2) | 0; x2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = c[481743]; Mu2(x2, 35904, w2) | 0; Vu(35908, 2, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Vu(35911, 52, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; w2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[481763]; Mu2(w2, 35964, v2) | 0; Vu(35980, 70, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; v2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[481770]; Mu2(v2, 36051, u2) | 0; Vu(36068, 125, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; u2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[481774]; Mu2(u2, 36194, t3) | 0; Vu(36209, 52, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; t3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = c[481767]; Mu2(t3, 36262, s3) | 0; s3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = c[481768]; Mu2(s3, 36283, r2) | 0; Vu(36298, 68, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; r2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = c[481771]; Mu2(r2, 36367, q3) | 0; Vu(36380, 101, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; q3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = c[481772]; Mu2(q3, 36482, p2) | 0; Vu(36502, 102, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; p2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = c[532539]; Mu2(p2, 36605, o2) | 0; Vu(36633, 28, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Vu(36662, 68, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; o2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[481780]; Mu2(o2, 36731, n2) | 0; Vu(36750, 36, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; n2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[481764]; Mu2(n2, 36787, m4) | 0; Vu(36802, 59, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; m4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[481765]; Mu2(m4, 36862, l2) | 0; Vu(36877, 109, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; l2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[481728]; Mu2(l2, 36987, k2) | 0; Vu(37012, 53, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = c[481727]; Mu2(k2, 37066, j2) | 0; Vu(37091, 90, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; j2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[481729]; Mu2(j2, 37182, i3) | 0; if (!(c[481766] | 0)) { P2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37229, 48, 1, P2) | 0; Q3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = c[481726] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = R3; Mu2(Q3, 37278, h3) | 0; S2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37306, 67, 1, S2) | 0; T4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37374, 62, 1, T4) | 0; U2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; V3 = c[481724] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = V3; Mu2(U2, 37437, g2) | 0; W2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37461, 89, 1, W2) | 0; X2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[481725] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = Y2; Mu2(X2, 37551, f2) | 0; Z3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37573, 34, 1, Z3) | 0; _5 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37608, 26, 1, _5) | 0; $2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37635, 24, 1, $2) | 0; aa2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37660, 29, 1, aa2) | 0; ba3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37690, 30, 1, ba3) | 0; ca2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37721, 30, 1, ca2) | 0; da2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; ea2 = c[481723] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = ea2; Mu2(da2, 37752, e2) | 0; fa2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37774, 95, 1, fa2) | 0; ga2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = c[481722] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = ha2; Mu2(ga2, 37870, d2) | 0; Ia = b4; return 0; } Vu(37210, 18, 1, c[O2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; P2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37229, 48, 1, P2) | 0; Q3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = c[481726] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = R3; Mu2(Q3, 37278, h3) | 0; S2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37306, 67, 1, S2) | 0; T4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37374, 62, 1, T4) | 0; U2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; V3 = c[481724] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = V3; Mu2(U2, 37437, g2) | 0; W2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37461, 89, 1, W2) | 0; X2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[481725] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = Y2; Mu2(X2, 37551, f2) | 0; Z3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37573, 34, 1, Z3) | 0; _5 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37608, 26, 1, _5) | 0; $2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37635, 24, 1, $2) | 0; aa2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37660, 29, 1, aa2) | 0; ba3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37690, 30, 1, ba3) | 0; ca2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37721, 30, 1, ca2) | 0; da2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; ea2 = c[481723] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = ea2; Mu2(da2, 37752, e2) | 0; fa2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; Vu(37774, 95, 1, fa2) | 0; ga2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = c[481722] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = ha2; Mu2(ga2, 37870, d2) | 0; Ia = b4; return 0; } function cb(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = b4 + 8 | 0; h3 = b4; c[534493] = 0; if (c[533460] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } hc(); c[h3 >> 2] = 3065580; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 1925560; hv(37972, h3) | 0; h3 = nq(e2) | 0; uo(d2, 1, e2, h3) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = e2; hv(38075, g2) | 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; g2 = Rb(h3) | 0; Eo(h3); if (!g2) { c[481788] = -1; Ia = b4; return; } do if (Pu2(1925560, 38090) | 0) { h3 = Pu2(1925560, 38108) | 0; if (!h3) { Es2(3065580, 38113) | 0; break; } else { Es2(3065580, h3 + 4 | 0) | 0; break; } } else Do(1925560, 0, 3065580, 0, 1); while (0); h3 = 3065580 + (Pt(3065580) | 0) | 0; e2 = h3; a[e2 >> 0] = 46; a[e2 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[e2 + 2 >> 0] = 56; a[e2 + 3 >> 0] = 46; e2 = h3 + 4 | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = 112; a[e2 + 1 >> 0] = 110; a[e2 + 2 >> 0] = 103; a[e2 + 3 >> 0] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 3065580; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 1925560; hv(38139, f2) | 0; Yb2(g2, 3065580); ic(g2, 3065580); c[768028] = 0; c[768155] = 6; c[768033] = 1; Ia = b4; return; } function db2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[534493] = 0; if (!(c[768034] | 0)) { Ig(38202, 0, 0); c[481788] = -2; return; } else { Es2(2130160, 38202) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; c[481788] = -2; return; } } function eb2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Es2(2130160, a2) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = b4 + 400 + (Kr() | 0); c[532606] = 15; return; } function fb() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; hc(); if (!(ka(0) | 0)) return; b4 = ka(1) | 0; d2 = (b4 | 0) > 0; e2 = d2 ? (b4 | 0) < 16 ? b4 : 16 : 0; b4 = e2 << 15; f2 = kq(b4) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { g2 = 0; do { a[f2 + g2 >> 0] = ka(2) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < (b4 | 0)); } b4 = is() | 0; Qb2(b4, f2); c[b4 + 44580 >> 2] = 41; la(3, 0) | 0; a[103264] = 0; g2 = 0; do { h3 = ka(4) | 0; a[103264 + g2 >> 0] = h3; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; a[103264 + g2 >> 0] = 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 0 & g2 >>> 0 < 1023); Yb2(b4, 103264); if (d2) { d2 = 0; do { b4 = is() | 0; Qb2(b4, f2 + (d2 << 15) | 0); c[b4 + 44580 >> 2] = 41; la(3, d2 | 0) | 0; a[103264] = 0; g2 = 0; do { h3 = ka(4) | 0; a[103264 + g2 >> 0] = h3; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; a[103264 + g2 >> 0] = 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 0 & g2 >>> 0 < 1023); ic(b4, 103264); js(b4); d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)); } c[768028] = 0; c[768033] = 1; return; } function gb() { var b4 = 0; b4 = ka(0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) != 0 | (a[1925560] | 0) == 0) { c[534493] = 0; pn2(38388); c[481715] = 0; fb(); return; } else { c[534493] = 1; pn2(38369); c[481715] = 1; qa(1925560, 0, 1, 1); return; } } function hb(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = e2 + 4 | 0; Iv(2137976, 0, 34180) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= 1) { Ia = e2; return; } h3 = 1; i3 = 0; a: while (true) { j2 = d2 + (h3 << 2) | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; switch (l2 << 24 >> 24) { case 62: case 124: case 38: { m4 = 48; break a; break; } default: { } } b: do if ((i3 | 0) != 17 & l2 << 24 >> 24 == 45) { n2 = k2 + 1 | 0; o2 = (Ot(n2, 38416) | 0) == 0; if (!(Ot(n2, 84940) | 0)) { c[481647] = 1; p2 = 0; } else p2 = o2 ? 4 : -1; if (!(Ot(n2, 38425) | 0)) { c[481730] = 1; q3 = 0; } else q3 = p2; if (!(Ot(n2, 38436) | 0)) { c[481713] = 1; c[481712] = 1; r2 = 0; } else r2 = q3; if ((Ot(n2, 38464) | 0) != 0 ? (o2 = (Ot(n2, 38452) | 0) == 0, s3 = (Ot(n2, 38442) | 0) == 0, t3 = (Ot(n2, 50394) | 0) == 0, u2 = (Ot(n2, 50493) | 0) == 0, v2 = (Ot(n2, 35307) | 0) == 0, w2 = (Ot(n2, 50106) | 0) == 0, (Ot(n2, 38466) | 0) != 0) : 0) x2 = o2 ? 11 : s3 ? 10 : t3 ? 9 : u2 ? 8 : v2 ? 7 : w2 ? 6 : r2; else { c[730464] = 1; c[481647] = 1; c[543976] = 1; x2 = 0; } w2 = (Ot(n2, 38471) | 0) == 0; v2 = w2 | (Ot(n2, 38477) | 0) == 0; w2 = (Ot(n2, 49824) | 0) == 0; u2 = (Ot(n2, 35196) | 0) == 0; t3 = (Ot(n2, 35206) | 0) == 0; s3 = (Ot(n2, 38479) | 0) == 0; o2 = (Ot(n2, 88937) | 0) == 0; y4 = (Ot(n2, 91687) | 0) == 0; z3 = (Ot(n2, 38493) | 0) == 0; A4 = (Ot(n2, 38502) | 0) == 0; B2 = (Ot(n2, 38513) | 0) == 0; C3 = (Ot(n2, 50198) | 0) == 0; D3 = (Ot(n2, 38524) | 0) == 0; E3 = (Ot(n2, 38526) | 0) == 0; F3 = (Ot(n2, 38528) | 0) == 0; G2 = (Ot(n2, 38537) | 0) == 0; H2 = (Ot(n2, 38545) | 0) == 0; I2 = H2 ? 28 : G2 ? 27 : F3 ? 26 : E3 ? 25 : D3 ? 24 : C3 ? 22 : B2 ? 21 : A4 ? 20 : z3 ? 19 : y4 ? 18 : o2 ? 17 : s3 ? 16 : t3 ? 15 : u2 ? 14 : w2 ? 13 : v2 ? 12 : x2; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = g2; Eu2(k2, 93171, f2) | 0; do switch (i3 | 0) { case 0: { if (!(a[1925560] | 0)) { Iv(1925560, 0, 1024) | 0; Es2(1925560, c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; } else { Es2(2137980 + (c[534494] << 10) | 0, c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[534494] = (c[534494] | 0) + 1; I2 = 0; break b; } break; } case 4: { c[481717] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 6: { c[481771] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 7: { c[481774] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 8: { c[481767] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 9: { c[481768] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 10: { c[481775] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 11: { c[532531] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 12: { Yu2(3075101, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 1024) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 13: { c[481780] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 14: { Jo(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 3062500) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 15: { Jo(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 3064548) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 16: { c[481716] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 17: { Yu2(2130720, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 1023) | 0; c[543976] = 1; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 18: { v2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (v2 | 0) < 256 ? v2 : 256; v2 = (w2 | 0) > 0 ? w2 : 0; c[532678] = v2; if (!(c[543939] | 0)) { I2 = 0; break b; } c[543939] = v2; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 19: { c[532939] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 20: { c[532941] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 21: { c[532942] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 22: { c[481772] = c[g2 >> 2]; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 23: { Yu2(2174696, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 1023) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } default: { if (!((i3 | 0) != 24 | (c[533464] | 0) != 0)) { c[533464] = ru(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 94452) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; } if (!((i3 | 0) != 25 | (c[533465] | 0) != 0)) { c[533465] = ru(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 103074) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; } switch (i3 | 0) { case 26: { Yu2(2133868, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 2047) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 27: { Yu2(2135916, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 2047) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } case 28: { Yu2(1926592, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 255) | 0; I2 = 0; break b; break; } default: { I2 = 0; break b; } } } } while (0); } while (0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) { m4 = 48; break; } else i3 = I2; } if ((m4 | 0) == 48) { Ia = e2; return; } } function ib() { var a2 = 0; if (c[534491] | 0) { ka(5) | 0; c[534491] = 0; } c[532937] = 0; c[768028] = 2; c[730441] = -15; c[786074] = 0; Ng(); Pg(); Hg(3144900); c[768155] = 7; An(c[730449] | 0); An(c[730458] | 0); Qn(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, 2, 2, 5, 5, 7); Qn(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, 5, 2, 2, 5, 7); a2 = Fa(0) | 0; pl((Kr() | 0) + a2 | 0); br(); _q(0, 0); c[543656] = 0; c[532940] = 0; c[481714] = 0; if (!($n() | 0)) return; do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); return; } function jb() { Iv(3142376, 0, 488) | 0; c[785701] = 2; c[785632] = 0; c[785702] = 5; c[785598] = 1; c[785617] = 8; c[785618] = 0; c[765624] = 0; c[481719] = 0; c[532534] = 1; return; } function kb(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2896 | 0; f2 = e2 + 2888 | 0; g2 = e2 + 2880 | 0; h3 = e2 + 2872 | 0; i3 = e2 + 2864 | 0; j2 = e2 + 2048 | 0; k2 = e2 + 1024 | 0; l2 = e2; Iv(1925560, 0, 212412) | 0; Kk(); c[481769] = 0; c[481771] = 16; c[481767] = 3; c[481775] = -1; c[481778] = 1; c[532538] = 1; c[532539] = 1; c[481780] = 0; c[481764] = 1; c[481729] = 1; c[481726] = 5; c[481725] = 20; c[481728] = 0; c[481727] = 0; c[481768] = 2; ka(6) | 0; ln(61001); qo(2); ro(3); jq(2921764, 0, 222536); nn() | 0; hb(b4, d2); Iq(1); if ((c[543933] | 0) < 32 | (c[543934] | 0) < 32) { c[543933] = 580; c[543934] = 540; } if (!((a[3062500] | 0) != 0 ? (d2 = qr(3062500, 95690, j2, -1) | 0, sr(j2) | 0, !(d2 | 0)) : 0)) Sr(39712, 3062500); if (!((a[3064548] | 0) != 0 ? (d2 = qr(3064548, 95690, j2, -1) | 0, sr(j2) | 0, !(d2 | 0)) : 0)) Sr(39719, 3064548); Iv(3142376, 0, 488) | 0; c[785701] = 2; c[785632] = 0; c[785702] = 5; c[785598] = 1; c[785617] = 8; c[785618] = 0; c[765624] = 0; c[481719] = 0; c[532534] = 1; c[769129] = is() | 0; Tr(39726, k2); Tr(39736, k2); if (c[730464] | 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = 1925560; hv(39745, i3) | 0; } i3 = Bo2(k2) | 0; c[730465] = i3; if (!i3) { c[h3 >> 2] = k2; hv(39758, h3) | 0; ya(0); } h3 = c[c[i3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[730466] = ks(h3, 0) | 0; h3 = c[(c[c[730465] >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[730467] = yo(3144900, h3) | 0; h3 = c[(c[c[730465] >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; i3 = yo(3144900, h3) | 0; c[730468] = i3; if (c[481766] | 0) { h3 = (c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 152 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; i3 = c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; d2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = a[i3 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = d2; d2 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[d2 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = i3; i3 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; d2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = a[i3 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = d2; d2 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = a[d2 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = i3; i3 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; d2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = a[i3 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 2 >> 0] = d2; } mn(91993); mn(c[(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0); do if (!(c[532939] | 0)) { d2 = c[532941] | 0; h3 = c[532942] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 1 | (h3 | 0) > 1) { i3 = (d2 | 0) < 8 ? d2 : 8; d2 = (h3 | 0) < 8 ? h3 : 8; gr((i3 | 0) < 1 ? 128 : i3 << 7, (d2 | 0) < 1 ? 128 : d2 << 7, 8, 256) | 0; break; } else { gr(128, 128, 8, 256) | 0; break; } } else gr(144, 136, 8, 256) | 0; while (0); hr(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0); c[730449] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[730450] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[730451] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[730452] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[730453] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[730449] = c[730450]; c[730458] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[532672] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[753850] = wl(128, 128) | 0; c[753851] = wl(128, 128) | 0; d2 = 0; do { c[3015408 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] = wl(8, 32) | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 64); c[730469] = Fn(1, 1, 8) | 0; c[730470] = Fn(8, 8, 8) | 0; Iv(104288, 0, 260) | 0; c[26136] = is() | 0; ib(); d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765606] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765607] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765608] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765609] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765610] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765611] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765612] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765613] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765614] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765615] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765616] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765617] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765618] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765619] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765620] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; i3 = c[481764] | 0; h3 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; d2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765621] = d2; c[d2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[d2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; h3 = c[481764] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) < 4 ? h3 : 4; c[d2 + 316 >> 2] = ((i3 | 0) > 1 ? i3 : 1) << 2; c[d2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; c[765622] = c[765606]; Yt(3065580, qc(39215) | 0) | 0; d2 = 0; do { if (!(tr(3065580) | 0)) break; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; it(j2, 39228, g2) | 0; Yt(3065580, qc(j2) | 0) | 0; } while (d2 >>> 0 < 1000); Jb(c[26136] | 0, 3066604); Gq(22050, 1) | 0; c[543959] = 1; ka(7) | 0; do if (!((c[730464] | 0) == 0 & (a[2130720] | 0) == 0)) { No2(1925560, k2); d2 = (ac(k2) | 0) == 0; c[481646] = d2 & 1; if (!d2) { c[f2 >> 2] = 1925560; hv(39776, f2) | 0; ya(1); } if (!(a[2130720] | 0)) { c[768028] = 0; c[768033] = 1; break; } else { c[730464] = 1; Es2(l2, 3062500) | 0; Es2(3062500, 39795) | 0; Es2(3063524, 3144900) | 0; Tl(2130720); Es2(3062500, l2) | 0; ya(0); } } while (0); c[481781] = 0; if (ka(8) | 0) c[481781] = 1; if (ka(9) | 0) c[481781] = 3; c[544495] = c[481716]; if (!((a[2135916] | a[2133868]) << 24 >> 24)) { Ia = e2; return; } sc(2133868, 2135916); c[534491] = 1; Ia = e2; return; } function lb2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = d2 & -65; d2 = e2 | 2; if ((d2 | 0) == 3) { f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; g2 = 0; do { h3 = 127; while (true) { i3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[i3 + h3 >> 0] = a[i3 + (h3 >>> 1) >> 0] | 0; if (!h3) break; else h3 = h3 + -1 | 0; } g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 128); } g2 = e2 | 1; if ((g2 | 0) == 3) { f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; h3 = 127; while (true) { i3 = h3 >>> 1; j2 = 0; do { k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; a[(c[k2 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] = a[(c[k2 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 128); if (!h3) break; else h3 = h3 + -1 | 0; } } if ((d2 | 0) == 7) { h3 = b4 + 16 | 0; f2 = 0; do { j2 = 0; do { i3 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[i3 + (127 - j2) >> 0] = a[i3 + j2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 64); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 128); } if ((g2 | 0) == 7) { f2 = b4 + 16 | 0; h3 = 0; do { j2 = 127 - h3 | 0; i3 = 0; do { k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; a[(c[k2 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + i3 >> 0] = a[(c[k2 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + i3 >> 0] | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) != 128); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 64); } h3 = (e2 | 0) == 134; if (h3 | (g2 | 0) == 131) { g2 = b4 + 16 | 0; f2 = 0; do { i3 = 127 - f2 | 0; j2 = 0; do { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (c[k2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 | 0; m4 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = a[(c[k2 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] = m4; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 128); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); } if (h3 | (d2 | 0) == 131) { d2 = b4 + 16 | 0; h3 = 0; do { f2 = 0; do { g2 = c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2 + f2 | 0; i3 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = 127 - f2 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = a[g2 + m4 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + m4 >> 0] = i3; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 128); } switch (e2 | 0) { case 133: { e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; h3 = 0; do { d2 = 127 - h3 | 0; f2 = 0; do { i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (c[i3 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0; g2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; j2 = 127 - f2 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = a[(c[i3 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] | 0; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a[(c[i3 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] = a[(c[i3 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a[(c[i3 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] = a[(c[i3 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + d2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + d2 >> 0] = g2; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 64); return; } case 135: { h3 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = 0; do { e2 = 127 - b4 | 0; f2 = 0; do { d2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (c[d2 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0; i3 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = a[(c[d2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + e2 >> 0] | 0; d2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 127 - f2 | 0; a[(c[d2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + e2 >> 0] = a[(c[d2 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] | 0; d2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; a[(c[d2 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] = a[(c[d2 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + b4 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + b4 >> 0] = i3; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 64); return; } default: return; } } function mb() { if (c[532940] | 0) return; c[532940] = (Kr() | 0) + 150; return; } function nb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = (c[768034] | 0) != 0; h3 = c[769129] | 0; i3 = c[(g2 & (a[3100925] | 0) == 0 ? h3 + 4 | 0 : 2921800 + ((g2 ? b4 : 0) << 2) | 0) >> 2] | 0; b4 = c[730458] | 0; c[768170] = 1; c[f2 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, h3, 24416) | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24417) | 0; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24418) | 0; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24419) | 0; c[f2 + 16 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24420) | 0; c[f2 + 20 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24421) | 0; c[f2 + 24 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24422) | 0; c[f2 + 28 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24423) | 0; c[f2 + 32 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24424) | 0; c[f2 + 36 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24425) | 0; c[f2 + 40 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24426) | 0; c[f2 + 44 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24427) | 0; c[f2 + 48 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24428) | 0; c[f2 + 52 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24429) | 0; c[f2 + 56 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24430) | 0; c[f2 + 60 >> 2] = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24431) | 0; h3 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24415) | 0; a: do if ((h3 | 0) == 16) { g2 = i3 + 12 | 0; j2 = b4 + 12 | 0; k2 = 0; do { l2 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, (k2 >>> 3) + 24432 | 0) | 0) & 1 << (k2 & 7) | 0) == 0; m4 = l2 ? 3072476 : f2; l2 = k2 << 7; n2 = l2 + 128 | 0; o2 = l2; do { a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + o2 >> 0] = c[m4 + ((a[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + o2 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 143; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while (o2 >>> 0 < n2 >>> 0); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 128); if (!(c[532940] | 0)) c[532940] = (Kr() | 0) + 150; } else { if ((h3 | 0) == 32 & (c[768166] | 0) == 1 & (c[768028] | 0) == 1) { k2 = i3 + 12 | 0; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; j2 = 64; n2 = 0; while (true) { o2 = n2 << 7; if (o2 >>> 0 < (o2 | 64) >>> 0) { m4 = o2; do { o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; a[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + m4 >> 0] = c[((a[o2 + (m4 + 64) >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 3072476 : f2) + ((a[o2 + m4 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 143; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == 128) break; else j2 = j2 + 128 | 0; } if (c[532940] | 0) break; c[532940] = (Kr() | 0) + 150; break; } j2 = i3 + 12 | 0; if ((h3 & -16 | 0) != 48) { n2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = 0; while (true) { a[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] = c[3072476 + ((a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + g2 >> 0] & 15) << 2) >> 2] & 143; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 16384) break a; } } g2 = h3 + -48 | 0; n2 = b4 + 12 | 0; k2 = 0; do { m4 = k2 >>> 3; o2 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4 + 24432 | 0) | 0) & 1 << (k2 & 7) | 0) == 0; l2 = k2 << 7; p2 = l2 + 128 | 0; q3 = f2 + ((o2 ? m4 : m4 + 1 & 15) << 2) | 0; m4 = l2; do { l2 = d[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + m4 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + m4 >> 0] = c[((g2 | 0) == (l2 | 0) ? q3 : 3072476 + ((l2 & 15) << 2) | 0) >> 2] & 143; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while (m4 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 128); if (!(c[532940] | 0)) c[532940] = (Kr() | 0) + 150; } while (0); if (!((c[768028] | 0) == 1 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0)) { Ia = e2; return; } lb2(b4, c[768166] | 0); Ia = e2; return; } function ob(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; switch (c[482623] | 0) { case 2: { am(a2); return; } case 3: { dm2(a2); return; } default: { b4 = (c[26349] | 0) == 7 ? 22 : 0; d2 = ((c[482624] << 3) + 8 | 0) / 2 | 0; e2 = b4 + d2 | 0; zk(a2, 23, 63 - d2 + b4 | 0, 104, e2 + 64 | 0, 1); f2 = 64 - d2 + b4 | 0; Jn(a2, 24, f2, 103, e2 + 63 | 0, 7); e2 = f2 + 6 | 0; if ((c[26349] | 0) == 7) { zk(a2, 10, 25, 118, 55, 1); Jn(a2, 11, 26, 117, 54, 7); oo(a2, 39976, c[730468] | 0, 22, 34, 1, 7) | 0; oo(a2, 39998, c[730468] | 0, 20, 42, 1, 7) | 0; if ((hp((Kr() | 0) * 50 | 0) | 0) < -1999) g2 = 0; else g2 = (hp((Kr() | 0) * 50 | 0) | 0) / 2000 | 0; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + ((((g2 | 0) / 4 | 0 | 0) % 10 | 0) + 212 << 2) >> 2] | 0, a2, 0, 0, g2 + 63 | 0, 59, 10, 10); if ((hp(((Kr() | 0) * 50 | 0) + 32768 | 0) | 0) < -1999) h3 = 0; else h3 = (hp(((Kr() | 0) * 50 | 0) + 32768 | 0) | 0) / 2000 | 0; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + ((((h3 | 0) / 4 | 0 | 0) % 10 | 0) + 212 << 2) >> 2] | 0, a2, 0, 0, 56 - h3 | 0, 59, 10, 10); } if ((c[482624] | 0) <= 0) return; h3 = 0; g2 = e2; while (true) { oo(a2, 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0, c[730468] | 0, (h3 | 0) == (c[482625] | 0) ? 35 : 34, g2, 1, 7) | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == (c[482625] | 0)) En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 980 >> 2] | 0, a2, 0, 0, 25, g2 + -1 | 0, 7, 7); do if ((c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] | 0) == 2) { e2 = (pm2(3069040, 3070064) | 0) == 0; f2 = c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 752 >> 2] | 0; b4 = g2 + -1 | 0; if (e2) { Rn(f2, a2, 0, 0, 74, b4, 7, 7, 13, 0); break; } else { En(f2, a2, 0, 0, 74, b4, 7, 7); break; } } while (0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) >= (c[482624] | 0)) break; else g2 = g2 + 8 | 0; } return; } } } function pb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; e2 = c[543039] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[543039] = f2; g2 = f2; } else g2 = e2; e2 = b4 + 4 | 0; tp(b4, g2, 0, 0, 0, 0, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[e2 >> 2] | 0); An(b4); tp(g2, b4, 0, 0, ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -128 | 0) / 2 | 0, ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -128 | 0) / 2 | 0, 128, 128); f2 = c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[f2 + 996 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; a[i3 + 765 >> 0] = 73; a[i3 + 766 >> 0] = 51; a[i3 + 767 >> 0] = 59; f2 = g2 + 16 | 0; g2 = 0; do { j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = g2 << 1; l2 = c[j2 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; m4 = 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; p2 = 0; q3 = 0; do { r2 = d[l2 + n2 >> 0] | 0; s3 = d[i3 + (r2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; t3 = d[i3 + (r2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; u2 = d[i3 + (r2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = 80 - n2 + s3 + t3 + u2 | 0; q3 = r2 + q3 | 0; p2 = (B(r2, s3) | 0) + p2 | 0; o2 = (B(r2, t3) | 0) + o2 | 0; m4 = (B(r2, u2) | 0) + m4 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 64); n2 = c[j2 + ((k2 | 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0; l2 = m4; u2 = 0; r2 = o2; t3 = p2; s3 = q3; do { v2 = d[n2 + u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = d[i3 + (v2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; x2 = d[i3 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; y4 = d[i3 + (v2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; v2 = 80 - u2 + w2 + x2 + y4 | 0; s3 = v2 + s3 | 0; t3 = (B(v2, w2) | 0) + t3 | 0; r2 = (B(v2, x2) | 0) + r2 | 0; l2 = (B(v2, y4) | 0) + l2 | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != 64); u2 = g2 + 16 | 0; a[i3 + (u2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] = (t3 | 0) / (s3 | 0) | 0; a[i3 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] = (r2 | 0) / (s3 | 0) | 0; a[i3 + (u2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] = (l2 | 0) / (s3 | 0) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 64); g2 = 0; do { u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = g2 << 1; q3 = c[u2 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; p2 = 0; o2 = 0; m4 = 0; k2 = 0; j2 = 0; do { y4 = d[q3 + (127 - o2) >> 0] | 0; v2 = d[i3 + (y4 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; x2 = d[i3 + (y4 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; w2 = d[i3 + (y4 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; y4 = 80 - o2 + v2 + x2 + w2 | 0; j2 = y4 + j2 | 0; k2 = (B(y4, v2) | 0) + k2 | 0; m4 = (B(y4, x2) | 0) + m4 | 0; p2 = (B(y4, w2) | 0) + p2 | 0; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != 64); o2 = c[u2 + ((n2 | 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0; q3 = p2; s3 = 0; l2 = m4; r2 = k2; t3 = j2; do { w2 = d[o2 + (127 - s3) >> 0] | 0; y4 = d[i3 + (w2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0; x2 = d[i3 + (w2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; v2 = d[i3 + (w2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = 80 - s3 + y4 + x2 + v2 | 0; t3 = w2 + t3 | 0; r2 = (B(w2, y4) | 0) + r2 | 0; l2 = (B(w2, x2) | 0) + l2 | 0; q3 = (B(w2, v2) | 0) + q3 | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != 64); s3 = g2 + 144 | 0; a[i3 + (s3 * 3 | 0) >> 0] = (r2 | 0) / (t3 | 0) | 0; a[i3 + (s3 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] = (l2 | 0) / (t3 | 0) | 0; a[i3 + (s3 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] = (q3 | 0) / (t3 | 0) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 64); g2 = 0; do { f2 = g2 << 7 & 128 | 16; s3 = 0; do { o2 = s3 + f2 | 0; j2 = s3 + -1 | 0; k2 = ((j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0) + f2 | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; j2 = (s3 >>> 0 < 63 ? s3 : 63) + f2 | 0; m4 = i3 + (o2 * 3 | 0) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = (((d[m4 >> 0] | 0) * 6 | 0) + (d[i3 + (k2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) + (d[i3 + (j2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) | 0) >>> 3; m4 = i3 + (o2 * 3 | 0) + 1 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = (((d[m4 >> 0] | 0) * 6 | 0) + (d[i3 + (k2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) + (d[i3 + (j2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0) >>> 3; m4 = i3 + (o2 * 3 | 0) + 2 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = (((d[m4 >> 0] | 0) * 6 | 0) + (d[i3 + (k2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) + (d[i3 + (j2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) >>> 3; } while ((s3 | 0) != 64); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 256); g2 = h3 + 4 | 0; s3 = 0; do { f2 = s3 + 16 | 0; t3 = (Pn(h3, 1, (B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0) / 64 | 0) | 0) >>> 16; q3 = (Pn(h3, 1, (B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0) / 64 | 0) | 0) >>> 8; l2 = Pn(h3, 1, (B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0) / 64 | 0) | 0; r2 = i3 + (f2 * 3 | 0) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = t3 + (((d[r2 >> 0] | 0) / 5 | 0) & 255); r2 = i3 + (f2 * 3 | 0) + 1 | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = q3 + (((d[r2 >> 0] | 0) / 5 | 0) & 255); r2 = i3 + (f2 * 3 | 0) + 2 | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = l2 + (((d[r2 >> 0] | 0) / 5 | 0) & 255); s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != 64); s3 = 0; do { r2 = s3 + 144 | 0; l2 = (Pn(h3, (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -2 | 0, (B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0) / 64 | 0) | 0) >>> 16; f2 = (Pn(h3, (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -2 | 0, (B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0) / 64 | 0) | 0) >>> 8; q3 = Pn(h3, (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -2 | 0, (B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0) / 64 | 0) | 0; t3 = i3 + (r2 * 3 | 0) | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = l2 + (((d[t3 >> 0] | 0) / 5 | 0) & 255); t3 = i3 + (r2 * 3 | 0) + 1 | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = f2 + (((d[t3 >> 0] | 0) / 5 | 0) & 255); t3 = i3 + (r2 * 3 | 0) + 2 | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = q3 + (((d[t3 >> 0] | 0) / 5 | 0) & 255); s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != 64); hr(i3); i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) { Hn(b4, 0, 0, 255); z3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 | 0; Hn(b4, A4, 0, 255); C3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = C3 + -1 | 0; Hn(b4, 0, D3, 255); E3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; F3 = E3 + -1 | 0; G2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; H2 = G2 + -1 | 0; Hn(b4, F3, H2, 255); return; } s3 = i3; i3 = 0; do { g2 = (i3 << 6 | 0) / (s3 | 0) | 0; Qn(b4, 0, i3, 2, i3, g2 + 16 | 0); h3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Qn(b4, h3 + -3 | 0, i3, h3 + -1 | 0, i3, g2 + 144 | 0); i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; s3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (s3 | 0)); Hn(b4, 0, 0, 255); z3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 | 0; Hn(b4, A4, 0, 255); C3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = C3 + -1 | 0; Hn(b4, 0, D3, 255); E3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; F3 = E3 + -1 | 0; G2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; H2 = G2 + -1 | 0; Hn(b4, F3, H2, 255); return; } function qb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = (((Kr() | 0) / 4000 | 0) * 101 | 0) + 10201 | 0; f2 = 0; g2 = 0; while (true) { h3 = a[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = h3 & 255; j2 = B(g2 + 1001 | 0, b4) | 0; if (!(g2 & 2)) { k2 = 0; while (true) { l2 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == 127) { m4 = 128; n2 = i3; } else { o2 = k2 + 1 | 0; m4 = o2; n2 = d[l2 + o2 >> 0] | 0; } o2 = (k2 & 6 | 0) == 0 ? ((B(j2, k2 + 1103 | 0) | 0) % 19 | 0 | 0) != 0 : 0; a[l2 + k2 >> 0] = o2 ? (n2 & 15 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : n2 ^ 128 : n2; if ((m4 | 0) == 128) break; else k2 = m4; } } else { k2 = 0; do { j2 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; i3 = k2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; a[j2 + i3 >> 0] = a[j2 + k2 >> 0] | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 127); a[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + k2 >> 0] = h3; } g2 = g2 + 2 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 >= 128) break; else f2 = 128; } return; } function rb() { var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = b4 + 8 | 0; h3 = b4 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[543040] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 5) { Kr() | 0; j2 = c[543040] | 0; } else j2 = i3; c[543040] = j2 + 1; j2 = c[730450] | 0; a[2130428] = 0; c[532673] = Kr() | 0; if (c[768033] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } An(c[730432] | 0); i3 = c[785925] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != 0 & (c[768028] | 0) == 0) { if ((i3 | 0) == 1) { am(j2); k2 = c[785925] | 0; } else k2 = i3; } else if (c[768029] | 0) { Cn(j2, 0, 0, 128, 128, 5); if ((c[768029] | 0) == 1) { i3 = c[481774] | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < 2) { Cn(j2, 0, 0, 128, 128, 1); l2 = c[481774] | 0; } else l2 = i3; if ((l2 | 0) == 2) { Cn(j2, 0, 0, 128, 128, 0); m4 = c[481774] | 0; } else m4 = l2; if ((m4 | 0) == 3) Cn(j2, 0, 0, 128, 128, 5); } Cn(j2, 0, 0, 128, 7, 8); Cn(j2, 0, 121, 128, 127, 8); jo(7, 0); Rr(f2, g2, h3); if (!(c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) c[785715] = -1; if (((((c[785717] | 0) == 89 ? (m4 = ko2(lo() | 0) | 0, m4 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) < 20 : 0) ? (c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) < 20 : 0) ? c[m4 + 20 >> 2] & 1 | 0 : 0) c[785717] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 93 : 94; m4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[768029] | 0) == 1 ? (c[h3 >> 2] | c[768175] | 0) == 0 : 0) & (m4 | 0) == (c[543041] | 0) ? (h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, (h3 | 0) == (c[543042] | 0)) : 0) n2 = h3; else { c[533466] = 0; n2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[543041] = m4; c[543042] = n2; n2 = Kr() | 0; m4 = c[785717] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) >= (c[533466] | 0) & (m4 | 0) != 0 ? (n2 = c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0, m4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0, h3 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, En(n2, j2, 0, 0, (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - ((m4 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0, (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - ((h3 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0, m4, h3), (c[785715] | 0) != -1) : 0) { h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; Cn(j2, h3 + 6 | 0, m4 + 4 | 0, h3 + 14 | 0, m4 + 10 | 0, 7); c[e2 >> 2] = c[785715]; it(1708384, 40021, e2) | 0; oo(j2, 1708384, c[730468] | 0, (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 7 | 0, (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 5 | 0, 1, 14) | 0; } } if (!((c[481785] | 0) != 0 & (c[768034] | 0) == 0 & (c[768028] | 0) == 1)) { if (!(c[482626] | c[768036] | c[730460])) nb(0); } else tp(j2, c[730458] | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); j2 = c[730432] | 0; tp(c[730458] | 0, j2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); if (c[482626] | c[482623] | 0) ob(j2); a: do if ((c[768036] | 0) > 0 | (c[768037] | 0) > 140 ? (c[768028] | 0) == 1 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0 : 0) { do if (!((c[481785] | 0) > 0 | (c[534493] | 0) != 0)) { if (c[532605] | 0 ? (Ot(2130160, 91878) | 0) == 0 : 0) break; g2 = c[785927] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) / 2 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > -2) o2 = f2; else o2 = 12 - ((0 - f2 | 0) % 12 | 0) | 0; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (((o2 | 0) % 12 | 0) + 212 << 2) >> 2] | 0, j2, 0, 0, 3, 3, 12, 12); break a; } while (0); f2 = c[785927] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) / 2 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > -2) p2 = g2; else p2 = 16 - ((0 - g2 | 0) % 16 | 0) | 0; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + (((p2 | 0) % 16 | 0) + 229 << 2) >> 2] | 0, j2, 0, 0, 3, 3, 12, 12); } while (0); tp(c[730432] | 0, c[532672] | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128); j2 = Kr() | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) < (c[532605] | 0)) { p2 = Kr() | 0; o2 = c[532604] | 0; g2 = p2 - o2 | 0; f2 = (c[532605] | 0) - p2 | 0; p2 = (o2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : (f2 | 0) < 200 ? (200 - f2 | 0) / 20 | 0 : (g2 | 0) < 200 ? (200 - g2 | 0) / 20 | 0 : 0; if (!(Ot(2130160, 60384) | 0)) { Jn(c[730432] | 0, 0, p2 + 119 | 0, 101, p2 + 127 | 0, 0); Cn(c[730432] | 0, 1, p2 + 120 | 0, 100, p2 + 126 | 0, 6); oo(c[730432] | 0, 2130160, c[730468] | 0, 16, p2 + 121 | 0, 1, 1) | 0; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 904 >> 2] | 0, c[730432] | 0, 0, 0, 2, (p2 << 1) + 112 | 0, 15, 15); break; } g2 = (Ot(2130160, 60360) | 0) == 0; f2 = c[730432] | 0; if (g2) { Jn(f2, 0, p2 + 119 | 0, 101, p2 + 127 | 0, 0); Cn(c[730432] | 0, 1, p2 + 120 | 0, 127, p2 + 126 | 0, 6); oo(c[730432] | 0, 2130160, c[730468] | 0, 16, p2 + 121 | 0, 1, 1) | 0; En(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 908 >> 2] | 0, c[730432] | 0, 0, 0, 109, (p2 << 1) + 112 | 0, 17, 15); break; } else { Cn(f2, 0, p2 + 121 | 0, 128, p2 + 127 | 0, 8); oo(c[730432] | 0, 2130160, c[730468] | 0, 1, p2 + 122 | 0, 1, c[532606] | 0) | 0; break; } } else if (a[2130428] | 0) { Cn(c[730432] | 0, 0, 121, 128, 127, 8); oo(c[730432] | 0, 2130428, c[730468] | 0, 1, 122, 1, 2) | 0; } while (0); j2 = Kr() | 0; c[532673] = j2 - (c[532673] | 0); j2 = Kr() | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < (c[532940] | 0) ? (j2 = Kr() | 0, (j2 | 0) > ((c[532940] | 0) + -150 | 0)) : 0) { j2 = c[730432] | 0; p2 = j2 + 16 | 0; j2 = (((Kr() | 0) / 4000 | 0) * 101 | 0) + 10201 | 0; f2 = 0; g2 = 0; while (true) { o2 = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; e2 = a[o2 + f2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = e2 & 255; h3 = B(g2 + 1001 | 0, j2) | 0; b: do if (!(g2 & 2)) { n2 = o2; l2 = 0; while (true) { i3 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 127) { q3 = 128; r2 = m4; } else { q3 = i3; r2 = d[n2 + i3 >> 0] | 0; } i3 = (l2 & 6 | 0) == 0 ? ((B(h3, l2 + 1103 | 0) | 0) % 19 | 0 | 0) != 0 : 0; a[n2 + l2 >> 0] = i3 ? (r2 & 15 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : r2 ^ 128 : r2; if ((q3 | 0) == 128) break b; n2 = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; l2 = q3; } } else { l2 = o2; n2 = 0; do { i3 = n2; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; a[l2 + i3 >> 0] = a[l2 + n2 >> 0] | 0; l2 = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 127); a[l2 + 127 >> 0] = e2; } while (0); g2 = g2 + 2 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 >= 128) break; else f2 = 128; } } if (!(c[532939] | 0)) s3 = 1; else { pb(c[730432] | 0); s3 = (c[532939] | 0) == 0; } f2 = (c[768034] | 0) != 0; if (s3 & (f2 & (((a[3069040] | 0) != 0 & f2 | (c[481715] | 0) != 0) ^ 1)) ? (a[3100894] & 1) != 0 : 0) { f2 = c[730432] | 0; s3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (s3 | 0) / 128 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) > 127 ? (c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) > 127 : 0) { f2 = 0; do { s3 = B(f2, g2) | 0; p2 = f2 << 7; q3 = 0; do { r2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((r2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 < 3) { nb(r2); tp(c[730458] | 0, c[730432] | 0, 0, 0, q3 << 7, p2, 128, 128); } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < ((c[(c[730432] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) / 128 | 0 | 0)); } } else t3 = 80; if ((t3 | 0) == 80 ? (Ek(0), (Fk() | 0) > 1) : 0) { t3 = 1; do { An(c[2921800 + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) < (Fk() | 0)); } if (c[533456] | 0) Tg(c[730432] | 0); if (!(c[482623] | 0)) Rg(c[730432] | 0); t3 = c[481723] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) <= 127) { Ia = b4; return; } lb2(c[730432] | 0, t3); Ia = b4; return; } function sb(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return (a2 | 0) > 15 & (a2 | 0) != 27 & 1 | 0; } function tb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2064 | 0; e2 = d2 + 2048 | 0; f2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; g2 = d2; if (!(c[785924] | 0)) { Ia = d2; return; } if (!b4) Yt(f2, 3142876) | 0; else Yt(f2, qc(b4) | 0) | 0; if (a[f2 >> 0] | 0 ? (h3 = f2 + ((Pt(f2) | 0) + -1) | 0, (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) == 42) : 0) a[h3 >> 0] = 0; a: do switch (c[785923] | 0) { case 0: { pc2(b4, g2) | 0; if (!(a[g2 >> 0] | 0)) { h3 = 1708384; i3 = 40026; j2 = h3 + 13 | 0; do { a[h3 >> 0] = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); } else { c[e2 >> 2] = g2; it(1708384, 40039, e2) | 0; } Fg(1708384, 12); if (!(ur2(f2) | 0)) { Hg(40053); k2 = 0; l2 = 17; break a; } else { i3 = qr(f2, 95690, 3142876, 16384) | 0; c[785923] = 1; m4 = i3; l2 = 18; break a; } break; } case 2: { i3 = qr(f2, 95690, 3142876, -16385) | 0; c[785923] = 3; n2 = i3; l2 = 23; break; } default: { k2 = rr(3142876) | 0; l2 = 17; } } while (0); if ((l2 | 0) == 17) switch (c[785923] | 0) { case 1: { m4 = k2; l2 = 18; break; } case 3: { n2 = k2; l2 = 23; break; } default: { } } do if ((l2 | 0) == 18) { if (m4 | 0) { c[785923] = 2; break; } if (Ot(3143132, 103254) | 0 ? Ot(3143132, 95214) | 0 : 0) { Fg(3143132, 14); c[785924] = (c[785924] | 0) + -1; } } else if ((l2 | 0) == 23) { if (n2 | 0) { sr(3142876) | 0; c[785923] = 0; break; } if (Pu2(3143132, 91894) | 0) { Hg(3143132); c[785924] = (c[785924] | 0) + -1; break; } if ((c[785847] & 16384 | 0) == 0 & (a[2129072] | 0) == 42) { Fg(3143132, 5); c[785924] = (c[785924] | 0) + -1; } } while (0); if (!((c[785924] | 0) == 0 & (c[785923] | 0) != 0)) { Ia = d2; return; } Fg(40063, 12); Ia = d2; return; } function ub() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; c[482624] = 0; e2 = c[482623] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) < 2) { c[482624] = 1; f2 = 105328; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(105328, 40072, 16) | 0; c[26349] = 0; if (a[3076190] | 0) { h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 3076190, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 257; } if (a[3076254] | 0) { h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 3076254, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 258; } if (a[3076318] | 0) { h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 3076318, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 259; } if (a[3076382] | 0) { h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 3076382, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 260; } if (a[3076446] | 0) { h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 3076446, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 261; } h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 91528, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 8; h3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = h3 + 1; i3 = 105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = i3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(i3, 40081, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (h3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 1; if (Ag() | 0) { h3 = Ag() | 0; i3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = i3 + 1; j2 = 105328 + (i3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = j2; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(j2, h3, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (i3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 5; } if (c[481647] | 0) { i3 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = i3 + 1; h3 = 105328 + (i3 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = h3; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(h3, 89664, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (i3 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 6; } k2 = c[482623] | 0; } else k2 = e2; if ((k2 | 0) != 4) { Ia = b4; return; } it(1708384, (c[543939] | 0) == 0 ? 40101 : 40092, d2) | 0; d2 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = d2 + 1; k2 = 105328 + (d2 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = k2; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(k2, 1708384, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (d2 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 9; f2 = 1708384; d2 = 40111; g2 = f2 + 17 | 0; do { a[f2 >> 0] = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); d2 = c[532678] | 0; k2 = (c[543939] | 0) > 0 ? 16 : 18; a[1708392] = (d2 | 0) > 31 ? k2 : 45; a[1708393] = (d2 | 0) > 63 ? k2 : 45; a[1708394] = (d2 | 0) > 95 ? k2 : 45; a[1708395] = (d2 | 0) > 127 ? k2 : 45; a[1708396] = (d2 | 0) > 159 ? k2 : 45; a[1708397] = (d2 | 0) > 191 ? k2 : 45; a[1708398] = (d2 | 0) > 223 ? k2 : 45; a[1708399] = (d2 | 0) > 255 ? k2 : 45; k2 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = k2 + 1; d2 = 105328 + (k2 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(d2, 1708384, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (k2 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 19; k2 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = k2 + 1; d2 = 105328 + (k2 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(d2, 59499, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (k2 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 13; k2 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = k2 + 1; d2 = 105328 + (k2 * 72 | 0) | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = f2 + 72 | 0; do { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); Yu2(d2, 91682, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (k2 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 11; Ia = b4; return; } function vb() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = c[768185] | 0; if (c[482627] | 0) { c[482627] = 0; c[482623] = 1; c[482624] = 1; d2 = 105328; e2 = d2 + 72 | 0; do { c[d2 >> 2] = 0; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)); Yu2(105328, 40128, 16) | 0; c[26349] = 7; f2 = c[482624] | 0; c[482624] = f2 + 1; g2 = 105328 + (f2 * 72 | 0) | 0; d2 = g2; e2 = d2 + 72 | 0; do { c[d2 >> 2] = 0; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)); Yu2(g2, 40140, 16) | 0; c[105328 + (f2 * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[482625] = 0; a[1713161] = 1; cl2(); } if ((b4 | 0) == 0 | (c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (c[482623] | 0) != 0) return; if ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24368) | 0) == 1) Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24368, 0); else { c[482623] = 1; ub(); c[482625] = 0; } a[1713161] = 1; cl2(); return; } function wb2() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; b4 = (co2(-5) | 0) != 0; d2 = b4 & (c[543045] | 0) == 0 & 1; c[543045] = co2(-5) | 0; if (!($n() | 0)) e2 = d2; else { b4 = d2; while (true) { d2 = ao() | 0; a: do if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) { f2 = c[786056] | 0; if ((c[482623] | 0) == 0 & (f2 | 0) < 256 ? (g2 = (d2 + -65 | 0) >>> 0 < 26 ? d2 + 63 | 0 : d2, h3 = (g2 | 0) == 127 ? 8 : g2, h3 >>> 0 < 154) : 0) { a[3143968 + f2 >> 0] = h3; c[786056] = (c[786056] | 0) + 1; i3 = b4; } else i3 = b4; } else { do if ((d2 + -111 | 0) >>> 0 < 2) { c[533456] = ((c[533456] | 0) + 1 | 0) % 2 | 0; cl2(); } else { if ((d2 | 0) == 114 & (c[730463] | 0) == 0) { h3 = Kr() | 0; if ((h3 | 0) <= ((c[532676] | 0) + 500 | 0)) break; c[730463] = 1; c[482623] = 0; c[532676] = Kr() | 0; if ($n() | 0) do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); cl2(); } if ((d2 | 0) != 118) if ((d2 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 26) break; else { i3 = b4; break a; } h3 = es() | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != 0 ? (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) != 0 : 0) { mq(c[482628] | 0); f2 = kq((Pt(h3) | 0) << 2) | 0; c[482628] = f2; ys(h3, f2) | 0; mq(h3); } else mq(h3); cl2(); } while (0); a[3143968 + (c[786056] | 0) >> 0] = d2 + 95; c[786056] = (c[786056] | 0) + 1; i3 = 0; } while (0); if (!($n() | 0)) { e2 = i3; break; } else b4 = i3; } } if (!e2) return; a[3143968 + (c[786056] | 0) >> 0] = -38; c[786056] = (c[786056] | 0) + 1; return; } function xb() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; if (fl(2, 0) | 0) c[482625] = (c[482625] | 0) + -1; b4 = (fl(3, 0) | 0) == 0; d2 = c[482625] | 0; if (b4) e2 = d2; else { b4 = d2 + 1 | 0; c[482625] = b4; e2 = b4; } b4 = c[482624] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > -1) f2 = e2; else f2 = b4 - ((0 - e2 | 0) % (b4 | 0) | 0) | 0; c[482625] = (f2 | 0) % (b4 | 0) | 0; b4 = fl(0, 0) | 0; f2 = fl(1, 0) | 0; e2 = (b4 | 0) != 0; d2 = (f2 | 0) == 0; do if (f2 | b4 | 0) { g2 = c[105328 + ((c[482625] | 0) * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > 255) { h3 = (g2 | 0) < 261 ? g2 + -256 | 0 : 5; a[3076510 + ((h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0) >> 0] = e2 ? 1 : 2; c[482626] = 1; if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; h3 = 3072716; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[768307] = 1; c[768308] = 1; break; } if ((g2 | 0) == 19) { if (e2) c[532678] = (c[532678] | 0) + -32; g2 = c[532678] | 0; if (d2) i3 = g2; else { h3 = g2 + 32 | 0; c[532678] = h3; i3 = h3; } h3 = (i3 | 0) < 256 ? i3 : 256; g2 = (h3 | 0) > 8 ? h3 : 8; c[532678] = g2; c[543939] = g2; g2 = 3072716; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[768307] = 1; c[768308] = 1; ub(); } } while (0); if (!(((fl(4, 0) | 0) == 0 ? (fl(5, 0) | 0) == 0 : 0) ? !(fl(6, 0) | 0) : 0)) j2 = 21; a: do if ((j2 | 0) == 21) { c[768183] = 0; c[768184] = 0; c[768185] = 0; c[768311] = 1; c[768312] = 1; c[768313] = 1; i3 = c[105328 + ((c[482625] | 0) * 72 | 0) + 68 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > 255) { a[3076510 + ((i3 | 0) < 261 ? i3 + -256 | 0 : 5) >> 0] = 112; c[482626] = 1; if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; } do switch (i3 | 0) { case 0: { if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; break a; break; } case 1: { if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; c[730463] = 1; break a; break; } case 13: { c[482623] = 3; break a; break; } case 3: { if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; c[768033] = 2; c[482622] = 2; break a; break; } case 4: { if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; Yg2(); c[785925] = 0; c[768028] = 0; c[768155] = 6; break a; break; } case 5: { Eg(); break a; break; } case 6: { c[543503] = 1; break a; break; } case 8: { c[482623] = 4; ub(); c[482625] = 0; break a; break; } case 9: { if (!(c[543939] | 0)) { d2 = c[532678] | 0; k2 = (d2 | 0) == 0 ? 256 : d2; } else k2 = 0; c[543939] = k2; ub(); break a; break; } case 10: { lr(); ub(); break a; break; } case 11: { c[482623] = 1; ub(); c[482625] = 0; break a; break; } case 12: { Zl(); c[482623] = 2; cl2(); break a; break; } default: break a; } while (0); } while (0); if (c[482623] | c[543654] | 0) return; cl2(); return; } function yb() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if (c[785925] | 0) { if (!($n() | 0)) return; do { a2 = ao() | 0; b4 = c[785925] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 2) d2 = c[785925] | 0; else d2 = b4; if ((d2 | 0) == 1) { $l(a2); e2 = c[785925] | 0; } else e2 = d2; if ((e2 | 0) == 2) { Km(a2); f2 = c[785925] | 0; } else f2 = e2; if ((f2 | 0) == 0 ? $n() | 0 : 0) do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); } while (($n() | 0) != 0); return; } if (!(c[785923] | 0)) { if (!(c[785926] | 0)) return; if (!($n() | 0)) return; f2 = ao() | 0; switch (f2 | 0) { case 13: case 121: { g2 = 26; break; } case 27: case 110: break; default: return; } a: do if ((g2 | 0) == 26) { e2 = 1 | 0; d2 = (e2 | 0) < 0 ? e2 : 0; Wg(106480 + (((d2 | 0) > 0 ? d2 : 0) << 8) | 0, 1); switch (f2 | 0) { case 27: case 110: { break a; break; } default: { } } return; } while (0); c[785926] = 0; Hg(91964); return; } else { if (c[785924] | 0) return; if (!($n() | 0)) return; do { f2 = ao() | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != 0 ? (g2 = c[768157] | 0, d2 = g2 + -6 | 0, c[768157] = d2, Cn(c[730449] | 0, 0, d2, 128, g2 + -1 | 0, 0), (f2 | 0) == 27) : 0) { c[785923] = 0; sr(3142876) | 0; h3 = 0; } else h3 = 17; c[785924] = h3; } while (($n() | 0) != 0); return; } } function zb(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 272 | 0; g2 = f2 + 256 | 0; h3 = f2; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = e2; it(h3, a2, g2) | 0; Es2(2130160, h3) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = b4 + 400 + (Kr() | 0); c[532606] = 15; Ia = f2; return; } function Ab() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 272 | 0; b4 = a2 + 256 | 0; d2 = a2; js(c[769129] | 0); js(c[26136] | 0); qs(c[765606] | 0); qs(c[765607] | 0); qs(c[765608] | 0); qs(c[765609] | 0); qs(c[765610] | 0); qs(c[765611] | 0); qs(c[765612] | 0); qs(c[765613] | 0); qs(c[765614] | 0); qs(c[765615] | 0); qs(c[765616] | 0); qs(c[765617] | 0); qs(c[765618] | 0); qs(c[765619] | 0); qs(c[765620] | 0); qs(c[765621] | 0); c[765622] = 0; jq(3065576, 0, 77296); Iv(3142376, 0, 488) | 0; c[785701] = 2; c[785632] = 0; c[785702] = 5; c[785598] = 1; c[785617] = 8; c[785618] = 0; c[765624] = 0; c[481719] = 0; c[532534] = 1; Es2(3063524, 3144900) | 0; c[769129] = is() | 0; c[26136] = is() | 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765606] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765607] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765608] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765609] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765610] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765611] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765612] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765613] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765614] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765615] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765616] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765617] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765618] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765619] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765620] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; f2 = c[481764] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 4 ? f2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; e2 = os2(0, 65538) | 0; c[765621] = e2; c[e2 + 308 >> 2] = 4; c[e2 + 312 >> 2] = 6; g2 = c[481764] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < 4 ? g2 : 4; c[e2 + 316 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1) << 2; c[e2 + 332 >> 2] = 0; c[765622] = c[765606]; ib(); c[532936] = 0; Yt(3065580, qc(39215) | 0) | 0; e2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(tr(3065580) | 0)) { h3 = 4; break; } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = e2; it(d2, 39228, b4) | 0; Yt(3065580, qc(d2) | 0) | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 >= 1000) { h3 = 4; break; } } if ((h3 | 0) == 4) { Jb(c[26136] | 0, 3066604); Ia = a2; return; } } function Bb(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if ((c[730463] | 0) > 0) return 0; else { Nd2(c[543065] | 0, a2) | 0; pf(c[543065] | 0) | 0; } return 0; } function Cb() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; b4 = c[730463] | 0; if (!b4) return; d2 = (b4 | 0) < (((c[785580] | 0) == 60 ? 12 : 6) | 0) ? b4 + 1 | 0 : 0; c[730463] = d2; if ((d2 | 0) == 2) { b4 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366) | 0; if (!(gp(8) | 0)) c[768166] = gp(4) | 0; e2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, e2, 24384, gp(256) | 0); e2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, e2, 24384, gp(256) | 0); e2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, e2, 24384, gp(256) | 0); e2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, e2, 24384, gp(256) | 0); if (!(gp(4) | 0)) { e2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, e2, 24414, gp(16) | 0 | 240); } gp(3) | 0; gp(10) | 0; e2 = (c[532531] | 0) == 0 ? 4 : c[532532] << 1; f2 = e2 * 10 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { g2 = 0; do { h3 = c[769129] | 0; i3 = gp(12288) | 0; Rk(2921764, h3, i3, gp(256) | 0); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)); } f2 = c[769129] | 0; g2 = (gp(32) | 0) + 24320 | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, g2, gp(140) | 0); g2 = c[769129] | 0; f2 = (gp(32) | 0) + 24320 | 0; Rk(2921764, g2, f2, gp(140) | 0); if (!(gp(4) | 0)) { f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24369, gp(256) | 0); f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24370, gp(256) | 0); f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24371, gp(256) | 0); } if (!(gp(4) | 0)) { f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24408, gp(256) | 0); f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24409, gp(256) | 0); f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24410, gp(256) | 0); f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, 24411, gp(256) | 0); } f2 = (e2 | 0) / 2 | 0; g2 = (e2 | 0) > 1; if (g2) { e2 = 0; do { i3 = (gp(10240) | 0) + 1024 | 0; h3 = c[769129] | 0; j2 = (gp(2048) | 0) + i3 | 0; k2 = j2 - (gp(2048) | 0) | 0; Uk(2921764, h3, i3, k2, gp(1024) | 0); k2 = c[769129] | 0; i3 = gp(11264) | 0; h3 = gp(11264) | 0; Uk(2921764, k2, i3, h3, gp(1024) | 0); e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); if (g2) { g2 = 0; do { e2 = gp(11776) | 0; h3 = c[769129] | 0; i3 = gp(256) | 0; Vk(2921764, h3, e2, i3, gp(512) | 0); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } } Rk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24366, b4); l2 = c[730463] | 0; } else l2 = d2; if (l2 | 0) return; c[768033] = 1; if (a[3075101] | 0) return; Es2(3075101, 3074076) | 0; return; } function Db() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; a2 = c[768033] | 0; if (!a2) return; c[730463] = 0; if ((a2 | 0) == 1) { bh2(); if ((c[768028] | 0) == 2) c[768028] = 0; b4 = c[768033] | 0; } else b4 = a2; if ((b4 | 0) == 2) { Yg2(); d2 = c[768033] | 0; } else d2 = b4; if ((d2 | 0) == 3) { Ab(); e2 = c[768033] | 0; } else e2 = d2; if ((e2 | 0) == 4) { Yg2(); Ng(); Hg(3144900); Hg(172528); f2 = c[768033] | 0; } else f2 = e2; if ((f2 | 0) == 5) { Ab(); g2 = c[768033] | 0; } else g2 = f2; if ((g2 | 0) == 6) Ng(); c[768033] = 0; return; } function Eb2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; b4 = a2 + 1032 | 0; d2 = a2 + 1024 | 0; e2 = a2; switch (c[481785] | 0) { case 1: { f2 = 2; break; } case 0: { Ia = a2; return; } default: { } } if ((f2 | 0) == 2) { g2 = Kr() | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > (((c[543975] | 0) * 1000 | 0) + (c[481786] | 0) | 0) ? (Dm2(0), Cg(), (c[768034] | 0) == 0) : 0) { c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + -6; Ig(40182, 0, 0); } if (!(c[481785] | 0)) { Ia = a2; return; } } if ((co2(41) | 0) == 0 ? !((c[768034] | 0) != 0 & (c[768185] | 0) != 0) : 0) { g2 = c[481785] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 2) { c[481785] = 0; h3 = (Pu2(1928440, 40225) | 0) != 0; i3 = c[481787] | 0; do if (!(h3 & (i3 | 0) == 0)) { if (h3 & (i3 | 0) == 1) { Fm2(1928440) | 0; break; } j2 = Sb(1928440) | 0; if (j2 | 0) { Yb2(j2, 1928440); c[481788] = 6; if ((c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (c[730464] | 0) != 0) { c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + -6; Ig(40257, 0, 0); Fg(1996446, 14); k2 = $g(1928440) | 0; l2 = Pt(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = k2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = l2; it(1708384, 40274, b4) | 0; Ig(1708384, 0, 0); break; } else { Dg2(); c[768033] = 1; c[768036] = 20; break; } } l2 = c[481721] | 0; c[481788] = -10 - l2; if ((l2 | 0) == 1) { Es2(2130160, 40296) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; m4 = c[481721] | 0; } else m4 = l2; if ((m4 | 0) == 2) { Es2(2130160, 59813) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; n2 = c[481721] | 0; } else n2 = m4; if ((n2 | 0) == 3) { Es2(2130160, 40321) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; o2 = c[481721] | 0; } else o2 = n2; if ((o2 | 0) == 4) { Es2(2130160, 43084) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; } } else { l2 = zp(1928440) | 0; Es2(e2, 1928440) | 0; k2 = Pu2(1928440, 40230) | 0; if (k2 | 0) Es2(e2 + (k2 - 1928440) + 1 | 0, k2 + 6 | 0) | 0; do if (l2) if ((Pt(yp(l2, 91898, 0) | 0) | 0) >>> 0 <= 1) if (!(Ot(yp(l2, 91919, 0) | 0, 95780) | 0)) { p2 = l2; break; } else { f2 = 19; break; } else { To(1928440, e2) | 0; p2 = l2; break; } else f2 = 19; while (0); if ((f2 | 0) == 19) { l2 = zp(e2) | 0; if (!l2) { if (!(c[768034] | 0)) Ig(40296, 0, 0); Cg(); c[481788] = -3; break; } else p2 = l2; } l2 = yp(p2, 91898, 0) | 0; if ((Pt(l2) | 0) >>> 0 < 2) { k2 = (Ot(yp(p2, 91919, 0) | 0, 95780) | 0) == 0; j2 = (c[768034] | 0) != 0; do if (k2) if (j2) q3 = -1; else { Ig(40237, 0, 0); q3 = -1; } else if (j2) { Es2(2130160, 38202) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; q3 = -2; break; } else { Ig(38202, 0, 0); q3 = -2; break; } while (0); c[481788] = q3; Cg(); c[768036] = 0; } else { j2 = ac(mm(l2) | 0) | 0; Nm(p2); do if (!j2) { c[481788] = 5; if ((c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (c[730464] | 0) != 0) { c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + -6; Ig(40257, 0, 0); Es2(1708384, yp(p2, 91902, 0) | 0) | 0; em2(1708384); Fg(1708384, 14); k2 = Pt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = l2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = k2; it(1708384, 40274, d2) | 0; Ig(1708384, 0, 0); break; } else { Dg2(); c[768033] = 1; c[768036] = 20; break; } } else { zm(l2); Es2(1996446, yp(p2, 91902, 0) | 0) | 0; em2(1996446); } while (0); xp(p2); } c[785927] = 0; } while (0); r2 = c[481785] | 0; } else r2 = g2; if ((r2 | 0) != 3) { Ia = a2; return; } c[481785] = 0; c[481788] = -3; Cg(); if (!(c[768034] | 0)) { Ig(91878, 0, 0); Ia = a2; return; } else { Es2(2130160, 91878) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; Ia = a2; return; } } Dm2(0); Cg(); if (!(c[768034] | 0)) { c[768157] = (c[768157] | 0) + -6; Ig(40201, 0, 0); } c[768185] = 0; c[768313] = 1; Ia = a2; return; } function Fb() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; a2 = fr(0, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482629] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482630] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482631] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482632] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482633] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482634] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; if (!(c[482631] | 0)) { a2 = fr(4, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482629] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482630] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482631] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482632] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482633] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482634] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; } a2 = fr(1, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482635] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482636] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482637] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482638] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482639] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482640] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; if (!(c[482637] | 0)) { a2 = fr(5, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482635] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482636] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482637] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482638] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482639] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482640] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; } a2 = fr(2, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482641] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482642] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482643] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482644] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482645] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482646] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; if (!(c[482643] | 0)) { a2 = fr(6, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482641] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482642] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482643] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482644] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482645] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482646] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; } a2 = fr(3, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482647] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482648] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482649] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482650] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482651] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482652] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; if (c[482649] | 0) { b4 = Kr() | 0; d2 = fr(-1, b4) | 0; c[482653] = c[d2 >> 2]; c[482654] = c[d2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482655] = c[d2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482656] = c[d2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482657] = c[d2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482658] = c[d2 + 20 >> 2]; return; } a2 = fr(7, Kr() | 0) | 0; c[482647] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[482648] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482649] = c[a2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482650] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482651] = c[a2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482652] = c[a2 + 20 >> 2]; b4 = Kr() | 0; d2 = fr(-1, b4) | 0; c[482653] = c[d2 >> 2]; c[482654] = c[d2 + 4 >> 2]; c[482655] = c[d2 + 8 >> 2]; c[482656] = c[d2 + 12 >> 2]; c[482657] = c[d2 + 16 >> 2]; c[482658] = c[d2 + 20 >> 2]; return; } function Gb() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 304 | 0; d2 = b4 + 272 | 0; e2 = b4 + 264 | 0; f2 = b4 + 256 | 0; g2 = b4; h3 = b4 + 292 | 0; i3 = b4 + 288 | 0; j2 = b4 + 284 | 0; k2 = b4 + 280 | 0; l2 = b4 + 276 | 0; if (c[543503] | 0) { An(c[730449] | 0); br(); _q(0, 0); Ia = b4; return; } m4 = c[8695] | 0; do if ((c[768028] | 0) != 2 & (m4 | 0) != -1) { if ((c[532678] | 0) == (m4 | 0) ? (c[543939] | 0) == (c[8696] | 0) : 0) break; Ko(); } while (0); c[8695] = c[532678]; c[8696] = c[543939]; Vg(); do if ((c[482623] | 0) == 0 & (c[768028] | 0) == 1 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { if ((bl2(6, 0) | 0) == 0 ? ($k(6, 0) | 0) <= 128 : 0) { c[543043] = Kr() | 0; c[543044] = 0; break; } m4 = c[543044] | 0; c[543044] = m4 + 1; if ((m4 | 0) > 4 ? (m4 = Kr() | 0, (m4 | 0) > ((c[543043] | 0) + 500 | 0)) : 0) { c[482623] = 1; c[482625] = 0; ub(); cl2(); a[1713161] = 1; } } else c[543043] = Kr() | 0; while (0); nc(); Qk(); m4 = c[543939] | 0; if (m4 | 0) c[532678] = m4; c[543940] = 256; m4 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24365) | 0) & 5 | 0) == 5; Xr((c[482623] | 0) == 0 & ((c[768028] | 0) == 1 & m4) & 1); m4 = c[532531] | 0; n2 = c[768028] | 0; do if ((m4 | 0) != 0 & (n2 | 0) == 1) { o2 = m4 + 1 | 0; c[532531] = o2; if ((o2 | 0) == 12) c[730463] = 1; if ((c[768033] | 0) == 1) { fc(c[730458] | 0, 0, 0) | 0; c[532531] = 1; o2 = (c[532532] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[532532] = o2; if ((o2 | 0) == 48) ya(0); else { p2 = c[768028] | 0; break; } } else p2 = 1; } else p2 = n2; while (0); if (!((c[768029] | 0) >>> 0 > 1 & ((c[481769] | 0) != 0 & (p2 | 0) == 0))) { c[543658] = 0; c[543657] = 0; } if (co2(-5) | 0 ? (co2(16) | 0) == 3 : 0) { if (!(c[543939] | 0)) { p2 = c[532678] | 0; c[543939] = (p2 | 0) == 0 ? 256 : p2; Es2(2130160, 40164) | 0; } else { c[543939] = 0; Es2(2130160, 40145) | 0; } c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1400; c[532606] = 15; c[543940] = 256; ub(); } if (co2(-5) | 0 ? (co2(45) | 0) == 3 : 0) { p2 = (c[532678] | 0) + -32 | 0; n2 = (p2 | 0) < 256 ? p2 : 256; p2 = (n2 | 0) > 0 ? n2 : 0; c[532678] = p2; c[543939] = p2; q3 = 1708384; r2 = 40352; s3 = q3 + 32 | 0; do { a[q3 >> 0] = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) < (s3 | 0)); a[1708395] = (p2 | 0) > 31 ? 16 : 45; a[1708396] = (p2 | 0) > 63 ? 16 : 45; a[1708397] = (p2 | 0) > 95 ? 16 : 45; a[1708398] = (p2 | 0) > 127 ? 16 : 45; a[1708399] = (p2 | 0) > 159 ? 16 : 45; a[1708400] = (p2 | 0) > 191 ? 16 : 45; a[1708401] = (p2 | 0) > 223 ? 16 : 45; a[1708402] = (p2 | 0) > 255 ? 16 : 45; Es2(2130160, 1708384) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; c[532604] = (c[532604] | 0) + -1000; ub(); if ($n() | 0) do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); } if (co2(-5) | 0 ? (co2(46) | 0) == 3 : 0) { p2 = (c[532678] | 0) + 32 | 0; n2 = (p2 | 0) < 256 ? p2 : 256; p2 = (n2 | 0) > 0 ? n2 : 0; c[532678] = p2; c[543939] = p2; q3 = 1708384; r2 = 40352; s3 = q3 + 32 | 0; do { a[q3 >> 0] = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) < (s3 | 0)); a[1708395] = (p2 | 0) > 31 ? 16 : 45; a[1708396] = (p2 | 0) > 63 ? 16 : 45; a[1708397] = (p2 | 0) > 95 ? 16 : 45; a[1708398] = (p2 | 0) > 127 ? 16 : 45; a[1708399] = (p2 | 0) > 159 ? 16 : 45; a[1708400] = (p2 | 0) > 191 ? 16 : 45; a[1708401] = (p2 | 0) > 223 ? 16 : 45; a[1708402] = (p2 | 0) > 255 ? 16 : 45; Es2(2130160, 1708384) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; c[532604] = (c[532604] | 0) + -1000; ub(); if ($n() | 0) do ao() | 0; while (($n() | 0) != 0); } c[768439] = -1; c[768440] = -1; c[768441] = -1; c[768442] = -1; c[768443] = -1; c[768444] = -1; c[768445] = -1; c[768446] = -1; p2 = c[482623] | 0; r2 = c[543939] | 0; q3 = c[730442] | 0; s3 = as() | 0; n2 = ((Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24365) | 0) & 5 | 0) == 5; pa2(10, p2 | 0, r2 | 0, q3 | 0, s3 | 0, 1, (c[482623] | 0) == 0 & ((c[768028] | 0) == 1 & n2) & 1 | 0, c[481714] | 0, c[543503] | 0) | 0; c[543046] = (c[543046] | 0) + 1; n2 = ka(11) | 0; a: do if ((n2 | 0) > 0) { s3 = ka(12) | 0; do switch (n2 | 0) { case 1: { c[768033] = 1; break a; break; } case 2: { q3 = (s3 | 0) < 256 ? s3 : 256; c[543939] = (q3 | 0) > 0 ? q3 : 0; c[543940] = 256; break a; break; } case 3: { if (!(c[543939] | 0)) { q3 = c[532678] | 0; c[543939] = (q3 | 0) == 0 ? 256 : q3; Es2(2130160, 40164) | 0; } else { c[543939] = 0; Es2(2130160, 40145) | 0; } c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1400; c[532606] = 15; c[543940] = 256; break a; break; } case 4: { if (!(c[482623] | 0)) { c[482659] = 1; c[543043] = 0; break a; } else { c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; break a; } break; } case 5: { q3 = (s3 | 0) == 0; r2 = (c[482623] | 0) != 0; if (!(q3 | r2)) { c[482623] = 1; ub(); c[482625] = 0; break a; } if (!(q3 & r2)) break a; c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; break a; break; } case 6: { Iv(1925560, 0, 1024) | 0; la(3, 0) | 0; a[103264] = 0; r2 = 0; do { q3 = ka(4) | 0; a[103264 + r2 >> 0] = q3; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; a[103264 + r2 >> 0] = 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != 0 & r2 >>> 0 < 1023); Es2(1925560, om2(3144900, 103264) | 0) | 0; Ab(); An(c[730432] | 0); An(c[730458] | 0); An(c[730449] | 0); break a; break; } case 7: { r2 = c[482623] | 0; if ((r2 | 1 | 0) != 3) { c[482623] = 3; Zl(); break a; } if (r2 | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; break a; break; } case 9: { c[533463] = 0; oc(); break a; break; } case 10: { c[533463] = 1; break a; break; } case 11: { c[533463] = 0; break a; break; } default: break a; } while (0); } while (0); ka(13) | 0; c[768439] = ka(14) | 0; c[768440] = ka(14) | 0; c[768441] = ka(14) | 0; c[768442] = ka(14) | 0; c[768443] = ka(14) | 0; c[768444] = ka(14) | 0; c[768445] = ka(14) | 0; c[768446] = ka(14) | 0; c[532679] = ka(15) | 0; c[785717] = 89; Db(); if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1) { c[543654] = 0; if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; c[785580] = 30; } n2 = (Kr() | 0) + 72000000 | 0; s3 = (c[482623] | c[543654] | 0) == 0; r2 = c[785580] | 0; q3 = n2 - (c[543047] | 0) | 0; p2 = B((((q3 | 0) < 32000 ? q3 : 32000) << 16 | 0) / 1000 | 0, s3 ? r2 : 30) | 0; q3 = p2 + (c[532674] | 0) | 0; p2 = (q3 | 0) > 0 ? q3 : 0; c[532674] = p2; c[543047] = n2; if (!(c[532531] | 0)) t3 = p2; else { c[532674] = 65536; t3 = 65536; } p2 = (r2 | 0) == 60 ? 131072 : 131071; r2 = t3 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0 ? t3 : p2; p2 = (r2 | 0) > 0 ? r2 : 0; c[532674] = p2; if (s3) { Rr(j2, k2, l2); l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (j2 | 0) != (c[543049] | 0) | (l2 | 0) != (c[543048] | 0); c[543048] = l2; c[543049] = j2; j2 = (co2(225) | 0) == 0; l2 = (c[768028] | 0) != 1; s3 = c[532674] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) < 65536 & (l2 & (k2 & j2) ^ 1) | l2 & (s3 | 0) < 32768) { l2 = 2131772 + (c[533455] << 5) + 16 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; l2 = (as() | 0) == 0; j2 = l2 ? c[543942] | 0 : c[543941] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > 0) u2 = 100 / (((j2 | 0) < 50 ? j2 : 50) >>> 0) | 0; else u2 = 1e4; j2 = c[543050] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < (u2 | 0)) { un(); v2 = c[543050] | 0; } else v2 = j2; w2 = c[532674] | 0; x2 = v2 + 1 | 0; } else { w2 = s3; x2 = 0; } c[543050] = x2; if ((w2 | 0) > 65535) do { do if ((c[768028] | 0) == 1) { if ((c[481785] | 0) > 0 | (c[534493] | 0) != 0) { el2(); if ((c[481785] | 0) > 0) Eb2(); w2 = c[768036] | 0; if ((w2 | 0) <= 10) break; c[768036] = w2 + -1; break; } w2 = c[768036] | 0; if ((w2 | 0) > 0) { c[768036] = w2 + -1; break; } Fb(); w2 = (c[768037] | 0) + -1 | 0; x2 = (w2 | 0) < 150 ? w2 : 150; c[768037] = (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0; wb2(); c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; Rr(g2, h3, i3); x2 = c[8692] | 0; w2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((x2 | 0) == -1) { y4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } else { if ((x2 | 0) != (w2 | 0)) c[768175] = c[768175] | 1; s3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[8693] | 0) != (s3 | 0)) c[768175] = c[768175] | 2; v2 = c[8694] | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { y4 = s3; z3 = v2; break; } c[768175] = c[768175] | 4; y4 = s3; z3 = j2; } while (0); c[8692] = w2; c[8693] = y4; c[8694] = z3; if ((c[768034] | 0) == 0 | (c[768511] | 0) < 2) { el2(); if (c[768034] | 0) c[730442] = ((c[785580] | 0) == 30 ? 2 : 1) + (c[730442] | 0); vb(); Ug(); } if ((c[730463] | 0) > 2) break; c[533460] = 1; eh(); c[533460] = 0; if (!(c[730460] | 0)) break; c[532675] = 1; if (!((c[768034] | 0) != 0 & (c[768511] | 0) == 2)) break; if ((Mg(0) | 0) <= 2097152) break; dl2(); vb(); Ug(); } else { el2(); x2 = c[785925] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == 1) { bm2(); A4 = c[785925] | 0; } else A4 = x2; c[768036] = 0; } while (0); x2 = c[768028] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == 2) { kn2(); C3 = c[768028] | 0; } else C3 = x2; do if ((C3 | 0) == 3) { x2 = bo() | 0; if (!(c[768179] | x2 | c[768180] | c[768181] | c[768182] | c[768183] | c[768184] | c[768185])) break; ib(); } while (0); Cb(); c[532674] = (c[532674] | 0) + -65536; c[730441] = (c[730441] | 0) + 1; c[785927] = (c[785927] | 0) + 1; x2 = c[543051] & 1 ^ 1; c[543051] = x2; do if (!(c[481773] | 0)) { j2 = c[543654] | 0; s3 = c[482623] | 0; v2 = c[785580] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 60 & (j2 | x2 | s3 | 0) == 0) { Hh(c[532672] | 0); D3 = c[482623] | 0; E3 = c[543654] | 0; F3 = c[785580] | 0; } else { D3 = s3; E3 = j2; F3 = v2; } if ((F3 | 0) == 30 | (D3 | E3 | 0) != 0) { Hh(c[532672] | 0); G2 = c[482623] | 0; H2 = c[543654] | 0; I2 = c[785580] | 0; } else { G2 = D3; H2 = E3; I2 = F3; } if (!((G2 | H2 | 0) == 0 & (I2 | 0) == 15)) break; Hh(c[532672] | 0); Hh(c[532672] | 0); } while (0); } while ((c[532674] | 0) > 65535); } else if ((p2 | 0) > 65535) { el2(); Fb(); switch (c[482623] | 0) { case 2: { bm2(); break; } case 3: { if (fl(6, 0) | 0) { if (c[482623] | 0) c[786056] = 0; c[482623] = 0; cl2(); } break; } default: { wb2(); xb(); } } c[532674] = (c[532674] | 0) + -65536; if (!(c[481773] | 0)) Hh(c[532672] | 0); } if (!(c[768029] | c[768028])) { yb(); p2 = c[785923] | 0; I2 = c[785924] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 0 & (I2 | 0) > 0) { tb(0); J2 = c[785923] | 0; K2 = c[785924] | 0; } else { J2 = p2; K2 = I2; } if ((J2 | 0) != 0 & (K2 | 0) > 0) tb(0); } if ((c[768028] | 0) == 1 & (c[768029] | 0) == 0 & (c[482623] | 0) == 2 ? (co2(41) | 0) == 3 : 0) _l(); if (c[768035] | 0) c[768035] = 0; do if (!(c[481727] | 0)) L3 = 0; else { if ((co2(63) | 0) != 3 ? (co2(58) | 0) != 3 : 0) M2 = 0; else M2 = 1; if ((co2(64) | 0) != 3 ? (co2(59) | 0) != 3 : 0) N4 = M2; else N4 = 2; if ((co2(65) | 0) != 3 ? (co2(60) | 0) != 3 : 0) O2 = N4; else O2 = 3; if ((co2(66) | 0) != 3 ? (co2(61) | 0) != 3 : 0) P2 = O2; else P2 = 4; if ((co2(67) | 0) != 3 ? (co2(62) | 0) != 3 : 0) { L3 = P2; break; } L3 = 5; } while (0); if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) Q3 = L3; else { P2 = (co2(35) | 0) == 3; Q3 = P2 ? 1 : L3; } if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) R3 = Q3; else { L3 = (co2(36) | 0) == 3; R3 = L3 ? 2 : Q3; } if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) S2 = R3; else { Q3 = (co2(37) | 0) == 3; S2 = Q3 ? 3 : R3; } if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) T4 = S2; else { R3 = (co2(38) | 0) == 3; T4 = R3 ? 4 : S2; } if (!(co2(-5) | 0)) U2 = T4; else { S2 = (co2(39) | 0) == 3; U2 = S2 ? 5 : T4; } b: do if (!(co2(-4) | 0)) switch (U2 | 0) { case 1: { if (!(fc(c[730458] | 0, 0, 0) | 0)) { Es2(2130160, 59291) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1400; c[532606] = 15; break b; } else { Es2(2130160, 41153) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; break b; } break; } case 3: { Ih(); Es2(2130160, 41182) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1400; c[532606] = 15; break b; break; } case 4: { T4 = Gh(0, 0) | 0; do if ((T4 | 0) != 9) if ((T4 | 0) > 0) { Es2(2130160, 41239) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; break; } else { c[f2 >> 2] = Mh() | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(g2, 59449, f2) | 0; Es2(2130160, g2) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; break; } else { Es2(2130160, 41207) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1900; c[532606] = 15; } while (0); if ((c[481772] | 0) != 1) break b; Ih(); break b; break; } default: break b; } while (0); if (c[499496] | 0) { Hv(1712608, 1997470, 512) | 0; c[499496] = 0; } if (!(c[481785] | c[768036] | c[768037])) c[785927] = 0; g2 = c[768028] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 1 & (c[768034] | 0) != 0) { f2 = Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, 24367) | 0; U2 = (f2 | 0) == 1 | ((f2 | 0) != 2 ? (c[482626] | c[482623] | 0) != 0 : 0); f2 = c[543656] | 0; c[543656] = (f2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 < 4 & (U2 ^ 1) ? f2 + 1 | 0 : U2 & 1; V3 = c[768028] | 0; } else V3 = g2; do if ((V3 | 1 | 0) == 3) { c[543672] = 0; W2 = 199; } else { g2 = c[543672] | 0; if (g2 | 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = g2 & 255; it(1708384, 41263, e2) | 0; Es2(2130160, 1708384) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1400; c[532606] = 15; c[543672] = 0; } g2 = c[543673] | 0; if (!g2) break; c[d2 >> 2] = g2 & 255; it(1708384, 41285, d2) | 0; Es2(2130160, 1708384) | 0; c[532604] = Kr() | 0; c[532605] = (Kr() | 0) + 1400; c[532606] = 15; W2 = 199; } while (0); if ((W2 | 0) == 199) c[543673] = 0; W2 = c[533465] | 0; if (W2 | 0) zu(W2) | 0; zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; Ia = b4; return; } function Hb() { var a2 = 0; Rl() | 0; if (c[785923] | 0) sr(3142876) | 0; a2 = c[533464] | 0; if (a2 | 0) xu2(a2) | 0; a2 = c[533465] | 0; if (!a2) { qn() | 0; return; } xu2(a2) | 0; qn() | 0; return; } function Ib(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; ka(16) | 0; return wn(a2, b4) | 0; } function Jb(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = d2; h3 = g2 + 40 | 0; do { a[g2 >> 0] = 48; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)); i3 = d2 + 40 | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 0; if (!b4) { Ia = e2; return; } j2 = iq(32768) | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = g2 + 64 | 0; do { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = g2 + 4 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)); g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; tq(g2, Pt(g2) | 0, f2) | 0; a[f2 + 40 >> 0] = 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = f2; h3 = Kb(b4, j2, 0) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = g2; if (!h3) tq(j2, 32768, d2) | 0; else Es2(d2, f2) | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 0; mq(j2); Ia = e2; return; } function Kb(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; jq(d2, 0, 32768); Eq(); f2 = 0; do { a[d2 + f2 >> 0] = Sk(0, b4, f2) | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 17152); Fq(); f2 = iq(262144) | 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; do if (!e2) { h3 = f2; i3 = Cl2(g2, f2, Pt(g2) | 0) | 0; j2 = 0; } else { if (!(Wm(g2, f2) | 0)) { b4 = iq(262144) | 0; h3 = b4; i3 = Cl2(f2, b4, Pt(f2) | 0) | 0; j2 = f2; break; } mq(f2); k2 = 2; return k2 | 0; } while (0); c[543052] = i3; if ((i3 | 0) > 15616) { mq(h3); mq(j2); k2 = 1; return k2 | 0; } else { Hv(d2 + 17152 | 0, h3 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; mq(h3); mq(j2); k2 = 0; return k2 | 0; } return 0; } function Lb(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1056 | 0; d2 = b4 + 1040 | 0; e2 = b4 + 1024 | 0; f2 = b4 + 768 | 0; g2 = b4 + 512 | 0; h3 = b4; i3 = Io(a2) | 0; Mo(a2, 0, f2, g2); c[e2 >> 2] = f2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = g2; it(h3, 102731, e2) | 0; if (!i3) { c[d2 >> 2] = a2; hv(41395, d2) | 0; Ia = b4; return; } c[481714] = 0; if ((Pu2(a2, 57282) | 0) == 0 ? (Pu2(a2, 90760) | 0) == 0 : 0) { j2 = i3 + 12 | 0; k2 = i3 + 16 | 0; } else { a2 = iq(20971520) | 0; Nh(e2); d2 = i3 + 12 | 0; g2 = i3 + 16 | 0; Ph(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, a2, e2) | 0; Qh(a2 + (Pt(a2) | 0) | 0, e2) | 0; c[i3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; uo(a2, Pt(a2) | 0, 1, i3) | 0; mq(a2); j2 = d2; k2 = g2; } g2 = Pt(h3) | 0; na(17, h3 | 0, g2 | 0, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, c[k2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; pq(i3); Ia = b4; return; } function Mb(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = f2 + 4 | 0; i3 = Io(a2) | 0; j2 = i3 + 16 | 0; k2 = iq(((c[j2 >> 2] << 3 | 0) / 6 | 0) + 256 | 0) | 0; jq(h3, 0, 12); c[g2 >> 2] = b4; it(k2, 41508, g2) | 0; g2 = k2 + (Pt(k2) | 0) | 0; if (i3 | 0) { Nh(h3); Ph(c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, g2, h3) | 0; Qh(g2 + (Pt(g2) | 0) | 0, h3) | 0; } h3 = Pt(k2) | 0; oa(18, k2 | 0, h3 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0, a2 | 0, Pt(a2) | 0) | 0; mq(k2); Eo(i3); Ia = f2; return; } function Nb(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = kq(32768) | 0; jq(i3, 0, 32768); if (Kb(b4, i3, 1) | 0) { Fg(42932, 8); mq(i3); j2 = 1; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } if (Pu2(e2, 58792) | 0) { b4 = c[543052] | 0; k2 = kq((b4 << 1 | 1) + 1024 | 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { l2 = k2; m4 = 0; n2 = 0; while (true) { c[h3 >> 2] = d[i3 + (m4 + 17152) >> 0]; it(l2, 102994, h3) | 0; o2 = n2 + 2 | 0; if ((m4 & 31 | 0) == 31) { a[k2 + o2 >> 0] = 10; p2 = n2 + 3 | 0; } else p2 = o2; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; o2 = k2 + p2 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { q3 = o2; break; } else { l2 = o2; n2 = p2; } } } else q3 = k2; a[q3 >> 0] = 0; bs(k2) | 0; mq(k2); mq(i3); Ig(42957, b4, 0); j2 = 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } b4 = Co(e2, 103074) | 0; if (!b4) { mq(i3); j2 = 1; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } if (!f2) { uo(i3, 1, 32768, b4) | 0; Ig(43016, 32768, 0); } else { uo(i3 + 17152 | 0, 1, c[543052] | 0, b4) | 0; Ig(42987, c[543052] | 0, 0); } Eo(b4); mq(i3); j2 = 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } function Ob(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 256 | 0; h3 = g2 + 64 | 0; i3 = g2 + 240 | 0; j2 = g2 + 232 | 0; k2 = g2 + 224 | 0; l2 = g2 + 216 | 0; m4 = g2 + 208 | 0; n2 = g2 + 200 | 0; o2 = g2 + 192 | 0; p2 = g2 + 184 | 0; q3 = g2 + 176 | 0; r2 = g2 + 168 | 0; s3 = g2 + 160 | 0; t3 = g2 + 152 | 0; u2 = g2 + 144 | 0; v2 = g2 + 136 | 0; w2 = g2 + 128 | 0; x2 = g2 + 120 | 0; y4 = g2 + 112 | 0; z3 = g2 + 104 | 0; A4 = g2 + 96 | 0; B2 = g2; C3 = g2 + 244 | 0; D3 = B2; E3 = D3 + 64 | 0; do { c[D3 >> 2] = 0; D3 = D3 + 4 | 0; } while ((D3 | 0) < (E3 | 0)); D3 = kq(32800) | 0; jq(D3, 0, 32800); if (Kb(b4, D3, f2) | 0) { mq(D3); Fg(42932, 8); F3 = 2; Ia = g2; return F3 | 0; } a[D3 + 32768 >> 0] = 41; a[D3 + 32769 >> 0] = 0; a[D3 + 32770 >> 0] = 2; a[D3 + 32771 >> 0] = 5; a[D3 + 32772 >> 0] = Em2() | 0; a[D3 + 32773 >> 0] = 6; tq(D3, 32768, B2) | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[A4 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2, 43033, A4) | 0; a[D3 + 32774 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[z3 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 2 | 0, 43033, z3) | 0; a[D3 + 32775 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[y4 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 4 | 0, 43033, y4) | 0; a[D3 + 32776 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[x2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 6 | 0, 43033, x2) | 0; a[D3 + 32777 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 8 | 0, 43033, w2) | 0; a[D3 + 32778 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[v2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 10 | 0, 43033, v2) | 0; a[D3 + 32779 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 12 | 0, 43033, u2) | 0; a[D3 + 32780 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[t3 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 14 | 0, 43033, t3) | 0; a[D3 + 32781 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[s3 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 16 | 0, 43033, s3) | 0; a[D3 + 32782 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 18 | 0, 43033, r2) | 0; a[D3 + 32783 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 20 | 0, 43033, q3) | 0; a[D3 + 32784 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[p2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 22 | 0, 43033, p2) | 0; a[D3 + 32785 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 24 | 0, 43033, o2) | 0; a[D3 + 32786 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 26 | 0, 43033, n2) | 0; a[D3 + 32787 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 28 | 0, 43033, m4) | 0; a[D3 + 32788 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 30 | 0, 43033, l2) | 0; a[D3 + 32789 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 32 | 0, 43033, k2) | 0; a[D3 + 32790 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 34 | 0, 43033, j2) | 0; a[D3 + 32791 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 36 | 0, 43033, i3) | 0; a[D3 + 32792 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = C3; Eu2(B2 + 38 | 0, 43033, h3) | 0; a[D3 + 32793 >> 0] = c[C3 >> 2]; C3 = Fn(160, 205, 32) | 0; tp(c[(c[c[730467] >> 2] | 0) + 580 >> 2] | 0, C3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 160, 205); B2 = c[b4 + 44576 >> 2] | 0; if (B2 | 0) tp(B2, C3, 0, 0, 16, 24, 128, 128); B2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = B2; while (true) { i3 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; G2 = i3 << 24 >> 24 == 10; H2 = b4 + 1 | 0; if (G2 ^ i3 << 24 >> 24 != 0) b4 = H2; else break; } i3 = G2 ? H2 : b4; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 28 >> 2] = 0; if ((a[B2 >> 0] | 0) == 45 ? (a[B2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 45 : 0) { b4 = B2 + 2 | 0; H2 = (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) == 32 ? B2 + 3 | 0 : b4; b4 = 0; a: while (true) { B2 = a[H2 >> 0] | 0; switch (B2 << 24 >> 24) { case 10: case 0: { break a; break; } default: { } } if (b4 >>> 0 >= 31) break; a[h3 + b4 >> 0] = B2; H2 = H2 + 1 | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } oo(C3, h3, c[730468] | 0, 18, 167, 1, -1808) | 0; } c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 28 >> 2] = 0; if ((a[i3 >> 0] | 0) == 45 ? (a[i3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 45 : 0) { b4 = i3 + 2 | 0; H2 = (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) == 32 ? i3 + 3 | 0 : b4; b4 = 0; b: while (true) { i3 = a[H2 >> 0] | 0; switch (i3 << 24 >> 24) { case 10: case 0: { break b; break; } default: { } } if (b4 >>> 0 >= 31) break; a[h3 + b4 >> 0] = i3; H2 = H2 + 1 | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } oo(C3, h3, c[730468] | 0, 18, 175, 1, -1808) | 0; } oo(C3, 102736, c[730468] | 0, 18, 187, 1, -6250336) | 0; h3 = 0; b4 = c[C3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { H2 = a[b4 >> 0] & -4; a[b4 >> 0] = H2; a[b4 >> 0] = (d[D3 + (h3 >>> 2) >> 0] | 0) >>> (h3 << 1 & 6) & 3 | H2 & 255; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == 131200) break; else b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } Qo(e2, C3) | 0; Gn(C3) | 0; mq(D3); F3 = 0; Ia = g2; return F3 | 0; } function Pb(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return Ob(a2, b4, 0) | 0; } function Qb2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = 0; do { Rk(0, a2, e2, d[b4 + e2 >> 0] | 0); e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 17152); if (!(c[a2 >> 2] | 0)) { e2 = kq(65538) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = e2; jq(e2, 0, 65538); } e2 = b4 + 17152 | 0; b4 = (Bl(e2) | 0) == 0; f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if (b4) { Hv(f2 | 0, e2 | 0, 15616) | 0; return; } else { jq(f2, 0, 65538); Dl(e2, c[a2 >> 2] | 0, 65537) | 0; return; } } function Rb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; f2 = e2 + 72 | 0; g2 = e2 + 64 | 0; h3 = e2; i3 = e2 + 76 | 0; c[481721] = 0; if (!b4) { c[481721] = 2; j2 = 0; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } k2 = Oo(b4) | 0; if (!k2) { c[481721] = 1; j2 = 0; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == 160 ? (c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 205 : 0) { b4 = is() | 0; l2 = c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 0; do { n2 = m4 << 2; a[l2 + m4 >> 0] = a[l2 + (n2 | 1) >> 0] << 2 & 12 | a[l2 + n2 >> 0] & 3 | a[l2 + (n2 | 2) >> 0] << 4 & 48 | a[l2 + (n2 | 3) >> 0] << 6 & 255; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 32800); m4 = l2 + 32768 | 0; c[b4 + 44580 >> 2] = d[m4 >> 0]; n2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; m4 = n2 & 255; do if ((n2 & 255) > 41) { if (c[481716] | 0) { eb2(43037, 1500); break; } c[g2 >> 2] = m4; it(1708384, 43065, g2) | 0; Hg(1708384); c[481721] = 3; Gn(k2) | 0; j2 = 0; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } while (0); Qb2(b4, l2); tq(l2, 32768, h3) | 0; g2 = 0; m4 = 0; n2 = 0; do { c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = i3; Eu2(h3 + (n2 << 1) | 0, 43033, f2) | 0; o2 = a[l2 + (n2 + 32774) >> 0] | 0; m4 = o2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? m4 : 1; g2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == (o2 & 255 | 0) ? g2 : 1; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 20); Gn(k2) | 0; if ((m4 | 0) != 0 & (g2 | 0) != 0) { Hg(43084); p2 = 0; q3 = 4; } else { p2 = b4; q3 = 0; } c[481721] = q3; j2 = p2; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } Gn(k2) | 0; c[481721] = 5; j2 = 0; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } function Sb(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Co(a2, 94452) | 0; d2 = Rb(b4) | 0; Eo(b4); if (!d2) return d2 | 0; c[d2 + 44576 >> 2] = qm(a2) | 0; return d2 | 0; } function Tb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = Co(b4, 94452) | 0; if (!f2) { g2 = 0; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } b4 = is() | 0; h3 = iq(262144) | 0; i3 = iq(65536) | 0; j2 = so(h3, 1, 131071, f2) | 0; a: do switch (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) { case -17: { if ((a[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == -69 ? (a[h3 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == -65 : 0) { k2 = h3 + 3 | 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 1; } else n2 = 17; break; } case 0: { if (((a[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (a[h3 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == -2 : 0) ? (a[h3 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == -1 : 0) { k2 = h3 + 4 | 0; l2 = 3; m4 = 4; } else n2 = 17; break; } case -1: { if ((a[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == -2) { if ((a[h3 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (a[h3 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { k2 = h3 + 4 | 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 4; break a; } o2 = h3 + 2 | 0; if ((a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (a[h3 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { k2 = h3; l2 = 0; m4 = 1; break a; } k2 = o2; l2 = 0; m4 = 2; } else { k2 = h3; l2 = 0; m4 = 1; } break; } case -2: { if ((a[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == -1) { o2 = h3 + 2 | 0; if ((a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (a[h3 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) n2 = 17; else { k2 = o2; l2 = 1; m4 = 2; } } else n2 = 17; break; } default: n2 = 17; } while (0); if ((n2 | 0) == 17) { k2 = h3; l2 = 0; m4 = 1; } n2 = (j2 + h3 - k2 | 0) / (m4 | 0) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) > 0) { j2 = 0; o2 = 0; while (true) { p2 = B(j2, m4) | 0; q3 = a[k2 + (p2 + l2) >> 0] | 0; r2 = 0; s3 = 0; while (true) { if ((s3 | 0) == (l2 | 0)) t3 = r2; else t3 = (a[k2 + (s3 + p2) >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? r2 : 1; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= m4 >>> 0) break; else r2 = t3; } if (!t3) if (q3 << 24 >> 24 == 13) u2 = o2; else { a[k2 + o2 >> 0] = q3; u2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } else { a[k2 + o2 >> 0] = 95; a[k2 + (o2 + 1) >> 0] = 120; r2 = 0; s3 = o2 + 2 | 0; while (true) { c[e2 >> 2] = a[k2 + (r2 + p2) >> 0]; it(k2 + s3 | 0, 102994, e2) | 0; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; v2 = s3 + 2 | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 >= m4 >>> 0) { u2 = v2; break; } else s3 = v2; } } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) { w2 = u2; break; } else o2 = u2; } } else w2 = 0; a[k2 + w2 >> 0] = 10; a[k2 + (w2 + 1) >> 0] = 0; w2 = iq(131072) | 0; ys(k2, w2) | 0; a[w2 + 65534 >> 0] = 0; Eo(f2); mq(h3); mq(i3); i3 = w2 + (Pt(w2) | 0) | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 10; a[i3 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Es2(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; mq(w2); g2 = b4; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } function Ub2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 3120 | 0; e2 = d2 + 3104 | 0; f2 = d2 + 3088 | 0; g2 = d2 + 3072 | 0; h3 = d2 + 2048 | 0; i3 = d2 + 1024 | 0; j2 = d2; Es2(b4, a2) | 0; if (Fs(b4, 91894) | 0) { Ia = d2; return; } Mo(a2, h3, i3, j2); if (Fs(j2, 91297) | 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = j2; it(b4, 43112, g2) | 0; Ia = d2; return; } if (!(Fs(j2, 43122) | 0)) { c[e2 >> 2] = h3; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = j2; it(b4, 43127, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return; } else { c[f2 >> 2] = h3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = j2; it(b4, 43112, f2) | 0; Ia = d2; return; } } function Vb(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 4160 | 0; g2 = f2 + 4096 | 0; h3 = f2 + 2048 | 0; i3 = f2 + 1024 | 0; j2 = f2; k2 = f2 + 4120 | 0; if (!(a[b4 >> 0] | 0)) { Es2(h3, 43137) | 0; Es2(i3, 91894) | 0; } else Mo(b4, f2 + 3072 | 0, h3, i3); Sr(43146, j2); if (e2 | 0) { vr(k2, 0); e2 = c[k2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[k2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[k2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[k2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[k2 + 4 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = e2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = m4; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = n2; c[g2 + 20 >> 2] = o2; it(1708384, 43154, g2) | 0; Zt(j2, 1708384) | 0; } Zt(j2, h3) | 0; Zt(j2, i3) | 0; if (d2 | 0) { d2 = kq(1048576) | 0; i3 = Co(b4, 94452) | 0; h3 = so(d2, 1, 1048576, i3) | 0; Eo(i3); i3 = Co(j2, 103074) | 0; uo(d2, 1, h3, i3) | 0; Eo(i3); mq(d2); Ia = f2; return 0; } Zg(); if (Fs(b4, 91297) | 0) { Ob(c[26136] | 0, j2, 0) | 0; Ia = f2; return 0; } d2 = (Fs(b4, 43122) | 0) == 0; b4 = c[26136] | 0; if (d2) { ns(b4, j2) | 0; Ia = f2; return 0; } else { Nb(b4, j2, 0) | 0; Ia = f2; return 0; } return 0; } function Wb(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Vb(a2, b4, 1) | 0; return 0; } function Xb(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; e2 = d2; Zg(); f2 = iq(262144) | 0; do if (Wm(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0) { if ((Fs(b4, 91297) | 0) == 0 ? (Fs(b4, 43122) | 0) == 0 : 0) { Es2(f2, c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } mq(f2); g2 = 1; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } while (0); h3 = Pt(f2) | 0; i3 = Pt(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0) | 0; j2 = (h3 | 0) == (i3 | 0); if (i3 >>> 0 > 65536) { Hg(43180); mq(f2); g2 = 1; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } i3 = iq(262144) | 0; jq(i3, 0, 262144); h3 = Cl2(f2, i3, Pt(f2) | 0) | 0; mq(i3); if ((Fs(b4, 91297) | 0) == 0 ? (Fs(b4, 43122) | 0) == 0 : 0) { if ((h3 | 0) > 15616) { Fg(43251, 9); Fg(43284, 9); Ig(43237, h3, 15616); Hg(43315); } } else k2 = 12; do if ((k2 | 0) == 12) { if ((h3 | 0) > 15616) { Fg(43205, 8); Ig(43237, h3, 15616); mq(f2); g2 = 1; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } if (Fs(b4, 91297) | 0) { i3 = c[(c[26136] | 0) + 44576 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) { l2 = c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = 1; n2 = 0; do { n2 = (a[l2 + m4 >> 0] | 0) == i3 << 24 >> 24 ? n2 : 1; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 16384); if (n2 | 0) break; } Fg(58830, 9); Fg(58854, 10); } } while (0); Ub2(b4, e2); if (Ot(e2, 3065580) | 0 ? tr(e2) | 0 : 0) Vb(e2, 1, 1) | 0; do if (!(Fs(e2, 91297) | 0)) { b4 = (Fs(e2, 43122) | 0) == 0; h3 = c[26136] | 0; if (b4) { o2 = ns(h3, e2) | 0; break; } else { Es2(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; _g(); o2 = Nb(c[26136] | 0, e2, 0) | 0; break; } } else { Es2(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; _g(); o2 = Ob(c[26136] | 0, e2, 0) | 0; } while (0); if (!o2) { Es2(3065580, e2) | 0; Jb(c[26136] | 0, 3066604); if (!j2) Fg(43335, 9); } else if (c[768029] | 0) eb2(43355, 1500); mq(f2); g2 = o2; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } function Yb2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; g2 = f2 + 1032 | 0; h3 = f2 + 1024 | 0; i3 = f2; if (!b4) { Ia = f2; return; } js(c[26136] | 0); c[26136] = b4; Zb(b4); j2 = c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 0; l2 = 32; while (true) { m4 = c[j2 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; n2 = k2; o2 = 0; do { n2 = (a[m4 + o2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? n2 : 1; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != 128); l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 64) break; else k2 = n2; } if (!n2) Bh(b4); else Ch(b4); c[481714] = 0; Jb(c[26136] | 0, 3066686); _g(); Zg(); Jb(c[26136] | 0, 3066604); a[192048] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 43399; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3066604; it(192048, 43376, h3) | 0; h3 = 192048 + (Pt(192048) | 0) | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = 46; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = 56; a[h3 + 3 >> 0] = 0; Es2(i3, 192048) | 0; if (!e2) Es2(3065580, i3) | 0; else Es2(3065580, e2) | 0; do if (ah(e2) | 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = i3; it(1703776, 43402, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); h3 = ls(i3) | 0; if (!h3) { pn2(43470); break; } pn2(43461); n2 = 0; do { if (1 << (n2 & 7) & d[(n2 >>> 3) + (h3 + 44604) >> 0] | 0) Rk(0, b4, n2, Sk(0, h3, n2) | 0); n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 17152); } while (0); jb(); Bs(c[(c[765606] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765606] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765607] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765607] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765608] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765608] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765609] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765609] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765610] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765610] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765611] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765611] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765612] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765612] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765613] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765613] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765614] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765614] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765615] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765615] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765616] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765616] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765617] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765617] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765618] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765618] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765619] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765619] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765620] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765620] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; Bs(c[(c[765621] | 0) + 364 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[765621] | 0; c[i3 + 336 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 344 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 348 >> 2] = -1; c[532936] = 0; c[481783] = 0; i3 = 0; do { if (c[b4 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) >> 2] & 294 | 0) c[481783] = 1; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) != 64); if (c[768034] | 0) { Ia = f2; return; } a[3074076] = 0; Ia = f2; return; } function Zb(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = a2 + 44584 | 0; if (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } c[e2 >> 2] = 1; e2 = a2 + 44580 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((f2 + -19 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) if (!(Pu2(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, 47250) | 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } else { eb2(43483, 3000); g2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else g2 = f2; while (0); if ((g2 | 0) < 5) { f2 = 0; do { h3 = a2 + 42256 + (f2 << 4) | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3 >>> 0 < 64; if (j2) { k2 = c[a2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; l2 = ((k2 | 0) > 1 ? k2 : 1) << 5; k2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) > (c[a2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0); m4 = l2; n2 = k2 ? 0 : l2; o2 = k2 << 31 >> 31; } else { m4 = 0; n2 = 0; o2 = -1; } k2 = c[a2 + 42256 + (f2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 >>> 0 < 64; if (l2) { p2 = c[a2 + 16 + (k2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; q3 = ((p2 | 0) > 1 ? p2 : 1) << 5; p2 = (m4 | 0) > (q3 | 0) ? m4 : q3; if ((o2 | 0) == -1) { r2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (k2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) > (c[a2 + 16 + (k2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0); s3 = p2; t3 = r2 ? n2 : q3; u2 = r2 ? -1 : 1; } else { s3 = p2; t3 = n2; u2 = 0; } } else { s3 = m4; t3 = n2; u2 = o2; } p2 = c[a2 + 42256 + (f2 << 4) + 8 >> 2] | 0; r2 = p2 >>> 0 < 64; if (r2) { q3 = c[a2 + 16 + (p2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; v2 = ((q3 | 0) > 1 ? q3 : 1) << 5; q3 = (s3 | 0) > (v2 | 0) ? s3 : v2; if ((u2 | 0) == -1) { w2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (p2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) > (c[a2 + 16 + (p2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0); x2 = q3; y4 = w2 ? t3 : v2; z3 = w2 ? -1 : 2; } else { x2 = q3; y4 = t3; z3 = u2; } } else { x2 = s3; y4 = t3; z3 = u2; } q3 = c[a2 + 42256 + (f2 << 4) + 12 >> 2] | 0; w2 = q3 >>> 0 < 64; if (w2) { v2 = c[a2 + 16 + (q3 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; A4 = ((v2 | 0) > 1 ? v2 : 1) << 5; v2 = (x2 | 0) > (A4 | 0) ? x2 : A4; if ((z3 | 0) == -1) { B2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (q3 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) > (c[a2 + 16 + (q3 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0); C3 = v2; D3 = B2 ? y4 : A4; E3 = B2 ? -1 : 3; } else { C3 = v2; D3 = y4; E3 = z3; } } else { C3 = x2; D3 = y4; E3 = z3; } a: do if ((C3 | 0) != (D3 | 0) & (E3 | 0) != -1) { if ((j2 ? (c[a2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) <= (c[a2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = c[a2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, (((v2 | 0) > 1 ? v2 : 1) << 5 | 0) == (C3 | 0)) : 0) break; if ((l2 ? (c[a2 + 16 + (k2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) <= (c[a2 + 16 + (k2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = c[a2 + 16 + (k2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, (((v2 | 0) > 1 ? v2 : 1) << 5 | 0) == (C3 | 0)) : 0) F3 = 1; else G2 = 49; do if ((G2 | 0) == 49) { G2 = 0; if ((r2 ? (c[a2 + 16 + (p2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) <= (c[a2 + 16 + (p2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? (v2 = c[a2 + 16 + (p2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, (((v2 | 0) > 1 ? v2 : 1) << 5 | 0) == (C3 | 0)) : 0) { F3 = 2; break; } if (!w2) break a; if ((c[a2 + 16 + (q3 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) > (c[a2 + 16 + (q3 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0)) break a; v2 = c[a2 + 16 + (q3 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((((v2 | 0) > 1 ? v2 : 1) << 5 | 0) == (C3 | 0)) F3 = 3; else break a; } while (0); c[d2 >> 2] = f2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = F3; it(1708384, 43515, d2) | 0; Hg(1708384); v2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; B2 = a2 + 42256 + (f2 << 4) + (F3 << 2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2]; c[B2 >> 2] = v2; } while (0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) < 5) { F3 = 0; do { d2 = 0; do { if ((c[a2 + 16 + (F3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (d2 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (C3 = a2 + 16 + (F3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (d2 * 20 | 0) + 8 | 0, (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) > 5) : 0) c[C3 >> 2] = 5; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 32); F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; } while ((F3 | 0) != 64); if (Pu2(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, 43547) | 0) { F3 = iq(65538) | 0; Es2(F3, c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Es2(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, 43572) | 0; Zt(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, F3) | 0; Hg(44843); mq(F3); H2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else H2 = f2; } else H2 = f2; } else H2 = g2; if ((H2 | 0) >= 11) { Ia = b4; return; } H2 = 0; g2 = 0; do { H2 = H2 + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) > 1 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) > 63 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) > 63 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 36 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 76 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 96 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 116 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 136 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 156 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 176 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 196 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 216 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 236 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 256 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 276 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 296 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 316 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 336 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 356 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 376 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 396 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 416 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 436 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 456 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 476 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 496 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 516 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 536 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 556 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 576 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 596 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 616 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 636 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) + ((c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 656 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 64); if (H2 | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } H2 = 0; do { g2 = 0; do { f2 = a2 + 16 + (H2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (g2 * 20 | 0) + 12 | 0; if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 1 ? (c[a2 + 16 + (H2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (g2 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) c[f2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 32); H2 = H2 + 1 | 0; } while ((H2 | 0) != 64); Ia = b4; return; } function _b(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; a[192048] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 43399; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(192048, 43376, e2) | 0; e2 = 192048 + (Pt(192048) | 0) | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = 46; a[e2 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[e2 + 2 >> 0] = 56; a[e2 + 3 >> 0] = 0; Ia = d2; return 192048; } function $b(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = Co(b4, 94452) | 0; e2 = Rb(d2) | 0; Eo(d2); if (e2 | 0) { c[e2 + 44576 >> 2] = qm(b4) | 0; f2 = e2; return f2 | 0; } e2 = ls(b4) | 0; if (e2 | 0) { f2 = e2; return f2 | 0; } if (Fs(b4, 43122) | 0 ? (e2 = Io(b4) | 0, e2 | 0) : 0) { d2 = e2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) < 32768) { do wo(0, e2); while ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) < 32768); if ((g2 | 0) < 15617) { g2 = e2 + 12 | 0; d2 = 0; do { h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; a[h3 + (d2 + 17152) >> 0] = a[h3 + d2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + d2 >> 0] = 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 15616); i3 = g2; } else j2 = 10; } else j2 = 10; if ((j2 | 0) == 10) i3 = e2 + 12 | 0; j2 = is() | 0; Qb2(j2, c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 + 44580 >> 2] = 41; Eo(e2); if (j2 | 0) { f2 = j2; return f2 | 0; } } if (!(Fs(b4, 44870) | 0)) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } f2 = Tb(b4) | 0; return f2 | 0; } function ac(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; e2 = d2; Es2(e2, b4) | 0; f2 = $b(b4) | 0; g2 = c[766682] | 0; h3 = c[481721] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 0 & (g2 | 0) != 1 & (h3 | 0) != 3) { Ub2(b4, e2); i3 = $b(e2) | 0; j2 = c[766682] | 0; k2 = c[481721] | 0; l2 = i3; } else { j2 = g2; k2 = h3; l2 = f2; } if ((l2 | 0) == 0 & (j2 | 0) != 1 & (k2 | 0) != 3) { f2 = e2 + (Pt(e2) | 0) | 0; a[f2 >> 0] = a[91297] | 0; a[f2 + 1 >> 0] = a[91298] | 0; a[f2 + 2 >> 0] = a[91299] | 0; a[f2 + 3 >> 0] = a[91300] | 0; a[f2 + 4 >> 0] = a[91301] | 0; f2 = $b(e2) | 0; m4 = c[766682] | 0; n2 = c[481721] | 0; o2 = f2; } else { m4 = j2; n2 = k2; o2 = l2; } if ((o2 | 0) == 0 & (m4 | 0) != 1 & (n2 | 0) != 3) { Es2(e2, b4) | 0; b4 = e2 + (Pt(e2) | 0) | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[91297] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[91298] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[91299] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[91300] | 0; a[b4 + 4 >> 0] = a[91301] | 0; p2 = $b(e2) | 0; } else p2 = o2; if (!p2) { q3 = 1; Ia = d2; return q3 | 0; } Yb2(p2, e2); q3 = 0; Ia = d2; return q3 | 0; } function bc(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if (Ot(a2, 3071088) | 0) { Es2(3071088, a2) | 0; f2 = 30 - (c[768037] | 0) | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 30 ? f2 : 30; c[768036] = (g2 | 0) > 2 ? g2 : 2; c[768037] = 150; } g2 = $b(a2) | 0; if (!g2) { h3 = 1; return h3 | 0; } if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { a2 = 0; do { f2 = c[769129] | 0; Rk(2921764, f2, a2 + b4 | 0, Sk(0, g2, a2 + d2 | 0) | 0); a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); } js(g2); h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } function cc(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; k2 = j2 + 1024 | 0; l2 = j2; c[k2 >> 2] = b4; it(l2, 59940, k2) | 0; do if (!(Pu2(1997988, l2) | 0)) { k2 = 0; m4 = 0; a: while (true) { switch (a[1997988 + m4 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { break a; break; } case 124: { n2 = k2 + 1 | 0; break; } default: n2 = k2; } k2 = n2; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } if ((k2 | 0) > 63) { o2 = 3; Ia = j2; return o2 | 0; } else { Zt(1997988, l2) | 0; break; } } while (0); Es2(3071088, b4) | 0; c[768036] = 30; l2 = $b(b4) | 0; if (!l2) { n2 = is() | 0; if (!i3) p2 = n2; else { Iv(n2 + 44604 | 0, 0, 2144) | 0; p2 = n2; } } else p2 = l2; l2 = (g2 | 0) > 0; if (l2) if (!h3) { h3 = 0; do { Rk(0, p2, h3 + e2 | 0, Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, h3 + f2 | 0) | 0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); } else { h3 = 0; do { n2 = h3 + e2 | 0; m4 = h3 + f2 | 0; Rk(0, p2, n2, Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4) | 0); q3 = c[26136] | 0; Rk(0, q3, n2, Sk(2921764, c[769129] | 0, m4) | 0); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); } if (i3 | 0 ? (i3 = g2 + e2 | 0, l2) : 0) { l2 = e2; do { e2 = ((l2 | 0) / 8 | 0) + (p2 + 44604) | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = 1 << (l2 & 7) | d[e2 >> 0]; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); } i3 = ns(p2, b4) | 0; js(p2); o2 = (i3 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 2; Ia = j2; return o2 | 0; } function dc(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 3104 | 0; e2 = d2 + 3080 | 0; f2 = d2 + 3072 | 0; g2 = d2 + 2048 | 0; h3 = d2 + 1024 | 0; i3 = d2; if (!(a[3065580] | 0)) if (!b4) { eb2(44901, 1500); Ia = d2; return; } else { Hg(44875); Ia = d2; return; } Sr(91377, g2); if (Pu2(3065580, g2) | 0) if (!b4) { eb2(44960, 1500); Ia = d2; return; } else { Hg(44933); Ia = d2; return; } if (Xb(3065580) | 0) if (!b4) { eb2(45004, 1500); Ia = d2; return; } else { Hg(44992); Ia = d2; return; } Mo(3065580, g2, h3, i3); c[f2 >> 2] = h3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; it(1708384, 45026, f2) | 0; if (!b4) { eb2(1708384, 1500); Ia = d2; return; } b4 = Pt(3062500) | 0; f2 = (gt(g2, 3062500, b4) | 0) == 0; j2 = f2 ? g2 + (b4 + -1) | 0 : g2; if ((a[j2 >> 0] | 0) == 47) { g2 = Pt(3063524) | 0; b4 = (gt(j2 + 1 | 0, 3063524, g2) | 0) == 0; k2 = b4 ? j2 + (g2 + 1) | 0 : j2; } else k2 = j2; c[e2 >> 2] = k2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = h3; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = i3; it(1708384, 45051, e2) | 0; Hg(1708384); Ia = d2; return; } function ec() { return; } function fc(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2240 | 0; g2 = f2 + 2224 | 0; h3 = f2 + 2216 | 0; i3 = f2 + 2208 | 0; j2 = f2 + 2200 | 0; k2 = f2 + 2192 | 0; l2 = f2 + 2184 | 0; m4 = f2 + 2176 | 0; n2 = f2 + 1152 | 0; o2 = f2 + 128 | 0; p2 = f2; q3 = c[481767] | 0; r2 = (q3 | 0) < 32 ? q3 : 32; q3 = (d2 | 0) < 32 ? d2 : 32; s3 = (d2 | 0) > 0 ? (q3 | 0) > 1 ? q3 : 1 : (r2 | 0) > 1 ? r2 : 1; c[m4 >> 2] = Om() | 0; it(p2, 45078, m4) | 0; if (a[3144232] | 0) { c[l2 >> 2] = 3144232; it(p2, 45089, l2) | 0; } l2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; do if (!($t(p2, 37) | 0)) if (l2) { Ur(p2, o2); break; } else { Sr(3144900, o2); e2 = o2 + (Pt(o2) | 0) | 0; m4 = e2; a[m4 >> 0] = 97; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[m4 + 2 >> 0] = 112; a[m4 + 3 >> 0] = 100; m4 = e2 + 4 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = 97; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = 116; a[m4 + 2 >> 0] = 97; a[m4 + 3 >> 0] = 0; Wr(o2) | 0; m4 = o2 + (Pt(o2) | 0) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = 47; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(o2, Za() | 0) | 0; Wr(o2) | 0; m4 = o2 + (Pt(o2) | 0) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = 47; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(o2, p2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = o2; it(1703776, 45096, h3) | 0; pn2(1703776); break; } else if (l2) { m4 = 0; while (true) { c[k2 >> 2] = m4; it(n2, p2, k2) | 0; Ur(n2, o2); if (!(tr(o2) | 0)) break; else m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } } else { m4 = 0; while (true) { c[j2 >> 2] = m4; it(n2, p2, j2) | 0; Sr(3144900, o2); e2 = o2 + (Pt(o2) | 0) | 0; r2 = e2; a[r2 >> 0] = 97; a[r2 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[r2 + 2 >> 0] = 112; a[r2 + 3 >> 0] = 100; r2 = e2 + 4 | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 97; a[r2 + 1 >> 0] = 116; a[r2 + 2 >> 0] = 97; a[r2 + 3 >> 0] = 0; Wr(o2) | 0; r2 = o2 + (Pt(o2) | 0) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 47; a[r2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(o2, Za() | 0) | 0; Wr(o2) | 0; r2 = o2 + (Pt(o2) | 0) | 0; a[r2 >> 0] = 47; a[r2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(o2, n2) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = o2; it(1703776, 45096, i3) | 0; pn2(1703776); if (!(tr(o2) | 0)) break; else m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); i3 = B(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; n2 = Fn(i3, B(c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0, 8) | 0; s3 = n2 + 4 | 0; Nn(b4, n2, 0, 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, 0); if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = o2; it(1703776, 45118, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Qo(o2, n2) | 0; Mb(o2, 45144, 128, 128); Gn(n2) | 0; t3 = tr(o2) | 0; u2 = (t3 | 0) == 0; v2 = u2 & 1; Ia = f2; return v2 | 0; } b4 = n2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = 0; while (true) { if ((i3 | 0) > 0) { p2 = i3; k2 = 0; while (true) { l2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + k2 | 0; if (!(a[l2 >> 0] | 0)) { a[l2 >> 0] = 16; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } else w2 = p2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) >= (w2 | 0)) { x2 = w2; break; } else p2 = w2; } } else x2 = i3; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (c[s3 >> 2] | 0)) break; else i3 = x2; } c[g2 >> 2] = o2; it(1703776, 45118, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Qo(o2, n2) | 0; Mb(o2, 45144, 128, 128); Gn(n2) | 0; t3 = tr(o2) | 0; u2 = (t3 | 0) == 0; v2 = u2 & 1; Ia = f2; return v2 | 0; } function gc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; Sr(3144900, d2); g2 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; h3 = g2; a[h3 >> 0] = 97; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = 112; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = 112; a[h3 + 3 >> 0] = 100; h3 = g2 + 4 | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = 97; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = 116; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = 97; a[h3 + 3 >> 0] = 0; Wr(d2) | 0; h3 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = 47; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(d2, Za() | 0) | 0; Wr(d2) | 0; h3 = d2 + (Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = 47; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(d2, b4) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; it(1703776, 45096, f2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Ia = e2; return; } function hc() { c[543053] = 0; return; } function ic(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = c[543053] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 64) { Ia = d2; return; } c[543053] = f2 + 1; Es2(173040 + (f2 * 297 | 0) + 41 | 0, b4) | 0; g2 = 173040 + (f2 * 297 | 0) | 0; Jb(a2, g2); f2 = Pt(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = g2; it(1703776, 45148, e2) | 0; pn2(1703776); e2 = gs(b4, 95158) | 0; if (!e2) { pn2(45187); Ia = d2; return; } else { ms(a2, e2, 0) | 0; Eo(e2); Ia = d2; return; } } function jc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = c[543053] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) <= 0) { h3 = 0; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } a: do if (d2) { i3 = 0; while (true) { j2 = 173040 + (i3 * 297 | 0) + 41 | 0; if (!(Ot(b4, j2) | 0)) { k2 = i3; break a; } Ub2(b4, f2); if (!(Ot(f2, j2) | 0)) { l2 = 10; break; } m4 = f2 + (Pt(f2) | 0) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = a[91297] | 0; a[m4 + 1 >> 0] = a[91298] | 0; a[m4 + 2 >> 0] = a[91299] | 0; a[m4 + 3 >> 0] = a[91300] | 0; a[m4 + 4 >> 0] = a[91301] | 0; if (!(Ot(f2, j2) | 0)) { l2 = 12; break; } j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < (c[543053] | 0)) i3 = j2; else { h3 = 0; l2 = 14; break; } } if ((l2 | 0) == 10) { h3 = 173040 + (i3 * 297 | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 12) { h3 = 173040 + (i3 * 297 | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } else if ((l2 | 0) == 14) { Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } } else { j2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(Ot(b4, 173040 + (j2 * 297 | 0) + 41 | 0) | 0)) { k2 = j2; break a; } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) { h3 = 0; break; } } Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } while (0); h3 = 173040 + (k2 * 297 | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } function kc() { return 0; } function lc() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 128 | 0; d2 = b4 + 64 | 0; e2 = b4; if (!(a[3065580] | 0)) { f2 = 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } g2 = $b(3065580) | 0; if (!g2) { f2 = 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } Zb(g2); h3 = c[(c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 0; j2 = 32; while (true) { k2 = c[h3 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; l2 = i3; m4 = 0; do { l2 = (a[k2 + m4 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? l2 : 1; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 128); j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 64) break; else i3 = l2; } if (!l2) Bh(g2); else Ch(g2); Jb(g2, d2); Jb(c[26136] | 0, e2); js(g2); if (!(Ot(d2, e2) | 0)) { f2 = 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } if (!(Ot(d2, 3066604) | 0)) { f2 = 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } f2 = (Ot(d2, 3066686) | 0) != 0 & 1; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } function mc(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function nc() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; if (!(a[2174696] | 0)) { a[2174696] = 0; return; } b4 = $b(2174696) | 0; d2 = (b4 | 0) != 0; if ((c[768029] | c[768028] | 0) == 0 & ((d2 | (c[768034] | 0) != 0) ^ 1)) { Hg(45227); a[2174696] = 0; return; } if (d2) { js(b4); eb2(45252, 2000); a[2174696] = 0; return; } if (Fs(2174696, 45265) | 0) { eb2(45273, 2000); a[2174696] = 0; return; } if (!(Fs(2174696, 91297) | 0)) { if (!(a[2174696] | 0)) { a[2174696] = 0; return; } b4 = Io(2174696) | 0; if ((c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) > 262144) eb2(45324, 2000); else en(b4); pq(b4); a[2174696] = 0; return; } b4 = Po(2174696) | 0; if (!b4) { a[2174696] = 0; return; } rh(); d2 = b4 + 4 | 0; e2 = Fn(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, 8) | 0; Gk(b4, e2, c[730428] | 0); do if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1 & (c[768029] | 0) == 2) { f2 = c[785598] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) / 16 | 0; tp(e2, c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, f2 - (g2 << 4) << 3, g2 << 3, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0); } else { if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) <= 128 ? (c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) <= 128 : 0) { fn(e2); break; } eb2(45295, 2000); } while (0); Gn(b4) | 0; Gn(e2) | 0; a[2174696] = 0; return; } function oc() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; d2 = b4 + 24 | 0; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = b4; h3 = b4 + 32 | 0; i3 = nq(139392) | 0; j2 = ka(19) | 0; k2 = j2; ka(20) | 0; do if (j2) { c[g2 >> 2] = k2; hv(45819, g2) | 0; l2 = Pu2(k2, 45840) | 0; if (l2 | 0) { m4 = l2 + 7 | 0; Sh(h3); l2 = Pt(m4) | 0; n2 = i3 + 16 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = Th(m4, l2, c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; l2 = i3 + 20 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; m4 = Rb(i3) | 0; if (!m4) o2 = ks(i3, 0) | 0; else o2 = m4; m4 = (o2 | 0) != 0; if ((c[768028] | 0) == 0 & ((m4 | (c[768034] | 0) != 0) ^ 1)) { Hg(45227); a[2174696] = 0; Ia = b4; return; } if (m4) { js(o2); eb2(45252, 2000); break; } c[l2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = Oo(i3) | 0; m4 = (l2 | 0) != 0; c[f2 >> 2] = m4 & 1; hv(45848, f2) | 0; if (!m4) { c[d2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; hv(45915, d2) | 0; if ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) > 262144) { eb2(45324, 2000); break; } else { en(i3); break; } } rh(); n2 = l2 + 4 | 0; m4 = Fn(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0, 8) | 0; Gk(l2, m4, c[730428] | 0); do if ((c[768028] | 0) != 1 & (c[768029] | 0) == 2) { p2 = c[785598] | 0; q3 = (p2 | 0) / 16 | 0; tp(m4, c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, p2 - (q3 << 4) << 3, q3 << 3, c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0); } else { q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) <= 128 ? (p2 = c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (p2 | 0) <= 128) : 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = q3; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = p2; hv(45879, e2) | 0; fn(m4); break; } eb2(45295, 2000); } while (0); Gn(l2) | 0; Gn(m4) | 0; } } else Hg(45955); while (0); Eo(i3); Ia = b4; return; } function pc2(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1280 | 0; e2 = d2 + 256 | 0; f2 = d2; if ((a[b4 >> 0] | 0) == 47) Yt(c2, b4) | 0; else { a[c2 >> 0] = 47; a[c2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(c2, 3063524) | 0; Zt(c2, b4) | 0; } b4 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 47 ? (a[c2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { Ia = d2; return c2 | 0; } a[e2 >> 0] = 0; if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 47) { g2 = c2; while (true) { h3 = g2 + 1 | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (i3 << 24 >> 24 == 47) g2 = h3; else { j2 = i3; k2 = h3; break; } } } else { j2 = b4; k2 = c2; } a: do if (j2 << 24 >> 24) { b4 = j2; g2 = k2; h3 = 0; while (true) { i3 = b4; l2 = g2; b: while (true) { switch (i3 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 47: { break b; break; } default: { } } m4 = l2 + 1 | 0; i3 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; l2 = m4; } i3 = l2 - g2 | 0; c: do switch (i3 | 0) { case 1: { if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 46) n2 = h3; else o2 = 26; break; } case 2: { if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 46 ? (a[g2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 46 : 0) if ((h3 | 0) > 1) { m4 = e2 + h3 + -1 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 > e2 >>> 0) { p2 = m4; q3 = h3; while (true) { if ((a[p2 >> 0] | 0) == 47) { r2 = p2; s3 = q3; break; } a[p2 >> 0] = 0; t3 = q3 + -1 | 0; a[e2 + t3 >> 0] = 0; u2 = p2 + -1 | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 > e2 >>> 0) { p2 = u2; q3 = t3; } else { r2 = u2; s3 = t3; break; } } if ((s3 | 0) > 0) { v2 = r2; w2 = s3; } else { n2 = s3; break c; } } else { v2 = m4; w2 = h3; } q3 = w2 + -1 | 0; a[v2 >> 0] = 0; a[e2 + q3 >> 0] = 0; n2 = q3; } else n2 = h3; else o2 = 26; break; } default: o2 = 26; } while (0); if ((o2 | 0) == 26) { o2 = 0; Iv(f2 + i3 | 0, 0, (i3 >>> 0 > 255 ? 0 : 256 - i3 | 0) | 0) | 0; Hv(f2 | 0, g2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; q3 = e2 + (Pt(e2) | 0) | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = 47; a[q3 + 1 >> 0] = 0; Zt(e2, f2) | 0; n2 = Pt(e2) | 0; } q3 = l2; d: while (true) { x2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; switch (x2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { break a; break; } case 47: { q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; break; } default: break d; } } b4 = x2; g2 = q3; h3 = n2; } } while (0); Yt(c2, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return c2 | 0; } function qc(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Yt(193072, 3062500) | 0; pc2((a2 | 0) == 0 ? 3144900 : a2, 193072 + (Pt(193072) | 0) + -1 | 0) | 0; return 193072; } function rc(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = d2 + 4 | 0; g2 = kq(32768) | 0; jq(g2, 0, 32768); if (Kb(b4, g2, 1) | 0) { Fg(42932, 8); mq(g2); Ia = d2; return; } h3 = iq(62464) | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = 45983; k2 = i3 + 27 | 0; do { a[i3 >> 0] = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (k2 | 0)); c[534492] = 1; jq(f2, 0, 12); Nh(f2); j2 = c[543052] | 0; Ph(g2 + 17152 | 0, j2, h3 + (Pt(h3) | 0) | 0, f2) | 0; Qh(h3 + (Pt(h3) | 0) | 0, f2) | 0; f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; b4 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = 0; g2 = 0; do { i3 = j2; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; g2 = (a[b4 + i3 >> 0] & 15) == 0 ? g2 : j2; } while ((j2 | 0) != 16384); if ((g2 | 0) > 0) { j2 = h3 + (Pt(h3) | 0) | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = 38; a[j2 + 1 >> 0] = 103; a[j2 + 2 >> 0] = 61; a[j2 + 3 >> 0] = 0; j2 = h3 + (Pt(h3) | 0) | 0; b4 = 0; while (true) { i3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = a[i3 + b4 >> 0] | 0; l2 = k2 & 15; m4 = l2 & 255; if ((b4 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) { a: do if ((k2 & 15) == l2 << 24 >> 24) { n2 = b4; o2 = 0; while (true) { p2 = n2 + 1 | 0; q3 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) { r2 = p2; s3 = q3; break a; } if (q3 >>> 0 < 67 ? (a[i3 + p2 >> 0] & 15) == l2 << 24 >> 24 : 0) { n2 = p2; o2 = q3; } else { r2 = p2; s3 = q3; break; } } } else { r2 = b4; s3 = 0; } while (0); if (s3 >>> 0 < 4) { t3 = r2; u2 = s3; v2 = 13; } else { a[j2 >> 0] = Oh((m4 | 48) & 255) | 0; w2 = 2; x2 = j2 + 1 | 0; y4 = r2; z3 = s3 + 252 | 0; } } else { t3 = b4; u2 = 0; v2 = 13; } if ((v2 | 0) == 13) { v2 = 0; w2 = 1; x2 = j2; y4 = t3; z3 = (u2 << 4) + 240 | m4; } a[x2 >> 0] = Oh(z3 & 255) | 0; j2 = j2 + w2 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = 0; if ((y4 | 0) >= (g2 | 0)) break; else b4 = y4; } } c[534492] = 0; if ((Pt(h3) | 0) >>> 0 < 2040) { y4 = iq(65536) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = h3 + 23; it(y4, 46010, e2) | 0; va(y4 | 0); mq(y4); } else Fg(46106, 9); Ig(46133, Pt(h3) | 0, 0); mq(h3); Ia = d2; return; } function sc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[534492] = 1; if (b4 | 0 ? a[b4 >> 0] | 0 : 0) { g2 = iq(16384) | 0; Sh(f2); Th(b4, Pt(b4) | 0, g2, f2) | 0; jq(c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, 0, 65538); Dl(g2, c[c[26136] >> 2] | 0, 65537) | 0; mq(g2); _g(); } if (!d2) { c[534492] = 0; Ia = e2; return; } g2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(g2 << 24 >> 24)) { c[534492] = 0; Ia = e2; return; } f2 = g2; g2 = d2; d2 = 0; while (true) { b4 = Rh2(f2) | 0; h3 = g2 + 1 | 0; i3 = b4 & 15; j2 = (b4 >>> 4 & 3) + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 4) { b4 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24)) { k2 = h3; l2 = 4; } else { k2 = g2 + 2 | 0; l2 = (Rh2(b4) | 0) + 4 | 0; } } else { k2 = h3; l2 = j2; } if ((l2 | 0) > 0 & (d2 | 0) < 16384) { j2 = i3 & 255; i3 = d2; h3 = l2; while (true) { a[(c[(c[(c[26136] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + i3 >> 0] = j2; b4 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) > 1 & (i3 | 0) < 16383) { i3 = b4; h3 = h3 + -1 | 0; } else { m4 = b4; break; } } } else m4 = d2; f2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(f2 << 24 >> 24)) break; else { g2 = k2; d2 = m4; } } Bh(c[26136] | 0); c[534492] = 0; Ia = e2; return; } function tc(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; f2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 8 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if (((c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - h3 >> 3 | 0) <= (b4 | 0)) { if (((h3 - (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0) > (1e6 - b4 | 0)) { i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } if (!(vc(a2, 2, e2) | 0)) { j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { i3 = 0; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } } else { j2 = h3; k2 = b4; } while (0); b4 = f2 + 4 | 0; f2 = j2 + (k2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { i3 = 1; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = f2; i3 = 1; Ia = d2; return i3 | 0; } function uc(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = c[a2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(a2, 6); f2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 5 + ((c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) | 0; b4 = e2 << 1; e2 = (b4 | 0) < 1e6 ? b4 : 1e6; b4 = (e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? f2 : e2; if ((b4 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(a2, 1000200); yc(a2, 46193, d2); } else { xc(a2, b4); Ia = d2; return; } } function vc(a2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 176 | 0; g2 = 4; h3 = Ks2(40) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; i3 = f2; l2 = a2 + 38 | 0; m4 = b3[l2 >> 1] | 0; n2 = i3 + 160 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = a2 + 64 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[o2 >> 2] = i3; h3 = Ev(i3 + 4 | 0, 1, h3 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; g2 = G() | 0; j = 0; p2 = j; j = 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 0 & (k | 0) != 0) { q3 = Fv(c[p2 >> 2] | 0, h3 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; if (!q3) Da(p2 | 0, k | 0); F(k | 0); } else q3 = -1; p2 = G() | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == 1) r2 = p2; else r2 = 0; do { if (r2 | 0) { s3 = 6; break; } j = 0; H(d2 | 0, a2 | 0, e2 | 0); p2 = j; j = 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 0 & (k | 0) != 0) { t3 = Fv(c[p2 >> 2] | 0, h3 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; if (!t3) Da(p2 | 0, k | 0); F(k | 0); } else t3 = -1; r2 = G() | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) == 1); if ((s3 | 0) == 6) { u2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = u2; b3[l2 >> 1] = m4; v2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Ls(h3 | 0); Ia = f2; return v2 | 0; } u2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = u2; b3[l2 >> 1] = m4; v2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Ls(h3 | 0); Ia = f2; return v2 | 0; } function wc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 | 0) { c[e2 + 160 >> 2] = d2; Da(e2 + 4 | 0, 1); } a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = d2; e2 = b4 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[f2 + 144 >> 2] | 0; if (c[g2 + 64 >> 2] | 0) { h3 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = g2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = g2 + 8; c[g2 >> 2] = c[h3 + -8 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = c[h3 + -4 >> 2]; wc(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 144 >> 2] | 0, d2); } d2 = c[f2 + 140 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) ja(); La[d2 & 255](b4) | 0; ja(); } function xc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 28 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = b4 + 32 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 536870911) Jc(b4); i3 = h3 << 3; j2 = d2 << 3; k2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (f2 | 0) == 0; m4 = k2 + 4 | 0; n2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[m4 >> 2] | 0, f2, i3, j2) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) != 0 & (n2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); o2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[m4 >> 2] | 0, f2, i3, j2) | 0; if (!o2) wc(b4, 4); else p2 = o2; } else p2 = n2; n2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (l2 ? 0 : 0 - i3 | 0) + j2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = p2; if ((h3 | 0) < (d2 | 0)) { n2 = h3; do { c[p2 + (n2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); } c[g2 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = p2 + (d2 << 3) + -40; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = f2; c[d2 >> 2] = p2 + ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - g2 >> 3 << 3); d2 = c[b4 + 56 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? (f2 = d2 + 8 | 0, c[f2 >> 2] = p2 + ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - g2 >> 3 << 3), f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0, f2 | 0) : 0) { d2 = f2; do { f2 = d2 + 8 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - g2 >> 3 << 3); d2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 0); } d2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) return; b4 = d2; do { d2 = b4 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = f2 + ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - g2 >> 3 << 3); c[b4 >> 2] = f2 + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) - g2 >> 3 << 3); if (a[b4 + 18 >> 0] & 1) { d2 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = f2 + ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) - g2 >> 3 << 3); } b4 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 0); return; } function yc(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; Ac(a2, zc(a2, b4, f2) | 0); Bc(a2); } function zc(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; g2 = f2 + 64 | 0; h3 = f2 + 56 | 0; i3 = f2 + 48 | 0; j2 = f2 + 40 | 0; k2 = f2; l2 = $t(d2, 37) | 0; m4 = b4 + 24 | 0; n2 = b4 + 8 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - o2 | 0; q3 = o2; do if (l2) { r2 = b4 + 32 | 0; s3 = b4 + 28 | 0; t3 = o2; u2 = q3; v2 = l2; w2 = d2; x2 = 0; y4 = p2; a: while (true) { if ((y4 | 0) < 24) { z3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) > 1e6) { A4 = 5; break; } B2 = (t3 - (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 7 | 0; C3 = z3 << 1; z3 = (C3 | 0) < 1e6 ? C3 : 1e6; C3 = (z3 | 0) < (B2 | 0) ? B2 : z3; if ((C3 | 0) > 1e6) { A4 = 7; break; } xc(b4, C3); D3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } else D3 = u2; c[n2 >> 2] = D3 + 8; C3 = vd(b4, w2, v2 - w2 | 0) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = C3; c[D3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[C3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; E3 = a[v2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; switch (E3 << 24 >> 24 | 0) { case 115: { C3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); z3 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = C3 + 4; C3 = (z3 | 0) == 0 ? 103190 : z3; z3 = Pt(C3) | 0; B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = B2 + 8; F3 = vd(b4, C3, z3) | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = F3; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[F3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } case 99: { F3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); B2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = F3 + 4; a[k2 >> 0] = B2; B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = B2 + 8; F3 = $c(b4, k2, 1) | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = F3; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[F3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } case 100: { F3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = F3 + 8; B2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); z3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = B2 + 4; c[F3 >> 2] = z3; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; break; } case 102: { F3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = F3 + 8; z3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); B2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = z3 + 4; c[F3 >> 2] = B2; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; break; } case 112: { F3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); B2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = F3 + 4; c[i3 >> 2] = B2; B2 = it(k2, 46862, i3) | 0; F3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = F3 + 8; z3 = vd(b4, k2, B2) | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = z3; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[z3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } case 37: { z3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = z3 + 8; F3 = $c(b4, 72084, 1) | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = F3; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[F3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } default: { A4 = 16; break a; } } G2 = x2 + 2 | 0; H2 = v2 + 2 | 0; F3 = $t(H2, 37) | 0; I2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - I2 | 0; if (!F3) { A4 = 18; break; } else { t3 = I2; u2 = I2; v2 = F3; w2 = H2; x2 = G2; y4 = J2; } } if ((A4 | 0) == 5) wc(b4, 6); else if ((A4 | 0) == 7) { xc(b4, 1000200); yc(b4, 46193, j2); } else if ((A4 | 0) == 16) { c[h3 >> 2] = E3 << 24 >> 24; yc(b4, 46867, h3); } else if ((A4 | 0) == 18) { K2 = I2; L3 = I2; M2 = H2; N4 = G2; O2 = J2; break; } } else { K2 = o2; L3 = q3; M2 = d2; N4 = 0; O2 = p2; } while (0); do if ((O2 | 0) < 16) { p2 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(b4, 6); d2 = (K2 - (c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 6 | 0; q3 = p2 << 1; p2 = (q3 | 0) < 1e6 ? q3 : 1e6; q3 = (p2 | 0) < (d2 | 0) ? d2 : p2; if ((q3 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(b4, 1000200); yc(b4, 46193, g2); } else { xc(b4, q3); P2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else P2 = L3; while (0); L3 = Pt(M2) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = P2 + 8; g2 = vd(b4, M2, L3) | 0; c[P2 >> 2] = g2; c[P2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; if (!N4) { Q3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = Q3 + -8 | 0; S2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; T4 = S2 + 16 | 0; Ia = f2; return T4 | 0; } Pc2(b4, N4 | 1); Q3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = Q3 + -8 | 0; S2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; T4 = S2 + 16 | 0; Ia = f2; return T4 | 0; } function Ac(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; f2 = e2 + 64 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[h3 + 18 >> 0] & 1)) { Ia = e2; return; } i3 = c[(c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[i3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) k2 = 0; else k2 = c[j2 + (((c[h3 + 28 >> 2] | 0) - (c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) >> 2) + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[i3 + 36 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!h3) { a[g2 >> 0] = 63; a[g2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; } else { i3 = h3 + 16 | 0; j2 = Pt(i3) | 0; switch (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) { case 61: { l2 = i3 + 1 | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 > 60) { m4 = g2; n2 = l2; o2 = m4 + 59 | 0; do { a[m4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); a[g2 + 59 >> 0] = 0; break a; } else { Hv(g2 | 0, l2 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; break a; } break; } case 64: { if (j2 >>> 0 > 60) { a[g2 >> 0] = a[72854] | 0; a[g2 + 1 >> 0] = a[72855] | 0; a[g2 + 2 >> 0] = a[72856] | 0; m4 = g2 + 3 | 0; n2 = i3 + 1 + j2 + -57 | 0; o2 = m4 + 57 | 0; do { a[m4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); break a; } else { Hv(g2 | 0, i3 + 1 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; break a; } break; } default: { l2 = $t(i3, 10) | 0; m4 = g2; n2 = 46846; o2 = m4 + 9 | 0; do { a[m4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); p2 = g2 + 9 | 0; q3 = (l2 | 0) == 0; if (j2 >>> 0 < 45 & q3) { Hv(p2 | 0, i3 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; r2 = p2 + j2 | 0; } else { s3 = q3 ? j2 : l2 - i3 | 0; q3 = s3 >>> 0 < 45 ? s3 : 45; Hv(p2 | 0, i3 | 0, q3 | 0) | 0; s3 = p2 + q3 | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = a[72854] | 0; a[s3 + 1 >> 0] = a[72855] | 0; a[s3 + 2 >> 0] = a[72856] | 0; r2 = s3 + 3 | 0; } a[r2 >> 0] = a[46856] | 0; a[r2 + 1 >> 0] = a[46857] | 0; a[r2 + 2 >> 0] = a[46858] | 0; break a; } } } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = d2; ud(b4, 46859, f2) | 0; c[543056] = k2; Ia = e2; return; } function Bc(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; d2 = c[a2 + 68 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) wc(a2, 2); f2 = (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + d2 | 0; d2 = f2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[d2 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 6) wc(a2, 6); g2 = a2 + 8 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[h3 + -8 >> 2]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = c[h3 + -4 >> 2]; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 + -8 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[h3 + -4 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; d2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2 + 8; g2 = d2 + -8 | 0; d2 = a2 + 38 | 0; h3 = (b3[d2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[d2 >> 1] = h3; if ((h3 & 65535) > 199) { if (h3 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(a2, 46208, e2); if ((h3 & 65535) > 224) wc(a2, 6); } h3 = a2 + 36 | 0; b3[h3 >> 1] = (b3[h3 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; if (!(Cc(a2, g2, 1) | 0)) Dc(a2); b3[h3 >> 1] = (b3[h3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[d2 >> 1] = (b3[d2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; wc(a2, 2); } function Cc(e2, f2, g2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; i3 = h3 + 24 | 0; j2 = h3 + 16 | 0; k2 = h3 + 8 | 0; l2 = h3; m4 = e2 + 28 | 0; n2 = e2 + 12 | 0; o2 = e2 + 8 | 0; p2 = e2 + 24 | 0; q3 = e2 + 32 | 0; r2 = f2; a: while (true) { s3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = r2 - s3 | 0; f2 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (f2 & 63) + -6 | 0; switch (u2 >>> 4 | u2 << 28 | 0) { case 3: { v2 = 3; break a; break; } case 1: { v2 = 6; break a; break; } case 2: { v2 = 7; break a; break; } case 0: { v2 = 33; break a; break; } default: { } } switch (f2 & 15) { case 5: { w2 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { w2 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: w2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((f2 & 15) << 2) | 0; } f2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (!f2) x2 = 2172216; else { u2 = c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 272 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[f2 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[u2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[y4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[y4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (u2 | 0) : 0) break; z3 = c[y4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) { x2 = 2172216; break b; } else y4 = z3; } x2 = y4; } while (0); f2 = x2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[f2 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 6) { v2 = 77; break; } u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 > r2 >>> 0) { z3 = u2; do { A4 = z3; z3 = z3 + -8 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = c[z3 >> 2]; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = c[A4 + -4 >> 2]; } while (z3 >>> 0 > r2 >>> 0); B2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; } else B2 = u2; z3 = B2 + 8 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = z3; A4 = z3; if (((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) - A4 | 0) < 8) { z3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) > 1e6) { v2 = 84; break; } C3 = (A4 - (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0; A4 = z3 << 1; z3 = (A4 | 0) < 1e6 ? A4 : 1e6; A4 = (z3 | 0) < (C3 | 0) ? C3 : z3; if ((A4 | 0) > 1e6) { v2 = 86; break; } xc(e2, A4); } A4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + t3 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = c[x2 >> 2]; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; r2 = A4; } if ((v2 | 0) == 3) { c[e2 + 112 >> 2] = ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) - r2 >> 3) + -1; c[r2 >> 2] = La[c[r2 >> 2] & 255](e2) | 0; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; c[o2 >> 2] = r2 + 8; if ((g2 | 0) <= 1) { D3 = 1; Ia = h3; return D3 | 0; } x2 = r2; B2 = g2; while (true) { c[x2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; if ((B2 | 0) > 2) { x2 = x2 + 8 | 0; B2 = B2 + -1 | 0; } else { D3 = 1; break; } } Ia = h3; return D3 | 0; } else if ((v2 | 0) == 6) E3 = r2; else if ((v2 | 0) == 7) E3 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 | 0; else if ((v2 | 0) == 33) { B2 = c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = x2 - r2 >> 3; A4 = w2 + -1 | 0; z3 = B2 + 78 | 0; C3 = d[z3 >> 0] | 0; do if (((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) - x2 >> 3 | 0) <= (C3 | 0)) { F3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((F3 | 0) > 1e6) wc(e2, 6); G2 = (x2 - s3 >> 3) + 5 + C3 | 0; H2 = F3 << 1; F3 = (H2 | 0) < 1e6 ? H2 : 1e6; H2 = (F3 | 0) < (G2 | 0) ? G2 : F3; if ((H2 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(e2, 1000200); yc(e2, 46193, k2); } else { xc(e2, H2); break; } } while (0); k2 = a[B2 + 76 >> 0] | 0; C3 = k2 & 255; if ((w2 | 0) > (C3 | 0)) I2 = A4; else { w2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = A4; do { A4 = w2; w2 = w2 + 8 | 0; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) < (C3 | 0)); c[o2 >> 2] = w2; I2 = x2; } if (!(a[B2 + 77 >> 0] | 0)) { x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + t3 | 0; J2 = x2 + 8 | 0; K2 = x2; } else { x2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = d[z3 >> 0] | 0; do if (((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) - x2 >> 3 | 0) <= (w2 | 0)) { A4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((A4 | 0) > 1e6) wc(e2, 6); H2 = w2 + 5 + (x2 - (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) | 0; F3 = A4 << 1; A4 = (F3 | 0) < 1e6 ? F3 : 1e6; F3 = (A4 | 0) < (H2 | 0) ? H2 : A4; if ((F3 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(e2, 1000200); yc(e2, 46193, j2); } else { xc(e2, F3); L3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else L3 = x2; while (0); x2 = 0 - I2 | 0; I2 = L3 + (x2 << 3) | 0; if (k2 << 24 >> 24 ? (c[o2 >> 2] = L3 + 8, c[L3 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2], j2 = L3 + (x2 << 3) + 4 | 0, c[L3 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2], c[j2 >> 2] = 0, k2 << 24 >> 24 != 1) : 0) { k2 = 1; do { j2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = I2 + (k2 << 3) | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = j2 + 8; c[j2 >> 2] = c[x2 >> 2]; w2 = x2 + 4 | 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[w2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != (C3 | 0)); } J2 = L3; K2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + t3 | 0; } L3 = e2 + 16 | 0; C3 = c[(c[L3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (!C3) { k2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = k2 + 4 | 0; w2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[I2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 40) | 0; if (!w2) { if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(e2, 4); Ic(e2, 1); j2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[I2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 40) | 0; if (!j2) wc(e2, 4); else M2 = j2; } else M2 = w2; w2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + 40; w2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = M2; c[M2 + 8 >> 2] = w2; c[M2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; N4 = M2; } else N4 = C3; c[L3 >> 2] = N4; b3[N4 + 16 >> 1] = g2; c[N4 >> 2] = K2; c[N4 + 24 >> 2] = J2; K2 = J2 + (d[z3 >> 0] << 3) | 0; c[N4 + 4 >> 2] = K2; c[N4 + 28 >> 2] = c[B2 + 12 >> 2]; a[N4 + 18 >> 0] = 1; c[o2 >> 2] = K2; K2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; N4 = K2 + 12 | 0; B2 = c[N4 >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) <= 0) { D3 = 0; Ia = h3; return D3 | 0; } if (!(a[K2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { z3 = K2 + 8 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = B2 + 1600 + (c[z3 >> 2] | 0); c[N4 >> 2] = -1600; D3 = 0; Ia = h3; return D3 | 0; } else { Mc(e2); D3 = 0; Ia = h3; return D3 | 0; } } else if ((v2 | 0) == 77) bd2(e2, r2, 46841); else if ((v2 | 0) == 84) wc(e2, 6); else if ((v2 | 0) == 86) { xc(e2, 1000200); yc(e2, 46193, i3); } i3 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 112 >> 2] = (E3 - r2 >> 3) + -1; do if (((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) - E3 | 0) < 168) { r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(e2, 6); v2 = (E3 - s3 >> 3) + 25 | 0; N4 = r2 << 1; r2 = (N4 | 0) < 1e6 ? N4 : 1e6; N4 = (r2 | 0) < (v2 | 0) ? v2 : r2; if ((N4 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(e2, 1000200); yc(e2, 46193, l2); } else { xc(e2, N4); break; } } while (0); l2 = e2 + 16 | 0; s3 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { E3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = E3 + 4 | 0; p2 = Pa[c[E3 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 40) | 0; if (!p2) { if (!(a[E3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(e2, 4); Ic(e2, 1); N4 = Pa[c[E3 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 40) | 0; if (!N4) wc(e2, 4); else O2 = N4; } else O2 = p2; p2 = E3 + 12 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 40; p2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 + 12 >> 2] = O2; c[O2 + 8 >> 2] = p2; c[O2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; P2 = O2; } else P2 = s3; c[l2 >> 2] = P2; b3[P2 + 16 >> 1] = g2; c[P2 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + t3; c[P2 + 4 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 160; a[P2 + 18 >> 0] = 0; P2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = P2 + 12 | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((t3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[P2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { m4 = P2 + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = t3 + 1600 + (c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[n2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(e2); break; } while (0); n2 = La[i3 & 255](e2) | 0; e2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; P2 = b3[i3 + 16 >> 1] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[i3 + 8 >> 2]; c: do if (P2 << 16 >> 16) { i3 = P2 << 16 >> 16; l2 = 0 - n2 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) < 0) { m4 = e2 + (l2 << 3) | 0; l2 = i3; g2 = t3; while (true) { s3 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = c[m4 + 4 >> 2]; O2 = l2 + -1 | 0; if (!O2) { Q3 = s3; break c; } m4 = m4 + 8 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 >= (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { R3 = O2; S2 = s3; break; } else { l2 = O2; g2 = s3; } } } else { R3 = i3; S2 = t3; } if ((R3 | 0) > 0) { g2 = R3; l2 = S2; while (true) { m4 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; if ((g2 | 0) > 1) { g2 = g2 + -1 | 0; l2 = m4; } else { Q3 = m4; break; } } } else Q3 = S2; } else Q3 = t3; while (0); c[o2 >> 2] = Q3; D3 = 1; Ia = h3; return D3 | 0; } function Ge(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; Be(b4, e2); f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a: do switch (f2 | 0) { case 10: { g2 = e2 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) | 0; if ((h3 | 0) > 0 ? (h3 = i3 + -4 | 0, j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0, ((j2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { k2 = j2; l2 = h3; } else { k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = i3; } c[l2 >> 2] = ((k2 & 16320 | 0) == 0 & 1) << 6 | k2 & -16321; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 32; break; } case 2: case 5: case 4: break; case 11: { g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = e2 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[(c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[i3 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = b4 + 20 | 0; if ((h3 & 63 | 0) == 33) { c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; le(b4, h3 >>> 23 << 6 | 16424) | 0; h3 = b4 + 28 | 0; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = -1; h3 = le(b4, 2147450916) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) != -1) if ((h3 | 0) != -1) { o2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = h3; while (true) { q3 = o2 + (p2 << 2) | 0; r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (r2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; t3 = (s3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : p2 + 1 + s3 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == -1) break; else p2 = t3; } o2 = j2 + ~p2 | 0; if ((((o2 | 0) > -1 ? o2 : 0 - o2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[q3 >> 2] = (o2 << 14) + 2147467264 | r2 & 16383; m4 = h3; n2 = 32; break a; } } else { u2 = j2; n2 = 33; } else { m4 = h3; n2 = 32; } } else { v2 = g2; w2 = i3; n2 = 16; } break; } default: { o2 = e2 + 4 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 6) { x2 = o2; n2 = 22; } else { v2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; w2 = o2; n2 = 16; } } } while (0); if ((n2 | 0) == 16) { f2 = b4 + 48 | 0; r2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; q3 = (r2 & 255) + 1 | 0; k2 = v2 + 78 | 0; do if ((r2 & 255) >= (d[k2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((r2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { v2 = q3 & 255; a[k2 >> 0] = v2; y4 = v2; break; } else y4 = q3 & 255; while (0); a[f2 >> 0] = y4; Ye(b4, e2, (y4 & 255) + -1 | 0); if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 6) { x2 = w2; n2 = 22; } else { z3 = w2; n2 = 25; } } if ((n2 | 0) == 22) { w2 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((w2 & 256 | 0) == 0 ? (w2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { w2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = (a[w2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; z3 = x2; n2 = 25; } else { z3 = x2; n2 = 25; } } do if ((n2 | 0) == 25) { le(b4, c[z3 >> 2] << 23 | 16361) | 0; x2 = b4 + 28 | 0; w2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = -1; x2 = le(b4, 2147450916) | 0; if ((w2 | 0) != -1) if ((x2 | 0) != -1) { y4 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = x2; while (true) { A4 = y4 + (f2 << 2) | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (B2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; k2 = (q3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : f2 + 1 + q3 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == -1) break; else f2 = k2; } y4 = w2 + ~f2 | 0; if ((((y4 | 0) > -1 ? y4 : 0 - y4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[A4 >> 2] = (y4 << 14) + 2147467264 | B2 & 16383; m4 = x2; n2 = 32; break; } } else { u2 = w2; n2 = 33; } else { m4 = x2; n2 = 32; } } while (0); if ((n2 | 0) == 32 ? (m4 | 0) != -1 : 0) { u2 = m4; n2 = 33; } do if ((n2 | 0) == 33) { m4 = e2 + 12 | 0; B2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) == -1) { c[m4 >> 2] = u2; break; } m4 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; A4 = B2; while (true) { C3 = m4 + (A4 << 2) | 0; D3 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; B2 = (D3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; z3 = (B2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : A4 + 1 + B2 | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == -1) break; else A4 = z3; } m4 = u2 + ~A4 | 0; if ((((m4 | 0) > -1 ? m4 : 0 - m4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[C3 >> 2] = (m4 << 14) + 2147467264 | D3 & 16383; break; } } while (0); D3 = e2 + 8 | 0; e2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = c[b4 + 20 >> 2]; C3 = b4 + 28 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == -1) { c[D3 >> 2] = -1; return; } u2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 | 0) == -1) { c[C3 >> 2] = e2; c[D3 >> 2] = -1; return; } C3 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = u2; while (true) { E3 = C3 + (n2 << 2) | 0; F3 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (F3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; m4 = (u2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : n2 + 1 + u2 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == -1) break; else n2 = m4; } C3 = e2 + ~n2 | 0; if ((((C3 | 0) > -1 ? C3 : 0 - C3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); c[E3 >> 2] = (C3 << 14) + 2147467264 | F3 & 16383; c[D3 >> 2] = -1; return; } function He(d2) { d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = c[d2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; a[f2 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[f2 + 8 >> 0] = a[g2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; h3 = c[(c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[f2 + 4 >> 1] = c[h3 + 28 >> 2]; b3[f2 + 6 >> 1] = c[h3 + 16 >> 2]; a[f2 + 9 >> 0] = 0; h3 = g2 + 16 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[h3 >> 2] = f2; f2 = d2 + 24 | 0; a: while (true) { h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; switch (h3 | 0) { case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { i3 = 4; break a; break; } default: { } } ie(d2); if ((h3 | 0) == 274) { i3 = 4; break; } } if ((i3 | 0) == 4) { me(g2); Ia = e2; return; } } function Ie2(e2, f2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; g2 = c[e2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3 + 60 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = g2 + 44 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > (b3[l2 >> 1] | 0)) { m4 = k2; n2 = c[i3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; } else { o2 = i3 + 24 | 0; p2 = pe(c[e2 + 44 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 >> 2] | 0, j2, 12, 32767, 47639) | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = p2; m4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = p2; } if ((k2 | 0) < (m4 | 0) ? (p2 = k2 + 1 | 0, c[n2 + (k2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = 0, (p2 | 0) < (m4 | 0)) : 0) { k2 = p2; do { c[n2 + (k2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != (m4 | 0)); } c[n2 + ((b3[l2 >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) >> 2] = f2; do if (a[f2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 ? (n2 = i3 + 5 | 0, m4 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0, m4 & 4) : 0) { k2 = c[(c[e2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[k2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(k2, f2); break; } else { a[n2 >> 0] = a[k2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | m4 & -72; break; } } while (0); f2 = b3[l2 >> 1] | 0; b3[l2 >> 1] = f2 + 1 << 16 >> 16; l2 = h3 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 - (c[g2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) | 0) > 200) ze(g2, 200, 47639); g2 = h3 + 8 | 0; if ((i3 + 2 | 0) > (c[g2 >> 2] | 0)) { k2 = pe(c[e2 + 44 >> 2] | 0, c[h3 >> 2] | 0, g2, 2, 2147483645, 47639) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = k2; g2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = k2; r2 = g2; s3 = g2 + 1 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = s3; t3 = q3 + (r2 << 1) | 0; b3[t3 >> 1] = f2; return; } else { q3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = i3; s3 = m4; c[l2 >> 2] = s3; t3 = q3 + (r2 << 1) | 0; b3[t3 >> 1] = f2; return; } } function Je(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; De(b4, f2, 0) | 0; g2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; Be(g2, f2); if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (b4 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (b4 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (b4 | 0) >= (d[g2 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { b4 = g2 + 48 | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } b4 = g2 + 48 | 0; h3 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; i3 = (h3 & 255) + 1 | 0; j2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((h3 & 255) < (d[j2 >> 0] | 0)) { k2 = i3 & 255; a[b4 >> 0] = k2; l2 = k2 & 255; m4 = l2 + -1 | 0; Ce(g2, f2, m4); Ia = e2; return; } if ((h3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); h3 = i3 & 255; a[j2 >> 0] = h3; k2 = h3; a[b4 >> 0] = k2; l2 = k2 & 255; m4 = l2 + -1 | 0; Ce(g2, f2, m4); Ia = e2; return; } function Ke(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; g2 = c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = Kc(i3, e2) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 2172216) k2 = Lc(g2, i3, e2) | 0; else k2 = j2; j2 = k2 + 4 | 0; if (((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (e2 = c[k2 >> 2] >> 16, i3 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0, (c[i3 + (e2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) ? Rc(0, i3 + (e2 << 3) | 0, f2) | 0 : 0) { l2 = e2; return l2 | 0; } e2 = h3 + 44 | 0; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = b4 + 32 | 0; b4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = b4; c[j2 >> 2] = 3; j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3 + 8 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < (j2 | 0)) { n2 = j2; o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; } else { j2 = pe(g2, c[k2 >> 2] | 0, e2, 8, 67108863, 47629) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2; n2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = j2; } if ((i3 | 0) < (n2 | 0) ? (j2 = i3 + 1 | 0, c[o2 + (i3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0, (j2 | 0) < (n2 | 0)) : 0) { i3 = j2; do { c[o2 + (i3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (n2 | 0)); } c[o2 + (b4 << 3) >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; n2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[o2 + (b4 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; if (!(c[n2 >> 2] & 64)) { l2 = b4; return l2 | 0; } n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[n2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { l2 = b4; return l2 | 0; } f2 = h3 + 5 | 0; h3 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(h3 & 4)) { l2 = b4; return l2 | 0; } m4 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[m4 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(m4, n2); l2 = b4; return l2 | 0; } else { a[f2 >> 0] = a[m4 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | h3 & -72; l2 = b4; return l2 | 0; } return 0; } function Le(e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; k2 = j2; l2 = e2 + 40 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + 46 | 0; o2 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = (o2 & 255) + 3; p2 = m4 + 20 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = m4 + 12 | 0; s3 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 + 3 & 255) | 0; c[s3 + ((b3[t3 + (u2 + -3 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = q3; c[s3 + ((b3[t3 + (u2 + -2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = q3; c[s3 + ((b3[t3 + (u2 + -1 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = q3; q3 = e2 + 24 | 0; if ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) != 259) je(e2, 259); c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = c[e2 + 4 >> 2]; u2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[u2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[q3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { q3 = u2; t3 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = t3; c[u2 >> 2] = 287; } u2 = (i3 | 0) != 0; do if (!u2) { i3 = m4 + 28 | 0; t3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = -1; i3 = le(m4, 2147450916) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) != -1) if ((i3 | 0) != -1) { s3 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; q3 = i3; while (true) { v2 = s3 + (q3 << 2) | 0; w2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (w2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; x2 = (o2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : q3 + 1 + o2 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == -1) break; else q3 = x2; } s3 = t3 + ~q3 | 0; if ((((s3 | 0) > -1 ? s3 : 0 - s3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[r2 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[v2 >> 2] = (s3 << 14) + 2147467264 | w2 & 16383; y4 = i3; break; } } else y4 = t3; else y4 = i3; } else y4 = le(m4, f2 << 6 | 2147450926) | 0; while (0); a[k2 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[k2 + 8 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[n2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[k2 + 4 >> 1] = c[w2 + 28 >> 2]; b3[k2 + 6 >> 1] = c[w2 + 16 >> 2]; a[k2 + 9 >> 0] = 0; w2 = m4 + 16 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[w2 >> 2] = k2; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 46 | 0; w2 = (d[l2 >> 0] | 0) + h3 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = w2; if (h3 | 0) { l2 = c[k2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[c[(c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[k2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (w2 & 255) | 0; w2 = h3; do { c[v2 + ((b3[s3 + (x2 - w2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = l2; w2 = w2 + -1 | 0; } while ((w2 | 0) != 0); } w2 = m4 + 48 | 0; l2 = (d[w2 >> 0] | 0) + h3 | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((l2 | 0) > (d[x2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((l2 | 0) > 249) oe(n2, 47325); else { s3 = l2 & 255; a[x2 >> 0] = s3; z3 = s3; break; } else z3 = l2 & 255; while (0); a[w2 >> 0] = z3; He(e2); me(m4); c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; e2 = m4 + 28 | 0; do if ((y4 | 0) != -1) { z3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == -1) { c[e2 >> 2] = y4; break; } w2 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; l2 = z3; while (true) { A4 = w2 + (l2 << 2) | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = (B2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; x2 = (z3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : l2 + 1 + z3 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == -1) break; else l2 = x2; } w2 = y4 + ~l2 | 0; if ((((w2 | 0) > -1 ? w2 : 0 - w2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[r2 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[A4 >> 2] = (w2 << 14) + 2147467264 | B2 & 16383; break; } } while (0); B2 = f2 << 6; if (u2) { C3 = B2 | 2147450925; D3 = le(m4, C3) | 0; E3 = y4 + 1 | 0; we(m4, D3, E3); F3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; G2 = F3 + 20 | 0; H2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = I2 + -1 | 0; K2 = H2 + (J2 << 2) | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = g2; Ia = j2; return; } else { le(m4, B2 | h3 << 14 | 47) | 0; c[(c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) >> 2] = g2; C3 = B2 + 128 | 2147450928; D3 = le(m4, C3) | 0; E3 = y4 + 1 | 0; we(m4, D3, E3); F3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; G2 = F3 + 20 | 0; H2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = I2 + -1 | 0; K2 = H2 + (J2 << 2) | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = g2; Ia = j2; return; } } function Me(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; h3 = e2 - f2 | 0; f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; switch (f2 | 0) { case 13: case 12: { e2 = h3 + 1 | 0; i3 = (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 0; switch (f2 | 0) { case 12: { f2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[g2 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2] & -8372225 | (i3 << 14) + 16384 & 8372224; break; } case 13: { f2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2 + 4 | 0; k2 = e2 + (c[j2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2] & 8388607 | (i3 << 23) + 8388608; k2 = e2 + (c[j2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; e2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; l2 = e2 & 255; c[k2 >> 2] = l2 << 6 | c[k2 >> 2] & -16321; k2 = l2 + 1 | 0; l2 = f2 + 78 | 0; do if ((e2 & 255) >= (d[l2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((e2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { f2 = k2 & 255; a[l2 >> 0] = f2; m4 = f2; break; } else m4 = k2 & 255; while (0); a[j2 >> 0] = m4; break; } default: { } } if ((i3 | 0) <= 1) return; m4 = b4 + 48 | 0; j2 = i3 + -1 + (d[m4 >> 0] | 0) | 0; i3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) > (d[i3 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) if ((j2 | 0) > 249) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { k2 = j2 & 255; a[i3 >> 0] = k2; n2 = k2; break; } else n2 = j2 & 255; while (0); a[m4 >> 0] = n2; return; } case 0: break; default: { Be(b4, g2); if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (n2 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (n2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (n2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { n2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = (a[n2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } n2 = b4 + 48 | 0; m4 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = (m4 & 255) + 1 | 0; i3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((m4 & 255) >= (d[i3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((m4 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { k2 = j2 & 255; a[i3 >> 0] = k2; o2 = k2; break; } else o2 = j2 & 255; while (0); a[n2 >> 0] = o2; Ce(b4, g2, (o2 & 255) + -1 | 0); } } if ((h3 | 0) <= 0) return; o2 = b4 + 48 | 0; g2 = d[o2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = h3 + g2 | 0; j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; i3 = j2 + 78 | 0; do if ((n2 | 0) > (d[i3 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) if ((n2 | 0) > 249) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { m4 = n2 & 255; a[i3 >> 0] = m4; p2 = m4; break; } else p2 = n2 & 255; while (0); a[o2 >> 0] = p2; p2 = n2 + 511 | 0; o2 = c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0; do if ((o2 | 0) > (c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) ? (i3 = (c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 + -1 << 2) | 0, m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0, (m4 & 63 | 0) == 4) : 0) { k2 = m4 >>> 6 & 255; l2 = k2 + (m4 >>> 23) | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 > g2 >>> 0 | (l2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 ? k2 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 | (k2 | 0) > (n2 | 0) : 0) break; e2 = k2 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 ? k2 : g2; c[i3 >> 2] = e2 << 6 | m4 & 8372287 | ((l2 | 0) < (n2 | 0) ? p2 : l2) - e2 << 23; return; } while (0); le(b4, (h3 << 23) + -8388608 | g2 << 6 | 4) | 0; return; } function Ne(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; Be(b4, e2); if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 6) { f2 = e2 + 4 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) { h3 = g2; return h3 | 0; } if ((g2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) { Ce(b4, e2, g2); i3 = f2; } else j2 = 5; } else j2 = 5; if ((j2 | 0) == 5) { Be(b4, e2); if (((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (j2 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (j2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (j2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; f2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; g2 = (f2 & 255) + 1 | 0; k2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((f2 & 255) >= (d[k2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((f2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { l2 = g2 & 255; a[k2 >> 0] = l2; m4 = l2; break; } else m4 = g2 & 255; while (0); a[j2 >> 0] = m4; Ce(b4, e2, (m4 & 255) + -1 | 0); i3 = e2 + 4 | 0; } h3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; return h3 | 0; } function Oe(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; if ((c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) Be(b4, d2); else Ne(b4, d2) | 0; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; switch (h3 | 0) { case 1: case 3: case 2: { if ((c[b4 + 32 >> 2] | 0) < 256) { if ((h3 | 0) == 1) { c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; i3 = Ke(b4, f2, g2) | 0; } else { c[f2 >> 2] = (h3 | 0) == 2 & 1; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; i3 = Ke(b4, f2, f2) | 0; } c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; c[d2 >> 2] = 4; j2 = i3 | 256; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } break; } case 5: { i3 = d2 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = h3; k2 = c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; if (!h3) { h3 = k2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = l2 + 8; m4 = $c(k2, f2, 4) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = m4; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[m4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; m4 = Ke(b4, (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0, g2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -8; n2 = m4; } else n2 = Ke(b4, g2, g2) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = n2; c[d2 >> 2] = 4; o2 = n2; p2 = 15; break; } case 4: { o2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; p2 = 15; break; } default: { } } if ((p2 | 0) == 15 ? (o2 | 0) < 256 : 0) { j2 = o2 | 256; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } j2 = Ne(b4, d2) | 0; Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } function Pe(e2, f2, g2, h3) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; j2 = i3; k2 = i3 + 16 | 0; l2 = i3 + 4 | 0; m4 = e2 + 40 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = e2 + 44 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = n2 + 36 | 0; n2 = q3 + 56 | 0; s3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >= (s3 | 0) ? (t3 = q3 + 16 | 0, u2 = pe(p2, c[t3 >> 2] | 0, n2, 4, 262143, 47589) | 0, c[t3 >> 2] = u2, v2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0, (s3 | 0) < (v2 | 0)) : 0) ? (n2 = s3 + 1 | 0, c[u2 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] = 0, (n2 | 0) < (v2 | 0)) : 0) { s3 = n2; do { c[(c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 2) >> 2] = 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (v2 | 0)); } v2 = p2 + 12 | 0; s3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = s3 + 4 | 0; n2 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!n2) { if (!(a[s3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(p2, 4); Ic(p2, 1); u2 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!u2) wc(p2, 4); else w2 = u2; } else w2 = n2; n2 = s3 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 80; n2 = s3 + 56 | 0; u2 = w2 + 5 | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = a[s3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[w2 + 4 >> 0] = 9; c[w2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; c[n2 >> 2] = w2; a[w2 + 76 >> 0] = 0; a[w2 + 77 >> 0] = 0; n2 = w2 + 78 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = 0; s3 = w2 + 8 | 0; p2 = s3 + 64 | 0; do { c[s3 >> 2] = 0; s3 = s3 + 4 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) < (p2 | 0)); s3 = c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = p2 + 1; c[s3 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] = w2; do if (a[u2 >> 0] & 3 ? (p2 = q3 + 5 | 0, s3 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0, s3 & 4) : 0) { r2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[r2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(r2, w2); break; } else { a[p2 >> 0] = a[r2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | s3 & -72; break; } } while (0); c[k2 >> 2] = w2; c[w2 + 64 >> 2] = h3; v2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; o2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = e2; c[m4 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = -1; c[k2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; q3 = k2 + 44 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; a[q3 + 4 >> 0] = 0; c[k2 + 40 >> 2] = c[(c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2]; q3 = k2 + 16 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 + 36 >> 2] = c[e2 + 60 >> 2]; a[n2 >> 0] = 2; n2 = c[v2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; w2 = n2 + 4 | 0; u2 = Pa[c[n2 >> 2] & 3](c[w2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!u2) { if (!(a[n2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(v2, 4); Ic(v2, 1); s3 = Pa[c[n2 >> 2] & 3](c[w2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!s3) wc(v2, 4); else x2 = s3; } else x2 = u2; u2 = n2 + 12 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; u2 = n2 + 56 | 0; a[x2 + 5 >> 0] = a[n2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[x2 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[x2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[u2 >> 2] = x2; c[x2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[x2 + 6 >> 0] = -1; c[x2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[x2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[x2 + 16 >> 2] = 2172240; a[x2 + 7 >> 0] = 0; c[x2 + 20 >> 2] = 2172240; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = x2; u2 = v2 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; n2 = (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = n2; u2 = n2; do if (((c[v2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0) < 8) { n2 = c[v2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(v2, 6); x2 = (u2 - (c[v2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0; s3 = n2 << 1; n2 = (s3 | 0) < 1e6 ? s3 : 1e6; s3 = (n2 | 0) < (x2 | 0) ? x2 : n2; if ((s3 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(v2, 1000200); yc(v2, 46193, j2); } else { xc(v2, s3); break; } } while (0); a[l2 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[l2 + 8 >> 0] = a[k2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; v2 = c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[l2 + 4 >> 1] = c[v2 + 28 >> 2]; b3[l2 + 6 >> 1] = c[v2 + 16 >> 2]; a[l2 + 9 >> 0] = 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[q3 >> 2] = l2; l2 = e2 + 24 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) != 40) je(e2, 40); q3 = e2 + 4 | 0; v2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; o2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { j2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = j2; y4 = j2; } else { j2 = o2; u2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = u2; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = s3; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; y4 = u2; } if (!g2) { g2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = g2; A4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = y4; C3 = g2; } else { Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47599, 4) | 0); g2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; y4 = g2 + 46 | 0; u2 = a[y4 >> 0] | 0; a[y4 >> 0] = (u2 & 255) + 1; y4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[(c[y4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((b3[(c[c[(c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + ((c[g2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (u2 + 1 & 255) + -1 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 20 >> 2]; z3 = g2; A4 = y4; B2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = g2; } g2 = A4 + 77 | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = 0; a: do if ((B2 | 0) == 41) D3 = 0; else { y4 = e2 + 28 | 0; u2 = e2 + 24 | 0; s3 = B2; j2 = 0; b: while (true) { switch (s3 | 0) { case 280: { break b; break; } case 289: break; default: { E3 = 43; break b; } } n2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[l2 >> 2] = he(e2, y4) | 0; else { x2 = o2; w2 = c[x2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = u2; c[r2 >> 2] = c[x2 >> 2]; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = w2; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; } Ie2(e2, n2); n2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if (a[g2 >> 0] | 0) { D3 = n2; break a; } if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) != 44) { D3 = n2; break a; } c[v2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { w2 = he(e2, y4) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = w2; F3 = w2; } else { w2 = o2; r2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[w2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; w2 = u2; c[w2 >> 2] = r2; c[w2 + 4 >> 2] = x2; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; F3 = r2; } s3 = F3; j2 = n2; } if ((E3 | 0) == 43) oe(e2, 47604); c[v2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[l2 >> 2] = he(e2, y4) | 0; else { s3 = o2; n2 = c[s3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = u2; c[r2 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = n2; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; } a[g2 >> 0] = 1; D3 = j2; } while (0); g2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; E3 = g2 + 46 | 0; F3 = D3 + (d[E3 >> 0] | 0) | 0; a[E3 >> 0] = F3; if (D3 | 0) { E3 = c[g2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; B2 = c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[c[(c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; r2 = (c[g2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (F3 & 255) | 0; F3 = D3; do { c[B2 + ((b3[n2 + (r2 - F3 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = E3; F3 = F3 + -1 | 0; } while ((F3 | 0) != 0); } F3 = a[z3 + 46 >> 0] | 0; a[A4 + 76 >> 0] = F3; A4 = z3 + 48 | 0; E3 = (d[A4 >> 0] | 0) + (F3 & 255) | 0; F3 = (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if (E3 >>> 0 > (d[F3 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0) if (E3 >>> 0 > 249) oe(c[z3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { C3 = E3 & 255; a[F3 >> 0] = C3; G2 = C3; break; } else G2 = E3 & 255; while (0); a[A4 >> 0] = G2; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) != 41) je(e2, 41); c[v2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { v2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = v2; H2 = v2; } else { v2 = o2; G2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = c[v2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = G2; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = A4; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; H2 = G2; } G2 = H2; c: while (true) { switch (G2 | 0) { case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { break c; break; } default: { } } ie(e2); if ((G2 | 0) == 274) break; G2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 68 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; Ee(e2, 262, 265, h3); h3 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; m4 = le(h3, (c[h3 + 36 >> 2] << 14) + -16384 | 50) | 0; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; q3 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = m4; Be(h3, f2); if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (m4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0, (m4 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (m4 | 0) >= (d[h3 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { m4 = h3 + 48 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = (a[m4 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } m4 = h3 + 48 | 0; q3 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; k2 = (q3 & 255) + 1 | 0; l2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((q3 & 255) < (d[l2 >> 0] | 0)) { I2 = k2 & 255; a[m4 >> 0] = I2; J2 = I2 & 255; K2 = J2 + -1 | 0; Ce(h3, f2, K2); ke(e2); Ia = i3; return; } if ((q3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); q3 = k2 & 255; a[l2 >> 0] = q3; I2 = q3; a[m4 >> 0] = I2; J2 = I2 & 255; K2 = J2 + -1 | 0; Ce(h3, f2, K2); ke(e2); Ia = i3; return; } function Qe(b4, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0; switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 7: { if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (h3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (h3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (h3 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { h3 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } Ce(b4, g2, c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); return; } case 8: { le(b4, (Ne(b4, g2) | 0) << 6 | c[f2 + 4 >> 2] << 23 | 9) | 0; break; } case 9: { h3 = f2 + 4 | 0; f2 = (a[h3 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 7 ? 10 : 8; le(b4, (Oe(b4, g2) | 0) << 14 | f2 | d[h3 + 2 >> 0] << 6 | e[h3 >> 1] << 23) | 0; break; } default: { } } if ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) != 6) return; h3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 & 256 | 0) return; if ((h3 | 0) < (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0)) return; h3 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; return; } function Re(e2, f2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; h3 = g2 + 16 | 0; i3 = g2; j2 = e2 + 40 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = e2 + 4 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = e2 + 24 | 0; switch (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) { case 40: { o2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = m4; p2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { q3 = p2; r2 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; } De(e2, f2, 0) | 0; Ee(e2, 41, 40, m4); Be(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, f2); t3 = o2; u2 = p2; v2 = p2; break; } case 289: { Ae(e2, f2); p2 = e2 + 32 | 0; t3 = e2 + 16 | 0; u2 = p2; v2 = p2; break; } default: oe(e2, 47520); } p2 = f2 + 8 | 0; o2 = f2 + 12 | 0; r2 = e2 + 28 | 0; s3 = e2 + 24 | 0; q3 = f2 + 4 | 0; w2 = k2 + 48 | 0; x2 = h3 + 8 | 0; y4 = h3 + 12 | 0; z3 = k2 + 46 | 0; A4 = h3 + 4 | 0; B2 = i3 + 8 | 0; C3 = i3 + 12 | 0; D3 = i3 + 4 | 0; E3 = h3 + 4 | 0; F3 = i3 + 8 | 0; G2 = i3 + 12 | 0; H2 = i3 + 4 | 0; I2 = f2 + 4 | 0; J2 = I2 + 2 | 0; K2 = I2 + 3 | 0; a: while (true) switch (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) { case 46: { L3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) Ne(L3, f2) | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[v2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { M2 = he(e2, r2) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = M2; N4 = M2; } else { M2 = u2; O2 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; P2 = c[M2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; M2 = s3; c[M2 >> 2] = O2; c[M2 + 4 >> 2] = P2; c[v2 >> 2] = 287; N4 = O2; } if ((N4 | 0) != 289) { Q3 = 17; break a; } O2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[v2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { P2 = u2; M2 = c[P2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; R3 = s3; c[R3 >> 2] = c[P2 >> 2]; c[R3 + 4 >> 2] = M2; c[v2 >> 2] = 287; } M2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = O2; c[E3 >> 2] = (a[O2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; O2 = Ke(M2, h3, h3) | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = -1; c[G2 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 >> 2] = 4; c[H2 >> 2] = O2; a[J2 >> 0] = c[I2 >> 2]; b3[I2 >> 1] = Oe(L3, i3) | 0; a[K2 >> 0] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? 8 : 7; c[f2 >> 2] = 9; break; } case 91: { if (!((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) Ne(k2, f2) | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[v2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { L3 = u2; O2 = c[L3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; M2 = s3; c[M2 >> 2] = c[L3 >> 2]; c[M2 + 4 >> 2] = O2; c[v2 >> 2] = 287; } De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; O2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[x2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[y4 >> 2] | 0)) Be(O2, h3); else Ne(O2, h3) | 0; if ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) != 93) { Q3 = 32; break a; } c[t3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[v2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { O2 = u2; M2 = c[O2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; L3 = s3; c[L3 >> 2] = c[O2 >> 2]; c[L3 + 4 >> 2] = M2; c[v2 >> 2] = 287; } a[J2 >> 0] = c[I2 >> 2]; b3[I2 >> 1] = Oe(k2, h3) | 0; a[K2 >> 0] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? 8 : 7; c[f2 >> 2] = 9; break; } case 58: { c[t3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[v2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { M2 = he(e2, r2) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = M2; S2 = M2; } else { M2 = u2; L3 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; O2 = c[M2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; M2 = s3; c[M2 >> 2] = L3; c[M2 + 4 >> 2] = O2; c[v2 >> 2] = 287; S2 = L3; } if ((S2 | 0) != 289) { Q3 = 41; break a; } L3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[v2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { O2 = u2; M2 = c[O2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; R3 = s3; c[R3 >> 2] = c[O2 >> 2]; c[R3 + 4 >> 2] = M2; c[v2 >> 2] = 287; } M2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = L3; c[A4 >> 2] = (a[L3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; L3 = Ke(M2, h3, h3) | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = -1; c[C3 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 >> 2] = 4; c[D3 >> 2] = L3; Ze(k2, f2, i3); _e(e2, f2, m4); break; } case 123: case 290: case 40: { Be(k2, f2); if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (L3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0, (L3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (L3 | 0) >= (d[z3 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { L3 = (a[w2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; a[w2 >> 0] = L3; T4 = L3; } else T4 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; L3 = (T4 & 255) + 1 | 0; M2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((T4 & 255) < (d[M2 >> 0] | 0)) U2 = L3 & 255; else { if ((T4 & 255) > 248) { Q3 = 54; break a; } R3 = L3 & 255; a[M2 >> 0] = R3; U2 = R3; } a[w2 >> 0] = U2; Ce(k2, f2, (U2 & 255) + -1 | 0); _e(e2, f2, m4); break; } default: { Q3 = 58; break a; } } if ((Q3 | 0) == 17) je(e2, 289); else if ((Q3 | 0) == 32) je(e2, 93); else if ((Q3 | 0) == 41) je(e2, 289); else if ((Q3 | 0) == 54) oe(c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else if ((Q3 | 0) == 58) { Ia = g2; return; } } function Se(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; switch (e2 | 0) { case 26: { Ge(b4, f2); return; } case 27: { Xe(b4, f2); return; } case 19: { Be(b4, f2); if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (e2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (e2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (e2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { e2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = (a[e2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } e2 = b4 + 48 | 0; g2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; h3 = (g2 & 255) + 1 | 0; i3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((g2 & 255) >= (d[i3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((g2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { j2 = h3 & 255; a[i3 >> 0] = j2; k2 = j2; break; } else k2 = h3 & 255; while (0); a[e2 >> 0] = k2; Ce(b4, f2, (k2 & 255) + -1 | 0); return; } case 18: case 17: case 16: case 15: case 14: case 13: case 12: case 11: case 10: case 9: case 8: case 7: case 6: case 5: case 4: case 3: case 2: case 1: case 0: { if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 5 ? (c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) ? (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) return; Oe(b4, f2) | 0; return; } default: { Oe(b4, f2) | 0; return; } } } function Te2(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; switch (e2 | 0) { case 26: { Be(b4, g2); i3 = g2 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) != -1) { k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == -1) { c[i3 >> 2] = j2; break; } l2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = k2; while (true) { n2 = l2 + (m4 << 2) | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (o2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; p2 = (k2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : m4 + 1 + k2 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == -1) break; else m4 = p2; } l2 = j2 + ~m4 | 0; if ((((l2 | 0) > -1 ? l2 : 0 - l2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[n2 >> 2] = (l2 << 14) + 2147467264 | o2 & 16383; break; } } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 4 >> 2]; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 + 8 >> 2]; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = c[g2 + 12 >> 2]; return; } case 27: { Be(b4, g2); o2 = g2 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; do if ((n2 | 0) != -1) { j2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == -1) { c[o2 >> 2] = n2; break; } i3 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2; while (true) { q3 = i3 + (l2 << 2) | 0; r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (r2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; p2 = (j2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : l2 + 1 + j2 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == -1) break; else l2 = p2; } i3 = n2 + ~l2 | 0; if ((((i3 | 0) > -1 ? i3 : 0 - i3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[q3 >> 2] = (i3 << 14) + 2147467264 | r2 & 16383; break; } } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 4 >> 2]; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 + 8 >> 2]; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = c[g2 + 12 >> 2]; return; } case 19: { if ((c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) Be(b4, g2); else Ne(b4, g2) | 0; if ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 11 ? (r2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, q3 = g2 + 4 | 0, n2 = r2 + (c[q3 >> 2] << 2) | 0, o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0, (o2 & 63 | 0) == 35) : 0) { i3 = f2 + 4 | 0; if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0, (m4 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (m4 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { m4 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = (a[m4 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; m4 = r2 + (c[q3 >> 2] << 2) | 0; s3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = m4; } else { s3 = o2; t3 = n2; } c[t3 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2] << 23 | s3 & 8388607; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; c[i3 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; return; } Be(b4, g2); if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (q3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (q3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (q3 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { q3 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = (a[q3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } q3 = b4 + 48 | 0; i3 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; s3 = (i3 & 255) + 1 | 0; t3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((i3 & 255) >= (d[t3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((i3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { n2 = s3 & 255; a[t3 >> 0] = n2; u2 = n2; break; } else u2 = s3 & 255; while (0); a[q3 >> 0] = u2; Ce(b4, g2, (u2 & 255) + -1 | 0); Ve(b4, 35, f2, g2, h3); return; } case 18: case 17: case 16: case 15: case 14: case 13: case 12: case 11: case 10: case 9: case 8: case 7: case 6: case 5: case 4: case 3: case 2: case 1: case 0: { Ve(b4, e2 + 13 | 0, f2, g2, h3); return; } case 22: case 21: case 20: { We(b4, e2 + 17 | 0, 1, f2, g2); return; } case 25: case 24: case 23: { We(b4, e2 + 14 | 0, 0, f2, g2); return; } default: return; } } function Ue(f2, g2, h3) { f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; j2 = i3 + 24 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; if (((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + -7 | 0) >>> 0 >= 3) oe(f2, 57168); m4 = f2 + 24 | 0; a: do switch (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) { case 44: { c[f2 + 16 >> 2] = c[f2 + 4 >> 2]; n2 = f2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[m4 >> 2] = he(f2, f2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { o2 = n2; p2 = c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = f2 + 24 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = p2; c[n2 >> 2] = 287; } c[k2 >> 2] = g2; n2 = k2 + 4 | 0; Re(f2, n2); p2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 9) { n2 = c[f2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; q3 = n2 + 48 | 0; o2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; r2 = k2 + 8 | 0; s3 = o2 & 255; t3 = (p2 | 0) == 7; u2 = 0; v2 = g2; while (true) { if ((c[v2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 9) { w2 = v2 + 8 | 0; x2 = w2 + 3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == (d[x2 >> 0] | 0) ? (y4 = w2 + 2 | 0, (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == (d[y4 >> 0] | 0)) : 0) { a[x2 >> 0] = 7; a[y4 >> 0] = o2; z3 = 1; } else z3 = u2; if (t3 ? (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == (b3[w2 >> 1] | 0) : 0) { b3[w2 >> 1] = s3; A4 = 1; } else A4 = z3; } else A4 = u2; v2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) break; else u2 = A4; } if (A4 | 0) { le(n2, (o2 & 255) << 6 | ((p2 | 0) == 7 ? 0 : 5) | c[r2 >> 2] << 23) | 0; u2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; v2 = (u2 & 255) + 1 | 0; s3 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((u2 & 255) >= (d[s3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((u2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { t3 = v2 & 255; a[s3 >> 0] = t3; B2 = t3; break; } else B2 = v2 & 255; while (0); a[q3 >> 0] = B2; } } if (((e[(c[f2 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + 38 >> 1] | 0) + h3 | 0) > 200) ze(c[f2 + 40 >> 2] | 0, 200, 47316); else { Ue(f2, k2, h3 + 1 | 0); C3 = f2 + 40 | 0; break a; } break; } case 61: { v2 = f2 + 4 | 0; s3 = f2 + 16 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; n2 = f2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[m4 >> 2] = he(f2, f2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { u2 = n2; r2 = c[u2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; p2 = f2 + 24 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[n2 >> 2] = 287; } De(f2, j2, 0) | 0; b: do if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { r2 = f2 + 28 | 0; p2 = f2 + 40 | 0; u2 = f2 + 24 | 0; o2 = j2 + 4 | 0; t3 = 1; while (true) { c[s3 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; if ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[m4 >> 2] = he(f2, r2) | 0; else { w2 = n2; y4 = c[w2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; x2 = u2; c[x2 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = y4; c[n2 >> 2] = 287; } D3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; Be(D3, j2); if (((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0, (y4 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (y4 | 0) >= (d[D3 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { y4 = D3 + 48 | 0; a[y4 >> 0] = (a[y4 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } y4 = D3 + 48 | 0; x2 = a[y4 >> 0] | 0; w2 = (x2 & 255) + 1 | 0; E3 = (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((x2 & 255) < (d[E3 >> 0] | 0)) F3 = w2 & 255; else { if ((x2 & 255) > 248) break; x2 = w2 & 255; a[E3 >> 0] = x2; F3 = x2; } a[y4 >> 0] = F3; Ce(D3, j2, (F3 & 255) + -1 | 0); De(f2, j2, 0) | 0; y4 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 44) t3 = y4; else { G2 = p2; H2 = y4; break b; } } oe(c[D3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); } else { G2 = f2 + 40 | 0; H2 = 1; } while (0); n2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; if ((H2 | 0) != (h3 | 0)) { Me(n2, h3, H2, j2); if ((H2 | 0) <= (h3 | 0)) { C3 = G2; break a; } v2 = (c[G2 >> 2] | 0) + 48 | 0; a[v2 >> 0] = h3 - H2 + (d[v2 >> 0] | 0); C3 = G2; break a; } switch (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) { case 12: { c[j2 >> 2] = 6; v2 = j2 + 4 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = (c[(c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[v2 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 6 & 255; break; } case 13: { v2 = (c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2] & 8388607 | 16777216; c[j2 >> 2] = 11; break; } default: { } } Qe(n2, l2, j2); Ia = i3; return; } default: je(f2, 61); } while (0); f2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (d[f2 + 48 >> 0] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[j2 >> 2] = 6; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = C3; Qe(f2, l2, j2); Ia = i3; return; } function Ve(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; if (((((((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 5 ? (c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) ? (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) ? (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 5 : 0) ? (c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) ? (c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) ? (i3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, j2 = f2 + 4 | 0, !((e2 | 1 | 0) == 17 & (i3 | 0) == 0)) : 0) { c[j2 >> 2] = qd2(e2 + -13 | 0, c[j2 >> 2] | 0, i3) | 0; return; } if ((e2 | 2 | 0) == 34) k2 = 0; else k2 = Oe(b4, g2) | 0; i3 = Oe(b4, f2) | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (j2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (j2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (j2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (j2 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (j2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (j2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } } else { if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (j2 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (j2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (j2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (j2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (j2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (j2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } } c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = le(b4, k2 << 14 | e2 | i3 << 23) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; c[(c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) >> 2] = h3; return; } function We(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; i3 = Oe(b4, g2) | 0; j2 = Oe(b4, h3) | 0; if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (k2 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (k2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (k2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { k2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = (a[k2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (k2 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (k2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (k2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { k2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = (a[k2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } k2 = (e2 | 0) != 37 & (f2 | 0) == 0; le(b4, (k2 ? 64 : f2 << 6) | e2 | (k2 ? j2 : i3) << 23 | (k2 ? i3 : j2) << 14) | 0; j2 = b4 + 28 | 0; i3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = -1; j2 = le(b4, 2147450916) | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == -1) { l2 = j2; m4 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 >> 2] = 10; return; } if ((j2 | 0) == -1) { l2 = i3; m4 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 >> 2] = 10; return; } k2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; e2 = j2; while (true) { n2 = k2 + (e2 << 2) | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (o2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; h3 = (f2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : e2 + 1 + f2 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == -1) break; else e2 = h3; } k2 = i3 + ~e2 | 0; if ((((k2 | 0) > -1 ? k2 : 0 - k2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); c[n2 >> 2] = (k2 << 14) + 2147467264 | o2 & 16383; l2 = j2; m4 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 >> 2] = 10; return; } function Xe(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; Be(b4, e2); f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a: do switch (f2 | 0) { case 10: { g2 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 29; break; } case 3: case 1: break; case 11: { i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = e2 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[(c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 20 | 0; if ((k2 & 63 | 0) == 33) { c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; le(b4, k2 >>> 23 << 6 | 40) | 0; k2 = b4 + 28 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = -1; k2 = le(b4, 2147450916) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) != -1) if ((k2 | 0) != -1) { m4 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = k2; while (true) { o2 = m4 + (n2 << 2) | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (p2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; r2 = (q3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : n2 + 1 + q3 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == -1) break; else n2 = r2; } m4 = l2 + ~n2 | 0; if ((((m4 | 0) > -1 ? m4 : 0 - m4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[o2 >> 2] = (m4 << 14) + 2147467264 | p2 & 16383; g2 = k2; h3 = 29; break a; } } else { s3 = l2; h3 = 30; } else { g2 = k2; h3 = 29; } } else { t3 = i3; u2 = j2; h3 = 13; } break; } default: { m4 = e2 + 4 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 6) { v2 = m4; h3 = 19; } else { t3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; u2 = m4; h3 = 13; } } } while (0); if ((h3 | 0) == 13) { f2 = b4 + 48 | 0; p2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = (p2 & 255) + 1 | 0; m4 = t3 + 78 | 0; do if ((p2 & 255) >= (d[m4 >> 0] | 0)) if ((p2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { t3 = o2 & 255; a[m4 >> 0] = t3; w2 = t3; break; } else w2 = o2 & 255; while (0); a[f2 >> 0] = w2; Ye(b4, e2, (w2 & 255) + -1 | 0); if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 6) { v2 = u2; h3 = 19; } else { x2 = u2; h3 = 22; } } if ((h3 | 0) == 19) { u2 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 & 256 | 0) == 0 ? (u2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { u2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = (a[u2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; x2 = v2; h3 = 22; } else { x2 = v2; h3 = 22; } } do if ((h3 | 0) == 22) { le(b4, c[x2 >> 2] << 23 | 32745) | 0; v2 = b4 + 28 | 0; u2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = -1; v2 = le(b4, 2147450916) | 0; if ((u2 | 0) != -1) if ((v2 | 0) != -1) { w2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = v2; while (true) { y4 = w2 + (f2 << 2) | 0; z3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (z3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; m4 = (o2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : f2 + 1 + o2 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == -1) break; else f2 = m4; } w2 = u2 + ~f2 | 0; if ((((w2 | 0) > -1 ? w2 : 0 - w2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[y4 >> 2] = (w2 << 14) + 2147467264 | z3 & 16383; g2 = v2; h3 = 29; break; } } else { s3 = u2; h3 = 30; } else { g2 = v2; h3 = 29; } } while (0); if ((h3 | 0) == 29 ? (g2 | 0) != -1 : 0) { s3 = g2; h3 = 30; } do if ((h3 | 0) == 30) { g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; z3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == -1) { c[g2 >> 2] = s3; break; } g2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; y4 = z3; while (true) { A4 = g2 + (y4 << 2) | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = (B2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; x2 = (z3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : y4 + 1 + z3 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == -1) break; else y4 = x2; } g2 = s3 + ~y4 | 0; if ((((g2 | 0) > -1 ? g2 : 0 - g2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[A4 >> 2] = (g2 << 14) + 2147467264 | B2 & 16383; break; } } while (0); B2 = e2 + 12 | 0; e2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = c[b4 + 20 >> 2]; A4 = b4 + 28 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == -1) { c[B2 >> 2] = -1; return; } s3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == -1) { c[A4 >> 2] = e2; c[B2 >> 2] = -1; return; } A4 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = s3; while (true) { C3 = A4 + (h3 << 2) | 0; D3 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (D3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; g2 = (s3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : h3 + 1 + s3 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == -1) break; else h3 = g2; } A4 = e2 + ~h3 | 0; if ((((A4 | 0) > -1 ? A4 : 0 - A4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); c[C3 >> 2] = (A4 << 14) + 2147467264 | D3 & 16383; c[B2 >> 2] = -1; return; } function Ye(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = f2; Be(b4, d2); i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; a: do switch (i3 | 0) { case 1: { j2 = e2 + 1 | 0; k2 = c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0; do if ((k2 | 0) > (c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) ? (l2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 + -1 << 2) | 0, m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0, (m4 & 63 | 0) == 4) : 0) { n2 = m4 >>> 6 & 255; o2 = n2 + (m4 >>> 23) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) > (e2 | 0) | (o2 + 1 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) | (n2 | 0) > (j2 | 0) : 0) break; p2 = (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? n2 : e2; c[l2 >> 2] = p2 << 6 & 16320 | m4 & 8372287 | ((o2 | 0) > (e2 | 0) ? o2 : e2) - p2 << 23; break a; } while (0); le(b4, e2 << 6 | 4) | 0; break; } case 2: case 3: { le(b4, e2 << 6 | ((i3 | 0) == 2 & 1) << 23 | 3) | 0; break; } case 4: { j2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = e2 << 6; if ((j2 | 0) < 262144) { le(b4, k2 | j2 << 14 | 1) | 0; break a; } else { le(b4, k2 | 2) | 0; le(b4, j2 << 6 | 52) | 0; break a; } break; } case 5: { j2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = j2; k2 = c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; if (!j2) { j2 = k2 + 8 | 0; p2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = p2 + 8; o2 = $c(k2, g2, 4) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = o2; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[o2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; o2 = Ke(b4, (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0, h3) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -8; q3 = o2; } else q3 = Ke(b4, h3, h3) | 0; o2 = e2 << 6; if ((q3 | 0) < 262144) { le(b4, o2 | q3 << 14 | 1) | 0; break a; } else { le(b4, o2 | 2) | 0; le(b4, q3 << 6 | 52) | 0; break a; } break; } case 11: { o2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[d2 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2] & -16321 | e2 << 6 & 16320; break; } case 6: { o2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)) le(b4, o2 << 23 | e2 << 6) | 0; break; } default: { Ia = f2; return; } } while (0); c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = e2; c[d2 >> 2] = 6; Ia = f2; return; } function Ze(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; Ne(b4, e2) | 0; g2 = e2 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 & (h3 & 256 | 0) == 0 ? (h3 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { i3 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } i3 = b4 + 48 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d[i3 >> 0]; c[e2 >> 2] = 6; e2 = (d[i3 >> 0] | 0) + 2 | 0; j2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if (e2 >>> 0 > (d[j2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0) if (e2 >>> 0 > 249) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { k2 = e2 & 255; a[j2 >> 0] = k2; l2 = k2; break; } else l2 = e2 & 255; while (0); a[i3 >> 0] = l2; l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; le(b4, h3 << 23 | l2 << 6 | (Oe(b4, f2) | 0) << 14 | 12) | 0; if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) != 6) return; l2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (l2 & 256 | 0) return; if ((l2 | 0) < (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) return; a[i3 >> 0] = (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; return; } function _e(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; h3 = g2 + 16 | 0; i3 = g2; j2 = b4 + 40 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 24 | 0; a: do switch (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) { case 40: { m4 = b4 + 4 | 0; n2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; o2 = b4 + 32 | 0; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { p2 = he(b4, b4 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = p2; q3 = p2; } else { p2 = o2; r2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[p2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; p2 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = r2; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = s3; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; q3 = r2; } b: do if ((q3 | 0) == 41) c[i3 >> 2] = 0; else { De(b4, i3, 0) | 0; c: do if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { r2 = b4 + 28 | 0; s3 = b4 + 24 | 0; p2 = i3 + 4 | 0; while (true) { c[n2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; if ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[l2 >> 2] = he(b4, r2) | 0; else { t3 = o2; u2 = c[t3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = s3; c[v2 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = u2; c[o2 >> 2] = 287; } w2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; Be(w2, i3); if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (u2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0, (u2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (u2 | 0) >= (d[w2 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { u2 = w2 + 48 | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = (a[u2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } u2 = w2 + 48 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; t3 = (v2 & 255) + 1 | 0; x2 = (c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((v2 & 255) < (d[x2 >> 0] | 0)) y4 = t3 & 255; else { if ((v2 & 255) > 248) break; v2 = t3 & 255; a[x2 >> 0] = v2; y4 = v2; } a[u2 >> 0] = y4; Ce(w2, i3, (y4 & 255) + -1 | 0); De(b4, i3, 0) | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) != 44) { z3 = i3; break c; } } oe(c[w2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); } else z3 = i3; while (0); switch (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) { case 12: { p2 = (c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[i3 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2] & -8372225; break b; break; } case 13: break; default: break b; } p2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; r2 = i3 + 4 | 0; u2 = s3 + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2] & 8388607; u2 = s3 + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; r2 = k2 + 48 | 0; s3 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; v2 = s3 & 255; c[u2 >> 2] = v2 << 6 | c[u2 >> 2] & -16321; u2 = v2 + 1 | 0; v2 = p2 + 78 | 0; do if ((s3 & 255) >= (d[v2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((s3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { p2 = u2 & 255; a[v2 >> 0] = p2; A4 = p2; break; } else A4 = u2 & 255; while (0); a[r2 >> 0] = A4; } while (0); Ee(b4, 41, 40, f2); break; } case 123: { $e(b4, i3); break; } case 290: { o2 = b4 + 28 | 0; m4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = m4; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[m4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; m4 = Ke(k2, h3, h3) | 0; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 >> 2] = 4; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = m4; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; m4 = b4 + 32 | 0; if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[l2 >> 2] = he(b4, o2) | 0; break a; } else { o2 = m4; n2 = c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; u2 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = n2; c[m4 >> 2] = 287; break a; } break; } default: oe(b4, 47538); } while (0); b4 = e2 + 4 | 0; l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { B2 = k2 + 48 | 0; break; } case 13: case 12: { C3 = 0; D3 = l2 << 6; E3 = D3 | C3; F3 = E3 | 32810; G2 = le(k2, F3) | 0; H2 = e2 + 8 | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = -1; I2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 >> 2] = 12; c[b4 >> 2] = G2; J2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = J2 + 20 | 0; L3 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; M2 = k2 + 20 | 0; N4 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; O2 = N4 + -1 | 0; P2 = L3 + (O2 << 2) | 0; c[P2 >> 2] = f2; Q3 = l2 + 1 | 0; R3 = Q3 & 255; S2 = k2 + 48 | 0; a[S2 >> 0] = R3; Ia = g2; return; } default: { Be(k2, i3); if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (h3 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (h3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (h3 | 0) >= (d[k2 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { h3 = k2 + 48 | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } h3 = k2 + 48 | 0; A4 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; z3 = (A4 & 255) + 1 | 0; w2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((A4 & 255) >= (d[w2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((A4 & 255) > 248) oe(c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { y4 = z3 & 255; a[w2 >> 0] = y4; T4 = y4; break; } else T4 = z3 & 255; while (0); a[h3 >> 0] = T4; Ce(k2, i3, (T4 & 255) + -1 | 0); B2 = h3; } } C3 = ((l2 ^ 511) + (d[B2 >> 0] | 0) << 23) + 8388608 | 0; D3 = l2 << 6; E3 = D3 | C3; F3 = E3 | 32810; G2 = le(k2, F3) | 0; H2 = e2 + 8 | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = -1; I2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 >> 2] = 12; c[b4 >> 2] = G2; J2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = J2 + 20 | 0; L3 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; M2 = k2 + 20 | 0; N4 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; O2 = N4 + -1 | 0; P2 = L3 + (O2 << 2) | 0; c[P2 >> 2] = f2; Q3 = l2 + 1 | 0; R3 = Q3 & 255; S2 = k2 + 48 | 0; a[S2 >> 0] = R3; Ia = g2; return; } function $e(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = b4 + 40 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = b4 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = le(i3, 11) | 0; m4 = g2 + 28 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; n2 = g2 + 20 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = g2 + 24 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = g2 + 16 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = e2; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 >> 2] = 11; q3 = e2 + 4 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; s3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; Be(s3, e2); if (((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (t3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0, (t3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (t3 | 0) >= (d[s3 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { t3 = s3 + 48 | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = (a[t3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } t3 = s3 + 48 | 0; q3 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; u2 = (q3 & 255) + 1 | 0; v2 = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((q3 & 255) >= (d[v2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((q3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[s3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { w2 = u2 & 255; a[v2 >> 0] = w2; x2 = w2; break; } else x2 = u2 & 255; while (0); a[t3 >> 0] = x2; Ce(s3, e2, (x2 & 255) + -1 | 0); x2 = b4 + 24 | 0; if ((c[x2 >> 2] | 0) != 123) je(b4, 123); e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; s3 = b4 + 32 | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { t3 = he(b4, b4 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = t3; y4 = t3; } else { t3 = s3; u2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[t3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = u2; c[t3 + 4 >> 2] = v2; c[s3 >> 2] = 287; y4 = u2; } a: do if ((y4 | 0) != 125) { u2 = b4 + 36 | 0; v2 = b4 + 32 | 0; t3 = i3 + 48 | 0; q3 = i3 + 46 | 0; w2 = b4 + 28 | 0; z3 = b4 + 24 | 0; A4 = 0; b: while (true) { if (A4 | 0) { Be(i3, g2); if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (B2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0, (B2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (B2 | 0) >= (d[q3 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { B2 = (a[t3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; a[t3 >> 0] = B2; C3 = B2; } else C3 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; B2 = (C3 & 255) + 1 | 0; D3 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((C3 & 255) < (d[D3 >> 0] | 0)) E3 = B2 & 255; else { if ((C3 & 255) > 248) { F3 = 28; break; } G2 = B2 & 255; a[D3 >> 0] = G2; E3 = G2; } a[t3 >> 0] = E3; Ce(i3, g2, (E3 & 255) + -1 | 0); c[g2 >> 2] = 0; if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 50) { G2 = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = ((D3 + -1 | 0) / 50 | 0) + 1 | 0; H2 = G2 << 6 | 419430449; if ((D3 | 0) < 25551) le(i3, B2 << 14 | H2) | 0; else { le(i3, H2) | 0; le(i3, B2 << 6 | 52) | 0; } a[t3 >> 0] = G2 + 1; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; } } c: do switch (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) { case 289: { G2 = he(b4, u2) | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = G2; if ((G2 | 0) == 61) { af(b4, g2); break c; } De(b4, g2, 0) | 0; G2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((G2 | 0) > 2147483645) { F3 = 38; break b; } c[o2 >> 2] = G2 + 1; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; break; } case 91: { af(b4, g2); break; } default: { De(b4, g2, 0) | 0; G2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((G2 | 0) > 2147483645) { F3 = 43; break b; } c[o2 >> 2] = G2 + 1; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; } } while (0); d: do switch (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) { case 44: { c[e2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { G2 = he(b4, w2) | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = G2; I2 = G2; break d; } else { G2 = s3; B2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; H2 = c[G2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; G2 = z3; c[G2 >> 2] = B2; c[G2 + 4 >> 2] = H2; c[s3 >> 2] = 287; I2 = B2; break d; } break; } case 59: { c[e2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { B2 = he(b4, w2) | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = B2; I2 = B2; break d; } else { B2 = s3; H2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; G2 = c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = z3; c[B2 >> 2] = H2; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = G2; c[s3 >> 2] = 287; I2 = H2; break d; } break; } default: break a; } while (0); if ((I2 | 0) == 125) break a; A4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } if ((F3 | 0) == 28) oe(c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else if ((F3 | 0) == 38) ze(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 2147483645, 47566); else if ((F3 | 0) == 43) ze(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 2147483645, 47566); } while (0); Ee(b4, 125, 123, k2); k2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; do if (k2 | 0) { switch (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { J2 = k2; F3 = 75; break; } case 12: { b4 = (c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2] & -8372225; F3 = 61; break; } case 13: { b4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; I2 = h3 + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2] & 8388607; I2 = h3 + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; h3 = i3 + 48 | 0; s3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; x2 = s3 & 255; c[I2 >> 2] = x2 << 6 | c[I2 >> 2] & -16321; I2 = x2 + 1 | 0; x2 = b4 + 78 | 0; do if ((s3 & 255) >= (d[x2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((s3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { b4 = I2 & 255; a[x2 >> 0] = b4; K2 = b4; break; } else K2 = I2 & 255; while (0); a[h3 >> 0] = K2; F3 = 61; break; } default: { Be(i3, g2); if (((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (I2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0, (I2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (I2 | 0) >= (d[i3 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { I2 = i3 + 48 | 0; a[I2 >> 0] = (a[I2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } I2 = i3 + 48 | 0; x2 = a[I2 >> 0] | 0; s3 = (x2 & 255) + 1 | 0; b4 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((x2 & 255) >= (d[b4 >> 0] | 0)) if ((x2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { j2 = s3 & 255; a[b4 >> 0] = j2; L3 = j2; break; } else L3 = s3 & 255; while (0); a[I2 >> 0] = L3; Ce(i3, g2, (L3 & 255) + -1 | 0); J2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; F3 = 75; } } if ((F3 | 0) == 61) { s3 = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = ((b4 + -1 | 0) / 50 | 0) + 1 | 0; h3 = s3 << 6 | 49; if ((b4 | 0) < 25551) le(i3, x2 << 14 | h3) | 0; else { le(i3, h3) | 0; le(i3, x2 << 6 | 52) | 0; } a[i3 + 48 >> 0] = s3 + 1; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; break; } else if ((F3 | 0) == 75) { s3 = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = ((x2 + -1 | 0) / 50 | 0) + 1 | 0; b4 = ((J2 | 0) == -1 ? 49 : J2 << 23 | 49) | s3 << 6; if ((x2 | 0) < 25551) le(i3, h3 << 14 | b4) | 0; else { le(i3, b4) | 0; le(i3, h3 << 6 | 52) | 0; } a[i3 + 48 >> 0] = s3 + 1; break; } } while (0); J2 = (c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) | 0; l2 = c[J2 >> 2] & 8388607; i3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < 8) M2 = i3; else { if (i3 >>> 0 > 15) { o2 = 1; p2 = i3; do { F3 = p2 + 1 | 0; p2 = F3 >>> 1; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while (F3 >>> 0 > 31); N4 = o2 << 3; O2 = p2; } else { N4 = 8; O2 = i3; } M2 = N4 | O2 + -8; } O2 = M2 << 23 | l2; c[J2 >> 2] = O2; l2 = O2 & -8372225; O2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (O2 >>> 0 < 8) { P2 = O2; Q3 = P2 << 14; R3 = Q3 & 8372224; S2 = R3 | l2; c[J2 >> 2] = S2; Ia = f2; return; } if (O2 >>> 0 > 15) { n2 = 1; M2 = O2; do { N4 = M2 + 1 | 0; M2 = N4 >>> 1; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while (N4 >>> 0 > 31); T4 = n2 << 3; U2 = M2; } else { T4 = 8; U2 = O2; } P2 = T4 | U2 + -8; Q3 = P2 << 14; R3 = Q3 & 8372224; S2 = R3 | l2; c[J2 >> 2] = S2; Ia = f2; return; } function af(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; f2 = e2 + 32 | 0; g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; h3 = e2; i3 = b4 + 40 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = j2 + 48 | 0; l2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = b4 + 24 | 0; do if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) != 289) { n2 = b4 + 4 | 0; o2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; p2 = b4 + 32 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[m4 >> 2] = he(b4, b4 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { q3 = p2; r2 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; } De(b4, g2, 0) | 0; r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) Be(r2, g2); else Ne(r2, g2) | 0; if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) != 93) je(b4, 93); c[o2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { n2 = he(b4, b4 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = n2; t3 = n2; break; } else { n2 = p2; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = o2; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; t3 = o2; break; } } else { if ((c[d2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) > 2147483645) ze(j2, 2147483645, 47566); o2 = b4 + 28 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; r2 = b4 + 32 | 0; if ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[m4 >> 2] = he(b4, o2) | 0; u2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } else { o2 = r2; n2 = c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; s3 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = n2; c[r2 >> 2] = 287; u2 = j2; } c[f2 >> 2] = p2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[p2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; p2 = Ke(u2, f2, f2) | 0; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 >> 2] = 4; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = p2; t3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); f2 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; if ((t3 | 0) != 61) je(b4, 61); c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; t3 = b4 + 32 | 0; if ((c[t3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[m4 >> 2] = he(b4, b4 + 28 | 0) | 0; v2 = Oe(j2, g2) | 0; De(b4, h3, 0) | 0; w2 = d2 + 16 | 0; x2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 4 | 0; z3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = Oe(j2, h3) | 0; B2 = z3 << 6; C3 = v2 << 23; D3 = A4 << 14; E3 = C3 | B2; F3 = E3 | D3; G2 = F3 | 10; le(j2, G2) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = l2; Ia = e2; return; } else { m4 = t3; f2 = c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; u2 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; c[t3 >> 2] = 287; v2 = Oe(j2, g2) | 0; De(b4, h3, 0) | 0; w2 = d2 + 16 | 0; x2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 4 | 0; z3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = Oe(j2, h3) | 0; B2 = z3 << 6; C3 = v2 << 23; D3 = A4 << 14; E3 = C3 | B2; F3 = E3 | D3; G2 = F3 | 10; le(j2, G2) | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = l2; Ia = e2; return; } } function bf2(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; c[i3 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 >> 2] = 5; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; switch (e2 | 0) { case 0: { if (((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 5 ? (c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) ? (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == -1 : 0) { e2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0 - (c[e2 >> 2] | 0); Ia = h3; return; } Ne(b4, f2) | 0; Ve(b4, 32, f2, i3, g2); Ia = h3; return; } case 14: { Ne(b4, f2) | 0; Ve(b4, 27, f2, i3, g2); Ia = h3; return; } case 16: { Ne(b4, f2) | 0; Ve(b4, 29, f2, i3, g2); Ia = h3; return; } case 17: { Ne(b4, f2) | 0; Ve(b4, 30, f2, i3, g2); Ia = h3; return; } case 18: { Ne(b4, f2) | 0; Ve(b4, 31, f2, i3, g2); Ia = h3; return; } case 1: { Be(b4, f2); switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: case 1: { c[f2 >> 2] = 2; break; } case 2: case 5: case 4: { c[f2 >> 2] = 3; break; } case 10: { e2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0 ? (e2 = j2 + -4 | 0, k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0, ((k2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { l2 = k2; m4 = e2; } else { l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = j2; } c[m4 >> 2] = ((l2 & 16320 | 0) == 0 & 1) << 6 | l2 & -16321; break; } case 6: { n2 = 25; break; } case 11: { l2 = b4 + 48 | 0; m4 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = (m4 & 255) + 1 | 0; e2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((m4 & 255) >= (d[e2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((m4 & 255) > 248) oe(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { k2 = j2 & 255; a[e2 >> 0] = k2; o2 = k2; break; } else o2 = j2 & 255; while (0); a[l2 >> 0] = o2; Ye(b4, f2, (o2 & 255) + -1 | 0); if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 6) n2 = 25; else { p2 = f2 + 4 | 0; n2 = 28; } break; } default: { } } if ((n2 | 0) == 25) { o2 = f2 + 4 | 0; l2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 & 256 | 0) == 0 ? (l2 | 0) >= (d[b4 + 46 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) { l2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = (a[l2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; p2 = o2; n2 = 28; } else { p2 = o2; n2 = 28; } } if ((n2 | 0) == 28) { c[p2 >> 2] = le(b4, c[p2 >> 2] << 23 | 33) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; } p2 = f2 + 12 | 0; n2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = f2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = l2; c[o2 >> 2] = n2; if ((l2 | 0) == -1) q3 = n2; else { n2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = l2; do { l2 = n2 + (p2 << 2) | 0; if ((p2 | 0) > 0 ? (j2 = l2 + -4 | 0, e2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0, ((e2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { r2 = e2; s3 = j2; } else { r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = l2; } if ((r2 & 63 | 0) == 41) c[s3 >> 2] = r2 & 8372224 | r2 >>> 23 << 6 | 40; j2 = ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; p2 = (j2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : p2 + 1 + j2 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != -1); q3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; } if ((q3 | 0) == -1) { Ia = h3; return; } o2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = q3; do { q3 = o2 + (p2 << 2) | 0; if ((p2 | 0) > 0 ? (r2 = q3 + -4 | 0, s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0, ((s3 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { t3 = s3; u2 = r2; } else { t3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = q3; } if ((t3 & 63 | 0) == 41) c[u2 >> 2] = t3 & 8372224 | t3 >>> 23 << 6 | 40; r2 = ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; p2 = (r2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : p2 + 1 + r2 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != -1); Ia = h3; return; } case 2: { Ne(b4, f2) | 0; Ve(b4, 34, f2, i3, g2); Ia = h3; return; } default: { Ia = h3; return; } } } function cf(e2, f2, g2, h3) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; if (!e2) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } j2 = a[e2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; k2 = f2 + 12 | 0; l2 = (j2 & 255) + -1 | 0; m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (j2 << 24 >> 24) { n2 = c[e2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[m4 + 24 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; q3 = a[f2 + 4 >> 0] | 0; r2 = f2 + 16 | 0; b: do if (q3 << 24 >> 24 == 4) { s3 = l2; while (true) { t3 = c[o2 + ((b3[p2 + (s3 + n2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == (f2 | 0) & (a[t3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 4) { u2 = s3; break b; } if ((s3 | 0) > 0) s3 = s3 + -1 | 0; else break a; } } else { s3 = l2; while (true) { t3 = c[o2 + ((b3[p2 + (s3 + n2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0; if (q3 << 24 >> 24 == (a[t3 + 4 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { u2 = s3; break b; } if ((v2 | 0) == (c[t3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) ? (ft(r2, t3 + 16 | 0, v2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { u2 = s3; break b; } } if ((s3 | 0) > 0) s3 = s3 + -1 | 0; else break a; } } while (0); if ((u2 | 0) > -1) { c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 >> 2] = 7; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = u2; if (h3 | 0) { i3 = 7; return i3 | 0; } r2 = e2 + 16 | 0; do r2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; while ((u2 | 0) < (d[r2 + 8 >> 0] | 0)); a[r2 + 9 >> 0] = 1; i3 = 7; return i3 | 0; } } while (0); u2 = c[m4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; m4 = a[e2 + 47 >> 0] | 0; c: do if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) w2 = 29; else { h3 = a[f2 + 4 >> 0] | 0; l2 = f2 + 16 | 0; j2 = m4 & 255; if (h3 << 24 >> 24 == 4) { q3 = 0; while (true) { n2 = c[u2 + (q3 << 3) >> 2] | 0; if ((a[n2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 4 & (n2 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { x2 = q3; break c; } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0) { w2 = 29; break c; } } } q3 = 0; while (true) { r2 = c[u2 + (q3 << 3) >> 2] | 0; if ((a[r2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == h3 << 24 >> 24) { n2 = c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { x2 = q3; break c; } if ((n2 | 0) == (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) ? (ft(r2 + 16 | 0, l2, n2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { x2 = q3; break c; } } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0) { w2 = 29; break; } } } while (0); do if ((w2 | 0) == 29) if (!(cf(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, f2, g2, 0) | 0)) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } else { x2 = ge(e2, f2, g2) | 0; break; } while (0); c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 >> 2] = 8; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = x2; i3 = 8; return i3 | 0; } function df(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 48 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = i3 + -1; if (!i3) { i3 = Oa2[c[h3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 0 | (j2 | 0) == 0) k2 = -1; else { c[h3 >> 2] = j2 + -1; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = i3 + 1; k2 = d[i3 >> 0] | 0; } l2 = k2; } else { k2 = h3 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = h3 + 1; l2 = d[h3 >> 0] | 0; } c[a2 >> 2] = l2; switch (l2 | 0) { case 13: case 10: { if ((l2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)) { f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = g2 + -1; if (!g2) { g2 = Oa2[c[f2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; l2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 0 | (l2 | 0) == 0) m4 = -1; else { c[f2 >> 2] = l2 + -1; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = g2 + 1; m4 = d[g2 >> 0] | 0; } n2 = m4; } else { m4 = f2 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = f2 + 1; n2 = d[f2 >> 0] | 0; } c[a2 >> 2] = n2; } break; } default: { } } n2 = a2 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = f2 + 1; if ((f2 | 0) > 2147483643) oe(a2, 48010); else { c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = 1; Ia = b4; return; } } function ef(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = b4 + 52 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 1 | 0; m4 = i3 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 > n2 >>> 0) { if (n2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); o2 = n2 << 1; p2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == -2) Jc(p2); q3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (q3 | 0) == 0; t3 = r2 + 4 | 0; u2 = Pa[c[r2 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, q3, n2, o2) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) != 0 & (u2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[r2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(p2, 4); Ic(p2, 1); v2 = Pa[c[r2 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, q3, n2, o2) | 0; if (!v2) wc(p2, 4); else w2 = v2; } else w2 = u2; u2 = r2 + 12 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = (s3 ? 0 : 0 - n2 | 0) + o2 + (c[u2 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = w2; c[m4 >> 2] = o2; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = w2; y4 = o2; z3 = o2 + 1 | 0; } else { x2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = k2; z3 = l2; } c[j2 >> 2] = z3; a[x2 + y4 >> 0] = g2; y4 = b4 + 48 | 0; x2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = z3 + -1; if (!z3) { z3 = Oa2[c[x2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[x2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[x2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == 0 | (j2 | 0) == 0) A4 = -1; else { c[x2 >> 2] = j2 + -1; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = z3 + 1; A4 = d[z3 >> 0] | 0; } B2 = A4; } else { A4 = x2 + 4 | 0; x2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = x2 + 1; B2 = d[x2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = B2; if ((B2 | 0) != 61) { C3 = B2; D3 = 0; E3 = (C3 | 0) != (g2 | 0); F3 = E3 << 31 >> 31; G2 = D3 ^ F3; Ia = e2; return G2 | 0; } B2 = b4 + 44 | 0; x2 = 0; while (true) { A4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = A4 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = j2 + 1 | 0; k2 = A4 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 > i3 >>> 0) { if (i3 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { H2 = 22; break; } o2 = i3 << 1; I2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == -2) { H2 = 24; break; } w2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[I2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (w2 | 0) == 0; n2 = m4 + 4 | 0; s3 = Pa[c[m4 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, w2, i3, o2) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) != 0 & (s3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[m4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { H2 = 28; break; } Ic(I2, 1); r2 = Pa[c[m4 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, w2, i3, o2) | 0; if (!r2) { H2 = 28; break; } else J2 = r2; } else J2 = s3; s3 = m4 + 12 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = (u2 ? 0 : 0 - i3 | 0) + o2 + (c[s3 >> 2] | 0); c[A4 >> 2] = J2; c[k2 >> 2] = o2; o2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; K2 = J2; L3 = o2; M2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } else { K2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; L3 = j2; M2 = l2; } c[z3 >> 2] = M2; a[K2 + L3 >> 0] = 61; z3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = l2 + -1; if (!l2) { l2 = Oa2[c[z3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[z3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[z3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 0 | (j2 | 0) == 0) N4 = -1; else { c[z3 >> 2] = j2 + -1; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = l2 + 1; N4 = d[l2 >> 0] | 0; } O2 = N4; } else { l2 = z3 + 4 | 0; z3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = z3 + 1; O2 = d[z3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = O2; z3 = x2 + 1 | 0; if ((O2 | 0) == 61) x2 = z3; else { C3 = O2; D3 = z3; H2 = 36; break; } } if ((H2 | 0) == 22) xe(b4, 47209, 0); else if ((H2 | 0) == 24) Jc(I2); else if ((H2 | 0) == 28) wc(I2, 4); else if ((H2 | 0) == 36) { E3 = (C3 | 0) != (g2 | 0); F3 = E3 << 31 >> 31; G2 = D3 ^ F3; Ia = e2; return G2 | 0; } return 0; } function ff(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = b4 + 52 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 4 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; o2 = k2 + 8 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 > p2 >>> 0) { if (p2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); q3 = p2 << 1; r2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == -2) Jc(r2); s3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (s3 | 0) == 0; v2 = t3 + 4 | 0; w2 = Pa[c[t3 >> 2] & 3](c[v2 >> 2] | 0, s3, p2, q3) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) != 0 & (w2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[t3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(r2, 4); Ic(r2, 1); x2 = Pa[c[t3 >> 2] & 3](c[v2 >> 2] | 0, s3, p2, q3) | 0; if (!x2) wc(r2, 4); else y4 = x2; } else y4 = w2; w2 = t3 + 12 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (u2 ? 0 : 0 - p2 | 0) + q3 + (c[w2 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 >> 2] = y4; c[o2 >> 2] = q3; q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = y4; A4 = q3; B2 = q3 + 1 | 0; } else { z3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = m4; B2 = n2; } c[l2 >> 2] = B2; a[z3 + A4 >> 0] = i3; i3 = b4 + 48 | 0; A4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = z3 + -1; if (!z3) { z3 = Oa2[c[A4 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[A4 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[A4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; B2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == 0 | (B2 | 0) == 0) C3 = -1; else { c[A4 >> 2] = B2 + -1; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = z3 + 1; C3 = d[z3 >> 0] | 0; } D3 = C3; } else { C3 = A4 + 4 | 0; A4 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = A4 + 1; D3 = d[A4 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = D3; switch (D3 | 0) { case 13: case 10: { df(b4); break; } default: { } } D3 = (e2 | 0) == 0; A4 = b4 + 44 | 0; a: while (true) { C3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; b: do switch (C3 | 0) { case -1: { E3 = 21; break a; break; } case 93: { if ((ef(b4) | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { E3 = 23; break a; } break; } case 13: case 10: { z3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = z3 + 4 | 0; l2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = l2 + 1 | 0; m4 = z3 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 > k2 >>> 0) { if (k2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { E3 = 43; break a; } q3 = k2 << 1; F3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == -2) { E3 = 45; break a; } y4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[F3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (y4 | 0) == 0; p2 = o2 + 4 | 0; u2 = Pa[c[o2 >> 2] & 3](c[p2 >> 2] | 0, y4, k2, q3) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) != 0 & (u2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[o2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { E3 = 49; break a; } Ic(F3, 1); t3 = Pa[c[o2 >> 2] & 3](c[p2 >> 2] | 0, y4, k2, q3) | 0; if (!t3) { E3 = 49; break a; } else G2 = t3; } else G2 = u2; u2 = o2 + 12 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = (w2 ? 0 : 0 - k2 | 0) + q3 + (c[u2 >> 2] | 0); c[z3 >> 2] = G2; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; q3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; H2 = G2; I2 = q3; J2 = q3 + 1 | 0; } else { H2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; I2 = l2; J2 = n2; } c[B2 >> 2] = J2; a[H2 + I2 >> 0] = 10; df(b4); if (D3) c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; break; } default: { if (D3) { B2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = n2 + -1; if (!n2) { n2 = Oa2[c[B2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[B2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[B2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == 0 | (l2 | 0) == 0) K2 = -1; else { c[B2 >> 2] = l2 + -1; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = n2 + 1; K2 = d[n2 >> 0] | 0; } L3 = K2; } else { n2 = B2 + 4 | 0; B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = B2 + 1; L3 = d[B2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = L3; break b; } B2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = B2 + 4 | 0; l2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = l2 + 1 | 0; q3 = B2 + 8 | 0; m4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { if (m4 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { E3 = 58; break a; } u2 = m4 << 1; M2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 | 0) == -2) { E3 = 60; break a; } k2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[M2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (k2 | 0) == 0; t3 = w2 + 4 | 0; y4 = Pa[c[w2 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, k2, m4, u2) | 0; if ((u2 | 0) != 0 & (y4 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[w2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { E3 = 64; break a; } Ic(M2, 1); p2 = Pa[c[w2 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, k2, m4, u2) | 0; if (!p2) { E3 = 64; break a; } else N4 = p2; } else N4 = y4; y4 = w2 + 12 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = (o2 ? 0 : 0 - m4 | 0) + u2 + (c[y4 >> 2] | 0); c[B2 >> 2] = N4; c[q3 >> 2] = u2; u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; O2 = N4; P2 = u2; Q3 = u2 + 1 | 0; } else { O2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; P2 = l2; Q3 = z3; } c[n2 >> 2] = Q3; a[O2 + P2 >> 0] = C3; n2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = z3 + -1; if (!z3) { z3 = Oa2[c[n2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == 0 | (l2 | 0) == 0) R3 = -1; else { c[n2 >> 2] = l2 + -1; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = z3 + 1; R3 = d[z3 >> 0] | 0; } S2 = R3; } else { z3 = n2 + 4 | 0; n2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = n2 + 1; S2 = d[n2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = S2; } } while (0); } if ((E3 | 0) == 21) xe(b4, D3 ? 47963 : 47987, 287); else if ((E3 | 0) == 23) { S2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; R3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; P2 = R3 + 4 | 0; O2 = c[P2 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = O2 + 1 | 0; N4 = R3 + 8 | 0; L3 = c[N4 >> 2] | 0; if (Q3 >>> 0 > L3 >>> 0) { if (L3 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); K2 = L3 << 1; I2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if ((K2 | 0) == -2) Jc(I2); A4 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; H2 = c[I2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (A4 | 0) == 0; G2 = H2 + 4 | 0; C3 = Pa[c[H2 >> 2] & 3](c[G2 >> 2] | 0, A4, L3, K2) | 0; if ((K2 | 0) != 0 & (C3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[H2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(I2, 4); Ic(I2, 1); n2 = Pa[c[H2 >> 2] & 3](c[G2 >> 2] | 0, A4, L3, K2) | 0; if (!n2) wc(I2, 4); else T4 = n2; } else T4 = C3; C3 = H2 + 12 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = (J2 ? 0 : 0 - L3 | 0) + K2 + (c[C3 >> 2] | 0); c[R3 >> 2] = T4; c[N4 >> 2] = K2; K2 = c[P2 >> 2] | 0; U2 = T4; V3 = K2; W2 = K2 + 1 | 0; } else { U2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; V3 = O2; W2 = Q3; } c[P2 >> 2] = W2; a[U2 + V3 >> 0] = S2; S2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[S2 >> 2] | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = i3 + -1; if (!i3) { i3 = Oa2[c[S2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[S2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[S2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; V3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 0 | (V3 | 0) == 0) X2 = -1; else { c[S2 >> 2] = V3 + -1; c[S2 + 4 >> 2] = i3 + 1; X2 = d[i3 >> 0] | 0; } Y2 = X2; } else { X2 = S2 + 4 | 0; S2 = c[X2 >> 2] | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = S2 + 1; Y2 = d[S2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Y2; if (D3) { Ia = g2; return; } D3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = f2 + 2 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = ne(b4, (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + j2 | 0, (c[D3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) - (j2 << 1) | 0) | 0; Ia = g2; return; } else if ((E3 | 0) == 43) xe(b4, 47209, 0); else if ((E3 | 0) == 45) Jc(F3); else if ((E3 | 0) == 49) wc(F3, 4); else if ((E3 | 0) == 58) xe(b4, 47209, 0); else if ((E3 | 0) == 60) Jc(M2); else if ((E3 | 0) == 64) wc(M2, 4); } function gf(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0; c[(c[a2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; hf(a2, 92); a: do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = 0; do { g2 = c[b4 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == -1) break a; hf(a2, g2); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) < (d2 | 0)); } while (0); xe(a2, e2, 290); } function hf(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 52 >> 2] | 0; f2 = e2 + 4 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 1 | 0; i3 = e2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 <= j2 >>> 0) { k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = g2; m4 = h3; n2 = d2 & 255; c[f2 >> 2] = m4; o2 = k2 + l2 | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = n2; return; } if (j2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); h3 = j2 << 1; g2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == -2) Jc(g2); b4 = jf(g2, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, j2, h3) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; c[i3 >> 2] = h3; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = b4; l2 = h3; m4 = h3 + 1 | 0; n2 = d2 & 255; c[f2 >> 2] = m4; o2 = k2 + l2 | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = n2; return; } function jf(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; g2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (d2 | 0) == 0; i3 = g2 + 4 | 0; j2 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[i3 >> 2] | 0, d2, e2, f2) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != 0 & (j2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[g2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); k2 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[i3 >> 2] | 0, d2, e2, f2) | 0; if (!k2) wc(b4, 4); else l2 = k2; } else l2 = j2; j2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (h3 ? 0 : 0 - e2 | 0) + f2 + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0); return l2 | 0; } function kf(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; d2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[a2 + 12 >> 2]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; ud(d2, 48117, e2) | 0; wc(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, 3); } function lf(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 4 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = b4 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3 + 16 | 0; k2 = i3 + 8 | 0; l2 = i3 + 12 | 0; m4 = i3 + 4 | 0; n2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; o2 = g2; p2 = 4; while (true) { if (!n2) { q3 = Oa2[c[k2 >> 2] & 7](c[j2 >> 2] | 0, c[l2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; r2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == 0 | (r2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 7; break; } c[i3 >> 2] = r2; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; t3 = r2; u2 = q3; } else { t3 = n2; u2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; } q3 = p2 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0 ? t3 : p2; Hv(o2 | 0, u2 | 0, q3 | 0) | 0; n2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) - q3 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = n2; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + q3; p2 = p2 - q3 | 0; if (!p2) break; else o2 = o2 + q3 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 7) kf(b4, 48058); o2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); c[d2 + 64 >> 2] = o2; o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; p2 = o2 + 16 | 0; m4 = o2 + 8 | 0; n2 = o2 + 12 | 0; i3 = o2 + 4 | 0; u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = g2; l2 = 4; while (true) { if (!u2) { j2 = Oa2[c[m4 >> 2] & 7](c[p2 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 0 | (k2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 16; break; } c[o2 >> 2] = k2; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; v2 = k2; w2 = j2; } else { v2 = u2; w2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } j2 = l2 >>> 0 > v2 >>> 0 ? v2 : l2; Hv(t3 | 0, w2 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; u2 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) - j2 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = u2; c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + j2; l2 = l2 - j2 | 0; if (!l2) break; else t3 = t3 + j2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 16) kf(b4, 48058); t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); c[d2 + 68 >> 2] = t3; t3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = t3 + 16 | 0; i3 = t3 + 8 | 0; u2 = t3 + 12 | 0; o2 = t3 + 4 | 0; w2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = g2; n2 = 1; while (true) { if (!w2) { p2 = Oa2[c[i3 >> 2] & 7](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[u2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; m4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == 0 | (m4 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 25; break; } c[t3 >> 2] = m4; c[o2 >> 2] = p2; x2 = m4; y4 = p2; } else { x2 = w2; y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; } p2 = n2 >>> 0 > x2 >>> 0 ? x2 : n2; Hv(v2 | 0, y4 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0; w2 = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) - p2 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = w2; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2; n2 = n2 - p2 | 0; if (!n2) break; else v2 = v2 + p2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 25) kf(b4, 48058); a[d2 + 76 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; v2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = v2 + 16 | 0; o2 = v2 + 8 | 0; w2 = v2 + 12 | 0; t3 = v2 + 4 | 0; y4 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = g2; u2 = 1; while (true) { if (!y4) { l2 = Oa2[c[o2 >> 2] & 7](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, c[w2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 0 | (i3 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 32; break; } c[v2 >> 2] = i3; c[t3 >> 2] = l2; z3 = i3; A4 = l2; } else { z3 = y4; A4 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; } l2 = u2 >>> 0 > z3 >>> 0 ? z3 : u2; Hv(x2 | 0, A4 | 0, l2 | 0) | 0; y4 = (c[v2 >> 2] | 0) - l2 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = y4; c[t3 >> 2] = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + l2; u2 = u2 - l2 | 0; if (!u2) break; else x2 = x2 + l2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 32) kf(b4, 48058); a[d2 + 77 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; x2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = x2 + 16 | 0; t3 = x2 + 8 | 0; y4 = x2 + 12 | 0; v2 = x2 + 4 | 0; A4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = g2; w2 = 1; while (true) { if (!A4) { n2 = Oa2[c[t3 >> 2] & 7](c[u2 >> 2] | 0, c[y4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; o2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == 0 | (o2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 39; break; } c[x2 >> 2] = o2; c[v2 >> 2] = n2; B2 = o2; C3 = n2; } else { B2 = A4; C3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; } n2 = w2 >>> 0 > B2 >>> 0 ? B2 : w2; Hv(z3 | 0, C3 | 0, n2 | 0) | 0; A4 = (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) - n2 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = A4; c[v2 >> 2] = (c[v2 >> 2] | 0) + n2; w2 = w2 - n2 | 0; if (!w2) break; else z3 = z3 + n2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 39) kf(b4, 48058); a[d2 + 78 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; z3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = z3 + 16 | 0; v2 = z3 + 8 | 0; A4 = z3 + 12 | 0; x2 = z3 + 4 | 0; C3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; B2 = g2; y4 = 4; while (true) { if (!C3) { u2 = Oa2[c[v2 >> 2] & 7](c[w2 >> 2] | 0, c[A4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; t3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 46; break; } c[z3 >> 2] = t3; c[x2 >> 2] = u2; D3 = t3; E3 = u2; } else { D3 = C3; E3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; } u2 = y4 >>> 0 > D3 >>> 0 ? D3 : y4; Hv(B2 | 0, E3 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; C3 = (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = C3; c[x2 >> 2] = (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + u2; y4 = y4 - u2 | 0; if (!y4) break; else B2 = B2 + u2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 46) kf(b4, 48058); B2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); y4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(y4); x2 = B2 << 2; C3 = c[y4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; z3 = C3 + 4 | 0; E3 = Pa[c[C3 >> 2] & 3](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, x2) | 0; if ((x2 | 0) != 0 & (E3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[C3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(y4, 4); Ic(y4, 1); D3 = Pa[c[C3 >> 2] & 3](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, x2) | 0; if (!D3) wc(y4, 4); else F3 = D3; } else F3 = E3; E3 = C3 + 12 | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + x2; c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = F3; c[d2 + 48 >> 2] = B2; B2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if (x2) { E3 = B2 + 16 | 0; C3 = B2 + 8 | 0; D3 = B2 + 12 | 0; y4 = B2 + 4 | 0; z3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = F3; w2 = x2; while (true) { if (!z3) { v2 = Oa2[c[C3 >> 2] & 7](c[E3 >> 2] | 0, c[D3 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 0 | (u2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 62; break; } c[B2 >> 2] = u2; c[y4 >> 2] = v2; G2 = u2; H2 = v2; } else { G2 = z3; H2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; } v2 = w2 >>> 0 > G2 >>> 0 ? G2 : w2; Hv(A4 | 0, H2 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; z3 = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) - v2 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = z3; c[y4 >> 2] = (c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + v2; w2 = w2 - v2 | 0; if (!w2) { s3 = 63; break; } else A4 = A4 + v2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 62) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 63) { I2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else I2 = B2; while (0); B2 = I2 + 16 | 0; H2 = I2 + 8 | 0; G2 = I2 + 12 | 0; x2 = I2 + 4 | 0; F3 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = g2; w2 = 4; while (true) { if (!F3) { y4 = Oa2[c[H2 >> 2] & 7](c[B2 >> 2] | 0, c[G2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; z3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((y4 | 0) == 0 | (z3 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 70; break; } c[I2 >> 2] = z3; c[x2 >> 2] = y4; J2 = z3; K2 = y4; } else { J2 = F3; K2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; } y4 = w2 >>> 0 > J2 >>> 0 ? J2 : w2; Hv(A4 | 0, K2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; F3 = (c[I2 >> 2] | 0) - y4 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = F3; c[x2 >> 2] = (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + y4; w2 = w2 - y4 | 0; if (!w2) break; else A4 = A4 + y4 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 70) kf(b4, 48058); A4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((A4 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); w2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((A4 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 536870911) Jc(w2); x2 = A4 << 3; F3 = c[w2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; I2 = F3 + 4 | 0; K2 = Pa[c[F3 >> 2] & 3](c[I2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, x2) | 0; if ((x2 | 0) != 0 & (K2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[F3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(w2, 4); Ic(w2, 1); J2 = Pa[c[F3 >> 2] & 3](c[I2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, x2) | 0; if (!J2) wc(w2, 4); else L3 = J2; } else L3 = K2; K2 = F3 + 12 | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = (c[K2 >> 2] | 0) + x2; x2 = d2 + 8 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = L3; c[d2 + 44 >> 2] = A4; K2 = (A4 | 0) > 0; a: do if (K2) { F3 = 0; do { c[L3 + (F3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; } while ((F3 | 0) != (A4 | 0)); if (K2) { F3 = b4 + 8 | 0; J2 = L3; w2 = 0; b: while (true) { I2 = J2 + (w2 << 3) | 0; G2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; B2 = G2 + 16 | 0; H2 = G2 + 8 | 0; y4 = G2 + 12 | 0; z3 = G2 + 4 | 0; D3 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = g2; C3 = 1; while (true) { if (!D3) { v2 = Oa2[c[H2 >> 2] & 7](c[B2 >> 2] | 0, c[y4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 0 | (u2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 90; break b; } c[G2 >> 2] = u2; c[z3 >> 2] = v2; M2 = u2; N4 = v2; } else { M2 = D3; N4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; } v2 = C3 >>> 0 > M2 >>> 0 ? M2 : C3; Hv(E3 | 0, N4 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; D3 = (c[G2 >> 2] | 0) - v2 | 0; c[G2 >> 2] = D3; c[z3 >> 2] = (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) + v2; C3 = C3 - v2 | 0; if (!C3) break; else E3 = E3 + v2 | 0; } E3 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; switch (E3 | 0) { case 0: { O2 = E3; s3 = 125; break; } case 1: { E3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; C3 = E3 + 16 | 0; z3 = E3 + 8 | 0; D3 = E3 + 12 | 0; G2 = E3 + 4 | 0; y4 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; B2 = g2; H2 = 1; while (true) { if (!y4) { v2 = Oa2[c[z3 >> 2] & 7](c[C3 >> 2] | 0, c[D3 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 0 | (u2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 98; break b; } c[E3 >> 2] = u2; c[G2 >> 2] = v2; P2 = u2; Q3 = v2; } else { P2 = y4; Q3 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; } v2 = H2 >>> 0 > P2 >>> 0 ? P2 : H2; Hv(B2 | 0, Q3 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; y4 = (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) - v2 | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = y4; c[G2 >> 2] = (c[G2 >> 2] | 0) + v2; H2 = H2 - v2 | 0; if (!H2) break; else B2 = B2 + v2 | 0; } c[I2 >> 2] = a[g2 >> 0]; O2 = 1; s3 = 125; break; } case 3: { B2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; H2 = B2 + 16 | 0; G2 = B2 + 8 | 0; y4 = B2 + 12 | 0; E3 = B2 + 4 | 0; D3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = g2; z3 = 4; while (true) { if (!D3) { v2 = Oa2[c[G2 >> 2] & 7](c[H2 >> 2] | 0, c[y4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 0 | (u2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 106; break b; } c[B2 >> 2] = u2; c[E3 >> 2] = v2; R3 = u2; S2 = v2; } else { R3 = D3; S2 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; } v2 = z3 >>> 0 > R3 >>> 0 ? R3 : z3; Hv(C3 | 0, S2 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; D3 = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) - v2 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = D3; c[E3 >> 2] = (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + v2; z3 = z3 - v2 | 0; if (!z3) break; else C3 = C3 + v2 | 0; } c[I2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; O2 = 3; s3 = 125; break; } case 4: { C3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = C3 + 16 | 0; E3 = C3 + 8 | 0; D3 = C3 + 12 | 0; B2 = C3 + 4 | 0; y4 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; H2 = g2; G2 = 4; while (true) { if (!y4) { v2 = Oa2[c[E3 >> 2] & 7](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, c[D3 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 0 | (u2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 114; break b; } c[C3 >> 2] = u2; c[B2 >> 2] = v2; T4 = u2; U2 = v2; } else { T4 = y4; U2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; } v2 = G2 >>> 0 > T4 >>> 0 ? T4 : G2; Hv(H2 | 0, U2 | 0, v2 | 0) | 0; y4 = (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) - v2 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = y4; c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + v2; G2 = G2 - v2 | 0; if (!G2) break; else H2 = H2 + v2 | 0; } H2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!H2) V3 = 0; else { G2 = mf(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[F3 >> 2] | 0, H2) | 0; B2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = B2 + 16 | 0; C3 = B2 + 8 | 0; D3 = B2 + 12 | 0; z3 = B2 + 4 | 0; E3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = G2; u2 = H2; while (true) { if (!E3) { t3 = Oa2[c[C3 >> 2] & 7](c[y4 >> 2] | 0, c[D3 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == 0 | (n2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 122; break b; } c[B2 >> 2] = n2; c[z3 >> 2] = t3; W2 = n2; X2 = t3; } else { W2 = E3; X2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; } t3 = u2 >>> 0 > W2 >>> 0 ? W2 : u2; Hv(v2 | 0, X2 | 0, t3 | 0) | 0; E3 = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) - t3 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = E3; c[z3 >> 2] = (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) + t3; u2 = u2 - t3 | 0; if (!u2) break; else v2 = v2 + t3 | 0; } V3 = vd(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, G2, H2 + -1 | 0) | 0; } c[I2 >> 2] = V3; O2 = (a[V3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; s3 = 125; break; } default: { } } if ((s3 | 0) == 125) { s3 = 0; c[J2 + (w2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = O2; } v2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) >= (A4 | 0)) break a; J2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = v2; } if ((s3 | 0) == 90) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 98) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 106) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 114) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 122) kf(b4, 48058); } } while (0); x2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = x2 + 16 | 0; O2 = x2 + 8 | 0; V3 = x2 + 12 | 0; X2 = x2 + 4 | 0; W2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; U2 = g2; T4 = 4; while (true) { if (!W2) { S2 = Oa2[c[O2 >> 2] & 7](c[A4 >> 2] | 0, c[V3 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; R3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((S2 | 0) == 0 | (R3 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 134; break; } c[x2 >> 2] = R3; c[X2 >> 2] = S2; Y2 = R3; Z3 = S2; } else { Y2 = W2; Z3 = c[X2 >> 2] | 0; } S2 = T4 >>> 0 > Y2 >>> 0 ? Y2 : T4; Hv(U2 | 0, Z3 | 0, S2 | 0) | 0; W2 = (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) - S2 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = W2; c[X2 >> 2] = (c[X2 >> 2] | 0) + S2; T4 = T4 - S2 | 0; if (!T4) break; else U2 = U2 + S2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 134) kf(b4, 48058); U2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((U2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); T4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((U2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(T4); X2 = U2 << 2; W2 = c[T4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; x2 = W2 + 4 | 0; Z3 = Pa[c[W2 >> 2] & 3](c[x2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, X2) | 0; if ((X2 | 0) != 0 & (Z3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[W2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(T4, 4); Ic(T4, 1); Y2 = Pa[c[W2 >> 2] & 3](c[x2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, X2) | 0; if (!Y2) wc(T4, 4); else _5 = Y2; } else _5 = Z3; Z3 = W2 + 12 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = (c[Z3 >> 2] | 0) + X2; X2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = _5; c[d2 + 56 >> 2] = U2; Z3 = (U2 | 0) > 0; c: do if (Z3) { c[_5 >> 2] = 0; if ((U2 | 0) != 1) { W2 = 1; do { c[(c[X2 >> 2] | 0) + (W2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; W2 = W2 + 1 | 0; } while ((W2 | 0) != (U2 | 0)); } if (Z3) { W2 = 0; while (true) { $2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[$2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; T4 = Y2 + 4 | 0; x2 = Pa[c[Y2 >> 2] & 3](c[T4 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!x2) { if (!(a[Y2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { s3 = 152; break; } Ic($2, 1); V3 = Pa[c[Y2 >> 2] & 3](c[T4 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!V3) { s3 = 152; break; } else aa2 = V3; } else aa2 = x2; x2 = Y2 + 12 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + 80; x2 = Y2 + 56 | 0; a[aa2 + 5 >> 0] = a[Y2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[aa2 + 4 >> 0] = 9; c[aa2 >> 2] = c[x2 >> 2]; c[x2 >> 2] = aa2; a[aa2 + 76 >> 0] = 0; a[aa2 + 77 >> 0] = 0; a[aa2 + 78 >> 0] = 0; x2 = aa2 + 8 | 0; Y2 = x2 + 64 | 0; do { c[x2 >> 2] = 0; x2 = x2 + 4 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) < (Y2 | 0)); c[(c[X2 >> 2] | 0) + (W2 << 2) >> 2] = aa2; lf(b4, c[(c[X2 >> 2] | 0) + (W2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); W2 = W2 + 1 | 0; if ((W2 | 0) >= (U2 | 0)) break c; } if ((s3 | 0) == 152) wc($2, 4); } } while (0); $2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; U2 = $2 + 16 | 0; X2 = $2 + 8 | 0; aa2 = $2 + 12 | 0; Z3 = $2 + 4 | 0; _5 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; W2 = g2; x2 = 4; while (true) { if (!_5) { Y2 = Oa2[c[X2 >> 2] & 7](c[U2 >> 2] | 0, c[aa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; I2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Y2 | 0) == 0 | (I2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 160; break; } c[$2 >> 2] = I2; c[Z3 >> 2] = Y2; ba3 = I2; ca2 = Y2; } else { ba3 = _5; ca2 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; } Y2 = x2 >>> 0 > ba3 >>> 0 ? ba3 : x2; Hv(W2 | 0, ca2 | 0, Y2 | 0) | 0; _5 = (c[$2 >> 2] | 0) - Y2 | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = _5; c[Z3 >> 2] = (c[Z3 >> 2] | 0) + Y2; x2 = x2 - Y2 | 0; if (!x2) break; else W2 = W2 + Y2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 160) kf(b4, 48058); W2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((W2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); x2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((W2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 536870911) Jc(x2); Z3 = W2 << 3; _5 = c[x2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; $2 = _5 + 4 | 0; ca2 = Pa[c[_5 >> 2] & 3](c[$2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, Z3) | 0; if ((Z3 | 0) != 0 & (ca2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[_5 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(x2, 4); Ic(x2, 1); ba3 = Pa[c[_5 >> 2] & 3](c[$2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, Z3) | 0; if (!ba3) wc(x2, 4); else da2 = ba3; } else da2 = ca2; ca2 = _5 + 12 | 0; c[ca2 >> 2] = (c[ca2 >> 2] | 0) + Z3; Z3 = d2 + 28 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = da2; c[d2 + 40 >> 2] = W2; d: do if ((W2 | 0) > 0) { ca2 = 0; do { c[da2 + (ca2 << 3) >> 2] = 0; ca2 = ca2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ca2 | 0) != (W2 | 0)); ca2 = 0; e: while (true) { _5 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = _5 + 16 | 0; x2 = _5 + 8 | 0; $2 = _5 + 12 | 0; aa2 = _5 + 4 | 0; U2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; X2 = g2; Y2 = 1; while (true) { if (!U2) { I2 = Oa2[c[x2 >> 2] & 7](c[ba3 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; H2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) == 0 | (H2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 179; break e; } c[_5 >> 2] = H2; c[aa2 >> 2] = I2; ea2 = H2; fa2 = I2; } else { ea2 = U2; fa2 = c[aa2 >> 2] | 0; } I2 = Y2 >>> 0 > ea2 >>> 0 ? ea2 : Y2; Hv(X2 | 0, fa2 | 0, I2 | 0) | 0; U2 = (c[_5 >> 2] | 0) - I2 | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = U2; c[aa2 >> 2] = (c[aa2 >> 2] | 0) + I2; Y2 = Y2 - I2 | 0; if (!Y2) break; else X2 = X2 + I2 | 0; } a[(c[Z3 >> 2] | 0) + (ca2 << 3) + 4 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; X2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = X2 + 16 | 0; aa2 = X2 + 8 | 0; U2 = X2 + 12 | 0; _5 = X2 + 4 | 0; $2 = c[X2 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = g2; x2 = 1; while (true) { if (!$2) { I2 = Oa2[c[aa2 >> 2] & 7](c[Y2 >> 2] | 0, c[U2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; H2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) == 0 | (H2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 186; break e; } c[X2 >> 2] = H2; c[_5 >> 2] = I2; ga2 = H2; ha2 = I2; } else { ga2 = $2; ha2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; } I2 = x2 >>> 0 > ga2 >>> 0 ? ga2 : x2; Hv(ba3 | 0, ha2 | 0, I2 | 0) | 0; $2 = (c[X2 >> 2] | 0) - I2 | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = $2; c[_5 >> 2] = (c[_5 >> 2] | 0) + I2; x2 = x2 - I2 | 0; if (!x2) break; else ba3 = ba3 + I2 | 0; } a[(c[Z3 >> 2] | 0) + (ca2 << 3) + 5 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; ca2 = ca2 + 1 | 0; if ((ca2 | 0) >= (W2 | 0)) break d; } if ((s3 | 0) == 179) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 186) kf(b4, 48058); } while (0); W2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = W2 + 16 | 0; ga2 = W2 + 8 | 0; fa2 = W2 + 12 | 0; ea2 = W2 + 4 | 0; da2 = c[W2 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = g2; ba3 = 4; while (true) { if (!da2) { x2 = Oa2[c[ga2 >> 2] & 7](c[ha2 >> 2] | 0, c[fa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; _5 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == 0 | (_5 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 194; break; } c[W2 >> 2] = _5; c[ea2 >> 2] = x2; ia2 = _5; ja2 = x2; } else { ia2 = da2; ja2 = c[ea2 >> 2] | 0; } x2 = ba3 >>> 0 > ia2 >>> 0 ? ia2 : ba3; Hv(ca2 | 0, ja2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; da2 = (c[W2 >> 2] | 0) - x2 | 0; c[W2 >> 2] = da2; c[ea2 >> 2] = (c[ea2 >> 2] | 0) + x2; ba3 = ba3 - x2 | 0; if (!ba3) break; else ca2 = ca2 + x2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 194) kf(b4, 48058); ca2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if (ca2) { ba3 = mf(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0, ca2) | 0; ea2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; da2 = ea2 + 16 | 0; W2 = ea2 + 8 | 0; ja2 = ea2 + 12 | 0; ia2 = ea2 + 4 | 0; fa2 = c[ea2 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = ba3; ga2 = ca2; while (true) { if (!fa2) { x2 = Oa2[c[W2 >> 2] & 7](c[da2 >> 2] | 0, c[ja2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; _5 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == 0 | (_5 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 202; break; } c[ea2 >> 2] = _5; c[ia2 >> 2] = x2; ka2 = _5; la2 = x2; } else { ka2 = fa2; la2 = c[ia2 >> 2] | 0; } x2 = ga2 >>> 0 > ka2 >>> 0 ? ka2 : ga2; Hv(ha2 | 0, la2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; fa2 = (c[ea2 >> 2] | 0) - x2 | 0; c[ea2 >> 2] = fa2; c[ia2 >> 2] = (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0) + x2; ga2 = ga2 - x2 | 0; if (!ga2) { s3 = 203; break; } else ha2 = ha2 + x2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 202) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 203) { ma2 = vd(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ba3, ca2 + -1 | 0) | 0; break; } } else ma2 = 0; while (0); c[d2 + 36 >> 2] = ma2; ma2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = ma2 + 16 | 0; la2 = ma2 + 8 | 0; ka2 = ma2 + 12 | 0; ha2 = ma2 + 4 | 0; ga2 = c[ma2 >> 2] | 0; ia2 = g2; fa2 = 4; while (true) { if (!ga2) { ea2 = Oa2[c[la2 >> 2] & 7](c[ca2 >> 2] | 0, c[ka2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; ja2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ea2 | 0) == 0 | (ja2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 210; break; } c[ma2 >> 2] = ja2; c[ha2 >> 2] = ea2; na2 = ja2; oa2 = ea2; } else { na2 = ga2; oa2 = c[ha2 >> 2] | 0; } ea2 = fa2 >>> 0 > na2 >>> 0 ? na2 : fa2; Hv(ia2 | 0, oa2 | 0, ea2 | 0) | 0; ga2 = (c[ma2 >> 2] | 0) - ea2 | 0; c[ma2 >> 2] = ga2; c[ha2 >> 2] = (c[ha2 >> 2] | 0) + ea2; fa2 = fa2 - ea2 | 0; if (!fa2) break; else ia2 = ia2 + ea2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 210) kf(b4, 48058); ia2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ia2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); fa2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((ia2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(fa2); ha2 = ia2 << 2; ga2 = c[fa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; ma2 = ga2 + 4 | 0; oa2 = Pa[c[ga2 >> 2] & 3](c[ma2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, ha2) | 0; do if ((ha2 | 0) != 0 & (oa2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[ga2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(fa2, 4); Ic(fa2, 1); na2 = Pa[c[ga2 >> 2] & 3](c[ma2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, ha2) | 0; if (na2 | 0) { pa3 = na2; break; } wc(fa2, 4); } else pa3 = oa2; while (0); oa2 = ga2 + 12 | 0; c[oa2 >> 2] = (c[oa2 >> 2] | 0) + ha2; c[d2 + 20 >> 2] = pa3; c[d2 + 52 >> 2] = ia2; ia2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if (ha2) { oa2 = ia2 + 16 | 0; ga2 = ia2 + 8 | 0; fa2 = ia2 + 12 | 0; ma2 = ia2 + 4 | 0; na2 = c[ia2 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = pa3; ca2 = ha2; while (true) { if (!na2) { la2 = Oa2[c[ga2 >> 2] & 7](c[oa2 >> 2] | 0, c[fa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; ea2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((la2 | 0) == 0 | (ea2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 226; break; } c[ia2 >> 2] = ea2; c[ma2 >> 2] = la2; qa2 = ea2; ra2 = la2; } else { qa2 = na2; ra2 = c[ma2 >> 2] | 0; } la2 = ca2 >>> 0 > qa2 >>> 0 ? qa2 : ca2; Hv(ka2 | 0, ra2 | 0, la2 | 0) | 0; na2 = (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0) - la2 | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = na2; c[ma2 >> 2] = (c[ma2 >> 2] | 0) + la2; ca2 = ca2 - la2 | 0; if (!ca2) { s3 = 227; break; } else ka2 = ka2 + la2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 226) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 227) { sa2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else sa2 = ia2; while (0); ia2 = sa2 + 16 | 0; ra2 = sa2 + 8 | 0; qa2 = sa2 + 12 | 0; ha2 = sa2 + 4 | 0; pa3 = c[sa2 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = g2; ca2 = 4; while (true) { if (!pa3) { ma2 = Oa2[c[ra2 >> 2] & 7](c[ia2 >> 2] | 0, c[qa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; na2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ma2 | 0) == 0 | (na2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 234; break; } c[sa2 >> 2] = na2; c[ha2 >> 2] = ma2; ta2 = na2; ua2 = ma2; } else { ta2 = pa3; ua2 = c[ha2 >> 2] | 0; } ma2 = ca2 >>> 0 > ta2 >>> 0 ? ta2 : ca2; Hv(ka2 | 0, ua2 | 0, ma2 | 0) | 0; pa3 = (c[sa2 >> 2] | 0) - ma2 | 0; c[sa2 >> 2] = pa3; c[ha2 >> 2] = (c[ha2 >> 2] | 0) + ma2; ca2 = ca2 - ma2 | 0; if (!ca2) break; else ka2 = ka2 + ma2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 234) kf(b4, 48058); ka2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ka2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); ca2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((ka2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 357913941) Jc(ca2); ha2 = ka2 * 12 | 0; pa3 = c[ca2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = pa3 + 4 | 0; ua2 = Pa[c[pa3 >> 2] & 3](c[sa2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, ha2) | 0; do if ((ha2 | 0) != 0 & (ua2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[pa3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(ca2, 4); Ic(ca2, 1); ta2 = Pa[c[pa3 >> 2] & 3](c[sa2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, ha2) | 0; if (ta2 | 0) { va2 = ta2; break; } wc(ca2, 4); } else va2 = ua2; while (0); ua2 = pa3 + 12 | 0; c[ua2 >> 2] = (c[ua2 >> 2] | 0) + ha2; ha2 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[ha2 >> 2] = va2; c[d2 + 60 >> 2] = ka2; f: do if ((ka2 | 0) > 0) { d2 = 0; do { c[va2 + (d2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != (ka2 | 0)); d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; ua2 = 0; g: while (true) { pa3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = pa3 + 16 | 0; sa2 = pa3 + 8 | 0; ta2 = pa3 + 12 | 0; qa2 = pa3 + 4 | 0; ia2 = c[pa3 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = g2; ma2 = 4; while (true) { if (!ia2) { na2 = Oa2[c[sa2 >> 2] & 7](c[ca2 >> 2] | 0, c[ta2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; fa2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((na2 | 0) == 0 | (fa2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 253; break g; } c[pa3 >> 2] = fa2; c[qa2 >> 2] = na2; wa2 = fa2; xa2 = na2; } else { wa2 = ia2; xa2 = c[qa2 >> 2] | 0; } na2 = ma2 >>> 0 > wa2 >>> 0 ? wa2 : ma2; Hv(ra2 | 0, xa2 | 0, na2 | 0) | 0; ia2 = (c[pa3 >> 2] | 0) - na2 | 0; c[pa3 >> 2] = ia2; c[qa2 >> 2] = (c[qa2 >> 2] | 0) + na2; ma2 = ma2 - na2 | 0; if (!ma2) break; else ra2 = ra2 + na2 | 0; } ra2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!ra2) ya2 = 0; else { ma2 = mf(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, ra2) | 0; qa2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ia2 = qa2 + 16 | 0; pa3 = qa2 + 8 | 0; ta2 = qa2 + 12 | 0; ca2 = qa2 + 4 | 0; sa2 = c[qa2 >> 2] | 0; na2 = ma2; fa2 = ra2; while (true) { if (!sa2) { oa2 = Oa2[c[pa3 >> 2] & 7](c[ia2 >> 2] | 0, c[ta2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; ga2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((oa2 | 0) == 0 | (ga2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 261; break g; } c[qa2 >> 2] = ga2; c[ca2 >> 2] = oa2; za2 = ga2; Aa3 = oa2; } else { za2 = sa2; Aa3 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; } oa2 = fa2 >>> 0 > za2 >>> 0 ? za2 : fa2; Hv(na2 | 0, Aa3 | 0, oa2 | 0) | 0; sa2 = (c[qa2 >> 2] | 0) - oa2 | 0; c[qa2 >> 2] = sa2; c[ca2 >> 2] = (c[ca2 >> 2] | 0) + oa2; fa2 = fa2 - oa2 | 0; if (!fa2) break; else na2 = na2 + oa2 | 0; } ya2 = vd(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ma2, ra2 + -1 | 0) | 0; } c[(c[ha2 >> 2] | 0) + (ua2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = ya2; na2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; fa2 = na2 + 16 | 0; ca2 = na2 + 8 | 0; sa2 = na2 + 12 | 0; qa2 = na2 + 4 | 0; ta2 = c[na2 >> 2] | 0; ia2 = g2; pa3 = 4; while (true) { if (!ta2) { oa2 = Oa2[c[ca2 >> 2] & 7](c[fa2 >> 2] | 0, c[sa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; ga2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((oa2 | 0) == 0 | (ga2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 269; break g; } c[na2 >> 2] = ga2; c[qa2 >> 2] = oa2; Ba3 = ga2; Ca2 = oa2; } else { Ba3 = ta2; Ca2 = c[qa2 >> 2] | 0; } oa2 = pa3 >>> 0 > Ba3 >>> 0 ? Ba3 : pa3; Hv(ia2 | 0, Ca2 | 0, oa2 | 0) | 0; ta2 = (c[na2 >> 2] | 0) - oa2 | 0; c[na2 >> 2] = ta2; c[qa2 >> 2] = (c[qa2 >> 2] | 0) + oa2; pa3 = pa3 - oa2 | 0; if (!pa3) break; else ia2 = ia2 + oa2 | 0; } ia2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ia2 | 0) < 0) { s3 = 271; break; } c[(c[ha2 >> 2] | 0) + (ua2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = ia2; ia2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = ia2 + 16 | 0; qa2 = ia2 + 8 | 0; ta2 = ia2 + 12 | 0; na2 = ia2 + 4 | 0; sa2 = c[ia2 >> 2] | 0; fa2 = g2; ca2 = 4; while (true) { if (!sa2) { ra2 = Oa2[c[qa2 >> 2] & 7](c[pa3 >> 2] | 0, c[ta2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; ma2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ra2 | 0) == 0 | (ma2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 278; break g; } c[ia2 >> 2] = ma2; c[na2 >> 2] = ra2; Da2 = ma2; Ea2 = ra2; } else { Da2 = sa2; Ea2 = c[na2 >> 2] | 0; } ra2 = ca2 >>> 0 > Da2 >>> 0 ? Da2 : ca2; Hv(fa2 | 0, Ea2 | 0, ra2 | 0) | 0; sa2 = (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = sa2; c[na2 >> 2] = (c[na2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2; ca2 = ca2 - ra2 | 0; if (!ca2) break; else fa2 = fa2 + ra2 | 0; } fa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((fa2 | 0) < 0) { s3 = 280; break; } c[(c[ha2 >> 2] | 0) + (ua2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = fa2; ua2 = ua2 + 1 | 0; if ((ua2 | 0) >= (ka2 | 0)) break f; } if ((s3 | 0) == 253) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 261) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 269) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 271) kf(b4, 48107); else if ((s3 | 0) == 278) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 280) kf(b4, 48107); } while (0); ka2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = ka2 + 16 | 0; Ea2 = ka2 + 8 | 0; Da2 = ka2 + 12 | 0; Ca2 = ka2 + 4 | 0; Ba3 = c[ka2 >> 2] | 0; ya2 = g2; Aa3 = 4; while (true) { if (!Ba3) { za2 = Oa2[c[Ea2 >> 2] & 7](c[ha2 >> 2] | 0, c[Da2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; xa2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((za2 | 0) == 0 | (xa2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 288; break; } c[ka2 >> 2] = xa2; c[Ca2 >> 2] = za2; Fa2 = xa2; Ga3 = za2; } else { Fa2 = Ba3; Ga3 = c[Ca2 >> 2] | 0; } za2 = Aa3 >>> 0 > Fa2 >>> 0 ? Fa2 : Aa3; Hv(ya2 | 0, Ga3 | 0, za2 | 0) | 0; Ba3 = (c[ka2 >> 2] | 0) - za2 | 0; c[ka2 >> 2] = Ba3; c[Ca2 >> 2] = (c[Ca2 >> 2] | 0) + za2; Aa3 = Aa3 - za2 | 0; if (!Aa3) break; else ya2 = ya2 + za2 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) == 288) kf(b4, 48058); ya2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ya2 | 0) < 0) kf(b4, 48107); if (!ya2) { Ia = e2; return; } Aa3 = b4 + 8 | 0; Ca2 = 0; h: while (true) { Ba3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = Ba3 + 16 | 0; Ga3 = Ba3 + 8 | 0; Fa2 = Ba3 + 12 | 0; Da2 = Ba3 + 4 | 0; ha2 = c[Ba3 >> 2] | 0; Ea2 = g2; za2 = 4; while (true) { if (!ha2) { xa2 = Oa2[c[Ga3 >> 2] & 7](c[ka2 >> 2] | 0, c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; wa2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((xa2 | 0) == 0 | (wa2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 299; break h; } c[Ba3 >> 2] = wa2; c[Da2 >> 2] = xa2; Ha3 = wa2; Ja3 = xa2; } else { Ha3 = ha2; Ja3 = c[Da2 >> 2] | 0; } xa2 = za2 >>> 0 > Ha3 >>> 0 ? Ha3 : za2; Hv(Ea2 | 0, Ja3 | 0, xa2 | 0) | 0; ha2 = (c[Ba3 >> 2] | 0) - xa2 | 0; c[Ba3 >> 2] = ha2; c[Da2 >> 2] = (c[Da2 >> 2] | 0) + xa2; za2 = za2 - xa2 | 0; if (!za2) break; else Ea2 = Ea2 + xa2 | 0; } Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!Ea2) Ka2 = 0; else { za2 = mf(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, c[Aa3 >> 2] | 0, Ea2) | 0; Da2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = Da2 + 16 | 0; Ba3 = Da2 + 8 | 0; Fa2 = Da2 + 12 | 0; ka2 = Da2 + 4 | 0; Ga3 = c[Da2 >> 2] | 0; xa2 = za2; wa2 = Ea2; while (true) { if (!Ga3) { va2 = Oa2[c[Ba3 >> 2] & 7](c[ha2 >> 2] | 0, c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; ua2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((va2 | 0) == 0 | (ua2 | 0) == 0) { s3 = 307; break h; } c[Da2 >> 2] = ua2; c[ka2 >> 2] = va2; La2 = ua2; Ma2 = va2; } else { La2 = Ga3; Ma2 = c[ka2 >> 2] | 0; } va2 = wa2 >>> 0 > La2 >>> 0 ? La2 : wa2; Hv(xa2 | 0, Ma2 | 0, va2 | 0) | 0; Ga3 = (c[Da2 >> 2] | 0) - va2 | 0; c[Da2 >> 2] = Ga3; c[ka2 >> 2] = (c[ka2 >> 2] | 0) + va2; wa2 = wa2 - va2 | 0; if (!wa2) break; else xa2 = xa2 + va2 | 0; } Ka2 = vd(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, za2, Ea2 + -1 | 0) | 0; } c[(c[Z3 >> 2] | 0) + (Ca2 << 3) >> 2] = Ka2; Ca2 = Ca2 + 1 | 0; if ((Ca2 | 0) >= (ya2 | 0)) { s3 = 310; break; } } if ((s3 | 0) == 299) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 307) kf(b4, 48058); else if ((s3 | 0) == 310) { Ia = e2; return; } } function mf(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; f2 = d2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 >= e2 >>> 0) { h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; return h3 | 0; } i3 = e2 >>> 0 > 32 ? e2 : 32; if ((i3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967293) Jc(b4); e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; l2 = j2 + 4 | 0; m4 = Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, e2, g2, i3) | 0; if (!m4) { if (!(a[j2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); n2 = Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, e2, g2, i3) | 0; if (!n2) wc(b4, 4); else o2 = n2; } else o2 = m4; m4 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = (k2 ? 0 : 0 - g2 | 0) + i3 + (c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[d2 >> 2] = o2; c[f2 >> 2] = i3; h3 = o2; return h3 | 0; } function nf(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; a[b4 + 6 >> 0] = 0; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = b4 + 72; return; } function of(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do switch (e2 | 0) { case 0: { a[h3 + 51 >> 0] = 0; i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } case 1: { j2 = h3 + 12 | 0; k2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; a[h3 + 51 >> 0] = 1; i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } case 2: { Ic(b4, 0); i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } case 3: { i3 = ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0) >>> 10; return i3 | 0; } case 4: { i3 = (c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) & 1023; return i3 | 0; } case 5: { if ((a[h3 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2) { j2 = (c[h3 + 20 >> 2] | 0) == 0 & 1; Mc(b4); i3 = j2; return i3 | 0; } else { j2 = h3 + 12 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (f2 << 10) + -1600 + ((a[h3 + 51 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : k2) | 0; m4 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = k2 - l2 + (c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = l2; Mc(b4); i3 = (a[h3 + 49 >> 0] | 0) == 5 & 1; return i3 | 0; } break; } case 6: { l2 = h3 + 128 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = f2; i3 = j2; return i3 | 0; } case 8: { j2 = h3 + 132 | 0; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = f2; i3 = l2; return i3 | 0; } case 7: { l2 = h3 + 136 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = f2; i3 = j2; return i3 | 0; } case 9: { i3 = d[h3 + 51 >> 0] | 0; return i3 | 0; } case 10: { j2 = h3 + 50 | 0; if ((a[j2 >> 0] | 0) == 2) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } l2 = h3 + 49 | 0; if (a[l2 >> 0] | 0) do ed(b4) | 0; while ((a[l2 >> 0] | 0) != 0); c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = (c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0); a[j2 >> 0] = 2; i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } case 11: { l2 = h3 + 50 | 0; if (!(a[l2 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } a[l2 >> 0] = 0; jd(b4) | 0; l2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 49 | 0; if (1 << d[l2 >> 0] & -29 | 0) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } do ed(b4) | 0; while (!(1 << d[l2 >> 0] & -29 | 0)); i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } default: { i3 = -1; return i3 | 0; } } while (0); return 0; } function pf(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Bc(a2); return 0; } function qf(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { f2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { f2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } g2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) f2 = 2172216; else { i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) > (d[i3 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : i3 + 16 + (g2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; f2 = g2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; } while (0); b4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; e2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = e2 + -8 | 0; i3 = rf(a2, b4, g2) | 0; a2 = i3 + 1 | 0; h3 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((a2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) { j2 = b4 + 12 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = i3; m4 = a2; while (true) { if (c[k2 + (m4 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) break; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) { o2 = m4; m4 = n2; l2 = o2; } else { p2 = n2; q3 = 14; break a; } } c[g2 >> 2] = (l2 << 16) + 131072; c[e2 + -4 >> 2] = 3; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[k2 + (m4 << 3) >> 2]; r2 = k2 + (m4 << 3) + 4 | 0; } else { p2 = a2; q3 = 14; } while (0); do if ((q3 | 0) == 14) { a2 = p2 - h3 | 0; i3 = 1 << (d[b4 + 7 >> 0] | 0); if ((a2 | 0) >= (i3 | 0)) { s3 = -1; t3 = 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = u2 + (s3 << 3) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = v2; return t3 | 0; } k2 = b4 + 16 | 0; n2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = a2; while (true) { if (c[n2 + (o2 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) { q3 = 17; break; } a2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)) o2 = a2; else { s3 = -1; t3 = 0; q3 = 20; break; } } if ((q3 | 0) == 17) { c[g2 >> 2] = c[n2 + (o2 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2]; c[e2 + -4 >> 2] = c[n2 + (o2 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2]; i3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[i3 + (o2 * 20 | 0) >> 2]; r2 = i3 + (o2 * 20 | 0) + 4 | 0; break; } else if ((q3 | 0) == 20) { u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = u2 + (s3 << 3) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = v2; return t3 | 0; } } while (0); c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; s3 = 1; t3 = 1; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = u2 + (s3 << 3) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = v2; return t3 | 0; } function rf(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = d2 + 4 | 0; switch (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: { h3 = 2; break; } case 0: { i3 = -1; Ia = e2; return i3 | 0; } default: { } } if (((h3 | 0) == 2 ? (j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0, k2 = j2 >> 16, (j2 | 0) > 65535 & ((j2 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 < 2147352577 & (j2 & 65535 | 0) == 0)) : 0) ? (k2 | 0) <= (c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) : 0) { i3 = k2 + -1 | 0; Ia = e2; return i3 | 0; } k2 = td2(b4, d2) | 0; while (true) { j2 = k2 + 8 | 0; l2 = k2 + 12 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0)) { if (Rc(0, j2, d2) | 0) break; n2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } else n2 = m4; if (((n2 | 0) == 11 ? c[g2 >> 2] & 64 | 0 : 0) ? (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) : 0) break; j2 = c[k2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) { h3 = 14; break; } else k2 = j2; } if ((h3 | 0) == 14) yc(a2, 48142, f2); i3 = ((k2 - (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0) / 20 | 0) + (c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return i3 | 0; } function sf(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((d2 | 0) <= 1) { if (d2 | 0) return; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = $c(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = g2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return; } e2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = e2 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((f2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[e2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { h3 = e2 + 8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = f2 + 1600 + (c[h3 >> 2] | 0); c[g2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); Pc2(b4, d2); return; } function tf(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 160 | 0; h3 = g2 + 40 | 0; i3 = g2 + 32 | 0; j2 = g2 + 24 | 0; k2 = g2 + 16 | 0; l2 = g2 + 8 | 0; m4 = g2; n2 = g2 + 48 | 0; o2 = b4 + 8 | 0; p2 = b4 + 16 | 0; q3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) - ((c[c[p2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) >> 3; r2 = d2 + 16 | 0; s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = d2 + 72 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == (t3 | 0)) { u2 = 0; v2 = 1; } else { w2 = 1; x2 = 1; while (true) { if (!w2) { y4 = s3; z3 = 0; } else { A4 = s3; B2 = w2; while (true) { C3 = B2 + -1 | 0; D3 = c[A4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) > 1 & (D3 | 0) != (t3 | 0)) { A4 = D3; B2 = C3; } else { y4 = D3; z3 = C3; break; } } } if ((z3 | 0) != 0 | (y4 | 0) == (t3 | 0)) { E3 = w2; F3 = x2; break; } B2 = w2 << 1; if ((w2 | 0) < 0) { E3 = B2; F3 = w2; break; } else { A4 = w2; w2 = B2; x2 = A4; } } if ((F3 | 0) < (E3 | 0)) { x2 = E3; w2 = F3; while (true) { F3 = x2 + w2 | 0; y4 = (F3 | 0) / 2 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) < -1) G2 = 0; else { if ((F3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 2) { F3 = s3; z3 = y4; while (true) { A4 = z3 + -1 | 0; B2 = c[F3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) > 1 & (B2 | 0) != (t3 | 0)) { F3 = B2; z3 = A4; } else { H2 = B2; I2 = A4; break; } } } else { H2 = s3; I2 = y4; } G2 = (I2 | 0) == 0 & (H2 | 0) != (t3 | 0) & 1; } z3 = (G2 | 0) == 0; F3 = z3 ? y4 : x2; w2 = z3 ? w2 : y4 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) >= (F3 | 0)) { J2 = F3; break; } else x2 = F3; } } else J2 = E3; u2 = (J2 | 0) > 23 ? 12 : 0; v2 = J2; } if (e2 | 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = e2; Qd(b4, 59968, m4) | 0; } m4 = b4 + 12 | 0; e2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; J2 = e2 + 12 | 0; E3 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((E3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[e2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { x2 = e2 + 8 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = E3 + 1600 + (c[x2 >> 2] | 0); c[J2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); J2 = $c(b4, 48164, 16) | 0; E3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = J2; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[J2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; J2 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = J2; if ((f2 | 0) < 0) { K2 = J2; L3 = J2; } else { J2 = n2 + 96 | 0; E3 = n2 + 36 | 0; e2 = n2 + 20 | 0; x2 = v2 + -11 | 0; v2 = n2 + 8 | 0; w2 = n2 + 12 | 0; G2 = n2 + 35 | 0; H2 = n2 + 4 | 0; I2 = n2 + 24 | 0; s3 = f2; while (true) { f2 = s3 + 1 | 0; F3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) != 0 & (F3 | 0) != (t3 | 0)) { z3 = F3; A4 = s3; while (true) { B2 = A4 + -1 | 0; C3 = c[z3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((A4 | 0) > 1 & (C3 | 0) != (t3 | 0)) { z3 = C3; A4 = B2; } else { M2 = C3; N4 = B2; break; } } } else { M2 = F3; N4 = s3; } if ((N4 | 0) != 0 | (M2 | 0) == (t3 | 0)) break; c[J2 >> 2] = M2; do if ((f2 | 0) == (u2 | 0)) { A4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = A4 + 12 | 0; y4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((y4 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[A4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { B2 = A4 + 8 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = y4 + 1600 + (c[B2 >> 2] | 0); c[z3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); z3 = $c(b4, 48181, 5) | 0; y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = z3; c[y4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[z3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; O2 = x2; } else { uf(d2, 48187, n2) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = E3; Qd(b4, 48192, l2) | 0; z3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 | 0) > 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = z3 << 16; Qd(b4, 48198, k2) | 0; } z3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; y4 = z3 + 12 | 0; A4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((A4 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[z3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { B2 = z3 + 8 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = A4 + 1600 + (c[B2 >> 2] | 0); c[y4 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); y4 = $c(b4, 48202, 4) | 0; A4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = y4; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[y4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; a: do if (!(a[c[v2 >> 2] >> 0] | 0)) switch (a[c[w2 >> 2] >> 0] | 0) { case 109: { y4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = y4 + 12 | 0; z3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((z3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[y4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { B2 = y4 + 8 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = z3 + 1600 + (c[B2 >> 2] | 0); c[A4 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); A4 = $c(b4, 48221, 10) | 0; z3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = A4; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[A4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; break a; break; } case 67: { if (!(vf2(b4, n2) | 0)) { A4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = A4 + 12 | 0; y4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((y4 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[A4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { B2 = A4 + 8 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = y4 + 1600 + (c[B2 >> 2] | 0); c[z3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); z3 = $c(b4, 78709, 1) | 0; y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = z3; c[y4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[z3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; break a; } z3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = z3 + -8 | 0; if ((c[z3 + -4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 4) if (!(Hd(b4, y4) | 0)) P2 = 0; else { z3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3 + 12 | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((B2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[z3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { C3 = z3 + 8 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = B2 + 1600 + (c[C3 >> 2] | 0); c[A4 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); Q3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; R3 = 57; } else { Q3 = y4; R3 = 57; } if ((R3 | 0) == 57) { R3 = 0; P2 = (c[Q3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; } c[i3 >> 2] = P2; Qd(b4, 48207, i3) | 0; A4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = A4 + -8 | 0; z3 = A4 + -16 | 0; while (true) { c[z3 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2]; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 + 12 >> 2]; A4 = B2 + 8 | 0; S2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 < S2 >>> 0) { C3 = B2; B2 = A4; z3 = C3; } else break; } c[o2 >> 2] = S2 + -8; break a; break; } default: { z3 = c[I2 >> 2] << 16; c[h3 >> 2] = E3; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = z3; Qd(b4, 48232, h3) | 0; break a; } } else { c[j2 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; Qd(b4, 48207, j2) | 0; } while (0); if (!(a[G2 >> 0] | 0)) { z3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; T4 = z3; U2 = z3; } else { z3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = z3 + 12 | 0; y4 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((y4 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[z3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { C3 = z3 + 8 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = y4 + 1600 + (c[C3 >> 2] | 0); c[B2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); B2 = $c(b4, 48249, 20) | 0; y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = B2; c[y4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[B2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; B2 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = B2; T4 = B2; U2 = B2; } B2 = (T4 - ((c[c[p2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) >> 3) - q3 | 0; if ((B2 | 0) <= 1) { if (B2 | 0) { O2 = f2; break; } y4 = $c(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; c[U2 >> 2] = y4; c[U2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[y4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; O2 = f2; break; } y4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = y4 + 12 | 0; C3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((C3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[y4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { A4 = y4 + 8 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = C3 + 1600 + (c[A4 >> 2] | 0); c[z3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); Pc2(b4, B2); O2 = f2; } while (0); if ((O2 | 0) < 0) break; else s3 = O2; } O2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = O2; L3 = O2; } O2 = (K2 - ((c[c[p2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) >> 3) - q3 | 0; if ((O2 | 0) <= 1) { if (O2 | 0) { Ia = g2; return; } q3 = $c(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = q3; c[L3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[q3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Ia = g2; return; } o2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = o2 + 12 | 0; q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((q3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[o2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { L3 = o2 + 8 | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = q3 + 1600 + (c[L3 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); Pc2(b4, O2); Ia = g2; return; } function uf(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; if ((a[e2 >> 0] | 0) == 62) { i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; j2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; k2 = 0; l2 = j2; m4 = e2 + 1 | 0; } else { j2 = c[f2 + 96 >> 2] | 0; k2 = j2; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = e2; } e2 = l2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[e2 >> 2] & 31 | 0) == 6) n2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; else n2 = 0; j2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (!(j2 << 24 >> 24)) o2 = 1; else { i3 = (n2 | 0) == 0; p2 = (k2 | 0) == 0; q3 = f2 + 16 | 0; r2 = f2 + 24 | 0; s3 = f2 + 28 | 0; t3 = f2 + 12 | 0; u2 = f2 + 36 | 0; v2 = n2 + 4 | 0; w2 = f2 + 20 | 0; x2 = k2 + 18 | 0; y4 = f2 + 32 | 0; z3 = f2 + 34 | 0; A4 = f2 + 33 | 0; B2 = n2 + 6 | 0; C3 = f2 + 35 | 0; D3 = f2 + 8 | 0; E3 = f2 + 45 | 0; F3 = n2 + 12 | 0; G2 = f2 + 4 | 0; H2 = k2 + 8 | 0; I2 = f2 + 95 | 0; J2 = f2 + 39 | 0; K2 = k2 + 28 | 0; L3 = b4 + 12 | 0; M2 = j2; N4 = 1; O2 = m4; while (true) { b: do switch (M2 << 24 >> 24 | 0) { case 83: { if (!i3 ? (a[v2 >> 0] | 0) != 38 : 0) { P2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = c[P2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; R3 = (Q3 | 0) == 0 ? 48275 : Q3 + 16 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = R3; Q3 = c[P2 + 64 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = Q3; c[s3 >> 2] = c[P2 + 68 >> 2]; S2 = R3; T4 = (Q3 | 0) == 0 ? 48278 : 48283; } else { c[q3 >> 2] = 48270; c[r2 >> 2] = -1; c[s3 >> 2] = -1; S2 = 48270; T4 = 95714; } c[t3 >> 2] = T4; Q3 = Pt(S2) | 0; switch (a[S2 >> 0] | 0) { case 61: { R3 = S2 + 1 | 0; if (Q3 >>> 0 > 60) { U2 = u2; V3 = R3; W2 = U2 + 59 | 0; do { a[U2 >> 0] = a[V3 >> 0] | 0; U2 = U2 + 1 | 0; V3 = V3 + 1 | 0; } while ((U2 | 0) < (W2 | 0)); a[I2 >> 0] = 0; X2 = N4; break b; } else { Hv(u2 | 0, R3 | 0, Q3 | 0) | 0; X2 = N4; break b; } break; } case 64: { if (Q3 >>> 0 > 60) { a[u2 >> 0] = a[72854] | 0; a[u2 + 1 >> 0] = a[72855] | 0; a[u2 + 2 >> 0] = a[72856] | 0; U2 = J2; V3 = S2 + 1 + Q3 + -57 | 0; W2 = U2 + 57 | 0; do { a[U2 >> 0] = a[V3 >> 0] | 0; U2 = U2 + 1 | 0; V3 = V3 + 1 | 0; } while ((U2 | 0) < (W2 | 0)); X2 = N4; break b; } else { Hv(u2 | 0, S2 + 1 | 0, Q3 | 0) | 0; X2 = N4; break b; } break; } default: { R3 = $t(S2, 10) | 0; U2 = u2; V3 = 46846; W2 = U2 + 9 | 0; do { a[U2 >> 0] = a[V3 >> 0] | 0; U2 = U2 + 1 | 0; V3 = V3 + 1 | 0; } while ((U2 | 0) < (W2 | 0)); P2 = (R3 | 0) == 0; if (Q3 >>> 0 < 45 & P2) { Hv(E3 | 0, S2 | 0, Q3 | 0) | 0; Y2 = E3 + Q3 | 0; } else { Z3 = P2 ? Q3 : R3 - S2 | 0; P2 = Z3 >>> 0 < 45 ? Z3 : 45; Hv(E3 | 0, S2 | 0, P2 | 0) | 0; Z3 = E3 + P2 | 0; a[Z3 >> 0] = a[72854] | 0; a[Z3 + 1 >> 0] = a[72855] | 0; a[Z3 + 2 >> 0] = a[72856] | 0; Y2 = Z3 + 3 | 0; } a[Y2 >> 0] = a[46856] | 0; a[Y2 + 1 >> 0] = a[46857] | 0; a[Y2 + 2 >> 0] = a[46858] | 0; X2 = N4; break b; } } break; } case 108: { if (!p2 ? (a[x2 >> 0] & 1) != 0 : 0) { Z3 = c[(c[c[k2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; P2 = c[Z3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; if (!P2) _5 = 0; else _5 = c[P2 + (((c[K2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[Z3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) >> 2) + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } else _5 = -1; c[w2 >> 2] = _5; X2 = N4; break; } case 117: { if (!i3) { a[y4 >> 0] = a[B2 >> 0] | 0; if ((a[v2 >> 0] | 0) != 38) { a[z3 >> 0] = a[(c[F3 >> 2] | 0) + 77 >> 0] | 0; a[A4 >> 0] = a[(c[F3 >> 2] | 0) + 76 >> 0] | 0; X2 = N4; break b; } } else a[y4 >> 0] = 0; a[z3 >> 0] = 1; a[A4 >> 0] = 0; X2 = N4; break; } case 116: { if (p2) $2 = 0; else $2 = a[x2 >> 0] & 64; a[C3 >> 0] = $2; X2 = N4; break; } case 110: { c: do if ((!p2 ? (a[x2 >> 0] & 64) == 0 : 0) ? (Z3 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0, (a[Z3 + 18 >> 0] & 1) != 0) : 0) { P2 = c[(c[c[Z3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = c[P2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = ((c[Z3 + 28 >> 2] | 0) - aa2 >> 2) + -1 | 0; Z3 = c[aa2 + (ba3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; do switch (Z3 & 63) { case 43: case 42: { aa2 = cd2(P2, ba3, Z3 >>> 6 & 255, G2) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = aa2; if (!aa2) break c; else { X2 = N4; break b; } break; } case 47: { c[G2 >> 2] = 48287; ca2 = 48287; break; } case 7: case 6: case 12: { da2 = 0; ea2 = 68; break; } case 10: case 8: { da2 = 1; ea2 = 68; break; } case 37: { da2 = 5; ea2 = 68; break; } case 13: { da2 = 6; ea2 = 68; break; } case 14: { da2 = 7; ea2 = 68; break; } case 15: { da2 = 8; ea2 = 68; break; } case 16: { da2 = 9; ea2 = 68; break; } case 17: { da2 = 10; ea2 = 68; break; } case 18: { da2 = 11; ea2 = 68; break; } case 19: { da2 = 12; ea2 = 68; break; } case 20: { da2 = 13; ea2 = 68; break; } case 21: { da2 = 14; ea2 = 68; break; } case 22: { da2 = 15; ea2 = 68; break; } case 23: { da2 = 16; ea2 = 68; break; } case 24: { da2 = 17; ea2 = 68; break; } case 25: { da2 = 18; ea2 = 68; break; } case 26: { da2 = 19; ea2 = 68; break; } case 27: { da2 = 20; ea2 = 68; break; } case 28: { da2 = 21; ea2 = 68; break; } case 29: { da2 = 22; ea2 = 68; break; } case 30: { da2 = 23; ea2 = 68; break; } case 31: { da2 = 24; ea2 = 68; break; } case 32: { da2 = 25; ea2 = 68; break; } case 34: { da2 = 4; ea2 = 68; break; } case 38: { da2 = 26; ea2 = 68; break; } case 39: { da2 = 27; ea2 = 68; break; } case 35: { da2 = 28; ea2 = 68; break; } default: { ea2 = 69; break c; } } while (0); if ((ea2 | 0) == 68) { ea2 = 0; c[G2 >> 2] = (c[(c[L3 >> 2] | 0) + 156 + (da2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 16; ca2 = 48300; } c[D3 >> 2] = ca2; X2 = N4; break b; } else ea2 = 69; while (0); if ((ea2 | 0) == 69) { ea2 = 0; c[D3 >> 2] = 0; } c[D3 >> 2] = 3144900; c[G2 >> 2] = 0; X2 = N4; break; } case 102: case 76: { X2 = N4; break; } default: X2 = 0; } while (0); O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; M2 = a[O2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(M2 << 24 >> 24)) { o2 = X2; break a; } else N4 = X2; } } while (0); if ($t(m4, 102) | 0) { X2 = b4 + 8 | 0; ca2 = c[X2 >> 2] | 0; c[ca2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[ca2 + 4 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; c[X2 >> 2] = (c[X2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; } if (!($t(m4, 76) | 0)) { Ia = g2; return o2 | 0; } if (n2 | 0 ? (a[n2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) != 38 : 0) { m4 = n2 + 12 | 0; n2 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0; X2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; e2 = X2 + 4 | 0; ca2 = Pa[c[X2 >> 2] & 3](c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!ca2) { if (!(a[X2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); l2 = Pa[c[X2 >> 2] & 3](c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!l2) wc(b4, 4); else fa2 = l2; } else fa2 = ca2; ca2 = X2 + 12 | 0; c[ca2 >> 2] = (c[ca2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; ca2 = X2 + 56 | 0; a[fa2 + 5 >> 0] = a[X2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[fa2 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[fa2 >> 2] = c[ca2 >> 2]; c[ca2 >> 2] = fa2; c[fa2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[fa2 + 6 >> 0] = -1; ca2 = fa2 + 12 | 0; c[ca2 >> 2] = 0; X2 = fa2 + 28 | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = fa2 + 16 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 2172240; e2 = fa2 + 7 | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = 0; c[fa2 + 20 >> 2] = 2172240; da2 = b4 + 8 | 0; $2 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = fa2; c[$2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; c[da2 >> 2] = (c[da2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; if ((c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 52 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { Ia = g2; return o2 | 0; } da2 = h3 + 4 | 0; $2 = 0; do { _5 = c[n2 + ($2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; k2 = _5 + -1 | 0; d: do if (k2 >>> 0 < (c[X2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { ga2 = (c[ca2 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 << 3) | 0; ea2 = 94; } else { Y2 = _5 << 16; S2 = 0 - Y2 | 0; V3 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (((((Y2 | 0) < 0 ? (Y2 | 0) == (S2 | 0) ? 0 : S2 : Y2) | 0) % ((1 << d[e2 >> 0]) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[V3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[V3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (Y2 | 0) : 0) break; S2 = c[V3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!S2) { ha2 = Y2; ea2 = 96; break d; } else V3 = S2; } ga2 = V3; ea2 = 94; } while (0); if ((ea2 | 0) == 94) { ea2 = 0; if ((ga2 | 0) == 2172216) { ha2 = _5 << 16; ea2 = 96; } else ia2 = ga2; } if ((ea2 | 0) == 96) { ea2 = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = ha2; c[da2 >> 2] = 3; ia2 = Lc(b4, fa2, h3) | 0; } c[ia2 >> 2] = 1; c[ia2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; $2 = $2 + 1 | 0; } while (($2 | 0) < (c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 52 >> 2] | 0)); Ia = g2; return o2 | 0; } m4 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = b4 + 8; Ia = g2; return o2 | 0; } function vf2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 16 | 0; g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) - ((c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) | 0; h3 = g2 >> 3; uf(a2, 91054, b4) | 0; b4 = c[(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) i3 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; else { j2 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((131072 % ((1 << (d[b4 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 131072 : 0) break; k2 = c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { i3 = 2172216; break a; } else j2 = k2; } i3 = j2; } while (0); b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = c[i3 + 4 >> 2]; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; i3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if (wf(a2, i3, 2) | 0) { yd(a2, -1, i3); l2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -16 | 0; m4 = 1; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; return m4 | 0; } if ((g2 | 0) <= -8) { l2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 3) | 0; m4 = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; return m4 | 0; } i3 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = i3 + 8 + (h3 << 3) | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 >= g2 >>> 0) { l2 = g2; m4 = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; return m4 | 0; } a2 = (i3 + (h3 << 3) + 4 + (3 - f2) | 0) >>> 3; h3 = f2; do { c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; h3 = h3 + 8 | 0; } while (h3 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0); c[e2 >> 2] = f2 + (a2 + 1 << 3); l2 = g2; m4 = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; return m4 | 0; } function wf(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; if (!f2) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } h3 = b4 + 16 | 0; i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 + -8 | 0) == 2172216) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } if ((c[j2 + -4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 5) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2 + 8; if (!(qf(b4, -2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } j2 = f2 + -1 | 0; f2 = (e2 | 0) < -1000999; k2 = (e2 | 0) == -1001000; l2 = b4 + 12 | 0; m4 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; n2 = m4 + -1 | 0; a: do if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { while (true) { o2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 + -16 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[o2 + -12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4 : 0) { p2 = (c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; q3 = p2 >>> 0 < o2 >>> 0 ? p2 : 2172216; p2 = o2 + -8 | 0; if (((p2 | 0) != 2172216 & (q3 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[o2 + -4 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? Rc(0, q3, p2) | 0 : 0) { r2 = 27; break a; } if (wf(b4, e2, j2) | 0) break a; s3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } else s3 = o2; c[i3 >> 2] = s3 + -8; if (!(qf(b4, -2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; break; } } return g2 | 0; } else { while (true) { o2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 + -16 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[o2 + -12 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4 : 0) { p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if (f2) { if (k2) { t3 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; r2 = 24; break; } q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) != 54) { u2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (m4 | 0) > (d[u2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) ? 2172216 : u2 + 16 + (n2 << 3) | 0; r2 = 24; } } else { t3 = o2 + (e2 << 3) | 0; r2 = 24; } while (0); if ((((r2 | 0) == 24 ? (r2 = 0, p2 = o2 + -8 | 0, (p2 | 0) != 2172216 & (t3 | 0) != 2172216) : 0) ? (c[t3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[o2 + -4 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? Rc(0, t3, p2) | 0 : 0) { r2 = 27; break a; } if (wf(b4, e2, j2) | 0) break a; v2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } else v2 = o2; c[i3 >> 2] = v2 + -8; if (!(qf(b4, -2) | 0)) { g2 = 0; break; } } return g2 | 0; } while (0); if ((r2 | 0) == 27) { c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + -8; g2 = 1; return g2 | 0; } r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = r2 + -8 | 0; j2 = r2 + -16 | 0; while (true) { c[j2 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 + 12 >> 2]; r2 = v2 + 8 | 0; w2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < w2 >>> 0) { e2 = v2; v2 = r2; j2 = e2; } else break; } c[i3 >> 2] = w2 + -8; w2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = w2 + 12 | 0; v2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((v2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[w2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { e2 = w2 + 8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = v2 + 1600 + (c[e2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); j2 = $c(b4, 103254, 1) | 0; v2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = j2; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[j2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = j2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = v2; w2 = v2; do { v2 = w2; w2 = w2 + -8 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = c[v2 + -4 >> 2]; } while (v2 >>> 0 > j2 >>> 0); w2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 + -8 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[j2 + -4 >> 2] = c[w2 + 4 >> 2]; w2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = w2 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[w2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = w2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[l2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); Pc2(b4, 3); g2 = 1; return g2 | 0; } function xf(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 128 | 0; g2 = f2 + 16 | 0; h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; i3 = f2; j2 = f2 + 28 | 0; f2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == (b4 + 72 | 0)) { c[i3 >> 2] = d2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = e2; yf2(b4, 48311, i3) | 0; } c[j2 + 96 >> 2] = f2; uf(b4, 48333, j2) | 0; if (!(Ot(c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, 46583) | 0)) { f2 = d2 + -1 | 0; if (!f2) { c[h3 >> 2] = c[j2 + 4 >> 2]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = e2; yf2(b4, 48335, h3) | 0; } else k2 = f2; } else k2 = d2; d2 = j2 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (f2 | 0) { l2 = f2; c[g2 >> 2] = k2; m4 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = l2; n2 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = e2; yf2(b4, 48365, g2) | 0; } do if (!(vf2(b4, j2) | 0)) o2 = 78709; else { f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + -8 | 0; if ((c[h3 + -4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4) p2 = i3; else { if (!(Hd(b4, i3) | 0)) { o2 = 0; break; } i3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = i3 + 12 | 0; q3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((q3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[i3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { r2 = i3 + 8 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = q3 + 1600 + (c[r2 >> 2] | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); p2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; } o2 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; } while (0); c[d2 >> 2] = o2; l2 = o2; c[g2 >> 2] = k2; m4 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = l2; n2 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = e2; yf2(b4, 48365, g2) | 0; return 0; } function yf2(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; zf(a2, 1); Pd(a2, b4, f2) | 0; sf(a2, 2); pf(a2) | 0; return 0; } function zf(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 112 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) >= 0) { h3 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; i3 = b4 + 72 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) != 0 & (h3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)) { j2 = h3; k2 = d2; while (true) { l2 = k2 + -1 | 0; m4 = c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > 1 & (m4 | 0) != (i3 | 0)) { j2 = m4; k2 = l2; } else { n2 = m4; o2 = l2; break; } } } else { n2 = h3; o2 = d2; } if (!((o2 | 0) != 0 | (n2 | 0) == (i3 | 0)) ? (c[g2 + 96 >> 2] = n2, uf(b4, 48395, g2) | 0, n2 = g2 + 20 | 0, i3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0, (i3 | 0) > 0) : 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = g2 + 36; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = i3 << 16; Qd(b4, 48398, f2) | 0; c[543056] = c[n2 >> 2]; Ia = e2; return; } } n2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = n2 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[n2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { g2 = n2 + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = i3 + 1600 + (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); c[f2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); f2 = $c(b4, 3144900, 0) | 0; i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = f2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[f2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Ia = e2; return; } function Af(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = Gd(a2, b4, e2) | 0; if (h3 | 0) { Ia = f2; return h3 | 0; } e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { i3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { j2 = i3; k2 = 10; } else l2 = 0; } else { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { j2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; k2 = 10; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { j2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; k2 = 10; break; } i3 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) != 54 ? (n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0, (i3 | 0) <= (d[n2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) : 0) { j2 = n2 + 16 + (i3 + -1 << 3) | 0; k2 = 10; } else l2 = 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 10) if ((j2 | 0) == 2172216) l2 = 0; else l2 = (c[j2 + 4 >> 2] & 15) + 1 | 0; j2 = c[16 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 61335; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; xf(a2, b4, Qd(a2, 48406, g2) | 0) | 0; Ia = f2; return h3 | 0; } function Bf(a2, b4, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; g2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { h3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { i3 = h3; j2 = 9; } } else { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { i3 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; j2 = 9; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { i3 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; j2 = 9; break; } h3 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) != 54 ? (l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0, (h3 | 0) <= (d[l2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) : 0) { i3 = l2 + 16 + (h3 + -1 << 3) | 0; j2 = 9; } } while (0); if (((j2 | 0) == 9 ? (i3 | 0) != 2172216 : 0) ? c[i3 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0 : 0) { m4 = Af(a2, b4, f2) | 0; return m4 | 0; } if (!f2) { m4 = e2; return m4 | 0; } if (!e2) n2 = 0; else n2 = Pt(e2) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = n2; m4 = e2; return m4 | 0; } function Cf(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; h3 = a2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (b4 | 0) > 0; do if (!j2) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { k2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { k2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } l2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) k2 = 2172216; else { n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (l2 | 0) > (d[n2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : n2 + 16 + (l2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { l2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; k2 = l2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? l2 : 2172216; } while (0); l2 = c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((l2 | 0) == 3) o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; else { do if ((l2 & 15 | 0) == 4) { n2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(n2 + 16 | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0)) { p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { o2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; break a; } } else p2 = i3; while (0); do if (j2) { n2 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { q3 = n2; r2 = 24; } else s3 = 0; } else { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { q3 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; r2 = 24; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { q3 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; r2 = 24; break; } n2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; m4 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) != 54 ? (t3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0, (n2 | 0) <= (d[t3 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) : 0) { q3 = t3 + 16 + (n2 + -1 << 3) | 0; r2 = 24; } else s3 = 0; } while (0); if ((r2 | 0) == 24) if ((q3 | 0) == 2172216) s3 = 0; else s3 = (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] & 15) + 1 | 0; n2 = c[16 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 46167; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = n2; xf(a2, b4, Qd(a2, 48406, f2) | 0) | 0; u2 = 0; Ia = e2; return u2 | 0; } while (0); u2 = o2 >> 16; Ia = e2; return u2 | 0; } function Df(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; a2 = b4 + 4 | 0; e2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } c[d2 >> 2] = e2; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; return f2 | 0; } function Ef(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = Pt(b4) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; f2 = be(a2, 3, e2, b4, 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return f2 | 0; } function Ff(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; f2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { g2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { g2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } h3 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) g2 = 2172216; else { j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (h3 | 0) > (d[j2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : j2 + 16 + (h3 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { h3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; g2 = h3 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? h3 : 2172216; } while (0); b4 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (b4 & 15) { case 5: { k2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { k2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: k2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((b4 & 15) << 2) | 0; } b4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!b4) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } k2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; Nd2(a2, e2) | 0; e2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; a2 = Kc(c[e2 + -16 >> 2] | 0, e2 + -8 | 0) | 0; e2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + -8 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[e2 + -4 >> 2] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; a2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = a2 + -8 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) != 2172216 ? (c[a2 + -4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 0 : 0) { m4 = a2 + -16 | 0; n2 = 0; } else { g2 = e2; e2 = a2 + -16 | 0; while (true) { c[e2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = c[e2 + 12 >> 2]; a2 = g2 + 8 | 0; o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (a2 >>> 0 < o2 >>> 0) { b4 = g2; g2 = a2; e2 = b4; } else break; } m4 = o2 + -8 | 0; n2 = 1; } c[k2 >> 2] = m4; l2 = n2; return l2 | 0; } function Gf(a2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; if ((e2 + 1000999 | 0) >>> 0 > 1000999) i3 = e2; else i3 = ((c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - (c[c[a2 + 16 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + e2 | 0; if (!(Ff(a2, i3, f2) | 0)) { j2 = 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } f2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) { if ((i3 | 0) >= -1000999) { k2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((i3 | 0) == -1001000) { k2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } e2 = -1001000 - i3 | 0; l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) k2 = 2172216; else { m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (e2 | 0) > (d[m4 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : m4 + 16 + (e2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { e2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 3) | 0; k2 = e2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? e2 : 2172216; } while (0); i3 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = c[k2 + 4 >> 2]; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = k2 + 8; i3 = k2 + -8 | 0; k2 = a2 + 38 | 0; f2 = (b3[k2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[k2 >> 1] = f2; if ((f2 & 65535) > 199) { if (f2 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(a2, 46208, h3); if ((f2 & 65535) > 224) wc(a2, 6); } f2 = a2 + 36 | 0; b3[f2 >> 1] = (b3[f2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; if (!(Cc(a2, i3, 1) | 0)) Dc(a2); b3[f2 >> 1] = (b3[f2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[k2 >> 1] = (b3[k2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; j2 = 1; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } function Hf(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; a: do if (!(Gf(b4, e2, 48471) | 0)) { i3 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (e2 | 0) > 0; do if (j2) { k2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; l2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0) { m4 = k2; n2 = 10; } else { o2 = l2; p2 = k2; n2 = 40; } } else { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { m4 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; n2 = 10; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { m4 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; n2 = 10; break; } k2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32; if ((q3 | 0) != 54) { r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > (d[r2 + 6 >> 0] | 0)) { s3 = q3; t3 = l2; u2 = k2; n2 = 46; } else { m4 = r2 + 16 + (k2 + -1 << 3) | 0; n2 = 10; } } else v2 = 0; } while (0); do if ((n2 | 0) == 10) { b: do if ((m4 | 0) != 2172216) switch (c[m4 + 4 >> 2] & 15) { case 4: case 3: { do if (!j2) { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { w2 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { w2 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } k2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) w2 = 2172216; else { l2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (k2 | 0) > (d[l2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) ? 2172216 : l2 + 16 + (k2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { k2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; w2 = k2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216; } while (0); k2 = b4 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[w2 >> 2]; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = c[w2 + 4 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; break a; break; } case 1: { do if (!j2) { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { x2 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { x2 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } k2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) x2 = 2172216; else { r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (k2 | 0) > (d[r2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) ? 2172216 : r2 + 16 + (k2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { k2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; x2 = k2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216; } while (0); switch (c[x2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { n2 = 31; break; } case 1: { if (!(c[x2 >> 2] | 0)) n2 = 31; else y4 = 63936; break; } default: y4 = 63936; } if ((n2 | 0) == 31) y4 = 63941; Nd2(b4, y4) | 0; break a; break; } case 0: { k2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; r2 = k2 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((l2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { q3 = k2 + 8 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = l2 + 1600 + (c[q3 >> 2] | 0); c[r2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); r2 = $c(b4, 63947, 3) | 0; l2 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = r2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[r2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; break a; break; } default: break b; } while (0); if (j2) { o2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; n2 = 40; break; } if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { z3 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; n2 = 48; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { z3 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; n2 = 48; break; } else { l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32; t3 = l2; u2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; n2 = 46; break; } } while (0); if ((n2 | 0) == 40) if (p2 >>> 0 < o2 >>> 0) { z3 = p2; n2 = 48; } else v2 = 0; else if ((n2 | 0) == 46) if ((s3 | 0) != 54 ? (i3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0, (u2 | 0) <= (d[i3 + 6 >> 0] | 0)) : 0) { z3 = i3 + 16 + (u2 + -1 << 3) | 0; n2 = 48; } else v2 = 0; if ((n2 | 0) == 48) if ((z3 | 0) == 2172216) v2 = 0; else v2 = (c[z3 + 4 >> 2] & 15) + 1 | 0; i3 = c[16 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = Jd(b4, e2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = j2; Qd(b4, 48482, h3) | 0; } while (0); h3 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = e2 + -8 | 0; if ((c[e2 + -4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4) A4 = v2; else { if (!(Hd(b4, v2) | 0)) { if (!f2) { B2 = 0; Ia = g2; return B2 | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = 0; B2 = 0; Ia = g2; return B2 | 0; } v2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; e2 = v2 + 12 | 0; z3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((z3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[v2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { n2 = v2 + 8 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = z3 + 1600 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); A4 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; } if (f2 | 0) c[f2 >> 2] = c[(c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2]; B2 = (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; Ia = g2; return B2 | 0; } function If(d2, e2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = Pa[d2 & 3](e2, 0, 8, 432) | 0; if (!g2) { h3 = 0; Ia = f2; return h3 | 0; } i3 = g2 + 120 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; a[g2 + 4 >> 0] = 8; a[g2 + 168 >> 0] = 33; a[g2 + 5 >> 0] = 1; a[g2 + 170 >> 0] = 0; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = i3; c[g2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 64 >> 2] = 0; b3[g2 + 38 >> 1] = 0; c[g2 + 52 >> 2] = 0; a[g2 + 40 >> 0] = 0; c[g2 + 44 >> 2] = 0; a[g2 + 41 >> 0] = 1; c[g2 + 48 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 56 >> 2] = 0; b3[g2 + 36 >> 1] = 1; a[g2 + 6 >> 0] = 0; c[g2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + 124 >> 2] = e2; c[g2 + 264 >> 2] = g2; e2 = g2; d2 = f2; i3 = (Fa(0) | 0) ^ 16; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (1 >>> 24 & 255) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + (1 >>> 16 & 255) + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (1 >>> 8 & 255) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + 1 + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (2172216 >>> 24 & 255) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + (2172216 >>> 16 & 255) + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (2172216 >>> 8 & 255) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + 56 + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (d2 >>> 24) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + (d2 >>> 16 & 255) + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (d2 >>> 8 & 255) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + (d2 & 252) + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (e2 >>> 24) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; i3 = (j2 >>> 2) + (e2 >>> 16 & 255) + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = (i3 >>> 2) + (e2 >>> 8 & 255) + (i3 << 5) ^ i3; c[g2 + 164 >> 2] = (j2 >>> 2) + (e2 & 255) + (j2 << 5) ^ j2; j2 = g2 + 216 | 0; c[g2 + 228 >> 2] = j2; c[g2 + 232 >> 2] = j2; a[g2 + 171 >> 0] = 0; j2 = g2 + 140 | 0; c[g2 + 160 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 236 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 244 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 260 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 268 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; a[g2 + 169 >> 0] = 5; j2 = g2 + 128 | 0; e2 = g2 + 176 | 0; i3 = e2 + 40 | 0; do { c[e2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = e2 + 4 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); c[j2 >> 2] = 432; c[g2 + 132 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 248 >> 2] = 200; c[g2 + 252 >> 2] = 200; c[g2 + 256 >> 2] = 200; e2 = g2 + 396 | 0; i3 = e2 + 36 | 0; do { c[e2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = e2 + 4 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); if (!(vc(g2, 5, 0) | 0)) { h3 = g2; Ia = f2; return h3 | 0; } Kf2(g2); h3 = 0; Ia = f2; return h3 | 0; } function Jf2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + 4 | 0; j2 = Pa[c[h3 >> 2] & 3](c[i3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 320) | 0; if (!j2) { if (!(a[h3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); k2 = Pa[c[h3 >> 2] & 3](c[i3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 320) | 0; if (!k2) wc(b4, 4); else l2 = k2; } else l2 = j2; j2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 320; c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = l2; c[b4 + 32 >> 2] = 40; j2 = l2 + 4 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 44 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 52 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 60 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 76 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 84 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 92 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 100 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 108 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 116 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 124 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 132 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 140 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 148 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 156 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 164 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 172 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 180 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 188 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 196 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 204 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 212 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 220 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 228 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 236 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 244 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 252 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 260 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 268 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 276 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 284 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 292 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 300 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 308 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 316 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = l2 + 280; k2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[b4 + 80 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = 0; a[b4 + 90 >> 0] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = l2 + 8; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 76 >> 2] = l2 + 168; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = k2; k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 4 | 0; j2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!j2) { if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); i3 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!i3) wc(b4, 4); else m4 = i3; } else m4 = j2; j2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; j2 = k2 + 56 | 0; a[m4 + 5 >> 0] = a[k2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[m4 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[m4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[m4 + 6 >> 0] = -1; j2 = m4 + 12 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = m4 + 28 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; i3 = m4 + 16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 2172240; l2 = m4 + 7 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = 0; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = 2172240; c[h3 + 36 >> 2] = m4; c[h3 + 40 >> 2] = 69; Vc(b4, m4, 2, 0); n2 = b4; a: do if (!(c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) { o2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + ((65536 % ((1 << d[l2 >> 0]) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 65536 : 0) break; p2 = c[o2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) { q3 = 17; break a; } else o2 = p2; } r2 = o2; q3 = 16; } else { r2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = 16; } while (0); if ((q3 | 0) == 16) if ((r2 | 0) == 2172216) q3 = 17; else s3 = r2; if ((q3 | 0) == 17) { c[f2 >> 2] = 65536; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; s3 = Lc(b4, m4, f2) | 0; } c[s3 >> 2] = n2; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = 72; s3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = s3 + 4 | 0; r2 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!r2) { if (!(a[s3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); p2 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!p2) wc(b4, 4); else t3 = p2; } else t3 = r2; r2 = s3 + 12 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; r2 = s3 + 56 | 0; a[t3 + 5 >> 0] = a[s3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[t3 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[t3 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; c[r2 >> 2] = t3; c[t3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[t3 + 6 >> 0] = -1; c[t3 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[t3 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[t3 + 16 >> 2] = 2172240; a[t3 + 7 >> 0] = 0; c[t3 + 20 >> 2] = 2172240; r2 = t3; b: do if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) { u2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; q3 = 29; } else { t3 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + ((131072 % ((1 << d[l2 >> 0]) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[t3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[t3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 131072 : 0) break; s3 = c[t3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { q3 = 30; break b; } else t3 = s3; } u2 = t3; q3 = 29; } while (0); if ((q3 | 0) == 29) if ((u2 | 0) == 2172216) q3 = 30; else v2 = u2; if ((q3 | 0) == 30) { c[f2 >> 2] = 131072; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; v2 = Lc(b4, m4, f2) | 0; } c[v2 >> 2] = r2; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; dd2(b4, 32); v2 = 0; do { r2 = c[960 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; f2 = vd(b4, r2, Pt(r2) | 0) | 0; c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 156 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] = f2; f2 = (c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 156 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 5 | 0; a[f2 >> 0] = a[f2 >> 0] | 32; v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; } while ((v2 | 0) != 30); v2 = 0; do { g2 = c[656 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; f2 = vd(b4, g2, Pt(g2) | 0) | 0; g2 = f2 + 5 | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 32; v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; a[f2 + 6 >> 0] = v2; } while ((v2 | 0) != 22); v2 = $c(b4, 49448, 17) | 0; c[h3 + 152 >> 2] = v2; b4 = v2 + 5 | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[b4 >> 0] | 32; a[h3 + 51 >> 0] = 1; c[h3 + 148 >> 2] = 34796; Ia = e2; return; } function Kf2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 12 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = a2 + 28 | 0; Qc2(a2, c[e2 >> 2] | 0); Lf(a2); f2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[f2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[f2 + 32 >> 2] << 2; Pa[c[f2 >> 2] & 3](c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, g2, h3, 0) | 0; i3 = f2 + 12 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + ((g2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - h3 | 0); h3 = d2 + 116 | 0; g2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = d2 + 124 | 0; f2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, g2, f2, 0) | 0; l2 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + ((g2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - f2 | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = k2; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { m4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = d2 + 4 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[m4 & 3](o2, a2, 432, 0) | 0; return; } c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = a2 + 72; k2 = a2 + 84 | 0; h3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; if (!h3) p2 = i3; else { i3 = h3; do { h3 = i3; i3 = c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, h3, 40, 0) | 0; f2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - ((h3 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 40); } while ((i3 | 0) != 0); p2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = c[a2 + 32 >> 2] << 3; i3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[i3 >> 2] & 3](c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, p2, e2, 0) | 0; b4 = i3 + 12 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) - ((p2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : e2); m4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = d2 + 4 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[m4 & 3](o2, a2, 432, 0) | 0; return; } function Wr(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0; if (!(ka(26) | 0)) { cv(101597) | 0; return 0; } ka(46) | 0; c2 = Pt(b4) | 0; if ((c2 | 0) > 0) { d2 = 0; do { la(47, a[b4 + d2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != (c2 | 0)); } ka(48) | 0; return 0; } function Xr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4 + 4 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = (a2 | 0) == 0; g2 = c[543653] | 0; if (f2 | (g2 | 0) != 0) h3 = g2; else { L2(d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; if (!(ka(34) | 0)) i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; else { c[d2 >> 2] = ka(35) | 0; g2 = ka(36) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; i3 = g2; } c[730435] = c[d2 >> 2] << 2; c[730436] = i3 << 2; h3 = c[543653] | 0; } if (!(f2 & (h3 | 0) != 0)) { c[543653] = a2; Ia = b4; return; } cv(101745) | 0; ka(49) | 0; c[543653] = a2; Ia = b4; return; } function Yr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return; } function Zr(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; e2 = gs(a2, 103074) | 0; if (e2 | 0) { uo(b4, 1, d2, e2) | 0; Eo(e2); } e2 = c[a2 + 1024 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { mq(a2); return; } Ra[e2 & 7](a2); mq(a2); return; } function _r(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; if (a2 | 0) { c[d2 >> 2] = a2; hv(101811, d2) | 0; } zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; d2 = c[a2 + 1028 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) { mq(a2); Ia = b4; return; } Ra[d2 & 7](a2); mq(a2); Ia = b4; return; } function $r(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0; f2 = iq(1032) | 0; Yt(f2, b4) | 0; c[f2 + 1024 >> 2] = d2; c[f2 + 1028 >> 2] = e2; qa(a2 | 0, f2 | 0, 2, 4); return 0; } function as() { var a2 = 0; if (c[543654] | 0) { a2 = 0; return a2 | 0; } a2 = ka(41) | 0; return a2 | 0; } function bs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = c[730439] | 0; if (b4 | 0) mq(b4); b4 = iq((Pt(a2) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; c[730439] = b4; Yt(b4, a2) | 0; ka(50) | 0; return 0; } function cs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; ka(51) | 0; ma(52, a2 | 0, Pt(a2) | 0) | 0; return ka(53) | 0; } function ds() { if (c[730434] | 0) return; c[730434] = 1; ka(54) | 0; return; } function es() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (ka(55) | 0) { Iv(1791328, 0, 131073) | 0; ma(56, 1791328, 131072) | 0; b4 = kq((Pt(1791328) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; Yt(b4, 1791328) | 0; d2 = b4; return d2 | 0; } b4 = c[730439] | 0; if (!b4) { e2 = kq(2) | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = 0; d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } else { e2 = iq((Pt(b4) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; Yt(e2, c[730439] | 0) | 0; d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } return 0; } function fs2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 0; } function gs(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1296 | 0; f2 = e2 + 1280 | 0; g2 = e2 + 1024 | 0; h3 = e2 + 512 | 0; i3 = e2; Mo(b4, 0, h3, i3); c[f2 >> 2] = h3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; it(g2, 102731, f2) | 0; f2 = c[730440] | 0; a: do if ((f2 | 0) > 0) { i3 = 0; while (true) { h3 = c[1922416 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if (!(Ot(g2, h3 + 24 | 0) | 0)) { j2 = h3; break a; } if ((i3 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) { j2 = 0; break; } } } else j2 = 0; while (0); switch (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) { case 114: { if (!j2) { k2 = 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; k2 = j2; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } case 119: { if (!j2) { d2 = nq(0) | 0; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; Es2(d2 + 24 | 0, g2) | 0; g2 = c[730440] | 0; c[1922416 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] = d2; c[730440] = g2 + 1; k2 = d2; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } else { c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; k2 = j2; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } break; } default: { k2 = 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } } return 0; } function hs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = c[730440] | 0; a: do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { d2 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[1922416 + (d2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { e2 = 1; break a; } d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; if ((d2 | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) { e2 = 0; break; } } } else e2 = 0; while (0); return e2 | 0; } function is() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; a2 = kq(46756) | 0; Iv(a2 | 0, 0, 46756) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = iq(65538) | 0; b4 = a2 + 4 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; c[a2 + 12 >> 2] = Fn(128, 64, 8) | 0; c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; d2 = 0; do { c[b4 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = (d2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : 16; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 64); d2 = a2 + 42256 | 0; b4 = 0; do { c[d2 + (b4 << 4) >> 2] = 65; c[d2 + (b4 << 4) + 4 >> 2] = 66; c[d2 + (b4 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = 67; c[d2 + (b4 << 4) + 12 >> 2] = 68; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 64); c[a2 + 44588 >> 2] = zs() | 0; c[a2 + 44592 >> 2] = zs() | 0; c[a2 + 44596 >> 2] = zs() | 0; c[a2 + 44600 >> 2] = zs() | 0; Iv(a2 + 44604 | 0, -1, 2144) | 0; return a2 | 0; } function js(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if (!a2) return; Gn(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Gn(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Tq(a2); Oq(a2 + 16 | 0); Oq(a2 + 676 | 0); Oq(a2 + 1336 | 0); Oq(a2 + 1996 | 0); Oq(a2 + 2656 | 0); Oq(a2 + 3316 | 0); Oq(a2 + 3976 | 0); Oq(a2 + 4636 | 0); Oq(a2 + 5296 | 0); Oq(a2 + 5956 | 0); Oq(a2 + 6616 | 0); Oq(a2 + 7276 | 0); Oq(a2 + 7936 | 0); Oq(a2 + 8596 | 0); Oq(a2 + 9256 | 0); Oq(a2 + 9916 | 0); Oq(a2 + 10576 | 0); Oq(a2 + 11236 | 0); Oq(a2 + 11896 | 0); Oq(a2 + 12556 | 0); Oq(a2 + 13216 | 0); Oq(a2 + 13876 | 0); Oq(a2 + 14536 | 0); Oq(a2 + 15196 | 0); Oq(a2 + 15856 | 0); Oq(a2 + 16516 | 0); Oq(a2 + 17176 | 0); Oq(a2 + 17836 | 0); Oq(a2 + 18496 | 0); Oq(a2 + 19156 | 0); Oq(a2 + 19816 | 0); Oq(a2 + 20476 | 0); Oq(a2 + 21136 | 0); Oq(a2 + 21796 | 0); Oq(a2 + 22456 | 0); Oq(a2 + 23116 | 0); Oq(a2 + 23776 | 0); Oq(a2 + 24436 | 0); Oq(a2 + 25096 | 0); Oq(a2 + 25756 | 0); Oq(a2 + 26416 | 0); Oq(a2 + 27076 | 0); Oq(a2 + 27736 | 0); Oq(a2 + 28396 | 0); Oq(a2 + 29056 | 0); Oq(a2 + 29716 | 0); Oq(a2 + 30376 | 0); Oq(a2 + 31036 | 0); Oq(a2 + 31696 | 0); Oq(a2 + 32356 | 0); Oq(a2 + 33016 | 0); Oq(a2 + 33676 | 0); Oq(a2 + 34336 | 0); Oq(a2 + 34996 | 0); Oq(a2 + 35656 | 0); Oq(a2 + 36316 | 0); Oq(a2 + 36976 | 0); Oq(a2 + 37636 | 0); Oq(a2 + 38296 | 0); Oq(a2 + 38956 | 0); Oq(a2 + 39616 | 0); Oq(a2 + 40276 | 0); Oq(a2 + 40936 | 0); Oq(a2 + 41596 | 0); mq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0); b4 = a2 + 46748 | 0; d2 = a2 + 46752 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { f2 = e2; g2 = 0; while (true) { pq(c[f2 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (c[b4 >> 2] | 0)) { i3 = h3; break; } else f2 = h3; } } else i3 = e2; mq(i3); As2(c[a2 + 44588 >> 2] | 0); As2(c[a2 + 44592 >> 2] | 0); As2(c[a2 + 44596 >> 2] | 0); As2(c[a2 + 44600 >> 2] | 0); Iv(a2 | 0, 0, 46756) | 0; mq(a2); if ((c[769129] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) return; c[769129] = 0; return; } function ks(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 80 | 0; f2 = e2 + 48 | 0; g2 = e2 + 40 | 0; h3 = e2 + 24 | 0; i3 = e2 + 8 | 0; j2 = e2; k2 = e2 + 68 | 0; l2 = e2 + 64 | 0; c[766682] = 0; m4 = iq(196609) | 0; n2 = iq(196609) | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = 0; o2 = Fo(m4, 196608, b4) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) != 0 ? (Pu2(o2, 102736) | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = 41; p2 = 1; } else q3 = 2; do if ((q3 | 0) == 2) { d2 = o2; a: while (true) { switch (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { break a; break; } case 112: case 10: { q3 = 7; break a; break; } default: { } } d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } if ((q3 | 0) == 7 ? (gt(d2, 102736, 16) | 0) == 0 : 0) { Fo(m4, 196608, b4) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2; Eu2(m4, 102753, j2) | 0; if (!((c[544495] | 0) == 0 & (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > 41)) { p2 = 0; break; } mq(m4); mq(n2); c[766682] = 1; r2 = 0; Ia = e2; return r2 | 0; } mq(m4); mq(n2); r2 = 0; Ia = e2; return r2 | 0; } while (0); j2 = is() | 0; c[j2 + 44580 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; o2 = 0; do { Iv(j2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) | 0, 0, 660) | 0; c[j2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = (o2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : 16; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != 64); o2 = j2 + 4 | 0; An(c[o2 >> 2] | 0); s3 = j2 + 12 | 0; An(c[s3 >> 2] | 0); Iv(j2 + 43552 | 0, 0, 1024) | 0; a[c[j2 >> 2] >> 0] = 0; b: do if (!(Ao2(b4) | 0)) { t3 = j2 + 46748 | 0; u2 = j2 + 46752 | 0; v2 = m4 + 3 | 0; w2 = j2 + 44576 | 0; x2 = 0; y4 = p2; z3 = 0; A4 = 0; B2 = 0; C3 = 0; D3 = 0; E3 = 0; c: while (true) { if (!y4) { Iv(m4 | 0, 0, 196609) | 0; Fo(m4, 196608, b4) | 0; } if ((Ao2(b4) | 0) != 0 ? (a[m4 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = -1; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else q3 = 19; d: do if ((q3 | 0) == 19) { q3 = 0; if (gt(m4, 102764, 8) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102773, 7) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102781, 7) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102789, 7) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102797, 7) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102805, 7) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102813, 9) | 0) if (gt(m4, 102823, 9) | 0) if (!(gt(m4, 102833, 15) | 0)) { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 7; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { if (!(gt(m4, 102849, 7) | 0)) { M2 = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = M2; c[u2 >> 2] = lq(c[u2 >> 2] | 0, M2 << 2) | 0; M2 = nq(256) | 0; N4 = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[(c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + (N4 << 2) >> 2] = M2; M2 = (Pt(m4) | 0) + 1 | 0; uo(m4, 1, M2, c[(c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + (N4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 8; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; break; } if ((B2 | 0) == 1) { ys(m4, n2) | 0; N4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; M2 = Pt(N4) | 0; if (((Pt(n2) | 0) + M2 | 0) >>> 0 >= 65536) break c; Zt(N4, n2) | 0; if (!(Ao2(b4) | 0)) { N4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; M2 = N4 + (Pt(N4) | 0) | 0; a[M2 >> 0] = 10; a[M2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; } a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 65536 >> 0] = 0; F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 1; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; break; } if ((B2 | 0) == 2 & (E3 | 0) < 128) { M2 = 0; do { N4 = a[m4 + M2 >> 0] | 0; O2 = N4 + -48 | 0; a[(c[(c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (E3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + M2 >> 0] = O2 >>> 0 < 10 ? O2 : (N4 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? N4 + 169 | 0 : 0; M2 = M2 + 1 | 0; } while ((M2 | 0) != 128); P2 = E3 + 1 | 0; } else P2 = E3; if ((x2 | 0) < 2 & (B2 | 0) == 10) { M2 = x2 << 7; N4 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > 2; O2 = 0; do { if (N4) { Q3 = O2 << 1; R3 = a[m4 + Q3 >> 0] | 0; S2 = R3 + -48 | 0; T4 = a[m4 + (Q3 | 1) >> 0] | 0; Q3 = T4 + -48 | 0; U2 = ((S2 >>> 0 < 10 ? S2 : (R3 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? R3 + 268435369 | 0 : 0) << 4) + (Q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? Q3 : (T4 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? T4 + -87 | 0 : 0) | 0; } else { T4 = a[m4 + O2 >> 0] | 0; Q3 = T4 + -48 | 0; U2 = Q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? Q3 : (T4 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? T4 + -87 | 0 : 0; } c[j2 + 43552 + (O2 + M2 << 2) >> 2] = U2; O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; } while ((O2 | 0) != 128); V3 = x2 + 1 | 0; } else V3 = x2; if ((A4 | 0) < 64 & (B2 | 0) == 3) { O2 = 0; do { M2 = O2 << 1; N4 = a[m4 + M2 >> 0] | 0; T4 = N4 + -48 | 0; Q3 = a[m4 + (M2 | 1) >> 0] | 0; M2 = Q3 + -48 | 0; a[(c[(c[(c[s3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (A4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + O2 >> 0] = ((T4 >>> 0 < 10 ? T4 : (N4 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? N4 + 9 | 0 : 0) << 4) + (M2 >>> 0 < 10 ? M2 : (Q3 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? Q3 + 169 | 0 : 0); O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; } while ((O2 | 0) != 128); W2 = A4 + 1 | 0; } else W2 = A4; if ((D3 | 0) < 64 & (B2 | 0) == 4) { c[l2 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = l2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 8; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 12; c[i3 + 12 >> 2] = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 16; Eu2(m4, 102857, i3) | 0; O2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = O2 & 1; c[j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) >> 2] = O2 & 254; O2 = 0; do { Q3 = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (O2 * 20 | 0) | 0; M2 = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (O2 * 20 | 0) + 4 | 0; N4 = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (O2 * 20 | 0) + 8 | 0; T4 = j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (O2 * 20 | 0) + 12 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = Q3; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = M2; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = N4; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = T4; Eu2(m4 + ((O2 * 5 | 0) + 8) | 0, 102874, h3) | 0; R3 = c[T4 >> 2] | 0; if (R3 & 8 | 0) c[j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (O2 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = 128; S2 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; if (S2 & 8 | 0) c[j2 + 16 + (D3 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (O2 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = 128; c[T4 >> 2] = R3 & 7; c[M2 >> 2] = S2 & 7; c[N4 >> 2] = c[N4 >> 2] & 7; c[Q3 >> 2] = c[Q3 >> 2] & 63; O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; } while ((O2 | 0) != 32); X2 = D3 + 1 | 0; } else X2 = D3; if ((C3 | 0) < 64 & (B2 | 0) == 5) { if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > 2) { c[g2 >> 2] = j2 + 43280 + (C3 << 2); Eu2(m4, 102888, g2) | 0; Y2 = v2; } else Y2 = m4; O2 = j2 + 42256 + (C3 << 4) | 0; Q3 = j2 + 42256 + (C3 << 4) + 4 | 0; N4 = j2 + 42256 + (C3 << 4) + 8 | 0; S2 = j2 + 42256 + (C3 << 4) + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = O2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = Q3; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = N4; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = S2; Eu2(Y2, 102857, f2) | 0; do if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) < 4) { if (!(c[O2 >> 2] | 0)) c[O2 >> 2] = 65; if (!(c[Q3 >> 2] | 0)) c[Q3 >> 2] = 65; if (!(c[N4 >> 2] | 0)) c[N4 >> 2] = 65; if (c[S2 >> 2] | 0) break; c[S2 >> 2] = 65; } while (0); F3 = V3; G2 = z3; H2 = W2; I2 = 5; J2 = C3 + 1 | 0; K2 = X2; L3 = P2; break; } if ((z3 | 0) < 128 & (B2 | 0) == 6) { if (!(c[w2 >> 2] | 0)) c[w2 >> 2] = Fn(128, 128, 8) | 0; S2 = 0; do { N4 = a[m4 + S2 >> 0] | 0; Q3 = N4 + -48 | 0; do if (Q3 >>> 0 >= 10) if ((N4 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 22) { Z3 = N4 + -87 | 0; break; } else { Z3 = (N4 + -65 | 0) >>> 0 < 22 ? N4 + -55 | 0 : 0; break; } else Z3 = Q3; while (0); a[(c[(c[(c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + S2 >> 0] = (Z3 | 0) > 15 ? Z3 + 112 | 0 : Z3; S2 = S2 + 1 | 0; } while ((S2 | 0) != 128); _5 = z3 + 1 | 0; } else _5 = z3; switch (B2 | 0) { case 7: { S2 = 0; while (true) { Q3 = S2 << 1; N4 = a[m4 + Q3 >> 0] | 0; O2 = N4 + -48 | 0; M2 = a[m4 + (Q3 | 1) >> 0] | 0; Q3 = M2 + -48 | 0; a[j2 + 44604 + S2 >> 0] = ((O2 >>> 0 < 10 ? O2 : (N4 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? N4 + 9 | 0 : 0) << 4) + (Q3 >>> 0 < 10 ? Q3 : (M2 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6 ? M2 + 169 | 0 : 0); S2 = S2 + 1 | 0; if ((S2 | 0) == 2144) { F3 = V3; G2 = _5; H2 = W2; I2 = 0; J2 = C3; K2 = X2; L3 = P2; break d; } } break; } case 8: break; default: { F3 = V3; G2 = _5; H2 = W2; I2 = B2; J2 = C3; K2 = X2; L3 = P2; break d; } } S2 = c[(c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; M2 = c[S2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = Pt(m4) | 0; if ((Q3 + M2 | 0) >>> 0 < 262144) uo(m4, 1, Q3, S2) | 0; if (Ao2(b4) | 0) { F3 = V3; G2 = _5; H2 = W2; I2 = 8; J2 = C3; K2 = X2; L3 = P2; break; } uo(102894, 1, 1, S2) | 0; F3 = V3; G2 = _5; H2 = W2; I2 = 8; J2 = C3; K2 = X2; L3 = P2; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 6; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 5; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 4; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 3; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 10; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 2; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = 1; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } else { F3 = x2; G2 = z3; H2 = A4; I2 = -1; J2 = C3; K2 = D3; L3 = E3; } } while (0); if ((I2 | 0) != -1 & (Ao2(b4) | 0) == 0) { x2 = F3; y4 = 0; z3 = G2; A4 = H2; B2 = I2; C3 = J2; D3 = K2; E3 = L3; } else break b; } mq(m4); mq(n2); c[766682] = 2; r2 = 0; Ia = e2; return r2 | 0; } while (0); L3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (a[L3 >> 0] | 0) a[L3 + ((Pt(L3) | 0) + -1) >> 0] = 0; mq(m4); mq(n2); r2 = j2; Ia = e2; return r2 | 0; } function ls(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0; b4 = Co(a2, 102896) | 0; if (!b4) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } a2 = ks(b4, 0) | 0; Eo(b4); c2 = a2; return c2 | 0; } function ms(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 256 | 0; h3 = g2; Iv(h3 | 0, 0, 256) | 0; if (!f2) { Lo(e2, 102898, 0) | 0; Lo(e2, 102941, 41) | 0; } if (a[c[b4 >> 2] >> 0] | 0) { Lo(e2, 102953, 0) | 0; f2 = kq(196614) | 0; xs(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; uo(f2, 1, Pt(f2) | 0, e2) | 0; mq(f2); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; } f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; j2 = -1; k2 = 0; while (true) { l2 = c[i3 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; m4 = j2; n2 = 0; do { m4 = (a[l2 + n2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? m4 : k2; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != 128); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == 128) break; else j2 = m4; } if ((m4 | 0) > -1) { Lo(e2, 102962, 0) | 0; j2 = 0; while (true) { k2 = 0; do { i3 = a[(c[(c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + k2 >> 0] | 0; So(e2, 102971, ((i3 & 255) < 15 ? i3 : 15) & 255, 0, 0, 0) | 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 128); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (m4 | 0)) break; else j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } } j2 = b4 + 44576 | 0; m4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((m4 | 0 ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 128 : 0) ? (c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 128 : 0) { f2 = c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 0; k2 = 0; do { m4 = (a[f2 + k2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? m4 : 1; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 16384); if (m4 | 0) { Lo(e2, 102974, 0) | 0; m4 = 0; do { k2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; f2 = 0; do { i3 = a[(c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = i3 & 15; l2 = i3 << 24 >> 24 < 0 ? n2 | 16 : n2; a[h3 + f2 >> 0] = (l2 >>> 0 < 10 ? 48 : 87) + l2; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 128); uo(h3, 1, 128, e2) | 0; Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 128); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; } } m4 = 0; h3 = 0; do { m4 = (c[b4 + 43552 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? m4 : 1; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 256); if (m4 | 0) { Lo(e2, 102985, 0) | 0; m4 = 0; do { So(e2, 102994, c[b4 + 43552 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] & 255, 0, 0, 0) | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 128); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; m4 = 0; do { So(e2, 102994, c[b4 + 43552 + (m4 + 128 << 2) >> 2] & 255, 0, 0, 0) | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 128); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; } m4 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; j2 = -1; f2 = 0; while (true) { k2 = c[h3 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; o2 = j2; l2 = 0; do { o2 = (a[k2 + l2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? o2 : f2; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) != 128); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 32) break; else j2 = o2; } if ((o2 | 0) > -1) { Lo(e2, 102999, 0) | 0; j2 = 0; while (true) { f2 = 0; do { So(e2, 102994, d[(c[(c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 >> 0] | 0, 0, 0, 0) | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 128); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (o2 | 0)) break; else j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } } Eq(); j2 = -1; o2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = (c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? j2 : o2; f2 = c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (o2 | 0) == 0 ? (f2 | 0) == 1 ? m4 : o2 : (f2 | 0) == 16 ? m4 : o2 : o2; m4 = 0; do { p2 = (c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (m4 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (m4 * 20 | 0) >> 2] | c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (m4 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (m4 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | c[b4 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (m4 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? p2 : o2; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 32); o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == 64) break; else j2 = p2; } if ((p2 | 0) > -1) { Lo(e2, 103008, 0) | 0; j2 = 0; while (true) { o2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (o2 | 0) < 255 ? o2 : 255; o2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (o2 | 0) < 255 ? o2 : 255; o2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (o2 | 0) < 255 ? o2 : 255; So(e2, 102857, c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) >> 2] & 254 | (c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 0, (m4 | 0) > 0 ? m4 : 0, (f2 | 0) > 0 ? f2 : 0, (h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0) | 0; h3 = 0; do { f2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) >> 2] | 0; m4 = (f2 | 0) < 63 ? f2 : 63; f2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (f2 | 0) < 7 ? f2 : 7; f2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (f2 | 0) < 7 ? f2 : 7; f2 = c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (f2 | 0) < 7 ? f2 : 7; So(e2, 103017, (m4 | 0) > 0 ? m4 : 0, ((o2 | 0) > 0 ? o2 : 0) + ((c[b4 + 16 + (j2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 8) | 0, (l2 | 0) > 0 ? l2 : 0, (k2 | 0) > 0 ? k2 : 0) | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 32); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) break; else j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } } j2 = -1; p2 = 0; do { j2 = (c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 & ((c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 67 & ((c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 66 & ((c[b4 + 43280 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) >> 2] | 0) == 65 : 0))) ? j2 : p2; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != 64); if ((j2 | 0) > -1) { Lo(e2, 103028, 0) | 0; p2 = 0; while (true) { So(e2, 102888, c[b4 + 43280 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, 0) | 0; So(e2, 103039, c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + 42256 + (p2 << 4) + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) break; else p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; } Fq(); p2 = 0; j2 = 0; do { p2 = (a[b4 + 44604 + j2 >> 0] | 0) == -1 ? p2 : 1; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != 2144); if (p2 | 0) { Lo(e2, 103057, 0) | 0; p2 = 0; do { So(e2, 102994, d[b4 + 44604 + p2 >> 0] | 0, 0, 0, 0) | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != 2144); Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; } p2 = b4 + 46748 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { Ia = g2; return 0; } j2 = b4 + 46752 | 0; b4 = 0; do { h3 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = Pt(l2) | 0; uo(l2, 1, o2, e2) | 0; Lo(e2, 102894, 0) | 0; l2 = o2 + 1 | 0; uo((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + l2 | 0, 1, (c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) - l2 | 0, e2) | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (c[p2 >> 2] | 0)); Ia = g2; return 0; } function ns(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0; c2 = Co(b4, 103074) | 0; if (!c2) { d2 = 1; return d2 | 0; } ms(a2, c2, 0) | 0; Eo(c2); d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } function os2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = iq(370) | 0; if (!a2) { e2 = nq(b4 + 1 | 0) | 0; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = e2; c[d2 >> 2] = c[e2 + 12 >> 2]; } else c[d2 >> 2] = a2; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = b4; b4 = zs() | 0; c[d2 + 364 >> 2] = b4; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = 24; ps(d2); return d2 | 0; } function ps(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = nq(2048) | 0; d2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; uo(d2, 1, (Pt(d2) | 0) + 1 | 0, b4) | 0; to(c[a2 + 336 >> 2] | 0, b4); to(c[a2 + 344 >> 2] | 0, b4); to(c[a2 + 348 >> 2] | 0, b4); to(c[a2 + 320 >> 2] | 0, b4); to(c[a2 + 324 >> 2] | 0, b4); to(c[a2 + 352 >> 2] | 0, b4); d2 = c[a2 + 364 >> 2] | 0; Cs(b4, d2, (Pt(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; return; } function qs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) return; b4 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (b4 | 0) pq(b4); As2(c[a2 + 364 >> 2] | 0); mq(a2); return; } function rs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0; if (a2 >>> 0 > 127 | (yt(103077, a2, 64) | 0) != 0) { b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } if (yt(103141, a2, 4) | 0) { b4 = 3; return b4 | 0; } if (yt(103145, a2, 4) | 0) { b4 = 4; return b4 | 0; } if (yt(103149, a2, 9) | 0) { b4 = 5; return b4 | 0; } c2 = (yt(103158, a2, 22) | 0) == 0; b4 = c2 ? 0 : 2; return b4 | 0; } function ss(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0; f2 = Pt(b4) | 0; if (!d2) g2 = kq(f2 + 1 | 0) | 0; else g2 = d2; a[g2 >> 0] = 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) return g2 | 0; d2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; e2 = 0; h3 = g2; while (true) { i3 = (a[b4 + e2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) % 256 | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) > 127) { k2 = b4 + (e2 + 1) | 0; l2 = b4 + (e2 + 2) | 0; m4 = b4 + (e2 + 3) | 0; n2 = b4 + (e2 + 4) | 0; o2 = b4 + (e2 + 5) | 0; p2 = b4 + (e2 + 6) | 0; q3 = 0; while (true) { r2 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (r2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (j2 | 0) == (r2 & 255 | 0)) { s3 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (s3 << 24 >> 24 ? (((a[k2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (s3 & 255 | 0) : 0) { t3 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; if (t3 << 24 >> 24 ? (((a[l2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (t3 & 255 | 0) : 0) { u2 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) + 3 >> 0] | 0; if (u2 << 24 >> 24 ? (((a[m4 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (u2 & 255 | 0) : 0) { v2 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (v2 << 24 >> 24 ? (((a[n2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (v2 & 255 | 0) : 0) { w2 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (w2 << 24 >> 24 ? (((a[o2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (w2 & 255 | 0) : 0) { x2 = a[32128 + (q3 * 7 | 0) + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (x2 << 24 >> 24 ? (((a[p2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (x2 & 255 | 0) : 0) { y4 = 7; z3 = 11; break; } else { A4 = x2; B2 = 6; } } else { A4 = w2; B2 = 5; } } else { A4 = v2; B2 = 4; } } else { A4 = u2; B2 = 3; } } else { A4 = t3; B2 = 2; } } else { A4 = s3; B2 = 1; } } else { A4 = r2; B2 = 0; } if (!(A4 << 24 >> 24)) { y4 = B2; z3 = 11; break; } r2 = q3 + 1 | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < 70) q3 = r2; else break; } if ((z3 | 0) == 11) { z3 = 0; if (q3 >>> 0 >= 26) if (q3 >>> 0 < 42) C3 = 246; else C3 = q3 >>> 0 < 44 ? 212 : 21; else C3 = 128; a[h3 >> 0] = q3 + C3; p2 = h3 + 1 | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = 0; D3 = e2 + -1 + y4 | 0; E3 = p2; break; } if ((j2 | 0) == 227) { p2 = -1; o2 = e2; n2 = 0; m4 = h3; while (true) { l2 = b4 + (o2 + 1) | 0; k2 = c[32688 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((((a[l2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (k2 >>> 8 & 255 | 0) ? (r2 = o2 + 2 | 0, s3 = m4 + 1 | 0, (((a[b4 + r2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (k2 & 255 | 0)) : 0) { a[m4 >> 0] = n2 + 154; a[s3 >> 0] = 0; F3 = b4 + (o2 + 3) | 0; G2 = n2; H2 = r2; I2 = s3; } else { F3 = l2; G2 = p2; H2 = o2; I2 = m4; } l2 = c[32896 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((((a[F3 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (l2 >>> 8 & 255 | 0) ? (s3 = H2 + 2 | 0, r2 = I2 + 1 | 0, (((a[b4 + s3 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == (l2 & 255 | 0)) : 0) { a[I2 >> 0] = n2 + 204; a[r2 >> 0] = 0; J2 = n2; K2 = s3; L3 = r2; } else { J2 = G2; K2 = H2; L3 = I2; } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == 50) break; else { p2 = J2; o2 = K2; m4 = L3; } } if ((J2 | 0) < 0) { M2 = (a[b4 + K2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0; N4 = J2; O2 = K2; P2 = L3; z3 = 26; } else { D3 = K2; E3 = L3; } } else { M2 = i3; N4 = -1; O2 = e2; P2 = h3; z3 = 26; } } else { M2 = i3; N4 = -1; O2 = e2; P2 = h3; z3 = 26; } while (0); do if ((z3 | 0) == 26) { z3 = 0; if ((((M2 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == 226 ? (((a[b4 + (O2 + 1) >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == 151 : 0) ? (i3 = O2 + 2 | 0, (((a[b4 + i3 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) == 139) : 0) { a[P2 >> 0] = 127; j2 = P2 + 1 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = 0; D3 = i3; E3 = j2; break; } j2 = N4; i3 = O2; m4 = 1; o2 = P2; while (true) { a: do if ((m4 | 0) < 4) { p2 = c[32624 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 >>> 8 & 255 | 0) == (((a[b4 + i3 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) ? (n2 = i3 + 1 | 0, (p2 & 255 | 0) == (((a[b4 + n2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0)) : 0) { a[o2 >> 0] = m4; p2 = o2 + 1 | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = 0; Q3 = m4; R3 = n2; S2 = 1000; T4 = p2; } else { Q3 = j2; R3 = i3; S2 = m4; T4 = o2; } } else { switch (m4 | 0) { case 9: case 10: case 13: { Q3 = j2; R3 = i3; S2 = m4; T4 = o2; break a; break; } default: { } } p2 = c[32624 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (((p2 >>> 16 & 255 | 0) == (((a[b4 + i3 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) ? (p2 >>> 8 & 255 | 0) == (((a[b4 + (i3 + 1) >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0) : 0) ? (n2 = i3 + 2 | 0, (p2 & 255 | 0) == (((a[b4 + n2 >> 0] | 0) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0 | 0)) : 0) { a[o2 >> 0] = m4; p2 = o2 + 1 | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = 0; Q3 = m4; R3 = n2; S2 = 1000; T4 = p2; } else { Q3 = j2; R3 = i3; S2 = m4; T4 = o2; } } while (0); if ((S2 | 0) < 15) { j2 = Q3; i3 = R3; m4 = S2 + 1 | 0; o2 = T4; } else break; } if ((Q3 | 0) < 0 ? (o2 = a[b4 + R3 >> 0] | 0, o2 << 24 >> 24 != 13) : 0) { if (d2 & (o2 + -65 & 255) < 26) U2 = (o2 & 255) + 32 & 255; else U2 = o2; a[T4 >> 0] = U2; o2 = T4 + 1 | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = 0; D3 = R3; E3 = o2; } else { D3 = R3; E3 = T4; } } while (0); e2 = D3 + 1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= (f2 | 0)) break; else h3 = E3; } return g2 | 0; } function ts(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 292 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) f2 = c[8718] | 0; else { c[8719] = c[e2 + 12 >> 2]; g2 = c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; c[8718] = g2; f2 = g2; } g2 = (d2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) > 128 ? (f2 | 0) / 3 | 0 : d2; d2 = c[b4 + 336 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!d2) { h3 = b4 + 312 | 0; i3 = b4 + 308 | 0; j2 = 0; k2 = 0; } else { e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 316 | 0; m4 = b4 + 308 | 0; n2 = b4 + 312 | 0; o2 = e2; p2 = e2; e2 = 0; q3 = 0; while (true) { r2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) { h3 = n2; i3 = m4; j2 = 0; k2 = 0; break a; } s3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (s3 | 0) > 4 ? s3 : 4; if (r2 << 24 >> 24 != 9) if (r2 << 24 >> 24 == 10) { u2 = 0; v2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + q3 | 0; } else { u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] << ((r2 & 255) >>> 7)) + e2 | 0; v2 = q3; } else { u2 = t3 + e2 - ((e2 | 0) % (t3 | 0) | 0) | 0; v2 = q3; } p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 - o2 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { h3 = n2; i3 = m4; j2 = u2; k2 = v2; break; } else { e2 = u2; q3 = v2; } } } while (0); v2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) - f2 + k2 | 0; f2 = b4 + 324 | 0; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (h3 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? h3 : k2; h3 = (g2 | 0) == 0 ? (v2 | 0) > (u2 | 0) ? v2 : u2 : k2 - g2 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0; h3 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) - (c[8719] | 0) + j2 | 0; i3 = b4 + 320 | 0; b4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (b4 | 0) < (j2 | 0) ? b4 : j2; j2 = (h3 | 0) > (f2 | 0) ? h3 : f2; c[i3 >> 2] = (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0; return; } function us(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; f2 = Pt(b4) | 0; if (!d2) g2 = kq((f2 * 7 | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; else g2 = d2; a[g2 >> 0] = 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) return g2 | 0; d2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; e2 = 0; h3 = g2; while (true) { i3 = a[b4 + e2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = ((i3 << 24 >> 24) + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0; a: do if ((j2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 >= 3) { b: do if ((j2 | 0) < 16) { switch (j2 | 0) { case 13: case 10: case 9: { break b; break; } default: { } } k2 = c[32624 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = k2 >>> 16; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = k2 >>> 8; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = k2; l2 = h3 + 3 | 0; break a; } else { if ((j2 | 0) == 127) { a[h3 >> 0] = -30; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = -105; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = -117; l2 = h3 + 3 | 0; break a; } k2 = j2 + -128 | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 >= 26) { m4 = j2 + -154 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 < 50) { a[h3 >> 0] = -29; n2 = c[32688 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = n2 >>> 8; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = n2; l2 = h3 + 3 | 0; break a; } n2 = j2 + -204 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 >= 50) break; a[h3 >> 0] = -29; m4 = c[32896 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = m4 >>> 8; a[h3 + 2 >> 0] = m4; l2 = h3 + 3 | 0; break a; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) o2 = h3; else { a[h3 >> 0] = m4; o2 = h3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) p2 = o2; else { a[o2 >> 0] = m4; p2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) q3 = p2; else { a[p2 >> 0] = m4; q3 = p2 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) r2 = q3; else { a[q3 >> 0] = m4; r2 = q3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) s3 = r2; else { a[r2 >> 0] = m4; s3 = r2 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) t3 = s3; else { a[s3 >> 0] = m4; t3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) { l2 = t3; break a; } a[t3 >> 0] = m4; l2 = t3 + 1 | 0; break a; } while (0); if ((j2 & -16 | 0) == 16) { m4 = j2 + 10 | 0; k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) u2 = h3; else { a[h3 >> 0] = k2; u2 = h3 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) v2 = u2; else { a[u2 >> 0] = k2; v2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) w2 = v2; else { a[v2 >> 0] = k2; w2 = v2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) x2 = w2; else { a[w2 >> 0] = k2; x2 = w2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) y4 = x2; else { a[x2 >> 0] = k2; y4 = x2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) z3 = y4; else { a[y4 >> 0] = k2; z3 = y4 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) { l2 = z3; break; } a[z3 >> 0] = k2; l2 = z3 + 1 | 0; break; } if ((j2 | 0) > 253) { k2 = j2 + -212 | 0; m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) A4 = h3; else { a[h3 >> 0] = m4; A4 = h3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) B2 = A4; else { a[A4 >> 0] = m4; B2 = A4 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) C3 = B2; else { a[B2 >> 0] = m4; C3 = B2 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) D3 = C3; else { a[C3 >> 0] = m4; D3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) E3 = D3; else { a[D3 >> 0] = m4; E3 = D3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) F3 = E3; else { a[E3 >> 0] = m4; F3 = E3 + 1 | 0; } m4 = a[32128 + (k2 * 7 | 0) + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 << 24 >> 24)) { l2 = F3; break; } a[F3 >> 0] = m4; l2 = F3 + 1 | 0; break; } if (!(d2 & (j2 + -65 | 0) >>> 0 < 26)) { a[h3 >> 0] = i3; l2 = h3 + 1 | 0; break; } m4 = j2 + -21 | 0; k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) G2 = h3; else { a[h3 >> 0] = k2; G2 = h3 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) H2 = G2; else { a[G2 >> 0] = k2; H2 = G2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) I2 = H2; else { a[H2 >> 0] = k2; I2 = H2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) J2 = I2; else { a[I2 >> 0] = k2; J2 = I2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) K2 = J2; else { a[J2 >> 0] = k2; K2 = J2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) L3 = K2; else { a[K2 >> 0] = k2; L3 = K2 + 1 | 0; } k2 = a[32128 + (m4 * 7 | 0) + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) l2 = L3; else { a[L3 >> 0] = k2; l2 = L3 + 1 | 0; } } else { k2 = c[32624 + (j2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = k2 >>> 8; a[h3 + 1 >> 0] = k2; l2 = h3 + 2 | 0; } while (0); a[l2 >> 0] = 0; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) break; else h3 = l2; } return g2 | 0; } function vs2(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if ((c2 | 0) == 0 | d2 << 24 >> 24 == 0) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } f2 = d2; d2 = b4; b4 = 0; g2 = c2; while (true) { g2 = g2 + -1 | 0; c2 = b4 + (f2 << 24 >> 24 == 10 & 1) | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; f2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 0 | f2 << 24 >> 24 == 0) { e2 = c2; break; } else b4 = c2; } return e2 | 0; } function ws2(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if ((c2 | 0) == 0 | d2 << 24 >> 24 == 0) e2 = b4; else { f2 = d2; d2 = b4; g2 = 0; while (true) { g2 = g2 + (f2 << 24 >> 24 == 10 & 1) | 0; h3 = d2 + 1 | 0; f2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (c2 | 0) | f2 << 24 >> 24 == 0) { e2 = h3; break; } else d2 = h3; } } return e2 - b4 | 0; } function xs(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return us(a2, b4, 1) | 0; } function ys(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return ss(a2, b4, 1) | 0; } function zs() { var a2 = 0; a2 = iq(20) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = nq(0) | 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = nq(0) | 0; c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = nq(0) | 0; c[a2 + 12 >> 2] = nq(0) | 0; return a2 | 0; } function As2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; pq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0); pq(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); pq(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0); pq(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); return; } function Bs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; qq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0); qq(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); qq(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0); qq(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); return; } function Cs(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { pq(f2); c[e2 >> 2] = a2; h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } if ((c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? (ft(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, ((d2 | 0) < 1 ? g2 : 0) + d2 | 0) | 0) == 0 : 0) { pq(a2); h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } d2 = Ds2(a2, f2, c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0; f2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; uo(c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 1, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; to(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, f2); pq(d2); qq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); pq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = a2; h3 = 1; return h3 | 0; } function Ds2(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; g2 = nq(0) | 0; h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) - f2 | 0; i3 = e2 + 16 | 0; j2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) - f2 | 0; k2 = (h3 | 0) < (j2 | 0) ? h3 : j2; if ((k2 | 0) < 0) return g2 | 0; a: do if (k2) { l2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 0; while (true) { if ((a[l2 + n2 >> 0] | 0) != (a[m4 + n2 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = n2; break; } p2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) n2 = p2; else { o2 = p2; break; } } if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { n2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = h3 + -1 | 0; l2 = c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = j2 + -1 | 0; q3 = 0; r2 = 0; while (true) { if ((a[n2 + (m4 + q3) >> 0] | 0) != (a[l2 + (p2 + q3) >> 0] | 0)) { s3 = o2; t3 = r2; u2 = q3; break a; } v2 = r2 + 1 | 0; w2 = ~r2; if ((v2 | 0) < (k2 - v2 | 0)) { q3 = w2; r2 = v2; } else { s3 = o2; t3 = v2; u2 = w2; break; } } } else { s3 = o2; t3 = 0; u2 = 0; } } else { s3 = 0; t3 = 0; u2 = 0; } while (0); vo2(j2, g2); vo2(s3, g2); vo2(t3, g2); t3 = j2 - s3 + u2 | 0; u2 = (t3 + 7 | 0) / 8 | 0; j2 = (t3 | 0) > 0; if (j2) { o2 = b4 + 12 | 0; b4 = e2 + 12 | 0; k2 = 0; do { r2 = k2 << 3; do if ((r2 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { q3 = r2 + s3 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + q3 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + q3 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { x2 = 0; break; } x2 = 1; } else x2 = 0; while (0); q3 = r2 | 1; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { y4 = x2; break; } y4 = x2 | 2; } else y4 = x2; while (0); q3 = r2 | 2; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { z3 = y4; break; } z3 = y4 | 4; } else z3 = y4; while (0); q3 = r2 | 3; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { A4 = z3; break; } A4 = z3 | 8; } else A4 = z3; while (0); q3 = r2 | 4; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { B2 = A4; break; } B2 = A4 | 16; } else B2 = A4; while (0); q3 = r2 | 5; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { C3 = B2; break; } C3 = B2 | 32; } else C3 = B2; while (0); q3 = r2 | 6; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { D3 = C3; break; } D3 = C3 | 64; } else D3 = C3; while (0); q3 = r2 | 7; do if ((q3 | 0) < (t3 | 0)) { p2 = q3 + s3 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? (a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) == (a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + p2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { E3 = D3; break; } E3 = D3 | -128; } else E3 = D3; while (0); wo(E3, g2); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (u2 | 0)); if (j2) { j2 = g2 + 12 | 0; u2 = e2 + 12 | 0; k2 = 0; do { E3 = k2 + s3 | 0; if (!((E3 | 0) < (h3 | 0) ? !(1 << (k2 & 7) & d[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + ((k2 >>> 3) + 12) >> 0] | 0) : 0)) wo(a[(c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + E3 >> 0] | 0, g2); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != (t3 | 0)); F3 = u2; } else G2 = 18; } else G2 = 18; if ((G2 | 0) == 18) F3 = e2 + 12 | 0; e2 = g2 + 20 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[g2 + 16 >> 2]; uo((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) - f2) | 0, 1, f2, g2) | 0; to(f2, g2); c[e2 >> 2] = 0; return g2 | 0; } function Es2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; if ((a2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) c2 = a2; else { Yt(a2, b4) | 0; c2 = a2; } return c2 | 0; } function Fs(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = iq((Pt(c2) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) != (c2 | 0)) Yt(d2, c2) | 0; c2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (c2 << 24 >> 24) { e2 = c2; c2 = d2; do { if ((e2 + -65 & 255) < 26) a[c2 >> 0] = (e2 & 255) + 32; c2 = c2 + 1 | 0; e2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; } while (e2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); } e2 = iq((Pt(b4) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; if ((e2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)) Yt(e2, b4) | 0; c2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (c2 << 24 >> 24) { f2 = c2; c2 = e2; do { if ((f2 + -65 & 255) < 26) a[c2 >> 0] = (f2 & 255) + 32; c2 = c2 + 1 | 0; f2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; } while (f2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); } f2 = Pu2(e2, d2) | 0; mq(d2); mq(e2); return ((f2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : b4 + (f2 - e2) | 0) | 0; } function Gs(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; e2 = d2 + 64 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = d2 + 68 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[b4 + 525580 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!i3) j2 = f2; else { k2 = c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= -1 ? (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) { j2 = f2; break; } switch (k2 | 0) { case 0: { switch ((i3 | 0) % 3 | 0 | 0) { case 1: { j2 = (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] >> 4) + f2 | 0; break a; break; } case 2: { j2 = (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] & 15) + f2 | 0; break a; break; } default: { j2 = f2; break a; } } break; } case 1: { c[g2 >> 2] = (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] << 4) + h3; j2 = f2; break a; break; } case 2: { c[g2 >> 2] = h3 - (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] << 4); j2 = f2; break a; break; } case 3: { k2 = c[d2 + 76 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) { l2 = (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] << 4) + h3 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = l2; if ((l2 | 0) < 0) { m4 = 255 - l2 + ((l2 | 0) > -256 ? l2 : -256) | 0; n2 = f2 + -1 - (m4 >>> 8) | 0; o2 = l2 + 256 + (m4 & -256) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = n2; c[g2 >> 2] = o2; p2 = o2; q3 = n2; } else { p2 = l2; q3 = f2; } if ((p2 | 0) > 255) { l2 = ~p2; n2 = p2 + 256 + ((l2 | 0) > -512 ? l2 : -512) | 0; l2 = (n2 >>> 8) + 1 + q3 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 >> 2] = p2 + -256 - (n2 & -256); r2 = l2; } else r2 = q3; if ((r2 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) { j2 = f2; break a; } c[e2 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = f2; break a; } if ((f2 | 0) <= (k2 | 0) ? (h3 | 0) == 0 | (f2 | 0) != (k2 | 0) : 0) { j2 = f2; break a; } l2 = h3 - (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] << 4) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = l2; if ((l2 | 0) < 0) { n2 = 255 - l2 + ((l2 | 0) > -256 ? l2 : -256) | 0; o2 = f2 + -1 - (n2 >>> 8) | 0; m4 = l2 + 256 + (n2 & -256) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = o2; c[g2 >> 2] = m4; s3 = m4; t3 = o2; } else { s3 = l2; t3 = f2; } if ((s3 | 0) > 255) { l2 = ~s3; o2 = s3 + 256 + ((l2 | 0) > -512 ? l2 : -512) | 0; l2 = (o2 >>> 8) + 1 + t3 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 >> 2] = s3 + -256 - (o2 & -256); u2 = l2; } else u2 = t3; if ((u2 | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { j2 = f2; break a; } c[e2 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = f2; break a; break; } case 4: { k2 = c[d2 + 32 >> 2] >> 4; if (!k2) { j2 = f2; break a; } l2 = B(c[b4 + 525588 >> 2] | 0, k2) | 0; k2 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 48 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 + 60 >> 2] = 65536 / ((B(l2, k2) | 0) / (k2 + -1 | 0) | 0 | 0) | 0; j2 = f2; break a; break; } case 10: { k2 = d2 + 8 | 0; l2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0) | 0; o2 = (l2 | 0) < 63 ? l2 : 63; c[k2 >> 2] = (o2 | 0) > 0 ? o2 : 0; j2 = f2; break a; break; } default: { j2 = f2; break a; } } } while (0); f2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) return; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > (c[g2 + 64 >> 2] | 0)) return; b4 = c[g2 + 68 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) == 4) { g2 = c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 + 56 | 0; u2 = (g2 >> 4 << 5) + (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = u2 & 2047; e2 = u2 + 512 & 2047; v2 = (B(512 - (e2 >>> 0 < 1024 ? e2 : 2048 - e2 | 0) | 0, g2 & 15) | 0) / 16 | 0; } else v2 = 0; g2 = (c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 100 >> 2] | 0) + j2 | 0; j2 = h3 - ((c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 88 >> 2] | 0) / 2 | 0) + v2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < 0) { v2 = 255 - j2 + ((j2 | 0) > -256 ? j2 : -256) | 0; w2 = j2 + 256 + (v2 & -256) | 0; x2 = g2 + -1 - (v2 >>> 8) | 0; } else { w2 = j2; x2 = g2; } if ((w2 | 0) > 255) { g2 = ~w2; j2 = w2 + 256 + ((g2 | 0) > -512 ? g2 : -512) | 0; y4 = w2 + -256 - (j2 & -256) | 0; z3 = x2 + 1 + (j2 >>> 8) | 0; } else { y4 = w2; z3 = x2; } if ((z3 | 0) < 0) A4 = 1; else { x2 = (z3 >>> 0) / 12 | 0; C3 = +(c[33104 + ((z3 - (x2 * 12 | 0) << 3) + ((y4 | 0) / 32 | 0) << 2) >> 2] << 4 | 0) * 64 / +(1 << x2 | 0); A4 = C3 != 0 ? ~~(916317184 / C3 / 44742 * 65536 * 256 + 0.5) : 3749769; } c[d2 + 52 >> 2] = A4; A4 = c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 128 >> 2] | 0; if (A4 | 0 ? a[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 116 >> 0] & 1 : 0) { x2 = d2 + 20 | 0; y4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = A4 + -1 | 0; if ((y4 | 0) < (z3 | 0) ? (w2 = y4 + 1 | 0, (c[d2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 132 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) : 0) { c[x2 >> 2] = w2; D3 = w2; } else D3 = y4; y4 = (D3 | 0) < (z3 | 0) ? D3 : z3; z3 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; c[x2 >> 2] = z3; x2 = z3 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) < (A4 | 0)) { A4 = c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 132 + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 132 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) - A4 | 0; D3 = d2 + 24 | 0; w2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = w2 - A4 | 0; A4 = B(y4 - j2 | 0, c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 180 + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; g2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = A4; c[g2 >> 2] = ((B(c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 180 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0) + A4 | 0) / (y4 | 0) | 0; E3 = w2; F3 = D3; } else { c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = c[b4 + (f2 * 332 | 0) + 180 + (z3 << 2) >> 2]; z3 = d2 + 24 | 0; E3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; F3 = z3; } c[F3 >> 2] = E3 + 1; return; } c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = 64; return; } function Hs(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; f2 = e2 + 28 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = e2 + 36 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = g2; i3 = e2 + 32 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = e2 + 40 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2; l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[l2 + 60 >> 2] | 0; n2 = d[(c[b4 + 525572 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 + 72) >> 0] | 0; o2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[b4 + 525576 >> 2] | 0; q3 = m4 + (n2 * 2596 | 0) + 36 + (o2 * 320 | 0) + (p2 * 5 | 0) | 0; r2 = a[m4 + (n2 * 2596 | 0) + 36 + (o2 * 320 | 0) + (p2 * 5 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0; s3 = e2 + 4 | 0; do if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) { t3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { u2 = m4 + (n2 * 2596 | 0) + 36 + (o2 * 320 | 0) + (p2 * 5 | 0) + 3 | 0; if ((a[u2 >> 0] | 0) == 11) { v2 = 11; w2 = c[l2 + 68 >> 2] | 0; x2 = 0; y4 = u2; z3 = 1; A4 = 7; break; } else return; } else { B2 = t3; A4 = 6; } } else { t3 = r2 & 255; c[s3 >> 2] = t3; B2 = t3; A4 = 6; } while (0); if ((A4 | 0) == 6) { s3 = m4 + (n2 * 2596 | 0) + 36 + (o2 * 320 | 0) + (p2 * 5 | 0) + 3 | 0; r2 = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = c[l2 + 68 >> 2] | 0; if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) { C3 = t3; D3 = B2; E3 = g2; F3 = s3; G2 = 0; } else { v2 = r2; w2 = t3; x2 = B2; y4 = s3; z3 = 0; A4 = 7; } } if ((A4 | 0) == 7) { A4 = v2 & 255; c[f2 >> 2] = A4; C3 = w2; D3 = x2; E3 = A4; F3 = y4; G2 = z3; } z3 = m4 + (n2 * 2596 | 0) + 36 + (o2 * 320 | 0) + (p2 * 5 | 0) + 4 | 0; y4 = a[z3 >> 0] | 0; if (y4 << 24 >> 24) c[i3 >> 2] = y4 & 255; if ((a[F3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? (a[z3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; H2 = 0; } else H2 = E3; E3 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; do if (E3 << 24 >> 24) { q3 = E3 & 255; if ((E3 & 255) > 96) { c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; break; } if ((H2 | 0) == 3) { c[e2 + 76 >> 2] = q3; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; break; } c[e2 + 64 >> 2] = q3; if (!G2) { c[e2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 44 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 48 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = c[C3 + (D3 * 332 | 0) + 84 >> 2]; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 56 >> 2] = 0; } } while (0); D3 = a[m4 + (n2 * 2596 | 0) + 36 + (o2 * 320 | 0) + (p2 * 5 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0; if (D3 << 24 >> 24) c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = (D3 & 255) + -16; if ((g2 | 0) != 11) return; c[b4 + 525592 >> 2] = j2; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Is(a2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; g2 = d2 + 8 | 0; h3 = B(c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = (e2 | 0) == 0 ? d2 + 80 | 0 : e2; if ((h3 | 0 ? (e2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2 | 0) : 0) ? (j2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0, (e2 | 0) <= (c[j2 + 64 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) { k2 = c[j2 + 68 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 72 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 328 >> 2] | 0; if (l2 | 0) { Ua[l2 & 0](a2, d2, i3, f2, h3); return; } if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) return; a2 = k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 104 | 0; l2 = d2 + 52 | 0; m4 = d2 + 48 | 0; n2 = d2 + 44 | 0; d2 = k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 80 | 0; o2 = k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 68 | 0; p2 = k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 92 | 0; q3 = k2 + (e2 * 332 | 0) + 76 | 0; e2 = i3; k2 = 0; r2 = h3; while (true) { if ((c[a2 >> 2] | 0) == 8) { h3 = gp(32000) | 0; s3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = h3; } else { h3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; w2 = v2 >> 16; x2 = B(256 - w2 | 0, b3[j2 + (h3 << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0; s3 = v2; t3 = h3; u2 = x2 + (B(w2, b3[j2 + (h3 + 1 << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0) >> 8; } b3[e2 >> 1] = (B(u2, r2) | 0) >>> 12; e2 = e2 + 2 | 0; h3 = s3 + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; w2 = t3 + (h3 >> 24) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = w2; c[m4 >> 2] = h3 & 16777215; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (((h3 | 0) != 0 ? (c[p2 >> 2] & 3 | 0) != 0 : 0) ? (w2 | 0) >= ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + h3 | 0) : 0) { x2 = w2 - h3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2; y4 = x2; } else y4 = w2; if ((y4 | 0) < (c[o2 >> 2] | 0)) z3 = r2; else { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; z3 = 0; } k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) break; else r2 = z3; } return; } jq(i3, 0, f2 << 1); return; } function Js(a2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0; g2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; Kr() | 0; if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) return; h3 = a2 + 525596 | 0; i3 = a2 + 525588 | 0; j2 = a2 + 525572 | 0; k2 = g2 + 32 | 0; l2 = g2 + 40 | 0; g2 = a2 + 525592 | 0; m4 = a2 + 525580 | 0; n2 = a2 + 525576 | 0; o2 = a2 + 525600 | 0; p2 = a2 + 525584 | 0; q3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = f2; f2 = e2; a: while (true) { e2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > (q3 | 0)) { s3 = e2 - q3 | 0; e2 = (s3 | 0) < (r2 | 0) ? s3 : r2; do if ((e2 | 0) != 0 ? (s3 = e2 + q3 | 0, (e2 | 0) > 0) : 0) { t3 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 40 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) <= 0) { u2 = q3 + 1 | 0; Iv(f2 | 0, 0, ((s3 | 0) > (u2 | 0) ? s3 : u2) - q3 << 1 | 0) | 0; v2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } u2 = f2; w2 = q3; while (true) { x2 = 0; y4 = 0; do { y4 = y4 + (b3[a2 + 4 + (x2 * 32848 | 0) + 80 + (w2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) != (t3 | 0)); x2 = (y4 | 0) / 3 | 0; z3 = (x2 | 0) < 32767 ? x2 : 32767; b3[u2 >> 1] = (z3 | 0) > -32767 ? z3 : -32767; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) >= (s3 | 0)) { v2 = q3; break; } else u2 = u2 + 2 | 0; } } else v2 = q3; while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = v2 + e2; u2 = r2 - e2 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) > 0) { A4 = u2; C3 = f2 + (e2 << 1) | 0; } else { D3 = 44; break; } } else { A4 = r2; C3 = f2; } u2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; b: do if ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) E3 = u2; else { c: do if ((u2 | 0) > 0) { s3 = 0; while (true) { F3 = a2 + 4 + (s3 * 32848 | 0) + 28 | 0; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 11) break; w2 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) < (u2 | 0)) s3 = w2; else break c; } y4 = c[a2 + 4 + (s3 * 32848 | 0) + 32 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = y4; c[j2 >> 2] = ((y4 | 0) < 0 ? 1 : (y4 | 0) >= (c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) ? 0 : y4; c[F3 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 + (s3 * 32848 | 0) + 40 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 + (s3 * 32848 | 0) + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; E3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; break b; } while (0); if (!(c[o2 >> 2] | 0)) { D3 = 21; break a; } c[j2 >> 2] = 0; E3 = u2; } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) > 0) { u2 = 0; do { e2 = a2 + 262788 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) | 0; y4 = a2 + 4 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) | 0; w2 = e2 + 80 | 0; do { c[e2 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; e2 = e2 + 4 | 0; y4 = y4 + 4 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (w2 | 0)); u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; y4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (y4 | 0)); G2 = y4; } else G2 = E3; c[g2 >> 2] = -1; if (!(c[m4 >> 2] | 0)) { if ((G2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = 0; do { Hs(a2, a2 + 4 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) | 0); u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; H2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (H2 | 0)); u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 | 0) != -1) { c[j2 >> 2] = u2; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; if ((H2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = 0; do { Hs(a2, a2 + 4 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) | 0); u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; y4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (y4 | 0)); I2 = y4; D3 = 33; } } else { I2 = H2; D3 = 33; } } } else { I2 = G2; D3 = 33; } if ((D3 | 0) == 33 ? (D3 = 0, (I2 | 0) > 0) : 0) { u2 = 0; do { y4 = a2 + 4 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) | 0; Gs(a2, y4); Is(a2, y4, 0, c[i3 >> 2] | 0); Is(a2, a2 + 262788 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) | 0, 0, 128); y4 = 0; do { e2 = B(128 - y4 | 0, b3[a2 + 262788 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) + 80 + (y4 << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0; w2 = a2 + 4 + (u2 * 32848 | 0) + 80 + (y4 << 1) | 0; b3[w2 >> 1] = ((B(y4, b3[w2 >> 1] | 0) | 0) + e2 | 0) >>> 7; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; } while ((y4 | 0) != 128); u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0)); } c[h3 >> 2] = 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = u2; if ((u2 | 0) < (c[p2 >> 2] | 0)) J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; else { c[m4 >> 2] = 0; u2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2; J2 = u2; } u2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((J2 | 0) >= (c[(c[u2 + 60 >> 2] | 0) + ((d[u2 + 72 + y4 >> 0] | 0) * 2596 | 0) + 32 >> 2] | 0)) { c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = y4 + 1; } if ((A4 | 0) > 0) { q3 = 0; r2 = A4; f2 = C3; } else { D3 = 44; break; } } if ((D3 | 0) == 21) { c[a2 + 525604 >> 2] = 0; return; } else if ((D3 | 0) == 44) return; } function Ks2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; do if (a2 >>> 0 < 245) { e2 = a2 >>> 0 < 11 ? 16 : a2 + 11 & -8; f2 = e2 >>> 3; g2 = c[786075] | 0; h3 = g2 >>> f2; if (h3 & 3 | 0) { i3 = (h3 & 1 ^ 1) + f2 | 0; j2 = 3144340 + (i3 << 1 << 2) | 0; k2 = j2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) c[786075] = g2 & ~(1 << i3); else { c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = j2; c[k2 >> 2] = n2; } n2 = i3 << 3; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = n2 | 3; i3 = l2 + n2 + 4 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2] | 1; o2 = m4; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } m4 = c[786077] | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { if (h3 | 0) { i3 = 2 << f2; n2 = h3 << f2 & (i3 | 0 - i3); i3 = (n2 & 0 - n2) + -1 | 0; n2 = i3 >>> 12 & 16; f2 = i3 >>> n2; i3 = f2 >>> 5 & 8; h3 = f2 >>> i3; f2 = h3 >>> 2 & 4; l2 = h3 >>> f2; h3 = l2 >>> 1 & 2; k2 = l2 >>> h3; l2 = k2 >>> 1 & 1; j2 = (i3 | n2 | f2 | h3 | l2) + (k2 >>> l2) | 0; l2 = 3144340 + (j2 << 1 << 2) | 0; k2 = l2 + 8 | 0; h3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = h3 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == (l2 | 0)) { i3 = g2 & ~(1 << j2); c[786075] = i3; p2 = i3; } else { c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = l2; c[k2 >> 2] = n2; p2 = g2; } n2 = j2 << 3; j2 = n2 - e2 | 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = e2 | 3; k2 = h3 + e2 | 0; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = j2 | 1; c[h3 + n2 >> 2] = j2; if (m4 | 0) { n2 = c[786080] | 0; h3 = m4 >>> 3; l2 = 3144340 + (h3 << 1 << 2) | 0; i3 = 1 << h3; if (!(p2 & i3)) { c[786075] = p2 | i3; q3 = l2 + 8 | 0; r2 = l2; } else { i3 = l2 + 8 | 0; q3 = i3; r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } c[q3 >> 2] = n2; c[r2 + 12 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = r2; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = l2; } c[786077] = j2; c[786080] = k2; o2 = f2; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } f2 = c[786076] | 0; if (f2) { k2 = (f2 & 0 - f2) + -1 | 0; j2 = k2 >>> 12 & 16; l2 = k2 >>> j2; k2 = l2 >>> 5 & 8; n2 = l2 >>> k2; l2 = n2 >>> 2 & 4; i3 = n2 >>> l2; n2 = i3 >>> 1 & 2; h3 = i3 >>> n2; i3 = h3 >>> 1 & 1; s3 = c[3144604 + ((k2 | j2 | l2 | n2 | i3) + (h3 >>> i3) << 2) >> 2] | 0; i3 = (c[s3 + 4 >> 2] & -8) - e2 | 0; h3 = s3; n2 = s3; while (true) { s3 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { l2 = c[h3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; if (!l2) break; else t3 = l2; } else t3 = s3; s3 = (c[t3 + 4 >> 2] & -8) - e2 | 0; l2 = s3 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0; i3 = l2 ? s3 : i3; h3 = t3; n2 = l2 ? t3 : n2; } h3 = n2 + e2 | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 > n2 >>> 0) { l2 = c[n2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((s3 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) { j2 = n2 + 20 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { u2 = n2 + 16 | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { w2 = 0; break; } else { x2 = v2; y4 = u2; } } else { x2 = k2; y4 = j2; } j2 = x2; k2 = y4; while (true) { u2 = j2 + 20 | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { z3 = j2 + 16 | 0; A4 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; if (!A4) break; else { B2 = A4; C3 = z3; } } else { B2 = v2; C3 = u2; } j2 = B2; k2 = C3; } c[k2 >> 2] = 0; w2 = j2; } else { u2 = c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[u2 + 12 >> 2] = s3; c[s3 + 8 >> 2] = u2; w2 = s3; } while (0); do if (l2 | 0) { s3 = c[n2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; u2 = 3144604 + (s3 << 2) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == (c[u2 >> 2] | 0)) { c[u2 >> 2] = w2; if (!w2) { c[786076] = f2 & ~(1 << s3); break; } } else { s3 = l2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == (n2 | 0) ? s3 : l2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = w2; if (!w2) break; } c[w2 + 24 >> 2] = l2; s3 = c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 | 0) { c[w2 + 16 >> 2] = s3; c[s3 + 24 >> 2] = w2; } s3 = c[n2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 | 0) { c[w2 + 20 >> 2] = s3; c[s3 + 24 >> 2] = w2; } } while (0); if (i3 >>> 0 < 16) { l2 = i3 + e2 | 0; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = l2 | 3; f2 = n2 + l2 + 4 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2] | 1; } else { c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = e2 | 3; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = i3 | 1; c[h3 + i3 >> 2] = i3; if (m4 | 0) { f2 = c[786080] | 0; l2 = m4 >>> 3; s3 = 3144340 + (l2 << 1 << 2) | 0; u2 = 1 << l2; if (!(u2 & g2)) { c[786075] = u2 | g2; D3 = s3 + 8 | 0; E3 = s3; } else { u2 = s3 + 8 | 0; D3 = u2; E3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; } c[D3 >> 2] = f2; c[E3 + 12 >> 2] = f2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = E3; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = s3; } c[786077] = i3; c[786080] = h3; } o2 = n2 + 8 | 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } else F3 = e2; } else F3 = e2; } else F3 = e2; } else if (a2 >>> 0 <= 4294967231) { s3 = a2 + 11 | 0; f2 = s3 & -8; u2 = c[786076] | 0; if (u2) { l2 = 0 - f2 | 0; v2 = s3 >>> 8; if (v2) if (f2 >>> 0 > 16777215) G2 = 31; else { s3 = (v2 + 1048320 | 0) >>> 16 & 8; z3 = v2 << s3; v2 = (z3 + 520192 | 0) >>> 16 & 4; A4 = z3 << v2; z3 = (A4 + 245760 | 0) >>> 16 & 2; H2 = 14 - (v2 | s3 | z3) + (A4 << z3 >>> 15) | 0; G2 = f2 >>> (H2 + 7 | 0) & 1 | H2 << 1; } else G2 = 0; H2 = c[3144604 + (G2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!H2) { I2 = l2; J2 = 0; K2 = 0; L3 = 61; } else { z3 = l2; A4 = 0; s3 = f2 << ((G2 | 0) == 31 ? 0 : 25 - (G2 >>> 1) | 0); v2 = H2; M2 = 0; while (true) { N4 = (c[v2 + 4 >> 2] & -8) - f2 | 0; if (N4 >>> 0 < z3 >>> 0) if (!N4) { O2 = 0; P2 = v2; Q3 = v2; L3 = 65; break a; } else { R3 = N4; S2 = v2; } else { R3 = z3; S2 = M2; } N4 = c[v2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[v2 + 16 + (s3 >>> 31 << 2) >> 2] | 0; T4 = (N4 | 0) == 0 | (N4 | 0) == (v2 | 0) ? A4 : N4; if (!v2) { I2 = R3; J2 = T4; K2 = S2; L3 = 61; break; } else { z3 = R3; A4 = T4; s3 = s3 << 1; M2 = S2; } } } while (0); if ((L3 | 0) == 61) { if ((J2 | 0) == 0 & (K2 | 0) == 0) { H2 = 2 << G2; l2 = (H2 | 0 - H2) & u2; if (!l2) { F3 = f2; break; } H2 = (l2 & 0 - l2) + -1 | 0; l2 = H2 >>> 12 & 16; e2 = H2 >>> l2; H2 = e2 >>> 5 & 8; n2 = e2 >>> H2; e2 = n2 >>> 2 & 4; h3 = n2 >>> e2; n2 = h3 >>> 1 & 2; i3 = h3 >>> n2; h3 = i3 >>> 1 & 1; U2 = c[3144604 + ((H2 | l2 | e2 | n2 | h3) + (i3 >>> h3) << 2) >> 2] | 0; V3 = 0; } else { U2 = J2; V3 = K2; } if (!U2) { W2 = I2; X2 = V3; } else { O2 = I2; P2 = U2; Q3 = V3; L3 = 65; } } if ((L3 | 0) == 65) { h3 = O2; i3 = P2; n2 = Q3; while (true) { e2 = (c[i3 + 4 >> 2] & -8) - f2 | 0; l2 = e2 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0; H2 = l2 ? e2 : h3; e2 = l2 ? i3 : n2; l2 = c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!l2) Y2 = c[i3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; else Y2 = l2; if (!Y2) { W2 = H2; X2 = e2; break; } else { h3 = H2; i3 = Y2; n2 = e2; } } } if (((X2 | 0) != 0 ? W2 >>> 0 < ((c[786077] | 0) - f2 | 0) >>> 0 : 0) ? (n2 = X2 + f2 | 0, n2 >>> 0 > X2 >>> 0) : 0) { i3 = c[X2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[X2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) == (X2 | 0)) { e2 = X2 + 20 | 0; H2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!H2) { l2 = X2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { Z3 = 0; break; } else { _5 = g2; $2 = l2; } } else { _5 = H2; $2 = e2; } e2 = _5; H2 = $2; while (true) { l2 = e2 + 20 | 0; g2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) { m4 = e2 + 16 | 0; M2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (!M2) break; else { aa2 = M2; ba3 = m4; } } else { aa2 = g2; ba3 = l2; } e2 = aa2; H2 = ba3; } c[H2 >> 2] = 0; Z3 = e2; } else { l2 = c[X2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 + 12 >> 2] = h3; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = l2; Z3 = h3; } while (0); do if (i3) { h3 = c[X2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; l2 = 3144604 + (h3 << 2) | 0; if ((X2 | 0) == (c[l2 >> 2] | 0)) { c[l2 >> 2] = Z3; if (!Z3) { l2 = u2 & ~(1 << h3); c[786076] = l2; ca2 = l2; break; } } else { l2 = i3 + 16 | 0; c[((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == (X2 | 0) ? l2 : i3 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = Z3; if (!Z3) { ca2 = u2; break; } } c[Z3 + 24 >> 2] = i3; l2 = c[X2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (l2 | 0) { c[Z3 + 16 >> 2] = l2; c[l2 + 24 >> 2] = Z3; } l2 = c[X2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; if (l2) { c[Z3 + 20 >> 2] = l2; c[l2 + 24 >> 2] = Z3; ca2 = u2; } else ca2 = u2; } else ca2 = u2; while (0); b: do if (W2 >>> 0 < 16) { u2 = W2 + f2 | 0; c[X2 + 4 >> 2] = u2 | 3; i3 = X2 + u2 + 4 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2] | 1; } else { c[X2 + 4 >> 2] = f2 | 3; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = W2 | 1; c[n2 + W2 >> 2] = W2; i3 = W2 >>> 3; if (W2 >>> 0 < 256) { u2 = 3144340 + (i3 << 1 << 2) | 0; l2 = c[786075] | 0; h3 = 1 << i3; if (!(l2 & h3)) { c[786075] = l2 | h3; da2 = u2 + 8 | 0; ea2 = u2; } else { h3 = u2 + 8 | 0; da2 = h3; ea2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } c[da2 >> 2] = n2; c[ea2 + 12 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = ea2; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = u2; break; } u2 = W2 >>> 8; if (u2) if (W2 >>> 0 > 16777215) fa2 = 31; else { h3 = (u2 + 1048320 | 0) >>> 16 & 8; l2 = u2 << h3; u2 = (l2 + 520192 | 0) >>> 16 & 4; i3 = l2 << u2; l2 = (i3 + 245760 | 0) >>> 16 & 2; g2 = 14 - (u2 | h3 | l2) + (i3 << l2 >>> 15) | 0; fa2 = W2 >>> (g2 + 7 | 0) & 1 | g2 << 1; } else fa2 = 0; g2 = 3144604 + (fa2 << 2) | 0; c[n2 + 28 >> 2] = fa2; l2 = n2 + 16 | 0; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = 1 << fa2; if (!(ca2 & l2)) { c[786076] = ca2 | l2; c[g2 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 24 >> 2] = g2; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = n2; break; } l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c: do if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (W2 | 0)) ga2 = l2; else { g2 = W2 << ((fa2 | 0) == 31 ? 0 : 25 - (fa2 >>> 1) | 0); i3 = l2; while (true) { ha2 = i3 + 16 + (g2 >>> 31 << 2) | 0; h3 = c[ha2 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) break; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (W2 | 0)) { ga2 = h3; break c; } else { g2 = g2 << 1; i3 = h3; } } c[ha2 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 24 >> 2] = i3; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = n2; break b; } while (0); l2 = ga2 + 8 | 0; e2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = n2; c[l2 >> 2] = n2; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = e2; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = ga2; c[n2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; } while (0); o2 = X2 + 8 | 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } else F3 = f2; } else F3 = f2; } else F3 = -1; while (0); X2 = c[786077] | 0; if (X2 >>> 0 >= F3 >>> 0) { ga2 = X2 - F3 | 0; ha2 = c[786080] | 0; if (ga2 >>> 0 > 15) { W2 = ha2 + F3 | 0; c[786080] = W2; c[786077] = ga2; c[W2 + 4 >> 2] = ga2 | 1; c[ha2 + X2 >> 2] = ga2; c[ha2 + 4 >> 2] = F3 | 3; } else { c[786077] = 0; c[786080] = 0; c[ha2 + 4 >> 2] = X2 | 3; ga2 = ha2 + X2 + 4 | 0; c[ga2 >> 2] = c[ga2 >> 2] | 1; } o2 = ha2 + 8 | 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } ha2 = c[786078] | 0; if (ha2 >>> 0 > F3 >>> 0) { ga2 = ha2 - F3 | 0; c[786078] = ga2; X2 = c[786081] | 0; W2 = X2 + F3 | 0; c[786081] = W2; c[W2 + 4 >> 2] = ga2 | 1; c[X2 + 4 >> 2] = F3 | 3; o2 = X2 + 8 | 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } if (!(c[786193] | 0)) { c[786195] = 4096; c[786194] = 4096; c[786196] = -1; c[786197] = -1; c[786198] = 0; c[786186] = 0; c[786193] = d2 & -16 ^ 1431655768; ia2 = 4096; } else ia2 = c[786195] | 0; d2 = F3 + 48 | 0; X2 = F3 + 47 | 0; ga2 = ia2 + X2 | 0; W2 = 0 - ia2 | 0; ia2 = ga2 & W2; if (ia2 >>> 0 <= F3 >>> 0) { o2 = 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } fa2 = c[786185] | 0; if (fa2 | 0 ? (ca2 = c[786183] | 0, ea2 = ca2 + ia2 | 0, ea2 >>> 0 <= ca2 >>> 0 | ea2 >>> 0 > fa2 >>> 0) : 0) { o2 = 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } d: do if (!(c[786186] & 4)) { fa2 = c[786081] | 0; e: do if (fa2) { ea2 = 3144748; while (true) { ca2 = c[ea2 >> 2] | 0; if (ca2 >>> 0 <= fa2 >>> 0 ? (ca2 + (c[ea2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0) >>> 0 > fa2 >>> 0 : 0) break; ca2 = c[ea2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!ca2) { L3 = 128; break e; } else ea2 = ca2; } ca2 = ga2 - ha2 & W2; if (ca2 >>> 0 < 2147483647) { da2 = Jv(ca2 | 0) | 0; if ((da2 | 0) == ((c[ea2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[ea2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0)) if ((da2 | 0) == (-1 | 0)) ja2 = ca2; else { ka2 = da2; la2 = ca2; L3 = 145; break d; } else { ma2 = da2; na2 = ca2; L3 = 136; } } else ja2 = 0; } else L3 = 128; while (0); do if ((L3 | 0) == 128) { fa2 = Jv(0) | 0; if ((fa2 | 0) != (-1 | 0) ? (f2 = fa2, ca2 = c[786194] | 0, da2 = ca2 + -1 | 0, Z3 = ((da2 & f2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : (da2 + f2 & 0 - ca2) - f2 | 0) + ia2 | 0, f2 = c[786183] | 0, ca2 = Z3 + f2 | 0, Z3 >>> 0 > F3 >>> 0 & Z3 >>> 0 < 2147483647) : 0) { da2 = c[786185] | 0; if (da2 | 0 ? ca2 >>> 0 <= f2 >>> 0 | ca2 >>> 0 > da2 >>> 0 : 0) { ja2 = 0; break; } da2 = Jv(Z3 | 0) | 0; if ((da2 | 0) == (fa2 | 0)) { ka2 = fa2; la2 = Z3; L3 = 145; break d; } else { ma2 = da2; na2 = Z3; L3 = 136; } } else ja2 = 0; } while (0); do if ((L3 | 0) == 136) { Z3 = 0 - na2 | 0; if (!(d2 >>> 0 > na2 >>> 0 & (na2 >>> 0 < 2147483647 & (ma2 | 0) != (-1 | 0)))) if ((ma2 | 0) == (-1 | 0)) { ja2 = 0; break; } else { ka2 = ma2; la2 = na2; L3 = 145; break d; } da2 = c[786195] | 0; fa2 = X2 - na2 + da2 & 0 - da2; if (fa2 >>> 0 >= 2147483647) { ka2 = ma2; la2 = na2; L3 = 145; break d; } if ((Jv(fa2 | 0) | 0) == (-1 | 0)) { Jv(Z3 | 0) | 0; ja2 = 0; break; } else { ka2 = ma2; la2 = fa2 + na2 | 0; L3 = 145; break d; } } while (0); c[786186] = c[786186] | 4; oa2 = ja2; L3 = 143; } else { oa2 = 0; L3 = 143; } while (0); if (((L3 | 0) == 143 ? ia2 >>> 0 < 2147483647 : 0) ? (ja2 = Jv(ia2 | 0) | 0, ia2 = Jv(0) | 0, na2 = ia2 - ja2 | 0, ma2 = na2 >>> 0 > (F3 + 40 | 0) >>> 0, !((ja2 | 0) == (-1 | 0) | ma2 ^ 1 | ja2 >>> 0 < ia2 >>> 0 & ((ja2 | 0) != (-1 | 0) & (ia2 | 0) != (-1 | 0)) ^ 1)) : 0) { ka2 = ja2; la2 = ma2 ? na2 : oa2; L3 = 145; } if ((L3 | 0) == 145) { oa2 = (c[786183] | 0) + la2 | 0; c[786183] = oa2; if (oa2 >>> 0 > (c[786184] | 0) >>> 0) c[786184] = oa2; oa2 = c[786081] | 0; f: do if (oa2) { na2 = 3144748; while (true) { pa3 = c[na2 >> 2] | 0; qa2 = c[na2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((ka2 | 0) == (pa3 + qa2 | 0)) { L3 = 154; break; } ma2 = c[na2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!ma2) break; else na2 = ma2; } if (((L3 | 0) == 154 ? (ma2 = na2 + 4 | 0, (c[na2 + 12 >> 2] & 8 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? ka2 >>> 0 > oa2 >>> 0 & pa3 >>> 0 <= oa2 >>> 0 : 0) { c[ma2 >> 2] = qa2 + la2; ma2 = (c[786078] | 0) + la2 | 0; ja2 = oa2 + 8 | 0; ia2 = (ja2 & 7 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - ja2 & 7; ja2 = oa2 + ia2 | 0; X2 = ma2 - ia2 | 0; c[786081] = ja2; c[786078] = X2; c[ja2 + 4 >> 2] = X2 | 1; c[oa2 + ma2 + 4 >> 2] = 40; c[786082] = c[786197]; break; } if (ka2 >>> 0 < (c[786079] | 0) >>> 0) c[786079] = ka2; ma2 = ka2 + la2 | 0; X2 = 3144748; while (true) { if ((c[X2 >> 2] | 0) == (ma2 | 0)) { L3 = 162; break; } ja2 = c[X2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!ja2) break; else X2 = ja2; } if ((L3 | 0) == 162 ? (c[X2 + 12 >> 2] & 8 | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[X2 >> 2] = ka2; na2 = X2 + 4 | 0; c[na2 >> 2] = (c[na2 >> 2] | 0) + la2; na2 = ka2 + 8 | 0; ja2 = ka2 + ((na2 & 7 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - na2 & 7) | 0; na2 = ma2 + 8 | 0; ia2 = ma2 + ((na2 & 7 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - na2 & 7) | 0; na2 = ja2 + F3 | 0; d2 = ia2 - ja2 - F3 | 0; c[ja2 + 4 >> 2] = F3 | 3; g: do if ((oa2 | 0) == (ia2 | 0)) { W2 = (c[786078] | 0) + d2 | 0; c[786078] = W2; c[786081] = na2; c[na2 + 4 >> 2] = W2 | 1; } else { if ((c[786080] | 0) == (ia2 | 0)) { W2 = (c[786077] | 0) + d2 | 0; c[786077] = W2; c[786080] = na2; c[na2 + 4 >> 2] = W2 | 1; c[na2 + W2 >> 2] = W2; break; } W2 = c[ia2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((W2 & 3 | 0) == 1) { ha2 = W2 & -8; ga2 = W2 >>> 3; h: do if (W2 >>> 0 < 256) { fa2 = c[ia2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = c[ia2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((Z3 | 0) == (fa2 | 0)) { c[786075] = c[786075] & ~(1 << ga2); break; } else { c[fa2 + 12 >> 2] = Z3; c[Z3 + 8 >> 2] = fa2; break; } } else { fa2 = c[ia2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = c[ia2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((Z3 | 0) == (ia2 | 0)) { da2 = ia2 + 16 | 0; ca2 = da2 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) { ba3 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; if (!ba3) { ra2 = 0; break; } else { sa2 = ba3; ta2 = da2; } } else { sa2 = f2; ta2 = ca2; } ca2 = sa2; f2 = ta2; while (true) { da2 = ca2 + 20 | 0; ba3 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; if (!ba3) { aa2 = ca2 + 16 | 0; $2 = c[aa2 >> 2] | 0; if (!$2) break; else { ua2 = $2; va2 = aa2; } } else { ua2 = ba3; va2 = da2; } ca2 = ua2; f2 = va2; } c[f2 >> 2] = 0; ra2 = ca2; } else { da2 = c[ia2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[da2 + 12 >> 2] = Z3; c[Z3 + 8 >> 2] = da2; ra2 = Z3; } while (0); if (!fa2) break; Z3 = c[ia2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 3144604 + (Z3 << 2) | 0; do if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) != (ia2 | 0)) { da2 = fa2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[da2 >> 2] | 0) == (ia2 | 0) ? da2 : fa2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = ra2; if (!ra2) break h; } else { c[i3 >> 2] = ra2; if (ra2 | 0) break; c[786076] = c[786076] & ~(1 << Z3); break h; } while (0); c[ra2 + 24 >> 2] = fa2; Z3 = ia2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) { c[ra2 + 16 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 24 >> 2] = ra2; } i3 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) break; c[ra2 + 20 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 24 >> 2] = ra2; } while (0); wa2 = ia2 + ha2 | 0; xa2 = ha2 + d2 | 0; } else { wa2 = ia2; xa2 = d2; } ga2 = wa2 + 4 | 0; c[ga2 >> 2] = c[ga2 >> 2] & -2; c[na2 + 4 >> 2] = xa2 | 1; c[na2 + xa2 >> 2] = xa2; ga2 = xa2 >>> 3; if (xa2 >>> 0 < 256) { W2 = 3144340 + (ga2 << 1 << 2) | 0; ea2 = c[786075] | 0; i3 = 1 << ga2; if (!(ea2 & i3)) { c[786075] = ea2 | i3; ya2 = W2 + 8 | 0; za2 = W2; } else { i3 = W2 + 8 | 0; ya2 = i3; za2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } c[ya2 >> 2] = na2; c[za2 + 12 >> 2] = na2; c[na2 + 8 >> 2] = za2; c[na2 + 12 >> 2] = W2; break; } W2 = xa2 >>> 8; do if (!W2) Aa3 = 0; else { if (xa2 >>> 0 > 16777215) { Aa3 = 31; break; } i3 = (W2 + 1048320 | 0) >>> 16 & 8; ea2 = W2 << i3; ga2 = (ea2 + 520192 | 0) >>> 16 & 4; Z3 = ea2 << ga2; ea2 = (Z3 + 245760 | 0) >>> 16 & 2; da2 = 14 - (ga2 | i3 | ea2) + (Z3 << ea2 >>> 15) | 0; Aa3 = xa2 >>> (da2 + 7 | 0) & 1 | da2 << 1; } while (0); W2 = 3144604 + (Aa3 << 2) | 0; c[na2 + 28 >> 2] = Aa3; ha2 = na2 + 16 | 0; c[ha2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[ha2 >> 2] = 0; ha2 = c[786076] | 0; da2 = 1 << Aa3; if (!(ha2 & da2)) { c[786076] = ha2 | da2; c[W2 >> 2] = na2; c[na2 + 24 >> 2] = W2; c[na2 + 12 >> 2] = na2; c[na2 + 8 >> 2] = na2; break; } da2 = c[W2 >> 2] | 0; i: do if ((c[da2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (xa2 | 0)) Ba3 = da2; else { W2 = xa2 << ((Aa3 | 0) == 31 ? 0 : 25 - (Aa3 >>> 1) | 0); ha2 = da2; while (true) { Ca2 = ha2 + 16 + (W2 >>> 31 << 2) | 0; ea2 = c[Ca2 >> 2] | 0; if (!ea2) break; if ((c[ea2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (xa2 | 0)) { Ba3 = ea2; break i; } else { W2 = W2 << 1; ha2 = ea2; } } c[Ca2 >> 2] = na2; c[na2 + 24 >> 2] = ha2; c[na2 + 12 >> 2] = na2; c[na2 + 8 >> 2] = na2; break g; } while (0); da2 = Ba3 + 8 | 0; W2 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; c[W2 + 12 >> 2] = na2; c[da2 >> 2] = na2; c[na2 + 8 >> 2] = W2; c[na2 + 12 >> 2] = Ba3; c[na2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; } while (0); o2 = ja2 + 8 | 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } na2 = 3144748; while (true) { d2 = c[na2 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 <= oa2 >>> 0 ? (Da2 = d2 + (c[na2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, Da2 >>> 0 > oa2 >>> 0) : 0) break; na2 = c[na2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; } na2 = Da2 + -47 | 0; ja2 = na2 + 8 | 0; d2 = na2 + ((ja2 & 7 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - ja2 & 7) | 0; ja2 = oa2 + 16 | 0; na2 = d2 >>> 0 < ja2 >>> 0 ? oa2 : d2; d2 = na2 + 8 | 0; ia2 = la2 + -40 | 0; ma2 = ka2 + 8 | 0; X2 = (ma2 & 7 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - ma2 & 7; ma2 = ka2 + X2 | 0; W2 = ia2 - X2 | 0; c[786081] = ma2; c[786078] = W2; c[ma2 + 4 >> 2] = W2 | 1; c[ka2 + ia2 + 4 >> 2] = 40; c[786082] = c[786197]; ia2 = na2 + 4 | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = 27; c[d2 >> 2] = c[786187]; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = c[786188]; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = c[786189]; c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = c[786190]; c[786187] = ka2; c[786188] = la2; c[786190] = 0; c[786189] = d2; d2 = na2 + 24 | 0; do { W2 = d2; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 7; } while ((W2 + 8 | 0) >>> 0 < Da2 >>> 0); if ((na2 | 0) != (oa2 | 0)) { d2 = na2 - oa2 | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = c[ia2 >> 2] & -2; c[oa2 + 4 >> 2] = d2 | 1; c[na2 >> 2] = d2; W2 = d2 >>> 3; if (d2 >>> 0 < 256) { ma2 = 3144340 + (W2 << 1 << 2) | 0; X2 = c[786075] | 0; da2 = 1 << W2; if (!(X2 & da2)) { c[786075] = X2 | da2; Ea2 = ma2 + 8 | 0; Fa2 = ma2; } else { da2 = ma2 + 8 | 0; Ea2 = da2; Fa2 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; } c[Ea2 >> 2] = oa2; c[Fa2 + 12 >> 2] = oa2; c[oa2 + 8 >> 2] = Fa2; c[oa2 + 12 >> 2] = ma2; break; } ma2 = d2 >>> 8; if (ma2) if (d2 >>> 0 > 16777215) Ga3 = 31; else { da2 = (ma2 + 1048320 | 0) >>> 16 & 8; X2 = ma2 << da2; ma2 = (X2 + 520192 | 0) >>> 16 & 4; W2 = X2 << ma2; X2 = (W2 + 245760 | 0) >>> 16 & 2; fa2 = 14 - (ma2 | da2 | X2) + (W2 << X2 >>> 15) | 0; Ga3 = d2 >>> (fa2 + 7 | 0) & 1 | fa2 << 1; } else Ga3 = 0; fa2 = 3144604 + (Ga3 << 2) | 0; c[oa2 + 28 >> 2] = Ga3; c[oa2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[ja2 >> 2] = 0; X2 = c[786076] | 0; W2 = 1 << Ga3; if (!(X2 & W2)) { c[786076] = X2 | W2; c[fa2 >> 2] = oa2; c[oa2 + 24 >> 2] = fa2; c[oa2 + 12 >> 2] = oa2; c[oa2 + 8 >> 2] = oa2; break; } W2 = c[fa2 >> 2] | 0; j: do if ((c[W2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) Ha3 = W2; else { fa2 = d2 << ((Ga3 | 0) == 31 ? 0 : 25 - (Ga3 >>> 1) | 0); X2 = W2; while (true) { Ja3 = X2 + 16 + (fa2 >>> 31 << 2) | 0; da2 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; if (!da2) break; if ((c[da2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { Ha3 = da2; break j; } else { fa2 = fa2 << 1; X2 = da2; } } c[Ja3 >> 2] = oa2; c[oa2 + 24 >> 2] = X2; c[oa2 + 12 >> 2] = oa2; c[oa2 + 8 >> 2] = oa2; break f; } while (0); d2 = Ha3 + 8 | 0; W2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[W2 + 12 >> 2] = oa2; c[d2 >> 2] = oa2; c[oa2 + 8 >> 2] = W2; c[oa2 + 12 >> 2] = Ha3; c[oa2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; } } else { W2 = c[786079] | 0; if ((W2 | 0) == 0 | ka2 >>> 0 < W2 >>> 0) c[786079] = ka2; c[786187] = ka2; c[786188] = la2; c[786190] = 0; c[786084] = c[786193]; c[786083] = -1; c[786088] = 3144340; c[786087] = 3144340; c[786090] = 3144348; c[786089] = 3144348; c[786092] = 3144356; c[786091] = 3144356; c[786094] = 3144364; c[786093] = 3144364; c[786096] = 3144372; c[786095] = 3144372; c[786098] = 3144380; c[786097] = 3144380; c[786100] = 3144388; c[786099] = 3144388; c[786102] = 3144396; c[786101] = 3144396; c[786104] = 3144404; c[786103] = 3144404; c[786106] = 3144412; c[786105] = 3144412; c[786108] = 3144420; c[786107] = 3144420; c[786110] = 3144428; c[786109] = 3144428; c[786112] = 3144436; c[786111] = 3144436; c[786114] = 3144444; c[786113] = 3144444; c[786116] = 3144452; c[786115] = 3144452; c[786118] = 3144460; c[786117] = 3144460; c[786120] = 3144468; c[786119] = 3144468; c[786122] = 3144476; c[786121] = 3144476; c[786124] = 3144484; c[786123] = 3144484; c[786126] = 3144492; c[786125] = 3144492; c[786128] = 3144500; c[786127] = 3144500; c[786130] = 3144508; c[786129] = 3144508; c[786132] = 3144516; c[786131] = 3144516; c[786134] = 3144524; c[786133] = 3144524; c[786136] = 3144532; c[786135] = 3144532; c[786138] = 3144540; c[786137] = 3144540; c[786140] = 3144548; c[786139] = 3144548; c[786142] = 3144556; c[786141] = 3144556; c[786144] = 3144564; c[786143] = 3144564; c[786146] = 3144572; c[786145] = 3144572; c[786148] = 3144580; c[786147] = 3144580; c[786150] = 3144588; c[786149] = 3144588; W2 = la2 + -40 | 0; d2 = ka2 + 8 | 0; ja2 = (d2 & 7 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - d2 & 7; d2 = ka2 + ja2 | 0; na2 = W2 - ja2 | 0; c[786081] = d2; c[786078] = na2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = na2 | 1; c[ka2 + W2 + 4 >> 2] = 40; c[786082] = c[786197]; } while (0); ka2 = c[786078] | 0; if (ka2 >>> 0 > F3 >>> 0) { la2 = ka2 - F3 | 0; c[786078] = la2; ka2 = c[786081] | 0; oa2 = ka2 + F3 | 0; c[786081] = oa2; c[oa2 + 4 >> 2] = la2 | 1; c[ka2 + 4 >> 2] = F3 | 3; o2 = ka2 + 8 | 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } } c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 12; o2 = 0; Ia = b4; return o2 | 0; } function Ls(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0; if (!a2) return; b4 = a2 + -8 | 0; d2 = c[786079] | 0; e2 = c[a2 + -4 >> 2] | 0; a2 = e2 & -8; f2 = b4 + a2 | 0; do if (!(e2 & 1)) { g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (!(e2 & 3)) return; h3 = b4 + (0 - g2) | 0; i3 = g2 + a2 | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 < d2 >>> 0) return; if ((c[786080] | 0) == (h3 | 0)) { j2 = f2 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 & 3 | 0) != 3) { l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; break; } c[786077] = i3; c[j2 >> 2] = k2 & -2; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = i3 | 1; c[h3 + i3 >> 2] = i3; return; } k2 = g2 >>> 3; if (g2 >>> 0 < 256) { g2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { c[786075] = c[786075] & ~(1 << k2); l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; break; } else { c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = j2; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = g2; l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; break; } } g2 = c[h3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) { k2 = h3 + 16 | 0; o2 = k2 + 4 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) { q3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { r2 = 0; break; } else { s3 = q3; t3 = k2; } } else { s3 = p2; t3 = o2; } o2 = s3; p2 = t3; while (true) { k2 = o2 + 20 | 0; q3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { u2 = o2 + 16 | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) break; else { w2 = v2; x2 = u2; } } else { w2 = q3; x2 = k2; } o2 = w2; p2 = x2; } c[p2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = o2; } else { k2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = j2; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = k2; r2 = j2; } while (0); if (g2) { j2 = c[h3 + 28 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 3144604 + (j2 << 2) | 0; if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == (h3 | 0)) { c[k2 >> 2] = r2; if (!r2) { c[786076] = c[786076] & ~(1 << j2); l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; break; } } else { j2 = g2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == (h3 | 0) ? j2 : g2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = r2; if (!r2) { l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; break; } } c[r2 + 24 >> 2] = g2; j2 = h3 + 16 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (k2 | 0) { c[r2 + 16 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = r2; } k2 = c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (k2) { c[r2 + 20 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = r2; l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; } else { l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; } } else { l2 = h3; m4 = h3; n2 = i3; } } else { l2 = b4; m4 = b4; n2 = a2; } while (0); if (l2 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) return; a2 = f2 + 4 | 0; b4 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(b4 & 1)) return; if (!(b4 & 2)) { if ((c[786081] | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { r2 = (c[786078] | 0) + n2 | 0; c[786078] = r2; c[786081] = m4; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = r2 | 1; if ((m4 | 0) != (c[786080] | 0)) return; c[786080] = 0; c[786077] = 0; return; } if ((c[786080] | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { r2 = (c[786077] | 0) + n2 | 0; c[786077] = r2; c[786080] = l2; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = r2 | 1; c[l2 + r2 >> 2] = r2; return; } r2 = (b4 & -8) + n2 | 0; x2 = b4 >>> 3; do if (b4 >>> 0 < 256) { w2 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == (w2 | 0)) { c[786075] = c[786075] & ~(1 << x2); break; } else { c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = t3; c[t3 + 8 >> 2] = w2; break; } } else { w2 = c[f2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((t3 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { s3 = f2 + 16 | 0; d2 = s3 + 4 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { k2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { y4 = 0; break; } else { z3 = k2; A4 = s3; } } else { z3 = e2; A4 = d2; } d2 = z3; e2 = A4; while (true) { s3 = d2 + 20 | 0; k2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { j2 = d2 + 16 | 0; q3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) break; else { B2 = q3; C3 = j2; } } else { B2 = k2; C3 = s3; } d2 = B2; e2 = C3; } c[e2 >> 2] = 0; y4 = d2; } else { o2 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 12 >> 2] = t3; c[t3 + 8 >> 2] = o2; y4 = t3; } while (0); if (w2 | 0) { t3 = c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 3144604 + (t3 << 2) | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { c[i3 >> 2] = y4; if (!y4) { c[786076] = c[786076] & ~(1 << t3); break; } } else { t3 = w2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[t3 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0) ? t3 : w2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = y4; if (!y4) break; } c[y4 + 24 >> 2] = w2; t3 = f2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) { c[y4 + 16 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 24 >> 2] = y4; } i3 = c[t3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) { c[y4 + 20 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 24 >> 2] = y4; } } } while (0); c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = r2 | 1; c[l2 + r2 >> 2] = r2; if ((m4 | 0) == (c[786080] | 0)) { c[786077] = r2; return; } else D3 = r2; } else { c[a2 >> 2] = b4 & -2; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = n2 | 1; c[l2 + n2 >> 2] = n2; D3 = n2; } n2 = D3 >>> 3; if (D3 >>> 0 < 256) { l2 = 3144340 + (n2 << 1 << 2) | 0; b4 = c[786075] | 0; a2 = 1 << n2; if (!(b4 & a2)) { c[786075] = b4 | a2; E3 = l2 + 8 | 0; F3 = l2; } else { a2 = l2 + 8 | 0; E3 = a2; F3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; } c[E3 >> 2] = m4; c[F3 + 12 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = F3; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = l2; return; } l2 = D3 >>> 8; if (l2) if (D3 >>> 0 > 16777215) G2 = 31; else { F3 = (l2 + 1048320 | 0) >>> 16 & 8; E3 = l2 << F3; l2 = (E3 + 520192 | 0) >>> 16 & 4; a2 = E3 << l2; E3 = (a2 + 245760 | 0) >>> 16 & 2; b4 = 14 - (l2 | F3 | E3) + (a2 << E3 >>> 15) | 0; G2 = D3 >>> (b4 + 7 | 0) & 1 | b4 << 1; } else G2 = 0; b4 = 3144604 + (G2 << 2) | 0; c[m4 + 28 >> 2] = G2; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 16 >> 2] = 0; E3 = c[786076] | 0; a2 = 1 << G2; a: do if (!(E3 & a2)) { c[786076] = E3 | a2; c[b4 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = b4; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = m4; } else { F3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; b: do if ((c[F3 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (D3 | 0)) H2 = F3; else { l2 = D3 << ((G2 | 0) == 31 ? 0 : 25 - (G2 >>> 1) | 0); n2 = F3; while (true) { I2 = n2 + 16 + (l2 >>> 31 << 2) | 0; r2 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; if (!r2) break; if ((c[r2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (D3 | 0)) { H2 = r2; break b; } else { l2 = l2 << 1; n2 = r2; } } c[I2 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = n2; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = m4; break a; } while (0); F3 = H2 + 8 | 0; w2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = m4; c[F3 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = w2; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = H2; c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = 0; } while (0); m4 = (c[786083] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[786083] = m4; if (m4 | 0) return; m4 = 3144756; while (true) { H2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (!H2) break; else m4 = H2 + 8 | 0; } c[786083] = -1; return; } function Ms(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (a2) { d2 = B(b4, a2) | 0; if ((b4 | a2) >>> 0 > 65535) e2 = ((d2 >>> 0) / (a2 >>> 0) | 0 | 0) == (b4 | 0) ? d2 : -1; else e2 = d2; } else e2 = 0; d2 = Ks2(e2) | 0; if (!d2) return d2 | 0; if (!(c[d2 + -4 >> 2] & 3)) return d2 | 0; Iv(d2 | 0, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; return d2 | 0; } function Ns(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; if (!a2) { d2 = Ks2(b4) | 0; return d2 | 0; } if (b4 >>> 0 > 4294967231) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 12; d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } e2 = Os(a2 + -8 | 0, b4 >>> 0 < 11 ? 16 : b4 + 11 & -8) | 0; if (e2 | 0) { d2 = e2 + 8 | 0; return d2 | 0; } e2 = Ks2(b4) | 0; if (!e2) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } f2 = c[a2 + -4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (f2 & -8) - ((f2 & 3 | 0) == 0 ? 8 : 4) | 0; Hv(e2 | 0, a2 | 0, (g2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0 ? g2 : b4) | 0) | 0; Ls(a2); d2 = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Os(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = e2 & -8; g2 = a2 + f2 | 0; if (!(e2 & 3)) { if (b4 >>> 0 < 256) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } if (f2 >>> 0 >= (b4 + 4 | 0) >>> 0 ? (f2 - b4 | 0) >>> 0 <= c[786195] << 1 >>> 0 : 0) { h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } if (f2 >>> 0 >= b4 >>> 0) { i3 = f2 - b4 | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 <= 15) { h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } j2 = a2 + b4 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = e2 & 1 | b4 | 2; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = i3 | 3; k2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2] | 1; Ps(j2, i3); h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } if ((c[786081] | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { i3 = (c[786078] | 0) + f2 | 0; j2 = i3 - b4 | 0; k2 = a2 + b4 | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 <= b4 >>> 0) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } c[d2 >> 2] = e2 & 1 | b4 | 2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = j2 | 1; c[786081] = k2; c[786078] = j2; h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } if ((c[786080] | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { j2 = (c[786077] | 0) + f2 | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } k2 = j2 - b4 | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 > 15) { i3 = a2 + b4 | 0; l2 = a2 + j2 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = e2 & 1 | b4 | 2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = k2 | 1; c[l2 >> 2] = k2; m4 = l2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2] & -2; n2 = i3; o2 = k2; } else { c[d2 >> 2] = e2 & 1 | j2 | 2; k2 = a2 + j2 + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2] | 1; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; } c[786077] = o2; c[786080] = n2; h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } n2 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 & 2 | 0) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } o2 = (n2 & -8) + f2 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) { h3 = 0; return h3 | 0; } f2 = o2 - b4 | 0; k2 = n2 >>> 3; do if (n2 >>> 0 < 256) { j2 = c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { c[786075] = c[786075] & ~(1 << k2); break; } else { c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = j2; break; } } else { j2 = c[g2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { m4 = g2 + 16 | 0; l2 = m4 + 4 | 0; p2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) { q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { r2 = 0; break; } else { s3 = q3; t3 = m4; } } else { s3 = p2; t3 = l2; } l2 = s3; p2 = t3; while (true) { m4 = l2 + 20 | 0; q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { u2 = l2 + 16 | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) break; else { w2 = v2; x2 = u2; } } else { w2 = q3; x2 = m4; } l2 = w2; p2 = x2; } c[p2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = l2; } else { m4 = c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = m4; r2 = i3; } while (0); if (j2 | 0) { i3 = c[g2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 3144604 + (i3 << 2) | 0; if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { c[m4 >> 2] = r2; if (!r2) { c[786076] = c[786076] & ~(1 << i3); break; } } else { i3 = j2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? i3 : j2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = r2; if (!r2) break; } c[r2 + 24 >> 2] = j2; i3 = g2 + 16 | 0; m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (m4 | 0) { c[r2 + 16 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = r2; } m4 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (m4 | 0) { c[r2 + 20 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 24 >> 2] = r2; } } } while (0); if (f2 >>> 0 < 16) { c[d2 >> 2] = e2 & 1 | o2 | 2; r2 = a2 + o2 + 4 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2] | 1; h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } else { r2 = a2 + b4 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = e2 & 1 | b4 | 2; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = f2 | 3; b4 = a2 + o2 + 4 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2] | 1; Ps(r2, f2); h3 = a2; return h3 | 0; } return 0; } function Ps(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; d2 = a2 + b4 | 0; e2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if (!(e2 & 1)) { f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(e2 & 3)) return; g2 = a2 + (0 - f2) | 0; h3 = f2 + b4 | 0; if ((c[786080] | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { i3 = d2 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 & 3 | 0) != 3) { k2 = g2; l2 = h3; break; } c[786077] = h3; c[i3 >> 2] = j2 & -2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = h3 | 1; c[d2 >> 2] = h3; return; } j2 = f2 >>> 3; if (f2 >>> 0 < 256) { f2 = c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) { c[786075] = c[786075] & ~(1 << j2); k2 = g2; l2 = h3; break; } else { c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = f2; k2 = g2; l2 = h3; break; } } f2 = c[g2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { j2 = g2 + 16 | 0; m4 = j2 + 4 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) { o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!o2) { p2 = 0; break; } else { q3 = o2; r2 = j2; } } else { q3 = n2; r2 = m4; } m4 = q3; n2 = r2; while (true) { j2 = m4 + 20 | 0; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!o2) { s3 = m4 + 16 | 0; t3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) break; else { u2 = t3; v2 = s3; } } else { u2 = o2; v2 = j2; } m4 = u2; n2 = v2; } c[n2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = m4; } else { j2 = c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = i3; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = j2; p2 = i3; } while (0); if (f2) { i3 = c[g2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; j2 = 3144604 + (i3 << 2) | 0; if ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { c[j2 >> 2] = p2; if (!p2) { c[786076] = c[786076] & ~(1 << i3); k2 = g2; l2 = h3; break; } } else { i3 = f2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? i3 : f2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = p2; if (!p2) { k2 = g2; l2 = h3; break; } } c[p2 + 24 >> 2] = f2; i3 = g2 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (j2 | 0) { c[p2 + 16 >> 2] = j2; c[j2 + 24 >> 2] = p2; } j2 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (j2) { c[p2 + 20 >> 2] = j2; c[j2 + 24 >> 2] = p2; k2 = g2; l2 = h3; } else { k2 = g2; l2 = h3; } } else { k2 = g2; l2 = h3; } } else { k2 = a2; l2 = b4; } while (0); b4 = d2 + 4 | 0; a2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a2 & 2)) { if ((c[786081] | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { p2 = (c[786078] | 0) + l2 | 0; c[786078] = p2; c[786081] = k2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = p2 | 1; if ((k2 | 0) != (c[786080] | 0)) return; c[786080] = 0; c[786077] = 0; return; } if ((c[786080] | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { p2 = (c[786077] | 0) + l2 | 0; c[786077] = p2; c[786080] = k2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = p2 | 1; c[k2 + p2 >> 2] = p2; return; } p2 = (a2 & -8) + l2 | 0; v2 = a2 >>> 3; do if (a2 >>> 0 < 256) { u2 = c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == (u2 | 0)) { c[786075] = c[786075] & ~(1 << v2); break; } else { c[u2 + 12 >> 2] = r2; c[r2 + 8 >> 2] = u2; break; } } else { u2 = c[d2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; do if ((r2 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { q3 = d2 + 16 | 0; e2 = q3 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) { i3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { w2 = 0; break; } else { x2 = i3; y4 = q3; } } else { x2 = j2; y4 = e2; } e2 = x2; j2 = y4; while (true) { q3 = e2 + 20 | 0; i3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { o2 = e2 + 16 | 0; s3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) break; else { z3 = s3; A4 = o2; } } else { z3 = i3; A4 = q3; } e2 = z3; j2 = A4; } c[j2 >> 2] = 0; w2 = e2; } else { m4 = c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = r2; c[r2 + 8 >> 2] = m4; w2 = r2; } while (0); if (u2 | 0) { r2 = c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; h3 = 3144604 + (r2 << 2) | 0; if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = w2; if (!w2) { c[786076] = c[786076] & ~(1 << r2); break; } } else { r2 = u2 + 16 | 0; c[((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == (d2 | 0) ? r2 : u2 + 20 | 0) >> 2] = w2; if (!w2) break; } c[w2 + 24 >> 2] = u2; r2 = d2 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 | 0) { c[w2 + 16 >> 2] = h3; c[h3 + 24 >> 2] = w2; } h3 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 | 0) { c[w2 + 20 >> 2] = h3; c[h3 + 24 >> 2] = w2; } } } while (0); c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = p2 | 1; c[k2 + p2 >> 2] = p2; if ((k2 | 0) == (c[786080] | 0)) { c[786077] = p2; return; } else B2 = p2; } else { c[b4 >> 2] = a2 & -2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = l2 | 1; c[k2 + l2 >> 2] = l2; B2 = l2; } l2 = B2 >>> 3; if (B2 >>> 0 < 256) { a2 = 3144340 + (l2 << 1 << 2) | 0; b4 = c[786075] | 0; p2 = 1 << l2; if (!(b4 & p2)) { c[786075] = b4 | p2; C3 = a2 + 8 | 0; D3 = a2; } else { p2 = a2 + 8 | 0; C3 = p2; D3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; } c[C3 >> 2] = k2; c[D3 + 12 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = D3; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = a2; return; } a2 = B2 >>> 8; if (a2) if (B2 >>> 0 > 16777215) E3 = 31; else { D3 = (a2 + 1048320 | 0) >>> 16 & 8; C3 = a2 << D3; a2 = (C3 + 520192 | 0) >>> 16 & 4; p2 = C3 << a2; C3 = (p2 + 245760 | 0) >>> 16 & 2; b4 = 14 - (a2 | D3 | C3) + (p2 << C3 >>> 15) | 0; E3 = B2 >>> (b4 + 7 | 0) & 1 | b4 << 1; } else E3 = 0; b4 = 3144604 + (E3 << 2) | 0; c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = E3; c[k2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; C3 = c[786076] | 0; p2 = 1 << E3; if (!(C3 & p2)) { c[786076] = C3 | p2; c[b4 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = b4; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = k2; return; } p2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((c[p2 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (B2 | 0)) F3 = p2; else { b4 = B2 << ((E3 | 0) == 31 ? 0 : 25 - (E3 >>> 1) | 0); C3 = p2; while (true) { G2 = C3 + 16 + (b4 >>> 31 << 2) | 0; D3 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; if (!D3) break; if ((c[D3 + 4 >> 2] & -8 | 0) == (B2 | 0)) { F3 = D3; break a; } else { b4 = b4 << 1; C3 = D3; } } c[G2 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = C3; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = k2; return; } while (0); G2 = F3 + 8 | 0; B2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 + 12 >> 2] = k2; c[G2 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = B2; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = F3; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Qs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; c[d2 >> 2] = Vs(c[a2 + 60 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = Ts(ea(6, d2 | 0) | 0) | 0; Ia = b4; return a2 | 0; } function Rs(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2 + 16 | 0; h3 = f2; c[h3 >> 2] = d2; i3 = h3 + 4 | 0; j2 = b4 + 48 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = e2 - ((k2 | 0) != 0 & 1); l2 = b4 + 44 | 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 >> 2] = c[b4 + 60 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = 2; h3 = Ts(Z(145, g2 | 0) | 0) | 0; if ((h3 | 0) >= 1) { g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 > g2 >>> 0) { i3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = i3; k2 = i3; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = k2 + (h3 - g2); if (!(c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) m4 = e2; else { c[l2 >> 2] = k2 + 1; a[d2 + (e2 + -1) >> 0] = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = e2; } } else m4 = h3; } else { c[b4 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2] | h3 & 48 ^ 16; m4 = h3; } Ia = f2; return m4 | 0; } function Ss(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = f2; c[g2 >> 2] = c[a2 + 60 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = e2; if ((Ts(Y(140, g2 | 0) | 0) | 0) < 0) { g2 = h3; c[g2 >> 2] = -1; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = -1; i3 = -1; j2 = -1; } else { g2 = h3; i3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } F(i3 | 0); Ia = f2; return j2 | 0; } function Ts(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (a2 >>> 0 > 4294963200) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 0 - a2; b4 = -1; } else b4 = a2; return b4 | 0; } function Us() { return 3144796; } function Vs(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return a2 | 0; } function Ws2(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2; c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = 4; if ((c[b4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) == 0 ? (c[g2 >> 2] = c[b4 + 60 >> 2], c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 21523, c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = f2 + 16, da(54, g2 | 0) | 0) : 0) a[b4 + 75 >> 0] = -1; g2 = Xs(b4, d2, e2) | 0; Ia = f2; return g2 | 0; } function Xs(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; f2 = e2 + 32 | 0; g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; h3 = e2; i3 = a2 + 28 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; k2 = a2 + 20 | 0; l2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - j2 | 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = l2; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = b4; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = d2; b4 = l2 + d2 | 0; l2 = a2 + 60 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = h3; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = 2; j2 = Ts(_4(146, g2 | 0) | 0) | 0; a: do if ((b4 | 0) != (j2 | 0)) { g2 = j2; m4 = h3; n2 = 2; o2 = b4; while (true) { if ((g2 | 0) < 0) break; o2 = o2 - g2 | 0; p2 = c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = g2 >>> 0 > p2 >>> 0; r2 = q3 ? m4 + 8 | 0 : m4; s3 = n2 + (q3 << 31 >> 31) | 0; t3 = g2 - (q3 ? p2 : 0) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + t3; p2 = r2 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) - t3; c[f2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = s3; g2 = Ts(_4(146, f2 | 0) | 0) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) { u2 = 3; break a; } else { m4 = r2; n2 = s3; } } c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2] | 32; if ((n2 | 0) == 2) v2 = 0; else v2 = d2 - (c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } else u2 = 3; while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 3) { u2 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = u2 + (c[a2 + 48 >> 2] | 0); a2 = u2; c[i3 >> 2] = a2; c[k2 >> 2] = a2; v2 = d2; } Ia = e2; return v2 | 0; } function Ys(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = b4 | 0; return + +Zs(a2, b4); } function Zs(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= 1023) if ((b4 | 0) < -1022) { d2 = a2 * 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022250738585072014; e2 = (b4 | 0) < -2044; f2 = b4 + 2044 | 0; i3 = e2 ? (f2 | 0) > -1022 ? f2 : -1022 : b4 + 1022 | 0; j2 = e2 ? d2 * 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022250738585072014 : d2; } else { i3 = b4; j2 = a2; } else { d2 = a2 * 89884656743115800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; e2 = (b4 | 0) > 2046; f2 = b4 + -2046 | 0; i3 = e2 ? (f2 | 0) < 1023 ? f2 : 1023 : b4 + -1023 | 0; j2 = e2 ? d2 * 89884656743115800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : d2; } e2 = Dv2(i3 + 1023 | 0, 0, 52) | 0; i3 = G() | 0; c[h2 >> 2] = e2; c[h2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; return +(j2 * +g[h2 >> 3]); } function _s(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; g[h2 >> 3] = a2; d2 = c[h2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[h2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; f2 = Cv(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, 52) | 0; G() | 0; switch (f2 & 2047) { case 0: { if (a2 != 0) { i3 = +_s(a2 * 18446744073709550000, b4); j2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -64 | 0; k2 = i3; } else { j2 = 0; k2 = a2; } c[b4 >> 2] = j2; l2 = k2; break; } case 2047: { l2 = a2; break; } default: { c[b4 >> 2] = (f2 & 2047) + -1022; c[h2 >> 2] = d2; c[h2 + 4 >> 2] = e2 & -2146435073 | 1071644672; l2 = +g[h2 >> 3]; } } return +l2; } function $s(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = +b4; return + +at(a2, b4); } function at(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = +b4; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; g[h2 >> 3] = a2; d2 = c[h2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[h2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; g[h2 >> 3] = b4; f2 = c[h2 + 4 >> 2] & -2147483648 | e2 & 2147483647; c[h2 >> 2] = d2; c[h2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; return + +g[h2 >> 3]; } function bt(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = +b4; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0; g[h2 >> 3] = a2; d2 = c[h2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[h2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; g[h2 >> 3] = b4; f2 = c[h2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[h2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = Cv(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, 52) | 0; G() | 0; k2 = j2 & 2047; j2 = Cv(f2 | 0, i3 | 0, 52) | 0; G() | 0; l2 = j2 & 2047; j2 = e2 & -2147483648; m4 = Dv2(f2 | 0, i3 | 0, 1) | 0; n2 = G() | 0; a: do if (!((m4 | 0) == 0 & (n2 | 0) == 0) ? (o2 = ct(b4) | 0, p2 = (G() | 0) & 2147483647, !((k2 | 0) == 2047 | (p2 >>> 0 > 2146435072 | (p2 | 0) == 2146435072 & o2 >>> 0 > 0))) : 0) { o2 = Dv2(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, 1) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; if (!(p2 >>> 0 > n2 >>> 0 | (p2 | 0) == (n2 | 0) & o2 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0)) return +((o2 | 0) == (m4 | 0) & (p2 | 0) == (n2 | 0) ? a2 * 0 : a2); if (!k2) { p2 = Dv2(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, 12) | 0; o2 = G() | 0; if ((o2 | 0) > -1 | (o2 | 0) == -1 & p2 >>> 0 > 4294967295) { q3 = p2; p2 = o2; o2 = 0; while (true) { r2 = o2 + -1 | 0; q3 = Dv2(q3 | 0, p2 | 0, 1) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; if (!((p2 | 0) > -1 | (p2 | 0) == -1 & q3 >>> 0 > 4294967295)) { s3 = r2; break; } else o2 = r2; } } else s3 = 0; o2 = Dv2(d2 | 0, e2 | 0, 1 - s3 | 0) | 0; t3 = o2; u2 = G() | 0; v2 = s3; } else { t3 = d2; u2 = e2 & 1048575 | 1048576; v2 = k2; } if (!l2) { o2 = Dv2(f2 | 0, i3 | 0, 12) | 0; q3 = G() | 0; if ((q3 | 0) > -1 | (q3 | 0) == -1 & o2 >>> 0 > 4294967295) { p2 = o2; o2 = q3; q3 = 0; while (true) { r2 = q3 + -1 | 0; p2 = Dv2(p2 | 0, o2 | 0, 1) | 0; o2 = G() | 0; if (!((o2 | 0) > -1 | (o2 | 0) == -1 & p2 >>> 0 > 4294967295)) { w2 = r2; break; } else q3 = r2; } } else w2 = 0; q3 = Dv2(f2 | 0, i3 | 0, 1 - w2 | 0) | 0; x2 = q3; y4 = G() | 0; z3 = w2; } else { x2 = f2; y4 = i3 & 1048575 | 1048576; z3 = l2; } q3 = uv(t3 | 0, u2 | 0, x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; o2 = (p2 | 0) > -1 | (p2 | 0) == -1 & q3 >>> 0 > 4294967295; b: do if ((v2 | 0) > (z3 | 0)) { r2 = t3; A4 = u2; B2 = q3; C3 = p2; D3 = o2; E3 = v2; while (true) { if (D3) if ((B2 | 0) == 0 & (C3 | 0) == 0) break; else { F3 = B2; H2 = C3; } else { F3 = r2; H2 = A4; } I2 = Dv2(F3 | 0, H2 | 0, 1) | 0; J2 = G() | 0; K2 = E3 + -1 | 0; L3 = uv(I2 | 0, J2 | 0, x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; M2 = G() | 0; N4 = (M2 | 0) > -1 | (M2 | 0) == -1 & L3 >>> 0 > 4294967295; if ((K2 | 0) > (z3 | 0)) { r2 = I2; A4 = J2; B2 = L3; C3 = M2; D3 = N4; E3 = K2; } else { O2 = L3; P2 = M2; Q3 = I2; R3 = J2; S2 = N4; T4 = K2; break b; } } U2 = a2 * 0; break a; } else { O2 = q3; P2 = p2; Q3 = t3; R3 = u2; S2 = o2; T4 = v2; } while (0); if (S2) if ((O2 | 0) == 0 & (P2 | 0) == 0) { U2 = a2 * 0; break; } else { V3 = P2; W2 = O2; } else { V3 = R3; W2 = Q3; } if (V3 >>> 0 < 1048576 | (V3 | 0) == 1048576 & W2 >>> 0 < 0) { o2 = W2; p2 = V3; q3 = T4; while (true) { E3 = Dv2(o2 | 0, p2 | 0, 1) | 0; D3 = G() | 0; C3 = q3 + -1 | 0; if (D3 >>> 0 < 1048576 | (D3 | 0) == 1048576 & E3 >>> 0 < 0) { o2 = E3; p2 = D3; q3 = C3; } else { X2 = E3; Y2 = D3; Z3 = C3; break; } } } else { X2 = W2; Y2 = V3; Z3 = T4; } if ((Z3 | 0) > 0) { q3 = tv(X2 | 0, Y2 | 0, 0, -1048576) | 0; p2 = G() | 0; o2 = Dv2(Z3 | 0, 0, 52) | 0; _5 = p2 | (G() | 0); $2 = q3 | o2; } else { o2 = Cv(X2 | 0, Y2 | 0, 1 - Z3 | 0) | 0; _5 = G() | 0; $2 = o2; } c[h2 >> 2] = $2; c[h2 + 4 >> 2] = _5 | j2; U2 = +g[h2 >> 3]; } else aa2 = 3; while (0); if ((aa2 | 0) == 3) { ba3 = a2 * b4; U2 = ba3 / ba3; } return +U2; } function ct(a2) { a2 = +a2; var b4 = 0; g[h2 >> 3] = a2; b4 = c[h2 >> 2] | 0; F(c[h2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); return b4 | 0; } function dt(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = +b4; return + +bt(a2, b4); } function et(a2, b4) { a2 = +a2; b4 = b4 | 0; return + +Zs(a2, b4); } function ft(b4, c2, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; a: do if (!d2) e2 = 0; else { f2 = b4; g2 = d2; h3 = c2; while (true) { i3 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (i3 << 24 >> 24 != j2 << 24 >> 24) break; g2 = g2 + -1 | 0; if (!g2) { e2 = 0; break a; } else { f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } } e2 = (i3 & 255) - (j2 & 255) | 0; } while (0); return e2 | 0; } function gt(b4, c2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; if (!e2) f2 = 0; else { g2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (!(g2 << 24 >> 24)) { h3 = 0; i3 = c2; } else { j2 = g2; k2 = b4; l2 = e2; m4 = c2; while (true) { l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; n2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(j2 << 24 >> 24 == n2 << 24 >> 24 & ((l2 | 0) != 0 & n2 << 24 >> 24 != 0))) { h3 = j2; i3 = m4; break a; } k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; j2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(j2 << 24 >> 24)) { h3 = 0; i3 = n2; break; } else m4 = n2; } } while (0); f2 = (h3 & 255) - (d[i3 >> 0] | 0) | 0; } return f2 | 0; } function ht(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return (a2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10 | 0; } function it(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; d2 = jt(a2, b4, f2) | 0; Ia = e2; return d2 | 0; } function jt(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return kt(a2, 2147483647, b4, c2) | 0; } function kt(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 160 | 0; h3 = g2 + 144 | 0; i3 = g2; Hv(i3 | 0, 34624, 144) | 0; if ((d2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 > 2147483646) if (!d2) { j2 = 1; k2 = h3; l2 = 4; } else { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 75; m4 = -1; } else { j2 = d2; k2 = b4; l2 = 4; } if ((l2 | 0) == 4) { l2 = -2 - k2 | 0; b4 = j2 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0 ? l2 : j2; c[i3 + 48 >> 2] = b4; j2 = i3 + 20 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2; c[i3 + 44 >> 2] = k2; l2 = k2 + b4 | 0; k2 = i3 + 16 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; c[i3 + 28 >> 2] = l2; l2 = lt(i3, e2, f2) | 0; if (!b4) m4 = l2; else { b4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; a[b4 + (((b4 | 0) == (c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) << 31 >> 31) >> 0] = 0; m4 = l2; } } Ia = g2; return m4 | 0; } function lt(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return ot2(a2, b4, c2, 1, 8) | 0; } function mt(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = +e2; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 560 | 0; k2 = j2 + 32 | 0; l2 = j2 + 536 | 0; m4 = j2; n2 = m4; o2 = j2 + 540 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = o2 + 12 | 0; q3 = Gt(e2) | 0; r2 = G() | 0; if ((r2 | 0) < 0) { s3 = -e2; t3 = Gt(s3) | 0; u2 = G() | 0; v2 = t3; w2 = 1; x2 = 103197; y4 = s3; } else { u2 = r2; v2 = q3; w2 = (h3 & 2049 | 0) != 0 & 1; x2 = (h3 & 2048 | 0) == 0 ? (h3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 103198 : 103203 : 103200; y4 = e2; } do if (true & (u2 & 2146435072 | 0) == 2146435072) { q3 = (i3 & 32 | 0) != 0; v2 = w2 + 3 | 0; zt(b4, 32, f2, v2, h3 & -65537); st(b4, x2, w2); st(b4, y4 != y4 | false ? q3 ? 103246 : 103224 : q3 ? 103216 : 103220, 3); zt(b4, 32, f2, v2, h3 ^ 8192); z3 = v2; } else { e2 = +_s(y4, l2) * 2; v2 = e2 != 0; if (v2) c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; q3 = i3 | 32; if ((q3 | 0) == 97) { r2 = i3 & 32; t3 = (r2 | 0) == 0 ? x2 : x2 + 9 | 0; A4 = w2 | 2; C3 = 12 - g2 | 0; do if (!(g2 >>> 0 > 11 | (C3 | 0) == 0)) { D3 = C3; s3 = 8; do { D3 = D3 + -1 | 0; s3 = s3 * 16; } while ((D3 | 0) != 0); if ((a[t3 >> 0] | 0) == 45) { E3 = -(s3 + (-e2 - s3)); break; } else { E3 = e2 + s3 - s3; break; } } else E3 = e2; while (0); C3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = (C3 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - C3 | 0 : C3; F3 = xt(D3, ((D3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31, p2) | 0; if ((F3 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) { D3 = o2 + 11 | 0; a[D3 >> 0] = 48; H2 = D3; } else H2 = F3; a[H2 + -1 >> 0] = (C3 >> 31 & 2) + 43; C3 = H2 + -2 | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = i3 + 15; F3 = (g2 | 0) < 1; D3 = (h3 & 8 | 0) == 0; I2 = m4; J2 = E3; while (true) { K2 = ~~J2; L3 = I2 + 1 | 0; a[I2 >> 0] = r2 | d[34160 + K2 >> 0]; J2 = (J2 - +(K2 | 0)) * 16; if ((L3 - n2 | 0) == 1 ? !(D3 & (F3 & J2 == 0)) : 0) { a[L3 >> 0] = 46; M2 = I2 + 2 | 0; } else M2 = L3; if (!(J2 != 0)) break; else I2 = M2; } I2 = M2; if ((g2 | 0) != 0 ? (-2 - n2 + I2 | 0) < (g2 | 0) : 0) { F3 = p2; D3 = C3; N4 = g2 + 2 + F3 - D3 | 0; O2 = F3; P2 = D3; } else { D3 = p2; F3 = C3; N4 = D3 - n2 - F3 + I2 | 0; O2 = D3; P2 = F3; } F3 = N4 + A4 | 0; zt(b4, 32, f2, F3, h3); st(b4, t3, A4); zt(b4, 48, f2, F3, h3 ^ 65536); D3 = I2 - n2 | 0; st(b4, m4, D3); I2 = O2 - P2 | 0; zt(b4, 48, N4 - (D3 + I2) | 0, 0, 0); st(b4, C3, I2); zt(b4, 32, f2, F3, h3 ^ 8192); z3 = F3; break; } F3 = (g2 | 0) < 0 ? 6 : g2; if (v2) { I2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + -28 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = I2; Q3 = I2; R3 = e2 * 268435456; } else { Q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = e2; } I2 = (Q3 | 0) < 0 ? k2 : k2 + 288 | 0; J2 = R3; D3 = I2; do { r2 = ~~J2 >>> 0; c[D3 >> 2] = r2; D3 = D3 + 4 | 0; J2 = (J2 - +(r2 >>> 0)) * 1e9; } while (J2 != 0); v2 = I2; if ((Q3 | 0) > 0) { C3 = Q3; A4 = I2; t3 = D3; while (true) { r2 = (C3 | 0) < 29 ? C3 : 29; L3 = t3 + -4 | 0; if (L3 >>> 0 >= A4 >>> 0) { K2 = 0; S2 = L3; do { L3 = Dv2(c[S2 >> 2] | 0, 0, r2 | 0) | 0; T4 = tv(L3 | 0, G() | 0, K2 | 0, 0) | 0; L3 = G() | 0; K2 = Av(T4 | 0, L3 | 0, 1e9, 0) | 0; U2 = zv(K2 | 0, G() | 0, 1e9, 0) | 0; V3 = uv(T4 | 0, L3 | 0, U2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; G() | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = V3; S2 = S2 + -4 | 0; } while (S2 >>> 0 >= A4 >>> 0); if (K2) { S2 = A4 + -4 | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = K2; W2 = S2; } else W2 = A4; } else W2 = A4; a: do if (t3 >>> 0 > W2 >>> 0) { S2 = t3; while (true) { V3 = S2 + -4 | 0; if (c[V3 >> 2] | 0) { X2 = S2; break a; } if (V3 >>> 0 > W2 >>> 0) S2 = V3; else { X2 = V3; break; } } } else X2 = t3; while (0); K2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) - r2 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = K2; if ((K2 | 0) > 0) { C3 = K2; A4 = W2; t3 = X2; } else { Y2 = K2; Z3 = W2; _5 = X2; break; } } } else { Y2 = Q3; Z3 = I2; _5 = D3; } if ((Y2 | 0) < 0) { t3 = ((F3 + 25 | 0) / 9 | 0) + 1 | 0; A4 = (q3 | 0) == 102; C3 = Y2; K2 = Z3; S2 = _5; while (true) { V3 = 0 - C3 | 0; U2 = (V3 | 0) < 9 ? V3 : 9; if (K2 >>> 0 < S2 >>> 0) { V3 = (1 << U2) + -1 | 0; L3 = 1e9 >>> U2; T4 = 0; $2 = K2; do { aa2 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = (aa2 >>> U2) + T4; T4 = B(aa2 & V3, L3) | 0; $2 = $2 + 4 | 0; } while ($2 >>> 0 < S2 >>> 0); $2 = (c[K2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? K2 + 4 | 0 : K2; if (!T4) { ba3 = $2; ca2 = S2; } else { c[S2 >> 2] = T4; ba3 = $2; ca2 = S2 + 4 | 0; } } else { ba3 = (c[K2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? K2 + 4 | 0 : K2; ca2 = S2; } $2 = A4 ? I2 : ba3; L3 = (ca2 - $2 >> 2 | 0) > (t3 | 0) ? $2 + (t3 << 2) | 0 : ca2; C3 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + U2 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = C3; if ((C3 | 0) >= 0) { da2 = ba3; ea2 = L3; break; } else { K2 = ba3; S2 = L3; } } } else { da2 = Z3; ea2 = _5; } if (da2 >>> 0 < ea2 >>> 0) { S2 = (v2 - da2 >> 2) * 9 | 0; K2 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; if (K2 >>> 0 < 10) fa2 = S2; else { C3 = S2; S2 = 10; while (true) { S2 = S2 * 10 | 0; t3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if (K2 >>> 0 < S2 >>> 0) { fa2 = t3; break; } else C3 = t3; } } } else fa2 = 0; C3 = (q3 | 0) == 103; S2 = (F3 | 0) != 0; K2 = F3 - ((q3 | 0) == 102 ? 0 : fa2) + ((S2 & C3) << 31 >> 31) | 0; if ((K2 | 0) < (((ea2 - v2 >> 2) * 9 | 0) + -9 | 0)) { t3 = K2 + 9216 | 0; K2 = (t3 | 0) / 9 | 0; A4 = I2 + 4 + (K2 + -1024 << 2) | 0; D3 = t3 - (K2 * 9 | 0) | 0; if ((D3 | 0) < 8) { K2 = 10; t3 = D3; while (true) { D3 = K2 * 10 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) < 7) { K2 = D3; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } else { ga2 = D3; break; } } } else ga2 = 10; t3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (t3 >>> 0) / (ga2 >>> 0) | 0; q3 = t3 - (B(K2, ga2) | 0) | 0; D3 = (A4 + 4 | 0) == (ea2 | 0); if (!(D3 & (q3 | 0) == 0)) { s3 = (K2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 9007199254740992 : 9007199254740994; K2 = ga2 >>> 1; J2 = q3 >>> 0 < K2 >>> 0 ? 0.5 : D3 & (q3 | 0) == (K2 | 0) ? 1 : 1.5; if (!w2) { ha2 = s3; ia2 = J2; } else { K2 = (a[x2 >> 0] | 0) == 45; ha2 = K2 ? -s3 : s3; ia2 = K2 ? -J2 : J2; } K2 = t3 - q3 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = K2; if (ha2 + ia2 != ha2) { q3 = K2 + ga2 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = q3; if (q3 >>> 0 > 999999999) { q3 = da2; K2 = A4; while (true) { t3 = K2 + -4 | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = 0; if (t3 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { D3 = q3 + -4 | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = 0; ja2 = D3; } else ja2 = q3; D3 = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = D3; if (D3 >>> 0 > 999999999) { q3 = ja2; K2 = t3; } else { ka2 = ja2; la2 = t3; break; } } } else { ka2 = da2; la2 = A4; } K2 = (v2 - ka2 >> 2) * 9 | 0; q3 = c[ka2 >> 2] | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 < 10) { ma2 = ka2; na2 = la2; oa2 = K2; } else { t3 = K2; K2 = 10; while (true) { K2 = K2 * 10 | 0; D3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 < K2 >>> 0) { ma2 = ka2; na2 = la2; oa2 = D3; break; } else t3 = D3; } } } else { ma2 = da2; na2 = A4; oa2 = fa2; } } else { ma2 = da2; na2 = A4; oa2 = fa2; } t3 = na2 + 4 | 0; pa3 = ma2; qa2 = oa2; ra2 = ea2 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0 ? t3 : ea2; } else { pa3 = da2; qa2 = fa2; ra2 = ea2; } t3 = 0 - qa2 | 0; b: do if (ra2 >>> 0 > pa3 >>> 0) { K2 = ra2; while (true) { q3 = K2 + -4 | 0; if (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) { sa2 = 1; ta2 = K2; break b; } if (q3 >>> 0 > pa3 >>> 0) K2 = q3; else { sa2 = 0; ta2 = q3; break; } } } else { sa2 = 0; ta2 = ra2; } while (0); do if (C3) { A4 = F3 + ((S2 ^ 1) & 1) | 0; if ((A4 | 0) > (qa2 | 0) & (qa2 | 0) > -5) { ua2 = A4 + -1 - qa2 | 0; va2 = i3 + -1 | 0; } else { ua2 = A4 + -1 | 0; va2 = i3 + -2 | 0; } if (!(h3 & 8)) { if (sa2 ? (A4 = c[ta2 + -4 >> 2] | 0, (A4 | 0) != 0) : 0) if (!((A4 >>> 0) % 10 | 0)) { K2 = 10; U2 = 0; while (true) { K2 = K2 * 10 | 0; T4 = U2 + 1 | 0; if ((A4 >>> 0) % (K2 >>> 0) | 0 | 0) { wa2 = T4; break; } else U2 = T4; } } else wa2 = 0; else wa2 = 9; U2 = ((ta2 - v2 >> 2) * 9 | 0) + -9 | 0; if ((va2 | 32 | 0) == 102) { K2 = U2 - wa2 | 0; A4 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; xa2 = (ua2 | 0) < (A4 | 0) ? ua2 : A4; ya2 = va2; break; } else { A4 = U2 + qa2 - wa2 | 0; U2 = (A4 | 0) > 0 ? A4 : 0; xa2 = (ua2 | 0) < (U2 | 0) ? ua2 : U2; ya2 = va2; break; } } else { xa2 = ua2; ya2 = va2; } } else { xa2 = F3; ya2 = i3; } while (0); F3 = (xa2 | 0) != 0; v2 = F3 ? 1 : h3 >>> 3 & 1; S2 = (ya2 | 32 | 0) == 102; if (S2) { za2 = 0; Aa3 = (qa2 | 0) > 0 ? qa2 : 0; } else { C3 = (qa2 | 0) < 0 ? t3 : qa2; U2 = xt(C3, ((C3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31, p2) | 0; C3 = p2; if ((C3 - U2 | 0) < 2) { A4 = U2; while (true) { K2 = A4 + -1 | 0; a[K2 >> 0] = 48; if ((C3 - K2 | 0) < 2) A4 = K2; else { Ba3 = K2; break; } } } else Ba3 = U2; a[Ba3 + -1 >> 0] = (qa2 >> 31 & 2) + 43; A4 = Ba3 + -2 | 0; a[A4 >> 0] = ya2; za2 = A4; Aa3 = C3 - A4 | 0; } A4 = w2 + 1 + xa2 + v2 + Aa3 | 0; zt(b4, 32, f2, A4, h3); st(b4, x2, w2); zt(b4, 48, f2, A4, h3 ^ 65536); if (S2) { t3 = pa3 >>> 0 > I2 >>> 0 ? I2 : pa3; K2 = m4 + 9 | 0; T4 = K2; q3 = m4 + 8 | 0; D3 = t3; do { L3 = xt(c[D3 >> 2] | 0, 0, K2) | 0; if ((D3 | 0) == (t3 | 0)) if ((L3 | 0) == (K2 | 0)) { a[q3 >> 0] = 48; Ca2 = q3; } else Ca2 = L3; else if (L3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { Iv(m4 | 0, 48, L3 - n2 | 0) | 0; $2 = L3; while (true) { V3 = $2 + -1 | 0; if (V3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) $2 = V3; else { Ca2 = V3; break; } } } else Ca2 = L3; st(b4, Ca2, T4 - Ca2 | 0); D3 = D3 + 4 | 0; } while (D3 >>> 0 <= I2 >>> 0); if (!((h3 & 8 | 0) == 0 & (F3 ^ 1))) st(b4, 103254, 1); if (D3 >>> 0 < ta2 >>> 0 & (xa2 | 0) > 0) { I2 = D3; T4 = xa2; while (true) { q3 = xt(c[I2 >> 2] | 0, 0, K2) | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { Iv(m4 | 0, 48, q3 - n2 | 0) | 0; t3 = q3; while (true) { S2 = t3 + -1 | 0; if (S2 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) t3 = S2; else { Da2 = S2; break; } } } else Da2 = q3; st(b4, Da2, (T4 | 0) < 9 ? T4 : 9); I2 = I2 + 4 | 0; t3 = T4 + -9 | 0; if (!(I2 >>> 0 < ta2 >>> 0 & (T4 | 0) > 9)) { Ea2 = t3; break; } else T4 = t3; } } else Ea2 = xa2; zt(b4, 48, Ea2 + 9 | 0, 9, 0); } else { T4 = sa2 ? ta2 : pa3 + 4 | 0; if (pa3 >>> 0 < T4 >>> 0 & (xa2 | 0) > -1) { I2 = m4 + 9 | 0; K2 = (h3 & 8 | 0) == 0; D3 = I2; F3 = 0 - n2 | 0; t3 = m4 + 8 | 0; L3 = pa3; S2 = xa2; while (true) { v2 = xt(c[L3 >> 2] | 0, 0, I2) | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == (I2 | 0)) { a[t3 >> 0] = 48; Fa2 = t3; } else Fa2 = v2; do if ((L3 | 0) == (pa3 | 0)) { v2 = Fa2 + 1 | 0; st(b4, Fa2, 1); if (K2 & (S2 | 0) < 1) { Ga3 = v2; break; } st(b4, 103254, 1); Ga3 = v2; } else { if (Fa2 >>> 0 <= m4 >>> 0) { Ga3 = Fa2; break; } Iv(m4 | 0, 48, Fa2 + F3 | 0) | 0; v2 = Fa2; while (true) { C3 = v2 + -1 | 0; if (C3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) v2 = C3; else { Ga3 = C3; break; } } } while (0); q3 = D3 - Ga3 | 0; st(b4, Ga3, (S2 | 0) > (q3 | 0) ? q3 : S2); v2 = S2 - q3 | 0; L3 = L3 + 4 | 0; if (!(L3 >>> 0 < T4 >>> 0 & (v2 | 0) > -1)) { Ha3 = v2; break; } else S2 = v2; } } else Ha3 = xa2; zt(b4, 48, Ha3 + 18 | 0, 18, 0); st(b4, za2, p2 - za2 | 0); } zt(b4, 32, f2, A4, h3 ^ 8192); z3 = A4; } while (0); Ia = j2; return ((z3 | 0) < (f2 | 0) ? f2 : z3) | 0; } function nt(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (8 - 1) & ~(8 - 1); e2 = +g[d2 >> 3]; c[b4 >> 2] = d2 + 8; g[a2 >> 3] = e2; return; } function ot2(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 224 | 0; i3 = h3 + 208 | 0; j2 = h3 + 160 | 0; k2 = h3 + 80 | 0; l2 = h3; m4 = j2; n2 = m4 + 40 | 0; do { c[m4 >> 2] = 0; m4 = m4 + 4 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (n2 | 0)); c[i3 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; if ((pt(0, d2, i3, k2, j2, f2, g2) | 0) < 0) o2 = -1; else { if ((c[b4 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) p2 = qt(b4) | 0; else p2 = 0; e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = e2 & 32; if ((a[b4 + 74 >> 0] | 0) < 1) c[b4 >> 2] = e2 & -33; e2 = b4 + 48 | 0; if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) { n2 = b4 + 44 | 0; q3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = l2; r2 = b4 + 28 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = l2; s3 = b4 + 20 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = l2; c[e2 >> 2] = 80; t3 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = l2 + 80; l2 = pt(b4, d2, i3, k2, j2, f2, g2) | 0; if (!q3) u2 = l2; else { Oa2[c[b4 + 36 >> 2] & 7](b4, 0, 0) | 0; v2 = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? -1 : l2; c[n2 >> 2] = q3; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[t3 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; u2 = v2; } } else u2 = pt(b4, d2, i3, k2, j2, f2, g2) | 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = g2 | m4; if (p2 | 0) rt(b4); o2 = (g2 & 32 | 0) == 0 ? u2 : -1; } Ia = h3; return o2 | 0; } function pt(d2, e2, f2, h3, i3, j2, k2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; var l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0; l2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; m4 = l2 + 56 | 0; n2 = l2 + 40 | 0; o2 = l2; p2 = l2 + 48 | 0; q3 = l2 + 60 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = e2; e2 = (d2 | 0) != 0; r2 = o2 + 40 | 0; s3 = r2; t3 = o2 + 39 | 0; o2 = p2 + 4 | 0; u2 = 0; v2 = 0; w2 = 0; a: while (true) { x2 = u2; y4 = v2; while (true) { do if ((x2 | 0) > -1) if ((y4 | 0) > (2147483647 - x2 | 0)) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 75; z3 = -1; break; } else { z3 = y4 + x2 | 0; break; } else z3 = x2; while (0); A4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(B2 << 24 >> 24)) { C3 = 92; break a; } D3 = B2; B2 = A4; b: while (true) { switch (D3 << 24 >> 24) { case 37: { C3 = 10; break b; break; } case 0: { E3 = B2; break b; break; } default: { } } F3 = B2 + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = F3; D3 = a[F3 >> 0] | 0; B2 = F3; } c: do if ((C3 | 0) == 10) { C3 = 0; D3 = B2; F3 = B2; while (true) { if ((a[D3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) != 37) { E3 = F3; break c; } H2 = F3 + 1 | 0; D3 = D3 + 2 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = D3; if ((a[D3 >> 0] | 0) != 37) { E3 = H2; break; } else F3 = H2; } } while (0); y4 = E3 - A4 | 0; if (e2) st(d2, A4, y4); if (!y4) break; else x2 = z3; } x2 = (ht(a[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0) == 0; y4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (!x2 ? (a[y4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 36 : 0) { I2 = 3; J2 = (a[y4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) + -48 | 0; K2 = 1; } else { I2 = 1; J2 = -1; K2 = w2; } x2 = y4 + I2 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = x2; y4 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0; B2 = (y4 << 24 >> 24) + -32 | 0; if (B2 >>> 0 > 31 | (1 << B2 & 75913 | 0) == 0) { L3 = y4; M2 = 0; N4 = x2; } else { y4 = 0; F3 = x2; x2 = B2; while (true) { B2 = 1 << x2 | y4; D3 = F3 + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = D3; H2 = a[D3 >> 0] | 0; x2 = (H2 << 24 >> 24) + -32 | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 > 31 | (1 << x2 & 75913 | 0) == 0) { L3 = H2; M2 = B2; N4 = D3; break; } else { y4 = B2; F3 = D3; } } } if (L3 << 24 >> 24 == 42) { if ((ht(a[N4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0) != 0 ? (F3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0, (a[F3 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 36) : 0) { y4 = F3 + 1 | 0; c[i3 + ((a[y4 >> 0] | 0) + -48 << 2) >> 2] = 10; O2 = 1; P2 = F3 + 3 | 0; Q3 = c[h3 + ((a[y4 >> 0] | 0) + -48 << 3) >> 2] | 0; } else { if (K2 | 0) { R3 = -1; break; } if (e2) { y4 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); F3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = y4 + 4; S2 = F3; } else S2 = 0; O2 = 0; P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; Q3 = S2; } c[m4 >> 2] = P2; F3 = (Q3 | 0) < 0; T4 = P2; U2 = F3 ? M2 | 8192 : M2; V3 = O2; W2 = F3 ? 0 - Q3 | 0 : Q3; } else { F3 = tt(m4) | 0; if ((F3 | 0) < 0) { R3 = -1; break; } T4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; U2 = M2; V3 = K2; W2 = F3; } do if ((a[T4 >> 0] | 0) == 46) { F3 = T4 + 1 | 0; if ((a[F3 >> 0] | 0) != 42) { c[m4 >> 2] = F3; F3 = tt(m4) | 0; X2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = F3; break; } if (ht(a[T4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) | 0 ? (F3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0, (a[F3 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 36) : 0) { y4 = F3 + 2 | 0; c[i3 + ((a[y4 >> 0] | 0) + -48 << 2) >> 2] = 10; x2 = c[h3 + ((a[y4 >> 0] | 0) + -48 << 3) >> 2] | 0; y4 = F3 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = y4; X2 = y4; Y2 = x2; break; } if (V3 | 0) { R3 = -1; break a; } if (e2) { x2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); y4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = x2 + 4; Z3 = y4; } else Z3 = 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 2 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = y4; X2 = y4; Y2 = Z3; } else { X2 = T4; Y2 = -1; } while (0); y4 = X2; x2 = 0; while (true) { if (((a[y4 >> 0] | 0) + -65 | 0) >>> 0 > 57) { R3 = -1; break a; } F3 = y4; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = y4; _5 = a[(a[F3 >> 0] | 0) + -65 + (33696 + (x2 * 58 | 0)) >> 0] | 0; $2 = _5 & 255; if (($2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 >= 8) break; else x2 = $2; } if (!(_5 << 24 >> 24)) { R3 = -1; break; } F3 = (J2 | 0) > -1; do if (_5 << 24 >> 24 == 19) if (F3) { R3 = -1; break a; } else C3 = 54; else { if (F3) { c[i3 + (J2 << 2) >> 2] = $2; D3 = h3 + (J2 << 3) | 0; B2 = c[D3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; H2 = n2; c[H2 >> 2] = c[D3 >> 2]; c[H2 + 4 >> 2] = B2; C3 = 54; break; } if (!e2) { R3 = 0; break a; } ut(n2, $2, f2, k2); aa2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = 55; } while (0); if ((C3 | 0) == 54) { C3 = 0; if (e2) { aa2 = y4; C3 = 55; } else ba3 = 0; } d: do if ((C3 | 0) == 55) { C3 = 0; F3 = a[aa2 + -1 >> 0] | 0; B2 = (x2 | 0) != 0 & (F3 & 15 | 0) == 3 ? F3 & -33 : F3; F3 = U2 & -65537; H2 = (U2 & 8192 | 0) == 0 ? U2 : F3; e: do switch (B2 | 0) { case 110: { switch ((x2 & 255) << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { c[c[n2 >> 2] >> 2] = z3; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } case 1: { c[c[n2 >> 2] >> 2] = z3; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } case 2: { D3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = z3; c[D3 + 4 >> 2] = ((z3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } case 3: { b3[c[n2 >> 2] >> 1] = z3; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } case 4: { a[c[n2 >> 2] >> 0] = z3; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } case 6: { c[c[n2 >> 2] >> 2] = z3; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } case 7: { D3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = z3; c[D3 + 4 >> 2] = ((z3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; ba3 = 0; break d; break; } default: { ba3 = 0; break d; } } break; } case 112: { ca2 = H2 | 8; da2 = Y2 >>> 0 > 8 ? Y2 : 8; ea2 = 120; C3 = 67; break; } case 88: case 120: { ca2 = H2; da2 = Y2; ea2 = B2; C3 = 67; break; } case 111: { D3 = n2; fa2 = wt(c[D3 >> 2] | 0, c[D3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, r2) | 0; D3 = s3 - fa2 | 0; ga2 = fa2; ha2 = H2; ia2 = (H2 & 8 | 0) == 0 | (Y2 | 0) > (D3 | 0) ? Y2 : D3 + 1 | 0; ja2 = 0; ka2 = 103180; C3 = 73; break; } case 105: case 100: { D3 = n2; fa2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; la2 = c[D3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((la2 | 0) < 0) { D3 = uv(0, 0, fa2 | 0, la2 | 0) | 0; ma2 = G() | 0; na2 = n2; c[na2 >> 2] = D3; c[na2 + 4 >> 2] = ma2; oa2 = D3; pa3 = ma2; qa2 = 1; ra2 = 103180; C3 = 72; break e; } else { oa2 = fa2; pa3 = la2; qa2 = (H2 & 2049 | 0) != 0 & 1; ra2 = (H2 & 2048 | 0) == 0 ? (H2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? 103180 : 103182 : 103181; C3 = 72; break e; } break; } case 117: { la2 = n2; oa2 = c[la2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = c[la2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; qa2 = 0; ra2 = 103180; C3 = 72; break; } case 99: { a[t3 >> 0] = c[n2 >> 2]; sa2 = t3; ta2 = F3; ua2 = 1; va2 = 0; wa2 = 103180; xa2 = s3; break; } case 115: { la2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; fa2 = (la2 | 0) == 0 ? 103190 : la2; la2 = yt(fa2, 0, Y2) | 0; ma2 = (la2 | 0) == 0; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = F3; ua2 = ma2 ? Y2 : la2 - fa2 | 0; va2 = 0; wa2 = 103180; xa2 = ma2 ? fa2 + Y2 | 0 : la2; break; } case 67: { c[p2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 >> 2] = p2; ya2 = -1; C3 = 79; break; } case 83: { if (!Y2) { zt(d2, 32, W2, 0, H2); za2 = 0; C3 = 89; } else { ya2 = Y2; C3 = 79; } break; } case 65: case 71: case 70: case 69: case 97: case 103: case 102: case 101: { ba3 = Ma[j2 & 1](d2, +g[n2 >> 3], W2, Y2, H2, B2) | 0; break d; break; } default: { sa2 = A4; ta2 = H2; ua2 = Y2; va2 = 0; wa2 = 103180; xa2 = s3; } } while (0); f: do if ((C3 | 0) == 67) { C3 = 0; B2 = n2; F3 = vt(c[B2 >> 2] | 0, c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, r2, ea2 & 32) | 0; B2 = n2; la2 = (ca2 & 8 | 0) == 0 | (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 & (c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0; ga2 = F3; ha2 = ca2; ia2 = da2; ja2 = la2 ? 0 : 2; ka2 = la2 ? 103180 : 103180 + (ea2 >>> 4) | 0; C3 = 73; } else if ((C3 | 0) == 72) { C3 = 0; ga2 = xt(oa2, pa3, r2) | 0; ha2 = H2; ia2 = Y2; ja2 = qa2; ka2 = ra2; C3 = 73; } else if ((C3 | 0) == 79) { C3 = 0; la2 = 0; F3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { B2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; if (!B2) { Aa3 = la2; break; } fa2 = At(q3, B2) | 0; Ba3 = (fa2 | 0) < 0; if (Ba3 | fa2 >>> 0 > (ya2 - la2 | 0) >>> 0) { C3 = 83; break; } B2 = fa2 + la2 | 0; if (ya2 >>> 0 > B2 >>> 0) { la2 = B2; F3 = F3 + 4 | 0; } else { Aa3 = B2; break; } } if ((C3 | 0) == 83) { C3 = 0; if (Ba3) { R3 = -1; break a; } else Aa3 = la2; } zt(d2, 32, W2, Aa3, H2); if (!Aa3) { za2 = 0; C3 = 89; } else { F3 = 0; B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { fa2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; if (!fa2) { za2 = Aa3; C3 = 89; break f; } ma2 = At(q3, fa2) | 0; F3 = ma2 + F3 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) > (Aa3 | 0)) { za2 = Aa3; C3 = 89; break f; } st(d2, q3, ma2); if (F3 >>> 0 >= Aa3 >>> 0) { za2 = Aa3; C3 = 89; break; } else B2 = B2 + 4 | 0; } } } while (0); if ((C3 | 0) == 73) { C3 = 0; B2 = n2; F3 = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) != 0 | (c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 0; B2 = (ia2 | 0) != 0 | F3; la2 = s3 - ga2 + ((F3 ^ 1) & 1) | 0; sa2 = B2 ? ga2 : r2; ta2 = (ia2 | 0) > -1 ? ha2 & -65537 : ha2; ua2 = B2 ? (ia2 | 0) > (la2 | 0) ? ia2 : la2 : 0; va2 = ja2; wa2 = ka2; xa2 = s3; } else if ((C3 | 0) == 89) { C3 = 0; zt(d2, 32, W2, za2, H2 ^ 8192); ba3 = (W2 | 0) > (za2 | 0) ? W2 : za2; break; } la2 = xa2 - sa2 | 0; B2 = (ua2 | 0) < (la2 | 0) ? la2 : ua2; F3 = B2 + va2 | 0; ma2 = (W2 | 0) < (F3 | 0) ? F3 : W2; zt(d2, 32, ma2, F3, ta2); st(d2, wa2, va2); zt(d2, 48, ma2, F3, ta2 ^ 65536); zt(d2, 48, B2, la2, 0); st(d2, sa2, la2); zt(d2, 32, ma2, F3, ta2 ^ 8192); ba3 = ma2; } while (0); u2 = z3; v2 = ba3; w2 = V3; } g: do if ((C3 | 0) == 92) if (!d2) if (!w2) R3 = 0; else { V3 = 1; while (true) { ba3 = c[i3 + (V3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!ba3) break; ut(h3 + (V3 << 3) | 0, ba3, f2, k2); ba3 = V3 + 1 | 0; if (ba3 >>> 0 < 10) V3 = ba3; else { R3 = 1; break g; } } ba3 = V3; while (true) { if (c[i3 + (ba3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) { R3 = -1; break g; } ba3 = ba3 + 1 | 0; if (ba3 >>> 0 >= 10) { R3 = 1; break; } } } else R3 = z3; while (0); Ia = l2; return R3 | 0; } function qt(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return 1; } function rt(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return; } function st(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; if (!(c[a2 >> 2] & 32)) Et(b4, d2, a2) | 0; return; } function tt(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if (!(ht(a[c[b4 >> 2] >> 0] | 0) | 0)) d2 = 0; else { e2 = 0; while (true) { f2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (e2 * 10 | 0) + -48 + (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; h3 = f2 + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = h3; if (!(ht(a[h3 >> 0] | 0) | 0)) { d2 = g2; break; } else e2 = g2; } } return d2 | 0; } function ut(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; a: do if (b4 >>> 0 <= 20) do switch (b4 | 0) { case 9: { f2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = f2 + 4; c[a2 >> 2] = h3; break a; break; } case 10: { h3 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); f2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = h3 + 4; h3 = a2; c[h3 >> 2] = f2; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = ((f2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; break a; break; } case 11: { f2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = f2 + 4; f2 = a2; c[f2 >> 2] = h3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; break a; break; } case 12: { f2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (8 - 1) & ~(8 - 1); h3 = f2; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = f2 + 8; f2 = a2; c[f2 >> 2] = i3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; break a; break; } case 13: { j2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); f2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = j2 + 4; j2 = (f2 & 65535) << 16 >> 16; f2 = a2; c[f2 >> 2] = j2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = ((j2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; break a; break; } case 14: { j2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); f2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = j2 + 4; j2 = a2; c[j2 >> 2] = f2 & 65535; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; break a; break; } case 15: { j2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); f2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = j2 + 4; j2 = (f2 & 255) << 24 >> 24; f2 = a2; c[f2 >> 2] = j2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = ((j2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; break a; break; } case 16: { j2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); f2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = j2 + 4; j2 = a2; c[j2 >> 2] = f2 & 255; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; break a; break; } case 17: { j2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (8 - 1) & ~(8 - 1); k2 = +g[j2 >> 3]; c[d2 >> 2] = j2 + 8; g[a2 >> 3] = k2; break a; break; } case 18: { Sa[e2 & 15](a2, d2); break a; break; } default: break a; } while (0); while (0); return; } function vt(b4, c2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 0 & (c2 | 0) == 0) g2 = e2; else { h3 = b4; b4 = c2; c2 = e2; while (true) { e2 = c2 + -1 | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = d[34160 + (h3 & 15) >> 0] | 0 | f2; h3 = Cv(h3 | 0, b4 | 0, 4) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == 0 & (b4 | 0) == 0) { g2 = e2; break; } else c2 = e2; } } return g2 | 0; } function wt(b4, c2, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 0 & (c2 | 0) == 0) e2 = d2; else { f2 = b4; b4 = c2; c2 = d2; while (true) { d2 = c2 + -1 | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = f2 & 7 | 48; f2 = Cv(f2 | 0, b4 | 0, 3) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 0 & (b4 | 0) == 0) { e2 = d2; break; } else c2 = d2; } } return e2 | 0; } function xt(b4, c2, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; if (c2 >>> 0 > 0 | (c2 | 0) == 0 & b4 >>> 0 > 4294967295) { e2 = b4; f2 = c2; c2 = d2; do { g2 = e2; e2 = Av(e2 | 0, f2 | 0, 10, 0) | 0; h3 = f2; f2 = G() | 0; i3 = zv(e2 | 0, f2 | 0, 10, 0) | 0; j2 = uv(g2 | 0, h3 | 0, i3 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; G() | 0; c2 = c2 + -1 | 0; a[c2 >> 0] = j2 & 255 | 48; } while (h3 >>> 0 > 9 | (h3 | 0) == 9 & g2 >>> 0 > 4294967295); k2 = c2; l2 = e2; } else { k2 = d2; l2 = b4; } if (!l2) m4 = k2; else { b4 = k2; k2 = l2; while (true) { l2 = k2; k2 = (k2 >>> 0) / 10 | 0; d2 = b4 + -1 | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = l2 - (k2 * 10 | 0) | 48; if (l2 >>> 0 < 10) { m4 = d2; break; } else b4 = d2; } } return m4 | 0; } function yt(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; f2 = d2 & 255; g2 = (e2 | 0) != 0; a: do if (g2 & (b4 & 3 | 0) != 0) { h3 = d2 & 255; i3 = e2; j2 = b4; while (true) { if ((a[j2 >> 0] | 0) == h3 << 24 >> 24) { k2 = i3; l2 = j2; m4 = 6; break a; } n2 = j2 + 1 | 0; o2 = i3 + -1 | 0; p2 = (o2 | 0) != 0; if (p2 & (n2 & 3 | 0) != 0) { i3 = o2; j2 = n2; } else { q3 = o2; r2 = n2; s3 = p2; m4 = 5; break; } } } else { q3 = e2; r2 = b4; s3 = g2; m4 = 5; } while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 5) if (s3) { k2 = q3; l2 = r2; m4 = 6; } else m4 = 16; b: do if ((m4 | 0) == 6) { r2 = d2 & 255; if ((a[l2 >> 0] | 0) == r2 << 24 >> 24) if (!k2) { m4 = 16; break; } else { t3 = l2; break; } q3 = B(f2, 16843009) | 0; c: do if (k2 >>> 0 > 3) { s3 = k2; g2 = l2; while (true) { b4 = c[g2 >> 2] ^ q3; if ((b4 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & b4 + -16843009 | 0) { u2 = g2; v2 = s3; break c; } b4 = g2 + 4 | 0; e2 = s3 + -4 | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 > 3) { s3 = e2; g2 = b4; } else { w2 = e2; x2 = b4; m4 = 11; break; } } } else { w2 = k2; x2 = l2; m4 = 11; } while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 11) if (!w2) { m4 = 16; break; } else { u2 = x2; v2 = w2; } q3 = v2; g2 = u2; while (true) { if ((a[g2 >> 0] | 0) == r2 << 24 >> 24) { t3 = g2; break b; } q3 = q3 + -1 | 0; if (!q3) { m4 = 16; break; } else g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 16) t3 = 0; return t3 | 0; } function zt(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 256 | 0; g2 = f2; if ((c2 | 0) > (d2 | 0) & (e2 & 73728 | 0) == 0) { e2 = c2 - d2 | 0; Iv(g2 | 0, b4 << 24 >> 24 | 0, (e2 >>> 0 < 256 ? e2 : 256) | 0) | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 > 255) { b4 = c2 - d2 | 0; d2 = e2; do { st(a2, g2, 256); d2 = d2 + -256 | 0; } while (d2 >>> 0 > 255); h3 = b4 & 255; } else h3 = e2; st(a2, g2, h3); } Ia = f2; return; } function At(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; if (!a2) c2 = 0; else c2 = Bt(a2, b4, 0) | 0; return c2 | 0; } function Bt(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0; do if (b4) { if (d2 >>> 0 < 128) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2; f2 = 1; break; } if (!(c[c[(Ct() | 0) + 188 >> 2] >> 2] | 0)) if ((d2 & -128 | 0) == 57216) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2; f2 = 1; break; } else { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 84; f2 = -1; break; } if (d2 >>> 0 < 2048) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2 >>> 6 | 192; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = d2 & 63 | 128; f2 = 2; break; } if (d2 >>> 0 < 55296 | (d2 & -8192 | 0) == 57344) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2 >>> 12 | 224; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = d2 >>> 6 & 63 | 128; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = d2 & 63 | 128; f2 = 3; break; } if ((d2 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 < 1048576) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2 >>> 18 | 240; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = d2 >>> 12 & 63 | 128; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = d2 >>> 6 & 63 | 128; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = d2 & 63 | 128; f2 = 4; break; } else { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 84; f2 = -1; break; } } else f2 = 1; while (0); return f2 | 0; } function Ct() { return Dt() | 0; } function Dt() { return 34888; } function Et(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; f2 = e2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!g2) if (!(Ft(e2) | 0)) { h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 5; } else j2 = 0; else { h3 = g2; i3 = 5; } a: do if ((i3 | 0) == 5) { g2 = e2 + 20 | 0; f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = f2; if ((h3 - f2 | 0) >>> 0 < d2 >>> 0) { j2 = Oa2[c[e2 + 36 >> 2] & 7](e2, b4, d2) | 0; break; } b: do if ((a[e2 + 75 >> 0] | 0) < 0 | (d2 | 0) == 0) { l2 = k2; m4 = 0; n2 = d2; o2 = b4; } else { f2 = d2; while (true) { p2 = f2 + -1 | 0; if ((a[b4 + p2 >> 0] | 0) == 10) break; if (!p2) { l2 = k2; m4 = 0; n2 = d2; o2 = b4; break b; } else f2 = p2; } p2 = Oa2[c[e2 + 36 >> 2] & 7](e2, b4, f2) | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0) { j2 = p2; break a; } l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = f2; n2 = d2 - f2 | 0; o2 = b4 + f2 | 0; } while (0); Hv(l2 | 0, o2 | 0, n2 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + n2; j2 = m4 + n2 | 0; } while (0); return j2 | 0; } function Ft(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 74 | 0; e2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = e2 + 255 | e2; e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (!(e2 & 8)) { c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; d2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = d2 + (c[b4 + 48 >> 2] | 0); f2 = 0; } else { c[b4 >> 2] = e2 | 32; f2 = -1; } return f2 | 0; } function Gt(a2) { a2 = +a2; var b4 = 0; g[h2 >> 3] = a2; b4 = c[h2 >> 2] | 0; F(c[h2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); return b4 | 0; } function Ht(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; e2 = a2 + 20 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) - f2 | 0; a2 = g2 >>> 0 > d2 >>> 0 ? d2 : g2; Hv(f2 | 0, b4 | 0, a2 | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + a2; return d2 | 0; } function It(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = a2 + 112 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; e2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = e2 - f2 | 0; h3 = ((g2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; i3 = a2 + 120 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = g2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = h3; if (((b4 | 0) != 0 | (d2 | 0) != 0) & ((h3 | 0) > (d2 | 0) | (h3 | 0) == (d2 | 0) & g2 >>> 0 > b4 >>> 0)) c[a2 + 104 >> 2] = f2 + b4; else c[a2 + 104 >> 2] = e2; return; } function Jt2(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0; a: do if (e2 >>> 0 > 36) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; i3 = 0; j2 = 0; } else { k2 = b4 + 4 | 0; l2 = b4 + 104 | 0; do { m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = m4 + 1; n2 = d[m4 >> 0] | 0; } else n2 = Kt(b4) | 0; } while ((Lt(n2) | 0) != 0); b: do switch (n2 | 0) { case 43: case 45: { m4 = ((n2 | 0) == 45) << 31 >> 31; o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = o2 + 1; p2 = d[o2 >> 0] | 0; q3 = m4; break b; } else { p2 = Kt(b4) | 0; q3 = m4; break b; } break; } default: { p2 = n2; q3 = 0; } } while (0); m4 = (e2 | 0) == 0; do if ((e2 | 16 | 0) == 16 & (p2 | 0) == 48) { o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = o2 + 1; r2 = d[o2 >> 0] | 0; } else r2 = Kt(b4) | 0; if ((r2 | 32 | 0) != 120) if (m4) { s3 = 8; t3 = r2; u2 = 47; break; } else { v2 = e2; w2 = r2; u2 = 32; break; } o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = o2 + 1; x2 = d[o2 >> 0] | 0; } else x2 = Kt(b4) | 0; if ((d[34177 + x2 >> 0] | 0) > 15) { o2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (!o2) c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if (!f2) { It(b4, 0, 0); i3 = 0; j2 = 0; break a; } if (o2) { i3 = 0; j2 = 0; break a; } c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; i3 = 0; j2 = 0; break a; } else { s3 = 16; t3 = x2; u2 = 47; } } else { o2 = m4 ? 10 : e2; if (o2 >>> 0 > (d[34177 + p2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0) { v2 = o2; w2 = p2; u2 = 32; } else { if (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; It(b4, 0, 0); c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; i3 = 0; j2 = 0; break a; } } while (0); c: do if ((u2 | 0) == 32) if ((v2 | 0) == 10) { m4 = w2 + -48 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 < 10) { o2 = m4; m4 = 0; do { m4 = (m4 * 10 | 0) + o2 | 0; y4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = y4 + 1; z3 = d[y4 >> 0] | 0; } else z3 = Kt(b4) | 0; o2 = z3 + -48 | 0; } while (o2 >>> 0 < 10 & m4 >>> 0 < 429496729); if (o2 >>> 0 < 10) { y4 = m4; A4 = 0; C3 = z3; D3 = o2; while (true) { E3 = zv(y4 | 0, A4 | 0, 10, 0) | 0; H2 = G() | 0; I2 = ((D3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; J2 = ~I2; if (H2 >>> 0 > J2 >>> 0 | (H2 | 0) == (J2 | 0) & E3 >>> 0 > ~D3 >>> 0) { K2 = y4; L3 = A4; M2 = 10; N4 = C3; u2 = 76; break c; } y4 = tv(E3 | 0, H2 | 0, D3 | 0, I2 | 0) | 0; A4 = G() | 0; I2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (I2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = I2 + 1; O2 = d[I2 >> 0] | 0; } else O2 = Kt(b4) | 0; D3 = O2 + -48 | 0; if (!(D3 >>> 0 < 10 & (A4 >>> 0 < 429496729 | (A4 | 0) == 429496729 & y4 >>> 0 < 2576980378))) break; else C3 = O2; } if (D3 >>> 0 > 9) { P2 = A4; Q3 = y4; R3 = q3; } else { K2 = y4; L3 = A4; M2 = 10; N4 = O2; u2 = 76; } } else { P2 = 0; Q3 = m4; R3 = q3; } } else { P2 = 0; Q3 = 0; R3 = q3; } } else { s3 = v2; t3 = w2; u2 = 47; } while (0); d: do if ((u2 | 0) == 47) { if (!(s3 + -1 & s3)) { C3 = a[103228 + ((s3 * 23 | 0) >>> 5 & 7) >> 0] | 0; o2 = a[34177 + t3 >> 0] | 0; I2 = o2 & 255; if (s3 >>> 0 > I2 >>> 0) { H2 = I2; E3 = 0; do { E3 = H2 | E3 << C3; J2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (J2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = J2 + 1; S2 = d[J2 >> 0] | 0; } else S2 = Kt(b4) | 0; T4 = a[34177 + S2 >> 0] | 0; H2 = T4 & 255; } while (E3 >>> 0 < 134217728 & s3 >>> 0 > H2 >>> 0); U2 = T4; V3 = 0; W2 = E3; X2 = S2; Y2 = H2; } else { U2 = o2; V3 = 0; W2 = 0; X2 = t3; Y2 = I2; } m4 = Cv(-1, -1, C3 | 0) | 0; A4 = G() | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 <= Y2 >>> 0 | (A4 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0 | (A4 | 0) == (V3 | 0) & m4 >>> 0 < W2 >>> 0)) { K2 = W2; L3 = V3; M2 = s3; N4 = X2; u2 = 76; break; } y4 = W2; D3 = V3; J2 = U2; while (true) { Z3 = Dv2(y4 | 0, D3 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; _5 = G() | 0; $2 = Z3 | J2 & 255; Z3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (Z3 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = Z3 + 1; aa2 = d[Z3 >> 0] | 0; } else aa2 = Kt(b4) | 0; J2 = a[34177 + aa2 >> 0] | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 <= (J2 & 255) >>> 0 | (_5 >>> 0 > A4 >>> 0 | (_5 | 0) == (A4 | 0) & $2 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0)) { K2 = $2; L3 = _5; M2 = s3; N4 = aa2; u2 = 76; break d; } else { y4 = $2; D3 = _5; } } } D3 = a[34177 + t3 >> 0] | 0; y4 = D3 & 255; if (s3 >>> 0 > y4 >>> 0) { m4 = y4; A4 = 0; do { A4 = m4 + (B(A4, s3) | 0) | 0; J2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (J2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = J2 + 1; ba3 = d[J2 >> 0] | 0; } else ba3 = Kt(b4) | 0; ca2 = a[34177 + ba3 >> 0] | 0; m4 = ca2 & 255; } while (A4 >>> 0 < 119304647 & s3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0); da2 = ca2; ea2 = A4; fa2 = 0; ga2 = ba3; ha2 = m4; } else { da2 = D3; ea2 = 0; fa2 = 0; ga2 = t3; ha2 = y4; } if (s3 >>> 0 > ha2 >>> 0) { J2 = Av(-1, -1, s3 | 0, 0) | 0; C3 = G() | 0; I2 = da2; o2 = fa2; H2 = ea2; E3 = ga2; while (true) { if (o2 >>> 0 > C3 >>> 0 | (o2 | 0) == (C3 | 0) & H2 >>> 0 > J2 >>> 0) { K2 = H2; L3 = o2; M2 = s3; N4 = E3; u2 = 76; break d; } _5 = zv(H2 | 0, o2 | 0, s3 | 0, 0) | 0; $2 = G() | 0; Z3 = I2 & 255; if ($2 >>> 0 > 4294967295 | ($2 | 0) == -1 & _5 >>> 0 > ~Z3 >>> 0) { K2 = H2; L3 = o2; M2 = s3; N4 = E3; u2 = 76; break d; } ia2 = tv(_5 | 0, $2 | 0, Z3 | 0, 0) | 0; Z3 = G() | 0; $2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ($2 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = $2 + 1; ja2 = d[$2 >> 0] | 0; } else ja2 = Kt(b4) | 0; I2 = a[34177 + ja2 >> 0] | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 <= (I2 & 255) >>> 0) { K2 = ia2; L3 = Z3; M2 = s3; N4 = ja2; u2 = 76; break; } else { o2 = Z3; H2 = ia2; E3 = ja2; } } } else { K2 = ea2; L3 = fa2; M2 = s3; N4 = ga2; u2 = 76; } } while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 76) if (M2 >>> 0 > (d[34177 + N4 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0) { do { E3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (E3 >>> 0 < (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[k2 >> 2] = E3 + 1; ka2 = d[E3 >> 0] | 0; } else ka2 = Kt(b4) | 0; } while (M2 >>> 0 > (d[34177 + ka2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0); c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; P2 = h3; Q3 = g2; R3 = (g2 & 1 | 0) == 0 & true ? q3 : 0; } else { P2 = L3; Q3 = K2; R3 = q3; } if (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if (!(P2 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0 | (P2 | 0) == (h3 | 0) & Q3 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0)) { if (!((g2 & 1 | 0) != 0 | false | (R3 | 0) != 0)) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; E3 = tv(g2 | 0, h3 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; i3 = G() | 0; j2 = E3; break; } if (P2 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0 | (P2 | 0) == (h3 | 0) & Q3 >>> 0 > g2 >>> 0) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; i3 = h3; j2 = g2; break; } } E3 = ((R3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; H2 = uv(Q3 ^ R3 | 0, P2 ^ E3 | 0, R3 | 0, E3 | 0) | 0; i3 = G() | 0; j2 = H2; } while (0); F(i3 | 0); return j2 | 0; } function Kt(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 112 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!((g2 | 0) == 0 & (h3 | 0) == 0) ? (f2 = b4 + 120 | 0, i3 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, !((i3 | 0) < (h3 | 0) | ((i3 | 0) == (h3 | 0) ? (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 : 0))) : 0) j2 = 4; else { g2 = Mt(b4) | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= 0) { f2 = e2; e2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!((e2 | 0) == 0 & (h3 | 0) == 0)) { i3 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = f2 - i3 | 0; l2 = ((k2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; m4 = b4 + 120 | 0; n2 = uv(e2 | 0, h3 | 0, c[m4 >> 2] | 0, c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; m4 = G() | 0; h3 = f2; if ((m4 | 0) > (l2 | 0) | (m4 | 0) == (l2 | 0) & n2 >>> 0 > k2 >>> 0) { o2 = h3; j2 = 9; } else { c[b4 + 104 >> 2] = i3 + (n2 + -1); p2 = h3; } } else { o2 = f2; j2 = 9; } if ((j2 | 0) == 9) { c[b4 + 104 >> 2] = f2; p2 = o2; } o2 = b4 + 4 | 0; if (!p2) q3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; else { f2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = p2 + 1 - f2 | 0; p2 = b4 + 120 | 0; h3 = p2; n2 = tv(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, o2 | 0, ((o2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; o2 = G() | 0; h3 = p2; c[h3 >> 2] = n2; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = o2; q3 = f2; } f2 = q3 + -1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (d[f2 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) r2 = g2; else { a[f2 >> 0] = g2; r2 = g2; } } else j2 = 4; } if ((j2 | 0) == 4) { c[b4 + 104 >> 2] = 0; r2 = -1; } return r2 | 0; } function Lt(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return ((a2 | 0) == 32 | (a2 + -9 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) & 1 | 0; } function Mt(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = b4; if ((Nt(a2) | 0) == 0 ? (Oa2[c[a2 + 32 >> 2] & 7](a2, e2, 1) | 0) == 1 : 0) f2 = d[e2 >> 0] | 0; else f2 = -1; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } function Nt(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 74 | 0; e2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = e2 + 255 | e2; e2 = b4 + 20 | 0; d2 = b4 + 28 | 0; if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) Oa2[c[b4 + 36 >> 2] & 7](b4, 0, 0) | 0; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (!(e2 & 4)) { d2 = (c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 + 48 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = d2; f2 = e2 << 27 >> 31; } else { c[b4 >> 2] = e2 | 32; f2 = -1; } return f2 | 0; } function Ot(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; e2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; if (d2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 1 : d2 << 24 >> 24 != e2 << 24 >> 24) { f2 = e2; g2 = d2; } else { d2 = b4; b4 = c2; do { d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; c2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; e2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; } while (!(c2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 1 : c2 << 24 >> 24 != e2 << 24 >> 24)); f2 = e2; g2 = c2; } return (g2 & 255) - (f2 & 255) | 0; } function Pt(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; d2 = b4; a: do if (!(d2 & 3)) { e2 = b4; f2 = 5; } else { g2 = d2; h3 = b4; while (true) { if (!(a[h3 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = g2; break a; } j2 = h3 + 1 | 0; g2 = j2; if (!(g2 & 3)) { e2 = j2; f2 = 5; break; } else h3 = j2; } } while (0); if ((f2 | 0) == 5) { f2 = e2; while (true) { k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!((k2 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & k2 + -16843009)) f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; else break; } if (!((k2 & 255) << 24 >> 24)) l2 = f2; else { k2 = f2; while (true) { f2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if (!(a[f2 >> 0] | 0)) { l2 = f2; break; } else k2 = f2; } } i3 = l2; } return i3 - d2 | 0; } function Qt(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 208 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = f2 + 192 | 0; i3 = B(d2, b4) | 0; b4 = h3; c[b4 >> 2] = 1; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; a: do if (i3 | 0) { b4 = 0 - d2 | 0; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; j2 = d2; k2 = d2; l2 = 2; while (true) { m4 = j2 + d2 + k2 | 0; c[g2 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] = m4; if (m4 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0) { n2 = k2; k2 = m4; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; j2 = n2; } else break; } j2 = a2 + i3 + b4 | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 > a2 >>> 0) { l2 = j2; k2 = 1; n2 = a2; m4 = 1; while (true) { do if ((k2 & 3 | 0) != 3) { o2 = m4 + -1 | 0; if ((c[g2 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < (l2 - n2 | 0) >>> 0) Rt(n2, d2, e2, m4, g2); else Tt2(n2, d2, e2, h3, m4, 0, g2); if ((m4 | 0) == 1) { Ut2(h3, 1); p2 = 0; break; } else { Ut2(h3, o2); p2 = 1; break; } } else { Rt(n2, d2, e2, m4, g2); St(h3, 2); p2 = m4 + 2 | 0; } while (0); o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 1; c[h3 >> 2] = o2; q3 = n2 + d2 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0) { k2 = o2; n2 = q3; m4 = p2; } else { r2 = o2; s3 = q3; t3 = p2; break; } } } else { r2 = 1; s3 = a2; t3 = 1; } Tt2(s3, d2, e2, h3, t3, 0, g2); m4 = h3 + 4 | 0; n2 = r2; k2 = s3; j2 = t3; while (true) { if ((j2 | 0) == 1 & (n2 | 0) == 1) if (!(c[m4 >> 2] | 0)) break a; else u2 = 19; else if ((j2 | 0) < 2) u2 = 19; else { Ut2(h3, 2); l2 = j2 + -2 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2] ^ 7; St(h3, 1); Tt2(k2 + (0 - (c[g2 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) + b4 | 0, d2, e2, h3, j2 + -1 | 0, 1, g2); Ut2(h3, 1); q3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 1; c[h3 >> 2] = q3; o2 = k2 + b4 | 0; Tt2(o2, d2, e2, h3, l2, 1, g2); v2 = q3; w2 = o2; x2 = l2; } if ((u2 | 0) == 19) { u2 = 0; l2 = Vt(h3) | 0; St(h3, l2); v2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = k2 + b4 | 0; x2 = l2 + j2 | 0; } n2 = v2; k2 = w2; j2 = x2; } } while (0); Ia = f2; return; } function Rt(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 240 | 0; h3 = g2; c[h3 >> 2] = a2; a: do if ((e2 | 0) > 1) { i3 = 0 - b4 | 0; j2 = a2; k2 = a2; l2 = 1; m4 = e2; while (true) { n2 = k2 + i3 | 0; o2 = m4 + -2 | 0; p2 = n2 + (0 - (c[f2 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) | 0; if ((Na[d2 & 3](j2, p2) | 0) > -1 ? (Na[d2 & 3](j2, n2) | 0) > -1 : 0) { q3 = l2; break a; } r2 = h3 + (l2 << 2) | 0; if ((Na[d2 & 3](p2, n2) | 0) > -1) { c[r2 >> 2] = p2; s3 = p2; t3 = m4 + -1 | 0; } else { c[r2 >> 2] = n2; s3 = n2; t3 = o2; } o2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) <= 1) { q3 = o2; break a; } j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = s3; l2 = o2; m4 = t3; } } else q3 = 1; while (0); Xt2(b4, h3, q3); Ia = g2; return; } function St(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; if (b4 >>> 0 > 31) { e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = e2; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = e2; g2 = 0; h3 = b4 + -32 | 0; } else { f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = b4; } c[a2 >> 2] = g2 << 32 - h3 | f2 >>> h3; c[d2 >> 2] = g2 >>> h3; return; } function Tt2(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 240 | 0; j2 = i3 + 232 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = l2; m4 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = j2 + 4 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = m4; c[k2 >> 2] = a2; a: do if ((l2 | 0) != 1 | (m4 | 0) != 0 ? (n2 = 0 - b4 | 0, o2 = a2 + (0 - (c[h3 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) | 0, (Na[d2 & 3](o2, a2) | 0) >= 1) : 0) { p2 = o2; o2 = a2; q3 = 1; r2 = f2; s3 = (g2 | 0) == 0; while (true) { if (s3 & (r2 | 0) > 1) { t3 = o2 + n2 | 0; u2 = c[h3 + (r2 + -2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((Na[d2 & 3](t3, p2) | 0) > -1) { v2 = o2; w2 = q3; x2 = r2; y4 = 10; break a; } if ((Na[d2 & 3](t3 + (0 - u2) | 0, p2) | 0) > -1) { v2 = o2; w2 = q3; x2 = r2; y4 = 10; break a; } } u2 = q3 + 1 | 0; c[k2 + (q3 << 2) >> 2] = p2; t3 = Vt(j2) | 0; St(j2, t3); z3 = t3 + r2 | 0; if (!((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 1 | (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) != 0)) { v2 = p2; w2 = u2; x2 = z3; y4 = 10; break a; } t3 = p2 + (0 - (c[h3 + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) | 0; if ((Na[d2 & 3](t3, c[k2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) < 1) { A4 = p2; B2 = u2; C3 = z3; D3 = 0; y4 = 9; break; } else { E3 = p2; p2 = t3; q3 = u2; r2 = z3; s3 = 1; o2 = E3; } } } else { A4 = a2; B2 = 1; C3 = f2; D3 = g2; y4 = 9; } while (0); if ((y4 | 0) == 9 ? (D3 | 0) == 0 : 0) { v2 = A4; w2 = B2; x2 = C3; y4 = 10; } if ((y4 | 0) == 10) { Xt2(b4, k2, w2); Rt(v2, b4, d2, x2, h3); } Ia = i3; return; } function Ut2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; if (b4 >>> 0 > 31) { e2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = e2; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = e2; g2 = 0; h3 = b4 + -32 | 0; } else { f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = b4; } c[d2 >> 2] = g2 >>> (32 - h3 | 0) | f2 << h3; c[a2 >> 2] = g2 << h3; return; } function Vt(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Wt((c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0) | 0; if (!b4) { d2 = Wt(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; return ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2 + 32 | 0) | 0; } else return b4 | 0; return 0; } function Wt(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0; if (a2) if (!(a2 & 1)) { b4 = 0; c2 = a2; while (true) { a2 = b4 + 1 | 0; if (!(c2 & 2)) { b4 = a2; c2 = c2 >>> 1; } else { d2 = a2; break; } } } else d2 = 0; else d2 = 32; return d2 | 0; } function Xt2(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 256 | 0; f2 = e2; a: do if ((d2 | 0) >= 2 ? (g2 = b4 + (d2 << 2) | 0, c[g2 >> 2] = f2, a2 | 0) : 0) { h3 = f2; i3 = a2; while (true) { j2 = i3 >>> 0 < 256 ? i3 : 256; Hv(h3 | 0, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; k2 = 0; do { l2 = b4 + (k2 << 2) | 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; Hv(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + j2; } while ((k2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); k2 = i3 - j2 | 0; if (!k2) break a; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = k2; } } while (0); Ia = e2; return; } function Yt(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; _t(a2, b4) | 0; return a2 | 0; } function Zt(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Yt(a2 + (Pt(a2) | 0) | 0, b4) | 0; return a2 | 0; } function _t(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; e2 = d2; a: do if (!((e2 ^ b4) & 3)) { if (!(e2 & 3)) { f2 = b4; g2 = d2; } else { h3 = b4; i3 = d2; while (true) { j2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = j2; if (!(j2 << 24 >> 24)) { k2 = h3; break a; } j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; l2 = h3 + 1 | 0; if (!(j2 & 3)) { f2 = l2; g2 = j2; break; } else { h3 = l2; i3 = j2; } } } i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!((i3 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & i3 + -16843009)) { h3 = i3; i3 = f2; j2 = g2; while (true) { l2 = j2 + 4 | 0; m4 = i3 + 4 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3; h3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & h3 + -16843009 | 0) { n2 = m4; o2 = l2; break; } else { i3 = m4; j2 = l2; } } } else { n2 = f2; o2 = g2; } p2 = n2; q3 = o2; r2 = 10; } else { p2 = b4; q3 = d2; r2 = 10; } while (0); if ((r2 | 0) == 10) { r2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = r2; if (!(r2 << 24 >> 24)) k2 = p2; else { r2 = p2; p2 = q3; while (true) { p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; q3 = r2 + 1 | 0; d2 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = d2; if (!(d2 << 24 >> 24)) { k2 = q3; break; } else r2 = q3; } } } return k2 | 0; } function $t(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = gu(b4, c2) | 0; return ((a[d2 >> 0] | 0) == (c2 & 255) << 24 >> 24 ? d2 : 0) | 0; } function au(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = fu2(a2, 589824, b4) | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) >= 0) { a2 = Ms(1, 2080) | 0; if (!a2) { c[d2 >> 2] = e2; ea(6, d2 | 0) | 0; f2 = 0; break; } else { c[a2 >> 2] = e2; f2 = a2; break; } } else f2 = 0; while (0); Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } function bu2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = a2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; b4 = Ts($(195, e2 | 0) | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return b4 | 0; } function cu2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = eu(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ls(a2); return b4 | 0; } function du(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; f2 = a2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = a2 + 20 | 0; a: do if ((g2 | 0) < (c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) { i3 = g2; j2 = a2 + 32 + g2 | 0; k2 = 7; } else { l2 = a2 + 32 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2]; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = l2; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = 2048; m4 = aa(220, d2 | 0) | 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= 1) { c[h3 >> 2] = m4; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; i3 = 0; j2 = l2; k2 = 7; break; } switch (m4 | 0) { case 0: case -2: { n2 = 0; break a; break; } default: { } } c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 0 - m4; n2 = 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 7) { c[f2 >> 2] = i3 + (e[j2 + 16 >> 1] | 0); i3 = j2 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; k2 = a2 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; n2 = j2; } Ia = b4; return n2 | 0; } function eu(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; c[d2 >> 2] = Vs(a2) | 0; a2 = ea(6, d2 | 0) | 0; d2 = Ts((a2 | 0) == -4 ? 0 : a2) | 0; Ia = b4; return d2 | 0; } function fu2(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; f2 = e2 + 32 | 0; g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; h3 = e2; if (!(b4 & 4194368)) i3 = 0; else { c[h3 >> 2] = d2; d2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = d2 + 4; i3 = j2; } c[g2 >> 2] = a2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = b4 | 32768; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = i3; i3 = ca(5, g2 | 0) | 0; if (!((b4 & 524288 | 0) == 0 | (i3 | 0) < 0)) { c[f2 >> 2] = i3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = 1; ba2(221, f2 | 0) | 0; } f2 = Ts(i3) | 0; Ia = e2; return f2 | 0; } function gu(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = d2 & 255; a: do if (!e2) f2 = b4 + (Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; else { if (!(b4 & 3)) g2 = b4; else { h3 = d2 & 255; i3 = b4; while (true) { j2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; if (j2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 1 : j2 << 24 >> 24 == h3 << 24 >> 24) { f2 = i3; break a; } j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; if (!(j2 & 3)) { g2 = j2; break; } else i3 = j2; } } i3 = B(e2, 16843009) | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (!((h3 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & h3 + -16843009)) { j2 = h3; k2 = g2; while (true) { l2 = j2 ^ i3; if ((l2 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & l2 + -16843009 | 0) { m4 = k2; break b; } l2 = k2 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & j2 + -16843009 | 0) { m4 = l2; break; } else k2 = l2; } } else m4 = g2; while (0); i3 = d2 & 255; h3 = m4; while (true) { k2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (k2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 1 : k2 << 24 >> 24 == i3 << 24 >> 24) { f2 = h3; break; } else h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); return f2 | 0; } function hu(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 144 | 0; f2 = e2; Iv(f2 | 0, 0, 144) | 0; g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = a2; h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 44 >> 2] = a2; c[f2 + 76 >> 2] = -1; It(f2, 0, 0); i3 = +iu(f2, d2, 1); d2 = f2 + 120 | 0; f2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; h3 = tv(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, f2 | 0, ((f2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 >> 2] = (h3 | 0) == 0 & (f2 | 0) == 0 ? a2 : a2 + h3 | 0; Ia = e2; return +i3; } function iu(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; switch (e2 | 0) { case 0: { g2 = 24; h3 = -149; i3 = 4; break; } case 1: { g2 = 53; h3 = -1074; i3 = 4; break; } case 2: { g2 = 53; h3 = -1074; i3 = 4; break; } default: j2 = 0; } a: do if ((i3 | 0) == 4) { e2 = b4 + 4 | 0; k2 = b4 + 104 | 0; do { l2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = l2 + 1; m4 = d[l2 >> 0] | 0; } else m4 = Kt(b4) | 0; } while ((Lt(m4) | 0) != 0); b: do switch (m4 | 0) { case 43: case 45: { l2 = 1 - (((m4 | 0) == 45 & 1) << 1) | 0; n2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = n2 + 1; o2 = d[n2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = l2; break b; } else { o2 = Kt(b4) | 0; p2 = l2; break b; } break; } default: { o2 = m4; p2 = 1; } } while (0); l2 = o2; n2 = 0; while (true) { if ((l2 | 32 | 0) != (a[103237 + n2 >> 0] | 0)) { q3 = l2; t3 = n2; break; } do if (n2 >>> 0 < 7) { u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = u2 + 1; v2 = d[u2 >> 0] | 0; break; } else { v2 = Kt(b4) | 0; break; } } else v2 = l2; while (0); n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 >= 8) { q3 = v2; t3 = 8; break; } else l2 = v2; } c: do switch (t3 & 2147483647 | 0) { case 8: break; case 3: { i3 = 23; break; } default: { l2 = (f2 | 0) != 0; if (l2 & t3 >>> 0 > 3) if ((t3 | 0) == 8) break c; else { i3 = 23; break c; } d: do if (!t3) { n2 = q3; u2 = 0; while (true) { if ((n2 | 32 | 0) != (a[103246 + u2 >> 0] | 0)) { w2 = n2; x2 = u2; break d; } do if (u2 >>> 0 < 2) { y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = y4 + 1; z3 = d[y4 >> 0] | 0; break; } else { z3 = Kt(b4) | 0; break; } } else z3 = n2; while (0); u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 >= 3) { w2 = z3; x2 = 3; break; } else n2 = z3; } } else { w2 = q3; x2 = t3; } while (0); switch (x2 | 0) { case 3: { n2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = n2 + 1; A4 = d[n2 >> 0] | 0; } else A4 = Kt(b4) | 0; if ((A4 | 0) != 40) { if (!(c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) { j2 = r; break a; } c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; j2 = r; break a; } n2 = 1; while (true) { u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = u2 + 1; B2 = d[u2 >> 0] | 0; } else B2 = Kt(b4) | 0; if (!((B2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10 | (B2 + -65 | 0) >>> 0 < 26) ? !((B2 | 0) == 95 | (B2 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 26) : 0) break; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } if ((B2 | 0) == 41) { j2 = r; break a; } u2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (!u2) c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if (!l2) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; It(b4, 0, 0); j2 = 0; break a; } if (!n2) { j2 = r; break a; } y4 = n2; while (true) { y4 = y4 + -1 | 0; if (!u2) c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if (!y4) { j2 = r; break a; } } break; } case 0: { if ((w2 | 0) == 48) { y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = y4 + 1; C3 = d[y4 >> 0] | 0; } else C3 = Kt(b4) | 0; if ((C3 | 32 | 0) == 120) { j2 = +ju2(b4, g2, h3, p2, f2); break a; } if (!(c[k2 >> 2] | 0)) D3 = 48; else { c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; D3 = 48; } } else D3 = w2; j2 = +ku2(b4, D3, g2, h3, p2, f2); break a; break; } default: { if (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; It(b4, 0, 0); j2 = 0; break a; } } } } while (0); if ((i3 | 0) == 23) { y4 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (!y4) c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if ((f2 | 0) != 0 & t3 >>> 0 > 3) { u2 = t3; do { if (!y4) c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; u2 = u2 + -1 | 0; } while (u2 >>> 0 > 3); } } j2 = +(p2 | 0) * s; } while (0); return +j2; } function Zd(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = e2 + 5 | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 0 | (a[i3 >> 0] & 24) != 0) return; j2 = f2 + 6 | 0; k2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (k2 & 4) return; l2 = c[h3 + 164 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[f2 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[l2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[m4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (l2 | 0) : 0) { n2 = 6; break; } f2 = c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) { o2 = 2172216; break; } else m4 = f2; } if ((n2 | 0) == 6) o2 = m4; if (!(c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { a[j2 >> 0] = k2 | 4; return; } if (!o2) return; o2 = h3 + 64 | 0; k2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { j2 = h3; while (true) { m4 = d[j2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 ^ 3; l2 = (a[j2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; f2 = l2 ? 255 : 184; p2 = l2 ? 64 : m4 & 3; m4 = l2 ? 64 : 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!l2) q3 = 0; else { r2 = l2; s3 = 1; t3 = k2; while (true) { if (!s3) { q3 = t3; break a; } s3 = s3 + -1 | 0; u2 = r2 + 5 | 0; v2 = d[u2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((v2 ^ 3) & n2)) { c[t3 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; kd(b4, r2); w2 = t3; } else { if (m4 & v2 | 0) { q3 = 0; break a; } if ((a[r2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, r2); a[u2 >> 0] = f2 & v2 | p2; w2 = r2; } r2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (!r2) { q3 = 0; break; } else t3 = w2; } } while (0); if ((q3 | 0) != (k2 | 0)) break; j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[o2 >> 2] = q3; } q3 = h3 + 56 | 0; o2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) x2 = q3; else { q3 = o2; while (true) { o2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) break; else q3 = o2; } x2 = q3; } c[x2 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; x2 = h3 + 60 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[x2 >> 2]; c[x2 >> 2] = e2; e2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 16; a[i3 >> 0] = e2; x2 = e2 & 255; if ((d[h3 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) y4 = x2 & 191; else y4 = x2 & 184 | a[h3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[i3 >> 0] = y4; return; } function _d2(e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; var k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; k2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; l2 = k2; m4 = k2 + 8 | 0; if (!h3) n2 = 0; else { o2 = c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) <= 0) { if ((h3 | 0) >= -1000999) { p2 = (c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((h3 | 0) == -1001000) { p2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } q3 = -1001000 - h3 | 0; r2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) p2 = 2172216; else { s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (q3 | 0) > (d[s3 + 6 >> 0] | 0) ? 2172216 : s3 + 16 + (q3 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { q3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 3) | 0; p2 = q3 >>> 0 < (c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? q3 : 2172216; } while (0); n2 = p2 - (c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } p2 = e2 + 8 | 0; h3 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (~f2 << 3) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = h3; f2 = h3; if ((j2 | 0) != 0 ? (b3[e2 + 36 >> 1] | 0) == 0 : 0) { o2 = c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 28 >> 2] = j2; c[o2 + 24 >> 2] = i3; c[o2 + 20 >> 2] = f2 - (c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0); a[o2 + 36 >> 0] = a[e2 + 41 >> 0] | 0; i3 = e2 + 68 | 0; j2 = o2 + 32 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[i3 >> 2] = n2; q3 = o2 + 18 | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = a[q3 >> 0] | 16; o2 = e2 + 38 | 0; s3 = (b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[o2 >> 1] = s3; if ((s3 & 65535) > 199) { if (s3 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(e2, 46208, l2); if ((s3 & 65535) > 224) wc(e2, 6); } if (!(Cc(e2, h3, g2) | 0)) Dc(e2); b3[o2 >> 1] = (b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; a[q3 >> 0] = a[q3 >> 0] & -17; c[i3 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; t3 = 0; } else { c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = g2; t3 = ae(e2, 3, m4, f2 - (c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0, n2) | 0; } if ((g2 | 0) != -1) { Ia = k2; return t3 | 0; } g2 = (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 4 | 0; e2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 >= e2 >>> 0) { Ia = k2; return t3 | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = e2; Ia = k2; return t3 | 0; } function $d(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; d2 = a2 + 38 | 0; i3 = (b3[d2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[d2 >> 1] = i3; if ((i3 & 65535) > 199) { if (i3 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(a2, 46208, f2); if ((i3 & 65535) > 224) wc(a2, 6); } i3 = a2 + 36 | 0; b3[i3 >> 1] = (b3[i3 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; if (!(Cc(a2, g2, h3) | 0)) Dc(a2); b3[i3 >> 1] = (b3[i3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[d2 >> 1] = (b3[d2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; Ia = e2; return; } function ae(d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; i3 = d2 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = d2 + 41 | 0; l2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = d2 + 36 | 0; n2 = b3[m4 >> 1] | 0; o2 = d2 + 68 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = h3; h3 = vc(d2, e2, f2) | 0; if (!h3) { c[o2 >> 2] = p2; return h3 | 0; } f2 = d2 + 28 | 0; e2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + g2 | 0; Qc2(d2, e2); switch (h3 | 0) { case 4: { g2 = c[(c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 152 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; q3 = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } case 6: { g2 = $c(d2, 46910, 23) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; q3 = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; break; } default: { g2 = c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[g2 + -8 >> 2]; q3 = c[g2 + -4 >> 2] | 0; } } c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = q3; q3 = e2 + 8 | 0; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = q3; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; a[k2 >> 0] = l2; b3[m4 >> 1] = n2; if (!j2) r2 = q3; else { n2 = j2; j2 = q3; while (true) { q3 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = j2 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0 ? q3 : j2; n2 = c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) { r2 = m4; break; } else j2 = m4; } } j2 = r2 - (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; f2 = j2 >> 3; r2 = f2 + 11 + ((f2 + 1 | 0) / 8 | 0) | 0; f2 = (r2 | 0) < 1e6 ? r2 : 1e6; if ((j2 | 0) > 7999992) { c[o2 >> 2] = p2; return h3 | 0; } if ((f2 | 0) >= (c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0)) { c[o2 >> 2] = p2; return h3 | 0; } xc(d2, f2); c[o2 >> 2] = p2; return h3 | 0; } function be(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; j2 = i3; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = b4; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = e2; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = f2; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; f2 = ce(b4, j2, (g2 | 0) == 0 ? 78709 : g2, h3) | 0; if (f2 | 0) { Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } h3 = c[(c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + -8 >> 2] | 0; if ((a[h3 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 1) { Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; b4 = c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 36 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) k2 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; else { j2 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((131072 % ((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 131072 : 0) break; e2 = c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { k2 = 2172216; break a; } else j2 = e2; } k2 = j2; } while (0); b4 = h3 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; e2 = k2 + 4 | 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; if (!(c[e2 >> 2] & 64)) { Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } e2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[e2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } k2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 5 | 0; b4 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(b4 & 4)) { Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[h3 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(h3, e2); Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } else { a[k2 >> 0] = a[h3 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | b4 & -72; Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } return 0; } function ce(a2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = a2 + 36 | 0; b3[i3 >> 1] = (b3[i3 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; c[h3 >> 2] = d2; c[h3 + 56 >> 2] = e2; c[h3 + 52 >> 2] = f2; f2 = h3 + 16 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = h3 + 24 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; d2 = h3 + 28 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = h3 + 36 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = h3 + 40 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = h3 + 48 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; m4 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; n2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = ae(a2, 4, h3, (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[a2 + 68 >> 2] | 0) | 0; h3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = a2 + 12 | 0; a2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = Pa[c[a2 >> 2] & 3](c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, h3, p2, 0) | 0; s3 = a2 + 12 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) + ((h3 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - p2 | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = r2; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] << 1; e2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[e2 >> 2] & 3](c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, n2, f2, 0) | 0; r2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + ((n2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - f2 | 0); f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[j2 >> 2] << 4; j2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, f2, d2, 0) | 0; n2 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + ((f2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - d2 | 0); d2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] << 4; l2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[l2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, d2, k2, 0) | 0; q3 = l2 + 12 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 0 - k2 | 0); b3[i3 >> 1] = (b3[i3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; Ia = g2; return o2 | 0; } function de(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = f2; i3 = f2 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = k2 + -1; if (!k2) { k2 = Oa2[c[j2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[j2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, i3) | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == 0 | (l2 | 0) == 0) m4 = -1; else { c[j2 >> 2] = l2 + -1; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = k2 + 1; m4 = d[k2 >> 0] | 0; } n2 = m4; } else { m4 = j2 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = j2 + 1; n2 = d[j2 >> 0] | 0; } j2 = c[e2 + 52 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (j2 | 0) == 0; if ((n2 | 0) == 27) { if (!m4 ? ($t(j2, 98) | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = 70710; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = j2; ud(b4, 46934, h3) | 0; wc(b4, 3); } o2 = ee(b4, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, e2 + 4 | 0, c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } else { if (!m4 ? ($t(j2, 116) | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = 46976; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; ud(b4, 46934, g2) | 0; wc(b4, 3); } o2 = fe(b4, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, e2 + 4 | 0, e2 + 16 | 0, c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0, n2) | 0; } n2 = o2 + 6 | 0; if (!(a[n2 >> 0] | 0)) { Ia = f2; return; } e2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = o2 + 16 | 0; j2 = o2 + 5 | 0; o2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = m4 + 4 | 0; k2 = Pa[c[m4 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 10, 20) | 0; if (!k2) { if (!(a[m4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { p2 = 20; break; } Ic(b4, 1); l2 = Pa[c[m4 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 10, 20) | 0; if (!l2) { p2 = 20; break; } else q3 = l2; } else q3 = k2; k2 = m4 + 12 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 20; k2 = m4 + 56 | 0; l2 = q3 + 5 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = a[m4 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[q3 + 4 >> 0] = 10; c[q3 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; c[k2 >> 2] = q3; c[q3 + 8 >> 2] = q3 + 12; c[q3 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] = q3; do if (a[l2 >> 0] & 3 ? (k2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0, k2 & 4) : 0) { m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[m4 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(m4, q3); break; } else { a[j2 >> 0] = a[m4 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | k2 & -72; break; } } while (0); o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 >= (d[n2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0) { p2 = 27; break; } } if ((p2 | 0) == 20) wc(b4, 4); else if ((p2 | 0) == 27) { Ia = f2; return; } } function ee(d2, e2, f2, g2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; i3 = h3 + 56 | 0; j2 = h3 + 80 | 0; k2 = h3 + 32 | 0; l2 = h3; m4 = h3 + 64 | 0; switch (a[g2 >> 0] | 0) { case 61: case 64: { n2 = g2 + 1 | 0; break; } case 27: { n2 = 48044; break; } default: n2 = g2; } c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = n2; c[m4 >> 2] = d2; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = e2; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = f2; c[k2 >> 2] = 1635077147; a[k2 + 4 >> 0] = 82; a[k2 + 5 >> 0] = 0; f2 = k2 + 7 | 0; a[k2 + 6 >> 0] = 1; n2 = k2 + 12 | 0; a[f2 >> 0] = 4; a[f2 + 1 >> 0] = 4; a[f2 + 2 >> 0] = 4; a[f2 + 3 >> 0] = 4; a[k2 + 11 >> 0] = 1; c[n2 >> 2] = c[8700]; b3[n2 + 4 >> 1] = b3[17402] | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = 27; n2 = e2 + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2 + 12 | 0; o2 = e2 + 4 | 0; p2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = l2 + 1 | 0; r2 = 17; while (true) { if (!p2) { s3 = Oa2[c[f2 >> 2] & 7](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) { u2 = 10; break; } c[e2 >> 2] = t3; c[o2 >> 2] = s3; v2 = t3; w2 = s3; } else { v2 = p2; w2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; } s3 = r2 >>> 0 > v2 >>> 0 ? v2 : r2; Hv(q3 | 0, w2 | 0, s3 | 0) | 0; p2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) - s3 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = p2; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + s3; r2 = r2 - s3 | 0; if (!r2) break; else q3 = q3 + s3 | 0; } if ((u2 | 0) == 10) kf(m4, 48058); if (ft(k2, l2, 18) | 0) { if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) != (c[l2 >> 2] | 0)) kf(m4, 48068); if (ft(k2, l2, 6) | 0) kf(m4, 48074); if (!(ft(k2, l2, 12) | 0)) kf(m4, 48107); else kf(m4, 48094); } l2 = d2 + 12 | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = k2 + 4 | 0; q3 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[u2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, 20) | 0; if (!q3) { if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(d2, 4); Ic(d2, 1); r2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[u2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, 20) | 0; if (!r2) wc(d2, 4); else x2 = r2; } else x2 = q3; q3 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 20; q3 = k2 + 56 | 0; a[x2 + 5 >> 0] = a[k2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[x2 + 4 >> 0] = 6; c[x2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[q3 >> 2] = x2; q3 = x2 + 12 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; a[x2 + 6 >> 0] = 1; c[x2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; k2 = d2 + 8 | 0; r2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = x2; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = 70; r2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = r2; u2 = r2; do if (((c[d2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0) < 8) { r2 = c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(d2, 6); o2 = (u2 - (c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0; p2 = r2 << 1; r2 = (p2 | 0) < 1e6 ? p2 : 1e6; p2 = (r2 | 0) < (o2 | 0) ? o2 : r2; if ((p2 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(d2, 1000200); yc(d2, 46193, i3); } else { xc(d2, p2); break; } } while (0); i3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = i3 + 4 | 0; u2 = Pa[c[i3 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!u2) { if (!(a[i3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(d2, 4); Ic(d2, 1); p2 = Pa[c[i3 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!p2) wc(d2, 4); else y4 = p2; } else y4 = u2; u2 = i3 + 12 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + 80; u2 = i3 + 56 | 0; a[y4 + 5 >> 0] = a[i3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[y4 + 4 >> 0] = 9; c[y4 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[u2 >> 2] = y4; a[y4 + 76 >> 0] = 0; a[y4 + 77 >> 0] = 0; a[y4 + 78 >> 0] = 0; u2 = y4 + 8 | 0; i3 = u2 + 64 | 0; do { c[u2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = u2 + 4 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); c[q3 >> 2] = y4; lf(m4, y4); y4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[y4 + 40 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == 1) { z3 = x2; Ia = h3; return z3 | 0; } x2 = Wc(d2, q3) | 0; c[x2 + 12 >> 2] = y4; y4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[y4 + -8 >> 2] = x2; c[y4 + -4 >> 2] = 70; z3 = x2; Ia = h3; return z3 | 0; } function fe(d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 176 | 0; k2 = j2 + 8 | 0; l2 = j2; m4 = j2 + 152 | 0; n2 = j2 + 136 | 0; o2 = j2 + 64 | 0; p2 = j2 + 12 | 0; q3 = d2 + 12 | 0; r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = r2 + 4 | 0; t3 = Pa[c[r2 >> 2] & 3](c[s3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, 20) | 0; if (!t3) { if (!(a[r2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(d2, 4); Ic(d2, 1); u2 = Pa[c[r2 >> 2] & 3](c[s3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, 20) | 0; if (!u2) wc(d2, 4); else v2 = u2; } else v2 = t3; t3 = r2 + 12 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + 20; t3 = r2 + 56 | 0; a[v2 + 5 >> 0] = a[r2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[v2 + 4 >> 0] = 6; c[v2 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; c[t3 >> 2] = v2; t3 = v2 + 12 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = 0; a[v2 + 6 >> 0] = 1; c[v2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; r2 = d2 + 8 | 0; u2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = v2; c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = 70; u2 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = u2; r2 = u2; do if (((c[d2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - r2 | 0) < 8) { u2 = c[d2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(d2, 6); s3 = (r2 - (c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0; w2 = u2 << 1; u2 = (w2 | 0) < 1e6 ? w2 : 1e6; w2 = (u2 | 0) < (s3 | 0) ? s3 : u2; if ((w2 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(d2, 1000200); yc(d2, 46193, l2); } else { xc(d2, w2); break; } } while (0); l2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = l2 + 4 | 0; r2 = Pa[c[l2 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!r2) { if (!(a[l2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(d2, 4); Ic(d2, 1); w2 = Pa[c[l2 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 9, 80) | 0; if (!w2) wc(d2, 4); else x2 = w2; } else x2 = r2; r2 = l2 + 12 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 80; r2 = l2 + 56 | 0; a[x2 + 5 >> 0] = a[l2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[x2 + 4 >> 0] = 9; c[x2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; c[r2 >> 2] = x2; a[x2 + 76 >> 0] = 0; a[x2 + 77 >> 0] = 0; a[x2 + 78 >> 0] = 0; r2 = x2 + 8 | 0; l2 = r2 + 64 | 0; do { c[r2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = r2 + 4 | 0; } while ((r2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)); c[t3 >> 2] = x2; c[p2 >> 2] = x2; t3 = vd(d2, h3, Pt(h3) | 0) | 0; c[x2 + 36 >> 2] = t3; h3 = o2 + 52 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = f2; f2 = o2 + 56 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = g2; c[g2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; a[o2 + 68 >> 0] = 46; g2 = o2 + 44 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; c[o2 >> 2] = i3; c[o2 + 32 >> 2] = 287; c[o2 + 48 >> 2] = e2; e2 = o2 + 40 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; i3 = o2 + 4 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 1; c[o2 + 8 >> 2] = 1; c[o2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; r2 = o2 + 16 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 1; c[o2 + 20 >> 2] = -1; l2 = o2 + 60 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = t3; t3 = $c(d2, 46565, 4) | 0; d2 = o2 + 64 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = t3; w2 = t3 + 5 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = a[w2 >> 0] | 32; w2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = g2 + 8 | 0; q3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = w2 + 12 | 0; s3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (h3 | 0) == 0; z3 = s3 + 4 | 0; A4 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, h3, q3, 32) | 0; if (!A4) { if (!(a[s3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(w2, 4); Ic(w2, 1); B2 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, h3, q3, 32) | 0; if (!B2) wc(w2, 4); else C3 = B2; } else C3 = A4; A4 = s3 + 12 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (y4 ? 32 : 32 - q3 | 0); c[g2 >> 2] = C3; c[t3 >> 2] = 32; c[p2 + 8 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; t3 = p2 + 12 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = o2; c[e2 >> 2] = p2; c[p2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[p2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[p2 + 28 >> 2] = -1; c[p2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[p2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; e2 = p2 + 44 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; a[e2 + 4 >> 0] = 0; c[p2 + 40 >> 2] = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2]; f2 = p2 + 16 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[x2 + 36 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; a[x2 + 78 >> 0] = 2; x2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = x2 + 4 | 0; l2 = Pa[c[x2 >> 2] & 3](c[u2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!l2) { if (!(a[x2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(w2, 4); Ic(w2, 1); e2 = Pa[c[x2 >> 2] & 3](c[u2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!e2) wc(w2, 4); else D3 = e2; } else D3 = l2; l2 = x2 + 12 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; l2 = x2 + 56 | 0; a[D3 + 5 >> 0] = a[x2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[D3 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[D3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[l2 >> 2] = D3; c[D3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[D3 + 6 >> 0] = -1; c[D3 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[D3 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[D3 + 16 >> 2] = 2172240; a[D3 + 7 >> 0] = 0; c[D3 + 20 >> 2] = 2172240; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = D3; l2 = w2 + 8 | 0; x2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = D3; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; x2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = x2; l2 = x2; do if (((c[w2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) - l2 | 0) < 8) { x2 = c[w2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) > 1e6) wc(w2, 6); D3 = (l2 - (c[w2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) + 5 | 0; e2 = x2 << 1; x2 = (e2 | 0) < 1e6 ? e2 : 1e6; e2 = (x2 | 0) < (D3 | 0) ? D3 : x2; if ((e2 | 0) > 1e6) { xc(w2, 1000200); yc(w2, 46193, k2); } else { xc(w2, e2); break; } } while (0); a[m4 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[m4 + 8 >> 0] = a[p2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; w2 = c[(c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[m4 + 4 >> 1] = c[w2 + 28 >> 2]; b3[m4 + 6 >> 1] = c[w2 + 16 >> 2]; a[m4 + 9 >> 0] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[f2 >> 2] = m4; a[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 77 >> 0] = 1; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[n2 >> 2] = 7; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; ge(p2, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, n2) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; i3 = o2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { r2 = he(o2, o2 + 28 | 0) | 0; n2 = o2 + 24 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = r2; E3 = r2; F3 = n2; } else { n2 = i3; r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = o2 + 24 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = r2; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; c[i3 >> 2] = 287; E3 = r2; F3 = o2 + 24 | 0; } r2 = E3; a: while (true) { switch (r2 | 0) { case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { G2 = r2; break a; break; } default: { } } ie(o2); E3 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == 274) { G2 = E3; break; } else r2 = E3; } if ((G2 | 0) == 287) { ke(o2); Ia = j2; return v2 | 0; } else je(o2, 287); return 0; } function ge(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 40 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = b4 + 47 | 0; k2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (k2 << 24 >> 24 == -1) ze(b4, 255, 48035); if ((i3 | 0) > (k2 & 255 | 0)) l2 = i3; else { k2 = g2 + 28 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = pe(c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0, c[k2 >> 2] | 0, h3, 8, 255, 48035) | 0; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } h3 = c[g2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) { k2 = i3; do { c[h3 + (k2 << 3) >> 2] = 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)); } l2 = d[j2 >> 0] | 0; a[h3 + (l2 << 3) + 4 >> 0] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == 7 & 1; a[h3 + (l2 << 3) + 5 >> 0] = c[f2 + 4 >> 2]; c[h3 + (l2 << 3) >> 2] = e2; if (!(a[e2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { m4 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 + 1 << 24 >> 24; a[j2 >> 0] = n2; o2 = m4 & 255; return o2 | 0; } l2 = g2 + 5 | 0; g2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(g2 & 4)) { m4 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 + 1 << 24 >> 24; a[j2 >> 0] = n2; o2 = m4 & 255; return o2 | 0; } h3 = c[(c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[h3 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(h3, e2); m4 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 + 1 << 24 >> 24; a[j2 >> 0] = n2; o2 = m4 & 255; return o2 | 0; } else { a[l2 >> 0] = a[h3 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | g2 & -72; m4 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 + 1 << 24 >> 24; a[j2 >> 0] = n2; o2 = m4 & 255; return o2 | 0; } return 0; } function he(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0, Jb2 = 0, Kb2 = 0, Lb2 = 0, Mb2 = 0, Nb2 = 0, Ob2 = 0, Pb2 = 0, Qb3 = 0, Rb2 = 0, Sb2 = 0, Tb2 = 0, Ub3 = 0, Vb2 = 0, Wb2 = 0, Xb2 = 0, Yb3 = 0, Zb2 = 0, _b2 = 0, $b2 = 0, ac2 = 0, bc2 = 0, cc2 = 0, dc2 = 0, ec2 = 0, fc2 = 0, gc2 = 0, hc2 = 0, ic2 = 0, jc2 = 0, kc2 = 0, lc2 = 0, mc2 = 0, nc2 = 0, oc2 = 0, pc3 = 0, qc2 = 0, rc2 = 0, sc2 = 0, tc2 = 0, uc2 = 0, vc2 = 0, xc2 = 0, yc2 = 0, zc2 = 0, Ac2 = 0, Bc2 = 0, Cc2 = 0, Dc2 = 0, Ec2 = 0, Fc2 = 0, Gc2 = 0, Hc2 = 0, Kc2 = 0, Lc2 = 0, Mc2 = 0, Nc2 = 0, Oc3 = 0, Pc3 = 0, Qc3 = 0, Rc2 = 0, Sc2 = 0, Tc2 = 0, Vc2 = 0, Wc2 = 0, Xc2 = 0, Yc2 = 0, Zc2 = 0, _c2 = 0, $c2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2 + 12 | 0; h3 = f2; i3 = b4 + 52 | 0; c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; j2 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = b4 + 12 | 0; l2 = b4 + 48 | 0; a: while (true) { m4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; b: do switch (n2 | 0) { case 63: { o2 = 11; break a; break; } case 92: case 33: case 126: case 124: case 38: case 37: case 42: case 43: { o2 = 73; break a; break; } case 91: { o2 = 92; break a; break; } case 61: { o2 = 96; break a; break; } case 60: { o2 = 108; break a; break; } case 94: { o2 = 144; break a; break; } case 62: { o2 = 168; break a; break; } case 58: { o2 = 216; break a; break; } case 39: case 34: { o2 = 228; break a; break; } case 46: { o2 = 375; break a; break; } case 57: case 56: case 55: case 54: case 53: case 52: case 51: case 50: case 49: case 48: { p2 = n2; break a; break; } case -1: { q3 = 287; o2 = 563; break a; break; } case 13: case 10: { df(b4); if (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) { o2 = 4; break a; } break; } case 11: case 9: case 12: case 32: { r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = s3 + -1; if (!s3) { s3 = Oa2[c[r2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) u2 = -1; else { c[r2 >> 2] = t3 + -1; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = s3 + 1; u2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } v2 = u2; } else { s3 = r2 + 4 | 0; r2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; v2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = v2; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; break; } case 45: { r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = s3 + -1; if (!s3) { s3 = Oa2[c[r2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) w2 = -1; else { c[r2 >> 2] = t3 + -1; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = s3 + 1; w2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } x2 = w2; } else { s3 = r2 + 4 | 0; r2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; x2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = x2; switch (x2 | 0) { case 61: { o2 = 24; break a; break; } case 45: break; default: { q3 = 45; o2 = 563; break a; } } r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = s3 + -1; if (!s3) { s3 = Oa2[c[r2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) y4 = -1; else { c[r2 >> 2] = t3 + -1; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = s3 + 1; y4 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } z3 = y4; } else { s3 = r2 + 4 | 0; r2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; z3 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = z3; do if ((z3 | 0) == 91) { r2 = ef(b4) | 0; c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; if ((r2 | 0) > -1) { ff(b4, 0, r2); c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; break b; } else { A4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else A4 = z3; while (0); r2 = A4; while (true) { switch (r2 | 0) { case -1: case 13: case 10: { break b; break; } default: { } } s3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = t3 + -1; if (!t3) { t3 = Oa2[c[s3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[s3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; B2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == 0 | (B2 | 0) == 0) C3 = -1; else { c[s3 >> 2] = B2 + -1; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = t3 + 1; C3 = d[t3 >> 0] | 0; } D3 = C3; } else { t3 = s3 + 4 | 0; s3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = s3 + 1; D3 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = D3; r2 = D3; } break; } case 47: { r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = s3 + -1; if (!s3) { s3 = Oa2[c[r2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) E3 = -1; else { c[r2 >> 2] = t3 + -1; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = s3 + 1; E3 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } F3 = E3; } else { s3 = r2 + 4 | 0; r2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; F3 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = F3; switch (F3 | 0) { case 61: { o2 = 54; break a; break; } case 47: break; default: { q3 = 47; o2 = 563; break a; } } r2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = s3 + -1; if (!s3) { s3 = Oa2[c[r2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) == 0) G2 = -1; else { c[r2 >> 2] = t3 + -1; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = s3 + 1; G2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } H2 = G2; } else { s3 = r2 + 4 | 0; r2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; H2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } r2 = H2; while (true) { c[b4 >> 2] = r2; switch (r2 | 0) { case -1: case 13: case 10: { break b; break; } default: { } } s3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = t3 + -1; if (!t3) { t3 = Oa2[c[s3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[s3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; B2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == 0 | (B2 | 0) == 0) I2 = -1; else { c[s3 >> 2] = B2 + -1; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = t3 + 1; I2 = d[t3 >> 0] | 0; } J2 = I2; } else { t3 = s3 + 4 | 0; s3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = s3 + 1; J2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } r2 = J2; } break; } default: { o2 = 532; break a; } } while (0); } switch (o2 | 0) { case 4: { c[k2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = 292; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 11: { J2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; c[J2 >> 2] = I2 + -1; if (!I2) { I2 = Oa2[c[J2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[J2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[J2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; H2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) == 0 | (H2 | 0) == 0) K2 = -1; else { c[J2 >> 2] = H2 + -1; c[J2 + 4 >> 2] = I2 + 1; K2 = d[I2 >> 0] | 0; } L3 = K2; } else { K2 = J2 + 4 | 0; J2 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = J2 + 1; L3 = d[J2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = L3; if ((m4 | 0) != 1) { q3 = 63; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } c[k2 >> 2] = 1; q3 = 291; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 24: { k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = m4 + -1; if (!m4) { m4 = Oa2[c[k2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[k2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; L3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == 0 | (L3 | 0) == 0) M2 = -1; else { c[k2 >> 2] = L3 + -1; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = m4 + 1; M2 = d[m4 >> 0] | 0; } N4 = M2; } else { M2 = k2 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; c[M2 >> 2] = k2 + 1; N4 = d[k2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = N4; q3 = 300; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 54: { N4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[N4 >> 2] | 0; c[N4 >> 2] = k2 + -1; if (!k2) { k2 = Oa2[c[N4 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[N4 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[N4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; M2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == 0 | (M2 | 0) == 0) O2 = -1; else { c[N4 >> 2] = M2 + -1; c[N4 + 4 >> 2] = k2 + 1; O2 = d[k2 >> 0] | 0; } P2 = O2; } else { O2 = N4 + 4 | 0; N4 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; c[O2 >> 2] = N4 + 1; P2 = d[N4 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = P2; q3 = 302; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 73: { P2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; N4 = c[P2 >> 2] | 0; c[P2 >> 2] = N4 + -1; if (!N4) { N4 = Oa2[c[P2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[P2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[P2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; O2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((N4 | 0) == 0 | (O2 | 0) == 0) Q3 = -1; else { c[P2 >> 2] = O2 + -1; c[P2 + 4 >> 2] = N4 + 1; Q3 = d[N4 >> 0] | 0; } R3 = Q3; } else { Q3 = P2 + 4 | 0; P2 = c[Q3 >> 2] | 0; c[Q3 >> 2] = P2 + 1; R3 = d[P2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = R3; if ((R3 | 0) != 61) { q3 = n2; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } R3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; P2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; c[R3 >> 2] = P2 + -1; if (!P2) { P2 = Oa2[c[R3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[R3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[R3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Q3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((P2 | 0) == 0 | (Q3 | 0) == 0) S2 = -1; else { c[R3 >> 2] = Q3 + -1; c[R3 + 4 >> 2] = P2 + 1; S2 = d[P2 >> 0] | 0; } T4 = S2; } else { S2 = R3 + 4 | 0; R3 = c[S2 >> 2] | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = R3 + 1; T4 = d[R3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = T4; switch (n2 | 0) { case 42: { q3 = 301; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 37: { q3 = 303; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 38: { q3 = 306; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 124: { q3 = 307; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 126: { q3 = 284; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 33: { q3 = 285; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 43: { q3 = 299; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } default: { q3 = 305; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } case 92: { T4 = ef(b4) | 0; if ((T4 | 0) > -1) { ff(b4, e2, T4); q3 = 290; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } if ((T4 | 0) == -1) { q3 = 91; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } else xe(b4, 47819, 290); break; } case 96: { T4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; R3 = c[T4 >> 2] | 0; c[T4 >> 2] = R3 + -1; if (!R3) { R3 = Oa2[c[T4 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[T4 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[T4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; S2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((R3 | 0) == 0 | (S2 | 0) == 0) U2 = -1; else { c[T4 >> 2] = S2 + -1; c[T4 + 4 >> 2] = R3 + 1; U2 = d[R3 >> 0] | 0; } V3 = U2; } else { U2 = T4 + 4 | 0; T4 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; c[U2 >> 2] = T4 + 1; V3 = d[T4 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = V3; if ((V3 | 0) != 61) { q3 = 61; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } V3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; T4 = c[V3 >> 2] | 0; c[V3 >> 2] = T4 + -1; if (!T4) { T4 = Oa2[c[V3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[V3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[V3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; U2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((T4 | 0) == 0 | (U2 | 0) == 0) W2 = -1; else { c[V3 >> 2] = U2 + -1; c[V3 + 4 >> 2] = T4 + 1; W2 = d[T4 >> 0] | 0; } X2 = W2; } else { W2 = V3 + 4 | 0; V3 = c[W2 >> 2] | 0; c[W2 >> 2] = V3 + 1; X2 = d[V3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = X2; q3 = 281; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 108: { X2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; V3 = c[X2 >> 2] | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = V3 + -1; if (!V3) { V3 = Oa2[c[X2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[X2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[X2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; W2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((V3 | 0) == 0 | (W2 | 0) == 0) Y2 = -1; else { c[X2 >> 2] = W2 + -1; c[X2 + 4 >> 2] = V3 + 1; Y2 = d[V3 >> 0] | 0; } Z3 = Y2; } else { Y2 = X2 + 4 | 0; X2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = X2 + 1; Z3 = d[X2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Z3; switch (Z3 | 0) { case 61: { Z3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; X2 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = X2 + -1; if (!X2) { X2 = Oa2[c[Z3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Z3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Z3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Y2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((X2 | 0) == 0 | (Y2 | 0) == 0) _5 = -1; else { c[Z3 >> 2] = Y2 + -1; c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] = X2 + 1; _5 = d[X2 >> 0] | 0; } $2 = _5; } else { _5 = Z3 + 4 | 0; Z3 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = Z3 + 1; $2 = d[Z3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = $2; q3 = 283; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 60: { $2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = Z3 + -1; if (!Z3) { Z3 = Oa2[c[$2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[$2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; _5 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Z3 | 0) == 0 | (_5 | 0) == 0) aa2 = -1; else { c[$2 >> 2] = _5 + -1; c[$2 + 4 >> 2] = Z3 + 1; aa2 = d[Z3 >> 0] | 0; } ba3 = aa2; } else { aa2 = $2 + 4 | 0; $2 = c[aa2 >> 2] | 0; c[aa2 >> 2] = $2 + 1; ba3 = d[$2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = ba3; switch (ba3 | 0) { case 61: { ba3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; $2 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; c[ba3 >> 2] = $2 + -1; if (!$2) { $2 = Oa2[c[ba3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[ba3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[ba3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; aa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (($2 | 0) == 0 | (aa2 | 0) == 0) ca2 = -1; else { c[ba3 >> 2] = aa2 + -1; c[ba3 + 4 >> 2] = $2 + 1; ca2 = d[$2 >> 0] | 0; } da2 = ca2; } else { ca2 = ba3 + 4 | 0; ba3 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; c[ca2 >> 2] = ba3 + 1; da2 = d[ba3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = da2; q3 = 309; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 62: { da2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = c[da2 >> 2] | 0; c[da2 >> 2] = ba3 + -1; if (!ba3) { ba3 = Oa2[c[da2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[da2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[da2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ca2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ba3 | 0) == 0 | (ca2 | 0) == 0) ea2 = -1; else { c[da2 >> 2] = ca2 + -1; c[da2 + 4 >> 2] = ba3 + 1; ea2 = d[ba3 >> 0] | 0; } fa2 = ea2; } else { ea2 = da2 + 4 | 0; da2 = c[ea2 >> 2] | 0; c[ea2 >> 2] = da2 + 1; fa2 = d[da2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = fa2; if ((fa2 | 0) != 61) { q3 = 297; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } fa2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; da2 = c[fa2 >> 2] | 0; c[fa2 >> 2] = da2 + -1; if (!da2) { da2 = Oa2[c[fa2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[fa2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[fa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((da2 | 0) == 0 | (ea2 | 0) == 0) ga2 = -1; else { c[fa2 >> 2] = ea2 + -1; c[fa2 + 4 >> 2] = da2 + 1; ga2 = d[da2 >> 0] | 0; } ha2 = ga2; } else { ga2 = fa2 + 4 | 0; fa2 = c[ga2 >> 2] | 0; c[ga2 >> 2] = fa2 + 1; ha2 = d[fa2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = ha2; q3 = 312; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } default: { q3 = 294; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } default: { q3 = 60; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } case 144: { ha2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; fa2 = c[ha2 >> 2] | 0; c[ha2 >> 2] = fa2 + -1; if (!fa2) { fa2 = Oa2[c[ha2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[ha2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[ha2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ga2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((fa2 | 0) == 0 | (ga2 | 0) == 0) ia2 = -1; else { c[ha2 >> 2] = ga2 + -1; c[ha2 + 4 >> 2] = fa2 + 1; ia2 = d[fa2 >> 0] | 0; } ja2 = ia2; } else { ia2 = ha2 + 4 | 0; ha2 = c[ia2 >> 2] | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = ha2 + 1; ja2 = d[ha2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = ja2; switch (ja2 | 0) { case 61: { ja2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = c[ja2 >> 2] | 0; c[ja2 >> 2] = ha2 + -1; if (!ha2) { ha2 = Oa2[c[ja2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[ja2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[ja2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ia2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ha2 | 0) == 0 | (ia2 | 0) == 0) ka2 = -1; else { c[ja2 >> 2] = ia2 + -1; c[ja2 + 4 >> 2] = ha2 + 1; ka2 = d[ha2 >> 0] | 0; } la2 = ka2; } else { ka2 = ja2 + 4 | 0; ja2 = c[ka2 >> 2] | 0; c[ka2 >> 2] = ja2 + 1; la2 = d[ja2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = la2; q3 = 304; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 94: { la2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; ja2 = c[la2 >> 2] | 0; c[la2 >> 2] = ja2 + -1; if (!ja2) { ja2 = Oa2[c[la2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[la2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[la2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ka2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ja2 | 0) == 0 | (ka2 | 0) == 0) ma2 = -1; else { c[la2 >> 2] = ka2 + -1; c[la2 + 4 >> 2] = ja2 + 1; ma2 = d[ja2 >> 0] | 0; } na2 = ma2; } else { ma2 = la2 + 4 | 0; la2 = c[ma2 >> 2] | 0; c[ma2 >> 2] = la2 + 1; na2 = d[la2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = na2; if ((na2 | 0) != 61) { q3 = 293; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } na2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; la2 = c[na2 >> 2] | 0; c[na2 >> 2] = la2 + -1; if (!la2) { la2 = Oa2[c[na2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[na2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[na2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ma2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((la2 | 0) == 0 | (ma2 | 0) == 0) oa2 = -1; else { c[na2 >> 2] = ma2 + -1; c[na2 + 4 >> 2] = la2 + 1; oa2 = d[la2 >> 0] | 0; } pa3 = oa2; } else { oa2 = na2 + 4 | 0; na2 = c[oa2 >> 2] | 0; c[oa2 >> 2] = na2 + 1; pa3 = d[na2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = pa3; q3 = 308; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } default: { q3 = 94; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } case 168: { pa3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; na2 = c[pa3 >> 2] | 0; c[pa3 >> 2] = na2 + -1; if (!na2) { na2 = Oa2[c[pa3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[pa3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[pa3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; oa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((na2 | 0) == 0 | (oa2 | 0) == 0) qa2 = -1; else { c[pa3 >> 2] = oa2 + -1; c[pa3 + 4 >> 2] = na2 + 1; qa2 = d[na2 >> 0] | 0; } ra2 = qa2; } else { qa2 = pa3 + 4 | 0; pa3 = c[qa2 >> 2] | 0; c[qa2 >> 2] = pa3 + 1; ra2 = d[pa3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = ra2; switch (ra2 | 0) { case 61: { ra2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = c[ra2 >> 2] | 0; c[ra2 >> 2] = pa3 + -1; if (!pa3) { pa3 = Oa2[c[ra2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[ra2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[ra2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; qa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((pa3 | 0) == 0 | (qa2 | 0) == 0) sa2 = -1; else { c[ra2 >> 2] = qa2 + -1; c[ra2 + 4 >> 2] = pa3 + 1; sa2 = d[pa3 >> 0] | 0; } ta2 = sa2; } else { sa2 = ra2 + 4 | 0; ra2 = c[sa2 >> 2] | 0; c[sa2 >> 2] = ra2 + 1; ta2 = d[ra2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = ta2; q3 = 282; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 62: { ta2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[ta2 >> 2] | 0; c[ta2 >> 2] = ra2 + -1; if (!ra2) { ra2 = Oa2[c[ta2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[ta2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[ta2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; sa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ra2 | 0) == 0 | (sa2 | 0) == 0) ua2 = -1; else { c[ta2 >> 2] = sa2 + -1; c[ta2 + 4 >> 2] = ra2 + 1; ua2 = d[ra2 >> 0] | 0; } va2 = ua2; } else { ua2 = ta2 + 4 | 0; ta2 = c[ua2 >> 2] | 0; c[ua2 >> 2] = ta2 + 1; va2 = d[ta2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = va2; switch (va2 | 0) { case 61: { va2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = c[va2 >> 2] | 0; c[va2 >> 2] = ta2 + -1; if (!ta2) { ta2 = Oa2[c[va2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[va2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[va2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ua2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ta2 | 0) == 0 | (ua2 | 0) == 0) wa2 = -1; else { c[va2 >> 2] = ua2 + -1; c[va2 + 4 >> 2] = ta2 + 1; wa2 = d[ta2 >> 0] | 0; } xa2 = wa2; } else { wa2 = va2 + 4 | 0; va2 = c[wa2 >> 2] | 0; c[wa2 >> 2] = va2 + 1; xa2 = d[va2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = xa2; q3 = 310; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 60: { xa2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; va2 = c[xa2 >> 2] | 0; c[xa2 >> 2] = va2 + -1; if (!va2) { va2 = Oa2[c[xa2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[xa2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[xa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; wa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((va2 | 0) == 0 | (wa2 | 0) == 0) ya2 = -1; else { c[xa2 >> 2] = wa2 + -1; c[xa2 + 4 >> 2] = va2 + 1; ya2 = d[va2 >> 0] | 0; } za2 = ya2; } else { ya2 = xa2 + 4 | 0; xa2 = c[ya2 >> 2] | 0; c[ya2 >> 2] = xa2 + 1; za2 = d[xa2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = za2; if ((za2 | 0) != 61) { q3 = 298; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } za2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; xa2 = c[za2 >> 2] | 0; c[za2 >> 2] = xa2 + -1; if (!xa2) { xa2 = Oa2[c[za2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[za2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[za2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ya2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((xa2 | 0) == 0 | (ya2 | 0) == 0) Aa3 = -1; else { c[za2 >> 2] = ya2 + -1; c[za2 + 4 >> 2] = xa2 + 1; Aa3 = d[xa2 >> 0] | 0; } Ba3 = Aa3; } else { Aa3 = za2 + 4 | 0; za2 = c[Aa3 >> 2] | 0; c[Aa3 >> 2] = za2 + 1; Ba3 = d[za2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ba3; q3 = 313; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 62: { Ba3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; za2 = c[Ba3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ba3 >> 2] = za2 + -1; if (!za2) { za2 = Oa2[c[Ba3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ba3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ba3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Aa3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((za2 | 0) == 0 | (Aa3 | 0) == 0) Ca2 = -1; else { c[Ba3 >> 2] = Aa3 + -1; c[Ba3 + 4 >> 2] = za2 + 1; Ca2 = d[za2 >> 0] | 0; } Da2 = Ca2; } else { Ca2 = Ba3 + 4 | 0; Ba3 = c[Ca2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ca2 >> 2] = Ba3 + 1; Da2 = d[Ba3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Da2; if ((Da2 | 0) != 61) { q3 = 296; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } Da2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ba3 = c[Da2 >> 2] | 0; c[Da2 >> 2] = Ba3 + -1; if (!Ba3) { Ba3 = Oa2[c[Da2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Da2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Da2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ca2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ba3 | 0) == 0 | (Ca2 | 0) == 0) Ea2 = -1; else { c[Da2 >> 2] = Ca2 + -1; c[Da2 + 4 >> 2] = Ba3 + 1; Ea2 = d[Ba3 >> 0] | 0; } Fa2 = Ea2; } else { Ea2 = Da2 + 4 | 0; Da2 = c[Ea2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ea2 >> 2] = Da2 + 1; Fa2 = d[Da2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Fa2; q3 = 311; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } default: { q3 = 295; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } default: { q3 = 62; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } case 216: { Fa2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Da2 = c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0; c[Fa2 >> 2] = Da2 + -1; if (!Da2) { Da2 = Oa2[c[Fa2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Fa2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Fa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Da2 | 0) == 0 | (Ea2 | 0) == 0) Ga3 = -1; else { c[Fa2 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; c[Fa2 + 4 >> 2] = Da2 + 1; Ga3 = d[Da2 >> 0] | 0; } Ha3 = Ga3; } else { Ga3 = Fa2 + 4 | 0; Fa2 = c[Ga3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ga3 >> 2] = Fa2 + 1; Ha3 = d[Fa2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ha3; if ((Ha3 | 0) != 58) { q3 = 58; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Fa2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Fa2 + -1; if (!Fa2) { Fa2 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ga3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Fa2 | 0) == 0 | (Ga3 | 0) == 0) Ja3 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ga3 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Fa2 + 1; Ja3 = d[Fa2 >> 0] | 0; } Ka2 = Ja3; } else { Ja3 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; Ka2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ka2; q3 = 286; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 228: { Ka2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Ha3 = Ka2 + 4 | 0; Ja3 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; Fa2 = Ja3 + 1 | 0; Ga3 = Ka2 + 8 | 0; Da2 = c[Ga3 >> 2] | 0; if (Fa2 >>> 0 > Da2 >>> 0) { if (Da2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); Ea2 = Da2 << 1; Ba3 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ea2 | 0) == -2) Jc(Ba3); Ca2 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; za2 = c[Ba3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Aa3 = (Ca2 | 0) == 0; xa2 = za2 + 4 | 0; ya2 = Pa[c[za2 >> 2] & 3](c[xa2 >> 2] | 0, Ca2, Da2, Ea2) | 0; if ((Ea2 | 0) != 0 & (ya2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[za2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(Ba3, 4); Ic(Ba3, 1); va2 = Pa[c[za2 >> 2] & 3](c[xa2 >> 2] | 0, Ca2, Da2, Ea2) | 0; if (!va2) wc(Ba3, 4); else La2 = va2; } else La2 = ya2; ya2 = za2 + 12 | 0; c[ya2 >> 2] = (Aa3 ? 0 : 0 - Da2 | 0) + Ea2 + (c[ya2 >> 2] | 0); c[Ka2 >> 2] = La2; c[Ga3 >> 2] = Ea2; Ea2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; Ma2 = La2; Na2 = Ea2; Qa2 = Ea2 + 1 | 0; } else { Ma2 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; Na2 = Ja3; Qa2 = Fa2; } Fa2 = n2 & 255; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Qa2; a[Ma2 + Na2 >> 0] = Fa2; Na2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ma2 = c[Na2 >> 2] | 0; c[Na2 >> 2] = Ma2 + -1; if (!Ma2) { Ma2 = Oa2[c[Na2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Na2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Na2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Qa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ma2 | 0) == 0 | (Qa2 | 0) == 0) Ra2 = -1; else { c[Na2 >> 2] = Qa2 + -1; c[Na2 + 4 >> 2] = Ma2 + 1; Ra2 = d[Ma2 >> 0] | 0; } Sa2 = Ra2; } else { Ra2 = Na2 + 4 | 0; Na2 = c[Ra2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ra2 >> 2] = Na2 + 1; Sa2 = d[Na2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Sa2; c: do if ((Sa2 | 0) != (n2 | 0)) { Na2 = b4 + 44 | 0; Ra2 = h3 + 4 | 0; Ma2 = h3 + 8 | 0; Qa2 = Sa2; d: while (true) { e: do switch (Qa2 | 0) { case -1: { o2 = 247; break d; break; } case 13: case 10: { o2 = 248; break d; break; } case 92: { Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ja3 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ja3 + -1; if (!Ja3) { Ja3 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ka2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ja3 | 0) == 0 | (Ka2 | 0) == 0) Ta2 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ja3 + 1; Ta2 = d[Ja3 >> 0] | 0; } Ua2 = Ta2; } else { Ja3 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; Ua2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ua2; do switch (Ua2 | 0) { case -1: { Va2 = Ua2; break e; break; } case 97: { Wa2 = 7; o2 = 322; break; } case 98: { Wa2 = 8; o2 = 322; break; } case 102: { Wa2 = 12; o2 = 322; break; } case 110: { Wa2 = 10; o2 = 322; break; } case 114: { Wa2 = 13; o2 = 322; break; } case 116: { Wa2 = 9; o2 = 322; break; } case 118: { Wa2 = 11; o2 = 322; break; } case 42: { Wa2 = 1; o2 = 322; break; } case 35: { Wa2 = 2; o2 = 322; break; } case 45: { Wa2 = 3; o2 = 322; break; } case 124: { Wa2 = 4; o2 = 322; break; } case 43: { Wa2 = 5; o2 = 322; break; } case 94: { Wa2 = 6; o2 = 322; break; } case 120: { c[h3 >> 2] = 120; Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ja3 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ja3 + -1; if (!Ja3) { Ja3 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ka2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ja3 | 0) == 0 | (Ka2 | 0) == 0) Xa3 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ja3 + 1; Xa3 = d[Ja3 >> 0] | 0; } Ya3 = Xa3; } else { Ja3 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; Ya3 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ya3; c[Ra2 >> 2] = Ya3; if (!(a[64 + (Ya3 + 1) >> 0] & 16)) { Za2 = 2; o2 = 273; break d; } Ha3 = Ya3 + -48 | 0; Ja3 = Ha3 >>> 0 < 10 ? Ha3 : (Ya3 | 32) + 268435369 | 0; Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; if (!Ka2) { Ka2 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ka2 | 0) == 0 | (Ea2 | 0) == 0) _a2 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ka2 + 1; _a2 = d[Ka2 >> 0] | 0; } $a2 = _a2; } else { Ka2 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ka2 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; $a2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = $a2; c[Ma2 >> 2] = $a2; if (!(a[64 + ($a2 + 1) >> 0] & 16)) { Za2 = 3; o2 = 273; break d; } Ha3 = $a2 + -48 | 0; Wa2 = (Ha3 >>> 0 < 10 ? Ha3 : ($a2 | 32) + -87 | 0) + (Ja3 << 4) | 0; o2 = 322; break; } case 13: case 10: { df(b4); ab2 = 10; break; } case 39: case 34: case 92: { Wa2 = Ua2; o2 = 322; break; } case 122: { Ja3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ha3 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ha3 + -1; if (!Ha3) { Ha3 = Oa2[c[Ja3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ja3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ja3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ka2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ha3 | 0) == 0 | (Ka2 | 0) == 0) bb2 = -1; else { c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; c[Ja3 + 4 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; bb2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } cb2 = bb2; } else { Ha3 = Ja3 + 4 | 0; Ja3 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ja3 + 1; cb2 = d[Ja3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = cb2; if (!(a[64 + (cb2 + 1) >> 0] & 8)) { Va2 = cb2; break e; } Ja3 = cb2; while (true) { switch (Ja3 | 0) { case 13: case 10: { df(b4); db3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: { Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; if (!Ka2) { Ka2 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ka2 | 0) == 0 | (Ea2 | 0) == 0) eb3 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ka2 + 1; eb3 = d[Ka2 >> 0] | 0; } fb2 = eb3; } else { Ka2 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ka2 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; fb2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = fb2; db3 = fb2; } } if (!(a[64 + (db3 + 1) >> 0] & 8)) { Va2 = db3; break e; } else Ja3 = db3; } break; } default: { Ja3 = Ua2 + -48 | 0; if (Ja3 >>> 0 >= 10) { o2 = 300; break d; } c[h3 >> 2] = Ua2; Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; if (!Ka2) { Ka2 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ka2 | 0) == 0 | (Ea2 | 0) == 0) gb2 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ka2 + 1; gb2 = d[Ka2 >> 0] | 0; } hb2 = gb2; } else { Ka2 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ka2 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; hb2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = hb2; Ha3 = hb2 + -48 | 0; if (Ha3 >>> 0 < 10) { c[Ra2 >> 2] = hb2; Ka2 = Ha3 + (Ja3 * 10 | 0) | 0; Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ea2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; if (!Ea2) { Ea2 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; La2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ea2 | 0) == 0 | (La2 | 0) == 0) ib2 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = La2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ea2 + 1; ib2 = d[Ea2 >> 0] | 0; } jb2 = ib2; } else { Ea2 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ea2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ea2 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; jb2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = jb2; Ha3 = jb2 + -48 | 0; if (Ha3 >>> 0 < 10) { c[Ma2 >> 2] = jb2; Ea2 = Ha3 + (Ka2 * 10 | 0) | 0; Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; La2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = La2 + -1; if (!La2) { La2 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ga3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((La2 | 0) == 0 | (Ga3 | 0) == 0) kb2 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ga3 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = La2 + 1; kb2 = d[La2 >> 0] | 0; } lb3 = kb2; } else { La2 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[La2 >> 2] | 0; c[La2 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; lb3 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = lb3; mb2 = 3; nb2 = Ea2; } else { mb2 = 2; nb2 = Ka2; } if ((nb2 | 0) > 255) { o2 = 308; break d; } else ob2 = nb2; } else ob2 = Ja3; ab2 = ob2; } } while (0); if ((o2 | 0) == 322) { o2 = 0; Ja3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ka2 + -1; if (!Ka2) { Ka2 = Oa2[c[Ja3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ja3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ja3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ka2 | 0) == 0 | (Ea2 | 0) == 0) pb2 = -1; else { c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; c[Ja3 + 4 >> 2] = Ka2 + 1; pb2 = d[Ka2 >> 0] | 0; } qb2 = pb2; } else { Ka2 = Ja3 + 4 | 0; Ja3 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ka2 >> 2] = Ja3 + 1; qb2 = d[Ja3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = qb2; ab2 = Wa2; } Ja3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = Ja3 + 4 | 0; Ea2 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; Ha3 = Ea2 + 1 | 0; La2 = Ja3 + 8 | 0; Ga3 = c[La2 >> 2] | 0; if (Ha3 >>> 0 > Ga3 >>> 0) { if (Ga3 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { o2 = 331; break d; } ya2 = Ga3 << 1; rb2 = c[Na2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ya2 | 0) == -2) { o2 = 333; break d; } Da2 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; Aa3 = c[rb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; za2 = (Da2 | 0) == 0; va2 = Aa3 + 4 | 0; Ba3 = Pa[c[Aa3 >> 2] & 3](c[va2 >> 2] | 0, Da2, Ga3, ya2) | 0; if ((ya2 | 0) != 0 & (Ba3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[Aa3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = 337; break d; } Ic(rb2, 1); Ca2 = Pa[c[Aa3 >> 2] & 3](c[va2 >> 2] | 0, Da2, Ga3, ya2) | 0; if (!Ca2) { o2 = 337; break d; } else sb2 = Ca2; } else sb2 = Ba3; Ba3 = Aa3 + 12 | 0; c[Ba3 >> 2] = (za2 ? 0 : 0 - Ga3 | 0) + ya2 + (c[Ba3 >> 2] | 0); c[Ja3 >> 2] = sb2; c[La2 >> 2] = ya2; ya2 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; tb2 = sb2; ub2 = ya2; vb2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; } else { tb2 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; ub2 = Ea2; vb2 = Ha3; } c[Ka2 >> 2] = vb2; a[tb2 + ub2 >> 0] = ab2; Va2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: { Ka2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Ha3 = Ka2 + 4 | 0; Ea2 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; Ja3 = Ea2 + 1 | 0; ya2 = Ka2 + 8 | 0; La2 = c[ya2 >> 2] | 0; if (Ja3 >>> 0 > La2 >>> 0) { if (La2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { o2 = 343; break d; } Ba3 = La2 << 1; wb3 = c[Na2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ba3 | 0) == -2) { o2 = 345; break d; } Ga3 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; za2 = c[wb3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Aa3 = (Ga3 | 0) == 0; Ca2 = za2 + 4 | 0; Da2 = Pa[c[za2 >> 2] & 3](c[Ca2 >> 2] | 0, Ga3, La2, Ba3) | 0; if ((Ba3 | 0) != 0 & (Da2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[za2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = 349; break d; } Ic(wb3, 1); va2 = Pa[c[za2 >> 2] & 3](c[Ca2 >> 2] | 0, Ga3, La2, Ba3) | 0; if (!va2) { o2 = 349; break d; } else xb2 = va2; } else xb2 = Da2; Da2 = za2 + 12 | 0; c[Da2 >> 2] = (Aa3 ? 0 : 0 - La2 | 0) + Ba3 + (c[Da2 >> 2] | 0); c[Ka2 >> 2] = xb2; c[ya2 >> 2] = Ba3; Ba3 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; yb2 = xb2; zb2 = Ba3; Ab2 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; } else { yb2 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; zb2 = Ea2; Ab2 = Ja3; } c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ab2; a[yb2 + zb2 >> 0] = Qa2; Ha3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ja3 = c[Ha3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ja3 + -1; if (!Ja3) { Ja3 = Oa2[c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ha3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Ea2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ja3 | 0) == 0 | (Ea2 | 0) == 0) Bb2 = -1; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = Ea2 + -1; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = Ja3 + 1; Bb2 = d[Ja3 >> 0] | 0; } Cb2 = Bb2; } else { Ja3 = Ha3 + 4 | 0; Ha3 = c[Ja3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ja3 >> 2] = Ha3 + 1; Cb2 = d[Ha3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Cb2; Va2 = Cb2; } } while (0); if ((Va2 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) break c; else Qa2 = Va2; } switch (o2 | 0) { case 247: { xe(b4, 47849, 287); break; } case 248: { xe(b4, 47849, 290); break; } case 273: { gf(b4, h3, Za2, 47867); break; } case 300: { gf(b4, b4, 1, 47894); break; } case 308: { gf(b4, h3, mb2, 47918); break; } case 331: { xe(b4, 47209, 0); break; } case 333: { Jc(rb2); break; } case 337: { wc(rb2, 4); break; } case 343: { xe(b4, 47209, 0); break; } case 345: { Jc(wb3); break; } case 349: { wc(wb3, 4); break; } } } while (0); wb3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; rb2 = wb3 + 4 | 0; mb2 = c[rb2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = mb2 + 1 | 0; Za2 = wb3 + 8 | 0; Va2 = c[Za2 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 > Va2 >>> 0) { if (Va2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); Cb2 = Va2 << 1; Bb2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((Cb2 | 0) == -2) Jc(Bb2); zb2 = c[wb3 >> 2] | 0; yb2 = c[Bb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Ab2 = (zb2 | 0) == 0; xb2 = yb2 + 4 | 0; ab2 = Pa[c[yb2 >> 2] & 3](c[xb2 >> 2] | 0, zb2, Va2, Cb2) | 0; if ((Cb2 | 0) != 0 & (ab2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[yb2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(Bb2, 4); Ic(Bb2, 1); ub2 = Pa[c[yb2 >> 2] & 3](c[xb2 >> 2] | 0, zb2, Va2, Cb2) | 0; if (!ub2) wc(Bb2, 4); else Db2 = ub2; } else Db2 = ab2; ab2 = yb2 + 12 | 0; c[ab2 >> 2] = (Ab2 ? 0 : 0 - Va2 | 0) + Cb2 + (c[ab2 >> 2] | 0); c[wb3 >> 2] = Db2; c[Za2 >> 2] = Cb2; Cb2 = c[rb2 >> 2] | 0; Eb3 = Db2; Fb2 = Cb2; Gb2 = Cb2 + 1 | 0; } else { Eb3 = c[wb3 >> 2] | 0; Fb2 = mb2; Gb2 = h3; } c[rb2 >> 2] = Gb2; a[Eb3 + Fb2 >> 0] = Fa2; Fa2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Fb2 = c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0; c[Fa2 >> 2] = Fb2 + -1; if (!Fb2) { Fb2 = Oa2[c[Fa2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Fa2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Fa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Eb3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Fb2 | 0) == 0 | (Eb3 | 0) == 0) Hb2 = -1; else { c[Fa2 >> 2] = Eb3 + -1; c[Fa2 + 4 >> 2] = Fb2 + 1; Hb2 = d[Fb2 >> 0] | 0; } Ib2 = Hb2; } else { Hb2 = Fa2 + 4 | 0; Fa2 = c[Hb2 >> 2] | 0; c[Hb2 >> 2] = Fa2 + 1; Ib2 = d[Fa2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ib2; Ib2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = ne(b4, (c[Ib2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0, (c[Ib2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + -2 | 0) | 0; q3 = 290; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 375: { Ib2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Fa2 = Ib2 + 4 | 0; Hb2 = c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0; Fb2 = Hb2 + 1 | 0; Eb3 = Ib2 + 8 | 0; Gb2 = c[Eb3 >> 2] | 0; if (Fb2 >>> 0 > Gb2 >>> 0) { if (Gb2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); rb2 = Gb2 << 1; h3 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((rb2 | 0) == -2) Jc(h3); mb2 = c[Ib2 >> 2] | 0; wb3 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Cb2 = (mb2 | 0) == 0; Db2 = wb3 + 4 | 0; Za2 = Pa[c[wb3 >> 2] & 3](c[Db2 >> 2] | 0, mb2, Gb2, rb2) | 0; if ((rb2 | 0) != 0 & (Za2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[wb3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(h3, 4); Ic(h3, 1); ab2 = Pa[c[wb3 >> 2] & 3](c[Db2 >> 2] | 0, mb2, Gb2, rb2) | 0; if (!ab2) wc(h3, 4); else Jb2 = ab2; } else Jb2 = Za2; Za2 = wb3 + 12 | 0; c[Za2 >> 2] = (Cb2 ? 0 : 0 - Gb2 | 0) + rb2 + (c[Za2 >> 2] | 0); c[Ib2 >> 2] = Jb2; c[Eb3 >> 2] = rb2; rb2 = c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0; Kb2 = Jb2; Lb2 = rb2; Mb2 = rb2 + 1 | 0; } else { Kb2 = c[Ib2 >> 2] | 0; Lb2 = Hb2; Mb2 = Fb2; } c[Fa2 >> 2] = Mb2; a[Kb2 + Lb2 >> 0] = 46; Lb2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Kb2 = c[Lb2 >> 2] | 0; c[Lb2 >> 2] = Kb2 + -1; if (!Kb2) { Kb2 = Oa2[c[Lb2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Lb2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Lb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Mb2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Kb2 | 0) == 0 | (Mb2 | 0) == 0) Nb2 = -1; else { c[Lb2 >> 2] = Mb2 + -1; c[Lb2 + 4 >> 2] = Kb2 + 1; Nb2 = d[Kb2 >> 0] | 0; } Ob2 = Nb2; } else { Nb2 = Lb2 + 4 | 0; Lb2 = c[Nb2 >> 2] | 0; c[Nb2 >> 2] = Lb2 + 1; Ob2 = d[Lb2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ob2; if (!Ob2) { q3 = 46; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } if (!(yt(103254, Ob2, 2) | 0)) { if ((Ob2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10) { p2 = Ob2; break; } else q3 = 46; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } Lb2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Nb2 = Lb2 + 4 | 0; Kb2 = c[Nb2 >> 2] | 0; Mb2 = Kb2 + 1 | 0; Fa2 = Lb2 + 8 | 0; Fb2 = c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0; if (Mb2 >>> 0 > Fb2 >>> 0) { if (Fb2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); Hb2 = Fb2 << 1; Ib2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((Hb2 | 0) == -2) Jc(Ib2); rb2 = c[Lb2 >> 2] | 0; Jb2 = c[Ib2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Eb3 = (rb2 | 0) == 0; Za2 = Jb2 + 4 | 0; Gb2 = Pa[c[Jb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Za2 >> 2] | 0, rb2, Fb2, Hb2) | 0; if ((Hb2 | 0) != 0 & (Gb2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[Jb2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(Ib2, 4); Ic(Ib2, 1); Cb2 = Pa[c[Jb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Za2 >> 2] | 0, rb2, Fb2, Hb2) | 0; if (!Cb2) wc(Ib2, 4); else Pb2 = Cb2; } else Pb2 = Gb2; Gb2 = Jb2 + 12 | 0; c[Gb2 >> 2] = (Eb3 ? 0 : 0 - Fb2 | 0) + Hb2 + (c[Gb2 >> 2] | 0); c[Lb2 >> 2] = Pb2; c[Fa2 >> 2] = Hb2; Hb2 = c[Nb2 >> 2] | 0; Qb3 = Pb2; Rb2 = Hb2; Sb2 = Hb2 + 1 | 0; } else { Qb3 = c[Lb2 >> 2] | 0; Rb2 = Kb2; Sb2 = Mb2; } c[Nb2 >> 2] = Sb2; a[Qb3 + Rb2 >> 0] = Ob2; Ob2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Rb2 = c[Ob2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ob2 >> 2] = Rb2 + -1; if (!Rb2) { Rb2 = Oa2[c[Ob2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ob2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ob2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Qb3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Rb2 | 0) == 0 | (Qb3 | 0) == 0) Tb2 = -1; else { c[Ob2 >> 2] = Qb3 + -1; c[Ob2 + 4 >> 2] = Rb2 + 1; Tb2 = d[Rb2 >> 0] | 0; } Ub3 = Tb2; } else { Tb2 = Ob2 + 4 | 0; Ob2 = c[Tb2 >> 2] | 0; c[Tb2 >> 2] = Ob2 + 1; Ub3 = d[Ob2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Ub3; if (!Ub3) { q3 = 279; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } if (yt(103254, Ub3, 2) | 0) { Ob2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Tb2 = Ob2 + 4 | 0; Rb2 = c[Tb2 >> 2] | 0; Qb3 = Rb2 + 1 | 0; Sb2 = Ob2 + 8 | 0; Nb2 = c[Sb2 >> 2] | 0; if (Qb3 >>> 0 > Nb2 >>> 0) { if (Nb2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); Mb2 = Nb2 << 1; Kb2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((Mb2 | 0) == -2) Jc(Kb2); Lb2 = c[Ob2 >> 2] | 0; Hb2 = c[Kb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Pb2 = (Lb2 | 0) == 0; Fa2 = Hb2 + 4 | 0; Gb2 = Pa[c[Hb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0, Lb2, Nb2, Mb2) | 0; if ((Mb2 | 0) != 0 & (Gb2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[Hb2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(Kb2, 4); Ic(Kb2, 1); Fb2 = Pa[c[Hb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Fa2 >> 2] | 0, Lb2, Nb2, Mb2) | 0; if (!Fb2) wc(Kb2, 4); else Vb2 = Fb2; } else Vb2 = Gb2; Gb2 = Hb2 + 12 | 0; c[Gb2 >> 2] = (Pb2 ? 0 : 0 - Nb2 | 0) + Mb2 + (c[Gb2 >> 2] | 0); c[Ob2 >> 2] = Vb2; c[Sb2 >> 2] = Mb2; Mb2 = c[Tb2 >> 2] | 0; Wb2 = Vb2; Xb2 = Mb2; Yb3 = Mb2 + 1 | 0; } else { Wb2 = c[Ob2 >> 2] | 0; Xb2 = Rb2; Yb3 = Qb3; } c[Tb2 >> 2] = Yb3; a[Wb2 + Xb2 >> 0] = Ub3; Xb2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Wb2 = c[Xb2 >> 2] | 0; c[Xb2 >> 2] = Wb2 + -1; if (!Wb2) { Wb2 = Oa2[c[Xb2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Xb2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Xb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; Yb3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Wb2 | 0) == 0 | (Yb3 | 0) == 0) Zb2 = -1; else { c[Xb2 >> 2] = Yb3 + -1; c[Xb2 + 4 >> 2] = Wb2 + 1; Zb2 = d[Wb2 >> 0] | 0; } _b2 = Zb2; } else { Zb2 = Xb2 + 4 | 0; Xb2 = c[Zb2 >> 2] | 0; c[Zb2 >> 2] = Xb2 + 1; _b2 = d[Xb2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = _b2; q3 = 280; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } if (!(yt(95818, Ub3, 2) | 0)) { q3 = 279; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } _b2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Xb2 = _b2 + 4 | 0; Zb2 = c[Xb2 >> 2] | 0; Wb2 = Zb2 + 1 | 0; Yb3 = _b2 + 8 | 0; Tb2 = c[Yb3 >> 2] | 0; if (Wb2 >>> 0 > Tb2 >>> 0) { if (Tb2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); Qb3 = Tb2 << 1; Rb2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((Qb3 | 0) == -2) Jc(Rb2); Ob2 = c[_b2 >> 2] | 0; Mb2 = c[Rb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Vb2 = (Ob2 | 0) == 0; Sb2 = Mb2 + 4 | 0; Gb2 = Pa[c[Mb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Sb2 >> 2] | 0, Ob2, Tb2, Qb3) | 0; if ((Qb3 | 0) != 0 & (Gb2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[Mb2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(Rb2, 4); Ic(Rb2, 1); Nb2 = Pa[c[Mb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Sb2 >> 2] | 0, Ob2, Tb2, Qb3) | 0; if (!Nb2) wc(Rb2, 4); else $b2 = Nb2; } else $b2 = Gb2; Gb2 = Mb2 + 12 | 0; c[Gb2 >> 2] = (Vb2 ? 0 : 0 - Tb2 | 0) + Qb3 + (c[Gb2 >> 2] | 0); c[_b2 >> 2] = $b2; c[Yb3 >> 2] = Qb3; Qb3 = c[Xb2 >> 2] | 0; ac2 = $b2; bc2 = Qb3; cc2 = Qb3 + 1 | 0; } else { ac2 = c[_b2 >> 2] | 0; bc2 = Zb2; cc2 = Wb2; } c[Xb2 >> 2] = cc2; a[ac2 + bc2 >> 0] = Ub3; Ub3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; bc2 = c[Ub3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ub3 >> 2] = bc2 + -1; if (!bc2) { bc2 = Oa2[c[Ub3 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[Ub3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[Ub3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ac2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((bc2 | 0) == 0 | (ac2 | 0) == 0) dc2 = -1; else { c[Ub3 >> 2] = ac2 + -1; c[Ub3 + 4 >> 2] = bc2 + 1; dc2 = d[bc2 >> 0] | 0; } ec2 = dc2; } else { dc2 = Ub3 + 4 | 0; Ub3 = c[dc2 >> 2] | 0; c[dc2 >> 2] = Ub3 + 1; ec2 = d[Ub3 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = ec2; q3 = 314; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } case 532: { f: do if (!((n2 | 0) == 95 | (mv(n2) | 0) != 0) ? !((n2 | 0) < 0 | (n2 & -128 | 0) == 128) : 0) { switch (n2 | 0) { case 30: case 31: { break f; break; } case 41: { fc2 = -1; break; } case 40: { fc2 = (c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0) > 0 ? 1 : -1; break; } default: fc2 = 0; } ec2 = b4 + 20 | 0; c[ec2 >> 2] = (c[ec2 >> 2] | 0) + fc2; ec2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = c[ec2 >> 2] | 0; c[ec2 >> 2] = Ub3 + -1; if (!Ub3) { Ub3 = Oa2[c[ec2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[ec2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[ec2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; dc2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ub3 | 0) == 0 | (dc2 | 0) == 0) gc2 = -1; else { c[ec2 >> 2] = dc2 + -1; c[ec2 + 4 >> 2] = Ub3 + 1; gc2 = d[Ub3 >> 0] | 0; } hc2 = gc2; } else { Ub3 = ec2 + 4 | 0; ec2 = c[Ub3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ub3 >> 2] = ec2 + 1; hc2 = d[ec2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = hc2; q3 = n2; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } while (0); hc2 = b4 + 44 | 0; gc2 = n2; while (true) { n2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; fc2 = n2 + 4 | 0; ec2 = c[fc2 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = ec2 + 1 | 0; dc2 = n2 + 8 | 0; bc2 = c[dc2 >> 2] | 0; if (Ub3 >>> 0 > bc2 >>> 0) { if (bc2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { o2 = 539; break; } ac2 = bc2 << 1; ic2 = c[hc2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ac2 | 0) == -2) { o2 = 541; break; } cc2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Xb2 = c[ic2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Wb2 = (cc2 | 0) == 0; Zb2 = Xb2 + 4 | 0; _b2 = Pa[c[Xb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Zb2 >> 2] | 0, cc2, bc2, ac2) | 0; if ((ac2 | 0) != 0 & (_b2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[Xb2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = 545; break; } Ic(ic2, 1); Qb3 = Pa[c[Xb2 >> 2] & 3](c[Zb2 >> 2] | 0, cc2, bc2, ac2) | 0; if (!Qb3) { o2 = 545; break; } else jc2 = Qb3; } else jc2 = _b2; _b2 = Xb2 + 12 | 0; c[_b2 >> 2] = (Wb2 ? 0 : 0 - bc2 | 0) + ac2 + (c[_b2 >> 2] | 0); c[n2 >> 2] = jc2; c[dc2 >> 2] = ac2; ac2 = c[fc2 >> 2] | 0; kc2 = jc2; lc2 = ac2; mc2 = ac2 + 1 | 0; } else { kc2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; lc2 = ec2; mc2 = Ub3; } c[fc2 >> 2] = mc2; a[kc2 + lc2 >> 0] = gc2; fc2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = c[fc2 >> 2] | 0; c[fc2 >> 2] = Ub3 + -1; if (!Ub3) { Ub3 = Oa2[c[fc2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[fc2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[fc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ec2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ub3 | 0) == 0 | (ec2 | 0) == 0) nc2 = -1; else { c[fc2 >> 2] = ec2 + -1; c[fc2 + 4 >> 2] = Ub3 + 1; nc2 = d[Ub3 >> 0] | 0; } oc2 = nc2; } else { Ub3 = fc2 + 4 | 0; fc2 = c[Ub3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ub3 >> 2] = fc2 + 1; oc2 = d[fc2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = oc2; if (oc2 >>> 0 > 127 | ((lv(oc2) | 0) != 0 | (oc2 | 0) == 95) | (oc2 & -2 | 0) == 30) gc2 = oc2; else { o2 = 553; break; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 539) xe(b4, 47209, 0); else if ((o2 | 0) == 541) Jc(ic2); else if ((o2 | 0) == 545) wc(ic2, 4); else if ((o2 | 0) == 553) { ic2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; oc2 = ne(b4, c[ic2 >> 2] | 0, c[ic2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = oc2; if ((a[oc2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 4) { ic2 = a[oc2 + 6 >> 0] | 0; Ia = f2; return (ic2 << 24 >> 24 == 0 ? 289 : ic2 & 255 | 256) | 0; } else { q3 = 289; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } break; } case 563: { Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } } ic2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; oc2 = ic2 + 4 | 0; gc2 = c[oc2 >> 2] | 0; nc2 = gc2 + 1 | 0; lc2 = ic2 + 8 | 0; kc2 = c[lc2 >> 2] | 0; if (nc2 >>> 0 > kc2 >>> 0) { if (kc2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); mc2 = kc2 << 1; jc2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((mc2 | 0) == -2) Jc(jc2); hc2 = c[ic2 >> 2] | 0; fc2 = c[jc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = (hc2 | 0) == 0; ec2 = fc2 + 4 | 0; n2 = Pa[c[fc2 >> 2] & 3](c[ec2 >> 2] | 0, hc2, kc2, mc2) | 0; if ((mc2 | 0) != 0 & (n2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[fc2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(jc2, 4); Ic(jc2, 1); ac2 = Pa[c[fc2 >> 2] & 3](c[ec2 >> 2] | 0, hc2, kc2, mc2) | 0; if (!ac2) wc(jc2, 4); else pc3 = ac2; } else pc3 = n2; n2 = fc2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (Ub3 ? 0 : 0 - kc2 | 0) + mc2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); c[ic2 >> 2] = pc3; c[lc2 >> 2] = mc2; mc2 = c[oc2 >> 2] | 0; qc2 = pc3; rc2 = mc2; sc2 = mc2 + 1 | 0; } else { qc2 = c[ic2 >> 2] | 0; rc2 = gc2; sc2 = nc2; } c[oc2 >> 2] = sc2; a[qc2 + rc2 >> 0] = p2; rc2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; qc2 = c[rc2 >> 2] | 0; c[rc2 >> 2] = qc2 + -1; if (!qc2) { qc2 = Oa2[c[rc2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[rc2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[rc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; sc2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((qc2 | 0) == 0 | (sc2 | 0) == 0) tc2 = -1; else { c[rc2 >> 2] = sc2 + -1; c[rc2 + 4 >> 2] = qc2 + 1; tc2 = d[qc2 >> 0] | 0; } uc2 = tc2; } else { tc2 = rc2 + 4 | 0; rc2 = c[tc2 >> 2] | 0; c[tc2 >> 2] = rc2 + 1; uc2 = d[rc2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = uc2; if (!((p2 | 0) != 48 | (uc2 | 0) == 0) ? (yt(47943, uc2, 3) | 0) != 0 : 0) { p2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; rc2 = p2 + 4 | 0; tc2 = c[rc2 >> 2] | 0; qc2 = tc2 + 1 | 0; sc2 = p2 + 8 | 0; oc2 = c[sc2 >> 2] | 0; if (qc2 >>> 0 > oc2 >>> 0) { if (oc2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); nc2 = oc2 << 1; gc2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((nc2 | 0) == -2) Jc(gc2); ic2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; mc2 = c[gc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; pc3 = (ic2 | 0) == 0; lc2 = mc2 + 4 | 0; n2 = Pa[c[mc2 >> 2] & 3](c[lc2 >> 2] | 0, ic2, oc2, nc2) | 0; if ((nc2 | 0) != 0 & (n2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[mc2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(gc2, 4); Ic(gc2, 1); kc2 = Pa[c[mc2 >> 2] & 3](c[lc2 >> 2] | 0, ic2, oc2, nc2) | 0; if (!kc2) wc(gc2, 4); else vc2 = kc2; } else vc2 = n2; n2 = mc2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (pc3 ? 0 : 0 - oc2 | 0) + nc2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); c[p2 >> 2] = vc2; c[sc2 >> 2] = nc2; nc2 = c[rc2 >> 2] | 0; xc2 = vc2; yc2 = nc2; zc2 = nc2 + 1 | 0; } else { xc2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; yc2 = tc2; zc2 = qc2; } c[rc2 >> 2] = zc2; a[xc2 + yc2 >> 0] = uc2; yc2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; xc2 = c[yc2 >> 2] | 0; c[yc2 >> 2] = xc2 + -1; if (!xc2) { xc2 = Oa2[c[yc2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[yc2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[yc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; zc2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((xc2 | 0) == 0 | (zc2 | 0) == 0) Ac2 = -1; else { c[yc2 >> 2] = zc2 + -1; c[yc2 + 4 >> 2] = xc2 + 1; Ac2 = d[xc2 >> 0] | 0; } Bc2 = Ac2; } else { Ac2 = yc2 + 4 | 0; yc2 = c[Ac2 >> 2] | 0; c[Ac2 >> 2] = yc2 + 1; Bc2 = d[yc2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Bc2; Cc2 = Bc2; } else Cc2 = uc2; uc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Bc2 = uc2 + 4 | 0; yc2 = c[Bc2 >> 2] | 0; Ac2 = yc2 + 1 | 0; xc2 = uc2 + 8 | 0; zc2 = c[xc2 >> 2] | 0; rc2 = Ac2 >>> 0 > zc2 >>> 0; g: do if ((Cc2 | 0) == 46 ? 1 : (a[64 + (Cc2 + 1) >> 0] & 16) != 0) { qc2 = b4 + 44 | 0; tc2 = uc2; p2 = zc2; nc2 = Cc2; vc2 = yc2; sc2 = Ac2; n2 = xc2; oc2 = rc2; pc3 = Bc2; while (true) { if (oc2) { if (p2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { o2 = 487; break; } mc2 = p2 << 1; Dc2 = c[qc2 >> 2] | 0; if ((mc2 | 0) == -2) { o2 = 489; break; } kc2 = c[tc2 >> 2] | 0; gc2 = c[Dc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; ic2 = (kc2 | 0) == 0; lc2 = gc2 + 4 | 0; Ub3 = Pa[c[gc2 >> 2] & 3](c[lc2 >> 2] | 0, kc2, p2, mc2) | 0; if ((mc2 | 0) != 0 & (Ub3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[gc2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = 493; break; } Ic(Dc2, 1); fc2 = Pa[c[gc2 >> 2] & 3](c[lc2 >> 2] | 0, kc2, p2, mc2) | 0; if (!fc2) { o2 = 493; break; } else Ec2 = fc2; } else Ec2 = Ub3; Ub3 = gc2 + 12 | 0; c[Ub3 >> 2] = (ic2 ? 0 : 0 - p2 | 0) + mc2 + (c[Ub3 >> 2] | 0); c[tc2 >> 2] = Ec2; c[n2 >> 2] = mc2; mc2 = c[pc3 >> 2] | 0; Fc2 = Ec2; Gc2 = mc2; Hc2 = mc2 + 1 | 0; } else { Fc2 = c[tc2 >> 2] | 0; Gc2 = vc2; Hc2 = sc2; } c[pc3 >> 2] = Hc2; a[Fc2 + Gc2 >> 0] = nc2; mc2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = c[mc2 >> 2] | 0; c[mc2 >> 2] = Ub3 + -1; if (!Ub3) { Ub3 = Oa2[c[mc2 + 8 >> 2] & 7](c[mc2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[mc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; ic2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ub3 | 0) == 0 | (ic2 | 0) == 0) Kc2 = -1; else { c[mc2 >> 2] = ic2 + -1; c[mc2 + 4 >> 2] = Ub3 + 1; Kc2 = d[Ub3 >> 0] | 0; } Lc2 = Kc2; } else { Ub3 = mc2 + 4 | 0; mc2 = c[Ub3 >> 2] | 0; c[Ub3 >> 2] = mc2 + 1; Lc2 = d[mc2 >> 0] | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = Lc2; mc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = mc2 + 4 | 0; ic2 = c[Ub3 >> 2] | 0; gc2 = ic2 + 1 | 0; fc2 = mc2 + 8 | 0; kc2 = c[fc2 >> 2] | 0; lc2 = gc2 >>> 0 > kc2 >>> 0; if ((Lc2 | 0) == 46 ? 1 : (a[64 + (Lc2 + 1) >> 0] & 16) != 0) { tc2 = mc2; p2 = kc2; nc2 = Lc2; vc2 = ic2; sc2 = gc2; n2 = fc2; oc2 = lc2; pc3 = Ub3; } else { Mc2 = kc2; Nc2 = ic2; Oc3 = mc2; Pc3 = gc2; Qc3 = fc2; Rc2 = lc2; Sc2 = Ub3; break g; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 487) xe(b4, 47209, 0); else if ((o2 | 0) == 489) Jc(Dc2); else if ((o2 | 0) == 493) wc(Dc2, 4); } else { Mc2 = zc2; Nc2 = yc2; Oc3 = uc2; Pc3 = Ac2; Qc3 = xc2; Rc2 = rc2; Sc2 = Bc2; } while (0); if (Rc2) { if (Mc2 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); Rc2 = Mc2 << 1; Bc2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; if ((Rc2 | 0) == -2) Jc(Bc2); rc2 = c[Oc3 >> 2] | 0; xc2 = c[Bc2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Ac2 = (rc2 | 0) == 0; uc2 = xc2 + 4 | 0; yc2 = Pa[c[xc2 >> 2] & 3](c[uc2 >> 2] | 0, rc2, Mc2, Rc2) | 0; if ((Rc2 | 0) != 0 & (yc2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[xc2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(Bc2, 4); Ic(Bc2, 1); zc2 = Pa[c[xc2 >> 2] & 3](c[uc2 >> 2] | 0, rc2, Mc2, Rc2) | 0; if (!zc2) wc(Bc2, 4); else Tc2 = zc2; } else Tc2 = yc2; yc2 = xc2 + 12 | 0; c[yc2 >> 2] = (Ac2 ? 0 : 0 - Mc2 | 0) + Rc2 + (c[yc2 >> 2] | 0); c[Oc3 >> 2] = Tc2; c[Qc3 >> 2] = Rc2; Rc2 = c[Sc2 >> 2] | 0; Vc2 = Tc2; Wc2 = Rc2; Xc2 = Rc2 + 1 | 0; } else { Vc2 = c[Oc3 >> 2] | 0; Wc2 = Nc2; Xc2 = Pc3; } c[Sc2 >> 2] = Xc2; a[Vc2 + Wc2 >> 0] = 0; Wc2 = b4 + 68 | 0; Vc2 = a[Wc2 >> 0] | 0; Xc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Sc2 = c[Xc2 >> 2] | 0; Pc3 = c[Xc2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!Pc3) { Yc2 = Sc2; Zc2 = -1; } else { Xc2 = Pc3; do { Xc2 = Xc2 + -1 | 0; Pc3 = Sc2 + Xc2 | 0; if ((a[Pc3 >> 0] | 0) == 46) a[Pc3 >> 0] = Vc2; } while ((Xc2 | 0) != 0); Xc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Yc2 = c[Xc2 >> 2] | 0; Zc2 = (c[Xc2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; } if (Uc(Yc2, Zc2, e2) | 0) { q3 = 288; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } Zc2 = a[Wc2 >> 0] | 0; Yc2 = a[c[(nv() | 0) >> 2] >> 0] | 0; a[Wc2 >> 0] = Yc2; Xc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Vc2 = c[Xc2 >> 2] | 0; Sc2 = c[Xc2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!Sc2) { _c2 = Vc2; $c2 = -1; } else { Xc2 = Sc2; do { Xc2 = Xc2 + -1 | 0; Sc2 = Vc2 + Xc2 | 0; if ((a[Sc2 >> 0] | 0) == Zc2 << 24 >> 24) a[Sc2 >> 0] = Yc2; } while ((Xc2 | 0) != 0); Xc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; _c2 = c[Xc2 >> 2] | 0; $c2 = (c[Xc2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; } if (Uc(_c2, $c2, e2) | 0) { q3 = 288; Ia = f2; return q3 | 0; } q3 = a[Wc2 >> 0] | 0; Wc2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[Wc2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = c[Wc2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) xe(b4, 47946, 288); Wc2 = f2; do { Wc2 = Wc2 + -1 | 0; f2 = i3 + Wc2 | 0; if ((a[f2 >> 0] | 0) == q3 << 24 >> 24) a[f2 >> 0] = 46; } while ((Wc2 | 0) != 0); xe(b4, 47946, 288); return 0; } function ie(e2) { e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = f2 + 72 | 0; i3 = f2 + 56 | 0; j2 = f2 + 32 | 0; k2 = f2 + 16 | 0; l2 = e2 + 4 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[8697] = m4; n2 = e2 + 40 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = e2 + 44 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = q3 + 38 | 0; s3 = (b3[r2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[r2 >> 1] = s3; if ((s3 & 65535) > 200) ze(o2, 200, 47316); s3 = e2 + 24 | 0; do switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 59: { c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = m4; r2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } else { B2 = r2; C3 = c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2]; c[D3 + 4 >> 2] = C3; c[r2 >> 2] = 287; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } break; } case 291: { r2 = e2 + 28 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = vd(q3, 78703, 5) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 289; Ae(e2, h3); Be(o2, h3); if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (C3 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (C3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (C3 | 0) >= (d[o2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { C3 = o2 + 48 | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = (a[C3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } C3 = o2 + 48 | 0; D3 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; B2 = (D3 & 255) + 1 | 0; E3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((D3 & 255) >= (d[E3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((D3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { F3 = B2 & 255; a[E3 >> 0] = F3; G2 = F3; break; } else G2 = B2 & 255; while (0); a[C3 >> 0] = G2; Ce(o2, h3, (G2 & 255) + -1 | 0); a: do switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 287: case 292: { c[i3 >> 2] = 0; break; } default: { De(e2, i3, 0) | 0; b: do if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { B2 = e2 + 16 | 0; E3 = e2 + 32 | 0; D3 = e2 + 24 | 0; F3 = i3 + 4 | 0; while (true) { c[B2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[E3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { H2 = E3; I2 = c[H2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; J2 = D3; c[J2 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; c[J2 + 4 >> 2] = I2; c[E3 >> 2] = 287; } K2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Be(K2, i3); if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (I2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0, (I2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (I2 | 0) >= (d[K2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { I2 = K2 + 48 | 0; a[I2 >> 0] = (a[I2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } I2 = K2 + 48 | 0; J2 = a[I2 >> 0] | 0; H2 = (J2 & 255) + 1 | 0; L3 = (c[K2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((J2 & 255) < (d[L3 >> 0] | 0)) M2 = H2 & 255; else { if ((J2 & 255) > 248) break; J2 = H2 & 255; a[L3 >> 0] = J2; M2 = J2; } a[I2 >> 0] = M2; Ce(K2, i3, (M2 & 255) + -1 | 0); De(e2, i3, 0) | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) != 44) { N4 = i3; break b; } } oe(c[K2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); } else N4 = i3; while (0); switch (c[N4 >> 2] | 0) { case 12: { F3 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[i3 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2] & -8372225; break a; break; } case 13: break; default: break a; } F3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[F3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; D3 = i3 + 4 | 0; B2 = E3 + (c[D3 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2] & 8388607; B2 = E3 + (c[D3 >> 2] << 2) | 0; D3 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; E3 = D3 & 255; c[B2 >> 2] = E3 << 6 | c[B2 >> 2] & -16321; B2 = E3 + 1 | 0; E3 = F3 + 78 | 0; do if ((D3 & 255) >= (d[E3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((D3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { F3 = B2 & 255; a[E3 >> 0] = F3; O2 = F3; break; } else O2 = B2 & 255; while (0); a[C3 >> 0] = O2; } } while (0); do if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; B2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[B2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; break; } else { E3 = B2; D3 = c[E3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; F3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = c[E3 >> 2]; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = D3; c[B2 >> 2] = 287; break; } } else Ee(e2, 292, 63, m4); while (0); r2 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) { case 13: case 12: { P2 = 0; break; } case 0: { Q3 = 59; break; } default: { Be(o2, i3); if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (B2 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (B2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (B2 | 0) >= (d[o2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { B2 = (a[C3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; a[C3 >> 0] = B2; R3 = B2; } else R3 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; B2 = (R3 & 255) + 1 | 0; D3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((R3 & 255) >= (d[D3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((R3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { F3 = B2 & 255; a[D3 >> 0] = F3; S2 = F3; break; } else S2 = B2 & 255; while (0); a[C3 >> 0] = S2; Ce(o2, i3, (S2 & 255) + -1 | 0); Q3 = 59; } } if ((Q3 | 0) == 59) P2 = ((r2 ^ 511) + (d[C3 >> 0] | 0) << 23) + 8388608 | 0; le(o2, r2 << 6 | P2 | 32810) | 0; c[(c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[o2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) >> 2] = m4; a[C3 >> 0] = a[o2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 267: { c[i3 >> 2] = -1; B2 = Fe(e2, i3) | 0; c: while (true) { switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 260: { Q3 = 64; break c; break; } case 261: break; default: break c; } Fe(e2, i3) | 0; } if ((Q3 | 0) == 64) { c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; C3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[C3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { r2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2; T4 = r2; } else { r2 = C3; D3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = D3; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = F3; c[C3 >> 2] = 287; T4 = D3; } D3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; a[h3 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[h3 + 8 >> 0] = a[D3 + 46 >> 0] | 0; C3 = c[(c[D3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[h3 + 4 >> 1] = c[C3 + 28 >> 2]; b3[h3 + 6 >> 1] = c[C3 + 16 >> 2]; a[h3 + 9 >> 0] = 0; C3 = D3 + 16 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[C3 >> 2]; c[C3 >> 2] = h3; C3 = T4; d: while (true) { switch (C3 | 0) { case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { break d; break; } default: { } } ie(e2); if ((C3 | 0) == 274) break; C3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; } me(D3); } e: do if (!B2) Ee(e2, 262, 267, m4); else switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 287: case 292: { c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; C3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[C3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; break e; } else { F3 = C3; r2 = c[F3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; E3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2]; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[C3 >> 2] = 287; break e; } break; } case 277: case 262: case 261: case 260: { c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; break e; break; } default: { Ee(e2, 292, 267, m4); break e; } } while (0); B2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 24 >> 2] = c[o2 + 20 >> 2]; D3 = o2 + 28 | 0; do if ((B2 | 0) != -1) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; if ((C3 | 0) == -1) { c[D3 >> 2] = B2; break; } r2 = c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; E3 = C3; while (true) { U2 = r2 + (E3 << 2) | 0; V3 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (V3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; F3 = (C3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : E3 + 1 + C3 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) == -1) break; else E3 = F3; } r2 = B2 + ~E3 | 0; if ((((r2 | 0) > -1 ? r2 : 0 - r2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[U2 >> 2] = (r2 << 14) + 2147467264 | V3 & 16383; break; } } while (0); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 278: { B2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = m4; D3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { r2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2; W2 = r2; } else { r2 = D3; F3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = F3; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = C3; c[D3 >> 2] = 287; W2 = F3; } F3 = e2 + 20 | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = (W2 | 0) == 40 ? 1 : -1; C3 = o2 + 20 | 0; r2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; I2 = o2 + 24 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = r2; De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 1) c[h3 >> 2] = 3; Ge(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, h3); J2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; a[i3 + 10 >> 0] = 1; a[i3 + 8 >> 0] = a[o2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; L3 = o2 + 12 | 0; H2 = c[(c[L3 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[i3 + 4 >> 1] = c[H2 + 28 >> 2]; b3[i3 + 6 >> 1] = c[H2 + 16 >> 2]; a[i3 + 9 >> 0] = 0; H2 = o2 + 16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; c[H2 >> 2] = i3; H2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; switch (H2 | 0) { case 259: { Q3 = 100; break; } case 287: { je(e2, 259); break; } default: Q3 = 95; } do if ((Q3 | 0) == 95) { if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == (m4 | 0) : 0) { c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; X2 = 1; break; } if ((H2 | 0) == 259) Q3 = 100; else je(e2, 259); } while (0); do if ((Q3 | 0) == 100) { c[B2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; X2 = 0; break; } else { H2 = D3; F3 = c[H2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; c[Y2 + 4 >> 2] = F3; c[D3 >> 2] = 287; X2 = 0; break; } } while (0); He(e2); F3 = o2 + 28 | 0; Y2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = -1; H2 = le(o2, 2147450916) | 0; do if ((Y2 | 0) != -1) if ((H2 | 0) != -1) { Z3 = c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; _5 = H2; while (true) { $2 = Z3 + (_5 << 2) | 0; aa2 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = (aa2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; ca2 = (ba3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : _5 + 1 + ba3 | 0; if ((ca2 | 0) == -1) break; else _5 = ca2; } Z3 = Y2 + ~_5 | 0; if ((((Z3 | 0) > -1 ? Z3 : 0 - Z3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[L3 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[$2 >> 2] = (Z3 << 14) + 2147467264 | aa2 & 16383; da2 = H2; break; } } else da2 = Y2; else da2 = H2; while (0); we(o2, da2, r2); f: do if (X2) switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 287: case 292: { c[B2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; break f; } else { H2 = D3; Y2 = c[H2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] = Y2; c[D3 >> 2] = 287; break f; } break; } case 277: case 262: case 261: case 260: { c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; break f; break; } default: { Ee(e2, 292, 278, m4); break f; } } else Ee(e2, 262, 278, m4); while (0); me(o2); c[I2 >> 2] = c[C3 >> 2]; do if ((J2 | 0) != -1) { D3 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; if ((D3 | 0) == -1) { c[F3 >> 2] = J2; break; } B2 = c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; r2 = D3; while (true) { ea2 = B2 + (r2 << 2) | 0; fa2 = c[ea2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = (fa2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; Y2 = (D3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : r2 + 1 + D3 | 0; if ((Y2 | 0) == -1) break; else r2 = Y2; } B2 = J2 + ~r2 | 0; if ((((B2 | 0) > -1 ? B2 : 0 - B2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[L3 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[ea2 >> 2] = (B2 << 14) + 2147467264 | fa2 & 16383; break; } } while (0); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 259: { c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = m4; L3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[L3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { J2 = L3; F3 = c[J2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[J2 >> 2]; c[C3 + 4 >> 2] = F3; c[L3 >> 2] = 287; } He(e2); Ee(e2, 262, 259, m4); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 264: { a[i3 + 10 >> 0] = 1; a[i3 + 8 >> 0] = a[o2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; L3 = c[(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[i3 + 4 >> 1] = c[L3 + 28 >> 2]; b3[i3 + 6 >> 1] = c[L3 + 16 >> 2]; a[i3 + 9 >> 0] = 0; L3 = o2 + 16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[L3 >> 2]; c[L3 >> 2] = i3; L3 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = m4; F3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { C3 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = C3; ga2 = C3; } else { C3 = F3; J2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[C3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = J2; c[C3 + 4 >> 2] = I2; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; ga2 = J2; } if ((ga2 | 0) != 289) je(e2, 289); J2 = e2 + 28 | 0; I2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { C3 = he(e2, J2) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = C3; ha2 = C3; } else { C3 = F3; B2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; _5 = c[C3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = B2; c[C3 + 4 >> 2] = _5; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; ha2 = B2; } switch (ha2 | 0) { case 61: { B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; _5 = B2 + 48 | 0; C3 = d[_5 >> 0] | 0; Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47360, 11) | 0); Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47372, 11) | 0); Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47384, 10) | 0); Ie2(e2, I2); if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) != 61) je(e2, 61); c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, J2) | 0; else { Y2 = F3; D3 = c[Y2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = c[Y2 >> 2]; c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] = D3; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; } Je(e2); if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) != 44) je(e2, 44); c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, J2) | 0; else { D3 = F3; Z3 = c[D3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = c[D3 >> 2]; c[Y2 + 4 >> 2] = Z3; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; } Je(e2); if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, J2) | 0; else { Z3 = F3; Y2 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = c[Z3 >> 2]; c[D3 + 4 >> 2] = Y2; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; } Je(e2); } else { Y2 = d[_5 >> 0] | 0; D3 = B2 + 12 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 65536; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; Z3 = Ke(B2, h3, h3) | 0; H2 = Y2 << 6; if ((Z3 | 0) < 262144) le(B2, H2 | Z3 << 14 | 1) | 0; else { le(B2, H2 | 2) | 0; le(B2, Z3 << 6 | 52) | 0; } Z3 = a[_5 >> 0] | 0; H2 = (Z3 & 255) + 1 | 0; Y2 = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((Z3 & 255) >= (d[Y2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((Z3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[D3 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { B2 = H2 & 255; a[Y2 >> 0] = B2; ia2 = B2; break; } else ia2 = H2 & 255; while (0); a[_5 >> 0] = ia2; } Le(e2, C3, m4, 1, 1); break; } case 268: case 44: { H2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = H2 + 48 | 0; D3 = d[Y2 >> 0] | 0; Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47395, 15) | 0); Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47411, 11) | 0); Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47423, 13) | 0); Ie2(e2, I2); Z3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((Z3 | 0) == 44) { B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; E3 = 4; while (true) { c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { ca2 = he(e2, J2) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = ca2; ja2 = ca2; } else { ca2 = F3; ba3 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = c[ca2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = B2; c[ca2 >> 2] = ba3; c[ca2 + 4 >> 2] = ka2; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; ja2 = ba3; } if ((ja2 | 0) != 289) { Q3 = 171; break; } ba3 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, J2) | 0; else { ka2 = F3; ca2 = c[ka2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; la2 = B2; c[la2 >> 2] = c[ka2 >> 2]; c[la2 + 4 >> 2] = ca2; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; } Ie2(e2, ba3); ma2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if ((ma2 | 0) == 44) E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; else { Q3 = 176; break; } } if ((Q3 | 0) == 171) je(e2, 289); else if ((Q3 | 0) == 176) { na2 = ma2; oa2 = E3 + -2 | 0; break; } } else { na2 = Z3; oa2 = 1; } while (0); if ((na2 | 0) != 268) je(e2, 268); Z3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = Z3; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, J2) | 0; pa3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } else { I2 = F3; C3 = c[I2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; _5 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2]; c[_5 + 4 >> 2] = C3; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; pa3 = Z3; } De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; g: do if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { Z3 = e2 + 24 | 0; C3 = h3 + 4 | 0; _5 = 1; while (true) { c[L3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, J2) | 0; else { I2 = F3; B2 = c[I2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = Z3; c[r2 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2]; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = B2; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; } qa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Be(qa2, h3); if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (B2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0, (B2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (B2 | 0) >= (d[qa2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { B2 = qa2 + 48 | 0; a[B2 >> 0] = (a[B2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } B2 = qa2 + 48 | 0; r2 = a[B2 >> 0] | 0; I2 = (r2 & 255) + 1 | 0; ba3 = (c[qa2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((r2 & 255) < (d[ba3 >> 0] | 0)) ra2 = I2 & 255; else { if ((r2 & 255) > 248) break; r2 = I2 & 255; a[ba3 >> 0] = r2; ra2 = r2; } a[B2 >> 0] = ra2; Ce(qa2, h3, (ra2 & 255) + -1 | 0); De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; B2 = _5 + 1 | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) _5 = B2; else { sa2 = B2; break g; } } oe(c[qa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); } else sa2 = 1; while (0); Me(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, 3, sa2, h3); F3 = (d[Y2 >> 0] | 0) + 3 | 0; J2 = (c[H2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if (F3 >>> 0 > (d[J2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 0) if (F3 >>> 0 > 249) oe(c[H2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { a[J2 >> 0] = F3; break; } while (0); Le(e2, D3, pa3, oa2, 0); break; } default: oe(e2, 47437); } Ee(e2, 262, 264, m4); me(o2); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 273: { F3 = c[o2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 24 >> 2] = F3; a[i3 + 10 >> 0] = 1; J2 = a[o2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; a[i3 + 8 >> 0] = J2; H2 = c[(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[H2 + 28 >> 2] & 65535; b3[i3 + 4 >> 1] = Y2; L3 = c[H2 + 16 >> 2] & 65535; b3[i3 + 6 >> 1] = L3; a[i3 + 9 >> 0] = 0; H2 = o2 + 16 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; a[j2 + 10 >> 0] = 0; _5 = j2 + 8 | 0; a[_5 >> 0] = J2; b3[j2 + 4 >> 1] = Y2; b3[j2 + 6 >> 1] = L3; L3 = j2 + 9 | 0; a[L3 >> 0] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = i3; c[H2 >> 2] = j2; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = m4; H2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { Y2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = Y2; ta2 = Y2; } else { Y2 = H2; J2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[Y2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = J2; c[Y2 + 4 >> 2] = C3; c[H2 >> 2] = 287; ta2 = J2; } J2 = ta2; h: while (true) { switch (J2 | 0) { case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { break h; break; } default: { } } ie(e2); if ((J2 | 0) == 274) break; J2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; } Ee(e2, 277, 273, m4); De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 1) c[h3 >> 2] = 3; Ge(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, h3); J2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (!((J2 | 0) == -1 | (a[L3 >> 0] | 0) == 0)) { D3 = c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; H2 = (d[_5 >> 0] << 6) + 64 & 16320; C3 = J2; do { Y2 = D3 + (C3 << 2) | 0; Z3 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = (Z3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = Z3 & -16321 | H2; C3 = (E3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : C3 + 1 + E3 | 0; } while ((C3 | 0) != -1); } me(o2); we(o2, J2, F3); me(o2); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 265: { C3 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = m4; H2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { D3 = e2 + 28 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, D3) | 0; ua2 = e2 + 24 | 0; va2 = H2; wa2 = D3; } else { D3 = e2 + 24 | 0; _5 = H2; L3 = c[_5 + 4 >> 2] | 0; E3 = D3; c[E3 >> 2] = c[_5 >> 2]; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = L3; c[H2 >> 2] = 287; ua2 = D3; va2 = H2; wa2 = e2 + 28 | 0; } Ae(e2, j2); D3 = j2 + 8 | 0; L3 = j2 + 12 | 0; E3 = h3 + 4 | 0; _5 = i3 + 8 | 0; Z3 = i3 + 12 | 0; Y2 = i3 + 4 | 0; B2 = j2 + 4 | 0; r2 = B2 + 2 | 0; ba3 = B2 + 3 | 0; i: while (true) { switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 58: { Q3 = 234; break i; break; } case 46: break; default: { xa2 = 0; break i; } } I2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (!((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) == (c[L3 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) Ne(I2, j2) | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { ca2 = he(e2, wa2) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = ca2; ya2 = ca2; } else { ca2 = va2; la2 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = c[ca2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = ua2; c[ca2 >> 2] = la2; c[ca2 + 4 >> 2] = ka2; c[H2 >> 2] = 287; ya2 = la2; } if ((ya2 | 0) != 289) { Q3 = 229; break; } la2 = c[wa2 >> 2] | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, wa2) | 0; else { ka2 = va2; ca2 = c[ka2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; za2 = ua2; c[za2 >> 2] = c[ka2 >> 2]; c[za2 + 4 >> 2] = ca2; c[H2 >> 2] = 287; } ca2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = la2; c[E3 >> 2] = (a[la2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; la2 = Ke(ca2, h3, h3) | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = -1; c[Z3 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 >> 2] = 4; c[Y2 >> 2] = la2; a[r2 >> 0] = c[B2 >> 2]; b3[B2 >> 1] = Oe(I2, i3) | 0; a[ba3 >> 0] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? 8 : 7; c[j2 >> 2] = 9; } if ((Q3 | 0) == 229) je(e2, 289); if ((Q3 | 0) == 234) { Y2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (!((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) == (c[L3 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) Ne(Y2, j2) | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { Z3 = he(e2, wa2) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = Z3; Aa3 = Z3; } else { Z3 = va2; _5 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = ua2; c[Z3 >> 2] = _5; c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] = E3; c[H2 >> 2] = 287; Aa3 = _5; } if ((Aa3 | 0) != 289) je(e2, 289); _5 = c[wa2 >> 2] | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, wa2) | 0; else { E3 = va2; Z3 = c[E3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; F3 = ua2; c[F3 >> 2] = c[E3 >> 2]; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = Z3; c[H2 >> 2] = 287; } Z3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = _5; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[_5 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; _5 = Ke(Z3, h3, h3) | 0; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[i3 >> 2] = 4; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = _5; a[r2 >> 0] = c[B2 >> 2]; b3[B2 >> 1] = Oe(Y2, i3) | 0; a[ba3 >> 0] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? 8 : 7; c[j2 >> 2] = 9; xa2 = 1; } Pe(e2, k2, xa2, m4); Qe(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, j2, k2); Y2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[(c[(c[Y2 >> 2] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[Y2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) >> 2] = m4; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 269: { Y2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = m4; _5 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { Z3 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = Z3; Ba3 = Z3; } else { Z3 = _5; F3 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = F3; c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] = E3; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; Ba3 = F3; } if ((Ba3 | 0) == 265) { c[Y2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { F3 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = F3; Ca2 = F3; } else { F3 = _5; E3 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = c[F3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; F3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = E3; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = Z3; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; Ca2 = E3; } E3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Ca2 | 0) != 289) je(e2, 289); Z3 = e2 + 28 | 0; F3 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, Z3) | 0; else { Z3 = _5; J2 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; I2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = c[Z3 >> 2]; c[I2 + 4 >> 2] = J2; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; } Ie2(e2, F3); F3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = F3 + 46 | 0; I2 = a[J2 >> 0] | 0; a[J2 >> 0] = (I2 & 255) + 1; c[(c[(c[F3 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((b3[(c[c[(c[F3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + ((c[F3 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (I2 + 1 & 255) + -1 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[F3 + 20 >> 2]; Pe(e2, h3, 0, c[l2 >> 2] | 0); c[(c[(c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((b3[(c[c[(c[E3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + ((c[E3 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[E3 + 20 >> 2]; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } if ((Ba3 | 0) != 289) je(e2, 289); E3 = e2 + 28 | 0; F3 = e2 + 24 | 0; I2 = 0; j: while (true) { J2 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, E3) | 0; else { Z3 = _5; la2 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = F3; c[ca2 >> 2] = c[Z3 >> 2]; c[ca2 + 4 >> 2] = la2; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; } Ie2(e2, J2); I2 = I2 + 1 | 0; switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 61: { Q3 = 271; break j; break; } case 44: break; default: { Q3 = 289; break j; } } c[Y2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { J2 = he(e2, E3) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = J2; Da2 = J2; } else { J2 = _5; la2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = c[J2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; J2 = F3; c[J2 >> 2] = la2; c[J2 + 4 >> 2] = ca2; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; Da2 = la2; } if ((Da2 | 0) != 289) { Q3 = 262; break; } } k: do if ((Q3 | 0) == 262) je(e2, 289); else if ((Q3 | 0) == 271) { c[Y2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, E3) | 0; else { ba3 = _5; B2 = c[ba3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = F3; c[r2 >> 2] = c[ba3 >> 2]; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = B2; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; } De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { B2 = h3 + 4 | 0; r2 = 1; while (true) { c[Y2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[_5 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, E3) | 0; else { ba3 = _5; H2 = c[ba3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = F3; c[C3 >> 2] = c[ba3 >> 2]; c[C3 + 4 >> 2] = H2; c[_5 >> 2] = 287; } Ea2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Be(Ea2, h3); if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (H2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0, (H2 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (H2 | 0) >= (d[Ea2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { H2 = Ea2 + 48 | 0; a[H2 >> 0] = (a[H2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } H2 = Ea2 + 48 | 0; C3 = a[H2 >> 0] | 0; ba3 = (C3 & 255) + 1 | 0; L3 = (c[Ea2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((C3 & 255) < (d[L3 >> 0] | 0)) Fa2 = ba3 & 255; else { if ((C3 & 255) > 248) break; C3 = ba3 & 255; a[L3 >> 0] = C3; Fa2 = C3; } a[H2 >> 0] = Fa2; Ce(Ea2, h3, (Fa2 & 255) + -1 | 0); De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; H2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) r2 = H2; else { Ga3 = H2; break k; } } oe(c[Ea2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); } else Ga3 = 1; } else if ((Q3 | 0) == 289) { c[h3 >> 2] = 0; Ga3 = 0; } while (0); Me(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, I2, Ga3, h3); _5 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = _5 + 46 | 0; E3 = I2 + (d[F3 >> 0] | 0) | 0; a[F3 >> 0] = E3; F3 = c[_5 + 20 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[(c[_5 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[c[(c[_5 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; B2 = (c[_5 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (E3 & 255) | 0; E3 = I2; do { c[Y2 + ((b3[r2 + (B2 - E3 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = F3; E3 = E3 + -1 | 0; } while ((E3 | 0) != 0); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 286: { E3 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = m4; F3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { B2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = B2; Ha3 = B2; } else { B2 = F3; r2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = r2; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = Y2; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; Ha3 = r2; } if ((Ha3 | 0) != 289) je(e2, 289); r2 = e2 + 28 | 0; Y2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[E3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { B2 = he(e2, r2) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = B2; Ja3 = B2; } else { B2 = F3; I2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; _5 = c[B2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = I2; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = _5; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; Ja3 = I2; } I2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; _5 = e2 + 56 | 0; B2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; H2 = B2 + 24 | 0; C3 = I2 + 16 | 0; L3 = b3[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 1] | 0; ba3 = B2 + 28 | 0; D3 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; l: do if ((D3 | 0) > (L3 | 0)) { la2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = a[Y2 + 4 >> 0] | 0; J2 = Y2 + 12 | 0; Z3 = Y2 + 16 | 0; if (ca2 << 24 >> 24 == 4) { za2 = L3; while (true) { ka2 = c[la2 + (za2 << 4) >> 2] | 0; if ((ka2 | 0) == (Y2 | 0) & (a[ka2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 4) { Ka2 = za2; break; } za2 = za2 + 1 | 0; if ((za2 | 0) >= (D3 | 0)) break l; } La2 = I2 + 12 | 0; Ma2 = c[La2 >> 2] | 0; Na2 = Ma2 + 44 | 0; Oa3 = c[Na2 >> 2] | 0; Pa2 = la2 + (Ka2 << 4) + 8 | 0; Qa2 = c[Pa2 >> 2] | 0; Ra2 = te(Qa2) | 0; Sa2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; Ta2 = Sa2 + (Ka2 << 4) + 8 | 0; Ua2 = c[Ta2 >> 2] | 0; Va2 = ue(Ua2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = Z3; Wa2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[Wa2 >> 2] = Ra2; Xa3 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[Xa3 >> 2] = Va2; Ya3 = ud(Oa3, 47458, g2) | 0; Za2 = c[La2 >> 2] | 0; ve(Za2, Ya3); } za2 = L3; while (true) { ka2 = c[la2 + (za2 << 4) >> 2] | 0; if (ca2 << 24 >> 24 == (a[ka2 + 4 >> 0] | 0)) { _a2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ka2 | 0) == (Y2 | 0)) { Ka2 = za2; Q3 = 311; break; } if ((_a2 | 0) == (c[ka2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) ? (ft(Z3, ka2 + 16 | 0, _a2) | 0) == 0 : 0) { Ka2 = za2; Q3 = 311; break; } } za2 = za2 + 1 | 0; if ((za2 | 0) >= (D3 | 0)) break l; } if ((Q3 | 0) == 311) { La2 = I2 + 12 | 0; Ma2 = c[La2 >> 2] | 0; Na2 = Ma2 + 44 | 0; Oa3 = c[Na2 >> 2] | 0; Pa2 = la2 + (Ka2 << 4) + 8 | 0; Qa2 = c[Pa2 >> 2] | 0; Ra2 = te(Qa2) | 0; Sa2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; Ta2 = Sa2 + (Ka2 << 4) + 8 | 0; Ua2 = c[Ta2 >> 2] | 0; Va2 = ue(Ua2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = Z3; Wa2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[Wa2 >> 2] = Ra2; Xa3 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[Xa3 >> 2] = Va2; Ya3 = ud(Oa3, 47458, g2) | 0; Za2 = c[La2 >> 2] | 0; ve(Za2, Ya3); } } while (0); if ((Ja3 | 0) != 286) je(e2, 286); c[E3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { D3 = F3; L3 = c[D3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; za2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[za2 >> 2] = c[D3 >> 2]; c[za2 + 4 >> 2] = L3; c[F3 >> 2] = 287; } L3 = c[I2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; za2 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; D3 = B2 + 32 | 0; if ((za2 | 0) < (c[D3 >> 2] | 0)) { $a2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; ab2 = za2; } else { J2 = pe(c[p2 >> 2] | 0, c[H2 >> 2] | 0, D3, 16, 32767, 47008) | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = J2; $a2 = J2; ab2 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; } c[$a2 + (za2 << 4) >> 2] = Y2; c[$a2 + (za2 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = m4; a[$a2 + (za2 << 4) + 12 >> 0] = a[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 46 >> 0] | 0; c[$a2 + (za2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] = L3; c[ba3 >> 2] = ab2 + 1; m: while (true) { switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { Q3 = 325; break m; break; } case 286: case 59: break; default: { Q3 = 324; break m; } } ie(e2); } if ((Q3 | 0) == 324) bb2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; else if ((Q3 | 0) == 325) { ba3 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; a[ba3 + (za2 << 4) + 12 >> 0] = a[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 0] | 0; bb2 = ba3; } ba3 = bb2 + (za2 << 4) | 0; Y2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; B2 = b3[(c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 6 >> 1] | 0; I2 = Y2 + 16 | 0; F3 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; if ((F3 | 0) <= (B2 | 0)) { t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } r2 = Y2 + 12 | 0; Y2 = F3; F3 = B2; while (true) { B2 = c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + (F3 << 4) >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; L3 = a[B2 + 4 >> 0] | 0; do if (L3 << 24 >> 24 == (a[E3 + 4 >> 0] | 0)) { if (L3 << 24 >> 24 == 4) { if ((B2 | 0) != (E3 | 0)) { Q3 = 335; break; } } else { J2 = c[B2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) != (E3 | 0)) { if ((J2 | 0) != (c[E3 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) { Q3 = 335; break; } if (ft(B2 + 16 | 0, E3 + 16 | 0, J2) | 0) { Q3 = 335; break; } } } qe(e2, F3, ba3); cb2 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; db3 = F3; } else Q3 = 335; while (0); if ((Q3 | 0) == 335) { Q3 = 0; cb2 = Y2; db3 = F3 + 1 | 0; } if ((db3 | 0) < (cb2 | 0)) { Y2 = cb2; F3 = db3; } else break; } t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 274: { F3 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = m4; Y2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[Y2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { I2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = I2; eb3 = I2; fb2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } else { I2 = Y2; ba3 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[I2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; I2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = ba3; c[I2 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[Y2 >> 2] = 287; eb3 = ba3; fb2 = o2; } n: do switch (eb3 | 0) { case 59: case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { gb2 = 0; hb2 = 0; break; } default: { De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; o: do if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) { ba3 = e2 + 28 | 0; r2 = e2 + 24 | 0; I2 = h3 + 4 | 0; _5 = 1; while (true) { c[F3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[Y2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, ba3) | 0; else { za2 = Y2; C3 = c[za2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; H2 = r2; c[H2 >> 2] = c[za2 >> 2]; c[H2 + 4 >> 2] = C3; c[Y2 >> 2] = 287; } ib2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Be(ib2, h3); if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (C3 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0, (C3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (C3 | 0) >= (d[ib2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { C3 = ib2 + 48 | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = (a[C3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } C3 = ib2 + 48 | 0; H2 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; za2 = (H2 & 255) + 1 | 0; E3 = (c[ib2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; if ((H2 & 255) < (d[E3 >> 0] | 0)) jb2 = za2 & 255; else { if ((H2 & 255) > 248) break; H2 = za2 & 255; a[E3 >> 0] = H2; jb2 = H2; } a[C3 >> 0] = jb2; Ce(ib2, h3, (jb2 & 255) + -1 | 0); De(e2, h3, 0) | 0; C3 = _5 + 1 | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 44) _5 = C3; else { kb2 = h3; lb3 = C3; break o; } } oe(c[ib2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); } else { kb2 = h3; lb3 = 1; } while (0); _5 = c[kb2 >> 2] | 0; if ((_5 & -2 | 0) == 12) { switch (_5 | 0) { case 12: { _5 = (c[(c[fb2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = c[_5 >> 2] & -8372225; if ((lb3 | 0) == 1) { _5 = (c[(c[fb2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = c[_5 >> 2] & -64 | 43; } break; } case 13: { _5 = c[fb2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[_5 + 12 >> 2] | 0; r2 = h3 + 4 | 0; ba3 = I2 + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[ba3 >> 2] = c[ba3 >> 2] & 8388607; ba3 = I2 + (c[r2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; r2 = fb2 + 48 | 0; I2 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; C3 = I2 & 255; c[ba3 >> 2] = C3 << 6 | c[ba3 >> 2] & -16321; ba3 = C3 + 1 | 0; C3 = _5 + 78 | 0; do if ((I2 & 255) >= (d[C3 >> 0] | 0)) if ((I2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[fb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { _5 = ba3 & 255; a[C3 >> 0] = _5; mb2 = _5; break; } else mb2 = ba3 & 255; while (0); a[r2 >> 0] = mb2; break; } default: { } } gb2 = d[fb2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; hb2 = -1; break n; } if ((lb3 | 0) == 1) { gb2 = Ne(fb2, h3) | 0; hb2 = 1; break n; } Be(fb2, h3); if (((c[kb2 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (ba3 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (ba3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (ba3 | 0) >= (d[fb2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { ba3 = fb2 + 48 | 0; a[ba3 >> 0] = (a[ba3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } ba3 = fb2 + 48 | 0; C3 = a[ba3 >> 0] | 0; I2 = (C3 & 255) + 1 | 0; _5 = (c[fb2 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((C3 & 255) >= (d[_5 >> 0] | 0)) if ((C3 & 255) > 248) oe(c[fb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { H2 = I2 & 255; a[_5 >> 0] = H2; nb2 = H2; break; } else nb2 = I2 & 255; while (0); a[ba3 >> 0] = nb2; Ce(fb2, h3, (nb2 & 255) + -1 | 0); gb2 = d[fb2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; hb2 = lb3; } } while (0); le(fb2, gb2 << 6 | (hb2 << 23) + 8388608 | 44) | 0; do if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 59) { c[F3 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[Y2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; break; } else { I2 = Y2; _5 = c[I2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2]; c[C3 + 4 >> 2] = _5; c[Y2 >> 2] = 287; break; } } while (0); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } case 266: case 258: { Y2 = o2 + 28 | 0; F3 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = -1; Y2 = le(o2, 2147450916) | 0; do if ((F3 | 0) != -1) if ((Y2 | 0) != -1) { _5 = c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; C3 = Y2; while (true) { ob2 = _5 + (C3 << 2) | 0; pb2 = c[ob2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = (pb2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; r2 = (I2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : C3 + 1 + I2 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == -1) break; else C3 = r2; } _5 = F3 + ~C3 | 0; if ((((_5 | 0) > -1 ? _5 : 0 - _5 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[ob2 >> 2] = (_5 << 14) + 2147467264 | pb2 & 16383; qb2 = Y2; break; } } else qb2 = F3; else qb2 = Y2; while (0); Y2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 266; _5 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = Y2; ba3 = e2 + 32 | 0; r2 = (c[ba3 >> 2] | 0) == 287; do if (F3) { if (r2) { I2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = I2; rb2 = I2; } else { I2 = ba3; H2 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[I2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; I2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[I2 >> 2] = H2; c[I2 + 4 >> 2] = E3; c[ba3 >> 2] = 287; rb2 = H2; } if ((rb2 | 0) != 289) je(e2, 289); H2 = e2 + 28 | 0; E3 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; c[_5 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; if ((c[ba3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, H2) | 0; sb2 = E3; break; } else { H2 = ba3; I2 = c[H2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; za2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[za2 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; c[za2 + 4 >> 2] = I2; c[ba3 >> 2] = 287; sb2 = E3; break; } } else { if (r2) c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { E3 = ba3; I2 = c[E3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; za2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[za2 >> 2] = c[E3 >> 2]; c[za2 + 4 >> 2] = I2; c[ba3 >> 2] = 287; } sb2 = vd(c[p2 >> 2] | 0, 57656, 5) | 0; } while (0); ba3 = c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; r2 = ba3 + 12 | 0; _5 = ba3 + 16 | 0; F3 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; I2 = ba3 + 20 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) < (c[I2 >> 2] | 0)) { tb2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; ub2 = F3; } else { ba3 = pe(c[p2 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 >> 2] | 0, I2, 16, 32767, 47008) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = ba3; tb2 = ba3; ub2 = c[_5 >> 2] | 0; } c[tb2 + (F3 << 4) >> 2] = sb2; c[tb2 + (F3 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = Y2; a[tb2 + (F3 << 4) + 12 >> 0] = a[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 46 >> 0] | 0; c[tb2 + (F3 << 4) + 4 >> 2] = qb2; c[_5 >> 2] = ub2 + 1; re(e2, F3) | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } default: { F3 = j2 + 4 | 0; Re(e2, F3); _5 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; p: do if ((_5 + -299 | 0) >>> 0 >= 16) { switch (_5 | 0) { case 44: case 61: { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; Ue(e2, j2, 1); break p; break; } default: { } } if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) == 12) { ba3 = (c[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[j2 + 8 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[ba3 >> 2] = c[ba3 >> 2] & -8372225 | 16384; break; } else oe(e2, 57168); } else { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; ba3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = c[F3 + 4 >> 2]; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = c[F3 + 8 >> 2]; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = c[F3 + 12 >> 2]; do switch (_5 | 0) { case 299: { vb2 = 0; break; } case 300: { vb2 = 1; break; } case 301: { vb2 = 2; break; } case 302: { vb2 = 3; break; } case 305: { vb2 = 15; break; } case 303: { vb2 = 4; break; } case 304: { vb2 = 5; break; } case 314: { vb2 = 19; break; } case 306: { vb2 = 6; break; } case 307: { vb2 = 7; break; } case 308: { vb2 = 8; break; } case 309: { vb2 = 9; break; } case 310: { vb2 = 10; break; } case 311: { vb2 = 11; break; } default: vb2 = 28; } while (0); C3 = ba3 + 48 | 0; r2 = ba3 + 46 | 0; I2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; za2 = (d[C3 >> 0] | 0) - I2 | 0; if ((za2 | 0) > 0) { E3 = 0; do { Ie2(e2, ne(e2, 47505, 14) | 0); E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; } while ((E3 | 0) != (za2 | 0)); E3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; H2 = E3 + 46 | 0; wb3 = d[H2 >> 0] | 0; xb2 = E3; yb2 = H2; } else { wb3 = I2; xb2 = ba3; yb2 = r2; } H2 = za2 + wb3 | 0; a[yb2 >> 0] = H2; if (za2 | 0) { E3 = c[xb2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; B2 = c[(c[xb2 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; L3 = c[c[(c[xb2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; Z3 = (c[xb2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (H2 & 255) | 0; H2 = za2; do { c[B2 + ((b3[L3 + (Z3 - H2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = E3; H2 = H2 + -1 | 0; } while ((H2 | 0) != 0); } H2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = H2; E3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[E3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[s3 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; zb2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; Ab2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } else { Z3 = E3; L3 = c[Z3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = c[Z3 >> 2]; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = L3; c[E3 >> 2] = 287; zb2 = H2; Ab2 = xb2; } H2 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 38 | 0; E3 = (b3[H2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[H2 >> 1] = E3; if ((E3 & 65535) > 200) ze(Ab2, 200, 47316); Se(ba3, vb2, h3); De(e2, i3, 0) | 0; Te2(ba3, vb2, h3, i3, zb2); E3 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 38 | 0; b3[E3 >> 1] = (b3[E3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; Be(ba3, h3); if (((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) == 6 ? (E3 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (E3 & 256 | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (E3 | 0) >= (d[r2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) { E3 = (a[C3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; a[C3 >> 0] = E3; Bb2 = E3; } else Bb2 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; E3 = (Bb2 & 255) + 1 | 0; H2 = (c[ba3 >> 2] | 0) + 78 | 0; do if ((Bb2 & 255) >= (d[H2 >> 0] | 0)) if ((Bb2 & 255) > 248) oe(c[ba3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 47325); else { L3 = E3 & 255; a[H2 >> 0] = L3; Cb2 = L3; break; } else Cb2 = E3 & 255; while (0); a[C3 >> 0] = Cb2; Ce(ba3, h3, (Cb2 & 255) + -1 | 0); E3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) { case 12: { c[h3 >> 2] = 6; H2 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = (c[(c[(c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[H2 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 6 & 255; break; } case 13: { H2 = (c[(c[E3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[h3 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2] & 8388607 | 16777216; c[h3 >> 2] = 11; break; } default: { } } Qe(E3, F3, h3); } while (0); t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 46 | 0; v2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = t3 + 48 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = v2; x2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 38 | 0; z3 = b3[y4 >> 1] | 0; A4 = z3 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[y4 >> 1] = A4; Ia = f2; return; } } while (0); } function je(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; d2 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = ye(a2, b4) | 0; oe(a2, ud(d2, 47304, e2) | 0); } function ke(e2) { e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; f2 = c[e2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; g2 = e2 + 40 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; le(h3, 8388652) | 0; me(h3); j2 = h3 + 20 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(f2); l2 = i3 + 12 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = i3 + 48 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] << 2; p2 = k2 << 2; k2 = f2 + 12 | 0; q3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (m4 | 0) == 0; s3 = q3 + 4 | 0; t3 = Pa[c[q3 >> 2] & 3](c[s3 >> 2] | 0, m4, o2, p2) | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 0 & (t3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[q3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(f2, 4); Ic(f2, 1); u2 = Pa[c[q3 >> 2] & 3](c[s3 >> 2] | 0, m4, o2, p2) | 0; if (!u2) wc(f2, 4); else v2 = u2; } else v2 = t3; t3 = q3 + 12 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = (r2 ? 0 : 0 - o2 | 0) + p2 + (c[t3 >> 2] | 0); c[l2 >> 2] = v2; v2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = v2; if ((v2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(f2); n2 = i3 + 20 | 0; l2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = i3 + 52 | 0; p2 = c[t3 >> 2] << 2; o2 = v2 << 2; v2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (l2 | 0) == 0; q3 = v2 + 4 | 0; u2 = Pa[c[v2 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, l2, p2, o2) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) != 0 & (u2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[v2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(f2, 4); Ic(f2, 1); m4 = Pa[c[v2 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, l2, p2, o2) | 0; if (!m4) wc(f2, 4); else w2 = m4; } else w2 = u2; u2 = v2 + 12 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = (r2 ? 0 : 0 - p2 | 0) + o2 + (c[u2 >> 2] | 0); c[n2 >> 2] = w2; c[t3 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; j2 = h3 + 32 | 0; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 536870911) Jc(f2); w2 = i3 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = i3 + 44 | 0; o2 = c[u2 >> 2] << 3; p2 = t3 << 3; t3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (n2 | 0) == 0; v2 = t3 + 4 | 0; m4 = Pa[c[t3 >> 2] & 3](c[v2 >> 2] | 0, n2, o2, p2) | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 0 & (m4 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[t3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(f2, 4); Ic(f2, 1); l2 = Pa[c[t3 >> 2] & 3](c[v2 >> 2] | 0, n2, o2, p2) | 0; if (!l2) wc(f2, 4); else x2 = l2; } else x2 = m4; m4 = t3 + 12 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = (r2 ? 0 : 0 - o2 | 0) + p2 + (c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[w2 >> 2] = x2; c[u2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; j2 = h3 + 36 | 0; u2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(f2); x2 = i3 + 16 | 0; w2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = i3 + 56 | 0; p2 = c[m4 >> 2] << 2; o2 = u2 << 2; u2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (w2 | 0) == 0; t3 = u2 + 4 | 0; l2 = Pa[c[u2 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, w2, p2, o2) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) != 0 & (l2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[u2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(f2, 4); Ic(f2, 1); n2 = Pa[c[u2 >> 2] & 3](c[t3 >> 2] | 0, w2, p2, o2) | 0; if (!n2) wc(f2, 4); else y4 = n2; } else y4 = l2; l2 = u2 + 12 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (r2 ? 0 : 0 - p2 | 0) + o2 + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0); c[x2 >> 2] = y4; c[m4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; j2 = h3 + 44 | 0; m4 = b3[j2 >> 1] | 0; y4 = m4 << 16 >> 16; if ((y4 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 357913941) Jc(f2); x2 = i3 + 24 | 0; l2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = i3 + 60 | 0; p2 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) * 12 | 0; r2 = y4 * 12 | 0; y4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (l2 | 0) == 0; n2 = y4 + 4 | 0; w2 = Pa[c[y4 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, l2, p2, r2) | 0; if (m4 << 16 >> 16 != 0 & (w2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[y4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(f2, 4); Ic(f2, 1); m4 = Pa[c[y4 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, l2, p2, r2) | 0; if (!m4) wc(f2, 4); else z3 = m4; } else z3 = w2; w2 = y4 + 12 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (u2 ? 0 : 0 - p2 | 0) + r2 + (c[w2 >> 2] | 0); c[x2 >> 2] = z3; c[o2 >> 2] = b3[j2 >> 1]; j2 = h3 + 47 | 0; o2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; z3 = i3 + 28 | 0; x2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = i3 + 40 | 0; i3 = c[w2 >> 2] << 3; r2 = (o2 & 255) << 3; p2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (x2 | 0) == 0; y4 = p2 + 4 | 0; m4 = Pa[c[p2 >> 2] & 3](c[y4 >> 2] | 0, x2, i3, r2) | 0; if (o2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & (m4 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[p2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(f2, 4); Ic(f2, 1); o2 = Pa[c[p2 >> 2] & 3](c[y4 >> 2] | 0, x2, i3, r2) | 0; if (!o2) wc(f2, 4); else A4 = o2; } else A4 = m4; m4 = p2 + 12 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = (u2 ? 0 : 0 - i3 | 0) + r2 + (c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[z3 >> 2] = A4; c[w2 >> 2] = d[j2 >> 0]; c[g2 >> 2] = c[h3 + 8 >> 2]; if (((c[e2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + -289 | 0) >>> 0 < 2) { h3 = c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; ne(e2, h3 + 16 | 0, c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -8; h3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3 + 12 | 0; e2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) return; if (!(a[h3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { g2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = e2 + 1600 + (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 >> 2] = -1600; return; } else { Mc(f2); return; } } function le(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; d2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = a2 + 28 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 20 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((f2 | 0) != -1) { i3 = c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = f2; while (true) { k2 = i3 + (j2 << 2) | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (l2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; n2 = j2; j2 = (m4 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : j2 + 1 + m4 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) > 0 ? (m4 = k2 + -4 | 0, o2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0, ((o2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { p2 = o2; q3 = m4; } else { p2 = l2; q3 = k2; } if ((p2 & 63 | 0) == 41) { c[q3 >> 2] = p2 & 8372224 | p2 >>> 23 << 6 | 40; m4 = h3 + ~n2 | 0; if ((((m4 | 0) > -1 ? m4 : 0 - m4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { r2 = 8; break; } s3 = (m4 << 14) + 2147467264 | 0; t3 = c[k2 >> 2] & 16383; } else { m4 = h3 + ~n2 | 0; if ((((m4 | 0) > -1 ? m4 : 0 - m4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { r2 = 11; break; } s3 = l2 & 16383; t3 = (m4 << 14) + 2147467264 | 0; } c[k2 >> 2] = t3 | s3; if ((j2 | 0) == -1) { r2 = 14; break; } } if ((r2 | 0) == 8) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else if ((r2 | 0) == 11) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else if ((r2 | 0) == 14) { u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else u2 = h3; while (0); c[e2 >> 2] = -1; e2 = d2 + 48 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) < (c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) { v2 = c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; w2 = u2; } else { u2 = d2 + 12 | 0; h3 = pe(c[(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0, c[u2 >> 2] | 0, e2, 4, 2147483645, 47296) | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = h3; v2 = h3; w2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[v2 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] = b4; b4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = d2 + 52 | 0; v2 = a2 + 12 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < (c[w2 >> 2] | 0)) { x2 = b4; y4 = d2 + 20 | 0; z3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3 + 16 | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = C3 + (x2 << 2) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = B2; E3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = E3 + 1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = F3; return E3 | 0; } else { b4 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = pe(c[(c[v2 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0, c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2, 4, 2147483645, 47296) | 0; x2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = b4; z3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3 + 16 | 0; B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; D3 = C3 + (x2 << 2) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = B2; E3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = E3 + 1 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = F3; return E3 | 0; } return 0; } function me(e2) { e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; f2 = e2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = e2 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if (c[g2 >> 2] | 0 ? a[g2 + 9 >> 0] | 0 : 0) { j2 = e2 + 28 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = -1; l2 = le(e2, 2147450916) | 0; do if ((k2 | 0) != -1) { if ((l2 | 0) == -1) { m4 = d[g2 + 8 >> 0] | 0; n2 = k2; break; } o2 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; p2 = l2; while (true) { q3 = o2 + (p2 << 2) | 0; r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (r2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; t3 = (s3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : p2 + 1 + s3 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == -1) break; else p2 = t3; } o2 = k2 + ~p2 | 0; if ((((o2 | 0) > -1 ? o2 : 0 - o2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[q3 >> 2] = (o2 << 14) + 2147467264 | r2 & 16383; u2 = 11; break; } } else u2 = 11; while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 11) { k2 = d[g2 + 8 >> 0] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == -1) { c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = c[e2 + 20 >> 2]; break; } else { m4 = k2; n2 = l2; } } k2 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (m4 << 6) + 64 & 16320; t3 = n2; do { s3 = k2 + (t3 << 2) | 0; v2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (v2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = v2 & -16321 | o2; t3 = (w2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : t3 + 1 + w2 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != -1); c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = c[e2 + 20 >> 2]; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == -1) { c[j2 >> 2] = n2; break; } o2 = t3; while (true) { x2 = k2 + (o2 << 2) | 0; y4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (y4 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; l2 = (t3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : o2 + 1 + t3 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == -1) break; else o2 = l2; } k2 = n2 + ~o2 | 0; if ((((k2 | 0) > -1 ? k2 : 0 - k2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[x2 >> 2] = (k2 << 14) + 2147467264 | y4 & 16383; break; } } while (0); if (a[g2 + 10 >> 0] | 0) { y4 = i3 + 44 | 0; x2 = $c(c[y4 >> 2] | 0, 57656, 5) | 0; n2 = i3 + 56 | 0; m4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = m4 + 24 | 0; q3 = i3 + 40 | 0; k2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[k2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; l2 = m4 + 28 | 0; t3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = m4 + 32 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) < (c[w2 >> 2] | 0)) { z3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = k2; B2 = t3; C3 = m4; } else { m4 = pe(c[y4 >> 2] | 0, c[r2 >> 2] | 0, w2, 16, 32767, 47008) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = m4; z3 = m4; A4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; B2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } c[z3 + (t3 << 4) >> 2] = x2; c[z3 + (t3 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[z3 + (t3 << 4) + 12 >> 0] = a[A4 + 46 >> 0] | 0; c[z3 + (t3 << 4) + 4 >> 2] = j2; c[l2 >> 2] = B2 + 1; B2 = (c[C3 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + (t3 << 4) | 0; t3 = b3[(c[A4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 6 >> 1] | 0; A4 = C3 + 16 | 0; l2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) > (t3 | 0)) { j2 = C3 + 12 | 0; C3 = l2; l2 = t3; while (true) { t3 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 4) >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = a[t3 + 4 >> 0] | 0; do if (x2 << 24 >> 24 == (a[z3 + 4 >> 0] | 0)) { if (x2 << 24 >> 24 == 4) { if ((t3 | 0) != (z3 | 0)) { u2 = 35; break; } } else { n2 = c[t3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) != (z3 | 0)) { if ((n2 | 0) != (c[z3 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) { u2 = 35; break; } if (ft(t3 + 16 | 0, z3 + 16 | 0, n2) | 0) { u2 = 35; break; } } } qe(i3, l2, B2); D3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; E3 = l2; } else u2 = 35; while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 35) { u2 = 0; D3 = C3; E3 = l2 + 1 | 0; } if ((E3 | 0) < (D3 | 0)) { C3 = D3; l2 = E3; } else break; } } } E3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = E3; f2 = g2 + 8 | 0; l2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; D3 = e2 + 46 | 0; C3 = a[D3 >> 0] | 0; u2 = C3 & 255; A4 = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; B2 = A4 + 4 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = (l2 & 255) - u2 + (c[B2 >> 2] | 0); if ((l2 & 255) < (C3 & 255)) { B2 = c[e2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[e2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; x2 = u2; while (true) { u2 = (x2 & 255) + -1 << 24 >> 24; c[z3 + ((b3[t3 + (j2 + (u2 & 255) << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = B2; if ((u2 & 255) > (l2 & 255)) x2 = x2 + -1 | 0; else break; } a[D3 >> 0] = l2; F3 = l2; } else F3 = C3; a[e2 + 48 >> 0] = F3; F3 = c[i3 + 56 >> 2] | 0; c[F3 + 28 >> 2] = b3[g2 + 4 >> 1]; C3 = b3[g2 + 6 >> 1] | 0; if (!E3) if ((c[F3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) > (C3 | 0)) se(i3, (c[F3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (C3 << 4) | 0); else return; F3 = A4 + 16 | 0; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) <= (C3 | 0)) return; i3 = A4 + 12 | 0; A4 = g2 + 9 | 0; g2 = l2; l2 = C3; while (true) { C3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; E3 = C3 + (l2 << 4) + 12 | 0; D3 = g2 & 255; if ((d[E3 >> 0] | 0) > (g2 & 255)) { if (a[A4 >> 0] | 0 ? (x2 = c[C3 + (l2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0, (x2 | 0) != -1) : 0) { C3 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; B2 = (D3 << 6) + 64 & 16320; D3 = x2; do { x2 = C3 + (D3 << 2) | 0; j2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (j2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = j2 & -16321 | B2; D3 = (t3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : D3 + 1 + t3 | 0; } while ((D3 | 0) != -1); } a[E3 >> 0] = g2; } D3 = l2 + ((re(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, l2) | 0) == 0 & 1) | 0; if ((D3 | 0) >= (c[F3 >> 2] | 0)) break; g2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; l2 = D3; } return; } function ne(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; f2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; g2 = vd(f2, d2, e2) | 0; e2 = f2 + 8 | 0; d2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = d2 + 8; c[d2 >> 2] = g2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; d2 = c[(c[b4 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; h3 = Kc(d2, b4) | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == 2172216) i3 = Lc(f2, d2, b4) | 0; else i3 = h3; h3 = i3 + 4 | 0; do if (!(c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) { c[i3 >> 2] = 1; c[h3 >> 2] = 1; b4 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; d2 = b4 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[b4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { k2 = b4 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2 + 1600 + (c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[d2 >> 2] = -1600; l2 = g2; break; } else { Mc(f2); l2 = g2; break; } else l2 = g2; } else l2 = c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; while (0); c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -8; return l2 | 0; } function oe(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; xe(a2, b4, c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0); } function pe(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; j2 = i3; k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) >= ((g2 | 0) / 2 | 0 | 0)) if ((k2 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) l2 = g2; else { c[j2 >> 2] = h3; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = g2; yc(b4, 47173, j2); } else { j2 = k2 << 1; l2 = (j2 | 0) > 4 ? j2 : 4; } if ((l2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > (4294967293 / (f2 >>> 0) | 0) >>> 0) Jc(b4); j2 = B(k2, f2) | 0; k2 = B(l2, f2) | 0; f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (d2 | 0) == 0; h3 = f2 + 4 | 0; m4 = Pa[c[f2 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, d2, j2, k2) | 0; if (!((k2 | 0) != 0 & (m4 | 0) == 0)) { n2 = m4; o2 = f2 + 12 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = 0 - j2 | 0; r2 = g2 ? 0 : q3; s3 = k2 + r2 | 0; t3 = s3 + p2 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = t3; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; Ia = i3; return n2 | 0; } if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); m4 = Pa[c[f2 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, d2, j2, k2) | 0; if (!m4) wc(b4, 4); else { n2 = m4; o2 = f2 + 12 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = 0 - j2 | 0; r2 = g2 ? 0 : q3; s3 = k2 + r2 | 0; t3 = s3 + p2 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = t3; c[e2 >> 2] = l2; Ia = i3; return n2 | 0; } return 0; } function qe(e2, f2, g2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = c[e2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; l2 = k2 + 12 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = a[m4 + (f2 << 4) + 12 >> 0] | 0; if ((n2 & 255) < (d[g2 + 12 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = c[(c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 24 >> 2] | 0) + ((b3[(c[c[(c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + ((c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 & 255) << 1) >> 1] | 0) * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[e2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (c[m4 + (f2 << 4) >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; q3 = m4 + (f2 << 4) + 8 | 0; r2 = te(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; s3 = ue(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = p2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = s3; c[i3 + 12 >> 2] = o2 + 16; ve(e2, ud(n2, 47108, i3) | 0); } we(j2, c[m4 + (f2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); g2 = k2 + 16 | 0; k2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= (f2 | 0)) { t3 = k2; c[g2 >> 2] = t3; Ia = h3; return; } k2 = f2; do { f2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = f2 + (k2 << 4) | 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; j2 = f2 + (k2 << 4) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 + 4 >> 2]; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = c[j2 + 8 >> 2]; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = c[j2 + 12 >> 2]; j2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); t3 = j2; c[g2 >> 2] = t3; Ia = h3; return; } function re(e2, f2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; g2 = c[e2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[e2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = b3[(c[g2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 1] | 0; k2 = c[h3 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= (j2 | 0)) { l2 = 0; return l2 | 0; } m4 = c[h3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[i3 + (f2 << 4) >> 2] | 0; n2 = a[h3 + 4 >> 0] | 0; o2 = h3 + 12 | 0; p2 = h3 + 16 | 0; q3 = n2 << 24 >> 24 == 4; r2 = j2; a: while (true) { s3 = m4 + (r2 << 4) | 0; j2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((a[j2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == n2 << 24 >> 24) { if (q3) if ((j2 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break a; else break; t3 = c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break a; if ((t3 | 0) == (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) ? (ft(j2 + 16 | 0, p2, t3) | 0) == 0 : 0) break a; } while (0); j2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) r2 = j2; else { l2 = 0; u2 = 15; break; } } if ((u2 | 0) == 15) return l2 | 0; u2 = a[m4 + (r2 << 4) + 12 >> 0] | 0; if ((d[i3 + (f2 << 4) + 12 >> 0] | 0) > (u2 & 255) ? (r2 = c[i3 + (f2 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0, (r2 | 0) != -1) : 0) { i3 = c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = ((u2 & 255) << 6) + 64 & 16320; u2 = r2; do { r2 = i3 + (u2 << 2) | 0; m4 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (m4 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = m4 & -16321 | g2; u2 = (k2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : u2 + 1 + k2 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != -1); } qe(e2, f2, s3); l2 = 1; return l2 | 0; } function se(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((a[e2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 4) g2 = (a[e2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 47021 : 47074; else g2 = 47021; h3 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; i3 = d2 + 8 | 0; d2 = te(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; j2 = ue(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = e2 + 16; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = j2; ve(b4, ud(h3, g2, f2) | 0); } function te(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return (Xg(a2, 0) | 0) << 16 | 0; } function ue(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; Xg(a2, d2) | 0; Ia = b4; return c[d2 >> 2] << 16 | 0; } function ve(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c[a2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; oe(a2, b4); } function we(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) == (d2 | 0)) { c[a2 + 24 >> 2] = d2; e2 = a2 + 28 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == -1) return; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == -1) { c[e2 >> 2] = b4; return; } e2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2; while (true) { h3 = e2 + (g2 << 2) | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (i3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; j2 = (f2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : g2 + 1 + f2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == -1) break; else g2 = j2; } e2 = ~g2 + b4 | 0; if ((((e2 | 0) > -1 ? e2 : 0 - e2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); c[h3 >> 2] = (e2 << 14) + 2147467264 | i3 & 16383; return; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1) return; i3 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; e2 = b4; while (true) { b4 = i3 + (e2 << 2) | 0; h3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (h3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; j2 = e2; e2 = (g2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : e2 + 1 + g2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > 0 ? (g2 = b4 + -4 | 0, f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, ((f2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { k2 = f2; l2 = g2; } else { k2 = h3; l2 = b4; } if ((k2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { g2 = ~j2 + d2 | 0; if ((((g2 | 0) > -1 ? g2 : 0 - g2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { m4 = 20; break; } else { n2 = h3; o2 = g2; } } else { c[l2 >> 2] = k2 & 8372224 | k2 >>> 23 << 6 | 40; g2 = ~j2 + d2 | 0; if ((((g2 | 0) > -1 ? g2 : 0 - g2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { m4 = 17; break; } n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = g2; } c[b4 >> 2] = n2 & 16383 | (o2 << 14) + 2147467264; if ((e2 | 0) == -1) { m4 = 22; break; } } if ((m4 | 0) == 17) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else if ((m4 | 0) == 20) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else if ((m4 | 0) == 22) return; } function xe(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; g2 = f2 + 88 | 0; h3 = f2 + 80 | 0; i3 = f2 + 64 | 0; j2 = f2; f2 = (c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; k2 = Pt(f2) | 0; a: do switch (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) { case 61: { l2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 > 60) { m4 = j2; n2 = l2; o2 = m4 + 59 | 0; do { a[m4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); a[j2 + 59 >> 0] = 0; break a; } else { Hv(j2 | 0, l2 | 0, k2 | 0) | 0; break a; } break; } case 64: { if (k2 >>> 0 > 60) { a[j2 >> 0] = a[72854] | 0; a[j2 + 1 >> 0] = a[72855] | 0; a[j2 + 2 >> 0] = a[72856] | 0; m4 = j2 + 3 | 0; n2 = f2 + 1 + k2 + -57 | 0; o2 = m4 + 57 | 0; do { a[m4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); break a; } else { Hv(j2 | 0, f2 + 1 | 0, k2 | 0) | 0; break a; } break; } default: { l2 = $t(f2, 10) | 0; m4 = j2; n2 = 46846; o2 = m4 + 9 | 0; do { a[m4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); p2 = j2 + 9 | 0; q3 = (l2 | 0) == 0; if (k2 >>> 0 < 45 & q3) { Hv(p2 | 0, f2 | 0, k2 | 0) | 0; r2 = p2 + k2 | 0; } else { s3 = q3 ? k2 : l2 - f2 | 0; q3 = s3 >>> 0 < 45 ? s3 : 45; Hv(p2 | 0, f2 | 0, q3 | 0) | 0; s3 = p2 + q3 | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = a[72854] | 0; a[s3 + 1 >> 0] = a[72855] | 0; a[s3 + 2 >> 0] = a[72856] | 0; r2 = s3 + 3 | 0; } a[r2 >> 0] = a[46856] | 0; a[r2 + 1 >> 0] = a[46857] | 0; a[r2 + 2 >> 0] = a[46858] | 0; } } while (0); r2 = b4 + 44 | 0; f2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = k2; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = d2; d2 = ud(f2, 47199, i3) | 0; if (!e2) { t3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; wc(t3, 3); } i3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 + -288 | 0) >>> 0 < 3) { f2 = b4 + 52 | 0; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = k2 + 4 | 0; n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = n2 + 1 | 0; o2 = k2 + 8 | 0; s3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 > s3 >>> 0) { if (s3 >>> 0 > 2147483645) xe(b4, 47209, 0); q3 = s3 << 1; if ((q3 | 0) == -2) Jc(i3); p2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; v2 = (p2 | 0) == 0; w2 = u2 + 4 | 0; x2 = Pa[c[u2 >> 2] & 3](c[w2 >> 2] | 0, p2, s3, q3) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) != 0 & (x2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[u2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(i3, 4); Ic(i3, 1); y4 = Pa[c[u2 >> 2] & 3](c[w2 >> 2] | 0, p2, s3, q3) | 0; if (!y4) wc(i3, 4); else z3 = y4; } else z3 = x2; x2 = u2 + 12 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = (v2 ? 0 : 0 - s3 | 0) + q3 + (c[x2 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 >> 2] = z3; c[o2 >> 2] = q3; q3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = z3; B2 = q3; C3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } else { A4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = n2; C3 = m4; } c[j2 >> 2] = C3; a[A4 + B2 >> 0] = 0; B2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2]; D3 = ud(B2, 47234, h3) | 0; } else D3 = ye(b4, e2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = D3; ud(i3, 47239, g2) | 0; t3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; wc(t3, 3); } function ye(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 128 | 0; e2 = d2 + 112 | 0; f2 = d2 + 104 | 0; g2 = d2 + 96 | 0; h3 = d2 + 88 | 0; i3 = d2 + 80 | 0; j2 = d2 + 72 | 0; k2 = d2 + 64 | 0; l2 = d2 + 56 | 0; m4 = d2 + 48 | 0; n2 = d2 + 40 | 0; o2 = d2 + 32 | 0; p2 = d2 + 24 | 0; q3 = d2 + 16 | 0; r2 = d2 + 8 | 0; s3 = d2; do switch (b4 | 0) { case 38: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 68504; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, s3) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 124: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 68770; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, r2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 295: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 68972; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, q3) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 290: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 69286; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, p2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 291: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 69410; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, o2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 292: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 69615; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, n2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 293: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 69766; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, m4) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 294: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 69874; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, l2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 126: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 95217; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, k2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 92: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 71949; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, j2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 64: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 79518; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, i3) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 296: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 47250; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, h3) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } case 36: { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 79520; u2 = ud(t3, 47234, g2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } default: { if ((b4 | 0) < 257) { t3 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = b4; u2 = ud(t3, 47253, f2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } t3 = c[656 + (b4 + -257 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= 287) { u2 = t3; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } v2 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = t3; u2 = ud(v2, 47234, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return u2 | 0; } } while (0); return 0; } function ze(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = e2 + 20 | 0; e2 = a2 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 44 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 64 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) k2 = 47773; else { a2 = (Xg(j2, 0) | 0) << 16; Xg(j2, h3) | 0; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] << 16; c[g2 >> 2] = a2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; k2 = ud(i3, 47744, g2) | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = d2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4 << 16; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = k2; k2 = ud(i3, 47787, f2) | 0; oe(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, k2); } function Ae(d2, e2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2 + 16 | 0; h3 = f2; i3 = d2 + 24 | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) != 289) je(d2, 289); j2 = d2 + 28 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = c[d2 + 4 >> 2]; l2 = d2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[i3 >> 2] = he(d2, j2) | 0; else { j2 = l2; i3 = c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = i3; c[l2 >> 2] = 287; } l2 = d2 + 40 | 0; i3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (cf(i3, k2, e2, 1) | 0) { Ia = f2; return; } cf(i3, c[d2 + 64 >> 2] | 0, e2, 1) | 0; d2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = (a[k2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; k2 = Ke(d2, g2, g2) | 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[h3 >> 2] = 4; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = k2; k2 = e2 + 4 | 0; a[k2 + 2 >> 0] = c[k2 >> 2]; b3[k2 >> 1] = Oe(i3, h3) | 0; a[k2 + 3 >> 0] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == 8 ? 8 : 7; c[e2 >> 2] = 9; Ia = f2; return; } function Be(e2, f2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 7: { c[f2 >> 2] = 6; return; } case 8: { g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = le(e2, c[g2 >> 2] << 23 | 5) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; return; } case 9: { g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; h3 = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; if ((h3 & 256 | 0) == 0 ? (d[e2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) <= (h3 | 0) : 0) { h3 = e2 + 48 | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; } h3 = g2 + 2 | 0; if ((a[g2 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 7) if ((d[e2 + 46 >> 0] | 0) > (d[h3 >> 0] | 0)) i3 = 7; else { j2 = e2 + 48 | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = (a[j2 >> 0] | 0) + -1 << 24 >> 24; i3 = 7; } else i3 = 6; c[g2 >> 2] = le(e2, d[h3 >> 0] << 23 | i3 | b3[g2 >> 1] << 14) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; return; } case 12: { c[f2 >> 2] = 6; g2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[g2 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 6 & 255; return; } case 13: { g2 = (c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[f2 + 4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2] & 8388607 | 16777216; c[f2 >> 2] = 11; return; } default: return; } } function Ce(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0; Ye(a2, b4, d2); e2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) == 10; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; do if (e2 ? (g2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (g2 | 0) != -1) : 0) { h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == -1) { c[f2 >> 2] = g2; i3 = g2; break; } j2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3; while (true) { l2 = j2 + (k2 << 2) | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (m4 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; n2 = (h3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : k2 + 1 + h3 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == -1) break; else k2 = n2; } j2 = g2 + ~k2 | 0; if ((((j2 | 0) > -1 ? j2 : 0 - j2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[l2 >> 2] = (j2 << 14) + 2147467264 | m4 & 16383; o2 = 10; break; } } else o2 = 10; while (0); if ((o2 | 0) == 10) i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = b4 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (l2 | 0)) { c[f2 >> 2] = -1; c[m4 >> 2] = -1; p2 = b4 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 >> 2] = 6; return; } a: do if ((i3 | 0) == -1) o2 = 19; else { j2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = i3; while (true) { h3 = j2 + (n2 << 2) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) > 0 ? (q3 = c[h3 + -4 >> 2] | 0, ((q3 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) r2 = q3; else r2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { o2 = 26; break a; } q3 = ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; n2 = (q3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : n2 + 1 + q3 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == -1) { o2 = 19; break; } } } while (0); b: do if ((o2 | 0) == 19) if ((l2 | 0) == -1) { s3 = -1; t3 = -1; } else { r2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = l2; while (true) { n2 = r2 + (i3 << 2) | 0; if ((i3 | 0) > 0 ? (j2 = c[n2 + -4 >> 2] | 0, ((j2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) u2 = j2; else u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { o2 = 26; break b; } j2 = ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; i3 = (j2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : i3 + 1 + j2 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == -1) { s3 = -1; t3 = -1; break; } } } while (0); do if ((o2 | 0) == 26) { u2 = a2 + 28 | 0; do if (!e2) { l2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = -1; i3 = le(a2, 2147450916) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) != -1) if ((i3 | 0) != -1) { r2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = i3; while (true) { v2 = r2 + (j2 << 2) | 0; w2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (w2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; k2 = (n2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : j2 + 1 + n2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == -1) break; else j2 = k2; } r2 = l2 + ~j2 | 0; if ((((r2 | 0) > -1 ? r2 : 0 - r2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[v2 >> 2] = (r2 << 14) + 2147467264 | w2 & 16383; x2 = i3; break; } } else x2 = l2; else x2 = i3; } else x2 = -1; while (0); r2 = a2 + 20 | 0; k2 = a2 + 24 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; n2 = d2 << 6; g2 = le(a2, n2 | 16387) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; q3 = le(a2, n2 | 8388611) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; if ((x2 | 0) != -1) { r2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == -1) { c[u2 >> 2] = x2; s3 = g2; t3 = q3; break; } k2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = r2; while (true) { y4 = k2 + (n2 << 2) | 0; z3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (z3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; h3 = (r2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : n2 + 1 + r2 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == -1) break; else n2 = h3; } k2 = x2 + ~n2 | 0; if ((((k2 | 0) > -1 ? k2 : 0 - k2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[y4 >> 2] = (k2 << 14) + 2147467264 | z3 & 16383; s3 = g2; t3 = q3; break; } } else { s3 = g2; t3 = q3; } } while (0); z3 = c[a2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 24 >> 2] = z3; y4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c: do if ((y4 | 0) != -1) { x2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; w2 = d2 << 6; v2 = w2 & 16320; if ((d2 | 0) == 255) { e2 = y4; while (true) { k2 = x2 + (e2 << 2) | 0; u2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (u2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; r2 = e2; e2 = (h3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : e2 + 1 + h3 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) > 0 ? (h3 = k2 + -4 | 0, A4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0, ((A4 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { B2 = A4; C3 = h3; } else { B2 = u2; C3 = k2; } if ((B2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { h3 = s3 + ~r2 | 0; if ((((h3 | 0) > -1 ? h3 : 0 - h3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 65; break; } else { D3 = u2; E3 = h3; } } else { c[C3 >> 2] = B2 & 8372224 | B2 >>> 23 << 6 | 40; h3 = z3 + ~r2 | 0; if ((((h3 | 0) > -1 ? h3 : 0 - h3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 62; break; } D3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = h3; } c[k2 >> 2] = D3 & 16383 | (E3 << 14) + 2147467264; if ((e2 | 0) == -1) break c; } if ((o2 | 0) == 62) { F3 = a2 + 12 | 0; G2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; oe(G2, 46981); } else if ((o2 | 0) == 65) { H2 = a2 + 12 | 0; I2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; oe(I2, 46981); } } e2 = y4; while (true) { q3 = x2 + (e2 << 2) | 0; g2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (g2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; k2 = e2; e2 = (n2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : e2 + 1 + n2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > 0 ? (n2 = q3 + -4 | 0, h3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0, ((h3 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { J2 = h3; K2 = n2; } else { J2 = g2; K2 = q3; } if ((J2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { n2 = s3 + ~k2 | 0; if ((((n2 | 0) > -1 ? n2 : 0 - n2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 65; break; } else { L3 = g2; M2 = n2; } } else { if ((J2 >>> 23 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) N4 = J2 & 8372224 | w2 | 40; else N4 = J2 & -16321 | v2; c[K2 >> 2] = N4; n2 = z3 + ~k2 | 0; if ((((n2 | 0) > -1 ? n2 : 0 - n2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 62; break; } L3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; M2 = n2; } c[q3 >> 2] = L3 & 16383 | (M2 << 14) + 2147467264; if ((e2 | 0) == -1) break c; } if ((o2 | 0) == 62) { F3 = a2 + 12 | 0; G2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; oe(G2, 46981); } else if ((o2 | 0) == 65) { H2 = a2 + 12 | 0; I2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; oe(I2, 46981); } } while (0); I2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) == -1) { c[f2 >> 2] = -1; c[m4 >> 2] = -1; p2 = b4 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 >> 2] = 6; return; } H2 = c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; G2 = d2 << 6; F3 = G2 & 16320; if ((d2 | 0) == 255) { M2 = I2; while (true) { L3 = H2 + (M2 << 2) | 0; N4 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (N4 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; J2 = M2; M2 = (K2 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : M2 + 1 + K2 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) > 0 ? (K2 = L3 + -4 | 0, s3 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0, ((s3 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { O2 = s3; P2 = K2; } else { O2 = N4; P2 = L3; } if ((O2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { K2 = t3 + ~J2 | 0; if ((((K2 | 0) > -1 ? K2 : 0 - K2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 90; break; } else { Q3 = N4; R3 = K2; } } else { c[P2 >> 2] = O2 & 8372224 | O2 >>> 23 << 6 | 40; K2 = z3 + ~J2 | 0; if ((((K2 | 0) > -1 ? K2 : 0 - K2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 87; break; } Q3 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; R3 = K2; } c[L3 >> 2] = Q3 & 16383 | (R3 << 14) + 2147467264; if ((M2 | 0) == -1) { o2 = 92; break; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 87) { S2 = a2 + 12 | 0; T4 = c[S2 >> 2] | 0; oe(T4, 46981); } else if ((o2 | 0) == 90) { U2 = a2 + 12 | 0; V3 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; oe(V3, 46981); } else if ((o2 | 0) == 92) { c[f2 >> 2] = -1; c[m4 >> 2] = -1; p2 = b4 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 >> 2] = 6; return; } } M2 = I2; while (true) { I2 = H2 + (M2 << 2) | 0; R3 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = (R3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; O2 = M2; M2 = (Q3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : M2 + 1 + Q3 | 0; if ((O2 | 0) > 0 ? (Q3 = I2 + -4 | 0, P2 = c[Q3 >> 2] | 0, ((P2 & 63) + -37 | 0) >>> 0 < 5) : 0) { W2 = P2; X2 = Q3; } else { W2 = R3; X2 = I2; } if ((W2 & 63 | 0) != 41) { Q3 = t3 + ~O2 | 0; if ((((Q3 | 0) > -1 ? Q3 : 0 - Q3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 90; break; } else { Y2 = R3; Z3 = Q3; } } else { if ((W2 >>> 23 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) _5 = W2 & 8372224 | G2 | 40; else _5 = W2 & -16321 | F3; c[X2 >> 2] = _5; Q3 = z3 + ~O2 | 0; if ((((Q3 | 0) > -1 ? Q3 : 0 - Q3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) { o2 = 87; break; } Y2 = c[I2 >> 2] | 0; Z3 = Q3; } c[I2 >> 2] = Y2 & 16383 | (Z3 << 14) + 2147467264; if ((M2 | 0) == -1) { o2 = 92; break; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 87) { S2 = a2 + 12 | 0; T4 = c[S2 >> 2] | 0; oe(T4, 46981); } else if ((o2 | 0) == 90) { U2 = a2 + 12 | 0; V3 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; oe(V3, 46981); } else if ((o2 | 0) == 92) { c[f2 >> 2] = -1; c[m4 >> 2] = -1; p2 = b4 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = d2; c[b4 >> 2] = 6; return; } } function De(e2, f2, g2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = e2 + 40 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = e2 + 44 | 0; m4 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 38 | 0; n2 = (b3[m4 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[m4 >> 1] = n2; if ((n2 & 65535) > 200) ze(k2, 200, 47316); n2 = e2 + 24 | 0; a: do switch (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) { case 271: { o2 = 1; p2 = 10; break; } case 45: { o2 = 0; p2 = 10; break; } case 35: { o2 = 2; p2 = 10; break; } case 126: { o2 = 14; p2 = 10; break; } case 64: { o2 = 16; p2 = 10; break; } case 37: { o2 = 17; p2 = 10; break; } case 36: { o2 = 18; p2 = 10; break; } case 288: { c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 5; m4 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[e2 + 28 >> 2]; p2 = 28; break; } case 290: { m4 = c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = m4; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[m4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; m4 = Ke(k2, i3, i3) | 0; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 4; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = m4; p2 = 28; break; } case 270: { c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 1; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; p2 = 28; break; } case 276: { c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; p2 = 28; break; } case 263: { c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 3; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; p2 = 28; break; } case 280: { if (!(a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 77 >> 0] | 0)) oe(e2, 47701); else { m4 = le(k2, 8388659) | 0; c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 >> 2] = 13; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = m4; p2 = 28; break a; } break; } case 123: { $e(e2, f2); p2 = 31; break; } case 265: { m4 = e2 + 4 | 0; q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = q3; r2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; s3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; } else { m4 = r2; t3 = c[m4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; u2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = t3; c[r2 >> 2] = 287; s3 = q3; } Pe(e2, f2, 0, s3); p2 = 31; break; } default: { Re(e2, f2); p2 = 31; } } while (0); do if ((p2 | 0) == 10) { s3 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = s3; k2 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { q3 = k2; r2 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[t3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[k2 >> 2] = 287; } De(e2, f2, 18) | 0; bf2(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, o2, f2, s3); p2 = 31; } else if ((p2 | 0) == 28) { c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = c[e2 + 4 >> 2]; s3 = e2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { k2 = he(e2, e2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = k2; v2 = k2; break; } else { k2 = s3; r2 = c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; c[t3 + 4 >> 2] = r2; c[s3 >> 2] = 287; p2 = 31; break; } } while (0); if ((p2 | 0) == 31) v2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; do switch (v2 | 0) { case 43: { w2 = 0; break; } case 45: { w2 = 1; break; } case 42: { w2 = 2; break; } case 47: { w2 = 3; break; } case 37: { w2 = 4; break; } case 94: { w2 = 5; break; } case 38: { w2 = 6; break; } case 124: { w2 = 7; break; } case 293: { w2 = 8; break; } case 126: { w2 = 8; break; } case 294: { w2 = 9; break; } case 295: { w2 = 10; break; } case 296: { w2 = 11; break; } case 297: { w2 = 12; break; } case 298: { w2 = 13; break; } case 92: { w2 = 15; break; } case 279: { w2 = 19; break; } case 285: case 284: { w2 = 23; break; } case 281: { w2 = 20; break; } case 60: { w2 = 21; break; } case 283: { w2 = 22; break; } case 62: { w2 = 24; break; } case 282: { w2 = 25; break; } case 257: { w2 = 26; break; } case 272: { w2 = 27; break; } default: { x2 = 28; y4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = y4 + 38 | 0; A4 = b3[z3 >> 1] | 0; B2 = A4 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[z3 >> 1] = B2; Ia = h3; return x2 | 0; } } while (0); v2 = e2 + 4 | 0; o2 = e2 + 16 | 0; s3 = e2 + 32 | 0; r2 = e2 + 28 | 0; t3 = e2 + 24 | 0; k2 = w2; while (true) { if ((d[896 + (k2 << 1) >> 0] | 0) <= (g2 | 0)) { x2 = k2; p2 = 63; break; } w2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = w2; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) c[n2 >> 2] = he(e2, r2) | 0; else { q3 = s3; u2 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = t3; c[m4 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = u2; c[s3 >> 2] = 287; } Se(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, k2, f2); u2 = k2; k2 = De(e2, i3, d[896 + (k2 << 1) + 1 >> 0] | 0) | 0; Te2(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, u2, f2, i3, w2); if ((k2 | 0) == 28) { x2 = 28; p2 = 63; break; } } if ((p2 | 0) == 63) { y4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = y4 + 38 | 0; A4 = b3[z3 >> 1] | 0; B2 = A4 + -1 << 16 >> 16; b3[z3 >> 1] = B2; Ia = h3; return x2 | 0; } return 0; } function Ee(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = a2 + 24 | 0; i3 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) != (b4 | 0)) if ((i3 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) je(a2, b4); else { j2 = c[a2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; k2 = ye(a2, b4) | 0; b4 = ye(a2, d2) | 0; d2 = te(e2) | 0; l2 = ue(e2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = k2; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = d2; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = l2; oe(a2, ud(j2, 47655, g2) | 0); } c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = i3; i3 = a2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[h3 >> 2] = he(a2, a2 + 28 | 0) | 0; Ia = f2; return; } else { h3 = i3; g2 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; j2 = a2 + 24 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = g2; c[i3 >> 2] = 287; Ia = f2; return; } } function Fe(d2, e2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; g2 = f2 + 16 | 0; h3 = f2; i3 = d2 + 40 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = d2 + 4 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = d2 + 24 | 0; n2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 267 & 1; o2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = l2; p2 = d2 + 32 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { q3 = he(d2, d2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; r2 = q3; } else { q3 = p2; s3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = s3; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = t3; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; r2 = s3; } s3 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = (r2 | 0) == 40 ? 1 : -1; De(d2, h3, 0) | 0; r2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; switch (r2 | 0) { case 287: case 275: { u2 = 0; break; } default: if (!(c[s3 >> 2] | 0)) u2 = (l2 | 0) == (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) & 1; else u2 = 0; } l2 = u2 & n2; do if (!l2) { if ((r2 | 0) != 275) je(d2, 275); c[o2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { n2 = he(d2, d2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = n2; v2 = n2; break; } else { n2 = p2; u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = s3; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; v2 = u2; break; } } else { c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; v2 = r2; } while (0); a: do switch (v2 | 0) { case 258: case 266: { Xe(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, h3); a[g2 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[g2 + 8 >> 0] = a[j2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; r2 = j2 + 12 | 0; u2 = c[(c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[g2 + 4 >> 1] = c[u2 + 28 >> 2]; b3[g2 + 6 >> 1] = c[u2 + 16 >> 2]; a[g2 + 9 >> 0] = 0; u2 = j2 + 16 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[u2 >> 2] = g2; u2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 266; c[o2 >> 2] = s3; t3 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287; do if (n2) { if (t3) { q3 = he(d2, d2 + 28 | 0) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; w2 = q3; } else { q3 = p2; x2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = x2; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = y4; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; w2 = x2; } if ((w2 | 0) != 289) je(d2, 289); x2 = d2 + 28 | 0; y4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 287) { c[m4 >> 2] = he(d2, x2) | 0; z3 = y4; break; } else { x2 = p2; q3 = c[x2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = c[x2 >> 2]; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = q3; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; z3 = y4; break; } } else { if (t3) c[m4 >> 2] = he(d2, d2 + 28 | 0) | 0; else { y4 = p2; q3 = c[y4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; A4 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = q3; c[p2 >> 2] = 287; } z3 = vd(c[d2 + 44 >> 2] | 0, 57656, 5) | 0; } while (0); t3 = c[d2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; n2 = t3 + 12 | 0; q3 = t3 + 16 | 0; A4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = t3 + 20 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) < (c[y4 >> 2] | 0)) { B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = A4; } else { t3 = pe(c[d2 + 44 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0, y4, 16, 32767, 47008) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = t3; B2 = t3; C3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; } c[B2 + (A4 << 4) >> 2] = z3; c[B2 + (A4 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = s3; a[B2 + (A4 << 4) + 12 >> 0] = a[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + 46 >> 0] | 0; c[B2 + (A4 << 4) + 4 >> 2] = u2; c[q3 >> 2] = C3 + 1; re(d2, A4) | 0; b: while (true) { switch (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) { case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { D3 = 34; break b; break; } case 286: case 59: break; default: break b; } ie(d2); } if ((D3 | 0) == 34) { me(j2); Ia = f2; return l2 | 0; } u2 = j2 + 28 | 0; s3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = -1; u2 = le(j2, 2147450916) | 0; if ((s3 | 0) != -1) if ((u2 | 0) != -1) { A4 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; q3 = u2; while (true) { E3 = A4 + (q3 << 2) | 0; F3 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (F3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; n2 = (t3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : q3 + 1 + t3 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == -1) break; else q3 = n2; } A4 = s3 + ~q3 | 0; if ((((A4 | 0) > -1 ? A4 : 0 - A4 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[r2 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[E3 >> 2] = (A4 << 14) + 2147467264 | F3 & 16383; G2 = u2; break a; } } else G2 = s3; else G2 = u2; break; } default: { Ge(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, h3); a[g2 + 10 >> 0] = 0; a[g2 + 8 >> 0] = a[j2 + 46 >> 0] | 0; A4 = c[(c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0; b3[g2 + 4 >> 1] = c[A4 + 28 >> 2]; b3[g2 + 6 >> 1] = c[A4 + 16 >> 2]; a[g2 + 9 >> 0] = 0; A4 = j2 + 16 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[A4 >> 2]; c[A4 >> 2] = g2; G2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; } } while (0); c: do { h3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; switch (h3 | 0) { case 277: case 292: case 287: case 262: case 261: case 260: { break c; break; } default: { } } ie(d2); } while ((h3 | 0) != 274); me(j2); d2 = j2 + 28 | 0; do if ((c[m4 >> 2] & -2 | 0) == 260) { h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = -1; g2 = le(j2, 2147450916) | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) != -1) if ((g2 | 0) != -1) { i3 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; F3 = g2; while (true) { H2 = i3 + (F3 << 2) | 0; I2 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = (I2 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; C3 = (E3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : F3 + 1 + E3 | 0; if ((C3 | 0) == -1) break; else F3 = C3; } i3 = h3 + ~F3 | 0; if ((((i3 | 0) > -1 ? i3 : 0 - i3 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[H2 >> 2] = (i3 << 14) + 2147467264 | I2 & 16383; D3 = 54; break; } } else J2 = h3; else D3 = 54; while (0); if ((D3 | 0) == 54) if ((g2 | 0) == -1) break; else J2 = g2; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == -1) { c[e2 >> 2] = J2; break; } u2 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; s3 = h3; while (true) { K2 = u2 + (s3 << 2) | 0; L3 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (L3 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; r2 = (h3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : s3 + 1 + h3 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == -1) break; else s3 = r2; } u2 = J2 + ~s3 | 0; if ((((u2 | 0) > -1 ? u2 : 0 - u2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); else { c[K2 >> 2] = (u2 << 14) + 2147467264 | L3 & 16383; break; } } while (0); c[j2 + 24 >> 2] = c[j2 + 20 >> 2]; if ((G2 | 0) == -1) { Ia = f2; return l2 | 0; } L3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((L3 | 0) == -1) { c[d2 >> 2] = G2; Ia = f2; return l2 | 0; } d2 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; K2 = L3; while (true) { M2 = d2 + (K2 << 2) | 0; N4 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (N4 >>> 14) + -131071 | 0; J2 = (L3 | 0) == -1 ? -1 : K2 + 1 + L3 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) == -1) break; else K2 = J2; } d2 = G2 + ~K2 | 0; if ((((d2 | 0) > -1 ? d2 : 0 - d2 | 0) | 0) > 131071) oe(c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, 46981); c[M2 >> 2] = (d2 << 14) + 2147467264 | N4 & 16383; Ia = f2; return l2 | 0; } function Dc(e2) { e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; g2 = f2 + 40 | 0; h3 = f2 + 32 | 0; i3 = f2 + 24 | 0; j2 = f2 + 16 | 0; k2 = f2 + 8 | 0; l2 = f2; m4 = f2 + 48 | 0; n2 = e2 + 16 | 0; o2 = e2 + 116 | 0; p2 = e2 + 12 | 0; q3 = e2 + 8 | 0; r2 = e2 + 38 | 0; s3 = e2 + 24 | 0; t3 = e2 + 32 | 0; u2 = e2 + 28 | 0; v2 = m4 + 4 | 0; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; a: while (true) { x2 = c[c[w2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; y4 = x2 + 12 | 0; z3 = c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; A4 = w2 + 24 | 0; B2 = w2 + 28 | 0; C3 = w2 + 4 | 0; D3 = w2 + 4 | 0; E3 = w2 + 4 | 0; F3 = w2 + 4 | 0; G2 = w2 + 4 | 0; H2 = w2 + 4 | 0; I2 = w2 + 4 | 0; J2 = c[w2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; b: while (true) { K2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = K2 + 4; L3 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = c[543058] | 0; if ((K2 | c[543059] | 0) > (c[8698] | 0)) { c[o2 >> 2] = 1; M2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; N4 = M2 + 18 | 0; O2 = d[N4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(O2 & 128)) { P2 = 5; break a; } a[N4 >> 0] = O2 & 127; Q3 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; } else Q3 = J2; c[543058] = K2 + 2; O2 = L3 >>> 6 & 255; R3 = Q3 + (O2 << 3) | 0; c: do switch (L3 & 63) { case 44: { P2 = 229; break b; break; } case 0: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; S2 = L3 >>> 23; c[R3 >> 2] = c[Q3 + (S2 << 3) >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[Q3 + (S2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; T4 = Q3; break; } case 1: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; S2 = L3 >>> 14; c[R3 >> 2] = c[z3 + (S2 << 3) >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 + (S2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; T4 = Q3; break; } case 2: { S2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = S2 + 4; U2 = (c[S2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 6; c[R3 >> 2] = c[z3 + (U2 << 3) >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 + (U2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; T4 = Q3; break; } case 3: { c[R3 >> 2] = L3 >>> 23; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 1; if (!(L3 & 8372224)) T4 = Q3; else { c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + 4; T4 = Q3; } break; } case 4: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; S2 = R3; while (true) { c[S2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; if (!U2) { T4 = Q3; break; } else { U2 = U2 + -1 | 0; S2 = S2 + 8 | 0; } } break; } case 5: { S2 = c[(c[x2 + 16 + (L3 >>> 23 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[R3 >> 2] = c[S2 >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[S2 + 4 >> 2]; T4 = Q3; break; } case 6: { S2 = L3 >>> 14; Fc(e2, c[(c[x2 + 16 + (L3 >>> 23 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((S2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((S2 & 255) << 3) | 0, R3); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 7: { S2 = L3 >>> 14; Fc(e2, Q3 + (L3 >>> 23 << 3) | 0, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((S2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((S2 & 255) << 3) | 0, R3); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 8: { S2 = L3 >>> 23; U2 = L3 >>> 14; Gc(e2, c[(c[x2 + 16 + (O2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((S2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (S2 << 3) | 0, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 9: { U2 = c[x2 + 16 + (L3 >>> 23 << 2) >> 2] | 0; S2 = c[U2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = c[R3 >> 2]; V3 = Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 | 0; c[S2 + 4 >> 2] = c[V3 >> 2]; if (((c[V3 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (V3 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0, (a[V3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) ? (S2 = U2 + 5 | 0, U2 = a[S2 >> 0] | 0, (U2 & 4) != 0) : 0) { W2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[W2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(W2, V3); T4 = Q3; break c; } else { a[S2 >> 0] = a[W2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | U2 & -72; T4 = Q3; break c; } } else T4 = Q3; break; } case 10: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; W2 = L3 >>> 14; Gc(e2, R3, (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((W2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((W2 & 255) << 3) | 0); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 11: { W2 = L3 >>> 23; U2 = L3 >>> 14; S2 = U2 & 511; V3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; X2 = V3 + 4 | 0; Y2 = Pa[c[V3 >> 2] & 3](c[X2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!Y2) { if (!(a[V3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { P2 = 29; break a; } Ic(e2, 1); Z3 = Pa[c[V3 >> 2] & 3](c[X2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!Z3) { P2 = 29; break a; } else _5 = Z3; } else _5 = Y2; Y2 = V3 + 12 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = (c[Y2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; Y2 = V3 + 56 | 0; a[_5 + 5 >> 0] = a[V3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[_5 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[_5 >> 2] = c[Y2 >> 2]; c[Y2 >> 2] = _5; c[_5 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[_5 + 6 >> 0] = -1; Y2 = _5 + 12 | 0; c[Y2 >> 2] = 0; V3 = _5 + 28 | 0; c[V3 >> 2] = 0; Z3 = _5 + 16 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = 2172240; X2 = _5 + 7 | 0; a[X2 >> 0] = 0; $2 = _5 + 20 | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = 2172240; c[R3 >> 2] = _5; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 69; if (S2 | W2 | 0) { aa2 = L3 >>> 26 & 31; ba3 = (aa2 | 0) == 0 ? W2 : (W2 & 7 | 8) << aa2 + -1; aa2 = L3 >>> 17 & 31; W2 = (aa2 | 0) == 0 ? S2 : (U2 & 7 | 8) << aa2 + -1; aa2 = c[V3 >> 2] | 0; U2 = a[X2 >> 0] | 0; S2 = U2 & 255; ca2 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; if ((aa2 | 0) < (ba3 | 0)) { if ((ba3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 536870911) { P2 = 33; break a; } da2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; ea2 = aa2 << 3; aa2 = ba3 << 3; fa2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; ga2 = (da2 | 0) == 0; ha2 = fa2 + 4 | 0; ia2 = Pa[c[fa2 >> 2] & 3](c[ha2 >> 2] | 0, da2, ea2, aa2) | 0; if ((aa2 | 0) != 0 & (ia2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[fa2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { P2 = 37; break a; } Ic(e2, 1); ja2 = Pa[c[fa2 >> 2] & 3](c[ha2 >> 2] | 0, da2, ea2, aa2) | 0; if (!ja2) { P2 = 37; break a; } else ka2 = ja2; } else ka2 = ia2; ia2 = fa2 + 12 | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = (ga2 ? 0 : 0 - ea2 | 0) + aa2 + (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0); c[Y2 >> 2] = ka2; Y2 = c[V3 >> 2] | 0; if ((Y2 | 0) < (ba3 | 0)) { ia2 = Y2; do { c[ka2 + (ia2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; ia2 = ia2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ia2 | 0) != (ba3 | 0)); } c[V3 >> 2] = ba3; } if (!W2) { c[Z3 >> 2] = 2172240; la2 = 2172240; ma2 = 0; na2 = 0; } else { ia2 = W2 + -1 | 0; if (ia2 >>> 0 > 255) { Y2 = 0; aa2 = ia2; while (true) { ea2 = Y2 + 8 | 0; ga2 = aa2 >>> 8; if (aa2 >>> 0 > 65535) { Y2 = ea2; aa2 = ga2; } else { oa2 = ea2; pa3 = ga2; break; } } } else { oa2 = 0; pa3 = ia2; } aa2 = oa2 + (d[400 + pa3 >> 0] | 0) | 0; if ((aa2 | 0) > 30) { P2 = 48; break a; } Y2 = 1 << aa2; if ((Y2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 214748364) { P2 = 50; break a; } W2 = 20 << aa2; ba3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; V3 = ba3 + 4 | 0; ga2 = Pa[c[ba3 >> 2] & 3](c[V3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, W2) | 0; if (aa2 >>> 0 < 30 & (ga2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[ba3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { P2 = 54; break a; } Ic(e2, 1); ea2 = Pa[c[ba3 >> 2] & 3](c[V3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, W2) | 0; if (!ea2) { P2 = 54; break a; } else qa2 = ea2; } else qa2 = ga2; ga2 = ba3 + 12 | 0; c[ga2 >> 2] = (c[ga2 >> 2] | 0) + W2; c[Z3 >> 2] = qa2; W2 = qa2; ga2 = 0; do { c[W2 + (ga2 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[W2 + (ga2 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[W2 + (ga2 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; ga2 = ga2 + 1 | 0; W2 = c[Z3 >> 2] | 0; } while ((ga2 | 0) < (Y2 | 0)); la2 = W2; ma2 = aa2 & 255; na2 = Y2; } a[X2 >> 0] = ma2; c[$2 >> 2] = la2 + (na2 * 20 | 0); if (U2 << 24 >> 24 != 31) { ga2 = 1 << S2; do { Z3 = ga2; ga2 = ga2 + -1 | 0; ia2 = ca2 + (ga2 * 20 | 0) + 4 | 0; if (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0) { ba3 = ca2 + (ga2 * 20 | 0) + 8 | 0; ea2 = Kc(_5, ba3) | 0; if ((ea2 | 0) == 2172216) ra2 = Lc(e2, _5, ba3) | 0; else ra2 = ea2; c[ra2 >> 2] = c[ca2 + (ga2 * 20 | 0) >> 2]; c[ra2 + 4 >> 2] = c[ia2 >> 2]; } } while ((Z3 | 0) > 1); } if ((ca2 | 0) != 2172240) { ga2 = 20 << S2; U2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[U2 >> 2] & 3](c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, ca2, ga2, 0) | 0; $2 = U2 + 12 | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = (c[$2 >> 2] | 0) - ((ca2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : ga2); } } ga2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; $2 = ga2 + 12 | 0; U2 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; if ((U2 | 0) > 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = R3 + 8; if (!(a[ga2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { X2 = ga2 + 8 | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = U2 + 1600 + (c[X2 >> 2] | 0); c[$2 >> 2] = -1600; } else Mc(e2); c[q3 >> 2] = c[H2 >> 2]; } T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 12: { $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; U2 = R3 + 8 | 0; c[U2 >> 2] = c[X2 >> 2]; c[U2 + 4 >> 2] = c[Q3 + ($2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; $2 = L3 >>> 14; Fc(e2, X2, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0, R3); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 13: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = (c[U2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[X2 >> 2] | 0); c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 6); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 14: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = (c[X2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[$2 >> 2] | 0); c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 7); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 15: { $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = hl2(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[U2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 8); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 16: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = il(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 9); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 17: { $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = jl(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[U2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 10); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 18: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = kl(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 11); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 19: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = c[U2 >> 2] & c[X2 >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 12); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 20: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = c[$2 >> 2] | c[X2 >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 13); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 21: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = c[U2 >> 2] ^ c[X2 >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 14); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 22: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = ul(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 15); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 23: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = vl(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[U2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 16); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 24: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = tl2(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 17); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 25: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = rl(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[U2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 18); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 26: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = sl(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 19); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 27: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = ~c[X2 >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 20); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 28: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = (il(c[X2 >> 2] | 0, c[$2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) & -65536; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 21); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 29: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = Zk(c[X2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 22); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 30: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = L3 >>> 14; $2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((U2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((U2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = Yk(c[X2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, $2, 23); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 31: { c[543058] = K2 + 1; $2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0; $2 = L3 >>> 14; U2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[X2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[U2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3 : 0) { c[R3 >> 2] = Xk(c[X2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } Nc(e2, R3, X2, U2, 24); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 32: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = Q3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; c[543058] = K2 + 1; if ((c[Q3 + (U2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { c[R3 >> 2] = 0 - (c[X2 >> 2] | 0); c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } else { Nc(e2, R3, X2, X2, 25); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break c; } break; } case 33: { X2 = L3 >>> 23; switch (c[Q3 + (X2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { sa2 = 1; break; } case 1: { sa2 = (c[Q3 + (X2 << 3) >> 2] | 0) == 0; break; } default: sa2 = 0; } c[R3 >> 2] = sa2 & 1; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 1; T4 = Q3; break; } case 34: { Oc2(e2, R3, Q3 + (L3 >>> 23 << 3) | 0); T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 35: { X2 = L3 >>> 23; U2 = L3 >>> 14 & 511; c[q3 >> 2] = Q3 + (U2 << 3) + 8; Pc2(e2, 1 - X2 + U2 | 0); U2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; $2 = U2 + (O2 << 3) | 0; ga2 = U2 + (X2 << 3) | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = c[ga2 >> 2]; c[U2 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[U2 + (X2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; U2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = U2 + 12 | 0; aa2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; if ((aa2 | 0) > 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = O2 >>> 0 < X2 >>> 0 ? ga2 : $2 + 8 | 0; if (!(a[U2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { $2 = U2 + 8 | 0; c[$2 >> 2] = aa2 + 1600 + (c[$2 >> 2] | 0); c[Y2 >> 2] = -1600; } else Mc(e2); Y2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = Y2; ta2 = Y2; } else ta2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = ta2; T4 = Y2; break; } case 36: { if (O2 | 0) Qc2(e2, (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (O2 << 3) + -8 | 0); c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + ((L3 >>> 14) + -131071 << 2); T4 = Q3; break; } case 37: { Y2 = L3 >>> 23; $2 = (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((Y2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (Y2 << 3) | 0; Y2 = L3 >>> 14; aa2 = (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((Y2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((Y2 & 255) << 3) | 0; if ((c[$2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[aa2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) ua2 = (Rc(e2, $2, aa2) | 0) != 0; else ua2 = 0; aa2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; if ((O2 | 0) == (ua2 & 1 | 0)) { $2 = c[aa2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = $2 >>> 6 & 255; if (!Y2) va2 = aa2; else { Qc2(e2, (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (Y2 << 3) + -8 | 0); va2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; } wa2 = va2 + (($2 >>> 14) + -131070 << 2) | 0; } else wa2 = aa2 + 4 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = wa2; T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 38: { aa2 = L3 >>> 23; $2 = L3 >>> 14; Y2 = (Sc(e2, (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + ((aa2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + (aa2 << 3) | 0, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + (($2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0) | 0) == (O2 | 0); $2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; if (Y2) { Y2 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = Y2 >>> 6 & 255; if (!aa2) xa2 = $2; else { Qc2(e2, (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (aa2 << 3) + -8 | 0); xa2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; } ya2 = xa2 + ((Y2 >>> 14) + -131070 << 2) | 0; } else ya2 = $2 + 4 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = ya2; T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 39: { $2 = L3 >>> 23; Y2 = L3 >>> 14; aa2 = (Tc(e2, (L3 | 0) < 0 ? z3 + (($2 & 255) << 3) | 0 : Q3 + ($2 << 3) | 0, (L3 & 4194304 | 0) == 0 ? Q3 + ((Y2 & 511) << 3) | 0 : z3 + ((Y2 & 255) << 3) | 0) | 0) == (O2 | 0); Y2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; if (aa2) { aa2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; $2 = aa2 >>> 6 & 255; if (!$2) za2 = Y2; else { Qc2(e2, (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + ($2 << 3) + -8 | 0); za2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; } Aa3 = za2 + ((aa2 >>> 14) + -131070 << 2) | 0; } else Aa3 = Y2 + 4 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = Aa3; T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 40: { Y2 = c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = (Y2 | 0) == 0; if (!(L3 & 8372224)) { if (!aa2) { if (!((Y2 | 0) == 1 ? !(c[R3 >> 2] | 0) : 0)) P2 = 195; } } else if (!aa2) { if ((Y2 | 0) == 1 ? (c[R3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) P2 = 195; } else P2 = 195; if ((P2 | 0) == 195) { P2 = 0; c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + 4; T4 = Q3; break c; } Y2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; $2 = aa2 >>> 6 & 255; if (!$2) Ba3 = Y2; else { Qc2(e2, (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + ($2 << 3) + -8 | 0); Ba3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; } c[B2 >> 2] = Ba3 + ((aa2 >>> 14) + -131070 << 2); T4 = Q3; break; } case 41: { aa2 = L3 >>> 23; $2 = Q3 + (aa2 << 3) | 0; Y2 = c[Q3 + (aa2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = (Y2 | 0) == 0; if (!(L3 & 8372224)) if (!aa2) if ((Y2 | 0) == 1 ? (c[$2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) P2 = 207; else P2 = 206; else P2 = 207; else if (!aa2) if ((Y2 | 0) == 1 ? (c[$2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) P2 = 206; else P2 = 207; else P2 = 206; if ((P2 | 0) == 206) { P2 = 0; Ca2 = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + 4 | 0; } else if ((P2 | 0) == 207) { P2 = 0; c[R3 >> 2] = c[$2 >> 2]; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = Y2; Y2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; $2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = $2 >>> 6 & 255; if (!aa2) Da2 = Y2; else { Qc2(e2, (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (aa2 << 3) + -8 | 0); Da2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; } Ca2 = Da2 + (($2 >>> 14) + -131070 << 2) | 0; } c[B2 >> 2] = Ca2; T4 = Q3; break; } case 42: { $2 = L3 >>> 23; aa2 = L3 >>> 14 & 511; if ($2 | 0) c[q3 >> 2] = R3 + ($2 << 3); if (!(Cc(e2, R3, aa2 + -1 | 0) | 0)) { P2 = 217; break b; } if (aa2 | 0) c[q3 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2]; T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 43: { aa2 = L3 >>> 23; if (aa2 | 0) c[q3 >> 2] = R3 + (aa2 << 3); if (!(Cc(e2, R3, -1) | 0)) { P2 = 222; break b; } T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 45: { aa2 = R3 + 16 | 0; $2 = c[aa2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = (c[R3 >> 2] | 0) + $2 | 0; U2 = c[R3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!(($2 | 0) < 1 | (Y2 | 0) > (U2 | 0))) { c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + ((L3 >>> 14) + -131071 << 2); c[R3 >> 2] = Y2; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3; ga2 = R3 + 24 | 0; c[ga2 >> 2] = Y2; c[ga2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; if ((Y2 | 0) < 0 | ($2 | 0) < (2147483647 - Y2 | 0)) { T4 = Q3; break c; } c[aa2 >> 2] = 0; c[aa2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; break c; } if (!(($2 | 0) > -1 | (Y2 | 0) < (U2 | 0)) ? (c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + ((L3 >>> 14) + -131071 << 2), c[R3 >> 2] = Y2, c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 3, U2 = R3 + 24 | 0, c[U2 >> 2] = Y2, c[U2 + 4 >> 2] = 3, (Y2 | 0) < 0 & ($2 | 0) < (-2147483648 - Y2 | 0)) : 0) { c[aa2 >> 2] = 0; c[aa2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; T4 = Q3; } else T4 = Q3; break; } case 46: { aa2 = R3 + 8 | 0; Y2 = R3 + 16 | 0; $2 = Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 | 0; U2 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; if ((U2 | 0) != 3) { if ((U2 & 15 | 0) != 4) { P2 = 253; break a; } U2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(U2 + 16 | 0, c[U2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, m4) | 0)) { P2 = 253; break a; } c[R3 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[$2 >> 2] = 3; } U2 = aa2 + 4 | 0; ga2 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; if ((ga2 | 0) != 3) { if ((ga2 & 15 | 0) != 4) { P2 = 258; break a; } ga2 = c[aa2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(ga2 + 16 | 0, c[ga2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, m4) | 0)) { P2 = 258; break a; } c[aa2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[U2 >> 2] = 3; } U2 = Y2 + 4 | 0; aa2 = c[U2 >> 2] | 0; if ((aa2 | 0) == 3) Ea2 = Y2; else { if ((aa2 & 15 | 0) != 4) { P2 = 264; break a; } aa2 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Uc(aa2 + 16 | 0, c[aa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, m4) | 0)) { P2 = 264; break a; } c[Y2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[U2 >> 2] = 3; Ea2 = Y2; } c[R3 >> 2] = (c[R3 >> 2] | 0) - (c[Ea2 >> 2] | 0); c[$2 >> 2] = 3; c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + ((L3 >>> 14) + -131071 << 2); T4 = Q3; break; } case 47: { $2 = R3 + 24 | 0; Y2 = R3 + 16 | 0; U2 = $2 + 16 | 0; c[U2 >> 2] = c[Y2 >> 2]; c[U2 + 4 >> 2] = c[Y2 + 4 >> 2]; Y2 = R3 + 8 | 0; U2 = $2 + 8 | 0; c[U2 >> 2] = c[Y2 >> 2]; c[U2 + 4 >> 2] = c[Y2 + 4 >> 2]; c[$2 >> 2] = c[R3 >> 2]; c[$2 + 4 >> 2] = c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; c[q3 >> 2] = $2 + 24; Y2 = L3 >>> 14 & 511; U2 = (b3[r2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[r2 >> 1] = U2; if ((U2 & 65535) > 199) { if (U2 << 16 >> 16 == 200) { P2 = 268; break a; } if ((U2 & 65535) > 224) { P2 = 270; break a; } } if (!(Cc(e2, $2, Y2) | 0)) Dc(e2); b3[r2 >> 1] = (b3[r2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; Y2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = c[E3 >> 2]; $2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = $2 + 4; U2 = c[$2 >> 2] | 0; Fa2 = Y2; Ga3 = U2; Ha3 = Y2 + ((U2 >>> 6 & 255) << 3) | 0; P2 = 274; break; } case 48: { Fa2 = Q3; Ga3 = L3; Ha3 = R3; P2 = 274; break; } case 49: { U2 = L3 >>> 23; Y2 = L3 >>> 14 & 511; if (!U2) Ja3 = ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) - R3 >> 3) + -1 | 0; else Ja3 = U2; if (!Y2) { U2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = U2 + 4; Ka2 = (c[U2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 6; } else Ka2 = Y2; Y2 = c[R3 >> 2] | 0; U2 = Ja3 + -50 + (Ka2 * 50 | 0) | 0; $2 = Y2 + 28 | 0; if ((U2 | 0) > (c[$2 >> 2] | 0)) { if ((c[Y2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 2172240) La2 = 0; else La2 = 1 << d[Y2 + 7 >> 0]; Vc(e2, Y2, U2, La2); } if ((Ja3 | 0) > 0) { aa2 = Y2 + 12 | 0; ga2 = Y2 + 16 | 0; X2 = Y2 + 7 | 0; W2 = Y2 + 5 | 0; Z3 = Y2 + 24 | 0; ia2 = U2; U2 = Ja3; while (true) { ea2 = R3 + (U2 << 3) | 0; ba3 = ia2; ia2 = ia2 + -1 | 0; d: do if (ia2 >>> 0 < (c[$2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { Ma2 = (c[aa2 >> 2] | 0) + (ia2 << 3) | 0; P2 = 293; } else { V3 = ba3 << 16; fa2 = 0 - V3 | 0; ja2 = (c[ga2 >> 2] | 0) + (((((V3 | 0) < 0 ? (V3 | 0) == (fa2 | 0) ? 0 : fa2 : V3) | 0) % ((1 << d[X2 >> 0]) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[ja2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[ja2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (V3 | 0) : 0) break; fa2 = c[ja2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!fa2) { Na2 = V3; P2 = 295; break d; } else ja2 = fa2; } Ma2 = ja2; P2 = 293; } while (0); if ((P2 | 0) == 293) { P2 = 0; if ((Ma2 | 0) == 2172216) { Na2 = ba3 << 16; P2 = 295; } else Oa3 = Ma2; } if ((P2 | 0) == 295) { P2 = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = Na2; c[v2 >> 2] = 3; Oa3 = Lc(e2, Y2, m4) | 0; } c[Oa3 >> 2] = c[ea2 >> 2]; V3 = ea2 + 4 | 0; c[Oa3 + 4 >> 2] = c[V3 >> 2]; if ((c[V3 >> 2] & 64 | 0 ? a[(c[ea2 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) ? (V3 = a[W2 >> 0] | 0, V3 & 4) : 0) { fa2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; a[W2 >> 0] = V3 & -5; V3 = fa2 + 76 | 0; c[Z3 >> 2] = c[V3 >> 2]; c[V3 >> 2] = Y2; } if ((U2 | 0) <= 1) break; else U2 = U2 + -1 | 0; } } c[q3 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2]; T4 = Q3; break; } case 50: { U2 = c[(c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (L3 >>> 14 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Y2 = U2 + 32 | 0; Z3 = c[Y2 >> 2] | 0; W2 = c[U2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; X2 = c[U2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; e: do if (!Z3) P2 = 310; else { if ((W2 | 0) > 0) { ga2 = Z3 + 16 | 0; ia2 = 0; do { aa2 = d[X2 + (ia2 << 3) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (!(a[X2 + (ia2 << 3) + 4 >> 0] | 0)) Qa2 = c[(c[x2 + 16 + (aa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; else Qa2 = Q3 + (aa2 << 3) | 0; if ((c[(c[ga2 + (ia2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) != (Qa2 | 0)) { P2 = 310; break e; } ia2 = ia2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ia2 | 0) < (W2 | 0)); } c[R3 >> 2] = Z3; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 70; } while (0); if ((P2 | 0) == 310) { P2 = 0; Z3 = Wc(e2, W2) | 0; c[Z3 + 12 >> 2] = U2; c[R3 >> 2] = Z3; c[Q3 + (O2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 70; if ((W2 | 0) > 0) { ia2 = Z3 + 16 | 0; ga2 = 0; do { ea2 = d[X2 + (ga2 << 3) + 5 >> 0] | 0; if (!(a[X2 + (ga2 << 3) + 4 >> 0] | 0)) c[ia2 + (ga2 << 2) >> 2] = c[x2 + 16 + (ea2 << 2) >> 2]; else c[ia2 + (ga2 << 2) >> 2] = Xc(e2, Q3 + (ea2 << 3) | 0) | 0; ga2 = ga2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ga2 | 0) != (W2 | 0)); } W2 = U2 + 5 | 0; ga2 = a[W2 >> 0] | 0; do if (ga2 & 4) { if (c[Y2 >> 2] | 0) { ia2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; a[W2 >> 0] = ga2 & -5; X2 = ia2 + 76 | 0; c[U2 + 72 >> 2] = c[X2 >> 2]; c[X2 >> 2] = U2; break; } if (a[Z3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) { X2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[X2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(X2, Z3); break; } else { a[W2 >> 0] = a[X2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | ga2 & -72; break; } } } while (0); c[Y2 >> 2] = Z3; } ga2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; W2 = ga2 + 12 | 0; U2 = c[W2 >> 2] | 0; if ((U2 | 0) > 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = R3 + 8; if (!(a[ga2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { X2 = ga2 + 8 | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = U2 + 1600 + (c[X2 >> 2] | 0); c[W2 >> 2] = -1600; } else Mc(e2); c[q3 >> 2] = c[G2 >> 2]; } T4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 51: { W2 = L3 >>> 23; X2 = W2 + -1 | 0; U2 = (Q3 - (c[w2 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) - (d[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + 76 >> 0] | 0) | 0; ga2 = U2 + -1 | 0; if (!W2) { W2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) - W2 >> 3 | 0) < (U2 | 0)) { ia2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if ((ia2 | 0) > 1e6) { P2 = 334; break a; } ea2 = U2 + 4 + (W2 - (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) >> 3) | 0; W2 = ia2 << 1; ia2 = (W2 | 0) < 1e6 ? W2 : 1e6; W2 = (ia2 | 0) < (ea2 | 0) ? ea2 : ia2; if ((W2 | 0) > 1e6) { P2 = 336; break a; } xc(e2, W2); } W2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; ia2 = W2 + (O2 << 3) | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = ia2 + (ga2 << 3); Ra2 = ga2; Sa2 = W2; Ta2 = ia2; } else { Ra2 = X2; Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = R3; } if ((Ra2 | 0) > 0) { X2 = Sa2 + (1 - U2 << 3) | 0; U2 = 0; do { if ((U2 | 0) < (ga2 | 0)) { ia2 = X2 + (U2 << 3) | 0; c[Ta2 + (U2 << 3) >> 2] = c[ia2 >> 2]; Ua2 = c[ia2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; } else Ua2 = 0; c[Ta2 + (U2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = Ua2; U2 = U2 + 1 | 0; } while ((U2 | 0) != (Ra2 | 0)); T4 = Sa2; } else T4 = Sa2; break; } default: T4 = Q3; } while (0); if ((P2 | 0) == 274) { P2 = 0; O2 = c[Ha3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (!O2) T4 = Fa2; else { c[Ha3 >> 2] = c[Ha3 + 8 >> 2]; c[Ha3 + 4 >> 2] = O2; c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + ((Ga3 >>> 14) + -131071 << 2); T4 = Fa2; } } J2 = T4; } if ((P2 | 0) == 217) { P2 = 0; J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = J2 + 18 | 0; a[B2 >> 0] = a[B2 >> 0] | 4; Va2 = J2; } else if ((P2 | 0) == 222) { P2 = 0; J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = c[J2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; A4 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; G2 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = J2 + 24 | 0; I2 = (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + (d[(c[(c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 76 >> 0] << 3) | 0; if ((c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0) > 0) Qc2(e2, c[B2 + 24 >> 2] | 0); if (A4 >>> 0 < I2 >>> 0) { E3 = A4; F3 = 0; do { c[G2 + (F3 << 3) >> 2] = c[E3 >> 2]; c[G2 + (F3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[A4 + (F3 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; E3 = A4 + (F3 << 3) | 0; } while (E3 >>> 0 < I2 >>> 0); } I2 = A4; c[B2 + 24 >> 2] = G2 + ((c[x2 >> 2] | 0) - I2 >> 3 << 3); E3 = G2 + ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) - I2 >> 3 << 3) | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = E3; c[B2 + 4 >> 2] = E3; c[B2 + 28 >> 2] = c[J2 + 28 >> 2]; E3 = B2 + 18 | 0; a[E3 >> 0] = a[E3 >> 0] | 64; c[n2 >> 2] = B2; Va2 = B2; } else if ((P2 | 0) == 229) { P2 = 0; E3 = L3 >>> 23; if (E3 | 0) c[q3 >> 2] = R3 + (E3 << 3) + -8; if ((c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + 56 >> 2] | 0) > 0) Qc2(e2, Q3); E3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; F3 = b3[E3 + 16 >> 1] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[E3 + 8 >> 2]; f: do if (F3 << 16 >> 16) { E3 = R3; z3 = F3 << 16 >> 16; C3 = I2; while (true) { if (E3 >>> 0 >= (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) break; D3 = C3 + 8 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[E3 >> 2]; c[C3 + 4 >> 2] = c[E3 + 4 >> 2]; H2 = z3 + -1 | 0; if (!H2) { Wa2 = D3; break f; } else { E3 = E3 + 8 | 0; z3 = H2; C3 = D3; } } if ((z3 | 0) > 0) { E3 = z3; D3 = C3; while (true) { H2 = D3 + 8 | 0; c[D3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; if ((E3 | 0) > 1) { E3 = E3 + -1 | 0; D3 = H2; } else { Wa2 = H2; break; } } } else Wa2 = C3; } else Wa2 = I2; while (0); c[q3 >> 2] = Wa2; if (!(a[w2 + 18 >> 0] & 4)) { P2 = 345; break; } I2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (F3 << 16 >> 16 == -1) Va2 = I2; else { c[q3 >> 2] = c[I2 + 4 >> 2]; Va2 = I2; } } w2 = Va2; } switch (P2 | 0) { case 5: { Ec(e2, 0, 0, 0) | 0; P2 = M2 + 28 | 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = c[P2 >> 2]; c[P2 >> 2] = (c[P2 >> 2] | 0) + -4; a[N4 >> 0] = a[N4 >> 0] | -128; c[M2 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + -8; wc(e2, 1); break; } case 29: { wc(e2, 4); break; } case 33: { Jc(e2); break; } case 37: { wc(e2, 4); break; } case 48: { yc(e2, 46225, l2); break; } case 50: { Jc(e2); break; } case 54: { wc(e2, 4); break; } case 253: { yc(e2, 46240, k2); break; } case 258: { yc(e2, 46277, j2); break; } case 264: { yc(e2, 46306, i3); break; } case 268: { yc(e2, 46208, h3); break; } case 270: { wc(e2, 6); break; } case 334: { wc(e2, 6); break; } case 336: { xc(e2, 1000200); yc(e2, 46193, g2); break; } case 345: { Ia = f2; return; } } } function Ec(d2, e2, f2, g2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3 + 8 | 0; j2 = h3; k2 = c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (b3[d2 + 36 >> 1] | 0) if ((c[(c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 144 >> 2] | 0) == (d2 | 0)) yc(d2, 46799, i3); else yc(d2, 46757, j2); a[d2 + 6 >> 0] = 1; c[k2 + 20 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - (c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0); if (a[k2 + 18 >> 0] & 1) { Ia = h3; return 0; } c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = g2; if (!g2) { l2 = d2 + 8 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 0 - e2 | 0; o2 = m4 + (n2 << 3) | 0; p2 = o2 + -8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = p2; wc(d2, 1); } c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = f2; l2 = d2 + 8 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 0 - e2 | 0; o2 = m4 + (n2 << 3) | 0; p2 = o2 + -8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = p2; wc(d2, 1); return 0; } function Fc(e2, f2, g2, h3) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; j2 = i3 + 8 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = i3 + 12 | 0; m4 = e2 + 12 | 0; n2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = 0; p2 = f2; while (true) { if ((n2 | 0) == 69) { f2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = Kc(f2, g2) | 0; if (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) break; r2 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!r2) break; s3 = a[r2 + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (s3 & 1) break; f2 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 156 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[r2 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[f2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[t3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[t3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0) : 0) { u2 = 10; break; } v2 = c[t3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { w2 = 2172216; break; } else t3 = v2; } if ((u2 | 0) == 10) { u2 = 0; w2 = t3; } f2 = w2 + 4 | 0; v2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { u2 = 13; break; } if (!w2) break; else { x2 = v2; y4 = w2; z3 = f2; } } else { f2 = n2 & 15; if ((f2 | 0) == 4) { u2 = 17; break; } switch (n2 & 15) { case 5: { A4 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { A4 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: A4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + (f2 << 2) | 0; } f2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!f2) B2 = 2172216; else { v2 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 156 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[f2 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[v2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[C3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[C3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (v2 | 0) : 0) break; D3 = c[C3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!D3) { B2 = 2172216; break a; } else C3 = D3; } B2 = C3; } while (0); f2 = B2 + 4 | 0; t3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { u2 = 40; break; } else { x2 = t3; y4 = B2; z3 = f2; } } o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 & 15 | 0) == 6) { u2 = 42; break; } if (o2 >>> 0 >= 100) { u2 = 54; break; } else { n2 = x2; p2 = y4; } } if ((u2 | 0) == 13) a[r2 + 6 >> 0] = s3 | 1; else if ((u2 | 0) == 17) { s3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = s3 + 16 | 0; x2 = c[s3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((s3 | 0) != 3) { if ((s3 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (n2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, Uc(n2 + 16 | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, l2) | 0) : 0) { E3 = l2; u2 = 22; break; } } else { E3 = g2; u2 = 22; } while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 22 ? (l2 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0, E3 = ((l2 | 0) < 0 ? x2 + 1 | 0 : 0) + (l2 >> 16) | 0, l2 = E3 + -1 | 0, (E3 | 0) > 0 & l2 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) : 0) { x2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = x2 + 12 | 0; E3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((E3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[x2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { s3 = x2 + 8 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = E3 + 1600 + (c[s3 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(e2); break; } while (0); m4 = $c(e2, r2 + l2 | 0, 1) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = m4; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[m4 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; Ia = i3; return; } c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Ia = i3; return; } else if ((u2 | 0) == 40) bd2(e2, p2, 46449); else if ((u2 | 0) == 42) { m4 = e2 + 28 | 0; l2 = h3 - (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; r2 = e2 + 8 | 0; E3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = E3 + 8; c[E3 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 >> 2]; z3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = z3 + 8; c[z3 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = c[p2 + 4 >> 2]; p2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = p2 + 8; c[p2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 4 >> 2]; g2 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + -24 | 0; p2 = a[(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 18 >> 0] & 1; z3 = e2 + 38 | 0; E3 = (b3[z3 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[z3 >> 1] = E3; if ((E3 & 65535) > 199) { if (E3 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(e2, 46208, k2); if ((E3 & 65535) > 224) wc(e2, 6); } E3 = p2 << 24 >> 24 != 0; if (!E3) { p2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[p2 >> 1] = (b3[p2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; } if (!(Cc(e2, g2, 1) | 0)) Dc(e2); if (!E3) { E3 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[E3 >> 1] = (b3[E3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; } b3[z3 >> 1] = (b3[z3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; z3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + l2 | 0; l2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + -8 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = m4; c[z3 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 + -4 >> 2]; Ia = i3; return; } else if ((u2 | 0) == 54) yc(e2, 46740, j2); c[h3 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = c[q3 + 4 >> 2]; Ia = i3; return; } function Gc(e2, f2, g2, h3) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; j2 = i3 + 8 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = e2 + 12 | 0; m4 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; n2 = 0; o2 = f2; while (true) { if ((m4 | 0) == 69) { p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = Kc(p2, g2) | 0; if (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) { r2 = 17; break; } s3 = c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { r2 = 15; break; } t3 = a[s3 + 6 >> 0] | 0; if (t3 & 2) { r2 = 15; break; } f2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 160 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[s3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[s3 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[f2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[u2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[u2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0) : 0) { r2 = 10; break; } v2 = c[u2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { w2 = 2172216; break; } else u2 = v2; } if ((r2 | 0) == 10) { r2 = 0; w2 = u2; } f2 = w2 + 4 | 0; v2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { r2 = 13; break; } if (!w2) { r2 = 15; break; } else { x2 = v2; y4 = w2; z3 = f2; } } else { switch (m4 & 15) { case 5: { A4 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { A4 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: A4 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((m4 & 15) << 2) | 0; } f2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!f2) B2 = 2172216; else { v2 = c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 160 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[v2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[C3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[C3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (v2 | 0) : 0) break; D3 = c[C3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!D3) { B2 = 2172216; break a; } else C3 = D3; } B2 = C3; } while (0); f2 = B2 + 4 | 0; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!u2) { r2 = 33; break; } else { x2 = u2; y4 = B2; z3 = f2; } } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 & 15 | 0) == 6) { r2 = 35; break; } if (n2 >>> 0 >= 100) { r2 = 47; break; } else { m4 = x2; o2 = y4; } } if ((r2 | 0) == 13) { a[s3 + 6 >> 0] = t3 | 2; r2 = 15; } else if ((r2 | 0) == 17) { E3 = q3; F3 = p2; } else if ((r2 | 0) == 33) bd2(e2, o2, 46449); else if ((r2 | 0) == 35) { t3 = e2 + 8 | 0; s3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = s3 + 8; c[s3 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; c[s3 + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 >> 2]; z3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = z3 + 8; c[z3 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = c[o2 + 4 >> 2]; o2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = o2 + 8; c[o2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 4 >> 2]; o2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = o2 + 8; c[o2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = c[h3 + 4 >> 2]; o2 = (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) + -32 | 0; t3 = a[(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 18 >> 0] & 1; z3 = e2 + 38 | 0; s3 = (b3[z3 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[z3 >> 1] = s3; if ((s3 & 65535) > 199) { if (s3 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(e2, 46208, k2); if ((s3 & 65535) > 224) wc(e2, 6); } s3 = t3 << 24 >> 24 != 0; if (!s3) { t3 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[t3 >> 1] = (b3[t3 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; } if (!(Cc(e2, o2, 0) | 0)) Dc(e2); if (!s3) { s3 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[s3 >> 1] = (b3[s3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; } b3[z3 >> 1] = (b3[z3 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; Ia = i3; return; } else if ((r2 | 0) == 47) yc(e2, 46723, j2); if ((r2 | 0) == 15) if ((q3 | 0) == 2172216) { E3 = Lc(e2, p2, g2) | 0; F3 = p2; } else { E3 = q3; F3 = p2; } c[E3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; q3 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; a[F3 + 6 >> 0] = 0; if (!(c[q3 >> 2] & 64)) { Ia = i3; return; } if (!(a[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { Ia = i3; return; } h3 = p2 + 5 | 0; q3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(q3 & 4)) { Ia = i3; return; } F3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = q3 & -5; q3 = F3 + 76 | 0; c[p2 + 24 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; c[q3 >> 2] = p2; Ia = i3; return; } function Hc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = d2 + 5 | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = a[e2 >> 0] & -4; switch (a[d2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) { case 20: case 4: { f2 = (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 17 | 0; break; } case 7: { g2 = c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (g2 | 0 ? a[g2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, g2); g2 = c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (g2 | 0 ? a[g2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, g2); f2 = (c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 24 | 0; break; } case 10: { g2 = d2 + 8 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0, (a[i3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, i3); j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else j2 = h3; if ((j2 | 0) == (d2 + 12 | 0)) f2 = 20; else return; break; } case 6: { j2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = d2; return; } case 38: { j2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = d2; return; } case 5: { j2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[d2 + 24 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = d2; return; } case 8: { j2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[d2 + 60 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = d2; return; } case 9: { j2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[d2 + 72 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = d2; return; } default: return; } a[e2 >> 0] = a[e2 >> 0] | 4; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + f2; return; } function Ic(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 50 | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; j2 = (e2 | 0) != 0; if (!j2) { a[h3 >> 0] = 0; e2 = g2 + 92 | 0; k2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (k2) { l2 = k2; do { k2 = l2 + 5 | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = a[k2 >> 0] & -65; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = k2 + 92 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; m4 = k2 + 56 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[m4 >> 2] = n2; m4 = n2 + 5 | 0; n2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = n2 & -17; if ((d[k2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) >= 2) a[m4 >> 0] = a[k2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | n2 & -88; l2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) != 0); if ((a[h3 >> 0] | 0) == 2) o2 = 10; else o2 = 9; } else o2 = 9; } else { a[h3 >> 0] = 1; o2 = 9; } if ((o2 | 0) == 9 ? (d[g2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2 : 0) o2 = 10; if ((o2 | 0) == 10) { o2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; a[o2 + 49 >> 0] = 2; c[o2 + 52 >> 2] = 0; l2 = o2 + 60 | 0; e2 = d[o2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; n2 = (a[o2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!k2) p2 = 0; else { m4 = k2; q3 = n2 ? 255 : 184; r2 = n2 ? 64 : e2 & 3; s3 = n2 ? 64 : 0; t3 = e2; while (true) { u2 = t3 ^ 3; v2 = m4; w2 = 1; x2 = l2; while (true) { if (!w2) break; w2 = w2 + -1 | 0; y4 = v2 + 5 | 0; z3 = d[y4 >> 0] | 0; if (!((z3 ^ 3) & u2)) { c[x2 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; kd(b4, v2); A4 = x2; } else { if (s3 & z3 | 0) { p2 = 0; break a; } if ((a[v2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, v2); a[y4 >> 0] = q3 & z3 | r2; A4 = v2; } v2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { p2 = 0; break a; } else x2 = A4; } if ((x2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)) { p2 = x2; break a; } v2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = d[v2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; w2 = (a[v2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) { p2 = 0; break; } else { q3 = w2 ? 255 : 184; r2 = w2 ? 64 : u2 & 3; s3 = w2 ? 64 : 0; t3 = u2; } } } while (0); c[o2 + 68 >> 2] = p2; p2 = o2 + 56 | 0; b: while (true) { l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = d[l2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; e2 = A4 ^ 3; n2 = (a[l2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; l2 = n2 ? 255 : 184; k2 = n2 ? 64 : A4 & 3; A4 = n2 ? 64 : 0; n2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) { C3 = 0; break; } t3 = n2; n2 = 1; s3 = p2; while (true) { if (!n2) break; n2 = n2 + -1 | 0; r2 = t3 + 5 | 0; q3 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((q3 ^ 3) & e2)) { c[s3 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; kd(b4, t3); D3 = s3; } else { if (A4 & q3 | 0) { C3 = 0; break b; } if ((a[t3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, t3); a[r2 >> 0] = l2 & q3 | k2; D3 = t3; } t3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { C3 = 0; break b; } else s3 = D3; } if ((s3 | 0) != (p2 | 0)) { C3 = s3; break; } } c[o2 + 64 >> 2] = C3; } C3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 49 | 0; if ((a[C3 >> 0] | 0) == 5) { E3 = 5; F3 = C3; } else { do ed(b4) | 0; while ((a[C3 >> 0] | 0) != 5); C3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 49 | 0; E3 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; F3 = C3; } if (!(1 << (E3 & 255) & -33)) { do ed(b4) | 0; while (!(1 << d[F3 >> 0] & -33 | 0)); C3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 49 | 0; G2 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; H2 = C3; } else { G2 = E3; H2 = F3; } if (G2 << 24 >> 24 != 5) do ed(b4) | 0; while ((a[H2 >> 0] | 0) != 5); if (i3 << 24 >> 24 == 2 ? (H2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 49 | 0, a[H2 >> 0] | 0) : 0) do ed(b4) | 0; while ((a[H2 >> 0] | 0) != 0); a[h3 >> 0] = i3; i3 = g2 + 8 | 0; h3 = g2 + 12 | 0; H2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; b4 = (H2 | 0) / 100 | 0; G2 = c[g2 + 128 >> 2] | 0; g2 = B(b4, 0 - G2 | 0) | 0; F3 = (G2 | 0) < (2147483644 / (b4 | 0) | 0 | 0) ? g2 : -2147483644; c[i3 >> 2] = 0 - F3; c[h3 >> 2] = F3 + H2; if (j2) return; j2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 92 | 0; H2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!H2) return; F3 = H2; do { H2 = F3 + 5 | 0; a[H2 >> 0] = a[H2 >> 0] & -65; H2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = H2 + 92 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; h3 = H2 + 56 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; h3 = i3 + 5 | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = i3 & -17; if ((d[H2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) >= 2) a[h3 >> 0] = a[H2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | i3 & -88; F3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((F3 | 0) != 0); return; } function Jc(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; yc(a2, 46684, b4); } function Kc(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (f2 & 63) { case 4: { g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[a2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[g2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (g2 | 0) : 0) break; i3 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { j2 = 2172216; k2 = 21; break; } else h3 = i3; } if ((k2 | 0) == 21) return j2 | 0; j2 = h3; return j2 | 0; } case 3: { h3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 3 ? !(h3 >>> 0 > 4294901759 | ((h3 & 65535 | 0) != 0 | (h3 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 > 2147352576)) : 0) { f2 = (h3 >>> 16) + -1 | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { j2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 3) | 0; return j2 | 0; } f2 = h3 & -65536; h3 = 0 - f2 | 0; g2 = (c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((f2 | 0) < 0 ? (f2 | 0) == (h3 | 0) ? 0 : h3 : f2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[a2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0) : 0) break; h3 = c[g2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { j2 = 2172216; k2 = 21; break; } else g2 = h3; } if ((k2 | 0) == 21) return j2 | 0; j2 = g2; return j2 | 0; } break; } case 0: { j2 = 2172216; return j2 | 0; } default: { } } g2 = td2(a2, b4) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) ? Rc(0, g2 + 8 | 0, b4) | 0 : 0) break; a2 = c[g2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!a2) { j2 = 2172216; k2 = 21; break; } else g2 = a2; } if ((k2 | 0) == 21) return j2 | 0; j2 = g2; return j2 | 0; } function Lc(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 144 | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = f2 + 4 | 0; if (!(c[i3 >> 2] | 0)) yc(b4, 46665, g2 + 128 | 0); j2 = td2(e2, f2) | 0; k2 = j2 + 4 | 0; a: do if ((j2 | 0) == 2172240 | (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) != 0) { l2 = e2 + 20 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (m4 >>> 0 > n2 >>> 0) { o2 = m4; while (true) { p2 = o2 + -20 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = p2; if (!(c[o2 + -8 >> 2] | 0)) break; if (p2 >>> 0 > n2 >>> 0) o2 = p2; else break b; } q3 = td2(e2, j2 + 8 | 0) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { r2 = j2 + 16 | 0; c[o2 + -4 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; c[r2 >> 2] = p2; s3 = p2; break a; } r2 = q3; while (true) { q3 = c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) break; else r2 = q3; } c[r2 + 16 >> 2] = p2; c[p2 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[p2 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 + 4 >> 2]; c[p2 + 8 >> 2] = c[j2 + 8 >> 2]; c[p2 + 12 >> 2] = c[j2 + 12 >> 2]; c[p2 + 16 >> 2] = c[j2 + 16 >> 2]; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; s3 = j2; break a; } while (0); l2 = h3; m4 = l2 + 124 | 0; do { c[l2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (m4 | 0)); l2 = e2 + 12 | 0; m4 = c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; o2 = 0; q3 = 1; t3 = 0; u2 = 1; while (true) { if ((u2 | 0) > (m4 | 0)) if ((q3 | 0) > (m4 | 0)) { v2 = o2; break; } else w2 = m4; else w2 = u2; if ((q3 | 0) > (w2 | 0)) { x2 = q3; y4 = 0; } else { z3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = q3; B2 = 0; while (true) { C3 = B2 + ((c[z3 + (A4 + -1 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1) | 0; D3 = A4 + 1 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) < (w2 | 0)) { A4 = D3; B2 = C3; } else { x2 = D3; y4 = C3; break; } } } B2 = h3 + (t3 << 2) | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = (c[B2 >> 2] | 0) + y4; B2 = y4 + o2 | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if (t3 >>> 0 >= 31) { v2 = B2; break; } else { o2 = B2; q3 = x2; u2 = u2 << 1; } } u2 = 0; q3 = 1 << (d[e2 + 7 >> 0] | 0); o2 = 0; while (true) { q3 = q3 + -1 | 0; if (!(c[n2 + (q3 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { E3 = u2; F3 = o2; } else { if (((c[n2 + (q3 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (t3 = c[n2 + (q3 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0, !((t3 & 65535 | 0) != 0 | (t3 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 > 2147352576)) : 0) ? (l2 = (t3 >>> 16) + -1 | 0, l2 >>> 0 < 32767) : 0) { if (l2 >>> 0 > 255) { t3 = 0; m4 = l2; while (true) { B2 = t3 + 8 | 0; A4 = m4 >>> 8; if (m4 >>> 0 > 65535) { t3 = B2; m4 = A4; } else { G2 = B2; H2 = A4; break; } } } else { G2 = 0; H2 = l2; } m4 = h3 + (G2 + (d[400 + H2 >> 0] | 0) << 2) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; I2 = 1; } else I2 = 0; E3 = I2 + u2 | 0; F3 = o2 + 1 | 0; } if (!q3) break; else { u2 = E3; o2 = F3; } } o2 = E3 + v2 | 0; if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0, !((u2 & 65535 | 0) != 0 | (u2 + -65536 | 0) >>> 0 > 2147352576)) : 0) ? (q3 = (u2 >>> 16) + -1 | 0, q3 >>> 0 < 32767) : 0) { if (q3 >>> 0 > 255) { u2 = 0; n2 = q3; while (true) { m4 = u2 + 8 | 0; t3 = n2 >>> 8; if (n2 >>> 0 > 65535) { u2 = m4; n2 = t3; } else { J2 = m4; K2 = t3; break; } } } else { J2 = 0; K2 = q3; } n2 = h3 + (J2 + (d[400 + K2 >> 0] | 0) << 2) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; L3 = 1; } else L3 = 0; n2 = o2 + L3 | 0; c: do if ((n2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = 0; t3 = 0; m4 = 0; A4 = 0; B2 = 0; z3 = 1; while (true) { r2 = c[h3 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; C3 = (r2 | 0) > 0; D3 = r2 + u2 | 0; u2 = C3 ? D3 : u2; r2 = C3 & (D3 | 0) > (t3 | 0); C3 = r2 ? D3 : B2; D3 = r2 ? z3 : A4; if ((u2 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) { M2 = D3; N4 = C3; break c; } t3 = z3 & 2147483647; if ((t3 | 0) >= (n2 | 0)) { M2 = D3; N4 = C3; break; } else { m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; A4 = D3; B2 = C3; z3 = z3 << 1; } } } else { M2 = 0; N4 = 0; } while (0); Vc(b4, e2, M2, v2 + 1 + F3 - N4 | 0); n2 = Kc(e2, f2) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) != 2172216) { O2 = n2; Ia = g2; return O2 | 0; } O2 = Lc(b4, e2, f2) | 0; Ia = g2; return O2 | 0; } else s3 = j2; while (0); c[s3 + 8 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[s3 + 12 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; if ((c[i3 >> 2] & 64 | 0 ? a[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) ? (f2 = e2 + 5 | 0, i3 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0, i3 & 4) : 0) { j2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; a[f2 >> 0] = i3 & -5; i3 = j2 + 76 | 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[i3 >> 2] = e2; } O2 = s3; Ia = g2; return O2 | 0; } function Mc(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((a[f2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2) { g2 = f2 + 20 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { Ic(b4, 0); i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; j2 = f2 + 12 | 0; k2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; l2 = f2 + 49 | 0; m4 = j2; n2 = k2; o2 = k2; p2 = i3; } else { i3 = f2 + 49 | 0; if ((a[i3 >> 0] | 0) != 5) do ed(b4) | 0; while ((a[i3 >> 0] | 0) != 5); a[i3 >> 0] = 0; k2 = f2 + 8 | 0; j2 = f2 + 12 | 0; q3 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; r2 = q3 >>> 0 > (B(c[f2 + 132 >> 2] | 0, (h3 >>> 0) / 100 | 0) | 0) >>> 0; l2 = i3; m4 = j2; n2 = q3; o2 = r2 ? 0 : h3; p2 = k2; } c[g2 >> 2] = o2; k2 = (n2 | 0) / 100 | 0; r2 = c[f2 + 128 >> 2] | 0; q3 = B(k2, 0 - r2 | 0) | 0; j2 = (r2 | 0) < (2147483644 / (k2 | 0) | 0 | 0) ? q3 : -2147483644; c[p2 >> 2] = 0 - j2; c[m4 >> 2] = j2 + n2; s3 = l2; } else { j2 = f2 + 12 | 0; q3 = c[f2 + 136 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (q3 | 0) > 40 ? q3 : 40; q3 = ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) / 200 | 0) + 1 | 0; r2 = B(k2, q3) | 0; t3 = f2 + 49 | 0; u2 = (q3 | 0) < (2147483644 / (k2 >>> 0) | 0 | 0) ? r2 : 2147483644; do { u2 = u2 - (ed(b4) | 0) | 0; v2 = (a[t3 >> 0] | 0) == 5; if ((u2 | 0) <= -1600) { w2 = 12; break; } } while (!v2); if ((w2 | 0) == 12 ? !v2 : 0) { g2 = ((u2 | 0) / (k2 | 0) | 0) * 200 | 0; h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) - g2 + (c[h3 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = g2; s3 = t3; break; } g2 = (c[f2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) / 100 | 0; h3 = c[f2 + 128 >> 2] | 0; i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; r2 = B(h3, 0 - g2 | 0) | 0; q3 = (h3 | 0) < (2147483644 / (g2 | 0) | 0 | 0) ? r2 : -2147483644; r2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + q3 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0 - q3; c[j2 >> 2] = r2; s3 = t3; } while (0); v2 = f2 + 92 | 0; if (!(c[v2 >> 2] | 0)) return; f2 = 0; while (true) { if (f2 >>> 0 >= 4 ? (a[s3 >> 0] | 0) != 5 : 0) { w2 = 22; break; } b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = b4 + 92 | 0; n2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; l2 = b4 + 56 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; c[l2 >> 2] = n2; l2 = n2 + 5 | 0; n2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = n2 & -17; if ((d[b4 + 49 >> 0] | 0) >= 2) a[l2 >> 0] = a[b4 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | n2 & -88; if (!(c[v2 >> 2] | 0)) { w2 = 22; break; } else f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } if ((w2 | 0) == 22) return; } function Nc(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2 + 8 | 0; i3 = g2; j2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) != 3) { if ((j2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (k2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0, Uc(k2 + 16 | 0, c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0) : 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; l2 = i3; m4 = 6; break; } } else { l2 = d2; m4 = 6; } while (0); a: do if ((m4 | 0) == 6) { i3 = c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) == 3) n2 = e2; else { if ((i3 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (j2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0, Uc(j2 + 16 | 0, c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0) : 0) { n2 = h3; break; } break a; } while (0); c[b4 >> 2] = qd2(f2 + -6 | 0, c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 3; Ia = g2; return; } while (0); if (!(Yc(a2, d2, e2, b4, f2) | 0)) rd(a2, d2, e2); else { Ia = g2; return; } } function Oc2(e2, f2, g2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = g2 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; a: do switch (k2 & 15) { case 5: { l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[l2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; do if (m4 | 0 ? (n2 = m4 + 6 | 0, o2 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0, (o2 & 16) == 0) : 0) { p2 = c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 172 >> 2] | 0; q3 = (c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[m4 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[p2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) { r2 = 7; break; } s3 = c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { t3 = 2172216; break; } else q3 = s3; } if ((r2 | 0) == 7) t3 = q3; p2 = t3 + 4 | 0; if (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) if (!t3) break; else { u2 = t3; v2 = p2; break a; } else { a[n2 >> 0] = o2 | 16; break; } } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = (pd(l2) | 0) << 16; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; Ia = h3; return; } case 4: { c[f2 >> 2] = c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] << 16; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; Ia = h3; return; } case 7: { w2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; r2 = 16; break; } default: { w2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((k2 & 15) << 2) | 0; r2 = 16; } } while (0); if ((r2 | 0) == 16) { r2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (!r2) x2 = 2172216; else { w2 = c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 172 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[r2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[w2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[k2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (w2 | 0) : 0) break; t3 = c[k2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { x2 = 2172216; break b; } else k2 = t3; } x2 = k2; } while (0); r2 = x2 + 4 | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) bd2(e2, g2, 46629); else { u2 = x2; v2 = r2; } } r2 = e2 + 28 | 0; x2 = f2 - (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; w2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = w2 + 8; c[w2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[w2 + 4 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; v2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = v2 + 8; c[v2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; v2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = v2 + 8; c[v2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; j2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -24 | 0; v2 = a[(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 18 >> 0] & 1; g2 = e2 + 38 | 0; w2 = (b3[g2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[g2 >> 1] = w2; if ((w2 & 65535) > 199) { if (w2 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(e2, 46208, i3); if ((w2 & 65535) > 224) wc(e2, 6); } w2 = v2 << 24 >> 24 != 0; if (!w2) { v2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[v2 >> 1] = (b3[v2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; } if (!(Cc(e2, j2, 1) | 0)) Dc(e2); if (!w2) { w2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[w2 >> 1] = (b3[w2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; } b3[g2 >> 1] = (b3[g2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; g2 = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + x2 | 0; x2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = x2 + -8 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = r2; c[g2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = c[x2 + -4 >> 2]; Ia = h3; return; } function Pc2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; f2 = e2 + 32 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = b4 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = d2; a: while (true) { l2 = j2 + -16 | 0; d2 = j2 + -12 | 0; m4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = j2 + -8 | 0; do if ((m4 | 0) == 3 | (m4 & 15 | 0) == 4) { o2 = j2 + -4 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 & 15 | 0) == 4) { q3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = q3; s3 = m4; t3 = q3; u2 = p2; } else { if ((p2 | 0) != 3) { v2 = 16; break; } p2 = _c(g2, c[n2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 < 41) w2 = $c(b4, g2, p2) | 0; else { if ((p2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967277) { v2 = 9; break a; } q3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[q3 + 44 >> 2] | 0; y4 = p2 + 17 | 0; z3 = q3 + 4 | 0; A4 = Pa[c[q3 >> 2] & 3](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, y4) | 0; if ((y4 | 0) != 0 & (A4 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[q3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = 13; break a; } Ic(b4, 1); B2 = Pa[c[q3 >> 2] & 3](c[z3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, y4) | 0; if (!B2) { v2 = 13; break a; } else C3 = B2; } else C3 = A4; A4 = q3 + 12 | 0; c[A4 >> 2] = (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + y4; y4 = q3 + 56 | 0; a[C3 + 5 >> 0] = a[q3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[C3 + 4 >> 0] = 20; c[C3 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; c[y4 >> 2] = C3; c[C3 + 12 >> 2] = p2; c[C3 + 8 >> 2] = x2; a[C3 + 6 >> 0] = 0; x2 = C3 + 16 | 0; Hv(x2 | 0, g2 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0; a[x2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; w2 = C3; } c[n2 >> 2] = w2; p2 = (a[w2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[o2 >> 2] = p2; r2 = w2; s3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = w2; u2 = p2; } p2 = c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (s3 & 15 | 0) == 4; if (!p2) { if (!((s3 | 0) == 3 & (o2 ^ 1))) { D3 = 2; break; } x2 = _c(g2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 < 41) E3 = $c(b4, g2, x2) | 0; else { if ((x2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967277) { v2 = 23; break a; } y4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[y4 + 44 >> 2] | 0; A4 = x2 + 17 | 0; B2 = y4 + 4 | 0; z3 = Pa[c[y4 >> 2] & 3](c[B2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, A4) | 0; if ((A4 | 0) != 0 & (z3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[y4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = 27; break a; } Ic(b4, 1); F3 = Pa[c[y4 >> 2] & 3](c[B2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, A4) | 0; if (!F3) { v2 = 27; break a; } else G2 = F3; } else G2 = z3; z3 = y4 + 12 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) + A4; A4 = y4 + 56 | 0; a[G2 + 5 >> 0] = a[y4 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[G2 + 4 >> 0] = 20; c[G2 >> 2] = c[A4 >> 2]; c[A4 >> 2] = G2; c[G2 + 12 >> 2] = x2; c[G2 + 8 >> 2] = q3; a[G2 + 6 >> 0] = 0; q3 = G2 + 16 | 0; Hv(q3 | 0, g2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; a[q3 + x2 >> 0] = 0; E3 = G2; } c[l2 >> 2] = E3; c[d2 >> 2] = (a[E3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; D3 = 2; break; } if (o2 ? (c[(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[l2 >> 2] = t3; c[d2 >> 2] = u2; D3 = 2; break; } b: do if ((k2 | 0) > 1) { o2 = 1; x2 = p2; while (true) { q3 = j2 + (0 - o2 << 3) + -8 | 0; A4 = q3 + 4 | 0; y4 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; if ((y4 & 15 | 0) == 4) H2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; else { if ((y4 | 0) != 3) { I2 = o2; J2 = x2; break b; } y4 = _c(g2, c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < 41) K2 = $c(b4, g2, y4) | 0; else { if ((y4 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967277) { v2 = 41; break a; } z3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; F3 = c[z3 + 44 >> 2] | 0; B2 = y4 + 17 | 0; L3 = z3 + 4 | 0; M2 = Pa[c[z3 >> 2] & 3](c[L3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, B2) | 0; if ((B2 | 0) != 0 & (M2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[z3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = 45; break a; } Ic(b4, 1); N4 = Pa[c[z3 >> 2] & 3](c[L3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, B2) | 0; if (!N4) { v2 = 45; break a; } else O2 = N4; } else O2 = M2; M2 = z3 + 12 | 0; c[M2 >> 2] = (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) + B2; B2 = z3 + 56 | 0; a[O2 + 5 >> 0] = a[z3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[O2 + 4 >> 0] = 20; c[O2 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2]; c[B2 >> 2] = O2; c[O2 + 12 >> 2] = y4; c[O2 + 8 >> 2] = F3; a[O2 + 6 >> 0] = 0; F3 = O2 + 16 | 0; Hv(F3 | 0, g2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; a[F3 + y4 >> 0] = 0; K2 = O2; } c[q3 >> 2] = K2; c[A4 >> 2] = (a[K2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; H2 = K2; } A4 = c[H2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 >= (-3 - x2 | 0) >>> 0) { v2 = 49; break a; } q3 = A4 + x2 | 0; A4 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((A4 | 0) < (k2 | 0)) { o2 = A4; x2 = q3; } else { I2 = A4; J2 = q3; break; } } } else { I2 = 1; J2 = p2; } while (0); p2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; x2 = p2 + 116 | 0; o2 = p2 + 124 | 0; q3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 < J2 >>> 0) { A4 = J2 >>> 0 > 32 ? J2 : 32; if ((A4 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967293) { v2 = 54; break a; } y4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = (y4 | 0) == 0; B2 = p2 + 4 | 0; z3 = Pa[c[p2 >> 2] & 3](c[B2 >> 2] | 0, y4, q3, A4) | 0; if (!z3) { if (!(a[p2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = 58; break a; } Ic(b4, 1); M2 = Pa[c[p2 >> 2] & 3](c[B2 >> 2] | 0, y4, q3, A4) | 0; if (!M2) { v2 = 58; break a; } else P2 = M2; } else P2 = z3; z3 = p2 + 12 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = (F3 ? 0 : 0 - q3 | 0) + A4 + (c[z3 >> 2] | 0); c[x2 >> 2] = P2; c[o2 >> 2] = A4; Q3 = P2; } else Q3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = I2; A4 = 0; while (true) { o2 = c[j2 + (0 - x2 << 3) >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Hv(Q3 + A4 | 0, o2 + 16 | 0, z3 | 0) | 0; c[543058] = (c[543058] | 0) + (z3 >>> 5); A4 = z3 + A4 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) <= 1) break; else x2 = x2 + -1 | 0; } x2 = 0 - I2 | 0; z3 = j2 + (x2 << 3) | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 < 41) R3 = $c(b4, Q3, A4) | 0; else { if ((A4 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967277) { v2 = 65; break a; } o2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[o2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; F3 = A4 + 17 | 0; p2 = o2 + 4 | 0; M2 = Pa[c[o2 >> 2] & 3](c[p2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, F3) | 0; if ((F3 | 0) != 0 & (M2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[o2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { v2 = 69; break a; } Ic(b4, 1); y4 = Pa[c[o2 >> 2] & 3](c[p2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, F3) | 0; if (!y4) { v2 = 69; break a; } else S2 = y4; } else S2 = M2; M2 = o2 + 12 | 0; c[M2 >> 2] = (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) + F3; F3 = o2 + 56 | 0; a[S2 + 5 >> 0] = a[o2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[S2 + 4 >> 0] = 20; c[S2 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2]; c[F3 >> 2] = S2; c[S2 + 12 >> 2] = A4; c[S2 + 8 >> 2] = q3; a[S2 + 6 >> 0] = 0; q3 = S2 + 16 | 0; Hv(q3 | 0, Q3 | 0, A4 | 0) | 0; a[q3 + A4 >> 0] = 0; R3 = S2; } c[z3 >> 2] = R3; c[j2 + (x2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = (a[R3 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; D3 = I2; } else v2 = 16; while (0); if ((v2 | 0) == 16) { v2 = 0; if (!(Yc(b4, l2, n2, l2, 28) | 0)) { v2 = 17; break; } else D3 = 2; } k2 = k2 + 1 - D3 | 0; j2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (1 - D3 << 3) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; if ((k2 | 0) <= 1) { v2 = 73; break; } } switch (v2 | 0) { case 9: { Jc(b4); break; } case 13: { wc(b4, 4); break; } case 17: { ad(b4, l2, n2); break; } case 23: { Jc(b4); break; } case 27: { wc(b4, 4); break; } case 41: { Jc(b4); break; } case 45: { wc(b4, 4); break; } case 49: { yc(b4, 46406, f2); break; } case 54: { Jc(b4); break; } case 58: { wc(b4, 4); break; } case 65: { Jc(b4); break; } case 69: { wc(b4, 4); break; } case 73: { Ia = e2; return; } } } function Qc2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = b4 + 56 | 0; b4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!b4) return; i3 = g2 + 48 | 0; j2 = g2 + 56 | 0; k2 = g2 + 50 | 0; l2 = g2 + 49 | 0; m4 = b4; while (true) { b4 = m4 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0) { o2 = 16; break; } c[h3 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; p2 = m4 + 12 | 0; do if (((a[i3 >> 0] ^ 3) & (a[m4 + 5 >> 0] ^ 3)) << 24 >> 24) { q3 = m4 + 16 | 0; c[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; r2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; s3 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = p2; c[m4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; q3 = m4 + 5 | 0; r2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = r2 & 255; if (!(t3 & 7)) { if ((a[k2 >> 0] | 0) != 2 ? (d[l2 >> 0] | 0) >= 2 : 0) { a[q3 >> 0] = t3 & 184 | a[i3 >> 0] & 3; break; } a[q3 >> 0] = r2 & -69 | 4; if (s3 & 64 | 0 ? (s3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0, a[s3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) : 0) Hc(g2, s3); } } else { if ((n2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)) { s3 = m4 + 16 | 0; c[(c[s3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; } s3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[s3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, m4, 20, 0) | 0; r2 = s3 + 12 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + -20; } while (0); m4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) { o2 = 16; break; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 16) return; } function Rc(e2, f2, g2) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = f2 + 4 | 0; a: do switch (c[j2 >> 2] & 63) { case 0: { k2 = 1; break; } case 3: { k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); break; } case 1: { k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); break; } case 2: { k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); break; } case 54: case 22: { k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); break; } case 4: { k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); break; } case 20: { l2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[l2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) != (m4 | 0)) if ((n2 | 0) == (c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0)) k2 = (ft(l2 + 16 | 0, m4 + 16 | 0, n2) | 0) == 0; else k2 = 0; else k2 = 1; break; } case 7: { n2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) != (m4 | 0)) if (((e2 | 0) != 0 ? (l2 = c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, n2 = c[m4 + 8 >> 2] | 0, (l2 | 0) != 0) : 0) ? (m4 = l2 + 6 | 0, o2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0, (o2 & 32) == 0) : 0) { p2 = c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 176 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (c[l2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[l2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & q3) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) { s3 = 17; break; } t3 = c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { u2 = 2172216; break; } else r2 = t3; } if ((s3 | 0) == 17) u2 = r2; t3 = u2 + 4 | 0; v2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { a[m4 >> 0] = o2 | 32; k2 = 0; break a; } if (u2) if ((l2 | 0) != (n2 | 0)) if ((n2 | 0) != 0 ? (w2 = n2 + 6 | 0, x2 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0, (x2 & 32) == 0) : 0) { y4 = (c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[n2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & q3) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[y4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[y4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) { s3 = 28; break; } z3 = c[y4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) { A4 = 2172216; break; } else y4 = z3; } if ((s3 | 0) == 28) A4 = y4; p2 = c[A4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) { a[w2 >> 0] = x2 | 32; k2 = 0; break a; } if ((A4 | 0) != 0 & (v2 | 0) == (p2 | 0) ? (Rc(0, u2, A4) | 0) != 0 : 0) { B2 = u2; C3 = t3; s3 = 59; } else k2 = 0; } else k2 = 0; else { B2 = u2; C3 = t3; s3 = 59; } else k2 = 0; } else k2 = 0; else k2 = 1; break; } case 5: { p2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != (q3 | 0)) if (((e2 | 0) != 0 ? (n2 = c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, p2 = c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0, (n2 | 0) != 0) : 0) ? (q3 = n2 + 6 | 0, l2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0, (l2 & 32) == 0) : 0) { o2 = c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 176 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; r2 = (c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[n2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & m4) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (o2 | 0) : 0) { s3 = 41; break; } z3 = c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) { D3 = 2172216; break; } else r2 = z3; } if ((s3 | 0) == 41) D3 = r2; t3 = D3 + 4 | 0; v2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { a[q3 >> 0] = l2 | 32; k2 = 0; break a; } if (D3) if ((n2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)) if ((p2 | 0) != 0 ? (x2 = p2 + 6 | 0, w2 = a[x2 >> 0] | 0, (w2 & 32) == 0) : 0) { y4 = (c[p2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[p2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & m4) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[y4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[y4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (o2 | 0) : 0) { s3 = 52; break; } z3 = c[y4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!z3) { E3 = 2172216; break; } else y4 = z3; } if ((s3 | 0) == 52) E3 = y4; o2 = c[E3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!o2) { a[x2 >> 0] = w2 | 32; k2 = 0; break a; } if ((E3 | 0) != 0 & (v2 | 0) == (o2 | 0) ? (Rc(0, D3, E3) | 0) != 0 : 0) { B2 = D3; C3 = t3; s3 = 59; } else k2 = 0; } else k2 = 0; else { B2 = D3; C3 = t3; s3 = 59; } else k2 = 0; } else k2 = 0; else k2 = 1; break; } default: k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) == (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); } while (0); b: do if ((s3 | 0) == 59) { D3 = e2 + 8 | 0; E3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = e2 + 28 | 0; A4 = E3 - (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = E3 + 8; c[E3 >> 2] = c[B2 >> 2]; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = c[C3 >> 2]; E3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = E3 + 8; c[E3 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = c[j2 >> 2]; E3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = E3 + 8; c[E3 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[E3 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 4 >> 2]; E3 = (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -24 | 0; o2 = a[(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 18 >> 0] & 1; m4 = e2 + 38 | 0; p2 = (b3[m4 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[m4 >> 1] = p2; if ((p2 & 65535) > 199) { if (p2 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(e2, 46208, i3); if ((p2 & 65535) > 224) wc(e2, 6); } p2 = o2 << 24 >> 24 != 0; if (!p2) { o2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[o2 >> 1] = (b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; } if (!(Cc(e2, E3, 1) | 0)) Dc(e2); if (!p2) { p2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[p2 >> 1] = (b3[p2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; } b3[m4 >> 1] = (b3[m4 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; m4 = (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + A4 | 0; A4 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; u2 = A4 + -8 | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = u2; c[m4 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = c[A4 + -4 >> 2]; A4 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[A4 + 4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { k2 = 0; break b; break; } case 1: { k2 = (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) != 0; break b; break; } default: { k2 = 1; break b; } } } while (0); Ia = h3; return k2 & 1 | 0; } function Sc(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == 3) { if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { f2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) < (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) & 1; return f2 | 0; } } else if ((e2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (c[d2 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4 : 0) { e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = e2 + 16 | 0; i3 = g2 + 16 | 0; j2 = jv(h3, i3) | 0; a: do if (!j2) { k2 = h3; l2 = c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[g2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = i3; while (true) { o2 = Pt(k2) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (m4 | 0)) { p2 = 0; break a; } q3 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (l2 | 0)) { p2 = -1; break a; } n2 = n2 + q3 | 0; k2 = k2 + q3 | 0; o2 = jv(k2, n2) | 0; if (o2 | 0) { p2 = o2; break; } else { l2 = l2 - q3 | 0; m4 = m4 - q3 | 0; } } } else p2 = j2; while (0); f2 = p2 >>> 31; return f2 | 0; } p2 = a2 + 8 | 0; if (!(Yc(a2, b4, d2, c[p2 >> 2] | 0, 26) | 0)) Zc(a2, b4, d2); d2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (p2 | 0) { case 1: { f2 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1; return f2 | 0; } case 0: { f2 = p2; return f2 | 0; } default: { f2 = 1; return f2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Tc(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == 3) if ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 3) f2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) <= (c[d2 >> 2] | 0); else g2 = 13; else if ((e2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (c[d2 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4 : 0) { e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = e2 + 16 | 0; j2 = h3 + 16 | 0; k2 = jv(i3, j2) | 0; a: do if (!k2) { l2 = i3; m4 = c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; o2 = j2; while (true) { p2 = Pt(l2) | 0; q3 = (p2 | 0) == (m4 | 0); if ((p2 | 0) == (n2 | 0)) break; r2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if (q3) { s3 = -1; break a; } o2 = o2 + r2 | 0; l2 = l2 + r2 | 0; p2 = jv(l2, o2) | 0; if (p2 | 0) { s3 = p2; break a; } else { m4 = m4 - r2 | 0; n2 = n2 - r2 | 0; } } s3 = (q3 ^ 1) & 1; } else s3 = k2; while (0); f2 = (s3 | 0) < 1; } else g2 = 13; b: do if ((g2 | 0) == 13) { s3 = a2 + 8 | 0; k2 = (Yc(a2, b4, d2, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, 27) | 0) == 0; q3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) switch (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { f2 = 0; break b; break; } case 1: { f2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) != 0; break b; break; } default: { f2 = 1; break b; } } if (!(Yc(a2, d2, b4, q3, 26) | 0)) Zc(a2, b4, d2); q3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { f2 = 1; break b; break; } case 1: { f2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) == 0; break b; break; } default: { f2 = 0; break b; } } } while (0); return f2 & 1 | 0; } function Uc(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; if (Zu(b4, 46334) | 0) { i3 = 0; Ia = g2; return i3 | 0; } do if (!(Zu(b4, 46337) | 0)) { if (!(Zu(b4, 46340) | 0)) { j2 = ~~(+mu2(b4, h3) * 65536) >>> 0; c[f2 >> 2] = j2; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; break; } c[h3 >> 2] = b4; j2 = b4; while (true) { l2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = j2 + 1 | 0; if (!(a[64 + ((l2 & 255) + 1) >> 0] & 8)) break; else j2 = m4; } switch (l2 << 24 >> 24) { case 45: { n2 = 1; o2 = m4; break; } case 43: { n2 = 0; o2 = m4; break; } default: { n2 = 0; o2 = j2; } } a: do if ((a[o2 >> 0] | 0) == 48) { switch (a[o2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) { case 66: case 98: break; default: { p2 = b4; q3 = 0; break a; } } r2 = o2 + 2 | 0; s3 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; if ((s3 & -2) << 24 >> 24 == 48) { t3 = s3; u2 = 0; v2 = r2; w2 = 0; do { w2 = w2 << 1 | t3 << 24 >> 24 == 49; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; t3 = a[v2 >> 0] | 0; } while ((t3 & -2) << 24 >> 24 == 48); x2 = t3; y4 = u2; z3 = w2 << 16; A4 = v2; } else { x2 = s3; y4 = 0; z3 = 0; A4 = r2; } B2 = A4; if (x2 << 24 >> 24 == 46) { C3 = A4 + 1 | 0; D3 = C3; E3 = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; if ((E3 & -2) << 24 >> 24 == 48) { F3 = 0; G2 = E3; E3 = C3; C3 = 0; do { C3 = F3 >>> 0 < 16 ? C3 << 1 | G2 << 24 >> 24 == 49 : C3; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; G2 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; } while ((G2 & -2) << 24 >> 24 == 48); H2 = F3; I2 = C3; J2 = E3; } else { H2 = 0; I2 = 0; J2 = D3; } G2 = J2 - D3 | 0; K2 = H2; L3 = I2 << ((G2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 < 15 ? 16 - G2 | 0 : 0); M2 = J2; } else { K2 = 0; L3 = 0; M2 = B2; } if (K2 | y4) { c[h3 >> 2] = M2; G2 = M2; switch (a[G2 >> 0] | 0) { case 80: case 112: { p2 = G2; q3 = 0; break a; break; } default: { } } c[h3 >> 2] = G2; r2 = L3 + z3 | 0; if (!n2) { p2 = G2; q3 = ~~+Ys(+(r2 | 0), 0); break; } else { p2 = G2; q3 = ~~+Ys(+(0 - r2 | 0), 0); break; } } else { p2 = b4; q3 = 0; } } else { p2 = b4; q3 = 0; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = q3; k2 = p2; } else { c[h3 >> 2] = b4; j2 = b4; while (true) { N4 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; O2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if (!(a[64 + ((N4 & 255) + 1) >> 0] & 8)) break; else j2 = O2; } switch (N4 << 24 >> 24) { case 45: { P2 = 1; Q3 = O2; break; } case 43: { P2 = 0; Q3 = O2; break; } default: { P2 = 0; Q3 = j2; } } b: do if ((a[Q3 >> 0] | 0) == 48) { switch (a[Q3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) { case 88: case 120: break; default: { R3 = b4; S2 = 0; break b; } } r2 = Q3 + 2 | 0; G2 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; s3 = G2 & 255; if (!(a[64 + (s3 + 1) >> 0] & 16)) { T4 = G2; U2 = 0; V3 = 0; W2 = r2; } else { G2 = 0; v2 = r2; r2 = s3; s3 = 0; do { w2 = r2 + -48 | 0; s3 = (w2 >>> 0 < 10 ? w2 : (r2 | 32) + -87 | 0) + (s3 << 4) | 0; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; X2 = a[v2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = X2 & 255; } while ((a[64 + (r2 + 1) >> 0] & 16) != 0); T4 = X2; U2 = G2; V3 = s3 << 16; W2 = v2; } r2 = W2; if (T4 << 24 >> 24 == 46) { B2 = W2 + 1 | 0; D3 = B2; E3 = d[B2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(a[64 + (E3 + 1) >> 0] & 16)) { Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = D3; } else { C3 = 0; F3 = B2; B2 = E3; E3 = 0; do { w2 = B2 + -48 | 0; E3 = C3 >>> 0 < 4 ? (w2 >>> 0 < 10 ? w2 : (B2 | 32) + -87 | 0) + (E3 << 4) | 0 : E3; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; B2 = d[F3 >> 0] | 0; } while ((a[64 + (B2 + 1) >> 0] & 16) != 0); Y2 = C3; Z3 = E3; _5 = F3; } B2 = _5 - D3 | 0; $2 = Y2; aa2 = Z3 << ((B2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 < 3 ? 16 - (B2 << 2) | 0 : 0); ba3 = _5; } else { $2 = 0; aa2 = 0; ba3 = r2; } if ($2 | U2) { c[h3 >> 2] = ba3; B2 = ba3; switch (a[B2 >> 0] | 0) { case 80: case 112: { R3 = B2; S2 = 0; break b; break; } default: { } } c[h3 >> 2] = B2; v2 = aa2 + V3 | 0; if (!P2) { R3 = B2; S2 = ~~+Ys(+(v2 | 0), 0); break; } else { R3 = B2; S2 = ~~+Ys(+(0 - v2 | 0), 0); break; } } else { R3 = b4; S2 = 0; } } else { R3 = b4; S2 = 0; } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = S2; k2 = R3; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { i3 = 0; Ia = g2; return i3 | 0; } if (!(a[64 + ((d[k2 >> 0] | 0) + 1) >> 0] & 8)) ca2 = k2; else { R3 = k2; do R3 = R3 + 1 | 0; while ((a[64 + ((d[R3 >> 0] | 0) + 1) >> 0] & 8) != 0); c[h3 >> 2] = R3; ca2 = R3; } i3 = (ca2 | 0) == (b4 + e2 | 0) & 1; Ia = g2; return i3 | 0; } function Vc(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = e2 + 28 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = e2 + 7 | 0; m4 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4 & 255; o2 = e2 + 16 | 0; p2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) { if ((f2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 536870911) Jc(b4); q3 = e2 + 12 | 0; r2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = k2 << 3; k2 = f2 << 3; t3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (r2 | 0) == 0; v2 = t3 + 4 | 0; w2 = Pa[c[t3 >> 2] & 3](c[v2 >> 2] | 0, r2, s3, k2) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) != 0 & (w2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[t3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); x2 = Pa[c[t3 >> 2] & 3](c[v2 >> 2] | 0, r2, s3, k2) | 0; if (!x2) wc(b4, 4); else y4 = x2; } else y4 = w2; w2 = t3 + 12 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (u2 ? 0 : 0 - s3 | 0) + k2 + (c[w2 >> 2] | 0); c[q3 >> 2] = y4; q3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) { w2 = q3; do { c[y4 + (w2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; } while ((w2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } c[j2 >> 2] = f2; } if (!g2) { c[o2 >> 2] = 2172240; z3 = 2172240; A4 = 0; B2 = 0; } else { f2 = g2 + -1 | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 > 255) { g2 = 0; j2 = f2; while (true) { w2 = g2 + 8 | 0; y4 = j2 >>> 8; if (j2 >>> 0 > 65535) { g2 = w2; j2 = y4; } else { C3 = w2; D3 = y4; break; } } } else { C3 = 0; D3 = f2; } f2 = C3 + (d[400 + D3 >> 0] | 0) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > 30) yc(b4, 46225, i3); i3 = 1 << f2; if ((i3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 214748364) Jc(b4); D3 = 20 << f2; C3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = C3 + 4 | 0; g2 = Pa[c[C3 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, D3) | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 < 30 & (g2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[C3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); y4 = Pa[c[C3 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 0, D3) | 0; if (!y4) wc(b4, 4); else E3 = y4; } else E3 = g2; g2 = C3 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + D3; c[o2 >> 2] = E3; D3 = E3; E3 = 0; do { c[D3 + (E3 * 20 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[D3 + (E3 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[D3 + (E3 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = 0; E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; D3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((E3 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); z3 = D3; A4 = f2 & 255; B2 = i3; } a[l2 >> 0] = A4; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = z3 + (B2 * 20 | 0); if (m4 << 24 >> 24 != 31) { m4 = 1 << n2; do { B2 = m4; m4 = m4 + -1 | 0; z3 = p2 + (m4 * 20 | 0) + 4 | 0; if (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) { A4 = p2 + (m4 * 20 | 0) + 8 | 0; l2 = Kc(e2, A4) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == 2172216) F3 = Lc(b4, e2, A4) | 0; else F3 = l2; c[F3 >> 2] = c[p2 + (m4 * 20 | 0) >> 2]; c[F3 + 4 >> 2] = c[z3 >> 2]; } } while ((B2 | 0) > 1); } if ((p2 | 0) == 2172240) { Ia = h3; return; } F3 = 20 << n2; n2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[n2 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, p2, F3, 0) | 0; b4 = n2 + 12 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) - ((p2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : F3); Ia = h3; return; } function Wc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; e2 = d2 << 2; f2 = e2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 4 | 0; i3 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, f2) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != 0 & (i3 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[g2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); j2 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, f2) | 0; if (!j2) wc(b4, 4); else k2 = j2; } else k2 = i3; i3 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + f2; f2 = g2 + 56 | 0; a[k2 + 5 >> 0] = a[g2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[k2 + 4 >> 0] = 6; c[k2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[f2 >> 2] = k2; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; a[k2 + 6 >> 0] = d2; if (!d2) return k2 | 0; Iv(k2 + 16 | 0, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; return k2 | 0; } function Xc(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; f2 = b4 + 56 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!g2) h3 = f2; else { i3 = g2; j2 = f2; while (true) { k2 = c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 < d2 >>> 0) { h3 = j2; break a; } if ((k2 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) break; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!k2) { l2 = 8; break; } else { m4 = i3; i3 = k2; j2 = m4; } } if ((l2 | 0) == 8) { h3 = i3; break; } j2 = i3 + 5 | 0; m4 = a[j2 >> 0] ^ 3; if (((a[e2 + 48 >> 0] ^ 3) & m4) << 24 >> 24) { n2 = i3; return n2 | 0; } a[j2 >> 0] = m4; n2 = i3; return n2 | 0; } while (0); l2 = e2 + 4 | 0; f2 = Pa[c[e2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 10, 20) | 0; if (!f2) { if (!(a[e2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); g2 = Pa[c[e2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 10, 20) | 0; if (!g2) wc(b4, 4); else o2 = g2; } else o2 = f2; f2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 20; f2 = (h3 | 0) == 0 ? e2 + 56 | 0 : h3; a[o2 + 5 >> 0] = a[e2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[o2 + 4 >> 0] = 10; c[o2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[f2 >> 2] = o2; c[o2 + 8 >> 2] = d2; c[o2 + 12 >> 2] = e2 + 96; d2 = e2 + 112 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[o2 + 16 >> 2] = e2; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = o2; c[d2 >> 2] = o2; n2 = o2; return n2 | 0; } function Yc(e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; k2 = j2; l2 = f2 + 4 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; switch (m4 & 15) { case 5: { n2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { n2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: n2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((m4 & 15) << 2) | 0; } m4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!m4) o2 = 2172216; else { n2 = c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 156 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; p2 = (c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[m4 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[n2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (n2 | 0) : 0) break; q3 = c[p2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { o2 = 2172216; break a; } else p2 = q3; } o2 = p2; } while (0); b: do if (!(c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { m4 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (m4 & 15) { case 5: { r2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } case 7: { r2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; break; } default: r2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((m4 & 15) << 2) | 0; } m4 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) s3 = 2172216; else { n2 = c[(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 156 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; q3 = (c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << (d[m4 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 & c[n2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (n2 | 0) : 0) break; m4 = c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) { s3 = 2172216; break b; } else q3 = m4; } s3 = q3; } } else s3 = o2; while (0); o2 = s3 + 4 | 0; if (!(c[o2 >> 2] | 0)) { t3 = 0; Ia = j2; return t3 | 0; } i3 = e2 + 28 | 0; r2 = h3 - (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; h3 = e2 + 8 | 0; n2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = n2 + 8; c[n2 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = o2 + 8; c[o2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = c[l2 >> 2]; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = l2 + 8; c[l2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 + 4 >> 2]; g2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -24 | 0; l2 = a[(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 18 >> 0] & 1; o2 = e2 + 38 | 0; f2 = (b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; b3[o2 >> 1] = f2; if ((f2 & 65535) > 199) { if (f2 << 16 >> 16 == 200) yc(e2, 46208, k2); if ((f2 & 65535) > 224) wc(e2, 6); } f2 = l2 << 24 >> 24 != 0; if (!f2) { l2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[l2 >> 1] = (b3[l2 >> 1] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; } if (!(Cc(e2, g2, 1) | 0)) Dc(e2); if (!f2) { f2 = e2 + 36 | 0; b3[f2 >> 1] = (b3[f2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; } b3[o2 >> 1] = (b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; o2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + r2 | 0; r2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = r2 + -8 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; c[o2 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = c[r2 + -4 >> 2]; t3 = 1; Ia = j2; return t3 | 0; } function Zc(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 8 | 0; g2 = e2; e2 = c[16 + ((c[b4 + 4 >> 2] & 15) + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; b4 = c[16 + ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] & 15) + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { c[g2 >> 2] = e2; yc(a2, 46343, g2); } else { c[f2 >> 2] = e2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; yc(a2, 46376, f2); } } function _c(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; e2 = d2 + 48 | 0; f2 = d2 + 40 | 0; h3 = d2 + 32 | 0; i3 = d2; j2 = +(c2 | 0) * 0.0000152587890625; g[h3 >> 3] = j2; it(i3, 46599, h3) | 0; if ((Pu2(i3, 46605) | 0) == 0 ? (Pu2(i3, 46611) | 0) == 0 : 0) { g[e2 >> 3] = j2; it(i3, 46623, e2) | 0; } else { g[f2 >> 3] = j2; it(i3, 46617, f2) | 0; } f2 = Pt(i3) | 0; e2 = f2 + -1 | 0; h3 = i3 + e2 | 0; c2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; k2 = (f2 | 0) > 0; if (k2 & c2 << 24 >> 24 == 48) { f2 = h3; l2 = e2; while (true) { a[f2 >> 0] = 0; e2 = l2; l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; m4 = i3 + l2 | 0; n2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; o2 = (e2 | 0) > 0; if (!(o2 & n2 << 24 >> 24 == 48)) { p2 = n2; q3 = m4; r2 = o2; break; } else f2 = m4; } } else { p2 = c2; q3 = h3; r2 = k2; } if (!(r2 & p2 << 24 >> 24 == 46)) { s3 = Pt(i3) | 0; t3 = s3 + 1 | 0; Hv(b4 | 0, i3 | 0, t3 | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return s3 | 0; } a[q3 >> 0] = 0; s3 = Pt(i3) | 0; t3 = s3 + 1 | 0; Hv(b4 | 0, i3 | 0, t3 | 0) | 0; Ia = d2; return s3 | 0; } function $c(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[h3 + 44 >> 2] ^ f2; j2 = f2 >>> 5; if (j2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0) { k2 = ~j2; l2 = i3; m4 = f2; while (true) { n2 = (l2 << 5) + (l2 >>> 2) + (d[e2 + (m4 + -1) >> 0] | 0) ^ l2; m4 = m4 + k2 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 <= j2 >>> 0) { o2 = n2; break; } else l2 = n2; } } else o2 = i3; i3 = h3 + 24 | 0; l2 = h3 + 32 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + ((j2 + -1 & o2) << 2) | 0; k2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (k2 | 0) { n2 = k2; while (true) { if (((o2 | 0) == (c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) ? (c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == (f2 | 0) : 0) ? (ft(e2, n2 + 16 | 0, f2) | 0) == 0 : 0) break; p2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) break a; else n2 = p2; } p2 = n2 + 5 | 0; q3 = a[p2 >> 0] ^ 3; if (((a[h3 + 48 >> 0] ^ 3) & q3) << 24 >> 24) { r2 = n2; return r2 | 0; } a[p2 >> 0] = q3; r2 = n2; return r2 | 0; } while (0); k2 = h3 + 28 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) < 1073741823 ? (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0 : 0) { dd2(b4, j2 << 1); s3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 & o2) << 2) | 0; } else { s3 = h3; t3 = m4; } m4 = f2 + 17 | 0; h3 = s3 + 4 | 0; l2 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, m4) | 0; if ((m4 | 0) != 0 & (l2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[s3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); i3 = Pa[c[s3 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, m4) | 0; if (!i3) wc(b4, 4); else u2 = i3; } else u2 = l2; l2 = s3 + 12 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + m4; m4 = (t3 | 0) == 0 ? s3 + 56 | 0 : t3; a[u2 + 5 >> 0] = a[s3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[u2 + 4 >> 0] = 4; c[u2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[m4 >> 2] = u2; c[u2 + 12 >> 2] = f2; c[u2 + 8 >> 2] = o2; a[u2 + 6 >> 0] = 0; o2 = u2 + 16 | 0; Hv(o2 | 0, e2 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; a[o2 + f2 >> 0] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; r2 = u2; return r2 | 0; } function ad(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; e2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; bd2(a2, (e2 | 0) == 3 | (e2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? d2 : b4, 46429); } function bd2(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; g2 = f2 + 24 | 0; h3 = f2 + 8 | 0; i3 = f2; j2 = f2 + 32 | 0; f2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = c[16 + ((c[d2 + 4 >> 2] & 15) + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[f2 + 18 >> 0] & 1)) { c[g2 >> 2] = e2; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = k2; yc(b4, 46540, g2); } m4 = c[c[f2 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; n2 = a[m4 + 6 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (!(n2 << 24 >> 24)) o2 = 7; else { p2 = n2 & 255; q3 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[(c[m4 + 16 + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (d2 | 0)) break; r2 = q3 + 1 | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0) q3 = r2; else { o2 = 7; break a; } } p2 = c[(c[(c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 28 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 3) >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (p2 | 0) == 0 ? 78709 : p2 + 16 | 0; s3 = 46441; } while (0); if ((o2 | 0) == 7) { n2 = c[f2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = n2; if (n2 >>> 0 >= p2 >>> 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = e2; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = k2; yc(b4, 46540, g2); } t3 = n2; while (true) { if ((t3 | 0) == (d2 | 0)) break; t3 = t3 + 8 | 0; if (t3 >>> 0 >= p2 >>> 0) { o2 = 16; break; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 16) { c[g2 >> 2] = e2; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = k2; yc(b4, 46540, g2); } o2 = c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = cd2(o2, ((c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) - (c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) >> 2) + -1 | 0, d2 - r2 >> 3, j2) | 0; if (!m4) { c[g2 >> 2] = e2; l2 = g2 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = k2; yc(b4, 46540, g2); } else s3 = m4; } if (Ot(e2, 46449) | 0) { u2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = e2; v2 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = s3; w2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = u2; x2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = k2; yc(b4, 46505, h3); } if (!(Ot(k2, 61335) | 0)) { m4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = s3; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = m4; yc(b4, 46455, i3); } else { u2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = e2; v2 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = s3; w2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = u2; x2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = k2; yc(b4, 46505, h3); } } function cd2(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0; g2 = b4 + 24 | 0; h3 = b4 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) > 0; k2 = d2; d2 = e2; a: while (true) { b: do if (j2) { l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 0; e2 = d2 + 1 | 0; while (true) { if ((c[l2 + (m4 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) > (k2 | 0)) break b; if ((c[l2 + (m4 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) > (k2 | 0)) { n2 = e2 + -1 | 0; if (!n2) { o2 = 8; break a; } else p2 = n2; } else p2 = e2; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)) { m4 = n2; e2 = p2; } else break; } } while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = 0; if ((k2 | 0) <= 0) { q3 = 0; o2 = 51; break; } r2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; e2 = 0; n2 = 0; s3 = -1; while (true) { t3 = c[r2 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 >>> 6 & 255; switch (t3 & 63) { case 4: { v2 = e2; w2 = (u2 | 0) > (d2 | 0) | (u2 + (t3 >>> 23) | 0) < (d2 | 0) ? s3 : (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? -1 : n2; break; } case 47: { v2 = e2; w2 = (u2 + 2 | 0) > (d2 | 0) ? s3 : (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? -1 : n2; break; } case 43: case 42: { v2 = e2; w2 = (u2 | 0) > (d2 | 0) ? s3 : (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? -1 : n2; break; } case 36: { x2 = n2 + -131070 + (t3 >>> 14) | 0; v2 = (x2 | 0) > (e2 | 0) & ((x2 | 0) <= (k2 | 0) & (n2 | 0) < (x2 | 0)) ? x2 : e2; w2 = s3; break; } case 40: { v2 = e2; w2 = (u2 | 0) == (d2 | 0) ? (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? -1 : n2 : s3; break; } default: { v2 = e2; w2 = ((u2 | 0) == (d2 | 0) ? (a[336 + (t3 & 63) >> 0] & 64) != 0 : 0) ? (n2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? -1 : n2 : s3; } } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) == (k2 | 0)) break; else { e2 = v2; s3 = w2; } } if ((w2 | 0) == -1) { q3 = 0; o2 = 51; break; } y4 = c[r2 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; switch (y4 & 63) { case 7: case 6: { o2 = 22; break a; break; } case 5: { o2 = 39; break a; break; } case 2: case 1: { o2 = 40; break a; break; } case 12: { o2 = 45; break a; break; } case 0: break; default: { q3 = 0; o2 = 51; break a; } } d2 = y4 >>> 23; if (d2 >>> 0 >= (y4 >>> 6 & 255) >>> 0) { q3 = 0; o2 = 51; break; } else k2 = w2; } if ((o2 | 0) == 8) { c[f2 >> 2] = (c[l2 + (m4 * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0) + 16; q3 = 64408; return q3 | 0; } else if ((o2 | 0) == 22) { m4 = y4 >>> 14; l2 = m4 & 511; k2 = y4 >>> 23; c: do if ((y4 & 63 | 0) == 7) if (j2) { d2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 0; h3 = k2 + 1 | 0; while (true) { if ((c[d2 + (v2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) > (w2 | 0)) { z3 = 0; break c; } if ((c[d2 + (v2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) > (w2 | 0)) { p2 = h3 + -1 | 0; if (!p2) break; else A4 = p2; } else A4 = h3; p2 = v2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (i3 | 0)) { v2 = p2; h3 = A4; } else { z3 = 0; break c; } } z3 = (c[d2 + (v2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; } else z3 = 0; else { h3 = c[(c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + (k2 << 3) >> 2] | 0; z3 = (h3 | 0) == 0 ? 78709 : h3 + 16 | 0; } while (0); if (!(y4 & 4194304)) { k2 = cd2(b4, w2, l2, f2) | 0; if (!((k2 | 0) != 0 ? (a[k2 >> 0] | 0) == 99 : 0)) o2 = 36; } else { k2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; l2 = m4 & 255; if ((c[k2 + (l2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4) c[f2 >> 2] = (c[k2 + (l2 << 3) >> 2] | 0) + 16; else o2 = 36; } if ((o2 | 0) == 36) c[f2 >> 2] = 78709; if (!z3) { q3 = 46577; return q3 | 0; } l2 = (Ot(z3, 46565) | 0) == 0; q3 = l2 ? 46570 : 46577; return q3 | 0; } else if ((o2 | 0) == 39) { l2 = c[(c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0) + (y4 >>> 23 << 3) >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (l2 | 0) == 0 ? 78709 : l2 + 16 | 0; q3 = 46441; return q3 | 0; } else if ((o2 | 0) == 40) { if ((y4 & 63 | 0) == 1) B2 = y4 >>> 14; else B2 = (c[r2 + (w2 + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 6; r2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[r2 + (B2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 4) { q3 = 0; return q3 | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = (c[r2 + (B2 << 3) >> 2] | 0) + 16; q3 = 46590; return q3 | 0; } else if ((o2 | 0) == 45) { B2 = y4 >>> 14; if (!(y4 & 4194304)) { y4 = cd2(b4, w2, B2 & 511, f2) | 0; if (y4 | 0 ? (a[y4 >> 0] | 0) == 99 : 0) { q3 = 46583; return q3 | 0; } } else { y4 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; b4 = B2 & 255; if ((c[y4 + (b4 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4) { c[f2 >> 2] = (c[y4 + (b4 << 3) >> 2] | 0) + 16; q3 = 46583; return q3 | 0; } } c[f2 >> 2] = 78709; q3 = 46583; return q3 | 0; } else if ((o2 | 0) == 51) return q3 | 0; return 0; } function dd2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 24 | 0; i3 = g2 + 49 | 0; if (!(1 << d[i3 >> 0] & -5)) do ed(b4) | 0; while (!(1 << d[i3 >> 0] & -5 | 0)); i3 = g2 + 32 | 0; g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { if ((e2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(b4); j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = g2 << 2; l2 = e2 << 2; m4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = (j2 | 0) == 0; o2 = m4 + 4 | 0; p2 = Pa[c[m4 >> 2] & 3](c[o2 >> 2] | 0, j2, k2, l2) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) != 0 & (p2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[m4 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); q3 = Pa[c[m4 >> 2] & 3](c[o2 >> 2] | 0, j2, k2, l2) | 0; if (!q3) wc(b4, 4); else r2 = q3; } else r2 = p2; p2 = m4 + 12 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = (n2 ? 0 : 0 - k2 | 0) + l2 + (c[p2 >> 2] | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = r2; p2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? (c[r2 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] = 0, r2 = p2 + 1 | 0, (r2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)) : 0) { l2 = r2; do { c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); s3 = p2; } else s3 = p2; } else s3 = g2; if ((s3 | 0) > 0) { g2 = e2 + -1 | 0; p2 = s3; l2 = 0; while (true) { r2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) | 0; k2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; if (!k2) t3 = p2; else { r2 = k2; do { k2 = r2; r2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[k2 + 8 >> 2] & g2; c[k2 >> 2] = c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 << 2) >> 2]; c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 << 2) >> 2] = k2; n2 = k2 + 5 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] & -65; } while ((r2 | 0) != 0); t3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) >= (t3 | 0)) { u2 = t3; break; } else p2 = t3; } } else u2 = s3; if ((u2 | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) { c[i3 >> 2] = e2; return; } if ((e2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 1073741823) Jc(b4); s3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = u2 << 2; u2 = e2 << 2; p2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (s3 | 0) == 0; l2 = p2 + 4 | 0; g2 = Pa[c[p2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, s3, t3, u2) | 0; if ((u2 | 0) != 0 & (g2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[p2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); r2 = Pa[c[p2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 >> 2] | 0, s3, t3, u2) | 0; if (!r2) wc(b4, 4); else v2 = r2; } else v2 = g2; g2 = p2 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (f2 ? 0 : 0 - t3 | 0) + u2 + (c[g2 >> 2] | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = v2; c[i3 >> 2] = e2; return; } function ed(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = b4 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + 49 | 0; switch (a[i3 >> 0] | 0) { case 5: { j2 = h3 + 16 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = c[h3 + 32 >> 2] << 2; k2 = h3 + 72 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; k2 = c[h3 + 144 >> 2] | 0; if (k2 | 0 ? a[k2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(h3, k2); if (c[h3 + 40 >> 2] & 64 | 0 ? (k2 = c[h3 + 36 >> 2] | 0, a[k2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) : 0) Hc(h3, k2); fd(h3); k2 = c[h3 + 92 >> 2] | 0; if (k2 | 0) { l2 = h3 + 48 | 0; m4 = k2; do { k2 = m4 + 5 | 0; a[k2 >> 0] = a[l2 >> 0] & 3 | a[k2 >> 0] & -72; Hc(h3, m4); m4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != 0); } a[i3 >> 0] = 0; n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } case 0: { j2 = h3 + 72 | 0; if (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) { m4 = h3 + 16 | 0; l2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; gd(h3); n2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - l2 | 0; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } a[i3 >> 0] = 1; l2 = h3 + 16 | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3 + 20 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; if (a[b4 + 5 >> 0] & 3) Hc(h3, b4); if (c[h3 + 40 >> 2] & 64 | 0 ? (o2 = c[h3 + 36 >> 2] | 0, a[o2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) : 0) Hc(h3, o2); fd(h3); o2 = h3 + 96 | 0; p2 = c[h3 + 112 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != (o2 | 0)) { q3 = p2; do { if (((a[q3 + 5 >> 0] & 7) == 0 ? (p2 = c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) : 0) ? (r2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0, a[r2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) : 0) Hc(h3, r2); q3 = c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (o2 | 0)); } if (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); o2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) - m4 | 0; m4 = h3 + 80 | 0; q3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = h3 + 76 | 0; p2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = h3 + 84 | 0; t3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = p2; if (p2 | 0) do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); c[j2 >> 2] = q3; if (q3 | 0) do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); c[j2 >> 2] = t3; if (t3 | 0) do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); t3 = o2 - (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; do { o2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; if (!o2) break; q3 = o2; o2 = 0; while (true) { p2 = q3; q3 = c[q3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; if (hd2(h3, p2) | 0) if (!(c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) u2 = 1; else { do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); u2 = 1; } else u2 = o2; if (!q3) break; else o2 = u2; } } while ((u2 | 0) != 0); id(h3, c[m4 >> 2] | 0, 0); u2 = h3 + 88 | 0; id(h3, c[u2 >> 2] | 0, 0); o2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = t3 + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = t3 + 60 | 0; v2 = t3 + 92 | 0; t3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) w2 = v2; else { v2 = t3; while (true) { t3 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) break; else v2 = t3; } w2 = v2; } v2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (v2 | 0) { t3 = v2; v2 = w2; w2 = r2; while (true) { r2 = t3 + 5 | 0; x2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(x2 & 3)) { y4 = v2; z3 = t3; } else { a[r2 >> 0] = x2 | 8; c[w2 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; c[t3 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; c[v2 >> 2] = t3; y4 = t3; z3 = w2; } t3 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) break; else { v2 = y4; w2 = z3; } } } z3 = c[h3 + 92 >> 2] | 0; if (z3 | 0) { w2 = h3 + 48 | 0; y4 = z3; do { z3 = y4 + 5 | 0; a[z3 >> 0] = a[w2 >> 0] & 3 | a[z3 >> 0] & -72; Hc(h3, y4); y4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; } while ((y4 | 0) != 0); } if (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); y4 = p2 - (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; while (true) { p2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; if (!p2) break; w2 = p2; p2 = 0; while (true) { z3 = w2; w2 = c[w2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; if (hd2(h3, z3) | 0) if (!(c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) A4 = 1; else { do gd(h3); while ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) != 0); A4 = 1; } else A4 = p2; if (!w2) break; else p2 = A4; } if (!A4) { B2 = 72; break; } } if ((B2 | 0) == 72 ? (A4 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0, A4 | 0) : 0) { s3 = A4; do { A4 = c[s3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; j2 = a[s3 + 7 >> 0] | 0; p2 = A4 + ((1 << (j2 & 255)) * 20 | 0) | 0; if (j2 << 24 >> 24 != 31) { j2 = A4; do { A4 = j2 + 4 | 0; do if (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) { w2 = j2 + 12 | 0; z3 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(z3 & 64)) break; v2 = c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 & 15 | 0) == 4) { if (!v2) break; if (!(a[v2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) break; Hc(h3, v2); break; } else { z3 = v2 + 5 | 0; if (!(a[z3 >> 0] & 3)) break; c[A4 >> 2] = 0; if (!(a[z3 >> 0] & 3)) break; c[w2 >> 2] = 11; break; } } while (0); j2 = j2 + 20 | 0; } while (j2 >>> 0 < p2 >>> 0); } s3 = c[s3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != 0); } s3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 | 0) { p2 = s3; do { s3 = c[p2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; j2 = a[p2 + 7 >> 0] | 0; A4 = s3 + ((1 << (j2 & 255)) * 20 | 0) | 0; if (j2 << 24 >> 24 != 31) { j2 = s3; do { s3 = j2 + 4 | 0; do if (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { w2 = j2 + 12 | 0; z3 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(z3 & 64)) break; v2 = c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 & 15 | 0) == 4) { if (!v2) break; if (!(a[v2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) break; Hc(h3, v2); break; } else { z3 = v2 + 5 | 0; if (!(a[z3 >> 0] & 3)) break; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; if (!(a[z3 >> 0] & 3)) break; c[w2 >> 2] = 11; break; } } while (0); j2 = j2 + 20 | 0; } while (j2 >>> 0 < A4 >>> 0); } p2 = c[p2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != 0); } id(h3, c[m4 >> 2] | 0, o2); id(h3, c[u2 >> 2] | 0, q3); q3 = h3 + 48 | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = a[q3 >> 0] ^ 3; q3 = y4 + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + q3; n2 = ((jd(b4) | 0) * 5 | 0) + q3 | 0; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } case 2: { q3 = h3 + 52 | 0; k2 = h3 + 32 | 0; l2 = h3 + 24 | 0; y4 = 0; while (true) { u2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0; o2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ((u2 | 0) >= (o2 | 0)) { C3 = o2; D3 = u2; E3 = y4; break; } o2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + (u2 << 2) | 0; u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = d[u2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; p2 = m4 ^ 3; A4 = (a[u2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; u2 = A4 ? 255 : 184; j2 = A4 ? 64 : m4 & 3; m4 = A4 ? 64 : 0; A4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (A4 | 0) { s3 = A4; w2 = -3; z3 = o2; while (true) { if (!w2) break a; w2 = w2 + -1 | 0; v2 = s3 + 5 | 0; t3 = d[v2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((t3 ^ 3) & p2)) { c[z3 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; kd(b4, s3); F3 = z3; } else { if (m4 & t3 | 0) break a; if ((a[s3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, s3); a[v2 >> 0] = u2 & t3 | j2; F3 = s3; } s3 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) break; else z3 = F3; } } while (0); y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 >= 80) { B2 = 116; break; } } if ((B2 | 0) == 116) { C3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0; E3 = y4; } c[q3 >> 2] = D3; if ((D3 | 0) >= (C3 | 0)) a[i3 >> 0] = 3; n2 = E3 * 5 | 0; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } case 3: { E3 = h3 + 68 | 0; C3 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; if (!C3) { a[i3 >> 0] = 4; n2 = 0; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } D3 = d[h3 + 48 >> 0] | 0; q3 = D3 ^ 3; y4 = (a[h3 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; k2 = y4 ? 255 : 184; B2 = y4 ? 64 : D3 & 3; D3 = y4 ? 64 : 0; y4 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (!y4) G2 = 0; else { F3 = y4; l2 = 80; j2 = C3; while (true) { if (!l2) { G2 = j2; break b; } l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; u2 = F3 + 5 | 0; m4 = d[u2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((m4 ^ 3) & q3)) { c[j2 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2]; kd(b4, F3); H2 = j2; } else { if (D3 & m4 | 0) { G2 = 0; break b; } if ((a[F3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, F3); a[u2 >> 0] = k2 & m4 | B2; H2 = F3; } F3 = c[H2 >> 2] | 0; if (!F3) { G2 = 0; break; } else j2 = H2; } } while (0); c[E3 >> 2] = G2; n2 = 400; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } case 4: { G2 = h3 + 64 | 0; E3 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; if (E3 | 0) { H2 = d[h3 + 48 >> 0] | 0; B2 = H2 ^ 3; k2 = (a[h3 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; D3 = k2 ? 255 : 184; q3 = k2 ? 64 : H2 & 3; H2 = k2 ? 64 : 0; k2 = c[E3 >> 2] | 0; c: do if (!k2) I2 = 0; else { C3 = k2; y4 = 80; j2 = E3; while (true) { if (!y4) { I2 = j2; break c; } y4 = y4 + -1 | 0; F3 = C3 + 5 | 0; l2 = d[F3 >> 0] | 0; if (!((l2 ^ 3) & B2)) { c[j2 >> 2] = c[C3 >> 2]; kd(b4, C3); J2 = j2; } else { if (H2 & l2 | 0) { I2 = 0; break c; } if ((a[C3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, C3); a[F3 >> 0] = D3 & l2 | q3; J2 = C3; } C3 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; if (!C3) { I2 = 0; break; } else j2 = J2; } } while (0); c[G2 >> 2] = I2; n2 = 400; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } I2 = c[h3 + 144 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = I2; G2 = d[h3 + 48 >> 0] | 0; J2 = G2 ^ 3; q3 = a[h3 + 50 >> 0] | 0; D3 = q3 << 24 >> 24 == 2; H2 = D3 ? 255 : 184; B2 = D3 ? 64 : G2 & 3; G2 = D3 ? 64 : 0; if (!I2) { K2 = q3; L3 = h3; } else { h3 = I2; I2 = 1; q3 = f2; while (true) { if (!I2) break; I2 = I2 + -1 | 0; f2 = h3 + 5 | 0; D3 = d[f2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((D3 ^ 3) & J2)) { c[q3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; kd(b4, h3); M2 = q3; } else { if (G2 & D3 | 0) break; if ((a[h3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, h3); a[f2 >> 0] = H2 & D3 | B2; M2 = h3; } h3 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) break; else q3 = M2; } M2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = a[M2 + 50 >> 0] | 0; L3 = M2; } if (K2 << 24 >> 24 != 1) { K2 = (c[L3 + 32 >> 2] | 0) / 2 | 0; if ((c[L3 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < K2 >>> 0) { dd2(b4, K2); N4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } else N4 = L3; g2 = L3 + 116 | 0; K2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; b4 = L3 + 124 | 0; L3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; M2 = Pa[c[N4 >> 2] & 3](c[N4 + 4 >> 2] | 0, K2, L3, 0) | 0; q3 = N4 + 12 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) - ((K2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : L3); c[g2 >> 2] = M2; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; } a[i3 >> 0] = 5; n2 = 5; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } default: { n2 = 0; Ia = e2; return n2 | 0; } } return 0; } function fd(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = c[b4 + 276 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 280 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 284 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 288 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 292 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 296 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 300 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 304 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0 ? a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, d2); d2 = c[b4 + 308 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) return; if (!(a[d2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) return; Hc(b4, d2); return; } function gd(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0; e2 = b4 + 72 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 5 | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 4; switch (a[f2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) { case 5: { h3 = f2 + 24 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; i3 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; do if (i3) { j2 = i3 + 6 | 0; k2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(k2 & 8)) { l2 = c[b4 + 168 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[i3 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[l2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 68 ? (c[m4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (l2 | 0) : 0) { n2 = 7; break; } o2 = c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!o2) { p2 = 2172216; break; } else m4 = o2; } if ((n2 | 0) == 7) p2 = m4; if (!(c[p2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { a[j2 >> 0] = k2 | 8; q3 = 0; } else q3 = p2; } else q3 = 0; if (a[i3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) Hc(b4, i3); if (((q3 | 0) != 0 ? (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) == 4 : 0) ? (l2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0, o2 = $t(l2, 107) | 0, r2 = (o2 | 0) != 0, o2 = ($t(l2, 118) | 0) != 0, r2 | o2) : 0) { l2 = f2 + 5 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = a[l2 >> 0] & -5; if (r2) if (o2) { o2 = b4 + 88 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[o2 >> 2]; c[o2 >> 2] = f2; break; } else { hd2(b4, f2) | 0; break; } o2 = c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; r2 = a[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0; l2 = o2 + ((1 << (r2 & 255)) * 20 | 0) | 0; s3 = (c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) > 0 & 1; if (r2 << 24 >> 24 == 31) t3 = s3; else { r2 = s3; s3 = o2; while (true) { o2 = s3 + 4 | 0; u2 = s3 + 12 | 0; v2 = (c[u2 >> 2] & 64 | 0) == 0; a: do if (!(c[o2 >> 2] | 0)) if (!v2 ? (a[(c[s3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 11; w2 = r2; } else w2 = r2; else { if (!v2 ? (x2 = c[s3 + 8 >> 2] | 0, a[x2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) : 0) Hc(b4, x2); if (!r2) { x2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; do if (x2 & 64 | 0) { y4 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 & 15 | 0) != 4) if (!(a[y4 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) break; else { w2 = 1; break a; } if (y4 | 0) { if (!(a[y4 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) break; Hc(b4, y4); } } while (0); w2 = 0; } else w2 = r2; } while (0); s3 = s3 + 20 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0) { t3 = w2; break; } else r2 = w2; } } if (!t3) { r2 = b4 + 76 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; c[r2 >> 2] = f2; break; } else { r2 = b4 + 80 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[r2 >> 2]; c[r2 >> 2] = f2; break; } } else n2 = 41; } else n2 = 41; while (0); if ((n2 | 0) == 41) { n2 = f2 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = h3 + ((1 << d[f2 + 7 >> 0]) * 20 | 0) | 0; w2 = f2 + 28 | 0; q3 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if ((q3 | 0) > 0) { i3 = f2 + 12 | 0; p2 = q3; q3 = 0; while (true) { r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[r2 + (q3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (l2 = c[r2 + (q3 << 3) >> 2] | 0, (a[l2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, l2); z3 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; } else z3 = p2; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) >= (z3 | 0)) break; else p2 = z3; } A4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; } else A4 = h3; if (A4 >>> 0 < t3 >>> 0) { h3 = A4; do { A4 = h3 + 4 | 0; n2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = h3 + 12 | 0; p2 = (c[z3 >> 2] & 64 | 0) == 0; if (!n2) { if (!p2 ? a[(c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) c[z3 >> 2] = 11; } else { if (!p2 ? (p2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0, (a[p2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, p2); B2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; } else B2 = n2; if (B2 & 64 | 0 ? (n2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0, a[n2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) : 0) Hc(b4, n2); } h3 = h3 + 20 | 0; } while (h3 >>> 0 < t3 >>> 0); } } C3 = (c[f2 + 28 >> 2] << 3) + 32 + (20 << d[f2 + 7 >> 0]) | 0; break; } case 6: { c[e2 >> 2] = c[f2 + 8 >> 2]; t3 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (t3 | 0 ? a[t3 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, t3); t3 = f2 + 6 | 0; h3 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(h3 << 24 >> 24)) C3 = 16; else { B2 = h3; h3 = 0; while (true) { n2 = c[f2 + 16 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) != 0 ? (a[n2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { Hc(b4, n2); D3 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; } else D3 = B2; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; E3 = D3 & 255; if (h3 >>> 0 >= E3 >>> 0) break; else B2 = D3; } C3 = (E3 << 2) + 16 | 0; } break; } case 38: { c[e2 >> 2] = c[f2 + 8 >> 2]; E3 = f2 + 6 | 0; D3 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(D3 << 24 >> 24)) C3 = 16; else { B2 = D3; D3 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[f2 + 16 + (D3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (h3 = c[f2 + 16 + (D3 << 3) >> 2] | 0, (a[h3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, h3); F3 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; } else F3 = B2; D3 = D3 + 1 | 0; G2 = F3 & 255; if (D3 >>> 0 >= G2 >>> 0) break; else B2 = F3; } C3 = (G2 << 3) + 16 | 0; } break; } case 8: { G2 = f2 + 60 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = c[G2 >> 2]; F3 = b4 + 76 | 0; c[G2 >> 2] = c[F3 >> 2]; c[F3 >> 2] = f2; a[g2 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] & -5; g2 = f2 + 28 | 0; F3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!F3) C3 = 1; else { G2 = f2 + 8 | 0; B2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; if (F3 >>> 0 < B2 >>> 0) { D3 = B2; B2 = F3; while (true) { if ((c[B2 + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (E3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0, (a[E3 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, E3); H2 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; } else H2 = D3; E3 = B2 + 8 | 0; if (E3 >>> 0 < H2 >>> 0) { D3 = H2; B2 = E3; } else { I2 = E3; break; } } } else I2 = F3; if ((a[b4 + 49 >> 0] | 0) == 1) { F3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[f2 + 32 >> 2] << 3) | 0; if (I2 >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0) { g2 = I2; do { c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; g2 = g2 + 8 | 0; } while (g2 >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0); J2 = 120; } else J2 = 120; } else { F3 = f2 + 72 | 0; g2 = c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (F3 | 0)) J2 = 120; else { I2 = F3; F3 = 0; do { F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; I2 = c[I2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; } while ((I2 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); J2 = (F3 * 40 | 0) + 120 | 0; } } C3 = (c[f2 + 32 >> 2] << 3) + J2 | 0; } break; } case 9: { c[e2 >> 2] = c[f2 + 72 >> 2]; e2 = f2 + 32 | 0; J2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (J2 | 0 ? a[J2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) c[e2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = c[f2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 | 0 ? a[e2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) Hc(b4, e2); e2 = f2 + 44 | 0; J2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((J2 | 0) > 0) { F3 = f2 + 8 | 0; g2 = J2; J2 = 0; while (true) { I2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[I2 + (J2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (B2 = c[I2 + (J2 << 3) >> 2] | 0, (a[B2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, B2); K2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else K2 = g2; J2 = J2 + 1 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) >= (K2 | 0)) break; else g2 = K2; } } K2 = f2 + 40 | 0; g2 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > 0) { J2 = f2 + 28 | 0; F3 = g2; g2 = 0; while (true) { B2 = c[(c[J2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 3) >> 2] | 0; if ((B2 | 0) != 0 ? (a[B2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { Hc(b4, B2); L3 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; } else L3 = F3; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (L3 | 0)) break; else F3 = L3; } } L3 = f2 + 56 | 0; F3 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; if ((F3 | 0) > 0) { g2 = f2 + 16 | 0; J2 = F3; B2 = 0; while (true) { I2 = c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (B2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) != 0 ? (a[I2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { Hc(b4, I2); M2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; } else M2 = J2; B2 = B2 + 1 | 0; if ((B2 | 0) >= (M2 | 0)) { N4 = M2; break; } else J2 = M2; } } else N4 = F3; F3 = f2 + 60 | 0; M2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; if ((M2 | 0) > 0) { J2 = f2 + 24 | 0; B2 = M2; g2 = 0; while (true) { I2 = c[(c[J2 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0; if ((I2 | 0) != 0 ? (a[I2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { Hc(b4, I2); O2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; } else O2 = B2; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (O2 | 0)) break; else B2 = O2; } P2 = O2; Q3 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; } else { P2 = M2; Q3 = N4; } C3 = (P2 * 12 | 0) + 80 + ((c[f2 + 48 >> 2] | 0) + Q3 + (c[f2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) << 2) + ((c[K2 >> 2] | 0) + (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) << 3) | 0; break; } default: return; } e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + C3; return; } function hd2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0; f2 = e2 + 16 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + ((1 << (d[e2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) * 20 | 0) | 0; i3 = e2 + 28 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > 0) { k2 = e2 + 12 | 0; l2 = j2; j2 = 0; m4 = 0; while (true) { n2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[n2 + (j2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] & 64 | 0) != 0 ? (o2 = c[n2 + (j2 << 3) >> 2] | 0, (a[o2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0) : 0) { Hc(b4, o2); p2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = 1; } else { p2 = l2; q3 = m4; } j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) >= (p2 | 0)) break; else { l2 = p2; m4 = q3; } } r2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = q3; } else { r2 = g2; s3 = 0; } if (r2 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0) { g2 = 0; q3 = s3; f2 = r2; r2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = f2 + 4 | 0; p2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; l2 = f2 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (j2 & 64 | 0) == 0; a: do if (!p2) if (!i3 ? (a[(c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { c[l2 >> 2] = 11; t3 = g2; u2 = q3; v2 = r2; } else { t3 = g2; u2 = q3; v2 = r2; } else { do if (i3) { w2 = p2; x2 = 19; } else { k2 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 & 15 | 0) == 4) { if (!k2) { w2 = p2; x2 = 19; break; } if (!(a[k2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { w2 = p2; x2 = 19; break; } Hc(b4, k2); w2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; x2 = 19; break; } o2 = (p2 & 64 | 0) == 0; if (!(a[k2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) if (o2) { t3 = g2; u2 = q3; v2 = r2; break a; } else break; if (o2) { t3 = 1; u2 = q3; v2 = r2; break a; } t3 = 1; u2 = q3; v2 = (a[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3) == 0 ? r2 : 1; break a; } while (0); if ((x2 | 0) == 19 ? (x2 = 0, (w2 & 64 | 0) == 0) : 0) { t3 = g2; u2 = q3; v2 = r2; break; } o2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[o2 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { t3 = g2; u2 = q3; v2 = r2; } else { Hc(b4, o2); t3 = g2; u2 = 1; v2 = r2; } } while (0); f2 = f2 + 20 | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 >= h3 >>> 0) break; else { g2 = t3; q3 = u2; r2 = v2; } } if (v2 | 0) { y4 = b4 + 84 | 0; z3 = u2; A4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = A4; c[y4 >> 2] = e2; return z3 | 0; } if (!t3) C3 = u2; else { y4 = b4 + 88 | 0; z3 = u2; A4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = A4; c[y4 >> 2] = e2; return z3 | 0; } } else C3 = s3; y4 = b4 + 76 | 0; z3 = C3; A4 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; B2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[B2 >> 2] = A4; c[y4 >> 2] = e2; return z3 | 0; } function id(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; if ((e2 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) return; g2 = e2; do { e2 = g2 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + ((1 << (d[g2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) * 20 | 0) | 0; j2 = g2 + 28 | 0; if ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { k2 = g2 + 12 | 0; l2 = 0; do { m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (od2(b4, m4 + (l2 << 3) | 0) | 0) c[m4 + (l2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0)); n2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else n2 = h3; if (n2 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0) { j2 = n2; do { l2 = j2 + 4 | 0; if (((c[l2 >> 2] | 0 ? od2(b4, j2) | 0 : 0) ? (c[l2 >> 2] = 0, l2 = j2 + 12 | 0, c[l2 >> 2] & 64 | 0) : 0) ? a[(c[j2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3 : 0) c[l2 >> 2] = 11; j2 = j2 + 20 | 0; } while (j2 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0); } g2 = c[g2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); return; } function jd(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0; e2 = b4 + 12 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; a[f2 + 49 >> 0] = 2; c[f2 + 52 >> 2] = 0; g2 = f2 + 60 | 0; h3 = d[f2 + 48 >> 0] | 0; i3 = (a[f2 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; j2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!j2) { k2 = 1; l2 = 0; } else { m4 = j2; n2 = 1; o2 = i3 ? 255 : 184; p2 = i3 ? 64 : h3 & 3; q3 = i3 ? 64 : 0; r2 = h3; while (true) { s3 = r2 ^ 3; t3 = m4; u2 = 1; v2 = g2; while (true) { if (!u2) break; u2 = u2 + -1 | 0; w2 = t3 + 5 | 0; x2 = d[w2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((x2 ^ 3) & s3)) { c[v2 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; kd(b4, t3); y4 = v2; } else { if (q3 & x2 | 0) { k2 = n2; l2 = 0; break a; } if ((a[t3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, t3); a[w2 >> 0] = o2 & x2 | p2; y4 = t3; } t3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { k2 = n2; l2 = 0; break a; } else v2 = y4; } if ((v2 | 0) != (g2 | 0)) { k2 = n2; l2 = v2; break a; } t3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = n2 + 1 | 0; u2 = d[t3 + 48 >> 0] | 0; x2 = (a[t3 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) { k2 = s3; l2 = 0; break; } else { n2 = s3; o2 = x2 ? 255 : 184; p2 = x2 ? 64 : u2 & 3; q3 = x2 ? 64 : 0; r2 = u2; } } } while (0); c[f2 + 68 >> 2] = l2; l2 = f2 + 56 | 0; g2 = 0; b: while (true) { g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = d[y4 + 48 >> 0] | 0; i3 = h3 ^ 3; j2 = (a[y4 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; y4 = j2 ? 255 : 184; r2 = j2 ? 64 : h3 & 3; h3 = j2 ? 64 : 0; j2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) { z3 = 0; A4 = 26; break; } q3 = j2; j2 = 1; p2 = l2; while (true) { if (!j2) break; j2 = j2 + -1 | 0; o2 = q3 + 5 | 0; n2 = d[o2 >> 0] | 0; if (!((n2 ^ 3) & i3)) { c[p2 >> 2] = c[q3 >> 2]; kd(b4, q3); B2 = p2; } else { if (h3 & n2 | 0) { z3 = 0; A4 = 26; break b; } if ((a[q3 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, q3); a[o2 >> 0] = y4 & n2 | r2; B2 = q3; } q3 = c[B2 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { z3 = 0; A4 = 26; break b; } else p2 = B2; } if ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)) { z3 = p2; A4 = 26; break; } } if ((A4 | 0) == 26) { c[f2 + 64 >> 2] = z3; return g2 + k2 | 0; } return 0; } function kd(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; do switch (a[e2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) { case 9: { md(b4, e2); return; } case 6: { f2 = (d[e2 + 6 >> 0] << 2) + 16 | 0; g2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, f2, 0) | 0; h3 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) - f2; return; } case 38: { f2 = (d[e2 + 6 >> 0] << 3) + 16 | 0; h3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[h3 >> 2] & 3](c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, f2, 0) | 0; g2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - f2; return; } case 10: { f2 = e2 + 12 | 0; if ((c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) != (f2 | 0)) { g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; } g2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, 20, 0) | 0; f2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -20; return; } case 5: { f2 = c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) == 2172240) i3 = b4 + 12 | 0; else { g2 = 20 << d[e2 + 7 >> 0]; h3 = b4 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, f2, g2, 0) | 0; k2 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - ((f2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : g2); i3 = h3; } h3 = c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[e2 + 28 >> 2] << 3; f2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[f2 >> 2] & 3](c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, h3, g2, 0) | 0; k2 = f2 + 12 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - ((h3 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : g2); g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, 32, 0) | 0; h3 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -32; return; } case 8: { nd2(b4, e2); return; } case 7: { h3 = (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + 24 | 0; g2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, h3, 0) | 0; k2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - h3; return; } case 4: { h3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3 + 28 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; l2 = h3; break; } case 20: { l2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: return; } while (0); b4 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 17 | 0; Pa[c[l2 >> 2] & 3](c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, b4, 0) | 0; e2 = l2 + 12 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) - b4; return; } function ld(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; f2 = e2 + 28 | 0; if (!(c[f2 >> 2] | 0)) return; g2 = e2 + 56 | 0; h3 = b4 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = d[i3 + 48 >> 0] | 0; k2 = j2 ^ 3; l2 = (a[i3 + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 2; i3 = l2 ? 255 : 184; m4 = l2 ? 64 : j2 & 3; j2 = l2 ? 64 : 0; l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (l2 | 0) { n2 = l2; o2 = -3; p2 = g2; while (true) { if (!o2) break a; o2 = o2 + -1 | 0; q3 = n2 + 5 | 0; r2 = d[q3 >> 0] | 0; if (!((r2 ^ 3) & k2)) { c[p2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; kd(b4, n2); s3 = p2; } else { if (j2 & r2 | 0) break a; if ((a[n2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 8) ld(b4, n2); a[q3 >> 0] = i3 & r2 | m4; s3 = n2; } n2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) break; else p2 = s3; } } while (0); s3 = e2 + 16 | 0; m4 = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) + 12 | 0; i3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; if (i3 | 0) { m4 = e2 + 12 | 0; b4 = i3; do { i3 = b4; b4 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[j2 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, i3, 40, 0) | 0; k2 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) - ((i3 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 40); } while ((b4 | 0) != 0); } if ((a[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 50 >> 0] | 0) == 1) return; h3 = c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; b4 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!b4) t3 = h3; else { s3 = b4; b4 = h3; while (true) { h3 = c[s3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = b4 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0 ? h3 : b4; s3 = c[s3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { t3 = m4; break; } else b4 = m4; } } b4 = t3 - (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; f2 = b4 >> 3; t3 = f2 + 11 + ((f2 + 1 | 0) / 8 | 0) | 0; f2 = (t3 | 0) < 1e6 ? t3 : 1e6; if ((b4 | 0) > 7999992) return; if ((f2 | 0) >= (c[e2 + 32 >> 2] | 0)) return; xc(e2, f2); return; } function md(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[b4 + 48 >> 2] << 2; f2 = a2 + 12 | 0; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[a2 >> 2] & 3](c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, d2, e2, 0) | 0; g2 = a2 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : e2); e2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[b4 + 56 >> 2] << 2; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, d2, 0) | 0; a2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) - ((e2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2); d2 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[b4 + 44 >> 2] << 3; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[a2 >> 2] & 3](c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, d2, e2, 0) | 0; g2 = a2 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : e2); e2 = c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[b4 + 52 >> 2] << 2; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, d2, 0) | 0; a2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) - ((e2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2); d2 = c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0; e2 = (c[b4 + 60 >> 2] | 0) * 12 | 0; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[a2 >> 2] & 3](c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, d2, e2, 0) | 0; g2 = a2 + 12 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : e2); e2 = c[b4 + 28 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[b4 + 40 >> 2] << 3; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, e2, d2, 0) | 0; a2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) - ((e2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2); d2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[d2 >> 2] & 3](c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, b4, 80, 0) | 0; f2 = d2 + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - ((b4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 80); return; } function nd2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 28 | 0; Qc2(b4, c[d2 >> 2] | 0); e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = a2 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = g2 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[h3 & 3](j2, b4, 120, 0) | 0; k2 = g2 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + -120 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; return; } c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = b4 + 72; n2 = b4 + 84 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = b4 + 12 | 0; if (!o2) p2 = e2; else { e2 = o2; do { o2 = e2; e2 = c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[q3 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, o2, 40, 0) | 0; r2 = q3 + 12 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) - ((o2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 40); } while ((e2 | 0) != 0); p2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } d2 = c[b4 + 32 >> 2] << 3; e2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Pa[c[e2 >> 2] & 3](c[e2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, p2, d2, 0) | 0; n2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) - ((p2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2); f2 = a2 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = g2 + 4 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; Pa[h3 & 3](j2, b4, 120, 0) | 0; k2 = g2 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + -120 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; return; } function od2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; e2 = c[d2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if (e2 & 64) { f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 & 15 | 0) != 4) { g2 = a[f2 + 5 >> 0] & 3; break; } if ((f2 | 0) != 0 ? (a[f2 + 5 >> 0] & 3) != 0 : 0) { Hc(b4, f2); g2 = 0; } else g2 = 0; } else g2 = 0; while (0); return g2 | 0; } function pd(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if (b4 | 0 ? (e2 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, (c[e2 + (b4 + -1 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0) : 0) { if (b4 >>> 0 <= 1) { f2 = 0; return f2 | 0; } g2 = 0; h3 = b4; while (true) { i3 = (h3 + g2 | 0) >>> 1; j2 = (c[e2 + (i3 + -1 << 3) + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0; k2 = j2 ? g2 : i3; h3 = j2 ? i3 : h3; if ((h3 - k2 | 0) >>> 0 <= 1) { f2 = k2; break; } else g2 = k2; } return f2 | 0; } g2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == 2172240) { f2 = b4; return f2 | 0; } h3 = a2 + 12 | 0; e2 = a2 + 7 | 0; a2 = b4; k2 = b4 + 1 | 0; while (true) { i3 = k2 + -1 | 0; a: do if (i3 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) l2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 3) | 0; else { j2 = k2 << 16; m4 = 0 - j2 | 0; n2 = g2 + (((((j2 | 0) < 0 ? (j2 | 0) == (m4 | 0) ? 0 : m4 : j2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[e2 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (j2 | 0) : 0) break; m4 = c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) { l2 = 2172216; break a; } else n2 = m4; } l2 = n2; } while (0); if (!(c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) break; i3 = k2 << 1; if (i3 >>> 0 > 2147483645) { o2 = 17; break; } else { j2 = k2; k2 = i3; a2 = j2; } } if ((o2 | 0) == 17) { o2 = 1; while (true) { l2 = o2 + -1 | 0; b: do if (l2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) p2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 3) | 0; else { j2 = o2 << 16; i3 = 0 - j2 | 0; m4 = g2 + (((((j2 | 0) < 0 ? (j2 | 0) == (i3 | 0) ? 0 : i3 : j2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[e2 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[m4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[m4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (j2 | 0) : 0) break; i3 = c[m4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { p2 = 2172216; break b; } else m4 = i3; } p2 = m4; } while (0); if (!(c[p2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { f2 = l2; break; } else o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } return f2 | 0; } if ((k2 - a2 | 0) >>> 0 <= 1) { f2 = a2; return f2 | 0; } o2 = a2; a2 = k2; while (true) { k2 = (a2 + o2 | 0) >>> 1; p2 = k2 + -1 | 0; c: do if (p2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) q3 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (p2 << 3) | 0; else { j2 = k2 << 16; n2 = 0 - j2 | 0; i3 = g2 + (((((j2 | 0) < 0 ? (j2 | 0) == (n2 | 0) ? 0 : n2 : j2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[e2 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (j2 | 0) : 0) break; n2 = c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!n2) { q3 = 2172216; break c; } else i3 = n2; } q3 = i3; } while (0); p2 = (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0; a2 = p2 ? k2 : a2; l2 = p2 ? o2 : k2; if ((a2 - l2 | 0) >>> 0 <= 1) { f2 = l2; break; } else o2 = l2; } return f2 | 0; } function qd2(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0; do switch (a2 | 0) { case 0: { d2 = c2 + b4 | 0; break; } case 1: { d2 = b4 - c2 | 0; break; } case 2: { d2 = hl2(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 3: { d2 = il(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 4: { d2 = jl(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 5: { d2 = kl(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 6: { d2 = c2 & b4; break; } case 7: { d2 = c2 | b4; break; } case 8: { d2 = c2 ^ b4; break; } case 9: { d2 = ul(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 10: { d2 = vl(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 11: { d2 = tl2(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 12: { d2 = rl(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 13: { d2 = sl(b4, c2) | 0; break; } case 14: { d2 = ~b4; break; } case 15: { d2 = (il(b4, c2) | 0) & -65536; break; } case 16: { d2 = Zk(b4) | 0; break; } case 17: { d2 = Yk(b4) | 0; break; } case 18: { d2 = Xk(b4) | 0; break; } case 19: { d2 = 0 - b4 | 0; break; } default: d2 = 0; } while (0); return d2 | 0; } function rd(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = (sd(b4, d2) | 0) == 0; bd2(a2, e2 ? b4 : c2, 46643); } function sd(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != 3) if ((f2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0, (Uc(f2 + 16 | 0, c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0) != 0) : 0) { c[b4 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 3; g2 = b4; } else g2 = 0; else g2 = a2; Ia = d2; return g2 | 0; } function td2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; switch (c[e2 + 4 >> 2] & 63) { case 3: { f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0 - f2 | 0; h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((f2 | 0) < 0 ? (f2 | 0) == (g2 | 0) ? 0 : g2 : f2) | 0) % ((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } case 20: { f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 6 | 0; if (!(a[g2 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = f2 + 8 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] ^ j2; m4 = j2 >>> 5; if (m4 >>> 0 < j2 >>> 0) { n2 = ~m4; o2 = l2; p2 = j2; while (true) { j2 = (o2 << 5) + (o2 >>> 2) + (d[i3 + (p2 + -1) >> 0] | 0) ^ o2; p2 = p2 + n2 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 <= m4 >>> 0) { q3 = j2; break; } else o2 = j2; } } else q3 = l2; c[k2 >> 2] = q3; a[g2 >> 0] = 1; r2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } else r2 = f2; h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[r2 + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } case 4: { h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } case 1: { h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 & c[e2 >> 2]) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } case 2: { h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) % (((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 | 1) >>> 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } case 54: case 22: { h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) % (((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 | 1) >>> 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } default: { h3 = (c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) % (((1 << d[b4 + 7 >> 0]) + -1 | 1) >>> 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; return h3 | 0; } } return 0; } function ud(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; d2 = zc(a2, b4, f2) | 0; Ia = e2; return d2 | 0; } function vd(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; if (e2 >>> 0 < 41) { f2 = $c(b4, d2, e2) | 0; return f2 | 0; } if ((e2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967277) Jc(b4); g2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[g2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; i3 = e2 + 17 | 0; j2 = g2 + 4 | 0; k2 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, i3) | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != 0 & (k2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[g2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); l2 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[j2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, i3) | 0; if (!l2) wc(b4, 4); else m4 = l2; } else m4 = k2; k2 = g2 + 12 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + i3; i3 = g2 + 56 | 0; a[m4 + 5 >> 0] = a[g2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[m4 + 4 >> 0] = 20; c[m4 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[i3 >> 2] = m4; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = e2; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = h3; a[m4 + 6 >> 0] = 0; h3 = m4 + 16 | 0; Hv(h3 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; a[h3 + e2 >> 0] = 0; f2 = m4; return f2 | 0; } function wd(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - ((c[c[a2 + 16 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 8) >> 3 | 0; } function xd2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; if ((b4 | 0) <= -1) { d2 = a2 + 8 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 + 1 << 3); return; } d2 = c[c[a2 + 16 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = d2 + 8 + (b4 << 3) | 0; if (a2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0) { g2 = ((d2 + (b4 << 3) + 4 + (3 - a2) | 0) >>> 3) + 1 | 0; b4 = a2; do { c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = b4 + 8 | 0; } while (b4 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0); c[e2 >> 2] = a2 + (g2 << 3); } c[e2 >> 2] = f2; return; } function yd(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; g2 = b4 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { i3 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { i3 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } j2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) i3 = 2172216; else { l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (j2 | 0) > (d[l2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : l2 + 16 + (j2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { j2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; i3 = j2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? j2 : 2172216; } while (0); do if ((f2 | 0) <= 0) { if ((f2 | 0) >= -1000999) { m4 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((f2 | 0) == -1001000) { m4 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } e2 = -1001000 - f2 | 0; j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) m4 = 2172216; else { l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (e2 | 0) > (d[l2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : l2 + 16 + (e2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { e2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 3) | 0; m4 = e2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? e2 : 2172216; } while (0); c[m4 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; h3 = i3 + 4 | 0; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; if ((f2 | 0) >= -1001000) return; if (!(c[h3 >> 2] & 64)) return; h3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(a[h3 + 5 >> 0] & 3)) return; i3 = (c[c[c[g2 >> 2] >> 2] >> 2] | 0) + 5 | 0; g2 = a[i3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(g2 & 4)) return; f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[f2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(f2, h3); return; } else { a[i3 >> 0] = a[f2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | g2 & -72; return; } } function zd(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { f2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { f2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } g2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) f2 = 2172216; else { i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) > (d[i3 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : i3 + 16 + (g2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; f2 = g2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; } while (0); b4 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = c[f2 + 4 >> 2]; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return; } function Ad(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { f2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) g2 = f2; else { h3 = -1; return h3 | 0; } } else { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { g2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { g2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } f2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) { h3 = -1; return h3 | 0; } j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > (d[j2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0)) { h3 = -1; return h3 | 0; } else g2 = j2 + 16 + (f2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } while (0); if ((g2 | 0) == 2172216) { h3 = -1; return h3 | 0; } h3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] & 15; return h3 | 0; } function Bd(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return c[16 + (b4 + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; } function Cd(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = f2; i3 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { j2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { j2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } k2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) j2 = 2172216; else { m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (k2 | 0) > (d[m4 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : m4 + 16 + (k2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { k2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; j2 = k2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216; } while (0); a2 = c[j2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((a2 | 0) == 3) n2 = j2; else { if ((a2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (b4 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0, Uc(b4 + 16 | 0, c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0) : 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; n2 = h3; break; } if (!e2) { o2 = 0; Ia = f2; return o2 | 0; } c[e2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = 0; Ia = f2; return o2 | 0; } while (0); if (e2 | 0) c[e2 >> 2] = 1; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Ia = f2; return o2 | 0; } function Dd2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) == 3) { f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } if ((e2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (e2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0, Uc(e2 + 16 | 0, c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, d2) | 0) : 0) { f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } f2 = 0; Ia = b4; return f2 | 0; } function Ed2(a2, b4, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { i3 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { i3 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } j2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) i3 = 2172216; else { l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (j2 | 0) > (d[l2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : l2 + 16 + (j2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { j2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; i3 = j2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? j2 : 2172216; } while (0); a2 = c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((a2 | 0) == 3) m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; else { if ((a2 & 15 | 0) == 4 ? (b4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0, Uc(b4 + 16 | 0, c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0) : 0) { m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; break; } if (!e2) { n2 = 0; Ia = f2; return n2 | 0; } c[e2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = 0; Ia = f2; return n2 | 0; } while (0); g2 = m4 >> 16; if (!e2) { n2 = g2; Ia = f2; return n2 | 0; } c[e2 >> 2] = 1; n2 = g2; Ia = f2; return n2 | 0; } function Fd(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { f2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { f2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } g2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) f2 = 2172216; else { i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) > (d[i3 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : i3 + 16 + (g2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; f2 = g2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; } while (0); a2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (a2 | 0) { case 1: { j2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) != 0 & 1; return j2 | 0; } case 0: { j2 = a2; return j2 | 0; } default: { j2 = 1; return j2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Gd(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; g2 = b4 + 16 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (e2 | 0) > 0; do if (!i3) { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { j2 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { j2 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } k2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) j2 = 2172216; else { m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (k2 | 0) > (d[m4 + 6 >> 0] | 0) ? 2172216 : m4 + 16 + (k2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { k2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; j2 = k2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216; } while (0); do if ((c[j2 + 4 >> 2] & 15 | 0) != 4) { if (!(Hd(b4, j2) | 0)) { if (!f2) { n2 = 0; return n2 | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = 0; return n2 | 0; } h3 = b4 + 12 | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; m4 = k2 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; do if ((l2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { o2 = k2 + 8 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = l2 + 1600 + (c[o2 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); m4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (i3) { l2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; p2 = l2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? l2 : 2172216; break; } if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { p2 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { p2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } l2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; k2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) p2 = 2172216; else { m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (l2 | 0) > (d[m4 + 6 >> 0] | 0) ? 2172216 : m4 + 16 + (l2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else p2 = j2; while (0); if (f2 | 0) c[f2 >> 2] = c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2]; n2 = (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 | 0; return n2 | 0; } function Hd(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = d2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) != 3) { h3 = 0; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } i3 = _c(f2, c[d2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < 41) j2 = $c(b4, f2, i3) | 0; else { if ((i3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 4294967277) Jc(b4); k2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[k2 + 44 >> 2] | 0; m4 = i3 + 17 | 0; n2 = k2 + 4 | 0; o2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, m4) | 0; if ((m4 | 0) != 0 & (o2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); p2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[n2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 4, m4) | 0; if (!p2) wc(b4, 4); else q3 = p2; } else q3 = o2; o2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + m4; m4 = k2 + 56 | 0; a[q3 + 5 >> 0] = a[k2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[q3 + 4 >> 0] = 20; c[q3 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; c[q3 + 12 >> 2] = i3; c[q3 + 8 >> 2] = l2; a[q3 + 6 >> 0] = 0; l2 = q3 + 16 | 0; Hv(l2 | 0, f2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; a[l2 + i3 >> 0] = 0; j2 = q3; } c[d2 >> 2] = j2; c[g2 >> 2] = (a[j2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; h3 = 1; Ia = e2; return h3 | 0; } function Id2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { f2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { f2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } g2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) f2 = 2172216; else { i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) > (d[i3 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : i3 + 16 + (g2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; f2 = g2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; } while (0); switch (c[f2 + 4 >> 2] & 15) { case 4: { j2 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; return j2 | 0; } case 7: { j2 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; return j2 | 0; } case 5: { j2 = pd(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; return j2 | 0; } default: { j2 = 0; return j2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Jd(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (b4 | 0) > 0; do if (!f2) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { g2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { g2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } h3 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) g2 = 2172216; else { j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (h3 | 0) > (d[j2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : j2 + 16 + (h3 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { h3 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; g2 = h3 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? h3 : 2172216; } while (0); switch (c[g2 + 4 >> 2] & 63) { case 5: { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; return k2 | 0; } case 6: { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; return k2 | 0; } case 38: { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; return k2 | 0; } case 54: case 22: { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; return k2 | 0; } case 8: { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; return k2 | 0; } case 2: case 7: { do if (!f2) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { l2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { l2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } g2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) l2 = 2172216; else { j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (g2 | 0) > (d[j2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : j2 + 16 + (g2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; l2 = g2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; } while (0); switch (c[l2 + 4 >> 2] & 15) { case 7: { k2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + 24 | 0; return k2 | 0; } case 2: { k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; return k2 | 0; } default: { k2 = 0; return k2 | 0; } } break; } default: { k2 = 0; return k2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Kd(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 >> 2] = a2 + 8; return; } function Ld(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = b4; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 3; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return; } function Md(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[g2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); g2 = vd(b4, d2, e2) | 0; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = g2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[g2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return g2 + 16 | 0; } function Nd2(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if (!d2) { e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = f2 + 8; g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; e2 = f2 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); e2 = vd(b4, d2, Pt(d2) | 0) | 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = e2; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = (a[e2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; return g2 | 0; } function Od(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return vd(a2, b4, Pt(b4) | 0) | 0; } function Pd(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; f2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; g2 = f2 + 12 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((h3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[f2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { i3 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3 + 1600 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[g2 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); return zc(b4, d2, e2) | 0; } function Qd(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; i3 = h3 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((j2 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[h3 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { k2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2 + 1600 + (c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = -1600; break; } else { Mc(b4); break; } while (0); c[g2 >> 2] = e2; e2 = zc(b4, d2, g2) | 0; Ia = f2; return e2 | 0; } function Rd(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; a: do if ((e2 | 0) < 0) { switch (e2 | 0) { case -3333: break; default: break a; } f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; h3 = 54; i3 = g2; j2 = f2; k2 = i3 + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = h3; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; return; } else { switch (e2 | 0) { case 0: break; default: break a; } f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = d2; h3 = 22; i3 = g2; j2 = f2; k2 = i3 + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = h3; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; return; } while (0); f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = g2 + 12 | 0; o2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 | 0) <= 0) { p2 = (e2 << 3) + 16 | 0; q3 = g2 + 4 | 0; r2 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, p2) | 0; if ((p2 | 0) != 0 & (r2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[g2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); s3 = Pa[c[g2 >> 2] & 3](c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, p2) | 0; if (!s3) wc(b4, 4); else { t3 = g2; u2 = n2; v2 = p2; w2 = s3; } } else { t3 = g2; u2 = n2; v2 = p2; w2 = r2; } } else { if (!(a[g2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { r2 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = o2 + 1600 + (c[r2 >> 2] | 0); c[n2 >> 2] = -1600; x2 = g2; } else { Mc(b4); x2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; } f2 = (e2 << 3) + 16 | 0; g2 = x2 + 4 | 0; n2 = Pa[c[x2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, f2) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != 0 & (n2 | 0) == 0) { if (!(a[x2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); r2 = Pa[c[x2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 6, f2) | 0; if (!r2) wc(b4, 4); else y4 = r2; } else y4 = n2; t3 = x2; u2 = x2 + 12 | 0; v2 = f2; w2 = y4; } c[u2 >> 2] = (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + v2; v2 = t3 + 56 | 0; a[w2 + 5 >> 0] = a[t3 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[w2 + 4 >> 0] = 38; c[w2 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; c[v2 >> 2] = w2; a[w2 + 6 >> 0] = e2; c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = d2; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; b4 = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + (0 - e2 << 3) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = b4; v2 = b4; b4 = e2; do { b4 = b4 + -1 | 0; c[w2 + 16 + (b4 << 3) >> 2] = c[v2 + (b4 << 3) >> 2]; c[w2 + 16 + (b4 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[v2 + (b4 << 3) + 4 >> 2]; v2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 0); c[v2 >> 2] = w2; h3 = 102; i3 = v2; j2 = d2; k2 = i3 + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = h3; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = m4; return; } function Sd(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 8 | 0; a2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = (b4 | 0) != 0 & 1; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; c[d2 >> 2] = (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; return; } function Td2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; f2 = c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) g2 = (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; else { h3 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((131072 % ((1 << (d[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 131072 : 0) break; i3 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { g2 = 2172216; break a; } else h3 = i3; } g2 = h3; } while (0); f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = i3 + 8; j2 = vd(b4, e2, Pt(e2) | 0) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[j2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; j2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; Fc(b4, g2, j2, j2); return; } function Ud(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((b4 | 0) <= 0) { if ((b4 | 0) >= -1000999) { f2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((b4 | 0) == -1001000) { f2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } g2 = -1001000 - b4 | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) f2 = 2172216; else { i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) > (d[i3 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : i3 + 16 + (g2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { g2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 3) | 0; f2 = g2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? g2 : 2172216; } while (0); b4 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + -8 | 0; Fc(a2, f2, b4, b4); return; } function Vd(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; f2 = b4 + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 12 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; do if ((i3 | 0) > 0) if (!(a[g2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) { j2 = g2 + 8 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = i3 + 1600 + (c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = -1600; k2 = g2; break; } else { Mc(b4); k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else k2 = g2; while (0); g2 = k2 + 4 | 0; f2 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!f2) { if (!(a[k2 + 51 >> 0] | 0)) wc(b4, 4); Ic(b4, 1); h3 = Pa[c[k2 >> 2] & 3](c[g2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 5, 32) | 0; if (!h3) wc(b4, 4); else l2 = h3; } else l2 = f2; f2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 32; f2 = k2 + 56 | 0; a[l2 + 5 >> 0] = a[k2 + 48 >> 0] & 3; a[l2 + 4 >> 0] = 5; c[l2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[f2 >> 2] = l2; c[l2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; a[l2 + 6 >> 0] = -1; c[l2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 16 >> 2] = 2172240; a[l2 + 7 >> 0] = 0; c[l2 + 20 >> 2] = 2172240; f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 69; c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + 8; if (!((d2 | 0) > 0 | (e2 | 0) > 0)) return; Vc(b4, l2, d2, e2); return; } function Wd(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; f2 = c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((c[f2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) g2 = (c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 8 | 0; else { h3 = (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + ((131072 % ((1 << (d[f2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 131072 : 0) break; i3 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) { g2 = 2172216; break a; } else h3 = i3; } g2 = h3; } while (0); f2 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = i3 + 8; j2 = vd(b4, e2, Pt(e2) | 0) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = (a[j2 + 4 >> 0] | 64) & 255; j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; Gc(b4, g2, j2 + -8 | 0, j2 + -16 | 0); c[f2 >> 2] = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + -16; return; } function Xd(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { j2 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { j2 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } k2 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[l2 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) j2 = 2172216; else { m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (k2 | 0) > (d[m4 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : m4 + 16 + (k2 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { k2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; j2 = k2 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? k2 : 2172216; } while (0); e2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; m4 = k2 + -8 | 0; l2 = f2 + -1 | 0; a: do if (l2 >>> 0 < (c[e2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { n2 = (c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 3) | 0; o2 = 16; } else { p2 = f2 << 16; q3 = 0 - p2 | 0; r2 = (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) + (((((p2 | 0) < 0 ? (p2 | 0) == (q3 | 0) ? 0 : q3 : p2) | 0) % ((1 << (d[e2 + 7 >> 0] | 0)) + -1 | 1 | 0) | 0) * 20 | 0) | 0; while (true) { if ((c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 3 ? (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) : 0) break; q3 = c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!q3) { s3 = p2; o2 = 18; break a; } else r2 = q3; } n2 = r2; o2 = 16; } while (0); if ((o2 | 0) == 16) if ((n2 | 0) == 2172216) { s3 = f2 << 16; o2 = 18; } else t3 = n2; if ((o2 | 0) == 18) { c[h3 >> 2] = s3; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; t3 = Lc(b4, e2, h3) | 0; } c[t3 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[t3 + 4 >> 2] = c[k2 + -4 >> 2]; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[k2 + -4 >> 2] & 64)) { u2 = k2; v2 = u2 + -8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = v2; Ia = g2; return; } if (!(a[(c[k2 + -8 >> 2] | 0) + 5 >> 0] & 3)) { u2 = k2; v2 = u2 + -8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = v2; Ia = g2; return; } t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = t3 + 5 | 0; m4 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(m4 & 4)) { u2 = k2; v2 = u2 + -8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = v2; Ia = g2; return; } k2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = m4 & -5; m4 = k2 + 76 | 0; c[t3 + 24 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[m4 >> 2] = t3; u2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = u2 + -8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = v2; Ia = g2; return; } function Yd(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; f2 = c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0; do if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { if ((e2 | 0) >= -1000999) { g2 = (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; break; } if ((e2 | 0) == -1001000) { g2 = (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 36 | 0; break; } h3 = -1001000 - e2 | 0; i3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[i3 + 4 >> 2] | 32 | 0) == 54) g2 = 2172216; else { j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (h3 | 0) > (d[j2 + 6 >> 0] | 0 | 0) ? 2172216 : j2 + 16 + (h3 + -1 << 3) | 0; } } else { h3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 3) | 0; g2 = h3 >>> 0 < (c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? h3 : 2172216; } while (0); e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[f2 + -4 >> 2] | 0)) { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } else { h3 = c[f2 + -8 >> 2] | 0; k2 = h3; l2 = h3; } h3 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (h3 & 15) { case 5: { c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] = k2; if (!l2) { m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + -8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = n2; return 1; } if (a[l2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 ? (f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, j2 = f2 + 5 | 0, i3 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0, i3 & 4) : 0) { o2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; a[j2 >> 0] = i3 & -5; i3 = o2 + 76 | 0; c[f2 + 24 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2]; c[i3 >> 2] = f2; } Zd(b4, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, l2); m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + -8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = n2; return 1; } case 7: { c[(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 8 >> 2] = l2; if (!l2) { m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + -8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = n2; return 1; } do if (a[k2 + 5 >> 0] & 3 ? (f2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + 5 | 0, i3 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0, i3 & 4) : 0) { o2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((d[o2 + 49 >> 0] | 0) < 2) { Hc(o2, k2); break; } else { a[f2 >> 0] = a[o2 + 48 >> 0] & 3 | i3 & -72; break; } } while (0); Zd(b4, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, l2); m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + -8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = n2; return 1; } default: { c[(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 276 + ((h3 & 15) << 2) >> 2] = l2; m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + -8 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = n2; return 1; } } return 0; } function bq(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0, Jb2 = 0, Kb2 = 0, Lb2 = 0, Mb2 = 0, Nb2 = 0, Ob2 = 0, Pb2 = 0, Qb3 = 0, Rb2 = 0, Sb2 = 0, Tb2 = 0, Ub3 = 0, Vb2 = 0, Wb2 = 0, Xb2 = 0, Yb3 = 0, Zb2 = 0, _b2 = 0, $b2 = 0, ac2 = 0, bc2 = 0, cc2 = 0, dc2 = 0, ec2 = 0, fc2 = 0, gc2 = 0, hc2 = 0, ic2 = 0, jc2 = 0, kc2 = 0, lc2 = 0, mc2 = 0, nc2 = 0, oc2 = 0, pc3 = 0, qc2 = 0, rc2 = 0, sc2 = 0, tc2 = 0, uc2 = 0, vc2 = 0, wc2 = 0, xc2 = 0, yc2 = 0, zc2 = 0, Ac2 = 0, Bc2 = 0, Cc2 = 0, Dc2 = 0, Ec2 = 0, Fc2 = 0, Gc2 = 0, Hc2 = 0, Ic2 = 0, Jc2 = 0, Kc2 = 0, Lc2 = 0, Mc2 = 0, Nc2 = 0, Oc3 = 0, Pc3 = 0, Qc3 = 0, Rc2 = 0, Sc2 = 0, Tc2 = 0, Uc2 = 0, Vc2 = 0, Wc2 = 0, Xc2 = 0, Yc2 = 0, Zc2 = 0, _c2 = 0, $c2 = 0, ad2 = 0, bd3 = 0, cd3 = 0, dd3 = 0, ed2 = 0, fd2 = 0, gd2 = 0, hd3 = 0, id2 = 0, jd2 = 0, kd2 = 0, ld2 = 0, md2 = 0, nd3 = 0, od3 = 0, pd2 = 0, qd3 = 0, rd2 = 0, sd2 = 0, td3 = 0, ud2 = 0, vd2 = 0, wd2 = 0, xd3 = 0, yd2 = 0, zd2 = 0, Ad2 = 0, Bd2 = 0, Cd2 = 0, Dd3 = 0, Ed3 = 0, Fd2 = 0, Gd2 = 0, Hd2 = 0, Id3 = 0, Jd2 = 0, Kd2 = 0, Ld2 = 0, Md2 = 0, Nd3 = 0, Od2 = 0, Pd2 = 0, Qd2 = 0, Rd2 = 0, Sd2 = 0, Td3 = 0, Ud2 = 0, Vd2 = 0, Wd2 = 0, Xd2 = 0, Yd2 = 0, Zd2 = 0, _d3 = 0, $d2 = 0, ae2 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 192 | 0; k2 = j2 + 176 | 0; l2 = j2 + 20 | 0; m4 = j2 + 8 | 0; n2 = j2 + 4 | 0; o2 = j2; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = b4 + 216 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; Hv(l2 | 0, b4 + 28 | 0, 156) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = h3; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; a: do if (c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0) { q3 = B(i3, h3) | 0; b: do switch (c[b4 + 184 >> 2] | 0) { case 6: { r2 = (q3 | 0) != 0; if ((c[b4 + 188 >> 2] | 0) == 8) { if (!r2) break b; s3 = 0; while (true) { if ((a[g2 + (s3 << 2 | 3) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= q3 >>> 0) break b; } } if (r2) { s3 = 0; do { t3 = s3 << 3; if ((a[g2 + (t3 | 6) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((a[g2 + (t3 | 7) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; } while (s3 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0); } break; } case 4: { s3 = (q3 | 0) != 0; if ((c[b4 + 188 >> 2] | 0) == 8) { if (!s3) break b; r2 = 0; while (true) { if ((a[g2 + (r2 << 1 | 1) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 >= q3 >>> 0) break b; } } if (s3) { r2 = 0; do { t3 = r2 << 2; if ((a[g2 + (t3 | 2) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((a[g2 + (t3 | 3) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; } while (r2 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0); } break; } case 3: { r2 = c[b4 + 192 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[b4 + 196 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 | 0) { t3 = 0; do { if ((a[r2 + (t3 << 2 | 3) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break a; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while (t3 >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0); } break; } default: break a; } while (0); q3 = l2 + 20 | 0; switch (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) { case 6: { c[q3 >> 2] = 2; break a; break; } case 4: { c[q3 >> 2] = 0; break a; break; } default: break a; } } while (0); if ((c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 32768) { c[p2 >> 2] = 60; Ia = j2; return; } if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 2) { c[p2 >> 2] = 61; Ia = j2; return; } if ((c[b4 + 44 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) { c[p2 >> 2] = 71; Ia = j2; return; } q3 = l2 + 20 | 0; s3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = l2 + 24 | 0; r2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; switch (s3 | 0) { case 0: { switch (r2 | 0) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: break; default: { u2 = 37; v2 = 42; } } break; } case 2: { switch (r2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: break; default: { u2 = 37; v2 = 42; } } break; } case 3: { switch (r2 | 0) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: { u2 = 37; v2 = 42; } } break; } case 4: { switch (r2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: break; default: { u2 = 37; v2 = 42; } } break; } case 6: { switch (r2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: break; default: { u2 = 37; v2 = 42; } } break; } default: { u2 = 31; v2 = 42; } } if ((v2 | 0) == 42) { c[p2 >> 2] = u2; Ia = j2; return; } c[p2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = b4 + 184 | 0; w2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[b4 + 188 >> 2] | 0; switch (w2 | 0) { case 0: { switch (x2 | 0) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: break; default: { y4 = 37; v2 = 49; } } break; } case 2: { switch (x2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: break; default: { y4 = 37; v2 = 49; } } break; } case 3: { switch (x2 | 0) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: { y4 = 37; v2 = 49; } } break; } case 4: { switch (x2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: break; default: { y4 = 37; v2 = 49; } } break; } case 6: { switch (x2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: break; default: { y4 = 37; v2 = 49; } } break; } default: { y4 = 31; v2 = 49; } } if ((v2 | 0) == 49) { c[p2 >> 2] = y4; Ia = j2; return; } c[p2 >> 2] = 0; do if ((w2 | 0) == (s3 | 0) & (x2 | 0) == (r2 | 0)) cq(n2, o2, g2, l2); else { y4 = B(i3, h3) | 0; switch (s3 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { z3 = -1; v2 = 55; break; } case 2: { A4 = 3; v2 = 54; break; } case 4: break; case 6: { A4 = 4; v2 = 54; break; } default: { z3 = 0; v2 = 55; } } if ((v2 | 0) == 54) { C3 = ((B(B(r2, y4) | 0, A4) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; v2 = 56; } else if ((v2 | 0) == 55) switch (s3 | 0) { case 2: case 6: { C3 = ((B(z3 & r2, y4) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; v2 = 56; break; } default: { } } if ((v2 | 0) == 56 ? (r2 | 0) == 8 : 0) { y4 = kq(C3) | 0; if (!((C3 | 0) != 0 & (y4 | 0) == 0)) { if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? (D3 = Wp(y4, g2, q3, u2, h3, i3) | 0, c[p2 >> 2] = D3, (D3 | 0) == 0) : 0) cq(n2, o2, y4, l2); } else c[p2 >> 2] = 9955; mq(y4); break; } c[p2 >> 2] = 59; Ia = j2; return; } while (0); c[m4 >> 2] = 0; u2 = m4 + 8 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = 0; g2 = m4 + 4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c: do if (!(c[p2 >> 2] | 0)) { C3 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!C3) { E3 = 0; F3 = 0; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = 2; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; c[g2 >> 2] = 1; a[C3 >> 0] = -119; E3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; } C3 = E3 + 1 | 0; if (F3 >>> 0 < C3 >>> 0) { r2 = C3 << 1; z3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, r2) | 0; if (!z3) { G2 = F3; H2 = E3; I2 = C3; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = r2; c[m4 >> 2] = z3; J2 = z3; v2 = 72; } } else { J2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 72; } if ((v2 | 0) == 72) { c[g2 >> 2] = C3; a[J2 + E3 >> 0] = 80; C3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; G2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; H2 = C3; I2 = C3 + 1 | 0; } if (G2 >>> 0 < I2 >>> 0) { C3 = I2 << 1; z3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, C3) | 0; if (!z3) { K2 = G2; L3 = H2; M2 = I2; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = C3; c[m4 >> 2] = z3; N4 = z3; v2 = 77; } } else { N4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 77; } if ((v2 | 0) == 77) { c[g2 >> 2] = I2; a[N4 + H2 >> 0] = 78; z3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = z3; M2 = z3 + 1 | 0; } if (K2 >>> 0 < M2 >>> 0) { z3 = M2 << 1; C3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, z3) | 0; if (!C3) { O2 = K2; P2 = L3; Q3 = M2; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = z3; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; R3 = C3; v2 = 82; } } else { R3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 82; } if ((v2 | 0) == 82) { c[g2 >> 2] = M2; a[R3 + L3 >> 0] = 71; C3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; O2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; P2 = C3; Q3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } if (O2 >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { C3 = Q3 << 1; z3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, C3) | 0; if (!z3) { S2 = O2; T4 = P2; U2 = Q3; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = C3; c[m4 >> 2] = z3; V3 = z3; v2 = 87; } } else { V3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 87; } if ((v2 | 0) == 87) { c[g2 >> 2] = Q3; a[V3 + P2 >> 0] = 13; z3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; S2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; T4 = z3; U2 = z3 + 1 | 0; } if (S2 >>> 0 < U2 >>> 0) { z3 = U2 << 1; C3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, z3) | 0; if (!C3) { W2 = S2; X2 = T4; Y2 = U2; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = z3; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; Z3 = C3; v2 = 92; } } else { Z3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 92; } if ((v2 | 0) == 92) { c[g2 >> 2] = U2; a[Z3 + T4 >> 0] = 10; C3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; W2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; X2 = C3; Y2 = C3 + 1 | 0; } if (W2 >>> 0 < Y2 >>> 0) { C3 = Y2 << 1; z3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, C3) | 0; if (!z3) { _5 = W2; $2 = X2; aa2 = Y2; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = C3; c[m4 >> 2] = z3; ba3 = z3; v2 = 97; } } else { ba3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 97; } if ((v2 | 0) == 97) { c[g2 >> 2] = Y2; a[ba3 + X2 >> 0] = 26; z3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; _5 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; $2 = z3; aa2 = z3 + 1 | 0; } if (_5 >>> 0 < aa2 >>> 0) { z3 = aa2 << 1; C3 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, z3) | 0; if (C3 | 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = z3; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; ca2 = C3; v2 = 102; } } else { ca2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 102; } if ((v2 | 0) == 102) { c[g2 >> 2] = aa2; a[ca2 + $2 >> 0] = 10; } C3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[l2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; s3 = lq(0, 8) | 0; A4 = (s3 | 0) == 0; x2 = A4 ? 0 : 8; w2 = A4 ? 0 : 4; y4 = s3 + (A4 ? -4 : 0) | 0; a[y4 >> 0] = h3 >>> 24; a[y4 + 1 >> 0] = h3 >>> 16; a[y4 + 2 >> 0] = h3 >>> 8; a[y4 + 3 >> 0] = h3; y4 = w2 + 4 | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 < y4 >>> 0) { A4 = y4 << 1; D3 = lq(s3, A4) | 0; da2 = (D3 | 0) == 0; ea2 = da2 ? s3 : D3; fa2 = da2 ? w2 : y4; ga2 = da2 ? x2 : A4; } else { ea2 = s3; fa2 = y4; ga2 = x2; } x2 = ea2 + (fa2 + -4) | 0; a[x2 >> 0] = i3 >>> 24; a[x2 + 1 >> 0] = i3 >>> 16; a[x2 + 2 >> 0] = i3 >>> 8; a[x2 + 3 >> 0] = i3; x2 = C3 & 255; C3 = fa2 + 1 | 0; if (ga2 >>> 0 < C3 >>> 0) { y4 = C3 << 1; s3 = lq(ea2, y4) | 0; if (!s3) { ha2 = C3; ia2 = ea2; ja2 = fa2; ka2 = ga2; } else { la2 = s3; ma2 = y4; v2 = 107; } } else { la2 = ea2; ma2 = ga2; v2 = 107; } if ((v2 | 0) == 107) { a[la2 + fa2 >> 0] = x2; ha2 = fa2 + 2 | 0; ia2 = la2; ja2 = C3; ka2 = ma2; } C3 = z3 & 255; if (ka2 >>> 0 < ha2 >>> 0) { z3 = ha2 << 1; x2 = lq(ia2, z3) | 0; if (!x2) { na2 = ha2; oa2 = ia2; pa3 = ja2; qa2 = ka2; } else { ra2 = x2; sa2 = z3; v2 = 110; } } else { ra2 = ia2; sa2 = ka2; v2 = 110; } if ((v2 | 0) == 110) { a[ra2 + ja2 >> 0] = C3; na2 = ha2 + 1 | 0; oa2 = ra2; pa3 = ha2; qa2 = sa2; } if (qa2 >>> 0 < na2 >>> 0) { C3 = na2 << 1; z3 = lq(oa2, C3) | 0; if (!z3) { ta2 = na2; ua2 = oa2; va2 = pa3; wa2 = qa2; } else { xa2 = z3; ya2 = C3; v2 = 113; } } else { xa2 = oa2; ya2 = qa2; v2 = 113; } if ((v2 | 0) == 113) { a[xa2 + pa3 >> 0] = 0; ta2 = na2 + 1 | 0; ua2 = xa2; va2 = na2; wa2 = ya2; } if (wa2 >>> 0 < ta2 >>> 0) { C3 = ta2 << 1; z3 = lq(ua2, C3) | 0; if (!z3) { za2 = ta2; Aa3 = ua2; Ba3 = va2; Ca2 = wa2; } else { Da2 = z3; Ea2 = C3; v2 = 116; } } else { Da2 = ua2; Ea2 = wa2; v2 = 116; } if ((v2 | 0) == 116) { a[Da2 + va2 >> 0] = 0; za2 = ta2 + 1 | 0; Aa3 = Da2; Ba3 = ta2; Ca2 = Ea2; } C3 = r2 & 255; if (Ca2 >>> 0 < za2 >>> 0) { r2 = lq(Aa3, za2 << 1) | 0; if (!r2) { Fa2 = Aa3; Ga3 = Ba3; } else { Ha3 = r2; v2 = 119; } } else { Ha3 = Aa3; v2 = 119; } if ((v2 | 0) == 119) { a[Ha3 + Ba3 >> 0] = C3; Fa2 = Ha3; Ga3 = za2; } if (!(Rp(m4, g2, Ga3, 95369, Fa2) | 0)) c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; mq(Fa2); C3 = c[l2 + 132 >> 2] | 0; if (C3 | 0) { r2 = c[l2 + 144 >> 2] | 0; z3 = C3; d: do if (r2 | 0) { x2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = C3; while (true) { s3 = y4 + 1 | 0; A4 = y4 + 2 | 0; da2 = y4 + 3 | 0; w2 = (d[s3 >> 0] << 16 | d[y4 >> 0] << 24 | d[A4 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 >> 0]) + 12 | 0; D3 = w2 + x2 | 0; if (D3 >>> 0 < w2 >>> 0 | D3 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { Ja3 = 77; break; } Ka2 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, D3) | 0; if (!Ka2) { Ja3 = 9929; break; } c[m4 >> 2] = Ka2; c[g2 >> 2] = D3; La2 = Ka2 + x2 | 0; if (!w2) Ma2 = D3; else { D3 = 0; do { a[La2 + D3 >> 0] = a[y4 + D3 >> 0] | 0; D3 = D3 + 1 | 0; } while ((D3 | 0) != (w2 | 0)); Ma2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[u2 >> 2] = Ma2; y4 = y4 + ((d[s3 >> 0] << 16 | d[y4 >> 0] << 24 | d[A4 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 >> 0]) + 12) | 0; if ((y4 - z3 | 0) >>> 0 >= r2 >>> 0) break d; else x2 = Ma2; } c[p2 >> 2] = Ja3; break c; } while (0); c[p2 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) == 3) { r2 = l2 + 32 | 0; z3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if ((z3 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 > 255) { c[p2 >> 2] = 68; break; } if (!(z3 & 1073741823)) { Na2 = 0; Oa3 = 0; } else { C3 = l2 + 28 | 0; x2 = z3; z3 = 0; y4 = 0; w2 = 0; D3 = 0; while (true) { do if ((D3 & 3 | 0) == 3) { Pa2 = x2; Qa2 = z3; Ra2 = y4; Sa2 = w2; } else { La2 = a[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + D3 >> 0] | 0; Ka2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 < Ka2 >>> 0) { Ta2 = Ka2 << 1; Ua2 = lq(z3, Ta2) | 0; if (!Ua2) { Pa2 = x2; Qa2 = z3; Ra2 = y4; Sa2 = w2; break; } else { Va2 = Ua2; Wa2 = Ta2; } } else { Va2 = z3; Wa2 = y4; } a[Va2 + w2 >> 0] = La2; Pa2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; Qa2 = Va2; Ra2 = Wa2; Sa2 = Ka2; } while (0); D3 = D3 + 1 | 0; if (D3 >>> 0 >= Pa2 << 2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Qa2; Oa3 = Sa2; break; } else { x2 = Pa2; z3 = Qa2; y4 = Ra2; w2 = Sa2; } } } if (!(Rp(m4, g2, Oa3, 95374, Na2) | 0)) c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; mq(Na2); } e: do if (!(c[b4 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) v2 = 161; else { w2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; switch (w2 | 0) { case 6: case 2: break; default: { Xa3 = w2; break e; } } w2 = l2 + 32 | 0; y4 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if ((y4 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 > 255) { c[p2 >> 2] = 68; break c; } if (!(y4 & 1073741823)) { Ya3 = 0; Za2 = 0; } else { z3 = l2 + 28 | 0; x2 = y4; y4 = 0; D3 = 0; r2 = 0; C3 = 0; while (true) { do if ((C3 & 3 | 0) == 3) { _a2 = x2; $a2 = y4; ab2 = D3; bb2 = r2; } else { Ka2 = a[(c[z3 >> 2] | 0) + C3 >> 0] | 0; La2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if (D3 >>> 0 < La2 >>> 0) { Ta2 = La2 << 1; Ua2 = lq(y4, Ta2) | 0; if (!Ua2) { _a2 = x2; $a2 = y4; ab2 = D3; bb2 = r2; break; } else { cb2 = Ua2; db3 = Ta2; } } else { cb2 = y4; db3 = D3; } a[cb2 + r2 >> 0] = Ka2; _a2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; $a2 = cb2; ab2 = db3; bb2 = La2; } while (0); C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if (C3 >>> 0 >= _a2 << 2 >>> 0) { Ya3 = $a2; Za2 = bb2; break; } else { x2 = _a2; y4 = $a2; D3 = ab2; r2 = bb2; } } } if (!(Rp(m4, g2, Za2, 95374, Ya3) | 0)) c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; mq(Ya3); v2 = 161; } while (0); if ((v2 | 0) == 161) Xa3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; f: do if ((Xa3 | 0) == 3) { r2 = c[l2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; D3 = c[l2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if (!D3) break; y4 = 0; while (true) { if ((a[r2 + (y4 << 2 | 3) >> 0] | 0) != -1) break; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; if (y4 >>> 0 >= D3 >>> 0) break f; } dq(m4, q3); eb3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 168; } else { eb3 = Xa3; v2 = 168; } while (0); g: do if ((v2 | 0) == 168) { switch (eb3 | 0) { case 2: case 0: break; default: break g; } if (!(c[l2 + 36 >> 2] | 0)) break; dq(m4, q3); } while (0); if (c[l2 + 52 >> 2] | 0) { h: do switch (c[l2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) { case 4: case 0: { D3 = l2 + 56 | 0; y4 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!r2) { x2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!x2) { fb2 = 0; gb2 = 0; break h; } else { hb2 = 1; ib2 = x2; jb2 = 0; kb2 = y4; } } else { a[r2 >> 0] = y4 >>> 8; hb2 = 2; ib2 = r2; jb2 = 1; kb2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; } a[ib2 + jb2 >> 0] = kb2; fb2 = ib2; gb2 = hb2; break; } case 6: case 2: { D3 = l2 + 56 | 0; r2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!y4) { x2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!x2) { lb3 = 0; mb2 = 0; nb2 = 0; } else { ob2 = 1; pb2 = x2; qb2 = 0; rb2 = r2; v2 = 180; } } else { a[y4 >> 0] = r2 >>> 8; ob2 = 2; pb2 = y4; qb2 = 1; rb2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = 180; } if ((v2 | 0) == 180) { a[pb2 + qb2 >> 0] = rb2; lb3 = pb2; mb2 = ob2; nb2 = 2; } D3 = l2 + 60 | 0; y4 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; r2 = y4 >>> 8 & 255; x2 = mb2 + 1 | 0; if (nb2 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { C3 = x2 << 1; w2 = lq(lb3, C3) | 0; if (!w2) { sb2 = y4; tb2 = x2; ub2 = lb3; vb2 = mb2; wb3 = nb2; } else { xb2 = w2; yb2 = C3; v2 = 183; } } else { xb2 = lb3; yb2 = nb2; v2 = 183; } if ((v2 | 0) == 183) { a[xb2 + mb2 >> 0] = r2; sb2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; tb2 = mb2 + 2 | 0; ub2 = xb2; vb2 = x2; wb3 = yb2; } x2 = sb2 & 255; if (wb3 >>> 0 < tb2 >>> 0) { D3 = tb2 << 1; r2 = lq(ub2, D3) | 0; if (!r2) { zb2 = tb2; Ab2 = ub2; Bb2 = vb2; Cb2 = wb3; } else { Db2 = r2; Eb3 = D3; v2 = 186; } } else { Db2 = ub2; Eb3 = wb3; v2 = 186; } if ((v2 | 0) == 186) { a[Db2 + vb2 >> 0] = x2; zb2 = tb2 + 1 | 0; Ab2 = Db2; Bb2 = tb2; Cb2 = Eb3; } x2 = l2 + 64 | 0; D3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = D3 >>> 8 & 255; if (Cb2 >>> 0 < zb2 >>> 0) { C3 = zb2 << 1; w2 = lq(Ab2, C3) | 0; if (!w2) { Fb2 = D3; Gb2 = zb2; Hb2 = Ab2; Ib2 = Bb2; Jb2 = Cb2; } else { Kb2 = w2; Lb2 = C3; v2 = 189; } } else { Kb2 = Ab2; Lb2 = Cb2; v2 = 189; } if ((v2 | 0) == 189) { a[Kb2 + Bb2 >> 0] = r2; Fb2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; Gb2 = zb2 + 1 | 0; Hb2 = Kb2; Ib2 = zb2; Jb2 = Lb2; } x2 = Fb2 & 255; if (Jb2 >>> 0 < Gb2 >>> 0) { r2 = lq(Hb2, Gb2 << 1) | 0; if (!r2) { fb2 = Hb2; gb2 = Ib2; break h; } else Mb2 = r2; } else Mb2 = Hb2; a[Mb2 + Ib2 >> 0] = x2; fb2 = Mb2; gb2 = Gb2; break; } case 3: { x2 = c[l2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; r2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!r2) { fb2 = 0; gb2 = 0; break h; } a[r2 >> 0] = x2; fb2 = r2; gb2 = 1; break; } default: { fb2 = 0; gb2 = 0; } } while (0); if (!(Rp(m4, g2, gb2, 95379, fb2) | 0)) c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; mq(fb2); } if (c[l2 + 116 >> 2] | 0) { r2 = c[l2 + 120 >> 2] | 0; x2 = lq(0, 8) | 0; C3 = (x2 | 0) == 0; w2 = C3 ? 0 : 8; D3 = C3 ? 0 : 4; y4 = x2 + (C3 ? -4 : 0) | 0; a[y4 >> 0] = r2 >>> 24; a[y4 + 1 >> 0] = r2 >>> 16; a[y4 + 2 >> 0] = r2 >>> 8; a[y4 + 3 >> 0] = r2; r2 = c[l2 + 124 >> 2] | 0; y4 = D3 + 4 | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 < y4 >>> 0) { C3 = y4 << 1; z3 = lq(x2, C3) | 0; da2 = (z3 | 0) == 0; Nb2 = da2 ? x2 : z3; Ob2 = da2 ? D3 : y4; Pb2 = da2 ? w2 : C3; } else { Nb2 = x2; Ob2 = y4; Pb2 = w2; } w2 = Nb2 + (Ob2 + -4) | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = r2 >>> 24; a[w2 + 1 >> 0] = r2 >>> 16; a[w2 + 2 >> 0] = r2 >>> 8; a[w2 + 3 >> 0] = r2; r2 = a[l2 + 128 >> 0] | 0; w2 = Ob2 + 1 | 0; if (Pb2 >>> 0 < w2 >>> 0) { y4 = lq(Nb2, w2 << 1) | 0; if (!y4) { Qb3 = Nb2; Rb2 = Ob2; } else { Sb2 = y4; v2 = 203; } } else { Sb2 = Nb2; v2 = 203; } if ((v2 | 0) == 203) { a[Sb2 + Ob2 >> 0] = r2; Qb3 = Sb2; Rb2 = w2; } if (!(Rp(m4, g2, Rb2, 95384, Qb3) | 0)) c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; mq(Qb3); } w2 = c[l2 + 136 >> 2] | 0; if (w2 | 0) { r2 = c[l2 + 148 >> 2] | 0; y4 = w2; i: do if (r2 | 0) { x2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = w2; while (true) { da2 = C3 + 1 | 0; D3 = C3 + 2 | 0; z3 = C3 + 3 | 0; A4 = (d[da2 >> 0] << 16 | d[C3 >> 0] << 24 | d[D3 >> 0] << 8 | d[z3 >> 0]) + 12 | 0; s3 = A4 + x2 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 < A4 >>> 0 | s3 >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { Tb2 = 77; break; } La2 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!La2) { Tb2 = 9929; break; } c[m4 >> 2] = La2; c[g2 >> 2] = s3; Ka2 = La2 + x2 | 0; if (!A4) Ub3 = s3; else { s3 = 0; do { a[Ka2 + s3 >> 0] = a[C3 + s3 >> 0] | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (A4 | 0)); Ub3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[u2 >> 2] = Ub3; C3 = C3 + ((d[da2 >> 0] << 16 | d[C3 >> 0] << 24 | d[D3 >> 0] << 8 | d[z3 >> 0]) + 12) | 0; if ((C3 - y4 | 0) >>> 0 >= r2 >>> 0) break i; else x2 = Ub3; } c[p2 >> 2] = Tb2; break c; } while (0); c[p2 >> 2] = 0; } r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; w2 = k2 + 4 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = 0; x2 = Pp(k2, w2, r2, y4, b4) | 0; y4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; do if (!x2) { r2 = Rp(m4, g2, c[w2 >> 2] | 0, 95389, y4) | 0; if (r2 | 0) { Vb2 = r2; break; } c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; Vb2 = 0; } else Vb2 = x2; while (0); mq(y4); c[p2 >> 2] = Vb2; if (Vb2 | 0) break; do if (a[l2 + 100 >> 0] | 0) { x2 = kq(7) | 0; if (!x2) break; w2 = l2 + 104 | 0; a[x2 >> 0] = (c[w2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 8; a[x2 + 1 >> 0] = c[w2 >> 2]; a[x2 + 2 >> 0] = a[l2 + 108 >> 0] | 0; a[x2 + 3 >> 0] = a[l2 + 109 >> 0] | 0; a[x2 + 4 >> 0] = a[l2 + 110 >> 0] | 0; a[x2 + 5 >> 0] = a[l2 + 111 >> 0] | 0; a[x2 + 6 >> 0] = a[l2 + 112 >> 0] | 0; if (!(Rp(m4, g2, 7, 95394, x2) | 0)) c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; mq(x2); } while (0); y4 = l2 + 68 | 0; x2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; j: do if (x2) { w2 = l2 + 72 | 0; r2 = b4 + 24 | 0; C3 = l2 + 76 | 0; A4 = k2 + 8 | 0; s3 = k2 + 4 | 0; Ka2 = x2; La2 = 0; while (true) { Ta2 = c[(c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + (La2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((Pt(Ta2) | 0) >>> 0 > 79) { v2 = 231; break; } Ua2 = a[Ta2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(Ua2 << 24 >> 24)) { v2 = 233; break; } Wb2 = c[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + (La2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) eq(m4, Ta2, Wb2); else { Xb2 = Pt(Wb2) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[A4 >> 2] = 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; Yb3 = Ua2; Ua2 = 1; Zb2 = 1; _b2 = 0; $b2 = 0; ac2 = 0; bc2 = 0; while (true) { if (Zb2) { cc2 = Ua2 << 1; dc2 = lq(_b2, cc2) | 0; if (!dc2) { ec2 = _b2; fc2 = $b2; gc2 = ac2; } else { hc2 = dc2; ic2 = cc2; v2 = 238; } } else { hc2 = _b2; ic2 = ac2; v2 = 238; } if ((v2 | 0) == 238) { v2 = 0; a[hc2 + $b2 >> 0] = Yb3; ec2 = hc2; fc2 = Ua2; gc2 = ic2; } bc2 = bc2 + 1 | 0; Yb3 = a[Ta2 + bc2 >> 0] | 0; Ua2 = fc2 + 1 | 0; Zb2 = gc2 >>> 0 < Ua2 >>> 0; if (!(Yb3 << 24 >> 24)) break; else { _b2 = ec2; $b2 = fc2; ac2 = gc2; } } if (Zb2) { ac2 = Ua2 << 1; $b2 = lq(ec2, ac2) | 0; if (!$b2) { jc2 = Ua2; kc2 = ec2; lc2 = fc2; mc2 = gc2; } else { nc2 = $b2; oc2 = ac2; v2 = 242; } } else { nc2 = ec2; oc2 = gc2; v2 = 242; } if ((v2 | 0) == 242) { v2 = 0; a[nc2 + fc2 >> 0] = 0; jc2 = fc2 + 2 | 0; kc2 = nc2; lc2 = Ua2; mc2 = oc2; } if (mc2 >>> 0 < jc2 >>> 0) { ac2 = jc2 << 1; $b2 = lq(kc2, ac2) | 0; if (!$b2) { pc3 = kc2; qc2 = lc2; rc2 = mc2; } else { sc2 = $b2; tc2 = ac2; v2 = 245; } } else { sc2 = kc2; tc2 = mc2; v2 = 245; } if ((v2 | 0) == 245) { v2 = 0; a[sc2 + lc2 >> 0] = 0; pc3 = sc2; qc2 = jc2; rc2 = tc2; } do if (!(Pp(k2, s3, Wb2, Xb2, b4) | 0)) { ac2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; if (!ac2) { uc2 = pc3; vc2 = qc2; } else { $b2 = ac2; ac2 = pc3; _b2 = qc2; Yb3 = rc2; bc2 = 0; while (true) { Ta2 = a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + bc2 >> 0] | 0; z3 = _b2 + 1 | 0; if (Yb3 >>> 0 < z3 >>> 0) { D3 = z3 << 1; da2 = lq(ac2, D3) | 0; if (!da2) { wc2 = $b2; xc2 = ac2; yc2 = _b2; zc2 = Yb3; } else { Ac2 = da2; Bc2 = D3; v2 = 251; } } else { Ac2 = ac2; Bc2 = Yb3; v2 = 251; } if ((v2 | 0) == 251) { v2 = 0; a[Ac2 + _b2 >> 0] = Ta2; wc2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; xc2 = Ac2; yc2 = z3; zc2 = Bc2; } bc2 = bc2 + 1 | 0; if (bc2 >>> 0 >= wc2 >>> 0) { uc2 = xc2; vc2 = yc2; break; } else { $b2 = wc2; ac2 = xc2; _b2 = yc2; Yb3 = zc2; } } } if (Rp(m4, g2, vc2, 95399, uc2) | 0) { Cc2 = uc2; break; } c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; Cc2 = uc2; } else Cc2 = pc3; while (0); c[A4 >> 2] = 0; c[s3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[k2 >> 2] | 0); mq(Cc2); } La2 = La2 + 1 | 0; Xb2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; if (La2 >>> 0 >= Xb2 >>> 0) { Dc2 = Xb2; break j; } else Ka2 = Xb2; } if ((v2 | 0) == 231) { c[p2 >> 2] = 66; Dc2 = Ka2; break; } else if ((v2 | 0) == 233) { c[p2 >> 2] = 67; Dc2 = Ka2; break; } } else Dc2 = 0; while (0); k: do if (c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0) { if (Dc2 | 0) { y4 = c[l2 + 72 >> 2] | 0; x2 = 0; do { if (!(Ot(c[y4 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, 95404) | 0)) break k; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } while (x2 >>> 0 < Dc2 >>> 0); } eq(m4, 95404, 95412); } while (0); x2 = l2 + 80 | 0; l: do if (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) { y4 = l2 + 84 | 0; Ka2 = b4 + 24 | 0; La2 = l2 + 88 | 0; s3 = l2 + 92 | 0; A4 = l2 + 96 | 0; r2 = k2 + 8 | 0; C3 = k2 + 4 | 0; w2 = 0; while (true) { Xb2 = c[(c[y4 >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((Pt(Xb2) | 0) >>> 0 > 79) { v2 = 267; break; } Wb2 = a[Xb2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(Wb2 << 24 >> 24)) { v2 = 269; break; } Ua2 = c[Ka2 >> 2] | 0; Zb2 = c[(c[La2 >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Yb3 = c[(c[s3 >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; _b2 = c[(c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ac2 = Pt(_b2) | 0; $b2 = Wb2; Wb2 = 1; bc2 = 1; z3 = 0; Ta2 = 0; D3 = 0; da2 = 0; while (true) { if (bc2) { cc2 = Wb2 << 1; dc2 = lq(z3, cc2) | 0; if (!dc2) { Ec2 = z3; Fc2 = Ta2; Gc2 = D3; } else { Hc2 = dc2; Ic2 = cc2; v2 = 273; } } else { Hc2 = z3; Ic2 = D3; v2 = 273; } if ((v2 | 0) == 273) { v2 = 0; a[Hc2 + Ta2 >> 0] = $b2; Ec2 = Hc2; Fc2 = Wb2; Gc2 = Ic2; } da2 = da2 + 1 | 0; $b2 = a[Xb2 + da2 >> 0] | 0; Wb2 = Fc2 + 1 | 0; bc2 = Gc2 >>> 0 < Wb2 >>> 0; if (!($b2 << 24 >> 24)) break; else { z3 = Ec2; Ta2 = Fc2; D3 = Gc2; } } if (bc2) { D3 = Wb2 << 1; Ta2 = lq(Ec2, D3) | 0; if (!Ta2) { Jc2 = Wb2; Kc2 = Ec2; Lc2 = Fc2; Mc2 = Gc2; } else { Nc2 = Ta2; Oc3 = D3; v2 = 277; } } else { Nc2 = Ec2; Oc3 = Gc2; v2 = 277; } if ((v2 | 0) == 277) { v2 = 0; a[Nc2 + Fc2 >> 0] = 0; Jc2 = Fc2 + 2 | 0; Kc2 = Nc2; Lc2 = Wb2; Mc2 = Oc3; } D3 = (Ua2 | 0) != 0; Ta2 = D3 & 1; if (Mc2 >>> 0 < Jc2 >>> 0) { z3 = Jc2 << 1; $b2 = lq(Kc2, z3) | 0; if (!$b2) { Pc3 = Jc2; Qc3 = Kc2; Rc2 = Lc2; Sc2 = Mc2; } else { Tc2 = $b2; Uc2 = z3; v2 = 280; } } else { Tc2 = Kc2; Uc2 = Mc2; v2 = 280; } if ((v2 | 0) == 280) { v2 = 0; a[Tc2 + Lc2 >> 0] = Ta2; Pc3 = Lc2 + 2 | 0; Qc3 = Tc2; Rc2 = Jc2; Sc2 = Uc2; } if (Sc2 >>> 0 < Pc3 >>> 0) { Ta2 = Pc3 << 1; z3 = lq(Qc3, Ta2) | 0; if (!z3) { Vc2 = Pc3; Wc2 = Qc3; Xc2 = Rc2; Yc2 = Sc2; } else { Zc2 = z3; _c2 = Ta2; v2 = 283; } } else { Zc2 = Qc3; _c2 = Sc2; v2 = 283; } if ((v2 | 0) == 283) { v2 = 0; a[Zc2 + Rc2 >> 0] = 0; Vc2 = Pc3 + 1 | 0; Wc2 = Zc2; Xc2 = Pc3; Yc2 = _c2; } Ta2 = a[Zb2 >> 0] | 0; z3 = Yc2 >>> 0 < Vc2 >>> 0; if (!(Ta2 << 24 >> 24)) { $c2 = Vc2; ad2 = z3; bd3 = Wc2; cd3 = Xc2; dd3 = Yc2; } else { $b2 = Ta2; Ta2 = Vc2; da2 = z3; z3 = Wc2; Xb2 = Xc2; cc2 = Yc2; dc2 = 0; while (true) { if (da2) { ed2 = Ta2 << 1; fd2 = lq(z3, ed2) | 0; if (!fd2) { gd2 = z3; hd3 = Xb2; id2 = cc2; } else { jd2 = fd2; kd2 = ed2; v2 = 288; } } else { jd2 = z3; kd2 = cc2; v2 = 288; } if ((v2 | 0) == 288) { v2 = 0; a[jd2 + Xb2 >> 0] = $b2; gd2 = jd2; hd3 = Ta2; id2 = kd2; } dc2 = dc2 + 1 | 0; $b2 = a[Zb2 + dc2 >> 0] | 0; ed2 = hd3 + 1 | 0; fd2 = id2 >>> 0 < ed2 >>> 0; if (!($b2 << 24 >> 24)) { $c2 = ed2; ad2 = fd2; bd3 = gd2; cd3 = hd3; dd3 = id2; break; } else { Ta2 = ed2; da2 = fd2; z3 = gd2; Xb2 = hd3; cc2 = id2; } } } if (ad2) { cc2 = $c2 << 1; Xb2 = lq(bd3, cc2) | 0; if (!Xb2) { ld2 = bd3; md2 = cd3; nd3 = dd3; } else { od3 = Xb2; pd2 = cc2; v2 = 292; } } else { od3 = bd3; pd2 = dd3; v2 = 292; } if ((v2 | 0) == 292) { v2 = 0; a[od3 + cd3 >> 0] = 0; ld2 = od3; md2 = $c2; nd3 = pd2; } cc2 = a[Yb3 >> 0] | 0; Xb2 = md2 + 1 | 0; z3 = nd3 >>> 0 < Xb2 >>> 0; if (!(cc2 << 24 >> 24)) { qd3 = Xb2; rd2 = z3; sd2 = ld2; td3 = md2; ud2 = nd3; } else { da2 = cc2; cc2 = Xb2; Xb2 = z3; z3 = ld2; Ta2 = md2; $b2 = nd3; dc2 = 0; while (true) { if (Xb2) { Zb2 = cc2 << 1; Ua2 = lq(z3, Zb2) | 0; if (!Ua2) { vd2 = z3; wd2 = Ta2; xd3 = $b2; } else { yd2 = Ua2; zd2 = Zb2; v2 = 297; } } else { yd2 = z3; zd2 = $b2; v2 = 297; } if ((v2 | 0) == 297) { v2 = 0; a[yd2 + Ta2 >> 0] = da2; vd2 = yd2; wd2 = cc2; xd3 = zd2; } dc2 = dc2 + 1 | 0; da2 = a[Yb3 + dc2 >> 0] | 0; Zb2 = wd2 + 1 | 0; Ua2 = xd3 >>> 0 < Zb2 >>> 0; if (!(da2 << 24 >> 24)) { qd3 = Zb2; rd2 = Ua2; sd2 = vd2; td3 = wd2; ud2 = xd3; break; } else { cc2 = Zb2; Xb2 = Ua2; z3 = vd2; Ta2 = wd2; $b2 = xd3; } } } if (rd2) { $b2 = qd3 << 1; Ta2 = lq(sd2, $b2) | 0; if (!Ta2) { Ad2 = sd2; Bd2 = td3; Cd2 = ud2; } else { Dd3 = Ta2; Ed3 = $b2; v2 = 301; } } else { Dd3 = sd2; Ed3 = ud2; v2 = 301; } if ((v2 | 0) == 301) { v2 = 0; a[Dd3 + td3 >> 0] = 0; Ad2 = Dd3; Bd2 = qd3; Cd2 = Ed3; } do if (D3) { c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; if (Pp(k2, C3, _b2, ac2, b4) | 0) { Fd2 = Ad2; break; } $b2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; if (!$b2) { Gd2 = Ad2; Hd2 = Bd2; Id3 = Cd2; } else { Ta2 = $b2; $b2 = Ad2; z3 = Bd2; Xb2 = Cd2; cc2 = 0; while (true) { da2 = a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + cc2 >> 0] | 0; dc2 = z3 + 1 | 0; if (Xb2 >>> 0 < dc2 >>> 0) { Yb3 = dc2 << 1; Ua2 = lq($b2, Yb3) | 0; if (!Ua2) { Jd2 = Ta2; Kd2 = $b2; Ld2 = z3; Md2 = Xb2; } else { Nd3 = Ua2; Od2 = Yb3; v2 = 308; } } else { Nd3 = $b2; Od2 = Xb2; v2 = 308; } if ((v2 | 0) == 308) { v2 = 0; a[Nd3 + z3 >> 0] = da2; Jd2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; Kd2 = Nd3; Ld2 = dc2; Md2 = Od2; } cc2 = cc2 + 1 | 0; if (cc2 >>> 0 >= Jd2 >>> 0) { Gd2 = Kd2; Hd2 = Ld2; Id3 = Md2; break; } else { Ta2 = Jd2; $b2 = Kd2; z3 = Ld2; Xb2 = Md2; } } } Xb2 = a[_b2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(Xb2 << 24 >> 24)) { Pd2 = Gd2; Qd2 = Hd2; v2 = 322; break; } z3 = Xb2; Xb2 = Gd2; $b2 = Hd2; Ta2 = Id3; cc2 = 0; while (true) { dc2 = $b2 + 1 | 0; if (Ta2 >>> 0 < dc2 >>> 0) { da2 = dc2 << 1; Yb3 = lq(Xb2, da2) | 0; if (!Yb3) { Rd2 = Xb2; Sd2 = $b2; Td3 = Ta2; } else { Ud2 = Yb3; Vd2 = da2; v2 = 314; } } else { Ud2 = Xb2; Vd2 = Ta2; v2 = 314; } if ((v2 | 0) == 314) { v2 = 0; a[Ud2 + $b2 >> 0] = z3; Rd2 = Ud2; Sd2 = dc2; Td3 = Vd2; } cc2 = cc2 + 1 | 0; z3 = a[_b2 + cc2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(z3 << 24 >> 24)) { Pd2 = Rd2; Qd2 = Sd2; v2 = 322; break; } else { Xb2 = Rd2; $b2 = Sd2; Ta2 = Td3; } } } else { Ta2 = a[_b2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(Ta2 << 24 >> 24)) { Pd2 = Ad2; Qd2 = Bd2; v2 = 322; break; } $b2 = Ta2; Ta2 = Ad2; Xb2 = Bd2; z3 = Cd2; cc2 = 0; while (true) { dc2 = Xb2 + 1 | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 < dc2 >>> 0) { da2 = dc2 << 1; Yb3 = lq(Ta2, da2) | 0; if (!Yb3) { Wd2 = Ta2; Xd2 = Xb2; Yd2 = z3; } else { Zd2 = Yb3; _d3 = da2; v2 = 320; } } else { Zd2 = Ta2; _d3 = z3; v2 = 320; } if ((v2 | 0) == 320) { v2 = 0; a[Zd2 + Xb2 >> 0] = $b2; Wd2 = Zd2; Xd2 = dc2; Yd2 = _d3; } cc2 = cc2 + 1 | 0; $b2 = a[_b2 + cc2 >> 0] | 0; if (!($b2 << 24 >> 24)) { Pd2 = Wd2; Qd2 = Xd2; v2 = 322; break; } else { Ta2 = Wd2; Xb2 = Xd2; z3 = Yd2; } } } while (0); do if ((v2 | 0) == 322) { v2 = 0; if (Rp(m4, g2, Qd2, 95421, Pd2) | 0) { Fd2 = Pd2; break; } c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; Fd2 = Pd2; } while (0); mq(Fd2); w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 >= (c[x2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) break l; } if ((v2 | 0) == 267) { c[p2 >> 2] = 66; break; } else if ((v2 | 0) == 269) { c[p2 >> 2] = 67; break; } } while (0); x2 = c[l2 + 140 >> 2] | 0; if (x2 | 0) { w2 = c[l2 + 152 >> 2] | 0; C3 = x2; m: do if (w2 | 0) { r2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = x2; while (true) { s3 = A4 + 1 | 0; La2 = A4 + 2 | 0; Ka2 = A4 + 3 | 0; y4 = (d[s3 >> 0] << 16 | d[A4 >> 0] << 24 | d[La2 >> 0] << 8 | d[Ka2 >> 0]) + 12 | 0; _b2 = y4 + r2 | 0; if (_b2 >>> 0 < y4 >>> 0 | _b2 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0) { $d2 = 77; break; } ac2 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, _b2) | 0; if (!ac2) { $d2 = 9929; break; } c[m4 >> 2] = ac2; c[g2 >> 2] = _b2; D3 = ac2 + r2 | 0; if (!y4) ae2 = _b2; else { _b2 = 0; do { a[D3 + _b2 >> 0] = a[A4 + _b2 >> 0] | 0; _b2 = _b2 + 1 | 0; } while ((_b2 | 0) != (y4 | 0)); ae2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[u2 >> 2] = ae2; A4 = A4 + ((d[s3 >> 0] << 16 | d[A4 >> 0] << 24 | d[La2 >> 0] << 8 | d[Ka2 >> 0]) + 12) | 0; if ((A4 - C3 | 0) >>> 0 >= w2 >>> 0) break m; else r2 = ae2; } c[p2 >> 2] = $d2; break c; } while (0); c[p2 >> 2] = 0; } w2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = w2 + 12 | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 > 4294967283) break; x2 = lq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0, C3) | 0; if (!x2) break; c[m4 >> 2] = x2; c[g2 >> 2] = C3; C3 = x2 + w2 | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = 0; a[C3 + 1 >> 0] = 0; a[C3 + 2 >> 0] = 0; a[C3 + 3 >> 0] = 0; w2 = C3 + 4 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = 73; a[C3 + 5 >> 0] = 69; a[C3 + 6 >> 0] = 78; a[C3 + 7 >> 0] = 68; x2 = Qp(w2, 4) | 0; w2 = C3 + 8 | 0; a[w2 >> 0] = x2 >>> 24; a[w2 + 1 >> 0] = x2 >>> 16; a[w2 + 2 >> 0] = x2 >>> 8; a[w2 + 3 >> 0] = x2; c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; } while (0); mq(c[n2 >> 2] | 0); c[e2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[f2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; Ia = j2; return; } function cq(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 320 | 0; i3 = h3 + 288 | 0; j2 = h3 + 256 | 0; k2 = h3 + 224 | 0; l2 = h3 + 192 | 0; m4 = h3 + 160 | 0; n2 = h3 + 128 | 0; o2 = h3 + 96 | 0; p2 = h3 + 64 | 0; q3 = h3 + 32 | 0; r2 = h3; s3 = g2 + 20 | 0; t3 = g2 + 24 | 0; u2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: case 0: { v2 = 1; break; } case 2: { v2 = 3; break; } case 4: { v2 = 2; break; } case 6: { v2 = 4; break; } default: v2 = 0; } w2 = B(v2, u2) | 0; u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[g2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { g2 = B(u2, w2) | 0; x2 = g2 + 7 | 0; y4 = B(x2 >>> 3, v2) | 0; z3 = y4 + v2 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = z3; A4 = kq(z3) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = A4; if ((A4 | 0) == 0 ? c[e2 >> 2] | 0 : 0) { Ia = h3; return; } if (w2 >>> 0 < 8 ? (z3 = x2 & -8, (g2 | 0) != (z3 | 0)) : 0) { if (y4) { x2 = lq(0, y4 << 1) | 0; if (!x2) C3 = 0; else { D3 = x2; E3 = 13; } } else { D3 = 0; E3 = 13; } if ((E3 | 0) == 13) { fq(D3, f2, z3, g2, v2); gq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, D3, u2, v2, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; C3 = D3; } mq(C3); Ia = h3; return; } gq(A4, f2, u2, v2, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = h3; return; } A4 = B(w2, u2) | 0; C3 = ((B(A4, v2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; D3 = kq(C3) | 0; g2 = (C3 | 0) == 0 | (D3 | 0) != 0; C3 = g2 ? 0 : 9952; if (g2) { _p2(n2, o2, p2, q3, r2, u2, v2, w2); z3 = c[p2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = z3; x2 = kq(z3) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = x2; if (!((x2 | 0) == 0 ? (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) != 0 : 0)) E3 = 19; do if ((E3 | 0) == 19) { _p2(i3, j2, k2, l2, m4, u2, v2, w2); if (w2 >>> 0 > 7) { e2 = w2 >>> 3; if (e2 | 0) { x2 = 0; do { z3 = c[j2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (z3 | 0 ? (y4 = c[i3 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, y4 | 0) : 0) { F3 = c[29952 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; G2 = c[29920 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; H2 = c[29888 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; I2 = c[29856 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; J2 = c[m4 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; K2 = 0; do { L3 = (B((B(K2, G2) | 0) + F3 | 0, u2) | 0) + H2 | 0; M2 = B(K2, y4) | 0; N4 = 0; do { O2 = B(L3 + (B(N4, I2) | 0) | 0, e2) | 0; P2 = (B(N4 + M2 | 0, e2) | 0) + J2 | 0; Q3 = 0; do { a[D3 + (P2 + Q3) >> 0] = a[f2 + (Q3 + O2) >> 0] | 0; Q3 = Q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((Q3 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); N4 = N4 + 1 | 0; } while ((N4 | 0) != (y4 | 0)); K2 = K2 + 1 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) != (z3 | 0)); } x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) != 7); } } else { x2 = (w2 | 0) == 0; e2 = 0; do { z3 = c[i3 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; K2 = c[j2 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (K2 | 0 ? (y4 = 29952 + (e2 << 2) | 0, J2 = 29920 + (e2 << 2) | 0, I2 = 29888 + (e2 << 2) | 0, z3 | 0) : 0) { H2 = c[29856 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; F3 = c[m4 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] << 3; G2 = 0; do { N4 = B(G2, z3) | 0; if (!x2) { M2 = B(c[J2 >> 2] | 0, G2) | 0; L3 = (B(M2 + (c[y4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, u2) | 0) + (c[I2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; M2 = 0; do { Q3 = 0; O2 = B(L3 + (B(M2, H2) | 0) | 0, w2) | 0; P2 = (B(M2 + N4 | 0, w2) | 0) + F3 | 0; while (true) { R3 = 1 << (P2 & 7 ^ 7); if (!(1 << (O2 & 7 ^ 7) & (d[f2 + (O2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0))) { S2 = D3 + (P2 >>> 3) | 0; T4 = (R3 ^ 255) & (d[S2 >> 0] | 0); U2 = S2; } else { S2 = D3 + (P2 >>> 3) | 0; T4 = R3 | (d[S2 >> 0] | 0); U2 = S2; } a[U2 >> 0] = T4; Q3 = Q3 + 1 | 0; if ((Q3 | 0) == (w2 | 0)) break; else { O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; P2 = P2 + 1 | 0; } } M2 = M2 + 1 | 0; } while ((M2 | 0) != (z3 | 0)); } G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; } while ((G2 | 0) != (K2 | 0)); } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 7); } e2 = B((A4 + 7 | 0) >>> 3, v2) | 0; x2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; K2 = e2 << 1; if (w2 >>> 0 >= 8) { gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 + 20 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 20 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0, D3 + (c[q3 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[n2 + 24 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 + 24 >> 2] | 0, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } if (!x2) { e2 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!e2) { V3 = 9954; W2 = 0; } else { X2 = e2; E3 = 48; } } else { X2 = 0; E3 = 48; } if ((E3 | 0) == 48) if (g2) { e2 = X2 + (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = B(G2, w2) | 0; F3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; fq(e2, D3 + (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, z3 + 7 & -8, z3, F3); V3 = gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2, G2, F3, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; W2 = X2; } else { V3 = C3; W2 = X2; } mq(W2); if (!x2) { F3 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!F3) { Y2 = 9954; Z3 = 0; } else { _5 = F3; E3 = 56; } } else { _5 = 0; E3 = 56; } if ((E3 | 0) == 56) if (!V3) { F3 = _5 + (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = c[n2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = B(G2, w2) | 0; z3 = c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; fq(F3, D3 + (c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2 + 7 & -8, e2, z3); Y2 = gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, F3, G2, z3, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Z3 = _5; } else { Y2 = V3; Z3 = _5; } mq(Z3); if (!x2) { z3 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!z3) { $2 = 9954; aa2 = 0; } else { ba3 = z3; E3 = 60; } } else { ba3 = 0; E3 = 60; } if ((E3 | 0) == 60) if (!Y2) { z3 = ba3 + (c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = c[n2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; F3 = B(G2, w2) | 0; e2 = c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; fq(z3, D3 + (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0, F3 + 7 & -8, F3, e2); $2 = gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0, z3, G2, e2, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; aa2 = ba3; } else { $2 = Y2; aa2 = ba3; } mq(aa2); if (!x2) { e2 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!e2) { ca2 = 9954; da2 = 0; } else { ea2 = e2; E3 = 64; } } else { ea2 = 0; E3 = 64; } if ((E3 | 0) == 64) if (!$2) { e2 = ea2 + (c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; z3 = B(G2, w2) | 0; F3 = c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; fq(e2, D3 + (c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, z3 + 7 & -8, z3, F3); ca2 = gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2, G2, F3, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; da2 = ea2; } else { ca2 = $2; da2 = ea2; } mq(da2); if (!x2) { F3 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!F3) { fa2 = 9954; ga2 = 0; } else { ha2 = F3; E3 = 68; } } else { ha2 = 0; E3 = 68; } if ((E3 | 0) == 68) if (!ca2) { F3 = ha2 + (c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = c[n2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; e2 = B(G2, w2) | 0; z3 = c[o2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; fq(F3, D3 + (c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2 + 7 & -8, e2, z3); fa2 = gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, F3, G2, z3, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ga2 = ha2; } else { fa2 = ca2; ga2 = ha2; } mq(ga2); if (!x2) { z3 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!z3) { ia2 = 9954; ja2 = 0; } else { ka2 = z3; E3 = 72; } } else { ka2 = 0; E3 = 72; } if ((E3 | 0) == 72) if (!fa2) { z3 = ka2 + (c[q3 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0; G2 = c[n2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; F3 = B(G2, w2) | 0; e2 = c[o2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; fq(z3, D3 + (c[r2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0, F3 + 7 & -8, F3, e2); ia2 = gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0, z3, G2, e2, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ja2 = ka2; } else { ia2 = fa2; ja2 = ka2; } mq(ja2); if (!x2) { x2 = lq(0, K2) | 0; if (!x2) la2 = 0; else { ma2 = x2; E3 = 76; } } else { ma2 = 0; E3 = 76; } if ((E3 | 0) == 76) if (!ia2) { x2 = ma2 + (c[q3 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0; K2 = c[n2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; e2 = B(K2, w2) | 0; G2 = c[o2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; fq(x2, D3 + (c[r2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0, e2 + 7 & -8, e2, G2); gq((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[p2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0, x2, K2, G2, c[s3 >> 2] | 0, c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; la2 = ma2; } else la2 = ma2; mq(la2); } while (0); } mq(D3); Ia = h3; return; } function dq(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0; a: do switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: { e2 = d2 + 12 | 0; if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) { f2 = 0; g2 = 0; } else { h3 = d2 + 8 | 0; i3 = 0; j2 = 0; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = a[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (i3 << 2 | 3) >> 0] | 0; n2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if (l2 >>> 0 < n2 >>> 0) { o2 = n2 << 1; p2 = lq(j2, o2) | 0; if (!p2) { q3 = j2; r2 = k2; s3 = l2; } else { t3 = p2; u2 = o2; v2 = 6; } } else { t3 = j2; u2 = l2; v2 = 6; } if ((v2 | 0) == 6) { v2 = 0; a[t3 + k2 >> 0] = m4; q3 = t3; r2 = n2; s3 = u2; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 >= (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { f2 = q3; g2 = r2; break; } else { j2 = q3; k2 = r2; l2 = s3; } } } break; } case 0: { if (!(c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { f2 = 0; g2 = 0; } else { l2 = d2 + 20 | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!j2) { e2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!i3) { f2 = 0; g2 = 0; break a; } else { w2 = 1; x2 = e2; y4 = i3; z3 = 0; } } else { a[j2 >> 0] = k2 >>> 8; w2 = 2; x2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = j2; z3 = 1; } a[y4 + z3 >> 0] = x2; f2 = y4; g2 = w2; } break; } case 2: { if (!(c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { f2 = 0; g2 = 0; } else { j2 = d2 + 20 | 0; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!k2) { i3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = lq(0, 2) | 0; if (!e2) { A4 = 0; B2 = 0; C3 = 0; } else { D3 = 1; E3 = i3; F3 = e2; G2 = 0; v2 = 17; } } else { a[k2 >> 0] = l2 >>> 8; D3 = 2; E3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = k2; G2 = 1; v2 = 17; } if ((v2 | 0) == 17) { a[F3 + G2 >> 0] = E3; A4 = F3; B2 = D3; C3 = 2; } k2 = d2 + 24 | 0; j2 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 8 & 255; l2 = B2 + 1 | 0; if (C3 >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0) { e2 = l2 << 1; i3 = lq(A4, e2) | 0; if (!i3) { H2 = l2; I2 = A4; J2 = B2; K2 = C3; } else { L3 = i3; M2 = e2; v2 = 20; } } else { L3 = A4; M2 = C3; v2 = 20; } if ((v2 | 0) == 20) { a[L3 + B2 >> 0] = j2; H2 = B2 + 2 | 0; I2 = L3; J2 = l2; K2 = M2; } l2 = c[k2 >> 2] & 255; if (K2 >>> 0 < H2 >>> 0) { k2 = H2 << 1; j2 = lq(I2, k2) | 0; if (!j2) { N4 = H2; O2 = I2; P2 = J2; Q3 = K2; } else { R3 = j2; S2 = k2; v2 = 23; } } else { R3 = I2; S2 = K2; v2 = 23; } if ((v2 | 0) == 23) { a[R3 + J2 >> 0] = l2; N4 = H2 + 1 | 0; O2 = R3; P2 = H2; Q3 = S2; } l2 = d2 + 28 | 0; k2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 8 & 255; if (Q3 >>> 0 < N4 >>> 0) { j2 = N4 << 1; e2 = lq(O2, j2) | 0; if (!e2) { T4 = N4; U2 = O2; V3 = P2; W2 = Q3; } else { X2 = e2; Y2 = j2; v2 = 26; } } else { X2 = O2; Y2 = Q3; v2 = 26; } if ((v2 | 0) == 26) { a[X2 + P2 >> 0] = k2; T4 = N4 + 1 | 0; U2 = X2; V3 = N4; W2 = Y2; } k2 = c[l2 >> 2] & 255; if (W2 >>> 0 < T4 >>> 0) { l2 = lq(U2, T4 << 1) | 0; if (!l2) { f2 = U2; g2 = V3; break a; } else Z3 = l2; } else Z3 = U2; a[Z3 + V3 >> 0] = k2; f2 = Z3; g2 = T4; } break; } default: { f2 = 0; g2 = 0; } } while (0); T4 = b4 + 4 | 0; if (Rp(b4, T4, g2, 95431, f2) | 0) { mq(f2); return; } c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = c[T4 >> 2]; mq(f2); return; } function eq(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; f2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (f2 << 24 >> 24) { g2 = f2; f2 = 1; h3 = 1; i3 = 0; j2 = 0; k2 = 0; l2 = 0; while (true) { if (h3) { m4 = f2 << 1; n2 = lq(j2, m4) | 0; if (!n2) { o2 = j2; p2 = k2; q3 = l2; } else { r2 = n2; s3 = m4; t3 = 5; } } else { r2 = j2; s3 = l2; t3 = 5; } if ((t3 | 0) == 5) { t3 = 0; a[r2 + k2 >> 0] = g2; o2 = r2; p2 = f2; q3 = s3; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; g2 = a[d2 + i3 >> 0] | 0; f2 = p2 + 1 | 0; h3 = q3 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0; if (!(g2 << 24 >> 24)) break; else { j2 = o2; k2 = p2; l2 = q3; } } if (h3) { u2 = f2; v2 = o2; w2 = p2; x2 = q3; t3 = 8; } else { y4 = f2; z3 = o2; A4 = p2; B2 = q3; t3 = 9; } } else { u2 = 1; v2 = 0; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; t3 = 8; } if ((t3 | 0) == 8) { q3 = u2 << 1; p2 = lq(v2, q3) | 0; if (!p2) { C3 = v2; D3 = w2; E3 = x2; } else { y4 = u2; z3 = p2; A4 = w2; B2 = q3; t3 = 9; } } if ((t3 | 0) == 9) { a[z3 + A4 >> 0] = 0; C3 = z3; D3 = y4; E3 = B2; } B2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(B2 << 24 >> 24)) { F3 = C3; G2 = D3; } else { y4 = B2; B2 = 0; z3 = C3; C3 = D3; D3 = E3; while (true) { E3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if (D3 >>> 0 < E3 >>> 0) { A4 = E3 << 1; q3 = lq(z3, A4) | 0; if (!q3) { H2 = z3; I2 = C3; J2 = D3; } else { K2 = q3; L3 = A4; t3 = 14; } } else { K2 = z3; L3 = D3; t3 = 14; } if ((t3 | 0) == 14) { t3 = 0; a[K2 + C3 >> 0] = y4; H2 = K2; I2 = E3; J2 = L3; } B2 = B2 + 1 | 0; y4 = a[e2 + B2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(y4 << 24 >> 24)) { F3 = H2; G2 = I2; break; } else { z3 = H2; C3 = I2; D3 = J2; } } } J2 = b4 + 4 | 0; if (Rp(b4, J2, G2, 95426, F3) | 0) { mq(F3); return; } c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = c[J2 >> 2]; mq(F3); return; } function fq(b4, c2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; h3 = e2 - f2 | 0; if (!g2) return; i3 = (h3 | 0) != 0; if (!f2) { j2 = 0; k2 = 0; while (true) { if (i3) { l2 = j2; m4 = 0; while (true) { n2 = b4 + (l2 >>> 3) | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = (1 << (l2 & 7 ^ 7) ^ 255) & (d[n2 >> 0] | 0); m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break; else l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } o2 = j2 + e2 | 0; } else o2 = j2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) break; else j2 = o2; } return; } o2 = 0; j2 = 0; k2 = 0; while (true) { l2 = j2 + f2 | 0; m4 = o2; n2 = j2; p2 = 0; while (true) { q3 = 1 << (n2 & 7 ^ 7); if (!(1 << (m4 & 7 ^ 7) & (d[c2 + (m4 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0))) { r2 = b4 + (n2 >>> 3) | 0; s3 = (q3 ^ 255) & (d[r2 >> 0] | 0); t3 = r2; } else { r2 = b4 + (n2 >>> 3) | 0; s3 = q3 | (d[r2 >> 0] | 0); t3 = r2; } a[t3 >> 0] = s3; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((p2 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) break; else { m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } } o2 = o2 + f2 | 0; if (i3) { n2 = l2; m4 = 0; while (true) { p2 = b4 + (n2 >>> 3) | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = (1 << (n2 & 7 ^ 7) ^ 255) & (d[p2 >> 0] | 0); m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break; else n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } u2 = j2 + e2 | 0; } else u2 = l2; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) break; else j2 = u2; } return; } function gq(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; k2 = j2; switch (h3 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { l2 = 1; break; } case 2: { l2 = 3; break; } case 4: { l2 = 2; break; } case 6: { l2 = 4; break; } default: l2 = 0; } m4 = B(l2, i3) | 0; l2 = ((B(m4, f2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; f2 = (m4 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; if (!m4) { n2 = 31; Ia = j2; return n2 | 0; } if ((h3 | 0) == 3 | i3 >>> 0 < 8) { if (!g2) { n2 = 0; Ia = j2; return n2 | 0; } i3 = l2 + 1 | 0; if (!l2) { h3 = 0; do { a[b4 + (B(h3, i3) | 0) >> 0] = 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); n2 = 0; Ia = j2; return n2 | 0; } h3 = 0; do { m4 = B(h3, i3) | 0; o2 = B(h3, l2) | 0; a[b4 + m4 >> 0] = 0; p2 = b4 + (m4 + 1) | 0; m4 = e2 + o2 | 0; o2 = 0; do { a[p2 + o2 >> 0] = a[m4 + o2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (g2 | 0)); n2 = 0; Ia = j2; return n2 | 0; } h3 = k2; i3 = h3 + 60 | 0; do { c[h3 >> 2] = 0; h3 = h3 + 4 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); h3 = l2 << 1; i3 = k2 + 8 | 0; do if (!l2) { c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = l2; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = l2; c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = l2; c[k2 + 40 >> 2] = l2; q3 = 0; r2 = 0; s3 = 0; t3 = 0; u2 = 0; v2 = k2 + 20 | 0; w2 = k2 + 32 | 0; x2 = k2 + 44 | 0; y4 = k2 + 56 | 0; z3 = 89; } else { o2 = lq(0, h3) | 0; if (o2) { c[i3 >> 2] = h3; c[k2 >> 2] = o2; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = l2; m4 = k2 + 20 | 0; p2 = lq(0, h3) | 0; if (p2) { c[m4 >> 2] = h3; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = p2; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = l2; A4 = k2 + 32 | 0; C3 = lq(0, h3) | 0; if (C3) { c[A4 >> 2] = h3; c[k2 + 24 >> 2] = C3; c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = l2; D3 = k2 + 44 | 0; E3 = lq(0, h3) | 0; if (E3) { c[D3 >> 2] = h3; c[k2 + 36 >> 2] = E3; c[k2 + 40 >> 2] = l2; F3 = k2 + 56 | 0; G2 = lq(0, h3) | 0; if (!G2) { H2 = m4; I2 = E3; J2 = C3; K2 = p2; L3 = o2; } else { c[F3 >> 2] = h3; c[k2 + 48 >> 2] = G2; q3 = E3; r2 = p2; s3 = o2; t3 = C3; u2 = G2; v2 = m4; w2 = A4; x2 = D3; y4 = F3; z3 = 89; break; } } else { H2 = m4; I2 = 0; J2 = C3; K2 = p2; L3 = o2; } } else { H2 = m4; I2 = 0; J2 = 0; K2 = p2; L3 = o2; } } else { H2 = m4; I2 = 0; J2 = 0; K2 = 0; L3 = o2; } } else { H2 = k2 + 20 | 0; I2 = 0; J2 = 0; K2 = 0; L3 = 0; } M2 = L3; N4 = K2; O2 = J2; P2 = I2; Q3 = 0; R3 = H2; S2 = k2 + 32 | 0; T4 = k2 + 44 | 0; U2 = k2 + 56 | 0; V3 = 9949; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 89) { c[k2 + 52 >> 2] = l2; if (!g2) { M2 = s3; N4 = r2; O2 = t3; P2 = q3; Q3 = u2; R3 = v2; S2 = w2; T4 = x2; U2 = y4; V3 = 0; } else { u2 = (l2 | 0) == 0; q3 = (f2 | 0) != 0; t3 = (l2 | 0) != 0; r2 = f2 >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0; s3 = l2 + 1 | 0; z3 = 0; H2 = 0; I2 = 0; J2 = 0; while (true) { K2 = H2; H2 = e2 + (B(J2, l2) | 0) | 0; L3 = (K2 | 0) == 0; h3 = z3; i3 = I2; o2 = 0; do { m4 = c[k2 + (o2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0; a: do switch ((o2 & 255) << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { if (!u2) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = a[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } break; } case 1: { if (L3) { if (q3) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = a[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } if (!r2) break a; p2 = f2; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (d[H2 + (p2 - f2) >> 0] | 0); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } else { if (q3) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = a[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } if (!r2) break a; p2 = f2; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (d[H2 + (p2 - f2) >> 0] | 0); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } break; } case 2: { if (L3) { if (!t3) break a; p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = a[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } else { if (!t3) break a; p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (d[K2 + p2 >> 0] | 0); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } break; } case 3: { if (L3) { if (q3) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = a[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } if (!r2) break a; p2 = f2; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - ((d[H2 + (p2 - f2) >> 0] | 0) >>> 1 & 255); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } else { if (q3) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - ((d[K2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) >>> 1 & 255); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } if (!r2) break a; p2 = f2; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (((d[K2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) + (d[H2 + (p2 - f2) >> 0] | 0) | 0) >>> 1); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } break; } case 4: { if (L3) { if (q3) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = a[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } if (!r2) break a; p2 = f2; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (d[H2 + (p2 - f2) >> 0] | 0); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } else { if (q3) { p2 = 0; do { a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (d[K2 + p2 >> 0] | 0); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } if (!r2) break a; p2 = f2; do { C3 = p2 - f2 | 0; F3 = a[H2 + C3 >> 0] | 0; D3 = a[K2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; A4 = a[K2 + C3 >> 0] | 0; C3 = D3 & 255; G2 = A4 & 255; E3 = C3 - G2 | 0; W2 = (E3 | 0) > -1 ? E3 : 0 - E3 | 0; E3 = F3 & 255; X2 = E3 - G2 | 0; Y2 = (X2 | 0) > -1 ? X2 : 0 - X2 | 0; X2 = C3 + E3 + (B(G2, -2) | 0) | 0; G2 = (X2 | 0) > -1 ? X2 : 0 - X2 | 0; a[m4 + p2 >> 0] = (d[H2 + p2 >> 0] | 0) - (((W2 | 0) > (Y2 | 0) | (W2 | 0) > (G2 | 0) ? (Y2 | 0) > (G2 | 0) ? A4 : D3 : F3) & 255); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } break; } default: { } } while (0); p2 = c[k2 + (o2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (!p2) Z3 = 0; else { F3 = 0; D3 = 0; while (true) { A4 = F3 + (d[m4 + D3 >> 0] | 0) | 0; D3 = D3 + 3 | 0; if (D3 >>> 0 >= p2 >>> 0) { Z3 = A4; break; } else F3 = A4; } } F3 = (o2 | 0) == 0 | Z3 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0; i3 = F3 ? Z3 : i3; h3 = F3 ? o2 : h3; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != 5); o2 = B(J2, s3) | 0; a[b4 + o2 >> 0] = h3; if (!u2) { K2 = c[k2 + (h3 * 12 | 0) >> 2] | 0; L3 = 0; do { F3 = L3; L3 = L3 + 1 | 0; a[b4 + (L3 + o2) >> 0] = a[K2 + F3 >> 0] | 0; } while ((L3 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } J2 = J2 + 1 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) == (g2 | 0)) break; else { z3 = h3; I2 = i3; } } M2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; N4 = c[k2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; O2 = c[k2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; P2 = c[k2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = c[k2 + 48 >> 2] | 0; R3 = v2; S2 = w2; T4 = x2; U2 = y4; V3 = 0; } } mq(M2); c[R3 >> 2] = 0; mq(N4); c[S2 >> 2] = 0; mq(O2); c[T4 >> 2] = 0; mq(P2); c[U2 >> 2] = 0; mq(Q3); n2 = V3; Ia = j2; return n2 | 0; } function hq(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 240 | 0; j2 = i3 + 8 | 0; k2 = i3 + 4 | 0; l2 = i3; c[j2 >> 2] = 2; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 1; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = 2048; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 1; c[j2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; m4 = j2 + 64 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 48 >> 2] = 6; c[j2 + 52 >> 2] = 8; c[j2 + 56 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 60 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 44 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 36 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 40 >> 2] = 0; m4 = j2 + 80 | 0; c[j2 + 144 >> 2] = 0; n2 = j2 + 160 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; n2 = m4; o2 = n2 + 48 | 0; do { c[n2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = n2 + 4 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) < (o2 | 0)); a[m4 + 48 >> 0] = 0; m4 = j2 + 192 | 0; n2 = j2 + 216 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 1; c[j2 + 184 >> 2] = g2; c[j2 + 188 >> 2] = h3; bq(j2, k2, l2, d2, e2, f2); f2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Vp(j2 + 28 | 0); j2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (j2 | 0) mq(j2); j2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = ru(b4, 103074) | 0; if (!l2) { mq(j2); Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } Vu(j2, 1, k2, l2) | 0; xu2(l2) | 0; mq(j2); Ia = i3; return f2 | 0; } function iq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; if (a2 >>> 0 <= 1073741824 ? (c[545811] = (c[545811] | 0) + 1, (a2 | 0) != 0) : 0) { b4 = Ks2(a2 + 8 | 0) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = -1060065012; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = a2; c[545813] = (c[545813] | 0) + a2; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; } else d2 = 0; Iv(d2 | 0, 0, a2 | 0) | 0; return d2 | 0; } function jq(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; Iv(a2 | 0, b4 & 255 | 0, c2 | 0) | 0; return; } function kq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; if (b4 >>> 0 <= 1073741824 ? (c[545811] = (c[545811] | 0) + 1, (b4 | 0) != 0) : 0) { d2 = Ks2(a2 + 24 | 0) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = -1060065012; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; c[545813] = (c[545813] | 0) + b4; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; } else e2 = 0; Iv(e2 | 0, 0, b4 | 0) | 0; return e2 | 0; } function lq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if (a2 | 0) { c[545813] = b4 - (c[a2 + -4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[545813] | 0); d2 = Ns(a2 + -8 | 0, b4 + 8 | 0) | 0; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; return e2 | 0; } d2 = b4 + 16 | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 <= 1073741824 ? (c[545811] = (c[545811] | 0) + 1, (d2 | 0) != 0) : 0) { a2 = Ks2(b4 + 24 | 0) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = -1060065012; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; c[545813] = (c[545813] | 0) + d2; f2 = a2 + 8 | 0; } else f2 = 0; Iv(f2 | 0, 0, d2 | 0) | 0; e2 = f2; return e2 | 0; } function mq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = b4; if (c[544491] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } if (!a2) { Ia = b4; return; } c[545812] = (c[545812] | 0) + 1; f2 = a2 + -8 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = a2 + -4 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) != -1060065012) { c[e2 >> 2] = g2; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; hv(95436, e2) | 0; zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; e2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = e2; it(1703776, 95436, d2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Ia = b4; return; } if (i3 >>> 0 > 3) { d2 = i3 >>> 2; e2 = 0; do { c[a2 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = -559038737; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while (e2 >>> 0 < d2 >>> 0); } c[545813] = (c[545813] | 0) - i3; c[f2 >> 2] = 11254272; c[h3 >> 2] = 13491200; Ls(f2); Ia = b4; return; } function nq(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = c[545811] | 0; c[545811] = d2 + 1; e2 = Ks2(100) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = -1060065012; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 92; f2 = (c[545813] | 0) + 92 | 0; c[545813] = f2; g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; h3 = e2 + 12 | 0; i3 = h3 + 84 | 0; do { a[h3 >> 0] = 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) < (i3 | 0)); c[g2 >> 2] = 1; h3 = e2 + 20 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; i3 = (b4 | 0) > 4 ? b4 : 4; c[e2 + 96 >> 2] = i3; if (i3 >>> 0 > 1073741824) { j2 = 0; Iv(j2 | 0, 0, i3 | 0) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; return g2 | 0; } c[545811] = d2 + 2; if (!i3) { j2 = 0; Iv(j2 | 0, 0, i3 | 0) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; return g2 | 0; } d2 = Ks2(i3 + 8 | 0) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = -1060065012; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = i3; c[545813] = f2 + i3; j2 = d2 + 8 | 0; Iv(j2 | 0, 0, i3 | 0) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; return g2 | 0; } function oq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 88 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) return 0; f2 = b4 << 1; c[d2 >> 2] = f2; b4 = a2 + 12 | 0; a2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (!a2) { g2 = f2 + 16 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 <= 1073741824 ? (c[545811] = (c[545811] | 0) + 1, (g2 | 0) != 0) : 0) { h3 = Ks2(f2 + 24 | 0) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = -1060065012; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = g2; c[545813] = (c[545813] | 0) + g2; i3 = h3 + 8 | 0; } else i3 = 0; Iv(i3 | 0, 0, g2 | 0) | 0; j2 = f2; k2 = i3; } else { c[545813] = f2 - (c[a2 + -4 >> 2] | 0) + (c[545813] | 0); i3 = Ns(a2 + -8 | 0, f2 + 8 | 0) | 0; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = f2; j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = i3 + 8 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = k2; Iv(k2 + e2 | 0, 0, j2 - e2 | 0) | 0; return 0; } function pq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Eo(a2); return; } function qq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; return; } function rq(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; d2 = b4 + 92 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = e2 + 1; a[b4 + 28 + e2 >> 0] = -128; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 55) { if ((f2 | 0) < 64) { e2 = f2; do { c[d2 >> 2] = e2 + 1; a[b4 + 28 + e2 >> 0] = 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < 64); } sq(b4); e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) < 56) { g2 = e2; do { c[d2 >> 2] = g2 + 1; a[b4 + 28 + g2 >> 0] = 0; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < 56); } } else if ((f2 | 0) < 56) { g2 = f2; do { c[d2 >> 2] = g2 + 1; a[b4 + 28 + g2 >> 0] = 0; g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < 56); } g2 = c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0; a[b4 + 84 >> 0] = g2 >>> 24; a[b4 + 85 >> 0] = g2 >>> 16; a[b4 + 86 >> 0] = g2 >>> 8; a[b4 + 87 >> 0] = g2; g2 = c[b4 + 20 >> 2] | 0; a[b4 + 88 >> 0] = g2 >>> 24; a[b4 + 89 >> 0] = g2 >>> 16; a[b4 + 90 >> 0] = g2 >>> 8; a[b4 + 91 >> 0] = g2; sq(b4); return; } function sq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 320 | 0; e2 = b4; f2 = 0; do { g2 = f2 << 2; c[e2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = (d[(g2 | 2) + (a2 + 28) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | ((d[(g2 | 1) + (a2 + 28) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[a2 + 28 + g2 >> 0] | 0) << 24) | (d[(g2 | 3) + (a2 + 28) >> 0] | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 16); f2 = 16; do { g2 = c[e2 + (f2 + -8 << 2) >> 2] ^ c[e2 + (f2 + -3 << 2) >> 2] ^ c[e2 + (f2 + -14 << 2) >> 2] ^ c[e2 + (f2 + -16 << 2) >> 2]; c[e2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = g2 << 1 | g2 >>> 31; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 80); f2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 4 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; k2 = a2 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = a2 + 16 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = f2; p2 = h3; q3 = j2; r2 = l2; s3 = n2; t3 = 0; while (true) { u2 = (o2 << 5 | o2 >>> 27) + 1518500249 + s3 + (r2 & ~p2 | q3 & p2) + (c[e2 + (t3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; v2 = p2 << 30 | p2 >>> 2; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == 20) break; else { w2 = q3; x2 = o2; o2 = u2; q3 = v2; s3 = r2; r2 = w2; p2 = x2; } } p2 = u2; u2 = o2; o2 = v2; v2 = q3; q3 = r2; r2 = 20; while (true) { y4 = (p2 << 5 | p2 >>> 27) + 1859775393 + (o2 ^ u2 ^ v2) + q3 + (c[e2 + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; z3 = u2 << 30 | u2 >>> 2; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == 40) break; else { s3 = o2; t3 = p2; p2 = y4; o2 = z3; q3 = v2; v2 = s3; u2 = t3; } } u2 = y4; y4 = p2; p2 = z3; z3 = o2; o2 = v2; v2 = 40; while (true) { A4 = (u2 << 5 | u2 >>> 27) + -1894007588 + o2 + ((z3 | p2) & y4 | z3 & p2) + (c[e2 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; B2 = y4 << 30 | y4 >>> 2; v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 60) break; else { q3 = p2; r2 = u2; u2 = A4; p2 = B2; o2 = z3; z3 = q3; y4 = r2; } } y4 = A4; A4 = u2; u2 = B2; B2 = p2; p2 = z3; z3 = 60; while (true) { C3 = (y4 << 5 | y4 >>> 27) + -899497514 + (u2 ^ A4 ^ B2) + p2 + (c[e2 + (z3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; D3 = A4 << 30 | A4 >>> 2; z3 = z3 + 1 | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == 80) break; else { o2 = u2; v2 = y4; y4 = C3; u2 = D3; p2 = B2; B2 = o2; A4 = v2; } } c[a2 >> 2] = C3 + f2; c[g2 >> 2] = y4 + h3; c[i3 >> 2] = D3 + j2; c[k2 >> 2] = u2 + l2; c[m4 >> 2] = B2 + n2; c[a2 + 92 >> 2] = 0; Ia = b4; return; } function tq(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 128 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = f2 + 24 | 0; i3 = h3 + 20 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; j2 = h3 + 24 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = h3 + 92 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 1732584193; l2 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = -271733879; m4 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = -1732584194; n2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 271733878; o2 = h3 + 16 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = -1009589776; p2 = h3 + 96 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = h3 + 100 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; a: do if (d2) { r2 = 0; s3 = 0; t3 = d2; u2 = b4; while (true) { v2 = t3 + -1 | 0; w2 = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = r2 + 1; a[h3 + 28 + r2 >> 0] = w2; w2 = s3 + 8 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = w2; if ((w2 | 0) == 0 ? (w2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0, c[j2 >> 2] = w2, (w2 | 0) == 0) : 0) c[q3 >> 2] = 1; if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == 64) sq(h3); x2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (!v2) break; if (!x2) { y4 = 0; break a; } r2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = v2; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } if (x2) if (!(c[p2 >> 2] | 0)) z3 = 13; else y4 = 1; else y4 = 0; } else z3 = 13; while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 13) { rq(h3); c[p2 >> 2] = 1; y4 = 1; } p2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = p2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = l2; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = m4; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = n2; it(e2, 95458, g2) | 0; Ia = f2; return y4 | 0; } function uq(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; h3 = b4 + f2 | 0; i3 = e2 + g2 | 0; j2 = i3 + -12 | 0; if (!g2) { if ((f2 | 0) != 1) { k2 = -1; return k2 | 0; } k2 = ((a[b4 >> 0] | 0) != 0) << 31 >> 31; return k2 | 0; } f2 = i3 + -8 | 0; g2 = h3 + -8 | 0; l2 = h3 + -6 | 0; m4 = i3 + -5 | 0; n2 = b4; o2 = e2; while (true) { p2 = o2; q3 = n2 + 1 | 0; r2 = d[n2 >> 0] | 0; s3 = r2 >>> 4; if ((s3 | 0) == 15) if (q3 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0) { t3 = q3; u2 = 15; while (true) { v2 = t3 + 1 | 0; w2 = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; x2 = u2 + (w2 & 255) | 0; if (w2 << 24 >> 24 == -1 & v2 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0) { t3 = v2; u2 = x2; } else { y4 = v2; z3 = x2; break; } } } else { y4 = q3; z3 = 15; } else { y4 = q3; z3 = s3; } A4 = o2 + z3 | 0; B2 = y4 + z3 | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 > j2 >>> 0 | B2 >>> 0 > g2 >>> 0) { C3 = 10; break; } u2 = o2 + 8 | 0; t3 = (A4 >>> 0 > u2 >>> 0 ? A4 : u2) + -1 + (0 - p2) & -8; x2 = y4; v2 = o2; while (true) { w2 = d[x2 >> 0] | d[x2 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[x2 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[x2 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[v2 >> 0] = w2; a[v2 + 1 >> 0] = w2 >> 8; a[v2 + 2 >> 0] = w2 >> 16; a[v2 + 3 >> 0] = w2 >> 24; w2 = v2 + 4 | 0; D3 = x2 + 4 | 0; E3 = d[D3 >> 0] | d[D3 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[D3 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[D3 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[w2 >> 0] = E3; a[w2 + 1 >> 0] = E3 >> 8; a[w2 + 2 >> 0] = E3 >> 16; a[w2 + 3 >> 0] = E3 >> 24; v2 = v2 + 8 | 0; if (v2 >>> 0 >= A4 >>> 0) break; else x2 = x2 + 8 | 0; } x2 = y4 + 8 + t3 + (A4 - (u2 + t3)) | 0; v2 = d[x2 >> 0] | d[x2 + 1 >> 0] << 8; p2 = A4 + (0 - (v2 & 65535)) | 0; s3 = x2 + 2 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0) { F3 = s3; break; } x2 = r2 & 15; a: do if ((x2 | 0) == 15) { q3 = s3; E3 = 15; while (true) { if (q3 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0) { G2 = q3; H2 = E3; break a; } w2 = q3 + 1 | 0; D3 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; I2 = E3 + (D3 & 255) | 0; if (D3 << 24 >> 24 == -1) { q3 = w2; E3 = I2; } else { G2 = w2; H2 = I2; break; } } } else { G2 = s3; H2 = x2; } while (0); if ((v2 & 65535) < 4) { a[A4 >> 0] = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; a[A4 + 1 >> 0] = a[p2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; a[A4 + 2 >> 0] = a[p2 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[A4 + 3 >> 0] = a[p2 + 3 >> 0] | 0; x2 = A4 + 4 | 0; s3 = p2 + 4 | 0; r2 = x2; t3 = s3 + (0 - (c[29984 + (r2 - s3 << 2) >> 2] | 0)) | 0; s3 = d[t3 >> 0] | d[t3 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[t3 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[t3 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[x2 >> 0] = s3; a[x2 + 1 >> 0] = s3 >> 8; a[x2 + 2 >> 0] = s3 >> 16; a[x2 + 3 >> 0] = s3 >> 24; J2 = x2; K2 = r2; L3 = t3; } else { t3 = d[p2 >> 0] | d[p2 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[p2 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[p2 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[A4 >> 0] = t3; a[A4 + 1 >> 0] = t3 >> 8; a[A4 + 2 >> 0] = t3 >> 16; a[A4 + 3 >> 0] = t3 >> 24; t3 = A4 + 4 | 0; J2 = t3; K2 = t3; L3 = p2 + 4 | 0; } t3 = A4 + 4 + H2 | 0; if (t3 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0) { if (t3 >>> 0 > m4 >>> 0) { F3 = G2; break; } r2 = A4 + 12 | 0; x2 = (f2 >>> 0 > r2 >>> 0 ? f2 : r2) + -1 + (0 - K2) & -8; s3 = J2; u2 = L3; while (true) { E3 = d[u2 >> 0] | d[u2 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[u2 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[u2 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[s3 >> 0] = E3; a[s3 + 1 >> 0] = E3 >> 8; a[s3 + 2 >> 0] = E3 >> 16; a[s3 + 3 >> 0] = E3 >> 24; E3 = s3 + 4 | 0; q3 = u2 + 4 | 0; I2 = d[q3 >> 0] | d[q3 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[q3 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[q3 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[E3 >> 0] = I2; a[E3 + 1 >> 0] = I2 >> 8; a[E3 + 2 >> 0] = I2 >> 16; a[E3 + 3 >> 0] = I2 >> 24; s3 = s3 + 8 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) break; else u2 = u2 + 8 | 0; } u2 = r2 + x2 | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 < t3 >>> 0) { s3 = u2; u2 = L3 + 8 + x2 | 0; while (true) { a[s3 >> 0] = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == (t3 | 0)) break; else u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } } } else { u2 = J2; s3 = L3; while (true) { x2 = d[s3 >> 0] | d[s3 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[s3 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[s3 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[u2 >> 0] = x2; a[u2 + 1 >> 0] = x2 >> 8; a[u2 + 2 >> 0] = x2 >> 16; a[u2 + 3 >> 0] = x2 >> 24; x2 = u2 + 4 | 0; r2 = s3 + 4 | 0; p2 = d[r2 >> 0] | d[r2 + 1 >> 0] << 8 | d[r2 + 2 >> 0] << 16 | d[r2 + 3 >> 0] << 24; a[x2 >> 0] = p2; a[x2 + 1 >> 0] = p2 >> 8; a[x2 + 2 >> 0] = p2 >> 16; a[x2 + 3 >> 0] = p2 >> 24; u2 = u2 + 8 | 0; if (u2 >>> 0 >= t3 >>> 0) break; else s3 = s3 + 8 | 0; } } n2 = G2; o2 = t3; } if ((C3 | 0) == 10) if (A4 >>> 0 > i3 >>> 0 | (B2 | 0) != (h3 | 0)) F3 = y4; else { Hv(o2 | 0, y4 | 0, z3 | 0) | 0; k2 = A4 - e2 | 0; return k2 | 0; } k2 = b4 + -1 - F3 | 0; return k2 | 0; } function vq(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; if (!d2) return; if (c[543656] | c[543654] | 0) { Iv(b4 | 0, 0, d2 | 0) | 0; return; } if ((c[543669] | 0) == (c[543667] | 0) ? (c[543670] | 0) == (c[543668] | 0) : 0) { wq(0, b4, d2); return; } if ((d2 | 0) <= 0) return; Iv(b4 | 0, 0, d2 | 0) | 0; return; } function wq(a2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; c[8713] = e2; if (ka(28) | 0) { Iv(d2 | 0, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; return; } a2 = c[543655] | 0; c[543655] = a2 + 1; if (!((a2 | 0) < 3 | (c[543656] | 0) != 0)) { Iv(d2 | 0, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; return; } c[730406] = 1; a2 = c[543668] | 0; f2 = (e2 | 0) / (((a2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : a2 << 1) | 0) | 0; a2 = (c[543667] | 0) == 44100 ? (f2 | 0) / 2 | 0 : f2; f2 = (c[8712] | 0) == -1; g2 = Kr() | 0; if (!f2) { f2 = (g2 - (c[8712] | 0) | 0) > 500; c[8712] = Kr() | 0; if (f2) { if ((a2 | 0) <= 0) return; Iv(d2 | 0, 0, a2 << 1 | 0) | 0; return; } } else c[8712] = g2; c[545819] = 0; xq(2708888, a2); xq(2722184, a2); xq(2735480, a2); xq(2748776, a2); xq(2762072, a2); xq(2775368, a2); xq(2788664, a2); xq(2801960, a2); xq(2815256, a2); xq(2828552, a2); xq(2841848, a2); xq(2855144, a2); xq(2868440, a2); xq(2881736, a2); xq(2895032, a2); xq(2908328, a2); if (c[545819] | 0) c[543662] = (c[543662] | 0) + 1; g2 = (c[543959] | 0) == 0; if (!g2) { if (c[679278] | 0) Iv(2762072, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; if (c[682602] | 0) Iv(2775368, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; if (c[685926] | 0) Iv(2788664, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; if (c[689250] | 0) Iv(2801960, 0, e2 | 0) | 0; } f2 = g2 ? 16 : 8; g2 = (a2 | 0) > 0; if (g2) { h3 = 2; do { i3 = (h3 | 0) / 2 | 0; j2 = 0; do { k2 = j2 + i3 | 0; l2 = 0; do { m4 = 2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + (l2 << 1) | 0; n2 = (b3[2708888 + (k2 * 13296 | 0) + (l2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) + (b3[m4 >> 1] | 0) | 0; if ((n2 | 0) <= 24575) if ((n2 | 0) < -24575) o2 = ((n2 + 24576 | 0) / 5 | 0) + -24576 | 0; else o2 = n2; else o2 = ((n2 + -24576 | 0) / 5 | 0) + 24576 | 0; b3[m4 >> 1] = o2; l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; } while ((l2 | 0) != (a2 | 0)); j2 = j2 + h3 | 0; } while (j2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0); h3 = h3 << 1; } while (h3 >>> 0 <= f2 >>> 0); } else { h3 = 2; do { o2 = 0; do o2 = o2 + h3 | 0; while (o2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0); h3 = h3 << 1; } while (h3 >>> 0 <= f2 >>> 0); } f2 = c[543939] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != 256 & g2) { h3 = 0; do { o2 = 2708888 + (h3 << 1) | 0; b3[o2 >> 1] = (B(f2, b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) | 0) >>> 8; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (a2 | 0)); } if (!((c[677221] | 0) == 0 | (c[545820] | 0) == 0) ? (h3 = c[545818] | 0, h3 | 0) : 0) { f2 = (B(c[543940] | 0, h3) | 0) >> 16; if (0) ; if (g2) { h3 = 0; do { o2 = 1716192 + (h3 << 1) | 0; b3[o2 >> 1] = (B(f2, b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) | 0) >>> 8; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (a2 | 0)); h3 = 0; do { f2 = 2708888 + (h3 << 1) | 0; o2 = (b3[1716192 + (h3 << 1) >> 1] | 0) + (b3[f2 >> 1] | 0) | 0; if ((o2 | 0) <= 24575) if ((o2 | 0) < -24575) p2 = ((o2 + 24576 | 0) / 5 | 0) + -24576 | 0; else p2 = o2; else p2 = ((o2 + -24576 | 0) / 5 | 0) + 24576 | 0; b3[f2 >> 1] = p2; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (a2 | 0)); } } h3 = c[543667] | 0; p2 = c[543668] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) == 22050 & (p2 | 0) == 1) { if (g2) { f2 = 0; do { b3[d2 + (f2 << 1) >> 1] = b3[2708888 + (f2 << 1) >> 1] | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (a2 | 0)); } } else if ((h3 | 0) == 44100 & (p2 | 0) == 2 ? (p2 = a2 << 2, g2) : 0) { g2 = 0; do { b3[d2 + (g2 << 1) >> 1] = b3[2708888 + (g2 >>> 2 << 1) >> 1] | 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) < (p2 | 0)); } p2 = c[730413] | 0; if (!p2) q3 = h3; else { Sa[p2 & 15](d2, (e2 | 0) / 2 | 0); q3 = c[543667] | 0; } if (((q3 | 0) == 22050 & (c[543668] | 0) == 1 & (c[543661] | 0) != 0 ? (q3 = c[730414] | 0, e2 = 10584000 - ((c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0, p2 = (a2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? a2 : e2, (p2 | 0) > 0) : 0) ? (xo(b3[d2 >> 1] | 0, q3), (p2 | 0) != 1) : 0) { q3 = 1; do { xo(b3[d2 + (q3 << 1) >> 1] | 0, c[730414] | 0); q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) < (p2 | 0)); } c[730406] = 0; return; } function xq(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0; jq(a2, 0, 8192); if (1 << c[a2 + 8240 >> 2] & c[768514]) { yq(a2, ((d2 | 0) / 2 | 0) + 1 | 0); if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { e2 = d2; do { f2 = e2; e2 = e2 + -1 | 0; b3[a2 + (e2 << 1) >> 1] = b3[a2 + (((e2 | 0) / 2 | 0) << 1) >> 1] | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) > 1); } } else yq(a2, d2); e2 = a2 + 8208 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!((f2 | 0) != 0 & (d2 | 0) > 0)) return; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = a2 + 8216 | 0; i3 = f2 + 28 | 0; j2 = f2 + 20 | 0; f2 = ~d2; k2 = ~g2; l2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 0; while (true) { n2 = d2 - m4 | 0; o2 = g2 - l2 | 0; p2 = (n2 | 0) < (o2 | 0) ? n2 : o2; if ((p2 | 0) < 1) break; o2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4 + f2 | 0; q3 = l2 + k2 | 0; r2 = (n2 | 0) > (q3 | 0) ? n2 : q3; q3 = m4 + -1 | 0; n2 = 0; s3 = l2; t3 = m4; while (true) { b3[a2 + (t3 << 1) >> 1] = b3[o2 + (s3 << 1) >> 1] | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if ((n2 | 0) >= (p2 | 0)) break; else { s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } } t3 = l2 + -1 - r2 | 0; m4 = q3 - r2 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = t3; s3 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 | (t3 | 0) < (g2 | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = s3 ? t3 : 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= (d2 | 0)) { u2 = 14; break; } else l2 = s3 ? t3 : 0; } if ((u2 | 0) == 14) return; if ((g2 | 0) > (l2 | 0)) return; c[a2 + 11548 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 8232 >> 2] = 0; e2 = a2 + 8220 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; return; } function yq(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; f2 = a2 + 11756 | 0; c[a2 + 11752 >> 2] = c[f2 >> 2]; g2 = c[543668] | 0; h3 = (((d2 << 1 | 0) / (((g2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : g2 << 1) | 0) | 0) * 1000 | 0) / (c[543667] | 0) | 0; g2 = Kr() | 0; i3 = ((((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + h3 | 0) * 6 | 0) + (g2 << 1) | 0) / 8 | 0; h3 = g2 + -200 | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = (i3 | 0) > (h3 | 0) ? i3 : h3; h3 = a2 + 11748 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; Iv(a2 + 11760 | 0, 0, 1536) | 0; if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { i3 = a2 + 11544 | 0; f2 = a2 + 8228 | 0; g2 = a2 + 8232 | 0; j2 = a2 + 8224 | 0; k2 = a2 + 11552 | 0; l2 = a2 + 8244 | 0; m4 = a2 + 8608 | 0; n2 = a2 + 11628 | 0; o2 = a2 + 8240 | 0; p2 = a2 + 11736 | 0; q3 = a2 + 11740 | 0; r2 = a2 + 11540 | 0; s3 = d2; d2 = a2; while (true) { t3 = b3[i3 >> 1] | 0; u2 = t3 << 16 >> 16; if (t3 << 16 >> 16 < 183) { t3 = 183 - u2 | 0; v2 = (t3 | 0) < (s3 | 0) ? t3 : s3; Hv(d2 | 0, a2 + 8244 + (u2 << 1) | 0, v2 << 1 | 0) | 0; b3[i3 >> 1] = v2 + (e[i3 >> 1] | 0); w2 = s3 - v2 | 0; x2 = d2 + (v2 << 1) | 0; } else { w2 = s3; x2 = d2; } v2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((v2 | 0) < 64) { u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 11760 + (v2 * 24 | 0) >> 2] = u2; c[a2 + 11760 + (v2 * 24 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; t3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 11760 + (v2 * 24 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = t3; y4 = a2 + 11760 + (v2 * 24 | 0) + 12 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = 0; if (t3 | 0) { z3 = c[t3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = (u2 | 0) / (((z3 | 0) > 1 ? z3 : 1) | 0) | 0; } c[a2 + 11760 + (v2 * 24 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2]; c[a2 + 11760 + (v2 * 24 | 0) + 20 >> 2] = c[543662]; c[h3 >> 2] = v2 + 1; } v2 = (w2 | 0) > 0; if (!v2) break; z3 = b3[m4 >> 1] | 0; u2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (u2 | 0) == 0; if (y4) A4 = 0; else A4 = ((c[u2 >> 2] >> 3 | 0) / 3 | 0 | 0) % 3 | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] >> 3; C3 = ((t3 | 0) / 3 | 0 | 0) % 3 | 0; D3 = (A4 | 0) > (C3 | 0) ? A4 : C3; C3 = c[768515] | 0; E3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = 1 << E3 + 4; G2 = 1 << E3; c[p2 >> 2] = (G2 & C3 | 0) == 0 ? (F3 & C3 | 0) == 0 | (D3 | 0) > 1 ? D3 : 1 : 2; if (y4) H2 = 0; else H2 = ((c[u2 >> 2] >> 3 | 0) / 9 | 0 | 0) % 3 | 0; u2 = ((t3 | 0) / 9 | 0 | 0) % 3 | 0; t3 = (H2 | 0) > (u2 | 0) ? H2 : u2; u2 = (t3 | 0) == 2 ? 12 : t3; t3 = (u2 | 0) == 1 ? 8 : u2; c[q3 >> 2] = t3; u2 = c[768517] | 0; if (!(u2 & F3)) I2 = t3; else { F3 = (t3 | 0) > 8 ? t3 : 8; c[q3 >> 2] = F3; I2 = F3; } if (!(u2 & G2)) J2 = I2; else { G2 = (I2 | 0) > 12 ? I2 : 12; c[q3 >> 2] = G2; J2 = G2; } G2 = 17 << E3; if ((u2 & G2 | 0) == (G2 | 0)) c[q3 >> 2] = (J2 | 0) > 15 ? J2 : 15; zq2(a2, l2); G2 = c[768516] | 0; u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(1 << u2 & G2)) { if (1 << u2 + 4 & G2 | 0) { G2 = 0; do { u2 = a2 + 8244 + (G2 << 1) | 0; b3[u2 >> 1] = b3[u2 >> 1] & -4089; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; } while ((G2 | 0) != 183); } } else { G2 = 0; do { u2 = a2 + 8244 + (G2 << 1) | 0; E3 = b3[u2 >> 1] | 0; F3 = E3 << 16 >> 16; if (E3 << 16 >> 16 > -1) K2 = F3 & -4096; else K2 = 0 - ((0 - (F3 << 16) | 0) >>> 16 & 61440) | 0; b3[u2 >> 1] = K2; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; } while ((G2 | 0) != 183); } G2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((G2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = 16 - G2 | 0; F3 = ((B(u2, b3[l2 >> 1] | 0) | 0) + (B(G2, z3 << 16 >> 16) | 0) | 0) / 16 | 0; b3[l2 >> 1] = F3; E3 = F3; F3 = 1; do { t3 = a2 + 8244 + (F3 << 1) | 0; E3 = ((B(G2, E3 << 16 >> 16) | 0) + (B(u2, b3[t3 >> 1] | 0) | 0) | 0) / 16 | 0; b3[t3 >> 1] = E3; F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; } while ((F3 | 0) != 183); } b3[i3 >> 1] = 0; Hv(a2 + 8610 + (((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) % 8 | 0) * 366 | 0) | 0, l2 | 0, 366) | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0) % 8 | 0; if (v2) { s3 = w2; d2 = x2; } else break; } x2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) < 64) L3 = x2; else return; } else L3 = 0; x2 = c[a2 + 8228 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 11760 + (L3 * 24 | 0) >> 2] = x2; c[a2 + 11760 + (L3 * 24 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[a2 + 8232 >> 2]; d2 = c[a2 + 8224 >> 2] | 0; c[a2 + 11760 + (L3 * 24 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = d2; w2 = a2 + 11760 + (L3 * 24 | 0) + 12 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = 0; if (d2 | 0) { s3 = c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (x2 | 0) / (((s3 | 0) > 1 ? s3 : 1) | 0) | 0; } c[a2 + 11760 + (L3 * 24 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = c[a2 + 11552 >> 2]; c[a2 + 11760 + (L3 * 24 | 0) + 20 >> 2] = c[543662]; c[h3 >> 2] = L3 + 1; return; } function zq2(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; f2 = e2; Iv(d2 | 0, 0, 366) | 0; g2 = a2 + 8224 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) != 0; if (i3) { j2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (j2 | 0) > 1 ? j2 : 1; j2 = a2 + 8228 | 0; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = (l2 + 1 | 0) / (k2 | 0) | 0; n2 = (l2 | 0) % (k2 | 0) | 0; l2 = a2 + 11556 | 0; o2 = f2; p2 = l2; q3 = o2 + 96 | 0; do { c[o2 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; o2 = o2 + 4 | 0; p2 = p2 + 4 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) < (q3 | 0)); if (!n2) { c[a2 + 11656 >> 2] = c[a2 + 11620 >> 2]; c[a2 + 11652 >> 2] = c[a2 + 11616 >> 2]; c[a2 + 11660 >> 2] = c[a2 + 11612 >> 2]; } Bq(a2, l2); Aq(l2, d2, 183, a2); o2 = 1724384; q3 = o2 + 128 | 0; do { c[o2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = o2 + 4 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) < (q3 | 0)); Aq(f2, 1724384, 64, a2); f2 = 0; do { o2 = d2 + (f2 << 1) | 0; q3 = B(f2, b3[o2 >> 1] | 0) | 0; b3[o2 >> 1] = ((B(64 - f2 | 0, b3[1724384 + (f2 << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0) + q3 | 0) / 64 | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); f2 = a2 + 11732 | 0; r2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = m4; t3 = k2; u2 = f2; v2 = j2; } else { j2 = a2 + 8228 | 0; f2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; Iv(d2 | 0, 0, 366) | 0; k2 = f2 + 1 | 0; f2 = a2 + 11556 | 0; m4 = a2 + 11584 | 0; if (c[a2 + 11564 >> 2] | 0 ? c[m4 >> 2] | 0 : 0) { Aq(f2, d2, 64, a2); f2 = 0; do { q3 = d2 + (f2 << 1) | 0; b3[q3 >> 1] = (B(64 - f2 | 0, b3[q3 >> 1] | 0) | 0) / 64 | 0; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != 64); } c[m4 >> 2] = 0; m4 = a2 + 11732 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = 0; r2 = 0; s3 = k2; t3 = 1; u2 = m4; v2 = j2; } j2 = (c[v2 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = j2; m4 = a2 + 11744 | 0; k2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = k2; c[u2 >> 2] = r2 + 1; r2 = a2 + 8232 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; if ((i3 ? (c[a2 + 8236 >> 2] | 0) != 0 : 0) ? (i3 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0, u2 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0, !((i3 | 0) <= (u2 | 0) | (j2 | 0) < (B(i3, t3) | 0))) : 0) { i3 = B(u2, t3) | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = i3; w2 = i3; } else w2 = j2; a: do if (c[g2 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[a2 + 11548 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) { if (!k2) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; break; } j2 = c[h3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[h3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) <= (i3 | 0)) { do if ((s3 | 0) < (((j2 | 0) == 0 & (i3 | 0) > 0 ? i3 : 32) | 0)) { if ((s3 | 0) < 32) { t3 = 0; u2 = s3; while (true) { t3 = (c[h3 + 20 + (u2 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) > 0 ? 1 : t3; if ((u2 | 0) >= 31) break; else u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } if ((s3 | 0) < 31) x2 = (c[h3 + 20 + (s3 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) == 1 ? 1 : t3; else x2 = t3; } else x2 = 0; if (!(c[a2 + 11736 >> 2] | 0)) if (!x2) break; else break a; else { u2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == 0 ? (w2 | 0) >= ((((u2 | 0) > 1 ? u2 : 1) << 5) + 128 | 0) : 0) break; else break a; } } while (0); c[g2 >> 2] = 0; } } while (0); w2 = a2 + 8220 | 0; x2 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; if (!x2) { Ia = e2; return; } h3 = a2 + 11548 | 0; if (!((k2 | 0) == 0 & (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) != 0)) { Ia = e2; return; } k2 = a2 + 11552 | 0; s3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= 64) { Ia = e2; return; } c[545819] = 1; i3 = c[x2 + 43280 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; do if (!(i3 & 4)) { b: do if (i3 & 2) { if ((s3 | 0) <= 0) { c[543663] = s3; y4 = 0; break; } if (!(i3 & 1)) { j2 = s3; while (true) { u2 = j2 + -1 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = u2; if ((j2 | 0) <= 1) { z3 = u2; A4 = 44; break b; } if (!(c[x2 + 43280 + (u2 << 2) >> 2] & 1)) j2 = u2; else { z3 = u2; A4 = 44; break; } } } else { z3 = s3; A4 = 44; } } else { j2 = s3 + 1 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = j2; z3 = j2; A4 = 44; } while (0); if ((A4 | 0) == 44) { c[543663] = z3; if (z3 >>> 0 > 63) break; else y4 = z3; } j2 = x2 + 42256 + (y4 << 4) | 0; if ((((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) > 63 ? (c[x2 + 42256 + (y4 << 4) + 4 >> 2] | 0) > 63 : 0) ? (c[x2 + 42256 + (y4 << 4) + 8 >> 2] | 0) > 63 : 0) ? (c[x2 + 42256 + (y4 << 4) + 12 >> 2] | 0) > 63 : 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 8208 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; t3 = w2; c[t3 >> 2] = 0; c[t3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Ia = e2; return; } t3 = c[x2 + 42256 + (y4 << 4) + (c[a2 + 8240 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) > 63) C3 = 0; else C3 = x2 + 16 + (((t3 | 0) > 0 ? t3 : 0) * 660 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = C3; c[v2 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; b3[a2 + 11544 >> 1] = 183; c[m4 >> 2] = Cq(x2, j2) | 0; Ia = e2; return; } else { c[k2 >> 2] = -1; c[543663] = -1; } while (0); c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 8208 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = w2; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Ia = e2; return; } function Aq(a2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0; g2 = c[a2 + 84 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[a2 + 80 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 0 ? (c[f2 + 11736 >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) { c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Iv(d2 | 0, 0, e2 << 1 | 0) | 0; return; } j2 = a2 + 4 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = a2 + 12 | 0; m4 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (m4 | 0) == (n2 | 0) ? k2 : c[l2 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (i3 * 3 | 0) / 2 | 0; i3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; switch (i3 | 0) { case 7: case 0: { if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { q3 = (g2 | 0) == 0; r2 = 0; s3 = k2; t3 = o2; while (true) { u2 = (s3 & 32768 | 0) == 0 ? (s3 * 3 | 0) + -49152 | 0 : (49152 - s3 | 0) * 3 | 0; if (q3) { v2 = t3 & 65535; w2 = u2; x2 = (t3 & 32768 | 0) == 0 ? (v2 * 3 | 0) + -49152 | 0 : (49152 - v2 | 0) * 3 | 0; } else { v2 = (s3 | 0) > 57343; y4 = t3 & 65535; if (y4 >>> 0 > 57343) z3 = ((y4 ^ 65535) * 24572 | 0) >>> 13; else z3 = ((y4 * 24572 | 0) >>> 0) / 57344 | 0; w2 = (((u2 | 0) / 4 | 0) * 3 | 0) + -12286 + (((v2 ? 65535 - s3 | 0 : s3) * 24572 | 0) / ((v2 ? 8192 : 57344) | 0) | 0) | 0; x2 = (((((t3 & 32768 | 0) == 0 ? (y4 * 3 | 0) + -49152 | 0 : (49152 - y4 | 0) * 3 | 0) | 0) / 4 | 0) * 3 | 0) + -12286 + z3 | 0; } y4 = s3 + m4 & 65535; v2 = t3 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (r2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(((w2 | 0) / 4 | 0) + ((x2 | 0) / 8 | 0) | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if ((r2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { A4 = y4; C3 = v2; D3 = 14; break; } else { s3 = y4; t3 = v2; } } } else { E3 = 0; F3 = k2; G2 = o2; } break; } default: { A4 = k2; C3 = o2; D3 = 14; } } if ((D3 | 0) == 14) { o2 = (e2 | 0) > 0; if ((i3 | 0) == 1 & o2) { k2 = (h3 | 0) == 2 & 1; t3 = (g2 | 0) == 0; s3 = 0; r2 = A4; x2 = C3; while (true) { w2 = x2 << k2; do if (t3) { z3 = (r2 | 0) > 57343; q3 = ((z3 ? 65535 - r2 | 0 : r2) * 24572 | 0) / ((z3 ? 8192 : 57344) | 0) | 0; z3 = w2 & 65535; if (z3 >>> 0 > 57343) { H2 = q3; I2 = ((z3 ^ 65535) * 24572 | 0) >>> 13; break; } else { H2 = q3; I2 = ((z3 * 24572 | 0) >>> 0) / 57344 | 0; break; } } else { z3 = (r2 | 0) > 61439; q3 = ((z3 ? 65535 - r2 | 0 : r2) * 24572 | 0) / ((z3 ? 4096 : 61440) | 0) | 0; z3 = w2 & 65535; if (z3 >>> 0 > 61439) { H2 = q3; I2 = ((z3 ^ 65535) * 24572 | 0) >>> 12; break; } else { H2 = q3; I2 = ((z3 * 24572 | 0) >>> 0) / 61440 | 0; break; } } while (0); w2 = r2 + m4 & 65535; z3 = x2 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (s3 << 1) >> 1] = (B(H2 + -12286 + ((I2 + -12286 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((s3 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { E3 = o2; F3 = w2; G2 = z3; break; } else { r2 = w2; x2 = z3; } } } else { E3 = o2; F3 = A4; G2 = C3; } } if ((i3 | 0) == 2 & E3) { C3 = (h3 | 0) == 2 & 1; A4 = (g2 | 0) == 0; o2 = 0; x2 = F3; r2 = G2; while (true) { s3 = r2 << C3; if (A4) { J2 = 4; K2 = (s3 & 65535) + -32768 | 0; L3 = (x2 + -32768 | 0) / 4 | 0; } else { J2 = 2; K2 = ((((s3 | 0) / 2 | 0) + -32768 | 0) / 4 | 0) + (((s3 & 65535) + -32768 | 0) / 4 | 0) | 0; L3 = (((((x2 | 0) / 2 | 0) + -32768 | 0) / 4 | 0) + (((x2 & 65535) + -32768 | 0) / 4 | 0) | 0) / 2 | 0; } s3 = x2 + m4 & 65535; I2 = r2 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (o2 << 1) >> 1] = (B((((K2 | 0) / (J2 | 0) | 0 | 0) / 2 | 0) + L3 | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { M2 = s3; N4 = I2; break; } else { x2 = s3; r2 = I2; } } } else { M2 = F3; N4 = G2; } if ((i3 + -3 | 0) >>> 0 < 2) { G2 = (i3 | 0) == 3 ? 32768 : 45056; F3 = (g2 | 0) == 0 ? G2 : G2 + 6144 | 0; if (E3) if ((h3 | 0) == 2) { G2 = 0; r2 = M2; x2 = N4; while (true) { o2 = r2 + m4 & 65535; L3 = x2 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (G2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(((x2 << 1 & 65534) >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0 ? -3071 : 3071) + ((r2 | 0) < (F3 | 0) ? -6143 : 6143) | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; if ((G2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { O2 = o2; P2 = L3; D3 = 37; break; } else { r2 = o2; x2 = L3; } } } else { x2 = 0; r2 = M2; G2 = N4; while (true) { L3 = r2 + m4 & 65535; o2 = G2 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (x2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(((G2 & 65535) >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0 ? -3071 : 3071) + ((r2 | 0) < (F3 | 0) ? -6143 : 6143) | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { O2 = L3; P2 = o2; D3 = 37; break; } else { r2 = L3; G2 = o2; } } } else { Q3 = 0; R3 = M2; S2 = N4; } } else { O2 = M2; P2 = N4; D3 = 37; } a: do if ((D3 | 0) == 37) { b: do if ((i3 | 0) == 5 & E3) { N4 = (h3 | 0) == 2 & 1; if (g2 | 0) { M2 = 32768 >>> N4; G2 = 0; r2 = O2; x2 = P2; while (true) { F3 = (r2 & 16384 | 0) != 0; if (!(r2 & 32768)) T4 = F3 ? 32768 - r2 | 0 : r2; else T4 = ((F3 ? 65536 - r2 | 0 : r2 + -32768 | 0) << 1 | 0) / 3 | 0; F3 = r2 + m4 & 65535; o2 = x2 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (G2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(T4 + -8192 + ((x2 & M2 | 0) == 0 ? -1535 : 1535) | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; G2 = G2 + 1 | 0; if ((G2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { U2 = F3; V3 = o2; break b; } else { r2 = F3; x2 = o2; } } } x2 = 0; r2 = O2; G2 = P2; while (true) { M2 = (r2 & 16384 | 0) != 0; if (!(r2 & 32768)) W2 = M2 ? 32768 - r2 | 0 : r2; else W2 = ((M2 ? 65536 - r2 | 0 : r2 + -32768 | 0) << 1 | 0) / 3 | 0; M2 = G2 << N4; o2 = M2 & 65535; F3 = (M2 & 16384 | 0) != 0; if (!(M2 & 32768)) X2 = F3 ? 32768 - o2 | 0 : o2; else X2 = ((F3 ? 65536 - o2 | 0 : o2 + -32768 | 0) << 1 | 0) / 3 | 0; o2 = r2 + m4 & 65535; F3 = G2 + n2 & 131071; b3[d2 + (x2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(W2 + -8192 + ((X2 + -8192 | 0) / 2 | 0) | 0, p2) | 0) / 3072 | 0; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { U2 = o2; V3 = F3; break; } else { r2 = o2; G2 = F3; } } } else { U2 = O2; V3 = P2; } while (0); if ((i3 | 0) == 6) { G2 = a2 + 88 | 0; if (c[G2 >> 2] | 0 ? (r2 = 64 - (c[a2 + 32 >> 2] >> 16) | 0, x2 = (r2 | 0) > 1 ? r2 : 1, r2 = (x2 | 0) > 63 ? (x2 << 2) + -192 | 0 : x2, E3) : 0) { x2 = a2 + 44 | 0; N4 = a2 + 52 | 0; F3 = a2 + 48 | 0; o2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; M2 = 0; do { do if (o2) if ((c[G2 >> 2] | 0) > 1) { L3 = (B(r2 - o2 | 0, p2) | 0) / (r2 | 0) | 0; J2 = (B(o2, p2) | 0) / (r2 | 0) | 0; K2 = B(c[F3 >> 2] | 0, L3) | 0; b3[d2 + (M2 << 1) >> 1] = ((B(c[N4 >> 2] | 0, J2) | 0) + K2 | 0) / 2048 | 0; Y2 = o2; break; } else { b3[d2 + (M2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(c[F3 >> 2] | 0, p2) | 0) / 2048 | 0; Y2 = o2; break; } else { c[F3 >> 2] = c[N4 >> 2]; c[N4 >> 2] = (gp(12286) | 0) + -6143; b3[d2 + (M2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(c[F3 >> 2] | 0, p2) | 0) / 2048 | 0; Y2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); o2 = (Y2 + 1 | 0) % (r2 | 0) | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = o2; M2 = M2 + 1 | 0; } while ((M2 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); if ((c[a2 >> 2] | 0) != 6) { Q3 = E3; R3 = U2; S2 = V3; break; } } if (!(c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0)) { if ((m4 | 0) > 78) Z3 = (m4 << 3) + 1120 | 0; else Z3 = (B(79 - m4 | 0, -60) | 0) + 1752 | 0; M2 = (Z3 | 0) > 0 ? Z3 : 0; o2 = (g2 | 0) == 0 ? c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0 : 0; if (E3) { x2 = a2 + 24 | 0; r2 = M2 >>> 1; F3 = a2 + 20 | 0; N4 = a2 + 36 | 0; G2 = (m4 + 500 | 0) / 3 | 0; if (!o2) { K2 = 0; J2 = U2; while (true) { L3 = c[x2 >> 2] & 1 ^ 1; c[x2 >> 2] = L3; if (!L3) _5 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; else { L3 = (gp(M2) | 0) - r2 | 0; A4 = L3 + (c[F3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = A4; _5 = A4; } A4 = c[N4 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (2048 / (((A4 | 0) < 48 ? 64 : A4 + 16 | 0) | 0) | 0) + 48 | 0; A4 = (_5 | 0) < 6143 ? _5 : 6143; c[F3 >> 2] = (A4 | 0) > -6143 ? A4 : -6143; b3[d2 + (K2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(B(_5 >> 6, p2) | 0, (L3 | 0) > 64 ? L3 : 64) | 0) / 2048 | 0; L3 = J2 + m4 & 65535; K2 = K2 + 1 | 0; if ((K2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { Q3 = E3; R3 = L3; S2 = V3; break a; } else J2 = L3; } } J2 = 0; K2 = U2; while (true) { L3 = c[x2 >> 2] & 1 ^ 1; c[x2 >> 2] = L3; if (L3 | 0) { L3 = (gp(M2) | 0) - r2 | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = L3 + (c[F3 >> 2] | 0); } if (((B(K2 + 101 | 0, K2 + 317 | 0) | 0) & 8191 | 0) < (G2 | 0)) { L3 = (B((gp(12286) | 0) + -6143 | 0, o2) | 0) / 1792 | 0; A4 = L3 + (c[F3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = A4; $2 = A4; } else $2 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = c[N4 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (2048 / (((A4 | 0) < 48 ? 64 : A4 + 16 | 0) | 0) | 0) + 48 | 0; A4 = ($2 | 0) < 6143 ? $2 : 6143; c[F3 >> 2] = (A4 | 0) > -6143 ? A4 : -6143; b3[d2 + (J2 << 1) >> 1] = (B(B($2 >> 6, p2) | 0, (L3 | 0) > 64 ? L3 : 64) | 0) / 2048 | 0; L3 = K2 + m4 & 65535; J2 = J2 + 1 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) { Q3 = E3; R3 = L3; S2 = V3; break; } else K2 = L3; } } else { Q3 = 0; R3 = U2; S2 = V3; } } else { Q3 = E3; R3 = U2; S2 = V3; } } else { Q3 = E3; R3 = U2; S2 = V3; } } while (0); c[j2 >> 2] = R3; c[l2 >> 2] = S2; S2 = c[a2 + 92 >> 2] | 0; if ((S2 | 0) <= 0) return; a2 = (c[f2 + 11540 >> 2] | 0) - ((S2 | 0) == 1 ? 2 : 4) | 0; if ((a2 | 0) > -1) aa2 = a2; else aa2 = 8 - ((0 - a2 | 0) % 8 | 0) | 0; a2 = (aa2 | 0) % 8 | 0; if (!Q3) return; Q3 = 0; do { aa2 = d2 + (Q3 << 1) | 0; b3[aa2 >> 1] = ((b3[f2 + 8610 + (a2 * 366 | 0) + (Q3 << 1) >> 1] << 1) + (b3[aa2 >> 1] << 2) | 0) / 4 | 0; Q3 = Q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((Q3 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); return; } function Bq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 8224 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (e2 | 0) == 0; if (!f2 ? (g2 = c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, h3 = (g2 | 0) > 1 ? g2 : 1, g2 = a2 + 8228 | 0, i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, j2 = (i3 | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0, k2 = i3 - (B(j2, h3) | 0) | 0, !(f2 | j2 >>> 0 > 31)) : 0) { f2 = (c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) < 9; l2 = e2 + 20 + (j2 * 20 | 0) | 0; m4 = c[e2 + 20 + (j2 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = m4; n2 = c[e2 + 20 + (j2 * 20 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; o2 = n2 << 8; p2 = b4 + 28 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = o2; q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = q3 << 16; s3 = b4 + 32 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = r2; c[b4 + 60 >> 2] = q3; c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = m4; c[b4 + 56 >> 2] = n2; n2 = e2 + 20 + (j2 * 20 | 0) + 12 | 0; t3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; switch (t3 | 0) { case 1: { if ((j2 | 0) > 0) { u2 = c[a2 + 11652 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[a2 + 11660 >> 2] << 8; } else { u2 = 24; v2 = o2; } w2 = h3 - k2 | 0; x2 = ((B(w2 << 16, u2) | 0) + (B(r2, k2) | 0) | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = x2; u2 = ((B(v2, w2) | 0) + (B(o2, k2) | 0) | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = u2; y4 = x2; z3 = u2; A4 = 0; break; } case 4: { u2 = (B(o2, k2) | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = u2; y4 = r2; z3 = u2; A4 = 1; break; } case 5: { u2 = (B(o2, h3 - k2 | 0) | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = u2; y4 = r2; z3 = u2; A4 = 0; break; } case 6: { u2 = c[e2 + 20 + (((((i3 | 0) / ((f2 ? 2 : 4) | 0) | 0 | 0) % 4 | 0) + (j2 & 28) | 0) * 20 | 0) >> 2] << 16; c[s3 >> 2] = u2; y4 = u2; z3 = o2; A4 = 0; break; } case 7: { u2 = c[e2 + 20 + (((((i3 | 0) / ((f2 ? 4 : 8) | 0) | 0 | 0) % 4 | 0) + (j2 & 28) | 0) * 20 | 0) >> 2] << 16; c[s3 >> 2] = u2; y4 = u2; z3 = o2; A4 = 0; break; } default: { y4 = r2; z3 = o2; A4 = 0; } } c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = q3; c[b4 + 40 >> 2] = z3; z3 = b4 + 68 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = 0; o2 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; r2 = e2 + 20 + (j2 * 20 | 0) + 16 | 0; if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) { c[a2 + 11732 >> 2] = 0; C3 = y4; } else { do if (!k2) { y4 = a2 + 11732 | 0; u2 = c[a2 + 8220 >> 2] | 0; f2 = (m4 | 0) < 7 ? m4 : 7; i3 = (f2 | 0) > 0 ? f2 : 0; f2 = c[u2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; x2 = c[u2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) > (x2 | 0)) D3 = 16777216; else { w2 = c[u2 + 16 + (i3 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; D3 = B((w2 | 0) > 1 ? w2 : 1, (f2 | 0) == 0 & (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 32) | 0; } x2 = (t3 | 0) == 3; if ((t3 | 0) != 1 & ((j2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : (q3 | 0) != (c[a2 + 11652 >> 2] | 0)) | (c[y4 >> 2] | 0) >= (D3 | 0)) { if (!(A4 | x2 ^ 1)) E3 = 19; } else if (!(x2 | A4)) E3 = 19; if ((E3 | 0) == 19 ? (m4 | 0) == (c[a2 + 11656 >> 2] | 0) : 0) break; c[y4 >> 2] = 0; } while (0); Dq(a2, l2, b4); C3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; } l2 = c[a2 + 8240 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 1 << l2 + 4; if (!(m4 & c[768514])) F3 = C3; else { A4 = C3 + -786432 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = A4; F3 = A4; } A4 = F3 & 65535; s3 = F3 >> 16; C3 = ((s3 + 48 | 0) / 12 | 0) + -4 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) > -1) G2 = s3; else G2 = 12 - ((0 - s3 | 0) % 12 | 0) | 0; s3 = (G2 | 0) % 12 | 0; G2 = B(c[30016 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] | 0, 65536 - A4 | 0) | 0; D3 = ((B(c[30016 + (s3 + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0, A4) | 0) + G2 | 0) / 22050 | 0; if ((F3 | 0) < 2359296) { F3 = D3; G2 = C3; while (true) { A4 = G2 + 1 | 0; s3 = (F3 | 0) / 2 | 0; if ((G2 | 0) < 2) { F3 = s3; G2 = A4; } else { H2 = s3; I2 = A4; break; } } } else { H2 = D3; I2 = C3; } if ((I2 | 0) > 3) { C3 = H2; D3 = I2; while (true) { I2 = C3 << 1; if ((D3 | 0) > 4) { C3 = I2; D3 = D3 + -1 | 0; } else { J2 = I2; break; } } } else J2 = H2; H2 = (J2 | 0) < 32768 ? J2 : 32768; J2 = (H2 | 0) > 8 ? H2 : 8; H2 = b4 + 8 | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = J2; D3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = (n2 | 0) == 2; a: do if ((D3 | 0) == 2) if (z3) switch ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 1 & 7) { case 1: { C3 = (J2 * 130 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = C3; K2 = C3; break a; break; } case 2: { C3 = (J2 * 132 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = C3; K2 = C3; break a; break; } case 3: { C3 = (J2 * 130 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = C3; K2 = C3; break a; break; } case 5: { C3 = (J2 * 126 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = C3; K2 = C3; break a; break; } case 6: { C3 = (J2 * 124 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = C3; K2 = C3; break a; break; } case 7: { C3 = (J2 * 126 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = C3; K2 = C3; break a; break; } default: { K2 = J2; break a; } } else E3 = 43; else if (z3) E3 = 43; else { L3 = J2; E3 = 50; } while (0); b: do if ((E3 | 0) == 43) switch ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 1 & 7) { case 1: { z3 = (J2 * 129 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = z3; L3 = z3; E3 = 50; break b; break; } case 2: { z3 = (J2 * 130 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = z3; L3 = z3; E3 = 50; break b; break; } case 3: { z3 = (J2 * 129 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = z3; L3 = z3; E3 = 50; break b; break; } case 5: { z3 = (J2 * 127 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = z3; L3 = z3; E3 = 50; break b; break; } case 6: { z3 = (J2 * 126 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = z3; L3 = z3; E3 = 50; break b; break; } case 7: { z3 = (J2 * 127 | 0) >>> 7; c[H2 >> 2] = z3; L3 = z3; E3 = 50; break b; break; } default: { L3 = J2; E3 = 50; break b; } } while (0); if ((E3 | 0) == 50) { if ((D3 | 0) == 3 & (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) == 0) { r2 = (B(L3, h3 - k2 | 0) | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = r2; M2 = r2; } else M2 = L3; if ((n2 | 0) == 3) { n2 = (B(c[b4 + 76 >> 2] | 0, M2) | 0) / 256 | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = n2; K2 = n2; } else K2 = M2; } if (c[a2 + 11548 >> 2] | 0) { M2 = (B(c[545818] >> 8, c[p2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) / 256 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = (B(M2, c[543940] | 0) | 0) / 256 | 0; } M2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = (M2 >> 3 | 0) % 3 | 0; n2 = M2 >>> 2 & 1; H2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = (H2 >> 3 | 0) % 3 | 0; L3 = (e2 | 0) > (o2 | 0) ? e2 : o2; c[b4 + 80 >> 2] = L3; o2 = H2 >>> 2 & 1; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = n2 >>> 0 > o2 >>> 0 ? n2 : o2; o2 = M2 >>> 1 & 1; M2 = b4 + 88 | 0; n2 = H2 >>> 1 & 1; H2 = o2 >>> 0 > n2 >>> 0 ? o2 : n2; c[M2 >> 2] = H2; n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c: do if ((n2 | 0) != 6 | (H2 | 0) == 0) { o2 = (L3 | 0) == 0; e2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = (B(K2, o2 ? 256 : 255) | 0) / 256 | 0; d: do switch (n2 | 0) { case 0: { switch (L3 | 0) { case 1: { c[e2 >> 2] = (K2 * 193 | 0) / 256 | 0; break d; break; } case 2: { c[e2 >> 2] = (K2 * 384 | 0) / 256 | 0; break d; break; } default: break d; } break; } case 7: { if (o2) { c[e2 >> 2] = (K2 * 254 | 0) / 256 | 0; break c; } switch (L3 | 0) { case 1: { c[e2 >> 2] = (K2 * 250 | 0) / 256 | 0; break c; break; } case 2: { c[e2 >> 2] = (K2 * 508 | 0) / 256 | 0; break c; break; } default: break c; } break; } default: { } } while (0); if (n2 >>> 0 < 6 & (L3 | 0) > 0) c[p2 >> 2] = ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) * 5 | 0) / 4 | 0; } else { e2 = a2 + 11740 | 0; if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) > 11) { c[M2 >> 2] = 2; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; } c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = (B(K2, (L3 | 0) == 0 ? 256 : 255) | 0) / 256 | 0; } while (0); L3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (!L3) N4 = 0; else N4 = ((c[L3 >> 2] >> 3 | 0) / 3 | 0 | 0) % 3 | 0; L3 = b4 + 92 | 0; d2 = ((c[a2 + 11628 >> 2] >> 3 | 0) / 3 | 0 | 0) % 3 | 0; a2 = (N4 | 0) > (d2 | 0) ? N4 : d2; c[L3 >> 2] = a2; d2 = c[768515] | 0; if (!(d2 & m4)) O2 = a2; else { m4 = (a2 | 0) > 1 ? a2 : 1; c[L3 >> 2] = m4; O2 = m4; } if (!(d2 & 1 << l2)) return; c[L3 >> 2] = (O2 | 0) > 2 ? O2 : 2; return; } c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Cq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 >>> 0 < 64; if (e2 ? (f2 = c[a2 + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0, g2 = c[a2 + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (f2 | 0) <= (g2 | 0)) : 0) { h3 = d2; i3 = f2; j2 = g2; } else k2 = 4; do if ((k2 | 0) == 4) { g2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; f2 = g2 >>> 0 < 64; if (f2 ? (l2 = c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0, m4 = c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (l2 | 0) <= (m4 | 0)) : 0) { h3 = g2; i3 = l2; j2 = m4; break; } m4 = c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0; l2 = m4 >>> 0 < 64; if (l2 ? (n2 = c[a2 + 16 + (m4 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0, o2 = c[a2 + 16 + (m4 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (n2 | 0) <= (o2 | 0)) : 0) { h3 = m4; i3 = n2; j2 = o2; break; } o2 = c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0; n2 = o2 >>> 0 < 64; if (n2 ? (p2 = c[a2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0, q3 = c[a2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (p2 | 0) <= (q3 | 0)) : 0) { h3 = o2; i3 = p2; j2 = q3; break; } if (e2) { q3 = c[a2 + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (q3 | 0) > 1 ? q3 : 1; q3 = (c[a2 + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (q3 ? (r2 = c[a2 + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (r2 | 0) > 0) : 0) s3 = r2; else s3 = 32; if ((B(s3, p2) | 0) >= 0) { if (q3 ? (q3 = c[a2 + 16 + (d2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (q3 | 0) > 0) : 0) t3 = q3; else t3 = 32; u2 = B(t3, p2) | 0; } else u2 = 0; } else u2 = 0; if (f2) { f2 = c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (f2 | 0) > 1 ? f2 : 1; f2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (f2 ? (q3 = c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (q3 | 0) > 0) : 0) v2 = q3; else v2 = 32; if ((u2 | 0) <= (B(v2, p2) | 0)) { if (f2 ? (f2 = c[a2 + 16 + (g2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (f2 | 0) > 0) : 0) w2 = f2; else w2 = 32; x2 = B(w2, p2) | 0; } else x2 = u2; } else x2 = u2; if (l2) { l2 = c[a2 + 16 + (m4 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (l2 | 0) > 1 ? l2 : 1; l2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (m4 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (l2 ? (f2 = c[a2 + 16 + (m4 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (f2 | 0) > 0) : 0) y4 = f2; else y4 = 32; if ((x2 | 0) <= (B(y4, p2) | 0)) { if (l2 ? (l2 = c[a2 + 16 + (m4 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (l2 | 0) > 0) : 0) z3 = l2; else z3 = 32; A4 = B(z3, p2) | 0; } else A4 = x2; } else A4 = x2; if (!n2) { C3 = A4; return C3 | 0; } n2 = c[a2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; p2 = (n2 | 0) > 1 ? n2 : 1; n2 = (c[a2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (n2 ? (l2 = c[a2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (l2 | 0) > 0) : 0) D3 = l2; else D3 = 32; if ((A4 | 0) > (B(D3, p2) | 0)) { C3 = A4; return C3 | 0; } if (n2 ? (n2 = c[a2 + 16 + (o2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0, (n2 | 0) > 0) : 0) E3 = n2; else E3 = 32; C3 = B(E3, p2) | 0; return C3 | 0; } while (0); E3 = c[a2 + 16 + (h3 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; C3 = B((i3 | 0) == 0 & (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 32, (E3 | 0) > 1 ? E3 : 1) | 0; return C3 | 0; } function Dq(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 8220 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) return; f2 = c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = (f2 | 0) < 7 ? f2 : 7; f2 = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : 0; b4 = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (b4 | 0) > 1 ? b4 : 1; h3 = (b4 | 0) < 9; b4 = h3 ? 4 : 8; i3 = h3 ? 2 : 4; h3 = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; k2 = a2 + 11732 | 0; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) <= (j2 | 0) | (l2 | 0) < (B(g2, h3) | 0)) m4 = l2; else { l2 = B(j2, g2) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; m4 = l2; } l2 = (m4 | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; k2 = m4 - (B(l2, g2) | 0) | 0; if ((l2 | 0) <= 31 ? (l2 | 0) < (((h3 | 0) == 0 & (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 32) | 0) : 0) { j2 = (l2 | 0) < 31 ? l2 : 31; h3 = (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0; j2 = e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) | 0; n2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = n2 << 16; p2 = e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 8 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = q3 << 8; if ((k2 | 0) == (g2 + -1 | 0)) { c[a2 + 11672 >> 2] = n2; c[a2 + 11680 >> 2] = q3; c[a2 + 11676 >> 2] = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2]; } q3 = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0; switch (q3 | 0) { case 1: { if ((l2 | 0) > 0) { s3 = c[a2 + 11672 >> 2] << 16; t3 = c[a2 + 11680 >> 2] << 8; } else { s3 = 1572864; t3 = r2; } a2 = g2 - k2 | 0; u2 = ((B(s3, a2) | 0) + (B(k2 << 16, c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; v2 = ((B(t3, a2) | 0) + (B(r2, k2) | 0) | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; break; } case 3: { c[d2 + 76 >> 2] = (g2 - k2 << 8 | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; u2 = o2; v2 = r2; break; } case 4: { u2 = o2; v2 = (B(r2, k2) | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; break; } case 5: { u2 = o2; v2 = (B(r2, g2 - k2 | 0) | 0) / (g2 | 0) | 0; break; } case 6: { u2 = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (((((m4 | 0) / (i3 | 0) | 0 | 0) % 4 | 0) + (l2 & 28) | 0) * 20 | 0) >> 2] << 16; v2 = r2; break; } case 7: { u2 = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (((((m4 | 0) / (b4 | 0) | 0 | 0) % 4 | 0) + (l2 & 28) | 0) * 20 | 0) >> 2] << 16; v2 = r2; break; } default: { u2 = o2; v2 = r2; } } c[d2 >> 2] = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) + 20 + (h3 * 20 | 0) + 4 >> 2]; h3 = d2 + 32 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = u2 + -1572864 + (c[h3 >> 2] | 0); h3 = d2 + 36 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + -24 + (c[h3 >> 2] | 0); h3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 + 40 >> 2] = (v2 * 7 | 0) / (((h3 | 0) > 1 ? h3 : 1) | 0) | 0; h3 = d2 + 28 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (B(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, v2) | 0) / 1792 | 0; c[d2 + 68 >> 2] = q3; c[d2 + 72 >> 2] = c[e2 + 16 + (f2 * 660 | 0) >> 2]; return; } c[d2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Eq() { Er(); return; } function Fq() { Fr(); return; } function Gq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; jq(1716192, 0, 8192); c[545820] = 0; jq(2708888, 0, 212736); c[e2 >> 2] = c[543952]; it(1703776, 95515, e2) | 0; pn2(1703776); if (c[543976] | 0) { f2 = 0; Ia = d2; return f2 | 0; } c[543667] = a2; c[543668] = b4; e2 = Cr2(a2, b4) | 0; if (!e2) { f2 = 0; Ia = d2; return f2 | 0; } c[543667] = 0; c[543668] = 0; f2 = e2; Ia = d2; return f2 | 0; } function Hq2() { return Dr() | 0; } function Iq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[730413] = a2; return; } function Jq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = kq(40) | 0; if (!d2) { e2 = 0; return e2 | 0; } c[d2 >> 2] = a2; c[d2 + 8 >> 2] = 22050; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; c[d2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; c[d2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 32 >> 2] = 256; f2 = kq(B((b4 | 0) / 8 | 0, a2) | 0) | 0; c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = f2; c[d2 + 20 >> 2] = f2; c[d2 + 36 >> 2] = -1; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; e2 = d2; return e2 | 0; } function Kq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (!a2) return; Er(); if (0) { } mq(c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; Fr(); return; } function Lq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (!((a2 | 0) != 0 & false)) return; Er(); b4 = a2 + 36 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 < 16 ? (e2 = 2708888 + (d2 * 13296 | 0) + 8208 | 0, (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { c[2708888 + (d2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (d2 * 13296 | 0) + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (d2 * 13296 | 0) + 8232 >> 2] = 0; e2 = 2708888 + (d2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 >> 2] = -1; } Fr(); return; } function Mq(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0; Er(); g2 = (d2 | 0) == 0 ? -1 : d2; a: do if ((f2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 <= 16) { if (!a2) { if ((f2 | 0) != -1) { c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8208 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8232 >> 2] = 0; d2 = 2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; break; } d2 = (c[543959] | 0) == 0 ? 16 : 4; h3 = 0; while (true) { c[2708888 + (h3 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (h3 * 13296 | 0) + 8208 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (h3 * 13296 | 0) + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (h3 * 13296 | 0) + 8232 >> 2] = 0; i3 = 2708888 + (h3 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 >= d2 >>> 0) break a; } } d2 = (f2 | 0) == -1; do if (!(c[543959] | 0)) if (d2) if (!((c[705866] | 0) == 0 & (c[705870] | 0) == 0 & (c[706701] | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[709190] | 0) == 0 & (c[709194] | 0) == 0 & (c[710025] | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[712514] | 0) == 0 & (c[712518] | 0) == 0 & (c[713349] | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[715838] | 0) == 0 & (c[715842] | 0) == 0 & (c[716673] | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[719162] | 0) == 0 & (c[719166] | 0) == 0 & (c[719997] | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[722486] | 0) == 0 & (c[722490] | 0) == 0 & (c[723321] | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[725810] | 0) == 0 & (c[725814] | 0) == 0 & (c[726645] | 0) == 0)) if ((c[729134] | 0) == 0 & (c[729138] | 0) == 0 & (c[729969] | 0) == 0) j2 = 15; else { h3 = c[705870] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != 0 & (c[706701] | 0) == 0) { k2 = 8; l2 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; } else { k2 = -1; l2 = 256; } h3 = c[709194] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != 0 & (c[710025] | 0) == 0) { i3 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (k2 | 0) == -1 | (i3 | 0) < (l2 | 0); m4 = h3 ? 9 : k2; n2 = h3 ? i3 : l2; } else { m4 = k2; n2 = l2; } i3 = c[712518] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != 0 & (c[713349] | 0) == 0) { h3 = c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (m4 | 0) == -1 | (h3 | 0) < (n2 | 0); o2 = i3 ? 10 : m4; p2 = i3 ? h3 : n2; } else { o2 = m4; p2 = n2; } h3 = c[715842] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != 0 & (c[716673] | 0) == 0) { i3 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (o2 | 0) == -1 | (i3 | 0) < (p2 | 0); q3 = h3 ? 11 : o2; r2 = h3 ? i3 : p2; } else { q3 = o2; r2 = p2; } i3 = c[719166] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != 0 & (c[719997] | 0) == 0) { h3 = c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (q3 | 0) == -1 | (h3 | 0) < (r2 | 0); s3 = i3 ? 12 : q3; t3 = i3 ? h3 : r2; } else { s3 = q3; t3 = r2; } h3 = c[722490] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != 0 & (c[723321] | 0) == 0) { i3 = c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (s3 | 0) == -1 | (i3 | 0) < (t3 | 0); u2 = h3 ? 13 : s3; v2 = h3 ? i3 : t3; } else { u2 = s3; v2 = t3; } i3 = c[725814] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) != 0 & (c[726645] | 0) == 0) { h3 = c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (u2 | 0) == -1 | (h3 | 0) < (v2 | 0); w2 = i3 ? 14 : u2; x2 = i3 ? h3 : v2; } else { w2 = u2; x2 = v2; } h3 = c[729138] | 0; if (!((h3 | 0) != 0 & (c[729969] | 0) == 0)) { y4 = w2; z3 = 26; break; } if ((w2 | 0) != -1 ? (c[h3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >= (x2 | 0) : 0) { j2 = w2; break; } j2 = 15; } else j2 = 14; else j2 = 13; else j2 = 12; else j2 = 11; else j2 = 10; else j2 = 9; else j2 = 8; else j2 = f2; else if (d2) { h3 = (c[679274] | 0) == 0; if (!(h3 & (c[679278] | 0) == 0 & (c[680109] | 0) == 0 & (c[692570] | 0) == 0 & (c[692574] | 0) == 0 & (c[693405] | 0) == 0)) { i3 = (c[682598] | 0) == 0; if (!(i3 & (c[682602] | 0) == 0 & (c[683433] | 0) == 0 & (c[695894] | 0) == 0 & (c[695898] | 0) == 0 & (c[696729] | 0) == 0)) { A4 = (c[685922] | 0) == 0; if (!(A4 & (c[685926] | 0) == 0 & (c[686757] | 0) == 0 & (c[699218] | 0) == 0 & (c[699222] | 0) == 0 & (c[700053] | 0) == 0)) { C3 = (c[689246] | 0) == 0; if (!(C3 & (c[689250] | 0) == 0 & (c[690081] | 0) == 0 & (c[702542] | 0) == 0 & (c[702546] | 0) == 0 & (c[703377] | 0) == 0)) { D3 = c[768513] | 0; if (!(h3 & (c[679278] | 0) == 0 & (c[680109] | 0) == 0 & (c[692570] | 0) == 0 & (c[692574] | 0) == 0 & (D3 & 1 | 0) == 0)) if (!(i3 & (c[682602] | 0) == 0 & (c[683433] | 0) == 0 & (c[695894] | 0) == 0 & (c[695898] | 0) == 0 & (D3 & 2 | 0) == 0)) if (!(A4 & (c[685926] | 0) == 0 & (c[686757] | 0) == 0 & (c[699218] | 0) == 0 & (c[699222] | 0) == 0 & (D3 & 4 | 0) == 0)) if (!(C3 & (c[689250] | 0) == 0 & (c[690081] | 0) == 0 & (c[702542] | 0) == 0 & (c[702546] | 0) == 0 & (D3 & 8 | 0) == 0)) if (!((c[680109] | D3 & 1 | 0) == 0 & (h3 & (c[679278] | 0) == 0))) if (!((c[683433] | D3 & 2 | 0) == 0 & (i3 & (c[682602] | 0) == 0))) if (!((c[686757] | D3 & 4 | 0) == 0 & (A4 & (c[685926] | 0) == 0))) if ((c[690081] | D3 & 8 | 0) == 0 & (C3 & (c[689250] | 0) == 0)) j2 = 3; else { if ((D3 & 1 | 0) != 0 ? !((c[692570] | 0) == 0 & (c[692574] | 0) == 0 & (c[693405] | 0) == 0) : 0) { E3 = -1; F3 = 256; } else z3 = 17; do if ((z3 | 0) == 17) { C3 = c[679278] | 0; if (!C3) { E3 = -1; F3 = 256; break; } E3 = 0; F3 = c[C3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); if ((D3 & 2 | 0) != 0 ? !((c[695894] | 0) == 0 & (c[695898] | 0) == 0 & (c[696729] | 0) == 0) : 0) { G2 = E3; H2 = F3; } else z3 = 52; do if ((z3 | 0) == 52) { C3 = c[682602] | 0; if (!C3) { G2 = E3; H2 = F3; break; } A4 = (E3 | 0) != -1; i3 = c[C3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (i3 | 0) > (F3 | 0); G2 = (A4 & C3 ^ 1) & 1; H2 = A4 & C3 ? F3 : i3; } while (0); if ((D3 & 4 | 0) != 0 ? !((c[699218] | 0) == 0 & (c[699222] | 0) == 0 & (c[700053] | 0) == 0) : 0) { I2 = G2; J2 = H2; } else z3 = 56; do if ((z3 | 0) == 56) { i3 = c[685926] | 0; if (!i3) { I2 = G2; J2 = H2; break; } C3 = c[i3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (G2 | 0) != -1 & (C3 | 0) > (H2 | 0); I2 = i3 ? G2 : 2; J2 = i3 ? H2 : C3; } while (0); if (D3 & 8 | 0 ? !((c[702542] | 0) == 0 & (c[702546] | 0) == 0 & (c[703377] | 0) == 0) : 0) { y4 = I2; z3 = 26; break; } C3 = c[689250] | 0; if (!C3) { y4 = I2; z3 = 26; break; } if ((I2 | 0) != -1 ? (c[C3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) > (J2 | 0) : 0) { j2 = I2; break; } j2 = 3; } else j2 = 2; else j2 = 1; else j2 = 0; else j2 = 3; else j2 = 2; else j2 = 1; else j2 = 0; } else j2 = 3; } else j2 = 2; } else j2 = 1; } else j2 = 0; } else j2 = f2; while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 26) if (y4 >>> 0 > 15) break; else j2 = y4; d2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (d2 | 0) > 1 ? d2 : 1; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 8224 >> 2] = a2; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 8240 >> 2] = j2 & 3; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 8228 >> 2] = B(C3, b4) | 0; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 8232 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 11744 >> 2] = B(C3, g2) | 0; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 >> 2] = e2; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (j2 * 13296 | 0) + 8236 >> 2] = 1; Fr(); K2 = j2; return K2 | 0; } while (0); Fr(); K2 = -1; return K2 | 0; } function Nq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; Oq(a2); d2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Mq(a2, 0, (d2 | 0) > (e2 | 0) ? -1 : (d2 | 0) == 0 & (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 32, b4, -1) | 0; return; } function Oq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; Er(); if (!a2) { if (!(c[680109] | 0)) { c[680109] = 0; c[679274] = 0; c[679281] = 0; c[679280] = 0; b4 = 2717108; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[683433] | 0)) { c[683433] = 0; c[682598] = 0; c[682605] = 0; c[682604] = 0; b4 = 2730404; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[686757] | 0)) { c[686757] = 0; c[685922] = 0; c[685929] = 0; c[685928] = 0; b4 = 2743700; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[690081] | 0)) { c[690081] = 0; c[689246] = 0; c[689253] = 0; c[689252] = 0; b4 = 2756996; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[693405] | 0)) { c[693405] = 0; c[692570] = 0; c[692577] = 0; c[692576] = 0; b4 = 2770292; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[696729] | 0)) { c[696729] = 0; c[695894] = 0; c[695901] = 0; c[695900] = 0; b4 = 2783588; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[700053] | 0)) { c[700053] = 0; c[699218] = 0; c[699225] = 0; c[699224] = 0; b4 = 2796884; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[703377] | 0)) { c[703377] = 0; c[702542] = 0; c[702549] = 0; c[702548] = 0; b4 = 2810180; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[706701] | 0)) { c[706701] = 0; c[705866] = 0; c[705873] = 0; c[705872] = 0; b4 = 2823476; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[710025] | 0)) { c[710025] = 0; c[709190] = 0; c[709197] = 0; c[709196] = 0; b4 = 2836772; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[713349] | 0)) { c[713349] = 0; c[712514] = 0; c[712521] = 0; c[712520] = 0; b4 = 2850068; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[716673] | 0)) { c[716673] = 0; c[715838] = 0; c[715845] = 0; c[715844] = 0; b4 = 2863364; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[719997] | 0)) { c[719997] = 0; c[719162] = 0; c[719169] = 0; c[719168] = 0; b4 = 2876660; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[723321] | 0)) { c[723321] = 0; c[722486] = 0; c[722493] = 0; c[722492] = 0; b4 = 2889956; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[726645] | 0)) { c[726645] = 0; c[725810] = 0; c[725817] = 0; c[725816] = 0; b4 = 2903252; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[729969] | 0) { Fr(); return; } c[729969] = 0; c[729134] = 0; c[729141] = 0; c[729140] = 0; b4 = 2916548; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Fr(); return; } else { if ((c[679278] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[680109] = 0; c[679274] = 0; c[679281] = 0; c[679280] = 0; b4 = 2717108; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[682602] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[683433] = 0; c[682598] = 0; c[682605] = 0; c[682604] = 0; b4 = 2730404; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[685926] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[686757] = 0; c[685922] = 0; c[685929] = 0; c[685928] = 0; b4 = 2743700; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[689250] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[690081] = 0; c[689246] = 0; c[689253] = 0; c[689252] = 0; b4 = 2756996; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[692574] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[693405] = 0; c[692570] = 0; c[692577] = 0; c[692576] = 0; b4 = 2770292; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[695898] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[696729] = 0; c[695894] = 0; c[695901] = 0; c[695900] = 0; b4 = 2783588; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[699222] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[700053] = 0; c[699218] = 0; c[699225] = 0; c[699224] = 0; b4 = 2796884; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[702546] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[703377] = 0; c[702542] = 0; c[702549] = 0; c[702548] = 0; b4 = 2810180; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[705870] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[706701] = 0; c[705866] = 0; c[705873] = 0; c[705872] = 0; b4 = 2823476; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[709194] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[710025] = 0; c[709190] = 0; c[709197] = 0; c[709196] = 0; b4 = 2836772; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[712518] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[713349] = 0; c[712514] = 0; c[712521] = 0; c[712520] = 0; b4 = 2850068; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[715842] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[716673] = 0; c[715838] = 0; c[715845] = 0; c[715844] = 0; b4 = 2863364; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[719166] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[719997] = 0; c[719162] = 0; c[719169] = 0; c[719168] = 0; b4 = 2876660; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[722490] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[723321] = 0; c[722486] = 0; c[722493] = 0; c[722492] = 0; b4 = 2889956; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[725814] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) { c[726645] = 0; c[725810] = 0; c[725817] = 0; c[725816] = 0; b4 = 2903252; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((c[729138] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) { Fr(); return; } c[729969] = 0; c[729134] = 0; c[729141] = 0; c[729140] = 0; a2 = 2916548; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Fr(); return; } } function Pq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; Er(); b4 = (c[680109] | 0) == 0; do if (!a2) if (b4 | (c[679277] | 0) == 0) if ((c[683433] | 0) == 0 | (c[682601] | 0) == 0) if ((c[686757] | 0) == 0 | (c[685925] | 0) == 0) if ((c[690081] | 0) == 0 | (c[689249] | 0) == 0) if ((c[693405] | 0) == 0 | (c[692573] | 0) == 0) if ((c[696729] | 0) == 0 | (c[695897] | 0) == 0) if ((c[700053] | 0) == 0 | (c[699221] | 0) == 0) if ((c[703377] | 0) == 0 | (c[702545] | 0) == 0) if ((c[706701] | 0) == 0 | (c[705869] | 0) == 0) if ((c[710025] | 0) == 0 | (c[709193] | 0) == 0) if ((c[713349] | 0) == 0 | (c[712517] | 0) == 0) if ((c[716673] | 0) == 0 | (c[715841] | 0) == 0) if ((c[719997] | 0) == 0 | (c[719165] | 0) == 0) if ((c[723321] | 0) == 0 | (c[722489] | 0) == 0) if ((c[726645] | 0) == 0 | (c[725813] | 0) == 0) if ((c[729969] | 0) == 0 | (c[729137] | 0) == 0) d2 = 8; else { e2 = 15; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 14; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 13; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 12; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 11; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 10; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 9; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 8; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 7; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 6; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 5; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 4; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 3; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 2; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 1; d2 = 6; } else { e2 = 0; d2 = 6; } else { if (!b4 ? (f2 = c[679277] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 0; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[683433] | 0 ? (f2 = c[682601] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 1; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[686757] | 0 ? (f2 = c[685925] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 2; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[690081] | 0 ? (f2 = c[689249] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 3; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[693405] | 0 ? (f2 = c[692573] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 4; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[696729] | 0 ? (f2 = c[695897] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 5; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[700053] | 0 ? (f2 = c[699221] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 6; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[703377] | 0 ? (f2 = c[702545] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 7; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[706701] | 0 ? (f2 = c[705869] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 8; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[710025] | 0 ? (f2 = c[709193] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 9; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[713349] | 0 ? (f2 = c[712517] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 10; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[716673] | 0 ? (f2 = c[715841] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 11; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[719997] | 0 ? (f2 = c[719165] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 12; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[723321] | 0 ? (f2 = c[722489] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 13; d2 = 6; break; } if (c[726645] | 0 ? (f2 = c[725813] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 14; d2 = 6; break; } if ((c[729969] | 0) != 0 ? (f2 = c[729137] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { e2 = 15; d2 = 6; } else d2 = 8; } while (0); if ((d2 | 0) == 6) { Fr(); g2 = c[2708888 + (e2 * 13296 | 0) + 11552 >> 2] | 0; return g2 | 0; } else if ((d2 | 0) == 8) { Fr(); g2 = -1; return g2 | 0; } return 0; } function Qq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; Er(); if ((c[679278] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[682602] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[685926] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[689250] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[692574] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[695898] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[699222] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[702546] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[705870] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[709194] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[712518] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[715842] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[719166] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[722490] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[725814] | 0) != (a2 | 0)) if ((c[729138] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) b4 = 15; else { Fr(); d2 = -1; return d2 | 0; } else b4 = 14; else b4 = 13; else b4 = 12; else b4 = 11; else b4 = 10; else b4 = 9; else b4 = 8; else b4 = 7; else b4 = 6; else b4 = 5; else b4 = 4; else b4 = 3; else b4 = 2; else b4 = 1; else b4 = 0; e2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; a2 = (c[2708888 + (b4 * 13296 | 0) + 8228 >> 2] | 0) / (((e2 | 0) > 1 ? e2 : 1) | 0) | 0; Fr(); d2 = a2; return d2 | 0; } function Rq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; Er(); b4 = c[2708888 + (a2 * 13296 | 0) + 8224 >> 2] | 0; Fr(); return b4 | 0; } function Sq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if ((a2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > 16) return; Er(); if ((a2 | 0) == -1) { c[679281] = 0; c[682605] = 0; c[685929] = 0; c[689253] = 0; c[692577] = 0; c[695901] = 0; c[699225] = 0; c[702549] = 0; c[705873] = 0; c[709197] = 0; c[712521] = 0; c[715845] = 0; c[719169] = 0; c[722493] = 0; c[725817] = 0; b4 = 2916564; } else b4 = 2708888 + (a2 * 13296 | 0) + 8236 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; Fr(); return; } function Tq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; Er(); if (a2 | 0) { b4 = 0; do { d2 = 2708888 + (b4 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 | 0; if (c[d2 >> 2] | 0 ? (e2 = 2708888 + (b4 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 | 0, f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 0 & (f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) : 0) { c[d2 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (b4 * 13296 | 0) + 8208 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (b4 * 13296 | 0) + 8236 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (b4 * 13296 | 0) + 8232 >> 2] = 0; d2 = e2; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != 16); Fr(); return; } if (c[680109] | 0) { c[680109] = 0; c[679274] = 0; c[679281] = 0; c[679280] = 0; b4 = 2717108; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[683433] | 0) { c[683433] = 0; c[682598] = 0; c[682605] = 0; c[682604] = 0; b4 = 2730404; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[686757] | 0) { c[686757] = 0; c[685922] = 0; c[685929] = 0; c[685928] = 0; b4 = 2743700; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[690081] | 0) { c[690081] = 0; c[689246] = 0; c[689253] = 0; c[689252] = 0; b4 = 2756996; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[693405] | 0) { c[693405] = 0; c[692570] = 0; c[692577] = 0; c[692576] = 0; b4 = 2770292; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[696729] | 0) { c[696729] = 0; c[695894] = 0; c[695901] = 0; c[695900] = 0; b4 = 2783588; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[700053] | 0) { c[700053] = 0; c[699218] = 0; c[699225] = 0; c[699224] = 0; b4 = 2796884; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[703377] | 0) { c[703377] = 0; c[702542] = 0; c[702549] = 0; c[702548] = 0; b4 = 2810180; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[706701] | 0) { c[706701] = 0; c[705866] = 0; c[705873] = 0; c[705872] = 0; b4 = 2823476; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[710025] | 0) { c[710025] = 0; c[709190] = 0; c[709197] = 0; c[709196] = 0; b4 = 2836772; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[713349] | 0) { c[713349] = 0; c[712514] = 0; c[712521] = 0; c[712520] = 0; b4 = 2850068; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[716673] | 0) { c[716673] = 0; c[715838] = 0; c[715845] = 0; c[715844] = 0; b4 = 2863364; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[719997] | 0) { c[719997] = 0; c[719162] = 0; c[719169] = 0; c[719168] = 0; b4 = 2876660; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[723321] | 0) { c[723321] = 0; c[722486] = 0; c[722493] = 0; c[722492] = 0; b4 = 2889956; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (c[726645] | 0) { c[726645] = 0; c[725810] = 0; c[725817] = 0; c[725816] = 0; b4 = 2903252; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (!(c[729969] | 0)) { Fr(); return; } c[729969] = 0; c[729134] = 0; c[729141] = 0; c[729140] = 0; b4 = 2916548; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Fr(); return; } function Uq(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; Er(); Tq(a2); if (!((a2 | 0) != 0 & b4 >>> 0 < 64)) { Fr(); return; } e2 = a2 + 42256 + (b4 << 4) | 0; if (!(Cq(a2, e2) | 0)) { Fr(); return; } c[543662] = 0; c[543663] = b4; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < 63 ? f2 : 63; f2 = Mq(a2 + 16 + (((g2 | 0) > 0 ? g2 : 0) * 660 | 0) | 0, 0, 32, a2, 4) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != -1) { if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) > 63) c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8224 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 1; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 >> 2] = a2; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11552 >> 2] = b4; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8240 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11744 >> 2] = Cq(a2, e2) | 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11748 >> 2] = 0; } f2 = a2 + 42256 + (b4 << 4) + 4 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (g2 | 0) < 63 ? g2 : 63; g2 = Mq(a2 + 16 + (((h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0) * 660 | 0) | 0, 0, 32, a2, 5) | 0; if ((g2 | 0) != -1) { if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) > 63) c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 8224 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 1; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 >> 2] = a2; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11552 >> 2] = b4; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 8240 >> 2] = 1; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11744 >> 2] = Cq(a2, e2) | 0; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11748 >> 2] = 0; } g2 = a2 + 42256 + (b4 << 4) + 8 | 0; f2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (f2 | 0) < 63 ? f2 : 63; f2 = Mq(a2 + 16 + (((h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0) * 660 | 0) | 0, 0, 32, a2, 6) | 0; if ((f2 | 0) != -1) { if ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) > 63) c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8224 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 1; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 >> 2] = a2; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11552 >> 2] = b4; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 8240 >> 2] = 2; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11744 >> 2] = Cq(a2, e2) | 0; c[2708888 + (f2 * 13296 | 0) + 11748 >> 2] = 0; } f2 = a2 + 42256 + (b4 << 4) + 12 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = (g2 | 0) < 63 ? g2 : 63; g2 = Mq(a2 + 16 + (((h3 | 0) > 0 ? h3 : 0) * 660 | 0) | 0, 0, 32, a2, 7) | 0; if ((g2 | 0) != -1) { if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) > 63) c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 8224 >> 2] = 0; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11548 >> 2] = 1; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 8220 >> 2] = a2; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11552 >> 2] = b4; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 8240 >> 2] = 3; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11744 >> 2] = Cq(a2, e2) | 0; c[2708888 + (g2 * 13296 | 0) + 11748 >> 2] = 0; } c[545815] = d2; c[545814] = Kr() | 0; c[545816] = 0; c[545817] = 65536; Vq(); Fr(); return; } function Vq() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; Er(); a2 = c[545818] | 0; b4 = c[545817] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) == (b4 | 0)) { if (!a2) { Er(); c[677221] = 0; Tq(0); Fr(); } Fr(); return; } if (!(c[545815] | 0)) { c[545818] = b4; if (!b4) { Er(); c[677221] = 0; Tq(0); Fr(); } Fr(); return; } b4 = Kr() | 0; a2 = b4 - (c[545814] | 0) | 0; b4 = c[545815] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) > (a2 | 0)) { d2 = B(c[545816] | 0, b4 - a2 | 0) | 0; e2 = ((B(c[545817] | 0, a2) | 0) + d2 | 0) / (b4 | 0) | 0; b4 = (e2 | 0) < 65536 ? e2 : 65536; c[545818] = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : 0; Fr(); return; } b4 = c[545817] | 0; c[545818] = b4; if (!b4) { Er(); c[677221] = 0; Tq(0); Fr(); } Fr(); return; } function Wq2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; } function Xq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return; } function Yq(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; if (!a2) return; c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = b4; return; } function Zq(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (true) return; c[543939] = a2; return; } function _q(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c[545816] = c[545818]; c[545817] = 0; c[545814] = Kr() | 0; c[545815] = b4; Vq(); return; } function $q(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c[543940] = a2; return; } function ar2() { var a2 = 0; if ((Pq(0) | 0) != -1) { a2 = 1; return a2 | 0; } if (true | (c[545820] | 0) == 0) { a2 = 0; return a2 | 0; } if (!(c[545818] | c[545817])) { a2 = 0; return a2 | 0; } a2 = (c[677221] | 0) != 0 & 1; return a2 | 0; } function br() { var a2 = 0; Er(); c[680109] = 0; c[679274] = 0; c[679281] = 0; c[679280] = 0; a2 = 2717108; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[683433] = 0; c[682598] = 0; c[682605] = 0; c[682604] = 0; a2 = 2730404; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[686757] = 0; c[685922] = 0; c[685929] = 0; c[685928] = 0; a2 = 2743700; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[690081] = 0; c[689246] = 0; c[689253] = 0; c[689252] = 0; a2 = 2756996; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[693405] = 0; c[692570] = 0; c[692577] = 0; c[692576] = 0; a2 = 2770292; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[696729] = 0; c[695894] = 0; c[695901] = 0; c[695900] = 0; a2 = 2783588; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[700053] = 0; c[699218] = 0; c[699225] = 0; c[699224] = 0; a2 = 2796884; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[703377] = 0; c[702542] = 0; c[702549] = 0; c[702548] = 0; a2 = 2810180; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[706701] = 0; c[705866] = 0; c[705873] = 0; c[705872] = 0; a2 = 2823476; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[710025] = 0; c[709190] = 0; c[709197] = 0; c[709196] = 0; a2 = 2836772; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[713349] = 0; c[712514] = 0; c[712521] = 0; c[712520] = 0; a2 = 2850068; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[716673] = 0; c[715838] = 0; c[715845] = 0; c[715844] = 0; a2 = 2863364; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[719997] = 0; c[719162] = 0; c[719169] = 0; c[719168] = 0; a2 = 2876660; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[723321] = 0; c[722486] = 0; c[722493] = 0; c[722492] = 0; a2 = 2889956; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[726645] = 0; c[725810] = 0; c[725817] = 0; c[725816] = 0; a2 = 2903252; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[729969] = 0; c[729134] = 0; c[729141] = 0; c[729140] = 0; a2 = 2916548; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; Fr(); return; } function cr() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; a2 = c[730414] | 0; if (!a2) { b4 = nq(352000) | 0; c[730414] = b4; d2 = b4; } else d2 = a2; c[d2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[543661] = 1; return; } function dr() { var a2 = 0; if (!(c[543661] | 0)) { a2 = 0; return a2 | 0; } c[543661] = 0; a2 = c[730414] | 0; return a2 | 0; } function er() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; Er(); if ((c[679278] | 0) == 0 | (c[680109] | 0) == 0) a2 = 0; else { b4 = c[679279] | 0; a2 = (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : 0; } if ((c[682602] | 0) == 0 | (c[683433] | 0) == 0) d2 = a2; else { b4 = c[682603] | 0; d2 = (a2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? a2 : b4; } if ((c[685926] | 0) == 0 | (c[686757] | 0) == 0) e2 = d2; else { b4 = c[685927] | 0; e2 = (d2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? d2 : b4; } if ((c[689250] | 0) == 0 | (c[690081] | 0) == 0) f2 = e2; else { b4 = c[689251] | 0; f2 = (e2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? e2 : b4; } if ((c[692574] | 0) == 0 | (c[693405] | 0) == 0) g2 = f2; else { b4 = c[692575] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? f2 : b4; } if ((c[695898] | 0) == 0 | (c[696729] | 0) == 0) h3 = g2; else { b4 = c[695899] | 0; h3 = (g2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? g2 : b4; } if ((c[699222] | 0) == 0 | (c[700053] | 0) == 0) i3 = h3; else { b4 = c[699223] | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? h3 : b4; } if ((c[702546] | 0) == 0 | (c[703377] | 0) == 0) j2 = i3; else { b4 = c[702547] | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? i3 : b4; } if ((c[705870] | 0) == 0 | (c[706701] | 0) == 0) k2 = j2; else { b4 = c[705871] | 0; k2 = (j2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? j2 : b4; } if ((c[709194] | 0) == 0 | (c[710025] | 0) == 0) l2 = k2; else { b4 = c[709195] | 0; l2 = (k2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? k2 : b4; } if ((c[712518] | 0) == 0 | (c[713349] | 0) == 0) m4 = l2; else { b4 = c[712519] | 0; m4 = (l2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? l2 : b4; } if ((c[715842] | 0) == 0 | (c[716673] | 0) == 0) n2 = m4; else { b4 = c[715843] | 0; n2 = (m4 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? m4 : b4; } if ((c[719166] | 0) == 0 | (c[719997] | 0) == 0) o2 = n2; else { b4 = c[719167] | 0; o2 = (n2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? n2 : b4; } if ((c[722490] | 0) == 0 | (c[723321] | 0) == 0) p2 = o2; else { b4 = c[722491] | 0; p2 = (o2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? o2 : b4; } if ((c[725814] | 0) == 0 | (c[726645] | 0) == 0) q3 = p2; else { b4 = c[725815] | 0; q3 = (p2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? p2 : b4; } if ((c[729138] | 0) == 0 | (c[729969] | 0) == 0) { r2 = q3; Fr(); return r2 | 0; } b4 = c[729139] | 0; r2 = (q3 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? q3 : b4; Fr(); return r2 | 0; } function fr(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0; Er(); c[730407] = 0; c[730408] = 0; c[730409] = 0; c[730410] = 0; c[730411] = 0; c[730412] = 0; if ((a2 | 0) == -1) { if ((c[679278] | 0) == 0 | (c[680109] | 0) == 0) { d2 = -1; e2 = -1; } else { f2 = c[679280] | 0; g2 = (f2 | 0) < -1; d2 = g2 ? -1 : f2; e2 = g2 << 31 >> 31; } if ((c[682602] | 0) == 0 | (c[683433] | 0) == 0) { h3 = d2; i3 = e2; } else { g2 = c[682604] | 0; f2 = (g2 | 0) < (d2 | 0); h3 = f2 ? d2 : g2; i3 = f2 ? e2 : 1; } if ((c[685926] | 0) == 0 | (c[686757] | 0) == 0) { j2 = h3; k2 = i3; } else { e2 = c[685928] | 0; f2 = (e2 | 0) < (h3 | 0); j2 = f2 ? h3 : e2; k2 = f2 ? i3 : 2; } if ((c[689250] | 0) == 0 | (c[690081] | 0) == 0) { l2 = j2; m4 = k2; } else { i3 = c[689252] | 0; f2 = (i3 | 0) < (j2 | 0); l2 = f2 ? j2 : i3; m4 = f2 ? k2 : 3; } if ((c[692574] | 0) == 0 | (c[693405] | 0) == 0) { n2 = l2; o2 = m4; } else { k2 = c[692576] | 0; f2 = (k2 | 0) < (l2 | 0); n2 = f2 ? l2 : k2; o2 = f2 ? m4 : 4; } if ((c[695898] | 0) == 0 | (c[696729] | 0) == 0) { p2 = n2; q3 = o2; } else { m4 = c[695900] | 0; f2 = (m4 | 0) < (n2 | 0); p2 = f2 ? n2 : m4; q3 = f2 ? o2 : 5; } if ((c[699222] | 0) == 0 | (c[700053] | 0) == 0) { r2 = p2; s3 = q3; } else { o2 = c[699224] | 0; f2 = (o2 | 0) < (p2 | 0); r2 = f2 ? p2 : o2; s3 = f2 ? q3 : 6; } if ((c[702546] | 0) == 0 | (c[703377] | 0) == 0) { t3 = r2; u2 = s3; } else { q3 = c[702548] | 0; f2 = (q3 | 0) < (r2 | 0); t3 = f2 ? r2 : q3; u2 = f2 ? s3 : 7; } if ((c[705870] | 0) == 0 | (c[706701] | 0) == 0) { v2 = t3; w2 = u2; } else { s3 = c[705872] | 0; f2 = (s3 | 0) < (t3 | 0); v2 = f2 ? t3 : s3; w2 = f2 ? u2 : 8; } if ((c[709194] | 0) == 0 | (c[710025] | 0) == 0) { x2 = v2; y4 = w2; } else { u2 = c[709196] | 0; f2 = (u2 | 0) < (v2 | 0); x2 = f2 ? v2 : u2; y4 = f2 ? w2 : 9; } if ((c[712518] | 0) == 0 | (c[713349] | 0) == 0) { z3 = x2; A4 = y4; } else { w2 = c[712520] | 0; f2 = (w2 | 0) < (x2 | 0); z3 = f2 ? x2 : w2; A4 = f2 ? y4 : 10; } if ((c[715842] | 0) == 0 | (c[716673] | 0) == 0) { C3 = z3; D3 = A4; } else { y4 = c[715844] | 0; f2 = (y4 | 0) < (z3 | 0); C3 = f2 ? z3 : y4; D3 = f2 ? A4 : 11; } if ((c[719166] | 0) == 0 | (c[719997] | 0) == 0) { E3 = C3; F3 = D3; } else { A4 = c[719168] | 0; f2 = (A4 | 0) < (C3 | 0); E3 = f2 ? C3 : A4; F3 = f2 ? D3 : 12; } if ((c[722490] | 0) == 0 | (c[723321] | 0) == 0) { G2 = E3; H2 = F3; } else { D3 = c[722492] | 0; f2 = (D3 | 0) < (E3 | 0); G2 = f2 ? E3 : D3; H2 = f2 ? F3 : 13; } if ((c[725814] | 0) == 0 | (c[726645] | 0) == 0) { I2 = G2; J2 = H2; } else { F3 = c[725816] | 0; f2 = (F3 | 0) < (G2 | 0); I2 = f2 ? G2 : F3; J2 = f2 ? H2 : 14; } if ((c[729138] | 0) == 0 | (c[729969] | 0) == 0 | (c[729140] | 0) < (I2 | 0)) { K2 = J2; L3 = 5; } else { M2 = 15; L3 = 6; } } else { K2 = a2; L3 = 5; } if ((L3 | 0) == 5 ? K2 >>> 0 < 16 : 0) { M2 = K2; L3 = 6; } if ((L3 | 0) == 6 ? (L3 = c[2708888 + (M2 * 13296 | 0) + 11748 >> 2] | 0, (L3 | 0) > 0) : 0) { K2 = c[543668] | 0; a2 = b4 - (c[2708888 + (M2 * 13296 | 0) + 11756 >> 2] | 0) | 0; b4 = L3 + -1 | 0; L3 = (B((a2 | 0) > 0 ? a2 : 0, b4) | 0) / ((((c[8713] | 0) / (((K2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : K2 << 1) | 0) | 0) * 1000 | 0) / (c[543667] | 0) | 0 | 0) | 0; K2 = (L3 | 0) < (b4 | 0) ? L3 : b4; b4 = 2708888 + (M2 * 13296 | 0) + 11760 + (((K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0) * 24 | 0) | 0; c[730407] = c[b4 >> 2]; c[730408] = c[b4 + 4 >> 2]; c[730409] = c[b4 + 8 >> 2]; c[730410] = c[b4 + 12 >> 2]; c[730411] = c[b4 + 16 >> 2]; c[730412] = c[b4 + 20 >> 2]; Fr(); return 2921628; } Fr(); return 2921628; } function gr(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; g2 = f2 + 32 | 0; h3 = f2 + 24 | 0; i3 = f2 + 16 | 0; j2 = f2; c[j2 >> 2] = a2; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = d2; c[j2 + 12 >> 2] = e2; it(1703776, 95552, j2) | 0; pn2(1703776); if ((a2 | 0) == 0 | (b4 | 0) == 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1703776, 95581, i3) | 0; pn2(1703776); k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } else { k2 = b4; l2 = a2; } if ((c[543660] | 0) == 1) { a2 = c[543936] | 0; b4 = c[543937] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) < 32 | (b4 | 0) < 32) { c[543936] = 640; c[543937] = 540; m4 = 640; n2 = 540; } else { m4 = a2; n2 = b4; } c[h3 >> 2] = m4; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = n2; it(1703776, 95619, h3) | 0; pn2(1703776); o2 = n2; p2 = m4; } else { c[543936] = l2; c[543937] = k2; o2 = k2; p2 = l2; } if (!(e2 & 256)) { if (e2 & 4 | 0) c[8714] = 0; if (e2 & 8 | 0) c[8714] = 1; } else if (c[543938] | 0) c[8714] = 0; m4 = ((k2 | 0) == 0 | (l2 | 0) == 0) & ((o2 | 0) == 0 | (p2 | 0) == 0); n2 = m4 ? 216 : o2; o2 = m4 ? 384 : p2; p2 = m4 ? 384 : l2; l2 = m4 ? 216 : k2; k2 = c[730432] | 0; do if (!k2) q3 = 20; else { if (((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == (p2 | 0) ? (c[k2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (l2 | 0) : 0) ? (c[k2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == (d2 | 0) : 0) break; Gn(k2) | 0; c[730432] = 0; q3 = 20; } while (0); if ((q3 | 0) == 20) c[730432] = Fn(p2, l2, d2) | 0; if ((c[543976] | c[543977] | 0) == 0 ? (q3 = Ir(o2, n2, p2, l2, d2, e2) | 0, q3 | 0) : 0) { r2 = q3; Ia = f2; return r2 | 0; } c[730415] = o2; c[730416] = n2; c[730417] = d2; c[730422] = 0; c[730424] = 0; c[730423] = o2; c[730425] = n2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; it(1703776, 95640, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); pn2(95662); r2 = 0; Ia = f2; return r2 | 0; } function hr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = c[730428] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) return; Hv(b4 | 0, a2 | 0, 768) | 0; return; } function ir() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (c[730430] | 0) { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } c[730430] = 1; c[730428] = xn() | 0; c[730429] = xn() | 0; d2 = 0; do { e2 = d2 & 255; a[(c[730428] | 0) + (d2 * 3 | 0) >> 0] = e2; a[(c[730428] | 0) + (d2 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] = e2; a[(c[730428] | 0) + (d2 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] = e2; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != 256); if (c[543976] | 0) { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } b4 = Gr2() | 0; return b4 | 0; } function jr() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; if (!(c[730430] | 0)) { a2 = 0; return a2 | 0; } c[730430] = 0; b4 = c[730432] | 0; if (b4 | 0) Gn(b4) | 0; b4 = c[545791] | 0; if (b4 | 0) Gn(b4) | 0; c[545791] = 0; c[730432] = 0; yn2(c[730428] | 0); yn2(c[730429] | 0); if (c[543976] | 0) { a2 = 0; return a2 | 0; } a2 = Hr() | 0; return a2 | 0; } function kr() { return (c[8714] | 0) == 0 | 0; } function lr() { var a2 = 0; if (c[543977] | c[543976] | 0) return; c[8714] = (c[8714] | 0) == 0 & 1; a2 = c[730432] | 0; Ir(c[543936] | 0, c[543937] | 0, c[a2 >> 2] | 0, c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[730417] | 0, 0) | 0; return; } function mr() { c[730431] = Kr() | 0; return; } function nr() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0; a2 = Kr() | 0; b4 = a2 - (c[730431] | 0) | 0; c[730431] = Kr() | 0; a2 = (b4 | 0) < 1000 ? b4 : 1000; c[8715] = (1000 / (((a2 | 0) > 1 ? a2 : 1) >>> 0) | 0) << 16; return; } function or2() { var a2 = 0; a2 = c[730432] | 0; if (!a2) return; tp(a2, 2921660, 0, 0, 0, 0, c[730415] | 0, c[730416] | 0); return; } function pr2() { return c[8715] >> 16 | 0; } function qr(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0; Es2(e2, b4) | 0; g2 = e2 + 548 | 0; if ((a[d2 >> 0] | 0) == 42) { Es2(g2, d2 + 1 | 0) | 0; h3 = Pt(g2) | 0; } else { a[g2 >> 0] = 0; h3 = 0; } c[e2 + 804 >> 2] = h3; c[e2 + 812 >> 2] = au(b4) | 0; c[e2 + 808 >> 2] = f2; return rr(e2) | 0; } function rr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 608 | 0; d2 = b4 + 600 | 0; e2 = b4 + 512 | 0; f2 = b4; g2 = a2 + 812 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!h3) { i3 = 1; Ia = b4; return i3 | 0; } j2 = du(h3) | 0; h3 = a2 + 808 | 0; if (!j2) { i3 = 1; Ia = b4; return i3 | 0; } k2 = a2 + 256 | 0; l2 = a2 + 520 | 0; m4 = e2 + 64 | 0; n2 = e2 + 40 | 0; o2 = a2 + 516 | 0; p2 = e2 + 12 | 0; q3 = a2 + 512 | 0; r2 = a2 + 804 | 0; s3 = j2; while (true) { j2 = s3 + 19 | 0; Es2(k2, j2) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = a2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = j2; it(f2, 95684, d2) | 0; jq(e2, 0, 1); bu2(f2, e2) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; c[o2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2]; t3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = t3; u2 = Pt(j2) | 0; if ((u2 | 0) >= (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) ? c[h3 >> 2] & t3 | 0 : 0) { i3 = 0; v2 = 7; break; } s3 = du(c[g2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!s3) { i3 = 1; v2 = 7; break; } } if ((v2 | 0) == 7) { Ia = b4; return i3 | 0; } return 0; } function sr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) return 0; b4 = c[a2 + 812 >> 2] | 0; if (!b4) return 0; cu2(b4) | 0; return 0; } function tr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0; b4 = Co(a2, 102896) | 0; if (!b4) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } Eo(b4); c2 = 1; return c2 | 0; } function ur2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 816 | 0; d2 = b4; Es2(d2, a2) | 0; e2 = d2 + 548 | 0; Es2(e2, 95691) | 0; c[d2 + 804 >> 2] = Pt(e2) | 0; e2 = d2 + 812 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = au(a2) | 0; c[d2 + 808 >> 2] = 16384; a2 = rr(d2) | 0; d2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) { f2 = (a2 | 0) == 0; g2 = f2 & 1; Ia = b4; return g2 | 0; } cu2(d2) | 0; f2 = (a2 | 0) == 0; g2 = f2 & 1; Ia = b4; return g2 | 0; } function vr(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 96 | 0; e2 = d2 + 64 | 0; f2 = d2 + 88 | 0; g2 = d2; Fa(f2 | 0) | 0; if (!b4) h3 = za(f2 | 0) | 0; else h3 = Ba2(f2 | 0) | 0; Ea(g2 | 0, 64, 95666, h3 | 0) | 0; h3 = a2 + 4 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = h3; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = a2 + 8; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = a2 + 12; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = a2 + 16; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = a2 + 20; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = a2 + 24; Eu2(g2, 95692, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return; } function wr(a2, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; vq(0, 1724512, a2 << 1); if ((c2 | 0) <= 0) return 1757280; d2 = a2 << 4; e2 = a2 + -1 | 0; a2 = 0; do { f2 = (B(d2, a2) | 0) / (c2 | 0) | 0; g2 = f2 & 15; h3 = (f2 | 0) / 16 | 0; f2 = h3 + 1 | 0; i3 = B(16 - g2 | 0, b3[1724512 + (h3 << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0; b3[1757280 + (a2 << 1) >> 1] = ((B(g2, b3[1724512 + (((f2 | 0) < (e2 | 0) ? f2 : e2) << 1) >> 1] | 0) | 0) + i3 | 0) / 16 | 0; a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != (c2 | 0)); return 1757280; } function xr() { if ((O(65535) | 0) < 0) yr(97344); else { ka(29) | 0; ka(30) | 0; ka(31) | 0; return 0; } return 0; } function yr(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4 + 8 | 0; e2 = b4; zr(); c[e2 >> 2] = a2; hv(98424, e2) | 0; zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = a2; it(1703776, 98424, d2) | 0; pn2(1703776); qn() | 0; ya(0); } function zr() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = J() | 0; if (!(a[e2 >> 0] | 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } c[d2 >> 2] = e2; hv(98447, d2) | 0; zu(c[8720] | 0) | 0; I(); Ia = b4; return; } function Ar() { return 0; } function Br(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; a[1790048] = 63; a[1790049] = 0; if (b4 >>> 0 > 511) return 1790048; Yt(1790048, c[30080 + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!(Pt(1790048) | 0)) return 1790048; b4 = 0; do { d2 = 1790048 + b4 | 0; e2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if ((e2 + -97 & 255) < 26) a[d2 >> 0] = (e2 & 255) + 224; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while (b4 >>> 0 < (Pt(1790048) | 0) >>> 0); return 1790048; } function Cr2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; la(32, c[543952] | 0) | 0; c[543669] = a2; c[543670] = b4; c[543667] = a2; c[543668] = b4; Zq(c[543939] | 0); $q(c[543940] | 0); return 0; } function Dr() { return 0; } function Er() { P(); c[730433] = (c[730433] | 0) + 1; return; } function Fr() { c[730433] = (c[730433] | 0) + -1; T3(); return; } function Gr2() { return 0; } function Hr() { return 0; } function Ir(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; g2 = sp() | 0; c[730437] = S(B(g2, d2) | 0, B(g2, e2) | 0, 32, 0) | 0; return 0; } function Jr(a2, b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2, k2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; k2 = k2 | 0; var l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; if (f2 | e2 | g2 | h3 | 0) return; if ((c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) == 8) { h3 = c[730438] | 0; do if (!h3) { l2 = a2; m4 = 8; } else { g2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) ? (e2 = c[h3 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (e2 | 0) == (c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) { n2 = h3; o2 = g2; p2 = e2; q3 = g2; break; } Gn(h3) | 0; l2 = a2; m4 = 8; } while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 8) { m4 = a2 + 4 | 0; h3 = Fn(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[m4 >> 2] | 0, 32) | 0; c[730438] = h3; n2 = h3; o2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; } l2 = c[n2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[730428] | 0; h3 = 0; do { c[1790304 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] = (d[m4 + (h3 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[m4 + (h3 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[m4 + (h3 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) | -16777216; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != 256); h3 = o2 << 2; o2 = 0; do { m4 = 1790304 + (o2 << 2) | 0; g2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = g2 << 16 & 16711680 | g2 & -16711936 | g2 >>> 16 & 255; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != 256); if ((p2 | 0) < 1 | (q3 | 0) == 0) r2 = n2; else { o2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; g2 = l2; l2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = g2; e2 = c[o2 + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; f2 = q3; while (true) { c[m4 >> 2] = c[1790304 + ((d[e2 >> 0] | 0) << 2) >> 2]; f2 = f2 + -1 | 0; if (!f2) break; else { m4 = m4 + 4 | 0; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } } l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == (p2 | 0)) { r2 = n2; break; } else g2 = g2 + h3 | 0; } } } else r2 = a2; Q(c[730437] | 0) | 0; a2 = c[730437] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) > 0 ? (h3 = r2 + 16 | 0, r2 = i3 << 2, g2 = a2 + 20 | 0, Hv(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, c[c[h3 >> 2] >> 2] | 0, r2 | 0) | 0, (j2 | 0) != 1) : 0) { n2 = 1; do { p2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + ((B(n2, i3) | 0) << 2) | 0; Hv(p2 | 0, c[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, r2 | 0) | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); } U(a2 | 0); return; } function Kr() { return M() | 0; } function Lr() { return; } function Mr() { return; } function Nr() { return 0; } function Or(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 >> 2] = 0; if (d2 | 0) c[d2 >> 2] = 0; if (!e2) return; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Pr() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; d2 = b4 + 52 | 0; e2 = b4 + 48 | 0; f2 = b4; g2 = 0; do { h3 = 1712608 + g2 | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; a[1713632 + g2 >> 0] = i3; if (i3 << 24 >> 24 == 3) a[h3 >> 0] = 1; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 512); g2 = 0; do { if (!(a[1712608 + g2 >> 0] | 0)) a[1713120 + g2 >> 0] = 0; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while ((g2 | 0) != 512); g2 = K() | 0; a[1712832] = g2 & 64; a[1712836] = g2 & 128; a[1712834] = 0; a[1712838] = 0; a[1712833] = g2 & 1; a[1712837] = g2 & 2; a: do if (R2(f2 | 0) | 0) { g2 = f2 + 12 | 0; h3 = f2 + 28 | 0; i3 = f2 + 32 | 0; while (true) { j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; b: do switch (j2 | 0) { case 768: case 769: { k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = (k2 | 0) == 1104 ? 80 : k2; k2 = (l2 | 0) == 1103 ? 79 : l2; l2 = (k2 | 0) == 1106 ? 82 : k2; k2 = (l2 | 0) == 1105 ? 81 : l2; l2 = (k2 | 0) == 1099 ? 75 : k2; k2 = (l2 | 0) == 1102 ? 78 : l2; l2 = (k2 | 0) == 1248 ? 224 : k2; k2 = (l2 | 0) < 512; m4 = 1712608 + l2 | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 768) { if (!k2) break b; a[m4 >> 0] = 3; a[1713632 + l2 >> 0] = 0; a[1713120 + l2 >> 0] = 0; break b; } else { if (!k2) break b; a[m4 >> 0] = 0; a[1713632] = 0; break b; } break; } case 1024: { do if (c[543653] | 0) { if (ka(33) | 0) { m4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[543647] = (c[543647] | 0) + m4; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; c[543648] = (c[543648] | 0) + k2; l2 = (c[730435] | 0) + m4 | 0; m4 = c[730432] | 0; n2 = (c[m4 >> 2] << 2) + -1 | 0; o2 = (l2 | 0) < (n2 | 0) ? l2 : n2; c[730435] = (o2 | 0) > 0 ? o2 : 0; o2 = (c[730436] | 0) + k2 | 0; k2 = (c[m4 + 4 >> 2] << 2) + -1 | 0; m4 = (o2 | 0) < (k2 | 0) ? o2 : k2; c[730436] = (m4 | 0) > 0 ? m4 : 0; break; } if (c[543653] | 0) { L2(d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; if (!(ka(34) | 0)) p2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; else { c[d2 >> 2] = ka(35) | 0; m4 = ka(36) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = m4; p2 = m4; } c[730435] = c[d2 >> 2] << 2; c[730436] = p2 << 2; } } while (0); m4 = c[543647] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) >= 0) { if (m4 | 0) { k2 = ~m4; o2 = (k2 | 0) > -2 ? k2 : -2; q3 = -2 - o2 | 0; r2 = m4 + 2 + (c[543649] | 0) + o2 | 0; s3 = 24; } } else { q3 = 0; r2 = m4 + (c[543649] | 0) | 0; s3 = 24; } if ((s3 | 0) == 24) { s3 = 0; c[543649] = r2; c[543647] = q3; } m4 = c[543648] | 0; if ((m4 | 0) < 0) { c[543650] = m4 + (c[543650] | 0); c[543648] = 0; break b; } if (m4 | 0) { o2 = ~m4; k2 = (o2 | 0) > -2 ? o2 : -2; c[543650] = m4 + 2 + (c[543650] | 0) + k2; c[543648] = -2 - k2; } break; } default: { } } while (0); if (!(R2(f2 | 0) | 0)) break a; } } while (0); f2 = (ka(37) | 0) != 0; if (f2 & (c[545793] | 0) < 32) { do { f2 = ka(38) | 0; q3 = (f2 | 0) > -1 ? f2 : -1; f2 = c[545793] | 0; c[1712480 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = q3; c[545793] = f2 + 1; if ((q3 | 0) > 0 ? (co2(-5) | 0) == 0 : 0) c[8717] = 1; if (a[1712838] | 0) { a[1712832] = 0; a[1712836] = 0; } q3 = (ka(37) | 0) != 0; } while (q3 & (c[545793] | 0) < 32); t3 = 1; } else t3 = 0; q3 = ka(39) | 0; c[543643] = (c[543643] | 0) + q3; c[543645] = (c[543645] | 0) + q3; q3 = ka(40) | 0; c[543644] = (c[543644] | 0) + q3; c[543646] = (c[543646] | 0) + q3; Qr2(); if (!((c[543654] | 0) == 0 ? (ka(41) | 0) != 0 : 0)) { c[545793] = 0; Iv(1712608, 0, 512) | 0; Iv(1713632, 0, 512) | 0; Iv(1713120, 0, 512) | 0; c[543643] = 0; c[543644] = 0; c[543645] = 0; c[543646] = 0; } if (t3 | 0) { Ia = b4; return 0; } t3 = 0; q3 = 0; do { f2 = (co2(q3) | 0) == 3; t3 = f2 ? 1 : t3; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != 512); q3 = c[545793] | 0; if (!((t3 | 0) != 0 & (q3 | 0) < 32)) { Ia = b4; return 0; } c[1712480 + (q3 << 2) >> 2] = -1; c[545793] = q3 + 1; Ia = b4; return 0; } function Qr2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; a2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; b4 = a2 + 8 | 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = a2; Rr(b4, d2, e2); if (c[8716] | 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = 1; c[d2 >> 2] = 1; c[b4 >> 2] = 1; c[8716] = 0; } if (ka(42) | 0) c[8717] = 0; f2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; b4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) > 0 & (b4 | f2 | 0) > -1 ? (f2 | 0) < (c[730415] | 0) : 0) ? (b4 | 0) < (c[730416] | 0) : 0) { c[8717] = 1; ka(43) | 0; } b4 = (co2(-5) | 0) != 0; if (!(b4 & (c[8717] | 0) != 0)) { Ia = a2; return; } ka(44) | 0; Ia = a2; return; } function Rr(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2 + 12 | 0; g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; h3 = e2 + 4 | 0; i3 = e2; j2 = ka(34) | 0; if (!(c[543653] | 0)) k2 = 1; else k2 = (ka(33) | 0) == 0; if ((j2 | 0) != 0 & k2) { if (a2 | 0) c[a2 >> 2] = ka(35) | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 >> 2] = ka(36) | 0; if (!d2) { Ia = e2; return; } c[d2 >> 2] = ka(45) | 0; Ia = e2; return; } k2 = (L2(f2 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0) & 255; if (c[543653] | 0 ? ka(33) | 0 : 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = (c[730435] | 0) / 4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = (c[730436] | 0) / 4 | 0; } N(0, h3 | 0, i3 | 0); j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; h3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 0 | (h3 | 0) == 0) { Ia = e2; return; } i3 = c[730415] | 0; l2 = c[730416] | 0; if (!(+(j2 | 0) / +(h3 | 0) >= +(i3 | 0) / +(l2 | 0))) { m4 = (h3 - ((B(l2, j2) | 0) / (i3 | 0) | 0) | 0) / 2 | 0; n2 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) - m4 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = n2; m4 = (B(c[730415] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) / (j2 | 0) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = m4; o2 = j2; p2 = m4; q3 = B(c[730415] | 0, n2) | 0; } else { n2 = (j2 - ((B(i3, h3) | 0) / (l2 | 0) | 0) | 0) / 2 | 0; i3 = (B((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) - n2 | 0, l2) | 0) / (h3 | 0) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = i3; o2 = h3; p2 = i3; q3 = B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, l2) | 0; } l2 = (q3 | 0) / (o2 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = l2; if (a2 | 0) c[a2 >> 2] = p2; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 >> 2] = l2; if (!d2) { Ia = e2; return; } c[d2 >> 2] = k2 << 1 & 4 | k2 & 1 | k2 >>> 1 & 2; Ia = e2; return; } function Sr(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = a2; it(b4, 101497, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return; } function Tr(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Yt(b4, a2) | 0; return; } function Ur(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Yt(b4, a2) | 0; return; } function Vr(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Yt(b4, a2) | 0; return; } function yo(d2, e2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0, Jb2 = 0, Kb2 = 0, Lb2 = 0, Mb2 = 0, Nb2 = 0, Ob2 = 0, Pb2 = 0, Qb3 = 0, Rb2 = 0, Sb2 = 0, Tb2 = 0, Ub3 = 0, Vb2 = 0, Wb2 = 0, Xb2 = 0, Yb3 = 0, Zb2 = 0, _b2 = 0, $b2 = 0, ac2 = 0, bc2 = 0, cc2 = 0, dc2 = 0, ec2 = 0, fc2 = 0, gc2 = 0, hc2 = 0, ic2 = 0, jc2 = 0, kc2 = 0, lc2 = 0, mc2 = 0, nc2 = 0, oc2 = 0, pc3 = 0, qc2 = 0, rc2 = 0, sc2 = 0, tc2 = 0, uc2 = 0, vc2 = 0, wc2 = 0, xc2 = 0, yc2 = 0, zc2 = 0, Ac2 = 0, Bc2 = 0, Cc2 = 0, Dc2 = 0, Ec2 = 0, Fc2 = 0, Gc2 = 0, Hc2 = 0, Ic2 = 0, Jc2 = 0, Kc2 = 0, Lc2 = 0, Mc2 = 0, Nc2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = d2; if (!e2) { h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } i3 = Un(0) | 0; a: do if (i3 | 0) { switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { j2 = Du(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 6; break; } case 1: { j2 = (c[e2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) & 1; k2 = 6; break; } default: k2 = 7; } if ((k2 | 0) == 6 ? (j2 | 0) == 0 : 0) k2 = 7; b: do if ((k2 | 0) == 7) { l2 = e2 + 8 | 0; m4 = e2 + 16 | 0; n2 = e2 + 20 | 0; o2 = e2 + 12 | 0; p2 = i3 + 32 | 0; q3 = 0; c: while (true) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { r2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - r2 | 0; t3 = (s3 | 0) < 4 ? s3 : 4; s3 = (t3 | 0) > 0 ? t3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + r2 | 0, s3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = s3 + r2; break; } default: { k2 = 9; break c; } } r2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!r2) break b; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { s3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - s3 | 0; u2 = (t3 | 0) < 4 ? t3 : 4; t3 = (u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + s3 | 0, t3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = t3 + s3; break; } default: { } } s3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = (q3 | 0) == 0; if (t3 & (r2 | 0) != 1146048579) break a; d: do if (t3) if ((r2 | 0) == 1146048579) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (u2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; v2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 26; break; } case 1: { w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + w2; k2 = 28; break; } default: { v2 = u2; k2 = 26; } } e: do if ((k2 | 0) == 26) { k2 = 0; switch (v2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 28; break e; break; } case 0: break; default: break e; } fv(p2, 1, 32, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 28) { k2 = 0; u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; x2 = (w2 | 0) < 32 ? w2 : 32; w2 = (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0; Hv(p2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, w2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = w2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; w2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (w2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; z3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 32; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + u2; break; } default: { z3 = w2; k2 = 32; } } f: do if ((k2 | 0) == 32) { k2 = 0; switch (z3 | 0) { case 1: { break f; break; } case 0: break; default: { k2 = 396; break d; } } Lu(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, 28, 1) | 0; k2 = 396; break d; } while (0); c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + 28; k2 = 396; } else k2 = 35; else if ((r2 | 0) < 1347374659) switch (r2 | 0) { case 1146048579: { break c; break; } default: { k2 = 35; break d; } } else switch (r2 | 0) { case 1347374659: { break c; break; } default: { k2 = 35; break d; } } while (0); g: do if ((k2 | 0) == 35) { k2 = 0; t3 = r2 | 32; h: do if ((t3 | 0) < 1347245667) { switch (t3 | 0) { case 1347240547: break; default: break h; } w2 = (r2 | 0) == 1347240547; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (u2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; A4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 39; break; } case 1: { x2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - x2 | 0; C3 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + x2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + x2; A4 = 1; k2 = 39; break; } default: { D3 = u2; E3 = 0; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 39) { k2 = 0; D3 = A4; E3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (D3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; F3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 43; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + u2; u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; G2 = u2; k2 = 45; break; } default: { F3 = D3; k2 = 43; } } i: do if ((k2 | 0) == 43) { k2 = 0; u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (F3 | 0) { case 1: { G2 = u2; k2 = 45; break i; break; } case 0: break; default: { H2 = u2; break i; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; H2 = u2; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 45) { k2 = 0; u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + u2; H2 = G2; } u2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = Fn(E3, H2, u2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (y4 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; I2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 49; break; } case 1: { C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; K2 = (J2 | 0) < 4 ? J2 : 4; J2 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + C3; c[x2 + 20 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 51; break; } default: { I2 = y4; k2 = 49; } } j: do if ((k2 | 0) == 49) { k2 = 0; c[x2 + 20 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (I2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 51; break j; break; } case 0: break; default: break j; } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 51) { k2 = 0; y4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - y4 | 0; J2 = (C3 | 0) < 4 ? C3 : 4; C3 = (J2 | 0) > 0 ? J2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + y4; } y4 = c[x2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; C3 = B(B(H2, E3) | 0, u2 >> 3) | 0; k: do if (w2) zo(y4, C3, e2) | 0; else switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(y4, 1, C3, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break k; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0; L3 = (C3 | 0) < (K2 | 0) ? C3 : K2; K2 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(y4 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break k; break; } default: break k; } while (0); Yn(i3, 4, x2) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } else { switch (t3 | 0) { case 1347245667: break; default: break h; } y4 = (r2 | 0) == 1347245667; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; C3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (C3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; M2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 61; break; } case 1: { w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; K2 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + w2; M2 = 1; k2 = 61; break; } default: { N4 = C3; O2 = 0; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 61) { k2 = 0; N4 = M2; O2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (N4 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; P2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 65; break; } case 1: { C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; u2 = (w2 | 0) < 4 ? w2 : 4; w2 = (u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, w2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = w2 + C3; C3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Q3 = C3; k2 = 67; break; } default: { P2 = N4; k2 = 65; } } l: do if ((k2 | 0) == 65) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (P2 | 0) { case 1: { Q3 = C3; k2 = 67; break l; break; } case 0: break; default: { R3 = C3; break l; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; R3 = C3; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 67) { k2 = 0; x2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - x2 | 0; w2 = (C3 | 0) < 4 ? C3 : 4; C3 = (w2 | 0) > 0 ? w2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + x2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + x2; R3 = Q3; } x2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = zn(O2, R3, x2) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; w2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (w2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; S2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 71; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; J2 = (K2 | 0) < 4 ? K2 : 4; K2 = (J2 | 0) > 0 ? J2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2 + u2; c[C3 + 20 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 73; break; } default: { S2 = w2; k2 = 71; } } m: do if ((k2 | 0) == 71) { k2 = 0; c[C3 + 20 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (S2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 73; break m; break; } case 0: break; default: break m; } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 73) { k2 = 0; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; K2 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + w2; } w2 = c[C3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; u2 = B(B(R3, O2) | 0, x2) | 0; n: do if (y4) zo(w2, u2, e2) | 0; else switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(w2, 1, u2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break n; break; } case 1: { K2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - K2 | 0; L3 = (u2 | 0) < (J2 | 0) ? u2 : J2; J2 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(w2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + K2 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break n; break; } default: break n; } while (0); Yn(i3, 10, C3) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } while (0); o: do if ((r2 | 0) < 1279348803) { if ((r2 | 0) < 1146047811) { switch (r2 | 0) { case 1145983811: break; default: break o; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; w2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (w2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; T4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 299; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; x2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + u2; T4 = 1; k2 = 299; break; } default: { U2 = w2; V3 = 0; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 299) { k2 = 0; U2 = T4; V3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (U2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; y4 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + w2; break; } default: { } } w2 = Jq(V3, c[g2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!w2) { u2 = s3 + -8 | 0; y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (y4 | 0) { case 0: { Lu(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, u2, 1) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; break; } case 1: { c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + u2; k2 = 396; break g; break; } default: { W2 = y4; break g; } } } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (y4 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; X2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 307; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; J2 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (J2 | 0) > 0 ? J2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + u2; u2 = w2 + 8 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Y2 = u2; k2 = 309; break; } default: { X2 = y4; k2 = 307; } } p: do if ((k2 | 0) == 307) { k2 = 0; y4 = w2 + 8 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (X2 | 0) { case 1: { Y2 = y4; k2 = 309; break p; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Z3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: Z3 = X2; } c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Z3 | 0) { case 1: { _5 = y4; k2 = 312; break p; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; $2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: $2 = Z3; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch ($2 | 0) { case 1: { aa2 = y4; k2 = 315; break p; break; } case 0: break; default: { ba3 = y4; break p; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ba3 = y4; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 309) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; u2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + C3; c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; _5 = Y2; k2 = 312; } if ((k2 | 0) == 312) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; u2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + C3; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; aa2 = _5; k2 = 315; } if ((k2 | 0) == 315) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; u2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + C3; ba3 = aa2; } C3 = Wq2(w2) | 0; y4 = (B(c[w2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[w2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) / 8 | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(C3, y4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - u2 | 0; J2 = (y4 | 0) < (x2 | 0) ? y4 : x2; x2 = (J2 | 0) > 0 ? J2 : 0; Hv(C3 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } Yq(w2, c[ba3 >> 2] | 0); Yn(i3, 9, w2) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } if ((r2 | 0) < 1229865283) { switch (r2 | 0) { case 1146047811: break; default: break o; } x2 = Xo2() | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (u2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ca2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 88; break; } case 1: { C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; y4 = (J2 | 0) < 4 ? J2 : 4; J2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + C3; C3 = x2 + 4 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; da2 = C3; k2 = 90; break; } default: { ca2 = u2; k2 = 88; } } q: do if ((k2 | 0) == 88) { k2 = 0; u2 = x2 + 4 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (ca2 | 0) { case 1: { da2 = u2; k2 = 90; break q; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ea2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: ea2 = ca2; } C3 = x2 + 16 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (ea2 | 0) { case 1: { fa2 = C3; ga2 = u2; k2 = 93; break q; break; } case 0: break; default: { ha2 = C3; ia2 = u2; break q; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ha2 = C3; ia2 = u2; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 90) { k2 = 0; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; C3 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + w2; w2 = x2 + 16 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; fa2 = w2; ga2 = da2; k2 = 93; } if ((k2 | 0) == 93) { k2 = 0; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; C3 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + w2; ha2 = fa2; ia2 = ga2; } w2 = x2 + 24 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; Uo(x2, c[ia2 >> 2] | 0); Vo2(x2, c[ha2 >> 2] | 0); r: do if ((c[ia2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { u2 = 0; while (true) { f[g2 >> 2] = 0; C3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (C3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ja2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 99; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0; K2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + J2; J2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; c[J2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; ka2 = J2; k2 = 405; break; } default: { ja2 = C3; k2 = 99; } } s: do if ((k2 | 0) == 99) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; c[C3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (ja2 | 0) { case 1: { ka2 = C3; k2 = 405; break s; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; la2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; ma2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: { la2 = C3; ma2 = ja2; } } c[la2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (ma2 | 0) { case 1: { na2 = la2; k2 = 408; break s; break; } case 0: break; default: { oa2 = la2; break s; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; oa2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 405) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; y4 = (J2 | 0) < 4 ? J2 : 4; J2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + C3; c[ka2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; na2 = ka2; k2 = 408; } if ((k2 | 0) == 408) { k2 = 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; y4 = (J2 | 0) < 4 ? J2 : 4; J2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + C3; oa2 = na2; } c[oa2 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) >= (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0)) break r; } } while (0); t: do if ((c[ha2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { u2 = x2 + 12 | 0; C3 = 0; while (true) { J2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) | 0; b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 2, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { K2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - K2 | 0; pa3 = (L3 | 0) < 2 ? L3 : 2; L3 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + K2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3 + K2; break; } default: { } } K2 = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; L3 = J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) + 56 | 0; b3[L3 >> 1] = K2; Wo(y4, K2 << 16 >> 16); b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; K2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (K2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 2, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; qa2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 108; break; } case 1: { y4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - y4 | 0; ra2 = (pa3 | 0) < 2 ? pa3 : 2; pa3 = (ra2 | 0) > 0 ? ra2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0, pa3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = pa3 + y4; b3[J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) + 72 >> 1] = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; k2 = 110; break; } default: { qa2 = K2; k2 = 108; } } u: do if ((k2 | 0) == 108) { k2 = 0; b3[J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) + 72 >> 1] = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; switch (qa2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 110; break u; break; } case 0: break; default: break u; } fv(g2, 2, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 110) { k2 = 0; K2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - K2 | 0; pa3 = (y4 | 0) < 2 ? y4 : 2; y4 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + K2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + K2; } b3[J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) + 74 >> 1] = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; v: do if ((b3[L3 >> 1] | 0) > 0) { K2 = J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) + 48 | 0; y4 = J2 + (C3 * 80 | 0) + 52 | 0; pa3 = 0; while (true) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; ta2 = (sa2 | 0) < 4 ? sa2 : 4; sa2 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, sa2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = sa2 + ra2; break; } default: { } } c[(c[K2 >> 2] | 0) + (pa3 << 2) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; ra2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (ra2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ua2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 119; break; } case 1: { sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; va2 = (ta2 | 0) < 4 ? ta2 : 4; ta2 = (va2 | 0) > 0 ? va2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + sa2; sa2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; c[sa2 + (pa3 << 3) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; wa2 = sa2; k2 = 121; break; } default: { ua2 = ra2; k2 = 119; } } w: do if ((k2 | 0) == 119) { k2 = 0; ra2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; c[ra2 + (pa3 << 3) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (ua2 | 0) { case 1: { wa2 = ra2; k2 = 121; break w; break; } case 0: break; default: { xa2 = ra2; break w; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; xa2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 121) { k2 = 0; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; ta2 = (sa2 | 0) < 4 ? sa2 : 4; sa2 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, sa2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = sa2 + ra2; xa2 = wa2; } c[xa2 + (pa3 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; pa3 = pa3 + 1 | 0; if ((pa3 | 0) >= (b3[L3 >> 1] | 0)) break v; } } while (0); C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((C3 | 0) >= (c[ha2 >> 2] | 0)) break t; } } while (0); x: do if ((c[w2 >> 2] | 0) > 0 ? (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0) > 0 : 0) { C3 = x2 + 28 | 0; u2 = 0; while (true) { b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; L3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (L3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 2, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; ya2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 130; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0; y4 = (pa3 | 0) < 2 ? pa3 : 2; pa3 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0, pa3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = pa3 + J2; J2 = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; pa3 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; y4 = pa3 + (u2 << 5) | 0; b3[y4 >> 1] = J2; b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; za2 = pa3; Aa3 = J2; Ba3 = y4; k2 = 132; break; } default: { ya2 = L3; k2 = 130; } } y: do if ((k2 | 0) == 130) { k2 = 0; L3 = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; y4 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; J2 = y4 + (u2 << 5) | 0; b3[J2 >> 1] = L3; b3[g2 >> 1] = 0; switch (ya2 | 0) { case 1: { za2 = y4; Aa3 = L3; Ba3 = J2; k2 = 132; break y; break; } case 0: break; default: { Ca2 = y4; Da2 = L3; Ea2 = ya2; Fa2 = J2; break y; } } fv(g2, 2, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; J2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; L3 = J2 + (u2 << 5) | 0; Ca2 = J2; Da2 = b3[L3 >> 1] | 0; Ea2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; Fa2 = L3; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 132) { k2 = 0; L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; y4 = (J2 | 0) < 2 ? J2 : 2; J2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + L3; Ca2 = za2; Da2 = Aa3; Ea2 = 1; Fa2 = Ba3; } L3 = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; J2 = Da2 & 65535; y4 = (c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; pa3 = (y4 | 0) > (J2 | 0) ? J2 : y4; b3[Fa2 >> 1] = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; pa3 = L3 & 65535; L3 = (y4 | 0) > (pa3 | 0) ? pa3 : y4; b3[Ca2 + (u2 << 5) + 2 >> 1] = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; f[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Ea2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ga3 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + L3; Ga3 = Ca2; break; } default: Ga3 = Ca2; } c[Ga3 + (u2 << 5) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) >= (c[ia2 >> 2] | 0)) break x; } } while (0); bp(x2); Yn(i3, 6, x2) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } switch (r2 | 0) { case 1229865283: break; default: break o; } w2 = kp() | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (u2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ha3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 145; break; } case 1: { C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; y4 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3 + C3; Ha3 = 1; k2 = 145; break; } default: { Ja3 = u2; Ka2 = 0; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 145) { k2 = 0; Ja3 = Ha3; Ka2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Ja3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; La2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; Ma2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 149; break; } case 1: { u2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = u2 - C3 | 0; y4 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; y4 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; Hv(g2 | 0, y4 + C3 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; pa3 = L3 + C3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = pa3; c[w2 + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Na2 = u2; Oa3 = pa3; Pa2 = y4; k2 = 152; break; } default: { La2 = 0; Ma2 = Ja3; k2 = 149; } } z: do if ((k2 | 0) == 149) { k2 = 0; c[w2 + 8 >> 2] = La2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Ma2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Qa2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; Ra2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Na2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Oa3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Pa2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 152; break z; break; } default: { Qa2 = 0; Ra2 = Ma2; } } c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = Qa2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Ra2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Sa2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Ta2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Ua2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Va2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 156; break z; break; } default: Sa2 = Ra2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Sa2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Wa2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Xa3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Ya3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Za2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 280; break z; break; } default: Wa2 = Sa2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Wa2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; _a2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { $a2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; ab2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; bb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 284; break z; break; } default: _a2 = Wa2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (_a2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; cb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { db3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; eb3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; fb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 288; break z; break; } default: cb2 = _a2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (cb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break z; break; } case 1: { gb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; hb2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ib2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 292; break z; break; } default: break z; } } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 152) { k2 = 0; x2 = Na2 - Oa3 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Pa2 + Oa3 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; y4 = x2 + Oa3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4; c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Ta2 = Na2; Ua2 = y4; Va2 = Pa2; k2 = 156; } if ((k2 | 0) == 156) { k2 = 0; y4 = Ta2 - Ua2 | 0; x2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Va2 + Ua2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; x2 = y4 + Ua2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Xa3 = Ta2; Ya3 = x2; Za2 = Va2; k2 = 280; } if ((k2 | 0) == 280) { k2 = 0; x2 = Xa3 - Ya3 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Za2 + Ya3 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; y4 = x2 + Ya3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; $a2 = Xa3; ab2 = y4; bb2 = Za2; k2 = 284; } if ((k2 | 0) == 284) { k2 = 0; y4 = $a2 - ab2 | 0; x2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, bb2 + ab2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; x2 = y4 + ab2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; db3 = $a2; eb3 = x2; fb2 = bb2; k2 = 288; } if ((k2 | 0) == 288) { k2 = 0; x2 = db3 - eb3 | 0; y4 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (y4 | 0) > 0 ? y4 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, fb2 + eb3 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; y4 = x2 + eb3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; gb2 = db3; hb2 = y4; ib2 = fb2; k2 = 292; } if ((k2 | 0) == 292) { k2 = 0; y4 = gb2 - hb2 | 0; x2 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (x2 | 0) > 0 ? x2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, ib2 + hb2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + hb2; } A: do if ((Ka2 | 0) > 0) { y4 = w2 + 4 | 0; x2 = 0; while (true) { np2(w2) | 0; pa3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; u2 = pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) | 0; C3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (C3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(u2, 1, 32, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 163; break; } case 1: { L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; K2 = (J2 | 0) < 32 ? J2 : 32; J2 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(u2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 163; break; } default: jb2 = C3; } if ((k2 | 0) == 163) { k2 = 0; jb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } C3 = pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 32 | 0; switch (jb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(C3, 1, 32, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0; u2 = (L3 | 0) < 32 ? L3 : 32; L3 = (u2 | 0) > 0 ? u2 : 0; Hv(C3 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; L3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (L3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; kb2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; lb3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 170; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = J2 - C3 | 0; K2 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; K2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; Hv(g2 | 0, K2 + C3 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; ra2 = u2 + C3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ra2; c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; mb2 = J2; nb2 = ra2; ob2 = K2; k2 = 173; break; } default: { kb2 = 0; lb3 = L3; k2 = 170; } } B: do if ((k2 | 0) == 170) { k2 = 0; c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = kb2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (lb3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; pb2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; qb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { mb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; nb2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ob2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 173; break B; break; } default: { pb2 = 0; qb2 = lb3; } } c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 72 >> 2] = pb2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (qb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; rb2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; sb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { tb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; ub2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; vb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 177; break B; break; } default: { rb2 = 0; sb2 = qb2; } } c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 76 >> 2] = rb2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (sb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; wb3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; xb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { yb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; zb2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Ab2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 181; break B; break; } default: { wb3 = 0; xb2 = sb2; } } c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 100 >> 2] = wb3; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (xb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Bb2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; Cb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Db2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Eb3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Fb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 185; break B; break; } default: { Bb2 = 0; Cb2 = xb2; } } L3 = pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 104 | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = Bb2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Cb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Gb2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; Hb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Ib2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Jb2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Kb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; Lb2 = L3; k2 = 189; break B; break; } default: { Gb2 = 0; Hb2 = Cb2; } } c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 108 >> 2] = Gb2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Hb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Mb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Nb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Ob2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Pb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; Qb3 = L3; k2 = 193; break B; break; } default: Mb2 = Hb2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Mb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Rb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Sb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Tb2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Ub3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; Vb2 = L3; k2 = 272; break B; break; } default: Rb2 = Mb2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Rb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Wb2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } case 1: { Xb2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; Yb3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; Zb2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; _b2 = L3; k2 = 276; break B; break; } default: Wb2 = Rb2; } K2 = c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 80 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Wb2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; $b2 = K2; ac2 = L3; break B; break; } case 1: { bc2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; cc2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; dc2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; ec2 = K2; fc2 = L3; k2 = 197; break B; break; } default: { $b2 = K2; ac2 = L3; break B; } } } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 173) { k2 = 0; L3 = mb2 - nb2 | 0; K2 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, ob2 + nb2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; K2 = L3 + nb2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2; c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 72 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; tb2 = mb2; ub2 = K2; vb2 = ob2; k2 = 177; } if ((k2 | 0) == 177) { k2 = 0; K2 = tb2 - ub2 | 0; L3 = (K2 | 0) < 4 ? K2 : 4; K2 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, vb2 + ub2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; L3 = K2 + ub2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3; c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 76 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; yb2 = tb2; zb2 = L3; Ab2 = vb2; k2 = 181; } if ((k2 | 0) == 181) { k2 = 0; L3 = yb2 - zb2 | 0; K2 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Ab2 + zb2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; K2 = L3 + zb2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2; c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 100 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Db2 = yb2; Eb3 = K2; Fb2 = Ab2; k2 = 185; } if ((k2 | 0) == 185) { k2 = 0; K2 = Db2 - Eb3 | 0; L3 = (K2 | 0) < 4 ? K2 : 4; K2 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Fb2 + Eb3 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; L3 = K2 + Eb3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3; K2 = pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 104 | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Ib2 = Db2; Jb2 = L3; Kb2 = Fb2; Lb2 = K2; k2 = 189; } if ((k2 | 0) == 189) { k2 = 0; K2 = Ib2 - Jb2 | 0; L3 = (K2 | 0) < 4 ? K2 : 4; K2 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Kb2 + Jb2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; L3 = K2 + Jb2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3; c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 108 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Nb2 = Ib2; Ob2 = L3; Pb2 = Kb2; Qb3 = Lb2; k2 = 193; } if ((k2 | 0) == 193) { k2 = 0; L3 = Nb2 - Ob2 | 0; K2 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Pb2 + Ob2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; K2 = L3 + Ob2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Sb2 = Nb2; Tb2 = K2; Ub3 = Pb2; Vb2 = Qb3; k2 = 272; } if ((k2 | 0) == 272) { k2 = 0; K2 = Sb2 - Tb2 | 0; L3 = (K2 | 0) < 4 ? K2 : 4; K2 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Ub3 + Tb2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; L3 = K2 + Tb2 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; Xb2 = Sb2; Yb3 = L3; Zb2 = Ub3; _b2 = Vb2; k2 = 276; } if ((k2 | 0) == 276) { k2 = 0; L3 = Xb2 - Yb3 | 0; K2 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, Zb2 + Yb3 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; K2 = L3 + Yb3 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2; L3 = c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 80 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; bc2 = Xb2; cc2 = K2; dc2 = Zb2; ec2 = L3; fc2 = _b2; k2 = 197; } if ((k2 | 0) == 197) { k2 = 0; L3 = bc2 - cc2 | 0; K2 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (K2 | 0) > 0 ? K2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, dc2 + cc2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3 + cc2; $b2 = ec2; ac2 = fc2; } L3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[$b2 >> 2] = L3; pp($b2, L3); L3 = c[$b2 >> 2] | 0; C: do if (!L3) k2 = 209; else { K2 = c[$b2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[$b2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; J2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (J2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(K2, ra2, L3, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 202; break; } case 1: { C3 = B(ra2, L3) | 0; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; sa2 = (C3 | 0) < (u2 | 0) ? C3 : u2; u2 = (sa2 | 0) > 0 ? sa2 : 0; Hv(K2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 202; break; } default: { gc2 = J2; hc2 = L3; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 202) { k2 = 0; gc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; hc2 = c[$b2 >> 2] | 0; } J2 = c[$b2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; switch (gc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(J2, 4, hc2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { u2 = hc2 << 2; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; sa2 = (u2 | 0) < (K2 | 0) ? u2 : K2; K2 = (sa2 | 0) > 0 ? sa2 : 0; Hv(J2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } K2 = c[$b2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[$b2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (J2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(K2, 4, ra2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 209; break C; break; } case 1: { sa2 = ra2 << 2; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; C3 = (sa2 | 0) < (u2 | 0) ? sa2 : u2; u2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(K2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 209; break C; break; } default: { ic2 = J2; break C; } } } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 209) { k2 = 0; ic2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } L3 = c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 84 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (ic2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0; ra2 = (u2 | 0) < 4 ? u2 : 4; u2 = (ra2 | 0) > 0 ? ra2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + J2; break; } default: { } } J2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = J2; pp(L3, J2); J2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; D: do if (!J2) k2 = 224; else { u2 = c[L3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[L3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; K2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (K2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(u2, ra2, J2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 217; break; } case 1: { C3 = B(ra2, J2) | 0; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; ta2 = (C3 | 0) < (sa2 | 0) ? C3 : sa2; sa2 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(u2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, sa2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = sa2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 217; break; } default: { jc2 = K2; kc2 = J2; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 217) { k2 = 0; jc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; kc2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; } K2 = c[L3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; switch (jc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(K2, 4, kc2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { sa2 = kc2 << 2; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; ta2 = (sa2 | 0) < (u2 | 0) ? sa2 : u2; u2 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(K2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, u2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = u2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } u2 = c[L3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; K2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (K2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(u2, 4, ra2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 224; break D; break; } case 1: { ta2 = ra2 << 2; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; C3 = (ta2 | 0) < (sa2 | 0) ? ta2 : sa2; sa2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(u2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, sa2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = sa2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 224; break D; break; } default: { lc2 = K2; break D; } } } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 224) { k2 = 0; lc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } L3 = c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 88 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (lc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { J2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - J2 | 0; sa2 = (K2 | 0) < 4 ? K2 : 4; K2 = (sa2 | 0) > 0 ? sa2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + J2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2 + J2; break; } default: { } } J2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = J2; pp(L3, J2); J2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; E: do if (J2 | 0) { K2 = c[L3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = c[L3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (ra2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(K2, sa2, J2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 232; break; } case 1: { u2 = B(sa2, J2) | 0; sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; ta2 = (u2 | 0) < (C3 | 0) ? u2 : C3; C3 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(K2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 232; break; } default: { mc2 = ra2; nc2 = J2; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 232) { k2 = 0; mc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; nc2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; } ra2 = c[L3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; switch (mc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(ra2, 4, nc2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { C3 = nc2 << 2; sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; K2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; ta2 = (C3 | 0) < (K2 | 0) ? C3 : K2; K2 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(ra2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, K2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = K2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } K2 = c[L3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(K2, 4, sa2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break E; break; } case 1: { ra2 = sa2 << 2; sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; C3 = (ra2 | 0) < (ta2 | 0) ? ra2 : ta2; ta2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(K2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break E; break; } default: break E; } } while (0); L3 = c[ac2 >> 2] | 0; F: do if (L3 | 0) { J2 = pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 92 | 0; c[J2 >> 2] = kq(L3 << 2) | 0; if ((c[ac2 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) break; ta2 = 0; while (true) { sa2 = op(16) | 0; c[(c[J2 >> 2] | 0) + (ta2 << 2) >> 2] = sa2; sa2 = c[(c[J2 >> 2] | 0) + (ta2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { K2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - K2 | 0; ra2 = (C3 | 0) < 4 ? C3 : 4; C3 = (ra2 | 0) > 0 ? ra2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + K2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + K2; break; } default: { } } K2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[sa2 >> 2] = K2; pp(sa2, K2); K2 = c[sa2 >> 2] | 0; G: do if (K2 | 0) { C3 = c[sa2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[sa2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (u2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(C3, ra2, K2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 249; break; } case 1: { va2 = B(ra2, K2) | 0; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; oc2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; pc3 = (va2 | 0) < (oc2 | 0) ? va2 : oc2; oc2 = (pc3 | 0) > 0 ? pc3 : 0; Hv(C3 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, oc2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = oc2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 249; break; } default: { qc2 = u2; rc2 = K2; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 249) { k2 = 0; qc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; rc2 = c[sa2 >> 2] | 0; } u2 = c[sa2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; switch (qc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(u2, 4, rc2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { oc2 = rc2 << 2; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; pc3 = (oc2 | 0) < (C3 | 0) ? oc2 : C3; C3 = (pc3 | 0) > 0 ? pc3 : 0; Hv(u2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } C3 = c[sa2 + 20 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[sa2 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(C3, 4, ra2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break G; break; } case 1: { u2 = ra2 << 2; ra2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; pc3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ra2 | 0; oc2 = (u2 | 0) < (pc3 | 0) ? u2 : pc3; pc3 = (oc2 | 0) > 0 ? oc2 : 0; Hv(C3 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ra2 | 0, pc3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = pc3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break G; break; } default: break G; } } while (0); ta2 = ta2 + 1 | 0; if ((ta2 | 0) >= (c[ac2 >> 2] | 0)) break F; } } while (0); L3 = c[pa3 + (x2 * 112 | 0) + 96 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { ta2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ta2 | 0; sa2 = (J2 | 0) < 4 ? J2 : 4; J2 = (sa2 | 0) > 0 ? sa2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ta2 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + ta2; break; } default: { } } ta2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[L3 >> 2] = ta2; pp(L3, ta2); ta2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; H: do if (ta2 | 0) { J2 = c[L3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = c[L3 + 8 >> 2] | 0; K2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (K2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(J2, sa2, ta2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 264; break; } case 1: { pc3 = B(sa2, ta2) | 0; sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ra2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; C3 = (pc3 | 0) < (ra2 | 0) ? pc3 : ra2; ra2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(J2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, ra2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ra2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 264; break; } default: { sc2 = K2; tc2 = ta2; } } if ((k2 | 0) == 264) { k2 = 0; sc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; tc2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; } K2 = c[L3 + 16 >> 2] | 0; switch (sc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(K2, 4, tc2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { ra2 = tc2 << 2; sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; C3 = (ra2 | 0) < (J2 | 0) ? ra2 : J2; J2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(K2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, J2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = J2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } J2 = c[L3 + 20 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(J2, 4, sa2, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break H; break; } case 1: { K2 = sa2 << 2; sa2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - sa2 | 0; ra2 = (K2 | 0) < (C3 | 0) ? K2 : C3; C3 = (ra2 | 0) > 0 ? ra2 : 0; Hv(J2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break H; break; } default: break H; } } while (0); x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == (Ka2 | 0)) break A; } } while (0); Yn(i3, 8, w2) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } else { if ((r2 | 0) < 1314476867) { switch (r2 | 0) { case 1279348803: break; default: break o; } x2 = xn() | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(x2, 1, 768, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { y4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - y4 | 0; ta2 = (L3 | 0) < 768 ? L3 : 768; L3 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(x2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } Yn(i3, 5, x2) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } if ((r2 | 0) >= 1413565763) { switch (r2 | 0) { case 1413565763: break; default: break o; } x2 = _o() | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(x2, 96, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; ta2 = (y4 | 0) < 96 ? y4 : 96; y4 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(x2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } Yn(i3, 7, x2) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; } switch (r2 | 0) { case 1314476867: break; default: break o; } x2 = Ap(0) | 0; Yn(i3, 11, x2) | 0; jq(x2, 0, 11032); c[g2 >> 2] = 0; y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (y4 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; uc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 326; break; } case 1: { L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (ta2 | 0) < 4 ? ta2 : 4; ta2 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + L3; c[x2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; vc2 = x2; k2 = 328; break; } default: { uc2 = y4; k2 = 326; } } I: do if ((k2 | 0) == 326) { k2 = 0; c[x2 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (uc2 | 0) { case 1: { vc2 = x2; k2 = 328; break I; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; wc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: wc2 = uc2; } c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (wc2 | 0) { case 1: { xc2 = x2; k2 = 331; break I; break; } case 0: break; default: { yc2 = wc2; zc2 = 0; Ac2 = x2; break I; } } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Bc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; Cc2 = x2; k2 = 332; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 328) { k2 = 0; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; L3 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + w2; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; xc2 = vc2; k2 = 331; } if ((k2 | 0) == 331) { k2 = 0; w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; L3 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + w2; Bc2 = 1; Cc2 = xc2; k2 = 332; } if ((k2 | 0) == 332) { k2 = 0; yc2 = Bc2; zc2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; Ac2 = Cc2; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (yc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; L3 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + w2; break; } default: { } } if (!zc2) c[Ac2 >> 2] = (c[Ac2 >> 2] | 0) / 2 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { w2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - w2 | 0; L3 = (y4 | 0) < 4 ? y4 : 4; y4 = (L3 | 0) > 0 ? L3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + w2 | 0, y4 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = y4 + w2; break; } default: { k2 = 396; break g; } } w2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((w2 | 0) <= 0) { k2 = 396; break g; } y4 = 0; while (true) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; L3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (L3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Dc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 347; break; } case 1: { ta2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ta2 | 0; C3 = (pa3 | 0) < 4 ? pa3 : 4; pa3 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ta2 | 0, pa3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = pa3 + ta2; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 349; break; } default: { Dc2 = L3; k2 = 347; } } J: do if ((k2 | 0) == 347) { k2 = 0; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Dc2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 349; break J; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ec2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: Ec2 = Dc2; } c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Ec2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 352; break J; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Fc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: Fc2 = Ec2; } c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Fc2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 355; break J; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Gc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: Gc2 = Fc2; } c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 340 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Gc2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 358; break J; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Hc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: Hc2 = Gc2; } L3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 332 >> 2] = L3; ta2 = x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 268 | 0; switch (Hc2 | 0) { case 1: { Ic2 = L3; Jc2 = ta2; k2 = 361; break J; break; } case 0: break; default: { Kc2 = Hc2; break J; } } fv(ta2, 1, L3, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 362; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 349) { k2 = 0; L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (ta2 | 0) < 4 ? ta2 : 4; ta2 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + L3; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 352; } if ((k2 | 0) == 352) { k2 = 0; L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (ta2 | 0) < 4 ? ta2 : 4; ta2 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + L3; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 355; } if ((k2 | 0) == 355) { k2 = 0; L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (ta2 | 0) < 4 ? ta2 : 4; ta2 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + L3; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 340 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 358; } if ((k2 | 0) == 358) { k2 = 0; L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (ta2 | 0) < 4 ? ta2 : 4; ta2 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + L3; L3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 332 >> 2] = L3; Ic2 = L3; Jc2 = x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 268 | 0; k2 = 361; } if ((k2 | 0) == 361) { k2 = 0; L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; pa3 = (Ic2 | 0) < (ta2 | 0) ? Ic2 : ta2; ta2 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(Jc2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = 362; } if ((k2 | 0) == 362) { k2 = 0; Kc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Kc2 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = 367; break; } case 1: { ta2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; L3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - ta2 | 0; pa3 = (L3 | 0) < 4 ? L3 : 4; L3 = (pa3 | 0) > 0 ? pa3 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + ta2 | 0, L3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = L3 + ta2; k2 = 367; break; } default: { } } K: do if ((k2 | 0) == 367 ? (k2 = 0, ta2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, (ta2 | 0) > 0) : 0) { L3 = 0; while (true) { c[g2 >> 2] = 0; pa3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (pa3 | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Lc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = 372; break; } case 1: { C3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - C3 | 0; J2 = (sa2 | 0) < 4 ? sa2 : 4; sa2 = (J2 | 0) > 0 ? J2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + C3 | 0, sa2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = sa2 + C3; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 12 + (L3 << 4) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 374; break; } default: { Lc2 = pa3; k2 = 372; } } L: do if ((k2 | 0) == 372) { k2 = 0; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 12 + (L3 << 4) >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Lc2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 374; break L; break; } case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Mc2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; break; } default: Mc2 = Lc2; } c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 12 + (L3 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (Mc2 | 0) { case 1: { k2 = 377; break L; break; } case 0: break; default: break L; } fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 374) { k2 = 0; pa3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - pa3 | 0; sa2 = (C3 | 0) < 4 ? C3 : 4; C3 = (sa2 | 0) > 0 ? sa2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + pa3 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + pa3; c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 12 + (L3 << 4) + 8 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = 377; } if ((k2 | 0) == 377) { k2 = 0; pa3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - pa3 | 0; sa2 = (C3 | 0) < 4 ? C3 : 4; C3 = (sa2 | 0) > 0 ? sa2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + pa3 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + pa3; } c[x2 + 8 + (y4 * 344 | 0) + 12 + (L3 << 4) + 12 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; L3 = L3 + 1 | 0; if ((L3 | 0) == (ta2 | 0)) break K; } } while (0); y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; if ((y4 | 0) == (w2 | 0)) { k2 = 396; break g; } } } while (0); if ((t3 | 0) != 1279870563) { pn2(94416); w2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (w2 | 0) { case 0: { Lu(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, s3, 1) | 0; k2 = 396; break g; break; } case 1: { c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + s3; k2 = 396; break g; break; } default: { W2 = w2; break g; } } } w2 = (r2 | 0) == 1279870563; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(g2, 4, 1, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { y4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - y4 | 0; ta2 = (x2 | 0) < 4 ? x2 : 4; x2 = (ta2 | 0) > 0 ? ta2 : 0; Hv(g2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + y4 | 0, x2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = x2 + y4; break; } default: { } } y4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = nq(y4) | 0; Yn(i3, 12, x2) | 0; ta2 = x2 + 24 | 0; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(ta2, 1, 64, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; C3 = (pa3 | 0) < 64 ? pa3 : 64; pa3 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(ta2 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, pa3 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = pa3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break; } default: { } } a[x2 + 87 >> 0] = 0; pa3 = c[x2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; M: do if (w2) zo(pa3, y4, e2) | 0; else switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(pa3, 1, y4, c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break M; break; } case 1: { L3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; ta2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) - L3 | 0; C3 = (y4 | 0) < (ta2 | 0) ? y4 : ta2; ta2 = (C3 | 0) > 0 ? C3 : 0; Hv(pa3 | 0, (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + L3 | 0, ta2 | 0) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = ta2 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); break M; break; } default: break M; } while (0); c[x2 + 16 >> 2] = y4; k2 = 396; } while (0); if ((k2 | 0) == 396) { k2 = 0; W2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; switch (W2 | 0) { case 0: { Nc2 = Du(c[l2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { Nc2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) & 1; break; } default: Nc2 = 0; } if (Nc2 | 0) break b; } if ((k2 | 0) == 9) break; switch (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { Lu(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, -8, 1) | 0; break b; break; } case 1: { c[n2 >> 2] = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + -8; break b; break; } default: break b; } } while (0); if (c[i3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) { h3 = i3; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } Xn(i3); h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } while (0); Xn(i3); h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } function zo(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(f2, 4, 1, c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { g2 = d2 + 20 | 0; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) - h3 | 0; j2 = (i3 | 0) < 4 ? i3 : 4; i3 = (j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0; Hv(f2 | 0, (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + h3 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = i3 + h3; break; } default: { } } h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = kq(h3) | 0; switch (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { fv(f2, 1, h3, c[d2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; k2 = uq(f2, a2, h3, b4) | 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } case 1: { i3 = d2 + 20 | 0; g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = (c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) - g2 | 0; l2 = (h3 | 0) < (j2 | 0) ? h3 : j2; j2 = (l2 | 0) > 0 ? l2 : 0; Hv(f2 | 0, (c[d2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + g2 | 0, j2 | 0) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = j2 + (c[i3 >> 2] | 0); k2 = uq(f2, a2, h3, b4) | 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } default: { k2 = uq(f2, a2, h3, b4) | 0; Ia = e2; return k2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Ao2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; switch (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { b4 = Du(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; return b4 | 0; } case 1: { b4 = (c[a2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) & 1; return b4 | 0; } default: { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } } return 0; } function Bo2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; d2 = b4; e2 = Co(a2, 94452) | 0; if (e2) { f2 = yo(0, e2) | 0; if (!(hs(e2) | 0)) { if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) xu2(c[e2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (c[e2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); if (!(c[543671] | 0)) { c[543671] = (Kr() | 0) + 1000; g2 = f2; } else g2 = f2; } else g2 = f2; } else g2 = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = a2; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = (g2 | 0) == 0 ? 94455 : 94462; it(1703776, 94465, d2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Ia = b4; return g2 | 0; } function Co(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; f2 = e2 + 1032 | 0; g2 = e2 + 1024 | 0; h3 = e2; Do(b4, 0, h3, 0, 1); a: do if (94300) { i3 = 94300; j2 = 4544; while (true) { k2 = Pt(i3) | 0; if ((k2 | 0) == (Pt(h3) | 0) ? Fs(i3, h3) | 0 : 0) break; j2 = j2 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!i3) break a; } l2 = 0; Ia = e2; return l2 | 0; } while (0); if ((ka(26) | 0) != 1) { h3 = gs(b4, d2) | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) != 0; if (i3) { c[g2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; hv(94488, g2) | 0; } g2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (g2 << 24 >> 24 == 119 | i3 & g2 << 24 >> 24 == 114) { l2 = h3; Ia = e2; return l2 | 0; } } h3 = kq(92) | 0; jq(h3, 0, 92); c[h3 >> 2] = 0; g2 = ru(b4, d2) | 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = g2; if (g2) { if (h3 | 0) { l2 = h3; Ia = e2; return l2 | 0; } } else mq(h3); h3 = gs(b4, d2) | 0; if (!h3) { l2 = 0; Ia = e2; return l2 | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = b4; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = d2; hv(94551, f2) | 0; l2 = h3; Ia = e2; return l2 | 0; } function Do(b4, c2, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = (c2 | 0) != 0; if (i3) a[c2 >> 0] = 0; j2 = (d2 | 0) != 0; if (j2) a[d2 >> 0] = 0; k2 = (e2 | 0) != 0; if (k2) a[e2 >> 0] = 0; if ((Pt(b4) | 0) >>> 0 > 1023) { pn2(94586); Ia = g2; return; } Es2(h3, b4) | 0; l2 = Pt(b4) | 0; b4 = h3 + l2 | 0; a: do if ((l2 | 0) > 0) { m4 = b4; while (true) { if ((a[m4 >> 0] & -2) << 24 >> 24 == 46) { n2 = m4; break a; } o2 = m4 + -1 | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) m4 = o2; else { n2 = o2; break; } } } else n2 = b4; while (0); if (f2) { f2 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; if (f2 << 24 >> 24 == 46) { b4 = n2 + -1 | 0; b: do if (b4 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) { l2 = b4; while (true) { if ((a[l2 >> 0] | 1) << 24 >> 24 == 47) { p2 = l2; break b; } m4 = l2 + -1 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) l2 = m4; else { p2 = m4; break; } } } else p2 = b4; while (0); q3 = (a[p2 >> 0] | 0) == 46 ? p2 : n2; r2 = 20; } else { s3 = f2; t3 = n2; r2 = 27; } } else { q3 = n2; r2 = 20; } c: do if ((r2 | 0) == 20) { n2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; if (n2 << 24 >> 24 == 46) { if (k2) Es2(e2, q3) | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = 0; if (q3 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) { f2 = q3; while (true) { p2 = f2 + -1 | 0; b4 = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 <= h3 >>> 0) { s3 = b4; t3 = p2; r2 = 27; break c; } if (b4 << 24 >> 24 == 47) { u2 = p2; r2 = 28; break; } else f2 = p2; } } else v2 = q3; } else { s3 = n2; t3 = q3; r2 = 27; } } while (0); if ((r2 | 0) == 27) if (s3 << 24 >> 24 == 47) { u2 = t3; r2 = 28; } else v2 = t3; if ((r2 | 0) == 28) v2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if (j2) Es2(d2, v2) | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) { Ia = g2; return; } a[v2 >> 0] = 0; if (!i3) { Ia = g2; return; } Es2(c2, h3) | 0; Ia = g2; return; } function Eo(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; if (hs(a2) | 0) return; if (!(c[a2 >> 2] | 0)) xu2(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) mq(c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(a2); if (c[543671] | 0) return; c[543671] = (Kr() | 0) + 1000; return; } function Fo(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; a[b4 >> 0] = 0; if (!f2) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { h3 = Du(c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = 5; break; } case 1: { h3 = (c[f2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) & 1; i3 = 5; break; } default: { } } if ((i3 | 0) == 5 ? h3 | 0 : 0) { g2 = 0; return g2 | 0; } a[b4 >> 0] = 0; switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { j2 = dv(c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = 10; break; } case 1: { h3 = f2 + 20 | 0; k2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) < (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = k2 + 1; j2 = d[(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + k2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = 10; } else { l2 = 0; i3 = 11; } break; } default: { l2 = 0; i3 = 11; } } if ((i3 | 0) == 10) { k2 = (j2 + 256 | 0) % 256 | 0; switch (k2 | 0) { case 10: case 13: case 255: { m4 = k2; n2 = 0; break; } default: { l2 = k2; i3 = 11; } } } a: do if ((i3 | 0) == 11) { a[b4 >> 0] = l2; switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { o2 = Du(c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { o2 = (c[f2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) & 1; break; } default: o2 = 0; } k2 = e2 + -1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 2 & (o2 | 0) == 0) { j2 = f2 + 8 | 0; h3 = f2 + 20 | 0; p2 = f2 + 16 | 0; q3 = f2 + 12 | 0; r2 = 1; while (true) { switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { s3 = dv(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = 20; break; } case 1: { t3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((t3 | 0) < (c[p2 >> 2] | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = t3 + 1; s3 = d[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + t3 >> 0] | 0; i3 = 20; } else u2 = 0; break; } default: u2 = 0; } if ((i3 | 0) == 20) { i3 = 0; switch (s3 | 0) { case 10: case 13: { m4 = s3; n2 = r2; break a; break; } default: u2 = s3; } } a[b4 + r2 >> 0] = u2; t3 = r2 + 1 | 0; switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { v2 = Du(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { v2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) & 1; break; } default: v2 = 0; } if ((t3 | 0) < (k2 | 0) & (v2 | 0) == 0) r2 = t3; else { m4 = u2; n2 = t3; break a; } } } else { m4 = l2; n2 = 1; } } while (0); a[b4 + n2 >> 0] = 0; if ((m4 | 0) != 13) { g2 = b4; return g2 | 0; } switch (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { w2 = dv(c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; i3 = 30; break; } case 1: { m4 = f2 + 20 | 0; n2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if ((n2 | 0) < (c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0)) { c[m4 >> 2] = n2 + 1; w2 = d[(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + n2 >> 0] | 0; i3 = 30; } break; } default: { g2 = b4; return g2 | 0; } } if ((i3 | 0) == 30) { if ((w2 | 0) == 10) { g2 = b4; return g2 | 0; } if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) != 1) { g2 = b4; return g2 | 0; } } w2 = f2 + 20 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (c[w2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; g2 = b4; return g2 | 0; } function Go2() { jq(2175728, 0, 7420); c[543933] = 0; c[543934] = 0; c[543935] = 32; c[543940] = 256; c[543939] = (c[544493] | 0) == 0 ? 192 : 64; c[543952] = 1024; if (ka(27) | 0) { cv(94717) | 0; c[543952] = 2048; } c[543953] = -1; c[543946] = 0; c[543954] = 0; c[543955] = 0; c[543956] = 0; c[543957] = 0; c[543947] = -1; c[543948] = -1; c[543949] = -1; c[543967] = -1; c[543968] = 1; c[543974] = 0; c[543941] = 2; c[543942] = 10; c[543944] = 0; if (!(c[544493] | 0)) { c[543962] = 1; c[543975] = 30; return; } c[543941] = 5; c[543962] = 1; c[543975] = 30; return; } function Ho() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1472 | 0; d2 = b4 + 1456 | 0; e2 = b4 + 1448 | 0; f2 = b4 + 1440 | 0; g2 = b4 + 1432 | 0; h3 = b4 + 1424 | 0; i3 = b4 + 1416 | 0; j2 = b4 + 1408 | 0; k2 = b4 + 1400 | 0; l2 = b4 + 1392 | 0; m4 = b4 + 1384 | 0; n2 = b4 + 1376 | 0; o2 = b4 + 1368 | 0; p2 = b4 + 1360 | 0; q3 = b4 + 1352 | 0; r2 = b4 + 1344 | 0; s3 = b4 + 1336 | 0; t3 = b4 + 1328 | 0; u2 = b4 + 1320 | 0; v2 = b4 + 1312 | 0; w2 = b4 + 1304 | 0; x2 = b4 + 1296 | 0; y4 = b4 + 1288 | 0; z3 = b4 + 1280 | 0; A4 = b4 + 1024 | 0; B2 = b4; C3 = b4 + 1468 | 0; D3 = b4 + 1464 | 0; if (c[545808] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } a[2177984] = 0; a[2179008] = 0; Sr(94770, B2); E3 = Co(B2, 102896) | 0; if (!E3) { Tr(94770, B2); F3 = Co(B2, 102896) | 0; if (!F3) { Ia = b4; return; } else G2 = F3; } else G2 = E3; c[545808] = 1; Yu2(2177984, B2, 1023) | 0; pn2(94781); pn2(94799); switch (c[G2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { H2 = Du(c[G2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; I2 = 7; break; } case 1: { H2 = (c[G2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[G2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) & 1; I2 = 7; break; } default: I2 = 8; } if ((I2 | 0) == 7 ? (H2 | 0) == 0 : 0) I2 = 8; a: do if ((I2 | 0) == 8) { H2 = G2 + 8 | 0; B2 = A4 + 10 | 0; E3 = G2 + 20 | 0; F3 = G2 + 16 | 0; J2 = A4 + 11 | 0; K2 = A4 + 8 | 0; L3 = A4 + 19 | 0; M2 = A4 + 12 | 0; N4 = A4 + 15 | 0; O2 = A4 + 6 | 0; P2 = A4 + 9 | 0; Q3 = A4 + 13 | 0; R3 = A4 + 17 | 0; S2 = A4 + 30 | 0; T4 = A4 + 255 | 0; U2 = 1; while (true) { a[A4 >> 0] = 0; switch (c[G2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { Cu(A4, 255, c[H2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { Fo(A4, 255, G2) | 0; break; } default: { } } V3 = Pt(A4) | 0; b: do if ((V3 | 0) > 0) { W2 = V3; while (true) { X2 = W2; W2 = W2 + -1 | 0; Y2 = A4 + W2 | 0; switch (a[Y2 >> 0] | 0) { case 13: case 10: break; default: break b; } a[Y2 >> 0] = 0; if ((X2 | 0) <= 1) break b; } } while (0); switch (a[A4 >> 0] | 0) { case 47: case 0: { Z3 = U2; break; } default: { c[z3 >> 2] = U2; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = A4; it(1703776, 94802, z3) | 0; pn2(1703776); Z3 = U2 + 1 | 0; } } c: do if (!(gt(A4, 94811, 10) | 0)) { c[y4 >> 2] = 2175744; c[y4 + 4 >> 2] = 2175748; Eu2(B2, 94822, y4) | 0; c[543933] = c[543936]; c[543934] = c[543937]; } else { if (!(gt(A4, 94829, 11) | 0)) { c[x2 >> 2] = 2175744; c[x2 + 4 >> 2] = 2175748; Eu2(J2, 94822, x2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94841, 11) | 0)) { c[w2 >> 2] = 2175732; c[w2 + 4 >> 2] = 2175736; Eu2(J2, 94822, w2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94853, 8) | 0)) { c[v2 >> 2] = 2175752; Eu2(K2, 94862, v2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94866, 19) | 0)) { c[u2 >> 2] = 2175764; Eu2(L3, 94862, u2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94886, 19) | 0)) { c[t3 >> 2] = 2175768; Eu2(L3, 94862, t3) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94906, 12) | 0)) { c[s3 >> 2] = 2175756; Eu2(M2, 94862, s3) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94919, 12) | 0)) { c[r2 >> 2] = 2175760; Eu2(M2, 94862, r2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94932, 15) | 0)) { c[q3 >> 2] = 2175808; Eu2(N4, 94862, q3) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94948, 6) | 0)) { c[p2 >> 2] = 2175812; Eu2(O2, 94862, p2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94955, 11) | 0)) { c[o2 >> 2] = 2175816; Eu2(J2, 94862, o2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94967, 8) | 0)) { c[n2 >> 2] = 2175820; Eu2(K2, 94862, n2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94976, 12) | 0)) { c[m4 >> 2] = 2175828; Eu2(M2, 94862, m4) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94989, 9) | 0)) { c[l2 >> 2] = 2175784; Eu2(P2, 94862, l2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 94999, 15) | 0)) { c[k2 >> 2] = 2175788; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 2175792; Eu2(N4, 94822, k2) | 0; V3 = c[543948] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = c[543947]; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = V3; it(1703776, 95015, j2) | 0; pn2(1703776); break; } if (!(gt(A4, 95044, 8) | 0)) { c[i3 >> 2] = 2175896; Eu2(P2, 94862, i3) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 95053, 7) | 0)) { c[h3 >> 2] = 2175844; Eu2(K2, 94862, h3) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 95061, 12) | 0)) { a[2176940] = 0; V3 = Q3; d: while (true) { _5 = a[V3 >> 0] | 0; switch (_5 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { break c; break; } case 32: { V3 = V3 + 1 | 0; break; } default: break d; } } W2 = _5; X2 = V3; Y2 = 0; $2 = 0; while (true) { aa2 = 2176940 + $2 | 0; do if (W2 << 24 >> 24 > 31) { ba3 = W2 << 24 >> 24 == 92 ? 47 : W2 << 24 >> 24; if (!((Y2 | 0) != 47 | (ba3 | 0) != 47)) { ca2 = 47; da2 = $2; break; } a[aa2 >> 0] = ba3; ea2 = $2 + 1 | 0; a[2176940 + ea2 >> 0] = 0; ca2 = ba3; da2 = ea2; } else { ca2 = Y2; da2 = $2; } while (0); X2 = X2 + 1 | 0; W2 = a[X2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(W2 << 24 >> 24)) break; else { Y2 = ca2; $2 = da2; } } if ((da2 | 0) <= 0) break; $2 = 2176940 + da2 | 0; e: while (true) { Y2 = $2 + -1 | 0; switch (a[Y2 >> 0] | 0) { case 47: { break c; break; } case 32: break; default: break e; } a[Y2 >> 0] = 0; if (Y2 >>> 0 > 2176940 >>> 0) $2 = Y2; else break c; } a[$2 >> 0] = 47; a[$2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 95074, 17) | 0)) { c[g2 >> 2] = 2175848; Eu2(R3, 94862, g2) | 0; break; } if (!(gt(A4, 95092, 11) | 0)) { c[f2 >> 2] = 2175852; Eu2(J2, 94862, f2) | 0; switch (c[543963] | 0) { case 1: { c[543964] = 1; break c; break; } case 2: { c[543964] = 0; break c; break; } default: break c; } } if (!(gt(A4, 95104, 30) | 0)) { c[e2 >> 2] = 2175780; Eu2(S2, 94862, e2) | 0; break; } if (gt(A4, 95135, 13) | 0) { Y2 = c[545806] | 0; if (!Y2) break; a[T4 >> 0] = 0; La[Y2 & 255](A4) | 0; break; } Y2 = Q3; while (true) { fa2 = a[Y2 >> 0] | 0; if (fa2 << 24 >> 24 == 32) Y2 = Y2 + 1 | 0; else break; } if ((fa2 + -48 & 255) < 10) { $2 = Y2; do { c[C3 >> 2] = 0; c[D3 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = C3; c[d2 + 4 >> 2] = D3; Eu2($2, 95149, d2) | 0; W2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; X2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; if (W2 >>> 0 < 512 & (X2 + -1 | 0) >>> 0 < 511) c[2179052 + (W2 << 2) >> 2] = X2; X2 = $2; while (true) { W2 = a[X2 >> 0] | 0; ga2 = W2 << 24 >> 24 == 44; ha2 = X2 + 1 | 0; if (ga2 ^ W2 << 24 >> 24 != 0) X2 = ha2; else break; } $2 = ga2 ? ha2 : X2; } while (((a[$2 >> 0] | 0) + -48 & 255) < 10); } $2 = 0; do { Y2 = c[2179052 + ($2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((Y2 | 0) > 0) c[2181100 + (Y2 << 2) >> 2] = $2; $2 = $2 + 1 | 0; } while (($2 | 0) != 512); } while (0); switch (c[G2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { ia2 = Du(c[H2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; break; } case 1: { ia2 = (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) >= (c[F3 >> 2] | 0) & 1; break; } default: ia2 = 0; } if (!ia2) U2 = Z3; else break a; } } while (0); pn2(95155); Z3 = c[543941] | 0; ia2 = (Z3 | 0) < 200 ? Z3 : 200; c[543941] = (ia2 | 0) > 0 ? ia2 : 0; ia2 = c[543942] | 0; Z3 = (ia2 | 0) < 200 ? ia2 : 200; c[543942] = (Z3 | 0) > 0 ? Z3 : 0; Z3 = c[543939] | 0; ia2 = (Z3 | 0) < 256 ? Z3 : 256; c[543939] = (ia2 | 0) > 0 ? ia2 : 0; ia2 = c[543940] | 0; Z3 = (ia2 | 0) < 256 ? ia2 : 256; c[543940] = (Z3 | 0) > 0 ? Z3 : 0; if (((c[543952] | 0) + -512 | 0) >>> 0 > 7680) c[543952] = 1024; if (!(hs(G2) | 0)) { if (!(c[G2 >> 2] | 0)) xu2(c[G2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (c[G2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) mq(c[G2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(G2); if (!(c[543671] | 0)) c[543671] = (Kr() | 0) + 1000; } c[543932] = 1; G2 = Io(2177984) | 0; if (G2 | 0) tq(c[G2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[G2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, 2179008) | 0; pq(G2); Ia = b4; return; } function Io(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = ru(a2, 94452) | 0; if (!b4) { c2 = 0; return c2 | 0; } a2 = nq(1024) | 0; d2 = kq(65536) | 0; if (!(Du(b4) | 0)) do { e2 = fv(d2, 1, 65536, b4) | 0; uo(d2, 1, e2, a2) | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 0 & (Du(b4) | 0) == 0); mq(d2); xu2(b4) | 0; c2 = a2; return c2 | 0; } function Jo(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; d2 = (c2 | 0) == 0 ? 1714144 : c2; a[d2 >> 0] = 0; c2 = b4; a: while (true) { e2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; switch (e2 << 24 >> 24) { case 32: { c2 = c2 + 1 | 0; break; } case 0: { f2 = 13; break a; break; } default: break a; } } if ((f2 | 0) == 13) return d2 | 0; b4 = e2; e2 = c2; c2 = 0; g2 = d2; while (true) { if (b4 << 24 >> 24 > 31) { h3 = b4 << 24 >> 24 == 92 ? 47 : b4 << 24 >> 24; if ((c2 | 0) != 47 | (h3 | 0) != 47) { a[g2 >> 0] = h3; i3 = g2 + 1 | 0; a[i3 >> 0] = 0; j2 = h3; k2 = i3; } else { j2 = 47; k2 = g2; } } else { j2 = c2; k2 = g2; } e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; b4 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(b4 << 24 >> 24)) break; else { c2 = j2; g2 = k2; } } if (k2 >>> 0 <= d2 >>> 0) return d2 | 0; g2 = k2; b: while (true) { k2 = g2 + -1 | 0; switch (a[k2 >> 0] | 0) { case 47: { f2 = 13; break b; break; } case 32: break; default: { f2 = 12; break b; } } a[k2 >> 0] = 0; if (k2 >>> 0 > d2 >>> 0) g2 = k2; else { f2 = 13; break; } } if ((f2 | 0) == 12) { a[g2 >> 0] = 47; a[g2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; return d2 | 0; } else if ((f2 | 0) == 13) return d2 | 0; return 0; } function Ko() { var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1072 | 0; d2 = b4 + 48 | 0; e2 = b4; Sr(94770, d2); jq(e2, 0, 41); f2 = Io(d2) | 0; if (f2 | 0) tq(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; pq(f2); if (!((a[e2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 | (a[2179008] | 0) == 0) ? ft(e2, 2179008, 40) | 0 : 0) { Ia = b4; return; } e2 = Co(d2, 95158) | 0; if (!e2) { Ia = b4; return; } d2 = e2 + 8 | 0; if (!(c[d2 >> 2] | 0)) { Ia = b4; return; } c[543938] = kr() | 0; Lo(e2, 95160, c[543939] | 0) | 0; Lo(e2, 95187, c[543940] | 0) | 0; f2 = c[545807] | 0; if (!f2) { if (hs(e2) | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) xu2(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (c[e2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); if (c[543671] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } c[543671] = (Kr() | 0) + 1000; Ia = b4; return; } else { La[f2 & 255](e2) | 0; if (hs(e2) | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } if (!(c[e2 >> 2] | 0)) xu2(c[d2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (c[e2 + 88 >> 2] | 0) mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); if (c[543671] | 0) { Ia = b4; return; } c[543671] = (Kr() | 0) + 1000; Ia = b4; return; } } function Lo(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; f2 = e2 + 1024 | 0; g2 = e2; jq(g2, 0, 1024); c[f2 >> 2] = d2; it(g2, b4, f2) | 0; f2 = Pt(g2) | 0; switch (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + f2; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + f2; Vu(g2, 1, f2, c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = e2; return 0; } case 1: { if (!(c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0)) { b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; Hv((c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, g2 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; h3 = b4; } else { b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; oq(a2, (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0) | 0; Hv((c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, g2 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; h3 = b4; } b4 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + f2 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = b4; h3 = a2 + 16 | 0; a2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = (a2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? a2 : b4; Ia = e2; return 0; } default: { Ia = e2; return 0; } } return 0; } function Mo(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; Do(a2, b4, c2, d2, 0); return; } function No2(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; e2 = d2; switch (a[b4 >> 0] | 0) { case 92: case 47: { f2 = 3; break; } default: if ((a[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 58) f2 = 3; else Vr(b4, e2); } if ((f2 | 0) == 3) Yt(e2, b4) | 0; a[c2 >> 0] = 0; b4 = 0; g2 = 1; a: while (true) { h3 = e2 + b4 | 0; i3 = b4; b: while (true) { j2 = a[e2 + i3 >> 0] | 0; switch (j2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 92: case 47: { break b; break; } default: { } } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } k2 = e2 + i3 | 0; l2 = j2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; if ((b4 | 0) == (i3 | 0) & l2) { f2 = 10; break; } a[k2 >> 0] = 0; c: do if (Ot(h3, 103254) | 0) { if (!((b4 | 0) == 0 | (Ot(h3, 95214) | 0) != 0)) { m4 = (Pt(c2) | 0) + -1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) <= 0) { n2 = g2; f2 = 24; break; } a[c2 + m4 >> 0] = 0; o2 = m4; while (true) { m4 = c2 + o2 | 0; switch (a[m4 >> 0] | 0) { case 58: case 92: case 47: { n2 = g2; f2 = 24; break c; break; } default: { } } a[m4 >> 0] = 0; if ((o2 | 0) > 1) o2 = o2 + -1 | 0; else { n2 = g2; f2 = 24; break c; } } } if (Ot(h3, 95217) | 0) { if ((g2 | 0) == 0 ? (a[h3 >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) { n2 = 0; f2 = 24; break; } Zt(c2, h3) | 0; if (l2) { f2 = 22; break a; } o2 = c2 + (Pt(c2) | 0) | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = 47; a[o2 + 1 >> 0] = 0; a[k2 >> 0] = j2; p2 = 0; } else { n2 = g2; f2 = 24; } } else { n2 = g2; f2 = 24; } while (0); if ((f2 | 0) == 24) { f2 = 0; a[k2 >> 0] = j2; if (l2) { f2 = 26; break; } else p2 = n2; } b4 = i3 + 1 | 0; g2 = p2; } if ((f2 | 0) == 10) { if (b4 | 0) { Ia = d2; return; } a[c2 >> 0] = 0; Ia = d2; return; } else if ((f2 | 0) == 22) { a[k2 >> 0] = 0; Ia = d2; return; } else if ((f2 | 0) == 26) { Ia = d2; return; } } function Oo(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2 + 8 | 0; f2 = d2 + 4 | 0; g2 = d2; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; if (!b4) { h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } if (aq(e2, f2, g2, b4) | 0) { h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } b4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 + -1 | b4 + -1) >>> 0 > 16383) { h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } j2 = Fn(b4, i3, 32) | 0; i3 = j2 + 12 | 0; Hv(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, c[e2 >> 2] | 0, B(c[f2 >> 2] << 2, c[g2 >> 2] | 0) | 0) | 0; b4 = B(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, c[f2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (b4 | 0) { f2 = b4; b4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { i3 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; g2 = b4 + 2 | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = i3; f2 = f2 + -1 | 0; if (!f2) break; else b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; } } mq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0); h3 = j2; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } function Po(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = Co(a2, 94452) | 0; if (!b4) { d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } a2 = Oo(b4) | 0; if (hs(b4) | 0) { d2 = a2; return d2 | 0; } if (!(c[b4 >> 2] | 0)) xu2(c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (c[b4 + 88 >> 2] | 0) mq(c[b4 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(b4); if (c[543671] | 0) { d2 = a2; return d2 | 0; } c[543671] = (Kr() | 0) + 1000; d2 = a2; return d2 | 0; } function Qo(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = d2 + 4 | 0; h3 = Fn(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0, 32) | 0; i3 = d2 + 8 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((j2 | 0) == 32) { tp(d2, h3, 0, 0, 0, 0, c[d2 >> 2] | 0, c[g2 >> 2] | 0); k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; } else k2 = j2; if ((k2 | 0) == 8) Sn(d2, h3, c[730428] | 0); k2 = h3 + 12 | 0; j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = B(i3, j2) | 0; if (!l2) { m4 = j2; n2 = i3; } else { i3 = l2; l2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { j2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = l2 + 2 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = a[o2 >> 0] | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = j2; i3 = i3 + -1 | 0; if (!i3) break; else l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; } m4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = hq(b4, c[k2 >> 2] | 0, m4, n2, 6, 8) | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4; it(1703776, 95219, f2) | 0; pn2(1703776); Gn(h3) | 0; Ia = e2; return 0; } function Ro(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; b4 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1024 | 0; d2 = b4; Do(a2, 0, d2, 0, 1); if (false) { } a2 = 94300; f2 = 4544; while (true) { g2 = Pt(a2) | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (Pt(d2) | 0) ? Fs(a2, d2) | 0 : 0) { e2 = 0; h3 = 6; break; } f2 = f2 + 4 | 0; a2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!a2) { e2 = 1; h3 = 6; break; } } if ((h3 | 0) == 6) { Ia = b4; return e2 | 0; } return 0; } function So(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1040 | 0; i3 = h3 + 1024 | 0; j2 = h3; jq(j2, 0, 1024); c[i3 >> 2] = d2; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = e2; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = f2; c[i3 + 12 >> 2] = g2; it(j2, b4, i3) | 0; i3 = Pt(j2) | 0; switch (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + i3; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + i3; Vu(j2, 1, i3, c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; Ia = h3; return 0; } case 1: { if (!(c[a2 + 88 >> 2] | 0)) { b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; Hv((c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, j2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; k2 = b4; } else { b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; oq(a2, (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + i3 | 0) | 0; Hv((c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, j2 | 0, i3 | 0) | 0; k2 = b4; } b4 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + i3 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = b4; k2 = a2 + 16 | 0; a2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (a2 | 0) > (b4 | 0) ? a2 : b4; Ia = h3; return 0; } default: { Ia = h3; return 0; } } return 0; } function To(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; c2 = ru(a2, 94452) | 0; if (!c2) { d2 = 1; return d2 | 0; } a2 = ru(b4, 103074) | 0; if (!a2) { xu2(c2) | 0; d2 = 2; return d2 | 0; } b4 = kq(65536) | 0; if (!(Du(c2) | 0)) do { e2 = fv(b4, 1, 65536, c2) | 0; Vu(b4, 1, e2, a2) | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 0 & (Du(c2) | 0) == 0); mq(b4); xu2(c2) | 0; xu2(a2) | 0; d2 = 0; return d2 | 0; } function Uo(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = e2 + 8 | 0; h3 = e2; i3 = a2 + 24 | 0; if (((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) > 0 ? (j2 = a2 + 28 | 0, (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 0) : 0) ? (k2 = a2 + 8 | 0, l2 = kq(c[k2 >> 2] << 5) | 0, c[j2 >> 2] = l2, j2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0, (j2 | 0) > 0) : 0) { k2 = 0; do { b3[l2 + (k2 << 5) >> 1] = 0; b3[l2 + (k2 << 5) + 2 >> 1] = 0; f[l2 + (k2 << 5) + 4 >> 2] = 1; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (j2 | 0)); } j2 = a2 + 8 | 0; k2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) >= (d2 | 0)) { Ia = e2; return; } l2 = (k2 + 1 | 0) == (d2 | 0) ? (d2 * 5 | 0) / 4 | 0 : d2; d2 = lq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, l2 * 12 | 0) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = d2; if (!d2) { c[h3 >> 2] = 95278; it(1703776, 95255, h3) | 0; pn2(1703776); } if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { i3 = a2 + 28 | 0; a2 = lq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, l2 << 5) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = a2; if (!a2) { c[g2 >> 2] = 95304; it(1703776, 95255, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); } g2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) < (l2 | 0)) { a2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = g2; do { b3[a2 + (i3 << 5) >> 1] = 0; b3[a2 + (i3 << 5) + 2 >> 1] = 0; f[a2 + (i3 << 5) + 4 >> 2] = 1; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } } c[j2 >> 2] = l2; Ia = e2; return; } function Vo2(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = e2; h3 = a2 + 20 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) >= (d2 | 0)) { Ia = e2; return; } j2 = (i3 + 1 | 0) == (d2 | 0) ? (d2 * 5 | 0) / 4 | 0 : d2; d2 = a2 + 12 | 0; i3 = lq(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, j2 * 80 | 0) | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = i3; if (!i3) { c[g2 >> 2] = 95335; it(1703776, 95255, g2) | 0; pn2(1703776); } g2 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) > 0) { a2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = 0; do { if ((b3[a2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 56 >> 1] | 0) < 5) { c[a2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] = a2 + (i3 * 80 | 0); c[a2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 52 >> 2] = a2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 16; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) < (g2 | 0)); } g2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) < (j2 | 0)) { i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; d2 = g2; do { f[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 64 >> 2] = 0; f[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 60 >> 2] = 0; f[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 1; b3[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 72 >> 1] = 0; b3[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 74 >> 1] = 0; g2 = i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 56 | 0; a2 = i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) | 0; c[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] = a2; c[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 52 >> 2] = i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 16; b3[i3 + (d2 * 80 | 0) + 58 >> 1] = 4; k2 = a2; a2 = k2 + 48 | 0; do { c[k2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = k2 + 4 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) < (a2 | 0)); b3[g2 >> 1] = 4; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); } c[h3 >> 2] = j2; Ia = e2; return; } function Wo(a2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = (d2 & 1) + d2 | 0; g2 = a2 + 58 | 0; h3 = b3[g2 >> 1] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 4 & (e2 | 0) > (h3 << 16 >> 16 | 0)) { i3 = a2 + 48 | 0; if (h3 << 16 >> 16 < 5) { c[i3 >> 2] = 0; h3 = a2 + 52 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; j2 = i3; k2 = 0; l2 = h3; } else { j2 = i3; k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = a2 + 52 | 0; } c[j2 >> 2] = lq(k2, e2 << 2) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = lq(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, e2 << 3) | 0; if ((b3[g2 >> 1] | 0) < 5) { k2 = a2 + 56 | 0; Hv(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, a2 | 0, b3[k2 >> 1] << 2 | 0) | 0; Hv(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, a2 + 16 | 0, b3[k2 >> 1] << 3 | 0) | 0; } b3[g2 >> 1] = e2; } e2 = a2 + 56 | 0; g2 = b3[e2 >> 1] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (d2 | 0)) { m4 = d2 & 65535; b3[e2 >> 1] = m4; return; } k2 = c[a2 + 48 >> 2] | 0; l2 = c[a2 + 52 >> 2] | 0; a2 = g2; do { c[k2 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] = 0; f[l2 + (a2 << 3) + 4 >> 2] = 0; f[l2 + (a2 << 3) >> 2] = 0; a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); m4 = d2 & 65535; b3[e2 >> 1] = m4; return; } function Xo2() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; a2 = kq(52) | 0; b4 = a2; d2 = b4 + 52 | 0; do { c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (d2 | 0)); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; return a2 | 0; } function Yo(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if (!a2) return; d2 = a2 + 16 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = a2 + 12 | 0; g2 = e2; e2 = 0; while (true) { h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if ((b3[h3 + (e2 * 80 | 0) + 58 >> 1] | 0) > 4) { mq(c[h3 + (e2 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 * 80 | 0) + 52 >> 2] | 0); i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } else i3 = g2; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= (i3 | 0)) break; else g2 = i3; } } i3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); i3 = c[a2 + 32 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); i3 = c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); i3 = c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); i3 = c[a2 + 48 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); i3 = c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); i3 = c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 | 0) mq(i3); mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return; } function Zo(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; e2 = d2 + 12 | 0; g2 = d2; h3 = a2 + 16 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) { Ia = d2; return; } j2 = a2 + 12 | 0; k2 = e2 + 4 | 0; l2 = e2 + 8 | 0; m4 = g2 + 4 | 0; n2 = g2 + 8 | 0; o2 = i3; i3 = 0; while (true) { p2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((b3[p2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 56 >> 1] | 0) > 2) { q3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[p2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = q3 + (s3 * 12 | 0) | 0; u2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; f[e2 >> 2] = +f[t3 >> 2] - +f[q3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) >> 2]; v2 = q3 + (s3 * 12 | 0) + 4 | 0; f[k2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] - +f[q3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2]; w2 = q3 + (s3 * 12 | 0) + 8 | 0; f[l2 >> 2] = +f[w2 >> 2] - +f[q3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2]; u2 = c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; f[g2 >> 2] = +f[t3 >> 2] - +f[q3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) >> 2]; f[m4 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] - +f[q3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2]; f[n2 >> 2] = +f[w2 >> 2] - +f[q3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2]; u2 = p2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 60 | 0; dp(e2, g2, u2); cp(u2); x2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { f[p2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 60 >> 2] = 0; f[p2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 64 >> 2] = 1; f[p2 + (i3 * 80 | 0) + 68 >> 2] = 0; x2 = o2; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) >= (x2 | 0)) break; else o2 = x2; } Ia = d2; return; } function _o() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; a2 = kq(96) | 0; if (!a2) { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } d2 = a2 + 32 | 0; e2 = a2; f2 = e2 + 96 | 0; do { c[e2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = e2 + 4 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) < (f2 | 0)); c[d2 >> 2] = -13408615; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = -10461088; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; b4 = a2; return b4 | 0; } function $o(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return; } function ap2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 44 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; d2 = a2 + 24 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = a2 + 36 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) { mq(g2); c[f2 >> 2] = 0; h3 = a2 + 40 | 0; mq(c[h3 >> 2] | 0); c[h3 >> 2] = 0; return; } c[f2 >> 2] = lq(g2, e2 << 2) | 0; e2 = a2 + 40 | 0; g2 = lq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, c[d2 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = a2 + 12 | 0; a2 = 0; do { j2 = h3 + (a2 << 2) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = -1; k2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { l2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[l2 + (a2 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] | 0; n2 = k2; o2 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == (c[(c[l2 + (o2 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { c[j2 >> 2] = o2; p2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } else p2 = n2; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) >= (p2 | 0)) { q3 = p2; break; } else n2 = p2; } } else q3 = k2; a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) < (q3 | 0)); c[b4 >> 2] = (q3 << 4) + 16; if ((q3 | 0) > 0) { a2 = 0; do { c[g2 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] = 32768; a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; p2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) < (p2 | 0)); r2 = p2; } else r2 = q3; } else { c[b4 >> 2] = (e2 << 4) + 16; r2 = e2; } e2 = r2; r2 = 0; while (true) { if ((e2 | 0) <= 0) { s3 = 24; break; } b4 = e2; q3 = 0; a2 = 0; p2 = r2; while (true) { i3 = g2 + (a2 << 2) | 0; do if (!(c[i3 >> 2] & 32768)) { t3 = b4; u2 = q3; v2 = p2; } else { h3 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) != -1 ? c[g2 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] & 32768 | 0 : 0) { t3 = b4; u2 = q3; v2 = p2; break; } h3 = g2 + (p2 << 2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2] | a2; c[i3 >> 2] = c[i3 >> 2] & 32767; t3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = 1; v2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while (0); a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; if ((a2 | 0) >= (t3 | 0)) break; else { b4 = t3; q3 = u2; p2 = v2; } } if (!u2) { s3 = 24; break; } else { e2 = t3; r2 = v2; } } if ((s3 | 0) == 24) return; } function bp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Zo(a2); ap2(a2); rp(a2, 0); return; } function cp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = +f[a2 >> 2]; c2 = a2 + 4 | 0; d2 = +f[c2 >> 2]; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; g2 = +f[e2 >> 2]; h3 = +v(+(b4 * b4 + d2 * d2 + g2 * g2)); if (h3 == 0) { f[a2 >> 2] = 0; f[c2 >> 2] = 1; i3 = 0; f[e2 >> 2] = i3; return; } else { j2 = 1 / h3; f[a2 >> 2] = b4 * j2; f[c2 >> 2] = d2 * j2; i3 = g2 * j2; f[e2 >> 2] = i3; return; } } function dp(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = b4 + 8 | 0; g2 = a2 + 8 | 0; h3 = b4 + 4 | 0; f[c2 >> 2] = +f[d2 >> 2] * +f[e2 >> 2] - +f[g2 >> 2] * +f[h3 >> 2]; f[c2 + 4 >> 2] = +f[g2 >> 2] * +f[b4 >> 2] - +f[a2 >> 2] * +f[e2 >> 2]; f[c2 + 8 >> 2] = +f[a2 >> 2] * +f[h3 >> 2] - +f[d2 >> 2] * +f[b4 >> 2]; return; } function ep(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; d2 = +f[a2 >> 2]; e2 = +f[a2 + 12 >> 2]; g2 = +f[a2 + 24 >> 2]; h3 = 1 / (d2 * d2 + e2 * e2 + g2 * g2); i3 = +f[a2 + 4 >> 2] * h3; j2 = +f[a2 + 8 >> 2] * h3; k2 = +f[a2 + 16 >> 2] * h3; l2 = +f[a2 + 20 >> 2] * h3; m4 = +f[a2 + 28 >> 2] * h3; n2 = +f[a2 + 32 >> 2] * h3; o2 = +f[b4 >> 2] - +f[a2 + 36 >> 2]; p2 = +f[b4 + 4 >> 2] - +f[a2 + 40 >> 2]; q3 = +f[b4 + 8 >> 2] - +f[a2 + 44 >> 2]; f[c2 >> 2] = d2 * h3 * o2 + e2 * h3 * p2 + g2 * h3 * q3; f[c2 + 4 >> 2] = i3 * o2 + k2 * p2 + m4 * q3; f[c2 + 8 >> 2] = j2 * o2 + l2 * p2 + n2 * q3; return; } function fp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = (a2 | 0) == 0 ? -559038737 : a2; c[8710] = b4; c[8709] = b4 ^ -1095947846; return; } function gp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; if (!a2) { b4 = 0; return b4 | 0; } d2 = c[8709] | 0; e2 = c[8710] | 0; f2 = (d2 << 16 | d2 >>> 16) + e2 | 0; c[8709] = f2; c[8710] = f2 + e2; b4 = (f2 >>> 0) % (a2 >>> 0) | 0; return b4 | 0; } function hp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = (a2 + 2 | 0) >>> 2 & 16383; a2 = b4 >>> 0 > 8191 ? 16384 - b4 | 0 : b4; if (a2 >>> 0 > 4095) { d2 = 0 - (c[4656 + (8192 - a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; return d2 | 0; } else { d2 = c[4656 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; return d2 | 0; } return 0; } function ip(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = (a2 + 16386 | 0) >>> 2 & 16383; a2 = b4 >>> 0 > 8191 ? 16384 - b4 | 0 : b4; if (a2 >>> 0 > 4095) { d2 = 0 - (c[4656 + (8192 - a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; return d2 | 0; } else { d2 = c[4656 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; return d2 | 0; } return 0; } function jp(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; d2 = 0 - b4 | 0; if (!a2) e2 = B(d2 >> 31 | 1, 2147483647) | 0; else { b4 = Dv2(d2 | 0, ((d2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, 16) | 0; d2 = xv(b4 | 0, G() | 0, a2 | 0, ((a2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; f2 = (b4 | 0) > -1 | (b4 | 0) == -1 & d2 >>> 0 > 2147483649; g2 = f2 ? d2 : -2147483647; d2 = f2 ? b4 : -1; b4 = (d2 | 0) < 0 | (d2 | 0) == 0 & g2 >>> 0 < 2147483647; d2 = b4 ? g2 : 2147483647; e2 = d2; } d2 = (e2 | 0) < 0 ? 0 - e2 | 0 : e2; if ((d2 | 0) > 65536) { g2 = xv(0, 1, d2 | 0, ((d2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; f2 = (b4 | 0) > -1 | (b4 | 0) == -1 & g2 >>> 0 > 2147483649; h3 = f2 ? g2 : -2147483647; g2 = f2 ? b4 : -1; b4 = (g2 | 0) < 0 | (g2 | 0) == 0 & h3 >>> 0 < 2147483647; g2 = b4 ? h3 : 2147483647; i3 = 0; j2 = g2; } else { i3 = 1; j2 = d2; } d2 = j2 >> 5; j2 = (d2 | 0) < 2048 ? d2 : 2048; d2 = c[21056 + (((j2 | 0) > 0 ? j2 : 0) << 2) >> 2] | 0; j2 = B(i3 ? d2 : 16384 - d2 | 0, e2 >> 31 | 1) | 0; return ((a2 | 0) < 0 ? j2 + 32768 | 0 : j2) & 65535 | 0; } function kp() { var a2 = 0; a2 = kq(16) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; return a2 | 0; } function lp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) return; if ((c[a2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { b4 = 0; do { mp(a2, b4); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (c[a2 >> 2] | 0)); } mq(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return; } function mp(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; if ((a2 | 0) == 0 | (b4 | 0) < 0) return; if ((c[a2 >> 2] | 0) <= (b4 | 0)) return; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; a2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = c[a2 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 80 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) f2 = a2; else { mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 20 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = c[f2 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 84 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) g2 = f2; else { mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 20 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = c[g2 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 88 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) h3 = g2; else { mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 20 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = c[h3 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 96 >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) i3 = h3; else { mq(c[e2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[e2 + 20 >> 2] | 0); mq(e2); i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } e2 = c[i3 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 92 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[i3 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 104 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { h3 = e2; g2 = i3; i3 = 0; while (true) { f2 = c[h3 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) j2 = g2; else { mq(c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[f2 + 20 >> 2] | 0); mq(f2); j2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; f2 = c[j2 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 92 >> 2] | 0; if ((i3 | 0) >= (c[j2 + (b4 * 112 | 0) + 104 >> 2] | 0)) { k2 = f2; break; } else { h3 = f2; g2 = j2; } } } else k2 = e2; mq(k2); return; } function np2(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; f2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = f2; g2 = b4 + 4 | 0; h3 = lq(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, f2 * 112 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = h3; g2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; it(h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) | 0, 95359, e2) | 0; a[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 32 >> 0] = 0; e2 = h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 64 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = -1; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = -1; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 104 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 100 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 108 >> 2] = 0; e2 = kq(24) | 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 12; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 80 >> 2] = e2; e2 = kq(24) | 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 12; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 84 >> 2] = e2; e2 = kq(24) | 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 12; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 88 >> 2] = e2; e2 = kq(24) | 0; c[e2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 8 >> 2] = 24; c[e2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 96 >> 2] = e2; c[h3 + (g2 * 112 | 0) + 92 >> 2] = 0; Ia = d2; return (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; } function op(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = kq(24) | 0; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = a2; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = 0; return b4 | 0; } function pp(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = a2 + 4 | 0; if ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) >= (b4 | 0)) { c[a2 >> 2] = b4; return; } c[d2 >> 2] = b4; d2 = a2 + 12 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = lq(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, B(c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, b4) | 0) | 0; d2 = a2 + 16 | 0; e2 = b4 << 2; c[d2 >> 2] = lq(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; d2 = a2 + 20 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = lq(c[d2 >> 2] | 0, e2) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = b4; return; } function qp2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0; d2 = a2 + 24 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = e2 << 2; h3 = b4 + (g2 << 2) | 0; i3 = b4 + ((g2 | 3) << 2) | 0; if (!e2) return; g2 = a2 + 48 | 0; j2 = lq(c[g2 >> 2] | 0, e2 * 48 | 0) | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = j2; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { k2 = a2 + 36 | 0; l2 = j2; m4 = b4; b4 = 0; while (true) { n2 = +f[m4 >> 2]; o2 = +x(+n2); p2 = +f[m4 + 4 >> 2]; q3 = +x(+p2); r2 = +f[m4 + 8 >> 2]; s3 = +x(+r2); t3 = +w(+n2); n2 = +w(+p2); p2 = +w(+r2); u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) | 0; f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 4 >> 2] = q3; f[u2 >> 2] = t3 * n2; f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 8 >> 2] = o2 * n2; v2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 12 | 0; r2 = n2 * 0 - q3 * s3; f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 16 >> 2] = q3 * 0 + n2 * s3; f[v2 >> 2] = r2 * t3 - o2 * p2; f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 20 >> 2] = t3 * p2 + r2 * o2; dp(u2, v2, l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 24 | 0); v2 = m4 + 12 | 0; l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 4 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 8 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 12 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 16 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 20 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 24 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 28 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 32 | 0; f[u2 >> 2] = +f[v2 >> 2] * +f[u2 >> 2]; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 12 | 0; v2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 4 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = c[y4 >> 2]; c[y4 >> 2] = v2; v2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 24 | 0; y4 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 8 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[u2 >> 2] = y4; y4 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 28 | 0; u2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; v2 = l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 20 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = c[v2 >> 2]; c[v2 >> 2] = u2; if ((c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == -1) { f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 36 >> 2] = 0; f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 40 >> 2] = 0; f[l2 + (b4 * 48 | 0) + 44 >> 2] = 0; } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; z3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= (z3 | 0)) break; else m4 = m4 + 16 | 0; } m4 = (z3 | 0) > 0; if (m4) { b4 = c[a2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; d2 = c[a2 + 36 >> 2] | 0; a2 = 0; do { k2 = c[b4 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[d2 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) != -1) { f[l2 + (k2 * 48 | 0) + 36 >> 2] = +f[l2 + (g2 * 48 | 0) + 36 >> 2] + +f[l2 + (g2 * 48 | 0) >> 2]; f[l2 + (k2 * 48 | 0) + 40 >> 2] = +f[l2 + (g2 * 48 | 0) + 40 >> 2] + +f[l2 + (g2 * 48 | 0) + 12 >> 2]; f[l2 + (k2 * 48 | 0) + 44 >> 2] = +f[l2 + (g2 * 48 | 0) + 44 >> 2] + +f[l2 + (g2 * 48 | 0) + 24 >> 2]; } a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; } while ((a2 | 0) != (z3 | 0)); A4 = z3; B2 = l2; C3 = m4; } else { A4 = z3; B2 = l2; C3 = 0; } } else { A4 = e2; B2 = j2; C3 = 0; } j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; i3 = (j2 | 0) < 0; e2 = i3 ? 0 - j2 | 0 : j2; o2 = +f[B2 + (e2 * 48 | 0) + 36 >> 2]; r2 = +f[B2 + (e2 * 48 | 0) + 40 >> 2]; p2 = +f[B2 + (e2 * 48 | 0) + 44 >> 2]; if (i3) { D3 = o2 + +f[B2 + (e2 * 48 | 0) >> 2]; E3 = r2 + +f[B2 + (e2 * 48 | 0) + 12 >> 2]; F3 = p2 + +f[B2 + (e2 * 48 | 0) + 24 >> 2]; } else { D3 = o2; E3 = r2; F3 = p2; } p2 = +f[h3 >> 2] - D3; D3 = +f[h3 + 4 >> 2] - E3; E3 = +f[h3 + 8 >> 2] - F3; if (!C3) return; C3 = 0; do { h3 = B2 + (C3 * 48 | 0) + 36 | 0; f[h3 >> 2] = p2 + +f[h3 >> 2]; h3 = B2 + (C3 * 48 | 0) + 40 | 0; f[h3 >> 2] = D3 + +f[h3 >> 2]; h3 = B2 + (C3 * 48 | 0) + 44 | 0; f[h3 >> 2] = E3 + +f[h3 >> 2]; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } while ((C3 | 0) != (A4 | 0)); return; } function rp(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = d2; if (!a2) { Ia = d2; return; } h3 = a2 + 24 | 0; i3 = a2 + 28 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!(c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) { mq(j2); c[i3 >> 2] = 0; Ia = d2; return; } k2 = a2 + 4 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = lq(j2, c[k2 >> 2] << 5) | 0; j2 = a2 + 44 | 0; l2 = kq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { m4 = a2 + 12 | 0; n2 = g2 + 4 | 0; o2 = g2 + 8 | 0; p2 = a2 + 36 | 0; q3 = 0; r2 = 0; while (true) { s3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[t3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; w2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; x2 = +f[s3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) >> 2] - +f[s3 + (w2 * 12 | 0) >> 2]; f[g2 >> 2] = x2; A4 = +f[s3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2] - +f[s3 + (w2 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2]; f[n2 >> 2] = A4; B2 = +f[s3 + (u2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2] - +f[s3 + (w2 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2]; f[o2 >> 2] = B2; f[l2 + ((r2 | 3) << 2) >> 2] = +v(+(x2 * x2 + A4 * A4 + B2 * B2)); cp(g2); B2 = +f[g2 >> 2]; A4 = +f[o2 >> 2]; x2 = +v(+(B2 * B2 + A4 * A4)); C3 = +z2(+A4, +B2); w2 = l2 + (r2 << 2) | 0; f[w2 >> 2] = C3; B2 = +f[n2 >> 2]; if (x2 == 0) D3 = B2 >= 0 ? 1.5707963267948966 : -1.5707963267948966; else D3 = +y3(+(B2 / x2)); x2 = D3; s3 = l2 + ((r2 | 1) << 2) | 0; f[s3 >> 2] = x2; f[l2 + ((r2 | 2) << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (+f[o2 >> 2] < 0) { f[w2 >> 2] = C3 + 3.141592653589793; f[s3 >> 2] = (1.5707963267948966 - (x2 < 0 ? -x2 : x2)) * 2 * (+f[n2 >> 2] >= 0 ? 1 : -1) + x2; } if ((c[(c[p2 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == -1) { s3 = c[h3 >> 2] << 2; w2 = l2 + (s3 << 2) | 0; u2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + (q3 * 80 | 0) + 48 >> 2] >> 2] | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = c[u2 + (t3 * 12 | 0) >> 2]; c[w2 + 4 >> 2] = c[u2 + (t3 * 12 | 0) + 4 >> 2]; c[w2 + 8 >> 2] = c[u2 + (t3 * 12 | 0) + 8 >> 2]; c[l2 + ((s3 | 3) << 2) >> 2] = q3; } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) >= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) break; else r2 = r2 + 4 | 0; } } if (b4 | 0) { Hv(b4 | 0, l2 | 0, c[j2 >> 2] | 0) | 0; mq(l2); Ia = d2; return; } qp2(a2, l2); if ((c[k2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { j2 = a2 + 48 | 0; b4 = 0; do { r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; ep((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + ((e[r2 + (b4 << 5) >> 1] | 0) * 48 | 0) | 0, (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 * 12 | 0) | 0, r2 + (b4 << 5) + 8 | 0); r2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; ep((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + ((e[r2 + (b4 << 5) + 2 >> 1] | 0) * 48 | 0) | 0, (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 * 12 | 0) | 0, r2 + (b4 << 5) + 20 | 0); b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (c[k2 >> 2] | 0)); } mq(l2); Ia = d2; return; } function sp() { var a2 = 0, b4 = 0, d2 = 0; a2 = c[543965] | 0; b4 = c[543967] | 0; if (!(c[543977] | c[543964])) if ((b4 | 0) == -1) d2 = (c[730415] | 0) < 720 & 1; else d2 = b4; else d2 = 1; b4 = (a2 | 0) < 8 ? a2 : 8; return ((d2 | 0) == 0 ? (b4 | 0) < 1 ? 1 : (b4 | 0) > 0 ? b4 : 0 : 1) | 0; } function tp(a2, b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; var k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; k2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; l2 = k2 + 20 | 0; m4 = k2 + 16 | 0; n2 = k2 + 12 | 0; o2 = k2 + 8 | 0; p2 = k2 + 4 | 0; q3 = k2; c[l2 >> 2] = e2; c[m4 >> 2] = f2; c[n2 >> 2] = g2; c[o2 >> 2] = h3; c[p2 >> 2] = i3; c[q3 >> 2] = j2; if (!((a2 | 0) != 0 & (b4 | 0) != 0)) { Ia = k2; return; } j2 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = a2 + 8 | 0; if ((a2 | 0) == 2921660 ? 1 : (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) < (c[i3 >> 2] | 0)) { Ia = k2; return; } In(a2, b4, l2, m4, n2, o2, p2, q3); h3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if ((h3 | 0) < 1) { Ia = k2; return; } g2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = g2 >> 3; if ((b4 | 0) == 2921660) { f2 = c[543965] | 0; e2 = c[543967] | 0; if (!(c[543977] | c[543964])) if ((e2 | 0) == -1) r2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) < 720 & 1; else r2 = e2; else r2 = 1; e2 = (f2 | 0) < 8 ? f2 : 8; f2 = (e2 | 0) < 1 ? 1 : (e2 | 0) > 0 ? e2 : 0; if (!((f2 | 0) > 1 & (r2 | 0) == 0)) { Jr(a2, b4, c[l2 >> 2] | 0, c[m4 >> 2] | 0, c[n2 >> 2] | 0, c[o2 >> 2] | 0, h3, c[q3 >> 2] | 0, 0); Ia = k2; return; } r2 = c[545809] | 0; if (((r2 | 0) != 0 ? (e2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0, (e2 | 0) == (B(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0)) : 0) ? (s3 = c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, (s3 | 0) == (B(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0)) : 0) { t3 = r2; u2 = e2; v2 = s3; } else { w2 = a2; x2 = 13; } if ((x2 | 0) == 13) { Gn(r2) | 0; r2 = B(c[w2 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; w2 = B(c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; f2 = Fn(r2, w2, c[i3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; c[545809] = f2; t3 = f2; u2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; } Nn(a2, t3, 0, 0, u2, v2, 0); v2 = c[545809] | 0; Jr(v2, b4, 0, 0, 0, 0, c[v2 >> 2] | 0, c[v2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, 0); Ia = k2; return; } v2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (v2 | 0)) { if ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { Ia = k2; return; } i3 = b4 + 16 | 0; u2 = a2 + 16 | 0; t3 = h3; f2 = 0; while (true) { w2 = (c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (B(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0) | 0; Hv(w2 | 0, (c[(c[u2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (B(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0) | 0, B(t3, j2) | 0) | 0; w2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) >= (c[q3 >> 2] | 0)) break; t3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = w2; } Ia = k2; return; } if (!((g2 | 0) == 32 & (v2 | 0) == 8)) { Ia = k2; return; } v2 = c[730428] | 0; g2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if ((g2 | 0) <= 0) { Ia = k2; return; } f2 = a2 + 16 | 0; a2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = h3; h3 = g2; g2 = 0; while (true) { if ((b4 | 0) > 0) { t3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; j2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = 0; do { i3 = d[(c[t3 + ((c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + u2) >> 0] | 0; c[(c[j2 + ((c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + ((c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + u2 << 2) >> 2] = (d[v2 + (i3 * 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[v2 + (i3 * 3 | 0) + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[v2 + (i3 * 3 | 0) + 2 >> 0] | 0) | -16777216; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; y4 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) < (y4 | 0)); z3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = y4; } else { z3 = h3; A4 = b4; } g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((g2 | 0) >= (z3 | 0)) break; else { b4 = A4; h3 = z3; } } Ia = k2; return; } function up(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3, j2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; j2 = j2 | 0; var k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; if ((j2 | 0) <= 0) return; k2 = b4 + 16 | 0; b4 = d2 + 16 | 0; if (!i3) return; d2 = 0; do { l2 = (c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (d2 + h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + g2 | 0; m4 = (c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (d2 + f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + e2 | 0; n2 = i3; while (true) { o2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; if (o2 << 24 >> 24) a[l2 >> 0] = o2; n2 = n2 + -1 | 0; if (!n2) break; else { l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } } d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } while ((d2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); return; } function vp(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0; if ((i3 | 0) <= 0) return; j2 = a2 + 16 | 0; a2 = b4 + 16 | 0; if ((h3 | 0) <= 0) return; b4 = 0; do { k2 = (c[(c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 + g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) | 0; l2 = (c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (b4 + e2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + (d2 << 2) | 0; m4 = 0; while (true) { n2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = On(c[k2 >> 2] | 0, n2, n2 >>> 24) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2] & -16777216 | o2; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) == (h3 | 0)) break; else { k2 = k2 + 4 | 0; l2 = l2 + 4 | 0; } } b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); return; } function wp(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; do if ((d2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (!(Ot(b4, c[f2 + (d2 + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0)) return; else { g2 = e2; h3 = f2; break; } } else { g2 = e2; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); c[g2 >> 2] = lq(h3, (d2 << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; d2 = kq((Pt(b4) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; h3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) >> 2] = d2; Es2(c[(c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0, b4) | 0; b4 = a2 + 16 | 0; h3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, (c[a2 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = h3; c[h3 + (c[a2 >> 2] << 2) >> 2] = c[a2 + 4 >> 2]; c[a2 >> 2] = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; return; } function xp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 8 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[a2 >> 2] | 0) > 0) { e2 = d2; f2 = 0; while (true) { mq(c[e2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if ((f2 | 0) >= (c[a2 >> 2] | 0)) { h3 = g2; break; } else e2 = g2; } } else h3 = d2; mq(h3); mq(c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0); h3 = a2 + 4 | 0; d2 = a2 + 12 | 0; a2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[h3 >> 2] | 0) <= 0) { i3 = a2; mq(i3); j2 = c[543502] | 0; k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; c[543502] = k2; return; } e2 = a2; a2 = 0; while (true) { mq(c[e2 + (a2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); a2 = a2 + 1 | 0; f2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if ((a2 | 0) >= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) { i3 = f2; break; } else e2 = f2; } mq(i3); j2 = c[543502] | 0; k2 = j2 + -1 | 0; c[543502] = k2; return; } function yp(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if ((e2 | 0) > 0) { f2 = c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(Ot(b4, c[f2 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0)) { h3 = g2; break a; } i3 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((i3 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) g2 = i3; else { h3 = i3; break; } } } else h3 = 0; while (0); do if ((h3 | 0) != (e2 | 0) ? (b4 = c[a2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, g2 = (c[b4 + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + d2 | 0, (g2 | 0) < (c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) : 0) { if ((h3 | 0) < (e2 + -1 | 0) ? (g2 | 0) >= (c[b4 + (h3 + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0) : 0) { j2 = 34844; break; } j2 = (c[a2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + (g2 << 2) | 0; } else j2 = 34844; while (0); return c[j2 >> 2] | 0; } function zp(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 2048 | 0; e2 = d2 + 1024 | 0; f2 = d2; g2 = Co(b4, 102896) | 0; if (!g2) { h3 = 0; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } b4 = kq(24) | 0; jq(b4, 0, 24); a: do if (!(Ao2(g2) | 0)) { i3 = b4 + 12 | 0; j2 = b4 + 4 | 0; while (true) { a[e2 >> 0] = 0; Fo(e2, 1023, g2) | 0; k2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; b: do switch (k2 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: case 47: break; default: { l2 = k2; m4 = e2; while (true) { n2 = l2 << 24 >> 24; switch (l2 << 24 >> 24) { case 47: case 0: { break b; break; } default: { } } if (l2 << 24 >> 24 == 95 | ((n2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10 | ((n2 & -33) + -65 | 0) >>> 0 < 26)) break; n2 = m4 + 1 | 0; l2 = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = n2; } if (l2 << 24 >> 24) { a[f2 >> 0] = 0; n2 = l2; o2 = m4; p2 = 0; while (true) { a[f2 + p2 >> 0] = n2; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; a[f2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; q3 = o2 + 1 | 0; n2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; r2 = n2 << 24 >> 24; if (!(n2 << 24 >> 24 == 95 | ((r2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10 | ((r2 & -33) + -65 | 0) >>> 0 < 26))) break; else o2 = q3; } if (a[f2 >> 0] | 0) { wp(b4, f2); n2 = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; if (n2 << 24 >> 24 == 58) s3 = (a[o2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 58; else s3 = 0; p2 = n2; n2 = q3; c: while (true) { switch (p2 << 24 >> 24) { case 58: case 32: break; default: break c; } m4 = n2 + 1 | 0; p2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; n2 = m4; } o2 = p2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; if (!s3) { if (o2) break b; c[i3 >> 2] = lq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, (c[j2 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; m4 = kq((Pt(n2) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] = m4; Es2(c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, n2) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; break b; } if (!o2) { o2 = n2; while (true) { a[f2 >> 0] = 0; l2 = o2; while (true) { t3 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; if (t3 << 24 >> 24 == 32) l2 = l2 + 1 | 0; else break; } m4 = t3; r2 = l2; u2 = 0; d: while (true) { switch (m4 << 24 >> 24) { case 32: case 0: { break d; break; } default: { } } a[f2 + u2 >> 0] = m4; v2 = u2 + 1 | 0; a[f2 + v2 >> 0] = 0; w2 = r2 + 1 | 0; m4 = a[w2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = w2; u2 = v2; } if (!(a[f2 >> 0] | 0)) x2 = m4; else { c[i3 >> 2] = lq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, (c[j2 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; u2 = kq((Pt(f2) | 0) + 1 | 0) | 0; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] = u2; Es2(c[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (l2 << 2) >> 2] | 0, f2) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; x2 = a[r2 >> 0] | 0; } if (!(x2 << 24 >> 24)) break; else o2 = r2; } } } } } } while (0); if (Ao2(g2) | 0) break a; } } while (0); Eo(g2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; h3 = b4; Ia = d2; return h3 | 0; } function Ap(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = iq(11032) | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = a2 << 2; c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + 1; return b4 | 0; } function Bp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; if (!a2) return; Cp(a2); mq(a2); c[543502] = (c[543502] | 0) + -1; return; } function Cp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; b4 = a2 + 11016 | 0; Lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); Kq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 344 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 688 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 1032 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 1376 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 1720 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 2064 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 2408 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 2752 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 3096 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 3440 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 3784 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 4128 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 4472 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 4816 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 5160 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 5504 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 5848 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 6192 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 6536 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 6880 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 7224 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 7568 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 7912 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 8256 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 8600 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 8944 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 9288 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 9632 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 9976 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 10320 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 10664 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 11008 | 0; mq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0); c[b4 >> 2] = 0; return; } function Dp(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 144 | 0; i3 = h3 + 88 | 0; j2 = h3 + 44 | 0; k2 = h3; l2 = f2 << 3; m4 = e2 + g2 | 0; g2 = f2 + -2 | 0; e2 = f2 + -4 | 0; n2 = i3 + 8 | 0; o2 = i3 + 4 | 0; p2 = i3 + 12 | 0; q3 = i3 + 20 | 0; r2 = i3 + 16 | 0; s3 = i3 + 24 | 0; t3 = i3 + 32 | 0; u2 = i3 + 28 | 0; v2 = j2 + 8 | 0; w2 = j2 + 4 | 0; x2 = j2 + 12 | 0; y4 = j2 + 20 | 0; z3 = j2 + 16 | 0; A4 = j2 + 24 | 0; B2 = j2 + 32 | 0; C3 = j2 + 28 | 0; D3 = i3 + 40 | 0; E3 = b4 + 4 | 0; F3 = b4 + 8 | 0; G2 = j2 + 40 | 0; H2 = k2 + 8 | 0; I2 = k2 + 4 | 0; J2 = k2 + 12 | 0; K2 = k2 + 20 | 0; L3 = k2 + 16 | 0; M2 = k2 + 24 | 0; N4 = k2 + 32 | 0; O2 = k2 + 28 | 0; P2 = k2 + 40 | 0; Q3 = k2 + 36 | 0; R3 = i3 + 36 | 0; S2 = j2 + 36 | 0; T4 = 0; U2 = 0; a: while (true) { V3 = T4 + 2 | 0; if (V3 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0) { W2 = 52; X2 = 125; break; } Y2 = d[m4 + (T4 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0; Z3 = T4 & 7; _5 = T4 + 1 | 0; $2 = T4 + 3 | 0; aa2 = ((d[m4 + (V3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (V3 & 7) << 1 | (d[m4 + (_5 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (_5 & 7) & 1) & 255; switch (aa2 & 3) { case 3: { W2 = 20; X2 = 125; break a; break; } case 0: { if (!($2 & 7)) ba3 = $2; else { _5 = $2; while (true) { V3 = _5 + 1 | 0; if (!(V3 & 7)) { ba3 = V3; break; } else _5 = V3; } } _5 = ba3 >>> 3; if (_5 >>> 0 >= e2 >>> 0) { W2 = 52; X2 = 125; break a; } V3 = (d[m4 + (_5 + 1) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[m4 + _5 >> 0] | 0); ca2 = _5 + 4 | 0; if ((((d[m4 + (_5 + 3) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[m4 + (_5 + 2) >> 0] | 0)) + V3 | 0) != 65535) { W2 = 21; X2 = 125; break a; } _5 = V3 + U2 | 0; if (_5 >>> 0 >= (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < _5 >>> 0) { da2 = _5 << 1; ea2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, da2) | 0; if (!ea2) { W2 = 9915; X2 = 125; break a; } c[F3 >> 2] = da2; c[b4 >> 2] = ea2; } c[E3 >> 2] = _5; } ea2 = V3 + ca2 | 0; if (ea2 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0) { W2 = 23; X2 = 125; break a; } if (!V3) { fa2 = ca2; ga2 = U2; } else { da2 = 0; ha2 = ca2; ca2 = U2; while (true) { a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ca2 >> 0] = a[m4 + ha2 >> 0] | 0; da2 = da2 + 1 | 0; if ((da2 | 0) == (V3 | 0)) { fa2 = ea2; ga2 = _5; break; } else { ha2 = ha2 + 1 | 0; ca2 = ca2 + 1 | 0; } } } ia2 = fa2 << 3; ja2 = ga2; break; } default: { ca2 = i3; ha2 = ca2 + 36 | 0; do { c[ca2 >> 2] = 0; ca2 = ca2 + 4 | 0; } while ((ca2 | 0) < (ha2 | 0)); ca2 = j2; ha2 = ca2 + 36 | 0; do { c[ca2 >> 2] = 0; ca2 = ca2 + 4 | 0; } while ((ca2 | 0) < (ha2 | 0)); switch (aa2 & 3) { case 1: { Ep2(i3); Fp(j2); ka2 = $2; la2 = 0; break; } case 2: { ca2 = k2; ha2 = ca2 + 36 | 0; do { c[ca2 >> 2] = 0; ca2 = ca2 + 4 | 0; } while ((ca2 | 0) < (ha2 | 0)); aa2 = $2 >>> 3; b: do if (aa2 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0) { _5 = T4 + 4 | 0; ea2 = T4 + 5 | 0; V3 = T4 + 6 | 0; da2 = T4 + 7 | 0; ma2 = (d[m4 + (_5 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (_5 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + aa2 >> 0] | 0) >>> ($2 & 7) & 1 | (d[m4 + (ea2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (ea2 & 7) << 2 & 4 | (d[m4 + (V3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (V3 & 7) << 3 & 8 | (d[m4 + (da2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (da2 & 7) << 4 & 16; da2 = T4 + 8 | 0; V3 = ma2 + 257 | 0; ea2 = T4 + 9 | 0; _5 = T4 + 10 | 0; na2 = T4 + 11 | 0; oa2 = T4 + 12 | 0; pa3 = (d[m4 + (ea2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (ea2 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + (da2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (da2 & 7) & 1 | (d[m4 + (_5 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (_5 & 7) << 2 & 4 | (d[m4 + (na2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (na2 & 7) << 3 & 8 | (d[m4 + (oa2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (oa2 & 7) << 4 & 16; oa2 = T4 + 13 | 0; na2 = T4 + 14 | 0; _5 = T4 + 15 | 0; da2 = T4 + 16 | 0; ea2 = T4 + 17 | 0; qa2 = ((d[m4 + (na2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (na2 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + (oa2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (oa2 & 7) & 1 | (d[m4 + (_5 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (_5 & 7) << 2 & 4 | (d[m4 + (da2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (da2 & 7) << 3 & 8) + 4 | 0; da2 = lq(0, 152) | 0; do if (!da2) { ra2 = 0; sa2 = ea2; ta2 = 9911; } else { _5 = ea2; oa2 = 0; while (true) { if (oa2 >>> 0 < qa2 >>> 0) { na2 = _5 + 1 | 0; ua2 = _5 + 2 | 0; va2 = (d[m4 + (na2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (na2 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + (_5 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (_5 & 7) & 1 | (d[m4 + (ua2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (ua2 & 7) << 2 & 4; wa2 = _5 + 3 | 0; } else { va2 = 0; wa2 = _5; } c[da2 + (c[29264 + (oa2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) >> 2] = va2; oa2 = oa2 + 1 | 0; if ((oa2 | 0) == 19) break; else _5 = wa2; } if ((c[N4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < 76) { _5 = lq(c[M2 >> 2] | 0, 152) | 0; if (!_5) { ra2 = da2; sa2 = wa2; ta2 = 9903; break; } c[N4 >> 2] = 152; c[M2 >> 2] = _5; c[O2 >> 2] = 19; xa2 = _5; } else { c[O2 >> 2] = 19; xa2 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; } c[xa2 >> 2] = c[da2 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 4 >> 2] = c[da2 + 4 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 8 >> 2] = c[da2 + 8 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 12 >> 2] = c[da2 + 12 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 16 >> 2] = c[da2 + 16 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 20 >> 2] = c[da2 + 20 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 24 >> 2] = c[da2 + 24 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 28 >> 2] = c[da2 + 28 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 32 >> 2] = c[da2 + 32 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 36 >> 2] = c[da2 + 36 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 40 >> 2] = c[da2 + 40 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 44 >> 2] = c[da2 + 44 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 48 >> 2] = c[da2 + 48 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 52 >> 2] = c[da2 + 52 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 56 >> 2] = c[da2 + 56 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 60 >> 2] = c[da2 + 60 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 64 >> 2] = c[da2 + 64 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 68 >> 2] = c[da2 + 68 >> 2]; c[xa2 + 72 >> 2] = c[da2 + 72 >> 2]; c[P2 >> 2] = 19; c[Q3 >> 2] = 7; _5 = Gp(k2) | 0; mq(da2); if (_5 | 0) { ya2 = wa2; za2 = _5; break b; } _5 = lq(0, 2304) | 0; if (!_5) { Aa3 = 0; Ba3 = 0; Ca2 = 0; } else { Iv(_5 | 0, 0, 1152) | 0; Aa3 = _5; Ba3 = _5; Ca2 = 288; } _5 = lq(0, 256) | 0; c: do if (_5) { ca2 = _5; ha2 = ca2 + 128 | 0; do { c[ca2 >> 2] = 0; ca2 = ca2 + 4 | 0; } while ((ca2 | 0) < (ha2 | 0)); if (Ba3) { oa2 = ma2 + 258 + pa3 | 0; do if (oa2) { ua2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; na2 = c[P2 >> 2] | 0; Da2 = -258 - ma2 | 0; Ea2 = wa2; Fa2 = 0; Ga3 = 0; d: while (true) { if (Ea2 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0) { Ha3 = Ea2; X2 = 59; break; } Ja3 = Ea2; Ka2 = 0; while (true) { La2 = c[ua2 + (((d[m4 + (Ja3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ja3 & 7) & 1 | Ka2 << 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0; Ma2 = Ja3 + 1 | 0; if (La2 >>> 0 < na2 >>> 0) break; Ka2 = La2 - na2 | 0; if (Ja3 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0 | Ka2 >>> 0 >= na2 >>> 0) { Ha3 = Ma2; X2 = 59; break d; } else Ja3 = Ma2; } e: do if (La2 >>> 0 < 16) { c[(Ga3 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0 ? Ba3 + (Ga3 << 2) | 0 : _5 + (Ga3 - V3 << 2) | 0) >> 2] = La2; Na2 = Ma2; Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = Ga3 + 1 | 0; } else switch (La2 | 0) { case 16: { Ka2 = Ma2 >>> 3; if (Ka2 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = Ma2; Sa2 = 50; break c; } Ta2 = Ja3 + 2 | 0; Ua2 = Ja3 + 3 | 0; Va2 = ((d[m4 + (Ta2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ta2 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + Ka2 >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ma2 & 7) & 1) + 3 | 0; Ka2 = Ga3 + -1 | 0; Ta2 = c[(Ka2 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0 ? Ba3 + (Ka2 << 2) | 0 : _5 + (Da2 + Ga3 << 2) | 0) >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = Ga3; Wa2 = 0; while (true) { if (Ka2 >>> 0 >= oa2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Ua2; Oa3 = 13; Pa2 = Ka2; break e; } c[(Ka2 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0 ? Ba3 + (Ka2 << 2) | 0 : _5 + (Ka2 - V3 << 2) | 0) >> 2] = Ta2; Xa3 = Ka2 + 1 | 0; Wa2 = Wa2 + 1 | 0; if (Wa2 >>> 0 >= Va2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Ua2; Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = Xa3; break; } else Ka2 = Xa3; } break; } case 17: { Ka2 = Ma2 >>> 3; if (Ka2 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = Ma2; Sa2 = 50; break c; } Ua2 = Ja3 + 2 | 0; Va2 = Ja3 + 3 | 0; Wa2 = Ja3 + 4 | 0; Ta2 = ((d[m4 + (Ua2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ua2 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + Ka2 >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ma2 & 7) & 1 | (d[m4 + (Va2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Va2 & 7) << 2 & 4) + 3 | 0; Va2 = Ga3; Ka2 = 0; while (true) { if (Va2 >>> 0 >= oa2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Wa2; Oa3 = 14; Pa2 = Va2; break e; } c[(Va2 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0 ? Ba3 + (Va2 << 2) | 0 : _5 + (Va2 - V3 << 2) | 0) >> 2] = 0; Ua2 = Va2 + 1 | 0; Ka2 = Ka2 + 1 | 0; if (Ka2 >>> 0 >= Ta2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Wa2; Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = Ua2; break; } else Va2 = Ua2; } break; } case 18: { Va2 = Ma2 >>> 3; if (Va2 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = Ma2; Sa2 = 50; break c; } Wa2 = Ja3 + 2 | 0; Ta2 = Ja3 + 3 | 0; Ka2 = Ja3 + 4 | 0; Ua2 = Ja3 + 5 | 0; Xa3 = Ja3 + 6 | 0; Ya3 = Ja3 + 7 | 0; Za2 = Ja3 + 8 | 0; _a2 = ((d[m4 + (Wa2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Wa2 & 7) << 1 & 2 | (d[m4 + Va2 >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ma2 & 7) & 1 | (d[m4 + (Ta2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ta2 & 7) << 2 & 4 | (d[m4 + (Ka2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ka2 & 7) << 3 & 8 | (d[m4 + (Ua2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ua2 & 7) << 4 & 16 | (d[m4 + (Xa3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Xa3 & 7) << 5 & 32 | (d[m4 + (Ya3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Ya3 & 7) << 6 & 64) + 11 | 0; if (!_a2) { Na2 = Za2; Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = Ga3; break e; } Ya3 = Ga3; Xa3 = 0; while (true) { if (Ya3 >>> 0 >= oa2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Za2; Oa3 = 15; Pa2 = Ya3; break e; } c[(Ya3 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0 ? Ba3 + (Ya3 << 2) | 0 : _5 + (Ya3 - V3 << 2) | 0) >> 2] = 0; Ua2 = Ya3 + 1 | 0; Xa3 = Xa3 + 1 | 0; if (Xa3 >>> 0 >= _a2 >>> 0) { Na2 = Za2; Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = Ua2; break; } else Ya3 = Ua2; } break; } default: { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = Ma2; Sa2 = 16; break c; } } while (0); if (Pa2 >>> 0 < oa2 >>> 0) { Ea2 = Na2; Fa2 = Oa3; Ga3 = Pa2; } else { X2 = 61; break; } } if ((X2 | 0) == 59) { X2 = 0; Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = Ha3; Sa2 = Ha3 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0 ? 10 : 11; break c; } else if ((X2 | 0) == 61) { X2 = 0; if (!Oa3) { $a2 = Na2; break; } else { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = Na2; Sa2 = Oa3; break c; } } } else $a2 = wa2; while (0); if (c[Ba3 + 1024 >> 2] | 0) { if (Ca2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { oa2 = Ca2 << 3; Ga3 = lq(c[s3 >> 2] | 0, oa2) | 0; if (!Ga3) { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = $a2; Sa2 = 9903; break; } c[t3 >> 2] = oa2; c[s3 >> 2] = Ga3; } c[u2 >> 2] = Ca2; if (Ca2 | 0) { Ga3 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; oa2 = 0; do { c[Ga3 + (oa2 << 2) >> 2] = c[Ba3 + (oa2 << 2) >> 2]; oa2 = oa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((oa2 | 0) != (Ca2 | 0)); } c[D3 >> 2] = Ca2; c[R3 >> 2] = 15; oa2 = Gp(i3) | 0; if (!oa2) { if ((c[B2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < 128) { Ga3 = lq(c[A4 >> 2] | 0, 256) | 0; if (!Ga3) { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = $a2; Sa2 = 9903; break; } c[B2 >> 2] = 256; c[A4 >> 2] = Ga3; c[C3 >> 2] = 32; ab2 = Ga3; } else { c[C3 >> 2] = 32; ab2 = c[A4 >> 2] | 0; } c[ab2 >> 2] = c[_5 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 4 >> 2] = c[_5 + 4 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 8 >> 2] = c[_5 + 8 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 12 >> 2] = c[_5 + 12 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 16 >> 2] = c[_5 + 16 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 20 >> 2] = c[_5 + 20 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 24 >> 2] = c[_5 + 24 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 28 >> 2] = c[_5 + 28 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 32 >> 2] = c[_5 + 32 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 36 >> 2] = c[_5 + 36 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 40 >> 2] = c[_5 + 40 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 44 >> 2] = c[_5 + 44 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 48 >> 2] = c[_5 + 48 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 52 >> 2] = c[_5 + 52 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 56 >> 2] = c[_5 + 56 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 60 >> 2] = c[_5 + 60 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 64 >> 2] = c[_5 + 64 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 68 >> 2] = c[_5 + 68 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 72 >> 2] = c[_5 + 72 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 76 >> 2] = c[_5 + 76 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 80 >> 2] = c[_5 + 80 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 84 >> 2] = c[_5 + 84 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 88 >> 2] = c[_5 + 88 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 92 >> 2] = c[_5 + 92 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 96 >> 2] = c[_5 + 96 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 100 >> 2] = c[_5 + 100 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 104 >> 2] = c[_5 + 104 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 108 >> 2] = c[_5 + 108 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 112 >> 2] = c[_5 + 112 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 116 >> 2] = c[_5 + 116 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 120 >> 2] = c[_5 + 120 >> 2]; c[ab2 + 124 >> 2] = c[_5 + 124 >> 2]; c[G2 >> 2] = 32; c[S2 >> 2] = 15; Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = $a2; Sa2 = Gp(j2) | 0; } else { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = $a2; Sa2 = oa2; } } else { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = $a2; Sa2 = 64; } } else { Qa2 = _5; Ra2 = wa2; Sa2 = 9912; } } else { Qa2 = 0; Ra2 = wa2; Sa2 = 9912; } while (0); mq(Aa3); mq(Qa2); ya2 = Ra2; za2 = Sa2; break b; } while (0); mq(ra2); ya2 = sa2; za2 = ta2; } else { ya2 = $2; za2 = 49; } while (0); c[H2 >> 2] = 0; c[I2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[K2 >> 2] = 0; c[L3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[J2 >> 2] | 0); c[J2 >> 2] = 0; c[N4 >> 2] = 0; c[O2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[M2 >> 2] | 0); ka2 = ya2; la2 = za2; break; } default: { ka2 = $2; la2 = 0; } } f: do if (ka2 >>> 0 <= l2 >>> 0) { ca2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; ha2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; aa2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; V3 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; ma2 = ka2; pa3 = U2; g: while (true) { da2 = ma2; qa2 = 0; while (true) { bb2 = c[ca2 + (((d[m4 + (da2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (da2 & 7) & 1 | qa2 << 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0; cb2 = da2 + 1 | 0; if (bb2 >>> 0 < ha2 >>> 0) break; qa2 = bb2 - ha2 | 0; if (cb2 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0 | qa2 >>> 0 >= ha2 >>> 0) { db3 = cb2; eb3 = pa3; X2 = 115; break f; } else da2 = cb2; } if (bb2 >>> 0 >= 256) { if (!((bb2 | 0) != 256 & bb2 >>> 0 < 286)) { X2 = 114; break; } da2 = bb2 + -257 | 0; if (cb2 >>> 3 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { fb2 = cb2; gb2 = 51; X2 = 118; break; } qa2 = c[29344 + (da2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ea2 = c[29472 + (da2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((bb2 + -265 | 0) >>> 0 > 19) { hb2 = cb2; ib2 = 0; } else { da2 = cb2; _5 = 0; oa2 = 0; while (true) { oa2 = (((d[m4 + (da2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (da2 & 7) & 1) << _5) + oa2 | 0; _5 = _5 + 1 | 0; if ((_5 | 0) == (qa2 | 0)) break; else da2 = da2 + 1 | 0; } hb2 = cb2 + qa2 | 0; ib2 = oa2; } da2 = ib2 + ea2 | 0; if (hb2 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0) { jb2 = hb2; X2 = 100; break; } _5 = hb2; Ga3 = 0; while (true) { kb2 = c[aa2 + (((d[m4 + (_5 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (_5 & 7) & 1 | Ga3 << 1) << 2) >> 2] | 0; lb3 = _5 + 1 | 0; if (kb2 >>> 0 < V3 >>> 0) break; Ga3 = kb2 - V3 | 0; if (_5 >>> 0 >= l2 >>> 0 | Ga3 >>> 0 >= V3 >>> 0) { jb2 = lb3; X2 = 100; break g; } else _5 = lb3; } if (kb2 >>> 0 > 29) { jb2 = lb3; X2 = 100; break; } if (lb3 >>> 3 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { fb2 = lb3; gb2 = 51; X2 = 118; break; } _5 = c[29600 + (kb2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Ga3 = c[29728 + (kb2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (kb2 >>> 0 < 4) { mb2 = lb3; nb2 = 0; } else { oa2 = lb3; qa2 = 0; Fa2 = 0; while (true) { Fa2 = (((d[m4 + (oa2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (oa2 & 7) & 1) << qa2) + Fa2 | 0; qa2 = qa2 + 1 | 0; if ((qa2 | 0) == (_5 | 0)) break; else oa2 = oa2 + 1 | 0; } mb2 = lb3 + _5 | 0; nb2 = Fa2; } oa2 = pa3 - Ga3 - nb2 | 0; qa2 = da2 + pa3 | 0; if (qa2 >>> 0 >= (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { Ea2 = qa2 << 1; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Ea2 >>> 0) { Da2 = qa2 << 2; qa2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, Da2) | 0; if (!qa2) { fb2 = mb2; gb2 = 9914; X2 = 118; break; } c[F3 >> 2] = Da2; c[b4 >> 2] = qa2; } c[E3 >> 2] = Ea2; } if (!da2) { ob2 = mb2; pb2 = pa3; } else { Ea2 = pa3 + ib2 | 0; qa2 = oa2; Da2 = 0; na2 = pa3; while (true) { ua2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; a[ua2 + na2 >> 0] = a[ua2 + qa2 >> 0] | 0; ua2 = qa2 + 1 | 0; Da2 = Da2 + 1 | 0; if ((Da2 | 0) == (da2 | 0)) break; else { qa2 = ua2 >>> 0 < pa3 >>> 0 ? ua2 : oa2; na2 = na2 + 1 | 0; } } ob2 = mb2; pb2 = Ea2 + ea2 | 0; } } else { if (pa3 >>> 0 >= (c[E3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { na2 = (pa3 << 1) + 2 | 0; if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < na2 >>> 0) { oa2 = na2 << 1; qa2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, oa2) | 0; if (!qa2) { fb2 = cb2; gb2 = 9913; X2 = 118; break; } c[F3 >> 2] = oa2; c[b4 >> 2] = qa2; } c[E3 >> 2] = na2; } a[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + pa3 >> 0] = bb2; ob2 = cb2; pb2 = pa3 + 1 | 0; } if (ob2 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0) { db3 = ob2; eb3 = pb2; X2 = 115; break f; } else { ma2 = ob2; pa3 = pb2; } } if ((X2 | 0) == 100) { X2 = 0; qb2 = ca2; rb2 = jb2; sb2 = (bb2 | 0) == -1 ? jb2 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0 ? 10 : 11 : 18; tb2 = pa3; break; } else if ((X2 | 0) == 114) { X2 = 0; if ((bb2 | 0) == 256) { qb2 = ca2; rb2 = cb2; sb2 = la2; tb2 = pa3; break; } else { db3 = cb2; eb3 = pa3; X2 = 115; break; } } else if ((X2 | 0) == 118) { X2 = 0; qb2 = ca2; rb2 = fb2; sb2 = gb2; tb2 = pa3; break; } } else { db3 = ka2; eb3 = U2; X2 = 115; } while (0); if ((X2 | 0) == 115) { X2 = 0; qb2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; rb2 = db3; sb2 = db3 >>> 0 > l2 >>> 0 ? 10 : 11; tb2 = eb3; } c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; mq(qb2); c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[p2 >> 2] | 0); c[p2 >> 2] = 0; c[t3 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[s3 >> 2] | 0); c[v2 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[y4 >> 2] = 0; c[z3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[x2 >> 2] | 0); c[x2 >> 2] = 0; c[B2 >> 2] = 0; c[C3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[A4 >> 2] | 0); if (!sb2) { ia2 = rb2; ja2 = tb2; } else { W2 = sb2; X2 = 125; break a; } } } if (!(1 << Z3 & Y2)) { T4 = ia2; U2 = ja2; } else { X2 = 121; break; } } if ((X2 | 0) == 121) { if ((c[F3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 >= ja2 >>> 0) { c[E3 >> 2] = ja2; W2 = 0; Ia = h3; return W2 | 0; } U2 = ja2 << 1; ia2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, U2) | 0; if (!ia2) { W2 = 9916; Ia = h3; return W2 | 0; } c[F3 >> 2] = U2; c[b4 >> 2] = ia2; c[E3 >> 2] = ja2; W2 = 0; Ia = h3; return W2 | 0; } else if ((X2 | 0) == 125) { Ia = h3; return W2 | 0; } return 0; } function Ep2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; b4 = lq(0, 2304) | 0; if (!b4) { d2 = 0; mq(d2); return; } e2 = 0; do { c[b4 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = 8; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 144); e2 = 144; do { c[b4 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = 9; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 256); c[b4 + 1024 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1028 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1032 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1036 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1040 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1044 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1048 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1052 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1056 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1060 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1064 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1068 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1072 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1076 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1080 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1084 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1088 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1092 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1096 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1100 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1104 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1108 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1112 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1116 >> 2] = 7; c[b4 + 1120 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1124 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1128 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1132 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1136 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1140 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1144 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 1148 >> 2] = 8; e2 = a2 + 24 | 0; f2 = a2 + 32 | 0; do if ((c[f2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < 1152) { g2 = lq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, 2304) | 0; if (!g2) { d2 = b4; mq(d2); return; } else { c[f2 >> 2] = 2304; c[e2 >> 2] = g2; c[a2 + 28 >> 2] = 288; h3 = g2; break; } } else { c[a2 + 28 >> 2] = 288; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; } while (0); e2 = 0; do { c[h3 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = c[b4 + (e2 << 2) >> 2]; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 288); c[a2 + 40 >> 2] = 288; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = 15; Gp(a2) | 0; d2 = b4; mq(d2); return; } function Fp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = lq(0, 256) | 0; if (!b4) { d2 = 0; mq(d2); return; } c[b4 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 32 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 40 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 44 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 48 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 52 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 56 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 60 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 64 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 68 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 72 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 76 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 80 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 88 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 92 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 96 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 100 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 104 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 108 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 112 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 116 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 120 >> 2] = 5; c[b4 + 124 >> 2] = 5; Hp(a2, b4, 32, 15) | 0; d2 = b4; mq(d2); return; } function Gp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0; b4 = a2 + 12 | 0; d2 = a2 + 40 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = a2 + 20 | 0; if (e2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { g2 = e2 << 3; h3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, g2) | 0; if (!h3) i3 = 0; else { c[f2 >> 2] = g2; c[b4 >> 2] = h3; j2 = 4; } } else j2 = 4; do if ((j2 | 0) == 4) { c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = e2; h3 = a2 + 36 | 0; g2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; f2 = g2 << 2; if (!f2) { k2 = 0; l2 = 0; } else { m4 = lq(0, g2 << 3) | 0; if (!m4) { i3 = 0; break; } k2 = m4; l2 = m4; } if (g2 | 0) Iv(k2 | 0, 0, f2 | 0) | 0; f2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; g2 = f2 << 2; if (!g2) { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; } else { m4 = lq(0, f2 << 3) | 0; if (!m4) { i3 = k2; break; } n2 = m4; o2 = m4; } if (f2 | 0) Iv(n2 | 0, 0, g2 | 0) | 0; if (!(c[d2 >> 2] | 0)) p2 = 0; else { g2 = c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 0; do { m4 = l2 + (c[g2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; m4 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while (f2 >>> 0 < m4 >>> 0); p2 = m4; } if (!(c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) q3 = p2; else { f2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = 1; do { f2 = (c[l2 + (g2 + -1 << 2) >> 2] | 0) + f2 << 1; c[o2 + (g2 << 2) >> 2] = f2; g2 = g2 + 1 | 0; } while (g2 >>> 0 <= (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0); q3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } if (q3 | 0) { h3 = c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; g2 = q3; f2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = c[h3 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) r2 = g2; else { s3 = o2 + (m4 << 2) | 0; m4 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = m4 + 1; c[(c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = m4; r2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 >= r2 >>> 0) break; else g2 = r2; } } mq(k2); mq(n2); g2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = g2 << 1; h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; do if (g2 << 3 >>> 0 > (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { m4 = g2 << 4; s3 = lq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, m4) | 0; if (!s3) { t3 = 9901; return t3 | 0; } else { c[h3 >> 2] = m4; c[a2 >> 2] = s3; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; u2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; break; } } else { c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = f2; u2 = g2; } while (0); if (!(u2 & 2147483647)) v2 = u2; else { g2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 0; do { c[g2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = 32767; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } while (f2 >>> 0 < h3 << 1 >>> 0); v2 = h3; } if (!v2) { t3 = 0; return t3 | 0; } f2 = c[a2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 12 | 0; h3 = v2; s3 = 0; m4 = 0; w2 = 0; a: while (true) { x2 = f2 + (s3 << 2) | 0; y4 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; b: do if (!y4) { z3 = h3; A4 = m4; B2 = w2; } else { if (w2 >>> 0 > (h3 + -2 | 0) >>> 0) { t3 = 55; j2 = 52; break a; } C3 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (s3 << 2) | 0; D3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = y4; F3 = h3; G2 = 0; H2 = m4; I2 = w2; while (true) { J2 = D3 + (((c[C3 >> 2] | 0) >>> (E3 + ~G2 | 0) & 1 | I2 << 1) << 2) | 0; K2 = c[J2 >> 2] | 0; do if ((K2 | 0) == 32767) { L3 = G2 + 1 | 0; if ((L3 | 0) == (E3 | 0)) { c[J2 >> 2] = s3; M2 = E3; N4 = H2; O2 = 0; break; } else { P2 = H2 + 1 | 0; c[J2 >> 2] = P2 + F3; M2 = L3; N4 = P2; O2 = P2; break; } } else { M2 = G2 + 1 | 0; N4 = H2; O2 = K2 - F3 | 0; } while (0); E3 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (E3 >>> 0 <= M2 >>> 0) { z3 = F3; A4 = N4; B2 = O2; break b; } if (O2 >>> 0 > (F3 + -2 | 0) >>> 0) { t3 = 55; j2 = 52; break a; } else { G2 = M2; H2 = N4; I2 = O2; } } } while (0); s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= z3 >>> 0) { j2 = 46; break; } else { h3 = z3; m4 = A4; w2 = B2; } } if ((j2 | 0) == 46) { if (!(z3 & 2147483647)) { t3 = 0; return t3 | 0; } w2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; m4 = z3; h3 = 0; while (true) { s3 = w2 + (h3 << 2) | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 32767) { c[s3 >> 2] = 0; Q3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; } else Q3 = m4; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 >= Q3 << 1 >>> 0) { t3 = 0; break; } else m4 = Q3; } return t3 | 0; } else if ((j2 | 0) == 52) return t3 | 0; } while (0); mq(i3); mq(0); t3 = 9902; return t3 | 0; } function Hp(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; f2 = a2 + 24 | 0; g2 = a2 + 32 | 0; do if (d2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { h3 = d2 << 3; i3 = lq(c[f2 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; if (!i3) { j2 = 9903; return j2 | 0; } else { c[g2 >> 2] = h3; c[f2 >> 2] = i3; break; } } while (0); c[a2 + 28 >> 2] = d2; if (d2 | 0) { g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = 0; do { c[g2 + (f2 << 2) >> 2] = c[b4 + (f2 << 2) >> 2]; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); } c[a2 + 40 >> 2] = d2; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = e2; j2 = Gp(a2) | 0; return j2 | 0; } function Ip(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0, Jb2 = 0, Kb2 = 0, Lb2 = 0, Mb2 = 0, Nb2 = 0, Ob2 = 0, Pb2 = 0, Qb3 = 0, Rb2 = 0, Sb2 = 0, Tb2 = 0, Ub3 = 0, Vb2 = 0, Wb2 = 0, Xb2 = 0, Yb3 = 0, Zb2 = 0, _b2 = 0, $b2 = 0, ac2 = 0, bc2 = 0, cc2 = 0, dc2 = 0, ec2 = 0, fc2 = 0, gc2 = 0, hc2 = 0, ic2 = 0, jc2 = 0, kc2 = 0, lc2 = 0, mc2 = 0, nc2 = 0, oc2 = 0, pc3 = 0, qc2 = 0, rc2 = 0, sc2 = 0, tc2 = 0, uc2 = 0, vc2 = 0, wc2 = 0, xc2 = 0, yc2 = 0, zc2 = 0, Ac2 = 0, Bc2 = 0, Cc2 = 0, Dc2 = 0, Ec2 = 0, Fc2 = 0, Gc2 = 0, Hc2 = 0, Ic2 = 0, Jc2 = 0, Kc2 = 0, Lc2 = 0, Mc2 = 0, Nc2 = 0, Oc3 = 0, Pc3 = 0, Qc3 = 0, Rc2 = 0, Sc2 = 0, Tc2 = 0, Uc2 = 0, Vc2 = 0, Wc2 = 0, Xc2 = 0, Yc2 = 0, Zc2 = 0, _c2 = 0, $c2 = 0, ad2 = 0, bd3 = 0, cd3 = 0, dd3 = 0, ed2 = 0, fd2 = 0, gd2 = 0, hd3 = 0, id2 = 0, jd2 = 0, kd2 = 0, ld2 = 0, md2 = 0, nd3 = 0, od3 = 0, pd2 = 0, qd3 = 0, rd2 = 0, sd2 = 0, td3 = 0, ud2 = 0, vd2 = 0, wd2 = 0, xd3 = 0, yd2 = 0, zd2 = 0, Ad2 = 0, Bd2 = 0, Cd2 = 0, Dd3 = 0, Ed3 = 0, Fd2 = 0, Gd2 = 0, Hd2 = 0, Id3 = 0, Jd2 = 0, Kd2 = 0, Ld2 = 0, Md2 = 0, Nd3 = 0, Od2 = 0, Pd2 = 0, Qd2 = 0, Rd2 = 0, Sd2 = 0, Td3 = 0, Ud2 = 0, Vd2 = 0, Wd2 = 0, Xd2 = 0, Yd2 = 0, Zd2 = 0, _d3 = 0, $d2 = 0, ae2 = 0, be2 = 0, ce2 = 0, de2 = 0, ee2 = 0, fe2 = 0, ge2 = 0, he2 = 0, ie2 = 0, je2 = 0, ke2 = 0, le2 = 0, me2 = 0, ne2 = 0, oe2 = 0, pe2 = 0, qe2 = 0, re2 = 0, se2 = 0, te2 = 0, ue2 = 0, ve2 = 0, we2 = 0, xe2 = 0, ye2 = 0, ze2 = 0, Ae2 = 0, Be2 = 0, Ce2 = 0, De2 = 0, Ee2 = 0, Fe2 = 0, Ge2 = 0, He2 = 0, Ie3 = 0, Je2 = 0, Ke2 = 0, Le2 = 0, Me2 = 0, Ne2 = 0, Oe2 = 0, Pe2 = 0, Qe2 = 0, Re2 = 0, Se2 = 0, Te3 = 0, Ue2 = 0, Ve2 = 0, We2 = 0, Xe2 = 0, Ye2 = 0, Ze2 = 0, _e2 = 0, $e2 = 0, af2 = 0, bf3 = 0, cf2 = 0, df2 = 0, ef2 = 0, ff2 = 0, gf2 = 0, hf2 = 0, jf2 = 0, kf2 = 0, lf2 = 0, mf2 = 0, nf2 = 0, of2 = 0, pf2 = 0, qf2 = 0, rf2 = 0, sf2 = 0, tf2 = 0, uf2 = 0, vf3 = 0, wf2 = 0, xf2 = 0, yf3 = 0, zf2 = 0, Af2 = 0, Bf2 = 0, Cf2 = 0, Df2 = 0, Ef2 = 0, Ff2 = 0, Gf2 = 0, Hf2 = 0, If2 = 0, Jf3 = 0, Kf3 = 0, Lf2 = 0, Mf2 = 0, Nf2 = 0, Of2 = 0, Pf2 = 0, Qf3 = 0, Rf2 = 0, Sf2 = 0, Tf3 = 0, Uf2 = 0, Vf2 = 0, Wf2 = 0, Xf2 = 0, Yf2 = 0, Zf2 = 0, _f2 = 0, $f3 = 0, ag3 = 0, bg2 = 0, cg2 = 0, dg2 = 0, eg2 = 0, fg2 = 0, gg2 = 0, hg3 = 0, ig2 = 0, jg2 = 0, kg2 = 0, lg2 = 0, mg2 = 0, ng2 = 0, og2 = 0, pg3 = 0, qg2 = 0, rg3 = 0, sg2 = 0, tg2 = 0, ug2 = 0, vg2 = 0, wg2 = 0, xg2 = 0, yg2 = 0, zg2 = 0, Ag2 = 0, Bg2 = 0, Cg2 = 0, Dg3 = 0, Eg2 = 0, Fg2 = 0, Gg2 = 0, Hg2 = 0, Ig2 = 0, Jg2 = 0, Kg2 = 0, Lg3 = 0, Mg2 = 0, Ng2 = 0, Og2 = 0, Pg2 = 0, Qg2 = 0, Rg2 = 0, Sg2 = 0, Tg2 = 0, Ug2 = 0, Vg2 = 0, Wg2 = 0, Xg2 = 0, Yg3 = 0, Zg2 = 0, _g2 = 0, $g2 = 0, ah2 = 0, bh3 = 0, ch2 = 0, dh2 = 0, eh2 = 0, fh2 = 0, gh3 = 0, hh2 = 0, ih2 = 0, jh2 = 0, kh2 = 0, lh2 = 0, mh2 = 0, nh2 = 0, oh2 = 0, ph3 = 0, qh2 = 0, rh2 = 0, sh2 = 0, th3 = 0, uh2 = 0, vh2 = 0, wh2 = 0, xh2 = 0, yh3 = 0, zh2 = 0, Ah2 = 0, Bh2 = 0, Ch2 = 0, Dh2 = 0, Eh2 = 0, Fh3 = 0, Gh2 = 0, Hh2 = 0, Ih2 = 0, Jh3 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 192 | 0; i3 = h3 + 136 | 0; j2 = h3 + 92 | 0; k2 = h3 + 48 | 0; l2 = h3 + 4 | 0; m4 = h3; switch (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { n2 = f2 >>> 16; o2 = b4 + 4 | 0; p2 = b4 + 8 | 0; q3 = 0; r2 = 0; while (true) { s3 = (r2 | 0) == (n2 | 0); t3 = s3 & 1; u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; v2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { w2 = v2 << 1; x2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; if (x2 | 0) { c[p2 >> 2] = w2; c[b4 >> 2] = x2; y4 = x2; z3 = 7; } } else { y4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 7; } if ((z3 | 0) == 7) { z3 = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = v2; a[y4 + u2 >> 0] = t3; } t3 = f2 - q3 | 0; u2 = t3 >>> 0 < 65535 ? t3 : 65535; t3 = u2 ^ 65535; v2 = u2 & 255; x2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = x2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < w2 >>> 0) { A4 = w2 << 1; B2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, A4) | 0; if (B2 | 0) { c[p2 >> 2] = A4; c[b4 >> 2] = B2; C3 = B2; z3 = 12; } } else { C3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 12; } if ((z3 | 0) == 12) { z3 = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = w2; a[C3 + x2 >> 0] = v2; } v2 = u2 >>> 8 & 255; u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { w2 = x2 << 1; B2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; if (B2 | 0) { c[p2 >> 2] = w2; c[b4 >> 2] = B2; D3 = B2; z3 = 17; } } else { D3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 17; } if ((z3 | 0) == 17) { z3 = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = x2; a[D3 + u2 >> 0] = v2; } v2 = t3 & 255; u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; x2 = u2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < x2 >>> 0) { B2 = x2 << 1; w2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, B2) | 0; if (w2 | 0) { c[p2 >> 2] = B2; c[b4 >> 2] = w2; E3 = w2; z3 = 22; } } else { E3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 22; } if ((z3 | 0) == 22) { z3 = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = x2; a[E3 + u2 >> 0] = v2; } v2 = t3 >>> 8 & 255; t3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < u2 >>> 0) { x2 = u2 << 1; w2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, x2) | 0; if (w2 | 0) { c[p2 >> 2] = x2; c[b4 >> 2] = w2; F3 = w2; z3 = 27; } } else { F3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 27; } if ((z3 | 0) == 27) { z3 = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = u2; a[F3 + t3 >> 0] = v2; } if (q3 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0) { v2 = q3; t3 = 0; while (true) { u2 = v2 + 1 | 0; w2 = a[e2 + v2 >> 0] | 0; x2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = x2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < B2 >>> 0) { A4 = B2 << 1; G2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, A4) | 0; if (G2 | 0) { c[p2 >> 2] = A4; c[b4 >> 2] = G2; H2 = G2; z3 = 34; } } else { H2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 34; } if ((z3 | 0) == 34) { z3 = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = B2; a[H2 + x2 >> 0] = w2; } t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if (!(t3 >>> 0 < 65535 & u2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0)) { I2 = u2; break; } else v2 = u2; } } else I2 = q3; if (s3) { J2 = 0; break; } else { q3 = I2; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } } Ia = h3; return J2 | 0; } case 1: { c[k2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = i3; L3 = K2 + 36 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); K2 = j2; L3 = K2 + 36 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); Ep2(i3); Fp(j2); r2 = b4 + 4 | 0; I2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = I2 + 1 | 0; H2 = b4 + 8 | 0; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { o2 = q3 << 1; p2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, o2) | 0; if (!p2) M2 = b4; else { c[H2 >> 2] = o2; c[b4 >> 2] = p2; N4 = b4; O2 = p2; z3 = 41; } } else { N4 = b4; O2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; z3 = 41; } if ((z3 | 0) == 41) { c[r2 >> 2] = q3; a[O2 + I2 >> 0] = 0; M2 = N4; } N4 = (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[N4 >> 0] = a[N4 >> 0] | 1; N4 = (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[N4 >> 0] = a[N4 >> 0] | 2; N4 = (c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 3; do if (N4) if (!f2) z3 = 60; else { I2 = c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; O2 = c[i3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; q3 = 0; p2 = 3; while (true) { o2 = d[e2 + q3 >> 0] | 0; F3 = c[I2 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; E3 = c[O2 + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!E3) P2 = p2; else { o2 = E3 + -1 | 0; D3 = 0; C3 = p2; while (true) { y4 = F3 >>> (o2 - D3 | 0) & 1; n2 = C3 & 7; do if (!n2) { v2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = v2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < t3 >>> 0) { u2 = t3 << 1; w2 = lq(c[M2 >> 2] | 0, u2) | 0; if (!w2) break; c[H2 >> 2] = u2; c[M2 >> 2] = w2; Q3 = w2; } else Q3 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = t3; a[Q3 + v2 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); v2 = (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[v2 >> 0] = y4 << n2 | (d[v2 >> 0] | 0); D3 = D3 + 1 | 0; if ((D3 | 0) == (E3 | 0)) break; else C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } P2 = E3 + p2 | 0; } q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((q3 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) break; else p2 = P2; } c[k2 >> 2] = P2; z3 = 60; } else { c[l2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = l2 + 8 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = l2 + 4 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; O2 = Jp(l2, e2, f2, c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!O2) { Kp(k2, b4, l2, i3, j2); c[p2 >> 2] = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[l2 >> 2] | 0); z3 = 60; break; } else { c[p2 >> 2] = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[l2 >> 2] | 0); R3 = c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; S2 = c[i3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; T4 = O2; break; } } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 60) { P2 = c[i3 + 12 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = c[P2 + 1024 >> 2] | 0; N4 = c[i3 + 24 >> 2] | 0; O2 = c[N4 + 1024 >> 2] | 0; if (!O2) { R3 = P2; S2 = N4; T4 = 0; } else { q3 = O2 + -1 | 0; p2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; I2 = 0; s3 = p2; while (true) { C3 = Q3 >>> (q3 - I2 | 0) & 1; D3 = s3 & 7; do if (!D3) { o2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; F3 = o2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[H2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0) { v2 = F3 << 1; t3 = lq(c[M2 >> 2] | 0, v2) | 0; if (!t3) break; c[H2 >> 2] = v2; c[M2 >> 2] = t3; U2 = t3; } else U2 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = F3; a[U2 + o2 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); o2 = (c[M2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[r2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[o2 >> 0] = C3 << D3 | (d[o2 >> 0] | 0); I2 = I2 + 1 | 0; if ((I2 | 0) == (O2 | 0)) break; else s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } c[k2 >> 2] = p2 + O2; R3 = P2; S2 = N4; T4 = 0; } } c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0); mq(R3); mq(S2); c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; S2 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[S2 >> 2] | 0); c[S2 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0); J2 = T4; Ia = h3; return J2 | 0; } case 2: { c[m4 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; T4 = i3 + 8 | 0; c[T4 >> 2] = 0; S2 = i3 + 4 | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = j2; L3 = K2 + 36 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); K2 = k2; L3 = K2 + 36 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); K2 = l2; L3 = K2 + 36 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); do if (!(c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { if (!(f2 & 1073741823)) V3 = 0; else { R3 = f2 << 3; N4 = lq(0, R3) | 0; if (!N4) { W2 = 0; X2 = 0; Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 0; $2 = 0; aa2 = 9923; break; } c[T4 >> 2] = R3; c[i3 >> 2] = N4; V3 = N4; } c[S2 >> 2] = f2; if (!f2) z3 = 79; else { N4 = 0; do { c[V3 + (N4 << 2) >> 2] = d[e2 + N4 >> 0]; N4 = N4 + 1 | 0; } while ((N4 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); z3 = 79; } } else { N4 = Jp(i3, e2, f2, c[g2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (!N4) z3 = 79; else { W2 = 0; X2 = 0; Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 0; $2 = 0; aa2 = N4; } } while (0); a: do if ((z3 | 0) == 79) { g2 = lq(0, 2288) | 0; if (g2) { Iv(g2 | 0, 0, 1144) | 0; f2 = lq(0, 240) | 0; if (f2) { K2 = f2; L3 = K2 + 120 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); e2 = c[S2 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 | 0) { V3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; N4 = 0; do { D3 = c[V3 + (N4 << 2) >> 2] | 0; C3 = g2 + (D3 << 2) | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + 1; if (D3 >>> 0 > 256) { D3 = f2 + (c[V3 + (N4 + 2 << 2) >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + 1; ba3 = N4 + 3 | 0; } else ba3 = N4; N4 = ba3 + 1 | 0; } while (N4 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0); } c[g2 + 1024 >> 2] = 1; e2 = Lp(j2, g2, 286, 15) | 0; if (!e2) { N4 = Lp(k2, f2, 30, 15) | 0; if (!N4) { V3 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; D3 = b4 + 4 | 0; do if (!V3) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; R3 = C3 + 1 | 0; P2 = b4 + 8 | 0; if ((c[P2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < R3 >>> 0) { O2 = R3 << 1; p2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, O2) | 0; if (!p2) { ca2 = 0; break; } c[P2 >> 2] = O2; c[b4 >> 2] = p2; da2 = p2; } else da2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = R3; a[da2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; ca2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else ca2 = V3; while (0); V3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[V3 >> 0] = 1 << ca2 | (d[V3 >> 0] | 0); V3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = V3; do if (!(V3 & 7)) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; R3 = C3 + 1 | 0; p2 = b4 + 8 | 0; if ((c[p2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < R3 >>> 0) { O2 = R3 << 1; P2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, O2) | 0; if (!P2) { ea2 = V3; break; } c[p2 >> 2] = O2; c[b4 >> 2] = P2; fa2 = P2; } else fa2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = R3; a[fa2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; ea2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; } else ea2 = V3; while (0); V3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; R3 = ea2 + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = R3; P2 = R3 & 7; do if (!P2) { R3 = C3 + 1 | 0; O2 = b4 + 8 | 0; if ((c[O2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < R3 >>> 0) { p2 = R3 << 1; s3 = lq(V3, p2) | 0; if (!s3) { ga2 = 0; break; } c[O2 >> 2] = p2; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; ha2 = s3; } else ha2 = V3; c[D3 >> 2] = R3; a[ha2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; ga2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else ga2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = 1 << ga2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1; P2 = c[j2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; C3 = P2 >>> 0 < 286 ? P2 : 286; P2 = c[k2 + 40 >> 2] | 0; V3 = P2 >>> 0 < 30 ? P2 : 30; if (!C3) { ia2 = 0; ja2 = 0; ka2 = 0; la2 = 0; ma2 = 0; } else { P2 = c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; R3 = 0; s3 = 0; p2 = 0; O2 = 0; I2 = 0; r2 = 0; M2 = 0; while (true) { U2 = c[P2 + (O2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; H2 = r2 + 1 | 0; if (H2 << 2 >>> 0 > M2 >>> 0) { q3 = H2 << 3; Q3 = lq(R3, q3) | 0; if (!Q3) { na2 = p2; oa2 = s3; pa3 = R3; qa2 = I2; ra2 = r2; sa2 = M2; } else { ta2 = Q3; ua2 = Q3; va2 = Q3; wa2 = Q3; xa2 = q3; z3 = 110; } } else { ta2 = p2; ua2 = s3; va2 = R3; wa2 = I2; xa2 = M2; z3 = 110; } if ((z3 | 0) == 110) { z3 = 0; c[wa2 + (r2 << 2) >> 2] = U2; na2 = ta2; oa2 = ua2; pa3 = va2; qa2 = wa2; ra2 = H2; sa2 = xa2; } O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; if (O2 >>> 0 >= C3 >>> 0) { ia2 = oa2; ja2 = na2; ka2 = qa2; la2 = ra2; ma2 = sa2; break; } else { R3 = pa3; s3 = oa2; p2 = na2; I2 = qa2; r2 = ra2; M2 = sa2; } } } if (!V3) { ya2 = ja2; za2 = ka2; Aa3 = la2; } else { M2 = c[k2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; r2 = ia2; I2 = ja2; p2 = 0; s3 = ka2; R3 = la2; O2 = ma2; while (true) { P2 = c[M2 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; H2 = R3 + 1 | 0; if (H2 << 2 >>> 0 > O2 >>> 0) { U2 = H2 << 3; q3 = lq(r2, U2) | 0; if (!q3) { Ba3 = I2; Ca2 = r2; Da2 = s3; Ea2 = R3; Fa2 = O2; } else { Ga3 = q3; Ha3 = q3; Ja3 = q3; Ka2 = U2; z3 = 117; } } else { Ga3 = I2; Ha3 = r2; Ja3 = s3; Ka2 = O2; z3 = 117; } if ((z3 | 0) == 117) { z3 = 0; c[Ja3 + (R3 << 2) >> 2] = P2; Ba3 = Ga3; Ca2 = Ha3; Da2 = Ja3; Ea2 = H2; Fa2 = Ka2; } p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 >= V3 >>> 0) { ya2 = Ba3; za2 = Da2; Aa3 = Ea2; break; } else { r2 = Ca2; I2 = Ba3; s3 = Da2; R3 = Ea2; O2 = Fa2; } } } if (!Aa3) { La2 = 0; Ma2 = 0; Na2 = 0; } else { O2 = 0; R3 = 0; s3 = 0; I2 = 0; r2 = 0; p2 = 0; M2 = 0; H2 = 0; P2 = 0; U2 = 0; q3 = 0; Q3 = 0; o2 = 0; F3 = 0; t3 = 0; while (true) { v2 = Q3 + 1 | 0; w2 = c[za2 + (Q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; do if (v2 >>> 0 < Aa3 >>> 0) { u2 = Q3 + 2 | 0; x2 = v2; B2 = 0; while (true) { if ((c[za2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) != (w2 | 0)) { Oa3 = B2; break; } G2 = B2 + 1 | 0; x2 = u2 + B2 | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 >= Aa3 >>> 0) { Oa3 = G2; break; } else B2 = G2; } if ((w2 | 0) == 0 & Oa3 >>> 0 > 1) { B2 = Oa3 + 1 | 0; do if (B2 >>> 0 < 11) { x2 = F3 + 1 | 0; u2 = x2 << 2; do if (u2 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0) { n2 = x2 << 3; y4 = lq(O2, n2) | 0; if (!y4) { Pa2 = r2; Qa2 = q3; Ra2 = I2; Sa2 = U2; Ta2 = P2; Ua2 = H2; Va2 = M2; Wa2 = s3; Xa3 = p2; Ya3 = R3; Za2 = O2; _a2 = x2; $a2 = o2; ab2 = F3; bb2 = t3; cb2 = u2; break; } db3 = y4; eb3 = y4; fb2 = y4; gb2 = y4; hb2 = y4; ib2 = y4; jb2 = y4; kb2 = y4; lb3 = y4; mb2 = y4; nb2 = y4; ob2 = y4; pb2 = n2; z3 = 130; } else { db3 = q3; eb3 = I2; fb2 = U2; gb2 = P2; hb2 = H2; ib2 = M2; jb2 = s3; kb2 = p2; lb3 = R3; mb2 = r2; nb2 = O2; ob2 = o2; pb2 = t3; z3 = 130; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 130) { z3 = 0; c[ob2 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = 17; u2 = F3 + 2 | 0; Pa2 = mb2; Qa2 = db3; Ra2 = eb3; Sa2 = fb2; Ta2 = gb2; Ua2 = hb2; Va2 = ib2; Wa2 = jb2; Xa3 = kb2; Ya3 = lb3; Za2 = nb2; _a2 = u2; $a2 = ob2; ab2 = x2; bb2 = pb2; cb2 = u2 << 2; } u2 = Oa3 + -2 | 0; if (cb2 >>> 0 > bb2 >>> 0) { n2 = _a2 << 3; y4 = lq(Pa2, n2) | 0; if (!y4) { qb2 = Qa2; rb2 = Ra2; sb2 = Sa2; tb2 = Ta2; ub2 = Ua2; vb2 = Va2; wb3 = Wa2; xb2 = Xa3; yb2 = Ya3; zb2 = Pa2; Ab2 = Za2; Bb2 = B2; Cb2 = $a2; Db2 = ab2; Eb3 = bb2; break; } Fb2 = y4; Gb2 = y4; Hb2 = y4; Ib2 = y4; Jb2 = y4; Kb2 = y4; Lb2 = y4; Mb2 = y4; Nb2 = y4; Ob2 = y4; Pb2 = y4; Qb3 = y4; Rb2 = n2; } else { Fb2 = Qa2; Gb2 = Ra2; Hb2 = Sa2; Ib2 = Ta2; Jb2 = Ua2; Kb2 = Va2; Lb2 = Wa2; Mb2 = Xa3; Nb2 = Ya3; Ob2 = Pa2; Pb2 = Za2; Qb3 = $a2; Rb2 = bb2; } c[Qb3 + (ab2 << 2) >> 2] = u2; qb2 = Fb2; rb2 = Gb2; sb2 = Hb2; tb2 = Ib2; ub2 = Jb2; vb2 = Kb2; wb3 = Lb2; xb2 = Mb2; yb2 = Nb2; zb2 = Ob2; Ab2 = Pb2; Bb2 = B2; Cb2 = Qb3; Db2 = _a2; Eb3 = Rb2; } else { u2 = B2 >>> 0 < 138 ? B2 : 138; n2 = F3 + 1 | 0; y4 = n2 << 2; do if (y4 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0) { G2 = n2 << 3; A4 = lq(R3, G2) | 0; if (!A4) { Sb2 = p2; Tb2 = q3; Ub3 = I2; Vb2 = U2; Wb2 = P2; Xb2 = H2; Yb3 = M2; Zb2 = s3; _b2 = R3; $b2 = r2; ac2 = O2; bc2 = n2; cc2 = o2; dc2 = F3; ec2 = t3; fc2 = y4; break; } gc2 = A4; hc2 = A4; ic2 = A4; jc2 = A4; kc2 = A4; lc2 = A4; mc2 = A4; nc2 = A4; oc2 = A4; pc3 = A4; qc2 = A4; rc2 = A4; sc2 = G2; z3 = 138; } else { gc2 = q3; hc2 = I2; ic2 = U2; jc2 = P2; kc2 = H2; lc2 = M2; mc2 = s3; nc2 = p2; oc2 = R3; pc3 = r2; qc2 = O2; rc2 = o2; sc2 = t3; z3 = 138; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 138) { z3 = 0; c[rc2 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = 18; y4 = F3 + 2 | 0; Sb2 = nc2; Tb2 = gc2; Ub3 = hc2; Vb2 = ic2; Wb2 = jc2; Xb2 = kc2; Yb3 = lc2; Zb2 = mc2; _b2 = oc2; $b2 = pc3; ac2 = qc2; bc2 = y4; cc2 = rc2; dc2 = n2; ec2 = sc2; fc2 = y4 << 2; } y4 = u2 + -11 | 0; if (fc2 >>> 0 > ec2 >>> 0) { x2 = bc2 << 3; G2 = lq(Sb2, x2) | 0; if (!G2) { qb2 = Tb2; rb2 = Ub3; sb2 = Vb2; tb2 = Wb2; ub2 = Xb2; vb2 = Yb3; wb3 = Zb2; xb2 = Sb2; yb2 = _b2; zb2 = $b2; Ab2 = ac2; Bb2 = u2; Cb2 = cc2; Db2 = dc2; Eb3 = ec2; break; } tc2 = G2; uc2 = G2; vc2 = G2; wc2 = G2; xc2 = G2; yc2 = G2; zc2 = G2; Ac2 = G2; Bc2 = G2; Cc2 = G2; Dc2 = G2; Ec2 = G2; Fc2 = x2; } else { tc2 = Tb2; uc2 = Ub3; vc2 = Vb2; wc2 = Wb2; xc2 = Xb2; yc2 = Yb3; zc2 = Zb2; Ac2 = Sb2; Bc2 = _b2; Cc2 = $b2; Dc2 = ac2; Ec2 = cc2; Fc2 = ec2; } c[Ec2 + (dc2 << 2) >> 2] = y4; qb2 = tc2; rb2 = uc2; sb2 = vc2; tb2 = wc2; ub2 = xc2; vb2 = yc2; wb3 = zc2; xb2 = Ac2; yb2 = Bc2; zb2 = Cc2; Ab2 = Dc2; Bb2 = u2; Cb2 = Ec2; Db2 = bc2; Eb3 = Fc2; } while (0); Gc2 = qb2; Hc2 = rb2; Ic2 = sb2; Jc2 = tb2; Kc2 = ub2; Lc2 = vb2; Mc2 = wb3; Nc2 = xb2; Oc3 = yb2; Pc3 = zb2; Qc3 = Ab2; Rc2 = Q3 + -1 + Bb2 | 0; Sc2 = Cb2; Tc2 = Db2; Uc2 = Eb3; break; } if (Oa3 >>> 0 > 2) { B2 = (Oa3 >>> 0) / 6 | 0; y4 = Oa3 - (B2 * 6 | 0) | 0; x2 = F3 + 1 | 0; do if (x2 << 2 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0) { G2 = x2 << 3; A4 = lq(s3, G2) | 0; if (!A4) { Vc2 = q3; Wc2 = I2; Xc2 = U2; Yc2 = P2; Zc2 = H2; _c2 = M2; $c2 = s3; ad2 = p2; bd3 = R3; cd3 = r2; dd3 = O2; ed2 = o2; fd2 = F3; gd2 = t3; break; } hd3 = A4; id2 = A4; jd2 = A4; kd2 = A4; ld2 = A4; md2 = A4; nd3 = A4; od3 = A4; pd2 = A4; qd3 = A4; rd2 = A4; sd2 = A4; td3 = G2; z3 = 148; } else { hd3 = q3; id2 = I2; jd2 = U2; kd2 = P2; ld2 = H2; md2 = M2; nd3 = s3; od3 = p2; pd2 = R3; qd3 = r2; rd2 = O2; sd2 = o2; td3 = t3; z3 = 148; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 148) { z3 = 0; c[sd2 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = w2; Vc2 = hd3; Wc2 = id2; Xc2 = jd2; Yc2 = kd2; Zc2 = ld2; _c2 = md2; $c2 = nd3; ad2 = od3; bd3 = pd2; cd3 = qd3; dd3 = rd2; ed2 = sd2; fd2 = x2; gd2 = td3; } if (Oa3 >>> 0 > 5) { G2 = _c2; A4 = dd3; ud2 = cd3; vd2 = bd3; wd2 = ad2; xd3 = $c2; yd2 = Zc2; zd2 = Yc2; Ad2 = Xc2; Bd2 = Wc2; Cd2 = Vc2; Dd3 = 0; Ed3 = ed2; Fd2 = fd2; Gd2 = gd2; while (true) { Hd2 = Fd2 + 1 | 0; Id3 = Hd2 << 2; do if (Id3 >>> 0 > Gd2 >>> 0) { Jd2 = Hd2 << 3; Kd2 = lq(G2, Jd2) | 0; if (!Kd2) { Ld2 = yd2; Md2 = Cd2; Nd3 = Bd2; Od2 = Ad2; Pd2 = zd2; Qd2 = G2; Rd2 = xd3; Sd2 = wd2; Td3 = vd2; Ud2 = ud2; Vd2 = A4; Wd2 = Hd2; Xd2 = Ed3; Yd2 = Fd2; Zd2 = Gd2; _d3 = Id3; break; } $d2 = Kd2; ae2 = Kd2; be2 = Kd2; ce2 = Kd2; de2 = Kd2; ee2 = Kd2; fe2 = Kd2; ge2 = Kd2; he2 = Kd2; ie2 = Kd2; je2 = Kd2; ke2 = Kd2; le2 = Jd2; z3 = 154; } else { $d2 = Cd2; ae2 = Bd2; be2 = Ad2; ce2 = zd2; de2 = yd2; ee2 = G2; fe2 = xd3; ge2 = wd2; he2 = vd2; ie2 = ud2; je2 = A4; ke2 = Ed3; le2 = Gd2; z3 = 154; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 154) { z3 = 0; c[ke2 + (Fd2 << 2) >> 2] = 16; Id3 = Fd2 + 2 | 0; Ld2 = de2; Md2 = $d2; Nd3 = ae2; Od2 = be2; Pd2 = ce2; Qd2 = ee2; Rd2 = fe2; Sd2 = ge2; Td3 = he2; Ud2 = ie2; Vd2 = je2; Wd2 = Id3; Xd2 = ke2; Yd2 = Hd2; Zd2 = le2; _d3 = Id3 << 2; } do if (_d3 >>> 0 > Zd2 >>> 0) { Id3 = Wd2 << 3; u2 = lq(Ld2, Id3) | 0; if (!u2) { me2 = Md2; ne2 = Nd3; oe2 = Od2; pe2 = Pd2; qe2 = Ld2; re2 = Qd2; se2 = Rd2; te2 = Sd2; ue2 = Td3; ve2 = Ud2; we2 = Vd2; xe2 = Xd2; ye2 = Yd2; ze2 = Zd2; break; } Ae2 = u2; Be2 = u2; Ce2 = u2; De2 = u2; Ee2 = u2; Fe2 = u2; Ge2 = u2; He2 = u2; Ie3 = u2; Je2 = u2; Ke2 = u2; Le2 = u2; Me2 = Id3; z3 = 158; } else { Ae2 = Md2; Be2 = Nd3; Ce2 = Od2; De2 = Pd2; Ee2 = Ld2; Fe2 = Qd2; Ge2 = Rd2; He2 = Sd2; Ie3 = Td3; Je2 = Ud2; Ke2 = Vd2; Le2 = Xd2; Me2 = Zd2; z3 = 158; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 158) { z3 = 0; c[Le2 + (Yd2 << 2) >> 2] = 3; me2 = Ae2; ne2 = Be2; oe2 = Ce2; pe2 = De2; qe2 = Ee2; re2 = Fe2; se2 = Ge2; te2 = He2; ue2 = Ie3; ve2 = Je2; we2 = Ke2; xe2 = Le2; ye2 = Wd2; ze2 = Me2; } Dd3 = Dd3 + 1 | 0; if (Dd3 >>> 0 >= B2 >>> 0) { Ne2 = we2; Oe2 = ve2; Pe2 = ue2; Qe2 = te2; Re2 = se2; Se2 = re2; Te3 = qe2; Ue2 = pe2; Ve2 = oe2; We2 = ne2; Xe2 = me2; Ye2 = xe2; Ze2 = ye2; _e2 = ze2; break; } else { G2 = re2; A4 = we2; ud2 = ve2; vd2 = ue2; wd2 = te2; xd3 = se2; yd2 = qe2; zd2 = pe2; Ad2 = oe2; Bd2 = ne2; Cd2 = me2; Ed3 = xe2; Fd2 = ye2; Gd2 = ze2; } } } else { Ne2 = dd3; Oe2 = cd3; Pe2 = bd3; Qe2 = ad2; Re2 = $c2; Se2 = _c2; Te3 = Zc2; Ue2 = Yc2; Ve2 = Xc2; We2 = Wc2; Xe2 = Vc2; Ye2 = ed2; Ze2 = fd2; _e2 = gd2; } do if (y4 >>> 0 > 2) { Gd2 = Ze2 + 1 | 0; Fd2 = Gd2 << 2; do if (Fd2 >>> 0 > _e2 >>> 0) { Ed3 = Gd2 << 3; Cd2 = lq(Ue2, Ed3) | 0; if (!Cd2) { $e2 = Ve2; af2 = Xe2; bf3 = We2; cf2 = Ue2; df2 = Te3; ef2 = Se2; ff2 = Re2; gf2 = Qe2; hf2 = Pe2; jf2 = Oe2; kf2 = Ne2; lf2 = Gd2; mf2 = Ye2; nf2 = Ze2; of2 = _e2; pf2 = Fd2; break; } qf2 = Cd2; rf2 = Cd2; sf2 = Cd2; tf2 = Cd2; uf2 = Cd2; vf3 = Cd2; wf2 = Cd2; xf2 = Cd2; yf3 = Cd2; zf2 = Cd2; Af2 = Cd2; Bf2 = Cd2; Cf2 = Ed3; z3 = 164; } else { qf2 = Xe2; rf2 = We2; sf2 = Ve2; tf2 = Ue2; uf2 = Te3; vf3 = Se2; wf2 = Re2; xf2 = Qe2; yf3 = Pe2; zf2 = Oe2; Af2 = Ne2; Bf2 = Ye2; Cf2 = _e2; z3 = 164; } while (0); if ((z3 | 0) == 164) { z3 = 0; c[Bf2 + (Ze2 << 2) >> 2] = 16; Fd2 = Ze2 + 2 | 0; $e2 = sf2; af2 = qf2; bf3 = rf2; cf2 = tf2; df2 = uf2; ef2 = vf3; ff2 = wf2; gf2 = xf2; hf2 = yf3; jf2 = zf2; kf2 = Af2; lf2 = Fd2; mf2 = Bf2; nf2 = Gd2; of2 = Cf2; pf2 = Fd2 << 2; } Fd2 = y4 + -3 | 0; if (pf2 >>> 0 > of2 >>> 0) { Ed3 = lf2 << 3; Cd2 = lq($e2, Ed3) | 0; if (!Cd2) { Df2 = af2; Ef2 = bf3; Ff2 = $e2; Gf2 = cf2; Hf2 = df2; If2 = ef2; Jf3 = ff2; Kf3 = gf2; Lf2 = hf2; Mf2 = jf2; Nf2 = kf2; Of2 = Oa3; Pf2 = mf2; Qf3 = nf2; Rf2 = of2; break; } Sf2 = Cd2; Tf3 = Cd2; Uf2 = Cd2; Vf2 = Cd2; Wf2 = Cd2; Xf2 = Cd2; Yf2 = Cd2; Zf2 = Cd2; _f2 = Cd2; $f3 = Cd2; ag3 = Cd2; bg2 = Cd2; cg2 = Ed3; } else { Sf2 = af2; Tf3 = bf3; Uf2 = $e2; Vf2 = cf2; Wf2 = df2; Xf2 = ef2; Yf2 = ff2; Zf2 = gf2; _f2 = hf2; $f3 = jf2; ag3 = kf2; bg2 = mf2; cg2 = of2; } c[bg2 + (nf2 << 2) >> 2] = Fd2; Df2 = Sf2; Ef2 = Tf3; Ff2 = Uf2; Gf2 = Vf2; Hf2 = Wf2; If2 = Xf2; Jf3 = Yf2; Kf3 = Zf2; Lf2 = _f2; Mf2 = $f3; Nf2 = ag3; Of2 = Oa3; Pf2 = bg2; Qf3 = lf2; Rf2 = cg2; } else { Df2 = Xe2; Ef2 = We2; Ff2 = Ve2; Gf2 = Ue2; Hf2 = Te3; If2 = Se2; Jf3 = Re2; Kf3 = Qe2; Lf2 = Pe2; Mf2 = Oe2; Nf2 = Ne2; Of2 = Oa3 - y4 | 0; Pf2 = Ye2; Qf3 = Ze2; Rf2 = _e2; } while (0); Gc2 = Df2; Hc2 = Ef2; Ic2 = Ff2; Jc2 = Gf2; Kc2 = Hf2; Lc2 = If2; Mc2 = Jf3; Nc2 = Kf3; Oc3 = Lf2; Pc3 = Mf2; Qc3 = Nf2; Rc2 = Of2 + Q3 | 0; Sc2 = Pf2; Tc2 = Qf3; Uc2 = Rf2; } else z3 = 171; } else z3 = 171; while (0); do if ((z3 | 0) == 171) { z3 = 0; v2 = F3 + 1 | 0; if (v2 << 2 >>> 0 > t3 >>> 0) { E3 = v2 << 3; y4 = lq(I2, E3) | 0; if (!y4) { Gc2 = q3; Hc2 = I2; Ic2 = U2; Jc2 = P2; Kc2 = H2; Lc2 = M2; Mc2 = s3; Nc2 = p2; Oc3 = R3; Pc3 = r2; Qc3 = O2; Rc2 = Q3; Sc2 = o2; Tc2 = F3; Uc2 = t3; break; } dg2 = y4; eg2 = y4; fg2 = y4; gg2 = y4; hg3 = y4; ig2 = y4; jg2 = y4; kg2 = y4; lg2 = y4; mg2 = y4; ng2 = y4; og2 = y4; pg3 = E3; } else { dg2 = q3; eg2 = I2; fg2 = U2; gg2 = P2; hg3 = H2; ig2 = M2; jg2 = s3; kg2 = p2; lg2 = R3; mg2 = r2; ng2 = O2; og2 = o2; pg3 = t3; } c[og2 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] = w2; Gc2 = dg2; Hc2 = eg2; Ic2 = fg2; Jc2 = gg2; Kc2 = hg3; Lc2 = ig2; Mc2 = jg2; Nc2 = kg2; Oc3 = lg2; Pc3 = mg2; Qc3 = ng2; Rc2 = Q3; Sc2 = og2; Tc2 = v2; Uc2 = pg3; } while (0); Q3 = Rc2 + 1 | 0; if (Q3 >>> 0 >= Aa3 >>> 0) { La2 = Gc2; Ma2 = Sc2; Na2 = Tc2; break; } else { O2 = Qc3; R3 = Oc3; s3 = Mc2; I2 = Hc2; r2 = Pc3; p2 = Nc2; M2 = Lc2; H2 = Kc2; P2 = Jc2; U2 = Ic2; q3 = Gc2; o2 = Sc2; F3 = Tc2; t3 = Uc2; } } } t3 = lq(0, 152) | 0; if (t3) { K2 = t3; L3 = K2 + 76 | 0; do { c[K2 >> 2] = 0; K2 = K2 + 4 | 0; } while ((K2 | 0) < (L3 | 0)); F3 = (Na2 | 0) == 0; if (!F3) { o2 = 0; do { q3 = Ma2 + (o2 << 2) | 0; U2 = t3 + (c[q3 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[U2 >> 2] = (c[U2 >> 2] | 0) + 1; o2 = o2 + 1 + ((c[q3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 15 & 1) | 0; } while (o2 >>> 0 < Na2 >>> 0); } o2 = Lp(l2, t3, 19, 7) | 0; if (!o2) { q3 = lq(0, 152) | 0; if (!q3) { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = t3; Z3 = La2; _5 = ya2; $2 = 0; aa2 = 9927; } else { U2 = c[l2 + 24 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = c[U2 + 64 >> 2]; c[q3 + 4 >> 2] = c[U2 + 68 >> 2]; c[q3 + 8 >> 2] = c[U2 + 72 >> 2]; c[q3 + 12 >> 2] = c[U2 >> 2]; c[q3 + 16 >> 2] = c[U2 + 32 >> 2]; c[q3 + 20 >> 2] = c[U2 + 28 >> 2]; c[q3 + 24 >> 2] = c[U2 + 36 >> 2]; c[q3 + 28 >> 2] = c[U2 + 24 >> 2]; c[q3 + 32 >> 2] = c[U2 + 40 >> 2]; c[q3 + 36 >> 2] = c[U2 + 20 >> 2]; c[q3 + 40 >> 2] = c[U2 + 44 >> 2]; c[q3 + 44 >> 2] = c[U2 + 16 >> 2]; c[q3 + 48 >> 2] = c[U2 + 48 >> 2]; c[q3 + 52 >> 2] = c[U2 + 12 >> 2]; c[q3 + 56 >> 2] = c[U2 + 52 >> 2]; c[q3 + 60 >> 2] = c[U2 + 8 >> 2]; c[q3 + 64 >> 2] = c[U2 + 56 >> 2]; c[q3 + 68 >> 2] = c[U2 + 4 >> 2]; P2 = c[U2 + 60 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 + 72 >> 2] = P2; if (!P2) { P2 = q3; H2 = q3; M2 = q3; p2 = 152; r2 = 18; while (true) { if (r2 << 2 >>> 0 > p2 >>> 0) { I2 = r2 << 3; s3 = lq(P2, I2) | 0; if (!s3) { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = t3; Z3 = La2; _5 = ya2; $2 = H2; aa2 = 9928; break a; } qg2 = s3; rg3 = s3; sg2 = s3; tg2 = I2; } else { qg2 = H2; rg3 = P2; sg2 = M2; tg2 = p2; } I2 = r2 + -1 | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 > 4 ? (c[sg2 + (I2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) == 0 : 0) { P2 = rg3; H2 = qg2; M2 = sg2; p2 = tg2; r2 = I2; } else { ug2 = qg2; vg2 = sg2; wg2 = r2; break; } } } else { ug2 = q3; vg2 = q3; wg2 = 19; } r2 = C3 + -257 | 0; p2 = V3 + -1 | 0; M2 = b4 + 8 | 0; H2 = r2 & 1; P2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; do if (!P2) { I2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = I2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0) { R3 = s3 << 1; O2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, R3) | 0; if (!O2) { xg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = R3; c[b4 >> 2] = O2; yg2 = O2; } else yg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = s3; a[yg2 + I2 >> 0] = 0; xg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else xg2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << xg2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; V3 = r2 >>> 1 & 1; C3 = P2 & 7; do if (!C3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { I2 = q3 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!s3) { zg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Ag2 = s3; } else Ag2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Ag2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; zg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else zg2 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << zg2 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; H2 = r2 >>> 2 & 1; P2 = C3 & 7; do if (!P2) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { s3 = q3 << 1; I2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!I2) { Bg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = I2; Cg2 = I2; } else Cg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Cg2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; Bg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Bg2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << Bg2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; V3 = r2 >>> 3 & 1; C3 = P2 & 7; do if (!C3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { I2 = q3 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!s3) { Dg3 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Eg2 = s3; } else Eg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Eg2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; Dg3 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Dg3 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << Dg3 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; H2 = r2 >>> 4 & 1; P2 = C3 & 7; do if (!P2) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { s3 = q3 << 1; I2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!I2) { Fg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = I2; Gg2 = I2; } else Gg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Gg2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; Fg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Fg2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << Fg2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; r2 = wg2 + -4 | 0; V3 = p2 & 1; C3 = P2 & 7; do if (!C3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { I2 = q3 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!s3) { Hg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Ig2 = s3; } else Ig2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Ig2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; Hg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Hg2 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << Hg2 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; H2 = p2 >>> 1 & 1; P2 = C3 & 7; do if (!P2) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { s3 = q3 << 1; I2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!I2) { Jg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = I2; Kg2 = I2; } else Kg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Kg2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; Jg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Jg2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << Jg2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; V3 = p2 >>> 2 & 1; C3 = P2 & 7; do if (!C3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { I2 = q3 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!s3) { Lg3 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Mg2 = s3; } else Mg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Mg2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; Lg3 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Lg3 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << Lg3 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; H2 = p2 >>> 3 & 1; P2 = C3 & 7; do if (!P2) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { s3 = q3 << 1; I2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!I2) { Ng2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = I2; Og2 = I2; } else Og2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Og2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; Ng2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Ng2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << Ng2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; V3 = p2 >>> 4 & 1; C3 = P2 & 7; do if (!C3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { I2 = q3 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!s3) { Pg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Qg2 = s3; } else Qg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = q3; a[Qg2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; Pg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Pg2 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << Pg2 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; p2 = r2 & 1; H2 = C3 & 7; do if (!H2) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; P2 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < P2 >>> 0) { q3 = P2 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, q3) | 0; if (!s3) { Rg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = q3; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Sg2 = s3; } else Sg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = P2; a[Sg2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; Rg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Rg2 = H2; while (0); H2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[H2 >> 0] = p2 << Rg2 | (d[H2 >> 0] | 0); H2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = H2; V3 = r2 >>> 1 & 1; C3 = H2 & 7; do if (!C3) { H2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; P2 = H2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < P2 >>> 0) { s3 = P2 << 1; q3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!q3) { Tg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = q3; Ug2 = q3; } else Ug2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = P2; a[Ug2 + H2 >> 0] = 0; Tg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Tg2 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << Tg2 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; p2 = r2 >>> 2 & 1; H2 = C3 & 7; do if (!H2) { C3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; P2 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < P2 >>> 0) { q3 = P2 << 1; s3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, q3) | 0; if (!s3) { Vg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = q3; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; Wg2 = s3; } else Wg2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = P2; a[Wg2 + C3 >> 0] = 0; Vg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Vg2 = H2; while (0); H2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[H2 >> 0] = p2 << Vg2 | (d[H2 >> 0] | 0); H2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = H2; V3 = r2 >>> 3 & 1; C3 = H2 & 7; do if (!C3) { H2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; P2 = H2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < P2 >>> 0) { s3 = P2 << 1; q3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, s3) | 0; if (!q3) { Xg2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = s3; c[b4 >> 2] = q3; Yg3 = q3; } else Yg3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = P2; a[Yg3 + H2 >> 0] = 0; Xg2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Xg2 = C3; while (0); C3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = V3 << Xg2 | (d[C3 >> 0] | 0); C3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = C3; if (!wg2) Zg2 = C3; else { r2 = C3; C3 = 0; while (true) { p2 = c[vg2 + (C3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; H2 = p2 & 1; P2 = r2 & 7; do if (!P2) { q3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < s3 >>> 0) { I2 = s3 << 1; O2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!O2) { _g2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = O2; $g2 = O2; } else $g2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = s3; a[$g2 + q3 >> 0] = 0; _g2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else _g2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << _g2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; q3 = p2 >>> 1 & 1; s3 = P2 & 7; do if (!s3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; O2 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < O2 >>> 0) { I2 = O2 << 1; R3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!R3) { ah2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = R3; bh3 = R3; } else bh3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = O2; a[bh3 + P2 >> 0] = 0; ah2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else ah2 = s3; while (0); s3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = q3 << ah2 | (d[s3 >> 0] | 0); s3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = s3; H2 = p2 >>> 2 & 1; P2 = s3 & 7; do if (!P2) { s3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; O2 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < O2 >>> 0) { R3 = O2 << 1; I2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, R3) | 0; if (!I2) { ch2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = R3; c[b4 >> 2] = I2; dh2 = I2; } else dh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = O2; a[dh2 + s3 >> 0] = 0; ch2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else ch2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << ch2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((C3 | 0) == (wg2 | 0)) { Zg2 = P2; break; } else r2 = P2; } } b: do if (!F3) { r2 = c[l2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; C3 = Zg2; V3 = 0; while (true) { P2 = Ma2 + (V3 << 2) | 0; p2 = c[P2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[r2 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[U2 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!s3) { eh2 = C3; fh2 = p2; } else { p2 = s3 + -1 | 0; O2 = C3; I2 = 0; do { R3 = q3 >>> (p2 - I2 | 0) & 1; Q3 = O2 & 7; do if (!Q3) { w2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = w2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { E3 = v2 << 1; y4 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, E3) | 0; if (!y4) { gh3 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = E3; c[b4 >> 2] = y4; hh2 = y4; } else hh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = v2; a[hh2 + w2 >> 0] = 0; gh3 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else gh3 = Q3; while (0); Q3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[Q3 >> 0] = R3 << gh3 | (d[Q3 >> 0] | 0); O2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = O2; I2 = I2 + 1 | 0; } while ((I2 | 0) != (s3 | 0)); eh2 = O2; fh2 = c[P2 >> 2] | 0; } switch (fh2 | 0) { case 16: { s3 = V3 + 1 | 0; I2 = c[Ma2 + (s3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; p2 = I2 & 1; q3 = eh2 & 7; do if (!q3) { Q3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Gd2 = Q3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Gd2 >>> 0) { w2 = Gd2 << 1; v2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; if (!v2) { ih2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = w2; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; jh2 = v2; } else jh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Gd2; a[jh2 + Q3 >> 0] = 0; ih2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else ih2 = q3; while (0); q3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = p2 << ih2 | (d[q3 >> 0] | 0); q3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; P2 = I2 >>> 1 & 1; O2 = q3 & 7; do if (!O2) { q3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { Gd2 = Q3 << 1; v2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, Gd2) | 0; if (!v2) { kh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = Gd2; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; lh2 = v2; } else lh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[lh2 + q3 >> 0] = 0; kh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else kh2 = O2; while (0); O2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[O2 >> 0] = P2 << kh2 | (d[O2 >> 0] | 0); O2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = O2; mh2 = O2; nh2 = s3; break; } case 17: { O2 = V3 + 1 | 0; I2 = c[Ma2 + (O2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; p2 = I2 & 1; q3 = eh2 & 7; do if (!q3) { Q3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = Q3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { Gd2 = v2 << 1; w2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, Gd2) | 0; if (!w2) { oh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = Gd2; c[b4 >> 2] = w2; ph3 = w2; } else ph3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = v2; a[ph3 + Q3 >> 0] = 0; oh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else oh2 = q3; while (0); q3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = p2 << oh2 | (d[q3 >> 0] | 0); q3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; s3 = I2 >>> 1 & 1; P2 = q3 & 7; do if (!P2) { q3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { v2 = Q3 << 1; w2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, v2) | 0; if (!w2) { qh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = v2; c[b4 >> 2] = w2; rh2 = w2; } else rh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[rh2 + q3 >> 0] = 0; qh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else qh2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = s3 << qh2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; p2 = I2 >>> 2 & 1; q3 = P2 & 7; do if (!q3) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { w2 = Q3 << 1; v2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; if (!v2) { sh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = w2; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; th3 = v2; } else th3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[th3 + P2 >> 0] = 0; sh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else sh2 = q3; while (0); q3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = p2 << sh2 | (d[q3 >> 0] | 0); q3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = q3; mh2 = q3; nh2 = O2; break; } case 18: { q3 = V3 + 1 | 0; I2 = c[Ma2 + (q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; s3 = I2 & 1; P2 = eh2 & 7; do if (!P2) { Q3 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = Q3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { w2 = v2 << 1; Gd2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; if (!Gd2) { uh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = w2; c[b4 >> 2] = Gd2; vh2 = Gd2; } else vh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = v2; a[vh2 + Q3 >> 0] = 0; uh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else uh2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = s3 << uh2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; O2 = I2 >>> 1 & 1; p2 = P2 & 7; do if (!p2) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { v2 = Q3 << 1; Gd2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, v2) | 0; if (!Gd2) { wh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = v2; c[b4 >> 2] = Gd2; xh2 = Gd2; } else xh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[xh2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; wh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else wh2 = p2; while (0); p2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = O2 << wh2 | (d[p2 >> 0] | 0); p2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = p2; s3 = I2 >>> 2 & 1; P2 = p2 & 7; do if (!P2) { p2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { Gd2 = Q3 << 1; v2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, Gd2) | 0; if (!v2) { yh3 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = Gd2; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; zh2 = v2; } else zh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[zh2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; yh3 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else yh3 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = s3 << yh3 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; O2 = I2 >>> 3 & 1; p2 = P2 & 7; do if (!p2) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { v2 = Q3 << 1; Gd2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, v2) | 0; if (!Gd2) { Ah2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = v2; c[b4 >> 2] = Gd2; Bh2 = Gd2; } else Bh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[Bh2 + P2 >> 0] = 0; Ah2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Ah2 = p2; while (0); p2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = O2 << Ah2 | (d[p2 >> 0] | 0); p2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = p2; s3 = I2 >>> 4 & 1; P2 = p2 & 7; do if (!P2) { p2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { Gd2 = Q3 << 1; v2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, Gd2) | 0; if (!v2) { Ch2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = Gd2; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; Dh2 = v2; } else Dh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[Dh2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; Ch2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Ch2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = s3 << Ch2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; O2 = I2 >>> 5 & 1; p2 = P2 & 7; do if (!p2) { P2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = P2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { v2 = Q3 << 1; Gd2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, v2) | 0; if (!Gd2) { Eh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = v2; c[b4 >> 2] = Gd2; Fh3 = Gd2; } else Fh3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[Fh3 + P2 >> 0] = 0; Eh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Eh2 = p2; while (0); p2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[p2 >> 0] = O2 << Eh2 | (d[p2 >> 0] | 0); p2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = p2; s3 = I2 >>> 6 & 1; P2 = p2 & 7; do if (!P2) { p2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; Q3 = p2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Q3 >>> 0) { Gd2 = Q3 << 1; v2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, Gd2) | 0; if (!v2) { Gh2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = Gd2; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; Hh2 = v2; } else Hh2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = Q3; a[Hh2 + p2 >> 0] = 0; Gh2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Gh2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = s3 << Gh2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); P2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = P2; mh2 = P2; nh2 = q3; break; } default: { mh2 = eh2; nh2 = V3; } } V3 = nh2 + 1 | 0; if (V3 >>> 0 >= Na2 >>> 0) break b; else C3 = mh2; } } while (0); Kp(m4, b4, i3, j2, k2); U2 = c[(c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) + 1024 >> 2] | 0; if (!U2) { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = t3; Z3 = La2; _5 = ya2; $2 = ug2; aa2 = 64; break; } F3 = c[(c[j2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) + 1024 >> 2] | 0; C3 = U2 + -1 | 0; V3 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; r2 = 0; do { H2 = F3 >>> (C3 - r2 | 0) & 1; P2 = V3 & 7; do if (!P2) { I2 = c[D3 >> 2] | 0; O2 = I2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[M2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < O2 >>> 0) { p2 = O2 << 1; Q3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, p2) | 0; if (!Q3) { Ih2 = 0; break; } c[M2 >> 2] = p2; c[b4 >> 2] = Q3; Jh3 = Q3; } else Jh3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = O2; a[Jh3 + I2 >> 0] = 0; Ih2 = c[m4 >> 2] & 7; } else Ih2 = P2; while (0); P2 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[P2 >> 0] = H2 << Ih2 | (d[P2 >> 0] | 0); V3 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = V3; r2 = r2 + 1 | 0; } while ((r2 | 0) != (U2 | 0)); W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = t3; Z3 = La2; _5 = ya2; $2 = ug2; aa2 = 0; } } else { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = t3; Z3 = La2; _5 = ya2; $2 = 0; aa2 = o2; } } else { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = 0; Z3 = La2; _5 = ya2; $2 = 0; aa2 = 9926; } } else { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 0; $2 = 0; aa2 = N4; } } else { W2 = g2; X2 = f2; Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 0; $2 = 0; aa2 = e2; } } else { W2 = g2; X2 = 0; Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 0; $2 = 0; aa2 = 9925; } } else { W2 = 0; X2 = 0; Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 0; $2 = 0; aa2 = 9924; } } while (0); c[T4 >> 2] = 0; c[S2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; i3 = j2 + 12 | 0; c[j2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 + 24 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = k2 + 12 | 0; c[k2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[k2 + 24 >> 2] | 0); c[l2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[l2 >> 2] | 0); c[l2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = l2 + 12 | 0; c[l2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[k2 >> 2] | 0); c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; c[l2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[l2 + 24 >> 2] | 0); mq(W2); mq(X2); mq(Y2); mq(Z3); mq(_5); mq($2); J2 = aa2; Ia = h3; return J2 | 0; } default: { J2 = 61; Ia = h3; return J2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Jp(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ia2 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0; h3 = lq(0, 1572864) | 0; if (!h3) { i3 = 9917; return i3 | 0; } Iv(h3 | 0, 0, 786432) | 0; j2 = lq(0, 524288) | 0; if (!j2) { k2 = 9918; l2 = 0; m4 = 0; } else { Iv(j2 | 0, 0, 262144) | 0; k2 = 0; l2 = j2; m4 = j2; } j2 = lq(0, 524288) | 0; a: do if (j2) { Iv(j2 | 0, 0, 262144) | 0; if (!k2) if (!f2) { n2 = j2; o2 = 0; p2 = 0; } else { q3 = b4 + 4 | 0; r2 = b4 + 8 | 0; s3 = 0; t3 = 0; u2 = 0; v2 = 0; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; y4 = 0; z3 = 0; while (true) { A4 = z3 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 ? z3 : g2; B2 = f2 - z3 | 0; C3 = (z3 + 6 | 0) >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0 ? 6 : B2; if (!C3) D3 = 0; else { E3 = 0; F3 = 0; do { F3 = d[e2 + (E3 + z3) >> 0] << (E3 << 1) ^ F3; E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; } while (E3 >>> 0 < C3 >>> 0); D3 = F3 & 65535; } C3 = B2 >>> 0 < 258 ? B2 : 258; b: do if (!C3) G2 = 0; else { E3 = 0; while (true) { if (a[e2 + (E3 + z3) >> 0] | 0) { G2 = E3; break b; } E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; if (E3 >>> 0 >= C3 >>> 0) { G2 = C3; break; } } } while (0); C3 = h3 + (D3 * 12 | 0) | 0; F3 = C3 + 4 | 0; E3 = c[F3 >> 2] | 0; H2 = E3 + 1 | 0; I2 = C3 + 8 | 0; if (H2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[I2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { J2 = H2 << 3; K2 = lq(c[C3 >> 2] | 0, J2) | 0; if (!K2) { n2 = j2; o2 = u2; p2 = 9920; break a; } c[I2 >> 2] = J2; c[C3 >> 2] = K2; L3 = K2; } else L3 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = H2; c[L3 + (E3 << 2) >> 2] = z3; E3 = (D3 | 0) == 0; if (E3) { H2 = x2 + 1 | 0; if (H2 << 2 >>> 0 > y4 >>> 0) { F3 = H2 << 3; K2 = lq(s3, F3) | 0; if (!K2) { n2 = j2; o2 = u2; p2 = 9920; break a; } M2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; N4 = K2; O2 = K2; P2 = K2; Q3 = C3; R3 = K2; S2 = F3; } else { M2 = L3; N4 = u2; O2 = t3; P2 = s3; Q3 = C3; R3 = w2; S2 = y4; } c[R3 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] = G2; T4 = N4; U2 = O2; V3 = P2; W2 = M2; X2 = Q3; Y2 = R3; Z3 = H2; _5 = S2; } else { T4 = u2; U2 = t3; V3 = s3; W2 = L3; X2 = C3; Y2 = w2; Z3 = x2; _5 = y4; } C3 = m4 + (D3 << 2) | 0; H2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; F3 = z3 - A4 | 0; if ((c[W2 + (H2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0) { K2 = c[X2 >> 2] | 0; J2 = H2; while (true) { I2 = J2 + 1 | 0; c[C3 >> 2] = I2; if ((c[K2 + (I2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < F3 >>> 0) J2 = I2; else { $2 = K2; aa2 = I2; break; } } } else { $2 = W2; aa2 = H2; } K2 = j2 + (D3 << 2) | 0; J2 = c[K2 >> 2] | 0; if ((c[$2 + (J2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < z3 >>> 0) { F3 = J2; do { F3 = F3 + 1 | 0; c[K2 >> 2] = F3; } while ((c[$2 + (F3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < z3 >>> 0); ba3 = F3; ca2 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; } else { ba3 = J2; ca2 = aa2; } K2 = z3 + 258 | 0; H2 = K2 >>> 0 > f2 >>> 0 ? f2 : K2; K2 = e2 + H2 | 0; A4 = ba3 + -1 | 0; c: do if (A4 >>> 0 >= ca2 >>> 0 & (ba3 | 0) != 0) { I2 = e2 + z3 | 0; da2 = I2; d: do if (E3) { ea2 = 0; fa2 = 0; ga2 = A4; while (true) { ha2 = c[$2 + (ga2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ia2 = z3 - ha2 | 0; ja2 = c[Y2 + (ga2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ka2 = ja2 >>> 0 > G2 >>> 0 ? G2 : ja2; ja2 = ka2 >>> 0 > B2 >>> 0 ? B2 : ka2; ka2 = I2 + ja2 | 0; e: do if ((ka2 | 0) == (K2 | 0)) la2 = K2; else { ma2 = e2 + ha2 + ja2 | 0; na2 = ka2; while (true) { if ((a[ma2 >> 0] | 0) != (a[na2 >> 0] | 0)) { la2 = na2; break e; } na2 = na2 + 1 | 0; if ((na2 | 0) == (K2 | 0)) { la2 = K2; break; } else ma2 = ma2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); ka2 = la2 - da2 | 0; if (ka2 >>> 0 > ea2 >>> 0) if ((ka2 | 0) == 258) { oa2 = 258; pa3 = ia2; break d; } else { qa2 = ka2; ra2 = ia2; } else { qa2 = ea2; ra2 = fa2; } ga2 = ga2 + -1 | 0; if (!(ga2 >>> 0 >= ca2 >>> 0 & ga2 >>> 0 < ba3 >>> 0)) { sa2 = qa2; ta2 = ra2; ua2 = 53; break; } else { ea2 = qa2; fa2 = ra2; } } } else { fa2 = (z3 | 0) == (H2 | 0); ea2 = 0; ga2 = 0; ka2 = A4; while (true) { ja2 = c[$2 + (ka2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ha2 = z3 - ja2 | 0; if (fa2) va2 = da2; else { ma2 = e2 + ja2 | 0; ja2 = I2; while (true) { if ((a[ma2 >> 0] | 0) != (a[ja2 >> 0] | 0)) { wa2 = ja2; break; } ja2 = ja2 + 1 | 0; if ((ja2 | 0) == (K2 | 0)) { wa2 = K2; break; } else ma2 = ma2 + 1 | 0; } va2 = wa2; } ma2 = va2 - da2 | 0; if (ma2 >>> 0 > ea2 >>> 0) if ((ma2 | 0) == 258) { oa2 = 258; pa3 = ha2; break d; } else { xa2 = ma2; ya2 = ha2; } else { xa2 = ea2; ya2 = ga2; } ka2 = ka2 + -1 | 0; if (!(ka2 >>> 0 >= ca2 >>> 0 & ka2 >>> 0 < ba3 >>> 0)) { sa2 = xa2; ta2 = ya2; ua2 = 53; break; } else { ea2 = xa2; ga2 = ya2; } } } while (0); if ((ua2 | 0) == 53) { ua2 = 0; if (sa2 >>> 0 < 3) { ua2 = 54; break; } else { oa2 = sa2; pa3 = ta2; } } da2 = 1; I2 = 28; while (true) { ga2 = (da2 + I2 | 0) >>> 1; if ((c[29472 + (ga2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > oa2 >>> 0) { ea2 = ga2 + -1 | 0; ka2 = c[29472 + (ea2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (ka2 >>> 0 > oa2 >>> 0) { za2 = da2; Aa3 = ea2; } else { Ba3 = ka2; Ca2 = ea2; break; } } else { za2 = ga2 + 1 | 0; Aa3 = I2; } if (za2 >>> 0 > Aa3 >>> 0) { Ba3 = 258; Ca2 = 28; break; } else { da2 = za2; I2 = Aa3; } } I2 = oa2 - Ba3 | 0; da2 = 1; ga2 = 29; while (true) { ea2 = (da2 + ga2 | 0) >>> 1; if ((c[29728 + (ea2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > pa3 >>> 0) { ka2 = ea2 + -1 | 0; fa2 = c[29728 + (ka2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (fa2 >>> 0 > pa3 >>> 0) { Da2 = da2; Ea2 = ka2; } else { Fa2 = fa2; Ga3 = ka2; break; } } else { Da2 = ea2 + 1 | 0; Ea2 = ga2; } if (Da2 >>> 0 > Ea2 >>> 0) { Fa2 = 24577; Ga3 = 29; break; } else { da2 = Da2; ga2 = Ea2; } } ga2 = pa3 - Fa2 | 0; da2 = Ca2 + 257 | 0; ea2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = ea2 + 1 | 0; fa2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; do if (ka2 << 2 >>> 0 > fa2 >>> 0) { ma2 = ka2 << 3; ja2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ma2) | 0; if (!ja2) { Ha3 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; Ia2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { c[r2 >> 2] = ma2; c[b4 >> 2] = ja2; Ja3 = ja2; Ka2 = ma2; ua2 = 74; break; } } else { Ja3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Ka2 = fa2; ua2 = 74; } while (0); if ((ua2 | 0) == 74) { ua2 = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = ka2; c[Ja3 + (ea2 << 2) >> 2] = da2; Ha3 = ka2; Ia2 = Ka2; } fa2 = Ha3 + 1 | 0; do if (fa2 << 2 >>> 0 > Ia2 >>> 0) { ma2 = fa2 << 3; ja2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, ma2) | 0; if (!ja2) { La2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; Ma2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { c[r2 >> 2] = ma2; c[b4 >> 2] = ja2; Na2 = ja2; Oa3 = ma2; ua2 = 80; break; } } else { Na2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Oa3 = Ia2; ua2 = 80; } while (0); if ((ua2 | 0) == 80) { ua2 = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = fa2; c[Na2 + (Ha3 << 2) >> 2] = I2; La2 = fa2; Ma2 = Oa3; } ka2 = La2 + 1 | 0; do if (ka2 << 2 >>> 0 > Ma2 >>> 0) { da2 = ka2 << 3; ea2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, da2) | 0; if (!ea2) { Pa2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; Qa2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; break; } else { c[r2 >> 2] = da2; c[b4 >> 2] = ea2; Ra2 = ea2; Sa2 = da2; ua2 = 86; break; } } else { Ra2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; Sa2 = Ma2; ua2 = 86; } while (0); if ((ua2 | 0) == 86) { ua2 = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = ka2; c[Ra2 + (La2 << 2) >> 2] = Ga3; Pa2 = ka2; Qa2 = Sa2; } fa2 = Pa2 + 1 | 0; do if (fa2 << 2 >>> 0 > Qa2 >>> 0) { I2 = fa2 << 3; da2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, I2) | 0; if (!da2) break; c[r2 >> 2] = I2; c[b4 >> 2] = da2; Ta2 = da2; ua2 = 91; } else { Ta2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; ua2 = 91; } while (0); if ((ua2 | 0) == 91) { ua2 = 0; c[q3 >> 2] = fa2; c[Ta2 + (Pa2 << 2) >> 2] = ga2; } ka2 = oa2 + -1 | 0; if (!ka2) { Ua2 = T4; Va2 = U2; Wa2 = V3; Xa3 = v2; Ya3 = Y2; Za2 = Z3; _a2 = _5; $a2 = z3; break; } da2 = U2; I2 = V3; ea2 = T4; ma2 = Y2; ja2 = Z3; ia2 = _5; na2 = 0; ab2 = z3; while (true) { bb2 = ab2 + 1 | 0; do if (bb2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0) { cb2 = (ab2 + 7 | 0) >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0 ? 6 : f2 - bb2 | 0; if (!cb2) { db3 = 0; break; } eb3 = 0; fb2 = 0; do { fb2 = d[e2 + (eb3 + bb2) >> 0] << (eb3 << 1) ^ fb2; eb3 = eb3 + 1 | 0; } while (eb3 >>> 0 < cb2 >>> 0); db3 = fb2 & 65535; } else db3 = 0; while (0); cb2 = h3 + (db3 * 12 | 0) | 0; eb3 = cb2 + 4 | 0; ha2 = c[eb3 >> 2] | 0; gb2 = ha2 + 1 | 0; hb2 = cb2 + 8 | 0; if (gb2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[hb2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { ib2 = gb2 << 3; jb2 = lq(c[cb2 >> 2] | 0, ib2) | 0; if (!jb2) { Ua2 = ea2; Va2 = da2; Wa2 = I2; Xa3 = 9922; Ya3 = ma2; Za2 = ja2; _a2 = ia2; $a2 = bb2; break c; } c[hb2 >> 2] = ib2; c[cb2 >> 2] = jb2; kb2 = jb2; } else kb2 = c[cb2 >> 2] | 0; c[eb3 >> 2] = gb2; c[kb2 + (ha2 << 2) >> 2] = bb2; if (!db3) { ha2 = f2 - bb2 | 0; gb2 = ha2 >>> 0 < 258 ? ha2 : 258; f: do if (!gb2) lb3 = 0; else { ha2 = 0; while (true) { if (a[e2 + (ha2 + bb2) >> 0] | 0) { lb3 = ha2; break f; } ha2 = ha2 + 1 | 0; if (ha2 >>> 0 >= gb2 >>> 0) { lb3 = gb2; break; } } } while (0); gb2 = ja2 + 1 | 0; if (gb2 << 2 >>> 0 > ia2 >>> 0) { ha2 = gb2 << 3; fb2 = lq(da2, ha2) | 0; if (!fb2) { Ua2 = ea2; Va2 = da2; Wa2 = I2; Xa3 = 9922; Ya3 = ma2; Za2 = ja2; _a2 = ia2; $a2 = bb2; break c; } mb2 = fb2; nb2 = fb2; ob2 = fb2; pb2 = fb2; qb2 = ha2; } else { mb2 = ea2; nb2 = da2; ob2 = I2; pb2 = ma2; qb2 = ia2; } c[pb2 + (ja2 << 2) >> 2] = lb3; rb2 = mb2; sb2 = nb2; tb2 = ob2; ub2 = pb2; vb2 = gb2; wb3 = qb2; } else { rb2 = ea2; sb2 = da2; tb2 = I2; ub2 = ma2; vb2 = ja2; wb3 = ia2; } na2 = na2 + 1 | 0; if (na2 >>> 0 >= ka2 >>> 0) { Ua2 = rb2; Va2 = sb2; Wa2 = tb2; Xa3 = v2; Ya3 = ub2; Za2 = vb2; _a2 = wb3; $a2 = bb2; break; } else { da2 = sb2; I2 = tb2; ea2 = rb2; ma2 = ub2; ja2 = vb2; ia2 = wb3; ab2 = bb2; } } } else ua2 = 54; while (0); if ((ua2 | 0) == 54) { ua2 = 0; K2 = d[e2 + z3 >> 0] | 0; A4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; H2 = A4 + 1 | 0; if (H2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { B2 = H2 << 3; E3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, B2) | 0; if (!E3) { n2 = j2; o2 = T4; p2 = 9921; break a; } c[r2 >> 2] = B2; c[b4 >> 2] = E3; xb2 = E3; } else xb2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = H2; c[xb2 + (A4 << 2) >> 2] = K2; Ua2 = T4; Va2 = U2; Wa2 = V3; Xa3 = v2; Ya3 = Y2; Za2 = Z3; _a2 = _5; $a2 = z3; } z3 = $a2 + 1 | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { n2 = j2; o2 = Ua2; p2 = Xa3; break; } else { s3 = Wa2; t3 = Va2; u2 = Ua2; v2 = Xa3; w2 = Ya3; x2 = Za2; y4 = _a2; } } } else { n2 = j2; o2 = 0; p2 = k2; } } else { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; p2 = 9919; } while (0); k2 = 0; do { j2 = h3 + (k2 * 12 | 0) | 0; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[j2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != 65536); mq(h3); mq(l2); mq(n2); mq(o2); i3 = p2; return i3 | 0; } function Kp(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0; i3 = f2 + 4 | 0; if (!(c[i3 >> 2] | 0)) return; j2 = g2 + 12 | 0; k2 = g2 + 24 | 0; g2 = e2 + 4 | 0; l2 = e2 + 8 | 0; m4 = h3 + 12 | 0; n2 = h3 + 24 | 0; h3 = 0; do { o2 = c[(c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (h3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (o2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (q3 | 0) { r2 = q3 + -1 | 0; s3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; t3 = 0; do { u2 = p2 >>> (r2 - t3 | 0) & 1; do if (!(s3 & 7)) { v2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = v2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < w2 >>> 0) { x2 = w2 << 1; y4 = lq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, x2) | 0; if (!y4) break; c[l2 >> 2] = x2; c[e2 >> 2] = y4; z3 = y4; } else z3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = w2; a[z3 + v2 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); v2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[v2 >> 0] = u2 << (c[b4 >> 2] & 7) | (d[v2 >> 0] | 0); s3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (q3 | 0)); } if (o2 >>> 0 > 256) { q3 = c[29344 + (o2 + -257 << 2) >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[t3 + (h3 + 1 << 2) >> 2] | 0; r2 = c[t3 + (h3 + 2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; p2 = c[29600 + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; v2 = h3 + 3 | 0; w2 = c[t3 + (v2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if ((o2 + -265 | 0) >>> 0 <= 19) { t3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; y4 = 0; do { x2 = s3 >>> y4 & 1; do if (!(t3 & 7)) { A4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = A4 + 1 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < B2 >>> 0) { C3 = B2 << 1; D3 = lq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, C3) | 0; if (!D3) break; c[l2 >> 2] = C3; c[e2 >> 2] = D3; E3 = D3; } else E3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = B2; a[E3 + A4 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); u2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = x2 << (c[b4 >> 2] & 7) | (d[u2 >> 0] | 0); t3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = t3; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; } while ((y4 | 0) != (q3 | 0)); } q3 = c[(c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; y4 = c[(c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + (r2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (y4 | 0) { t3 = y4 + -1 | 0; s3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = 0; do { u2 = q3 >>> (t3 - o2 | 0) & 1; do if (!(s3 & 7)) { A4 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; B2 = A4 + 1 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < B2 >>> 0) { D3 = B2 << 1; C3 = lq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, D3) | 0; if (!C3) break; c[l2 >> 2] = D3; c[e2 >> 2] = C3; F3 = C3; } else F3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = B2; a[F3 + A4 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); x2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[x2 >> 0] = u2 << (c[b4 >> 2] & 7) | (d[x2 >> 0] | 0); s3 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = s3; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != (y4 | 0)); } if (r2 >>> 0 < 4) G2 = v2; else { y4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; o2 = 0; do { s3 = w2 >>> o2 & 1; do if (!(y4 & 7)) { t3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; q3 = t3 + 1 | 0; if ((c[l2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0) { x2 = q3 << 1; A4 = lq(c[e2 >> 2] | 0, x2) | 0; if (!A4) break; c[l2 >> 2] = x2; c[e2 >> 2] = A4; H2 = A4; } else H2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = q3; a[H2 + t3 >> 0] = 0; } while (0); u2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + -1) | 0; a[u2 >> 0] = s3 << (c[b4 >> 2] & 7) | (d[u2 >> 0] | 0); y4 = (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + 1 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = y4; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != (p2 | 0)); G2 = v2; } } else G2 = h3; h3 = G2 + 1 | 0; } while (h3 >>> 0 < (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0); return; } function Lp(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0; g2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; h3 = g2; c[a2 + 36 >> 2] = e2; i3 = (d2 | 0) == 0; if (i3) { j2 = 80; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } k2 = 0; l2 = 0; m4 = 0; do { n2 = c[b4 + (k2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; m4 = n2 + m4 | 0; l2 = l2 + ((n2 | 0) != 0 & 1) | 0; k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; } while ((k2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); if (i3) { j2 = 80; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } i3 = a2 + 40 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = d2; k2 = a2 + 24 | 0; n2 = a2 + 32 | 0; o2 = a2 + 28 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = d2 << 2; do if (p2 >>> 0 > (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { q3 = d2 << 3; r2 = lq(c[k2 >> 2] | 0, q3) | 0; if (!r2) { j2 = 9905; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } else { c[n2 >> 2] = q3; c[k2 >> 2] = r2; break; } } while (0); c[o2 >> 2] = d2; Iv(c[k2 >> 2] | 0, 0, p2 | 0) | 0; switch (l2 | 0) { case 0: { c[c[k2 >> 2] >> 2] = 1; j2 = Gp(a2) | 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } case 1: { p2 = 0; do { if (c[b4 + (p2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) c[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + (p2 << 2) >> 2] = 1; p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } while ((p2 | 0) != (d2 | 0)); j2 = Gp(a2) | 0; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } default: { c[h3 >> 2] = 0; d2 = h3 + 8 | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = h3 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = h3 + 12 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 16; n2 = Mp(h3, b4, c[i3 >> 2] | 0, m4) | 0; do if (!n2) { if (e2) { r2 = 0; q3 = 0; s3 = 1; t3 = 0; do { u2 = r2; r2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = u2; v2 = q3; q3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = v2; w2 = t3; t3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = w2; x2 = w2; if (u2 | 0) { w2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = 0; do { z3 = x2 + (B(w2, y4) | 0) | 0; c[z3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[z3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[z3 >> 2] | 0); c[z3 >> 2] = 0; y4 = y4 + 1 | 0; } while (y4 >>> 0 < u2 >>> 0); } c[p2 >> 2] = 0; if (r2 >>> 0 > 1) { u2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; y4 = t3; w2 = v2; z3 = x2; A4 = 1; C3 = 0; D3 = 0; while (true) { E3 = C3 + 1 | 0; F3 = B(u2, E3) | 0; if (F3 >>> 0 > w2 >>> 0) { G2 = F3 << 1; F3 = lq(z3, G2) | 0; if (!F3) { H2 = z3; I2 = w2; J2 = C3; K2 = 9907; break; } else { L3 = F3; M2 = G2; } } else { L3 = z3; M2 = w2; } G2 = L3 + (B(u2, C3) | 0) | 0; c[G2 >> 2] = 0; F3 = G2 + 8 | 0; c[F3 >> 2] = 0; N4 = G2 + 4 | 0; c[N4 >> 2] = 0; O2 = y4 + (D3 << 4) | 0; P2 = G2 + 12 | 0; c[P2 >> 2] = c[O2 + 12 >> 2]; Q3 = O2 + 4 | 0; R3 = c[Q3 >> 2] | 0; if (R3 & 1073741823) { S2 = R3 << 3; T4 = lq(0, S2) | 0; if (T4 | 0) { c[F3 >> 2] = S2; c[G2 >> 2] = T4; U2 = T4; V3 = 28; } } else { U2 = 0; V3 = 28; } if ((V3 | 0) == 28 ? (V3 = 0, c[N4 >> 2] = R3, R3 = c[Q3 >> 2] | 0, R3 | 0) : 0) { Q3 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; O2 = 0; do { c[U2 + (O2 << 2) >> 2] = c[Q3 + (O2 << 2) >> 2]; O2 = O2 + 1 | 0; } while ((O2 | 0) != (R3 | 0)); } R3 = y4 + (A4 << 4) | 0; O2 = R3 + 4 | 0; if (c[O2 >> 2] | 0) { Q3 = 0; do { T4 = c[(c[R3 >> 2] | 0) + (Q3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; S2 = c[N4 >> 2] | 0; W2 = S2 + 1 | 0; do if (W2 << 2 >>> 0 > (c[F3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { X2 = W2 << 3; Y2 = lq(c[G2 >> 2] | 0, X2) | 0; if (!Y2) break; c[F3 >> 2] = X2; c[G2 >> 2] = Y2; Z3 = Y2; V3 = 37; } else { Z3 = c[G2 >> 2] | 0; V3 = 37; } while (0); if ((V3 | 0) == 37) { V3 = 0; c[N4 >> 2] = W2; c[Z3 + (S2 << 2) >> 2] = T4; } Q3 = Q3 + 1 | 0; } while (Q3 >>> 0 < (c[O2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0); } f[P2 >> 2] = +f[R3 + 12 >> 2] + +f[P2 >> 2]; D3 = D3 + 2 | 0; A4 = D3 | 1; if (A4 >>> 0 >= r2 >>> 0) { H2 = L3; I2 = M2; J2 = E3; K2 = 0; break; } else { w2 = M2; z3 = L3; C3 = E3; } } c[p2 >> 2] = J2; c[d2 >> 2] = I2; c[h3 >> 2] = H2; _5 = K2; } else _5 = 0; if (s3 >>> 0 < e2 >>> 0) $2 = Mp(h3, b4, c[i3 >> 2] | 0, m4) | 0; else $2 = _5; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while (s3 >>> 0 <= e2 >>> 0 & ($2 | 0) == 0); if (!$2) { aa2 = t3; ba3 = r2; } else { ca2 = $2; da2 = t3; ea2 = r2; V3 = 60; break; } } else { aa2 = 0; ba3 = 0; } s3 = l2 + -1 | 0; q3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 > s3 >>> 0) { C3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; w2 = s3; do { A4 = C3 + (B(z3, w2) | 0) | 0; c[A4 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[A4 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[A4 >> 2] | 0); c[A4 >> 2] = 0; w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; } while (w2 >>> 0 < q3 >>> 0); fa2 = z3; } else fa2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; z3 = B(fa2, s3) | 0; if (z3 >>> 0 > (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { w2 = z3 << 1; z3 = lq(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, w2) | 0; if (!z3) ga2 = q3; else { c[d2 >> 2] = w2; c[h3 >> 2] = z3; V3 = 52; } } else V3 = 52; if ((V3 | 0) == 52) { c[p2 >> 2] = s3; ga2 = s3; } if (!ga2) ha2 = 0; else { z3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; w2 = 0; do { C3 = z3 + (B(fa2, w2) | 0) | 0; r2 = c[C3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; if (r2 | 0) { t3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = c[C3 >> 2] | 0; C3 = 0; do { D3 = t3 + (c[A4 + (C3 << 2) >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[D3 >> 2] = (c[D3 >> 2] | 0) + 1; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } while (C3 >>> 0 < r2 >>> 0); } w2 = w2 + 1 | 0; } while (w2 >>> 0 < ga2 >>> 0); ha2 = ga2; } ia2 = ha2; ja2 = ga2; ka2 = Gp(a2) | 0; la2 = aa2; ma2 = ba3; } else { ca2 = n2; da2 = 0; ea2 = 0; V3 = 60; } while (0); if ((V3 | 0) == 60) { V3 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; ia2 = V3; ja2 = V3; ka2 = ca2; la2 = da2; ma2 = ea2; } ea2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (ia2 | 0) { ia2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = 0; do { da2 = ea2 + (B(ia2, o2) | 0) | 0; c[da2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[da2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[da2 >> 2] | 0); c[da2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while (o2 >>> 0 < ja2 >>> 0); } ja2 = p2; c[ja2 >> 2] = 0; c[ja2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(ea2); c[h3 >> 2] = 0; h3 = la2; if (ma2 | 0) { la2 = 0; do { ea2 = h3 + (la2 << 4) | 0; c[ea2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[ea2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[ea2 >> 2] | 0); c[ea2 >> 2] = 0; la2 = la2 + 1 | 0; } while ((la2 | 0) != (ma2 | 0)); } mq(h3); j2 = ka2; Ia = g2; return j2 | 0; } } return 0; } function Mp(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0; g2 = a2 + 4 | 0; a: do if (d2 | 0) { h3 = a2 + 12 | 0; i3 = a2 + 8 | 0; j2 = +(e2 >>> 0); k2 = 0; while (true) { l2 = b4 + (k2 << 2) | 0; m4 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (m4 | 0) { n2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = n2 + 1 | 0; p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = B(p2, o2) | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 > (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { r2 = q3 << 1; q3 = lq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0, r2) | 0; if (!q3) break; c[i3 >> 2] = r2; c[a2 >> 2] = q3; s3 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; t3 = q3; u2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; } else { s3 = m4; t3 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = p2; } c[g2 >> 2] = o2; o2 = t3 + (B(u2, n2) | 0) | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = o2 + 8 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; p2 = o2 + 4 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = 0; f[o2 + 12 >> 2] = +(s3 >>> 0) / j2; m4 = lq(0, 8) | 0; if (m4 | 0) { c[n2 >> 2] = 8; c[o2 >> 2] = m4; c[p2 >> 2] = 1; c[m4 >> 2] = k2; } } k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; if (k2 >>> 0 >= d2 >>> 0) break a; } c[i3 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[a2 >> 2] | 0); c[a2 >> 2] = 0; v2 = 9904; return v2 | 0; } while (0); d2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) { v2 = 0; return v2 | 0; } g2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; if ((d2 | 0) == 1) { v2 = 0; return v2 | 0; } a2 = d2; do { s3 = a2 * 10 | 0; u2 = (s3 + -117 | 0) >>> 0 < 13 | (s3 + -130 | 0) >>> 0 < 13 ? 11 : (s3 >>> 0) / 13 | 0; a2 = (u2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : u2; u2 = d2 - a2 | 0; if (!u2) w2 = 0; else { s3 = 0; t3 = 0; while (true) { b4 = s3 + a2 | 0; e2 = g2 + (b4 << 4) + 12 | 0; j2 = +f[e2 >> 2]; k2 = g2 + (s3 << 4) + 12 | 0; x2 = +f[k2 >> 2]; if (j2 < x2) { f[e2 >> 2] = x2; f[k2 >> 2] = j2; k2 = g2 + (s3 << 4) | 0; e2 = g2 + (b4 << 4) | 0; h3 = g2 + (s3 << 4) + 4 | 0; m4 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; p2 = g2 + (b4 << 4) + 4 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = c[p2 >> 2]; c[p2 >> 2] = m4; m4 = g2 + (s3 << 4) + 8 | 0; p2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + (b4 << 4) + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = c[h3 >> 2]; c[h3 >> 2] = p2; p2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[e2 >> 2]; c[e2 >> 2] = p2; y4 = 1; } else y4 = t3; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 >= u2 >>> 0) { w2 = y4; break; } else t3 = y4; } } } while (a2 >>> 0 > 1 | w2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); v2 = 0; return v2 | 0; } function Np(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; e2 = d2 >>> 24 & 255; f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = g2 + 1 | 0; i3 = b4 + 8 | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0) { j2 = h3 << 1; k2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0; if (k2 | 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = j2; c[b4 >> 2] = k2; l2 = k2; m4 = 5; } } else { l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 5; } if ((m4 | 0) == 5) { c[f2 >> 2] = h3; a[l2 + g2 >> 0] = e2; } e2 = d2 >>> 16 & 255; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; l2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < l2 >>> 0) { h3 = l2 << 1; k2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, h3) | 0; if (k2 | 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 >> 2] = k2; n2 = k2; m4 = 10; } } else { n2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 10; } if ((m4 | 0) == 10) { c[f2 >> 2] = l2; a[n2 + g2 >> 0] = e2; } e2 = d2 >>> 8 & 255; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; n2 = g2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < n2 >>> 0) { l2 = n2 << 1; k2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, l2) | 0; if (k2 | 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = l2; c[b4 >> 2] = k2; o2 = k2; m4 = 15; } } else { o2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = 15; } if ((m4 | 0) == 15) { c[f2 >> 2] = n2; a[o2 + g2 >> 0] = e2; } e2 = d2 & 255; d2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = d2 + 1 | 0; do if ((c[i3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0) { o2 = g2 << 1; n2 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, o2) | 0; if (!n2) return; else { c[i3 >> 2] = o2; c[b4 >> 2] = n2; p2 = n2; break; } } else p2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; while (0); c[f2 >> 2] = g2; a[p2 + d2 >> 0] = e2; return; } function Op2(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; j2 = i3; if (g2 >>> 0 < 2) { k2 = 53; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } l2 = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; m4 = l2 & 255; n2 = d[f2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; if (((m4 << 8 | n2) >>> 0) % 31 | 0 | 0) { k2 = 24; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } if (l2 << 24 >> 24 < 0 | (m4 & 15 | 0) != 8) { k2 = 25; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } if (n2 & 32 | 0) { k2 = 26; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } n2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; m4 = j2 + 4 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = n2; c[j2 + 8 >> 2] = n2; n2 = Dp(j2, f2, g2, 2) | 0; l2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = l2; b4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; e2 = l2; if (n2 | 0) { k2 = n2; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } if (!(c[h3 >> 2] | 0)) { h3 = f2 + (g2 + -4) | 0; g2 = (d[h3 + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[h3 >> 0] | 0) << 24 | (d[h3 + 2 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[h3 + 3 >> 0] | 0); if (!b4) { o2 = 1; p2 = 0; } else { h3 = e2; e2 = b4; b4 = 1; f2 = 0; while (true) { n2 = e2 >>> 0 < 5550 ? e2 : 5550; e2 = e2 - n2 | 0; if (!n2) { q3 = h3; r2 = b4; s3 = f2; } else { l2 = n2; m4 = h3; j2 = b4; t3 = f2; while (true) { j2 = j2 + (d[m4 >> 0] | 0) | 0; t3 = j2 + t3 | 0; l2 = l2 + -1 | 0; if (!l2) break; else m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } q3 = h3 + n2 | 0; r2 = j2; s3 = t3; } b4 = (r2 >>> 0) % 65521 | 0; f2 = (s3 >>> 0) % 65521 | 0; if (!e2) break; else h3 = q3; } o2 = b4; p2 = f2 << 16; } if ((p2 | o2 | 0) != (g2 | 0)) { k2 = 58; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } } k2 = 0; Ia = i3; return k2 | 0; } function Pp(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; j2 = i3 + 12 | 0; k2 = i3; l2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = l2; n2 = k2 + 4 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = m4; o2 = k2 + 8 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = m4; p2 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((m4 | 0) != -1) { q3 = p2 << 1; r2 = lq(l2, q3) | 0; if (!r2) { s3 = m4; t3 = l2; u2 = m4; v2 = p2; } else { c[o2 >> 2] = q3; c[k2 >> 2] = r2; w2 = r2; x2 = q3; y4 = 4; } } else { w2 = l2; x2 = -1; y4 = 4; } if ((y4 | 0) == 4) { c[n2 >> 2] = p2; a[w2 + m4 >> 0] = 120; s3 = x2; t3 = w2; u2 = p2; v2 = m4 + 2 | 0; } if (s3 >>> 0 < v2 >>> 0) { s3 = v2 << 1; m4 = lq(t3, s3) | 0; if (m4 | 0) { c[o2 >> 2] = s3; c[k2 >> 2] = m4; z3 = m4; y4 = 8; } } else { z3 = t3; y4 = 8; } if ((y4 | 0) == 8) { c[n2 >> 2] = v2; a[z3 + u2 >> 0] = 1; } c[j2 >> 2] = 0; u2 = j2 + 8 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = 0; z3 = j2 + 4 | 0; c[z3 >> 2] = 0; v2 = Ip(j2, f2, g2, h3) | 0; if (v2 | 0) { A4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = A4; B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = B2; Ia = i3; return v2 | 0; } if (!g2) { C3 = 1; D3 = 0; } else { h3 = f2; f2 = g2; g2 = 1; t3 = 0; while (true) { m4 = f2 >>> 0 < 5550 ? f2 : 5550; f2 = f2 - m4 | 0; if (!m4) { E3 = h3; F3 = g2; G2 = t3; } else { s3 = m4; p2 = h3; w2 = g2; x2 = t3; while (true) { w2 = w2 + (d[p2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; x2 = w2 + x2 | 0; s3 = s3 + -1 | 0; if (!s3) break; else p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; } E3 = h3 + m4 | 0; F3 = w2; G2 = x2; } g2 = (F3 >>> 0) % 65521 | 0; t3 = (G2 >>> 0) % 65521 | 0; if (!f2) break; else h3 = E3; } C3 = g2; D3 = t3 << 16; } t3 = D3 | C3; if (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) { C3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; D3 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; E3 = 0; while (true) { h3 = a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + E3 >> 0] | 0; f2 = D3 + 1 | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 < f2 >>> 0) { G2 = f2 << 1; F3 = lq(C3, G2) | 0; if (!F3) { H2 = C3; I2 = D3; J2 = g2; } else { K2 = F3; L3 = G2; y4 = 22; } } else { K2 = C3; L3 = g2; y4 = 22; } if ((y4 | 0) == 22) { y4 = 0; a[K2 + D3 >> 0] = h3; H2 = K2; I2 = f2; J2 = L3; } E3 = E3 + 1 | 0; if (E3 >>> 0 >= (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) break; else { C3 = H2; D3 = I2; g2 = J2; } } c[n2 >> 2] = I2; c[o2 >> 2] = J2; c[k2 >> 2] = H2; } c[u2 >> 2] = 0; c[z3 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0); c[j2 >> 2] = 0; Np(k2, t3); A4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = A4; B2 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = B2; Ia = i3; return v2 | 0; } function Qp(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; if (!(c[545810] | 0)) { e2 = 0; do { f2 = e2 >>> 1; g2 = (e2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = g2 >>> 1; h3 = (g2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = h3 >>> 1; g2 = (h3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = g2 >>> 1; h3 = (g2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = h3 >>> 1; g2 = (h3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = g2 >>> 1; h3 = (g2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = h3 >>> 1; g2 = (h3 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; f2 = g2 >>> 1; c[1715168 + (e2 << 2) >> 2] = (g2 & 1 | 0) == 0 ? f2 : f2 ^ -306674912; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } while ((e2 | 0) != 256); c[545810] = 1; } if (!b4) { i3 = 0; return i3 | 0; } e2 = -1; f2 = 0; do { e2 = c[1715168 + ((e2 & 255 ^ (d[a2 + f2 >> 0] | 0)) << 2) >> 2] ^ e2 >>> 8; f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } while ((f2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); i3 = ~e2; return i3 | 0; } function Rp(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0; h3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = e2 + 12 | 0; j2 = i3 + h3 | 0; if (j2 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0 | j2 >>> 0 < h3 >>> 0) { k2 = 77; return k2 | 0; } i3 = lq(c[b4 >> 2] | 0, j2) | 0; if (!i3) { k2 = 9930; return k2 | 0; } c[b4 >> 2] = i3; c[d2 >> 2] = j2; j2 = i3 + h3 | 0; h3 = e2 >>> 24 & 255; a[j2 >> 0] = h3; i3 = e2 >>> 16 & 255; d2 = j2 + 1 | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = i3; b4 = e2 >>> 8 & 255; l2 = j2 + 2 | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = b4; m4 = j2 + 3 | 0; a[m4 >> 0] = e2; n2 = j2 + 4 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = a[f2 >> 0] | 0; a[j2 + 5 >> 0] = a[f2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; a[j2 + 6 >> 0] = a[f2 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[j2 + 7 >> 0] = a[f2 + 3 >> 0] | 0; if (!e2) { o2 = 0; p2 = h3; q3 = i3; r2 = b4; } else { b4 = 0; do { a[j2 + (b4 + 8) >> 0] = a[g2 + b4 >> 0] | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) != (e2 | 0)); o2 = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; p2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; q3 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; r2 = a[l2 >> 0] | 0; } l2 = (q3 & 255) << 16 | (p2 & 255) << 24 | (r2 & 255) << 8 | o2 & 255; o2 = Qp(n2, l2 + 4 | 0) | 0; n2 = j2 + 8 + l2 | 0; a[n2 >> 0] = o2 >>> 24; a[n2 + 1 >> 0] = o2 >>> 16; a[n2 + 2 >> 0] = o2 >>> 8; a[n2 + 3 >> 0] = o2; k2 = 0; return k2 | 0; } function Sp(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; f2 = b4 + 4 | 0; g2 = lq(c[f2 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; h3 = b4 + 8 | 0; i3 = lq(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; if (!((g2 | 0) != 0 & (i3 | 0) != 0)) { mq(g2); mq(i3); j2 = 9933; return j2 | 0; } k2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = k2 + 1; c[f2 >> 2] = g2; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; i3 = g2 + (k2 << 2) | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 0; k2 = lq(0, 1) | 0; if (k2 | 0) { a[k2 >> 0] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = k2; } k2 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; f2 = Pt(d2) | 0; i3 = lq(c[k2 >> 2] | 0, f2 + 1 | 0) | 0; if ((i3 | 0 ? (a[i3 + f2 >> 0] = 0, c[k2 >> 2] = i3, f2 | 0) : 0) ? (a[i3 >> 0] = a[d2 >> 0] | 0, (f2 | 0) != 1) : 0) { i3 = 1; do { a[(c[k2 >> 2] | 0) + i3 >> 0] = a[d2 + i3 >> 0] | 0; i3 = i3 + 1 | 0; } while ((i3 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } f2 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; i3 = lq(0, 1) | 0; if (i3 | 0) { a[i3 >> 0] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = i3; } i3 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; b4 = Pt(e2) | 0; h3 = lq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0, b4 + 1 | 0) | 0; if (!h3) { j2 = 0; return j2 | 0; } a[h3 + b4 >> 0] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = h3; if (!b4) { j2 = 0; return j2 | 0; } a[h3 >> 0] = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 1) { j2 = 0; return j2 | 0; } h3 = 1; do { a[(c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] = a[e2 + h3 >> 0] | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); j2 = 0; return j2 | 0; } function Tp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; b4 = a2 + 4 | 0; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; e2 = a2 + 8 | 0; f2 = a2 + 12 | 0; g2 = a2 + 16 | 0; if (!(c[a2 >> 2] | 0)) { h3 = d2; mq(h3); i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; mq(i3); j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; mq(j2); k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; mq(k2); return; } l2 = d2; d2 = 0; while (true) { m4 = l2 + (d2 << 2) | 0; mq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = 0; m4 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (d2 << 2) | 0; mq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = 0; m4 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (d2 << 2) | 0; mq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = 0; m4 = (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) + (d2 << 2) | 0; mq(c[m4 >> 2] | 0); c[m4 >> 2] = 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; m4 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 >>> 0 >= (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { h3 = m4; break; } else l2 = m4; } mq(h3); i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; mq(i3); j2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; mq(j2); k2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; mq(k2); return; } function Up(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0; h3 = b4 + 4 | 0; i3 = lq(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; j2 = b4 + 8 | 0; k2 = lq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; l2 = b4 + 12 | 0; m4 = lq(c[l2 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; n2 = b4 + 16 | 0; o2 = lq(c[n2 >> 2] | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] << 2) + 4 | 0) | 0; if (!((i3 | 0) != 0 & (k2 | 0) != 0 & (m4 | 0) != 0 & (o2 | 0) != 0)) { mq(i3); mq(k2); mq(m4); mq(o2); p2 = 9934; return p2 | 0; } q3 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = q3 + 1; c[h3 >> 2] = i3; c[j2 >> 2] = k2; c[l2 >> 2] = m4; c[n2 >> 2] = o2; o2 = i3 + (q3 << 2) | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = lq(0, 1) | 0; if (q3 | 0) { a[q3 >> 0] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = q3; } q3 = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; h3 = Pt(d2) | 0; o2 = lq(c[q3 >> 2] | 0, h3 + 1 | 0) | 0; if ((o2 | 0 ? (a[o2 + h3 >> 0] = 0, c[q3 >> 2] = o2, h3 | 0) : 0) ? (a[o2 >> 0] = a[d2 >> 0] | 0, (h3 | 0) != 1) : 0) { o2 = 1; do { a[(c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + o2 >> 0] = a[d2 + o2 >> 0] | 0; o2 = o2 + 1 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); } h3 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; o2 = lq(0, 1) | 0; if (o2 | 0) { a[o2 >> 0] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = o2; } o2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; j2 = Pt(e2) | 0; h3 = lq(c[o2 >> 2] | 0, j2 + 1 | 0) | 0; if ((h3 | 0 ? (a[h3 + j2 >> 0] = 0, c[o2 >> 2] = h3, j2 | 0) : 0) ? (a[h3 >> 0] = a[e2 >> 0] | 0, (j2 | 0) != 1) : 0) { h3 = 1; do { a[(c[o2 >> 2] | 0) + h3 >> 0] = a[e2 + h3 >> 0] | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); } j2 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; h3 = lq(0, 1) | 0; if (h3 | 0) { a[h3 >> 0] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = h3; } h3 = (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; l2 = Pt(f2) | 0; j2 = lq(c[h3 >> 2] | 0, l2 + 1 | 0) | 0; if ((j2 | 0 ? (a[j2 + l2 >> 0] = 0, c[h3 >> 2] = j2, l2 | 0) : 0) ? (a[j2 >> 0] = a[f2 >> 0] | 0, (l2 | 0) != 1) : 0) { j2 = 1; do { a[(c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + j2 >> 0] = a[f2 + j2 >> 0] | 0; j2 = j2 + 1 | 0; } while ((j2 | 0) != (l2 | 0)); } l2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = lq(0, 1) | 0; if (j2 | 0) { a[j2 >> 0] = 0; c[l2 >> 2] = j2; } j2 = (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) + ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) + -1 << 2) | 0; b4 = Pt(g2) | 0; n2 = lq(c[j2 >> 2] | 0, b4 + 1 | 0) | 0; if (!n2) { p2 = 0; return p2 | 0; } a[n2 + b4 >> 0] = 0; c[j2 >> 2] = n2; if (!b4) { p2 = 0; return p2 | 0; } a[n2 >> 0] = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; if ((b4 | 0) == 1) { p2 = 0; return p2 | 0; } n2 = 1; do { a[(c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + n2 >> 0] = a[g2 + n2 >> 0] | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (b4 | 0)); p2 = 0; return p2 | 0; } function Vp(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; b4 = c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0; if (b4 | 0) mq(b4); c[a2 + 32 >> 2] = 0; b4 = a2 + 68 | 0; d2 = a2 + 72 | 0; e2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; f2 = a2 + 76 | 0; if (!(c[b4 >> 2] | 0)) g2 = e2; else { h3 = e2; e2 = 0; while (true) { i3 = h3 + (e2 << 2) | 0; mq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = 0; i3 = (c[f2 >> 2] | 0) + (e2 << 2) | 0; mq(c[i3 >> 2] | 0); c[i3 >> 2] = 0; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; i3 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 >= (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { g2 = i3; break; } else h3 = i3; } } mq(g2); mq(c[f2 >> 2] | 0); Tp(a2 + 80 | 0); mq(c[a2 + 132 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[a2 + 136 >> 2] | 0); mq(c[a2 + 140 >> 2] | 0); return; } function Wp(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0; j2 = B(i3, h3) | 0; h3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; i3 = c[f2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; switch (h3 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { k2 = 1; break; } case 2: { k2 = 3; break; } case 4: { k2 = 2; break; } case 6: { k2 = 4; break; } default: k2 = 0; } f2 = (B(k2, i3) | 0) >>> 3; k2 = h3 >>> 2 & 1; l2 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if ((l2 | 0) == (h3 | 0) ? (c[g2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (i3 | 0) : 0) { switch (h3 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { m4 = 1; break; } case 2: { m4 = 3; break; } case 4: { m4 = 2; break; } case 6: { m4 = 4; break; } default: m4 = 0; } n2 = ((B(B(i3, j2) | 0, m4) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; if (!n2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } m4 = 0; do { a[b4 + m4 >> 0] = a[e2 + m4 >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != (n2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } switch (h3 | 0) { case 6: case 2: break; default: { if (!((h3 | 4 | 0) == 4 & (i3 | 0) == 8)) { o2 = 59; return o2 | 0; } if ((l2 | 4 | 0) != 4) { o2 = 62; return o2 | 0; } h3 = g2 + 4 | 0; n2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; switch (n2 | 0) { case 8: { switch (l2 | 0) { case 0: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } m4 = g2 + 16 | 0; p2 = g2 + 20 | 0; if (!k2) { q3 = 0; do { a[b4 + (B(q3, f2) | 0) >> 0] = a[e2 + q3 >> 0] | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } q3 = 0; do { r2 = B(q3, f2) | 0; s3 = b4 + (r2 + 1) | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = -1; t3 = e2 + q3 | 0; a[b4 + r2 >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; if (c[m4 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[p2 >> 2] | 0) == (d[t3 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) a[s3 >> 0] = 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } case 4: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } if (!k2) { q3 = 0; do { a[b4 + (B(q3, f2) | 0) >> 0] = a[e2 + (q3 << 1) >> 0] | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } else { q3 = 0; do { p2 = q3 << 1; m4 = B(q3, f2) | 0; a[b4 + m4 >> 0] = a[e2 + p2 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 1) >> 0] = a[e2 + (p2 | 1) >> 0] | 0; q3 = q3 + 1 | 0; } while ((q3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } break; } default: { o2 = 31; return o2 | 0; } } break; } case 16: { switch (l2 | 0) { case 0: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } q3 = g2 + 16 | 0; p2 = g2 + 20 | 0; if (!k2) { m4 = 0; do { a[b4 + (B(m4, f2) | 0) >> 0] = a[e2 + (m4 << 1) >> 0] | 0; m4 = m4 + 1 | 0; } while ((m4 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } m4 = 0; while (true) { s3 = B(m4, f2) | 0; t3 = b4 + (s3 + 1) | 0; a[t3 >> 0] = -1; a[b4 + s3 >> 0] = a[e2 + (m4 << 1) >> 0] | 0; if (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) { s3 = m4 + 1 | 0; if (((d[e2 + m4 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[e2 + s3 >> 0] | 0) | 0) == (c[p2 >> 2] | 0)) { a[t3 >> 0] = 0; u2 = s3; } else u2 = s3; } else u2 = m4 + 1 | 0; if ((u2 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { o2 = 0; break; } else m4 = u2; } return o2 | 0; } case 4: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } if (!k2) { u2 = 0; do { a[b4 + (B(u2, f2) | 0) >> 0] = a[e2 + (u2 << 2) >> 0] | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } else { u2 = 0; do { m4 = u2 << 2; p2 = B(u2, f2) | 0; a[b4 + p2 >> 0] = a[e2 + m4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (p2 + 1) >> 0] = a[e2 + (m4 | 2) >> 0] | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } break; } default: { o2 = 31; return o2 | 0; } } break; } default: { if (l2 | 0) { o2 = 31; return o2 | 0; } if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } u2 = g2 + 16 | 0; m4 = g2 + 20 | 0; if (!k2) { p2 = n2; q3 = 0; s3 = 0; while (true) { if (!p2) { v2 = q3; w2 = 0; } else { t3 = q3; r2 = p2 + -1 | 0; x2 = 0; while (true) { y4 = t3 + 1 | 0; z3 = (((d[e2 + (t3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (t3 & 7 ^ 7) & 1) << r2) + x2 | 0; r2 = r2 + -1 | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 >= p2 >>> 0) { v2 = y4; w2 = z3; break; } else { t3 = y4; x2 = z3; } } } a[b4 + (B(s3, f2) | 0) >> 0] = ((w2 * 255 | 0) >>> 0) / (((1 << p2) + -1 | 0) >>> 0) | 0; x2 = s3 + 1 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { o2 = 0; break; } p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = v2; s3 = x2; } return o2 | 0; } s3 = n2; n2 = 0; v2 = 0; while (true) { if (!s3) { A4 = n2; C3 = 0; } else { q3 = n2; p2 = s3 + -1 | 0; w2 = 0; while (true) { x2 = q3 + 1 | 0; t3 = (((d[e2 + (q3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (q3 & 7 ^ 7) & 1) << p2) + w2 | 0; p2 = p2 + -1 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 >= s3 >>> 0) { A4 = x2; C3 = t3; break; } else { q3 = x2; w2 = t3; } } } w2 = B(v2, f2) | 0; q3 = b4 + (w2 + 1) | 0; a[q3 >> 0] = -1; if ((C3 | 0) != 0 & (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) != 0 ? (p2 = (1 << c[h3 >> 2]) + -1 | 0, !((p2 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : (p2 | 0) != (c[m4 >> 2] | 0))) : 0) a[q3 >> 0] = 0; a[b4 + w2 >> 0] = ((C3 * 255 | 0) >>> 0) / (((1 << c[h3 >> 2]) + -1 | 0) >>> 0) | 0; w2 = v2 + 1 | 0; if ((w2 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { o2 = 0; break; } s3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = A4; v2 = w2; } return o2 | 0; } } } } if ((i3 | 0) != 8) { o2 = 59; return o2 | 0; } i3 = g2 + 4 | 0; v2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; switch (v2 | 0) { case 8: { switch (l2 | 0) { case 0: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } A4 = g2 + 16 | 0; n2 = g2 + 20 | 0; if (!k2) { h3 = 0; do { s3 = e2 + h3 | 0; C3 = B(h3, f2) | 0; a[b4 + C3 >> 0] = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (C3 + 1) >> 0] = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (C3 + 2) >> 0] = a[s3 >> 0] | 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } h3 = 0; do { s3 = B(h3, f2) | 0; C3 = b4 + (s3 + 3) | 0; a[C3 >> 0] = -1; m4 = e2 + h3 | 0; a[b4 + s3 >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (s3 + 1) >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (s3 + 2) >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; if (c[A4 >> 2] | 0 ? (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) == (d[m4 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) a[C3 >> 0] = 0; h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; } while ((h3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } case 2: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } h3 = (k2 | 0) != 0; n2 = g2 + 16 | 0; A4 = g2 + 20 | 0; C3 = g2 + 24 | 0; m4 = g2 + 28 | 0; s3 = 0; do { u2 = B(s3, f2) | 0; if (h3) a[b4 + (u2 + 3) >> 0] = -1; w2 = s3 * 3 | 0; q3 = e2 + w2 | 0; a[b4 + u2 >> 0] = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; p2 = e2 + (w2 + 1) | 0; a[b4 + (u2 + 1) >> 0] = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; t3 = e2 + (w2 + 2) | 0; a[b4 + (u2 + 2) >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; if ((((h3 ? (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) == 1 : 0) ? (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) == (d[q3 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) ? (c[C3 >> 2] | 0) == (d[p2 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) ? (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == (d[t3 >> 0] | 0 | 0) : 0) a[b4 + (u2 + 3) >> 0] = 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } case 3: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } s3 = g2 + 12 | 0; m4 = (f2 | 0) != 0; C3 = g2 + 8 | 0; A4 = (f2 | 0) == 1; if (!k2) { n2 = 0; while (true) { h3 = e2 + n2 | 0; u2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 <= (u2 & 255) >>> 0) { o2 = 46; D3 = 179; break; } if (m4 ? (t3 = B(n2, f2) | 0, a[b4 + t3 >> 0] = a[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + ((u2 & 255) << 2) >> 0] | 0, !A4) : 0) { u2 = 1; do { a[b4 + (u2 + t3) >> 0] = a[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + (((d[h3 >> 0] | 0) << 2) + u2) >> 0] | 0; u2 = u2 + 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0) { o2 = 0; D3 = 179; break; } } if ((D3 | 0) == 179) return o2 | 0; } else { n2 = 0; while (true) { u2 = B(n2, f2) | 0; a[b4 + (u2 + 3) >> 0] = -1; h3 = e2 + n2 | 0; t3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; if ((c[s3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 <= (t3 & 255) >>> 0) { o2 = 46; D3 = 179; break; } if (m4 ? (a[b4 + u2 >> 0] = a[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + ((t3 & 255) << 2) >> 0] | 0, !A4) : 0) { t3 = 1; do { a[b4 + (t3 + u2) >> 0] = a[(c[C3 >> 2] | 0) + (((d[h3 >> 0] | 0) << 2) + t3) >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0) { o2 = 0; D3 = 179; break; } } if ((D3 | 0) == 179) return o2 | 0; } break; } case 4: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } if (!k2) { n2 = 0; do { C3 = e2 + (n2 << 1) | 0; A4 = B(n2, f2) | 0; a[b4 + A4 >> 0] = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (A4 + 1) >> 0] = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (A4 + 2) >> 0] = a[C3 >> 0] | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } else { n2 = 0; do { C3 = n2 << 1; A4 = e2 + C3 | 0; m4 = B(n2, f2) | 0; a[b4 + m4 >> 0] = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 1) >> 0] = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 2) >> 0] = a[A4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 3) >> 0] = a[e2 + (C3 | 1) >> 0] | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } break; } case 6: { if ((j2 | 0) == 0 | (f2 | 0) == 0) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } n2 = 0; do { C3 = n2 << 2; m4 = B(n2, f2) | 0; A4 = 0; do { a[b4 + (A4 + m4) >> 0] = a[e2 + (A4 + C3) >> 0] | 0; A4 = A4 + 1 | 0; } while ((A4 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } default: { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } } break; } case 16: { switch (l2 | 0) { case 0: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } n2 = g2 + 16 | 0; A4 = g2 + 20 | 0; if (!k2) { C3 = 0; do { m4 = e2 + (C3 << 1) | 0; s3 = B(C3, f2) | 0; a[b4 + s3 >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (s3 + 1) >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (s3 + 2) >> 0] = a[m4 >> 0] | 0; C3 = C3 + 1 | 0; } while ((C3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } C3 = 0; while (true) { m4 = B(C3, f2) | 0; s3 = b4 + (m4 + 3) | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = -1; t3 = e2 + (C3 << 1) | 0; a[b4 + m4 >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 1) >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 2) >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; if (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) { t3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if (((d[e2 + C3 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[e2 + t3 >> 0] | 0) | 0) == (c[A4 >> 2] | 0)) { a[s3 >> 0] = 0; E3 = t3; } else E3 = t3; } else E3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((E3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { o2 = 0; break; } else C3 = E3; } return o2 | 0; } case 2: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } E3 = (k2 | 0) != 0; C3 = g2 + 16 | 0; A4 = g2 + 20 | 0; n2 = g2 + 24 | 0; t3 = g2 + 28 | 0; s3 = 0; do { m4 = B(s3, f2) | 0; if (E3) a[b4 + (m4 + 3) >> 0] = -1; h3 = s3 * 6 | 0; u2 = e2 + h3 | 0; a[b4 + m4 >> 0] = a[u2 >> 0] | 0; p2 = e2 + (h3 + 2) | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 1) >> 0] = a[p2 >> 0] | 0; q3 = e2 + (h3 + 4) | 0; a[b4 + (m4 + 2) >> 0] = a[q3 >> 0] | 0; if ((((E3 ? c[C3 >> 2] | 0 : 0) ? ((d[u2 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[e2 + (h3 | 1) >> 0] | 0) | 0) == (c[A4 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? ((d[p2 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[e2 + (h3 + 3) >> 0] | 0) | 0) == (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) : 0) ? ((d[q3 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[e2 + (h3 + 5) >> 0] | 0) | 0) == (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) : 0) a[b4 + (m4 + 3) >> 0] = 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } case 4: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } if (!k2) { s3 = 0; do { t3 = e2 + (s3 << 2) | 0; n2 = B(s3, f2) | 0; a[b4 + n2 >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (n2 + 1) >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (n2 + 2) >> 0] = a[t3 >> 0] | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } else { s3 = 0; do { t3 = s3 << 2; n2 = e2 + t3 | 0; A4 = B(s3, f2) | 0; a[b4 + A4 >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (A4 + 1) >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (A4 + 2) >> 0] = a[n2 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + (A4 + 3) >> 0] = a[e2 + (t3 | 2) >> 0] | 0; s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } break; } case 6: { if ((j2 | 0) == 0 | (f2 | 0) == 0) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } s3 = 0; do { t3 = s3 << 3; A4 = B(s3, f2) | 0; n2 = 0; do { a[b4 + (n2 + A4) >> 0] = a[e2 + ((n2 << 1) + t3) >> 0] | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); s3 = s3 + 1 | 0; } while ((s3 | 0) != (j2 | 0)); o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } default: { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } } break; } default: switch (l2 | 0) { case 0: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } l2 = (k2 | 0) == 0; s3 = g2 + 16 | 0; n2 = g2 + 20 | 0; t3 = v2; A4 = 0; C3 = 0; while (true) { if (!t3) { F3 = A4; G2 = 0; } else { E3 = A4; m4 = t3 + -1 | 0; h3 = 0; while (true) { q3 = E3 + 1 | 0; p2 = (((d[e2 + (E3 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (E3 & 7 ^ 7) & 1) << m4) + h3 | 0; m4 = m4 + -1 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 >= t3 >>> 0) { F3 = q3; G2 = p2; break; } else { E3 = q3; h3 = p2; } } } h3 = B(C3, f2) | 0; if ((!l2 ? (E3 = b4 + (h3 + 3) | 0, a[E3 >> 0] = -1, (G2 | 0) != 0 & (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) != 0) : 0) ? (m4 = (1 << c[i3 >> 2]) + -1 | 0, !((m4 | 0) == 0 ? 1 : (m4 | 0) != (c[n2 >> 2] | 0))) : 0) a[E3 >> 0] = 0; E3 = (((G2 * 255 | 0) >>> 0) / (((1 << c[i3 >> 2]) + -1 | 0) >>> 0) | 0) & 255; a[b4 + h3 >> 0] = E3; a[b4 + (h3 + 1) >> 0] = E3; a[b4 + (h3 + 2) >> 0] = E3; E3 = C3 + 1 | 0; if ((E3 | 0) == (j2 | 0)) { o2 = 0; break; } t3 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; A4 = F3; C3 = E3; } return o2 | 0; } case 3: { if (!j2) { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } C3 = (k2 | 0) == 0; k2 = g2 + 12 | 0; F3 = (f2 | 0) == 0; A4 = g2 + 8 | 0; g2 = v2; v2 = 0; t3 = 0; while (true) { if (!g2) { H2 = v2; I2 = 0; } else { G2 = v2; n2 = g2 + -1 | 0; s3 = 0; while (true) { l2 = G2 + 1 | 0; E3 = (((d[e2 + (G2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (G2 & 7 ^ 7) & 1) << n2) + s3 | 0; n2 = n2 + -1 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 >= g2 >>> 0) { H2 = l2; I2 = E3; break; } else { G2 = l2; s3 = E3; } } } if (!C3) a[b4 + ((B(t3, f2) | 0) + 3) >> 0] = -1; if (I2 >>> 0 >= (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { o2 = 47; D3 = 179; break; } if (!F3) { s3 = I2 << 2; G2 = B(t3, f2) | 0; n2 = 0; do { a[b4 + (n2 + G2) >> 0] = a[(c[A4 >> 2] | 0) + (n2 + s3) >> 0] | 0; n2 = n2 + 1 | 0; } while ((n2 | 0) != (f2 | 0)); } n2 = t3 + 1 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 >= j2 >>> 0) { o2 = 0; D3 = 179; break; } g2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; v2 = H2; t3 = n2; } if ((D3 | 0) == 179) return o2 | 0; break; } default: { o2 = 0; return o2 | 0; } } } return 0; } function Xp(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0; if ((e2 | 0) == 0 | (f2 | 0) == 0) { c[b4 + 208 >> 2] = 48; return; } if (f2 >>> 0 < 29) { c[b4 + 208 >> 2] = 27; return; } f2 = b4 + 52 | 0; Vp(f2); g2 = b4 + 56 | 0; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; h3 = b4 + 88 | 0; i3 = b4 + 72 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[i3 >> 2] = 6; h3 = b4 + 76 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 8; c[b4 + 80 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 + 84 >> 2] = 0; j2 = b4 + 68 | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = b4 + 60 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; l2 = b4 + 64 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = 0; m4 = b4 + 104 | 0; c[b4 + 168 >> 2] = 0; n2 = b4 + 184 | 0; o2 = m4; p2 = o2 + 48 | 0; do { c[o2 >> 2] = 0; o2 = o2 + 4 | 0; } while ((o2 | 0) < (p2 | 0)); a[m4 + 48 >> 0] = 0; m4 = b4 + 208 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[n2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; if ((((((((a[e2 >> 0] | 0) == -119 ? (a[e2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) == 80 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 78 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 3 >> 0] | 0) == 71 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 4 >> 0] | 0) == 13 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) == 10 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 26 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) == 10 : 0) { n2 = e2 + 12 | 0; if ((((a[n2 >> 0] | 0) == 73 ? (a[e2 + 13 >> 0] | 0) == 72 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 14 >> 0] | 0) == 68 : 0) ? (a[e2 + 15 >> 0] | 0) == 82 : 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = d[e2 + 17 >> 0] << 16 | d[e2 + 16 >> 0] << 24 | d[e2 + 18 >> 0] << 8 | d[e2 + 19 >> 0]; c[g2 >> 2] = d[e2 + 21 >> 0] << 16 | d[e2 + 20 >> 0] << 24 | d[e2 + 22 >> 0] << 8 | d[e2 + 23 >> 0]; c[h3 >> 2] = d[e2 + 24 >> 0]; c[i3 >> 2] = d[e2 + 25 >> 0]; g2 = d[e2 + 26 >> 0] | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = g2; c[l2 >> 2] = d[e2 + 27 >> 0]; c[j2 >> 2] = d[e2 + 28 >> 0]; do if (!(c[b4 + 4 >> 2] | 0)) { f2 = d[e2 + 30 >> 0] << 16 | d[e2 + 29 >> 0] << 24 | d[e2 + 31 >> 0] << 8 | d[e2 + 32 >> 0]; if ((f2 | 0) == (Qp(n2, 17) | 0)) { q3 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; break; } c[m4 >> 2] = 57; return; } else q3 = g2; while (0); if (q3 | 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = 32; return; } if (c[l2 >> 2] | 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = 33; return; } if ((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > 1) { c[m4 >> 2] = 34; return; } j2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) { case 0: { switch (j2 | 0) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: { r2 = 35; break; } default: s3 = 37; } break; } case 2: { switch (j2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: { r2 = 35; break; } default: s3 = 37; } break; } case 3: { switch (j2 | 0) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: { r2 = 35; break; } default: s3 = 37; } break; } case 4: { switch (j2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: { r2 = 35; break; } default: s3 = 37; } break; } case 6: { switch (j2 | 0) { case 8: case 16: { r2 = 35; break; } default: s3 = 37; } break; } default: s3 = 31; } if ((r2 | 0) == 35) s3 = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = s3; return; } c[m4 >> 2] = 29; return; } c[m4 >> 2] = 28; return; } function Yp(b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0, rb2 = 0, sb2 = 0, tb2 = 0, ub2 = 0, vb2 = 0, wb3 = 0, xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0, zb2 = 0, Ab2 = 0, Bb2 = 0, Cb2 = 0, Db2 = 0, Eb3 = 0, Fb2 = 0, Gb2 = 0, Hb2 = 0, Ib2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 336 | 0; j2 = i3 + 288 | 0; k2 = i3 + 256 | 0; l2 = i3 + 224 | 0; m4 = i3 + 192 | 0; n2 = i3 + 160 | 0; o2 = i3 + 128 | 0; p2 = i3 + 96 | 0; q3 = i3 + 64 | 0; r2 = i3 + 32 | 0; s3 = i3; t3 = i3 + 316 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; Xp(b4, g2, h3); u2 = b4 + 208 | 0; if (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) { Ia = i3; return; } v2 = g2; w2 = b4 + 4 | 0; x2 = b4 + 80 | 0; y4 = b4 + 84 | 0; z3 = b4 + 72 | 0; A4 = b4 + 88 | 0; C3 = b4 + 100 | 0; D3 = b4 + 96 | 0; E3 = b4 + 92 | 0; F3 = b4 + 12 | 0; G2 = b4 + 104 | 0; H2 = b4 + 116 | 0; I2 = b4 + 112 | 0; J2 = b4 + 108 | 0; K2 = j2 + 8 | 0; L3 = j2 + 4 | 0; M2 = b4 + 16 | 0; N4 = j2 + 8 | 0; O2 = j2 + 4 | 0; P2 = b4 + 152 | 0; Q3 = b4 + 156 | 0; R3 = b4 + 160 | 0; S2 = b4 + 161 | 0; T4 = b4 + 162 | 0; U2 = b4 + 163 | 0; V3 = b4 + 164 | 0; W2 = b4 + 168 | 0; X2 = b4 + 172 | 0; Y2 = b4 + 176 | 0; Z3 = b4 + 180 | 0; _5 = b4 + 120 | 0; $2 = b4 + 132 | 0; a: do if (h3 >>> 0 < 45) { aa2 = 0; ba3 = 4; } else { ca2 = 45; da2 = g2 + 33 | 0; ea2 = 1; fa2 = 0; ga2 = 0; ha2 = 0; ia2 = 0; b: while (true) { ja2 = da2 + 1 | 0; ka2 = da2 + 2 | 0; la2 = da2 + 3 | 0; ma2 = d[ja2 >> 0] << 16 | d[da2 >> 0] << 24 | d[ka2 >> 0] << 8 | d[la2 >> 0]; if ((ma2 | 0) < 0) { ba3 = 6; break; } if ((ma2 + ca2 | 0) >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) { ba3 = 9; break; } if ((da2 + ma2 + 12 | 0) >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0) { ba3 = 9; break; } na2 = da2 + 8 | 0; oa2 = da2 + 4 | 0; pa3 = a[oa2 >> 0] | 0; c: do switch (pa3 << 24 >> 24) { case 73: { switch (a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) { case 68: break; case 69: { if ((a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 78) { ba3 = 187; break b; } if ((a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) == 68) { qa2 = 1; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; } else { ba3 = 187; break b; } break; } default: { ba3 = 187; break b; } } if ((a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 65) { ba3 = 187; break b; } if ((a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) != 84) { ba3 = 187; break b; } wa2 = ma2 + ha2 | 0; if (ga2 >>> 0 < wa2 >>> 0) { xa2 = wa2 << 1; ya2 = lq(fa2, xa2) | 0; if (!ya2) { ba3 = 19; break b; } else { za2 = ya2; Aa3 = xa2; } } else { za2 = fa2; Aa3 = ga2; } if (!ma2) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = 3; sa2 = za2; ta2 = Aa3; ua2 = wa2; va2 = ia2; } else { xa2 = 0; do { a[za2 + (xa2 + ha2) >> 0] = a[na2 + xa2 >> 0] | 0; xa2 = xa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((xa2 | 0) != (ma2 | 0)); qa2 = 0; ra2 = 3; sa2 = za2; ta2 = Aa3; ua2 = wa2; va2 = ia2; } break; } case 80: { if ((a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) != 76) { ba3 = 187; break b; } if ((a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 84) { ba3 = 187; break b; } if ((a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) != 69) { ba3 = 187; break b; } wa2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; if (wa2 | 0) mq(wa2); wa2 = (ma2 >>> 0) / 3 | 0; c[y4 >> 2] = wa2; xa2 = kq(wa2 << 2) | 0; c[x2 >> 2] = xa2; wa2 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; if (!xa2) if (!wa2) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = 2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; } else { ba3 = 29; break b; } if (wa2 >>> 0 > 256) { ba3 = 31; break b; } if (!wa2) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = 2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; } else { wa2 = xa2; xa2 = 0; ya2 = 0; while (true) { Ba3 = xa2 << 2; a[wa2 + Ba3 >> 0] = a[na2 + ya2 >> 0] | 0; a[(c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + (Ba3 | 1) >> 0] = a[na2 + (ya2 + 1) >> 0] | 0; a[(c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + (Ba3 | 2) >> 0] = a[na2 + (ya2 + 2) >> 0] | 0; a[(c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + (Ba3 | 3) >> 0] = -1; Ba3 = xa2 + 1 | 0; if (Ba3 >>> 0 >= (c[y4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = 2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; } wa2 = c[x2 >> 2] | 0; xa2 = Ba3; ya2 = ya2 + 3 | 0; } } break; } case 116: { switch (a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) { case 82: { if ((a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 78) { ba3 = 188; break c; } if ((a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) != 83) { ba3 = 188; break c; } switch (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: { if (ma2 >>> 0 > (c[y4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { ba3 = 41; break b; } if (!ma2) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; } ya2 = 0; do { a[(c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + (ya2 << 2 | 3) >> 0] = a[na2 + ya2 >> 0] | 0; ya2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ya2 | 0) != (ma2 | 0)); qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break; } case 0: { if ((ma2 | 0) != 2) { ba3 = 46; break b; } c[A4 >> 2] = 1; ya2 = d[na2 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 9 >> 0]; c[C3 >> 2] = ya2; c[D3 >> 2] = ya2; c[E3 >> 2] = ya2; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } case 2: { if ((ma2 | 0) != 6) { ba3 = 49; break b; } c[A4 >> 2] = 1; c[E3 >> 2] = d[na2 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 9 >> 0]; c[D3 >> 2] = d[da2 + 10 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 11 >> 0]; c[C3 >> 2] = d[da2 + 12 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 13 >> 0]; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } default: { ba3 = 51; break b; } } break; } case 69: { if ((a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 88) { ba3 = 188; break c; } if ((a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) != 116) { ba3 = 188; break c; } if (!(c[F3 >> 2] | 0)) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; } if (!(c[u2 >> 2] | 0)) { d: do if (!ma2) { Ca2 = 0; ba3 = 72; } else { ya2 = 0; while (true) { xa2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; if (!(a[na2 + ya2 >> 0] | 0)) { Da2 = xa2; Ea2 = ya2; break d; } if (xa2 >>> 0 < ma2 >>> 0) ya2 = xa2; else { Ca2 = xa2; ba3 = 72; break; } } } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 72) { ba3 = 0; Da2 = Ca2 + 1 | 0; Ea2 = Ca2; } do if (ma2 >>> 0 > Da2 >>> 0) { ya2 = kq(Da2) | 0; if (ya2) { a[ya2 + Ea2 >> 0] = 0; if (Ea2 | 0) { xa2 = 0; do { a[ya2 + xa2 >> 0] = a[na2 + xa2 >> 0] | 0; xa2 = xa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((xa2 | 0) != (Ea2 | 0)); } if (ma2 >>> 0 < Da2 >>> 0) { Fa2 = 75; Ga3 = ya2; Ha3 = 0; } else { xa2 = ma2 - Da2 | 0; wa2 = kq(xa2 + 1 | 0) | 0; if (!wa2) { Fa2 = 9939; Ga3 = ya2; Ha3 = 0; break; } a[wa2 + xa2 >> 0] = 0; if (xa2 | 0) { Ba3 = 0; do { a[wa2 + Ba3 >> 0] = a[na2 + (Ba3 + Da2) >> 0] | 0; Ba3 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; } while ((Ba3 | 0) != (xa2 | 0)); } Fa2 = Sp(_5, ya2, wa2) | 0; Ga3 = ya2; Ha3 = wa2; } } else { Fa2 = 9938; Ga3 = 0; Ha3 = 0; } } else { Fa2 = 75; Ga3 = 0; Ha3 = 0; } while (0); c[u2 >> 2] = Fa2; Ja3 = Ga3; Ka2 = Ha3; } else { Ja3 = 0; Ka2 = 0; } mq(Ja3); mq(Ka2); qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } case 73: { if ((a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) != 77) { ba3 = 188; break c; } if ((a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) != 69) { ba3 = 188; break c; } if ((ma2 | 0) != 7) { ba3 = 178; break b; } a[P2 >> 0] = 1; c[Q3 >> 2] = d[na2 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 9 >> 0]; a[R3 >> 0] = a[da2 + 10 >> 0] | 0; a[S2 >> 0] = a[da2 + 11 >> 0] | 0; a[T4 >> 0] = a[da2 + 12 >> 0] | 0; a[U2 >> 0] = a[da2 + 13 >> 0] | 0; a[V3 >> 0] = a[da2 + 14 >> 0] | 0; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } default: { ba3 = 188; break c; } } break; } case 98: { if (((a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) == 75 ? (a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 71 : 0) ? (a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) == 68 : 0) switch (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: { if ((ma2 | 0) != 1) { ba3 = 57; break b; } c[G2 >> 2] = 1; xa2 = d[na2 >> 0] | 0; c[H2 >> 2] = xa2; c[I2 >> 2] = xa2; c[J2 >> 2] = xa2; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } case 4: case 0: { if ((ma2 | 0) != 2) { ba3 = 60; break b; } c[G2 >> 2] = 1; xa2 = d[na2 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 9 >> 0]; c[H2 >> 2] = xa2; c[I2 >> 2] = xa2; c[J2 >> 2] = xa2; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } case 6: case 2: { if ((ma2 | 0) != 6) { ba3 = 63; break b; } c[G2 >> 2] = 1; c[J2 >> 2] = d[na2 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 9 >> 0]; c[I2 >> 2] = d[da2 + 10 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 11 >> 0]; c[H2 >> 2] = d[da2 + 12 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 13 >> 0]; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; break; } default: { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; break c; } } else ba3 = 188; break; } case 122: { if (((a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) == 84 ? (a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 88 : 0) ? (a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) == 116 : 0) if (c[F3 >> 2] | 0) { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[K2 >> 2] = 0; c[L3 >> 2] = 0; do if (!(c[u2 >> 2] | 0)) { e: do if (!ma2) La2 = 0; else { xa2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(a[na2 + xa2 >> 0] | 0)) { La2 = xa2; break e; } Ba3 = xa2 + 1 | 0; if (Ba3 >>> 0 < ma2 >>> 0) xa2 = Ba3; else { La2 = Ba3; break; } } } while (0); wa2 = La2 + 2 | 0; if (ma2 >>> 0 <= wa2 >>> 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 75; Ma2 = 0; Na2 = 0; break; } ya2 = La2 + 1 | 0; xa2 = kq(ya2) | 0; if (!xa2) { c[u2 >> 2] = 9940; Ma2 = 0; Na2 = 0; break; } a[xa2 + La2 >> 0] = 0; if (La2 | 0) { Ba3 = 0; do { a[xa2 + Ba3 >> 0] = a[na2 + Ba3 >> 0] | 0; Ba3 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; } while ((Ba3 | 0) != (La2 | 0)); } if (a[na2 + ya2 >> 0] | 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 72; Ma2 = 0; Na2 = xa2; break; } if (ma2 >>> 0 < wa2 >>> 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 75; Ma2 = 0; Na2 = xa2; break; } Ba3 = Op2(j2, L3, na2 + wa2 | 0, ma2 - wa2 | 0, b4) | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = Ba3; if (Ba3 | 0) { Ma2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; Na2 = xa2; break; } Ba3 = c[L3 >> 2] | 0; Oa3 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; do if ((c[K2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < Oa3 >>> 0) { Pa2 = Oa3 << 1; Qa2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; Ra2 = lq(Qa2, Pa2) | 0; if (!Ra2) { Sa2 = Qa2; break; } c[K2 >> 2] = Pa2; c[j2 >> 2] = Ra2; Ta2 = Ra2; ba3 = 113; } else { Ta2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = 113; } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 113) { ba3 = 0; c[L3 >> 2] = Oa3; a[Ta2 + Ba3 >> 0] = 0; Sa2 = Ta2; } c[u2 >> 2] = Sp(_5, xa2, Sa2) | 0; Ma2 = Sa2; Na2 = xa2; } else { Ma2 = 0; Na2 = 0; } while (0); mq(Na2); mq(Ma2); if (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) { Ua2 = fa2; break a; } else { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; } } else { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; } else ba3 = 188; break; } case 105: { if (((a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) == 84 ? (a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 88 : 0) ? (a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) == 116 : 0) if (c[F3 >> 2] | 0) { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[N4 >> 2] = 0; c[O2 >> 2] = 0; f: do if (!(c[u2 >> 2] | 0)) { if (ma2 >>> 0 < 5) { c[u2 >> 2] = 76; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = 0; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; break; } wa2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(a[na2 + wa2 >> 0] | 0)) { Za2 = wa2; break; } ya2 = wa2 + 1 | 0; if (ya2 >>> 0 < ma2 >>> 0) wa2 = ya2; else { Za2 = ya2; break; } } wa2 = Za2 + 2 | 0; if (wa2 >>> 0 >= ma2 >>> 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 75; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = 0; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; break; } xa2 = Za2 + 1 | 0; Ba3 = kq(xa2) | 0; if (!Ba3) { c[u2 >> 2] = 9941; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = 0; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; break; } a[Ba3 + Za2 >> 0] = 0; if (Za2 | 0) { Oa3 = 0; do { a[Ba3 + Oa3 >> 0] = a[na2 + Oa3 >> 0] | 0; Oa3 = Oa3 + 1 | 0; } while ((Oa3 | 0) != (Za2 | 0)); } Oa3 = a[na2 + xa2 >> 0] | 0; if (a[na2 + wa2 >> 0] | 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 72; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; break; } ya2 = Za2 + 3 | 0; g: do if (ya2 >>> 0 < ma2 >>> 0) { Ra2 = ya2; Pa2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(a[na2 + Ra2 >> 0] | 0)) { _a2 = Pa2; break g; } Qa2 = Pa2 + 1 | 0; Ra2 = Ra2 + 1 | 0; if (Ra2 >>> 0 >= ma2 >>> 0) { _a2 = Qa2; break; } else Pa2 = Qa2; } } else _a2 = 0; while (0); wa2 = _a2 + 1 | 0; xa2 = wa2 + ya2 | 0; if (xa2 >>> 0 >= ma2 >>> 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 75; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; break; } Pa2 = kq(wa2) | 0; if (!Pa2) { c[u2 >> 2] = 9942; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; break; } a[Pa2 + _a2 >> 0] = 0; if (_a2 | 0) { wa2 = 0; do { a[Pa2 + wa2 >> 0] = a[na2 + (wa2 + ya2) >> 0] | 0; wa2 = wa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((wa2 | 0) != (_a2 | 0)); } wa2 = xa2; ya2 = 0; while (true) { if (!(a[na2 + wa2 >> 0] | 0)) { $a2 = ya2; break; } Ra2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; wa2 = wa2 + 1 | 0; if (wa2 >>> 0 >= ma2 >>> 0) { $a2 = Ra2; break; } else ya2 = Ra2; } ya2 = $a2 + 1 | 0; wa2 = ya2 + xa2 | 0; if (ma2 >>> 0 <= wa2 >>> 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 75; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = Pa2; Ya3 = 0; break; } Ra2 = kq(ya2) | 0; if (!Ra2) { c[u2 >> 2] = 9943; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = Pa2; Ya3 = 0; break; } a[Ra2 + $a2 >> 0] = 0; if ($a2 | 0) { ya2 = 0; do { a[Ra2 + ya2 >> 0] = a[na2 + (ya2 + xa2) >> 0] | 0; ya2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; } while ((ya2 | 0) != ($a2 | 0)); } if (ma2 >>> 0 < wa2 >>> 0) { c[u2 >> 2] = 75; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = Pa2; Ya3 = Ra2; break; } ya2 = ma2 - wa2 | 0; h: do if (!(Oa3 << 24 >> 24)) { xa2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; do if (xa2) { Qa2 = xa2 << 1; ab2 = lq(0, Qa2) | 0; if (ab2) { c[N4 >> 2] = Qa2; c[j2 >> 2] = ab2; c[O2 >> 2] = xa2; a[ab2 + ya2 >> 0] = 0; if (!ya2) { bb2 = ab2; break h; } else { cb2 = ab2; break; } } else { c[u2 >> 2] = 9944; Va2 = 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = Pa2; Ya3 = Ra2; break f; } } else { c[O2 >> 2] = 0; a[0 + ya2 >> 0] = 0; cb2 = 0; } while (0); xa2 = 0; do { a[cb2 + xa2 >> 0] = a[na2 + (xa2 + wa2) >> 0] | 0; xa2 = xa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((xa2 | 0) != (ya2 | 0)); bb2 = cb2; } else { xa2 = Op2(j2, O2, na2 + wa2 | 0, ya2, b4) | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = xa2; if (xa2 | 0) { Va2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = Pa2; Ya3 = Ra2; break f; } xa2 = c[O2 >> 2] | 0; ab2 = xa2 + 1 | 0; if ((c[N4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 < ab2 >>> 0) { Qa2 = ab2 << 1; db3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; eb3 = lq(db3, Qa2) | 0; if (!eb3) { bb2 = db3; break; } c[N4 >> 2] = Qa2; c[j2 >> 2] = eb3; fb2 = eb3; } else fb2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; c[O2 >> 2] = ab2; a[fb2 + xa2 >> 0] = 0; bb2 = fb2; } while (0); c[u2 >> 2] = Up($2, Ba3, Pa2, Ra2, bb2) | 0; Va2 = bb2; Wa2 = Ba3; Xa3 = Pa2; Ya3 = Ra2; } else { Va2 = 0; Wa2 = 0; Xa3 = 0; Ya3 = 0; } while (0); mq(Wa2); mq(Xa3); mq(Ya3); mq(Va2); if (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) { Ua2 = fa2; break a; } else { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; } } else { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; } else ba3 = 188; break; } case 112: { if (((a[da2 + 5 >> 0] | 0) == 72 ? (a[da2 + 6 >> 0] | 0) == 89 : 0) ? (a[da2 + 7 >> 0] | 0) == 115 : 0) { if ((ma2 | 0) != 9) { ba3 = 184; break b; } c[W2 >> 2] = 1; c[X2 >> 2] = d[da2 + 9 >> 0] << 16 | d[na2 >> 0] << 24 | d[da2 + 10 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 11 >> 0]; c[Y2 >> 2] = d[da2 + 13 >> 0] << 16 | d[da2 + 12 >> 0] << 24 | d[da2 + 14 >> 0] << 8 | d[da2 + 15 >> 0]; a[Z3 >> 0] = a[da2 + 16 >> 0] | 0; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = ia2; } else ba3 = 188; break; } default: if (!(pa3 & 32)) { ba3 = 187; break b; } else ba3 = 188; } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 188) { ba3 = 0; if (!(c[M2 >> 2] | 0)) { qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = 1; } else { pa3 = ea2 + -1 | 0; na2 = b4 + 184 + (pa3 << 2) | 0; ya2 = b4 + 196 + (pa3 << 2) | 0; pa3 = ma2 + 12 | 0; wa2 = c[ya2 >> 2] | 0; Oa3 = wa2 + pa3 | 0; if (Oa3 >>> 0 < pa3 >>> 0 | Oa3 >>> 0 < wa2 >>> 0) { gb2 = 77; ba3 = 193; break; } xa2 = lq(c[na2 >> 2] | 0, Oa3) | 0; if (!xa2) { gb2 = 9929; ba3 = 193; break; } c[na2 >> 2] = xa2; c[ya2 >> 2] = Oa3; Oa3 = xa2 + wa2 | 0; wa2 = 0; do { a[Oa3 + wa2 >> 0] = a[da2 + wa2 >> 0] | 0; wa2 = wa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((wa2 | 0) != (pa3 | 0)); c[u2 >> 2] = 0; qa2 = 0; ra2 = ea2; sa2 = fa2; ta2 = ga2; ua2 = ha2; va2 = 1; } } if ((c[w2 >> 2] | va2 | 0) == 0 ? (pa3 = d[ja2 >> 0] << 16 | d[da2 >> 0] << 24 | d[ka2 >> 0] << 8 | d[la2 >> 0], wa2 = da2 + (pa3 + 8) | 0, Oa3 = d[wa2 + 1 >> 0] << 16 | d[wa2 >> 0] << 24 | d[wa2 + 2 >> 0] << 8 | d[wa2 + 3 >> 0], (Oa3 | 0) != (Qp(oa2, pa3 + 4 | 0) | 0)) : 0) { ba3 = 197; break; } if (qa2 << 24 >> 24) { ba3 = 200; break; } da2 = da2 + ((d[ja2 >> 0] << 16 | d[da2 >> 0] << 24 | d[ka2 >> 0] << 8 | d[la2 >> 0]) + 12) | 0; ca2 = da2 - v2 + 12 | 0; if (da2 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 | ca2 >>> 0 > h3 >>> 0) { aa2 = sa2; ba3 = 4; break a; } else { ea2 = ra2; fa2 = sa2; ga2 = ta2; ha2 = ua2; ia2 = va2; } } switch (ba3 | 0) { case 6: { c[u2 >> 2] = 63; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 9: { c[u2 >> 2] = 35; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 19: { c[u2 >> 2] = 9936; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 29: { c[y4 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 >> 2] = 9937; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 31: { c[u2 >> 2] = 38; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 41: { c[u2 >> 2] = 39; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 46: { c[u2 >> 2] = 40; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 49: { c[u2 >> 2] = 41; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 51: { c[u2 >> 2] = 42; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 57: { c[u2 >> 2] = 43; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 60: { c[u2 >> 2] = 44; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 63: { c[u2 >> 2] = 45; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 178: { c[u2 >> 2] = 73; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 184: { c[u2 >> 2] = 74; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 187: { c[u2 >> 2] = 69; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 193: { c[u2 >> 2] = gb2; Ua2 = fa2; break a; break; } case 197: { c[u2 >> 2] = 57; Ua2 = sa2; break a; break; } case 200: { if (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) { Ua2 = sa2; break a; } c[t3 >> 2] = 0; ia2 = t3 + 8 | 0; c[ia2 >> 2] = 0; ha2 = t3 + 4 | 0; c[ha2 >> 2] = 0; ga2 = b4 + 52 | 0; ea2 = c[ga2 >> 2] | 0; ca2 = b4 + 56 | 0; da2 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = b4 + 76 | 0; Oa3 = c[pa3 >> 2] | 0; switch (c[z3 >> 2] | 0) { case 3: case 0: { hb2 = 1; break; } case 2: { hb2 = 3; break; } case 4: { hb2 = 2; break; } case 6: { hb2 = 4; break; } default: hb2 = 0; } wa2 = ((B((B(B(Oa3, da2) | 0, hb2) | 0) + 7 | 0, ea2) | 0) >>> 3) + da2 | 0; do if (wa2) { da2 = wa2 << 1; ea2 = lq(0, da2) | 0; if (ea2) { c[ia2 >> 2] = da2; c[t3 >> 2] = ea2; ea2 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; c[ha2 >> 2] = wa2; if (!ea2) { ba3 = 211; break; } else break; } else { c[u2 >> 2] = 9945; break; } } else { c[ha2 >> 2] = 0; ba3 = 211; } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 211 ? (wa2 = Op2(t3, ha2, sa2, ua2, b4) | 0, c[u2 >> 2] = wa2, (wa2 | 0) == 0) : 0) { wa2 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; fa2 = c[ga2 >> 2] | 0; ea2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; da2 = c[pa3 >> 2] | 0; switch (ea2 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { ib2 = 1; break; } case 2: { ib2 = 3; break; } case 4: { ib2 = 2; break; } case 6: { ib2 = 4; break; } default: ib2 = 0; } Oa3 = ((B(B(B(fa2, wa2) | 0, da2) | 0, ib2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; if (Oa3) { wa2 = lq(0, Oa3 << 1) | 0; if (wa2) { Iv(wa2 | 0, 0, Oa3 | 0) | 0; fa2 = wa2; if (!(c[u2 >> 2] | 0)) { jb2 = c[z3 >> 2] | 0; kb2 = c[pa3 >> 2] | 0; lb3 = fa2; ba3 = 221; } else { mb2 = fa2; nb2 = Oa3; } } else { ob2 = 0; pb2 = 0; qb2 = 9946; ba3 = 286; } } else { jb2 = ea2; kb2 = da2; lb3 = 0; ba3 = 221; } i: do if ((ba3 | 0) == 221) { da2 = lb3; ea2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; switch (jb2 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { rb2 = 1; break; } case 2: { rb2 = 3; break; } case 4: { rb2 = 2; break; } case 6: { rb2 = 4; break; } default: rb2 = 0; } fa2 = B(rb2, kb2) | 0; wa2 = c[ga2 >> 2] | 0; ma2 = c[ca2 >> 2] | 0; if (!fa2) { ob2 = lb3; pb2 = Oa3; qb2 = 31; ba3 = 286; } else { do if (!(c[b4 + 68 >> 2] | 0)) { if (fa2 >>> 0 >= 8) { sb2 = Zp(da2, ea2, wa2, ma2, fa2) | 0; break; } xa2 = B(wa2, fa2) | 0; ya2 = xa2 + 7 & -8; if ((xa2 | 0) == (ya2 | 0)) { sb2 = Zp(da2, ea2, wa2, ma2, fa2) | 0; break; } na2 = Zp(ea2, ea2, wa2, ma2, fa2) | 0; if (na2 | 0) { ob2 = lb3; pb2 = Oa3; qb2 = na2; ba3 = 286; break i; } if ((ma2 | 0) == 0 | (xa2 | 0) == 0) sb2 = 0; else { na2 = 0; ab2 = 0; eb3 = 0; while (true) { Qa2 = na2; db3 = ab2; tb2 = 0; while (true) { ub2 = 1 << (db3 & 7 ^ 7); if (!(1 << (Qa2 & 7 ^ 7) & d[ea2 + (Qa2 >>> 3) >> 0])) { vb2 = da2 + (db3 >>> 3) | 0; wb3 = (ub2 ^ 255) & d[vb2 >> 0]; xb2 = vb2; } else { vb2 = da2 + (db3 >>> 3) | 0; wb3 = ub2 | d[vb2 >> 0]; xb2 = vb2; } a[xb2 >> 0] = wb3; tb2 = tb2 + 1 | 0; if ((tb2 | 0) == (xa2 | 0)) break; else { Qa2 = Qa2 + 1 | 0; db3 = db3 + 1 | 0; } } eb3 = eb3 + 1 | 0; if ((eb3 | 0) == (ma2 | 0)) { sb2 = 0; break; } else { na2 = na2 + ya2 | 0; ab2 = ab2 + xa2 | 0; } } } } else { _p2(o2, p2, q3, r2, s3, wa2, ma2, fa2); j: do if (fa2 >>> 0 >= 8) { xa2 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (!xa2) { ab2 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (!ab2) { ya2 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 + 8 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 8 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (!ya2) { na2 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 + 12 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 12 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (!na2) { eb3 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 + 16 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 16 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (!eb3) { db3 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 + 20 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 + 20 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 20 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (db3 | 0) { yb2 = 0; zb2 = db3; Ab2 = db3; break; } db3 = Zp(ea2 + (c[r2 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0, ea2 + (c[q3 + 24 >> 2] | 0) | 0, c[o2 + 24 >> 2] | 0, c[p2 + 24 >> 2] | 0, fa2) | 0; if (!db3) ba3 = 255; else { yb2 = 0; zb2 = db3; Ab2 = db3; } } else { yb2 = 0; zb2 = eb3; Ab2 = eb3; } } else { yb2 = 0; zb2 = na2; Ab2 = na2; } } else { yb2 = 0; zb2 = ya2; Ab2 = ya2; } } else { yb2 = 0; zb2 = ab2; Ab2 = ab2; } } else { yb2 = 0; zb2 = xa2; Ab2 = xa2; } } else { xa2 = 0; while (true) { ab2 = ea2 + (c[r2 + (xa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; ya2 = c[o2 + (xa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; na2 = c[p2 + (xa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; eb3 = Zp(ab2, ea2 + (c[q3 + (xa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0, ya2, na2, fa2) | 0; if (eb3 | 0) { yb2 = 0; zb2 = eb3; Ab2 = eb3; break j; } eb3 = ea2 + (c[s3 + (xa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; db3 = B(ya2, fa2) | 0; ya2 = db3 + 7 & -8; if (!((na2 | 0) == 0 | (db3 | 0) == 0)) { Qa2 = 0; tb2 = 0; Ra2 = 0; while (true) { Pa2 = Qa2; Ba3 = tb2; vb2 = 0; while (true) { ub2 = 1 << (Ba3 & 7 ^ 7); if (!(1 << (Pa2 & 7 ^ 7) & d[ab2 + (Pa2 >>> 3) >> 0])) { Bb2 = eb3 + (Ba3 >>> 3) | 0; Cb2 = (ub2 ^ 255) & d[Bb2 >> 0]; Db2 = Bb2; } else { Bb2 = eb3 + (Ba3 >>> 3) | 0; Cb2 = ub2 | d[Bb2 >> 0]; Db2 = Bb2; } a[Db2 >> 0] = Cb2; vb2 = vb2 + 1 | 0; if ((vb2 | 0) == (db3 | 0)) break; else { Pa2 = Pa2 + 1 | 0; Ba3 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; } } Ra2 = Ra2 + 1 | 0; if ((Ra2 | 0) == (na2 | 0)) break; else { Qa2 = Qa2 + ya2 | 0; tb2 = tb2 + db3 | 0; } } } xa2 = xa2 + 1 | 0; if (xa2 >>> 0 >= 7) { ba3 = 255; break; } } } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 255) { _p2(j2, k2, l2, m4, n2, wa2, ma2, fa2); if (fa2 >>> 0 > 7) { xa2 = fa2 >>> 3; if (xa2 | 0) { db3 = 0; do { tb2 = c[k2 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; do if (tb2 | 0) { ya2 = c[j2 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!ya2) break; Qa2 = c[n2 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; na2 = c[29952 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Ra2 = c[29920 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; eb3 = c[29888 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ab2 = c[29856 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Ba3 = 0; do { Pa2 = (B((B(Ba3, Ra2) | 0) + na2 | 0, wa2) | 0) + eb3 | 0; vb2 = B(Ba3, ya2) | 0; Bb2 = 0; do { ub2 = (B(Bb2 + vb2 | 0, xa2) | 0) + Qa2 | 0; Eb3 = B(Pa2 + (B(Bb2, ab2) | 0) | 0, xa2) | 0; Fb2 = 0; do { a[da2 + (Fb2 + Eb3) >> 0] = a[ea2 + (ub2 + Fb2) >> 0] | 0; Fb2 = Fb2 + 1 | 0; } while ((Fb2 | 0) != (xa2 | 0)); Bb2 = Bb2 + 1 | 0; } while ((Bb2 | 0) != (ya2 | 0)); Ba3 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; } while ((Ba3 | 0) != (tb2 | 0)); } while (0); db3 = db3 + 1 | 0; } while ((db3 | 0) != 7); } } else { db3 = 0; do { xa2 = c[j2 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; tb2 = c[k2 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (!((xa2 | 0) == 0 | (tb2 | 0) == 0)) { Ba3 = c[29952 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ya2 = c[29920 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ab2 = c[29888 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; Qa2 = c[29856 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] | 0; eb3 = c[n2 + (db3 << 2) >> 2] << 3; na2 = 0; do { Ra2 = B(na2, xa2) | 0; Bb2 = (B((B(na2, ya2) | 0) + Ba3 | 0, wa2) | 0) + ab2 | 0; Pa2 = 0; do { vb2 = 0; Fb2 = (B(Pa2 + Ra2 | 0, fa2) | 0) + eb3 | 0; ub2 = B(Bb2 + (B(Pa2, Qa2) | 0) | 0, fa2) | 0; while (true) { Eb3 = (d[ea2 + (Fb2 >>> 3) >> 0] | 0) >>> (Fb2 & 7 ^ 7) & 1; if (Eb3 | 0) { Gb2 = da2 + (ub2 >>> 3) | 0; a[Gb2 >> 0] = Eb3 << (ub2 & 7 ^ 7) | d[Gb2 >> 0]; } vb2 = vb2 + 1 | 0; if ((vb2 | 0) == (fa2 | 0)) break; else { Fb2 = Fb2 + 1 | 0; ub2 = ub2 + 1 | 0; } } Pa2 = Pa2 + 1 | 0; } while ((Pa2 | 0) != (xa2 | 0)); na2 = na2 + 1 | 0; } while ((na2 | 0) != (tb2 | 0)); } db3 = db3 + 1 | 0; } while ((db3 | 0) != 7); } yb2 = 1; zb2 = 0; Ab2 = 0; } if (yb2) sb2 = zb2; else { ob2 = lb3; pb2 = Oa3; qb2 = Ab2; ba3 = 286; break i; } } while (0); ob2 = lb3; pb2 = Oa3; qb2 = sb2; ba3 = 286; } } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 286) { c[u2 >> 2] = qb2; mb2 = ob2; nb2 = pb2; } c[e2 >> 2] = mb2; c[f2 >> 2] = nb2; } c[ia2 >> 2] = 0; c[ha2 >> 2] = 0; mq(c[t3 >> 2] | 0); Ua2 = sa2; break a; break; } } } while (0); if ((ba3 | 0) == 4) { c[u2 >> 2] = 30; Ua2 = aa2; } mq(Ua2); if (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) { Ia = i3; return; } Ua2 = b4 + 20 | 0; aa2 = b4 + 72 | 0; if (!(c[b4 + 8 >> 2] | 0)) { ba3 = b4 + 28 | 0; sa2 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; if (sa2 | 0) mq(sa2); c[Ua2 >> 2] = c[aa2 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 4 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 4 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 8 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 8 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 12 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 12 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 16 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 16 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 20 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 20 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 24 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 24 >> 2]; c[Ua2 + 28 >> 2] = c[aa2 + 28 >> 2]; sa2 = kq(c[y4 >> 2] << 2) | 0; c[ba3 >> 2] = sa2; t3 = c[y4 >> 2] | 0; if (!sa2) { Hb2 = (t3 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : 9935; c[u2 >> 2] = Hb2; Ia = i3; return; } if (!(t3 & 1073741823)) { Hb2 = 0; c[u2 >> 2] = Hb2; Ia = i3; return; } a[sa2 >> 0] = a[c[x2 >> 2] >> 0] | 0; if (!(c[y4 >> 2] & 1073741823)) { Hb2 = 0; c[u2 >> 2] = Hb2; Ia = i3; return; } sa2 = 1; do { a[(c[ba3 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 >> 0] = a[(c[x2 >> 2] | 0) + sa2 >> 0] | 0; sa2 = sa2 + 1 | 0; } while (sa2 >>> 0 < c[y4 >> 2] << 2 >>> 0); Hb2 = 0; c[u2 >> 2] = Hb2; Ia = i3; return; } Hb2 = c[Ua2 >> 2] | 0; if ((Hb2 | 0) == (c[aa2 >> 2] | 0) ? (c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) == (c[b4 + 76 >> 2] | 0) : 0) { Ia = i3; return; } y4 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; switch (Hb2 | 0) { case 6: case 2: break; default: if ((c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0) != 8) { c[u2 >> 2] = 56; Ia = i3; return; } } sa2 = b4 + 52 | 0; x2 = c[sa2 >> 2] | 0; ba3 = b4 + 56 | 0; t3 = c[ba3 >> 2] | 0; nb2 = c[b4 + 24 >> 2] | 0; switch (Hb2 | 0) { case 3: case 0: { Ib2 = 1; break; } case 2: { Ib2 = 3; break; } case 4: { Ib2 = 2; break; } case 6: { Ib2 = 4; break; } default: Ib2 = 0; } Hb2 = ((B(B(B(t3, x2) | 0, nb2) | 0, Ib2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; c[f2 >> 2] = Hb2; Ib2 = kq(Hb2) | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = Ib2; if (!Ib2) { c[u2 >> 2] = 9947; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; } else c[u2 >> 2] = Wp(Ib2, y4, Ua2, aa2, c[sa2 >> 2] | 0, c[ba3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; mq(y4); Ia = i3; return; } function Zp(b4, c2, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0; h3 = (g2 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; i3 = ((B(g2, e2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3; if (!f2) { j2 = 0; return j2 | 0; } e2 = i3 + 1 | 0; g2 = (i3 | 0) == 0; k2 = (h3 | 0) == 0; l2 = (i3 | 0) != 0; m4 = (h3 | 0) != 0; n2 = h3 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0; o2 = 0; p2 = 0; a: while (true) { q3 = B(p2, i3) | 0; r2 = B(p2, e2) | 0; s3 = o2; o2 = b4 + q3 | 0; q3 = c2 + (r2 + 1) | 0; b: do switch (a[c2 + r2 >> 0] | 0) { case 0: { if (!g2) { t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = a[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } break; } case 1: { if (!k2) { t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = a[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); } if (n2) { t3 = h3; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = (d[o2 + (t3 - h3) >> 0] | 0) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } break; } case 2: { if (!s3) { if (!l2) break b; t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = a[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } else { if (!l2) break b; t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = (d[s3 + t3 >> 0] | 0) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } break; } case 3: { if (!s3) { if (m4) { t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = a[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); } if (!n2) break b; t3 = h3; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = ((d[o2 + (t3 - h3) >> 0] | 0) >>> 1 & 255) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } else { if (m4) { t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = ((d[s3 + t3 >> 0] | 0) >>> 1 & 255) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); } if (!n2) break b; t3 = h3; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = (((d[s3 + t3 >> 0] | 0) + (d[o2 + (t3 - h3) >> 0] | 0) | 0) >>> 1) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } break; } case 4: { if (!s3) { if (m4) { t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = a[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0; t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); } if (!n2) break b; t3 = h3; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = (d[o2 + (t3 - h3) >> 0] | 0) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } else { if (m4) { t3 = 0; do { a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = (d[s3 + t3 >> 0] | 0) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (h3 | 0)); } if (!n2) break b; t3 = h3; do { u2 = t3 - h3 | 0; v2 = a[o2 + u2 >> 0] | 0; w2 = a[s3 + t3 >> 0] | 0; x2 = a[s3 + u2 >> 0] | 0; u2 = w2 & 255; y4 = x2 & 255; z3 = u2 - y4 | 0; A4 = (z3 | 0) > -1 ? z3 : 0 - z3 | 0; z3 = v2 & 255; C3 = z3 - y4 | 0; D3 = (C3 | 0) > -1 ? C3 : 0 - C3 | 0; C3 = u2 + z3 + (B(y4, -2) | 0) | 0; y4 = (C3 | 0) > -1 ? C3 : 0 - C3 | 0; a[o2 + t3 >> 0] = (((A4 | 0) > (D3 | 0) | (A4 | 0) > (y4 | 0) ? (D3 | 0) > (y4 | 0) ? x2 : w2 : v2) & 255) + (d[q3 + t3 >> 0] | 0); t3 = t3 + 1 | 0; } while ((t3 | 0) != (i3 | 0)); } break; } default: { j2 = 36; E3 = 47; break a; } } while (0); p2 = p2 + 1 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 >= f2 >>> 0) { j2 = 0; E3 = 47; break; } } if ((E3 | 0) == 47) return j2 | 0; return 0; } function _p2(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3, i3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0; c[a2 >> 2] = (g2 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; j2 = (h3 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; c[b4 >> 2] = j2; k2 = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : j2; c[b4 >> 2] = k2; if (!k2) c[a2 >> 2] = 0; k2 = a2 + 4 | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = (g2 + 3 | 0) >>> 3; l2 = b4 + 4 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = j2; m4 = (c[k2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : j2; c[l2 >> 2] = m4; if (!m4) c[k2 >> 2] = 0; m4 = a2 + 8 | 0; c[m4 >> 2] = (g2 + 3 | 0) >>> 2; j2 = (h3 + 3 | 0) >>> 3; n2 = b4 + 8 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = j2; o2 = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : j2; c[n2 >> 2] = o2; if (!o2) c[m4 >> 2] = 0; o2 = a2 + 12 | 0; c[o2 >> 2] = (g2 + 1 | 0) >>> 2; j2 = (h3 + 3 | 0) >>> 2; p2 = b4 + 12 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = j2; q3 = (c[o2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : j2; c[p2 >> 2] = q3; if (!q3) c[o2 >> 2] = 0; q3 = a2 + 16 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = (g2 + 1 | 0) >>> 1; j2 = (h3 + 1 | 0) >>> 2; r2 = b4 + 16 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = j2; s3 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : j2; c[r2 >> 2] = s3; if (!s3) c[q3 >> 2] = 0; s3 = a2 + 20 | 0; c[s3 >> 2] = g2 >>> 1; j2 = (h3 + 1 | 0) >>> 1; t3 = b4 + 20 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = j2; u2 = (c[s3 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : j2; c[t3 >> 2] = u2; if (!u2) c[s3 >> 2] = 0; u2 = a2 + 24 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = g2; g2 = h3 >>> 1; h3 = b4 + 24 | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = g2; j2 = (c[u2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : g2; c[h3 >> 2] = j2; if (!j2) c[u2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[e2 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; j2 = c[a2 >> 2] | 0; a2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) { v2 = 0; w2 = 0; x2 = 0; } else { b4 = B(j2, i3) | 0; j2 = (b4 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; v2 = B(a2, j2 + 1 | 0) | 0; w2 = j2; x2 = b4; } b4 = d2 + 4 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = v2; v2 = e2 + 4 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = (B(a2, w2) | 0) + (c[e2 >> 2] | 0); w2 = f2 + 4 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = (((B(x2, a2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3) + (c[f2 >> 2] | 0); a2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = c[l2 >> 2] | 0; if (!a2) { y4 = 0; z3 = 0; A4 = 0; } else { l2 = B(a2, i3) | 0; a2 = (l2 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; y4 = B(k2, a2 + 1 | 0) | 0; z3 = a2; A4 = l2; } l2 = d2 + 8 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = y4 + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0); b4 = e2 + 8 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (B(k2, z3) | 0) + (c[v2 >> 2] | 0); v2 = f2 + 8 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = (((B(A4, k2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3) + (c[w2 >> 2] | 0); w2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; m4 = c[n2 >> 2] | 0; if (!w2) { C3 = 0; D3 = 0; E3 = 0; } else { n2 = B(w2, i3) | 0; w2 = (n2 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; C3 = B(m4, w2 + 1 | 0) | 0; D3 = w2; E3 = n2; } n2 = d2 + 12 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = C3 + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0); l2 = e2 + 12 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (B(m4, D3) | 0) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0); b4 = f2 + 12 | 0; c[b4 >> 2] = (((B(E3, m4) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3) + (c[v2 >> 2] | 0); v2 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; o2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; if (!v2) { F3 = 0; G2 = 0; H2 = 0; } else { p2 = B(v2, i3) | 0; v2 = (p2 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; F3 = B(o2, v2 + 1 | 0) | 0; G2 = v2; H2 = p2; } p2 = d2 + 16 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = F3 + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); n2 = e2 + 16 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (B(o2, G2) | 0) + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0); l2 = f2 + 16 | 0; c[l2 >> 2] = (((B(H2, o2) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3) + (c[b4 >> 2] | 0); b4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; q3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (!b4) { I2 = 0; J2 = 0; K2 = 0; } else { r2 = B(b4, i3) | 0; b4 = (r2 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; I2 = B(q3, b4 + 1 | 0) | 0; J2 = b4; K2 = r2; } r2 = d2 + 20 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = I2 + (c[p2 >> 2] | 0); p2 = e2 + 20 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = (B(q3, J2) | 0) + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); n2 = f2 + 20 | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = (((B(K2, q3) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3) + (c[l2 >> 2] | 0); l2 = c[s3 >> 2] | 0; s3 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; if (!l2) { L3 = 0; M2 = 0; N4 = 0; } else { t3 = B(l2, i3) | 0; l2 = (t3 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; L3 = B(s3, l2 + 1 | 0) | 0; M2 = l2; N4 = t3; } t3 = d2 + 24 | 0; c[t3 >> 2] = L3 + (c[r2 >> 2] | 0); r2 = e2 + 24 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = (B(s3, M2) | 0) + (c[p2 >> 2] | 0); p2 = f2 + 24 | 0; c[p2 >> 2] = (((B(N4, s3) | 0) + 7 | 0) >>> 3) + (c[n2 >> 2] | 0); n2 = c[t3 >> 2] | 0; t3 = c[u2 >> 2] | 0; u2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (!t3) { O2 = 0; P2 = 0; Q3 = 0; R3 = O2 + n2 | 0; S2 = d2 + 28 | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = R3; T4 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; U2 = B(u2, P2) | 0; V3 = U2 + T4 | 0; W2 = e2 + 28 | 0; c[W2 >> 2] = V3; X2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = B(Q3, u2) | 0; Z3 = Y2 + 7 | 0; _5 = Z3 >>> 3; $2 = _5 + X2 | 0; aa2 = f2 + 28 | 0; c[aa2 >> 2] = $2; return; } h3 = B(t3, i3) | 0; i3 = (h3 + 7 | 0) >>> 3; O2 = B(u2, i3 + 1 | 0) | 0; P2 = i3; Q3 = h3; R3 = O2 + n2 | 0; S2 = d2 + 28 | 0; c[S2 >> 2] = R3; T4 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; U2 = B(u2, P2) | 0; V3 = U2 + T4 | 0; W2 = e2 + 28 | 0; c[W2 >> 2] = V3; X2 = c[p2 >> 2] | 0; Y2 = B(Q3, u2) | 0; Z3 = Y2 + 7 | 0; _5 = Z3 >>> 3; $2 = _5 + X2 | 0; aa2 = f2 + 28 | 0; c[aa2 >> 2] = $2; return; } function $p(b4, d2, e2, f2, g2, h3) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 224 | 0; j2 = i3 + 212 | 0; k2 = i3; if (!f2) { l2 = 100; Ia = i3; return l2 | 0; } m4 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (!m4) { n2 = c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0; Lu(n2, 0, 2) | 0; o2 = ev(n2) | 0; if (o2 >>> 0 > 268435456) { l2 = 333; Ia = i3; return l2 | 0; } gv(n2); p2 = kq(o2) | 0; fv(p2, 1, o2, n2) | 0; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = 1; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; n2 = k2 + 20 | 0; q3 = k2 + 24 | 0; r2 = k2 + 28 | 0; s3 = k2 + 32 | 0; t3 = k2 + 56 | 0; u2 = k2 + 52 | 0; v2 = k2 + 88 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = 0; c[v2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[v2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[v2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 72 >> 2] = 6; c[k2 + 76 >> 2] = 8; c[k2 + 80 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 84 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 60 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 64 >> 2] = 0; v2 = k2 + 104 | 0; c[k2 + 168 >> 2] = 0; w2 = k2 + 184 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[w2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; x2 = v2; y4 = x2 + 48 | 0; do { c[x2 >> 2] = 0; x2 = x2 + 4 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) < (y4 | 0)); a[v2 + 48 >> 0] = 0; v2 = k2 + 208 | 0; c[v2 >> 2] = 1; c[n2 >> 2] = g2; c[q3 >> 2] = h3; Yp(k2, b4, j2, p2, o2); o2 = c[v2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = c[u2 >> 2]; c[e2 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; t3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (t3 | 0) mq(t3); c[s3 >> 2] = 0; Vp(k2 + 52 | 0); mq(p2); z3 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; A4 = o2; } else { z3 = m4; A4 = 0; } if ((z3 | 0) != 1) { l2 = A4; Ia = i3; return l2 | 0; } c[f2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; A4 = c[f2 + 12 >> 2] | 0; z3 = c[f2 + 16 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 + 8 >> 2] = 1; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; c[k2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; f2 = k2 + 20 | 0; m4 = k2 + 24 | 0; o2 = k2 + 28 | 0; p2 = k2 + 32 | 0; s3 = k2 + 56 | 0; t3 = k2 + 52 | 0; r2 = k2 + 88 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[r2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[o2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 72 >> 2] = 6; c[k2 + 76 >> 2] = 8; c[k2 + 80 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 84 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 68 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 60 >> 2] = 0; c[k2 + 64 >> 2] = 0; r2 = k2 + 104 | 0; c[k2 + 168 >> 2] = 0; u2 = k2 + 184 | 0; c[u2 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[u2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; x2 = r2; y4 = x2 + 48 | 0; do { c[x2 >> 2] = 0; x2 = x2 + 4 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) < (y4 | 0)); a[r2 + 48 >> 0] = 0; r2 = k2 + 208 | 0; c[r2 >> 2] = 1; c[f2 >> 2] = g2; c[m4 >> 2] = h3; Yp(k2, b4, j2, A4, z3); z3 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; c[d2 >> 2] = c[t3 >> 2]; c[e2 >> 2] = c[s3 >> 2]; s3 = c[o2 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 | 0) mq(s3); c[p2 >> 2] = 0; Vp(k2 + 52 | 0); l2 = z3; Ia = i3; return l2 | 0; } function aq(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; return $p(a2, b4, c2, d2, 6, 8) | 0; } function ju2(a2, b4, e2, f2, g2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0; h3 = a2 + 4 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; j2 = a2 + 104 | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = i3 + 1; k2 = d[i3 >> 0] | 0; } else k2 = Kt(a2) | 0; i3 = k2; k2 = 0; a: while (true) { switch (i3 | 0) { case 46: { l2 = 10; break a; break; } case 48: break; default: { m4 = 0; n2 = 0; o2 = i3; p2 = k2; q3 = 0; break a; } } r2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; s3 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } else s3 = Kt(a2) | 0; i3 = s3; k2 = 1; } if ((l2 | 0) == 10) { s3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (s3 >>> 0 < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = s3 + 1; t3 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; } else t3 = Kt(a2) | 0; if ((t3 | 0) == 48) { s3 = 0; i3 = 0; while (true) { r2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; u2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } else u2 = Kt(a2) | 0; r2 = tv(s3 | 0, i3 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; v2 = G() | 0; if ((u2 | 0) == 48) { s3 = r2; i3 = v2; } else { m4 = r2; n2 = v2; o2 = u2; p2 = 1; q3 = 1; break; } } } else { m4 = 0; n2 = 0; o2 = t3; p2 = k2; q3 = 1; } } k2 = 0; t3 = 0; u2 = m4; m4 = n2; n2 = o2; o2 = p2; p2 = q3; q3 = 0; w2 = 1; i3 = 0; x2 = 0; while (true) { s3 = n2 + -48 | 0; v2 = n2 | 32; if (s3 >>> 0 >= 10) { r2 = (n2 | 0) == 46; if (!(r2 | (v2 + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 6)) { y4 = n2; break; } if (r2) if (!p2) { z3 = t3; A4 = k2; B2 = t3; C3 = k2; D3 = o2; E3 = 1; F3 = q3; H2 = w2; I2 = i3; J2 = x2; } else { y4 = 46; break; } else l2 = 24; } else l2 = 24; if ((l2 | 0) == 24) { l2 = 0; r2 = (n2 | 0) > 57 ? v2 + -87 | 0 : s3; do if (!((k2 | 0) < 0 | (k2 | 0) == 0 & t3 >>> 0 < 8)) if ((k2 | 0) < 0 | (k2 | 0) == 0 & t3 >>> 0 < 14) { K2 = w2 * 0.0625; L3 = q3; M2 = K2; N4 = i3; O2 = x2 + K2 * +(r2 | 0); break; } else { s3 = (q3 | 0) != 0 | (r2 | 0) == 0; L3 = s3 ? q3 : 1; M2 = w2; N4 = i3; O2 = s3 ? x2 : x2 + w2 * 0.5; break; } else { L3 = q3; M2 = w2; N4 = r2 + (i3 << 4) | 0; O2 = x2; } while (0); r2 = tv(t3 | 0, k2 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; z3 = u2; A4 = m4; B2 = r2; C3 = G() | 0; D3 = 1; E3 = p2; F3 = L3; H2 = M2; I2 = N4; J2 = O2; } r2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 < (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[h3 >> 2] = r2 + 1; P2 = d[r2 >> 0] | 0; } else P2 = Kt(a2) | 0; k2 = C3; t3 = B2; u2 = z3; m4 = A4; n2 = P2; o2 = D3; p2 = E3; q3 = F3; w2 = H2; i3 = I2; x2 = J2; } do if (!o2) { I2 = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) == 0; if (!I2) c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if (g2) { if (!I2 ? (c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -1, !((p2 | 0) == 0 | I2)) : 0) c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -1; } else It(a2, 0, 0); Q3 = +(f2 | 0) * 0; } else { I2 = (p2 | 0) == 0; F3 = I2 ? t3 : u2; q3 = I2 ? k2 : m4; if ((k2 | 0) < 0 | (k2 | 0) == 0 & t3 >>> 0 < 8) { I2 = t3; E3 = k2; D3 = i3; while (true) { P2 = D3 << 4; n2 = I2; I2 = tv(I2 | 0, E3 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; A4 = E3; E3 = G() | 0; if (!((A4 | 0) < 0 | (A4 | 0) == 0 & n2 >>> 0 < 7)) { R3 = P2; break; } else D3 = P2; } } else R3 = i3; if ((y4 | 32 | 0) == 112) { D3 = lu(a2, g2) | 0; E3 = G() | 0; if ((D3 | 0) == 0 & (E3 | 0) == -2147483648) { if (!g2) { It(a2, 0, 0); Q3 = 0; break; } if (!(c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) { S2 = 0; T4 = 0; } else { c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -1; S2 = 0; T4 = 0; } } else { S2 = D3; T4 = E3; } } else if (!(c[j2 >> 2] | 0)) { S2 = 0; T4 = 0; } else { c[h3 >> 2] = (c[h3 >> 2] | 0) + -1; S2 = 0; T4 = 0; } E3 = Dv2(F3 | 0, q3 | 0, 2) | 0; D3 = tv(E3 | 0, G() | 0, -32, -1) | 0; E3 = tv(D3 | 0, G() | 0, S2 | 0, T4 | 0) | 0; D3 = G() | 0; if (!R3) { Q3 = +(f2 | 0) * 0; break; } I2 = 0 - e2 | 0; P2 = ((I2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((D3 | 0) > (P2 | 0) | (D3 | 0) == (P2 | 0) & E3 >>> 0 > I2 >>> 0) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; Q3 = +(f2 | 0) * 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 * 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; break; } I2 = e2 + -106 | 0; P2 = ((I2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((D3 | 0) < (P2 | 0) | (D3 | 0) == (P2 | 0) & E3 >>> 0 < I2 >>> 0) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; Q3 = +(f2 | 0) * 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022250738585072014 * 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022250738585072014; break; } if ((R3 | 0) > -1) { I2 = E3; P2 = D3; n2 = R3; J2 = x2; while (true) { A4 = !(J2 >= 0.5); z3 = n2 << 1 | (A4 ^ 1) & 1; H2 = J2 + (A4 ? J2 : J2 + -1); A4 = tv(I2 | 0, P2 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; B2 = G() | 0; if ((z3 | 0) > -1) { I2 = A4; P2 = B2; n2 = z3; J2 = H2; } else { U2 = A4; V3 = B2; W2 = z3; X2 = H2; break; } } } else { U2 = E3; V3 = D3; W2 = R3; X2 = x2; } n2 = ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; P2 = uv(32, 0, e2 | 0, ((e2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; I2 = tv(P2 | 0, G() | 0, U2 | 0, V3 | 0) | 0; P2 = G() | 0; if ((P2 | 0) < (n2 | 0) | (P2 | 0) == (n2 | 0) & I2 >>> 0 < b4 >>> 0) if ((I2 | 0) > 0) { Y2 = I2; l2 = 65; } else { Z3 = 0; _5 = 84; l2 = 67; } else { Y2 = b4; l2 = 65; } if ((l2 | 0) == 65) if ((Y2 | 0) < 53) { Z3 = Y2; _5 = 84 - Y2 | 0; l2 = 67; } else { $2 = 0; aa2 = Y2; ba3 = +(f2 | 0); } if ((l2 | 0) == 67) { J2 = +(f2 | 0); $2 = +$s(+Zs(1, _5), J2); aa2 = Z3; ba3 = J2; } I2 = (W2 & 1 | 0) == 0 & (X2 != 0 & (aa2 | 0) < 32); J2 = (I2 ? 0 : X2) * ba3 + ($2 + ba3 * +((W2 + (I2 & 1) | 0) >>> 0)) - $2; if (!(J2 != 0)) c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; Q3 = +et(J2, U2); } while (0); return +Q3; } function ku2(a2, b4, e2, f2, g2, h3) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; var i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0, cb2 = 0, db3 = 0, eb3 = 0, fb2 = 0, gb2 = 0, hb2 = 0, ib2 = 0, jb2 = 0, kb2 = 0, lb3 = 0, mb2 = 0, nb2 = 0, ob2 = 0, pb2 = 0, qb2 = 0; i3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 512 | 0; j2 = i3; k2 = f2 + e2 | 0; l2 = 0 - k2 | 0; m4 = a2 + 4 | 0; n2 = a2 + 104 | 0; o2 = b4; b4 = 0; a: while (true) { switch (o2 | 0) { case 46: { p2 = 7; break a; break; } case 48: break; default: { q3 = 0; r2 = 0; s3 = o2; t3 = b4; v2 = 0; break a; } } w2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (w2 >>> 0 < (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = w2 + 1; x2 = d[w2 >> 0] | 0; } else x2 = Kt(a2) | 0; o2 = x2; b4 = 1; } if ((p2 | 0) == 7) { x2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (x2 >>> 0 < (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = x2 + 1; y4 = d[x2 >> 0] | 0; } else y4 = Kt(a2) | 0; if ((y4 | 0) == 48) { x2 = 0; o2 = 0; while (true) { w2 = tv(x2 | 0, o2 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; z3 = G() | 0; A4 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (A4 >>> 0 < (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = A4 + 1; C3 = d[A4 >> 0] | 0; } else C3 = Kt(a2) | 0; if ((C3 | 0) == 48) { x2 = w2; o2 = z3; } else { q3 = w2; r2 = z3; s3 = C3; t3 = 1; v2 = 1; break; } } } else { q3 = 0; r2 = 0; s3 = y4; t3 = b4; v2 = 1; } } c[j2 >> 2] = 0; b4 = s3 + -48 | 0; y4 = (s3 | 0) == 46; b: do if (y4 | b4 >>> 0 < 10) { C3 = j2 + 496 | 0; o2 = q3; x2 = r2; z3 = 0; w2 = 0; A4 = s3; D3 = y4; E3 = t3; F3 = v2; H2 = 0; I2 = 0; J2 = 0; K2 = b4; c: while (true) { do if (D3) if (!F3) { L3 = z3; M2 = w2; N4 = z3; O2 = w2; P2 = E3; Q3 = 1; R3 = H2; S2 = I2; T4 = J2; } else break c; else { U2 = tv(z3 | 0, w2 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; V3 = G() | 0; W2 = (A4 | 0) != 48; if ((I2 | 0) >= 125) { if (!W2) { L3 = o2; M2 = x2; N4 = U2; O2 = V3; P2 = E3; Q3 = F3; R3 = H2; S2 = I2; T4 = J2; break; } c[C3 >> 2] = c[C3 >> 2] | 1; L3 = o2; M2 = x2; N4 = U2; O2 = V3; P2 = E3; Q3 = F3; R3 = H2; S2 = I2; T4 = J2; break; } X2 = j2 + (I2 << 2) | 0; if (!H2) Y2 = K2; else Y2 = A4 + -48 + ((c[X2 >> 2] | 0) * 10 | 0) | 0; c[X2 >> 2] = Y2; X2 = H2 + 1 | 0; Z3 = (X2 | 0) == 9; L3 = o2; M2 = x2; N4 = U2; O2 = V3; P2 = 1; Q3 = F3; R3 = Z3 ? 0 : X2; S2 = I2 + (Z3 & 1) | 0; T4 = W2 ? U2 : J2; } while (0); U2 = c[m4 >> 2] | 0; if (U2 >>> 0 < (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = U2 + 1; _5 = d[U2 >> 0] | 0; } else _5 = Kt(a2) | 0; K2 = _5 + -48 | 0; D3 = (_5 | 0) == 46; if (!(D3 | K2 >>> 0 < 10)) { $2 = N4; aa2 = L3; ba3 = O2; ca2 = M2; da2 = _5; ea2 = P2; fa2 = Q3; ga2 = R3; ha2 = S2; ia2 = T4; p2 = 31; break b; } else { o2 = L3; x2 = M2; z3 = N4; w2 = O2; A4 = _5; E3 = P2; F3 = Q3; H2 = R3; I2 = S2; J2 = T4; } } ja2 = z3; ka2 = w2; la2 = o2; ma2 = x2; na2 = H2; oa2 = I2; pa3 = J2; qa2 = (E3 | 0) != 0; p2 = 39; } else { $2 = 0; aa2 = q3; ba3 = 0; ca2 = r2; da2 = s3; ea2 = t3; fa2 = v2; ga2 = 0; ha2 = 0; ia2 = 0; p2 = 31; } while (0); do if ((p2 | 0) == 31) { v2 = (fa2 | 0) == 0; t3 = v2 ? $2 : aa2; s3 = v2 ? ba3 : ca2; v2 = (ea2 | 0) != 0; if (!(v2 & (da2 | 32 | 0) == 101)) if ((da2 | 0) > -1) { ja2 = $2; ka2 = ba3; la2 = t3; ma2 = s3; na2 = ga2; oa2 = ha2; pa3 = ia2; qa2 = v2; p2 = 39; break; } else { ra2 = $2; sa2 = ba3; ta2 = t3; ua2 = s3; va2 = ga2; wa2 = ha2; xa2 = ia2; ya2 = v2; p2 = 41; break; } v2 = lu(a2, h3) | 0; r2 = G() | 0; if ((v2 | 0) == 0 & (r2 | 0) == -2147483648) { if (!h3) { It(a2, 0, 0); za2 = 0; break; } if (!(c[n2 >> 2] | 0)) { Aa3 = 0; Ba3 = 0; } else { c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + -1; Aa3 = 0; Ba3 = 0; } } else { Aa3 = v2; Ba3 = r2; } r2 = tv(Aa3 | 0, Ba3 | 0, t3 | 0, s3 | 0) | 0; Ca2 = r2; Da2 = $2; Ea2 = G() | 0; Fa2 = ba3; Ga3 = ga2; Ha3 = ha2; Ja3 = ia2; p2 = 43; } while (0); if ((p2 | 0) == 39) if (c[n2 >> 2] | 0) { c[m4 >> 2] = (c[m4 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if (qa2) { Ca2 = la2; Da2 = ja2; Ea2 = ma2; Fa2 = ka2; Ga3 = na2; Ha3 = oa2; Ja3 = pa3; p2 = 43; } else p2 = 42; } else { ra2 = ja2; sa2 = ka2; ta2 = la2; ua2 = ma2; va2 = na2; wa2 = oa2; xa2 = pa3; ya2 = qa2; p2 = 41; } if ((p2 | 0) == 41) if (ya2) { Ca2 = ta2; Da2 = ra2; Ea2 = ua2; Fa2 = sa2; Ga3 = va2; Ha3 = wa2; Ja3 = xa2; p2 = 43; } else p2 = 42; do if ((p2 | 0) == 42) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; It(a2, 0, 0); za2 = 0; } else if ((p2 | 0) == 43) { xa2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (!xa2) { za2 = +(g2 | 0) * 0; break; } if (((Fa2 | 0) < 0 | (Fa2 | 0) == 0 & Da2 >>> 0 < 10) & ((Ca2 | 0) == (Da2 | 0) & (Ea2 | 0) == (Fa2 | 0)) ? (e2 | 0) > 30 | (xa2 >>> e2 | 0) == 0 : 0) { za2 = +(g2 | 0) * +(xa2 >>> 0); break; } xa2 = (f2 | 0) / -2 | 0; wa2 = ((xa2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((Ea2 | 0) > (wa2 | 0) | (Ea2 | 0) == (wa2 | 0) & Ca2 >>> 0 > xa2 >>> 0) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; za2 = +(g2 | 0) * 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 * 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; break; } xa2 = f2 + -106 | 0; wa2 = ((xa2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if ((Ea2 | 0) < (wa2 | 0) | (Ea2 | 0) == (wa2 | 0) & Ca2 >>> 0 < xa2 >>> 0) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; za2 = +(g2 | 0) * 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022250738585072014 * 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022250738585072014; break; } if (!Ga3) Ka2 = Ha3; else { if ((Ga3 | 0) < 9) { xa2 = j2 + (Ha3 << 2) | 0; wa2 = Ga3; va2 = c[xa2 >> 2] | 0; while (true) { va2 = va2 * 10 | 0; if ((wa2 | 0) >= 8) break; else wa2 = wa2 + 1 | 0; } c[xa2 >> 2] = va2; } Ka2 = Ha3 + 1 | 0; } if ((Ja3 | 0) < 9 ? (Ja3 | 0) <= (Ca2 | 0) & (Ca2 | 0) < 18 : 0) { if ((Ca2 | 0) == 9) { za2 = +(g2 | 0) * +((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0); break; } if ((Ca2 | 0) < 9) { za2 = +(g2 | 0) * +((c[j2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) / +(c[34448 + (8 - Ca2 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break; } wa2 = e2 + 27 + (B(Ca2, -3) | 0) | 0; E3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if ((wa2 | 0) > 30 | (E3 >>> wa2 | 0) == 0) { za2 = +(g2 | 0) * +(E3 >>> 0) * +(c[34448 + (Ca2 + -10 << 2) >> 2] | 0); break; } } E3 = (Ca2 | 0) % 9 | 0; if (!E3) { La2 = 0; Ma2 = Ca2; Na2 = Ka2; } else { wa2 = (Ca2 | 0) > -1 ? E3 : E3 + 9 | 0; E3 = c[34448 + (8 - wa2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (Ka2) { J2 = 1e9 / (E3 | 0) | 0; I2 = 0; H2 = 0; x2 = 0; o2 = Ca2; do { w2 = j2 + (x2 << 2) | 0; z3 = c[w2 >> 2] | 0; sa2 = (z3 >>> 0) / (E3 >>> 0) | 0; ua2 = z3 - (B(sa2, E3) | 0) | 0; z3 = sa2 + H2 | 0; c[w2 >> 2] = z3; H2 = B(J2, ua2) | 0; ua2 = (x2 | 0) == (I2 | 0) & (z3 | 0) == 0; o2 = ua2 ? o2 + -9 | 0 : o2; I2 = ua2 ? I2 + 1 & 127 : I2; x2 = x2 + 1 | 0; } while ((x2 | 0) != (Ka2 | 0)); if (!H2) { Oa3 = I2; Pa2 = o2; Qa2 = Ka2; } else { c[j2 + (Ka2 << 2) >> 2] = H2; Oa3 = I2; Pa2 = o2; Qa2 = Ka2 + 1 | 0; } } else { Oa3 = 0; Pa2 = Ca2; Qa2 = 0; } La2 = Oa3; Ma2 = 9 - wa2 + Pa2 | 0; Na2 = Qa2; } x2 = La2; J2 = 0; E3 = Ma2; va2 = Na2; d: while (true) { xa2 = (E3 | 0) < 18; ua2 = (E3 | 0) == 18; z3 = j2 + (x2 << 2) | 0; Ra2 = J2; Sa2 = va2; while (true) { if (!xa2) { if (!ua2) { Ta2 = E3; break d; } if ((c[z3 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 >= 9007199) { Ta2 = 18; break d; } } w2 = 0; sa2 = Sa2 + 127 | 0; Ua2 = Sa2; while (true) { ra2 = sa2 & 127; ta2 = j2 + (ra2 << 2) | 0; ya2 = Dv2(c[ta2 >> 2] | 0, 0, 29) | 0; qa2 = tv(ya2 | 0, G() | 0, w2 | 0, 0) | 0; ya2 = G() | 0; if (ya2 >>> 0 > 0 | (ya2 | 0) == 0 & qa2 >>> 0 > 1e9) { pa3 = Av(qa2 | 0, ya2 | 0, 1e9, 0) | 0; oa2 = zv(pa3 | 0, G() | 0, 1e9, 0) | 0; na2 = uv(qa2 | 0, ya2 | 0, oa2 | 0, G() | 0) | 0; G() | 0; Va2 = na2; Wa2 = pa3; } else { Va2 = qa2; Wa2 = 0; } c[ta2 >> 2] = Va2; ta2 = (ra2 | 0) == (x2 | 0); Xa3 = (ra2 | 0) != (Ua2 + 127 & 127 | 0) | ta2 ? Ua2 : (Va2 | 0) == 0 ? ra2 : Ua2; if (ta2) break; else { w2 = Wa2; sa2 = ra2 + -1 | 0; Ua2 = Xa3; } } Ya3 = Ra2 + -29 | 0; if (!Wa2) { Ra2 = Ya3; Sa2 = Ua2; } else break; } z3 = x2 + 127 & 127; ua2 = Xa3 + 127 & 127; xa2 = j2 + ((Xa3 + 126 & 127) << 2) | 0; if ((z3 | 0) == (Xa3 | 0)) { c[xa2 >> 2] = c[xa2 >> 2] | c[j2 + (ua2 << 2) >> 2]; Za2 = ua2; } else Za2 = Ua2; c[j2 + (z3 << 2) >> 2] = Wa2; x2 = z3; J2 = Ya3; E3 = E3 + 9 | 0; va2 = Za2; } va2 = x2; E3 = Ra2; J2 = Ta2; wa2 = Sa2; e: while (true) { o2 = wa2 + 1 & 127; I2 = j2 + ((wa2 + 127 & 127) << 2) | 0; H2 = va2; z3 = E3; ua2 = J2; while (true) { xa2 = (ua2 | 0) == 18; sa2 = (ua2 | 0) > 27 ? 9 : 1; _a2 = H2; $a2 = z3; while (true) { w2 = 0; while (true) { ra2 = w2 + _a2 & 127; if ((ra2 | 0) == (wa2 | 0)) { p2 = 92; break; } ta2 = c[j2 + (ra2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; ra2 = c[35132 + (w2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; if (ta2 >>> 0 < ra2 >>> 0) { p2 = 92; break; } if (ta2 >>> 0 > ra2 >>> 0) break; if ((w2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 < 2) w2 = 1; else { p2 = 92; break; } } if ((p2 | 0) == 92 ? (p2 = 0, xa2) : 0) break e; ab2 = sa2 + $a2 | 0; if ((_a2 | 0) == (wa2 | 0)) { _a2 = wa2; $a2 = ab2; } else break; } xa2 = (1 << sa2) + -1 | 0; w2 = 1e9 >>> sa2; bb2 = _a2; cb2 = 0; ra2 = _a2; db3 = ua2; do { ta2 = j2 + (ra2 << 2) | 0; qa2 = c[ta2 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = (qa2 >>> sa2) + cb2 | 0; c[ta2 >> 2] = pa3; cb2 = B(qa2 & xa2, w2) | 0; qa2 = (ra2 | 0) == (bb2 | 0) & (pa3 | 0) == 0; db3 = qa2 ? db3 + -9 | 0 : db3; bb2 = qa2 ? bb2 + 1 & 127 : bb2; ra2 = ra2 + 1 & 127; } while ((ra2 | 0) != (wa2 | 0)); if (cb2 | 0) { if ((o2 | 0) != (bb2 | 0)) break; c[I2 >> 2] = c[I2 >> 2] | 1; } H2 = bb2; z3 = ab2; ua2 = db3; } c[j2 + (wa2 << 2) >> 2] = cb2; va2 = bb2; E3 = ab2; J2 = db3; wa2 = o2; } J2 = 0; eb3 = 0; E3 = wa2; while (true) { va2 = J2 + _a2 & 127; x2 = E3 + 1 & 127; if ((va2 | 0) == (E3 | 0)) { c[j2 + (x2 + -1 << 2) >> 2] = 0; fb2 = x2; } else fb2 = E3; eb3 = eb3 * 1e9 + +((c[j2 + (va2 << 2) >> 2] | 0) >>> 0); J2 = J2 + 1 | 0; if ((J2 | 0) == 2) break; else E3 = fb2; } gb2 = +(g2 | 0); hb2 = eb3 * gb2; E3 = $a2 + 53 | 0; J2 = E3 - f2 | 0; wa2 = (J2 | 0) < (e2 | 0); va2 = wa2 ? (J2 | 0) > 0 ? J2 : 0 : e2; if ((va2 | 0) < 53) { ib2 = +$s(+Zs(1, 105 - va2 | 0), hb2); jb2 = +dt(hb2, +Zs(1, 53 - va2 | 0)); kb2 = ib2; lb3 = jb2; mb2 = ib2 + (hb2 - jb2); } else { kb2 = 0; lb3 = 0; mb2 = hb2; } x2 = _a2 + 2 & 127; if ((x2 | 0) != (fb2 | 0)) { ua2 = c[j2 + (x2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; do if (ua2 >>> 0 >= 500000000) { if ((ua2 | 0) != 500000000) { nb2 = gb2 * 0.75 + lb3; break; } if ((_a2 + 3 & 127 | 0) == (fb2 | 0)) { nb2 = gb2 * 0.5 + lb3; break; } else { nb2 = gb2 * 0.75 + lb3; break; } } else { if ((ua2 | 0) == 0 ? (_a2 + 3 & 127 | 0) == (fb2 | 0) : 0) { nb2 = lb3; break; } nb2 = gb2 * 0.25 + lb3; } while (0); if ((53 - va2 | 0) > 1 ? !(+dt(nb2, 1) != 0) : 0) ob2 = nb2 + 1; else ob2 = nb2; } else ob2 = lb3; gb2 = mb2 + ob2 - kb2; do if ((E3 & 2147483647 | 0) > (-2 - k2 | 0)) { ua2 = !(+u(+gb2) >= 9007199254740992); x2 = $a2 + ((ua2 ^ 1) & 1) | 0; eb3 = ua2 ? gb2 : gb2 * 0.5; if ((x2 + 50 | 0) <= (l2 | 0) ? !(ob2 != 0 & (wa2 & ((va2 | 0) != (J2 | 0) | ua2))) : 0) { pb2 = x2; qb2 = eb3; break; } c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 34; pb2 = x2; qb2 = eb3; } else { pb2 = $a2; qb2 = gb2; } while (0); za2 = +et(qb2, pb2); } while (0); Ia = i3; return +za2; } function lu(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; e2 = a2 + 4 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 104 | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = f2 + 1; h3 = d[f2 >> 0] | 0; } else h3 = Kt(a2) | 0; switch (h3 | 0) { case 43: case 45: { f2 = (h3 | 0) == 45 & 1; i3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = i3 + 1; j2 = d[i3 >> 0] | 0; } else j2 = Kt(a2) | 0; i3 = j2 + -48 | 0; if ((b4 | 0) != 0 & i3 >>> 0 > 9) if (!(c[g2 >> 2] | 0)) { k2 = -2147483648; l2 = 0; } else { c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; m4 = 14; } else { n2 = j2; o2 = f2; p2 = i3; m4 = 12; } break; } default: { n2 = h3; o2 = 0; p2 = h3 + -48 | 0; m4 = 12; } } if ((m4 | 0) == 12) if (p2 >>> 0 > 9) m4 = 14; else { p2 = n2; n2 = 0; while (true) { n2 = p2 + -48 + (n2 * 10 | 0) | 0; h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 >>> 0 < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = h3 + 1; q3 = d[h3 >> 0] | 0; } else q3 = Kt(a2) | 0; r2 = q3 + -48 | 0; if (!(r2 >>> 0 < 10 & (n2 | 0) < 214748364)) break; else p2 = q3; } p2 = ((n2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; if (r2 >>> 0 < 10) { r2 = n2; h3 = p2; i3 = q3; while (true) { q3 = zv(r2 | 0, h3 | 0, 10, 0) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; j2 = tv(i3 | 0, ((i3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0, -48, -1) | 0; r2 = tv(j2 | 0, G() | 0, q3 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; h3 = G() | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (f2 >>> 0 < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = f2 + 1; s3 = d[f2 >> 0] | 0; } else s3 = Kt(a2) | 0; t3 = s3 + -48 | 0; if (!(t3 >>> 0 < 10 & ((h3 | 0) < 21474836 | (h3 | 0) == 21474836 & r2 >>> 0 < 2061584302))) break; else i3 = s3; } if (t3 >>> 0 < 10) { do { t3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; if (t3 >>> 0 < (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = t3 + 1; u2 = d[t3 >> 0] | 0; } else u2 = Kt(a2) | 0; } while ((u2 + -48 | 0) >>> 0 < 10); v2 = r2; w2 = h3; } else { v2 = r2; w2 = h3; } } else { v2 = n2; w2 = p2; } if (c[g2 >> 2] | 0) c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; p2 = (o2 | 0) == 0; o2 = uv(0, 0, v2 | 0, w2 | 0) | 0; n2 = G() | 0; k2 = p2 ? w2 : n2; l2 = p2 ? v2 : o2; } if ((m4 | 0) == 14) if (!(c[g2 >> 2] | 0)) { k2 = -2147483648; l2 = 0; } else { c[e2 >> 2] = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + -1; k2 = -2147483648; l2 = 0; } F(k2 | 0); return l2 | 0; } function mu2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return + +hu(a2, b4, 1); } function nu(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 32 | 0; f2 = e2; g2 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (g2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 ? (a[d2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) != 0 : 0) { Iv(f2 | 0, 0, 32) | 0; h3 = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; if (h3 << 24 >> 24) { i3 = h3; h3 = d2; do { j2 = i3 & 255; k2 = f2 + (j2 >>> 5 << 2) | 0; c[k2 >> 2] = c[k2 >> 2] | 1 << (j2 & 31); h3 = h3 + 1 | 0; i3 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; } while (i3 << 24 >> 24 != 0); } i3 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; if (!(i3 << 24 >> 24)) l2 = b4; else { h3 = i3; i3 = b4; while (true) { j2 = h3 & 255; if (c[f2 + (j2 >>> 5 << 2) >> 2] & 1 << (j2 & 31) | 0) { l2 = i3; break a; } j2 = i3 + 1 | 0; h3 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(h3 << 24 >> 24)) { l2 = j2; break; } else i3 = j2; } } } else m4 = 3; while (0); if ((m4 | 0) == 3) l2 = gu(b4, g2 << 24 >> 24) | 0; Ia = e2; return l2 - b4 | 0; } function ou2(b4, e2, f2, g2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0; h3 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; i3 = h3; j2 = (g2 | 0) == 0 ? 3144864 : g2; g2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; a: do if (!e2) if (!g2) k2 = 0; else l2 = 19; else { m4 = (b4 | 0) == 0 ? i3 : b4; if (!f2) k2 = -2; else { if (!g2) { n2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (n2 << 24 >> 24 > -1) { c[m4 >> 2] = n2 & 255; k2 = n2 << 24 >> 24 != 0 & 1; break; } n2 = (c[c[(pu() | 0) + 188 >> 2] >> 2] | 0) == 0; o2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; if (n2) { c[m4 >> 2] = o2 << 24 >> 24 & 57343; k2 = 1; break; } n2 = (o2 & 255) + -194 | 0; if (n2 >>> 0 > 50) { l2 = 19; break; } o2 = c[33488 + (n2 << 2) >> 2] | 0; n2 = f2 + -1 | 0; if (!n2) p2 = o2; else { q3 = o2; r2 = n2; s3 = e2 + 1 | 0; l2 = 11; } } else { q3 = g2; r2 = f2; s3 = e2; l2 = 11; } b: do if ((l2 | 0) == 11) { n2 = d[s3 >> 0] | 0; o2 = n2 >>> 3; if ((o2 + -16 | o2 + (q3 >> 26)) >>> 0 > 7) { l2 = 19; break a; } o2 = n2 + -128 | q3 << 6; n2 = r2 + -1 | 0; if ((o2 | 0) < 0) { t3 = n2; u2 = o2; v2 = s3; while (true) { v2 = v2 + 1 | 0; if (!t3) { p2 = u2; break b; } w2 = a[v2 >> 0] | 0; if ((w2 & -64) << 24 >> 24 != -128) { l2 = 19; break a; } x2 = (w2 & 255) + -128 | u2 << 6; w2 = t3 + -1 | 0; if ((x2 | 0) >= 0) { y4 = w2; z3 = x2; break; } else { t3 = w2; u2 = x2; } } } else { y4 = n2; z3 = o2; } c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[m4 >> 2] = z3; k2 = f2 - y4 | 0; break a; } while (0); c[j2 >> 2] = p2; k2 = -2; } } while (0); if ((l2 | 0) == 19) { c[j2 >> 2] = 0; c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 84; k2 = -1; } Ia = h3; return k2 | 0; } function pu() { return Dt() | 0; } function qu(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!a2) b4 = 1; else b4 = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) == 0 & 1; return b4 | 0; } function ru(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 48 | 0; f2 = e2 + 32 | 0; g2 = e2 + 16 | 0; h3 = e2; if ($t(103250, a[d2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) { i3 = su(d2) | 0; c[h3 >> 2] = b4; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = i3 | 32768; c[h3 + 8 >> 2] = 438; b4 = Ts(ca(5, h3 | 0) | 0) | 0; if ((b4 | 0) >= 0) { if (i3 & 524288 | 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 2; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = 1; ba2(221, g2 | 0) | 0; } g2 = tu(b4, d2) | 0; if (!g2) { c[f2 >> 2] = b4; ea(6, f2 | 0) | 0; j2 = 0; } else j2 = g2; } else j2 = 0; } else { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; j2 = 0; } Ia = e2; return j2 | 0; } function su(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; c2 = ($t(b4, 43) | 0) == 0; d2 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; e2 = c2 ? d2 << 24 >> 24 != 114 & 1 : 2; c2 = ($t(b4, 120) | 0) == 0; f2 = c2 ? e2 : e2 | 128; e2 = ($t(b4, 101) | 0) == 0; b4 = e2 ? f2 : f2 | 524288; f2 = d2 << 24 >> 24 == 114 ? b4 : b4 | 64; b4 = d2 << 24 >> 24 == 119 ? f2 | 512 : f2; return (d2 << 24 >> 24 == 97 ? b4 | 1024 : b4) | 0; } function tu(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 64 | 0; f2 = e2 + 40 | 0; g2 = e2 + 24 | 0; h3 = e2 + 16 | 0; i3 = e2; j2 = e2 + 56 | 0; if ($t(103250, a[d2 >> 0] | 0) | 0) { k2 = Ks2(1176) | 0; if (!k2) l2 = 0; else { Iv(k2 | 0, 0, 144) | 0; if (!($t(d2, 43) | 0)) c[k2 >> 2] = (a[d2 >> 0] | 0) == 114 ? 8 : 4; if ($t(d2, 101) | 0) { c[i3 >> 2] = b4; c[i3 + 4 >> 2] = 2; c[i3 + 8 >> 2] = 1; ba2(221, i3 | 0) | 0; } if ((a[d2 >> 0] | 0) == 97) { c[h3 >> 2] = b4; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = 3; d2 = ba2(221, h3 | 0) | 0; if (!(d2 & 1024)) { c[g2 >> 2] = b4; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 4; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = d2 | 1024; ba2(221, g2 | 0) | 0; } g2 = c[k2 >> 2] | 128; c[k2 >> 2] = g2; m4 = g2; } else m4 = c[k2 >> 2] | 0; c[k2 + 60 >> 2] = b4; c[k2 + 44 >> 2] = k2 + 152; c[k2 + 48 >> 2] = 1024; g2 = k2 + 75 | 0; a[g2 >> 0] = -1; if ((m4 & 8 | 0) == 0 ? (c[f2 >> 2] = b4, c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 21523, c[f2 + 8 >> 2] = j2, (da(54, f2 | 0) | 0) == 0) : 0) a[g2 >> 0] = 10; c[k2 + 32 >> 2] = 5; c[k2 + 36 >> 2] = 4; c[k2 + 40 >> 2] = 1; c[k2 + 12 >> 2] = 1; if (!(c[786201] | 0)) c[k2 + 76 >> 2] = -1; uu(k2) | 0; l2 = k2; } } else { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 22; l2 = 0; } Ia = e2; return l2 | 0; } function uu(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = vu() | 0; c[a2 + 56 >> 2] = c[b4 >> 2]; d2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (d2 | 0) c[d2 + 52 >> 2] = a2; c[b4 >> 2] = a2; wu2(); return a2 | 0; } function vu() { W(3144868); return 3144876; } function wu2() { fa(3144868); return; } function xu2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) b4 = qt(a2) | 0; else b4 = 0; yu(a2); d2 = (c[a2 >> 2] & 1 | 0) != 0; if (!d2) { e2 = vu() | 0; f2 = c[a2 + 52 >> 2] | 0; g2 = a2 + 56 | 0; if (f2 | 0) c[f2 + 56 >> 2] = c[g2 >> 2]; h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 | 0) c[h3 + 52 >> 2] = f2; if ((c[e2 >> 2] | 0) == (a2 | 0)) c[e2 >> 2] = h3; wu2(); } h3 = zu(a2) | 0; e2 = La[c[a2 + 12 >> 2] & 255](a2) | 0 | h3; h3 = c[a2 + 96 >> 2] | 0; if (h3 | 0) Ls(h3); if (d2) { if (b4 | 0) rt(a2); } else Ls(a2); return e2 | 0; } function yu(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if (c[a2 + 68 >> 2] | 0) { b4 = c[a2 + 132 >> 2] | 0; d2 = a2 + 128 | 0; if (b4 | 0) c[b4 + 128 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; a2 = c[d2 >> 2] | 0; if (!a2) e2 = (Bu() | 0) + 232 | 0; else e2 = a2 + 132 | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; } return; } function zu(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; do if (a2) { if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) <= -1) { b4 = Au2(a2) | 0; break; } d2 = (qt(a2) | 0) == 0; e2 = Au2(a2) | 0; if (d2) b4 = e2; else { rt(a2); b4 = e2; } } else { if (!(c[8721] | 0)) f2 = 0; else f2 = zu(c[8721] | 0) | 0; e2 = c[(vu() | 0) >> 2] | 0; if (!e2) g2 = f2; else { d2 = e2; e2 = f2; while (true) { if ((c[d2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) h3 = qt(d2) | 0; else h3 = 0; if ((c[d2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > (c[d2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) i3 = Au2(d2) | 0 | e2; else i3 = e2; if (h3 | 0) rt(d2); d2 = c[d2 + 56 >> 2] | 0; if (!d2) { g2 = i3; break; } else e2 = i3; } } wu2(); b4 = g2; } while (0); return b4 | 0; } function Au2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; b4 = a2 + 20 | 0; d2 = a2 + 28 | 0; if ((c[b4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? (Oa2[c[a2 + 36 >> 2] & 7](a2, 0, 0) | 0, (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) == 0) : 0) e2 = -1; else { f2 = a2 + 4 | 0; g2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; h3 = a2 + 8 | 0; i3 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if (g2 >>> 0 < i3 >>> 0) { j2 = g2 - i3 | 0; Pa[c[a2 + 40 >> 2] & 3](a2, j2, ((j2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31, 1) | 0; G() | 0; } c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[h3 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 >> 2] = 0; e2 = 0; } return e2 | 0; } function Bu() { return Dt() | 0; } function Cu(b4, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0; if ((c[f2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) g2 = qt(f2) | 0; else g2 = 0; h3 = e2 + -1 | 0; if ((e2 | 0) < 2) { e2 = f2 + 74 | 0; i3 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = i3 + 255 | i3; if (g2 | 0) rt(f2); if (!h3) { a[b4 >> 0] = 0; j2 = b4; } else j2 = 0; } else { a: do if (h3) { i3 = f2 + 4 | 0; e2 = f2 + 8 | 0; k2 = h3; l2 = b4; while (true) { m4 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; n2 = m4; o2 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) - n2 | 0; p2 = yt(m4, 10, o2) | 0; q3 = (p2 | 0) == 0; r2 = q3 ? o2 : 1 - n2 + p2 | 0; p2 = r2 >>> 0 < k2 >>> 0 ? r2 : k2; Hv(l2 | 0, m4 | 0, p2 | 0) | 0; m4 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + p2 | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = m4; s3 = l2 + p2 | 0; r2 = k2 - p2 | 0; if (!(q3 & (r2 | 0) != 0)) { t3 = s3; u2 = 17; break a; } if (m4 >>> 0 >= (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { q3 = Mt(f2) | 0; if ((q3 | 0) < 0) break; else v2 = q3; } else { c[i3 >> 2] = m4 + 1; v2 = d[m4 >> 0] | 0; } m4 = s3 + 1 | 0; a[s3 >> 0] = v2; k2 = r2 + -1 | 0; if ((v2 & 255 | 0) == 10 | (k2 | 0) == 0) { t3 = m4; u2 = 17; break a; } else l2 = m4; } if ((s3 | 0) != (b4 | 0) ? (c[f2 >> 2] & 16 | 0) != 0 : 0) { t3 = s3; u2 = 17; } else w2 = 0; } else { t3 = b4; u2 = 17; } while (0); if ((u2 | 0) == 17) if (!b4) w2 = 0; else { a[t3 >> 0] = 0; w2 = b4; } if (!g2) j2 = w2; else { rt(f2); j2 = w2; } } return j2 | 0; } function Du(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) { b4 = (qt(a2) | 0) == 0; d2 = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 4 & 1; if (b4) e2 = d2; else { rt(a2); e2 = d2; } } else e2 = (c[a2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 4 & 1; return e2 | 0; } function Eu2(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; d2 = Fu2(a2, b4, f2) | 0; Ia = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Fu2(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 144 | 0; f2 = e2; Iv(f2 | 0, 0, 144) | 0; c[f2 + 32 >> 2] = 6; c[f2 + 44 >> 2] = a2; c[f2 + 76 >> 2] = -1; c[f2 + 84 >> 2] = a2; a2 = Hu(f2, b4, d2) | 0; Ia = e2; return a2 | 0; } function Gu(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return Ku(a2, b4, c2) | 0; } function Hu(e2, h3, i3) { e2 = e2 | 0; h3 = h3 | 0; i3 = i3 | 0; var j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0, N4 = 0, O2 = 0, P2 = 0, Q3 = 0, R3 = 0, S2 = 0, T4 = 0, U2 = 0, V3 = 0, W2 = 0, X2 = 0, Y2 = 0, Z3 = 0, _5 = 0, $2 = 0, aa2 = 0, ba3 = 0, ca2 = 0, da2 = 0, ea2 = 0, fa2 = 0, ga2 = 0, ha2 = 0, ia2 = 0, ja2 = 0, ka2 = 0, la2 = 0, ma2 = 0, na2 = 0, oa2 = 0, pa3 = 0, qa2 = 0, ra2 = 0, sa2 = 0, ta2 = 0, ua2 = 0, va2 = 0, wa2 = 0, xa2 = 0, ya2 = 0, za2 = 0, Aa3 = 0, Ba3 = 0, Ca2 = 0, Da2 = 0, Ea2 = 0, Fa2 = 0, Ga3 = 0, Ha3 = 0, Ja3 = 0, Ka2 = 0, La2 = 0, Ma2 = 0, Na2 = 0, Oa3 = 0, Pa2 = 0, Qa2 = 0, Ra2 = 0, Sa2 = 0, Ta2 = 0, Ua2 = 0, Va2 = 0, Wa2 = 0, Xa3 = 0, Ya3 = 0, Za2 = 0, _a2 = 0, $a2 = 0, ab2 = 0, bb2 = 0; j2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 288 | 0; k2 = j2 + 264 | 0; l2 = j2; m4 = j2 + 260 | 0; n2 = j2 + 272 | 0; if ((c[e2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) o2 = qt(e2) | 0; else o2 = 0; p2 = a[h3 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (p2 << 24 >> 24) { q3 = e2 + 4 | 0; r2 = e2 + 104 | 0; s3 = e2 + 120 | 0; t3 = e2 + 8 | 0; u2 = l2 + 10 | 0; v2 = l2 + 33 | 0; w2 = l2 + 46 | 0; x2 = l2 + 94 | 0; y4 = k2 + 4 | 0; z3 = 0; A4 = p2; B2 = 0; C3 = 0; D3 = 0; E3 = h3; F3 = 0; b: while (true) { c: do if (!(Lt(A4 & 255) | 0)) { H2 = (a[E3 >> 0] | 0) == 37; d: do if (H2) { I2 = E3 + 1 | 0; J2 = a[I2 >> 0] | 0; e: do switch (J2 << 24 >> 24) { case 37: { break d; break; } case 42: { K2 = 0; L3 = E3 + 2 | 0; break; } default: { if (ht(J2 & 255) | 0 ? (a[E3 + 2 >> 0] | 0) == 36 : 0) { K2 = Iu2(i3, (d[I2 >> 0] | 0) + -48 | 0) | 0; L3 = E3 + 3 | 0; break e; } M2 = (c[i3 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); N4 = c[M2 >> 2] | 0; c[i3 >> 2] = M2 + 4; K2 = N4; L3 = I2; } } while (0); if (!(ht(d[L3 >> 0] | 0) | 0)) { O2 = L3; P2 = 0; } else { I2 = L3; J2 = 0; while (true) { N4 = (J2 * 10 | 0) + -48 + (d[I2 >> 0] | 0) | 0; M2 = I2 + 1 | 0; if (!(ht(d[M2 >> 0] | 0) | 0)) { O2 = M2; P2 = N4; break; } else { I2 = M2; J2 = N4; } } } J2 = a[O2 >> 0] | 0; I2 = O2 + 1 | 0; if (J2 << 24 >> 24 == 109) { Q3 = 0; R3 = a[I2 >> 0] | 0; S2 = (K2 | 0) != 0 & 1; T4 = O2 + 2 | 0; U2 = I2; V3 = 0; } else { Q3 = z3; R3 = J2; S2 = 0; T4 = I2; U2 = O2; V3 = F3; } switch (R3 << 24 >> 24) { case 104: { I2 = (a[T4 >> 0] | 0) == 104; W2 = I2 ? U2 + 2 | 0 : T4; X2 = I2 ? -2 : -1; break; } case 108: { I2 = (a[T4 >> 0] | 0) == 108; W2 = I2 ? U2 + 2 | 0 : T4; X2 = I2 ? 3 : 1; break; } case 106: { W2 = T4; X2 = 3; break; } case 116: case 122: { W2 = T4; X2 = 1; break; } case 76: { W2 = T4; X2 = 2; break; } case 110: case 112: case 67: case 83: case 91: case 99: case 115: case 88: case 71: case 70: case 69: case 65: case 103: case 102: case 101: case 97: case 120: case 117: case 111: case 105: case 100: { W2 = U2; X2 = 0; break; } default: { Y2 = Q3; Z3 = V3; _5 = 143; break b; } } I2 = d[W2 >> 0] | 0; J2 = (I2 & 47 | 0) == 3; N4 = J2 ? I2 | 32 : I2; I2 = J2 ? 1 : X2; J2 = N4 & 255; switch (J2 << 24 >> 24) { case 99: { $2 = B2; aa2 = C3; ba3 = (P2 | 0) > 1 ? P2 : 1; break; } case 91: { $2 = B2; aa2 = C3; ba3 = P2; break; } case 110: { Ju(K2, I2, B2, C3); ca2 = Q3; da2 = B2; ea2 = C3; fa2 = D3; ga2 = W2; ha2 = V3; break c; break; } default: { It(e2, 0, 0); do { M2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (M2 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = M2 + 1; ia2 = d[M2 >> 0] | 0; } else ia2 = Kt(e2) | 0; } while ((Lt(ia2) | 0) != 0); if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) ja2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; else { M2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = M2; ja2 = M2; } M2 = s3; ka2 = ja2 - (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; la2 = tv(c[M2 >> 2] | 0, c[M2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, B2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; M2 = tv(la2 | 0, G() | 0, ka2 | 0, ((ka2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; $2 = M2; aa2 = G() | 0; ba3 = P2; } } M2 = ((ba3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31; It(e2, ba3, M2); ka2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; la2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; if (ka2 >>> 0 < la2 >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = ka2 + 1; ma2 = la2; } else { if ((Kt(e2) | 0) < 0) { Y2 = Q3; Z3 = V3; _5 = 143; break b; } ma2 = c[r2 >> 2] | 0; } if (ma2 | 0) c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + -1; f: do switch (J2 << 24 >> 24) { case 91: case 99: case 115: { la2 = (N4 | 0) == 99; g: do if ((N4 | 16 | 0) == 115) { Iv(l2 | 0, -1, 257) | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = 0; if ((N4 | 0) == 115) { a[v2 >> 0] = 0; b3[u2 >> 1] = 0; b3[u2 + 2 >> 1] = 0; a[u2 + 4 >> 0] = 0; na2 = W2; } else na2 = W2; } else { ka2 = W2 + 1 | 0; oa2 = (a[ka2 >> 0] | 0) == 94; pa3 = oa2 & 1; qa2 = oa2 ? W2 + 2 | 0 : ka2; Iv(l2 | 0, pa3 | 0, 257) | 0; a[l2 >> 0] = 0; switch (a[qa2 >> 0] | 0) { case 45: { ka2 = (pa3 ^ 1) & 255; a[w2 >> 0] = ka2; ra2 = ka2; sa2 = qa2 + 1 | 0; break; } case 93: { ka2 = (pa3 ^ 1) & 255; a[x2 >> 0] = ka2; ra2 = ka2; sa2 = qa2 + 1 | 0; break; } default: { ra2 = (pa3 ^ 1) & 255; sa2 = qa2; } } qa2 = sa2; while (true) { pa3 = a[qa2 >> 0] | 0; h: do switch (pa3 << 24 >> 24) { case 0: { Y2 = Q3; Z3 = V3; _5 = 143; break b; break; } case 93: { na2 = qa2; break g; break; } case 45: { ka2 = qa2 + 1 | 0; oa2 = a[ka2 >> 0] | 0; switch (oa2 << 24 >> 24) { case 93: case 0: { ta2 = 45; ua2 = qa2; break h; break; } default: { } } va2 = a[qa2 + -1 >> 0] | 0; if ((va2 & 255) < (oa2 & 255)) { wa2 = va2 & 255; do { wa2 = wa2 + 1 | 0; a[l2 + wa2 >> 0] = ra2; va2 = a[ka2 >> 0] | 0; } while (wa2 >>> 0 < (va2 & 255) >>> 0); ta2 = va2; ua2 = ka2; } else { ta2 = oa2; ua2 = ka2; } break; } default: { ta2 = pa3; ua2 = qa2; } } while (0); a[l2 + ((ta2 & 255) + 1) >> 0] = ra2; qa2 = ua2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); qa2 = la2 ? ba3 + 1 | 0 : 31; pa3 = (I2 | 0) == 1; wa2 = (S2 | 0) != 0; i: do if (pa3) { if (wa2) { va2 = Ks2(qa2 << 2) | 0; if (!va2) { Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 143; break b; } else xa2 = va2; } else xa2 = K2; c[k2 >> 2] = 0; c[y4 >> 2] = 0; va2 = xa2; ya2 = 0; za2 = qa2; j: while (true) { Aa3 = (va2 | 0) == 0; Ba3 = ya2; while (true) { k: while (true) { Ca2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (Ca2 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = Ca2 + 1; Da2 = d[Ca2 >> 0] | 0; } else Da2 = Kt(e2) | 0; if (!(a[l2 + (Da2 + 1) >> 0] | 0)) break j; a[n2 >> 0] = Da2; switch (ou2(m4, n2, 1, k2) | 0) { case -1: { Y2 = va2; Z3 = 0; _5 = 143; break b; break; } case -2: break; default: break k; } } if (Aa3) Ea2 = Ba3; else { c[va2 + (Ba3 << 2) >> 2] = c[m4 >> 2]; Ea2 = Ba3 + 1 | 0; } if (wa2 & (Ea2 | 0) == (za2 | 0)) break; else Ba3 = Ea2; } za2 = za2 << 1 | 1; Aa3 = Ns(va2, za2 << 2) | 0; if (!Aa3) { Y2 = va2; Z3 = 0; _5 = 143; break b; } else { va2 = Aa3; ya2 = Ea2; } } if (!(qu(k2) | 0)) { Y2 = va2; Z3 = 0; _5 = 143; break b; } else { Fa2 = va2; Ga3 = Ba3; Ha3 = 0; Ja3 = va2; } } else { if (wa2) { ya2 = Ks2(qa2) | 0; if (!ya2) { Y2 = 0; Z3 = 0; _5 = 143; break b; } za2 = 0; Aa3 = qa2; ka2 = ya2; while (true) { ya2 = za2; do { oa2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (oa2 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = oa2 + 1; Ka2 = d[oa2 >> 0] | 0; } else Ka2 = Kt(e2) | 0; if (!(a[l2 + (Ka2 + 1) >> 0] | 0)) { Fa2 = 0; Ga3 = ya2; Ha3 = ka2; Ja3 = 0; break i; } oa2 = ya2; ya2 = ya2 + 1 | 0; a[ka2 + oa2 >> 0] = Ka2; } while ((ya2 | 0) != (Aa3 | 0)); Aa3 = Aa3 << 1 | 1; oa2 = Ns(ka2, Aa3) | 0; if (!oa2) { Y2 = 0; Z3 = ka2; _5 = 143; break b; } else { za2 = ya2; ka2 = oa2; } } } if (!K2) while (true) { ka2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (ka2 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = ka2 + 1; La2 = d[ka2 >> 0] | 0; } else La2 = Kt(e2) | 0; if (!(a[l2 + (La2 + 1) >> 0] | 0)) { Fa2 = 0; Ga3 = 0; Ha3 = 0; Ja3 = 0; break i; } } ka2 = 0; while (true) { za2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (za2 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = za2 + 1; Ma2 = d[za2 >> 0] | 0; } else Ma2 = Kt(e2) | 0; if (!(a[l2 + (Ma2 + 1) >> 0] | 0)) { Fa2 = 0; Ga3 = ka2; Ha3 = K2; Ja3 = 0; break i; } a[K2 + ka2 >> 0] = Ma2; ka2 = ka2 + 1 | 0; } } while (0); if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) Na2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; else { qa2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = qa2; Na2 = qa2; } qa2 = s3; ka2 = Na2 - (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; za2 = tv(c[qa2 >> 2] | 0, c[qa2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, ka2 | 0, ((ka2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; ka2 = G() | 0; if ((za2 | 0) == 0 & (ka2 | 0) == 0) { Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = S2; Qa2 = D3; Ra2 = Ha3; break b; } if (!((za2 | 0) == (ba3 | 0) & (ka2 | 0) == (M2 | 0) | la2 ^ 1)) { Oa3 = Fa2; Pa2 = S2; Qa2 = D3; Ra2 = Ha3; break b; } do if (wa2) if (pa3) { c[K2 >> 2] = Ja3; break; } else { c[K2 >> 2] = Ha3; break; } while (0); if (la2) { Sa2 = Fa2; Ta2 = na2; Ua2 = Ha3; } else { if (Ja3 | 0) c[Ja3 + (Ga3 << 2) >> 2] = 0; if (!Ha3) { Sa2 = Fa2; Ta2 = na2; Ua2 = 0; break f; } a[Ha3 + Ga3 >> 0] = 0; Sa2 = Fa2; Ta2 = na2; Ua2 = Ha3; } break; } case 120: case 88: case 112: { Va2 = 16; _5 = 131; break; } case 111: { Va2 = 8; _5 = 131; break; } case 117: case 100: { Va2 = 10; _5 = 131; break; } case 105: { Va2 = 0; _5 = 131; break; } case 71: case 103: case 70: case 102: case 69: case 101: case 65: case 97: { Wa2 = +iu(e2, I2, 0); pa3 = s3; wa2 = c[pa3 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = c[pa3 + 4 >> 2] | 0; pa3 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) - (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; za2 = uv(0, 0, pa3 | 0, ((pa3 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; if ((wa2 | 0) == (za2 | 0) & (ka2 | 0) == (G() | 0)) { Oa3 = Q3; Pa2 = S2; Qa2 = D3; Ra2 = V3; break b; } if (!K2) { Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; } else switch (I2 | 0) { case 0: { f[K2 >> 2] = Wa2; Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; break f; break; } case 1: { g[K2 >> 3] = Wa2; Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; break f; break; } case 2: { g[K2 >> 3] = Wa2; Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; break f; break; } default: { Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; break f; } } break; } default: { Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; } } while (0); do if ((_5 | 0) == 131) { _5 = 0; M2 = Jt2(e2, Va2, 0, -1, -1) | 0; J2 = G() | 0; ka2 = s3; za2 = c[ka2 >> 2] | 0; wa2 = c[ka2 + 4 >> 2] | 0; ka2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) - (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; pa3 = uv(0, 0, ka2 | 0, ((ka2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; if ((za2 | 0) == (pa3 | 0) & (wa2 | 0) == (G() | 0)) { Oa3 = Q3; Pa2 = S2; Qa2 = D3; Ra2 = V3; break b; } if ((K2 | 0) != 0 & (N4 | 0) == 112) { c[K2 >> 2] = M2; Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; break; } else { Ju(K2, I2, M2, J2); Sa2 = Q3; Ta2 = W2; Ua2 = V3; break; } } while (0); I2 = s3; N4 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) - (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; J2 = tv(c[I2 >> 2] | 0, c[I2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, $2 | 0, aa2 | 0) | 0; I2 = tv(J2 | 0, G() | 0, N4 | 0, ((N4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; ca2 = Sa2; da2 = I2; ea2 = G() | 0; fa2 = D3 + ((K2 | 0) != 0 & 1) | 0; ga2 = Ta2; ha2 = Ua2; break c; } while (0); I2 = E3 + (H2 & 1) | 0; It(e2, 0, 0); N4 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (N4 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = N4 + 1; Xa3 = d[N4 >> 0] | 0; } else Xa3 = Kt(e2) | 0; if ((Xa3 | 0) != (d[I2 >> 0] | 0)) { _5 = 23; break b; } N4 = tv(B2 | 0, C3 | 0, 1, 0) | 0; ca2 = z3; da2 = N4; ea2 = G() | 0; fa2 = D3; ga2 = I2; ha2 = F3; } else { I2 = E3; while (true) { N4 = I2 + 1 | 0; if (!(Lt(d[N4 >> 0] | 0) | 0)) break; else I2 = N4; } It(e2, 0, 0); do { H2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; if (H2 >>> 0 < (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[q3 >> 2] = H2 + 1; Ya3 = d[H2 >> 0] | 0; } else Ya3 = Kt(e2) | 0; } while ((Lt(Ya3) | 0) != 0); if (!(c[r2 >> 2] | 0)) Za2 = c[q3 >> 2] | 0; else { H2 = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + -1 | 0; c[q3 >> 2] = H2; Za2 = H2; } H2 = s3; N4 = Za2 - (c[t3 >> 2] | 0) | 0; J2 = tv(c[H2 >> 2] | 0, c[H2 + 4 >> 2] | 0, B2 | 0, C3 | 0) | 0; H2 = tv(J2 | 0, G() | 0, N4 | 0, ((N4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; ca2 = z3; da2 = H2; ea2 = G() | 0; fa2 = D3; ga2 = I2; ha2 = F3; } while (0); E3 = ga2 + 1 | 0; A4 = a[E3 >> 0] | 0; if (!(A4 << 24 >> 24)) { _a2 = fa2; break a; } else { z3 = ca2; B2 = da2; C3 = ea2; D3 = fa2; F3 = ha2; } } if ((_5 | 0) == 23) { if (c[r2 >> 2] | 0) c[q3 >> 2] = (c[q3 >> 2] | 0) + -1; if ((D3 | 0) != 0 | (Xa3 | 0) > -1) { _a2 = D3; break; } else { $a2 = z3; ab2 = 0; bb2 = F3; _5 = 144; } } else if ((_5 | 0) == 143) if (!D3) { $a2 = Y2; ab2 = S2; bb2 = Z3; _5 = 144; } else { Oa3 = Y2; Pa2 = S2; Qa2 = D3; Ra2 = Z3; } if ((_5 | 0) == 144) { Oa3 = $a2; Pa2 = ab2; Qa2 = -1; Ra2 = bb2; } if (!Pa2) _a2 = Qa2; else { Ls(Ra2); Ls(Oa3); _a2 = Qa2; } } else _a2 = 0; while (0); if (o2 | 0) rt(e2); Ia = j2; return _a2 | 0; } function Iu2(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2]; a2 = b4; while (true) { b4 = (c[e2 >> 2] | 0) + (4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1); f2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; c[e2 >> 2] = b4 + 4; if (a2 >>> 0 > 1) a2 = a2 + -1 | 0; else break; } Ia = d2; return f2 | 0; } function Ju(d2, e2, f2, g2) { d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; var h3 = 0; a: do if (d2 | 0) switch (e2 | 0) { case -2: { a[d2 >> 0] = f2; break a; break; } case -1: { b3[d2 >> 1] = f2; break a; break; } case 0: { c[d2 >> 2] = f2; break a; break; } case 1: { c[d2 >> 2] = f2; break a; break; } case 3: { h3 = d2; c[h3 >> 2] = f2; c[h3 + 4 >> 2] = g2; break a; break; } default: break a; } while (0); return; } function Ku(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = a2 + 84 | 0; f2 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0; g2 = d2 + 256 | 0; h3 = yt(f2, 0, g2) | 0; i3 = (h3 | 0) == 0 ? g2 : h3 - f2 | 0; h3 = i3 >>> 0 < d2 >>> 0 ? i3 : d2; Hv(b4 | 0, f2 | 0, h3 | 0) | 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = f2 + h3; b4 = f2 + i3 | 0; c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = b4; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; return h3 | 0; } function Lu(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return Nu(a2, b4, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31, c2) | 0; } function Mu2(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; f2 = e2; c[f2 >> 2] = d2; d2 = lt(a2, b4, f2) | 0; Ia = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Nu(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) { f2 = (qt(a2) | 0) == 0; g2 = Ou2(a2, b4, d2, e2) | 0; if (f2) h3 = g2; else { rt(a2); h3 = g2; } } else h3 = Ou2(a2, b4, d2, e2) | 0; return h3 | 0; } function Ou2(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; if ((e2 | 0) == 1) { f2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - (c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; g2 = uv(b4 | 0, d2 | 0, f2 | 0, ((f2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; h3 = g2; i3 = G() | 0; } else { h3 = b4; i3 = d2; } d2 = a2 + 20 | 0; b4 = a2 + 28 | 0; if ((c[d2 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > (c[b4 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? (Oa2[c[a2 + 36 >> 2] & 7](a2, 0, 0) | 0, (c[d2 >> 2] | 0) == 0) : 0) j2 = -1; else { c[a2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[b4 >> 2] = 0; c[d2 >> 2] = 0; Pa[c[a2 + 40 >> 2] & 3](a2, h3, i3, e2) | 0; if ((G() | 0) < 0) j2 = -1; else { c[a2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[a2 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2] & -17; j2 = 0; } } return j2 | 0; } function Pu2(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; d2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; do if (d2 << 24 >> 24) { e2 = $t(b4, d2 << 24 >> 24) | 0; if (e2) if (a[c2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) if (a[e2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) { if (!(a[c2 + 2 >> 0] | 0)) { f2 = Qu(e2, c2) | 0; break; } if (a[e2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) { if (!(a[c2 + 3 >> 0] | 0)) { f2 = Ru(e2, c2) | 0; break; } if (a[e2 + 3 >> 0] | 0) if (!(a[c2 + 4 >> 0] | 0)) { f2 = Su(e2, c2) | 0; break; } else { f2 = Tu2(e2, c2) | 0; break; } else f2 = 0; } else f2 = 0; } else f2 = 0; else f2 = e2; else f2 = 0; } else f2 = b4; while (0); return f2 | 0; } function Qu(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0; e2 = (d[c2 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[c2 + 1 >> 0] | 0); c2 = b4 + 1 | 0; f2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (!(f2 << 24 >> 24)) g2 = 0; else { h3 = c2; i3 = (d[b4 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | f2 & 255; while (true) { j2 = i3 & 65535; if ((j2 | 0) == (e2 | 0)) break; k2 = h3 + 1 | 0; l2 = a[k2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(l2 << 24 >> 24)) { g2 = 0; break a; } else { h3 = k2; i3 = j2 << 8 | l2 & 255; } } g2 = h3 + -1 | 0; } while (0); return g2 | 0; } function Ru(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = (d[c2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[c2 >> 0] | 0) << 24 | (d[c2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) << 8; c2 = b4 + 2 | 0; f2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; g2 = (d[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[b4 >> 0] | 0) << 24 | (f2 & 255) << 8; b4 = f2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (e2 | 0) | b4) { h3 = c2; i3 = b4; } else { b4 = c2; c2 = g2; while (true) { g2 = b4 + 1 | 0; f2 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; c2 = (c2 | f2 & 255) << 8; j2 = f2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; if ((c2 | 0) == (e2 | 0) | j2) { h3 = g2; i3 = j2; break; } else b4 = g2; } } return (i3 ? 0 : h3 + -2 | 0) | 0; } function Su(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; e2 = (d[c2 + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[c2 >> 0] | 0) << 24 | (d[c2 + 2 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | (d[c2 + 3 >> 0] | 0); c2 = b4 + 3 | 0; f2 = a[c2 >> 0] | 0; g2 = (d[b4 + 1 >> 0] | 0) << 16 | (d[b4 >> 0] | 0) << 24 | (d[b4 + 2 >> 0] | 0) << 8 | f2 & 255; b4 = f2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; if ((g2 | 0) == (e2 | 0) | b4) { h3 = c2; i3 = b4; } else { b4 = c2; c2 = g2; while (true) { g2 = b4 + 1 | 0; f2 = a[g2 >> 0] | 0; c2 = c2 << 8 | f2 & 255; j2 = f2 << 24 >> 24 == 0; if ((c2 | 0) == (e2 | 0) | j2) { h3 = g2; i3 = j2; break; } else b4 = g2; } } return (i3 ? 0 : h3 + -3 | 0) | 0; } function Tu2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, D3 = 0, E3 = 0, F3 = 0, G2 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0, K2 = 0, L3 = 0, M2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 1056 | 0; g2 = f2 + 1024 | 0; h3 = f2; c[g2 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 8 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 12 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 16 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 20 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 24 >> 2] = 0; c[g2 + 28 >> 2] = 0; i3 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; a: do if (i3 << 24 >> 24) { j2 = i3; k2 = 0; do { if (!(a[b4 + k2 >> 0] | 0)) { l2 = 0; break a; } m4 = j2 & 255; n2 = g2 + (m4 >>> 5 << 2) | 0; c[n2 >> 2] = c[n2 >> 2] | 1 << (m4 & 31); k2 = k2 + 1 | 0; c[h3 + (m4 << 2) >> 2] = k2; j2 = a[e2 + k2 >> 0] | 0; } while (j2 << 24 >> 24 != 0); j2 = k2 >>> 0 > 1; if (j2) { m4 = 1; n2 = -1; o2 = 0; p2 = 1; q3 = 1; while (true) { r2 = a[e2 + (p2 + n2) >> 0] | 0; s3 = a[e2 + m4 >> 0] | 0; do if (r2 << 24 >> 24 == s3 << 24 >> 24) if ((p2 | 0) == (q3 | 0)) { t3 = n2; u2 = q3 + o2 | 0; v2 = 1; w2 = q3; break; } else { t3 = n2; u2 = o2; v2 = p2 + 1 | 0; w2 = q3; break; } else if ((r2 & 255) > (s3 & 255)) { t3 = n2; u2 = m4; v2 = 1; w2 = m4 - n2 | 0; break; } else { t3 = o2; u2 = o2 + 1 | 0; v2 = 1; w2 = 1; break; } while (0); m4 = v2 + u2 | 0; if (m4 >>> 0 >= k2 >>> 0) break; else { n2 = t3; o2 = u2; p2 = v2; q3 = w2; } } if (j2) { q3 = 1; p2 = -1; o2 = 0; n2 = 1; m4 = 1; while (true) { s3 = a[e2 + (n2 + p2) >> 0] | 0; r2 = a[e2 + q3 >> 0] | 0; do if (s3 << 24 >> 24 == r2 << 24 >> 24) if ((n2 | 0) == (m4 | 0)) { x2 = p2; y4 = m4 + o2 | 0; z3 = 1; A4 = m4; break; } else { x2 = p2; y4 = o2; z3 = n2 + 1 | 0; A4 = m4; break; } else if ((s3 & 255) < (r2 & 255)) { x2 = p2; y4 = q3; z3 = 1; A4 = q3 - p2 | 0; break; } else { x2 = o2; y4 = o2 + 1 | 0; z3 = 1; A4 = 1; break; } while (0); q3 = z3 + y4 | 0; if (q3 >>> 0 >= k2 >>> 0) { B2 = t3; C3 = x2; D3 = k2; E3 = w2; F3 = A4; G2 = 25; break; } else { p2 = x2; o2 = y4; n2 = z3; m4 = A4; } } } else { B2 = t3; C3 = -1; D3 = k2; E3 = w2; F3 = 1; G2 = 25; } } else { B2 = -1; C3 = -1; D3 = k2; E3 = 1; F3 = 1; G2 = 25; } } else { B2 = -1; C3 = -1; D3 = 0; E3 = 1; F3 = 1; G2 = 25; } while (0); b: do if ((G2 | 0) == 25) { w2 = (C3 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 > (B2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0; t3 = w2 ? F3 : E3; A4 = w2 ? C3 : B2; w2 = A4 + 1 | 0; if (!(ft(e2, e2 + t3 | 0, w2) | 0)) { z3 = D3 - t3 | 0; H2 = z3; I2 = t3; J2 = z3; } else { z3 = D3 - A4 + -1 | 0; t3 = (A4 >>> 0 > z3 >>> 0 ? A4 : z3) + 1 | 0; H2 = 0; I2 = t3; J2 = D3 - t3 | 0; } t3 = D3 | 63; z3 = D3 + -1 | 0; y4 = (H2 | 0) != 0; x2 = b4; v2 = 0; u2 = b4; while (true) { i3 = x2; do if ((u2 - i3 | 0) >>> 0 < D3 >>> 0) { m4 = yt(u2, 0, t3) | 0; if (m4) if ((m4 - i3 | 0) >>> 0 < D3 >>> 0) { l2 = 0; break b; } else { K2 = m4; break; } else { K2 = u2 + t3 | 0; break; } } else K2 = u2; while (0); i3 = d[x2 + z3 >> 0] | 0; c: do if (!(1 << (i3 & 31) & c[g2 + (i3 >>> 5 << 2) >> 2])) { L3 = D3; M2 = 0; } else { m4 = D3 - (c[h3 + (i3 << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0; if (m4 | 0) { L3 = y4 & (v2 | 0) != 0 & m4 >>> 0 < I2 >>> 0 ? J2 : m4; M2 = 0; break; } m4 = w2 >>> 0 > v2 >>> 0; n2 = m4 ? w2 : v2; o2 = a[e2 + n2 >> 0] | 0; d: do if (o2 << 24 >> 24) { p2 = o2; q3 = n2; while (true) { if (p2 << 24 >> 24 != (a[x2 + q3 >> 0] | 0)) break; j2 = q3 + 1 | 0; p2 = a[e2 + j2 >> 0] | 0; if (!(p2 << 24 >> 24)) break d; else q3 = j2; } L3 = q3 - A4 | 0; M2 = 0; break c; } while (0); if (!m4) { l2 = x2; break b; } n2 = w2; while (true) { n2 = n2 + -1 | 0; if ((a[e2 + n2 >> 0] | 0) != (a[x2 + n2 >> 0] | 0)) { L3 = I2; M2 = H2; break c; } if (n2 >>> 0 <= v2 >>> 0) { l2 = x2; break b; } } } while (0); x2 = x2 + L3 | 0; v2 = M2; u2 = K2; } } while (0); Ia = f2; return l2 | 0; } function Uu(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0; c2 = Pt(a2) | 0; return ((Vu(a2, 1, c2, b4) | 0) != (c2 | 0)) << 31 >> 31 | 0; } function Vu(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0; f2 = B(d2, b4) | 0; g2 = (b4 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2; if ((c[e2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) { d2 = (qt(e2) | 0) == 0; h3 = Et(a2, f2, e2) | 0; if (d2) i3 = h3; else { rt(e2); i3 = h3; } } else i3 = Et(a2, f2, e2) | 0; if ((i3 | 0) == (f2 | 0)) j2 = g2; else j2 = (i3 >>> 0) / (b4 >>> 0) | 0; return j2 | 0; } function Wu2(b4, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0; f2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; g2 = f2; h3 = e2 & 255; a[g2 >> 0] = h3; i3 = b4 + 16 | 0; j2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; if (!j2) if (!(Ft(b4) | 0)) { k2 = c[i3 >> 2] | 0; l2 = 4; } else m4 = -1; else { k2 = j2; l2 = 4; } do if ((l2 | 0) == 4) { j2 = b4 + 20 | 0; i3 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; if (i3 >>> 0 < k2 >>> 0 ? (n2 = e2 & 255, (n2 | 0) != (a[b4 + 75 >> 0] | 0)) : 0) { c[j2 >> 2] = i3 + 1; a[i3 >> 0] = h3; m4 = n2; break; } if ((Oa2[c[b4 + 36 >> 2] & 7](b4, g2, 1) | 0) == 1) m4 = d[g2 >> 0] | 0; else m4 = -1; } while (0); Ia = f2; return m4 | 0; } function Xu(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0; f2 = d2; a: do if (!((f2 ^ b4) & 3)) { g2 = (e2 | 0) != 0; if (g2 & (f2 & 3 | 0) != 0) { h3 = b4; i3 = e2; j2 = d2; while (true) { k2 = a[j2 >> 0] | 0; a[h3 >> 0] = k2; if (!(k2 << 24 >> 24)) { l2 = h3; m4 = i3; break a; } k2 = i3 + -1 | 0; n2 = j2 + 1 | 0; o2 = h3 + 1 | 0; p2 = (k2 | 0) != 0; if (p2 & (n2 & 3 | 0) != 0) { h3 = o2; i3 = k2; j2 = n2; } else { q3 = o2; r2 = k2; s3 = n2; t3 = p2; break; } } } else { q3 = b4; r2 = e2; s3 = d2; t3 = g2; } if (t3) if (!(a[s3 >> 0] | 0)) { l2 = q3; m4 = r2; } else { b: do if (r2 >>> 0 > 3) { j2 = r2; i3 = q3; h3 = s3; while (true) { p2 = c[h3 >> 2] | 0; if ((p2 & -2139062144 ^ -2139062144) & p2 + -16843009 | 0) { u2 = j2; v2 = i3; w2 = h3; break b; } c[i3 >> 2] = p2; p2 = j2 + -4 | 0; n2 = h3 + 4 | 0; k2 = i3 + 4 | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 > 3) { j2 = p2; i3 = k2; h3 = n2; } else { u2 = p2; v2 = k2; w2 = n2; break; } } } else { u2 = r2; v2 = q3; w2 = s3; } while (0); x2 = v2; y4 = u2; z3 = w2; A4 = 13; } else { l2 = q3; m4 = 0; } } else { x2 = b4; y4 = e2; z3 = d2; A4 = 13; } while (0); c: do if ((A4 | 0) == 13) if (!y4) { l2 = x2; m4 = 0; } else { d2 = x2; e2 = y4; b4 = z3; while (true) { q3 = a[b4 >> 0] | 0; a[d2 >> 0] = q3; if (!(q3 << 24 >> 24)) { l2 = d2; m4 = e2; break c; } e2 = e2 + -1 | 0; q3 = d2 + 1 | 0; if (!e2) { l2 = q3; m4 = 0; break; } else { d2 = q3; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } } } while (0); Iv(l2 | 0, 0, m4 | 0) | 0; return l2 | 0; } function Yu2(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; Xu(a2, b4, c2) | 0; return a2 | 0; } function Zu(b4, c2) { b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; var d2 = 0; d2 = b4 + (nu(b4, c2) | 0) | 0; return ((a[d2 >> 0] | 0) == 0 ? 0 : d2) | 0; } function _u2(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return $u(a2, c[8720] | 0) | 0; } function $u(b4, d2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0; if ((c[d2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) >= 0 ? (qt(d2) | 0) != 0 : 0) { e2 = b4 & 255; f2 = b4 & 255; if ((f2 | 0) != (a[d2 + 75 >> 0] | 0) ? (g2 = d2 + 20 | 0, h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, h3 >>> 0 < (c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) : 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = h3 + 1; a[h3 >> 0] = e2; i3 = f2; } else i3 = Wu2(d2, b4) | 0; rt(d2); j2 = i3; } else k2 = 3; do if ((k2 | 0) == 3) { i3 = b4 & 255; f2 = b4 & 255; if ((f2 | 0) != (a[d2 + 75 >> 0] | 0) ? (e2 = d2 + 20 | 0, h3 = c[e2 >> 2] | 0, h3 >>> 0 < (c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) : 0) { c[e2 >> 2] = h3 + 1; a[h3 >> 0] = i3; j2 = f2; break; } j2 = Wu2(d2, b4) | 0; } while (0); return j2 | 0; } function av(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) { b4 = (qt(a2) | 0) == 0; d2 = bv(a2) | 0; e2 = G() | 0; if (b4) { f2 = e2; g2 = d2; } else { rt(a2); f2 = e2; g2 = d2; } } else { d2 = bv(a2) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; g2 = d2; } F(f2 | 0); return g2 | 0; } function bv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if (!(c[a2 >> 2] & 128)) b4 = 1; else b4 = (c[a2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 > (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0 ? 2 : 1; d2 = Pa[c[a2 + 40 >> 2] & 3](a2, 0, 0, b4) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; if ((b4 | 0) < 0) { e2 = b4; f2 = d2; } else { g2 = (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - (c[a2 + 4 >> 2] | 0) | 0; h3 = uv(d2 | 0, b4 | 0, g2 | 0, ((g2 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; g2 = G() | 0; b4 = (c[a2 + 20 >> 2] | 0) - (c[a2 + 28 >> 2] | 0) | 0; a2 = tv(h3 | 0, g2 | 0, b4 | 0, ((b4 | 0) < 0) << 31 >> 31 | 0) | 0; e2 = G() | 0; f2 = a2; } F(e2 | 0); return f2 | 0; } function cv(b4) { b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; d2 = c[8720] | 0; if ((c[d2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) e2 = qt(d2) | 0; else e2 = 0; do if ((Uu(b4, d2) | 0) < 0) f2 = -1; else { if ((a[d2 + 75 >> 0] | 0) != 10 ? (g2 = d2 + 20 | 0, h3 = c[g2 >> 2] | 0, h3 >>> 0 < (c[d2 + 16 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) : 0) { c[g2 >> 2] = h3 + 1; a[h3 >> 0] = 10; f2 = 0; break; } f2 = (Wu2(d2, 10) | 0) >> 31; } while (0); if (e2 | 0) rt(d2); return f2 | 0; } function dv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) >= 0 ? (qt(a2) | 0) != 0 : 0) { b4 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = c[b4 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[b4 >> 2] = e2 + 1; f2 = d[e2 >> 0] | 0; } else f2 = Mt(a2) | 0; rt(a2); g2 = f2; } else h3 = 3; do if ((h3 | 0) == 3) { f2 = a2 + 4 | 0; e2 = c[f2 >> 2] | 0; if (e2 >>> 0 < (c[a2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) >>> 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = e2 + 1; g2 = d[e2 >> 0] | 0; break; } else { g2 = Mt(a2) | 0; break; } } while (0); return g2 | 0; } function ev(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0; b4 = av(a2) | 0; a2 = G() | 0; if ((a2 | 0) > 0 | (a2 | 0) == 0 & b4 >>> 0 > 2147483647) { c[(Us() | 0) >> 2] = 75; d2 = -1; } else d2 = b4; return d2 | 0; } function fv(b4, d2, e2, f2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0; g2 = B(e2, d2) | 0; h3 = (d2 | 0) == 0 ? 0 : e2; if ((c[f2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) i3 = qt(f2) | 0; else i3 = 0; e2 = f2 + 74 | 0; j2 = a[e2 >> 0] | 0; a[e2 >> 0] = j2 + 255 | j2; j2 = f2 + 4 | 0; e2 = c[j2 >> 2] | 0; k2 = (c[f2 + 8 >> 2] | 0) - e2 | 0; if ((k2 | 0) > 0) { l2 = k2 >>> 0 < g2 >>> 0 ? k2 : g2; Hv(b4 | 0, e2 | 0, l2 | 0) | 0; c[j2 >> 2] = (c[j2 >> 2] | 0) + l2; m4 = b4 + l2 | 0; n2 = g2 - l2 | 0; } else { m4 = b4; n2 = g2; } a: do if (!n2) o2 = 13; else { b4 = f2 + 32 | 0; l2 = m4; j2 = n2; while (true) { if (Nt(f2) | 0) break; e2 = Oa2[c[b4 >> 2] & 7](f2, l2, j2) | 0; if ((e2 + 1 | 0) >>> 0 < 2) break; k2 = j2 - e2 | 0; if (!k2) { o2 = 13; break a; } else { l2 = l2 + e2 | 0; j2 = k2; } } if (i3 | 0) rt(f2); p2 = ((g2 - j2 | 0) >>> 0) / (d2 >>> 0) | 0; } while (0); if ((o2 | 0) == 13) if (!i3) p2 = h3; else { rt(f2); p2 = h3; } return p2 | 0; } function gv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if ((c[a2 + 76 >> 2] | 0) > -1) { b4 = (qt(a2) | 0) == 0; Ou2(a2, 0, 0, 0) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2] & -33; if (!b4) rt(a2); } else { Ou2(a2, 0, 0, 0) | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = c[a2 >> 2] & -33; } return; } function hv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var d2 = 0, e2 = 0; d2 = Ia; Ia = Ia + 16 | 0; e2 = d2; c[e2 >> 2] = b4; b4 = lt(c[8720] | 0, a2, e2) | 0; Ia = d2; return b4 | 0; } function iv(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return Ot(a2, b4) | 0; } function jv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; kv() | 0; return iv(a2, b4, 0) | 0; } function kv() { return Dt() | 0; } function lv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0; if (!(mv(a2) | 0)) b4 = (ht(a2) | 0) != 0 & 1; else b4 = 1; return b4 | 0; } function mv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return ((a2 | 32) + -97 | 0) >>> 0 < 26 | 0; } function nv() { return 35140; } function ov() { V(3144896); return; } function pv() { return 3144880; } function qv() { return 3144888; } function rv() { return 3144892; } function sv() { return 3144896; } function tv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; e2 = a2 + c2 >>> 0; return (F(b4 + d2 + (e2 >>> 0 < a2 >>> 0 | 0) >>> 0 | 0), e2 | 0) | 0; } function uv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0; e2 = b4 - d2 >>> 0; e2 = b4 - d2 - (c2 >>> 0 > a2 >>> 0 | 0) >>> 0; return (F(e2 | 0), a2 - c2 >>> 0 | 0) | 0; } function vv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; return (a2 ? 31 - (D2(a2 ^ a2 - 1) | 0) | 0 : 32) | 0; } function wv(a2, b4, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; var g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0, j2 = 0, k2 = 0, l2 = 0, m4 = 0, n2 = 0, o2 = 0, p2 = 0, q3 = 0, r2 = 0, s3 = 0, t3 = 0, u2 = 0, v2 = 0, w2 = 0, x2 = 0, y4 = 0, z3 = 0, A4 = 0, B2 = 0, C3 = 0, E3 = 0, H2 = 0, I2 = 0, J2 = 0; g2 = a2; h3 = b4; i3 = h3; j2 = d2; k2 = e2; l2 = k2; if (!i3) { m4 = (f2 | 0) != 0; if (!l2) { if (m4) { c[f2 >> 2] = (g2 >>> 0) % (j2 >>> 0); c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } n2 = 0; o2 = (g2 >>> 0) / (j2 >>> 0) >>> 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } else { if (!m4) { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = a2 | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = b4 & 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } } m4 = (l2 | 0) == 0; do if (j2) { if (!m4) { p2 = (D2(l2 | 0) | 0) - (D2(i3 | 0) | 0) | 0; if (p2 >>> 0 <= 31) { q3 = p2 + 1 | 0; r2 = 31 - p2 | 0; s3 = p2 - 31 >> 31; t3 = q3; u2 = g2 >>> (q3 >>> 0) & s3 | i3 << r2; v2 = i3 >>> (q3 >>> 0) & s3; w2 = 0; x2 = g2 << r2; break; } if (!f2) { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = a2 | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = h3 | b4 & 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } r2 = j2 - 1 | 0; if (r2 & j2 | 0) { s3 = (D2(j2 | 0) | 0) + 33 - (D2(i3 | 0) | 0) | 0; q3 = 64 - s3 | 0; p2 = 32 - s3 | 0; y4 = p2 >> 31; z3 = s3 - 32 | 0; A4 = z3 >> 31; t3 = s3; u2 = p2 - 1 >> 31 & i3 >>> (z3 >>> 0) | (i3 << p2 | g2 >>> (s3 >>> 0)) & A4; v2 = A4 & i3 >>> (s3 >>> 0); w2 = g2 << q3 & y4; x2 = (i3 << q3 | g2 >>> (z3 >>> 0)) & y4 | g2 << p2 & s3 - 33 >> 31; break; } if (f2 | 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = r2 & g2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if ((j2 | 0) == 1) { n2 = h3 | b4 & 0; o2 = a2 | 0 | 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } else { r2 = vv(j2 | 0) | 0; n2 = i3 >>> (r2 >>> 0) | 0; o2 = i3 << 32 - r2 | g2 >>> (r2 >>> 0) | 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } } else { if (m4) { if (f2 | 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = (i3 >>> 0) % (j2 >>> 0); c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = 0; } n2 = 0; o2 = (i3 >>> 0) / (j2 >>> 0) >>> 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } if (!g2) { if (f2 | 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = (i3 >>> 0) % (l2 >>> 0); } n2 = 0; o2 = (i3 >>> 0) / (l2 >>> 0) >>> 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } r2 = l2 - 1 | 0; if (!(r2 & l2)) { if (f2 | 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = a2 | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = r2 & i3 | b4 & 0; } n2 = 0; o2 = i3 >>> ((vv(l2 | 0) | 0) >>> 0); return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } r2 = (D2(l2 | 0) | 0) - (D2(i3 | 0) | 0) | 0; if (r2 >>> 0 <= 30) { s3 = r2 + 1 | 0; p2 = 31 - r2 | 0; t3 = s3; u2 = i3 << p2 | g2 >>> (s3 >>> 0); v2 = i3 >>> (s3 >>> 0); w2 = 0; x2 = g2 << p2; break; } if (!f2) { n2 = 0; o2 = 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } c[f2 >> 2] = a2 | 0; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = h3 | b4 & 0; n2 = 0; o2 = 0; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } while (0); if (!t3) { B2 = x2; C3 = w2; E3 = v2; H2 = u2; I2 = 0; J2 = 0; } else { b4 = d2 | 0 | 0; d2 = k2 | e2 & 0; e2 = tv(b4 | 0, d2 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; k2 = G() | 0; h3 = x2; x2 = w2; w2 = v2; v2 = u2; u2 = t3; t3 = 0; do { a2 = h3; h3 = x2 >>> 31 | h3 << 1; x2 = t3 | x2 << 1; g2 = v2 << 1 | a2 >>> 31 | 0; a2 = v2 >>> 31 | w2 << 1 | 0; uv(e2 | 0, k2 | 0, g2 | 0, a2 | 0) | 0; i3 = G() | 0; l2 = i3 >> 31 | ((i3 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1; t3 = l2 & 1; v2 = uv(g2 | 0, a2 | 0, l2 & b4 | 0, (((i3 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | ((i3 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1) & d2 | 0) | 0; w2 = G() | 0; u2 = u2 - 1 | 0; } while ((u2 | 0) != 0); B2 = h3; C3 = x2; E3 = w2; H2 = v2; I2 = 0; J2 = t3; } t3 = C3; C3 = 0; if (f2 | 0) { c[f2 >> 2] = H2; c[f2 + 4 >> 2] = E3; } n2 = (t3 | 0) >>> 31 | (B2 | C3) << 1 | (C3 << 1 | t3 >>> 31) & 0 | I2; o2 = (t3 << 1 | 0 >>> 31) & -2 | J2; return (F(n2 | 0), o2) | 0; } function xv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; e2 = b4 >> 31 | ((b4 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1; f2 = ((b4 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | ((b4 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1; g2 = d2 >> 31 | ((d2 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1; h3 = ((d2 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | ((d2 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1; i3 = uv(e2 ^ a2 | 0, f2 ^ b4 | 0, e2 | 0, f2 | 0) | 0; b4 = G() | 0; a2 = g2 ^ e2; e2 = h3 ^ f2; return uv((wv(i3, b4, uv(g2 ^ c2 | 0, h3 ^ d2 | 0, g2 | 0, h3 | 0) | 0, G() | 0, 0) | 0) ^ a2 | 0, (G() | 0) ^ e2 | 0, a2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; } function yv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; var c2 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0, f2 = 0; c2 = a2 & 65535; d2 = b4 & 65535; e2 = B(d2, c2) | 0; f2 = a2 >>> 16; a2 = (e2 >>> 16) + (B(d2, f2) | 0) | 0; d2 = b4 >>> 16; b4 = B(d2, c2) | 0; return (F((a2 >>> 16) + (B(d2, f2) | 0) + (((a2 & 65535) + b4 | 0) >>> 16) | 0), a2 + b4 << 16 | e2 & 65535 | 0) | 0; } function zv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; e2 = a2; a2 = c2; c2 = yv(e2, a2) | 0; f2 = G() | 0; return (F((B(b4, a2) | 0) + (B(d2, e2) | 0) + f2 | f2 & 0 | 0), c2 | 0 | 0) | 0; } function Av(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; return wv(a2, b4, c2, d2, 0) | 0; } function Bv(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; if ((c2 | 0) < 32) { F(b4 >> c2 | 0); return a2 >>> c2 | (b4 & (1 << c2) - 1) << 32 - c2; } F(((b4 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) | 0); return b4 >> c2 - 32 | 0; } function Cv(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; if ((c2 | 0) < 32) { F(b4 >>> c2 | 0); return a2 >>> c2 | (b4 & (1 << c2) - 1) << 32 - c2; } F(0); return b4 >>> c2 - 32 | 0; } function Dv2(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; if ((c2 | 0) < 32) { F(b4 << c2 | (a2 & (1 << c2) - 1 << 32 - c2) >>> 32 - c2 | 0); return a2 << c2; } F(a2 << c2 - 32 | 0); return 0; } function Ev(a2, b4, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0; l = l + 1 | 0; c[a2 >> 2] = l; while ((f2 | 0) < (e2 | 0)) { if (!(c[d2 + (f2 << 3) >> 2] | 0)) { c[d2 + (f2 << 3) >> 2] = l; c[d2 + ((f2 << 3) + 4) >> 2] = b4; c[d2 + ((f2 << 3) + 8) >> 2] = 0; F(e2 | 0); return d2 | 0; } f2 = f2 + 1 | 0; } e2 = e2 * 2 | 0; d2 = Ns(d2 | 0, 8 * (e2 + 1 | 0) | 0) | 0; d2 = Ev(a2 | 0, b4 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; F(e2 | 0); return d2 | 0; } function Fv(a2, b4, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; var e2 = 0, f2 = 0; while ((e2 | 0) < (d2 | 0)) { f2 = c[b4 + (e2 << 3) >> 2] | 0; if (!f2) break; if ((f2 | 0) == (a2 | 0)) return c[b4 + ((e2 << 3) + 4) >> 2] | 0; e2 = e2 + 1 | 0; } return 0; } function Gv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; if (!j) { j = a2; k = b4; } } function Hv(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0; if ((e2 | 0) >= 8192) { ta(b4 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; return b4 | 0; } f2 = b4 | 0; g2 = b4 + e2 | 0; if ((b4 & 3) == (d2 & 3)) { while (b4 & 3) { if (!e2) return f2 | 0; a[b4 >> 0] = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; e2 = e2 - 1 | 0; } h3 = g2 & -4 | 0; e2 = h3 - 64 | 0; while ((b4 | 0) <= (e2 | 0)) { c[b4 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = c[d2 + 4 >> 2]; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = c[d2 + 8 >> 2]; c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = c[d2 + 12 >> 2]; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = c[d2 + 16 >> 2]; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = c[d2 + 20 >> 2]; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = c[d2 + 24 >> 2]; c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = c[d2 + 28 >> 2]; c[b4 + 32 >> 2] = c[d2 + 32 >> 2]; c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = c[d2 + 36 >> 2]; c[b4 + 40 >> 2] = c[d2 + 40 >> 2]; c[b4 + 44 >> 2] = c[d2 + 44 >> 2]; c[b4 + 48 >> 2] = c[d2 + 48 >> 2]; c[b4 + 52 >> 2] = c[d2 + 52 >> 2]; c[b4 + 56 >> 2] = c[d2 + 56 >> 2]; c[b4 + 60 >> 2] = c[d2 + 60 >> 2]; b4 = b4 + 64 | 0; d2 = d2 + 64 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) { c[b4 >> 2] = c[d2 >> 2]; b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; } } else { h3 = g2 - 4 | 0; while ((b4 | 0) < (h3 | 0)) { a[b4 >> 0] = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + 1 >> 0] = a[d2 + 1 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + 2 >> 0] = a[d2 + 2 >> 0] | 0; a[b4 + 3 >> 0] = a[d2 + 3 >> 0] | 0; b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; d2 = d2 + 4 | 0; } } while ((b4 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) { a[b4 >> 0] = a[d2 >> 0] | 0; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; d2 = d2 + 1 | 0; } return f2 | 0; } function Iv(b4, d2, e2) { b4 = b4 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; var f2 = 0, g2 = 0, h3 = 0, i3 = 0; f2 = b4 + e2 | 0; d2 = d2 & 255; if ((e2 | 0) >= 67) { while (b4 & 3) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } g2 = f2 & -4 | 0; h3 = d2 | d2 << 8 | d2 << 16 | d2 << 24; i3 = g2 - 64 | 0; while ((b4 | 0) <= (i3 | 0)) { c[b4 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 4 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 8 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 12 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 16 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 20 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 24 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 28 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 32 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 36 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 40 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 44 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 48 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 52 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 56 >> 2] = h3; c[b4 + 60 >> 2] = h3; b4 = b4 + 64 | 0; } while ((b4 | 0) < (g2 | 0)) { c[b4 >> 2] = h3; b4 = b4 + 4 | 0; } } while ((b4 | 0) < (f2 | 0)) { a[b4 >> 0] = d2; b4 = b4 + 1 | 0; } return f2 - e2 | 0; } function Jv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; var b4 = 0, d2 = 0, e2 = 0; b4 = ra() | 0; d2 = c[i >> 2] | 0; e2 = d2 + a2 | 0; if ((a2 | 0) > 0 & (e2 | 0) < (d2 | 0) | (e2 | 0) < 0) { Ha2(e2 | 0) | 0; X(12); return -1; } if ((e2 | 0) > (b4 | 0)) { if (!(ua(e2 | 0) | 0)) { X(12); return -1; } } c[i >> 2] = e2; return d2 | 0; } function Kv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; return La[a2 & 255](b4 | 0) | 0; } function Lv(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = +c2; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; g2 = g2 | 0; return Ma[a2 & 1](b4 | 0, +c2, d2 | 0, e2 | 0, f2 | 0, g2 | 0) | 0; } function Mv(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; return Na[a2 & 3](b4 | 0, c2 | 0) | 0; } function Nv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; return Oa2[a2 & 7](b4 | 0, c2 | 0, d2 | 0) | 0; } function Ov(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; return Pa[a2 & 3](b4 | 0, c2 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0) | 0; } function Pv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; Qa[a2 & 1](); } function Qv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; Ra[a2 & 7](b4 | 0); } function Rv(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; Sa[a2 & 15](b4 | 0, c2 | 0); } function Sv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; Ta[a2 & 3](b4 | 0, c2 | 0, d2 | 0); } function Tv(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; Ua[a2 & 0](b4 | 0, c2 | 0, d2 | 0, e2 | 0, f2 | 0); } function Uv(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; E2(0); return 0; } function Vv(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2, f2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = +b4; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; f2 = f2 | 0; E2(1); return 0; } function Wv(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; E2(2); return 0; } function Xv(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; E2(3); return 0; } function Yv(a2, b4, c2, d2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; E2(4); return 0; } function Zv() { E2(5); } function _v(a2) { a2 = a2 | 0; E2(6); } function $v(a2, b4) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; E2(7); } function aw(a2, b4, c2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; E2(8); } function bw2(a2, b4, c2, d2, e2) { a2 = a2 | 0; b4 = b4 | 0; c2 = c2 | 0; d2 = d2 | 0; e2 = e2 | 0; E2(9); } var La = [Uv, Qs, ab, bb, Tf2, Wf, $h, Uf, Xf, ai, Xh, bi, ci, di, ei, _f, Sf, Zf, fi, gi, hi, ii, ji2, ki2, li, mi, ni, oi, pi, qi, ri2, si, ti, mg, lg, ng, og, vi, wi, xi, yi2, zi, Ai, Bi, Ci, Di, Ei, Fi2, Gi, Hi, Ii, Ji, Ki, Li, Mi, Ni, Oi2, Pi, Qi, Ri, Si, Ti, Ui2, Vi, Wi, Xi, Yi, Zi, _i, $i, aj, bj, cj, dj, ej, fj, gj, hj, ij, jj, kj, lj, mj, nj, oj, pj, qj, rj, sj, tj, uj, vj, wj, xj, yj, zj, Aj, Bj, Cj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, Kj, Lj, Mj, Nj, Oj, Pj, Qj, Rj, Sj, Tj, Uj, Vj, Wj, Xj, Yj, Zj, _j, $j, ak, bk, Nf, Mf, Of, Pf, Qf2, Rf, Yf, gg, ck, ig, qg, pg2, jg, dk, ek, fk, gk, hk, ik, jk, kk, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv, Uv]; var Ma = [Vv, mt]; var Na = [Wv, If, Am, Wv]; var Oa2 = [Xv, Ws2, Ht, Df, Xs, Rs, Gu, Xv]; var Pa = [Yv, Ss, Pk, Yv]; var Qa = [Zv, tn]; var Ra = [_v, db2, um2, vm, _r, _v, _v, _v]; var Sa = [$v, $m, uc, $d, de, Jf2, cg, dg, nt, $v, $v, $v, $v, $v, $v, $v]; var Ta = [aw, cb, Zr, aw]; var Ua = [bw2]; return { ___divdi3: xv, ___emscripten_environ_constructor: ov, ___errno_location: Us, ___muldi3: zv, ___udivdi3: Av, __get_daylight: qv, __get_environ: sv, __get_timezone: rv, __get_tzname: pv, _bitshift64Ashr: Bv, _bitshift64Lshr: Cv, _bitshift64Shl: Dv2, _codo_mixer_callback: vq, _free: Ls, _i64Add: tv, _i64Subtract: uv, _main: Ib, _malloc: Ks2, _memcpy: Hv, _memset: Iv, _mix_0: wr, _realloc: Ns, _saveSetjmp: Ev, _sbrk: Jv, _setThrew: Gv, _testSetjmp: Fv, dynCall_ii: Kv, dynCall_iidiiii: Lv, dynCall_iii: Mv, dynCall_iiii: Nv, dynCall_iiiii: Ov, dynCall_v: Pv, dynCall_vi: Qv, dynCall_vii: Rv, dynCall_viii: Sv, dynCall_viiiii: Tv, establishStackSpace: Ya2, stackAlloc: Va, stackRestore: Xa2, stackSave: Wa }; }(asmGlobalArg, asmLibraryArg, buffer); var ___divdi3 = Module["___divdi3"] = asm["___divdi3"]; var ___emscripten_environ_constructor = Module["___emscripten_environ_constructor"] = asm["___emscripten_environ_constructor"]; var ___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = asm["___errno_location"]; var ___muldi3 = Module["___muldi3"] = asm["___muldi3"]; var ___udivdi3 = Module["___udivdi3"] = asm["___udivdi3"]; var __get_daylight = Module["__get_daylight"] = asm["__get_daylight"]; var __get_environ = Module["__get_environ"] = asm["__get_environ"]; var __get_timezone = Module["__get_timezone"] = asm["__get_timezone"]; var __get_tzname = Module["__get_tzname"] = asm["__get_tzname"]; var _bitshift64Ashr = Module["_bitshift64Ashr"] = asm["_bitshift64Ashr"]; var _bitshift64Lshr = Module["_bitshift64Lshr"] = asm["_bitshift64Lshr"]; var _bitshift64Shl = Module["_bitshift64Shl"] = asm["_bitshift64Shl"]; var _codo_mixer_callback = Module["_codo_mixer_callback"] = asm["_codo_mixer_callback"]; var _free = Module["_free"] = asm["_free"]; var _i64Add = Module["_i64Add"] = asm["_i64Add"]; var _i64Subtract = Module["_i64Subtract"] = asm["_i64Subtract"]; var _main = Module["_main"] = asm["_main"]; var _malloc = Module["_malloc"] = asm["_malloc"]; var _memcpy = Module["_memcpy"] = asm["_memcpy"]; var _memset = Module["_memset"] = asm["_memset"]; var _mix_0 = Module["_mix_0"] = asm["_mix_0"]; var _realloc = Module["_realloc"] = asm["_realloc"]; var _saveSetjmp = Module["_saveSetjmp"] = asm["_saveSetjmp"]; var _sbrk = Module["_sbrk"] = asm["_sbrk"]; var _setThrew = Module["_setThrew"] = asm["_setThrew"]; var _testSetjmp = Module["_testSetjmp"] = asm["_testSetjmp"]; var establishStackSpace = Module["establishStackSpace"] = asm["establishStackSpace"]; var stackAlloc = Module["stackAlloc"] = asm["stackAlloc"]; var stackRestore = Module["stackRestore"] = asm["stackRestore"]; var stackSave = Module["stackSave"] = asm["stackSave"]; var dynCall_ii = Module["dynCall_ii"] = asm["dynCall_ii"]; var dynCall_iidiiii = Module["dynCall_iidiiii"] = asm["dynCall_iidiiii"]; var dynCall_iii = Module["dynCall_iii"] = asm["dynCall_iii"]; var dynCall_iiii = Module["dynCall_iiii"] = asm["dynCall_iiii"]; var dynCall_iiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiii"] = asm["dynCall_iiiii"]; var dynCall_v = Module["dynCall_v"] = asm["dynCall_v"]; var dynCall_vi = Module["dynCall_vi"] = asm["dynCall_vi"]; var dynCall_vii = Module["dynCall_vii"] = asm["dynCall_vii"]; var dynCall_viii = Module["dynCall_viii"] = asm["dynCall_viii"]; var dynCall_viiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiii"] = asm["dynCall_viiiii"]; Module["asm"] = asm; Module["ccall"] = ccall; Module["getValue"] = getValue; Module["getMemory"] = getMemory; Module["UTF8ToString"] = UTF8ToString; Module["stringToUTF8"] = stringToUTF8; Module["addRunDependency"] = addRunDependency; Module["removeRunDependency"] = removeRunDependency; Module["FS_createFolder"] = FS.createFolder; Module["FS_createPath"] = FS.createPath; Module["FS_createDataFile"] = FS.createDataFile; Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = FS.createPreloadedFile; Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = FS.createLazyFile; Module["FS_createLink"] = FS.createLink; Module["FS_createDevice"] = FS.createDevice; Module["FS_unlink"] = FS.unlink; if (memoryInitializer) { if (!isDataURI(memoryInitializer)) { memoryInitializer = locateFile(memoryInitializer); } if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE || ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL) { var data = Module["readBinary"](memoryInitializer); HEAPU8.set(data, GLOBAL_BASE); } else { addRunDependency("memory initializer"); var applyMemoryInitializer = function(data2) { if (data2.byteLength) data2 = new Uint8Array(data2); HEAPU8.set(data2, GLOBAL_BASE); if (Module["memoryInitializerRequest"]) delete Module["memoryInitializerRequest"].response; removeRunDependency("memory initializer"); }; var doBrowserLoad = function() { Module["readAsync"](memoryInitializer, applyMemoryInitializer, function() { throw "could not load memory initializer " + memoryInitializer; }); }; var memoryInitializerBytes = tryParseAsDataURI(memoryInitializer); if (memoryInitializerBytes) { applyMemoryInitializer(memoryInitializerBytes.buffer); } else if (Module["memoryInitializerRequest"]) { var useRequest = function() { var request = Module["memoryInitializerRequest"]; var response = request.response; if (request.status !== 200 && request.status !== 0) { var data2 = tryParseAsDataURI(Module["memoryInitializerRequestURL"]); if (data2) { response = data2.buffer; } else { console.warn("a problem seems to have happened with Module.memoryInitializerRequest, status: " + request.status + ", retrying " + memoryInitializer); doBrowserLoad(); return; } } applyMemoryInitializer(response); }; if (Module["memoryInitializerRequest"].response) { setTimeout(useRequest, 0); } else { Module["memoryInitializerRequest"].addEventListener("load", useRequest); } } else { doBrowserLoad(); } } } function ExitStatus(status) { = "ExitStatus"; this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + status + ")"; this.status = status; } ExitStatus.prototype = new Error; ExitStatus.prototype.constructor = ExitStatus; var calledMain = false; dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() { if (!Module["calledRun"]) run(); if (!Module["calledRun"]) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller; }; Module["callMain"] = function callMain(args) { args = args || []; ensureInitRuntime(); var argc = args.length + 1; var argv = stackAlloc((argc + 1) * 4); HEAP32[argv >> 2] = allocateUTF8OnStack(Module["thisProgram"]); for (var i = 1;i < argc; i++) { HEAP32[(argv >> 2) + i] = allocateUTF8OnStack(args[i - 1]); } HEAP32[(argv >> 2) + argc] = 0; try { var ret = Module["_main"](argc, argv, 0); exit(ret, true); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ExitStatus) { return; } else if (e == "SimulateInfiniteLoop") { Module["noExitRuntime"] = true; return; } else { var toLog = e; if (e && typeof e === "object" && e.stack) { toLog = [e, e.stack]; } err("exception thrown: " + toLog); Module["quit"](1, e); } } finally { calledMain = true; } }; function run(args) { args = args || Module["arguments"]; if (runDependencies > 0) { return; } preRun(); if (runDependencies > 0) return; if (Module["calledRun"]) return; function doRun() { if (Module["calledRun"]) return; Module["calledRun"] = true; if (ABORT) return; ensureInitRuntime(); preMain(); if (Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]) Module["onRuntimeInitialized"](); if (Module["_main"] && shouldRunNow) Module["callMain"](args); postRun(); } if (Module["setStatus"]) { Module["setStatus"]("Running..."); setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { Module["setStatus"](""); }, 1); doRun(); }, 1); } else { doRun(); } } Module["run"] = run; function exit(status, implicit) { if (implicit && Module["noExitRuntime"] && status === 0) { return; } if (Module["noExitRuntime"]) { } else { ABORT = true; EXITSTATUS = status; exitRuntime(); if (Module["onExit"]) Module["onExit"](status); } Module["quit"](status, new ExitStatus(status)); } function abort(what) { if (Module["onAbort"]) { Module["onAbort"](what); } if (what !== undefined) { out(what); err(what); what = JSON.stringify(what); } else { what = ""; } ABORT = true; EXITSTATUS = 1; throw "abort(" + what + "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info."; } Module["abort"] = abort; if (Module["preInit"]) { if (typeof Module["preInit"] == "function") Module["preInit"] = [Module["preInit"]]; while (Module["preInit"].length > 0) { Module["preInit"].pop()(); } } var shouldRunNow = true; if (Module["noInitialRun"]) { shouldRunNow = false; } Module["noExitRuntime"] = true; run(); return { get p8_touch_detected() { return p8_touch_detected; }, set p8_touch_detected(val) { p8_touch_detected = val; }, get p8_dropped_cart() { return p8_dropped_cart; }, set p8_dropped_cart(val) { p8_dropped_cart = val; }, get p8_dropped_cart_name() { return p8_dropped_cart_name; }, set p8_dropped_cart_name(val) { p8_dropped_cart_name = val; }, get pico8_state() { return pico8_state; }, set pico8_state(val) { pico8_state = val; }, get pico8_buttons() { return pico8_buttons; }, set pico8_buttons(val) { pico8_buttons = val; }, get pico8_gamepads() { return pico8_gamepads; }, set pico8_gamepads(val) { pico8_gamepads = val; }, get pico8_gpio() { return pico8_gpio; }, set pico8_gpio(val) { pico8_gpio = val; }, get pico8_audio_context() { return pico8_audio_context; }, set pico8_audio_context(val) { pico8_audio_context = val; }, get pico8_mouse() { return pico8_mouse; }, set pico8_mouse(val) { pico8_mouse = val; }, get codo_command() { return codo_command; }, set codo_command(val) { codo_command = val; } }; }; }); export default require_veryRawRenderCart();